Final Program,Abstract Listing and Meeting Information
Final Program,Abstract Listing and Meeting Information
7th Annual Meeting of the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis 18th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis Wednesday, September 18 through Saturday, September 21 2002 Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel 700 Aliceanna Street Baltimore, Maryland, USA Final Program,Abstract Listing and Meeting Information A Acknowledgement of Sponsors The ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS 2002 Steering Committee acknowledges the generous support of our Gold Sponsors: The Steering Committee also acknowledges the support of Wyeth Pharmaceuticals This program is offered in collaboration with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society. Welcome Letter Dear Colleagues and Friends, We cordially welcome you to Baltimore, Maryland, and ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS 2002, the second joint meeting of the Americas and European Committees for Research and Treatment in Multiple Sclerosis. This is an exciting time in MS research and clinical care. Decades of basic investigation have resulted in greatly improved understanding of MS, which is now being translated into proven therapies. However, we—and the patients we serve—cannot be satisfied with the current state of our knowledge and treatments. We hope that the information provided during this important meeting will further advance the goal of finally conquering MS and its resulting disability. Our three key areas of research highlighted at the conference are: • Inflammation, Demyelination, and Axonal Loss: Pathological and MRI Perspectives • Neuroprotection • Methodological Issues in Clinical Trials In addition to the official program, we are pleased to offer two pre-conference symposia sponsored by groups long associated with the treatment of MS and five satellite symposia supported by our gold sponsors. We extend our appreciation to our Program Committee, chaired by Drs. Suhayl Dhib-Jalbut and Paul O’Connor, for their tireless effort in guiding and shaping the content of this comprehensive meeting. We hope that you will join us for each of the social activities, planned by our Local Arrangements Committee chaired by Drs. Chris Bever and Peter Calabresi, and that you will allow some time to explore the harbor city of Baltimore, with its array of shopping destinations, historical sites, museums and galleries. We look forward to your active participation in this very interesting program. Thank you for joining us. Dr. Kenneth Johnson Chair, ACTRIMS Dr.Alan Thompson President, ECTRIMS 1 Committees Steering Committee Program Committee Kenneth Johnson (USA) Chair, ACTRIMS Alan Thompson (UK) President, ECTRIMS Jack Antel (Canada) Ludwig Kappos (Switzerland) Donald Paty (Canada) Chris Polman (The Netherlands) Per Soelberg Sorensen (Denmark) Jerry Wolinsky (USA) Suhayl Dhib-Jalbut (USA) Co-Chair Paul O’Connor (Canada) Co-Chair Jeffrey Cohen (USA) Giancarlo Comi (Italy) Christian Confavreux (France) Anne Cross (USA) Mark Freedman (Canada) Hans Peter Hartung (Germany) Reinhard Hohlfeld (Germany) Ludwig Kappos (Switzerland) Roland Martin (USA) Chris Polman (The Netherlands) John Richert (USA) Per Soelberg Sorensen (Denmark) Alan Thompson (UK) Local Arrangements Committee Chris Bever, Co-Chair Peter Calabresi, Co-Chair Lee Koski Mary Rose Peggy Allen National MS Society Organizing Committee Debra Entin, Chair Leslie DiLeo Abe Eastwood Nancy Holland Dinah Martinez Diann Rohde Bill Rosen Kristin Summers 2 Content Index Abstracts Author Index. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 50–55 Acknowledgement of Sponsors . . . . . . . Inside front cover Ancillary Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 18 Committees. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 2 Exhibition Information. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 32–35 Floor Diagrams . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 12 General Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 11 Late Breaking News Abstracts . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 56–57 Maps of Downtown Baltimore . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 58 Next Year’s Meetings . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 60 Poster Display Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 40–48 Program Overview . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 9 Program Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 19–27 Social Events . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 59 Transportation Schedule . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 13 Travel Information . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 61 Welcome Letter . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 3 Response. Proven results for people with relapsing MS. MS affects different people in different ways each and every day. Rebif ® has been proven to provide patients with the following treatment benefits in the main measures of disease activity: • Reduces MRI lesion activity1* • Reduces frequency of relapse1,2 • Delays progression of disability1,2 *The exact relationship between MRI findings and the clinical status of patients is unknown. Rebif is the market leader outside the US. Rebif is available in more than 70 countries. Please see brief summary directly following MS LifeLinesTM ad References: 1. PRISMS (Prevention of Relapses and Disability by Interferon beta-1a Subcutaneously in Multiple Sclerosis) Study Group. Randomized double-blind placebo-controlled study of interferon beta-1a in relapsing/remitting multiple sclerosis. Lancet. 1998;352:1498-1504. 2. Rebif® (interferon beta-1a) Prescribing Information. Serono, Inc; 2002. 3. Data on File. Amendment to BLA File, Study 21125, Serono, Inc; 2002. 4 ® Results. Rebif. Patients • 75% of Rebif patients vs 63% of Avonex® patients were relapse-free2 taking Rebif – 32% relative reduction in risk of relapse (p<0.001) • Rebif patients experienced a mean of 28% fewer relapses at were less 24 weeks2,3 likely to 0.40 Avonex vs 0.29 Rebif (p=0.022) experience • –Treatment effect was maintained over 48 weeks a relapse at 24 weeks.2,3 2 ® ® *Primary Endpoint: Proportion Relapse-free Adverse reactions at 24 weeks were generally similar despite higher, more frequent, subcutaneous dosing with Rebif 2. Exceptions included injection-site disorders, hepatic function disorders, and leukopenia2,3. Rebif® (interferon beta-1a) is indicated for the treatment of patients with relapsing multiple sclerosis to decrease the frequency of clinical exacerbations and delay the accumulation of physical disability. Rebif should be used with caution in patients with depression, pre-existing seizure disorders, and liver problems. Avonex® is a registered trademark of Biogen, Inc. 5 Convenience Independence for Patients • Rebif ® is the first and only interferon available in ready-to-use, prefilled syringes • Rebif is administered subcutaneously • Rebiject™ injection device ensures proper injection technique • Injection training with a licensed nurse • Travel Kit including prepaid phonecard makes travel easier • Patients are just one toll-free phone call away from professionals who can offer immediate assistance For more information on the benefits of Rebif therapy, please visit or call 1-877-44-Rebif (447-3243) Please see brief summary directly following MS LifeLinesTM ad 6 Rebif® is a registered trademark of Serono, Inc. MS LifeLines™ and RebijectTM are trademarks of Serono, Inc. ©2002 Serono 02-19201 06/02 All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Prescribe Your Patients Rebif and More. ® Response • Dedicated team of trained Customer Support Specialists available Monday through Friday from 8 AM to 8 PM EST • English and Spanish language support available Results • Reimbursement support • Pharmacy coordination • Injection training • Ongoing nurse follow-up Rebif® • Complimentary Travel Kit • Education support materials • Rebiject™ injection device Patients with MS are just one toll-free phone call away from professionals who can offer immediate assistance. Patients can call today Phone:1-877-44-Rebif (1-877-447-3243) Fax:1-866-22-Rebif (1-866-227-3243) or visit our websites at: Rebif® is a registered trademark of Serono, Inc. MS LifeLines™ and Rebiject™ are trademarks of Serono, Inc. ©2002 Serono 02-19201 06/02 All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. Program Overview Wednesday September 18 Thursday September 19 Friday September 20 Saturday September 21 Registration 6:30 am–7:30 pm Grand Ballroom Level Registration 6:30 am–7:00 pm Grand Ballroom Level Registration 7:00 am–1:30 pm Grand Ballroom Level Continental Breakfast 6:30 am–8:00 am Grand Ballroom Level Continental Breakfast 6:30 am–8:15 am Grand Ballroom Level Continental Breakfast 7:00 am–8:15 am Grand Ballroom Level Welcome and Keynote Address 8:15 am–9:30 am Grand Ballroom I–X Welcome and Keynote Address 8:30 am–9:30 am Grand Ballroom I–X Parallel Sessions 10:00 am–12:00 pm Session I Grand Ballroom I–V Session II Grand Ballroom VI–X Parallel Session 10:00 am–12:00 pm Session V Grand Ballroom I–V Session VI Grand Ballroom VI–X Pre-conference Symposia 12:00 pm–1:30 pm MS Forum Grand Ballroom I–V European Charcot Fdn Grand Ballroom VI Poster Session I and Lunch 12:00 pm–2:00 pm Harborside Level Poster Session II and Lunch 12:00 pm–2:00 pm Harborside Level Young Scientific Investigators Session 2:00 pm–4:30 pm Grand Ballroom I–V Parallel Sessions 2:00 pm–4:00 pm Session III Grand Ballroom I–V Session IV Grand Ballroom VI–X Parallel Sessions 2:00 pm–4:00 pm Session VII Grand Ballroom I–V Session VIII Grand Ballroom VI–X Satellite Symposium II 4:30 pm–5:30 pm Grand Ballroom I–V Satellite Symposium IV 4:30 pm–5:30 pm Grand Ballroom I–V Satellite Symposium I 5:00 pm–6:00 pm Grand Ballroom VI Satellite Symposium III 6:00 pm–7:00 pm Grand Ballroom VI–X Satellite Symposium V 6:00 pm–7:00 pm Grand Ballroom VI–X Welcome Reception 7:00 pm–9:00 pm Harborside Ballroom Social Event National Aquarium in Baltimore 7:30 pm–10:30 pm Social Event B&O Railroad Museum 7:30 pm–10:00 pm Registration Grand Ballroom Level 10:00 am–9:00 pm Welcome and Parallel Sessions 8:30 am–10:30 am Session IX Grand Ballroom I–V Session X Grand Ballroom VI–X ECTRIMS Lecture 11:00 am–11:45 am Grand Ballroom I–X Closing Lunch 12:00 pm–1:00 pm Harborside Ballroom Committee Reception (by invitation) 7:00 pm–10:00 pm Baltimore Museum of Industry Exhibits and Poster Displays Harborside and Grand Ballroom Levels Wednesday: 1:00 pm–5:00 pm Thursday and Friday: 8:00 am–5:00 pm 9 Biogen and Elan – pioneers in adhesion molecule biotechnology ® General Information Attire Since meeting room temperature and personal comfort levels vary, it is recommended that you bring a sweater or jacket to the conference activities. Attire for meetings and social events is business casual. Badges Attendees will be required to wear their delegate badge at all times to access the exhibition area, the conference rooms and the posters area. Colored ribbons denote the following: Committee Members WHITE Exhibitors ORANGE Poster Presenters LIGHT BLUE Press PINK Speakers BLUE Staff RED Volunteers GREEN Baltimore For information regarding airports, activities, ground transportation, etc., consult the Baltimore Area Convention and Visitors Association website at Child Care Information A variety of child care options are available in Baltimore. You may wish to check with the concierge at your hotel upon arrival. Language English is the official language of the conference. No simultaneous translation is available. Meals The registration fee for conference participants includes continental breakfast, coffee breaks, lunches during the conference, and the evening social events organized by the Steering Committee. Mobile Phones The Steering Committee request that attendees turn cellular phones and pagers to vibrate upon entering all exhibit and social functions. No Smoking For the health and comfort of everyone, smoking is prohibited at any meeting function. This includes all scientific activities, exhibits and social functions. Optional Social Tours For half-day and whole-day excursions to sites in and around Baltimore, please consult the conciege at your hotel. Photography Flash picture taking is not allowed during the scientific activities or in the exhibit area. Contact Information ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS 2002 c/o NMSS 733 Third Avenue 6th Floor New York, NY 10017 USA Phone: 212-476-0465 Fax: 212-661-9735 E-mail: Recording of Programs Audio and videotaping are not allowed in the meeting rooms, exhibit area, or at social functions. E-Mail Stations Complimentary e-mail stations and printers will be available in the Harborside Level Foyer. Please limit your use to 15 minutes. This service is available to registered participants only. Thank you for your cooperation. Weather September temperatures range from 65 F (18 C) to 80 F (27 C). Special Needs If you have a special need that requires an accommodation, please stop by the registration desk and speak with an organizing staff member. 11 Floor Diagrams Level 4 Level 3 12 Transportation Schedule Wednesday September 18 Conference 10:00 am –10:00 pm A Thursday September 19 Friday September 20 Saturday September 21 Conference 6:00 am–7:30 pm A Conference 6:30 am–7:30 pm A Conference 7:00 am–2:00 pm A Aquarium Party 7:00 pm–7:30 pm B B&O Party 7:00 pm–8:00 pm D Committee Reception (by invitation) 6:30 pm–10:30 pm F 8:30 pm–11:00 pm C 8:30 pm–11:00 pm E A Continuous shuttle service between auxiliary hotels and Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel B Transportation from Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel to the National Aquarium in Baltimore for those unable/reluctant to walk C Transportation from the National Aquarium in Baltimore to auxiliary hotels and to Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel D Transportation from Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel to B&O Railroad Museum E Transportation from B&O Railroad Museum to auxiliary hotels and to Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel F Round-trip water taxi service from Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel to the Baltimore Museum of Industry 13 She works hard STRONG ALL WEEK LONG 14 So does her treatment AVONEX® in relapsing forms of MS • Strong against both disability and relapses – reduces the progression to sustained disability by 37% and lowers relapse rates 1 • Strong against inflammation – 91% reduction in T2 lesion volume and 89% reduction in gadolinium-enhanced lesions 2,3 • Strong against atrophy – decreased brain atrophy by 55% in year 2 of a clinical trial 4 • Strong with patients – AVONEX® is the #1 prescribed MS therapy and delivers 95% patient satisfaction 5,6 • The difference is in the delivery – IM administration keeps effective amounts of AVONEX® in the body longer than the SC route 7 The most common side effects associated with AVONEX® treatment are flu-like symptoms, muscle ache (myalgia), fever, and chills. Other common side effects seen, but not statistically different from placebo, were headache (AVONEX®: 67%, placebo: 57%), pain (AVONEX®: 24%, placebo: 20%), and asthenia (AVONEX®: 21%, placebo: 13%). AVONEX® should be used with caution in patients with depression and in patients with seizure disorders. AVONEX® should not be used by pregnant women. Patients with cardiac disease should be closely monitored. Routine periodic blood chemistry and hematology tests are recommended during treatment with AVONEX®. The exact relationship between MRI findings and the clinical status of patients is unknown. Changes in lesion area often do not correlate with changes in disability progression. ® Please see brief summary of full prescribing information. ©2002 Biogen, Inc. All Rights Reserved. 1-5074-01 AVONEX® (Interferon beta-1a) For more detailed information, consult full prescribing information. A brief summary follows. INDICATIONS AND USAGE AVONEX® ( Interferon beta-1a) is indicated for the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis to slow the accumulation of physical disability and decrease the frequency of clinical exacerbations. Safety and efficacy in patients with chronic progressive multiple sclerosis have not been evaluated. CONTRAINDICATIONS AVONEX® (Interferon beta-1a) is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity to natural or recombinant interferon beta, human albumin, or any other component of the formulation. WARNINGS AVONEX® (Interferon beta-1a) should be used with caution in patients with depression. Depression and suicide have been reported to occur in patients receiving other interferon compounds. Depression and suicidal ideation are known to occur at an increased frequency in the multiple sclerosis population. A relationship between occurrence of depression and/or suicidal ideation and the use of AVONEX® has not been established. An equal incidence of depression was seen in the placebo-treated and AVONEX® -treated patients in the placebo-controlled multiple sclerosis study. Patients treated with AVONEX® should be advised to report immediately any symptoms of depression and/or suicidal ideation to their prescribing physicians. If a patient develops depression, cessation of AVONEX® therapy should be considered. PRECAUTIONS General Caution should be exercised when administering AVONEX® ( Interferon beta-1a) to patients with pre-existing seizure disorder. In the placebo-controlled study, 4 patients receiving AVONEX® experienced seizures, while no seizures occurred in the placebo group. Three of these 4 patients had no prior history of seizure. It is not known whether these events were related to the effects of multiple sclerosis alone, to AVONEX®, or to a combination of both. For patients with no prior history of seizure who develop seizures during therapy with AVONEX®, an etiologic basis should be established and appropriate anti-convulsant therapy instituted prior to considering resumption of AVONEX® treatment. The effect of AVONEX® administration on the medical management of patients with seizure disorder is unknown. Patients with cardiac disease, such as angina, congestive heart failure, or arrhythmia, should be closely monitored for worsening of their clinical condition during initiation and continued treatment with AVONEX®. While AVONEX® does not have any known directacting cardiac toxicity, during the post-marketing period infrequent cases of congestive heart failure, cardiomyopathy, and cardiomyopathy with congestive heart failure have been reported in patients without known predisposition to these events or other known etiologies; in rare cases, these events have been temporally related to the administration of AVONEX®. In rare cases, these events have recurred upon rechallenge in patients with known predisposition. Information to Patients Patients should be informed of the most common adverse events associated with AVONEX® administration, including symptoms associated with flu syndrome (see Adverse Reactions section). Symptoms of flu syndrome are most prominent at the initiation of therapy and decrease in frequency with continued treatment. In the placebo-controlled study, patients were instructed to take 650 mg acetaminophen immediately prior to injection and for an additional 24 hours after each injection to modulate acute symptoms associated with AVONEX® administration. Patients should be cautioned to report depression or suicidal ideation (see Warnings). Patients should be advised about the abortifacient potential of interferon beta (see Pregnancy – Teratogenic Effects). When a physician determines that AVONEX® can be used outside of the physician’s office, persons who will be administering AVONEX® should receive instruction in reconstitution and injection, including the review of the injection procedures (see full prescribing information). If a patient is to self-administer, the physical ability of that patient to self-inject intramuscularly should be assessed. The first injection should be performed under the supervision of a qualified health care professional. A puncture-resistant container for disposal of needles and syringes should be used. Patients should be instructed in the technique and importance of proper syringe and needle disposal and be cautioned against reuse of these items. Laboratory Tests In addition to those laboratory tests normally required for monitoring patients with multiple sclerosis, complete blood and differential white blood cell counts, platelet counts, and blood chemistries, including liver function tests, are recommended during AVONEX® ( Interferon beta-1a) therapy. During the placebo-controlled study, these tests were performed at least every 6 months. There were no significant differences between the placebo and AVONEX® groups in the incidence of liver enzyme elevation, leukopenia, or thrombocytopenia. However, these are known to be dose-related laboratory abnormalities associated with the use of interferons. Patients with myelosuppression may require more intensive monitoring of complete blood cell counts, with differential and platelet counts. Drug Interactions No formal drug interaction studies have been conducted with AVONEX® ( Interferon beta-1a). In the placebo-controlled study, corticosteroids or ACTH were administered for treatment of exacerbations in some patients concurrently receiving AVONEX®. In addition, some patients receiving AVONEX® were also treated with anti-depressant therapy and/or oral contraceptive therapy. No unexpected adverse events were associated with these concomitant therapies. Other interferons have been noted to reduce cytochrome P-450 oxidase-mediated drug metabolism. Formal hepatic drug metabolism studies with AVONEX® in humans have not been conducted. Hepatic microsomes isolated from AVONEX®-treated rhesus monkeys showed no influence of AVONEX® on hepatic P-450 enzyme metabolism activity. As with all interferon products, proper monitoring of patients is required if AVONEX® is given in combination with myelosuppressive agents. Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, and Impairment of Fertility Carcinogenesis: No carcinogenicity data for Interferon beta-1a are available in animals or humans. Mutagenesis: Interferon beta-1a was not mutagenic when tested in the Ames bacterial test and in an in vitro cytogenetic assay in human lymphocytes in the presence and absence of metabolic activation. These assays are designed to detect agents that interact directly with and cause damage to cellular DNA. Interferon beta-1a is a glycosylated protein that does not directly bind to DNA. Impairment of Fertility: No studies were conducted to evaluate the effects of interferon beta on fertility in normal women or women with multiple sclerosis. It is not known whether Interferon beta-1a can affect human reproductive capacity. Menstrual irregularities were observed in monkeys administered interferon beta at a dose 100 times the recommended weekly human dose (based upon a body surface area comparison). Anovulation and decreased serum progesterone levels were also noted transiently in some animals. These effects were reversible after discontinuation of drug. Treatment of monkeys with interferon beta at 2 times the recommended weekly human dose (based upon a body surface area comparison) had no effects on cycle duration or ovulation. The accuracy of extrapolating animal doses to human doses is not known. In the placebo-controlled study, 6% of patients receiving placebo and 5% of patients receiving AVONEX® (Interferon beta-1a) experienced menstrual disorder. If menstrual irregularities occur in humans, it is not known how long they will persist following treatment. Pregnancy – Teratogenic Effects Pregnancy Category C: The reproductive toxicity of AVONEX® has not been studied in animals or humans. In pregnant monkeys given interferon beta at 100 times the recommended weekly human dose (based upon a body surface area comparison), no teratogenic or other adverse effects on fetal development were observed. Abortifacient activity was evident following 3 to 5 doses at this level. No abortifacient effects were observed in monkeys treated at 2 times the recommended weekly human dose (based upon a body surface area comparison). Although no teratogenic effects were seen in these studies, it is not known if teratogenic effects would be observed in humans. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies with interferons in pregnant women. If a woman becomes pregnant or plans to become pregnant while taking AVONEX®, she should be informed of the potential hazards to the fetus, and it should be recommended that the woman discontinue therapy. Nursing Mothers It is not known whether Interferon beta-1a is excreted in human milk. Because of the potential of serious adverse reactions in nursing infants, a decision should be made to either discontinue nursing or to discontinue AVONEX®. Pediatric Use Safety and effectiveness in pediatric patients below the age of 18 years have not been established. Geriatric Use Safety and effectiveness in geriatric patients above the age of 65 years have not been established. ADVERSE REACTIONS The safety data describing the use of AVONEX® ( Interferon beta-1a) in multiple sclerosis patients are based on the placebo-controlled trial in which 158 patients randomized to AVONEX® were treated for up to 2 years (see Clinical Studies). The 5 most common adverse events associated (at p ≤ 0.075) with AVONEX® treatment were flu-like symptoms (otherwise unspecified), muscle ache, fever, chills, and asthenia. The incidence of all 5 adverse events diminished with continued treatment. One patient in the placebo group attempted suicide; no AVONEX®-treated patients attempted suicide. The incidence of depression was equal in the 2 treatment groups. However, since depression and suicide have been reported with other interferon products, AVONEX® should be used with caution in patients with depression (see Warnings). In the placebo-controlled study, 4 patients receiving AVONEX® experienced seizures, while no seizures occurred in the placebo group. Three of these 4 patients had no prior history of seizure. It is not known whether these events were related to the effects of multiple sclerosis alone, to AVONEX®, or to a combination of both (see Precautions). The following table enumerates adverse events and selected laboratory abnormalities that occurred at an incidence of 2% or more among the 158 multiple sclerosis patients treated with 30 mcg of AVONEX® once weekly by IM injection. Reported adverse events have been classified using standard COSTART terms. Terms so general as to be uninformative and those events that were equal in incidence or more common in the placebo-treated patients have been excluded. calculus, kidney pain, leukorrhea, menopause, nocturia, pelvic inflammatory disease, penis disorder, Peyronies Disease, polyuria, postmenopausal hemorrhage, prostatic disorder, pyelonephritis, testis disorder, urethral pain, urinary urgency, urinary retention, urinary incontinence, vaginal hemorrhage. Serum Neutralizing Activity Throughout the placebo-controlled multiple sclerosis study, serum samples from patients were monitored for the development of Interferon beta-1a neutralizing activity. During the study, 24% of AVONEX®-treated patients were found to have serum neutralizing activity at one or more time points tested. Fifteen percent of AVONEX®-treated patients tested positive for neutralizing activity at a level at which no placebo patient tested positive. The significance of the appearance of serum neutralizing activity is unknown. DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE There is no evidence that abuse or dependence occurs with AVONEX® (Interferon beta1a) therapy. However, the risk of dependence has not been systematically evaluated. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION The recommended dosage of AVONEX® (Interferon beta-1a) for the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis is 30 mcg injected intramuscularly once a week. AVONEX® is intended for use under the guidance and supervision of a physician. Patients may self-inject only if their physician determines that it is appropriate and with medical follow-up, as necessary, after proper training in intramuscular injection technique. AVONEX® (INTERFERON BETA-1a) Manufactured by: BIOGEN, INC. 14 Cambridge Center Cambridge, MA 02142 USA ©2000 Biogen, Inc. All rights reserved. 1-800-456-2255 U.S. Patent Pending I63005-2 (4/00) Rx only. AVONEX® ( Interferon beta-1a) has also been evaluated in 290 patients with illnesses other than multiple sclerosis. The majority of these patients were enrolled in studies to evaluate AVONEX® treatment of chronic viral hepatitis B and C, in which the doses studied ranged from 15 mcg to 75 mcg, given SC, 3 times a week, for up to 6 months. The incidence of common adverse events in these studies was generally seen at a frequency similar to that seen in the placebo-controlled multiple sclerosis study. In these non-multiple sclerosis studies, inflammation at the site of the SC injection was seen in 52% of treated patients. In contrast, injection site inflammation was seen in 3% of multiple sclerosis patients receiving 30 mcg AVONEX® by IM injection. Subcutaneous injections were also associated with the following local reactions: injection site necrosis, injection site atrophy, injection site edema and injection site hemorrhage. None of the above was observed in the multiple sclerosis patients participating in the placebo-controlled study. Other events observed during premarket and postmarket evaluation of AVONEX®, administered either SC or IM, are listed in the paragraph that follows. Because most of the events were observed in open and uncontrolled studies, or in marketed use, the role of AVONEX® ( Interferon beta-1a) in their causation cannot be reliably determined. Body as a Whole: abscess, ascites, cellulitis, facial edema, hernia, injection site fibrosis, injection site hypersensitivity, injection site pain, lipoma, neoplasm, photosensitivity reaction, rigors, sepsis, sinus headache, toothache; Cardiovascular System: arrhythmia, arteritis, cardiomyopathy, congestive heart failure, heart arrest, hemorrhage, hypotension, palpitation, pericarditis, peripheral ischemia, peripheral vascular disorder, postural hypotension, pulmonary embolus, spider angioma, tachycardia, telangiectasia, vascular disorder; Digestive System: blood in stool, colitis, constipation, diverticulitis, dry mouth, gallbladder disorder, gastritis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, gingivitis, gum hemorrhage, hepatitis, hepatoma, hepatomegaly, increased appetite, intestinal perforation, intestinal obstruction, liver function test abnormalities, periodontal abscess, periodontitis, proctitis, thirst, tongue disorder, vomiting; Endocrine System: hyperthyroidism, hypothyroidism; Hemic and Lymphatic System: coagulation time increased, ecchymosis, lymphadenopathy, petechia; Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders: abnormal healing, dehydration, hypoglycemia, hypomagnesemia, hypokalemia; Musculoskeletal System: arthritis, bone pain, myasthenia, osteonecrosis, synovitis; Nervous System: abnormal gait, amnesia, anxiety, Bell’s Palsy, clumsiness, confusion, depersonalization, drug dependence, emotional lability, facial paralysis, hyperesthesia, hypertonia, increased libido, neurosis, paresthesia, psychosis, transient severe weakness; Respiratory System: bronchospasm, emphysema, hemoptysis, hiccup, hyperventilation, laryngitis, pharyngeal edema, pneumonia; Skin and Appendages: basal cell carcinoma, blisters, cold clammy skin, contact dermatitis, erythema, furunculosis, genital pruritus, nevus, pruritus, rash, seborrhea, skin ulcer, skin discoloration; Special Senses: abnormal vision, conjunctivitis, earache, eye pain, labyrinthitis, vitreous floaters; Urogenital: breast fibroadenosis, breast mass, dysuria, epididymitis, fibrocystic change of the breast, fibroids, gynecomastia, hematuria, kidney References: 1. Jacobs LD, Cookfair DL, Rudick RA, et al, and the Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative Research Group (MSCRG). Intramuscular interferon beta-1a for disease progression in relapsing multiple sclerosis. Ann Neurol. 1996;39:285-294. 2. Jacobs LD, Beck RW, Simon JH, et al, and the CHAMPS (Controlled High-Risk Subjects Avonex Multiple Sclerosis Prevention Study) Study Group. Intramuscular interferon beta-1a therapy initiated during a first demyelinating event in multiple sclerosis. N Engl J Med. 2000;343:898-904. 3. Data on file: Jacobs LD; Phase III pivotal trial. Biogen, Inc. 4. Rudick RA, Fisher E, Lee J-C, Simon J, Jacobs L, and the Multiple Sclerosis Collaborative Research Group. Use of the brain parenchymal fraction to measure whole brain atrophy in relapsing-remitting MS. Neurology. 1999;53:1698-1704. 5. IMS Health, Inc., through Oct 2001. 6. Taylor-Nelson Sofres Healthcare MS Patient Study 2001. 7. Alam J, McAllister A, Scaramucci J, Jones W, Rogge M. Pharmacokinetics and pharmacodynamics of interferon beta-1a (IFNß-1a) in healthy volunteers after intravenous, subcutaneous or intramuscular administration. Clin Drug Invest. 1997;14:35-43. 1-8321-01 Ancilliary Meetings 18 ACTRIMS Steering Committee Friday, Sept. 20, Noon–1 pm, Board Room, Level 3 ECTRIMS Council Friday, Sept. 20, Noon–1 pm, Kent AB, Level 4 EDMUS Users Group Thursday, Sept. 19, 4–6 pm, Essex C, Level 4 MS Journal Editorial Board Friday, Sept. 20, 7:30 – 9:30 am, Iron, Level 4 NMSS Pediatric Study Group Wednesday, Sept. 18, 10:00 am–Noon Board Room, Level 3 NMSS Rescue Therapy Wednesday, Sept. 18, Noon–4 pm, Heron, Level 4 NMSS Directors of Affiliated Clinical Facilities Friday, Sept. 20, 7 – 8:30 am, Atlantic, Level 3 Wednesday, September 18 12:00 pm–1:30 pm PRE-CONFERENCE SYMPOSIA MS FORUM EUROPEAN CHARCOT FOUNDATION Controversies Across Continents Co-chairs: D Bates (Newcastle, UK) G Ebers (Oxford, UK) Grand Ballroom I–V Does IVIG Have an Effect on Brain Atrophy? A Second Look at ESIMS Results 12:00 WELCOME and INTRODUCTION D Bates 12:00 INTRODUCTION OR Hommes 12:10 SCENARIO I: DIAGNOSIS M Clanet (Toulouse, France) and B Arnason (Chicago, USA) 12:05 ESIMS CLINICAL RESULTS IN PERSPECTIVE OF PREVIOUS TRIALS PS Sørensen (Copenhagen, Denmark) 12:25 ANN GUIDELINES AND THE EUROPEAN PERSPECTIVE D Goodin (San Francisco, USA) and X Montalban (Barcelona, Spain) 12:25 ESIMS MRI RESULTS (BPF, MT-MRI) C Enzinger (Graz, Austria) 12:40 SCENARIO 2: FAILING SLIGHTLY, NO DISEASE PROGRESSION L Kappos (Basel, Switzerland) and G Rice (London, Canada) 1:00 SCENARIO 3: RAPID PROGRESSION OF DISEASE R Hohlfeld (Munich, Germany) and B Arnason (Chicago, USA) Moderator: OR Hommes (Nijmegen, Netherlands) Grand Ballroom VI 12:45 MPRAGE BRAIN ATROPHY MEASUREMENTS IN ESIMS PATIENTS C Constantinescu (Leicester, UK) 1:05 IS BRAIN ATROPHY A NEW PARAMETER TO USE IN CLINICAL TRIALS? M Freedman (Ottawa, Canada) 1:25 DISCUSSION 1:20 CONCLUDING REMARKS D Bates Supported by a grant from Bayer Corporation Sponsored by Center for BioMedical Communications, Inc. Supported through an unrestricted educational grant from Schering AG, Germany / Berlex 19 Wednesday, September 18 2:00 pm–4:40 pm YOUNG SCIENTIFIC INVESTIGATORS SESSION 5:00 pm–6:00 pm SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM I Co-chairs: D Brassat (San Francisco, USA) A Petzold (London, UK) S Dhib-Jalbut (Baltimore, USA) Grand Ballroom I–V Selective Adhesion Molecule Inhibition: A Potential Future Treatment for Multiple Sclerosis Chair: C Confavreux (Lyon, France) Grand Ballroom VI–X 2:00 WELCOME and ANNOUNCEMENT, 2002 YOUNG NEUROLO- 5:00 WELCOME and OBJECTIVES C Confavreux GISTS AND TRAINEES (YNT)–SCHERING FELLOWSHIP AWARD S Hickmann (London, UK) 2:10 1 HLA-DRB5*0101 AND -DRB1*1501 EXPRESSION IN THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS-ASSOCIATED HLA-DR15DW2 HAPLOTYPE E Prat,WW Kwok, N Kruse, R Pujol-Borrell, MP Bettinotti, HF McFarland, R Martin (Bethesda, USA) 5:05 CELLULAR ADHESION PATHWAYS: POTENTIAL TARGETS FOR FUTURE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS THERAPIES P Calabresi (Baltimore, USA) 5:25 EMERGING CLINICAL DATA FOR SELECTIVE ADHESION MOLECULE INHIBITION IN THE TREATMENT OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS D Miller (London, UK) 2:25 2 QUALITATIVE AND QUANTITATIVE ANALYSIS OF THE BLOOD TCR  CHAIN TRANSCRIPTOME AT DIFFERENT TIME POINTS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS COURSE DA Laplaud, S Wiertlewski, M Guillet, C Ruiz, B Melchior, G Edan, P Damier, J Soulillou (Nantes, France) 5:40 CLOSING REMARKS C Confavreux 2:40 3 EXPRESSION OF METABOTROPIC GLUTAMATE RECEPTORS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BRAIN: UPREGULATION IN AXONS AND REACTIVE ASTROCYTES JJ Geurts, W Kamphorst, P van der Valk, EM Aronica (Amsterdam, Netherlands) Sponsored by the Division of Continuing Medical Education, Discovery International 2:55 4 GROUP CONNECTIVITY MAPS OF OPTIC RADIATIONS 5:50 PANEL DISCUSSION Supported through an education grant from Biogen, Inc. and Elan AFTER ISOLATED OPTIC NEURITIS O Ciccarelli, SJ Hickman, AT Toosy, GJ Parker, CA Wheeler-Kingshott, GJ Barker, DH Miller, AJ Thompson (London, UK) 3:10 5 FUNCTIONAL DIVERSITY OF ANTIBODIES AGAINST MYELIN/OLIGODENDROCYTE GLYCOPROTEIN IN EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE DEMYELINATION H von Büdingen, SL Hauser,A Fuhrmann, CB Nabavi, CP Genain (San Francisco, USA) 3:25 6 MRI EVIDENCE OF MORE EXTENSIVE TISSUE DAMAGE IN MS PATIENTS WITH THE ⑀4 ALLELE OF APOLIPOPROTEIN E: HIGHER PROPORTION OF LESIONS EVOLVING TO BLACK HOLES DURING TWO-YEAR FOLLOW-UP C Enzinger, S Ropele, S Strasser-Fuchs, P Kapeller, T Seifert, B Poltrum, H Schmidt, R Schmidt, F Fazekas (Graz,Austria) 3:40 7 EVIDENCE FOR AXONAL PATHOLOGY AND ADAPTIVE CORTICAL REORGANIZATION IN PATIENTS AT PRESENTATION WITH CLINICALLY ISOLATED SYNDROMES SUGGESTIVE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS MA Rocca, D Mezzapesa,A Falini,A Ghezzi,V Martinelli, M Rodegher, G Scotti, G Comi, M Filippi (Milan, Italy) 3:55 8 A 36-MONTH LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON THE EVALUATION OF THE EFFECT OF INTERFERON BETA IN THE DURATION OF BLACK HOLES IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS F Bagnato, N Jeffries, J Ohayon, R Stone, N Richert, C Bash, HF McFarland, JA Frank (Bethesda, USA) 4:10 9 DOES FUNCTIONAL MRI ALLOW INFERENCES ABOUT COGNITIVE TRAINING EFFICACY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS? I Penner, L Kappos, M Rausch, K Opwis, E Radü (Basel, Switzerland) 4:25 10 COMBINATION THERAPY OF MS PATIENTS WITH INCOMPLETE RESPONSE TO INTERFERON-BETA WITH HUMANIZED ANTIBODY AGAINST THE INTERLEUKIN-2 RECEPTOR ALPHA CHAIN B Bielekova, S Reichert-Scrivner, J Wuerfel, J Ohayon, J McCartin, N Richert, J Frank, T Waldmann, H McFarland, R Martin (Cambridge, UK) 7:00 pm–9:00 pm Grand Ballroom 20 ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS 2002 WELCOME RECEPTION Thursday, September 19 8:15 am–9:30 am OPENING SESSION Grand Ballroom I–X 8:15 am WELCOME K Johnson (Baltimore, USA) and A Thompson (London, UK) Opening Remarks Mike Dugan, General, USAF Ret. President and CEO, National Multiple Sclerosis Society, New York, USA Victor Rivera, President, LACTRIMS 8:45 am KEYNOTE ADDRESS 11 Inflammation, Demyelination and Axonal Loss: Unraveling the Relationships SK Ludwin★ (Kingston, Canada) 9:30 am BREAK 10:00 am–12:00 pm PARALLEL SESSIONS SESSION I SESSION II Inflammation, Demyelination and Axonal Loss: Insights from Pathology Co-chairs: C Polman (Amsterdam, Netherlands) E Radue (Basil, Switzerland) Grand Ballroom I–V Impact of Relapses on Disability; Natural History and Clinical Trials Data Co-chairs: L Kappos (Basel, Switzerland) H Panitch (Burlington, USA) Grand Ballroom VI–X 10:00 12 MECHANISMS OF AXONAL LOSS BD Trapp★, C Bjartmar, J Peterson,A Chang, R Rudick (Cleveland, USA) 10:00 20 THE ROLE OF EXACERBATIONS IN PERSISTENT IMPAIRMENT IN MS F Lublin★, G Cutter, M Baier (New York, USA) 10:25 13 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN INFLAMMATION AND AXONAL LOSS W Brueck★ (Berlin, Germany) 10:20 21 RELAPSES ARE NOT AN IMPORTANT CAUSE OF DISABILITY C Confavreux★ (Lyon, France) 10:50 14 DIFFERENTIAL GENE EXPRESSION ANALYSIS OF MULTI- 10:40 PANEL DISCUSSION Moderator: K Kappos PLE SCLEROSIS TISSUE: COMPARISON OF ACTIVE AND INACTIVE LESIONS MP Mycko, R Papoian, U Boschert, CS Raine, KW Selmaj (Lodz, Poland) 11:00 15 MICROARRAY ANALYSIS OF NORMAL APPEARING WHITE MATTER (NAWM) AND LESIONS IN SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MS VERIFIES MS AS A GENERALIZED CNS DISEASE RL Lindberg, CJ De Groot, U Certa, R Ravid, F Hoffmann, L Kappos, D Leppert (Basel, Switzerland) 11:10 16 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: EXPANDED CSF B CELLS ARE ALSO PRESENT IN THE BRAIN TISSUE N Goebels, H Weber, M Hofbauer, H Wekerle, R Hohlfeld (Munich, Germany) 11:20 17 HIGH VULNERABILITY OF HUMAN NEURONS TO T CELL CYTOTOXICITY:A NEW MODEL TO EXPLAIN NEURODEGENERATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS F Giuliani,V Yong (Calgary, Canada) 11:30 18 LEUKEMIA INHIBITORY FACTOR LIMITS IMMUNEMEDIATED DEMYELINATION BY ENHANCING OLIGODENDROCYTE SURVIVAL H Butzkueven, J Zhang, M Soilu-Hanninen, PF Bartlett, TJ Kilpatrick (Parkville,Australia) 11:00 22 ONSET OF CLINICAL BENEFIT OF GLATIRAMER (COPAXONE®) ACETATE IN PATIENTS WITH RELAPSING REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (RRMS) KP Johnson, BR Brooks, CC Ford, A Goodman, JB Guarnaccia, RP Lisak, LW Myers, HS Panitch, AA Pruitt, N Kachuck, JS Wolinsky, and the Copolymer 1 MS Study Group (Baltimore, USA) 11:15 23 EFFECT OF EARLY INTERFERON TREATMENT ON CONVERSION TO DEFINITE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: THE ETOMS STUDY— 4-YEAR RESULTS G Comi, M Filippi, F Barkhof, L Durelli, G Edan, O Fernandez, H Hartung, P Seeldrayers, P Soelberg Sorensen, O Hommes (Turin, Italy) 11:30 24 NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODIES AGAINST INTERFERON (IFN)-BETA REDUCE THE CLINICAL EFFECT IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PS Sorensen, N Koch-Henriksen, C Ross, KM Clemmesen, M Svenson, K Bendtzen, J Frederiksen, K Jensen, O Kristensen, T Petersen, E Stenager, (Copenhagen, Denmark) 11:45 25 THE SYLVIA LAWRY CENTRE FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS RESEARCH (SLCMSR): BACKGROUND AND PROGRESS REPORT JH Noseworthy and SLCMSR Staff, Scientific Oversight Committee and Working Groups (Rochester, USA) 11:40 19 CILIARY NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR ENHANCES MYELIN FORMATION:A NOVEL ROLE FOR CNTF AND CNTF-RELATED MOLECULES S Bruno, N Frederic, A Marie Stephane, Z Bernard, L Catherine (Paris, France) 11:50 CONCLUSIONS ★ Invited speaker 21 Thursday, September 19 12:00 pm–2:00 pm LUNCH and POSTER SESSION I Harborside Level 2:00 pm–4:00 pm PARALLEL SESSIONS SESSION III SESSION IV Inflammation, Demyelination and Axonal Loss: Insights from Imaging Co-chairs: J Simon (Denver, USA) N Richert (Bethesda, USA) Grand Ballroom I–V The Blood-Brain-Barrier as a Target for Treatment Co-chairs: S Dhib-Jalbut (Baltimore, USA) J Oger (Vancouver, Canada) Grand Ballroom VI–X 2:00 26 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CONTRAST ENHANCING 2:00 33 ADHESION MOLECULES AND THEIR ROLE IN PATHO- LESIONS AND AXONAL LOSS JA Frank★ (Bethesda, USA) GENESIS JP Antel★, K Biernacki, R Seguin, A Prat (Montreal, Canada) 2:20 27 IN VIVO MONITORING OF AXONS AND MYELIN IN 2:20 34 CHEMOKINES AND CHEMOKINE RECEPTORS:WHAT’S MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Z Caramanos, DL Arnold★ (Montreal, Canada) THE ATTACTION RM Ransohoff★ (Cleveland, USA) 2:40 28 CAN WE IMAGE REMYELINATION? F Barkhof★ (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 2:40 35 MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES IN MS VW Yong★ 3:00 29 WHAT IS NORMAL-APPEARING WHITE MATTER? 3:00 36 CLINICAL TRIALS OF AGENTS TARGETING THE BLOOD R Grossman★ (San Francisco, USA) BRAIN BARRIER: SUCCESSES AND FAILURES D Miller★ (London, UK) 3:20 30 BRAIN VOLUME CHANGES IN PATIENTS AT PRESENTA- 3:20 P143 RANTES AND CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR 5 POLYMOR- TION WITH SUSPECTED MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: RESULTS FROM THE ETOMS STUDY G Comi, M Inglese, N De Stefano, S Smith, F Barkhof, L Durelli, G Edan, O Fernandez, HP Hartung, PM Matthews, P Seeldrayers, PS Sorensen, V Martinelli, OR Hommes, M Filippi (Milan, Italy) PHISMS: SUSCEPTIBILITY TO AND OUTCOME IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS JM Partridge, A Fryer, W Ollier, M Boggild, R Strange, C Hawkins (Stoke-on-Trent, UK) 3:30 31 PREDICTIVE VALUE OF INFRATENTORIAL LESIONS IN PATIENTS WITH CLINICALLY ISOLATED SYNDROMES FOR LONG TERM DISABILITY A Minneboo, F Barkhof, CH Polman, BM Uitdehaag, D Knol, J A Castelijns (Amsterdam, Netherlands) 3:40 32 A 48-MONTH LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE DURATION OF THE ENHANCEMENT IN AN ACTIVE LESION AND THE DURATION OF A BLACK HOLE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS F Bagnato, N Jeffries, J Ohayon, R Stone, JA Frank, HF McFarland (Bethesda, USA) 3:45 P133 THE EFFECT OF INTERFERON B-1B ON QUANTITIES DERIVED FROM MT MRI IN SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MS M Inglese, J vanWaesberghe, M Rovaris, K Beckmann, F Barkhof, D Hahn, L Kappos, D Miller, C Polman, C Pozzilli, A Thompson,T Yousry, K Wagner, G Comi, M Filippi (Milan, Italy) 3:50 P40 ISOLATED SPINAL DEMYELINATING EVENTS WITH NORMAL BRAIN MRI: PROGRESSION TO MS, CLINICAL AND MRI FOLLOW UP R Milo,T Katz, J Corat-Simon (Ashkelon, Israel) 3:55 CONCLUSIONS (Calgary, Canada) 3:25 P145 MMP-9 MICROSATELLITE POLYMORPHISM INCREASES THE RISK OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS N Fiotti, R Zivadinov, N Altamura, D Nasuelli, A Bratina, MA Tommasi, A Bosco, L Locatelli, A Grop, G Cazzato, C Giansante, M Zorzon (Trieste, Italy) 3:30 P114 IL-12 DEPENDENT/IFN GAMMA INDEPENDENT EXPRESSION OF CCR5 BY MYELIN-REACTIVE CD4+ T CELLS CORRELATES WITH ENCEPHALITOGENICITY L Bagaeva, LP Williams, BM Segal (Rochester, USA) 3:35 P91 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS OF CSF EXPANDED CD8+ CLONOTYPES IN THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS S Cepok, D Zhou, F Vogel, N Sommer, B Hemmer (Marburg, Germany) 3:40 P98 MOLECULAR TRACKING OF MYELIN BASIC PROTEINSPECIFIC T CELL EXPANSION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PA Muraro, K Wandinger, B Bielekova, HF McFarland, R Martin (Bethesda, USA) 3:45 P149 IMMUNE REGULATORY EFFECTS OF GLATIRAMER ACETATE (GA) ON HUMAN MONOCYTES: BYSTANDER SUPPRESSION REVISITED? H Kim, M Duddy, A Bar-Or (Montreal, Canada) 3:50 CONCLUSIONS ★ Invited speaker 22 Thursday, September 19 SATELLITE SYMPOSIA 4:30 pm–5:30 pm SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM II 6:00 pm–7:00 pm SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM III Exploring the Boundaries of Multiple Sclerosis Treatment Chair: D Goodin (San Francisco, USA) Grand Ballroom I–V Defining Factors That Impact Efficacy in the Treatment of Relapsing Remitting Multiple Sclerosis Program Chair: HP Hartung (Dusseldorf, Germany) Panel Discussion Chair: H McFarland (Washington, DC, USA) Grand Ballroom VI–X 4:30 WELCOME D Goodin 6:00 WELCOMING REMARKS/INTRODUCTIONS HP Hartung 4:35 EXPLORING TREATMENT OPTIONS FOR PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS X Montalban (Barcelona, Spain) 6:05 SELECTING HIGH-RISK PATIENTS FOR EARLY TREATMENT F Munschauer (Buffalo, USA) 4:50 LONG TERM EXPERIENCE WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS THERA- 6:15 DO DOSE AND DOSE FREQUENCY IMPACT EFFICACY? PIES G Rice (London, Canada) A REVIEW OF THE EUROPEAN DOSE COMPARISON STUDY AND SUPPORTING DATA X Montalban (Barcelona, Spain) 5:05 BEYOND THE STANDARD DOSE OF BETA INTERFERON IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS HP Hartung (Dusseldorf, Germany) 5:20 DISCUSSION AND CLOSING REMARKS D Goodin 6:25 LONG-TERM EFFICACY OF INTERFERON BETA—WHY NABS MATTER PS Sorensen (Copenhagen, Denmark) 6:40 PANEL DISCUSSION/Q&A H McFarland Sponsored by Bio-Medical Communications, Inc. Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Schering AG, Germany / Berlex Sponsored by the Health Science Center for Continuing Medical Education Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Biogen 7:30 pm–10:30 pm RECEPTION and DINNER BUFFET National Aquarium in Baltimore 23 Friday, September 20 8:30 am–9: 30 am OPENING SESSION Grand Ballroom I–X 8:30 am WELCOME S Dhib-Jalbut (Baltimore, USA) PRESENTATION: ACTRIMS LIFE ACHIEVEMENT AWARD Kenneth P. Johnson, Honoree 8:45 am KEYNOTE ADDRESS 37 Neural Stem Cells to Rebuild the Diseased Brain: How Realistic Is This Approach? E Snyder ★ (Boston, USA) 9:30 am BREAK 10:00 am–12:00 pm PARALLEL SESSIONS SESSION V Neuroprotection Co-chairs: A Cross (St Louis, USA) R Lisak (Detroit, USA) Grand Ballroom I–V SESSION VI Hot topics in Neuroimmunology Co-chairs: M Racke (Dallas, USA) J Richert (Washington, DC, USA) Grand Ballroom VI–X 10:00 38 MOLECULAR BASIS OF LIMITED REMYELINATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS CS Raine★, G John, CF Brosnan (Bronx, USA) 10:25 39 COMPLEMENT: DUAL ROLE IN INJURY AND PROTECTION ML Shin★, H Rus (Baltimore, USA) 10:50 40 IS NEUROPROTECTION A REALISTIC OPTION IN MS? R Hohlfeld★ (Munich, Germany) 10:00 44 CYTOKINE REGULATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS H Weiner★, SJ Khoury (Boston, USA) 10:25 45 ARE SPECIFIC IMMUNOTHERAPIES AN OPTION FOR MS? R Martin★ (Bethesda, USA) 11:15 41 CNTF IS A MAJOR PROTECTIVE FACTOR IN DEMYELI- 10:50 46 TCR PEPTIDE THERAPY IN AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE AA Vandenbark★ (Portland, USA) NATING CNS DISEASE:A NEUROTROPHIC CYTOKINE AS MODULATOR IN NEUROINFLAMMATION RA Linker, M Maurer, S Gaupp, R Martini, B Holtmann, H Lassmann, KV Toyka, M Sendtner, R Gold (Wurzburg, Germany) 11:15 47 LARGE SCALE TRANSCRIPTIONAL AND PROTEOMIC ANALYSIS OF MS TISSUE YIELDS NEW TARGETS FOR THERAPY L Steinman★ (Stanford, USA) 11:30 42 INTERFERON-BETA GENE THERAPY FOR CENTRAL 11:40 48 RE-INDUCTION OF TOLERANCE IN ESTABLISHED AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE:A STRATEGY FOR THE TREATMENT OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS G Pryce, JK O’Neill, S Amor, D Baker, G Giovannoni (London, UK) NERVOUS SYSTEM DISEASE USING BONE MARROW CELLS AS A DELIVERY SYSTEM S Dhib-Jalbut,TK Makar, S Wilt, Z Dong, P Fishman, M Mouradian (Baltimore, USA) 11:45 43 HIGH-DOSE IMMUNOABLATIVE THERAPY WITH AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELL SUPPORT IN PATIENTS WITH MALIGNANT COURSE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS E Havrdova, T Kozak, J Kobylka, J Pitha, J Fiedler, V Koza, J Maaloufova, D Horakova, V Ticha, I Novakova, S Vodvarkova, E Gregora, E Medova (Prague, Czech Republic) 11:50 49 KV1.3 IS A UNIQUE FUNCTIONAL MARKER OF EFFECTOR MEMORY T CELLS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS R Allie, S Yun, PA Calabresi, H Wullf, K Chandy, M Pennington (Baltimore, USA) ★ Invited speaker 24 Friday, September 20 12:00 pm–2:00 pm LUNCH and POSTER SESSION II Harborside Level 2:00 pm–4:00 pm PARALLEL SESSIONS SESSION VII SESSION VIII Methodological Issues in Clinical Trials Co-chairs: HP Hartung (Dusseldorf, Germany) R Rudick (Cleveland, USA) Grand Ballroom I–V Genetics and Hormonal Influence Co-chairs: M Freedman (Ottawa, Canada) D Hafler (Boston, USA) Grand Ballroom VI–X 2:00 50 THE NEW DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA AND THEIR IMPLICA- 2:00 55 GENETIC ANALYSIS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN EURO- TIONS FOR CLINICAL TRIALS JS Wolinsky★ (Houston, USA) PEANS (GAMES) A Compston★, S Sawcer (Cambridge, UK) 2:25 51 APPLICATION OF MCDONALD CRITERIA TO CLINICALLY ISOLATED SYNDROMES SUGGESTIVE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS M Tintore,A Rovira, J Rio, C Nos, E Grive, J Sastre-Garriga, I Pericot, E Sanchez, M Comabella, X Montalban (Barcelona, Spain) 2:20 56 INSIGHTS INTO THE GENETICS OF MS FROM THE CANA- 2:35 52 METHODOLOGICAL ISSUES IN SHORT-TERM CLINICAL TRIALS JH Noseworthy★ (Rochester, USA) S Hauser★, LF Barcellos, MA Pericak-Vance, JL Haines, RR Lincoln, S Schmidt, A Swerdlin, JR Oksenberg (Durham, USA) 3:00 53 THE ROLE OF MRI AS A SURROGATE MARKER IN MS 3:00 58 HORMONAL INFLUENCES IN MS R Voskuhl★ (Los Angeles, H McFarland★ (Bethesda, USA) USA) 3:25 54 A STANDARDIZED MRI SCAN IN THE DIAGNOSIS AND 3:20 59 OVARIAN HORMONES DIFFERENTIALLY EFFECT NEURON FOLLOW-UP OF MS PATIENTS D Paty★, DK Li,A Traboulsee, J Simon, J Frank (Vancouver, Canada) DEATH MEDIATED BY TNF␣ VIA EXPRESSION OF ANTI-APOPTOTIC PROTEINS AND ACTIVATION OF JNK1 PRO-APOPTOTIC SIGNAL CASCADE CL Koski, S Hila,T Popescue, G Hoffman (Baltimore, USA) 3:50 P227 COURSE AND PROGNOSIS IN EARLY ONSET MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IL Simone, D Carrara, C Tortorella, M Liguori,V Lepore, F Pelligrini,A Bellacosa,A Ceccarelli, I Pavone, F Girolamo, P Livrea (Bari, Italy) 3:55 P308 PLACEBO-CONTROLLED DOUBLE-BLINDED DOSE RANGING STUDY OF FAMPRIDINE-SR IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AD Goodman,A Blight, JA Cohen,AH Cross, M Katz, MA Rizzo,T Vollmer (Rochester, USA) DIAN COLLABORATIVE PROJECT GC Ebers★, D Sadovnick, N Risch (Vancouver, Canada) 2:40 57 THE ROLE OF THE HLA REGION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS 3:30 60 A NEW GENE OVEREXPRESSED IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND RHEUMATOID ARTHRITIS C Greene, R Crusio, L Chen, C Rose, D Connelly, M Grekova, JR Richert (Washington, USA) 3:40 P325 ASSOCIATION OF APOLIPOPROTEIN E AND MYELOPEROXIDASE GENOTYPES WITH THE CLINICAL COURSE OF FAMILIAL AND SPORADIC MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS B Zakrzewska-Pniewska, A Podlecka, M Styczynska, R Samocka, B Peplonska, M Barcikowska, H Kwiecinski (Warsaw, Poland) 3:45 P314 TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR RECEPTOR II POLYMORPHISM IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS R Ehling, C Gassner, F Fazekas, H Kollegger,W Kristoferitsch, M Reindl, T Berger (Innsbruck,Austria) 3:50 P297 A SYNTHETIC ANDROSTENE DERIVATIVE WITHOUT GENDER-RELATED SIDE EFFECTS INHIBITS EAE. CANDIDATE FOR CLINICAL TRIALS IN MS? H Offner,A Zamora,A Matejuk, D Auci, E Morgan, C Reading (Portland, USA) 3:55 CONCLUSIONS ★ Invited speaker 25 Friday, September 20 SATELLITE SYMPOSIA 4:30 pm–5:30 pm SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM IV 6:00 pm–7:00 pm SATELLITE SYMPOSIUM V Milestones in Immunomodulatory Therapy: Decisions in the Treatment of Multiple Sclerosis Co-chairs: G Comi (Milan, Italy) J Wolinsky (Houston, USA) Grand Ballroom I–V The Modern Management of Multiple Sclerosis: An Evidence-Based Approach Chair: D Bates (Newcastle, UK) Grand Ballroom VI–X 4:30 IMMUNE-MEDIATED INJURY AND NEUROPROTECTION IN MS 6:00 A CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF DISEASE-MODIFYING DRUGS IN CLINICAL STUDIES: IMPLICATIONS AND TREATMENT GUIDELINES D Goodin (San Francisco, USA) W Yong (Calgary, Canada) 4:50 LESSONS FROM MRI: EVIDENCE OF EARLY AND PROGRESSIVE CNS INJURY D Arnold (Montreal, Canada) 5:10 GLATIRAMER ACETATE IN MS:A NEW LOOK AT THE CLINICAL EFFECTS IN THE LIGHT OF MECHANISMS OF ACTION R Lisak (Detroit, USA) Sponsored by Postgraduate Institute for Medicine Supported by an unrestricted educational grant from Teva Pharmaceuticals, LTD,Teva Neuroscience, and Aventis 7:30 pm–10:00 pm B&O Railroad Museum 26 6:15 THE EVIDENCE FOR EFFICACY OF DISEASE-MODIFYING DRUGS: IMPLICATIONS FOR THE CLINICIAN M Freedman (Ottawa, Canada) 6:35 THE PATIENT PERSPECTIVE: LIVING WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AFTER STARTING A DISEASE-MODIFYING DRUG 6:50 Q&A AND CLOSING REMARKS Sponsored by Serono RECEPTION and DINNER BUFFET Saturday, September 21 8:30 am–10:30 am PARALLEL SESSIONS SESSION IX SESSION X Long Term Management Issues in Multiple Sclerosis Co-chairs: C Bever (Baltimore, USA) J Cohen (Cleveland, USA) Grand Ballroom I–V Late Breaking News Co-chairs: P O’Connor (Toronto, Canada) A Thompson (London, UK) Grand Ballroom VI–X 8:30 WELCOME C Bever 8:30 WELCOME P O’Connor 8:45 61 NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL ASPECTS OF MULTIPLE SCLE- 8:45 LB1 VALIDATION OF DIAGNOSTIC MRI CRITERIA FOR MS ROSIS A Feinstein★ (Toronto, Canada) AND RESPONSE TO TREATMENT WITH INTERFERON-BETA-1A F Barkhof, M Rocca, G Francis, J van Waesberghe, B Uitdehaag, O Hommes, H Hartung, L Durelli, G Edan, O Fernández, P Seeldrayers, P Sorenson, S Margrie, G Comi, M Filippi (Milan, Italy) 9:05 62 PATHOPHYSIOLOGY OF MS FATIGUE G Comi★, L Leocani, P Rossi, B Colombo (Milan, Italy) 9:25 63 STEREOTACTIC SURGERY EB Montgomery★ (Cleveland, USA) 9:45 64 CHILDHOOD ONSET MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (THE KIDMUS STUDY): NATURAL HISTORY AND PROGNOSTIC FACTORS IN THE LYON COHORT C Renoux,Y Mikaeloff, S Vukusic, L Gignoux, F DurandDubief, I Achiti, C Confavreux (Lyon, France) 9:55 65 DISEASE-MODIFYING DRUGS FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. CAN TREATMENT FAILURES BE PREDICTED? M Johnson, H Ford, S Denton (Leeds, UK) 10:05 66 GADOLINIUM ENHANCING LESIONS AS A SURROGATE MARKER OF INTERFERON RESPONSE RA Rudick, G Cutter, M Baier, D Dougherty, B Weinstock-Guttman, M Mass, E Fisher, DM Miller,A Sandrock, J Simon (Cleveland, USA) 10:15 67 MITOXANTRONE (NOVANTRONE) FOR TREATMENT OF RECURRENT NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA B Weinstock-Guttman, J Feichter, R Bakshi, C Brownscheidle, N Lincoff (Buffalo, USA) 10:25 CONCLUSIONS 9:00 LB2 ANTI-MOG ANTIBODIES PREDICT EARLY CONVERSION TO CLINICALLY DEFINITE MS IN PATIENTS WITH A FIRST DEMYELINATING EVENT. T Berger, P Rubner, F Schautzer, R Egg, H Ulmer, I Mayringer, E Dilitz, F Deisenhammer, M Reindl (Innsbruck,Austria) 9:15 LB3 NEUROREHABILITATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS CONTRIBUTES TO FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY ACCOMPANIED BY CHANGES OF BRAIN ACTIVITY ON FMRI—PRELIMINARY RESULTS. K Rasova, J Krasensky, E Havrdova, J Obenberger, M Zalisova, Z Seidl (Prague, Czech Republic) 9:30 LB4 TIGHT JUNCTION ABNORMALITY IN MS AFFECTS ALL CALIBRES OF VESSEL AND CORRELATES WITH LESION ACTIVITY. J Kirk, J Plumb, M Mirakhur, S McQuaid (Belfast, UK) 9:45 LB5 SINGLE CENTRE, DBPC, RANDOMISED TRIAL OF INTERFERON 1B IN PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE AND TRANSITIONAL PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:AN EXPLORATORY PHASE II STUDY. X Montalban, L Brieva, M Tintore, C Borras, J Rio, C Nos, X Aymerich, J Alonso, R Horno, M Vicente,A Rovira (Barcelona, Spain) 10:00 LB6 SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT WITH IFN-1B IN RR MS PATIENTS IS ASSOCIATED WITH AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF IL10 PRODUCING (REGULATORY) CD4 +T CELLS. A van Boxel-Dezaire, M Smits, B Uitdehaag, C Polman, L Nagelkerken (Leiden, Netherlands) ★ Invited speaker 10:15 LB7 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM— MSDS 2.0 M Eulitz,T Kugel, PA Muraro, M Pette (Dresden, Germany) 10:30 am COFFEE BREAK 11:00 am–12:00 pm CLOSING SESSION Grand Ballroom I–X 11:00 am ECTRIMS LECTURE 68 Quo Vadis? Agenda for European MS Research OR Hommes ★ (Nijmegen, Netherlands) 11:45 am PRESENTATION: 2ND ANNUAL ECTRIMS AWARD OR Hommes, Honoree PROGRAM AWARDS and CLOSING REMARKS 12:00 pm–1:00 pm CLOSING LUNCHEON Harborside Ballroom 7:00 pm–10:00 pm COMMITTEE RECEPTION Baltimore Museum of Industry (by invitation) 27 COPAXONE® PRE-FILLED SYRINGE Consistent. Convenient. Complete. COPAXONE® is indicated for the reduction of relapses in relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Please see brief summary of prescribing information on next page. COPAXONE® is a registered trademark of Teva Pharmaceutical Industries Ltd. 250901/0183B2 © 2002 Teva Neuroscience, Inc. The only MS therapy with ■ A presumed mechanism of action that distinguishes it from interferons 1,2 ■ No evidence of neutralizing antibodies3 ■ No recommended monitoring of liver function or complete blood count 4 ■ Pregnancy Category B rating 4 Significant relapse rate reduction ■ Long-term efficacy demonstrated over 2 years 5,6 ■ Efficacy confirmed in 4 additional studies 7-10 Reduction in Gd-enhancing lesions ■ 35% reduction in median cumulative number of lesions vs placebo 11 Safety and tolerability you can count on ■ No increase in incidence of flu-like symptoms, depression, or fatigue when compared to placebo 4 ■ Most common adverse effects in controlled trials were injection site reactions, vasodilatation, chest pain, asthenia, infection, pain, nausea, arthralgia, anxiety, and hypertonia ■ About 10% of patients experienced an immediate postinjection reaction (flushing, chest pain, palpitations, anxiety, dyspnea, throat constriction, and urticaria). The symptoms were transient and self-limited, and did not require specific treatment ■ Transient chest pain was noted in 26% of COPAXONE® patients (vs 10% placebo); no long-term sequelae NEW! Benefits you can measure over time COPAXONE® (glatiramer acetate injection) Brief Summary of Prescribing Information INDICATIONS AND USAGE COPAXONE® Injection is indicated for reduction of the frequency of relapses in patients with RelapsingRemitting Multiple Sclerosis. CONTRAINDICATIONS COPAXONE® Injection is contraindicated in patients with known hypersensitivity to glatiramer acetate or mannitol. WARNINGS The only recommended route of administration of COPAXONE® Injection is the subcutaneous route. COPAXONE® Injection should not be administered by the intravenous route. PRECAUTIONS General Patients should be instructed in self-injection techniques to assure the safe administration of COPAXONE® Injection (see PRECAUTIONS: Information for Patients and the COPAXONE® INJECTION PATIENT INFORMATION Leaflet). Current data indicate that no special caution is required for patients operating an automobile or using complex machinery. Considerations Regarding the Use of a Product Capable of Modifying Immune Responses Because glatiramer acetate can modify immune response, it could possibly interfere with useful immune functions. For example, treatment with glatiramer acetate might, in theory, interfere with the recognition of foreign antigens in a way that would undermine the body’s tumor surveillance and its defenses against infection. There is no evidence that glatiramer acetate does this, but there has as yet been no systematic evaluation of this risk. Because glatiramer acetate is an antigenic material, it is possible that its use may lead to the induction of host responses that are untoward, but systematic surveillance for these effects has not been undertaken. Although glatiramer acetate is intended to minimize the autoimmune response to myelin, there is the possibility that continued alteration of cellular immunity due to chronic treatment with glatiramer acetate might result in untoward effects. Glatiramer acetate-reactive antibodies are formed in practically all patients exposed to daily treatment with the recommended dose. Studies in both the rat and monkey have suggested that immune complexes are deposited in the renal glomeruli. Furthermore, in a controlled trial of 125 RR MS patients given glatiramer acetate, 20 mg, subcutaneously every day for 2 years, serum IgG levels reached at least 3 times baseline values in 80% of patients by 3 months of initiation of treatment. By 12 months of treatment, however, 30% of patients still had IgG levels at least 3 times baseline values, and 90% had levels above baseline by 12 months. The antibodies are exclusively of the IgG subtype-and predominantly of the IgG-1 subtype. No IgE type antibodies could be detected in any of the 94 sera tested; nevertheless, anaphylaxis can be associated with the administration of most any foreign substance, and therefore, this risk cannot be excluded. Information for Patients To assure safe and effective use of COPAXONE® Injection, the following information and instructions should be given to patients: 1. Inform your physician if you are pregnant, if you are planning to have a child, or if you become pregnant while taking this medication. 2. Inform your physician if you are nursing. 3. Do not change the dose or dosing schedule without consulting your physician. 4. Do not stop taking the drug without consulting your physician. Patients should be instructed in the use of aseptic techniques when administering COPAXONE® Injection. Appropriate instructions for the self-injection of COPAXONE® Injection should be given, including a careful review of the COPAXONE® INJECTION PATIENT INFORMATION Leaflet. The first injection should be performed under the supervision of an appropriately qualified health care professional. Patient understanding and use of aseptic self-injection techniques and procedures should be periodically reevaluated. Patients should be cautioned against the reuse of needles or syringes and instructed in safe disposal procedures. They should use a puncture-resistant container for disposal of used needles and syringes. Patients should be instructed on the safe disposal of full containers according to local laws. Awareness of Adverse Reactions: Physicians are advised to counsel patients about adverse reactions associated with the use of COPAXONE® Injection (see ADVERSE REACTIONS section). In addition, patients should be advised to read the COPAXONE® INJECTION PATIENT INFORMATION Leaflet and resolve any questions regarding it prior to beginning COPAXONE® Injection therapy. Laboratory Tests Data collected during premarketing development do not suggest the need for routine laboratory monitoring. Drug Interactions Interactions between COPAXONE® Injection and other drugs have not been fully evaluated. Results from existing clinical trials do not suggest any significant interactions of COPAXONE® Injection with therapies commonly used in MS patients, including the concurrent use of corticosteroids for up to 28 days. COPAXONE® Injection has not been formally evaluated in combination with Interferon beta. Drug/Laboratory Test Interactions None are known. Carcinogenesis, Mutagenesis, Impairment of Fertility Carcinogenesis In a two-year carcinogenicity study, mice were administered up to 60 mg/kg/day glatiramer acetate by subcutaneous injection (up to 15 times the human therapeutic dose on a mg/m2 basis). No increase in systemic neoplasms was observed. In males of the high dose group (60 mg/kg/day), but not in females, there was an increased incidence of fibrosarcomas at the injection sites. These sarcomas were associated with skin damage precipitated by repetitive injections of an irritant over a limited skin area. In a two-year carcinogenicity study, rats were administered up to 30 mg/kg/day glatiramer acetate by subcutaneous injection (up to 15 times the human therapeutic dose on a mg/m2 basis). No increase in systemic neoplasms was observed. Mutagenesis Glatiramer acetate was not mutagenic in four strains of Salmonella typhimurium and two strains of Escherichia coli (Ames test) or in the in vitro mouse lymphoma assay in L5178Y cells. Glatiramer acetate was clastogenic in two separate in vitro chromosomal aberration assays in cultured human lymphocytes; it was not clastogenic in an in vivo mouse bone marrow micronucleus assay. Impairment of Fertility In a multigeneration reproduction and fertility study in rats, glatiramer acetate at subcutaneous doses of up to 36 mg/kg (18 times the human therapeutic dose on a mg/m2 basis) had no adverse effects on reproductive parameters. Pregnancy Pregnancy Category B. No adverse effects on embryofetal development occurred in reproduction studies in rats and rabbits receiving subcutaneous doses of up to 37.5 mg/kg of glatiramer acetate during the period of organogenesis (18 and 36 times the therapeutic human dose on a mg/m2 basis, respectively). In a prenatal and postnatal study in which rats received subcutaneous glatiramer acetate at doses of up to 36 mg/kg from day 15 of pregnancy throughout lactation, no significant effects on delivery or on offspring growth and development were observed. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. Because animal reproduction studies are not always predictive of human response, glatiramer acetate should be used during pregnancy only if clearly needed. Labor and Delivery In a prenatal and postnatal study, in which rats received subcutaneous glatiramer acetate at doses of up to 36 mg/kg from day 15 of pregnancy throughout lactation, no significant effects on delivery were observed. The relevance of these findings to humans is unknown. Nursing Mothers It is not known whether glatiramer acetate is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk, caution should be exercised when COPAXONE® is administered to a nursing woman. Pediatric Use The safety and efficacy of COPAXONE® Injection have not been established in individuals under 18 years of age. Use in the Elderly COPAXONE® Injection has not been studied specifically in elderly patients. Use in Patients with Impaired Renal Function The pharmacokinetics of glatiramer acetate in patients with impaired renal function have not been determined. ADVERSE REACTIONS During premarketing clinical trials approximately 900 individuals received at least one dose of glatiramer acetate. In controlled clinical trials the most commonly observed adverse experiences associated with the use of glatiramer acetate and not seen at an equivalent frequency among placebo-treated patients were: injection site reactions, vasodilatation, chest pain, asthenia, infection, pain, nausea, arthralgia, anxiety, and hypertonia. Approximately 8% of the 893 subjects receiving glatiramer acetate discontinued treatment because of an adverse reaction. The adverse reactions most commonly associated with discontinuation were: injection site reaction (6.5%), vasodilatation, unintended pregnancy, depression, dyspnea, urticaria, tachycardia, dizziness, and tremor. Immediate Post-Injection Reaction Approximately 10% of MS patients exposed to glatiramer acetate in premarketing studies experienced a constellation of symptoms immediately after injection that included flushing, chest pain, palpitations, anxiety, dyspnea, constriction of the throat, and urticaria. In clinical trials, the symptoms were generally transient and self-limited and did not require specific treatment. In general, these symptoms have their onset several months after the initiation of treatment, although they may occur earlier, and a given patient may experience one or several episodes of these symptoms. Whether or not any of these symptoms actually represent a specific syndrome is uncertain. During the postmarketing period, there have been reports of patients with similar symptoms who received emergency medical care. Whether an immunologic or non-immunologic mechanism mediates these episodes, or whether several similar episodes seen in a given patient have identical mechanisms, is unknown. Chest Pain Approximately 21% of glatiramer acetate patients in the pre-marketing controlled studies (compared to 11% of placebo patients) experienced at least one episode of what was described as transient chest pain. While some of these episodes occurred in the context of the Immediate Post-Injection Reaction described above, many did not. The temporal relationship of this chest pain to an injection of glatiramer acetate was not always known. The pain was transient (usually lasting only a few minutes), often unassociated with other symptoms, and appeared to have no important clinical sequelae. There has been only one episode of chest pain during which a full EKG was performed; that EKG showed no evidence of ischemia. Some patients experienced more than one such episode, and episodes usually began at least 1 month after the initiation of treatment. The pathogenesis of this symptom is unknown. Incidence in Controlled Clinical Studies: The following table lists treatment-emergent signs and symptoms that occurred in at least 2% of MS patients treated with glatiramer acetate in the pre-marketing placebocontrolled trials. These signs and symptoms were numerically more common in patients treated with glatiramer acetate than in patients treated with placebo. These trials include the first two controlled trials in RR MS patients and a controlled trial in patients with Chronic-Progressive MS. Adverse reactions were usually mild in intensity. The prescriber should be aware that these figures cannot be used to predict the frequency of adverse experiences in the course of usual medical practice where patient characteristics and other factors may differ from those prevailing during clinical studies. Similarly, the cited frequencies cannot be directly compared with figures obtained from other clinical investigations involving different treatments, uses, or investigators. An inspection of these frequencies, however, does provide the prescriber with one basis on which to estimate the relative contribution of drug and nondrug factors to the adverse reaction incidences in the population studied. Controlled Trials in Patients with Multiple Sclerosis: Incidence of Glatiramer Acetate Adverse Reactions 2% and More Frequent than Placebo Glatiramer Acetate (N = 201) Preferred Term Body as a Whole Asthenia Back Pain Bacterial Infection Chest Pain Chills Cyst Face Edema Fever Flu Syndrome Infection Injection Site Erythema Injection Site Hemorrhage Injection Site Induration Injection Site Inflammation Injection Site Mass Injection Site Pain Injection Site Pruritus Injection Site Urticaria Injection Site Welt Neck Pain Pain Cardiovascular System Migraine Palpitations Syncope Tachycardia Vasodilatation Digestive System Anorexia Diarrhea Gastroenteritis Gastrointestinal Disorder Nausea Vomiting Hemic and Lymphatic System Ecchymosis Lymphadenopathy Placebo (N = 206) N % N % 83 33 11 43 8 5 12 17 38 101 132 11 26 98 54 147 80 10 22 16 56 41 16 5 21 4 2 6 8 19 50 66 5 13 49 27 73 40 5 11 8 28 78 30 9 22 2 1 2 15 35 99 40 6 1 22 21 78 12 0 5 9 52 38 15 4 11 1 0 1 7 17 48 19 3 0 11 10 38 6 0 2 4 25 10 35 10 11 55 5 17 5 5 27 5 16 5 8 21 2 8 2 4 10 17 25 6 10 44 13 8 12 3 5 22 6 15 23 2 8 34 8 7 11 1 4 17 4 16 25 8 12 13 12 6 6 Glatiramer Acetate (N = 201) Preferred Term (continued) Metabolic and Nutritional Edema Peripheral Edema Weight Gain Musculoskeletal System Arthralgia Nervous System Agitation Anxiety Confusion Foot Drop Hypertonia Nervousness Nystagmus Speech Disorder Tremor Vertigo Respiratory System Bronchitis Dyspnea Laryngismus Rhinitis Skin and Appendages Erythema Herpes Simplex Pruritus Rash Skin Nodule Sweating Urticaria Special Senses Ear Pain Eye Disorder Urogenital System Dysmenorrhea Urinary Urgency Vaginal Moniliasis Placebo (N = 206) N % N % 5 14 7 3 7 3 1 8 0 0 4 0 49 24 39 19 8 46 5 6 44 4 5 5 14 12 4 23 2 3 22 2 2 2 7 6 4 40 1 4 37 2 2 3 7 11 2 19 0 2 18 1 1 1 3 5 18 38 10 29 9 19 5 14 12 15 7 27 6 7 3 13 8 8 36 37 4 31 9 4 4 18 18 2 15 4 4 6 26 30 1 21 5 2 3 13 15 0 10 2 15 8 7 4 12 1 6 0 12 20 16 6 10 8 10 17 9 5 8 4 Other events which occurred in at least 2% of glatiramer acetate patients but were present at equal or greater rates in the placebo group included: Body as a Whole: Headache, injection site ecchymosis, accidental injury, abdominal pain, allergic rhinitis, neck rigidity, and malaise. Digestive System: Dyspepsia, constipation, dysphagia, fecal incontinence, flatulence, nausea and vomiting, gastritis, gingivitis, periodontal abscess, and dry mouth. Musculoskeletal: Myasthenia and myalgia. Nervous System: Dizziness, hypesthesia, paresthesia, insomnia, depression, dysesthesia, incoordination, somnolence, abnormal gait, amnesia, emotional lability, Lhermitte’s sign, abnormal thinking, twitching, euphoria, and sleep disorder. Respiratory System: Pharyngitis, sinusitis, increased cough, and laryngitis. Skin and Appendages: Acne, alopecia, and nail disorder. Special Senses: Abnormal vision, diplopia, amblyopia, eye pain, conjunctivitis, tinnitus, taste perversion, and deafness. Urogenital System: Urinary tract infection, urinary frequency, urinary incontinence, urinary retention, dysuria, cystitis, metrorrhagia, breast pain, and vaginitis. Data on adverse reactions occurring in the controlled clinical trials were analyzed to evaluate differences based on sex. No clinically significant differences were identified. Ninety-two percent of patients in these clinical trials were Caucasian. This percentage reflects the racial composition of the MS population. In addition, the vast majority of patients treated with COPAXONE® were between the ages of 18 and 45. Consequently, data are inadequate to perform an analysis of the adverse reaction incidence related to clinically relevant age subgroups. Laboratory analyses were performed on all patients participating in the clinical program for glatiramer acetate. Clinically significant laboratory values for hematology, chemistry, and urinalysis were similar for both glatiramer acetate and placebo groups in blinded clinical trials. No patient receiving glatiramer acetate withdrew from any trial because of abnormal laboratory findings. Other Adverse Events Observed During Clinical Trials Glatiramer acetate was administered to 979 individuals during premarketing clinical trials, only some of which were placebo-controlled. During these trials, all adverse events were recorded by the clinical investigators, using terminology of their own choosing. To provide a meaningful estimate of the proportion of individuals having adverse events, similar types of events were grouped into standardized categories using COSTART dictionary terminology. All reported events occurring at least twice and potentially important events occurring once are listed below, except those already listed in the previous table, those too general to be informative, trivial events, and other reactions which occurred in at least 2% of treated patients and were present at equal or greater rates in the placebo group. Additional adverse reactions reported during the post-marketing period are included. Events are further classified within body system categories and listed in order of decreasing frequency using the following definitions: Frequent adverse events are defined as those occurring in at least 1/100 patients; Infrequent adverse events are those occurring in 1/100 to 1/1000 patients; Rare adverse events are those occurring in less than 1/1000 patients. Body as a Whole: Frequent: Injection site edema, injection site atrophy, abscess, injection site hypersensitivity. Infrequent: Injection site hematoma, injection site fibrosis, moon face, cellulitis, generalized edema, hernia, injection site abscess, serum sickness, suicide attempt, injection site hypertrophy, injection site melanosis, lipoma, and photosensitivity reaction. Cardiovascular: Frequent: Hypertension. Infrequent: Hypotension, midsystolic click, systolic murmur, atrial fibrillation, bradycardia, fourth heart sound, postural hypotension, and varicose veins. Digestive: Infrequent: Dry mouth, stomatitis, burning sensation on tongue, cholecystitis, colitis, esophageal ulcer, esophagitis, gastrointestinal carcinoma, gum hemorrhage, hepatomegaly, increased appetite, melena, mouth ulceration, pancreas disorder, pancreatitis, rectal hemorrhage, tenesmus, tongue discoloration, and duodenal ulcer. Endocrine: Infrequent: Goiter, hyperthyroidism, and hypothyroidism. Gastrointestinal: Frequent: Bowel urgency, oral moniliasis, salivary gland enlargement, tooth caries, and ulcerative stomatitis. Hemic and Lymphatic: Infrequent: Leukopenia, anemia, cyanosis, eosinophilia, hematemesis, lymphedema, pancytopenia, and splenomegaly. Metabolic and Nutritional: Infrequent: Weight loss, alcohol intolerance, Cushing’s syndrome, gout, abnormal healing, and xanthoma. Musculoskeletal: Infrequent: Arthritis, muscle atrophy, bone pain, bursitis, kidney pain, muscle disorder, myopathy, osteomyelitis, tendon pain, and tenosynovitis. Nervous: Frequent: Abnormal dreams, emotional lability, and stupor. Infrequent: Aphasia, ataxia, convulsion, circumoral paresthesia, depersonalization, hallucinations, hostility, hypokinesia, coma, concentration disorder, facial paralysis, decreased libido, manic reaction, memory impairment, myoclonus, neuralgia, paranoid reaction, paraplegia, psychotic depression, and transient stupor. Respiratory: Frequent: Hyperventilation, hay-fever. Infrequent: Asthma, pneumonia, epistaxis, hypoventilation, and voice alteration. Skin and Appendages: Frequent: Eczema, herpes zoster, pustular rash, skin atrophy, and warts. Infrequent: Dry skin, skin hypertrophy, dermatitis, furunculosis, psoriasis, angioedema, contact dermatitis, erythema nodosum, fungal dermatitis, maculopapular rash, pigmentation, benign skin neoplasm, skin carcinoma, skin striae, and vesiculobullous rash. Special Senses: Frequent: Visual field defect. Infrequent: Dry eyes, otitis externa, ptosis, cataract, corneal ulcer, mydriasis, optic neuritis, photophobia, and taste loss. Urogenital: Frequent: Amenorrhea, hematuria, impotence, menorrhagia, suspicious papanicolaou smear, urinary frequency and vaginal hemorrhage. Infrequent: Vaginitis, flank pain (kidney), abortion, breast engorgement, breast enlargement, carcinoma in situ cervix, fibrocystic breast, kidney calculus, nocturia, ovarian cyst, priapism, pyelonephritis, abnormal sexual function, and urethritis. Postmarketing Clinical Experience Postmarketing experience has shown an adverse event profile similar to that presented above. Reports of adverse reactions occurring under treatment with COPAXONE® (glatiramer acetate for injection) not mentioned above that have been received since market introduction and that may have or not have causal relationship to the drug include the following: Body as a Whole: sepsis; LE syndrome; hydrocephalus; enlarged abdomen; injection site hypersensitivity; allergic reaction; anaphylactoid reaction Cardiovascular System: thrombosis; peripheral vascular disease; pericardial effusion; myocardial infarct; deep thrombophlebitis; coronary occlusion; congestive heart failure; cardiomyopathy; cardiomegaly; arrhythmia; angina pectoris Digestive System: tongue edema; stomach ulcer; hemorrhage; liver function abnormality; liver damage; hepatitis; eructation; cirrhosis of the liver; cholelithiasis Hemic and Lymphatic System: thrombocytopenia; lymphoma-like reaction; acute leukemia Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders: hypercholesterolemia Musculoskeletal System: rheumatoid arthritis; generalized spasm Nervous System: myelitis; meningitis; CNS neoplasm; cerebrovascular accident; brain edema; abnormal dreams; aphasia; convulsion; neuralgia Respiratory System: pulmonary embolus; pleural effusion; carcinoma of lung; hay fever Special Senses: glaucoma; blindness; visual field defect Urogenital System: urogenital neoplasm; urine abnormality; ovarian carcinoma; nephrosis; kidney failure; breast carcinoma; bladder carcinoma; urinary frequency only. ® Manufactured For: TEVA Neuroscience, Inc., Kansas City, MO 64131 Manufactured By: Baxter Pharmaceutical Solutions LLC, Bloomington, IN 47403 Distributed by: Aventis Pharmaceuticals Inc., Kansas City, MO 64137 Copp0102BP 3-467-1338 I20573 Rev # 01/2002 References: 1. Data on file. Teva Neuroscience, Inc. 2. Neuhaus O, Farina C, Wekerle H, et al. Neurology. 2001;56:702-708. 3. Duda PW, Schmied MC, Cook SL, et al. J Clin Invest. 2000;105(7):967-976. 4. Johnson KP, the U.S. Phase III Copolymer 1 Study Group, Teitelbaum D, et al. Ann Neurol. 1995;38(6):973. 5. COPAXONE® prescribing information. Teva Neuroscience, Inc. 6. Johnson KP, Brooks BR, Cohen JA, et al. Neurology. 1995;45(7):1268-1276. 7. Bornstein MB, Miller A, Slagle S, et al. N Engl J Med. 1987;317:408-414. 8. Comi G, Filippi M, Wolinsky JS, et al. Ann Neurol. 2001;49(3):290-297. 9. Khan OA, Tselis AC, Kamholz JA, et al. Multiple Sclerosis. 2001;7:349-353. 10. Mancardi GL, Sardanelli F, Parodi RC, et al. Neurology. 1998;50:1127-1133. 11. Miller A, Shapiro S, Gershtein R, et al. J Neuroimmunol. 1998;92:113-121. Exhibition Information 1 13 2 Floor Plan 3 12 4 5 11 6 7 8 9 10 The Steering Committee acknowledges the exhibitors’ participation in ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS 2002. Stop by and visit exhibitors during the following hours: Wednesday, September 18 from 1 pm–5 pm Thursday, September 19 from 8 am–5 pm Friday, September 20 from 8 am–5 pm GOLD SPONSOR EXHIBITORS Biogen Booth 12 Biogen, Inc., winner of the US National Medal of Technology, is the world's oldest independent biotechnology company and a recognized leader in the field of multiple sclerosis research. Biogen produces and markets AVONEX® (Interferon beta-1a), the leading treatment for relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis. Biogen/Elan Booth 13 Biogen, Inc. and Elan Corporation have established a worldwide, collaboration to develop, manufacture, and commercialize Antegren® (natalizumab), the first Selective Adhesion Molecule (SAM) Inhibitor. Natalizumab, a humanized monoclonal antibody binds to the cell surface receptors known as alpha-4-beta-1 (VLA-4) and alpha-4-beta7 integrins, which are believed to play an important role in the trafficking of mononuclear cells, such as lymphocytes, into sites of inflammation. Natalizumab is currently in Phase III clinical trials for MS and Crohn’s Disease and further trials could determine its potential in the treatment of a range of autoimmune diseases. 32 Schering AG Germany / Berlex Booth 11 Betaseron® was the first therapy approved in the United States to treat relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis. Berlex has filed a supplemental (sBLA) Biologics License Application to expand the indication of Betaseron® to include secondary progressive MS. A new room-temperature formulation of Betaseron® is now available. Betaseron® is the first and only therapy available as a room-temperature formulation (25°C/77°F) for relapsingremitting MS, providing a convenient option for MS patients in the United States. Serono Booth 1 Rebif (interferon beta-1a) was approved for sale in the United States on March 7, 2002, for the treatment of relapsing forms of multiple sclerosis based upon the results of two large multi-center studies. Rebif provides significant treatment benefits for people with relapsing forms of MS by decreasing the frequency of relapses and delaying the accumulation of physical disability. Efficacy in chronic progressive MS has not been established. Rebif is available in ready-to-use, pre-filled syringes and can be administered using Rebiject, an autoinjector developed exclusively for use with Rebif. For more information on Rebif visit or call MS LifeLines at 877-44-REBIF. Teva Neuroscience Booth 5 Teva Neuroscience invites you to visit our booth to discuss Copaxone (glatiramer acetate for injection).We will also be discussing MSWatch, the first fully integrated, interactive disease management Web application for people with Multiple Scleross. MSWatch is available free of charge to all MS patients and their health care providers. ASSOCIATION AND COMMERCIAL EXHIBITORS Arnold Publishers Booth 10 Multiple Sclerosis is published by Arnold Publishers and is now in its 9th year. It focuses on the etiology and pathogenesis of demyelinating and inflammatory diseases of the central nervous system and on the application of such studies to scientifically based therapy. Multiple Sclerosis is a vital journal for research in the following areas: clinical neurology; myelin chemistry; neuroimaging; pathobiology of the blood/brain barrier; glial pathobiology/myelin repair; pathology; epidemiology; therapeutics; genetics; immunology; and virology. Editor-inChief, Donald H Silberberg, Department of Neurology, University of Pennsylvania School of Medicine, USA. For more information, visit Cephalon Booth 2 Cephalon, Inc., headquartered in West Chester, PA., is an international biopharmaceutical company dedicated to the discovery, development and marketing of products to treat neurological disorders, sleep disorders, cancer and pain. The Company currently markets three products in the United States: PROVIGIL® (modafinil) Tablets [C-IV] for the treatment of excessive daytime sleepiness associated with narcolepsy, which is being developed for other potential uses; GABITRIL® (tiagabine hydrochloride) for the adjunctive treatment of partial seizures associated with epilepsy; and ACTIQ® (oral transmucosal fentanyl citrate) for the treatment of breakthrough cancer pain. Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers Booth 7 The Consortium of Multiple Sclerosis Centers (CMSC) is the largest organization of MS healthcare professionals in the world. Our membership includes MS Centers, Clinics,VA members, and individual healthcare providers. The CMSC has established standards of care in MS that are being adopted worldwide. CMSC/NARCOMS, the North American Research Committee on MS, facilitates multi-center studies and clinical trials through its web site and registry of 23,000 patients. Our journal is The International Journal of MS Care.The Foundation of the CMSC provides funds to train healthcare professionals in research and care in MS. 33 Art on the Waterfront Serono is pleased to bring you the Living with MS Art and Music Festival. This therapeutic happening is an exhibition of American and international art created by patients, neurologists, and nurses in the MS community. Evening festivities include: Gallery viewing and reception Buffet dinner served on Waterside Boulevard Jazz concert under the Pavilion on Pier Six Please join us at 7:00 PM on Pier Six immediately following the Satellite Symposium on Friday, September 20, 2002. Please visit us at booth #1 for more information. Proud sponsor of the Living with MS Art and Music Festival Rebif® is a registered trademark of Serono, Inc. ©2002 Serono 02-19201 06/02 All rights reserved. Printed in the USA. EDMUS Booth 4 The European Database for Multiple Sclerosis (EDMUS) is a standardised computerised databasing system which has been conceived within consecutive European Concerted Actions on Multiple Sclerosis (MS) since 1990. EDMUS is a working tool available for clinical and research purposes. It is the result of joint reflections of clinicians and researchers from the whole European Union, all involved in MS.A specific Steering Committee with at least one delegate from each country of the European Union has been set up for this purpose.Today the EDMUS system is established in more than 190 centers over 26 countries. It is used for the clinical follow-up of patients, independent research projects and collaborative multicenter studies where a “common language” is mandatory. A new version of the software has been developed in order to come up to all users’ expectations. European Charcot Foundation Booth 8 The European Charcot Foundation started in 1990 as the legal carrier of a Concerted Action in Multiple Sclerosis (MS) Research funded by the European Communities. From 1994 on the European Charcot Foundation continued as a non-profit Foundation, supported by private organisations, National MS Societies and Industries. Its working base in Europe now consists of more than 550 institutions and 1700 investigators. With their dedication the Foundation wants to realize a European dimension in MS Research and capitalize on the great resources of European co-operation and co-ordination to overcome this debilitating disease. Multiple Sclerosis International Federation Booth 6 The Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF) was established in 1967 and links the work of its 42 national Member Societies worldwide. It is committed to working with these Societies and with the international research community to eliminate MS and its devastating effects. The MSIF also speaks out on a global level for those affected by MS. National Multiple Sclerosis Society Booth 9 Through our Professional Resource Center, the NMSS provides timely and expert information to physicians and other healthcare professionals involved in the care of people with MS and their families. Contact us for information and consultation about the disease and its management; library and literature search services; information about insurance and long-term care; continuing education opportunities; and consultation on the development of National MS Society-affiliated clinical facilities. For further information, contact the PRC by phone at 1-866-MSTREAT, by e-mail at, or visit us online at www.nationalmssociety.PRC/asp. The Sylvia Lawry Centre for Multiple Sclerosis Research (SLCMSR) Booth 6 The SLCMSR was founded in February 2001 at the Technical University of Munich under the direction of Prof. Albrecht Neiß and sponsored by the Multiple Sclerosis International Federation (MSIF). Using the combination of computer science, mathematics and medicine, it aims to make future development of MS therapies faster and less costly.This will be achieved by identifying clinical and MRI markers, which will be more reliably predictive of the future course of MS than those so far identified, using mathematical models based on an unequalled collection of placebo data from clinical trials and natural history data. It is an excellent example of what can be done when industry and academics work together. WebMD Booth 3 WebMD Corporation provides a comprehensive suite of information, transaction and technology solutions that help consumers, physicians, providers and other participants navigate the complexity of the healthcare system. Our products and services promote informed decision-making, increased efficiency and, ultimately, higher quality patient care at a lower cost. WebMD Corporation consists of three divisions, each a leader in their respective field: WebMD Envoy,WebMD Medical Manager and WebMD Health. 35 NEW ROOM-TEMPERATURE FORMULATION REFRIGERATION-FREE BETASERON® (Interferon beta-1b) For ambulatory patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis (MS) to treat clinical exacerbations... Carol— Betaseron user since 1994. Serious side effects include depression, suicide, suicidal ideation, and injection-site necrosis (skin breakdown, drainage of fluid, and tissue destruction), which has been reported in 5% of patients in a controlled MS trial. The necrotic lesions are typically 3 cm or less in diameter, but larger areas have been reported, and they may occur at single or multiple sites. Patients should be advised of the importance of rotating areas of injection with each dose, and of consulting with their physician if they experience any of the above signs or symptoms. (See WARNINGS, PRECAUTIONS, and ADVERSE REACTIONS sections of the full prescribing information.) Common side effects of Betaseron therapy include flu-like symptoms, shortness of breath, menstrual disorders, and injection-site reactions; redness, pain, swelling, and blue-black discoloration have been reported. Please see full prescribing information on adjacent page. Betaseron is a registered trademark and the service marks of Berlex Laboratories, Inc. design and MS Pathways are SM and deliver the full effect of the only Refrigeration-Free interferon therapy — Betaseron • Deliver NEW Convenience that Helps Improve Compliance — NEW Refrigeration-Free Betaseron is the only therapy that can be stored and transported at room temperature — and as always, with a neutral pH of approximately 7.4 • Deliver the Full Effect With Frequent Dosing — taken every other day subcutaneously, Betaseron (250 mcg) is specifically designed to maintain a constant effect on biological response markers • Deliver Manageability — common side effects are usually easily managed and often improve over time • Deliver the Full Support of MS PathwaysSM — helps you assist your patients in managing their therapy through a 24/7 toll-free hot line that features MS-specialized registered nurses © 2002, Berlex Laboratories, Inc. All rights reserved. Manufactured by CHIRON Corporation, Emeryville, CA 94608 Distributed by BERLEX Laboratories, Inc., Montville, NJ 07045 02-521-0051 Printed in USA June 2002 Fight back right from the start Betaseron Interferon beta-1b MRI data were also analyzed for patients in this study. A frequency distribution of the observed percent changes in MRI area at the end of 2 years was obtained by grouping the percentages in successive intervals of equal width. Figure 1 displays a histogram of the proportions of patients who fell into each of these intervals. The median percent change in MRI area for the 0.25 mg group was –1.1% which was significantly smaller than the 16.5% observed for the placebo group (p=0.0001). TABLE 1 2 Year Study Results Primary and Secondary Clinical Endpoints Efficacy Parameters Treatment Groups Placebo Primary Endpoints 0.05 mg 0.25 mg Statistical Comparisons Placebo vs 0.05 mg p-value 0.05 mg vs 0.25 mg Placebo vs 0.25 mg (N=123) (N=125) (N=124) Annual exacerbation rate 1.31 1.14 0.90 0.005 0.113 0.0001 Proportion of exacerbation-free patients† 16% 18% 25% 0.609 0.288 0.094 Exacerbation 0† 20 22 29 0.151 0.077 0.001 frequency 1 32 31 39 per patient 2 20 28 17 3 15 15 14 4 15 7 9 ≥5 21 16 8 Secondary Endpoints†† Median number of months 5 6 9 0.299 0.097 0.010 to first on-study exacerbation Rate of moderate or severe 0.47 0.29 0.23 0.020 0.257 0.001 exacerbations per year Mean number of moderate or severe 44.1 33.2 19.5 0.229 0.064 0.001 exacerbation days per patient Mean change in EDSS 0.21 0.21 –0.07 0.995 0.108 0.144 score‡ at endpoint Mean change in Scripps –0.53 –0.50 0.66 0.641 0.051 0.126 score‡‡ at endpoint Median duration in days 36 33 35.5 ND ND ND per exacerbation % change in mean MRI 21.4% 9.8% –0.9% 0.015 0.019 0.0001 lesion area at endpoint ND - Not done † 14 exacerbation-free patients (0 from placebo, 6 from 0.05 mg, and 8 from 0.25 mg) dropped out of the study before completing 6 months of therapy. These patients are excluded from this analysis. †† Sequelae and Functional Neurologic Status, both required by protocol, were not analyzed individually but are included as a function of the EDSS. ‡ EDSS scores range from 0–10, with higher scores reflecting greater disability. ‡‡ Scripps neurologic rating scores range from 0–100, with smaller scores reflecting greater disability. Figure 1 Distribution of Change in MRI Area Betaseron 0.25 mg 40 Median Change = –1.1% n=95 30 % of Patients DESCRIPTION Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) is a purified, sterile, lyophilized protein product produced by recombinant DNA techniques and formulated for use by injection. Interferon beta-1b is manufactured by bacterial fermentation of a strain of Escherichia coli that bears a genetically engineered plasmid containing the gene for human interferon betaser17. The native gene was obtained from human fibroblasts and altered in a way that substitutes serine for the cysteine residue found at position 17. Interferon beta-1b is a highly purified protein that has 165 amino acids and an approximate molecular might of 18,500 daltons. It does not include the carbohydrate side chains found in the natural material. The specific activity of Betaseron is approximately 32 million international units (IU)/mg Interferon beta-1b. Each vial contains 0.3 mg of Interferon beta-1b. The unit measurement is derived by comparing the antiviral activity of the product to the World Health Organization (WHO) reference standard of recombinant human interferon beta. Mannitol USP and Albumin Human USP (15 mg each/vial) are added as stabilizers. Prior to 1993, a different analytical standard was used to determine potency. It assigned 54 million IU to 0.3 mg Interferon beta-1b. Lyophilized Betaseron is a sterile, white to off-white powder intended for subcutaneous injection after reconstitution with the diluent supplied (Sodium Chloride, 0.54% Solution). CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY General: Interferons are a family of naturally occurring proteins, which have molecular weights ranging from 15,000 to 21,000 daltons. Three major classes of interferons have been identified: alfa, beta, and gamma. Interferon beta-1b, interferon alfa, and interferon gamma have overlapping yet distinct biologic activities.1-5 The activities of Interferon beta-1b are species-restricted and, therefore, the most pertinent pharmacologic information on Betaseron is derived from studies of human cells in culture and in humans. Biologic Activities: Interferon beta-1b has been shown to possess both antiviral and immunoregulatory activities. The mechanisms by which Betaseron exerts its actions in multiple sclerosis (MS) are not clearly understood. However, it is known that the biologic responsemodifying properties of Interferon beta-1b are mediated through its interactions with specific cell receptors found on the surface of human cells. The binding of Interferon beta-1b to these receptors induces the expression of a number of interferon-induced gene products (e.g., 2’,5’-oligoadenylate synthetase, protein kinase, and indoleamine 2,3-dioxygenase) that are believed to be the mediators of the biological actions of Interferon beta-1b.1,3,6-10 A number of these interferon-induced products have been readily measured in the serum and cellular fractions of blood collected from patients treated with Interferon beta-1b.11,12 Pharmacokinetics: Because serum concentrations of Interferon beta-1b are low or not detectable following subcutaneous administration of 0.25 mg or less of Betaseron, pharmacokinetic information in patients with MS receiving the recommended dose of Betaseron is not available. Following single and multiple daily subcutaneous administrations of 0.5 mg Betaseron to healthy volunteers (N=12), serum Interferon beta-1b concentrations were generally below 100 IU/mL. Peak serum Interferon beta-1b concentrations occurred between 1 to 8 hours, with a mean peak serum interferon concentration of 40 IU/mL. Bioavailability, based on a total dose of 0.5 mg Betaseron given as two subcutaneous injections at different sites, was approximately 50%. After intravenous administration of Betaseron (0.006 mg to 2.0 mg), similar pharmacokinetic profiles were obtained from healthy volunteers (N=12) and from patients with diseases other than MS (N=142). In patients receiving single intravenous doses up to 2.0 mg, increases in serum concentrations were dose proportional. Mean serum clearance values ranged from 9.4 mL/min·kg-1 to 28.9 mL/min·kg-1 and were independent of dose. Mean terminal elimination half-life values ranged from 8.0 minutes to 4.3 hours and mean steady-state volume of distribution values ranged from 0.25 L/kg to 2.88 L/kg. Three-times-a-week intravenous dosing for 2 weeks resulted in no accumulation of Interferon beta-1b in the serum of patients. Pharmacokinetic parameters after single and multiple intravenous doses of Betaseron were comparable. Clinical Trials: The effectiveness of Betaseron in relapsing-remitting MS was evaluated in a double-blind, multiclinic (11 sites: 4 Canadian and 7 United States), randomized, parallel, placebo-controlled clinical investigation of 2 years duration. The study enrolled MS patients, aged 18 to 50, who were ambulatory (Kurtzke expanded disability status scale [EDSS] of ≤ 5.5), exhibited a relapsing-remitting clinical course, met Poser’s criteria13 for clinically definite and/or laboratory supported definite MS and had experienced at least two exacerbations over 2 years preceding the trial without exacerbation in the preceding month. Patients who had received prior immunosuppressant therapy were excluded. An exacerbation was defined, per protocol, as the appearance of a new clinical sign/symptom or the clinical worsening of a previous sign/symptom (one that had been stable for at least 30 days) that persisted for a minimum of 24 hours. Patients selected for study were randomized to treatment with either placebo (N =123), 0.05 mg of Betaseron (N =125), or 0.25 mg of Betaseron (N=124) self-administered subcutaneously every other day. Outcome based on the 372 randomized patients was evaluated after 2 years. Patients who required more than three 28-day courses of corticosteroids were removed from the study. Minor analgesics (acetaminophen, codeine), antidepressants, and oral baclofen were allowed ad libitum but chronic nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drug (NSAID) use was not allowed. The primary, protocol defined, outcome assessment measures were 1) frequency of exacerbations per patient and 2) proportion of exacerbation free patients. A number of secondary outcome measures were also employed as described in TABLE 1. In addition to clinical measures, annual magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) was performed and quantitated for extent of disease as determined by changes in total area of lesions. In a substudy of patients (N=52) at one site, MRIs were performed every 6 weeks and quantitated for disease activity as determined by changes in size and number of lesions. Results at the protocol designated endpoint of 2 years (see TABLE 1): In the 2-year analysis, there was a 31% reduction in annual exacerbation rate, from 1.31 in the placebo group to 0.9 in the 0.25 mg group. The p-value for this difference was 0.0001. The proportion of patients free of exacerbations was 16% in the placebo group, compared with 25% in the Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) 0.25 mg group. Of the 372 patients randomized, 72 (19%) failed to complete 2 full years on their assigned treatments. The reasons given for withdrawal varied with treatment assignment. Excessive use of steroids accounted for 11 of the 26 placebo withdrawals, but only 2 of the 21 withdrawals from the 0.05 mg assigned group and 1 of the 25 withdrawals from the 0.25 mg assigned group. Withdrawals for adverse events attributed to study article, however, were more common among Betaseron-treated patients: 1, 5, and 10 withdrew from the placebo, 0.05 mg, and 0.25 mg groups, respectively. Over the 2-year period, there were 25 MS-related hospitalizations in the 0.25 mg Betaseron-treated group compared to 48 hospitalizations in the placebo group. In comparison, non-MS hospitalizations were evenly distributed among the groups, with 16 in the 0.25 mg Betaseron group and 15 in the placebo group. The average number of days of MS-related steroid use was 41 days in the 0.25 mg Betaseron group and 55 days in the placebo group (p=0.004). 20 10 0 Placebo 40 Median Change = +16.5% n=100 30 % of Patients ® 20 10 0 From To –60 <–40 –40 <–20 –20 <0 0 <20 20 40 60 80 <40 <60 <80 <100 Percent Change in MRI Area 100 <120 120 140 140+ In an evaluation of frequent MRI scans (every 6 weeks) on 52 patients at one site, the percent of scans with new or expanding lesions was 29% in the placebo group and 6% in the 0.25 mg treatment group (p=0.006). MRI scanning is viewed as a useful means to visualize changes in white matter that are believed to be a reflection of the pathologic changes that, appropriately located within the central nervous system (CNS), account for some of the signs and symptoms that typify relapsing-remitting MS. The exact relationship between MRI findings and the clinical status of patients is unknown. Changes in lesion area often do not correlate with clinical exacerbations probably because many lesions affect so-called “silent” regions of the CNS. Moreover, it is not clear what fraction of the lesions seen on MRI become foci of irreversible demyelinization (i.e., classic white matter plaques). The prognostic significance of the MRI findings in this study has not been evaluated. At the end of 2 years on assigned treatment, patients in the study had the option of continuing on treatment under blinded conditions. Approximately 80% of patients under each treatment accepted. Although there was a trend toward patient benefit in the Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) groups during the third year, particularly in the 0.25 mg group, there was no statistically significant difference between the Betaseron-treated vs. placebo-treated patients in exacerbation rate, or in any of the secondary endpoints described in Table 1. As noted above, in the 2-year analysis, there was a 31% reduction in exacerbation rate in the 0.25 mg group, compared with placebo. The p-value for this difference was 0.0001. In the analysis of the third year alone, the difference between treatment groups was 28%. The p-value was 0.065. The lower number of patients may account for the loss of statistical significance, and lack of direct comparability among the patient groups in this extension study makes the interpretation of these results difficult. The third year MRI data did not show a trend toward additional benefit in the Betaseron arm compared with the placebo arm. Throughout the clinical trial, serum samples from patients were monitored for the development of antibodies to Interferon beta-1b. In patients receiving 0.25 mg of Betaseron (N=124) every other day in the clinical trial, 45% were found to have serum neutralizing activity at one or more of the time points tested. The relationship between antibody formation and clinical efficacy is not known. INDICATIONS AND USAGE Betaseron is indicated for use in ambulatory patients with relapsing-remitting multiple sclerosis to reduce the frequency of clinical exacerbations. (See CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Clinical Trials section.) Relapsing-remitting MS is characterized by recurrent attacks of neurologic dysfunction followed by complete or incomplete recovery. The safety and efficacy of Betaseron in chronic-progressive MS has not been evaluated. CONTRAINDICATIONS Betaseron is contraindicated in patients with a history of hypersensitivity to natural or recombinant interferon beta, Albumin Human USP, or any other component of the formulation. WARNINGS One suicide and 4 attempted suicides were observed among 372 study patients during a 3-year period. All five patients received Betaseron (three in the 0.05 mg group and two in the 0.25 mg group). There were no attempted suicides in patients on study who did not receive Betaseron. Depression and suicide have been reported to occur in patients receiving interferon alfa, a related compound. Patients to be treated with Betaseron should be informed that depression and suicidal ideation may be a side effect of the treatment and should report these symptoms immediately to the prescribing physician. Patients exhibiting depression should be monitored closely and cessation of therapy should be considered. Injection site necrosis (ISN) has been reported in 5% of patients in controlled clinical trials (see ADVERSE REACTIONS section). Typically, injection site necrosis occurs within the first 4 months of therapy, although post-marketing reports have been received of ISN occurring over 1 year after initiation of therapy. Necrosis may occur at single or multiple injection sites. The necrotic lesions are typically 3 cm or less in diameter, but larger areas have been reported. While necrosis has commonly extended only to subcutaneous fat, there are also reports of necrosis extending to and including fascia overlaying muscle. In some lesions where biopsy results are available, vasculitis has been reported. For some lesions debridement and, infrequently, skin grafting has been required. As with any open lesion, it is important to avoid infection and, if it occurs, to treat the infection. Time to healing has varied depending on the severity of the necrosis at the time treatment was begun. In most cases healing was associated with scarring. Some patients have experienced healing of necrotic skin lesions while Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) therapy continued; others have not. Whether to discontinue therapy following a single site of necrosis is dependent on the extent of necrosis. For patients who continue therapy with Betaseron after injection site necrosis has occurred, Betaseron should not be administered into the affected area until it is fully healed. If multiple lesions occur, therapy should be discontinued until healing occurs. Patient understanding and use of aseptic self-injection techniques and procedures should be periodically reevaluated, particularly if injection site necrosis has occurred. PRECAUTIONS General: Patients should be instructed in injection techniques to assure the safe self-administration of Betaseron. (See PRECAUTIONS, Information to patients, and Betaseron Patient Information sheet.) Information to patients: Instruction on self-injection technique and procedures. Patients should be instructed in the use of aseptic technique when administering Betaseron. Appropriate instruction for reconstitution of Betaseron and self-injection should be given including careful review of the Betaseron Patient Information sheet. If possible, the first injection should be performed under the supervision of an appropriately qualified health care professional. Patients should be cautioned against the re-use of needles or syringes and instructed in safe disposal procedures. A puncture resistant container for disposal of used needles and syringes should be supplied to the patient along with instructions for safe disposal of full containers. Patients should be advised of the importance of rotating areas of injection with each dose, to minimize the likelihood of severe injection site reactions or necrosis (see Rotating Injection Sites section of Patient Information sheet). Patients should be cautioned not to change the dosage or the schedule of administration without medical consultation. Awareness of adverse reactions. Serious adverse reactions associated with the use of Betaseron have been reported including depression and injection site necrosis (see WARNINGS section). Patients should immediately report symptoms of depression or suicidal ideation to their physician. The symptoms of depression should be closely monitored by a physician. Injection site necrosis was reported in 5% of patients in a controlled MS trial. If the patient experiences any break in the skin, which may be associated with blue-black discoloration, swelling, or drainage of fluid from the injection site, the patient should be advised to promptly contact their physician prior to continuing their Betaseron therapy. Other injection site reactions occurred in eighty-five percent of patients in the controlled MS trial, at one or more times during therapy. There was redness, pain, swelling and discoloration. In general, these were transient and did not require discontinuation of therapy, but the nature and severity of all reported reactions should be carefully assessed (see ADVERSE REACTIONS section). Flu-like symptoms are common following initiation of therapy with Betaseron. In the controlled MS clinical trial, acetaminophen was permitted for relief of fever or myalgia (see ADVERSE REACTIONS section). Patients should be cautioned about the abortifacient potential of Betaseron (see PRECAUTIONS, Pregnancy — Teratogenic effects). Laboratory tests: The following laboratory tests are recommended prior to initiating Betaseron therapy and at periodic intervals thereafter: hemoglobin, complete and differential white blood cell counts, platelet counts and blood chemistries including liver function tests. In the controlled MS trial, patients were monitored every 3 months. The study protocol stipulated that Betaseron therapy be discontinued in the event the absolute neutrophil count fell below 750/mm3. When the absolute neutrophil count had returned to a value greater than 750/mm3, therapy could be restarted at a 50% reduced dose. No patients were withdrawn or dose reduced for neutropenia or lymphopenia. Similarly, if hepatic transaminase (SGOT/SGPT) levels exceeded 10 times the upper limit of normal, or if the serum bilirubin exceeded 5 times the upper limit of normal, therapy was discontinued. In each instance during the controlled MS trial, hepatic enzyme abnormalities returned to normal following discontinuation of therapy. When measurements had decreased to below these levels, therapy could be restarted at a 50% dose reduction, if clinically appropriate. Two patients were dose reduced for increased liver enzymes; one continued on treatment and one was ultimately withdrawn. Drug interactions: Interactions between Betaseronand other drugs have not been fully evaluated. Although studies designed to examine drug interactions have not been done, it was noted that corticosteroid or ACTH treatment of relapses for periods of up to 28 days has been administered to patients (N=180) receiving Betaseron. Betaseron administration to three cancer patients over a dose range of 0.025 mg to 2.2 mg led to a dose-dependent inhibition of antipyrine elimination.14 The effect of alternate-day administration of 0.25 mg of Betaseron on drug metabolism in MS patients is unknown. Carcinogenesis: The carcinogenic potential of Betaseron was evaluated by studying its effect on the morphological transformation of the mammalian cell line BALBc-3T3. No significant increases in transformation frequency were noted. No carcinogenicity data are available in animals or humans. Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) was not mutagenic when assayed for genotoxicity in the Ames bacterial test in the presence or absence of metabolic activation. Impairment of fertility: Studies in rhesus monkeys at doses up to 0.33 mg/kg/day (32 times the recommended human dose based on body surface area comparison*) in normally cycling rhesus female monkeys had no apparent adverse effects on the menstrual cycle or on associated hormonal profiles (progesterone and estradiol) when administered over 3 consecutive menstrual cycles. The extrapolability of animal doses to human doses is not known. Effects of Betaseron on normal cycling human females are not known. *body surface dose based on 70 kg female Pregnancy — Teratogenic effects: Pregnancy Category C: Betaseron was not teratogenic at doses up to 0.42 mg/kg/day in rhesus monkeys, but demonstrated a dose-related abortifacient activity when administered at doses ranging from 0.028 mg/kg/day (2.8 times the recommended human dose based on body surface area comparison) to 0.42 mg/kg/day (40 times the recommended human dose based on body surface area comparison). The extrapolability of animal doses to human doses is not known. Lower doses were not studied in monkeys. Spontaneous abortions while on treatment were reported in patients (n=4) who participated in the Betaseron MS clinical trial. Betaseron given to rhesus monkeys on gestation days 20 to 70 did not cause teratogenic effects, however, it is not known if teratogenic effects exist in humans. There are no adequate and well-controlled studies in pregnant women. If the patient becomes pregnant or plans to become pregnant while taking Betaseron, the patient should be apprised of the potential hazard to the fetus and it should be recommended that the patient discontinues therapy. Nursing mothers: It is not known whether Betaseron is excreted in human milk. Because many drugs are excreted in human milk and because of the potential for serious adverse reactions in nursing infants from Betaseron, a decision should be made as to whether either to discontinue nursing or discontinue the drug, taking into account the importance of drug to the mother. Pediatric use: Safety and efficacy in children under 18 years of age have not been established. ADVERSE REACTIONS Experience with Betaseron in patients with MS is limited to a total of 147 patients at the recommended dose of 0.25 mg every other day or more (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Clinical Trials section). Consequently, adverse events that are associated with the use of Betaseron in MS patients at a low incidence may not have been observed in premarketing studies. Clinical experience with Betaseron in other populations (patients with cancer, HIV positive patients, etc.) provides additional data regarding adverse reactions; however, experience in non-MS populations may not be fully applicable to the MS population. Injection site reactions (85%) and injection site necrosis (5%) occurred after administration of Betaseron. Inflammation, pain, hypersensitivity, necrosis, and non-specific reactions were significantly associated (p<0.05) with the 0.25 mg Betaseron-treated group. Only inflammation, pain, and necrosis were reported as severe events (see WARNINGS and PRECAUTIONS sections). The incidence rate for injection site reactions TABLE 2 Adverse Reactions and Laboratory Abnormalities Placebo Adverse Reaction N=123 Body as a Whole Injection site reaction* Headache Fever* Flu-like symptom complex* Pain Asthenia* Chills* Abdominal pain Malaise* Generalized edema Pelvic pain Injection site necrosis* Cyst Necrosis Suicide attempt Cardiovascular System Migraine Palpitation* Hypertension Tachycardia Peripheral vascular disorder Hemorrhage Digestive System Diarrhea Constipation Vomiting Gastrointestinal disorder Endocrine System Goiter Hemic and Lymphatic System Lymphocytes less than1500/mm3 ANC < 1500/mm3* WBC < 3000/mm3* Lymphadenopathy Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders SGPT > 5 times baseline* Glucose < 55 mg/dL Total bilirubin > 2.5 times baseline Urine protein > 1+ SGOT > 5 times baseline* Weight gain Weight loss Musculoskeletal System Myalgia* Myasthenia Nervous System Dizziness Hypertonia Anxiety Nervousness Somnolence Confusion Speech disorder Convulsion Hyperkinesia Amnesia Respiratory System Sinusitis Dyspnea* Laryngitis Skin and Appendages Sweating* Alopecia Special Senses Conjunctivitis Abnormal vision Urogenital System Dysmenorrhea Menstrual disorder* Metrorrhagia Cystitis Breast pain Menorrhagia Urinary urgency Fibrocystic breast Breast neoplasm *Significantly associated with Betaseron treatment. 0.25 mg N=124 37% 77% 41% 56% 48% 35% 19% 24% 3% 6% 3% 0% 2% 0% 0% 85% 84% 59% 76% 52% 49% 46% 32% 15% 8% 6% 5% 4% 2% 2% 7% 2% 2% 3% 2% 1% 12% 8% 7% 6% 5% 3% 29% 18% 19% 3% 35% 24% 21% 6% 0% 2% 67% 6% 5% 11% 82% 18% 16% 14% 6% 13% 2% 3% 0% 0% 2% 19% 15% 6% 5% 4% 4% 4% 28% 10% 44% 13% 28% 24% 13% 5% 3% 2% 1% 0% 0% 0% 35% 26% 15% 8% 6% 4% 3% 2% 2% 2% 26% 2% 2% 36% 8% 6% 11% 2% 23% 4% 10% 4% 12% 7% 11% 8% 8% 4% 3% 3% 2% 1% 0% 18% 17% 15% 8% 7% 6% 4% 3% 2% was calculated over the course of 3 years. This incidence rate decreased over time, with 79% of patients experiencing the event during the first 3 months of treatment compared to 47% during the last 6 months. The median time to the first occurrence of an injection site reaction was 7 days. Patients with injection site reactions reported these events 183.7 days per year. Three patients withdrew from the 0.25 mg Betaserontreated group for injection site pain. Flu-like symptom complex was reported in 76% of the patients treated with 0.25 mg Betaseron. A patient was defined as having a flu-like symptom complex if flu-like symptoms or at least two of the following symptoms were concurrently reported: fever, chills, myalgia, malaise, or sweating. Only myalgia, fever, and chills were reported as severe in more than 5% of the patients. The incidence rate for flu-like symptom complex was also calculated over the course of 3 years. The incidence rate of these events decreased over time, with 60% of patients experiencing the event during the first 3 months of treatment compared to 10% during the last 6 months. The median time to the first occurrence of flu-like symptom complex was 3.5 days and the median duration per patient was 7.5 days per year. Laboratory abnormalities included absolute neutrophil count less than 1500/mm3 (18%) (no patients had absolute neutrophil counts less than 500/mm3), WBC less than 3000/mm3 (16%), SGPT greater than 5 times baseline value (19%), and total bilirubin greater than 2.5 times baseline value (6%). Three patients were withdrawn from treatment with 0.25 mg Betaseron for abnormal liver enzymes including one following dose reduction (see PRECAUTIONS, Laboratory Tests). Twenty-one (28%) of the 76 premenopausal females treated at 0.25 mg Betaseron and 10 (13%) of the 76 premenopausal females treated with placebo reported menstrual disorders. All of these reports were of mild to moderate severity and included: intermenstrual bleeding and spotting, early or delayed menses, decreased days of menstrual flow, and clotting and spotting during menstruation. Mental disorders have been observed in patients in this study. Symptoms included depression, anxiety, emotional lability, depersonalization, suicide attempts, confusion, etc. In the treatment group, two patients withdrew for confusion. One suicide and four attempted suicides were also reported. It is not known whether these symptoms may be related to the underlying neurological basis of MS, to Betaseron treatment, or to a combination of both. Some similar symptoms have been noted in patients receiving interferon alfa and both interferons are thought to act through the same receptor. Patients who experience these symptoms should be closely monitored and cessation of therapy considered. Additional common adverse clinical and laboratory events associated with the use of Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) are listed in the following paragraphs. These events occurred at an incidence of 5% or more in the 124 MS patients treated with 0.25 mg of Betaseron every other day for periods of up to 3 years in the controlled trial, and at an incidence that was at least twice that observed in the 123 placebo patients. Common adverse clinical and laboratory events associated with the use of Betaseron were: injection site reaction (85%), injection site necrosis (5%), palpitation (8%), hypertension (7%), tachycardia (6%), peripheral vascular disorders (5%), gastrointestinal disorders (6%), absolute neutrophil count <1500/mm3 (18%), WBC <3000/mm3 (16%), SGPT >5 times baseline value (19%), total bilirubin >2.5 times baseline value (6%), somnolence (6%), dyspnea (8%), laryngitis (6%), menstrual disorder (17%), cystitis (8%), breast pain (7%), pelvic pain (6%), and menorrhagia (6%). A total of 277 MS patients have been treated with Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) in doses ranging from 0.025 mg to 0.5 mg. During the first 3 years of treatment, withdrawals due to clinical adverse events or laboratory abnormalities not mentioned above included: fatigue (2%, 6 patients), cardiac arrhythmia (<1%, 1 patient), allergic urticarial skin reaction to injections (<1%, 1 patient), headache (<1%, 1 patient), unspecified adverse events (<1%, 1 patient), and “felt sick” (<1%, 1 patient). TABLE 2 enumerates adverse events and laboratory abnormalities that occurred at an incidence of 2% or more among the 124 MS patients treated with 0.25 mg Betaseron every other day for periods of up to 3 years in the controlled trial and at an incidence that was at least 2% more than that observed in the 123 placebo patients. Reported adverse events have been reclassified using the standard COSTART glossary to reduce the total number of terms employed in the table. In TABLE 2, terms so general as to be uninformative, and those events where a drug cause was remote have been excluded. It should be noted that the figures cited in the table cannot be used to predict the incidence of side effects in the course of usual medical practice where patient characteristics and other factors differ from those that prevailed in the clinical trials. The cited figures do provide the prescribing physician with some basis for estimating the relative contribution of drug and nondrug factors to the side effect incidence rate in the population studied. Other events observed during premarketing evaluation of various doses of Betaseron in 1440 patients are listed in the paragraph that follows. Because most of the events were observed in open and uncontrolled studies, the role of Betaseron in their causation cannot be reliably determined. Body as a Whole: abscess, adenoma, anaphylactoid reaction, ascites, cellulitis, hernia, hydrocephalus, hypothermia, infection, peritonitis, photosensitivity, sarcoma, sepsis, and shock; Cardiovascular System: angina pectoris, arrhythmia, atrial fibrillation, cardiomegaly, cardiac arrest, cerebral hemorrhage, cerebral ischemia, endocarditis, heart failure, hypotension, myocardial infarct, pericardial effusion, postural hypotension, pulmonary embolus, spider angioma, subarachnoid hemorrhage, syncope, thrombophlebitis, thrombosis, varicose vein, vasospasm, venous pressure increased, ventricular extrasystoles, and ventricular fibrillation; Digestive System: aphthous stomatitis, cardiospasm, cheilitis, cholecystitis, cholelithiasis, duodenal ulcer, dry mouth, enteritis, esophagitis, fecal impaction, fecal incontinence, flatulence, gastritis, gastrointestinal hemorrhage, gingivitis, glossitis, hematemesis, hepatic neoplasia, hepatitis, hepatomegaly, ileus, increased salivation, intestinal obstruction, melena, nausea, oral leukoplakia, oral moniliasis, pancreatitis, periodontal abscess, proctitis, rectal hemorrhage, salivary gland enlargement, stomach ulcer, and tenesmus; Endocrine System: Cushing’s Syndrome, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, hypothyroidism, and inappropriate ADH; Hemic and Lymphatic System: chronic lymphocytic leukemia, hemoglobin less than 9.4 g/100 mL, petechia, platelets less than 75,000/mm3, and splenomegaly; Metabolic and Nutritional Disorders: alcohol intolerance, alkaline phosphatase greater than 5 times baseline value, BUN greater than 40 mg/dL, calcium greater than 11.5 mg/dL, cyanosis, edema, glucose greater than 160 mg/dL, glycosuria, hypoglycemic reaction, hypoxia, ketosis, and thirst; Musculoskeletal System: arthritis, arthrosis, bursitis, leg cramps, muscle atrophy, myopathy, myositis, ptosis, and tenosynovitis; Nervous System: abnormal gait, acute brain syndrome, agitation, apathy, aphasia, ataxia, brain edema, chronic brain syndrome, coma, delirium, delusions, dementia, depersonalization, diplopia, dystonia, encephalopathy, euphoria, facial paralysis, foot drop, hallucinations, hemiplegia, hypalgesia, hyperesthesia, incoordination, intracranial hypertension, libido decreased, manic reaction, meningitis, neuralgia, neuropathy, neurosis, nystagmus, oculogyric crisis, ophthalmoplegia, papilledema, paralysis, paranoid reaction, psychosis, reflexes decreased, stupor, subdural hematoma, torticollis, tremor, and urinary retention; Respiratory System: apnea, asthma, atelectasis, carcinoma of lung, hemoptysis, hiccup, hyperventilation, hypoventilation, interstitial pneumonia, lung edema, pleural effusion, pneumonia, and pneumothorax; Skin and Appendages: contact dermatitis, erythema nodosum, exfoliative dermatitis, furunculosis, hirsutism, leukoderma, lichenoid dermatitis, maculopapular rash, psoriasis, seborrhea, skin benign neoplasm, skin carcinoma, skin hypertrophy, skin necrosis, skin ulcer, urticaria, and vesiculobullous rash; Special Senses: blepharitis, blindness, deafness, dry eyes, ear pain, iritis, keratoconjunctivitis, mydriasis, otitis externa, otitis media, parosmia, photophobia, retinitis, taste loss, taste perversion, and visual field defect; Urogenital System: anuria, balanitis, breast engorgement, cervicitis, epididymitis, gynecomastia, hematuria, impotence, kidney calculus, kidney failure, kidney tubular disorder, leukorrhea, nephritis, nocturia, oliguria, polyuria, salpingitis, urethritis, urinary incontinence, uterine fibroids enlarged, uterine neoplasm, and vaginal hemorrhage. DRUG ABUSE AND DEPENDENCE No evidence or experience suggests that abuse or dependence occurs with Betaseron® (Interferon beta-1b) therapy; however, the risk of dependence has not been systematically evaluated. DOSAGE AND ADMINISTRATION The recommended dose of Betaseron for the treatment of ambulatory relapsing-remitting MS is 0.25 mg injected subcutaneously every other day. Limited data regarding the activity of a lower dose are presented above (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Clinical Trials). Evidence of efficacy beyond 2 years is not known since the primary evidence of efficacy derives from a 2-year, double-blind, placebo-controlled clinical trial (see CLINICAL PHARMACOLOGY, Clinical Trials). Safety data are not available beyond the third year. Patients were discontinued from this trial due to unremitting disease progression of 6 months or greater. To reconstitute lyophilized Betaseron for injection, use a sterile syringe and needle to inject 1.2 mL of the diluent supplied, Sodium Chloride, 0.54% Solution, into the Betaseron vial. Gently swirl the vial of Betaseron to dissolve the drug completely; do not shake. Inspect the reconstituted product visually and discard the product before use if it contains particulate matter or is discolored. After reconstitution with accompanying diluent, Betaseron vials contain 0.25 mg Interferon beta-1b/mL of solution. Withdraw 1 mL of reconstituted solution from the vial into a sterile syringe fitted with a 27-gauge needle and inject the solution subcutaneously. Sites for self-injection include arms, abdomen, hips, and thighs. A vial is suitable for single use only; unused portions should be discarded. (See BETASERON PATIENT INFORMATION sheet for SELF-INJECTION PROCEDURE.) Stability: The reconstituted product contains no preservative. Store at room temperature 25°C (77°F), excursions permitted to 15-30°C (59-86°F). After reconstitution, if not used immediately, the product should be refrigerated and used within 3 hours. Avoid freezing. HOW SUPPLIED Betaseron is supplied as a lyophilized powder containing 0.3 mg of Interferon beta-1b, 15 mg Albumin Human USP, and 15 mg mannitol USP. Drug is packaged in a clear glass, single-use vial (3 mL capacity); a separate vial containing 2 mL of diluent (Sodium Chloride, 0.54% solution) is included for each vial of drug. Store at room temperature. NDC 50419-523-01 0.3 mg/vial NDC 50419-523-15 15 vials, 0.3 mg/vial Caution: Federal law prohibits dispensing without prescription. REFERENCES 1. Ruzicka FJ, et al. J Biol Chem, 1987; 262: 16142-16149. 2. Uze G, et al. Cell, 1990; 60: 225-234. 3. DeMaeyer E, et al. In: Interferons and other regulatory cytokines, NY, Wiley 1988. 4. Colby CB, et al. J Immunol 1984; 133: 3091-3095. 5. Pestka S, et al. Annu Rev Biochem 1987; 56: 727-777. 6. Lengyel P. Annu Rev Biochem 1982; 51: 251-282. 7. Witt PL, et al. J Interferon Res 1990; 10: 393-402. 8. Schiller JH, et al. J Biol Resp Mod 1990; 9: 377-386. 9. Rosenblum MG, et al. J Interferon Res 1990; 10:141-151. 10. Carlin JM, et al. J Immuno 1987; 130(7): 24142418. 11. Witt PL, et al. J Immunotherapy 1993; 13: 191-200. 12. Goldstein D, et al. J Natl Cancer Inst 1989; 81: 1061-1068. 13. Poser CM, et al. Ann Neurol 1983; 13(3): 227-231. 14. Blaschke TF, et al. Clinical Research 1985; 33(1): 19A. Manufactured by: CHIRON Corporation Emeryville, CA 94608 U.S. License No. 1106 Distributed by: BERLEX Laboratories Richmond, CA 94804 U.S. Patent No. 4,588,585; 4,959,314; 4,737,462; 4,450,103 © 2002 Berlex Laboratories All rights reserved. Printed in U.S.A. on recycled paper C Part Number 6052100 Revision date 1/02 Poster Display Schedule The Program Committee congratulates authors whose abstracts were selected for poster display at ACTRIMS-ECTRIMS 2002. Posters are on display from 8 am– 5 pm. Presenting authors will stand by their posters from Noon – 2 pm. Further information regarding poster room assignments will be available onsite. Poster Session I Thursday September 19 Poster Session II Friday September 20 P1– P16 Surrogate Markers P168 – P195 Rehabilitation and Quality of Life Symptomatic Management Harborside Ballroom Level 4 P17– P108 Clinical Aspects of MS (I) Epidemiology Imaging (I) Immunology (I) P196– P291 Clinical Aspects of MS (II) Imaging (II) Immunology (II) Neuropsychology Dover Level 3 P109– P136 Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (I) Neurobiology/Neurophysiology New Clinical Trials (I) P292– P313 Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (II) Healthcare Systems New Clinical Trials (II) Grand Ballroom Foyer Level 3 P137– P167 Genetics (I) Immunotherapy (I) Pathology P314– P345 Genetics (II) Immunotherapy (II) Essex Level 4 40 Poster Session I: Thursday, September 19 Surrogate Markers P1 CEREBROSPINAL FLUID PROTEIN STATUS AND ITS CLINICAL USE Adam P, Sobek O,Taborsky L,Vesela B, Prucha M P15 RELATIVE SENSITIVITY OF TIME TO WALK 25 FEET FOR PROGRESSION OF DISABILITY Schwid SR, Goodman AD, Scheid EA, McDermott MP P31 RECURRENT SYNCOPE AS THE PRESENTING P16 CYTOCHROME P46,A SUITABLE MARKER FOR NEURODEGENERATION IN EAE-MODELS AND MS? Teunissen CE, Dijkstra CD P32 THE ITALIAN DEVIC’S STUDY GROUP (IDESG)— P2 INTERLEUKIN-10 / INTERLEUKIN-12 COEFFICIENT AS POTENTIAL INDICATOR OF POSITIVE RESPONSE TO INTERFERON  TREATMENT BartosikPsujek H, Mitosek-Szewczyk K, Belniak E, Stelmasiak Z Clinical Aspects of MS (Part 1) P3 LEPTIN AS PREDICTIVE MARKER OF MULTIPLE P17 SCREENING FOR DEPRESSION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ACTIVITY DURING INTERFERON 1A THERAPY Batocchi A, Rotondi M, Caggiula M, Frisullo G, Odoardi F, Nociti V, Carella C,Tonali P, Mirabella M SCLEROSIS:YALE SINGLE QUESTION VS. BECK DEPRESSION INVENTORY SCALE Avasarala JR, Cross A,Trinkaus K P4 ANTI-NEUROFILAMENT ANTIBODIES ARE ASSO- P18 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND HASHIMOTO’S THYROIDITIS:TWO CASES Balc´y BP,Yayla V, Özer F CIATED WITH DISEASE PROGRESSION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Ehling R, Reindl M, Schanda K,Wanschitz J, Deisenhammer F, Berger T P5 RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN THE MS FUNCTIONAL COMPOSITE AND MRI IN IMPACT Cohen JA, Goodman AD, Heidenreich FR, Kooijmans MF, Sandrock AW, Simon JH, Tsao EC P6 A FOUR-MONTH LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CLINICAL ACTIVITY AND SERA CONCENTRATION OF S100 PROTEIN AND NEURON SPECIFIC ENOLASE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Finamore L, Zivadinov R, Cecchinelli D, Pichi A, Pierallini A, Bastianello S, Nasuelli D, Bratina A, Locatelli L, Grop A, Reale M, Zorzon M, Millefiorini E P7 WHOLE BRAIN N-ACETYLASPARTATE ASSESSMENT IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS—EVIDENCE FOR DIFFERENT CLINICAL COHORTS Gonen O, Moriarity DM, Li BS, Babb JS, Markowitz CM, Grossman RI P8 INTERFERON BETA-1A IN COMBINATION WITH AZATHIOPRINE AND LOW DOSE STEROIDS FOR RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: PILOT MODEL FOR PREDICTIVE MULTIVARIATE TYPOLOGY OF RELAPSES BASED ON CLINICAL AND MRI DATA Havrdova E, Horakova D, Krasensky J, Dusek L,Vaneckova M, Seidl Z,Ticha V, Novakova I,Tyblova M P9 PLASMA LEVELS OF BRAIN-SPECIFIC OXYSTEROL MAY REFLECT PROGRESSION OF MS Masterman T, Leoni V, Diczfalusy U, Melzi d’Eril G, Hillert J, Björkhem I P10 MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASE-9 IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS CLINICAL FORMS Sastre-Garriga J, Comabella M, Rovira À,Aymerich X, López C,Téllez N, Montalban X P19 EFFECT OF INTERFERON-BETA-1B ON COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BarakY, Achiron A P20 COMPUTERIZED ISOMETRIC MUSCLE STRENGTH—NATURAL HISTORY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Brooks BR, Sanjak M, Belden D, Dogan S, Konopacki R, Roelke K, Peper S, Parnell J P21 MS FUNCTIONAL COMPOSITE.A TRANSVERSAL POPULATION BASED STUDY Casanova B, Coret F, Bernat A, García E, Pascual A,Valero C, De Vera A P22 EFFECT OF TRAINING ON THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS FUNCTIONAL COMPOSITE SCALE IN EARLY RELAPSING AND REMITTING MS.A LONGITUDINAL ONE YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY Casanova B, Coret F, García E, Bernat A,Valero C, De Vera A, Pascual A P23 PROBABLE CUTANEOUS SARCOIDOSIS ASSOCIATED WITH INTERFERON-BETA 1B TREATMENT IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. Clerc C, Chevalier Y, Bataillard M, Rumbach L, Richard P P24 BENIGN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN SARDINIA: A RETROSPECTIVE STUDY Cocco EE, Lai MM, Marchi PP, Floris GG, Fadda LL, Sanna SS, Marrosu MM P25 ACUTE PARTIAL TRANSVERSE MYELOPATHY: A 7-YEAR PROSPECTIVE STUDY Cordonnier C, de Seze J, Breteau G, Ferriby D, Michelin E, Stojkovic T, Pruvo J,Vermersch P P26 MS GENDER ISSUES: CLINICAL PRACTICES OF WOMEN NEUROLOGISTS Coyle PK, Christie S, Fodor P, Fuchs K, Giesser B, Gutierrez A, Lynn J,Weinstock-Guttman B, Pardo LG SYMPTOM IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Fazio MC, Musolino R, Buccafusca M, Dattola V, Scalfari A, Girlanda P, Messina C PART 1: CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF DEVIC’S NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA AT ONSET Ghezzi A, Bergamaschi R, Martinelli V, Filippi M,Tola R,Trojano M, Zaffaroni M, Comi G P33 THE ITALIAN DEVIC’S STUDY GROUP (IDESG)— PART 2: COURSE AND PROGNOSIS OF DEVIC’S NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA Ghezzi A, Bergamaschi R, Filippi M, Martinelli V,Tola R,Trojano M, Zaffaroni M, Comi G P34 THERAPY RELATED ACUTE MYELOGENOUS LEUKEMIA IN A PATIENT WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TREATED WITH MITOXANTRONE Heesen C, Bruegmann M, Koch E, Gold SM, Moench A, Gbadamosi J P35 RETROSPECTIVELY ANALIZING MONOSYMPTOMATIC DEMYELINATING DISEASES,ACCORDING TO NEW RECOMMENDED DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Guerrero A, Bueno V, Hernández M, Martín-Serradilla J, Díez S, Calvo A P36 A PROSPECTIVE STUDY OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PRESENTING WITH LARGE FOCAL TUMOR-LIKE LESIONS OF THE BRAIN. Jean P, Bertrand A, Laurent S, Jean Philippe R, Sylviane C, Patrick C,Andre A P37 A PROSPECTIVE STUDY OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PRESENTING WITH ACUTE MYELOPATHY Jean P, Bertrand A, Jean Philippe R, Laurent S,Alban D, Sylviane C, Patrick C,Andre A P38 CLINICAL PROFILE AND APPLICATION OF DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA IN PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Khan O, Caon C, Ching W, Sonenvirth E,Tselis A, Zvartau-Hind M P39 RELIABILITY OF EDSS AND FS-SCORE RATING CAN BE IMPROVED BY STANDARDISED TRAINING Lienert C, Lechner-Scott J, Müller U, Kappos L P40 ISOLATED SPINAL DEMYELINATING EVENTS WITH NORMAL BRAIN MRI: PROGRESSION TO MS, CLINICAL AND MRI FOLLOW UP Milo R, Katz T, CoratSimon J P41 ASSESSMENT OF SIGNS AND SYMPTOMS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) AND EVALUATION OF DISABILITY CONDITION IN PATIENTS REFERRED TO MS RESEARCH CLINICS FROM 1997–2001 (2412 CASES) Pakdaman H, Pakdaman R P42 ONE CASE OF VERY LATE ONSET OF MULTIPLE TIPLE SCLEROSIS Petzold A, Eikelenboom MJ, Keir G, Lazeron RC, Polman CH, Uitdehaag BJ,Thompson EJ, Giovannoni G P27 IS DEVIC NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA A SEPARATE DISEASE? A COMPARATIVE STUDY WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS de seze J, Lebrun C, Stojkovic T, Ferriby D, Chatel M,Vermersch P P12 INCREASED SERUM NITRIC OXIDE METABO- P28 DIFFERENTIAL DIAGNOSIS BETWEEN MULTIPLE Chopard G,Vidry E, Revenco E, Moulin T, Rumbach L SCLEROSIS AND SJOGREN SYNDROME: INTEREST OF ALPHA-FODRIN ANTIBODIES de seze J, Dubucquoi S, Matthias T, Lefranc D, Dussart P,Vermersch P,Witte T P44 FACTORS INFLUENCING PATIENTS’ CHOICE P11 DYNAMICS OF AXONAL PATHOLOGY IN MUL- LITES ARE RELATED TO DISEASE ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Rejdak K, Petzold A, Chard D, Griffin C, Miszkiel KA, Davis G, Rashid W, Miller DH, Stelmasiak Z,Thompson EJ, Giovannoni G P13 IMMUNOLOGICAL MARKERS OF DISEASE ACTIVITY IN NEWLY-DIAGNOSED MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:A ONE YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY IN MRI MONITORED PATIENTS Rinaldi L, Motta M, Calabrese M, Guglielmo A, Ranzato F,Tiberio M, Dalle Carbonare M, Leon A, Gallo P P14 COGNITIVE FATIGUE DURING A TEST REQUIRING SUSTAINED ATTENTION Schwid SR,Weinstein A, Goodman AD, Scheid EA,Tyler CM, McDermott MP P29 QUANTITATIVE COMPUTERIZED TREMOR ASSESSMENT IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:TREMOR PREVALENCE,TYPE, LONGITUDINAL EVOLUTION IN 321 PATIENTS Dogan S, Konopacki R, Brooks BR P30 CLINICAL, CEREBROSPINAL FLUID AND NEUROIMAGING FINDINGS IN OPTICOSPINAL INVOLVEMENT IN THE SPECTRUM OF INFLAMMATORY DEMYELINATING DISEASES Eraksoy M,Turan N, Kurtuncu M,Akman-Demir G,Yapici Z, Deniz E, Ozcan H SCLEROSIS WITH ACUTE NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL IMPAIRMENT Radu TD, Marc D, Rene A, Luc T, Herve V P43 APHASIA IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Berger E, OF IMMUNE MODULATING THERAPY Stoian CA, Metz LM P45 FACTORS ASSOCIATED WITH DIFFICULTY INITIATING AND MAINTAINING IMMUNE MODULATING THERAPY Stoian CA, Metz LM P46 NON-ADHERENCE TO THE BETA-INTERFERONS FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN CLINICAL PRACTICE Tremlett H, Oger J, Special Therapies Group M P47 VISUAL FUNCTION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS: 20 YEARS LATER Vorobeychik G, Anderson D, Lindley J, Paty DW, UBC MS Clinic t 41 Poster Session I: Thursday, September 19 P48 COMPARISON OF DIAGNOSTIC CRITERIA FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Balcý BP,Yayla V, Özer F P66 ACUTE DISSEMINATED ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (ADEM) IN ADULTS: COMPARISON WITH AN ADEM PEDIATRIC POPULATION Papayannis CE, Ferreira J, Caceres F, Fernandez Liguori N, Sandoval G,Tenembaum S, Garcea O P49 LOOKING FOR THE DEFINITION OF BENIGN P67 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN BOTUCATU, BRAZIL— Epidemiology MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Coustans M, Le Page E, Le Duff F, Leray E, Sartori E, Edan G A POPULATION STUDY Rocha FC, Herrera LC, Morales RR, and the Brazilian Committee for Z P50 INCIDENCE AND PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE P68 CLINICAL CHARACTERISTICS OF NON- SCLEROSIS IN AN HMO IN ARGENTINA Cristiano E, Patrucco LB, Soriano ER,Videla GC, Figar S, Hares D, Bauso Toselli PL P51 DEVIC’S NEUROMYELITIS OPTICA (NMO) AND MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS): CLINICAL AND EPIDEMIOLOGIC FINDINGS IN AN MS CENTER IN ARGENTINA Patrucco LB, Cristiano E,Videla GC, Bauso Toselli PL P52 FIRST LACTRIMS’ (LATIN AMERICAN COMMITTEE FOR TREATMENT AND RESEARCH IN MS) E-CENSUS: UNDERSTANDING THE PRESENT TO DEVELOP THE FUTURE Cristiano E, Patrucco L, Rivera V, Gold L, Correale J,Videla G P53 OPTIC NEURITIS AS EARLY MANIFESTATION OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Eleonora K, Jarmila S P54 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PREVALENCE AND HLA CLASS II ALLELE DISTRIBUTION IN GYPSIES FROM MALAGA, SOUTHERN SPAIN Fernández V, Mayorga C, Leyva L, Guerrero R,Arnal C, Hens M, Luque G, Fernández O P55 COURSE, DISABILITY AND IMMUNOMODULATORY TREATMENT OF PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BASED ON A POPULATION BASED REGISTRY Frederiksen J P56 INCIDENCE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN A NINE-YEAR PERIOD IN THE PROVINCE OF SEVILLE (SOUTH-WEST SPAIN) Izquierdo G, Navarro G, Garcia Moreno J, Durán E, Gamero M, Ruiz-Peña J, Dinca L, Páramo D P57 THE PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN BELO HORIZONTE, BRAZIL Lana-Peixoto MA, Frota E, Campos GB, Botelho CM,Aragão AL RESPONDERS TO INTERFERON BETA (IFNB) THERAPY IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (RRMS) Waubant EL,Vukusic S, Gignoux L, Durand-Dubief F, Achiti I, Blanc S, Renoux C, Confavreux C Imaging (Part 1) P69 LONGITUDINALLY DIFFUSION TENSOR IMAGING TO MONITOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS COURSE Cassol E, Ibarrola D, Ranjeva J, Manelfe C, Clanet M, Berry I P70 MACROPHAGE CELLULAR IMAGING TO MONITOR ANTI-VLA4 ANTIBODY TREATMENT Dousset V, Deloire-Grassin M,Touil T, Petry KG, Brochet B P71 COMPARATIVE STUDY OF CELLULAR IMAGING WITH SINEREM® AND USPIO 7228 IN EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS DeloireGrassin M, Dousset V,Touil T, Petry KG, Brochet B P72 CORRELATION BETWEEN DIFFUSION MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING HISTOGRAM ANALYSIS AND TOTAL LESION LOAD IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Callegaro D, Otaduy M, Lacerda M, Costa M, Bacheschi L, Leite C P73 DIFFUSE ABNORMALITY OF THE NORMAL APPEARING WHITE MATTER IN MS MAY PREDATE SYMPTOM ONSET: LONGITUDINAL HISTOGRAM ANALYSIS OF T1 RELAXATION TIME Davies G, Hadjiprocopis A,Altmann D, Rashid W, Griffin C, Chard D, Kapoor R, Thompson A, Miller D P74 LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF PROGRESSIVE GRAPHICAL DISTRIBUTION Lana-Peixoto MA, Araujo CR, Macedo R, Haase VG P59 THE NATURAL HISTORY OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN BRAZIL. I. CLINICAL DATA AND DISABILITY Lana-Peixoto MA, Callegaro D, Moreira MA, Gama PD, Maciel D, Sá PN P75 SERIAL MAGNETIZATION TRANSFER IMAGING IN OPTIC NEURITIS Hickman SJ,Toosy AT, Miszkiel KA, Jones SJ,Altmann D, MacManus DG, Barker GJ, Plant GT, Thompson AJ, Miller DH P60 CLINICAL ASPECT, COURSE AND PROGNOSIS P76 CORTICOSTEROIDS AND OPTIC NERVE ATRO- OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN SOUTH OF FRANCE: STUDY FROM 500 CONSECUTIVE MS PATIENTS USING EDMUS Soriani M, Lebrun C, Bourg V, Chatel M PHY FOLLOWING OPTIC NEURITIS Hickman SJ, Kapoor R, Jones SJ,Altmann D, Plant GT, Miller DH P61 SEASON OF BIRTH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS OPTIC NEURITIS USING TRIPLE DOSE GADOLINIUM Hickman SJ,Toosy AT, Miszkiel KA, Jones SJ, MacManus DG, Plant GT,Thompson AJ, Miller DH Luetic GG P62 BIRTH WEIGHT IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Luetic GG P63 USE OF ALTERNATIVE PROVIDERS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Marrie R, Cohen JA, Hadjimichael O, Vollmer T P64 THE PREVALENCE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN IRELAND McGuigan C, McCarthy A, Hutchinson M P65 UNCONVENTIONAL THERAPY USE AMONG MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Sastre-Garriga J, Munteis E, Rio J, Pericot I,Tellez N,Tintore M, Montalban X 42 TOCOL FOR THE DIAGNOSIS AND FOLLOW-UP OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Li D,Traboulsee A, Paty D,Work Group on Standardized MRI Protocol C P82 SPONTANEOUS MAGNETOENCEPHALOGRAPHY RECORDINGS IN MS PATIENTS Ramo C,Amo C, Fernandez S, Carmen M, Maestú F, Fernandez A, Ortiz T P83 THE HYPOINTENSE LESION (“BLACK HOLE”) ON T1-WEIGHTED MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MS: OBSERVATIONS WITH T1-WEIGHTED SPIN-ECHO, MPRAGE AND MAGNETIZATION TRANSFER IMAGING Redmond IT, Tench CR, Blumhardt LD P84 STEREOTAXIC CO-REGISTRATION OF MRI BRAIN ATROPHY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. PRELIMINARY DATA Durand Dubief F, Pachai C,Vukusic S, Gignoux L, Renoux C, Cotton F, Froment J, Confavreux C P58 STUDIES ON MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: A GEO- P81 GUIDELINES FOR A STANDARDIZED MRI PRO- P77 SERIAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING IN P78 A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF BRAIN ATROPHY WITH TRANSCRANIAL ULTRASOUND IN RELAPSING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Kallmann B, Rieckmann P,Toyka KV, Mäurer M P79 FUNCTIONAL MRI CHANGES DURING RECOVERY FROM OPTIC NEURITIS Langkilde AR, Rostrup E, Frederiksen J, Olsen D, Jensen J, Lauritzen M, Larsson HB P80 DEVELOPMENT OF A BRAIN TUMOUR IN MS: A CASE REPORT Laule C,Traboulsee A, Keogh C, MaGuire J, Redekop G, MacKay A AND HISTOPATHOLOGY IN POST-MORTEM MS BRAIN SLICES Schmierer K, Scaravilli F, Barker GJ, MacManus DG, Miller DH P85 QUANTITATIVE ASSESSMENT OF LESION PATHOLOGY IN POST-MORTEM MS BRAIN:A CORRELATIVE MRI/HISTOLOGY STUDY Schmierer K, Scaravilli F, Griffin CM, Barker GJ, Miller DH P86 T2 LESION BURDEN AND T1-HYPOINTENSE (T1-BLACK HOLE) MRI RESULTS FROM THE IMPACT TRIAL Simon JH, Cohen JA, Goodman A, Heidenreich F, Kooijmans M, Sandrock A,Tsao EC, IMPACT Investigators P87 NEURONAL TRACT DEGENERATION PATTERNS BASED ON DIFFUSION TENSOR VERSUS T2 MRI CHANGES IN THE CORPUS CALLOSUM IN MS Coombs B, Corboy J, Simon JH P88 EFFECT OF GLATIRAMER ACETATE (GA) THERAPY ON REGIONAL CEREBRAL METABOLIC ABNORMALITIES IN MS PATIENTS (PILOT STUDY) Stoliarov I, Ilves A, Prakhova L, Kataeva G,Totolian N Immunology (Part 1) P89 EARLY IMMUNOLOGIC CHANGES IN SEVERELY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS RECEIVING MITOXANTRONE Altintas A, Demir G, Siva A P90 EFFECT OF 24 MONTHS INTERFERON TREATMENT ON CD4, CD8, CD4CD45RO AND CD4CD45RA CELLS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Belniak E, BartosikPsujek H, Mitosek-Szewczyk K, Stelmasiak Z P91 LONGITUDINAL ANALYSIS OF CSF EXPANDED CD8+ CLONOTYPES IN THE PERIPHERAL BLOOD OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Cepok S, Zhou D, Vogel F, Sommer N, Hemmer B P92 THE PIVOTAL ROLE OF PEROXYNITRITE IN THE ESTABLISHMENT OF CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFLAMMATION: INDUCTION OF BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER PERMEABILITY CHANGES Hooper DC, Spitsin SV, Scott GS P93 T-CELL REACTIVITY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: PREDICTIVE VALUE FOR EFFICACY OF INTERFERONBETA Killestein J, Hintzen R, Uitdehaag B, van Lier R, Polman C P94 INTERFERON- LEADS TO STABILIZATION OF THE BARRIER FUNCTION IN BOVINE, MURINE AND HUMAN BRAIN CAPILLARY ENDOTHELIAL CELLS IN VITRO Kraus J, Ling AK, Hamm S, Kim KS,Voigt K, Oschmann P, Engelhardt B Poster Session I: Thursday, September 19 Immunology (Part 1) (continued) P95 FINE SPECIFICITY OF ANTIBODY RESPONSES TO MYELIN SEQUENCES IN ASSOCIATION WITH HLA CLASS II ALLELES IN THE SERUM OF BRAZILIAN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Carvalho A, Liem AM, Santos CC, Sant’Anna G, Frugulhetti I, Leon SV, Quirico-Santos T Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (Part 1) PRESS EAE IN SJL MICE AND INHIBIT MMP-9 ACTIVITY IN VITRO Marracci G, Jones R, McKeon G,Winter R, Riscoe M, Bourdette D P110 NEUROPROTECTIVE EFFECTS OF GLATIRAMER ACETATE IN A MICE MODEL OF CHRONIC EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS Offen DY, Gilgun-sherki Y, Hodengreber V, Panet H, Melamed E P97 A ROLE FOR CD1C IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS P111 ROLE OF ALPHA(1,3)FUCOSYTRANSPHERASES P98 MOLECULAR TRACKING OF MYELIN BASIC PROTEIN-SPECIFIC T CELL EXPANSION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Muraro PA,Wandinger K, Bielekova B, McFarland HF, Martin R P99 NITRIC OXIDE AS AN ACTIVITY MARKER IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Demir Acar G,Ýdiman F,Ýdiman E, K’rkal’ G, Çakmakç’ H, Özakbas S P100 LONGITUDINAL CYTOKINE RESPONSES TO MYELIN PEPTIDES IN MS: PERSISTENCE AND SPREADING OF IMMUNE RESPONSES Pelfrey CM, Moldovan IR, Cotleur AC, Born SE, Karafa M, Lee J, Fisher E, Rudick RA P101 FATIGUE AND INFLAMMATION IN PATIENTS WITH OPTIC NEURITIS Roed H, Olsen D, Langkilde A, Frederiksen J, Sellebjerg F P102 DISEASE ACTIVITY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS CORRELATES WITH ALTERED EXPRESSION RATIOS OF THE BCL-2 FAMILY PROTEINS IN PERIPHERAL T LYMPHOCYTES Sharief MK, Noori MA P103 THE EXPRESSION OF APOPTOSIS REGULATORY PROTEINS IN B LYMPHOCYTES FROM PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Sharief MK, Seidi OA IN LYMPHOCYTE RECRUITMENT IN BRAIN VENULES AND EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS Piccio L, Scarpini E, Rossi B, Ciabini D, D’Ambrosio D, Ottoboni L, Go A, Homeister JW, Lowe JB, Constantin G P112 TYPE IV PHOSPHODIESTERASE INHIBITION REDUCES MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASE 9 EXPRESSION AND IMPAIRS NUCLEAR FACTOR-KAPPA B TRANSLOCATION IN EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS Puerta C, Sánchez A, Baranda P, Ortiz P, Garcia-Merino A P113 DISEASE SIGNS IN GENE KNOCKOUT MODELS OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS DIRECTLY CORRELATE WITH BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER PERMEABILITY Scott GS, Brimer CM, Kean RB, Hooper D P114 IL-12 DEPENDENT/IFN GAMMA INDEPENDENT EXPRESSION OF CCR5 BY MYELIN-REACTIVE CD4+ T CELLS CORRELATES WITH ENCEPHALITOGENICITY Bagaeva L, Williams LP, Segal BM P115 ENGAGEMENT OF TOLL LIKE RECEPTOR (TLR) 9 OR CD40 REVERSES TOLERANCE AGAINST MYELIN ANTIGENS AND PRECIPITATES AUTOIMMUNE DEMYELINATION Segal BM, Ichikawa HT P116 DIFFERENTIAL ANTIGEN-SPECIFIC PREVEN- P104 INTERFERON-BETA THERAPY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS DOWNREGULATES SURVIVIN EXPRESSION IN T LYMPHOCYTES Sharief MK, Zoukos Y TION OF EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS WITH NAKED DNA Walczak A, Szymanska B, Selmaj K P105 CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR EXPRESSION ON P117 PROFILES OF MATRIX METALLOPROTEINASES CEREBROSPINAL FLUID T-CELLS IN PATIENTS WITH RELAPSING REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Sindern E, Patzold T, Ossege LM, Gisevius A, Malin JP P106 DETECTION OF OLIGOCLONAL FREE KAPPA CHAINS IN ABSENCE OF OLIGOCLONAL IGG IN THE CSF OF CLINICALLY SUSPECTED MS PATIENTS Sophie G, Christian S, Myriam S,Thierry D, H. H (MMPS) IN EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS:A SIGNIFICANT ELEVATION OF MMP-12 Weaver A, Pennington CJ, Nuttall R, Hogan A, Edwards DR, Yong VW Neurobiology/Neurophysiology P107 FUNCTIONAL CHARACTERIZATION OF THE CD28-RELATED MOLECULE ICOS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:A POSSIBLE TARGET FOR SELECTIVE IMMUNE INTERVENTION? Wiendl H, Neuhaus O, Mehling M, Wintterle S, Schreiner B,Weissert R,Weller M, Hartung H, Tolosa E, Melms A P108 MODULATION OF NEURONAL ACTIVITY AND MOG-INDUCED EAE BY THE ENDOGENOUS PENTAPEPTIDE QYNAD,A PUTATIVE MEDIATOR OF NEUROLOGICAL DYSFUNCTION IN HUMAN DEMYELINATING DISEASES Wiendl H, Meuth S, Duyar H, Elbs M, Landgraf P,Weller M,Weissert R, Budde T PATIENTS. CLINICAL CORRELATIONS de Andres de Frutos C, Lopez Esteban P, Peraita Adrados R P123 ELECTRONYSTAGMOGRAPHY FINDINGS IN P109 ␣-LIPOIC AND DIHYDROPLIPOIC ACID SUP- P96 INTERFERON GAMMA SECRETION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENS TREATED WITH INTERFERON BETA AND GLATIRAMER ACETATE Lochmanova A, Dolezil D, Zapletalova O, Hradilek P Lyons J,Yeager M, Luecking L,Wang Q, Porcelli S,Trotter J P122 SLEEP DISORDERS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS P118 CEREBROSPINAL FLUID ISOELECTROFOCUSING IN A LARGE COHORT OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND OTHERS NEUROLOGICAL DISEASES Amina B, J. D, R. G, B. O, B. H,T. S, D. F, P.V P119 PERIPHERAL SENSORY AND MOTOR ABNORMALITIES IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Anlar O,Tombul T, Kisli M P120 ABSTRACT NOT AVAILABLE FOR PUBLICATION P121 OLIGODENDROGLIAL EXPRESSION OF EDG-2 RECEPTOR: DEVELOPMENTAL ANALYSIS AND PHARMACOLOGICAL RESPONSES TO LYSOPHOSPHATIDIC ACID Bruno S, Sonia B, Julien A, Celine J, Gilles B, MarieStephane A, Pierre S, Bernard Z, Catherine L PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Ḱyĺynç M, Can U, Benli S, Özlüolu L, Akkuzu B P124 BRAINSTEM AUDITORY EVOKED RESPONSE WITH HIGH CLICK STIMULUS REPETITION RATE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Lana-Peixoto MA, Santos MA, Munhoz MS P125 NEUROPHYSIOLOGICAL EVALUATION OF EXECUTIVE FUNCTIONS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: A FOLLOW-UP STUDY Leocani L, Martinelli V,Annovazzi P, Tickonova I, Possa F, Comi G P126 PRESENCE OF HERPES SIMPLEX VIRUS 1 IN SAMPLES FROM PATIENTS WITH OPTIC NEURITIS AND MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Christodoulou C, Constantinou A, Koptides D, Paschalidou M, Georgiadis N, Chatzisotiriou A, Milonas I P127 HHV-6A ACTIVE INFECTION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Roberto Á,Virginia D, Eduardo V, Juan José P, Rafael A P128 HOW DOES BETA INTERFERON TREATMENT AFFECT TO HHV-6 VIRAL LOAD IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS? Virginia D, Roberto Á, Eduardo V, Juan José P, Rafael A P129 DIFFERENT NON-RADIOACTIVE PERMEABILITY ASSAYS IN AN IN VITRO MODEL OF THE BLOODBRAIN-BARRIER Voigt KE, Kraus JR, Oschmann P, Engelhardt B New Clinical Trials (Part 1) P130 THE USE OF PHARMACOKINETIC (PK) MODELING AND EFFICACY DATA TO ESTABLISH OPTIMAL DOSING OF NATALIZUMAB (ANTEGRENTM) Bennett D, Ludden T, Shah J, Floren L, Beckman E P131 SAFETY AND TOLERABILITY DOSE COMPARISON OF INTERFERON BETA-1A IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:THE EVIDENCE STUDY Bever CT, for the EVIDENCE Study Group P132 THE REGISTRY TO EVALUATE NOVANTRONE® (MITOXANTRONE FOR CONCENTRATE INJECTION) EFFECTS IN WORSENING MS (RENEW): STATUS REPORT SEPTEMBER 2002 Goodkin DE, Flanders K, Leung J, Butine M, Stead R P133 THE EFFECT OF INTERFERON B-1B ON QUANTITIES DERIVED FROM MT MRI IN SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MS Inglese M, vanWaesberghe J, Rovaris M, Beckmann K, Barkhof F, Hahn D, Kappos L, Miller D, Polman C, Pozzilli C,Thompson A,Yousry T,Wagner K, Comi G, Filippi M P134 SINGLE CENTRE, DBPC, RANDOMISED TRIAL OF INTERFERON BETA 1B IN PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE AND TRANSITIONAL PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:AN EXPLORATORY PHASE II STUDY Montalban X, Brieva L,Tintore M, Borras C, Rio J, Nos C,Aymerich X, Alonso J, Horno R,Vicente M, Rovira A P135 IFN BETA CHRONIC TREATMENT: HOW TO MANAGE THE DOSE AND THE FREQUENCY OF ADMINISTRATION IN PATIENTS WITH ABSENCE OF DISEASE ACTIVITY Pipieri A, Barbero P, Bergui M,Verdun E, Clerico M, Durelli L 43 Poster Session I: Thursday, September 19 New Clinical Trials (Part 1) (continued) P136 3 TESLA MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING COMPARISON OF INTERFERON BETA-1B AND GLATIRAMER ACETATE—A RANDOMIZED, SINGLE-BLIND STUDY IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Wolansky LJ, Cadavid D, Cook SD, Skurnick J, Biswal B, Pachner A, Hill J Genetics (Part 1) P137 A SCANDINAVIAN GENOME-WIDE LINKAGE DISEQUILIBRIUM SCREEN IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS INDICATES ASSOCIATION AT 1Q (D1S1601) AND 11Q (D11S1986) Datta P, Harboe H, Spurkland A, Ryder L, Sawcer S, Åkesson E, Celilus E, Modin H, SandbergWollheim M, Myhr K,Andersen O, Hillert J, Solberg Sorensen P, Svejgaard A, Compston A,Vartdal F, Oturai A P138 -384 INTERLEUKIN-2 POLYMORPHISMS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Fernández V, Leyva L, Mayorga C, Matesanz F, Fedetz M,Alcina A, Guerrero M, León A, Luque G, Fernández O P139 CTLA-4 GENE POLYMORPHISMS AND THEIR INFLUENCE ON SUSCEPTIBILITY TO MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN N. IRELAND Heggarty SV, Silversides J, Vandenbroeck K, McDonnell G, Hawkins S, Graham C P140 ASSOCIATION STUDY OFFAS ANDFASL POLYMORPHISMS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Kantarci OH, Hebrink DD, Achenbach SJ, Elizabeth AJ, McMurray CT, Weinshenker BG P141 ANALYSIS OF A NOVEL INTRAGENIC SINGLENUCLEOTIDE POLYMORPHISM OF THE FAS GENE IN RELAPSING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Lucas M, Zayas MD, Costa AF, Solano F, Durán E, Izquierdo G P142 GENOMIC SCREENING IN SPANISH PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Goertsches R,Villoslada P, Comabella M, Montalban X, Gomez-de-la-Concha E,Arroyo R, Lopez de Munain A, Otaegui D, Palacios R, Spanish M P143 RANTES AND CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR 5 POLYMORPHISMS: SUSCEPTIBILITY TO AND OUTCOME IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Partridge JM, Fryer A, Ollier W, Boggild M, Strange R, Hawkins C P144 POLYMORPHISM IN THE GLUTATHIONE S-TRANSFERASES, GSTA1 AND GSTA2, IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Partridge JM, Fryer A, Boggild M, Strange R, Hawkins C P145 MMP-9 MICROSATELLITE POLYMORPHISM INCREASES THE RISK OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Fiotti N, Zivadinov R, Altamura N, Nasuelli D, Bratina A,Tommasi MA, Bosco A, Locatelli L, Grop A, Cazzato G, Giansante C, Zorzon M P156 IMMUNOMODULATORY THERAPIES IN FAMIL- P146 HLA TYPING IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. RELA- PLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Le Page E,Amanda Louise C, Coles A, Denys V, Miller D, Hale G,Waldmann H, Compston A TION TO MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING FINDINGS Zivadinov R, Uxa L, Zacchi T, Nasuelli D, Ukmar M, Furlan C, Pozzi-Mucelli RS,Tommasi MA, Locatelli L, Ulivi S, Bratina A, Bosco A, Grop A, Cazzato G, Zorzon M P147 APOE GENOTYPE IS NOT ASSOCIATED WITH CLINICAL DISEASE CHARACTERISTICS AND MRI FINDINGS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Zwemmer J, van Veen T, van Winsen L, van Kamp G, Barkhof F, Polman C, Uitdehaag B P157 CAMPATH-1H IN THE TREATMENT OF MULTI- P158 INTERFERON BETA INHIBITS MONOCYTEDERIVED DENDRITIC CELL MATURATION McClurg AE, Fleming EM, Hawkins SA, Duddy ME, McQuaid S, Johnston JA, Armstrong MA P159 INTERFERON BETA-1A VERSUS INTERFERON BETA-1B IN RELAPSING MS: 4-YEAR CLINICAL EFFICACY RESULTS Patti F, Fiorilla T, Florio C,Vivo P, Reggio A P160 SAFETY AND TOLERABILITY OF CYCLOPHOS- Immunotherapy (Part 1) P148 MITOXANTRONE THERAPY IN PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS A∂⬘a∂⬘lu J, Emir C, Gur M, Morali S, Tanik O P149 IMMUNE REGULATORY EFFECTS OF GLATIRAMER ACETATE (GA) ON HUMAN MONOCYTES: BYSTANDER SUPPRESSION REVISITED? Kim H, Duddy M, Bar-Or A P150 BIOAVAILABILITY OF THREE INTERFERON PREPARATIONS: A 96 HOURS TIME-COURSE STUDY Bertolotto A, Capobianco M, Di Sapio A, Gilli F, Sala A, Malucchi S, Milano E, Melis F, Bottero R P151 USE OF INTERFERON BETA 1B IN SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN ARGENTINA Carra AJ, Sinay V, Onaha P,Alvarez F, Ballario C, Caceres F, Cristiano E, Deri N, F. Liguori N, Luetic G, Garcea O, Palacio S, Patrucco L, Reich E, R. Escalante R, Sotelo H,Tarulla A, Vetere S P152 RELAPSING REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS THERAPY EXPERIENCE IN ARGENTINA Carra AJ, Onaha P, Sinay V,Alvarez F, Luetic G, Bettinelli R, Sanpedro E, Rodriguez L PHAMIDE PULSES IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Portaccio E, Zipoli V, Siracusa G, Piacentini S, Sorbi S, Ponziani G,Amato M P161 EXPERIENCES WITH MITOXANTRONE TREATMENT—SIDE EFFECTS IN SECONDARY CHRONIC PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Rajda C, Bencsik K,Török M,Vécsei L P162 INTERFERON BETA DOSE REDUCTION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS: IMMUNOLOGICAL PROFILE Ricci A,Verdun E, Oggero A, Barbero P, Cucci A, Clerico M, Pipieri A, Bosio A, Durelli L P163 A PHASE IIB STUDY OF ORAL INTERFERON BETA-1A AT TWO DOSES IN RELAPSING REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS USING MRI, CLINICAL AND IMMUNOLOGIC MEASURES Vollmer TL, Preiningerova J, Markovic-Plese S, Rizzo M, Cutter G P164 PROLIFERATIVE RESPONSE TO GLATIRAMER ACETATE MAY PREDICT CLINICAL RESPONSE TO THERAPY Weder CR, Baltariu G, Gober H, Lienert C, De Libero G, Kappos L, Duda PW Pathology P153 BBR2778,A NEW NON-CARDIOTOXIC DRUG STRUCTURALLY RELATED TO MITOXANTRONE, REDUCES THE SEVERITY OF RAT ACUTE AND CHRONIC EXPERIMENTAL ALLERGIC ENCEPHALOMYELITIS Cavaletti G, Frigo M, Rota S, Stanzani L,Tredici G, Dassi M, Perseghin P, Lolli F, Mazzanti B, Biagioli T, Ballerini C, Cavalletti E, Pezzoni G, Sala F, Crippa L, Di Luccio E, Sala V, Oggioni N, Riccio P P165 SERUM PARAOXONASE ACTIVITY IN P154 MITOXANTRONE-INDUCED IMMUNOLOGICAL CHANGES IN PERIPHERAL BLOOD LEUKOCYTES OF MS-PATIENTS Chan A,Weilbach FX,Toyka KV, Gold R P167 ALPHA-SYNUCLEIN IMMUNOREACTIVE P155 EPITOPE SPECIFICITY OF NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODIES AGAINST INTERFERON-BETA Gneiss C, Reindl M, Berger T, Deisenhammer F 44 IAL MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Eraksoy M,Turan N, Kurtuncu M, Kýyat A,Yapici Z,Akman-Demir G UNTREATED AND IFN-BETA TREATED MS PATIENTS Danni M,Viti B, Bacchetti T, Ferretti G, Splendiani G, Fiè A, Angeleri V, Ceravolo M, Provinciali L P166 METALLOTHIONEIN EXPRESSION IN THE CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Espejo C, Martinez-Caceres EM, Penkowa M, Ortega A, Hidalgo J, Montalban X DEPOSITS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS LESIONS Paramo D, Izquierdo G, Seilhean D Poster Session II: Friday, September 20 Rehabilitation and Quality of Life P168 PRESSURE PAIN IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Armutlu K, Kerem M, Bumin G,Akbayrak T, Yigiter K, Keser I, Karabudak R P169 ASSESSMENT OF RELATION BETWEEN HANDICAP STATUS AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN AMBULATORY MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS IN TURKEY Armutlu K, Guclu A, Cetisli N, Bosnak M, Karabudak R P170 QUALITY OF LIFE, DISABILITY AND DEPRESSION IN EARLY MS Deloire-Grassin M, Ouallet J, Salort E, Barroso B, Brochet B P171 AEROBIC TRAINING IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS—INFLUENCE ON METABOLIC, ENDOCRINE AND QUALITY OF LIFE PARAMETERS Heesen C, Gold SM, Mladek M, Bartsch K, Hartmann S, Ludwig A,Witte J, Reer R, Braumann K, Schulz K P172 ONE-YEAR CHANGES ON THE MS FUNCTIONAL COMPOSITE AND PATIENT-PERCEIVED DISABILITY Hoogervorst E, Kalkers N, Uitdehaag B, Polman C P173 HIGH LEVELS OF ANXIETY AND DISTRESS IN MS PATIENTS AND THEIR PARTNERS IN THE FIRST YEARS AFTER DIAGNOSIS Janssens C, van Doorn P, de Boer J, van der Meche F, Passchier J, Hintzen R P174 THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS QUALITY OF LIFE INVENTORY AND DISABILITY AS MEASURED BY THE EDSS: EXPERIENCE IN A BRAZILIAN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS SAMPLE Lana-Peixoto MA,Araujo CR, Haase VG, Lacerda SS, Lima EP P175 PREVIOUS HISTORY OF OPTIC NEURITIS AS A FACTOR FOR DECREASED VISION-SPECIFIC QUALITY OF LIFE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Lana-Peixoto MA, Martins R, Haase VG, Lacerda SS P176 ASSESSING THE VALIDITY OF THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IMPACT SCALE IN A COMMUNITY BASED POPULATION McGuigan C, McCarthy A, Hutchinson M P177 THE RELATION OF HEALTH RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE AND SUBJECT DISCONTINUATION IN A PHASE 3 CLINICAL TRIAL Miller DM, Cohen JA,Tsao EC, Kooijmans MF P183 FRONTAL SYNDROME AND QUALITY OF LIFE IN MS PATIENTS Pierre C, Didier D, Delphine L, Céline T, Florence B, Laurent G P184 PREDICTION OF QUALITY OF LIFE IN SEVERELY DISABLED MS-PATIENTS Ritter SB, Ladurner G, Wranek U P185 QUALITY OF LIFE AND COST OF ILLNESS IN MITOXANTRONE TREATED MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Vollmer TL, Hadjimichael O, Buenconsejo J P186 EVOLUTION OVER A 3 MONTH PERIOD OF GLOBAL, PSYCHOLOGICAL,AND SOCIO-PROFESSIONAL FUNCTIONING IN PATIENTS WITH RELAPSING REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS, DURING AVONEX® TREATMENT INITIATION Warter J, Gentin M P187 SITUATION OF MEDICAL CARE OF PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN NORTH-EASTERN GERMANY Zettl UU, Krüger T Symptomatic Management P188 GLATIRAMER ACETATE [GA] TREATMENTS HAVE SIGNIFICANT EFFECTS ON CONTROLLING FATIGUE-INDUCED TREMOR AMPLITUDE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Dogan S, Konopacki R, Brooks BR P189 OSTEOPOROSIS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS TREATED WITH CORTICOSTEROIDS Havrdova E,Tyblova M, Stepan J, Zikan V, Horakova D,Ticha V, Novakova I DATION OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS QUALITY OF LIFE QUESTIONNAIRE (MSQOL-54) IN TURKISH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS POPULATION Idiman E, Uzunel F, Özakbas S, Yozbatiran N, Oguz M, Callioglu B, Gökce N, Bahar Z P182 QUALITY OF LIFE FOR MS PATIENTS: REFERENCE STANDARDS FROM A LARGE PANEL OF PATIENTS Pierre C, DIDIER V, Laurent G, Maryline L, Dominique A,Aurélien M P200 CORRELATION BETWEEN VISUAL EVOKED POTENTIALS ABNORMALITIES AND PHYSICAL HANDICAP PROGRESSION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: PROSPECTIVE FOLLOW-UP OF 65 PATIENTS Ferriby D,Ardnt C, de seze j, Stojkovic t, Hache J,Vermersch P P201 IMPAIRED SYMPATHETIC ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND FATIGUE Flachenecker PM, Rufer A, Bihler I, v. Hippel C, Reiners K, Toyka KV, Kesselring J P202 MEASURING THE OUTCOME OF INTERFERON THERAPY FROM THE PATIENTS’ PERSPECTIVE Ford HL, Johnson MH, Denton S P203 COAGULATION ABNORMALITIES IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND POSSIBLE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Galgani S, Corsi F, Corpetti M, Pingi A, Manni M, Gasperini C P204 THE RANGE OF INFLAMMATORY MYELOPATHIES. CLINICAL, MRI,CEREBROSPINAL FLUID AND IMMUNOLOGICAL FINDINGS IN 35 CONSECUTIVE CASES Perini P, Calabrese M,Tiberio M,Tzintzeva E, Ranzato F, Gallo P P205 FATIGUE AND AXONAL LOSS IN CORPUS CALLOSUM IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Greg C, Minier D, Walker P, Brunotte F, Giroud M, Moreau T P207 ACUTE DISSEMINATED ENCEPHALO- P192 VARIABILITY IN THE QUALITIES OF CHRONIC NEUROPATHIC PAIN IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ASSESSED BY THE NEUROPATHIC PAIN SCALE (NPS) Rog DJ, Young CA P193 BURDEN OF NEUROPATHIC PAIN IN MS P194 FATIGUE ASSESSMENT BY MECHANICAL AND P181 CROSS-CULTURAL ADAPTATION AND VALI- THERAPY CHOICE Eyring S,Wood C, Sherman S, Simone M P191 SPASTICITY IN MS PATIENTS IN THE NARCOMS REGISTRY: PREVALENCE, SEVERITY AND TREATMENT PATTERNS USING ORAL AGENTS AND/OR INTRATHECAL BACLOFEN Rizzo M, Hadjimichael O, Buenconsejo J, Preiningerova J,Vollmer T FUNCTION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Nisipeanu P, Hocherman S, Hardan Y, Inzelberg R SYSTEMS” OF EXPANDED DISABILITY STATUS SCALE AND HEALTH RELATED QUALITY OF LIFE:ANALYSIS OF 184 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Idiman E, Özakbas S,Yozbatiran N, Uzunel F, Oguz M, Kürsad F P199 EFFICACY OF MS THERAPY IS KEY DRIVER IN P206 CLOMIPHENE CITRATE CAN INCREASE Rog DJ,Young CA P180 CORRELATION BETWEEN “FUNCTIONAL CAL RESPONSE TO BETA-INTERFERON IN RELAPSINGREMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Etienne R, Iliu-Florin T, Dominique P, Jean-Christophe O, Claire G, Olivier H P190 BOTULINUM TOXIN IN THE TREATMENT OF DETRUSOR HYPERREFLEXIA IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: CASE REPORT Hradilek P, Krhut J, Zapletalova O, Mainer K P178 AN OBJECTIVE FOLLOW-UP OF UPPER LIMB P179 THE RELATION BETWEEN DECONDITION, RESPIRATORY MUSCLE WEAKNESS AND FATIGUE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Øasová K, Havrdová E, Brandejský P, Rùûièka J P198 PREDICTIVE VALUE OF THE ONE-YEAR CLINI- MYOELECTRICAL OUTPUT DURING SUSTAINED MAXIMAL ISOMETRIC VOLUNTARY CONTRACTION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Sanjak M, Belden D, Konapacki R, Waclawik AJ, Brooks BR P195 GLATIRAMER ACETATE TREATMENT EFFECT ON MUSCLE STRENGTH IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS.A PROSPECTIVE LONGITUDINAL MS CLINICBASED STUDY Sanjak M, Belden D, Konapacki R, Brooks BR Clinical Aspects of MS (Part II) P196 PREDICTIVE FACTORS TO SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS POINT OUT THE POTENTIAL IMPORTANCE OF THE INFLAMMATORY PROCESS Coustans M, Le Duff F,Taurin G, Le Page E, Leray E, Edan G P197 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS ASSOCIATED WITH SYSTEMIC MASTOCYTOSIS:A SINGLE CASE REPORT Cristina Z, Carlo F RELAPSE RATE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Moreau T, Gere J, Greg C,Vernay D, Clavelou P, Giroud M MYELOPATHY AND PERIPHERAL NEUROPATHY ASSOCIATED WITH CHRONIC HCV INFECTION Giannesini C, Schelp C, Heinzlef O, Roullet E P208 SAPHO SYNDROME ASSOCIATED WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Giannesini C, Mahfoud A, Heinzlef O, Aouba A, Roullet E P209 MITOXANDRONE FOR PROGRESSIVE TYPE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS TREATMENT Giannoulis C, Sarafianos A, Hatzidaki G, Kargadou A, Stavropoulos D, Karageorgiou KE P210 ACTIVE HUMAN HERPESVIRUS SIX (HHV-6) INFECTIONS AND MS Knox K, Carrigan D P211 CLINICAL, DEMOGRAPHIC,AND COGNITIVE FEATURES OF CHILDHOOD ONSET MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Krupp LB, Belman AL, Cianciulli C, Milazzo M, Blitz K, Morgan T, Melville P P212 CORRELATION OF THE GUYS NEUROLOGICAL DISABILITY SCALE WITH THE EDSS IN A SAMPLE OF BRAZILIAN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS LanaPeixoto MA,Araújo CR, Haase VG, Lacerda S, Lima EP P213 ACUTE DEAFNESS REVEALING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Lebrun C, de Seze J, Bourg V, Soriani M, Vermersh P, Chatel M P214 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS WITH HYPERSIGNALFREE T2-WEIGHTED MRI Lebrun C, Bourg V, Chanalet S, Soriani M, Chatel M P215 PROGNOSIS IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.A HIERARCHICAL MODEL MartínezYélamos S, Casado V, Carmona O, Martínez-Yélamos A, Ramón JM, Arbizu T 45 Poster Session II: Friday, September 20 Clinical Aspects of MS (Part II) (continued) P216 CLINICAL ISOLATED MYELITIS: EARLY PREDICTION OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BASED ON MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING AND CEREBROSPINAL FLUID FINDINGS Meluzinova E, Bojar M, Houzvickova E, Glosova L, Belsan T P217 COLLABORATIVE STUDY ON CHILDHOOD ONSET MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN FRANCE (KIDMUS): ABOUT A COHORT OF 495 PATIENTS Mikaeloff Y, Tardieu M, Catherine L, Edan G, Vallee L, Ponsot G, Confavreux C P218 PATTERNS OF MS TREATMENT WITH DISEASE MODIFYING THERAPIES BEFORE ENTRY INTO AN OPEN-LABEL CLINICAL TRIAL OF REBIF® INJECTIONS Mikol D, Burns T, Bennett S, Lopez-Bresnahan M P219 FATIGUE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.A LONGITUDINAL STUDY Tellez N, Rio J,Tintore M, Sastre-Garriga J, Pericot I, Nos C, Montalban X P220 RELAPSING MYELITIS:A DEMYELINATING SYNDROME DISTINCT FROM MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Nicholas R, Fletcher N, Boggild M P221 HAEMATOLOGICAL ABNORMALITIES RELATED TO INTERFERON BETA-1A THERAPY O’Connor P, O’Brien F,Alsop J, Chang P, Grumser Y, and Abdalla J P231 THE RELATION BETWEEN BRAIN MRI LESIONS AND DEPRESSIVE SYMPTOMS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BeneöováY, Niedermayerová I, Mechl M P246 COMPARISON OF CEREBRAL PERFUSION IN P232 DISABILITY AND AXONAL LOSS IN EARLY RELAPSING AND REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS. ASSESSMENT WITH MSFC AND H1-MRS Casanova B, Martinez C,Valero C, Celda B, Matí-Bonmatí L, Pascual A, Coret F P247 FUNCTIONAL CORTICAL CHANGES IN P233 EARLY CORTICAL ATROPHY IN RELAPSING REMITTING AND PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND ITS RELEVANCE TO OTHER MR AND CLINICAL MEASURES De Stefano N, Matthews PM, Filippi M, Iannucci G, De Luca M, Bartolozzi ML, Guidi L, Ghezzi A, Montanari E, Federico A, Smith S P234 1H-MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY IN CORTICAL GREY MATTER, HIPPOCAMPUS AND THALAMUS OF HEALTHY SUBJECTS AT 1.5 T—A REPRODUCIBILITY STUDY Geurts JJ, Barkhof F, Castelijns JA, Polman CH, Pouwels PJ MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS USING A NOVEL TECHNIQUE Rashid W, Parkes L, Ingle G, Chard D, Symms M, Miller D PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND NONSPECIFIC CONVENTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING SCANS OF THE BRAIN Rocca MA, Pagani E, Ghezzi A, Falini A, Zaffaroni M, Colombo B, Scotti G, Comi G, Filippi M P248 THE ROLE OF SPINAL CORD DAMAGE ON BRAIN CORTICAL PLASTICITY:A FUNCTIONAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING STUDY Filippi M, Rocca MA, Mezzapesa DM, Ghezzi A, Falini A, Martinelli V, Poggi A, Scotti G, Comi G P249 SHORT-TERM CORRELATIONS BETWEEN CLINICAL AND MRI FINDINGS IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Filippi M, Rovaris M, Rocca MA, Ladkani D, Shifroni G,Wolinsky JS, Comi G P235 INCREASED GLUTAMATE/GLUTAMINE LEVELS MEASURED BY 1H-MRS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BRAIN Greenstein JI, Luo J, Kanamalla US, Smith SA, Niman D, Boyko OB P250 PROTON MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPEC- P236 GLOBAL MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY METABOLIC VARIATIONS AS INDICATORS OF DISEASE ACTIVITY IN RELAPSING REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Inglese M, Rusinek H, Babb JS, Grossman RI, Gonen O P251 A COMPARISON OF DIFFERENT QUANTITA- TROSCOPY IN FAMILIAL AND SPORADIC MS SigerZajdel M, Selmaj K TIVE MRI TECHNIQUES TO MEASURE WHOLE BRAIN ATROPHY IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Zivadinov R, Bakshi R, Grop A, Sharma J, Bratina A, Kuwata JM, Nasuelli D,Tjoa CW, Zorzon M P222 OPTIC NEURITIS: CORRELATION OF CLINICAL,VISUAL FIELD AND NEUROIMAGING FINDINGS AND THEIR PROGNOSTIC ROLE Paschalidou M, Georgiadis N, Haritanti A, Doskas T, Parissis D, Poulios G, Halvatzis N, Xinou E, Drevelegas A, Dimitriadis AS, Milonas I P237 PROTON MAGNETIC RESONANCE SPECTROSCOPY EVIDENCE FOR EARLY GRAY MATTER INVOLVEMENT IN RELAPSING REMITTING MS Inglese M, Ge Y, Filippi M, Falini A, Grossman RI, Gonen O P252 REGIONAL BRAIN PARENCHYMAL ATROPHY P238 BRAIN VOLUME CHANGES AFTER SUPPRES- P223 ASSOCIATION OF UVEITIS AND MULTIPLE SION OF MRI-VISIBLE INFLAMMATION IN PATIENTS WITH SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MS TREATED WITH AUTOLOGOUS STEM CELL TRANSPLANTATION Inglese M, Mancardi G, Murialdo A, Marrosu M, Meucci G, Massaccesi L, Lugaresi A, Pagliai F, De Stefano N, Saccardi R, Filippi M RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Zivadinov R, Bagnato F, Nasuelli D, Bastianello S, Bratina A, Finamore L, Locatelli L, Catalan M, Clemenzi A, Grop A, Millefiorini E, Zorzon M SCLEROSIS COULD INFLUENCE THE CLINICAL COURSE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Patrick V, Jean-yves G, Pierre L, Didier F, Tanya S, Albert V, Jérôme D P224 THE EFFECT OF CORTICOSTEROID ON CONDUCTION IN THE VISUAL PATHWAYS.A SERIAL STUDY USING VISUAL PSYCHOPHYSICS Pye EM, Weatherby SJ, Kesson D, Foster DH, Hawkins CP P225 A COMPARISON OF BILATERAL SIMULTANEOUS AND BILATERAL SEQUENTIAL OPTIC NEURITIS USING VISUAL PSYCHOPHYSICS Pye EM, Weatherby SJ, Kesson D, Foster DH, Hawkins CP P239 COGNITIVE AND EMOTIONAL STATUS IN A POPULATION OF PATIENTS PRESENTED WITH CLINICALLY ISOLATED SYNDROMES SUGGESTIVE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Jean P,Virginie L, Florence R, Bertrand A, Jean Philippe R, Sylviane C,Andre A, Patrick C PLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS INITIATING INTERFERON BETA-1A THERAPY Riskind P, Brown V, Kevin K P240 NEURAL SUBSTRATES UNDERLYING PERFORMANCE OF A CONTROLLED MOTOR TASK IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Kadom N, Morgen K, Sawaki L,Tessitore A, Ohayon J, Frank J, McFarland H, Martin R, Cohen LG P227 COURSE AND PROGNOSIS IN EARLY ONSET P241 INTERCAUDATE NUCLEUS RATIO (ICR) IN MS MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Simone IL, Carrara D,Tortorella C, Liguori M, Lepore V, Pelligrini F, Bellacosa A, Ceccarelli A, Pavone I, Girolamo F, Livrea P PATIENTS AS A LINEAR MEASURE OF BRAIN ATROPHY Khan O, Zvartau-Hind M, Caon C, Ching W, Lisak R,Tselis A P226 PHYSICAL ACTIVITY AND FATIGUE IN MULTI- P228 MS PHENOTYPE:AN AGE-DRIVEN DISEASE? Vukusic S,Adeleine P, Gignoux L, Durand-Dubief F, Renoux C, Achiti I, Blanc S, Confavreux C P229 NEUROGENIC SYNCOPE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Zapletalova O, Dolezil D, Hradilek P, Stipal R Imaging (Part II) P230 CORRELATION BETWEEN BRAIN ATROPHY AND APOLIPOPROTEIN E GENOTYPES IN PATIENTS WITH EARLY RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Amato M, Mortilla M, Bartolozzi M, Nacmias B, Zipoli V, Siracusa G, Cellini E, Bagnoli S, Guidi L, Lambruschini P, Sorbi S, Federico A, De Stefano N 46 MEASURES IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Locatelli L, Zivadinov R, Bratina A, Nasuelli D, Grop A, Zorzon M P253 SHORT-TERM BRAIN ATROPHY CHANGES IN P254 MRI MEASURES IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS.A SHORT-TERM OBSERVATION STUDY Nasuelli D, Bagnato F, Zivadinov R, Bratina A, Bastianello S, Finamore L, Locatelli L, Grop A, Di Pofi B, Millefiorini E, Zorzon M Immunology (Part II) P255 NEW CANDIDATES IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IDENTIFY BY AN ANALYSIS OF IGG REPERTOIRE COUPLED WITH A PROTEOMIC APPROACH ALMERAS L, Lefranc D, Drobecq H, de Seze J, Dubucquoi S,Vermersch P, Prin L P256 IMMUNOPATHOGENIC AND CLINICAL RELEVANCE OF ANTIBODIES AGAINST MOG IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Berger T, Egg R, Rubner P, Hochfilzer A, Lutterotti A, Schanda K, Deisenhammer F, Reindl M P242 CEREBRAL ATROPHY IN SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: EFFECT OF INTRAVENOUS IMMUNOGLOBULINS Lin X,Turner B, Constantinescu C, Blumhardt LD, Fazekas F, Filippi M, Hommes OR P257 DECRYPTING THE SPECIFICITY OF THE P243 CORRELATES OF MAGNETIZATION TRANSFER IMAGING METRICS IN PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Rovira A, Brieva L,Aymerich X, Borras C,Tintore M,Alonso J, Montalban X P258 PREVALENCE OF HERPESVIRUS DNA IN MS P244 DISSEMINATION IN SPACE IN BRAINSTEM SYNDROMES Sastre-Garriga J,Tintore M, Rovira A, Nos C, Pericot I, Rio J,Thompson AJ, Montalban X P245 COMPUTER ASSISTED VOLUMETRIC ANALYSIS OF GADOLINIUM ENHANCEMENT IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Preiningerova J, Ding Z, Cannistraci C, Sun H, Vollmer T, Anderson A INTRATHECAL IGG RESPONSE IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS BY PROTEIN ARRAY TECHNOLOGY Cepok S, Stei S, Sommer N, Hemmer B PATIENTS Daskalovska VA, Daskalovski ZV, PetkovaBoskovska T P259 SEQUENTIAL STUDY OF SERUM SEX HORMONES AND TH1/TH2 CYTOKINE BALANCE DURING AND AFTER RELAPSE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Sanchez-Ramon S, Rodriguez-Saiz C, Lozano N, Resino S, Munoz C, Rodriguez-Mahou M, Muñoz-Fernández M, de Andrés C P260 CHEMOKINE RECEPTOR EXPRESSION ON T CELLS IS RELATED TO NEW LESION DEVELOPMENT IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Eikelenboom MJ, Killestein J, Izeboud T, Kalkers NF, van Lier RA, Barkhof F, Uitdehaag BM, Polman CH Poster Session II: Friday, September 20 Immunology (Part II) (continued) Neuropsychology P261 SEVERE URTICARIA AS REACTION TO INTERFERON--1A ADMINISTRATION Fazio MC, Mazzeo L, Buccafusca M, Dattola V, Scalfari A, Ferlazzo E, Girlanda P, Messina C P275 SCREENING FOR EARLY COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS USING THE CLOCK DRAWING TEST BarakY,Achiron A P262 A 4-MONTH LONGITUDINAL STUDY ON THE RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN CLINICAL ACTIVITY AND BETA2-MICROGLOBULIN EXPRESSION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Finamore L, Zivadinov R, Cecchinelli D, Pichi A, Nasuelli D, Pierallini A, Bratina A, Locatelli L, Grop A, Reale M, Zorzon M, Millefiorini E LOGICAL ASSESSMENT IN 48 RR-MS PATIENTS Brescia Morra V, Lanzillo R, Brunetti A, Salvatore E, Schiavone V, Quarantelli M, Coppola G, Orefice G P263 LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF SPONTANEOUS AND INDUCED APOPTOSIS IN LYMPHOCYTES OF PATIENTS WITH RELAPSING-REMITTING AND SECONDARY-PROGRESSIVE MS TREATED WITH INTERFERON BETA-1B Garcia-Merino A, Diaz D, Bacenilla H, Prieto A,Alvarez-Mon M P264 SPONTANEOUS EX-VIVO AND MITOGENINDUCED APOPTOSIS ARE INCREASED IN SEVERAL LYMPHOCYTE SUBSETS OF PATIENTS WITH RELAPSING-REMITTING AND SECONDARY-PROGRESSIVE MS Garcia-Merino A, Diaz D, Barcenilla H, Prieto A,Alvarez-Mon M P265 INTERFERON BETA-1A REGULATES G PROTEIN COUPLED RECEPTORS IN MONONUCLEAR CELLS FROM HEALTHY DONORS AND MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Giorelli M, Livrea P, Defazio G, Ricchiuti F, Mola A, Di Monte E,Trojano M P266 ORAL TERBUTALINE DIFFERENTIALLY AFFECTS CYTOKINE (IL-10, IL-12,TNF, IFNG) RELEASE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS AND CONTROLS Gold SM, Heesen C, Sondermann J,Tessmer W, Schulz K P276 QUANTITATIVE MRI AND NEUROPSYCHO- P277 COGNITIVE PERFORMANCES ARE ALTERED IN EARLY MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Salort E, Deloire-Grassin M, Boudineau M, Ouallet J, Barroso B,Arese P,Verley C, Fabrigoule C, Leteneur L, Brochet B P278 PACED AUDITORY SERIAL ADDITION TEST AND MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING FINDINGS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS. PRELIMINARY STUDY Callegaro D, Fuso S, Otaduy M, Costa M, Lacerda M, Bacheschi L, Leite C, Bueno O P279 COGNITIVE SCREENING OF MS PATIENTS RECRUITED FOR A CLINICAL TRIAL Christodoulou C, Krupp LB, Melville P, Scherl W, Morgan T, McIlree C P280 COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS TREATED WITH INTERFERON-BETA: A CONTROLLED TWO YEAR FOLLOW-UP STUDY Danni M,Viti B, Splendiani G, Giambartolomei S,Arabi S, Provinciali L, Ceravolo G P281 COGNITIVE IMPAIRMENT IN ACTIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS de Seze J, Bouillaguet S, Dubois G, Cabaret M, Ferriby D, Dujardin K,Vermersch P P282 EMOTIONAL ADJUSTMENT IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Pires-Barata S, Henriques I P267 CROSS-REACTIVE ANTIBODIES AGAINST MYELIN BASIC PROTEIN, ACINETOBACTER SP. AND PSEUDOMONAS AERUGINOSA IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Hughes LE, Bonell S,Wilson C, Smith P,Amor S, Ebringer A P283 SUCCESSFUL ADULT DEVELOPMENT AS A FRAMEWORK FOR NEUROPSYCHOLOGICAL COUNSELING IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Lana-Peixoto MA, Haase VG, Lacerda SS, Lima EP P268 THE PLASMA LEVELS OF ALPHA-2- P284 DEVELOPMENT OF THE BRAZILIAN VERSION MACROGLOBULIN AND THE TRANSFORMED FORM ARE SIGNIFICANTLY DIFFERENT BETWEEN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND CONTROLS Jensen PH, Datta P, Jorgensen S, Oturai AB, Sorensen PS P269 LOW MOLECULAR WEIGHT GLYCOCONJUGATES IN BRAIN HAVE IMMUNOREGULATORY ACTIVITY Lindsey JW,Waxham MN, Stephens NE,Weiser S P270 LEVELS OF SAPO-1/FAS IN THE SERUM OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS BEFORE AND AFTER STEROID TREATMENT Mitosek-Szewczyk K, BartosikPsujek H, Belniak E, Dobosz B, Stelmasiak Z P271 UPREGULATED SURVIVIN EXPRESSION IN ACTIVATED T LYMPHOCYTES CORRELATES WITH DISEASE ACTIVITY IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Noori M, Sharief MK P272 DYSREGULATION OF PROGAMMED CELL DEATH ACTIVATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Saresella M, Clerici M,Trabattoni D, Speciale L, Piacentini L, Caputo D, Ferrante P P273 THE EXPRESSION OF CD5 ON PERIPHERAL B LYMPHOCYTES CORRELATES WITH DISEASE ACTIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Seidi OA, Sharief MK P274 GLUCOCORTICOID SENSITIVITY IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Winsen Lv, Muris D, Dijkstra C, Polman C, van den Berg T, Uitdehaag B OF THE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS FUNCTIONAL COMPOSITE MEASURE: RESULTS FROM A PILOT STUDY LanaPeixoto MA, Haase VG, Lacerda S, Lima EP P285 BECK DEPRESSION INVENTORY AND GENERAL HEALTH QUESTIONNAIRE: RESULTS OF A COMPARISON BETWEEN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS AND CONTROLS Lana-Peixoto MA, Haase VG, Lacerda SS, Lima EP P286 PSYCHOSOCIAL FUNCTIONING IN MS: Experimental Allergic Encephalomyelitis (Part II) P292 DETECTION OF MAGNETICALLY LABELED ENCEPHALITOGENIC T-CELLS IN EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS (EAE) BY CELLULAR MAGNETIC RESONANCE IMAGING Anderson SA, Shukaliak-Quandt J,Arbab SA, Jordan EK, Martin R, McFarland HF, Frank JA P293 EXPRESSION OF THE ACTIVATION MARKER UROKINASE PLASMINOGEN ACTIVATOR IN CNS MICROVASCULAR PERICYTES IN EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS Dore-Duffy P, Balabanov R,Wagnerova J,Washington R P294 TREATMENT OF EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS WITH INTRAVENOUS IMMUNOGLOBULIN Humle Jørgensen S, Laursen H, Soelberg Sørensen P P295 SUSCEPTIBILITY TO T CELL-MEDIATED CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM INFLAMMATION MODULATED BY NON-MYELIN-SPECIFIC T CELLS Jones RE, Kay T,Wilkins D,Tsaknaridis L, Bourdette D P296 AXONAL PROTECTION BY FLECAINIDE THERAPY IN EAE Bechtold DA, Kapoor R, Smith KJ P297 A SYNTHETIC ANDROSTENE DERIVATIVE WITHOUT GENDER-RELATED SIDE EFFECTS INHIBITS EAE. CANDIDATE FOR CLINICAL TRIALS IN MS? Offner H, Zamora A, Matejuk A,Auci D, Morgan E, Reading C P298 THE ROLE OF THE MHC CLASS II TRANSACTIVATOR (CIITA) IN CLASS II EXPRESSION AND ANTIGEN PRESENTATION BY ASTROCYTES AND IN SUSCEPTIBILITY TO CNS AUTOIMMUNE DISEASE Stuve O,Youssef S, King CL, Patarroyo JC, Brickey JW, Piskurich JF, Chapman HA, Zamvil SS P299 TREOSULFAN IN MYELIN-OLIGODENDROCYTE-GLYCOPROTEIN-INDUCED EXPERIMENTAL AUTOIMMUNE ENCEPHALOMYELITIS: POTENTIAL NEW TREATMENT FOR MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Weissert R, Pfrommer H,Wiendl H, Baumgart J, Melms A, Sass G,Weller M Healthcare Systems P300 COST-BENEFIT AND COST-EFFECTIVENESS PSYCHOMETRIC CHARACTERISTICS OF SELFREPORTED MEASURES EMPLOYED IN BRAZIL Lana-Peixoto MA, Haase VG, Lacerda SS, Lima EP ANALYSIS OF INTERFERON BETA-1A 44MCG TIW,VERSUS INTERFERON BETA-1A 30MCG QW, IN RELAPSINGREMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (RRMS) Beresniak A, Martin M P287 PSYCHOSIS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Nieder- P301 A RELAPSE OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: HOW mayerová I, Beneöová Y, Mechl M P288 THE EFFECT OF INTERFERON BETA ON THE COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION OF 100 IRANIAN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) Pakdaman H, Pakdaman R P289 HOPELESSNESS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS MUCH DOES IT COST IN CATALONIA? Casado V, Martinez-Yelamos S, Martinez-Yelamos A, Carmona O, Hernandez JJ, Arbizu T P302 AN AUDIT OF HEALTH SCREENING ISSUES IN MS PATIENTS IN GENERAL PRACTICE Hawkins SA, Maclurg K,Whittington D, Evason E, Reilly PM Patten SB, Metz LM P303 THE ECONOMIC BURDEN OF RELAPSE IN P290 COGNITIVE DYSFUNCTION IN MULTIPLE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: DIRECT MEDICAL COSTS PER EPISODE IN THE UNITED STATES O’Brien J, Patrick A, Duran P, Caro J SCLEROSIS Petkovska-Boskova T, Daskalovska V, Bojkovski V P291 A CROSS-SECTIONAL STUDY OF 21 NEWLY DIAGNOSED, RELAPSE-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS WITH PET, MRI AND TESTS OF COGNITIVE FUNCTIONS Tscherning T, Mathiesen HK, Jonsson A, Blinkenberg M, Rostrup E, Larsson HB, Paulson OB, Soelberg Sorensen P P304 BURDEN OF NURSING CARE FOR HOSPITALIZED PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Tissot E, Rumbach L, Limat S, Berger E, Monnin C, Lavier A,WoronoffLemsi M 47 Poster Session II: Friday, September 20 Healthcare Systems (continued) P305 THE NEW ZEALAND BETA-INTERFERON PROGRAM. AN APPROACH TO EQUITABLE PROVISION OF TREATMENT FOR MS WHERE FUNDING IS RESTRICTED Willoughby EW,Abernethy DA,Wright AR,Anderson NE New Clinical Trials (Part II) P306 THE INDEPENDENT COMPARISON OF INTERFERON (INCOMIN) TRIAL: MRI ANALYSIS OF THE NEW PROTON DENSITY/T2 LESIONS Durelli L, Pipieri A,Verdun E, Barbero P, Incomin G P307 BETAFERON®/BETASERON® (INTERFERON BETA-1B) IN EARLY TREATMENT OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:THE BENEFIT STUDY Freedman M, Edan G, Hartung H, Kappos L, Miller D, Montalban X, Polman C, Bauer L, Ghazi M, Sandbrink R P308 PLACEBO-CONTROLLED DOUBLE-BLINDED DOSE RANGING STUDY OF FAMPRIDINE-SR IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Goodman AD, Blight A, Cohen JA, Cross AH, Katz M, Rizzo MA,Vollmer T P309 DISABILITY AND QUALITY OF LIFE (FLAIR STUDY) AND NEUROPSYCHOLOGY (COBRA STUDY) IN RELAPSING MS PATIENTS Jongen P, Carton H, Sindic C, Tinbergen J,Wesnes K, FLAIR S P316 LACK OF ASSOCIATION BETWEEN CTLA-4 GENE POLYMORPHISMS AND MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN SARDINIAN PATIENTS Cocco EE, Fadda EE, Rolesu MM, Melis CC, Solla EE, Schirru LL, Costa GG, Murru MM, Murru RR, Marrosu MM P331 A RETROSPECTIVE COMPARATIVE ANALYSIS P317 A49G CTLA-4 GENE POLYMORPHISM IN SAR- ANTRONE IN 111 SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Gregory T, Emmanuelle L, Emmanuelle L, Eric S, Marc C, Gilles E DINIAN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AND TYPE 1 DIABETES Cocco EE, Fadda EE, Rolesu MM, Melis CC, Solla EE, Schirru LL, Fadda LL, Sanna S, Marrosu MM P318 INFLUENCE OF MHC/HLA ALLELES IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS CLINICAL VARIABLES Cocco EE, Fadda E, Rolesu M, Melis C, Solla E, Costa G, Murru M, Murru R, Fadda L, Marrosu MM P319 A GENOME-WIDE LINKAGE SCREEN IN TURKISH MULTIPLEX FAMILIES WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Eraksoy M, Kurtuncu M, Sawcer SJ,Akesson E,Akman-Demir G, Compston AD,Turkish Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Study Group P320 MOLECULAR ANTHROPOLOGICAL VIEW IN A POPULATION ANALYSIS OF BRAZILIAN INDIVIDUALS DURING A MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS GENETIC STUDY OF HLA DRB1-DQB1-DQA1 Leon SV, Alvarenga RP, Caballero A, Alonso A, Fernandez O P321 HISTOCOMPATIBILITY CLASS II DR*, DQ*, DP* ANTIGENS ASSOCIATION WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS IN A POPULATION OF THE RIO DE JANEIRO CITY, BRAZIL Santos CC, Emmerick M, Liem AM, Frugulhetti I, Leon SV, Quirico-Santos T SERUM URATE LEVELS THROUGH ADMINISTRATION OF INOSINE Spitsin S, Hooper D, Scott GS, Koprowski H P322 PRIMARY ASSOCIATION OF A TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR GENE POLYMORPHISM WITH MS SUSCEPTIBILITY Rafael A,Virginia D,Alfonso M,Ana R, Miguel F, Xavier M, Emilio G P311 INTERFERON- TREATMENT IN RELAPSING- P323 MHC GENE MODULATING MS SUSCEPTIBILITY REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: RESULTS OF AN OBSERVATIONAL STUDY IN SOUTHERN ITALY Trojano M, Paolicelli D, Liguori M, Zimatore G,Avolio C, Lavolpe V, Ruggieri M, Livrea P CONFERRED BY HLA-DRB1*1501 Rafael A, Virginia D, Alfonso M, Ana R, Xavier M, Emilio G P310 TREATMENT OF EAE AND MS BY RAISING P312 A RANDOMIZED, DOUBLE-BLIND, PLACEBOCONTROLLED STUDY OF INTRAVENOUS IMMUNE GLOBULINS (IVIG) IN COMBINATION WITH INTRAVENOUS METHYLPREDNISOLONE (MP) IN THE TREATMENT OF RELAPSES IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS (MS) Visser LH, Beekman R,Tijssen CC, Uitdehaag BM, Movig C, Lenderink B P313 EFFECTS OF INTERFERON BETA-1B DOSE TITRATION ON EFFICACY AND TOLERABILITY Wroe S Genetics (Part II) P314 TUMOR NECROSIS FACTOR RECEPTOR II P324 IL10 GENE AND RESPONSE TO IFN BETA IN MS de las Heras V, Rafael A, Martínez A, Rubio A, G de la Concha E P325 ASSOCIATION OF APOLIPOPROTEIN E AND MYELOPEROXIDASE GENOTYPES WITH THE CLINICAL COURSE OF FAMILIAL AND SPORADIC MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Zakrzewska-Pniewska B, Podlecka A, Styczynska M, Samocka R, Peplonska B, Barcikowska M, Kwiecinski H Immunotherapy (Part II) P326 RAPID ONSET MITOXANTRONE-INDUCED CARDIO TOXICITY IN SECONDARY PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Avasarala JR, Cross AH, Clifford DB, Siegel B,Abbey EE P327 ANTI MOG AND ANTI MBP ANTIBODY SUB- POLYMORPHISM IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Ehling R, Gassner C, Fazekas F, Kollegger H, Kristoferitsch W, Reindl M, Berger T CLASSES IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS DURING INTERFERON BETA THERAPY Khalil M, Reindl M, Lutterotti A, Egg R, Schanda K, Deisenhammer F, Berger T P315 ANTIBODY RESPONSE TO MYELIN OLIGODENDROCYTE GLYCOPROTEIN AND MYELIN BASIC PROTEIN DEPEND ON FAMILIAL BACKGROUND AND ARE PARTIALLY ASSOCIATED WITH HUMAN LEUKOCYTE ANTIGEN ALLELES IN MULTIPLEX FAMILIES AND SPORADIC MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Lutterotti A, Reindl M, Gassner C, Poustka K, Schanda K, Deisenhammer F, Berger T P328 GLATIRAMER ACETATE (GA)-REACTIVE TCELLS PRODUCE BRAIN DERIVED NEUROTROPHIC FACTOR (BDNF) Chen M, Dhib-Jalbut S P329 IMPORTANCE OF CONTINUOUS IMMUNOMODULATORY TREATMENT IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Csépány T, Csiba L P330 EFFECT OF ORAL GLATIRAMER ACETATE (COPAXONE) IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: REDUCTION OF INTERFERON GAMMA PRODUCTION de Seze J, Dubucquoi S, Lefranc D, Almeiras L, Dutoit V, Clavelou P, Edan G, Hautecoeur P, Prin L, Vermersch P 48 ON THE EFFICACY OF THREE INTERFERON BETA TREATMENTS IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Giray S, Demirkiran M, Sarica Y P332 CLINICAL AND MRI IMPACT OF MITOX- P333 NEUTRALIZING ANTIBODIES TO INTERFERON BETA-1B AND THERAPEUTIC RESPONSE IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS PATIENTS Hernández-Regadera JJ, Bas-Minguet J,Arbizu-Urdiain T P334 LONG-TERM TOLERABILITY OF INTERFERON BETA-1A IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS: 6-YEAR SAFETY FOLLOW-UP OF THE PRISMS STUDY Kappos L, Stam Moraga M P335 ALGORITHM FOR LONG-TERM TREATMENT OF EARLY MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Koehler J,Wicht S, Hey W, Holger S P336 THE BRAZILIAN EXPANDED CONSENSUS ON TREATMENT OF MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Lana-Peixoto MA, Callegaro D, Moreira MA, Marchiori PE, Lino A, Gabbai AA, Souza AM, Campos GB, Rocha FC, Gama PD, tosta E,Ataide L, Brito L, Bacheschi LA P337 INDUCTION TREATMENT WITH MITOXANTRONE DURING 6 MONTHS IN WORSENING RELAPSING REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:A RESCUE THERAPY FOR SUB-OPTIMAL RESPONDERS TO INTERFERON BETA? A PILOT STUDY Le Page E, Leray E, Coustans M,Taurin G, Chaperon J, Edan G P338 IN VIVO EFFECT OF INTERFERON-1A ON INTERLEUKIN-12 AND TRANSFORMING GROWTH FACTOR-1 CYTOKINES IN PATIENTS WITH RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Losy JJ, Michalowska-Wender G P339 INTERLEUKIN 18 IS MODIFIED DURING THERAPY WITH GLATIRAMER ACETATE (COPAXONE) IN PATIENTS WITH RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Losy JJ, Michalowska-Wender G,Wender M P340 THERAPEUTIC POTENTIAL OF STATINS IN RELAPSING-REMITTING MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Markovic-Plese S, Powell AW, Cortez A,Vollmer TL P341 EXPRESSION OF CHEMOKINES AND CHEMOKINE RECEPTORS BY GLATIRAMER ACETATE-REACTIVE T-CELL LINES Neuhaus O, Bartosik-Psujek H, Kieseier BC, Wiendl H, Hartung H P342 ACUTE MYELOID LEUKAEMIA (AML) INDUCED BY MITOXANTRONE Radu TD, Marc D, Herve V P343 GLATIRAMER ACETATE AS AN IN VITRO TOOL TO FOLLOW THE LONG-TERM EFFECT OF IMMUNOMODULATORY THERAPIES ON T CELL RESPONSES IN PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS Schmied M, Reindl M,Auff E,Vass K P344 REDUCED EXPRESSION OF THE INHIBITOR OF APOPTOSIS PROTEINS IN T CELLS FROM PATIENTS WITH MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS FOLLOWING INTERFERON-BETA THERAPY SemraYK, Sharief MK P345 THE EFFECT OF LIVER TRANSPLANT COMBINATION IMMUNOSUPPRESSION ON MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS AFTER 18 MONTHS Vorobeychik G,Yoshida E, Prout A SM Betaseron is a registered trademark and the design is a service mark of Berlex Laboratories, Inc. ©2002, Berlex Laboratories, Inc. 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Manufactured by CHIRON Corporation, Emeryville, CA 94608 Distributed by BERLEX Laboratories, Inc., Montville, NJ 07045 02-521-0070 Printed in USA June 2002 Abstracts Author Index Abbey EE, P326 Abdalla J, P221 Abernethy DA, P305 Achenbach SJ, P140 Achiron A, P19, P275 Achiti I, 64, P68, P228 Adam P, P1 A∂⬘ ao∂⬘ lu J, P148 Adeleine P, P228 Akbayrak T, P168 Akesson E, P319 Åkesson E, P137 Akkuzu B, P123 Akman-Demir G, P30, P156, P319 Alban D, P37 Albert V, P223 Alcina A, P138 Alfonso M, P322, P323 Allie R, 49 Almeiras L, P330 Almeras L, P255 Alonso A, P320 Alonso J, P134, P243 Alsop J, P221 Altamura N, P145 Altintas A, P89 Altmann D, P73, P75, P76 Alvarenga RP, P320 Alvarez F, P151, P152 Alvarez-Mon M, P263, P264 Amanda Louise C, P157 Amato M, P160, P230 Amina B, P118 Amo C, P82 Amor S, 48, P267 Ana R, P322, P323 Andersen O, P137 Anderson A, P245 Anderson D, P47 Anderson NE, P305 Anderson SA, P292 Andre A, P36, P37, P239 Angeleri V, P165 Anlar O-, P119 Annovazzi P, P125 Antel JP, 33 Aouba A, P208 Arabi S, P280 Aragão AL, P57 Araújo CR, P58, P174, P212 Arbab SA, P292 Arbizu T, P215, P301 Arbizu-Urdiain T, P333 Ardnt C, P200 Arese P, P277 Armstrong MA, P158 Armutlu K, P168, P169 Arnal C, P54 Arnold DL, 27 Aronica EM, 3 Arroyo R, P142 Ataide L, P336 Auci D, P297 Auff E, P343 Aurélien M, P182 50 Avasarala JR, P17, P326 Avolio C, P311 Aymerich X, P10, P134, P243 Babb JS, P7, P236 Bacchetti T, P165 Bacenilla H, P263 Bacheschi L, P72, P278, P336 Bagaeva L, P114 Bagnato F, 8, 32, P253, P254 Bagnoli S, P230 Bahar Z, P181 Baier M, 20, 66 Baker D, 48 Bakshi R, 67, P251 Balabanov R, P293 Balcý BP, P18, P48 Ballario C, P151 Ballerini C, P153 Baltariu G, P164 Barak Y, P19, P275 Baranda P, P112 Barbero P, P135, P162, P306 Barcellos LF, 57 Barcenilla H, P264 Barcikowska M, P325 Barker GJ, 4, P75, P84, P85 Barkhof F, 23, 28, 30, 31, P133, P147, P234, P260 Bar-Or A, P149 Barroso B, P170, P277 Bartlett PF, 18 Bartolozzi M, P230, P233 Bartosik-Psujek H, P2, P90, P270, P341 Bartsch K, P171 Bash C, 8 Bas-Minguet J, P333 Bastianello S, P6, P253, P254 Bataillard M, P23 Batocchi A, P3 Bauer L, P307 Baumgart J, P299 Baus Toselli PL, P50, P51 Bechtold DA, P296 Beckman E, P130 Beckmann K, P133 Beekman R, P312 Belden D, P20, P194, P195 Bellacosa A, P227 Belman AL, P211 Belniak E, P2, P90, P270 Belsan T, P216 Bencsik K, P161 Bendtzen K, 24 Beneöová Y, P231, P287 Benli S, P123 Bennett D, P130 Bennett S, P218 Beresniak A, P300 Bergamaschi R, P32, P33 Berger E, P43, P304 Berger T, P4, P155, P256, P314, P315, P327 Bergui M, P135 Bernard Z, 19, P121 Bernat A, P21, P22 Berry I, P69 Bertolotto A, P150 Bertrand A, P36, P37, P239 Bettinelli R, P152 Bettinotti MP, 1 Bever CT, P131 Biagioli T, P153 Bielekova B, 10, P98 Biernacki K, 33 Bihler I, P201 Biswal B, P136 Bjartmar C, 12 Björkhem I, P9 Blanc S, P68, P228 Blight A, P308 Blinkenberg M, P291 Blitz K, P211 Blumhardt LD, P83, P242 Boggild M, P143, P144, P220 Bojar M, P216 Bojkovski V, P290 Bonell S, P267 Born SE, P100 Borras C, P134, P243 Boschert U, 14 Bosco A, P145, P146 Bosio A, P162 Bosnak M, P169 Botelho CM, P57 Bottero R, P150 Boudineau M, P277 Bouillaguet S, P281 Bourdette D, P109, P295 Bourg v, P60, P213, P214 Boyko OB, P235 Brandejský P, P179 Bratina A, P6, P145, P146, P251, P252, P253, P254, P262 Braumann K, P171 Brescia Morra V, P276 Breteau G, P25 Brickey JW, P298 Brieva L, P134, P243 Brimer CM, P113 Brito L, P336 Brochet B, P70, P71, P170, P277 Brooks BR, P20, P29, P188, P194, P195 Brosnan CF, 38 Brown V, P226 Brownscheidle C, 67 Brueck W, 13 Bruegmann M, P34 Brunetti A, P276 Bruno S, 19, P121 Brunotte F, P205 Buccafusca M, P31, P261 Budde T, P108 Buenconsejo J, P185, P191 Bueno O, P278 Bueno V, P35 Bumin G, P168 Burns T, P218 Butine M, P132 Butzkueven H, 18 Caballero A, P320 Cabaret M, P281 Caceres F, P66, P151 Cadavid D, P136 Caggiula M, P3 Çakmakçý H, P99 Calabrese M, P13, P204 Calabresi PA, 49 Callegaro D, P59, P72, P278, P336 Callioglu B, P181 Calvo A, P35 Campos GB, P57, P336 Can U, P123 Cannistraci C, P245 Caon C, P38, P241 Capobianco M, P150 Caputo D, P272 Caramanos Z, 27 Carella C, P3 Carlo F, P197 Carmen M, P82 Carmona O, P215, P301 Caro J, P303 Carra AJ, P151, P152 Carrara D, P227 Carrigan D, P210 Carton H, P309 Carvalho A, P95 Casado V, P215, P301 Casanova B, P21, P22, P232 Cassol E, P69 Castelijns JA, 31, P234 Catalan M, P253 Catherine L, 19, P217, P121 Cavaletti G, P153 Cavalletti E, P153 Cazzato G, P145, P146 Ceccarelli A, P227 Cecchinelli D, P6, P262 Celda B, P232 Celilus E, P137 Celine J, P121 Céline T, P183 Cellini E, P230 Cepok S, P91, P257 Ceravolo G, P280 Ceravolo M, P165 Certa U, 15 Cetisli N, P169 Chan A, P154 Chanalet S, P214 Chandy K, 49 Chang A, 12 Chang P, P221 Chaperon J, P337 Chapman HA, P298 Chard D, P12, P73, P246 Chatel M, P27, P60, P213, P214 Chatzisotiriou A, P126 Chen L, 60 Chen M, P328 Chevalier Y, P23 Abstracts Author Index Ching W, P38, P241 Chopard G, P43 Christian S, P106 Christie S, P26 Christodoulou C, P126, P279 Ciabini D, P111 Cianciulli C, P211 Ciccarelli O, 4 Claire G, P198 Clanet M, P69 Clavelou P, P206, P330 Clemenzi A, P253 Clemmesen KM, 24 Clerc C, P23 Clerici M, P272 Clerico M, P135, P162 Clifford DB, P326 Cocco EE, P24, P316, P317, P318 Cohen JA, P5, P63, P86, P177, P308 Cohen LG, P240 Coles A, P157 Colombo B, 62, P247 Comabella M, P10, 51, P142 Comi G, 7, 23, 30, 62, P32, P33, P125, P133, P247, P248, P249 Compston A, 55, P137, P157, P319 Confavreux C, 21, 64, P68, P74, P217, P228 Connelly D, 60 Constantin G, P111 Constantinescu C, P242 Constantinou A, P126 Cook SD, P136 Coombs B, P87 Coppola G, P276 Corat-Simon J, P40 Corboy J, P87 Cordonnier C, P25 Coret F, P21, P22, P232 Corpetti M, P203 Correale J, P52 Corsi F, P203 Cortez A, P340 Costa AF, P141 Costa GG, P316, P318 Costa M, P72, P278 Cotleur AC, P100 Cotton F, P74 Coustans M, P49, P196, P337 Coyle PK, P26 Crippa L, P153 Cristiano E, P50, P51, P52, P151 Cristina Z, P197 Cross A, P17, P308, P326 Crusio R, 60 Csépány T, P329 Csiba L, P329 Cucci A, P162 Cutter G, 20, 66, P163 D’Ambrosio D, P111 Dalle Carbonare M, P13 Damier P, 2 Danni M, P165, P280 Daskalovska V, P258, P290 Daskalovski ZV, P258 Dassi M, P153 Datta P, P137, P268 Dattola V, P31, P261 Davies G, P73 Davis G, P12 de Andrés C, P259 de Andres de Frutos C, P122 de Boer J, P173 Defazio G, P265 De Groot CJ, 15 Deisenhammer F, P4, P155, P256, P315, P327 de la Concha EG, P142, P324 de las Heras V, P324 De Libero G, P164 Deloire-Grassin M, P70, P71, P170, P277 Delphine L, P183 De Luca M, P233 Demir G, P89 Demir Acar G, P99 Demirkiran M, P331 Deniz E, P30 Denton S, 65, P202 Denys V, P157 Deri N, P151 de Seze J, P25, P27, P28, P200, P213, P255, P281, P330 De Stefano N, 30, P230, P233, P238 De Vera A, P21, P22 Dhib-Jalbut S, 42, P328 Diaz D, P263, P264 Diczfalusy U, P9 Didier D, P183 Didier F, P223 Didier V, P182 Díez S, P35 Dijkstra C, P16, P274 Di Luccio E, P153 Dimitriadis AS, P222 Di Monte E, P265 Dinca L, P56 Ding Z, P245 Di Pofi B, P254 Di Sapio A, P150 Dobosz B, P270 Dogan S, P20, P29, P188 Dolezil D, P96, P229 Dominique A, P182 Dominique P, P198 Dong Z, 42 Dore-Duffy P, P293 Doskas T, P222 Dougherty D, 66 Dousset V, P70, P71 Drevelegas A, P222 Drobecq H, P255 Dubois G, P281 Dubucquoi S, P28, P255, P330 Duda PW, P164 Duddy M, P149 Duddy ME, P158 Dujardin K, P281 Durán E, P56, P141 Duran P, P303 Durand-Dubief F, 64, P68, P74, P228 Durelli L, 23, 30, P135, P162, P306 Dusek L, P8 Dussart P, P28 Dutoit V, P330 Duyar H, P108 Ebers GC, 56 Ebringer A, P267 Edan G, 2, 23, 30, P49, P196, P217, P307, P330, P337 Eduardo V, P127, P128 Edwards DR, P117 Egg R, P256, P327 Ehling R, P4, P314 Eikelenboom MJ, P11, P260 Elbs M, P108 Eleonora K, P53 Elizabeth AJ, P140 Emilio G, P322, P323 Emir C, P148 Emmanuelle L, P332 Emmerick M, P321 Engelhardt B, P94, P129 Enzinger C, 6 Eraksoy M, P30, P156, P319 Eric S, P332 Escalante RR, P151 Espejo C, P166 Etienne R, P198 Evason E, P302 Eyring S, P199 Fabrigoule C, P277 Fadda EE, P316, P317, P318 Fadda LL, P24, P317, P318 Falini A, 7, P237, P247, P248 Fazekas F, 6, P242, P314 Fazio MC, P31, P261 Federico A, P230, P233 Fedetz M, P138 Feichter J, 67 Feinstein A, 61 Ferlazzo E, P261 Fernandez A, P82 Fernandez Liguori N, P66, P151 Fernandez O, 30 Fernández O, 23, P54, P138, P320 Fernandez S, P82 Fernández V, P54, P138 Ferrante P, P272 Ferreira J, P66 Ferretti G, P165 Ferriby D, P25, P27, P200, P281 Fiè A, P165 Fiedler J, 43 Figar S, P50 Filippi M, 7, 23, 30, P32, P33, P133, P233, P237, P238, P242, P247, P248, P249 Finamore L, P6, P253, P254, P262 Fiorilla T, P159 Fiotti N, P145 Fisher E, 66, P100 Fishman P, 42 Flachenecker PM, P201 Flair S, P309 Flanders K, P132 Fleming EM, P158 Fletcher N, P220 Floren L, P130 Florence B, P183 Florence R, P239 Florio C, P159 Floris GG, P24 Fodor P, P26 Ford H, 65, P202 Foster DH, P224, P225 Frank J, 54 Frank JA, 8, 10, 26, 32, P240, P292 Frederic N, 19 Frederiksen J, 24, P55, P79, P101 Freedman M, P307 Frigo M, P153 Frisullo G, P3 Froment J, P74 Frota E, P57 Frugulhetti I, P95, P321 Fryer A, P143, P144 Fuchs K, P26 Fuhrmann A, 5 Furlan C, P146 Fuso S, P278 Gabbai AA, P336 Galgani S, P203 Gallo P, P13, P204 Gama PD, P59, P336 Gamero M, P56 Garcea O, P66, P151 García E, P21, P22 Garcia-Merino A, P112, P263, P264 Garcia Moreno J, P56 Gasperini C, P203 Gassner C, P314, P315 Gaupp S, 41 Gbadamosi J, P34 Ge Y, P237 Genain CP, 5 Gentin M, P186 Georgiadis N, P126, P222 Gere J, P206 Geurts JJ, 3, P234 Ghazi M, P307 Ghezzi A, 7, P32, P33, P233, P247, P248 Giambartolomei S, P280 Giannesini C, P207, P208, P209 Giansante C, P145 Giesser B, P26 Gignoux L, 64, P68, P74, P228 Gilgun-sherki Y, P110 Gilles B, P121 Gilles E, P332 Gilli F, P150 51 Abstracts Author Index Giorelli M, P265 Giovannoni G, 48, P11, P12 Giray S, P331 Girlanda P, P31, P261 Girolamo F, P227 Giroud M, P205, P206 Gisevius A, P105 Giuliani F, 17 Glosova L, P216 Gneiss C, P155 Go A, P111 Gober H, P164 Goebels N, 16 Goertsches R, P142 Gökce N, P181 Gold L, P52 Gold R, 41, P154 Gold SM, P34, P171, P266 Gomez-de-la-Concha E, P142, P324 Gonen O, P7, P236, P237 Goodkin DE, P132 Goodman A, P5, P14, P15, P86, P308 Graham C, P139 Greene C, 60 Greenstein JI, P235 Greg C, P205, P206 Gregora E, 43 Gregory T, P332 Grekova M, 60 Griffin C, P73, P85, P12 Grive E, 51 Grop A, P6, P145, P146, P251, P252, P253, P254, P262 Grossman R, 29 Grossman RI, P7, P236, P237 Grumser Y, P221 Guclu A, P169 Guerrero A, P35 Guerrero M, P138 Guerrero R, P54 Guglielmo A, P13 Guidi L, P230, P233 Guillet M, 2 Gur M, P148 Gutierrez A, P26 Haase VG, P58, P174, P175, P212, P283, P284, P285, P286 Hache J, P200 Hadjimichael O, P63, P185, P191 Hadjiprocopis A, P73 Hahn D, P133 Haines JL, 57 Hale G, P157 Halvatzis N, P222 Hamm S, P94 Harboe H, P137 Hardan Y, P178 Hares D, P50 Haritanti A, P222 Hartmann S, P171 Hartung H, 23, P107, P307, P341 Hartung HP, 30 52 Hatzidaki G, P209 Hauser S, 5, 57 Hautecoeur P, P330 Havrdová E, P8, 43, P179, P189 Hawkins C, P143, P144, P224, P225 Hawkins S, P139 Hawkins SA, P158, P302 Hebrink DD, P140 Heesen C, P34, P171, P266 Heggarty SV, P139 Heidenreich F, P5, P86 Heinzlef O, P207, P208 Hemmer B, P91, P257 Henriques I, P282 Hens M, P54 Hernandez JJ, P301 Hernández M, P35 Hernández-Regadera JJ, P333 Herrera LC, P67 Herve V, P42, P342 Hey W, P335 Hickman SJ, 4, P75, P76, P77 Hidalgo J, P166 Hila S, 59 Hill J, P136 Hillert J, P9, P137 Hintzen R, P93, P173 Hippel C v, P201 Hocherman S, P178 Hochfilzer A, P256 Hodengreber V, P110 Hofbauer M, 16 Hoffman G, 59 Hoffmann F, 15 Hogan A, P117 Hohlfeld R, 16, 40 Holger S, P335 Holtmann B, 41 Homeister JW, P111 Hommes O, 23, 30, 68, P242 Hoogervorst E, P172 Hooper D, P92, P113, P310 Horakova D, 43, P8, P189 Horno R, P134 Houzvickova E, P216 Hradilek P, P96, P190, P229 Hughes LE, P267 Humle Jørgensen S, P294 Hutchinson M, P64, P176 Iannucci G, P233 Ibarrola D, P69 Ichikawa HT, P115 Idiman E, P180, P181 Iliu-Florin T, P198 Ilves A, P88 Incomin G, P306 Ingle G, P246 Inglese M, 30, P133, P236, P237, P238 Inzelberg R, P178 Izeboud T, P260 Izquierdo G, P56, P141, P167 Janssens C, P173 Jarmila S, P53 Jean P, P36, P37, P239 Jean-Christophe O, P198 Jean Philippe R, P36, P37, P239 Jean-yves G, P223 Jeffries N, 8, 32 Jensen J, P79 Jensen K, 24 Jensen PH, P268 Jérôme D, P223 John G, 38 Johnson KP, 22 Johnson M, 65, P202 Johnston JA, P158 Jones R, P109, P295 Jones SJ, P75, P76, P77 Jongen P, P309 Jonsson A, P291 Jordan EK, P292 Jorgensen S, P268 Juan José P, P127, P128 Julien A, P121 Kadom N, P240 Kalkers N, P172, P260 Kallmann B, P78 Kamphorst W, 3 Kanamalla US, P235 Kantarci OH, P140 Kapeller P, 6 Kapoor R, P73, P76, P296 Kappos L, 9, 15, P39, P133, P164, P307, P334 Karabudak R, P168, P169 Karafa M, P100 Karageorgiou KE, P209 Kargadou A, P209 Kataeva G, P88 Katz M, P308 Katz T, P40 Kay T, P295 Kean RB, P113 Keir G, P11 Keogh C, P80 Kerem M, P168 Keser I, P168 Kesselring J, P201 Kesson D, P224, P225 Kevin K, P226 Khalil M, P327 Khan O, P38, P241 Khoury SJ, 44 Kieseier BC, P341 Killestein J, P93, P260 Kilpatrick TJ, 18 Kim H, P149 Kim KS, P94 King CL, P298 Kisli M-, P119 Knol D, 31 Knox K, P210 Kobylka J, 43 Koch E, P34 Koch-Henriksen N, 24 Koehler J, P335 Kollegger H, P314 Konapacki R, P20, P29, P188, P194, P195 Kooijmans M, P5, P86, P177 Koprowski H, P310 Koptides D, P126 Koski CL, 59 Koza V, 43 Kozak T, 43 Krasensky J, P8 Kraus J, P94, P129 Krhut J, P190 Kristensen O, 24 Kristoferitsch W, P314 Krüger T, P187 Krupp LB, P211, P279 Kruse N, 1 Kürsad F, P180 Kurtuncu M, P30, P156, P319 Kuwata JM, P251 Kwiecinski H, P325 Kwok WW, 1 Kýlýnç M, P123 Kýrkalý G, P99 Kýyat A, P156 Lacerda M, P72, P278 Lacerda S, P174, P175, P212, P283, P284, P285, P286 Ladkani D, P249 Ladurner G, P184 Lai MM, P24 Lambruschini P, P230 Lana-Peixoto MA, P57, P58, P59, P124, P174, P175, P212, P283, P284, P285, P286, P336 Landgraf P, P108 Langkilde A, P79, P101 Lanzillo R, P276 Laplaud DA, 2 Larsson HB, P79, P291 Lassmann H, 41 Laule C, P80 Laurent G, P182, P183 Laurent S, P36, P37 Lauritzen M, P79 Laursen H, P294 Lavier A, P304 Lavolpe V, P311 Lazeron RC, P11 Le Duff F, P49, P196 Le Page E, P49, P157, P196, P337 Lebrun C, P27, P60, P213, P214 Lechner-Scott J, P39 Lee J, P100 Lefranc D, P28, P255, P330 Leite C, P72, P278 Lenderink B, P312 Leocani L, 62, P125 Leon A, P13 León A, P138 Leon SV, P95, P320, P321 Leoni V, P9 Lepore V, P227 Abstracts Author Index Leppert D, 15 Leray E, P49, P196, P337 Leteneur L, P277 Leung J, P132 Leyva L, P54, P138 Li BS, P7 Li D, 54, P81 Liem AM, P95, P321 Lienert C, P39, P164 Liguori M, P227, P311 Liguori NF, P66, P151 Lima EP, P174, P212, P283, P285, P284, P286 Limat S, P304 Lin X, P242 Lincoff N, 67 Lincoln RR, 57 Lindberg RL, 15 Lindley J, P47 Lindsey JW, P269 Ling AK, P94 Linker RA, 41 Lino A, P336 Lisak R, P241 Livrea P, P227, P265, P311 Locatelli L, P6, P145, P146, P252, P253, P254, P262 Lochmanova A, P96 Lolli F, P153 López C, P10 Lopez-Bresnahan M, P218 Lopez de Munain A, P142 Lopez Esteban P, P122 Losy JJ, P338, P339 Lowe JB, P111 Lozano N, P259 Lublin F, 20 Luc T, P42 Lucas M, P141 Ludden T, P130 Ludwig A, P171 Ludwin SK, 11 Luecking L, P97 Luetic G, P61, P62, P151, P152 Lugaresi A, P238 Luo J, P235 Luque G, P54, P138 Lutterotti A, P256, P315, P327 Lynn J, P26 Lyons J, P97 Maaloufova J, 43 Macedo R, P58 Maciel D, P59 MacKay A, P80 Maclurg K, P302 MacManus DG, P75, P77, P84 Maestú F, P82 MaGuire J, P80 Mahfoud A, P208 Mainer K, P190 Makar TK, 42 Malin JP, P105 Malucchi S, P150 Mancardi G, P238 Manelfe C, P69 Manni M, P203 Marc C, P332 Marc D, P42, P342 Marchi PP, P24 Marchiori PE, P336 Marie Stephane A, 19, P121, Markovic-Plese S, P163, P340 Markowitz CM, P7 Marracci G, P109 Marrie R, P63 Marrosu M, P24, P238, P316, P317, P318 Martin M, P300 Martin R, 1, 10, 45, P98, P240, P292 Martín-Serradilla J, P35 Martinelli V, 7, 30, P32, P33, P125, P248 Martínez A, P324 Martinez C, P232 Martinez-Caceres EM, P166 Martínez-Yélamos A, P215, P301 Martínez-Yélamos S, P215, P301 Martini R, 41, P175 Maryline L, P182 Mass M, 66 Massaccesi L, P238 Masterman T, P9 Matejuk A, P297 Matesanz F, P138 Mathiesen HK, P291 Matí-Bonmatí L, P232 Matthews PM, 30, P233 Matthias T, P28 Mäurer M, 41, P78 Mayorga C, P54, P138 Mazzanti B, P153 Mazzeo L, P261 McCarthy A, P64, P176 McCartin J, 10 McClurg AE, P158 McDermott MP, P14, P15 McDonnell G, P139 McFarland H, 1, 8, 10, 32, 53, P98, P240, P292 McGuigan C, P64, P176 McIlree C, P279 McKeon G, P109 McMurray CT, P140 McQuaid S, P158 Mechl M, P231, P287 Medova E, 43 Mehling M, P107 Melamed E, P110 Melchior B, 2 Melis CC, P316, P317, P318 Melis F, P150 Melms A, P107, P299 Meluzinova E, P216 Melville P, P211, P279 Melzi d’Eril G, P9 Messina C, P31, P261 Metz LM, P44, P45, P289 Meucci G, P238 Meuth S, P108 Mezzapesa D, 7, P248 Michalowska-Wender G, P338, P339 Michelin E, P25 Miguel F, P322 Mikaeloff Y, 64, P217 Mikol D, P218 Milano E, P150 Milazzo M, P211 Millefiorini E, P6, P253, P254, P262 Miller D, 36, P133, P246, P307 Miller DH, 4, P12, P73, P75, P76, P77, P84, P85, P157 Miller DM, 66, P177 Milo R, P40 Milonas I, P126, P222 Minier D, P205 Minneboo A, 31 Mirabella M, P3 Miszkiel KA, P12, P75, P77 Mitosek-Szewczyk K, P2, P90, P270 Mladek M, P171 Modin H, P137 Moench A, P34 Mola A, P265 Moldovan IR, P100 Monnin C, P304 Montalban X, P10, 51, P65, P134, P142, P166, P219, P243, P244, P307 Montanari E, P233 Montgomery EB, 63 Morales RR, P67 Morali S, P148 Moreau T, P205, P206 Moreira MA, P59, P336 Morgan E, P297 Morgan T, P211, P279 Morgen K, P240 Moriarity DM, P7 Mortilla M, P230 Motta M, P13 Moulin T, P43 Mouradian M, 42 Movig C, P312 Müller U, P39 Munhoz MS, P124 Munoz C, P259 Muñoz-Fernández M, P259 Munteis E, P65 Muraro PA, P98 Murialdo A, P238 Muris D, P274 Murru MM, P316, P318 Murru RR, P316, P318 Musolino R, P31 Mycko MP, 14 Myhr K, P137 Myriam S, P106 Nabavi CB, 5 Nacmias B, P230 Nasuelli D, P6, P145, P146, P251, P252, P253, P254, P262 Navarro G, P56 Neuhaus O, P107, P341 Nicholas R, P220 Niedermayerová I, P231, P287 Niman D, P235 Nisipeanu P, P178 Nociti V, P3 Noori M, P102, P271 Nos C, 51, P134, P219, P244 Noseworthy JH, 25, 52 Novakova I, 43, P8, P189 Nuttall R, P117 Øasová K, P179 O’Brien F, P221 O’Brien J, P303 O’Connor P, P221 Odoardi F, P3 Offen DY, P110 Offner H, P297 Oger J, P46 Oggero A, P162 Oggioni N, P153 Oguz M, P180, P181 Ohayon J, 8, 10, 32, P240 Oksenberg JR, 57 Olivier H, P198 Ollier W, P143 Olsen D, P79, P101 Onaha P, P151, P152 O’Neill JK, 48 Opwis K, 9 Orefice G, P276 Ortega A, P166 Ortiz P, P112 Ortiz T, P82 Oschmann P, P94, P129 Ossege LM, P105 Otaduy M, P72, P278 Otaegui D, P142 Ottoboni L, P111 Oturai A, P137, P268 Ouallet J, P170, P277 Özakbas S, P99, P180, P181 Ozcan H, P30 Özer F, P18, P48 Özlüolu L, P123 Pachai C, P74 Pachner A, P136 Pagani E, P247 Pagliai F, P238 Pakdaman H, P41, P288 Pakdaman R, P41, P288 Palacio S, P151 Palacios R, P142 Panet H, P110 Paolicelli D, P311 Papayannis CE, P66 Papoian R, 14 Páramo D, P56, P167 Pardo LG, P26 Parissis D, P222 Parker GJ, 4 Parkes L, P246 53 Abstracts Author Index Parnell J, P20 Partridge JM, P143, P144 Paschalidou M, P126, P222 Pascual A, P21, P22, P232 Passchier J, P173 Patarroyo JC, P298 Patrick A, P303 Patrick C, P36, P37, P239 Patrick V, P223 Patrucco L, P50, P51, P52, P151 Patten SB, P289 Patti F, P159 Paty D, 54, P47, P81 Patzold T, P105 Paulson OB, P291 Pavone I, P227 Pelfrey CM, P100 Pelligrini F, P227 Penkowa M, P166 Penner I, 9 Pennington CJ, P117 Pennington M, 49 Peper S, P20 Peplonska B, P325 Peraita Adrados R, P122 Pericak-Vance MA, 57 Pericot I, 51, P65, P219, P244 Perini P, P204 Perseghin P, P153 Petersen T, 24 Peterson J, 12 Petkovska-Boskova T, P258, P290 Petry KG, P70, P71 Petzold A, P11, P12 Pezzoni G, P153 Pfrommer H, P299 Piacentini L, P272 Piacentini S, P160 Piccio L, P111 Pichi A, P6, P262 Pierallini A, P6, P262 Pierre C, P182, P183 Pierre L, P223 Pierre S, P121 Pingi A, P203 Pipieri A, P135, P162, P306 Pires-Barata S, P282 Piskurich JF, P298 Pitha J, 43 Plant GT, P75, P76, P77 Podlecka A, P325 Poggi A, P248 Polman C, 31, P11, P93, P133, P147, P172, P234, P260, P274, P307 Poltrum B, 6 Ponsot G, P217 Ponziani G, P160 Popescue T, 59 Porcelli S, P97 Portaccio E, P160 Possa F, P125 Poulios G, P222 Poustka K, P315 Pouwels PJ, P234 54 Powell AW, P340 Pozzilli C, P133 Pozzi-Mucelli RS, P146 Prakhova L, P88 Prat A, 33 Prat E, 1 Preiningerova J, P163, P191, P245 Prieto A, P263, P264 Prin L, P255, P330 Prout A, P345 Provinciali L, P165, P280 Prucha M, P1 Pruvo J, P25 Pryce G, 48 Puerta C, P112 Pujol-Borrell R, 1 Pye EM, P224, P225 Quarantelli M, P276 Quirico-Santos T, P95, P321 Radü E, 9 Radu TD, P42, P342 Rafael A, P127, P128, P322, P323, P324 Raine CS, 14, 38 Rajda C, P161 Ramo C, P82 Ramón JM, P215 Ranjeva J, P69 Ransohoff RM, 34 Ranzato F, P13, P204 Rashid W, P12, P73, P246 Rausch M, 9 Ravid R, 15 Reading C, P297 Reale M, P6, P262 Redekop G, P80 Redmond it, P83 Reer R, P171 Reggio A, P159 Reich E, P151 Reichert-Scrivner S, 10 Reilly PM, P302 Reindl M, P4, P155, P256, P314, P315, P327, P343 Reiners K, P201 Rejdak K, P12 Rene A, P42 Renoux C, 64, P68, P74, P228 Resino S, P259 Revenco E, P43 Ricchiuti F, P265 Ricci A, P162 Riccio P, P153 Richard P, P23 Richert JR, 60 Richert N, 8, 10 Rieckmann P, P78 Rinaldi L, P13 Rio J, 51, P65, P134, P219, P244 Risch N, 56 Riscoe M, P109 Riskind P, P226 Ritter SB, P184 Rivera V, P52 Rizzo M, P163, P191 Rizzo MA, P308 Roberto Á, P127, P128 Rocca MA, 7, P247, P248, P249 Rocha FC, P67, P336 Rodegher M, 7 Rodriguez L, P152 Rodriguez-Mahou M, P259 Rodriguez-Saiz C, P259 Roed H, P101 Roelke K, P20 Rog DJ, P192, P193 Rolesu MM, P316, P317, P318 Ropele S, 6 Ross C, 24, 60 Rossi B, P111 Rossi P, 62 Rostrup E, P79, P291 Rota S, P153 Rotondi M, P3 Roullet E, P207, P208 Rovaris M, P133, P249 Rovira À, 51, P10, P134, P243, P244 Rubio A, P324 Rubner P, P256 Rudick R, 12, 66, P100 Rufer A, P201 Ruggieri M, P311 Ruiz C, 2 Ruiz-Peña J, P56 Rumbach L, P23, P43, P304 Rus H, 39 Rusinek H, P236 Rùûièka J, P179 Ryder L, P137 Sá PN, P59 Saccardi R, P238 Sadovnick D, 56 Sala A, P150 Sala F, P153 Sala V, P153 Salort E, P170, P277 Salvatore E, P276 Samocka R, P325 Sánchez A, P112 Sanchez E, 51 Sanchez-Ramon S, P259 Sandberg-Wollheim M, P137 Sandbrink R, P307 Sandoval G, P66 Sandrock A, 66, P5, P86 Sanjak M, P20, P194, P195 Sanna S, P24, P317 Sanpedro E, P152 Sant’Anna G, P95 Santos CC, P95, P321 Santos MA, P124 Sarafianos A, P209 Saresella M, P272 Sarica Y, P331 Sartori E, P49 Sass G, P299 Sastre-Garriga J, P10, 51, P65, P219, P244 Sawaki L, P240 Sawcer S, 55, P137, P319 Scalfari A, P31, P261 Scaravilli F, P84, P85 Scarpini E, P111 Schanda K, P4, P256, P315, P327 Scheid EA, P14, P15 Schelp C, P207 Scherl W, P279 Schiavone V, P276 Schirru LL, P316, P317 Schmidt H, 6 Schmidt R, 6 Schmidt S, 57 Schmied M, P343 Schmierer K, P84, P85 Schreiner B, P107 Schulz K, P171, P266 Schwid SR, P14, P15 Scott GS, P92, P113, P310 Scotti G, 7, P247, P248 Seeldrayers P, 23, 30 Segal BM, P114, P115 Seguin R, 33 Seidi OA, P103, P273 Seidl Z, P8 Seifert T, 6 Seilhean D, P167 Sellebjerg F, P101 Selmaj K, 14, P116, P250 Semra YK, P344 Sendtner M, 41 Shah J, P130 Sharief MK, P102, P103, P104, P271, P273, P344 Sharma J, P251 Sherman S, P199 Shifroni G, P249 Shin ML, 39 Shukaliak-Quandt J, P292 Siegel B, P326 Siger-Zajdel M, P250 Silversides J, P139 Simon JH, 54, 66, P5, P86, P87 Simone IL, P227 Simone M, P199 Sinay V, P151, P152 Sindern E, P105 Sindic C, P309 Siracusa G, P160, P230 Siva A, P89 Skurnick J, P136 Smith KJ, P296 Smith P, P267 Smith S, 30, P233 Smith SA, P235 Snyder E, 37 Sobek O, P1 Soelberg Sørensen P, 23, P291, P294 Soilu-Hanninen M, 18 Solano F, P141 Solberg Sorensen P, P137 Abstracts Author Index Solla EE, P316, P317, P318 Sommer N, P91, P257 Sondermann J, P266 Sonenvirth E, P38 Sonia B, P121 Sophie G, P106 Sorbi S, P160, P230 Sorensen PS, 24, 30, P268 Soriani M, P60, P213, P214 Soriano ER, P50 Sotelo H, P151 Soulillou J, 2 Souza AM, P336 Spanish M, P142 Special Therapies Group M, P46 Speciale L, P272 Spitsin S, P92, P310 Splendiani G, P165, P280 Spurkland A, P137 Stam Moraga M, P334 Stanzani L, P153 Stavropoulos D, P209 Stead R, P132 Stei S, P257 Steinman L, 47 Stelmasiak Z, P2, P12, P90, P270 Stenager E, 24 Stepan J, P189 Stephens NE, P269 Stipal R, P229 Stoian CA, P44, P45 Stojkovic T, P25, P27, P200 Stoliarov I, P88 Stone R, 8, 32 Strange R, P143, P144 Strasser-Fuchs S, 6 Stuve O, P298 Styczynska M, P325 Sun H, P245 Svejgaard A, P137 Svenson M, 24 Swerdlin A, 57 Sylviane C, P36, P37, P239 Symms M, P246 Szymanska B, P116 Taborsky L, P1 Tanik O, P148 Tanya S, P223 Tardieu M, P217 Tarulla A, P151 Taurin G, P196, P337 Téllez N, P10, P65, P219 Tench CR, P83 Tenembaum S, P66 Tessitore A, P240 Tessmer W, P266 Teunissen CE, P16 Thierry D, P106 Thompson A, 4, P73, P75, P77, P133, P244 Thompson EJ, P11, P12 Tiberio M, P13, P204 Ticha V, 43, P8, P189 Tickonova I, P125 Tijssen CC, P312 Tinbergen J, P309 Tintore M, 51, P65, P134, P219, P243, P244 Tissot E, P304 Tjoa CW, P251 Tola R, P32, P33 Tolosa E, P107 Tombul T-, P119 Tommasi MA, P145, P146 Tonali P, P3 Toosy AT, 4, P75, P77 Török M, P161 Tortorella C, P227 Tosta E, P336 Totolian N, P88 Touil T, P70, P71 Toyka KV, 41, P78, P154, P201 Trabattoni d, P272 Traboulsee A, 54, P80, P81 Trapp BD, 12 Tredici G, P153 Tremlett H, P46 Trinkaus K, P17 Trojano M, P32, P33, P265, P311 Trotter J, P97 Tsaknaridis L, P295 Tsao EC, P5, P86, P177 Tscherning T, P291 Tselis A, P38, P241 Turan N, P30, P156 Turkish Multiple Sclerosis Genetics Study Group P319 Turner B, P242 Tyblova M, P8, P189 Tyler CM, P14 Tzintzeva E, P204 UBC MS Clinic t, P47 Uitdehaag B, P93, P147, P172, P274 Uitdehaag BJ, P11 Uitdehaag BM, 31, P260, P312 Ukmar M, P146 Ulivi S, P146 Uxa L, P146 Uzunel F, P180, P181 v Hippel C, P201 Valero C, P21, P22, P232 Vallee L, P217 Vandenbark AA, 46 van den Berg T, P274 Vandenbroeck K, P139 van der Meche F, P173 van der Valk P, 3 van Doorn P, P173 Vaneckova M, P8 van Kamp G, P147 van Lier R, P93, P260 van Veen T, P147 vanWaesberghe J, P133 van Winsen L, P147 Vartdal F, P137 Vass K, P343 Vécsei L, P161 Verdun E, P135, P162, P306 Verley C, P277 Vermersch P, P25, P27, P28, P200, P213, P255, P281, P330 Vernay D, P206 Vesela B, P1 Vetere S, P151 Vicente M, P134 Videla GC, P50, P51, P52 Vidry E, P43 Villoslada P, P142 Virginia D, P127, P128, P322, P323 Virginie L, P239 Visser LH, P312 Viti B, P165, P280 Vivo P, P159 Vodvarkova S, 43 Vogel F, P91 Voigt K, P94, P129 Vollmer T, P63, P163, P185, P191, P245, P308, P340 von Büdingen H, 5 Vorobeychik G, P47, P345 Voskuhl R, 58 Vukusic S, 64, P68, P74, P228 Waclawik AJ, P194 Wagner K, P133 Wagnerova J, P293 Walczak A, P116 Waldmann H, P157 Waldmann T, 10 Walker P, P205 Wandinger K, P98 Wang Q, P97 Wanschitz J, P4 Warter J, P186 Washington R, P293 Waubant EL, P68 Waxham MN, P269 Weatherby SJ, P224, P225 Weaver A, P117 Weber H, 16 Weder CR, P164 Weilbach FX, P154 Weiner H, 44 Weinshenker BG, P140 Weinstein A, P14 Weinstock-Guttman B, P26, 66, 67 Weiser S, P269 Weissert R, P107, P108, P299 Wekerle H, 16 Weller M, P107, P108, P299 Wender M, P339 Wesnes K, P309 Wheeler-Kingshott CA, 4 Whittington D, P302 Wicht S, P335 Wiendl H, P107, P108, P299, P341 Wiertlewski S, 2 Wilkins D, P295 Williams LP, P114 Willoughby EW, P305 Wilson C, P267 Wilt S, 42 Winsen Lv, P274 Winter R, P109 Wintterle S, P107 Witte J, P171 Witte T, P28 Wolansky LJ, P136 Wolinsky JS, 50, P249 Wood C, P199 Work Group on Standardized MRI Protocol P81 Woronoff-Lemsi M, P304 Wranek U, P184 Wright AR, P305 Wroe S, P313 Wuerfel J, 10 Wullf H, 49 Xavier M, P322, P323 Xinou E, P222 Yapici Z, P30, P156 Yayla V, P18, P48 Ýdiman E, P99 Ýdiman F, P99 Yeager M, P97 Yigiter K, P168 Yong V, 17, 35, P117 Yoshida E, P345 Young CA, P192, P193 Yousry T, P133 Youssef S, P298 Yozbatiran N, P180, P181 Yun S, 49 Zacchi T, P146 Zaffaroni M, P32, P33, P247 Zakrzewska-Pniewska B, P325 Zamora A, P297 Zamvil SS, P298 Zapletalova O, P96 55 LATE BREAKING NEWS ABSTRACTS LB1 VALIDATION OF DIAGNOSTIC MRI CRITERIA FOR MS AND RESPONSE TO TREATMENT WITH INTERFERON-BETA-1A Barkhof Fb, Rocca Mc, Francis Gd, van Waesberghe Jb, Uitdehaag Bb, Hommes Oe, Hartung Hf, Durelli Lg, Edan Gh, Fernández Oa, Seeldrayers Pi, Sorenson Pj, Margrie Sk, Comi Gc, Filippi Mc,b aMS-MRI centre,VU medical centre, Amsterdam, Europe, Netherlands; bIRCCS San Raffaele, Milan, Italy; cSerono Laboratories, Rockland, Massachusetts, USA; dEuropean Charcot Foundation, Nijmegen, Netherlands; eKarl-Franzens Universität, Graz, Austria; fUniversity of Turin,Turin, Italy; gUniversité de Rennes, Rennes, France; hHospital Carlos Haya, Malaga, Spain; iC.H.U. de Charleroi, and Hôpital Erasme, Brussels, Belgium; jRigshospitalet, Copenhagen, Denmark; kQuintiles Pty Limited, Sydney, Australia Background: In the recently adopted diagnostic criteria for MS by McDonald, the modified criteria of Barkhof have been adopted. Objectives: To prospectively test the validity of the modified Barkhof criteria and their predictive value for IFN-beta-1a treatment response in the ETOMS study Methods: The ETOMS study was a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled study of IFN-beta-1a (i.m.) once weekly in 309 patients with a first episode consistent with demyelinating disease. Baseline MRI was assessed for the presence of gadolinium-enhancement (or 9 T2 lesions), juxtacortical, infratentorial, and 3 periventricular lesions. Conversion to CDMS was used as the outcome parameter. Results: Conversion to CDMS occurred in 41% of patients with gadolinium-enhancement or 9 T2 lesions versus 11% of those without (p⫽0.017); similar comparisons were 44% vs. 31% for infratentorial (p⫽0.026), 40% vs. 35% for juxtacortical (p⫽0.413), and 41% vs. 17% for more than 3 periventricular lesions (p⫽0.034). For the cumulative number of modified Barkhof criteria, the rate of conversion to CDMS was 25% for 1 abnormal criterion, rising to 47% with 4 abnormal criteria. For a cut-off of 3 positive criteria, the hazard ratio for time to CDMS was 2.3 (95% CI 1.17-4.56, p⫽0.016).While the effect of treatment seemed most evident in patients with 4 abnormal criteria, statistically significant treatment by variable interaction could not be detected. However, the number of patients needed to treat decreases from 50 with 2 or less criteria to 5.6 with 4 positive criteria. Conclusions: This study confirms the validity of the modified Barkhof criteria for conversion to CDMS, and suggests that treatment with IFN-beta-1a is more cost-effective in patients with more abnormal criteria. Disclosure: Most authors were consultants to Serono Funding: Supported by the European Charcot Foundation and Serono LB2 ANTI-MOG ANTIBODIES PREDICT EARLY CONVERSION TO CLINICALLY DEFINITE MS IN PATIENTS WITH A FIRST DEMYELINATING EVENT. Berger Ta, Rubner Pa, Schautzer Fb, Egg Ra, Ulmer Hc, Mayringer Ia, Dilitz Ea, Deisenhammer Fa, Reindl Ma aNeurology, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck,Austria; bNeurology, County Hospital,Villach,Austria; cBiostatistics, University of Innsbruck, Innsbruck,Austria Background: 90% of MS patients present at onset with a clinically isolated syndrome (CIS). Although up to 80% of these patients will convert to clinically definite MS (CDMS), the further MS disease course is unpredictable at onset for individual patients. Objectives: New neuropathological findings, e.g. antibody-mediated demyelination, and the concept of epitope spreading in the early disease phase, prompted us to investigate whether the presence of serum anti-MOG and anti-MBP antibodies (abs) in patients with CIS predicts the further disease course. Methods: 103 consecutive patients with a CIS, confirmed by MRI and positive oligoclonal bands in CSF, were included and followed for at least 12 months. Anti-MOG and anti-MBP abs were measured as previously described (Reindl et al, 1999). Results: 73 females and 30 males (mean age at disease onset: 32.0 years; mean disease duration: 50.9 months, range 12–96 months). 22 patients (21%) had serum abs against MOG and MBP, 42 (41%) were seropositive for anti-MOG abs only, and 39 (38%) were seronegative. Relapses occurred in only 9 (23%) seronegative patients, but in 95% of patients with abs against MOG and MBP. Seronegative patients had their first relapse after a mean relapse free interval of 45.1 months (range 25–83 months). In contrast, patients with initial seropositivity for anti-MOG and anti-MBP abs developed their first relapse after only 7.5 months (range 1–18 months, P<0.001). Quantitation of MRI showed higher mean numbers of T2 and Gdenhancing T1 lesions in patients with anti-MOG and anti-MBP abs compared to seronegative patients. However, the number of MRI lesions varied in individual patients, irrespective of their antibody status, from 2 to >9 T2 lesions and 0 to 4 Gd-enhancing T1 lesions. Conclusions: Analysis of antibodies against MOG and MBP in patients with CIS represent a rapid, unexpensive and precise method to identify patients with either a high or low risk for early conversion to CDMS.This may have implications for counseling and management in patients with a first demyelinating event suggestive of MS. Disclosure:T Berger has nothing to disclose. Funding:This work was supported by a grant of the Austrian Federal Ministry of Science (Nr. GZ 70.059/2-Pr/4/99). 56 LB3 NEUROREHABILITATION IN MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS CONTRIBUTES TO FUNCTIONAL RECOVERY ACCOMPANIED BY CHANGES OF BRAIN ACTIVITY ON FMRI—PRELIMINARY RESULTS. Rasova K, Krasensky J, Havrdova E, Obenberger J, Zalisova M, Seidl Z Department of Neurology, Charles University Background: Although MS is an inflammatory demyelinating disease, which can lead to the axonal injury and loss, neurorehabilitation may contribute to functional recovery accompanied by the changes in brain activity. Objectives: To show changes in brain activity on fMRI and their correlation with functional recovery. Methods: 18 outpatients with MS were evaluated before and after individualized neurorehabilitation treatment (two sessions per week, 30 weeks) for impairment (EDSS), disability (BI), handicap (ESS), quality of life (MSQoL) and amplitude of signal in the primary sensorimotor cortex (ASPSMC) using serial fMRI during the performance repetitive index-thumb opposition. Results: There were 6 men and 12 women, EDSS was 4.19, age 41.11 yrs and illness duration 11.5 yrs. 8 patients had relapsing-remitting, 4 primary progressive and 6 secondary progressive MS.The therapy led to functional recovery and positively influenced the impairment (EDSS from 4.19 to 3.63: p<0,1), the disability (BI from 94.16 to 98.05: p<0.05), the handicap (ESS from 7.30 to 4.25: p<0.05) and quality of life (MSQoL from 152.6 to 161.13: trend shown). The functional recovery was accompanied by changes in ASPSMC.There was a trend towards decreased ASPSMC after therapy (ASPSMC for right hand from 7.82 to 7.20%, for left hand from 8.61 to 7.71%).We found two different responses to therapy: in two thirds of patients the ASPSMC decreased, while in one third of patients it increased.We have found no relationship between functional recovery and changes in the brain activity. It was shown that when ASPSMC in left hand changed, it changed in right hand as well during the performance of paradigm (correlation coefficient 0.56).The therapy was not aimed at improving function of the hands, but control of the whole body. Nevertheless, the function of the hands and ASPSMC during the performance of the paradigm changed. It seems that neurorehabilitation influences the function of the whole brain. Conclusions: There is very little scientific basis for the therapy that is designed to help damaged brain circuits recover.These preliminary results show that neuorehabilitation in MS contributes to functional recovery and can be accompanied by changes of brain activity. Disclosure: K Rasova has nothing to disclose. LB4 TIGHT JUNCTION ABNORMALITY IN MS AFFECTS ALL CALIBRES OF VESSEL AND CORRELATES WITH LESION ACTIVITY. Kirk Ja, Plumb Jb, Mirakhur Mb, McQuaid Sb University, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom; bNeuropathology, Royal Victoria Hospital, Belfast, Northern Ireland, United Kingdom aPathology, Queen’s Background: Increased blood-brain barrier (BBB) permeability observed in MS has been linked to pathological change in the tight junctions (TJ) and vesicular transport of vascular endothelium. Objectives: This study quantifies the pathological changes in TJs which we have recently reported in MS, including their uneven distribution and the relation between abnormal TJ and BBB leakage. Methods: Frozen sections from plaque and normal appearing white matter (NAWM) in 14 post-mortem(PM) cases of MS were studied together with white matter from 6 neurological and 5 normal controls. Using single and double immunofluorescence and confocal microscopy the TJ-associated proteins zonula occludens-1 (ZO-1) and occludin were examined across lesion types and tissue categories, and in relation to fibrinogen leakage. Confocal image datasets were analysed for 2198 MS and 1062 control vessels. Results: Significant differences in the extent of TJ abnormalities (i.e. beading, interruption, absence or redistribution of fluorescence signal, separation or opening of junctions) were detected between the different lesional types in MS and between MS and control white matter.They were frequent in oil-red O(ORO) + ‘active’ plaques, affecting 42.5% of vessels, but less frequent in ORO- ‘inactive’ plaques (22.8%) or NAWM (13.1%) and in both normal (3.9%) and neurological controls (9.5%).A similar pattern was found irrespective of the size of vessels examined. In both NAWM and inactive lesions, dual-labelling showed that those with the most TJ abnormality had the greatest fibrinogen leakage.This was most apparent in active lesions where 41% of vessels showed severe leakage. Conclusions: TJ abnormality affects vessels of all sizes, suggesting a diffusable chemical (?cytokine) cause. It occurs in lesional and non-lesional white matter, being most severe where there is evidence of active demyelination. Disruption of TJs, affecting both paracellular and transcellular pathways probably contributes to the BBB leakage detected in this study.The finding of TJ abnormality and BBB leakage in ‘inactive’ lesions points to a failure of effective and complete TJ repair or to the continuation of a pathological process. In NAWM it suggests either pre-lesional change or white matter damage secondary to remote lesions. Disclosure: J Kirk has nothing to disclose. Funding: JP is supported by The Irish Brain Research Foundation. Pilot studies were supported by the MS Society of GB & NI. LATE BREAKING NEWS ABSTRACTS (continued) LB5 SINGLE CENTRE, DBPC, RANDOMISED TRIAL OF INTERFERON 1B IN PRIMARY PROGRESSIVE AND TRANSITIONAL PROGRESSIVE MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS:AN EXPLORATORY PHASE II STUDY. Montalban Xa, Brieva La,Tintore Ma, Borras Ca, Rio Ja, Nos Ca,Aymerich Xb,Alonso Jb, Horno Ra,Vicente Ma, Rovira Ab aClinical Neuroimmunology Unit, Hospital Universitari Vall d, Barcelona, Spain; bMagnetic Resonance Unit–IDI, Hospital Universitari Vall d, Barcelona, Spain Background: Beneficial effects of interferon have been shown only for patients in the relapsing phase of MS as its role in the treatment of SPMS patients still remains controversial.The single phase II randomized controlled trial on PPMS using IFN 1a(IM) shows no significant treatment effect on EDSS though some effect on T2 lesion load. Objectives: To investigate safety and efficacy hints of interferon 1b given to patients with primary and transitionalprogressive multiple sclerosis (PPMS and TPMS). Methods: 73 patients (49 PPMS, 24 TPMS) with EDSS scores of 3.0 to 7.0, were randomized to receive 8 million IU of IFN 1b or placebo every other day, subcutaneously for 2 years. Safety parameters including the Ashworth spasticity, Krupp fatigue and Depression Inventory scales and blood tests were performed three monthly. Clinical outcomes (EDSS and MS Functional Composite—MSFC) were also performed three monthly and the Sickness Impact Profile six monthly. MRI measures (T2 and T1-weighted brain lesion load, brain parenchymal fraction, active lesions, spinal cord atrophy, MTR and spectroscopy) and neuropsychological assessment (BRNB) were done annually. Results: Adverse events significantly associated with IFN included injection-site reaction, flu-like symptoms and lymphopenia. One patient on placebo died of pulmonary infection. In all, 96% of the patients reached study end and 93% completed the treatment period.Treatment groups were comparable on all baseline variables.The proportion of patients with confirmed progression measured by EDSS at 3 months was 27.8% in the IFN arm and 37.8% in the placebo arm (p⫽0.3135). Statistically significant differences were found for MSFC (PASAT 3”, 9-HPT and AI (p⫽0,03),T2 (p⫽0.006) and T1 (p⫽0.001) lesion load and number of active lesions (p⫽0.005) in favor of the IFN-treated group. Conclusions: IFN 1b is safe in treating patients with PPMS and TPMS. Our study seems to be the first indicating a beneficial effect of IFN in these patients. Disclosure: X Montalban has nothing to disclose. Funding:Trial supported by Schering España SA (of Schering AG, Germany) LB7 MULTIPLE SCLEROSIS DOCUMENTATION SYSTEM—MSDS 2.0 Eulitz Ma, Kugel Ta, Muraro PAb, Pette Ma Universitaet, Dresden, Germany; bNIB/NINDS, NIH, Bethesda, Maryland, USA aNeurologie,Technische Background: The long and variable course of MS, as well as the individual and unpredictable response to currently available immune-modifying treatments require a detailed and standardized patient record. Furthermore, the systematic collection of data on large cohorts of consecutive patients may help to correlate clinical information with basic research.Although the development of database programs to monitor MS patients started almost thirty years ago, no single application has gained widespread use so far. Objectives: To develop a modular electronic patient record supporting both the daily care of patients and the collection of specific information on MS. Methods: MSDS is a SQL (structured query language) database.A multilingual (German, English; Italian and Spanish in preparation), graphical user interface allows easy data input and output. Client-server architecture optimizes MSDS for using it in local area networks. Results: Since its introduction in 12/2001, MSDS has been distributed to 25 hospitals (16 universities).Through MSDS users recorded and managed visiting dates, patient history (complaints, relapses), physical examination findings, and results of blood and CSF chemistry, evoked potentials and MRI. MS diagnosis can be specified according to criteria by Poser (applied automatically), by McDonald and by Lublin/Reingold. Clinical scores calculated by MSDS comprise the EDSS, the MSFC, and the Scripps NRS. In general, data input is standardized (pull-down menus).Whenever required, specific details can be added as free text. Data consistency is controlled by internal check mechanisms. Multiple reports describe the individual disease course, as well as the local patient population. In addition to these built-in features, individual queries can be designed to retrieve specific information. Correspondence to practitioners is supported by MSDS.Additional features include a pedigree generator, a bio-sample database and a study-protocol editor.To support the building of a national MS registry, the present version of MSDS automatically keeps a consensus minimal data set of each patient up-todate. Current users have found MSDS user-friendly and well suited to accurately describe the clinical aspects of MS. Conclusions: MSDS may provide an improved platform for clinical documentation of MS and facilitate international standardization. Disclosure: M Pette has nothing to disclose. Funding: Supported by Gemeinnuetzige Hertie-Stiftung LB6 SUCCESSFUL TREATMENT WITH IFN-1B IN RR MS PATIENTS IS ASSOCIATED WITH AN INCREASE IN THE NUMBER OF IL-10 PRODUCING (REGULATORY) CD4 +T CELLS. van Boxel-Dezaire Aa,b, Smits Ma, Uitdehaag Bb, Polman Cb, Nagelkerken La aDivision of Immunological and Infectious Diseases,TNO Prevention and Health, Leiden, Netherlands; bDepartment of Neurology,Vrije Universiteit Medical Center,Amsterdam, Netherlands Background: Although IFN- is now widely used for treatment of MS, its mode of action still remains unclear; recent studies do not support a shift in the Th1/Th2 balance. In vitro studies show that type I interferons induce the differentiation of Tregulatory-1 (Tr1) cells and the survival of CD4+CD25+ T cells, which are both recently described suppressor T cells able to produce IL-10. Objectives: The aim of the present study was to investigate whether IFN-1b therapy induces IL-10 in a general fashion or in a specific (regulatory) T-cell subset only. In addition, it was evaluated whether differential effects on IL-10 production by peripheral blood monocytes, CD4+ or CD8+ T cells could be correlated with clinical efficacy of IFN-1b treatment. Methods: Based on EDSS-progression and the number of relapses and steroid interventions in the 2 years before initiation of IFN-1b treatment compared with those in the 2 years after initiation of treatment, 24 RR MS patients were classified as responders (15) and nonresponders (9). Using intracellular cytokine staining techniques, the effect of IFN-1b after 0, 3 and 6 months of treatment was studied on the number of IL-10 producing CD8+ T cells, CD4+ (CD25+) T cells and monocytes. Results: Numbers of IL-10 producing CD4+ T cells were significantly decreased prior to treatment. Remarkably, after 3 and 6 months of treatment a significant increase in the number of such T cells could be found in the clinical responders only. In contrast, treatment decreased numbers of IL-10 producing monocytes in both responders and nonresponders and did not affect numbers of CD8+ T cells that produced IL-10. In a subgroup of the responders (7 out of 15), the effect of IFN-1b treatment was also studied on CD4+CD25+ T cells. Notably, a significant increase in the number of IL-10 producing CD4+CD25+ T cells could be observed after 6 months of treatment. Conclusions: Enhancement of the number of CD4+CD25+ T cells that produce IL-10 may be an important mechanism in the therapeutic effect of IFN- in RR MS. Disclosure:A van Boxel-Dezaire has nothing to disclose. Funding: Supported by the Dutch Foundation for the support of MS Research, grant 94-175 MS; The Multiple Sclerosis Center for Research and Care,Amsterdam,The Netherlands 57 Maps of Downtown Baltimore 1. Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel 700 Aliceanne Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Phone: 410-385-3000 Fax: 410-895-1900 2. Courtyard by Marriott Inner Harbor 1000 Aliceanne Street Baltiomore, MD 21202 Phone: 443-923-4000 Fax: 443-923-9970 3. Baltimore Marriott Inner Harbor 110 South Eutaw Street Baltimore, Maryland 21201 Phone: 410-962-0202 Fax: 410-625-7892 4. Radisson Plaza Hotel Baltimore Inner Harbor 20 West Baltimore Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Hotel Phone: 410-539-8400 Hotel Fax: 410-332-4229 5. Renaissance Harborplace Hotel 202 East Pratt Street Baltimore, MD 21202 Phone: 410-547-1200 Fax: 410-539-5780 6. Sheraton Inner Harbor Hotel 300 South Charles Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: 410-962-8300 Fax: 410-962-8211 7. Wyndham Baltimore Inner Harbor 101 West Fayette Street Baltimore, MD 21201 Phone: 410-752-1100 Fax: 410-752-0832 58 Social Events National Aquarium of Baltimore Pier 3 at 501 E. Pratt Street, Phone: 410-576-3800 Reception and Buffet Dinner Thursday, September 19th 7:30 pm–10:30 pm Begin your evening with a leisurely stroll through the aquarium exhibits, enjoying a glass of wine and selections of hors d’oeuvres along the way. Dazzling tropical fish, a giant Pacific octopus, electric eels, graceful stingrays, playful puffins, two-toed sloths, red-bellied piranhas, poison dart frogs and a giant anaconda are among the more than 10,000 marine and freshwater animals waiting to say hello. The self-guided tour ends with a candlelight dinner buffet. Welcome Reception at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel 700 Aliceanna Street, Phone: 410-385-3000 Wednesday, September 18th 7:00 pm–9:00 pm On opening day, the Steering Committee invites all conference delegates to an informal “Welcome Reception” at the Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel. Meet new friends, renew acquaintances, and congratulate the fine young investigators who presented their research that afternoon. B&O Railroad Museum 901 W. Pratt Street at Poppleton Street, Phone: 410-752-2490 Reception and Buffet Dinner Friday, September 20th 7:30 pm–10:00 pm Affiliated with the Smithsonian Institution, the B&O Railroad Museum is dedicated to the preservation and interpretation of American railroading— especially the historic Baltimore and Ohio (B&O) line. You’ll enter the museum through Mt. Clare Station, built in 1851, and proceed to the 1884 Baldwin Roundhouse—a 22-sided room with a 136-foot high ceiling! Dinner and dancing are the order of the evening with the opportunity to stroll through some of the locomotive and artifacts exhibits. Committee Reception and Dinner (by invitation) Baltimore Museum of Industry 1415 Key Highway at Lawrence Street Phone: 410-727-4808 Saturday, September 21st 7:00 pm–10:00 pm Complimentary round-trip transportation will be available for all social events. 59 Next Year’s Meetings ACTRIMS 2003 October 19 San Francisco 8th Annual Meeting of the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Schlerosis ECTRIMS 2003 September 17–20 Milan 19th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Schlerosis The National Multiple Sclerosis Society proudly introduces the The National MS Society has long been a resource for health professionals providing care to people with multiple sclerosis.The new Professional Resource Center, which houses the most comprehensive library of MS information in the world, offers multidisciplinary expertise on MS disease process and management, opportunities for clinial affiliation, and a range of educational programs and materials. Physicians are invited to consult via email with MS specialist colleagues who serve on our Medical Advisory Board: Allied health professionals are invited to consult via email with MS specialist colleagues: Questions are also welcome at our toll-free number: 1-866-MS-TREAT ( 678-7328 ) Visit our website: An expert source of MS information for healthcare professionals 60 Travel Information Reservation Assistance Targa Tours can offer discounts with American Airlines and US Airways, and will also search for the lowest available fare on ANY airline serving Baltimore. A US$20 service fee applies. Call toll-free: 1-800-756-7957 (From outside the USA or within the Chicago metro area, call 312-541-0780) Fax: 312-541-0783 E-mail: On-line: Airport/Airlines Baltimore/Washington International Airport Ronald Reagan Washington National Airport Washington Dulles International Airport American Airlines Frontier Airlines Southwest Airlines US Airways 410-859-7111 703-417-8000 703-572-2700 800-433-7300 410-694-6220 410-290-7001 800-428-4322 To the Airport The Airport Shuttle, Inc. Baltimore Airport Shuttle Butler Transportation BWI Airport Shuttle 410-381-2772 410-821-5387 410-732-5098 800-258-3826 Taxi and Limousine Services Yellow Transportation American Limousines, Inc Carey Limousine/Baltimore Prime Time Sedan and Limo Service 410-727-7300 410-522-0400 410-880-0999 443-562-0067 Trains MARC Commuter trains (Baltimore/Washington) AMTRAK 410-539-5000 800-872-7245 Visitor Services Baltimore Tickets 888-225-8849 Emergency Phone Numbers Police Fire Ambulance 911 911 911 61 7th Annual Meeting of the Americas Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis 18th Congress of the European Committee for Treatment and Research in Multiple Sclerosis September 18 –21, 2002 Baltimore Marriott Waterfront Hotel 700 Aliceanna Street Baltimore, Maryland, USA Tel: 212-476-0465 Fax: 212-661-9735 E-mail: Final Program,Abstract Listing and Meeting Information This program is offered in collaboration with the National Multiple Sclerosis Society