sierre, site of economic establishment
sierre, site of economic establishment
SIERRE, SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT INFORMATION FOR THE ATTENTION OF COMPANIES AND INVESTORS CITY OF SIERRE JANUARY 2010 3 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT IN A NUTSHELL Exceptional quality of life, climate and environment in the heart of the Alps High-performance rail, road and air services Excellent poles: ICT (information & communication technology), applied research and innovation, aluminium, training, tourism, vines and wines Growing city – Important public and private investments Favourable conditions for executives: • Attractive production costs (tax system, rents, wages) • Well-located industrial and commercial sites, with development potential Simplified processes and researches thanks to one unique office of economic promotion City at the border between the German-speaking and Frenchspeaking Valais 4 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT AT THE HEART OF EUROPE Strategic situation, on an important North-South axis of the linguistic border Optimal links: • By road: A9 motorway • By rail: the new Lötschberg base tunnel brings Sierre closer to Berne, Bâle-Zürich and Northern Europe • By air: international airports of Geneva, Zürich and Milan, regional airport of Sion only 15 minutes away AMSTERDAM FRANKFURT BRUXELLES ✈ ✈ BÂLE ZÜRICH BERNE PARIS sch Löt . ✈ GENÈVE g ber ✈ LAUSANNE n Grd plo Sim SIERRE LYON BRIG rd rna Be St- MILANO TORINO 5 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT From Sierre to Distance Duration of the journey Lausanne Berne Geneva Zürich 111 km 92 km 175 km 190 km 1h14 1h19 1h58 2h23 Milan 228 km 2h30 © Photo CFF Moving time by train from Sierre 6 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT TO LIVE IN THE CITY OF THE SUN Unique climate and sunshine Exceptional natural heritage: • The Alps with their ski-runs, hiking paths, etc. • Pfyn-Finges natural park The city in the countryside: small, convivial and relaxed academic city in the middle of the vineyard – abundant cultural life Housing facilities Number of rainy days per year 87 Sierre 103 Lugano 114 Geneva 123 Lausanne 126 Berne 134 Zürich 60 70 Source: météosuisse (2005 data) 80 90 100 110 120 130 140 150 7 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT HIGH-QUALITY SCHOOL AND EXTRACURRICULAR STRUCTURES Bilingual school offer including a graduate school of trade and general knowledge (commercial maturity, trade degree, social/health general knowledge subject) Teaching quality attested by the latest international studies PISA 2006 (2008 Edition) Avant-garde day nursery-canteen Teaching fit to the needs of your colleagues’ children from 3 months (day-care nursery of Europe) until the bachelor/master level at HESSO in French and German See also page 15 “Graduate schools / Research” “PISA 2006 study” results Intercantonal comparison of performances in sciences of 9th grade pupils Points 530.0 Results superior to the Swiss average Results on the Swiss average Results inferior to the Swiss average 520.4 521.7 518.7 510.8 515.1 513.3 508.5 501.2 501.3 500.0 497.8 496.3 491.6 489.8 482.0 Switzerland Fr(f) Vs(f) Vs(d) Ju(f) Ti Ne Be(f) Vd Ge Region Comments (f) Schools in which the teaching is done in French (d) Schools in which the teaching is done in German © OFS - Statistics Encyclopedia of Switzerland Source: Office fédéral de la statistique 8 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT TECHNOARK, EXCELLENT ITC POLE French-speaking Switzerland leader in information and communication technologies (ITC) Support to innovation and transfer of technologies to companies Complementary forces under a same roof: Academic institute Icare (RFID centre – the Internet of Things) Incubator of new companies Computing institute of management, institute of economy & tourism of the HES-SO Valais “Business experience” program of the HES-SO allowing the transfer of skills and the integration of students into the economy TechnoArk is integrated in the Valaisan network The Ark (Valaisan foundation for innovation), also including BlueArk (energy), PhytoArk and BioArk (sciences of life), TéléArk and Ideark (ITC) 9 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT COMPANIES PRESENT AT THE TECHNOARK R&D AND TRAINING INSTITUT ICT START-UP MEDIA TECHNOLOGIES SERVICES Link to the companies of the TechnoArk 10 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT TECHNOARK, KEY FIGURES 50 companies 350 jobs 3 research institutes 10’000 m2 of flexible premises dedicated to active companies in the field of ICT 2’500 m2 still available at the price of approximately Fr. 200/m2/year 11 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT TECHNOARK, INFRASTRUCTURES AT THE DISPOSAL OF COMPANIES 9 conference rooms + 1 videoconference room Datacenter Business corner Technological showcase Restaurant Fitness Entertainment spaces Underground parking lot TechnoArk 12 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT EXCELLENT ALUMINIUM POLE Aluminium: A hundred-year old savoir faire An innovative dynamic Important investments: • Novelis: 50 millions of francs in 2007 for an avant-garde foundry and a R&D centre • Alcan: 13 millions of francs for a vanguard of technology kiln (aeronautic, transportation and industry division) 13 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT EXCELLENT TOURISM POLE Sierre, a city heart with a strong touristic tradition Renowned alpine destinations: Crans-Montana, Loèche-les-Bains, Val d’Anniviers 70000 touristic beds © Sierre-Anniviers DAMIAN CROMWELL, PHOTOGRAPHER © Sierre-Anniviers Authentic alpine heritage – large range of entertainments: golf courses, hot springs, wellness, ski, hiking, entertainment parks, natural parks, etc. 14 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT EXCELLENT VINE AND WINE POLE Sierre, Swiss capital of wine • Headquarters of the Global Federation of Major Wine and Spirit Contests (VINOFED) • Mondial du Pinot Noir • VINEA, the most important annual tasting meeting in Switzerland (1,200 wines presented) Globally renowned wines and cellars A terrace vineyard, producing about sixty local and international wines 15 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT GRADUATE TRAINING – A BREEDING GROUND FOR YOUNG TALENTS 1,200 students in training in Sierre, site of the HES-SO Valais. Training estates HES in our hall of residence (bachelor, master, continuing training) • Corporate economy • Management computing • Tourism (École Suisse de Tourisme) • Social work Training estates HES in Sion (16 km away from Sierre) • Industrial systems • Living technology • Medical care Courses in French or German Haute École d’Art du Valais (ECAV) French-speaking centre of remote academic training 16 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT SUSTAINED INVESTMENTS More than 100 millions of francs invested in the economy and services in 2007-2008 (TechnoArk, Alcan, Novelis, new hotels, redevelopment of the town centre, etc.) Redevelopment of the town centre, many opportunities in the fields of the hotel industry, trade and real estate Rossfeld: commercial area being developed New kiln of Alcan Daval: new industrial area of more than 20 hectares New foundry and new R&D centre of Novelis TechnoArk : - Technological park which has been active for more than 20 years - A wide range of skills, infrastructures and services at the disposal of its residents - Surfaces available for tens of new innovative companies 17 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT AN ATTRACTIVE TAX SYSTEM The Valais practices the softest tax of French-speaking Switzerland for companies Small and medium-sized firms pampered: tax on the cantonal and communal benefits = 6% up to Fr. 100,000.Possibilities of tax exemption for 10 years Cantonal allowance amounting to 50% of the tax on dividends (from 10% of the capital possession) 18 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT AN ATTRACTIVE TAX SYSTEM Total of communal, cantonal and federal taxes on the capital and benefits Capital and reserves of Fr. 100’000.Net profits of Fr. 20’000.- Capital and reserves of Fr. 100’000.Net profits of Fr. 50’000.13000 6000 12000 5000 11000 10000 4000 9000 8000 3000 Geneva Lausanne Neuchâtel Delémont Zurich Fribourg Berne Schwytz Sierre Source : Charge fiscale en Suisse, Chefs-lieux des cantons – Nombres cantonaux 2007 Administration fédérale des contributions (AFC), Berne, 2008, ISBN 978-3-303-18088-4 Geneva Lausanne Neuchâtel Delémont Fribourg Zurich 150000 Berne 20000 Sierre 170000 Geneva 25000 Neuchâtel 190000 Lausanne 30000 Delémont 210000 Fribourg 35000 Zurich 230000 Berne 40000 Schwytz 250000 Sierre 45000 Zoug Zoug Capital and reserves of Fr. 2’000’000.Net profits of Fr. 1’000’000.- Schwytz Capital and reserves of Fr. 2’000’000.Net profits of Fr. 160’000.- 6000 Zoug Geneva Lausanne Delémont Zurich Neuchâtel Fribourg Berne Schwytz Sierre 2000 Zoug 7000 19 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT AN ATTRACTIVE TAX SYSTEM Taxes on the capital of Holding companies Total of communal, cantonal and federal taxes Assumption: Holding limited company having only participations in other companies Tax object: Capital Apparent reserves Latent taxed reserves Fr. 1'000'000.Fr. 500'000.Fr. 500'000.- 3600 2920 2240 1560 Lausanne Neuchâtel Geneva Fribourg Berne Zurich Delémont Schwytz Sierre 200 Zoug 880 50% allowance on the income of participations for moral persons and 40% allowance for physical persons Source: Tax office in Switzerland, Chefs-lieux of cantons – 2007 cantonal numbers Federal administration of contributions (AFC), Berne, 2008, ISBN 978-3-303-18088-4 20 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT A VISION OF FUTURE SIERRE, CITY HEART The City of Sierre / Crans-Montana: • 35,000 inhabitants (43,000 in 2030) • 130,000 persons during the highly-touristic season • 18,000 jobs The priorities of the City of Sierre / Crans-Montana: + a balanced development (industrial, touristic and agricultural competitiveness) for 2030 + industrial ecology + strengthening of public transportation systems, especially between the plain and the mountai Sierre Crans-Montana funicular, a direct line between the plain and the mountain 21 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT Sierre: heart of the city Crans-Montana (High Plateau): modern and international station Anniviers: the authentic mountain Plain of the Rhône (Chalais, Grône): industrial/commercial potential Leukerbad (hot springs) LEUKERBAD Inden Albinen Aminona Varen CRANS-MONTANA Leuk Mollens Randogne Salgesch Miège Venthône Susten Veyras SIERRE Montana-village Loc Icogne Chermignon d’en Haut Corin Chermignon d’en Bas Lens Chippis Ollon Niouc Flanthey St-Clément Chalais Chelin Réchy Granges Vercorin Grône Itravers Pramagnon Chandolin ANNIVIERS Loye Erdesson Dailley St-Luc Pinsec Vissoie Mayoux St-Jean Mission Grimentz Ayer Mottec Zinal 22 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT A VISION OF FUTURE, INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY The energetic and environmental efficiency is one of this century’s major challenges The industrial ecology project ECHO, developed in collaboration with the city and the canton of the Valais, will allow: • Rationalizing energy consumption, transportation, waste management • Developing industrial synergies allowing the valorisation of residual energy and waste • Coordinating certain services and/or tools of production (purchases, transportation, cafeteria, etc.) to rationalize expenses Results in terms of: + productivity + innovation thanks to more intensive contacts between the different + industries (partnerships, symbioses) + visibility by participating to an innovative and responsible project, from economic and ecologic points of view - waste and expelled CO2 - production costs and taxes 23 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT A VISION OF FUTURE, INDUSTRIAL ECOLOGY Raw Materials and Energy Valorisation of waste and residual energy Finished products Waste 24 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT Le Nouvelliste Mardi 27 janvier 2009 Déchets pour les uns, matières pour les autres DÉVELOPPEMENT DURABLE Sierre Cité de l’énergie veut promouvoir l’écologie industrielle. Il s’agit de transformer les déchets des entreprises voisines en productions propres. PASCAL CLAIVAZ Daval prototype A Sierre, on songe immédiatement à la zone industrielle (ZI) des Iles Falcon. Le président de la ville dirige également l’Association valaisanne des entrepreneurs. Il voit plus loin: «Nous pourrions présenter la nouvelle ZI de Daval comme un prototype d’écologie industrielle. Ce qui serait un atout.» Prototype, le mot est lâché. Sierre, Cité de l’énergie, se devait de marquer le coup en Valais. La base de l’écologie industrielle est simple: les déchets des uns peuvent devenir les matières premières des autres. Les échanges de flux énergétiques peuvent également se révéler d’une certaine importance. C’est le bureau SOFIES de Genève qui prendra la direction des opérations. Le questionnaire qu’il a envoyé aux entreprises concerne notamment les produits fabriqués, les activités soumises à des dispostions réglementaires particulières, les systèmes existants de management environnemental, le tri et la valorisation des déchets, les priorités consommation d’énergie, la mobilité durable, les systèmes de management environnementaux. On questionne également sur l’approvisionnement en eau et en énergie et sur la récupération des matières et de l’eau. De la sciure au carrelage Premier inventaire du potentiel de la ville de Sierre: une tannerie, une entreprise de traitement des métaux, Vallait, des menuiseries, l’UTO, des entreprises de chauffage, sans oublier les grandes industries comme Alcan et Novelis. Comment cela se passera-t-il concrètement? Un exemple existe, celui de Genève, également géré par ÉCHANGES POTENTIELS Pigments rie stri ust Indu In agroagro aire ta aliimenta al ri sttrie Indust mique chim Déchets organiques Herbes séchées rie dustri du Indu In que oniq ecttron ec élec et chines mach sion sio essi ess pres mpre IIm rage Gara bile tomobi auto Huiles minérales Pigments Cendres Production locale d'énergie Sciures copeaux Céramique Sables de fonderie Sierre nourrit un projet de synergies industrielles sur le modèle de Genève (voir l’encadré). La commune vient d’envoyer un questionnaire à toutes les entreprises de son territoire. Selon la communication, l’objectif est une «gestion des ressources et des déchets plus économiques et plus respectueuse de l’environnement.» Cela s’appelle l’écologie industrielle. «Elle permettra de mieux nous positionner», confirme le nouveau président François Genoud. En ligne de mire, il y a notamment le projet Axpo-Compogaz qui se cherche un site d’implantation. Il s’agit de produire du carburant biogaz à partir de déchets forestiers, agricoles et ménagers. Les deux concurrents principaux sont Sierre et Vétroz. e rie stri Indus Indu bois du b Déchets organiques Huiles organiques Cendres de bois Construction Acides solvants tauration sta Res vices et Serrvi Huiles minérales RÉSEAU ie Industrrie Ind ma rmaarm pha utique ceu ce Sables STEP Producteurs de déchets le bureau SOFIES. Nous en avons reproduit le schéma ci-contre. Le sous-réseau le plus frappant est celui de la fabrication de céramiques (le carrelage notamment). Les matières premières peuvent venir aussi bien des sciures de l’industrie du bois que des huiles minérales des industries électroniques, de la production de machines ou des garages automobiles. D’autres matériaux récupérés sont les déchets inertes de la construction ou les pigments des imprimeries. En plus de ces transformations de déchets en nouvelles matières premières, les entreprises s’échangent des flux d’énergie et d’eau, augmentées par la mise en réseau. Matériaux inertes Les producteurs de déchets sont interconnectés et échangent aussi eau et chaleur Utilisateurs de déchets Tout s’échange, sans tabous SOFIES S.àr.l. est un bureau spécialisé dans l’écologie industrielle et basé à Genève. Le schéma que nous produisons cicontre met en perspective huit années de mises en réseau d’entreprises de type différents sur le territoire genevois. Il s’agit pour elles d’éviter le gaspillage autant au niveau des déchets qu’au niveau de la production énergétique. En 2008, le projet concernait 31 entreprises, 11 secteurs, 800 flux et 17 symbioses potentielles. Les 11 secteurs sont les services, l’épuration des eaux, les garages automobiles, la recherche pharmaceutique, la construction, la fabrication de biens, l’horlogerie, les machines et équipements, l’industrie chimique, l’édition et l’agro-alimentaire. Le projet cherche également à créer un réseau entre l’industrie électronique, l’agro-alimentaire, la zone agricole et d’autres partenaires potentiels. Cela peut concerner des échanges d’eaux à 40 degrés, à 20 degrés, des échanges de chaleur, d’électricité, de lactosérum, de déchets agricoles ou de biogaz. PC 25 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT ECONOMIC PROMOTION AT YOUR SERVICE A unique office in town at the disposal of companies to simplify administrative steps A support for the search of premises and lands Networks and contacts within the economy and institutions ECONOMIC PROMOTION SUPPORTS YOU From 2008, innovative measures in Sierre to : • Reduce social charges of companies which create jobs • Reduce the cost of distinct and permanent area rights (DSDP) (if the town owns the real estate) • Support innovation through small and medium-sized companies which set up at the TechnoArk • Encourage energy savings (subsidized investments and energetic assessments) Request form of search of premises and lands Support to companies: press release Support to companies: request form Energy package: press release Energy package: request form 26 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUSINESS AREAS INDUSTRIAL AREA OF DAVAL: Modern area, wide surfaces available (>20 ha in total) Very easy access: direct connection at the Western Sierre exit of A9 motorway Showcase area by the cantonal road, maximal visibility surplus value created by the industrial ecology Wide surfaces are owned in majority by the City and citizenship: • Simplified negotiations • attractive DSDP INDUSTRIAL AREA OF THE ÎLE FALCON AND GRANGES 2 highly-exploited dynamic areas Various activities led in majority by small and medium-sized companies around 5 ha still at disposal 27 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUSINESS AREAS TOWN CENTRE The town centre benefits from an in-depth redevelopment: • New commercial blocks • Modern and fit equipment • Integrated pedestrian and car circulation + Strengthened attractiveness + Investment opportunities Photographer : Hannes Henz – Architecture Office: Giorla & Trautmann Architectes + Improved dynamism Crèche de l'Europe (which opened in August 2008) cornerstone of the town centre’s redevelopment focused on modernity, conviviality and services to the population 28 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT INDUSTRIAL AND COMMERCIAL BUSINESS AREAS ROSSFELD Commercial area at the West entrance of Sierre Located 300 m away from the motorway exit Exceptional situation for the sales of non-food, household electrical appliances, furniture, etc. Very frequented area with more than 20,000 vehicles/day. Source: Le Nouvelliste, 9th of April, 2009 29 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT SIERRE : CULTURAL AND SPORTS CITY MUSIC With globally-renowned Bluesmen Main Verte Classical music concerts School of Jazz and Cantonal Conservatory Contemporary Music of Music LITERATURE – THEATRE – GRAPHIC ARTS Dedicated to the great poet from Prague, Rainer Maria Rilke Theatre, song, expos Festival of comics and graphic arts Cultural Centre Showroom CINEMA Writing workshop Free projections Short films SPORT Golf de la Brèche HC Sierre More events Sierre-Basket The race of five 4000 Sports clubs The valaisan cyclosportive Cultural companies 30 SIERRE SITE OF ECONOMIC ESTABLISHMENT City of Sierre, 2010 Further information: Economic promotion office of the city of Sierre Serge Ballestraz, manager E-mail: Tel. : +41 (0)27 452 02 40 Fax : +41 (0)27 452 02 50
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