neighborhood pride day - Neighborhood Housing Services of Los
neighborhood pride day - Neighborhood Housing Services of Los
PRESSTELEGRAM.COM SATURDAY, MAY 19, 2012 C7 =DB:H Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County (NHS) and The City of Compton team up for NEIGHBORHOOD PRIDE DAY service is offered to families ty. As a part of our work, in Los Angeles County dur- we have developed and ing Neighborhood Pride Day. rehabilitated more than Homes are chosen on the same street to create a visible improvement in the community and to help strengthen neighborhood pride. About NHS of Los Angeles County NHS is the largest, nonprofit, affordable homeownership provider in Southern California. Since 1984, NHS has reinvested more than $2.43 billion into neighborhoods throughout the coun- 13,000 housing and commercial units, put 2.47 million families on the road to 310-339-5301 1-4 Sat/Sun Entertainer’s Dream House! Beautiful tri-level Bixby Hill pool home! Carson SFR THE DETAILS 19720 Harlan Avenue $415,000 Dewey Jones 3 BR/2 BA 310-780-7517 1-4 Sat/Sun Check out this home before it’s sold! Event: Compton Neighborhood Pride Day When: Saturday, May 19 3960 Falcon Tom H., RE/MAX 3 BR/3 BA 562-244-8602 1-4 Sat/Sun Bixby Knolls — Curb Appeal Plus! Incredible home on a fantastic street! 648 Loyola Mereeka Silva 4 BR/3 BA 310-266-5765 1-4 Sat Beautiful Home in a Great Neighborhood! Time: 8 a.m. - 12 p.m. Where: 935 W. School Street, Compton 3814 Stevely Karen Franssen 3 BR/2 BA 562-746-9624 1-4 Sat PRICE REDUCED on this beautiful 1,831sqft home in Carson Park! Lakewood San Pedro SFR New Home/Resale Multi-Media Advertising Consultant: MARCIE MOLINA 310-543-6613 Long Beach SFR Unfurnished Apts Real Estate Only $400 Dep OAC Homes For Sale Spacious 2Bd 1Ba Apts $1195 Homes Sale Pool, A/C, Fplc, Granite Tile Kitch, SS Appls, D/W. Gated, Carports Nr. Cerritos/Lkwd & Frwys Attn: Home Sellers APTS ALL RENTED! THANK-YOU! Where is Your Real Estate Agent Advertising YOUR Property for Sale? Be in the Paper & Online Tomorrow! Contact the Press-Telegram Real Estate Advertising Dept Or Call 562.499.1390 562.499.1369 We Have Affordable Options to Suit Every Budget! Bell Gardens Only $500 dep OAC Modern 1BRs $850 Downey Adj/Schls Stv, frig, ac, no pets Gotham St. Apts Call 562.776.8203 Belmont Shore 2 Blks to Ocean! 1BR w/prkng, all appls. $1300. Pet friendly. 562.822.0199, 923.8441 Compton 1BR gated, lndry, pool, gar $725 310/631-7925 btwn 9a-6p Mon-Sat LB No Money Down 2-5 BR Homes, Units & Condos All Areas Bankruptcy OK! Bad/No Credit OK! Investment Opptys &Rental Homes Avail! Call 562.598.7959 Agt DRE# 01034450 1-866-APTS-R-US 1-562-506-1975 Studios & 1, 2, 3, 4 BRs LB..... 411 W. 4th St Open House Sat/Sun 4-6pm ∂ 2Bd 1Ba $1195 ∂ 2Bd 2Ba $1295 Wshr/dryer in unit, balcony, garage. Call 562.477.1845 Unfurnished Apts Studios $675 & Up! Stv, frig, bltins Call 562.436.1282 LB-Bixby Knolls BEAUTIFUL & REMOD. 1 & 2 BEDROOMS Xlnt locations. 562.290.8880 See list @ LB-Bixby Knolls Lrg 2BR Apt! patio, a/c, frplc, stv, d/w, granite counters, lndry, prkng gar. $1265...4051 Elm Call 562.546.3027 Section 8 OK. Se Habla Espanol. (310) 639-7130 52 Unfurnished Apts Unfurnished Apts Long Beach SUPER APARTMENTS HOUSES & CONDOS L B - Lg 2Bd new pnt, cpt, tile $1095mo. Sect 8 OK! 1123 Hellman, Call 310.710.3250 100 Great Locations ∂ Belmont Heights ∂ ∂ Eastside ∂ ∂ Downtown ∂ ∂ Wrigley ∂ North LB ∂ Lakewood ∂ ∂ Bellflower ∂ Se Habla Espanol Pabst, Kinney & Associates There Is a Difference! 248 Redondo Avenue M-F 8-5, Saturday 9-5 CALL: 562/439-2147 Check Our Website 562.499.1473 LB - Section 8 OK! Beaut 2 & 3 BR Apts. Nr Trafffic Circle, great schools! 562.301.7054 Affordable Senior Apartments 1BR $649/mo Utilities Incl. Pets Welcome! Limited Sect 8 Availablity Affordable Luxury 2 BR Apts $1400 Pool, lndry, lg closets 5355 E. La Pasada Eleanor 562.597.0302 SE C PAGE SIDE IES C4IN-C5 MOVPA GE e ’t hav you don um TIP HOLD and in aluminside fight, h a gun air holes e on eac t-wire rep fix-upn through wir r. To strand of e with ben rglass fibe despai hol a screenlike they’vell, bee don’t Pull off oneover the d it. For . Add EN D R A E+G HOM ow look m? We hole. pattern excess to hol patch screenslace the n the ce the backside tching the off any error. windowe to rep larger thanward. Pla e, ma and dabtrial and on the do, or timch slightlywires dow m over over the hol cess of lk will the it t a pat ing edge crimp place n clear cau . It’s a pro GE C2 too eve ch and remain ugh, and ON PA er pat er glue, screening, thro CAREY king slightly larg or sup ent minum RRIS cut a xy cem glue alu MO epo D ad of s. You can MES AN it drie S FROM RE TIP JA M S FRO M Advertise in the Press-Telegram NE. LI H ON BEAC BREA D S AN EGRA LONG NEW KING TE UPDA ection t perf rt, no comfo . things e worldly rdable fortabl ed and utiful, affo and com about. py bea histicat is all e to sop ding a fewa home haporating is as wid e dec e range Fin l make h n hom wil ss y-style . that at moder son, the styl e fun ted Pre countr mal in ani is wh this sea n, so hav tch for Associa fall theme And bee ntry: Wa tiles; farmthrows; l gest ng into For The ever tex wal goi ed the big Cook as it’s e bit coue print gings and age as erhaps decoratingpersonaliz littl cottag By Kim han oree sign s; and A l e e, stor re; hom fortabl ll-st kketts; as wal is furnitu; quilts x genera ers; bas look man, is com of dle -home motifs and faupillow cov armies per style. e perfect orah Nee Domino h art ck wit lpa folk “ “Th Deb hief of decor, hen wal — flour-sa s. S S T E L E G R A M . 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An loo And from decade g from behinde cue cu s rangin to tak’70s styles and for orate Deco P R1 Real Estate Sections The Long Beach housing market remains strong! Properties are selling but you need to advertise! Our Saturday and Sunday Real Estate Sections offer you an excellent opportunity to reach potential buyers. AGENTS OF THE MONTH me for ho e Shop m homthe — fro ding to the fall 0'sA 196 Slice d inspireir from Cha Looks. e Vintag Marvin Phillip Josie Andrade hea a out Beforeto check first do at store why not pping trends,window shoor Web little home dec these s: Fred Smithsite and Domis Linda om Beth Halewww.vintagelo anusa.c Rose Alvarez Saul Miranda onr562/902-3410 562/809-1331 562/843-3150 562/989-4608 562/884-1479 562/753-1584 www.c com www.ik isteria. www.w om www.h otteryb www.p steria +,)% "/')&')+/ Wi %"&.% % )#) rds by 'G>5BC(B945?6"?I* K+8?=5G31B B51D EI 12E<?EC '@@?BDE>9DI D? ?G> D89C ,85B5=?45<54;9D385>81C7B1>9D53?E>D5BD?@C 9C<1>4 2B51;61CD21BG9D8C51D9>76?B 853;?EDD89C* 8?=5G31B1DD1385471B1759> e boa touch. 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It allo be deduct r with ional Ren ough ng it alone such to h you >A64>DB)L*7><4F20A34C0274360A064>=*;>C8=#>=6 usage d thr start$#*) Nat This Full Color Section publishes each Saturday & Sunday In Real Estate this system is goo t of goi $320,000 r ity throug by er $&%+##& you electric tem you , and the cos40270B70A3F>>35;>>AB0=33D0;?0=4F8=3>FB#0A6410HF8=3>F>E4A;>>:8=6 tool . either. ble your ic (PV) sys B51D+* 54B??=C 1D8 but ?EC59C<?31D54?>1AE95D en pow tax bill paring ing greC74H0A30;; >A FFF24AA8C>B?AD20A40;CH2>< online oratory%824?A>?4ACH8=C7428CH>5%>AF0;:?4A542C5>A058ABCC8<41DH4A43A>><B0C7 ation, renewa m on know 3E<45C13CDB55DG9D81<1B75<9F9>7B??=1>4?@5>;9D385> B51D?@@?BDE>9DID?<9F59>161>D1CD93>59782?B8??4 ?6 $ 51ED96E< B535>D<I E@41D54 <966 %1I 8?=5 equ ity’s ?;DB0CF>20A60A064+78B8B0B7>AC B0;4BD1942CC>;4=34AB0??A>E0;20;;064=C=>F to Lab Com a on , G45> CA6D ?> 1 CA6D <?D tovolta . c- new (5B653D6?B5>D5BD19>9>7?B1<1B7561=9<I ?EC59C3<51>1>4 pre need 5>A5DAC74A34C08;B0C $#*) LIVErINutil COMFORT INmiu SOMMERSET COMMUNITY! $425,000 ply buy simple r pho ld install and dat r Energy first you ing a B514ID?25?33E@954,89C9C1B57E<1BC1<51<<175>D>?G ve ele of sim is not a port *?028>DB ps lk C5 F 20A 0CC02743 60A064 8= 60C43 *5=?45<54;9D385>21D8C You at size sola ) L * +>F=7><4 Talk: th ma d at you ity you cou relati ar and sup ure by pay ePARAMOUNT utility can$35,000 POWER win tric the 6?B6EBD85B45D19<C1D%$+* Earth ow gle Ear and wh turbin .0A<0=32><5>AC01;4$>18;7><48==824*4=8>A'0A:.4;;:4?C43A>><B5D;; You infrastruct 2><<D=8CH 40CDA4B 8=2;D34 ;0A64 #) ) F58A4?;024 70A3F>>3 5;>>AB 0=3 2A>F= e andte the elecd turbine D ar De kno ale sol iden- or windn, using Goo 0C7B=824:8C274=F8C7?;4=CH>52D?1>0A3B?024>IH;8E8=6A>><0=3>?4=38=8=6 0C7B=824:8C274=F8C7?;4=CH>52D?1>0A3B?024>IH;8E8=6A>><0=3>?4=38=8=6 <>;38=606>DA<4C:8C274=70B<08=5;>>A)?;DB<D27<>A40;; sunshin win power estima lity-sc ikee to uti res The ts of0A40#0D=3AHA>><F8C7F0B74A3AH4A7>>: D?B0;;064=C=>F5>A5DAC74A34C08;B I’d lik l will certain size >A ftop perty. t of u can I the amoun a s r pro rgy sys 0C $#*) the too y cos ver sus roo , how FFF24AA8C>B?AD20A40;CH2>< from GATE tion, LES C7 on you ble ene researcher , SOUTHed $240,000 tricit rds ewa warn utili- loca could getins tall nts ve DRASTICALLY REDUCED SELLER MOTIVATED! 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E! ative !D 9C?1 251ED96E< 8?=5 at the GREAT CONDO, GREAT LOCATION! dy CO USE HOME/OFFIC 2I E>45F5<?@ E>45F5<?@54 >1DEB5 3?>C5BF1>3I 'F5B 13B5 Ariz. 1>4 3?F5B54 me 54B??=C 1>4 3?F5B54 1D8B??= +7A44143A>><C7A4410C7A>><B0=3>E4AB@D0A4544C%4F4A2>=BCAD2C8>=1D8;C ff,9B5@<135 —Ran A40C ;>20C8>= >= 0 1DBH BCA44C ?;4=CH >5 ?0A:8=6 B?024 0E08;01;4 + + @B?@5BDIG9D8@1>?B1=93F95GC1<< ty’s alt own ho @1D9?1B@?BD6?B1BC(5B653D6?B69BCDD9=52EI5BC @1D9?1B@?BD6?B1BC(5B653D6?B69BCDD9=52EI5BC Flagsta 8= =C4A8>A540CDA4B58A4?;024F4C10A;0A64;8E8=60A400=324=CA0;020=3740C %$+( ?B 1449D9?>1< 9>6?B=1D9?> @<51C5 31<< 175>D 1D 7><4>=0B@5C;>CE4AHF4;;<08=C08=43## /&,.%++*+,/* /&,.%+ my e BD8C4 F8C7 F0;: 8= 2;>B4C 0=3 ?A8E0C4 10C7A>>< %824 60C43 2><<D=8CH F8C7 $0BC4A F8C7 ate %$+* vat va C4 Design Your Own Ad or We Can Create It For You! Beth Stine 562.499.1390 Shangri Lodge 562-942-7104 MOVE-IN BONUS! LOS ANGELES Contact the Press-Telegram Real Estate Advertising Department $145/wk & up Furn, utils incl. Maid service a/c, pool Rooms for Rent Long Beach Advertise Your Listing or Yourself publishes every Saturday-Sunday LB Room to share. Men only, Util & cbl incl, $450 562-335-3946 GRACE HOTEL Long Beach Lg 1BR & 2BR 1BA 26 E. Plymouth, LB Bl/Mkt St, nr 710. Sect 8 OK! 714.720.3141 real estate marketplace open house directory Please Also See Rentals to Share & Rooms for Rent! Unfurnished Apts LIBERTY HOTEL 1875 Cherry Ave, LB $135+/wk 562/591-8316 Stella 310.539.6474 2 Bdrm ∂ 2 Bath Apt 2 col. (3.41") x 3" 1090 Obispo Ave, LB $140 &up/wk 562/433-0968 Pico Rivera Motels Hotels 1BRs $1199 LB 562/867-3350 959 Heron Circle Karen Franssen 5 BR/6 BA 562-/746-9624 1-4 Sat/Sun Fabulous Dream Home! Gourmet kitchen, 2 fireplaces and VIEW! 1st Month FREE! LB... 2Bd 2Ba $1250 1BR $82 5. Crpt, minis, stv, frig, frsh paint. 310.480.1942 Call 562/981-7970 SFR $99 sec. dep OAC, Free Cable, Gas, Water & Credit Ck. 25916 Narbonne Av STEL MOVE-IN READY! ∂ Gated Bldg ∂ Parking ∂ Fresh Paint ∂ New Carpet 2277 EarlAve. $1000mo Seal Beach Lomita/PV PRES Patio or tree shaded courtyard. gated garage, A/C, carpet, built-ins. Rec room. Activites. Section 8 OK! 783 Gatun Street, Unit #110 $500,000 3 BR/2.5 BA 310-831-1009 11-2 Sat/Sun Harbor Highlands. Home Rentals LB597644 081609 1 BR ∂ $898 TWNHM Norwalk- Nice Area! Studio w/gar $675mo $600dep, 951/736-9517 EOH Bellflower Big, Beautiful Newly Remodeled $888,000 3 BR/3 BA 2-4 Sat/Sun Signal Hill $1500 Free 1st Mo 3 bd 3 ba sec 8 ok 562/309-4892 (562) 426-6547 562-432-7958 1910 Rue Le Charlene Gayle Probst 310-977-9711 Panoramic View Home. N Long Bch 3 bd 2 ba $1675 Asensio Prop Mgmt 310/618-0808 Long Beach Brethren Manor 3333 Pacific Place, Long Beach 240 Chestnut Ave 3711 S. Parker Street $699,900 Chuck Bennett 2+ BR/2 BA 310-766-4963 1-4 Sat/Sun 2 BR + den/office. Beautiful Palisades Home. Unfurnished Apts MUST be 62 or older Plymouth West Apts $525,000 4 BR/2.5 BA 1-4 Sat/Sun 1731 Miracosta Drive $529,900 Fred DiBernardo 3 BR/2 BA 310-832-4572 1-4:30 Sat/Sun Hot New Listing! Unfurnished Apts Newly redecorated, lots of amenities ∂ Studios $352 ∂ 1 Bedroom $473 Studios Avail $580/mo. LB-Lg Studio All Utils Paid! $795 Pets OK! .905 Alamitos Call 310.710.3250 1 Stop Shopping! ∂ Belmont Shore ∂ WAITING LIST NOW OPEN! AFFORDABLE SENIOR APTS - AGE 62+ M.CO Unfurnished Apts 1156 W. 1st Street Karen Anderson 310-251-2883 $1,300,000 4 BR/4 BA Long Beach Contact Us LB-Eastside XLrg 1 Bd $845 Gated, new pnt/tile, pet ok. Call Ray 562.438.7951 Unfurnished Apts LB-BELMONT SHORE L B $925 New 1 bd 6 blk bch nr dwntn Stv ref pkg 562/309-4892 LB-Alamitos Bch 905 Hillside Dr. Liz, Agent ∂Long Beach ∂Compton ∂Inglewood ∂Cudahy ∂Los Angeles ∂Lynwood Rentals Unfurnished Apts 542 W. 40th Street $525,000 Janese Hollar 2 BR/1 BA 310-977-0829 1-4 Sat/Sun Beautifully Renovated Craftsman. 2481 Terraine $750,000 Daryl Ellison 5 BR/5 BA 562/883-1887 2-6 Sat/Sun 3,058 sqft home in Los Altos area. Real Estate Manager: CATHY HARDT 310-543-6155, Bellflower 1866 Freeport Terrace $488,000 Gary Krill 3 BR/3 BA 310-994-3922 12-3 Sat/Sun Only $488,000 in the Cape! Move-In Ready! Harbor View! ;0A642>DACH0A3 $#*' del. GREAT OPPORTUNITY TO OWN! DEN u remo?08=C $149,900 140DC85D; 143A>>< 7><4 8B A403H 5>Ayo =4F 20A?4C 20A?4 GAR +78B en H>D %4F 8=C4A8>A 1A40:50BC 10A 0=3 20A D?6A0343 10C7A>><B E8=H; F8=3>FB s wh 6A40C :8C274= F8C7 1A4 ME+ 0CC0274360A064 $#*' 0CC0274360A064 $#*' binet caBE 3BR/2BBA BEAUTY! 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We have programs to meet every need. 5CD <?31D9?> 9> 3?=@<5H CD?BI 5>4 E>9D G?G> @B9F1D5 21<3?>I * G?@5> 6<??B @<1> +E@5B3<51> B514ID?=?F59> '9>3<E45C312<5 9>CEB1>35 =19>D5>1>35 G1D5B DB1C8 1<< >?G 6?B=?B59>6? Near th e Bea ch >?G6?B6EBD85B45D19<C1D%$+* U SI NE S S B Sell ty proper e your or Leas INCREDIBLE OPPORTUNITY! $&%+##& quick Ca Todally! &$'+&% RESSOR , COMP ADY IN! HOISTS ng, P. 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One is a reco @ Clark 41 Healyy Co icU es eac STRIAL O’ D0RYSF.( frwy Serv 92N 34 ITS 100 INDUE AVAIL! off OOthellK91 2/492Carol72 SPAC/Warehouse IN!LL One is Ca 5 56 P 5NITS 2/754-09 S Broker Office Lease ent s 56 a Real Estate for ' em anag 900 OOD2Principal is Surf M 33-5s ENTA 310/5anagem L5PS rfm IDE IL !LAM ETOTHE3 IT A s.OT OS"EACH ND A3HO RT3ALE E LEASE TY FOR D L PROPER IEL hop w/m $249,900 $DBC*44+78B143A>><10C7L*7><4,?6A0343:8C274=2018=4CBF 2>A80= 2>D=C4AB 2DBC>< ;867C8=6 C8;4 5;>>A8=6 0=3 38B7F0B74A %4F4A 3D0; ?0=4 F8=3>FB C7AD >DC %824;H ;0=3B20?43 0=3 60C43 102:H0A3 0;; >A FFF24AA8C>B?AD20A40;CH2>< * 6?B=1<49>9>7B??= 9>C945<1E>4BI 69B5@<13531B71B175 G49B53D1335CC>4E>9D<?31D549>25CDAE95D<?31D9?>*1B5%?45<G8938 r 91 , roll-up') -++&$$,% +/ 9C D85nea <1B75CD 6<??B @<1> 1F19<12<5 G1449D9?>1< G9>4?GC 1>4 <?DC ?6 3<?C5D 2700 sfC@135&93531B@5D9>7 G9>4?G3?F5B9>7C2<9>4C+@139?EC CA6DG9D8 22’ ceilings 31D854B1<359<9>7C 131>4=?B5<E28?EC5 @??< C@1@<1I1B51 wiring, e OK $2700mo. hi-tech %$+( omotiv door. 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CL-11-2003 Real Estate pro Real Estate/Rentals Multi-Media Advertising Consultant: BETH STINE 562-499-1390 SFR 4543 Hackett Ave. $397,900 Bob Ferreira 2 BR/1 BA 562-804-1385 1-5 Sat/Sun Family room, remodeled kitchen & bath, brick porch & park-like backyard. REAL ESTATE STAFF • Dept. Fax (562) 499-1421 Real Estate Editor: YVONNE FERBER 310-543-6626 homeownership, created 175 block clubs, and employed 200 neighborhood youth. OPENHOUSE 082309 ical to the well being of our communities,” said Lori Gay, President and CEO of NHS. “The foreclosure crisis has made these kinds of events essential to restore the quality of life to neighborhoods that has been weakened by economic hardship.” The work done during Neighborhood Pride Day creates a visible difference in the appearance of the neighborhood. This helps to attract new homeowners and allows existing residents to see that progress is taking place in their community. Join us to support our effort to provide families with minor home repairs, debris removal, light landscaping and exterior house painting. The houses chosen showed signs of deferred maintenance and without the help of NHS they may have not been able to afford these home improvements. This free LB600694 LB6 A t first glance, Compton looks like any other quaint neighborhood. What makes this community different is that it’s located in an area that has been significantly affected by the foreclosure crisis. Neighborhood Housing Services of Los Angeles County (NHS) along with the City of Compton and over 100 residents and volunteers will join together with paint brushes, brooms and shovels to beautify a block in Compton on Saturday, May 19 for Neighborhood Pride Day. For over 27 years, NHS has hosted Neighborhood Pride Day events throughout Los Angeles County. NHS neighborhood coordinators are coordinating one event per month throughout neighborhoods in the Los Angeles County. “Neighborhood revitalization activities like these have always been crit-
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