The Centre June 2015 - Riverside Arts Centre
The Centre June 2015 - Riverside Arts Centre
the centre Quarterly Journal of The Riverside Arts Centre and Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Association Volume 35 Number 4 June 2015 Congratulations to Peter Anderson & Jean Cain Recipients of Spelthorne Civic Trust Awards 2015 Riverside Arts Centre The Annual General Meeting of the RAC will be held at Riverside on Tuesday 14th July 2015 at 8 pm Followed by the AGM of RAC Club Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Association The Annual General Meeting of the SSAA will be held at Riverside on Wednesday 1st July 2015 at 8 pm Jean and Peter with the Spelthorne Trust Civic Awards presented to them by Mayor Suzy Webb, flanked by their sponsors Eric Champion, Chairman of RAC and Cllr Vivienne Leighton T wo of our best known volunteers, Peter Anderson, Hon Treasurer RAC and Jean Cain Hon Bar Secretary, were acknowledged for their tireless work on behalf of the community at RAC over many years, at a Presentation Evening on April 13th 2015. The Mayor of Spelthorne, Cllr Suzy Webb handed over the awards and our local MP, Kwasi Kwarteng, was also present. Peter took on the position of Treasurer for Sunbury Art Group in 1988. Later he became Treasurer for Spelthorne Citizens Advice Bureau and Rent Start and assumed in the responsibility of being Hon Treasurer at RAC in 1988. Importantly, he keeps the Bar at Riverside well stocked! As Bar Secretary since its inception in 1982 Jean spends many hours ensuring that the Bar is manned, from the rota of volunteers, at the many events which take place at RAC and also chairs a meeting group for women in Shepperton. Following our very successful series of coffee concerts this year, we are now approaching the annual Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Festival which is running from 17th - 26th July. We have, we hope, a lovely selection of events: two Concerts and a Musical. On the dramatic side, we have Florence-The story of Florence Nightingale, the Musical (as previously mentioned) as well as a Comedy Evening being organised by The Laughing Chili Comedy Club. Amaraterra, Italian Dancing are coming to give a chance to enjoy - and to dance in their Italian dance show. We also have three talks - one by Tim Moorey about Dr Johnson & his Dictionary, another at Shepperton Studios and one by John Spink, a renowned expert on English Watercolours. In addition, Francesco from Little Italy is giving a demonstration on Italian Cooking, with lunch afterwards. Our final event is th Boat Trip where Nick Pollard will talk about the history of the islands and the riverside. Full information appears in The Centre. Please come and support your local Arts Festival. Catherine Black & Carmen Souchet. Co-Chairs The Riverside Arts Centre is a Company limited by Guarantee, a Registered Charity (No 272929) and is sponsored by The Borough of Spelthorne 1 CHAIRMAN’S COLUMN Congratulations to Peter Anderson~ Hon. Treasurer RAC and Jean Cain RAC Bar Hon. Secretary, who both received a Spelthorne Civic Award for outstanding services to the voluntary sector in The Borough of Spelthorne. “A Civic Award acknowledges dedicated voluntary effort in the borough by honouring those members of our community whom the Trustees believe have by their outstanding endeavour benefited members of the community” Both awards were presented by The Mayor of Spelthorne Cllr. Suzy Webb at a Presentation Evening on Monday 13th April. the last 35 years and probably before that. I am sure you will join me in thanking them for their outstanding contribution and congratulating them on this achievement. Peter and Jean have both voluntarily given their time to RAC and other organisations in the Borough over Eric Champion: Hon Chairman: (01932 782850) This newsletter comes to you with notice of our AGM. Do make a note of the date. Although it may appear that all positions on the committee are filled, we shall need to find a new Honorary Treasurer in the coming year. We shall also need a Bookings Secretary and The Riverside Arts Centre Club (The Bar) will need a Bar Treasurer. If you can help with any of these positions please get in touch. RAC Treasurer’s Report for 2014/15 A nother year has passed and it is time for me to report to you how the RAC’s finances have fared during the past year. This report to you is done on the Payments and Receipts basis, which just means monies in and out during the actual year rather than taking into account debtors and creditors. These usually balance out year on year. The past year has been a good one again, although down a somewhat on the previous very good one. Our total income for the year was £47,711 compared to £57,528 in the previous year but is similar to the year before that. As the bulk of our income comes from the rents that we receive, so also the bulk of the fall is in those rents down to £37,514 from £46,567. The usage of our premises is down from the previous year although speaking with my Booking Secretary’s hat on, it doesn’t feel like it. Over the whole year, based on 21 sessions per week and per venue, the Hall was used for 59% of the available sessions down from 63%, the Studio 36% (46%), the Craft Centre 29% (34%), and the Colman room 19% (30%). Although we have had a number of new users we also lost a number of regular users including the Sunbury Art Group and the Baby Sensory Group. Our income from donations was £1,106 down from £1,921 last year. In addition the Sunbury Art Group passed its closing funds of £2,280 over to the RAC to hold in trust. The Bar Club donated £5,559 (£7,470) from its profits, down after a record year. Our total expenditure for the year was £38,064 compared to £40,248 in the previous year. The largest expenditures were maintenance, £12,064 (£11,928), utilities £11,581 (£12,826) and insurance £9,007 (£9,068). We also spent £2,500 (£2,024) on Fees and admin related items and £2,198 (£1,835) on cleaning. This has left us with a surplus of income over expenditure of £9,647 for the year compared to £16,972 the previous year bringing our funds up to £68,550 at the year end having started the year with £58,903. Whilst the surplus is down it is still more than adequate for us to maintain a healthy reserve fund to cover any one off projects or to meet any unexpected maintenance bills. It also means that I see no reason to recommend any increases in our current rental rates. In conclusion I would like to thank, as always, all those volunteers and donors who have been so generous with their time and funds to help us achieve our objectives. Peter Anderson, Hon. Treasurer THE BASIL MILES AWARD This award is presented each year to the group who, in the opinion of the committee, have given the best or most memorable event at Riverside Arts Centre during the year 2013/14. Previous winners have included:2010/11 Manor Players The Phantom of The Arts Centre 2011/12 Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Assn. Morning Coffee Concert Series 2012/13 Shepperton Players Richard III 2013/14 Zodiac Musical Society Memories - 10 years of ZMS Shows Please nominate your favourite event. Send your nomination to the Chairman at RAC by 30th June 2015. Editor’s notes June 2015 The next Centre appears in September 2015. The deadline for contributions will be Saturday 15th August for news, views and future events in September, October and November 2015. I especially like photos! If the contributor for your group has an e-mail address, please let me know, so that I can send them a reminder about a fortnight before the deadline. Whilst I cannot put posters in The Centre, they can be displayed on the RAC website for a couple of weeks prior to your event. Send the poster file in PDF format to My telephone is 01932 782788, e-mail or put copy on the notice board at RAC 2 Christine 3 Years a Prime Minister written and directed by Geoff Buckingham Manor Players return to the Riverside Arts Centre stage after their hugely successful pantomime 'King Humpty Dumpty'. There's no letting up from big productions though as this show features 17 actors, 55 scenes and 32 characters. It is a hugely topical piece, dealing with the politics leading our country. However, instead of looking at the negative spin politics of the 21st century, this deals with a truly great Prime Minister who dedicated his political career to protecting our great country and it's citizens from he armies of Napoleon. He managed this whilst doing more for the freedom of slaves than any Prime Minister before or after him. Supported by Spelthorne Council, Manor Players invite you to be part of this amazing story of a man that many have never heard of but who had a tremendous role in protecting our nation so that we can enjoy the freedoms and privileges we have today. With the Magna Carta's 800th birthday being celebrated this year, there has never been a better time to remember our history whilst enjoying Geoff's excellent script lined with some of his wittiest comedy to balance out the serious nature of the piece This is the first ever stage play about the only British Prime Minister to be assassinated and is premiering in Sunbury after the radio version made its live recording debut in Ealing before broadcast on Radio Wey. This original creation, written and directed by award-winning local writer Geoff Buckingham, tells the story of the traumatic years in power of Spencer Perceval, this country’s last evangelical Premier. Booking Information as follows: 07771 458 696 The story of an unassuming Christian man, who went from humble Northamptonshire lawyer to both Chancellor and Prime Minister of our country during 1809-1812, involves many of Britain most memorable figures. Industrialisation was on the rise and Britain's borders & navy permanently under threat. There was no great surprise that social unrest quickly followed. This would be more than enough for any normal man but Spencer was also faced with the madness of King George 3rd, George's reckless son (Prince Regent and later George IV), the wrath of the Atlantic Slave Traders and USA President Madison flexing his political muscles to avoid looking weak. So, book your tickets early for this moving and historical drama. 7.45pm start on 18th 19th and 20th June. Tickets are £10 each or just £8 for concessions. Some of the cast members who are looking forward to bringing the remarkable story of Spencer Perceval to the Riverside stage for the very first time. Left to Right, Robin Whitbread, Robert A Hardy, Rob Day, Geoff Buckingham, Sue Dye, Olwen Holme and Phillipe Bosher RIVERSIDE ARTS CENTRE Notice & Agenda of the Annual General Meeting on Tuesday 14th July 2014 at 8 pm 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. 6. 7. 8. 9. Apologies for absence. Minutes of the 2014 Annual General Meeting. Matters arising from the minutes. Director’s Report. Treasurer’s Report and adoption of accounts for year ending 31.3.15. Chairman’s Report. Technical Director’s Report. SSAA Chairman’s Report. Election of Officers. In accordance with the Memorandum of Association, Mr P. Anderson, Hon Treasurer retires. He is willing to stand for re-election. Any other nominations for this position should reach the Chairman by 30th June 2015. 10. Presentation of the Basil Miles Award. 11. Appointment of Honorary Independent Examiner. 12. AOB: Members wishing to raise matters must notify the Chairman by 30th June 2015. Members please note : Only Guarantors are entitled to vote. To become a guarantor it is necessary to sign a form guaranteeing to pay £10 in the event of the winding up of the company and there being a deficiency. This meeting will be followed by the AGM of the RIVERSIDE ARTS CENTRE CLUB 3 Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Association Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Festival 2015 Friday17th – Sunday 26th July FRIDAY 17 JULY, 7.30 FOR 8.15 PM (EVENT 1) LAUGHING CHILI COMEDY CLUB The Laughing Chili Comedy Club brings a gaggle of acts (or should that be a giggle?) from the UK comedy circuit to Sunbury. Four unique comedians and one hilarious compere take to the stage to entertain comedy-lovers. Acts include stand-up, musical, sketch, and prop based comics and make for a great night of entertainment! Please note this is an adult show with a minimum age of 16. There may be themes and language of an adult nature, including occasional swearing, so these shows are not for the meek and mild! TICKETS £12 SHOULD BE PURCHASED FROM: www. SATURDAY 18 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 2) AMARATERRA: a selection of tunes and dances from Salento and Southern Italy Amaraterra is the first ensemble in London to play pizzica – the traditional dance and music from Salento, the ‘heel’ of Italy. They bring alive a timeless musical treasure that still thrives and is enjoyed by locals and thousands of tourists alike in countless village festivals who join in to listen to the music and to dance. TICKETS £10 THURSDAY 23 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 7) UNDERSTANDING THE GOLDEN AGE OF BRITISH WATERCOLOURS 1780-1920 A talk by John Spink Art dealer and watercolour expert, John Spink, will explain the origins of watercolour painting and its importance as part of our national artistic heritage. He will highlight many well-known Victorian artists including Turner and explain the watercolour market and its popularity over the past sixty years. TICKETS £8 FRIDAY 24 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 8) ALIVE TO TELL THE STORY A Musical This is a resurrection musical drama written by Susie Hare. It tells of the last days of Jesus’ life on earth, his crucifixion and subsequent resurrection. The story is told through the words of Lazarus who, having died and lain for four days in his tomb, had been brought back to life by Jesus. This performance is organised through the Sunbury Methodist Church with their Director, Reverend Victoria Davidson, with her wonderful team of actors and musicians. TICKETS £10 SUNDAY 19 JULY, 3 PM (EVENT 3) THE DAVID WAY STRING TRIO David Way viola, Gavin Jones violin, Andrew Taylor cello Beethoven’s String Trio No 1, Op 3 in E-flat major forms part of a suite of trios that are masterly in form and content, and among the most significant works of the genre. To follow, Gavin and Andrew will perform Jean-Baptiste Breval, excerpts from 6 Airs Variés for Violin and Cello, Op 9. To complete the recital, David will perform J.S.Bach’s Cello Suite No 2 on the viola. THE RECITAL WILL BE FOLLOWED BY A CREAM TEA TICKETS £10 SATURDAY 25 JULY, 10.15 FOR 11 AM (EVENT 9) COFFEE CONCERT The Ellis Ensemble The Ellis Ensemble is a young and exciting new chamber group with the unusual combination of piano, clarinet and bassoon. They have quickly built a reputation through their virtuosity, expressive playing and original repertoire. The trio has performed at St John's Smith's Square, the Buckingham Music Festival and St James's Piccadilly and as artists on the King's Place Chamber Studio programme. TICKETS £8 (COFFEE AND CROISSANTS WILL BE SERVED FROM 10.15 AM) TUESDAY 21 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 4) DR JOHNSON AND HIS DICTIONARY with Tim Moorey Tim Moorey, aka Mephisto of The Sunday Times crossword, returns to give us another of his knowledgeable talks about Dr Johnson who wrote his Dictionary of the English Language, published in 1755, and described as ‘one of the greatest single achievements of English TICKETS £8 SATURDAY 25 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 10) FLORENCE: THE STORY OF FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE Florence Nightingale is known today for laying the foundation of good nursing practice. In the Crimean War she became known as the ‘Lady with the Lamp’. But, supported by her cousin Henry Bonham Carter, she did much more during her long and eventful life for public health reform. Created and performed by Chester House Production TICKETS £10 WEDNESDAY 22 JULY, 2.30-4 PM (EVENT 5) SHEPPERTON STUDIOS: THE BEGINNING, PRESENT AND FUTURE This year, we are revisiting Shepperton Studios for a talk on its inception through to the present day and the changes along the way that crafted the Studios into the home of independent film production now, and for the future. PLEASE NOTE SEATING IS LIMITED TO 50 TICKETS £8 SUNDAY 26 JULY, 2.30 PM (EVENT 11) RIVERBOAT TRIP: WALTON TO CHERTSEY Nick Pollard, Chairman of the Shepperton & Sunbury Local History Society, will talk about the history of the islands and riverside on this return Boat Trip from Walton to Chertsey. REFRESHMENTS WILL BE ON SALE DURING THE JOURNEY. DEPARTURE FROM COWEY SALE- PLEASE ARRIVE BY 2.15 PM RETURNING AT APPROXIMATELY 4.30 PM TICKETS £14 THURSDAY 23 JULY, 10.30 AM TO 1 PM (EVENT 6) ITALIAN COOKING DEMONSTRATION with Francesco from ‘Little Italy’ Francesco from local restaurant, Little Italy, comes to show us how Italian cuisine should be prepared. The demonstration will be followed by a delicious lunch where you can all enjoy the fruits of his labour! TICKETS £16 (LIMITED PLACES SO PLEASE BOOK EARLY) 4 Festival Box Office: 01932 567 365 10am - 8pm boxoffice@ssaa-arts Booking form can be downloaded from www. SUNBURY & SHEPPERTON ARTS ASSOCIATION Notice and Agenda of the Annual General Meeting on Wednesday 1st July 2015 at 8 pm At the Riverside Arts Centre 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Welcome and Apologies for absence Minutes of the 2014 AGM and Matters Arising Chairman’s Report Treasurer’s Report including audited accounts for the year ending 31.3.15 Election of Officers: Hon Co-Chair, Hon Secretary Catherine Black & Carmen Souchet have indicated that they are willing to stay on in their roles as Hon. Co-Chairmen of the SSAA. However, if anyone else wishes to stand for election, they should submit their application to Hon Secretary, c/o RAC by Friday 26th June 2015 The post of Hon. Secretary is vacant. Applications for this post should be addressed to the Hon. Secretary, c/o RAC, by Friday 26th June 2015 6. 7. 8. Co-option of individual members of the Committee Appointment of Independent Financial Examiner Any Other Business: Items of AOB should be notified to Hon Secretary , SSAA c/o RAC, by Friday 26th June 2015 Sunbury and Shepperton Arts Association Coffee Concert Saturday 14th March 2015 This concert, of the highest musical quality, was fascinating as the majority of the work were unknown to the members of the audience. The composers all came from Eastern Europe. The overall impression was of music with a dark plangency, passionate, and often driven by energetic dance rhythms. Christine Townsend played the violin and viola with a rich and generous tone and complete technical mastery. Stephen Robbing produced a sonorous sound on the Yamaha which has never sounded better, and the total partnership between the players, in terms of balance and musical integration, was a delight. Ernö Dohnάnyi’s Ruralia Hungarica with its gypsy -style passionate inner movement enclosed within the energetic Presto and the devil’s dance Molto Vivace was a substantial work of great individualism. The performers expressed its every mood. The Andante by Béla Bartók was a seductive piece, not instantly recognisable as in that composer’s style. The Kaprys Polski by GraŜna started with a simple folk tune, played with beautiful tone, and then, as Christine herself said, “goes beserk” in a display of virtuosity. Stephen then treated us to memorable performances of two Etudes d’éxécution transcendante, the lilting “Paysage” and the heroic “Mazeppa” with a lyrical middle section. The Zoltan Kodάly Adagio was a revelation – a multilayered and intense meditation, played with a rapt concentration. The last piece, the Concertstϋck by the Romanian composer Georges Enescu, was the most mainstream concert piece and it was a pleasure to hear the deeper tones of the viola. It brought to a close a deeply satisfying concert by these two local artists, received with acclaim by the full house. The Coffee Concert series goes from strength to strength. Richard Black Wed 15th to Sat 18th July 2015 at 8pm Shepperton Players present Don't Blame It On The Boots' by Nick Warburton directed by Peter Smith & The Chinamen by Michael Frayn directed by Stephen Millinger Tickets at £10 can be obtained from the box office on 07505 206757. Tickets can also be obtained at the door subject of course to availablity. Go to for more information. KH Dance Academy Providing dance classes for ages 3 years through to Adults specializing in RAD Ballet, ISTD Tap & Modern and Adult tap, ballet and keep fit classes. Weekly classes held in Sunbury-on-Thames with Adults classes on Tuesdays and children's classes on Saturdays held at the Riverside Arts Centre. For further details contact: Kathryn Hocking 07891675753 5 Members attending the February meeting enjoyed travelling across the globe through nine books that had been selected and recommended by the Riverside Reading Group. The Garden of Evening Mists by Tan Twan Eng took us to present day Malaysia whilst reflecting on the Japanese occupation during the war and the later communist insurgency. Not always a comfortable read. We then moved to Italy with The Leopard by Giuseppe Tomasi di Lampedusa followed by Africa with the Swedish writer Henning Mankell. His book, Chronicler of the Wind, is the story of a 10 year-old street boy’s journey of survival and friendships. The next book, Pure by Andrew Miller, reflected on change from prerevolutionary to modern France. The Secret River by Kate Grenville, starts with the story of a Thames lighter man who is left destitute by the Great Freeze. Caught stealing wood, he was sentenced to death but then given the chance to go to Australia with his wife and children. The book tells the tale of the family’s life in the new colony. Saturday by Ian McEwan was described by the presenter as an evocation of present day London. Our next book, The Unlikely Pilgrimage of Harold Fry by Rachel Joyce first appeared as a radio play. Described as a modern pilgrimage, Harold Fry decides to walk from Devon to Berwick on the Scottish Borders to deliver a reply to a letter that has been sent to him a dying former colleague, Queenie. Our next title, The Book Thief by Markus Zusak, is also well known as a recent film although members felt that the book is better than the film. Our afternoon ended with humour as we heard about Skios by Michael Frayne - the rules of stage farce applied to a novel. Set on the sun drenched island of Skios, a story of consequences as a young man, who sees a sign for Dr Wilfred as he arrives at an airport, decides to take on that identity and introduces himself as Dr Wilfred. Meanwhile the real Dr Wilfred is still waiting in the baggage hall… We all enjoyed finding something new to read so why not try something from our list and enjoy a good read In March Jenny Hartley, President of the International Dickens Fellowship and founder of Prison Reading Groups, made a welcome return to the Riverside Book Circle to deliver an entertaining talk on Charles Dickens and his House of Fallen Women. Dickens’ commentary on society through his journalism and novels is well known, but Jenny Harley gave us further insight into his observations by describing a ‘social experiment’ he conducted with the financial backing of his friend, Angela Burdett Coutts, philanthropist and shareholder of the famous London bank. They established and ran Urania Cottage in rural Shepherds Bush for 12 years as a home for ‘the sweepings of the street’. In other words, offered a home to young women, generally in their late teen years, who had fallen on hard times. By giving the girls a home, food, clothes and a year or so of education and training, including exposure to literature, music and gardening, they hoped to turn the girls into ‘good’ women capable of making their own way in the world through domestic service. However the girls had to volunteer for admission to the cottage in the knowledge that at the end of their stay they would be destined to emigrate to the colonies. The experiment appeared to be successful in changing the fortunes for most and Jenny explained how she had tried to track down descendants of the home and successfully found a granddaughter of one, alive and well in Australia. Around 100 or so girls passed through the cottage until 1858 when the experiment was terminated, a time coincident with Charles’ estrangement from his wife of 20 years, Catherine. Miss Coutts took Catherine’s side, so Charles ‘dropped’ Miss Coutts. Jenny described Dickens as a ‘great dropper’ of erstwhile friends when it suited him. One may also surmise that Dickens’ motives for establishing Urania Cottage were not purely altruistic; the early lives of the inmates provided him with a handy resource for the development of the vivid female characters which populate his novels. Jenny Hartley’s talk was informative and enjoyable and after tea she talked about her work with the Prison Reading Groups. SUNBURY ON THAMES FLOWER CLUB O nce again our Members were subjected to 2 Elections in 1 week. However, Our Candidates were all elected unopposed with no shock results. with gardening implements and books. So no-one dozed off! As we proceed toward our 50th Anniversary Year ideas were put forward and discussions took place. Final decisions and arrangements will keep our new Committee and ‘A Team’ extremely busy during the coming months. All will be revealed in due course. Not to be missed is the Show taking place in the Chapel and Windsor Building of the Royal Holloway College Campus. “Magna Carta in Flowers”. The exhibits staged by Surrey Area of N.A.F.A.S. will depict the main characters involved in the sealing of Magna Carta at Runnymede This will run from Friday l2thJune until Tuesday16th June from 10a.m. - 4p.m. Entry is free and there is a large car park A delicious cream tea followed and certificates given to those who had attained the most marks for the competitions during the year. The small, but quality, audience were entertained by a Mr.Negus - not Arthur!- with a talk and slide show of the many beautiful places he had visited in Great Britain. Questions were asked both during and after the slide show and our erudite Members were rewarded We look forward to our coach trip to the Winchester Cathedral Flower Show on 24th June. The meeting on 7th July will be a teach-in, details to be announced. 6 Laughing Chili Comedy Night June 2015 – 06/06/15 Riverside’s top comedy night is back with another superb line-up from the UK’s comedy circuit, as 4 comics and a top compere entertain you on this night of mirth and laughter. Main act Richard Morton is an established headliner on the UK comedy circuit, with a wealth of TV and radio appearances under his belt. Join us at the bar first and then for a great night of comedy in The Studio on Saturday 6th June. 16+ only. Show may contain themes and language of an adult nature. Doors and bar open from 7.30pm. Show starts prompt at 8.30pm. Tickets from £10, and more information from July 2015 – 17/07/15 This month, Laughing Chili joins you as part of the Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Festival, and moves into the main theatre for a night of top class comedy. Canadian Wes Zahruk is this month’s headliner and is a must see! Prop lunatic Wes entertains with his hilarious and anarchic physical comedy routines. A rip-roaring jump into the surreal. Join us at the bar first and then for a great night of comedy in the Main Theatre on Friday 17th July. 16+ only. Show may contain themes and language of an adult nature. Doors and bar open from 7.30pm. Show starts prompt at 8.30pm. Tickets £12, and more information from August 2015 – 14 & 15/08/15 Summer is here and Laughing Chili brings a whole weekend of entertainment to August! Launching the ‘Sunbury Comedy Festival’, we have shows on Friday & Saturday nights in the Main Theatre, and family friendly entertainment in the Studio on Saturday afternoon.(We’re in talks to book some extra special acts for this weekend, so keep checking the website to see who will be appearing.) Join us for 2 great nights of comedy in the Main Theatre on Friday 14th and Saturday 15th August, and in the Studio on Saturday afternoon if you want to bring the kids. Evening shows are 16+ only and may contain themes and language of an adult nature. Doors and bar open from 7.00pm. Show starts prompt at 8.00pm. Tickets £15, with a special offer if you book both nights. More information from First meeting of new Playreading Group on Wednesday June 24th at 8pm in the Coleman Room upstairs at RAC. Riverside’s dramatic productions are getting better and better (did you see Shepperton Players’ recent production of Midsummer Night’s Dream?) but what RAC lacks is a playreading group. Reading a play is great fun and gives the opportunity to discuss characters and plot both before and after over a glass of beer thus helping to develop a clearer understanding of what the author was trying to achieve. The proposal is to hold monthly meetings with suggestions for future readings most welcome and an emphasis on everyone getting a chance to read.Costs will be kept to a minimum with participants being asked to contribute only enough to cover the cost of room hire. All abilities and experience will be given a warm welcome! SO PLEASE COME ALONG ON WEDNESDAY JUNE 24TH AT 8PM UPSTAIRS IN THE COLEMAN ROOM TO READ TOM STOPPARD’S ARCADIA Interested enquiries to Moira on 01932-787390 or email History proved a satisfying source for our March meeting when a wealth of personalities and historical events were described in poetry. Whitman, Auden and Lowell provided more sombre observations, old favourites were also added to the mix. An unusual concept of Napoleon came from Czechoslovakian poet Morislav Horub while an amusing description of a British aristocrat by nineteenth century satirist Barnabus Brough resulted in general laughter. Verses on the wives of Henry the Eighth was an apposite choice to complete the evening as the final episode of "Wolf Hall" had occurred the previous week. In April we examined the link between poetry and music, lyrics with poetic value and poems set to song. The creative beauty of words used in familiar melodies from the "swinging sixties" resulted in some pleasant moments of nostalgia! American Poetry the following month covered a broad spectrum. The opening of Sylvia Plath's "Morning Song".... "Love sets you going like a fat gold watch" and the familiar "And miles to go before I sleep" by Robert Frost were particularly appreciated. A beginning to the end of life's span so to speak! 7 Saturday 6th June at 7.30 for 8.30pm In The Studio Laughing Chili Comedy Night Headliner Richard Morton Doors and bar open from 7.30pm : Show starts prompt at 8.30pm. Tickets £10, more info from 16+ only. Show may contain themes and language of an adult nature. Wednesday 15th to Sat 18th July at 8pm Shepperton Players An Evening of Two One Act Plays Don’t Blame It on the Boots Thursday 18th to Saturday 20th June at 7.45pm By N J Warburton 3 Years a Prime Minister The Remarkable Times of Spencer Perceval Written and directed by Geoff Buckingham Tickets £10 ( Concessions £8) 07771 458 696 Chinaman By Michael Frayne Tickets £10 Box Office 07505 206757 for more information Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Association Sunbury & Shepperton Arts Festival 2015 Friday17th – Sunday 26th July Full details of the programme on page 4 Festival Box Office: 01932 567 365 10am - 8pm or boxoffice@ssaa-arts Booking form can be downloaded from FRIDAY 17 JULY, 7.30 FOR 8.15 PM (EVENT 1) : LAUGHING CHILI COMEDY CLUB Headliner Canadian, Wes Zahruk SATURDAY 18 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 2) : AMARATERRA: Tunes and dances from Salento and Southern Italy SUNDAY 19 JULY, 3 PM (EVENT 3) : THE DAVID WAY STRING TRIO: David Way, Gavin Jones, Andrew Taylor TUESDAY 21 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 4) : DR JOHNSON AND HIS DICTIONARY with Tim Moorey WEDNESDAY 22 JULY, 2.30-4 PM (EVENT 5) : At Shepperton Studios SHEPPERTON STUDIOS: THE BEGINNING, PRESENT AND FUTURE -LIMITED TO 50 THURSDAY 23 JULY, 10.30 AM TO 1 PM (EVENT 6) ITALIAN COOKING DEMONSTRATION with Francesco from ‘Little Italy’ - LIMITED PLACES THURSDAY 23 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 7) UNDERSTANDING THE GOLDEN AGE OF BRITISH WATERCOLOURS 1780-1920 A talk by John Spink FRIDAY 24 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 8) : ALIVE TO TELL THE STORY A Musical Written by Susie Hare SATURDAY 25 JULY, 10.15 FOR 11 AM (EVENT 9) : COFFEE CONCERT The Ellis Ensemble SATURDAY 25 JULY, 8 PM (EVENT 10) : FLORENCE: THE STORY OF FLORENCE NIGHTINGALE Created and performed by Chester House Production SUNDAY 26 JULY, 2.30 PM (EVENT 11) : RIVERBOAT TRIP: WALTON TO CHERTSEY With Nick Pollard, Chairman of the Local History Society KH Dance Academy KHDA SUMMER SCHOOL Week of 10th –14th August at 9.30am-1.30pm Ages: 4-12 years : £65 for the week, sibling discounts Take a trip around the movies, come along and join in the fun for a 5 day course of dance, drama, singing and craft Please contact Kathryn to book your place 07891675753 Friday 14th &Saturday 15th August at 7 for 8pm in the Main Hall & Saturday 15th August in The Studio Inaugural Sunbury Comedy Festival Laughing Chili Comedy Night Doors and bar open from 7pm : Show starts prompt at 8pm Tickets at £15 - special offer if you book both nights. More information from Evening shows 16+ only. Show may contain themes and language of an adult nature. 8