2011 Annual Report - Howard Area Community Center


2011 Annual Report - Howard Area Community Center
Howard Area
Community Center
opportunities to g
Annual Report
Fiscal Year 2011
Adult Education & Employment
664 adults
improved reading and math skills
on their way to meaningful employment
overcoming barriers
Early Childhood
254 children
began a life of learning
opportunities to grow
second chanc
Health & Human Services
3,556 individuals
Youth Services
387 youth
accessed emergency food
encouragement and assistance
spent their afternoons in a
safe, positive learning environment
empowering voices
Howard Area Leadership Academy
197 students
worked towards earning a high school diploma
overcoming barrie
second chances
Board of Directors
Dear Friends:
We are pleased to present to you the Howard Area Community Center FY11 Annual Report. This
last year was truly one of many transitions. The organization had a change in leadership and
faced reduced government allocations. We wish to thank Roberta Buchanan for her willingness
to return from a well-deserved retirement to lead this wonderful organization once again until the
leadership transition was completed midyear.
The past few years have been very difficult financially for our organization and most other human
service agencies. The weak economy and a reduction in overall government support have put
a heavy burden on the “safety net” human service organizations provide for our most at-risk
citizens. Thanks to our supporters, both public and private, and our focused attempts to be good
stewards of our limited resources, we remain a vibrant organization.
For 44 years, HACC has responded to social challenges with remarkable achievements and we
continue to have a vital and positive impact in the greater Rogers Park community. Our organization
continues to grow and improve; always trying to better meet the needs of our residents.
Despite the last few difficult years, our donors have risen to the challenge, providing the funding
needed to make our work possible. Our efforts are not alone - we continually work with community
partners who provide much-needed complementary supports for our clients. Without our many
partners, donors and volunteers, we would never be able to achieve the positive outcomes we
We hope that by reviewing this annual report you will gain insight into our efforts to meet our
mission of: assisting low-income individuals and families in and near Rogers Park to stabilize
their lives and develop the skills necessary to become productive community members.
Mary Ann O’Connor President
Evangeline Semark Vice President
Larry Rabyne - Treasurer
Erica Franklin - Secretary
Bunny Carrane
Bill Delano
Karen Egenes
Peter Feit
Molly Hart
Maria Hernandez
Vernandez Jones
John Kambanis
Maria Kamenaki
Rumi Kosaka
Nanda LaPata
Mark Matthews
Herb Sass
Ann Serb
Chad Steinke
Manpreet Singh Dhalla Board Fellow
Bruce Rasey Executive Director
Young Professionals Board
Bruce Rasey
Executive Director
Mary Ann O’Connor
Board President
Erica Franklin
Mathieu Guerville
Joe Hinton
Lydia I. Moore
Evangeline Semark
Andrew Tidwell-Neal
Adult Education
students passed the
GED exam
FY11 Board of Directors
surpassing the state goal for our
of youth involved in our
after-school programs graduated to
the next grade level or graduated
high school
Who We Serve
Since 1967, Howard Area Community Center has been a vital resource for individuals and families in and near Chicago’s Rogers
Park neighborhood.
To accomplish our mission, Howard Area Community Center offers programs in five departments: Early Childhood, Youth Services,
Howard Area Leadership Academy, Adult Education and Employment, and Health and Human Services. Together, these
departments create a comprehensive, integrated network designed to build self-sufficiency and help transform the lives of more
than 8,000 people each year.
Rogers Park is one of the most ethnically diverse neighborhoods in the city of Chicago, according to 2010 U.S. Census data,
and our clients come from many different backgrounds. Although we are based in Rogers Park, our clients come from over 20
additional neighborhoods throughout Chicago. The pie charts below depict the ethnicity and gender composition of the clients we
served from July 1, 2010 to June 30, 2011.
Ethnicities of Clients Served
Black - 49.06%
Latino - 25.87%
White - 15.51%
Asian - 2.24%
Native American - 0.46%
Other - 6.85%
Male - 45.46%
Female - 54.54%
unemployed adults
found work, built resumes,
and connected with employers
Gender of Clients Served
Program Highlights
Early Childhood
Howard Area Community Center’s Early Childhood Department delivers year-round child
care and nutrition services along with on-site
and home visiting family-strengthening programs to over 240 children ages 0-5.
Our Head Start funded program provided center-based care and education to 48 children,
and Early Head Start served 104 children
and their families, and 6 additional expectant
mothers, with either on-site care or home visiting services and support. Average monthly
enrollment in Early Head Start was 102% and
in Head Start was 105%.
Of the children in our Head Start program,
100% completed all of the age-appropriate
medical exams and 85% completed dental
exams. In Early Head Start, 99% of children
completed their age-appropriate medical exams, and 68% completed dental exams.
Throughout the year we offered 63 Parent Involvement activities, including Cooking Classes, Fall and Winter Festivals, and field trips to
Chicago museums. We also held 20 separate
events targeting men’s involvement such as a
Men’s Breakfast and a Men’s Fitness event.
We held two Kindergarten Transition meet-
ings for parents to discuss the transition to
kindergarten, the CPS registration process,
and the rights of parents to advocate for
their children. Children in our programs also
checked out library books about going to kindergarten to read with their parents at home.
Adult Education & Employment
In FY11 Adult Education began a new partnership
with Chicago Cares, who provided trained tutors to
work one-on-one with our evening GED students
on math skills. In total, 19 volunteers provided an
additional 61 hours of tutoring assistance to our
students. 664 total adults participated in Adult
Education and English-as-a-Second-Language
Adult Education added a Basic Job Readiness
class for our refugee population which has in-
creased 40% in the last three years. The class
focuses on elementary job search and basic interview skills for entry level positions.
Our Employment Center was awarded the Neighborhood Recovery Initiative contract to provide reentry services for youth. After the first full month
of Youth Fresh Start programming, 6 clients successfully completed the Life Skills module. Three
youth obtained jobs and one youth secured fulltime employment.
Howard Area Leadership Academy
Howard Area Leadership Academy (HALA) served
197 students ages 16 to 21, helping them to
earn credits toward their high school diploma.
Riders—Equality in the Southern Interstate.”
In the “Why the Vote” debate sponsored by Youth
Connection Charter Schools, HALA’s team placed
4th out of 22 charter schools from across the
city. Students researched and gave a presentation on the history and importance of voting.
HALA students won 1st Place for Best Historical
Documentary at the 2011 Chicago Youth Community Film Festival for their film “The Freedom
Youth Services
HACC started the year with an addition to its
youth services. The Good News Reading Program changed its name to the Howard Area After-School Reading Program, becoming a part of
Howard Area Community Center and allowing us
to improve the literacy component of our existing
youth programs.
Youth Services conducted many activities in FY11
that helped neighborhood youth connect with the
Health & Human Services
In the spring, Health & Human Services started offering additional TANF food for families
with children from 6 months to 18 years old,
and joined the Rescue Food Program to provide an additional 1,000 pounds of dairy,
bread, meat and produce from Jewel-Osco to
the individuals and families we serve.
larger community. In May, youth helped organize
two public Chicago Mayoral Forums held in Rogers Park, and asked the candidates questions
about street violence and Restorative Justice.
Youth staff partnered with the YMCA, CeaseFire,
and First Defense Legal Aid to kick off the Olweus
Bullying Prevention program at Gale School. The
program helped educate students and teachers
about what to do when they witness bullying.
Our Food Pantry was honored with two awards
from the Greater Chicago Food Depository for
continued efforts to serve hungry individuals
and families. The Quality Performance Award
recognized our overall high-quality service,
and the Client Connection Award honored our
efforts to address clients’ needs beyond food.
Youth from two afterschool programs
partnered together to organize community and citywide Oppression
Awareness events. The youth shared
what they had learned about oppression and taught others about its effects on their community.
In FY11, HACC became an All-Kids Application
Site. This addition to our services meant that
our staff could submit applications for All-Kids
state health insurance directly to the state
government, cutting the normal waiting time
in half. In the first year, we helped 27 parents
apply for health insurance for their children.
Financial Statements
Financial Summary
 
 
Expenses by Program
124 instaff
a walking
competition to promote
healthy living
clients received free or
low-cost dental services
This statement was prepared by management of the Howard Area
Community Center, based on the audited financial statements. The financial
statements for the year ended June 30, 2011 were audited by the certified
public accounting firm of Knutte & Associates, PC. The auditors found no
material weaknesses or deficiencies, and expressed an unqualified opinion.
The complete audited financial statements for the fiscal year ended June
30, 2011 are available from the Howard Area Community Center, 7648
North Paulina Street, Chicago, Illinois 60626, 773-262-6622.
Howard Area Leadership Academy - 20.37%
Early Childhood - 15.27%
Infants & Toddlers - 24.84%
Adult Education & Employment - 14.27%
Health & Human Services - 10.77%
Youth Services - 10.06%
Administration & Development - 4.42%
Revenue by Source
volunteer hours
our programs
 
 
Government Revenue - 76.10%
Foundation & Corporation Contributions - 10.16%
In-Kind Contributions - 3.88%
Individual Contributions - 2.54%
Program Fees & Miscellaneous - 2.45%
United Way - 2.32%
Church & Civic Contributions - 2.03%
Special Events - 0.53%
 
 
work adults
$10,000 and above
AIDS Foundation of Chicago
M/M Robert L. Berner, Jr.
The Blowitz-Ridgeway Foundation
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Illinois
Bright Promises Foundation
The Chicago Community TrustArthur C. Nielson Fund
Chicago Tribune CharitiesHoliday Campaign, a fund of
the McCormick Foundation
Crown Family Philanthropies
Ms. Marta Dehmlow
Dr. Scholl Foundation
The Ellis Goodman Family Foundation
Ms. Betsy Feld
Franciscan Sisters of Chicago
Grant Healthcare Foundation
HACC Benefit Board
Helen Brach Foundation
Hurvis Charitable Foundation Inc.
Lloyd A. Fry Foundation
Loyola University of Chicago
Mazza Foundation
Mr. Steven A. Diedrich
Polk Bros. Foundation
Ms. Mary Clare Pollard
Ravenswood Health Care Foundation
Saints Faith, Hope & Charity
Sara Lee Foundation
Seabury Foundation
Topfer Family Foundation
W.P. & H.B. White Foundation
Washington Square Health
Wilmette Lutheran Church
$5,000 - $9,999
The Barbara Bush Foundation for
Family Literacy
M/M Peter B. Feit
The George and June Block
Family Foundation
Mr. Edward Kahn
McGraw Foundation
National-Louis University
M/M Tom Reynolds
S & C Foundation
M/M Edward Sommer
Winnetka Congregational Church
$1,000 - $4,999
M/M Scott Ahlstrom
Mr. Edward Anderson & Mrs. Megan Holmes-Anderson
Arthur J. Schmitt Foundation
M/M J. Brian Barnett
Benjamin and Bettina Van
Cleave Foundation
Charles H. & Beverly E. Shaw
Church Of The Holy Spirit
Mr. Stanton Cook
Sr. Patricia Crowley
Mr. William R. Delano
DIFFA Chicago
M/M John A. Donahue
M/M Julian S. Eberhardt
M/M Thomas P. Feit
Pepper and Kay Furey
George M. Eisenberg Foundation
for Charities
George O’Brien and Charles
Linberg Foundation
Greater Chicago Food Depository
Ms. Marguerite D. Hark
Harris Private Bank-Sueske
Charitable Trust
Harry S. Black & Allon Fuller Fund
Klaff Family Foundation
M/M Jeff Kost
Lawyers Lend-A-Hand to Youth Program
Mr. Michael Lenzi and Ms. Jane Hirt
The Linville Family Foundation
Loyola Academy
M/M John D. Mabie
M/M John Madigan
M/M Art J. McGivern
Mr. Brian Meister
Museum of Science, Boston
July 1, 2010 - June 30, 2011
Mrs. Carolyn Noonan-Parmer
North Shore Community Bank
Ms. Mary Ann O’Connor
Ms. Catherine Pabich
Robert R. McCormick Tribune
M/M Gordan I. Segal
M/M Bruce Sents
Society of St. Vincent DePaul, St.
Margaret Mary Conference
Society of the Sacred Heart U.S.
St. Jerome’s Church
M/M Philip F. Suse
The Turano Foundation
Mr. Burton Wall
Whole Foods Market-Evanston South
William Wood Skinner Foundation
$500 - $999
Chicago Asthma Consortium
Mrs. Dori Bachman
Tom and Lee Berman
M/M Scott Bieber
M/M John Buchanan
Mr. David Buchanan & Mrs. Cindy Hummel
Many Peoples Church
The Common Cup
Mr. Carey Cooper & Mrs. Cheryl Kraff-Cooper
Mr. John A. Donahue & Ms. Tricia Gutekanst
M/M Timothy K. Earle
Mr. Brandon D. Elsasser
Evanston Catholic Women’s Club
M/M Stephen Foster
The Futuro Media Group
Dr. and Mrs. Hugh G. Grimes
Mr. Mathieu M. Guerville
M/M Charles Gurian
Ms. Patricia T. Habicht & Mr. William F. Conlon
Ms. Nancy L. Hornak & Dr. Eric A. Schwartz
Ms. Joanne Humphreville
M/M James Hynes
M/M Kenneth Kaufman
M/M Silas Keehn
M/M Philip W. Kenny
Dr. and Mrs. Robert E. LaPata
M/M Vance L. Liebman
Ms. Silvina Mamani
M/M Stephen J. McElroy
M/M Arthur Moore
National Republic Bank of Chicago
M/M William A. Osborn
M/M Kenneth E. Paxson
Mr. John Puth
M/M James E. Quinn
M/M Barry J. Quirke
Rogers Park Garden Group
S & C Electric Company
M/M Scott Solis
M/M Jerry C. Spellman
Mr. George P. Sullivan, Jr. & Ms. Dorothy Turek
M/M David Suttle
Ms. Joanne F. Twomey
M/M Paul C. Wagner
Elizabeth White & Zet Smith
Ms. Stacia A. Whitmore
$250 - $499
Ms. Ellen M. Babbitt
Ms. Mary Kay Black
M/M Art Blumberg
M/M James Boris
Ms. Shannon Callahan
Ms. Mary Jean Cardwell
M/M Robert Carrane
Ms. Leslie C. Combs
M/M Thomas P. Conrardy
Mr. James F. DeRose
Ms. Jean J. Dolan
M/M Francis Doyle
ER Ambulance
Mrs. Elizabeth Finzer
Mrs. Esther Fishman
Judy and John Fitzgerald
M/M Joseph Flanagan
Ms. Erica Franklin
M/M Michael Galibois
The Garrison Family Foundation
Mrs. Nancy Geary
Mr. Eric Gershuny & Ms. Karyn Reif
M/M Daniel Glynn
Dr. Harry Goldin & Ms. Jane Kaplan
M/M James P. Grusecki
Mrs. Martina Gruyters Molins
M/M Michael M. Harris
Mrs. Judy Healy
Ms. Judith Honeywood
M/M Louis Glunz III
Mrs. Robert Janowiak
M/M John B. Kambanis
M/M John L. Klemmer
Kloepfer Insurance Services, Inc.
M/M Christopher Knight
M/M John LaFramboise
Mrs. Margaret Magnuson
M/M James L. McCabe
M/M Robert McCamant
M/M Robert M. McGreevey
The Michael J. Marchese Foundation
M/M Christopher Mullen
M/M Michael Murphy
M/M Michael L. Murphy
M/M William H. Nau
Neighbors of Kenilworth
M/M Robert T. O’Brien
M/M Robert T. O’Brien Jr.
M/M Bruce Partridge
M/M Daniel Peterson
Ms. Jane Rothschild
Mr. Herb W. Sass
Ms. Elizabeth R. Schroeder
Ms. Susan Schwartz
Mrs. Beverly Shaw Hayford
Mrs. Charlotte Shea
M/M Glen Shelly
M/M Scott Sims
M/M Stanley F. Slabas
M/M Mark Smith
Ms. Gloria M. Smith
St. Francis Xavier Women’s Club
Levi Stahl & Stacey Shintani
M/M Dennis Stine
M/M Eric C. Strobel
Mr. Craig A. Taffel
Thomas and Joann Adler Family
Underwriters Laboratories, Inc.
M/M Robert Wells
Ms. Cheryl M. Zminda & Mr. Kevin Davey
$100 - $249
M/M James L. Allen
Dr. and Mrs. William J. Arnold
M/M Pascal Aubry-Dumand
Mr. David A. Austern & Ms. Ginny O’Brien Austern
M/M James R. Bannon
M/M James G. Barnes
Mr. William A. Barnett
M/M Richard L. Baumgarten
M/M Michael G. Beemer
M/M Mike Berkowitz
M/M Ray Berry
Mrs. Leda Bishoff
Ms. Susan K. Biver
M/M George H. Bodeen
Mrs. Marjorie Boesen
M/M Shaun M. Bonner
Mr. H. Woods Bowman
M/M Abdon Bray
M/M Joseph Bredemann
Ms. Alice C. Brennan
Ms. Brooke S. Brennan
M/M Thomas C. Broderick
M/M Erich W. Bruhn
M/M Theodore H. Buenger
Mrs. Lawrence Buhl
Mrs. James P. Byrne
M/M Frank W. Callahan
Bevin Callan
M/M Edward L. Chainski
Mrs. Susan Chapman
Ms. Joan S. Cherry
Mrs. Gere Clark
M/M Brian J. Clarke
Dr. and Mrs. Andrew J. Colman
M/M Paul J. Compernolle
Dana and Laura Connell
M/M Charles W. Connors
M/M John J. Conway
M/M Stephen C. Crawford
M/M Robert J. Creeden
M/M Edward Cullen
Kris R. Delasarmas
M/M Peter A. Dickson
M/M Joseph Dietrich
Mrs. Marilyn Dineen
M/M Louis Disselhorst
M/M Steven Distler
Ms. Elizabeth Donahue & Mr. Jeffrey Later
Ms. Mary Donahue & Mr. Robert Dixon
Ms. Linda L. Dooley
M/M Dennis B. Duffy
Dr. Karen Egenes & Mr. Rolfe Egenes
M/M Milton B. Engel
Dr. and Mrs. Murray Favus
M/M James D. Fiffer
Dr. and Mrs. Martin Fine
M/M Patrick Foley
Mrs. Loretta Frank
Ms. Mary Gabrys
M/M William J. Gibbons
Mrs. Mary Beckman Quinn & Mr. Michael E. Gordon
Mr. Benjamin J. Gorvine & Mrs. Amy D. Milner-Gorvine
M/M Dale R. Granchalek
Elisha and Nina Gray
M/M Warren F. Grienenberger
M/M Edward J. Gromala
Mr. William P. Gutekanst
M/M Jeffrey A. Hall
M/M Ronald L. Halper
Mrs. Joy Hambuerger
M/M William V. Haney
M/M Alan Hargesheimer
M/M Peter J. Hebein
M/M Stuart J. Hertzberg
Mr. Joseph E. Hinton
M/M James D. Hobart
M/M Thomas D. Hoyt
M/M Mark Huang
M/M Robert J. Hughes
M/M Robert Hulseman
M/M William Lawlor, III
Mr. Stuart Iseminger & Ms. Lisa Todd
M/M Ben Ivory
Ms. Patricia L. Jackson
M/M Edward R. James
Ms. Jane D. Johnson
Mr. Robert Josellis & Mrs. Colleen Collins
Mr. George S. Roumbanis & Ms. Maria A. Kamenaki
M/M Joseph D. Karcz
Mr. Felix Kaufman
Kaufman Hall
Ms. Suzanne P. Keevers
Ms. Maureen T. Kelly
M/M Matthew Kennelly
Ms. Bonnie Kepplinger
M/M John E. Kimler
M/M Casimir J. Kotowski
Ms. Diane Krier-Morrow
Mrs. Margaret Kullman
M/M George P. Later
M/M James Leahy
Ms. Mary M. Lindblad
Ms. Mary Lou Loud
M/M James Lyons
Dr. Patricia and Mr. Reed Mackin
Mrs. Toni Maloney
Mrs. Geraldine Mangler
Ms. Christina Marciniak & Mr. Michael Brown
M/M James F. Marran
Mrs. Ruth Martin
M/M John A. Marzinelli
Ms. Nancy K. Mayer
Mr. Dan McAdams & Ms. Rebecca Pallmeyer
M/M Robert W. McArthur
M/M Thomas McCabe
Mr. James McCann & Ms. Tara Griffin Jtwros
M/M Robert J. McClory
Ms. Kathleen McCourt & Mr. Warren B. Friedman
M/M Charles McEnery
M/M Thomas McGinley
Ms. Marie McKenna
M/M John Meade
M/M Harry L. Michalski
M/M John W. Mills
Mr. Norman Milsk & Ms. Therese Yee
M/M William A. Montgomery
Ms. Carol Mooney
M/M James Morrissey
Mr. Thomas H. Morsch
Ms. Nancye Mowry
M/M Richard Murphy
Mr. Anthony Nevalga
The New 400 Movie Theater
Northside Anti-Hunger Network
Ms. Charlotte O’Brien
Ms. Anne M. O’Connor
Jenay Olson and Allison Carter
M/M Lee Peddicord
M/M Robert P. Perkaus
M/M Donald Perkins
Ms. Cristina Persico
Ms. Agnes Pisczeck
M/M Raymond Pritchard
Edward and Rachel Puschmann
M/M Albert Pyott
Ms. Gretchen J. Quinn
Ms. Nancy Quinn
M/M Larry Rabyne
M/M Norman Raedle
Mrs. Dilys Rana
M/M Bruce Rasey
Rehabilitation Institute of
Chicago Women’s Board
M/M Ned Robertson
Mr. Charles S. Rollings
M/M Bruno Roti
Mrs. Pat Rotunno
M/M Alan Rubin
Mrs. Susan Ruder
Ms. Victoria Ruder
Ms. Mary Kathleen Rundell
M/M John P. Ryan
M/M John Ryan
M/M Tom Scanlan
M/M Barry A. Schatz
M/M Robert J. Schell
M/M Walter D. Scott
M/M Marty Seltzer
Ms. Evangeline Semark Lemoine
Ms. Betty Servatius
M/M August Sievers
M/M David R. Sigman
M/M Premjit Singh
M/M Robert Smietana
Ms. Helen Lapat Smith
M/M Michael Snipes
Mrs. Mary Sotir
Mrs. Sylvia V. Stec
Mr. Mark A. Steege
Mr. Charles Strain & Mrs. Dianne Hanau-Strain
Mr. Aaron Strauch
Ms. Catherine Sturgis
M/M George Sunkel
Ms. Becky Sutton
Syntrinsic Investment Council, LLC
Ms. Donna K. Taylor
Mrs. Joan Thesing
Mr. John C. Tierney
M/M Glenn O. Torgerson
Ms. Dona-Lee A. Trotter
University of St. Francis
Ms. Louise Van Der Vort
M/M Roger A. Vree
M/M C. Douglas Wallach
M/M Robert Walsh
M/M Roger Ward
M/M Joseph Weicher
Ms. Vivian Weil
Mrs. Faith Wenger
Mrs. Max Whitman
Wilbraham, Lawler & Buba
Mr. Eric Witherspoon
Ms. Barbara E. Wood
Due to space limitations, we
are unable to print the names
of the many donors who gave
the Howard Area Community
Center contributions under
$100. We thank the individuals, corporations and organizations that supported us at this
Howard Area Community Center
7648 North Paulina Street, Chicago, Illinois 60626
Phone: 773/262-6622
Fax: 773/262-6645
Howard Area Community Center serves clients at 8 different locations in Rogers Park.
Home Visiting Services
7500 N Ashland Avenue
Sheila Reynolds Berner
Family Center
7510 N Ashland Avenue
Howard Area Leadership Academy
7647 N Paulina Street
Adult Education Services
7638 N Paulina Street
Computer Clubhouse
Youth Center
1527 W Morse Avenue
Employment Resource Center
1623 W Howard Street
Reading Program
7649 N Paulina Street
Main Center
Health & Human Services
7648 N Paulina Street