COMPLETEandLEFT - Art of Memory Forum
COMPLETEandLEFT - Art of Memory Forum
MEN 1. MA Marc Anthony=American singer-songwriter, actor, and producer=76,379=49 Matt Adler=American actor= =300 Mehmet Akif+Alakurt=Turkish, Actor=69,056=52 Micah Alberti=Actor=16,364=213 Marco Alcaraz=Pornographic actor=18,609=195 Muhammad Ali=American boxer, world heavyweight champion, Olympic gold medalist; antiVietnam War activist=37,307=101 Michael Angarano=American, Actor=122,764=25 Moises Arias=Actor=34,756=111 Mark Ashley=Canadian, Pornstar=19,264=189 Mehmet Aslantug=Turkish, Actor=20,786=179 Miles Austin=American football player, wide receiver, return specialist=49,305=72 COMPLETEandLEFT MA,Madeleine Albright MA,Mahmoud Ahmadinejad MA,Marc Anthony MA,Marcus Allen MA,Marian Anderson MA,Marie Antoinette MA,Mario Andretti MA,Mary Kay Ash MA,Matthew Arnold MA,Maxene Andrews MA,Maya Angelou MA,Mel Allen MA,Mitch Albom MA,Mohammad Ali MA,Morey Amsterdam MA,Muhammad Ali MA,Mädchen Amick WOMEN Monica Arnold=Singer, songwriter, actress=123,055=68 Mandy Ashford=American, Singer=76,220=99 Malin Akerman=Swedish-Canadian actress, singer, model=59,522=132 Maya Angelou=Poet, dancer, producer, playwright, director, author=27,292=292 Meghan Allen=M odel=35,042=242 Magali Amadei=French, M odel=30,238=267 Mädchen Amick=Actress=47,635=172 May Andersen=Danish, M odel=27,276=293 Mary Ann+Mobley=Actress=26,551=298 Manuela Arcuri=Italian, Actress=55,051=142 Moran Atias=actress=35,963=235 Megan Auld=American=70,589=107 Mary Austin=English=37,276=229 Marie Avgeropoulos=Canadian, Actress=39,141=218 Maj Axelsson=American, Personality=35,264=239 Mónica Ayos=Argentinean, Actress=36,895=231 ……………….. Madison Avenue Mickey Avalon Massive Attack Meredith Andrews Marsha Ambrosius Melanie Amaro Maejor Ali Mark ,Abene ,Ha cker ,Hacker Phiber Optik Max ,Abramovitz ,Archi tect ,Designed UN Headquarters Michael ,Abrash ,Computer Programmer ,Graphics Programming Black Book Mumia ,Abu-Jamal ,Cri mi nal ,Black Panther, sentenced to dea th Manny ,Acta ,Ba s eball ,Ma nager, Cl eveland Indians Mason ,Adams ,Actor ,Cha rl ie Hume on Lou Grant Maud ,Adams ,Actor ,Octopussy Maude ,Adams ,Actor ,Sta ge a ctress, Peter Pan Mark ,Addy ,Actor ,The Full Monty Max ,Adler ,Actor ,Da ve Ka rofsky on Glee Mario ,Adorf ,Actor ,The Tin Drum Milton ,Ager ,Songwriter ,Ain't She Sweet Martin ,Agronsky ,Journa list ,Agronsky & Co. Mahmoud ,Ahmad ,Spy ,Pa ki stani Intelligence chief ga ve Atta ,100k Mahmoud ,Ahmadinejad ,Hea d of State ,President of Iran Mariella ,Ahrens ,Actor ,Ma ren Wolf i n Sabine (German) Martti ,Ahtisaari ,Head of State ,President of Finland, 19942000 Mark ,Akenside ,Poet ,The Pleasures of the Imagination Malin ,Akerman ,Actor ,The Heartbreak Kid Masami ,Akita ,Mus i cian ,Merzbow, Destroyer of Worlds Moustapha ,Akkad ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Halloween producer Marv ,Albert ,Sports Fi gure ,Yessssssss! Morris ,Albert ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Feelings Mabel ,Albertson ,Actor ,Da rri n's mother on Bewitched Mitch ,Albom ,Novel ist ,Tuesdays with Morrie Madeleine ,Albright ,Di pl omat ,Bill Cl inton's Secretary of Sta te Michael ,Aldridge ,Actor ,Seymour on Last of the Summer Wine Mohamed ,al-Fayed ,Bus i ness ,Owner of Harrod's, father of Dodi a l-Fayed Mimi ,Alford ,Author ,Once Upon a Secret Muhammad ,Ali ,Boxi ng ,Floated like butterfly, s tung like bee Mary ,Alice ,Actor ,The Matrix Revolutions Maurice ,Allais ,Economist ,Monopoly pri cing a nd the Allais effect Marc ,Allégret ,Fi l m Director ,Entrée des Artistes Marcus ,Allen ,Footba ll ,Super Bowl MVP, 1984 Marty ,Allen ,Comi c ,Goofy-looking comedian Maryon ,Allen ,Pol i ti cian ,US Senator from Alabama, 1978 Mel ,Allen ,Sports Journalist ,Sportscaster, Voice of the Ya nkees Mike ,Allen ,Journa list ,Politico Margery ,Allingham ,Novel ist ,Albert Campion detective novels Mose ,Allison ,Mus ician ,Southern bluesman, Jazz pianist Marshall ,Allman ,Actor ,LJ Burrows on Prison Break Mike ,Allsup ,Gui tarist ,Guitarist for Three Dog Night Michael ,Almereyda ,Fi l m Director ,Hamlet Marc ,Almond ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Contemporary ca baret voca l ist, Soft Cell Muqtada ,al-Sadr ,Mi l itary ,Mi litant Shiite Iraqi cl eric Moniza ,Alvi ,Poet ,The Country at My Shoulder Maryanne ,Amacher ,Compos er ,Sound Characters (Making the Third Ear) Mathieu ,Amalric ,Actor ,Late August, Early September Mukesh ,Ambani ,Bus iness ,India's ri chest man Marc ,Ambinder ,Journa list ,Contributing Editor, National Journal Mädchen ,Amick ,Actor ,Shel ley the waitress from Twin Peaks Martin ,Amis ,Author ,The Rachel Papers Morey ,Amsterdam ,Actor ,The Dick Van Dyke Show Merry ,Anders ,Actor ,Young Fury Margaret ,Anderson ,Author ,Founder of the Little Review Marian ,Anderson ,Si nger ,Operatic contralto Mary ,Anderson ,Inventor ,Inventor of the windshield wiper Mary ,Anderson ,Actor ,Lifeboat Maxwell ,Anderson ,Pl a ywri ght ,What Price Glory? Michael ,Anderson ,Fi l m Director ,Logan's Run Momofuku ,Ando ,Bus i ness ,Inventor of instant noodle s oup Marc ,Andreessen ,Computer Progra mmer ,Co-Founder of Nets cape Mario ,Andretti ,Auto Ra ci ng ,Indy ca r ra cer Michael ,Andretti ,Auto Ra cing ,Indy ca r racer Mark ,Andrews ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from North Dakota, 1981-87 Maxene ,Andrews ,Si nger ,The Andrews Sisters Michael ,Angarano ,Actor ,Lords of Dogtown Mother ,Angelica ,Rel i gion ,Roman Ca tholic evangelical nun Maya ,Angelou ,Poet ,I Know Why the Caged Bird Sings Morris ,Ankrum ,Actor ,Invaders from Mars Mary ,Anning ,Pa l eontologist ,Self-taught paleontologist Michael ,Ansara ,Actor ,Cochi se i n Broken Arrow Marc ,Anthony ,Si nger ,Leading salsa s tar Michael ,Anthony ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for Van Halen Michael ,Anthony ,Novel ist ,The Games Were Coming Mary ,Antin ,Author ,The Promised Land Marie ,Antoinette ,Royalty ,Cake proponent Michelangelo ,Antonioni ,Fi l m Director ,Professione: reporter Michael ,Antonovich ,Pol i tician ,LA County Board of Supervisors Mark ,Antony ,Mi l i tary ,Julius Ca esar's protege Max ,Apple ,Author ,I Love Gootie Marshall ,Applewhite ,Rel igion ,Led the Heaven's Gate cult to s ui cide Michael ,Apted ,Fi l m Director ,Gorillas in the Mist Michael ,Arcuri ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New York, 2007-11 Maximilian ,Ardelt ,Bus iness ,ConDigit Consult GmbH Moshe ,Arens ,Pol i tician ,Likud Minister Moises ,Arias ,Actor ,Ri co on Hannah Montana Michael ,Armacost ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Japan, 1989-93 Malcolm ,Arnold ,Compos er ,The Bridge on the River Kwai Matthew ,Arnold ,Poet ,Culture and Anarchy Morten ,Arntzen ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Overseas Shipholding Group Michael ,Arrington ,Bus i ness ,TechCrunch Martina ,Arroyo ,Si nger ,Operatic s oprano Miguel ,Arteta ,Fi l m Director ,Chuck & Buck Maureen ,Arthur ,Actor ,How to Succeed in Business Michael ,Aspel ,TV Pers onality ,Antiques Roadshow host Margot ,Asquith ,Soci a lite ,Wife of Herbert Henry As quith Mackenzie ,Astin ,Actor ,The Mating Habits of the Earthbound Human Mary ,Astor ,Actor ,The Maltese Falcon Michael ,Atiyah ,Ma thematician ,Atiya h-Singer index theorem Mohammed ,Atta ,Terrori s t ,Mastermind behind the 9-11 a tta cks Malcolm ,Atterbury ,Actor ,Va udevillian, character a ctor Margaret ,Atwood ,Author ,The Handmaid's Tale Mischa ,Auer ,Actor ,My Man Godfrey Mike ,Aulby ,Bowl i ng ,Professional bowler, retired Marcus ,Aurelius ,Roya lty ,Roman Emperor, 161-180 AD Mary ,Austin ,Author ,Land of Little Rain Margaret ,Avery ,Actor ,The Color Purple Mili ,Avital ,Actor ,Stargate Mick ,Avory ,Drummer ,Former drummer, The Kinks 2. MB Michael Bublé=Singer and actor=182,587=11 Mark Ballas=American, Dancer=128,735=21 Michael Bolton=American, Singer=123,445=24 Marc Bolan=British, Singer=47,830=73 Matthew Bellamy=English singersongwriter=57,776=62 Mikhail Baryshnikov=Russian Ballet Dancer=20,001=182 Michael Ball=English singer and actor=11,675=275 Max Baer+Jr.=Film and television actor, producer and director=22,086=171 Max Baldry=British, Actor=13,826=240 Michael Ballack=German footballer=22,747=167 Mario Balotelli=Footballer=14,064=237 Matt Barr=American, Actor=28,554=136 Michael Bay=American, Film Director=14,904=229 Max Beesley=American, Actor=23,279=165 Murilo Benício=Brazilian actor=25,104=155 Manu Bennett=New Zealand actor=41,635=89 Matt Bennett=Actor=12,042=268 Michael Biehn=American, Actor=18,305=198 Marc Blucas=Actor=35,972=107 Manute Bol=Basketball player=11,201=286 Matt Bomer=Actor=144,129=17 Marlon Brando=American actor=128,193=22 Matthew Broderick=Actor=27,393=141 Mehcad Brooks=American actor=25,490=153 COMPLETEandLEFT MB,Maria Bello MB,Marion Barry MB,Marlon Brando MB,Martin Balsam MB,Martin Brodeur MB,Martin Van Buren MB,Marty Balin MB,Mary J. Blige MB,Mason Betha MB,Matthew Broderick MB,Mel Blanc MB,Mel Brooks MB,Melvin Belli MB,Menachem Begin MB,Meredith Baxter MB,Michael Biehn MB,Michael Bloomberg MB,Michael Bolton MB,Michael Burger MB,Michelangelo Buonarroti MB,Michelle Branch Michelle Branch=Singer-songwriter, musician, actress=27,778=287 Morena Baccarin=Brazilian-American actress=171,347=41 Maria Bartiromo=TV journalist, author=43,591=194 Mischa Barton=British–American actress=180,050=39 Michelle Bauer=American pornographic actress=26,801=295 Maria Bello=Actress, humanitarian=42,113=202 Monica Bellucci=Italian actress and fashion model=633,293=8 Marcheline Bertrand=American actress and producer=53,967=146 Moon Bloodgood=American actress=73,494=103 Mirja Boes=German, Actress=28,655=277 Merve Bolugur=Turkish, Actress=46,633=179 Michelle Borth=American, Actress=91,488=87 Melanie Brown=British musician=69,861=108 MyAnna Buring=Swedish actress=47,598=173 ………………………. Myron Butler Mutya Buena Marc Broussard Meredith Brooks Miranda Brooke Moody Blues Memphis Bleek Mr. Big Mindless Behavior Madilyn Bailey Misha B Melanie B Melanie ,B ,Si nger ,Sca ry Spice Milton ,Babbitt ,Compos er ,Music for Synthesizer Morena ,Baccarin ,Actor ,Inara Serra on Firefly Michelle ,Bachelet ,Hea d of State ,President of Chile, 200610 Marcus ,Bachmann ,Rel igion ,Husband of Rep. Mi chele Ba chmann Michele ,Bachmann ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Mi nnesota 6th Mike ,Bacsik ,Ba seball ,Pi tched 756th to Ba rry Bonds Michael ,Badalucco ,Actor ,Ji mmy Berluti on The Practice Mary ,Badham ,Actor ,To Kill a Mockingbird Max ,Baer ,Judge ,Justice, Pennsylvania Supreme Court Max ,Baer ,Boxi ng ,Beat Ma x Schmeling in 1933 Max ,Baer,^Jr. ,Actor ,Jethro on The Beverly Hillbillies Mitch ,Bainwol ,Lobbyi st ,CEO of RIAA, 2003-11 Michael ,Baius ,Religion ,Belgian theologian MB,Mikhail Baryshnikov MB,Milton Berle MB,Monica Bellucci Mitchell ,Baker ,Acti vi s t ,Mozilla Foundation Mikhail ,Bakunin ,Ana rchist ,Pioneer of the Anarchist movement Mily ,Balakirev ,Composer ,Russian nationalist composer Michael ,Balcon ,Fi lm/TV Producer ,Eealing Studios Malcolm ,Baldrige ,Pol itician ,US Secretary of Commerce 1981-87 Marty ,Balin ,Mus ician ,Lead singer of Jefferson Airplane Mark ,Ballas ,Da ncer ,Dancing with the Stars Michael ,Balmuth ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Ross Stores Mario ,Balotelli ,Soccer ,FC Ma nchester Ci ty forward Martin ,Balsam ,Actor ,A Thousand Clowns Maria ,Bamford ,Comi c ,Comedians of Comedy Ma ,Barker ,Cri mi nal ,Matriarch of the Barker-Karpis Gang Matthew ,Barney ,Fi l m Director ,The Cremaster Cycle Michael ,Barone ,Pundi t ,Almanac of American Politics Michael ,Baroody ,Bus i ness ,National Association of Ma nufacturers Matt ,Barr ,Actor ,Da n Pa tch on Hellcats Marie-Christine ,Barrault ,Actor ,Cousin, cousine Maurice ,Barrès ,Novel ist ,Cult of the Self Majel ,Barrett ,Actor ,Wi dow of Gene Roddenberry Marion ,Barry ,Pol i tician ,Twice Ma yor of Washington, DC Maria ,Bartiromo ,Journalist ,CNBC fi nancial correspondent Mischa ,Barton ,Actor ,Ma ri s sa Cooper on The O.C. Mikhail ,Baryshnikov ,Da ncer ,Ki rov ballet dancer defected to USA Massoud ,Barzani ,Head of State ,President of Iraqi Kurdi stan Mustafa ,Barzani ,Mi l itary ,Kurdish nationalist Martin ,Bashir ,Journalist ,The Living with Michael Jackson s pecial Matsuo ,Basho ,Poet ,Ha iku master Mercedes ,Bass ,Soci alite ,Wife of Sid Bass Mario ,Batali ,Chef ,TV chef Michael ,Bates ,Actor ,A Clockwork Orange Matt ,Battaglia ,Actor ,Universal Soldier II Max ,Baucus ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Montana Michelle ,Bauer ,Porns ta r ,Hollywood Chainsaw Hookers Mario ,Bava ,Fi l m Director ,Black Sunday Meredith ,Baxter ,Actor ,The mother on Family Ties Michael ,Bay ,Fi l m Director ,Armageddon Michael ,Beach ,Actor ,Doc Pa rker on Third Watch Melissa ,Bean ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman from Illinois, 2005-11 Murray ,Beauclerk ,Ari s tocrat ,14th Duke of St. Al bans Michael ,Beck ,Actor ,The Warriors Margaret ,Beckett ,Government ,UK Foreign Secretary, 2006-07 Mike ,Beebe ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Arka nsas Michael ,Been ,Si nger ,Frontman for The Ca ll Max ,Beerbohm ,Cri ti c ,Ca ri caturist, Seven Men Max ,Beesley ,Actor ,Glitter Mark ,Begich ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Alaska Menachem ,Begin ,Hea d of State ,Prime Mi nister of Israel, 1977-82 Michael ,Behe ,Bi ol ogist ,Darwin's Black Box Maurice ,Béjart ,Choreographer ,Innovative ballet choreographer Marek ,Belka ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Poland, 2004-05 Matthew ,Bellamy ,Mus i cian ,Muse frontman Melvin ,Belli ,Attorney ,The Ki ng of Torts Maria ,Bello ,Actor ,Dr. Anna Del Amico on ER Marco ,Bellocchio ,Fi lm Director ,Good Morning, Night Monica ,Bellucci ,Actor ,L'Appartement Maurice ,Benard ,Actor ,General Hospital Medea ,Benjamin ,Acti vi s t ,CODEPINK, Global Exchange cofounder Michael ,Bennet ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Colorado Manu ,Bennett ,Actor ,Cri xus on Spartacus Michael ,Bennett ,Da ncer ,A Chorus Line Marisa ,Berenson ,Actor ,Barry Lyndon Miki ,Berenyi ,Mus i cian ,Singer/guitarist for Lush Michael ,Bergin ,Actor ,J.D. on Baywatch Marilyn ,Bergman ,Songwri ter ,The Way We Were Milton ,Berle ,Comi c ,Mr. Tel evision Maximilian ,Berlitz ,Business ,Berlitz Language Schools Michelle ,Bernard ,Acti vi s t ,Conservative commentator Maxime ,Bernier ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian Foreign Minister Marion ,Berry ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Arkansas, 1997-2011 Matt ,Berry ,Actor ,Sa nchez on Garth Marenghi's Darkplace Michael ,Berryman ,Actor ,La cks s weat glands Marcellin ,Berthelot ,Chemi s t ,Chimie organique fondée sur la synthèse Marina ,Berti ,Actor ,La califfa Michael ,Beschloss ,Historian ,The Conquerors Matt ,Besser ,Actor ,Upright Citizens Brigade Martine ,Beswick ,Actor ,One Million Years B.C. Maurizio ,Bevilacqua ,Politician ,Ca nadian MP, Va ughan Mario ,Biaggi ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New York, 1969-88 Mayim ,Bialik ,Actor ,Bl ossom Russo on Blossom Mike ,Bibby ,Ba s ketball ,Atlanta Hawks point guard Marie-François-Xavier ,Bichat ,Doctor ,Anatomie générale Michael ,Biehn ,Actor ,Aliens, The Rock, The Abyss Michael ,Bilirakis ,Pol itician ,Congressman from Florida, 1983-2007 Michael ,Billington ,Actor ,Col . Pa ul Foster on UFO Mike ,Binder ,Actor ,The Upside of Anger Matt ,Biondi ,Swi mmer ,Competitive s wimmer, 10 Ol ympic medals Mike ,Birbiglia ,Comi c ,Sleepwalk with Me Manfred ,Bischoff ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of EADS Maurice ,Bishop ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of Grenada. 1979-83 Mark ,Bittman ,Chef ,The Minimalist Marsha ,Blackburn ,Pol itician ,Congresswoman, Tennessee 7th Montgomery ,Blair ,Attorney ,Dred Scott's lawyer Marie ,Blake ,Actor ,Gra ndmama on The Addams Family Mel ,Blanc ,Actor ,Ma n of 1,000 Voi ces Michel ,Blanc ,Actor ,Monsieur Hire Mari ,Blanchard ,Actor ,She-Devil Maurice ,Blanchot ,Phi l osopher ,L'Espace littéraire Marc ,Blank ,Computer Progra mmer ,Programmer behind Zork Melanie ,Blatt ,Mus i cian ,All Saints Memphis ,Bleek ,Ra pper ,M.A.D.E. Moritz ,Bleibtreu ,Actor ,Run Lola Run Marc ,Blitzstein ,Compos er ,The Cradle Will Rock Moon ,Bloodgood ,Actor ,Eight Below Michael ,Bloomberg ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of New York Ci ty Mike ,Bloomfield ,Gui ta rist ,Guitarist, Paul Butterfield Blues Band Mel ,Blount ,Footba ll ,NFL Hall of Famer Marc ,Blucas ,Actor ,Ri l ey Finn on Buffy Monte ,Blue ,Actor ,Orphans of the Storm Matt ,Blunt ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Missouri, 2005-09 Myrna ,Blyth ,Author ,Edi tor-in-Chief, Ladies' Home Journal Michael ,Boatman ,Actor ,Ca rter Heywood on Spin City Michael ,Bohnen ,Si nger ,Operatic bass baritone Manute ,Bol ,Ba s ketball ,Seven foot seven Marc ,Bolan ,Si nger/Songwriter ,T-Rex Mary ,Boland ,Actor ,Ruggles of Red Gap Michael ,Bolton ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Love Is a Wonderful Thing Matthew ,Bomer ,Actor ,Nea l Ca ffrey on White Collar Murray ,Bookchin ,Phi l osopher ,The Ecology of Freedom Mika ,Boorem ,Actor ,The Education of Little Tree Max ,Boot ,Col umnist ,Conservative pundit Margaret ,Booth ,Edi tor ,Mutiny on the Bounty Madeleine ,Bordallo ,Pol itician ,Congresswoman, Guam Martin ,Bormann ,Government ,Adolf Hitler's a djutant Max ,Born ,Phys i cist ,Pi oneer of quantum mechanics Miguel ,Bosé ,Si nger ,La tin popstar/actor Mike ,Bossy ,Hockey ,NY Is landers, Hall of Famer Margot ,Botsford ,Judge ,Justice, Ma ssachusetts Supreme Court Michael ,Boudin ,Judge ,1s t Ci rcuit Court of Appeals Michel ,Boujenah ,Actor ,Les Misérables Matthew ,Boulton ,Bus i ness ,Financed the early steam engi ne Michel ,Bouquet ,Actor ,Totò the Hero Mackenzie ,Bowell ,Hea d of State ,Prime Mi nister of Ca na da, 1894-96 Michael ,Bowen ,Actor ,The Last House on the Left Malcolm ,Boyd ,Rel igion ,Are You Running with Me, Jesus? Martin ,Boyd ,Novel ist ,The Montforts Malcolm ,Bradbury ,Cri ti c ,The History Man Milton ,Bradley ,Bus i ness ,Board games Mathew ,Brady ,Photogra pher ,Ci vil War photographer Melvyn ,Bragg ,TV Pers onality ,The South Bank Show Michelle ,Branch ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Are You Happy Now? Myles ,Brand ,Educa tor ,President of the NCAA, 2003-09 Marlon ,Brando ,Actor ,A Streetcar Named Desire Michael ,Brandon ,Actor ,Dempsey & Makepeace Martha ,Brant ,Journa list ,Newsweek reporter Michel ,Brault ,Ci nematographer ,Les Ordres Martin ,Brest ,Fi l m Director ,Beverly Hills Cop Marcel ,Breuer ,Des igner ,Bauhaus furniture designer Matthew ,Bright ,Fi l m Director ,Squeezit & Renee Henderson May ,Britt ,Actor ,The Young Lions Morgan ,Brittany ,Actor ,Ka therine Wentworth on Dallas Max ,Brod ,Novel ist ,The Redemption of Tycho Brahe Matthew ,Broderick ,Actor ,Ferris Bueller's Day Off Mark ,Brooks ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1996 PGA Cha mpionship Mehcad ,Brooks ,Actor ,Terrence Ki ng on Necessary Roughness Mel ,Brooks ,Fi l m Director ,Blazing Saddles Mo ,Brooks ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Alabama 5th Manlio ,Brosio ,Di plomat ,NATO Secretary General, 1964-71 Martin ,Broughton ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of British Airways Mack ,Brown ,Footba ll ,Head Coach, UT-Austin Mike ,Brown ,Ba s ketball ,Coa ch, Los Angeles Lakers Milton ,Brown ,Mus i cian ,Mi lton Brown and His Musical Browni es Molly ,Brown ,Acti vi s t ,Unsinkable Mordecai ,Brown ,Ba s eball ,Three Finger Brown Max ,Bruch ,Compos er ,Kol Nidrei Martin ,Bryant ,Cri mi nal ,Killed 35 i n a shooting spree in Ta s mania Mika ,Brzezinski ,Journa list ,Co-Host, Morning Joe Martin ,Buber ,Phi l osopher ,Ich und Du Michael ,Bublé ,Si nger ,It's Time Martin ,Bucer ,Rel igion ,German Protestant reformer Maria ,Bueno ,Tennis ,Wi nner of 19 Gra nd Slam ti tles Michael ,Buffer ,Sports Fi gure ,Let's get ready to rumble! Mikhail ,Bulgakov ,Author ,The Master and Margarita Mac ,Bundy ,Government ,National Security Advisor, 196166 Mary-Ellis ,Bunim ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Co-creator of The Real World, etc. Michael ,Burgess ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Texas 26th Mark ,Burnett ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Survivor, Eco-Challenge, etc. Max ,Burns ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Georgia, 2003-05 Mae ,Busch ,Actor ,The Ever-Popular Ma e Busch Marvin ,Bush ,Rel a tive ,Brother of Jeb, Dubya , and Neil Mangosuthu ,Buthelezi ,Government ,Zulu l eader, founder of Inkatha Pa rty Michel ,Butor ,Author ,L'emploi du temps Merritt ,Butrick ,Actor ,Johnny Sl ash on Square Pegs Margherita ,Buy ,Actor ,Not of This World Mariann ,Byerwalter ,Bus iness ,JDN Corporate Advisory 3. MC Maksim Chmerkovskiy=Ukrainian dancer and choreographer=78,273=46 Mötley Crüe= musician=39,736=92 Michael Cretu=M usician=10,762=293 Marquis C.= =10,967=290 Michael C.+Hall=Actor=82,505=42 Michael Caine=British actor=13,254=250 Mark Calaway=Professional wrestler=78,126=48 Mario Casas=Spanish, Actor=101,478=30 Maxwell Caulfield=Actor=11,659=276 Michael Cera=Canadian actor=101,018=32 Munro Chambers=Canadian, Actor=187,373=9 My Chemical+Romance= =23,306=164 Morris Chestnut=Actor=25,327=154 Mario Cimarro=Cuban, Actor=224,517=5 Michael Clarke+Duncan=American, Actor=36,400=104 Montgomery Clift=American, Actor=36,817=103 Martin Clunes=Actor=21,093=176 Miguel Coleman=Actor=13,451=246 Misha Collins=Actor=26,714=148 Mike Comrie=Canadian ice hockey player=24,233=160 Mint Condition= =13,274=249 Michael Copon=American, Actor=38,523=97 Marton Csokas=New Zealander, Actor=16,803=207 Macaulay Culkin=American, Actor=230,698=4 Matt Czuchry=American, Actor=68,539=54 COMPLETEandLEFT MC,M C MC,M. C.-Hammer MC,Macdonald Carey MC,Madame Curie MC,Madeleine Carroll MC,Marc Chagall MC,Maria Callas MC,Mariah Carey MC,Mario Cuomo MC,Mark Cuban MC,Mark Undertaker Callaway MC,Marva Collins MC,Mary Cassatt MC,Maurice Chevalier MC,Merce Cunningham MC,Michael Caine MC,Michael Chang MC,Michael Connelly MC,Michael Crawford MC,Michael Crichton Miley Cyrus=American actress, singer=4,112,399=1 Mariah Carey=American singer=441,290=13 Mónica Cruz=Spanish actress and dancer=91,778=86 Maria Callas=American born, Greek soprano=59,641=131 Maddie Cyrus=American, M usician=39,165=217 Melanie Chisholm=English singer=38,498=220 Misty Copeland=ballet dancer=29,853=269 Misa Campo=Canadian, M odel=643,448=7 Mary Carey=American pornographic actress=49,061=166 Michele Carey=American Actress=239,419=25 Mary Castro=Actress=41,476=207 Marilyn Chambers=Pornographic actress=77,563=95 Maui Chapman= =52,514=152 Michaela Conlin=American, Actress=37,743=227 Monique Coleman=American, Actress=26,472=299 Mara Corday=American, Actress=74,465=100 Miranda Cosgrove=American actress=524,276=11 Malena Costa=Spanish, M odel=30,174=268 Marion Cotillard=Actress=129,051=64 Marcia Cross=American actress=43,755=192 Matt Costa Miranda Cosgrove Matt Corby Mint Condition Marcus Collins Marc Cohn Mc Chris Mark Chesnutt Mr. Cheeks Matt Cardle Marcus Canty Melanie C Melanie ,C ,Si nger ,Sporty Spice Montserrat ,Caballé ,Si nger ,Operatic s oprano Mathis ,Cabiallavetta ,Bus iness ,Chairman of UBS, 1998-99 Meg ,Cabot ,Author ,The Princess Diaries Melky ,Cabrera ,Ba s eball ,San Francisco Giants outfielder Miguel ,Cabrera ,Ba s eball ,Pro baseball outfielder and s l ugger Michael ,Cacoyannis ,Fi lm Director ,Zorba the Greek Michael ,Caine ,Actor ,Get Carter Mark ,Calcavecchia ,Golf ,Winner, 1989 Bri tish Open Mary ,Calderone ,Acti vi s t ,Questions and Answers about Love and Sex Monica ,Calhoun ,Actor ,Bagdad Café Mira ,Calix ,Mus ician ,Skimskitta Morley ,Callaghan ,Novelist ,Strange Fugitive MC,Mike Connors MC,Miley Cyrus MC,Montgomery Clift Michael ,Callan ,Actor ,Husband on Occasional Wife Maria ,Callas ,Si nger ,Operatic Soprano Melvin ,Calvin ,Chemist ,Deciphered photosynthesis Marcus ,Camby ,Ba s ketball ,NBA s tar Matt ,Cameron ,Drummer ,Drummer for Pearl Jam a nd Soundgarden Maia ,Campbell ,Actor ,In the House Marion ,Campbell ,Novel ist ,Lines of Flight Martin ,Campbell ,Fi l m Director ,Casino Royale Menzies ,Campbell ,Pol i tician ,Leader of the Li beral Democrats, 2006-07 Michael ,Campbell ,Gol f ,Winner, 2005 US Open Milt ,Campbell ,Tra ck a nd Field ,Olympic decathlete Marcel ,Camus ,Fi l m Director ,Black Orpheus Milton ,Caniff ,Ca rtoonist ,Terry and the Pirates Max ,Cannon ,Ca rtooni st ,Red Meat Mario ,Cantone ,Comi c ,La ugh Whore Maria ,Cantwell ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Washington Mario ,Capecchi ,Sci entist ,Knock-out mice Mitchell ,Caplan ,Business ,CEO of E-Tra de, 2003-07 Macdonald ,Carey ,Actor ,Tom Horton on Days of Our Lives Mariah ,Carey ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Diva with eighteen #1 hi ts Mary ,Carey ,Porns tar ,Porn s tar, ran for Ca lifornia Governor Max ,Carey ,Ba s eball ,MLB Hall of Famer Michele ,Carey ,Actor ,Live a Little, Love a Little Mary ,Carillo ,Sports Journalist ,Loquacious sports commentator Mary ,Carlisle ,Actor ,Dead Men Walk Margaret ,Carlson ,Col umnist ,Time columnist Mel ,Carnahan ,Pol i tician ,Dead man, still defeated John As hcroft Marcel ,Carné ,Fi l m Director ,Les Enfants du Paradis Morris ,Carnovsky ,Actor ,Dead Reckoning Martine ,Carol ,Actor ,Lola Montès Madeleine ,Carroll ,Actor ,The 39 Steps Michael ,Carroll ,unspecified ,Lottery wi nner, Ki ng of Chavs Milton ,Carroll ,Business ,Instrument Products, Inc. Mel ,Carter ,Si nger ,Hold Me, Thrill Me, Kiss Me María ,Casares ,Actor ,Orpheus Max ,Casella ,Actor ,Benny Fazio on The Sopranos Mama ,Cass ,Si nger ,The Mamas and the Papas Mary ,Cassatt ,Pa i nter ,American impressionist, lived in Pa ri s Mike ,Castle ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Delaware, 19932011 Maurizio ,Cattelan ,Scul ptor ,La Nona Ora Maxwell ,Caulfield ,Actor ,The Real Blonde Max ,Cavalera ,Mus ician ,Sepultura frontman Michael ,Cera ,Actor ,George-Michael Bluth on Arrested Development Michael ,Chabon ,Novel ist ,The Amazing Adventures of Kavalier & Clay Malcolm ,Chace ,Bus i ness ,Chairman, Bancorp Rhode Island Marc ,Chagall ,Arti s t ,I and the Village Martin ,Chalfie ,Sci entist ,Green Fluorescent Protein Marilyn ,Chambers ,Porns tar ,Behind the Green Door Munro ,Chambers ,Actor ,Degrassi: The Next Generation Marge ,Champion ,Da ncer ,Show Boat Michael ,Chang ,Tenni s ,Winner, 1989 French Open Manu ,Chao ,Mus i cian ,Clandestino Marguerite ,Chapman ,Actor ,Coroner Creek Michael ,Chapman ,Mus i cian ,Fully Qualified Survivor Mona ,Charen ,Pundi t ,Conservative columnist Melanie ,Chartoff ,Actor ,Parker Lewis Can't Lose Michel ,Chartrand ,La bor Leader ,Quebec nationalist l abor a cti vist Martin ,Chavez ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of Al buquerque Martha ,Chayet ,Bus i ness ,Oxbridge Group Maury ,Chaykin ,Actor ,A Nero Wolfe Mystery Maurice ,Cheeks ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coa ch, Philadelphia 76ers Martin ,Chemnitz ,Rel igion ,Lutheran theologian i n Bruns wick Mary ,Cheney ,Rel a tive ,Lesbian daughter of Dick Cheney Michael ,Chertoff ,Government ,US Homeland Security Cza r Morris ,Chestnut ,Actor ,Two Can Play That Game Maggie ,Cheung ,Actor ,In the Mood for Love Maurice ,Chevalier ,Actor ,Love Me Tonight Michel-Eugène ,Chevreul ,Chemi s t ,Chemistry of fats, dyes Michael ,Chiklis ,Actor ,The Shield Mark ,Childress ,Novelist ,Crazy in Alabama Margaret ,Cho ,Comi c ,Loud-mouthed s tandup comic Michael ,Chong ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian MP, Wellington-Ha l ton Hills mc ,chris ,Rapper ,Hesh, M C Pee Pants Michael ,Chu ,Bus iness ,Pegasus Ca pital Marguerite ,Churchill ,Actor ,The Big Trail Michael ,Cimino ,Fi l m Director ,The Deer Hunter Maria ,Cino ,Pol i tician ,Republican operative Manning ,Clark ,Hi s torian ,A History of Australia Marcia ,Clark ,Attorney ,Former O.J. prosecutor Mark ,Clark ,Mi l itary ,US Army Chi ef of Staff Monte ,Clark ,Football ,Detroit Lions Head Coach, 1978-84 Mae ,Clarke ,Actor ,Waterloo Bridge Melinda ,Clarke ,Actor ,Jul i e Cooper-Nichol on The O.C. Max ,Cleland ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Georgia, 19972003 Michael ,Clemente ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Senior VP for News, Fox News Channel Muzio ,Clementi ,Compos er ,Gradus ad Parnassum Miss ,Cleo ,Pa ra normal ,Ps ychic fra ud ta kes VISA, M/C Montgomery ,Clift ,Actor ,From Here to Eternity Martin ,Clunes ,Actor ,Dr. Ma rti n El lingham on Doc Martin Michelle ,Clunie ,Actor ,Mel on Queer as Folk Martha ,Coakley ,Pol i tician ,Attorney General of Ma s sachusetts Mickey ,Cochrane ,Ba s eball ,Detroit Tigers catcher Mike ,Coffman ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Colorado 6th Matt ,Cohen ,Novel ist ,Emotional Arithmetic Myron ,Cohen ,Comi c ,Bors cht Belt comic Marc ,Cohn ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Walking In Memphis Mindy ,Cohn ,Actor ,Na ta lie on The Facts of Life Michael ,Cole ,TV Pers onality ,WWE Announcer Michael ,Cole ,Actor ,Pete Cochra n on The Mod Squad Monique ,Coleman ,Actor ,High School Musical Margaret ,Colin ,Actor ,As the World Turns Mac ,Collins ,Pol itician ,Congressman from Georgia, 19932005 Marcus ,Collins ,Si nger ,Seven Nation Army Mel ,Collins ,Musician ,Acti ve s ession a nd ex-Crimson bl ower Michael ,Collins ,As tronaut ,Apollo 11 command module pi l ot Michael ,Collins ,Acti vist ,Irish Nationalist, s pymaster Misha ,Collins ,Actor ,Ca stiel on Supernatural Mo ,Collins ,Comi c ,Stewart's mom on MADtv Mangas ,Coloradas ,Mi litary ,Apache Chief a nd warrior Mike ,Conaway ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Texas 11th Michaela ,Conlin ,Actor ,Angela Montenegro on Bones Marc ,Connelly ,Pl a ywri ght ,The Green Pastures Maureen ,Connolly ,Tennis ,Little Mo Mike ,Connors ,Actor ,Mannix Michael ,Conrad ,Actor ,Sgt. Es terhaus on Hill Street Blues Michael ,Constantine ,Actor ,My Big Fat Greek Wedding Mark ,Consuelos ,Actor ,1-800-Missing Morgan ,Conway ,Actor ,Di ck Tra cy Merrill ,Cook ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Utah, 19972001 Martha ,Coolidge ,Fi l m Director ,Valley Girl Matthew ,Cooper ,Journa list ,Reluctant to name Plame l eak source Melville ,Cooper ,Actor ,The Adventures of Robin Hood Miles ,Copeland ,Bus i ness ,Founder of IRS Records Michael ,Copps ,Government ,FCC Commissioner Mara ,Corday ,Actor ,Pl a yboy Pl aymate a nd bit a ctress Mick ,Cornett ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of Oklahoma Ci ty Michael ,Corrente ,Fi l m Director ,Outside Providence Mairead ,Corrigan ,Acti vi st ,Nobel Pri ze recipient Matthias ,Corvinus ,Royalty ,King of Hungary, 1458-90 Miranda ,Cosgrove ,Actor ,Mega n Parker on Drake & Josh Mariclare ,Costello ,Actor ,Let's Scare Jessica to Death Marion ,Cotillard ,Actor ,Taxi Marisa ,Coughlan ,Actor ,Side Order of Life Marjorie ,Courtenay-Latimer ,Bi ol ogist ,Ichthyologist, di s covered Coelacanth Michel ,Coutu ,Bus iness ,CEO, Jean Coutu Group USA Malcolm ,Cowley ,Author ,Exile's Return Michael ,Craig ,Actor ,Ca pt. John Anderson on Triangle Michael ,Crapo ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Idaho Matt ,Craven ,Actor ,Jacob's Ladder Michael ,Crawford ,Si nger ,The original Phantom Michael ,Crichton ,Novel ist ,Jurassic Park Missy ,Crider ,Actor ,Gigli Michael ,Cristofer ,Pl a ywright ,The Shadow Box Mark ,Critz ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman, Pennsylva nia 12th Mackenzie ,Crook ,Actor ,Ga reth Keenan on The Office Mary ,Crosby ,Actor ,Dallas Marcia ,Cross ,Actor ,Desperate Housewives Milton ,Cross ,Ra dio Personality ,Announcer, voice of the Metropolitan Opera Monica ,Crowley ,Pundi t ,Conservative commentator on FOX News Mónica ,Cruz ,Da ncer ,Un Paso Adelante Marton ,Csokas ,Actor ,Bori as on Xena, Warrior Princess Mark ,Cuban ,Ba s ketball , founder bought Da l las Ma vericks Michael ,Cudlitz ,Actor ,John Cooper on Southland Mike ,Cuellar ,Ba s eball ,1969 Cy Young Award Winner Macaulay ,Culkin ,Actor ,Home Alone Michael ,Culver ,Actor ,A Passage to India Merce ,Cunningham ,Da ncer ,Merce Cunningham Dance Compa ny Michael ,Cunningham ,Novel ist ,The Hours Mario ,Cuomo ,Pol i tician ,Governor of New York, 1983-95 Mike ,Curb ,Pol i tician ,Lt. Governor of Ca lifornia, 1979-83 Marie ,Curie ,Chemi st ,Early nuclear chemist Mark ,Curry ,Comi c ,Hangin' with Mr. Cooper Michael ,Curtiz ,Fi l m Director ,Casablanca Miley ,Cyrus ,Actor ,Hannah Montana Matt ,Czuchry ,Actor ,Loga n Huntzberger on Gilmore Girls 4. MD Miles Davis=Jazz trumpeter=37,001=102 Mos Def=American rapper and actor.=20,450=181 Mac Davis=American songwriter, singer and actor=15,970=217 Mike Dirnt=Bass player; rock musician=10,711=296 Matthew D.+Rutler=Assistant Director=15,153=224 Mark Dacascos=American, Actor=15,582=220 Matt Dallas=Actor=94,778=36 Matt Damon=American actor, screenwriter, and producer=106,822=28 Marco Dapper=American, Actor=27,064=145 Mark Davis=British, Pornstar=24,455=158 Matthew Davis=American, Actor=52,970=65 Miguel De+Leon=Venezuelan, Actor=11,763=274 Matt Dillon=Actor=85,212=41 Matt Doran=Australian, Actor=11,790=273 Michael Dorn=Actor=13,956=239 Michael Douglas=American actor and producer=42,472=86 Marlene Dietrich=actress and singer=118,196=71 Minnie Driver=actress, singer-songwriter=77,402=96 Milly D'Abbraccio=Italian, Pornstar=29,250=274 Monika Dannemann=German, Painter=43,338=195 Marion Davies=Actress, producer, screenwriter=27,616=289 Marjorie De+Sousa=Venezuelan, Actress=159,116=47 María Del+Cerro=Argentinean, M odel=60,575=130 Majandra Delfino=American actress=32,678=252 Mylène Demongeot=French, Actress=99,003=81 Madhuri Dixit=Actress=48,352=169 Marina Drujko=Russian, Writer=46,469=180 ………….. Ms. Dynamite Matt Dusk Mac Dre Marie Digby Madi Diaz Mando Diao Mobb Deep Michael Dudikoff=Actor=12,477=262 COMPLETEandLEFT MD,Mac Davis MD,Mamie Van Doren MD,Marion Davies MD,Marlene Dietrich MD,Matt Damon MD,Matt Dillon MD,Michael Damian MD,Michael Dell MD,Michael Douglas MD,Michael Dukakis MD,Michael J. Dady MD,Micky Dolenz MD,Mike Dirnt MD,Mike Ditka MD,Mike Douglas MD,Miles Davis MD,Minnie Driver Mike ,D ,Ra pper ,Beastie Boys Maryam ,d'Abo ,Actor ,The Living Daylights Mark ,Dacascos ,Actor ,Only the Strong Morton ,DaCosta ,Thea ter Director ,The Music Man Meir ,Dagan ,Spy ,Chi ef of the Israeli Mossad, 2002-11 Marcel ,Dalio ,Actor ,The Sun Also Rises Matt ,Dallas ,Actor ,Kyle XY Michael ,Damian ,Actor ,The Young and the Restless Matt ,Damon ,Actor ,Good Will Hunting Mitch ,Daniels ,Pol itician ,Governor of Indiana Marc ,Dann ,Pol i tician ,Attorney General of Ohio Mike ,D'Antoni ,Ba s ketball ,New York Knicks head coach, 2008-12 Mark ,Dantonio ,Football ,Head Coa ch, Mi chigan State Marco ,Dapper ,Actor ,Chi s eled a ctor, Eating Out 2 Mireille ,Darc ,Actor ,Week End Martin ,Dardis ,Journalist ,Followed the Wa tergate money to Ni xon Mack ,David ,Songwriter ,La vie en rose Mario ,Davidovsky ,Composer ,Synchronisms Marion ,Davies ,Actor ,When Knighthood Was in Flower Mac ,Davis ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Rock/Country Si nger/Songwriter Martha ,Davis ,Si nger ,Lead Singer, The Motels Marvin ,Davis ,Business ,Oil magnate, former owner of 20th Century Fox Matthew ,Davis ,Actor ,What About Brian Mildred ,Davis ,Actor ,Si l ent film actress Miles ,Davis ,Ja zz Musician ,Jazz trumpeter, Kind of Blue Michael ,Davitt ,Pol i tician ,Irish Nationalist, La nd League Morris ,Day ,Mus i cian ,Frontman for The Time Moshe ,Dayan ,Pol i tician ,Israeli military l eader Mark ,Dayton ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Mi nnesota Mark ,Dean ,Engi neer ,Computer a rchitecture Michael ,Deaver ,Government ,Reagan Deputy Chi ef of Sta ff Michael ,DeBakey ,Doctor ,Fa ther of cardiovascular surgery Mark ,DeBarge ,Mus i cian ,Member of the band Debarge Midge ,Decter ,Journa list ,Neoconserva tive maven Morris ,Dees ,Acti vi s t ,Bankrupted the Klan Mos ,Def ,Ra pper ,Black On Both Sides Melissa ,DeHart ,Vi cti m ,58-pound celebrity a norexic Mark ,Deklin ,Actor ,Bl a ke Reilly on GCB Margaret ,Deland ,Author ,Old Chester Tales Max ,Delbrück ,Sci entist ,Molecular structure of vi ral genes (pha ges) Majandra ,Delfino ,Actor ,Ma ri a DeLuca on Roswell Miguel ,Delibes ,Novel ist ,Five Hours With Mario Michael ,Dell ,Bus iness ,Founder of Dell Computer Michael ,DeLorenzo ,Actor ,A Few Good Men Mylène ,Demongeot ,Actor ,The Crucible Mathieu ,Demy ,Actor ,Our Precious Children Marianne ,Denicourt ,Actor ,La Belle noiseuse Michael ,Denison ,Actor ,Shadowlands Martine ,Dennis ,Journa list ,BBC World presenter Martin ,Denny ,Mus i cian ,Ki ng of the Tiki Hut Miguel ,Depedro ,El ectronic Musician ,Kid606 Mark ,Dery ,Author ,Cul ture Ja mming Morarji ,Desai ,Head of State ,Pri me Mi nister of India, 1977-79 Maruschka ,Detmers ,Actor ,Prénom Carmen Martin ,Deutsch ,Phys i cist ,Discovered positronium Michel ,Deville ,Fi l m Director ,La Lectrice Melvil ,Dewey ,Cura tor ,Dewey Decimal Sys tem Mike ,DeWine ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Ohio, 1995-2007 Mike ,Diana ,Arti s t ,Boiled Angel Melonie ,Diaz ,Actor ,Be Kind Rewind Mario ,Diaz-Balart ,Pol itician ,Congressman, Florida 21s t Michael ,Dibdin ,Novelist ,Aurelio Zen novels Martin ,Dies,^Jr. ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Texas Marlene ,Dietrich ,Actor ,The Blue Angel Mike ,Dillard ,Business ,Dillard's executive Matt ,Dillon ,Actor ,Drugstore Cowboy Melinda ,Dillon ,Actor ,A Christmas Story Marcel ,Dionne ,Hockey ,NHL Ha ll of Famer Marie ,Dionne ,Vi cti m ,Ca nadian quintuplets put on display Mike ,Dirnt ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for Green Day Mike ,Ditka ,Football ,Chicago Bears Head Coach, 1982-92 Madhuri ,Dixit ,Actor ,Devdas Milovan ,Djilas ,Government ,Yugoslavian revolutionary Michelle ,Dockery ,Actor ,La dy Ma ry Cra wl ey on Downton Abbey Micky ,Dolenz ,Actor ,Drummer for The Monkees Mark ,Donegan ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Precision Ca stparts Marion ,Dönhoff ,Journa list ,Die Zeit Martin ,Donovan ,Actor ,The Portrait of a Lady Melinda ,Doolittle ,Si nger ,American Idol MF ,Doom ,Ra pper ,Rapper of many masks Mathias ,Döpfner ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Axel Springer AG Michael ,Dorn ,Actor ,Worf on Star Trek: TNG Melvyn ,Douglas ,Actor ,Being There Michael ,Douglas ,Actor ,Wall Street Mike ,Douglas ,Ta l k Show Host ,The Mike Douglas Show Matthew ,Dowd ,Government ,Bush/Cheney Chi ef Ca mpa ign Strategist Maureen ,Dowd ,Col umnist ,New York Times col umnist Morton ,Downey,^Jr. ,Ta l k Show Host ,Mort the Mouth Mike ,Doyle ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Pennsyl vania 14th Margaret ,Drabble ,Novel ist ,The Millstone Mario ,Draghi ,Bus iness ,President, European Central Bank Michael ,Drayton ,Poet ,Poly-Olbion Mac ,Dre ,Ra pper ,Va llejo Rapper Marie ,Dressler ,Actor ,Min and Bill Millard ,Drexler ,Business ,CEO of J. Crew Minnie ,Driver ,Actor ,Good Will Hunting Michael ,Drosnin ,Journalist ,The Bible Code Mort ,Drucker ,Ca rtoonist ,Ma d Ma gazine illustrator Matt ,Drudge ,Bl ogger ,The Drudge Report Marie ,Dubois ,Actor ,La Menace Marcel ,Duchamp ,Arti s t ,Lea d proponent of Dadaism Michel ,Duchaussoy ,Actor ,French character actor Michael ,Dudikoff ,Actor ,American Ninja Michael ,Duffy ,Journa list ,TIME reporter Michael ,Dukakis ,Pol itician ,Twice Governor of Ma s sachusetts Margaret ,Dumont ,Actor ,Foi l to the Marx Brothers Mike ,Duncan ,Acti vi s t ,RNC Chairman, 2007-09 Mike ,Dunleavy,^Sr. ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coach, Los Angeles Cl i ppers Michael ,Dunn ,Actor ,Dr. Mi guelito Loveless Mildred ,Dunnock ,Actor ,Death of a Salesman Mark ,Duplass ,Actor ,Pete on The League Maurice ,Duplessis ,Politician ,Premier of Quebec, 1936-39 & 1944-59 Marcel ,Dupré ,Orga nist ,French organist and composer Marguerite ,Duras ,Novel ist ,Hiroshima mon Amour Minta ,Durfee ,Actor ,Actres s-Wife of Fatty Arbuckle Michael ,Durrell ,Actor ,Al ex Ni kolas on Santa Barbara Marc ,Dutroux ,Cri mi nal ,Child murderer 5. ME Michael Ealy=American actor=152,605=16 Max Ehrich=American, Actor=14,439=234 Mike Epps=American, Actor=11,150=287 Michael Essien=Footballer=30,369=124 MNEEDED ME,M.C. Escher ME,Mama Cass Elliot ME,Mary Baker Eddy ME,Melissa Etheridge ME,Missy Elliott Missy Elliott=Rapper, singer-songwriter, record producer, actress, dancer=127,468=67 María Eugenia+Suárez=Argentine singer-actress and model=92,259=85 Melissa Etheridge=M usician=65,158=121 Mary Elizabeth+Winstead=American actress=107,692=73 Mariana Espósito=Argentinean, Actress=255,821=22 ……………… Melissa Etheridge Mikky Ekko Michael ,Ealy ,Actor ,Barbershop Merie ,Earle ,Actor ,Ma ude Gormley on The Waltons Margaret ,Early ,Actor ,Strike Up the Band Morgan ,Earp ,Government ,Gunfight at the O.K. Corra l Michael ,Easley ,Pol i tician ,Governor of North Carolina, 2001-09 Max ,Eastman ,Author ,Socialist wri ter, later embraced McCa rthyi s m Michelle ,Easton ,Government ,Clare Boothe Luce Policy Ins titute Meredith ,Eaton ,Actor ,Dwa rf a ctress Myron ,Ebell ,Acti vi s t ,Global Warming cynic Megalyn ,Echikunwoke ,Actor ,Is a belle Tyler on The 4400 Meister ,Eckhart ,Rel i gion ,German speculative mys tic Marc ,Ecko ,Fa s hion Designer ,Founder, Ecko l ine of mens wear Maria ,Edgeworth ,Author ,Castle Rackrent Mark ,Edmondson ,Tenni s ,Winner, 1976 Aus tralian Open Meredith ,Edwards ,Actor ,Dunkirk Mickey ,Edwards ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Oklahoma, 1977-93 Murray ,Edwards ,Bus iness ,Ca nadian Natural Resources Manfred ,Eigen ,Phys i cist ,Studied fast chemical reactions Mamie ,Eisenhower ,Fi rs t La dy ,Ike's First Lady Michael ,Eisner ,Bus iness ,CEO of Disney, 1984-2005 Mark ,Eitzel ,Mus i cian ,Frontman for American Music Club Missy ,Elliott ,Ra pper ,Get Ur Freak On Mischa ,Elman ,Vi olinist ,Ukrainian-American vi olin prodigy Mounir ,el-Motassadeq ,Terrorist ,Only person convicted over 9/11 attacks Michael ,Emerson ,Actor ,Ben Li nus on Lost Mihai ,Eminescu ,Poet ,The greatest Romanian poet Mark ,Emmert ,Educa tor ,President, University of Wa s hington Maurice ,Engelen ,El ectronic Musician ,Praga Khan, Lords of Acid Michelle ,Engler ,Attorney ,Trus tee, JNL Series Trust Mireille ,Enos ,Actor ,Sa ra h Linden on The Killing Michael ,Enzi ,Pol i ti cian ,US Senator from Wyoming Marcus ,Eoin ,El ectronic Musician ,Boards of Canada Mike ,Epps ,Actor ,Next Friday Max ,Ernst ,Pa i nter ,The Virgin Spanking the Christ Child Mike ,Espy ,Government ,US Secretary of Agri culture, 199394 Mel ,Estrin ,Bus i ness ,University Research Company Melissa ,Etheridge ,Mus i cian ,Come To My Window Madge ,Evans ,Actor ,Hallelujah I'm a Bum Martin ,Evans ,Sci entist ,Embryonic s tem cells Maurice ,Evans ,Actor ,Dr. Za i us i n Planet of the Apes Michael ,Evans ,Actor ,The Young and the Restless Mike ,Evans ,Actor ,Li onel Jefferson on The Jeffersons Medgar ,Evers ,Acti vi s t ,Ci vil rights activist murdered in 1963 Mark ,Eyskens ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of Belgium, 1981 6. MF Mark Feehily=Irish, Singer=51,055=67 Matthew Followill=American, Guitarist=11,882=270 Michael Fassbender=Irish-German actor=121,294=26 Manuel Ferrara=French, Actor=33,885=116 Mike Fisher=Canadian ice hockey player=21,030=177 Matthew Fox=Actor=26,541=149 Martin Freeman=British actor=13,166=253 Morgan Freeman=American actor=39,602=94 COMPLETEandLEFT MF,Malcolm Forbes MF,Margot Fonteyn MF,Marty Feldman MF,Mary Frann Marianne Faithfull=English singer and former lover of M ick Jagger=73,795=102 Mylène Farmer=French, M usician=45,942=182 Mia Farrow=Actress, singer=34,561=245 Melyssa Ford=Canadian-American hip-hop model, actress, and television personality=134,005=61 Morgan Fairchild=American actress, television presenter=145,962=54 Marlene Favela=M exican model=206,639=33 María Félix=Actress=43,009=197 Megan Follows=Canadian/American actress=36,486=232 Meg Foster=American, Actress=30,616=262 Megan Fox=Actress=1,832,661=2 Mackenzie Foy=Actress=65,636=119 Maria Francisca+Perello=Spanish, Other=46,872=177 …………. Mannie Fresh MF,Matt Frewer MF,Mel Ferrer MF,Mia Farrow MF,Michael Flatley MF,Michael J. Fox MF,Mick Fleetwood MF,Mike Farrell MF,Millard Fillmore MF,Milos Forman MF,Milton Friedman MF,Morgan Freeman Melanie Fiona Magna - Fi Maroon 5 Mallory ,Factor ,Acti vi st ,Merchant banker Max ,Faget ,Sci entist ,Designer of NASA spacecraft Myrna ,Fahey ,Actor ,Ka y Ba nks on Father of the Bride Morgan ,Fairchild ,Actor ,Jordan Roberts on Falcon Crest Michelle ,Fairley ,Actor ,Ca telyn Stark on Game of Thrones Marianne ,Faithfull ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Sister Morphine Mary ,Fallin ,Pol itician ,Governor of Oklahoma Michael ,Faraday ,Phys icist ,Discovered electrical induction Mimsy ,Farmer ,Actor ,Hot Rods to Hell Moses ,Farmer ,Inventor ,Invented the fire alarm, electric trol l ey Mark ,Farner ,Si nger ,Grand Funk Railroad Mike ,Farrell ,Actor ,BJ Hunnicutt on M*A*S*H Michael ,Farris ,Acti vist ,Founder, Pa trick Henry Col lege Mia ,Farrow ,Actor ,Rosemary's Baby Michael ,Fassbender ,Actor ,Centurion Minnesota ,Fats ,Sports Figure ,Billiards opponent of Willie Mos coni Marshall ,Faulk ,Football ,Retired NFL running back Max ,Faulkner ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1951 Bri tish Open Malachi ,Favors ,Bassist ,Bass player for Art Ensemble of Chicago Michael ,Fedele ,Pol i tician ,Lt. Governor of Connecticut Michael ,Feinstein ,Si nger ,Revives the Great American Songbook Meyer ,Feldberg ,Educa tor ,Dean of Columbia Business School, 1989-2004 Marty ,Feldman ,Comi c ,Eye-gor i n Young Frankenstein Morton ,Feldman ,Compos er ,Coptic Light Moses ,Feldman ,Bus iness ,President of AeroMed, Inc. Martin ,Feldstein ,Economist ,Reagan economist Maria ,Felix ,Actor ,The most famous Mexican movie star Maynard ,Ferguson ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Ja zz bandleader a nd trumpeter Michael ,Ferguson ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New Jers ey, 2001-09 Massimo ,Ferragamo ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of Ferragamo USA Mel ,Ferrer ,Actor ,War and Peace Miguel ,Ferrer ,Actor ,Agent Rosenfield on Twin Peaks Mark ,Feuerstein ,Actor ,Good Morning, Miami Mark ,Few ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coach, Gonzaga University Marsilio ,Ficino ,Phi losopher ,Italian humanist philosopher Marshall ,Field ,Business ,Founder of Ma rshall Field's Marjorie ,Fielding ,Actor ,Engl ish stage a ctress Mike ,Figgis ,Fi l m Director ,Liebestraum Mark ,Filip ,Government ,US Deputy Attorney General Millard ,Fillmore ,Hea d of State ,13th President of the US, 1850-53 Melanie ,Fiona ,Si nger ,The Bridge Martin ,Fiorentino ,Attorney ,Lobbyi st Michael ,Fishman ,Actor ,D.J. Conner on Roseanne Mike ,Fitzpatrick ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Pennsylvania 8th Marlin ,Fitzwater ,Government ,White House Press Secretary 1987-93 Michael ,Flanagan ,Pol itician ,Congressman from Illinois, 1995-97 Maureen ,Flannigan ,Actor ,Evi e on Out of This World Michael ,Flatley ,Da ncer ,Lord of the Dance Martin ,Flavin ,Novelist ,Journey in the Dark Mick ,Fleetwood ,Mus i cian ,Fleetwood Ma c Martin ,Fleischmann ,Chemist ,Cold fusion crank Myron ,Floren ,Mus i cian ,Accordionist for La wrence Welk Med ,Flory ,Mus i cian ,Supersax Michael ,Flynn ,Author ,The January Dancer Miriam ,Flynn ,Actor ,Vacation Mark ,Foley ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Florida, 19952006 Mick ,Foley ,Wres tl ing ,Ca ctus Jack Megan ,Follows ,Actor ,Anne of Green Gables Matt ,Fong ,Government ,Strategic Advisory Group Margot ,Fonteyn ,Da ncer ,Exceptional British ballerina Michael ,Foot ,Pol i tician ,Leader, House of Commons, 197679 Malcolm ,Forbes ,Bus i ness ,Forbes publisher, Faberge col l ector Mary ,Forbes ,Actor ,Cha ra cter actress Michael ,Forbes ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New York, 1995-2001 Michelle ,Forbes ,Actor ,Dr. Jul i anna Cox on Homicide Mary ,Ford ,Si nger ,Les Paul & Ma ry Ford Melyssa ,Ford ,TV Pers onality ,BET personality Mickey ,Foret ,Bus i ness ,CFO of Northwest Ai rlines, 19982002 Milos ,Forman ,Fi l m Director ,One Flew Over The Cuckoo's Nest Maureen ,Forrester ,Si nger ,Contralto, interpreter of Ma hl er Marc ,Forster ,Fi l m Director ,Quantum of Solace Meg ,Foster ,Actor ,B-movi e starlet Michel ,Foucault ,Phi l osopher ,History of Sexuality Martin ,Fowler ,Computer Progra mmer ,Ma nifesto For Agi l e Software Development Matthew ,Fox ,Actor ,Ja ck on Lost Matthew ,Fox ,Rel i gion ,Creation Spirituality Megan ,Fox ,Actor ,Sydney Shanowski on Hope and Faith Mikhail ,Fradkov ,Head of State ,Pri me Minister of Russia, 2004-07 Marshall ,Frady ,Journalist ,Wallace Melvin ,Frank ,Screenwriter ,A Touch of Class Milton ,Frank ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Nepal, 1988-89 Melvin ,Franklin ,Si nger ,Bass vocals for The Temptations Missy ,Franklin ,Swimmer ,Ol ympic swimmer Mary ,Frann ,Actor ,Joa nna Loudon on Newhart Michael ,Franti ,Mus i cian ,Disposable Heroes of Hiphoprisy Malcolm ,Fraser ,Pol i tician ,Pri me Minister of Australia, 1975-83 Mike ,Fratello ,Ba s ketball ,NBA Coach, commentator Mark ,Frauenfelder ,Bl ogger ,Boing Boing, Make ma ga zine Maurice ,Fréchet ,Ma thematician ,Fréchet differential Martin ,Freeman ,Actor ,Ti m on The Office Mona ,Freeman ,Actor ,Streets of Laredo Morgan ,Freeman ,Actor ,Unforgiven Marilyn ,French ,Author ,The Women's Room Mannie ,Fresh ,Di s c Jockey ,DJ, hip hop a rtist, producer Matt ,Frewer ,Actor ,Max Headroom Milton ,Friedman ,Economist ,1976 Nobel Pri ze for Economics Max ,Frisch ,Novelist ,Homo Faber MC ,Frontalot ,Mus i cian ,Coi ned the term Nerdcore Martin ,Frost ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Texas, 19792005 Martin ,Fry ,Mus i cian ,Singer for ABC Mark ,Fuhrman ,Government ,Former LAPD detective, O. J. Si mpson case Margaret ,Fuller ,Author ,Woman in the Nineteenth Century Michael ,Fumento ,Author ,Conserva tive science wri ter Mira ,Furlan ,Actor ,Amba ssador Delenn on Babylon 5 7. MG Marvin Gaye=American singer, songwriter, and multi-instrumentalist=95,664=35 Martin Gore=English, M usician=42,656=85 Montgomery Gentry=American, Country M usician=19,547=185 Maurice Gibb=M usician, singersongwriter=16,923=206 Matt Goss=Singer-songwriter=13,295=248 Michael Galeota=American actor=18,616=194 Marco Garibaldi= =12,348=266 Mark Gastineau=American football player=13,820=241 Mel Gibson=American film actor, director, producer=49,487=71 Michael Gonzalez= =39,502=95 Matthew Goode=English, Actor=60,201=57 Matt Gordon=Canadian, M odel=13,053=256 COMPLETEandLEFT MG,Mahatma Gandhi MG,Mark Paul Gosselaar MG,Marla Gibbs MG,Martha Graham MG,Marvin Gaye MG,Matt Groening MG,Maxim Gorky MG,Megan Gale MG,Mel Gibson Mitzi Gaynor=Actress, dancer=76,633=98 Mandy Grace+Capristo=German singer=62,995=127 Mayte Garcia=American, Dancer=44,758=186 Monique Gabrielle=US-American model and actress=41,477=206 Megan Gale=Australian model=63,481=125 Melissa George=Australian actress=35,209=241 Madalina Ghenea=Romanian, M odel=101,648=75 Melissa Gilbert=American, Actress=101,401=76 Miriam Gonzalez=American, M odel=128,353=65 Mirredys Gonzalez+Ayala=Puerto Rican, Other=26,832=294 Meagan Good=American, Actress=368,829=16 Maggie Grace=American actress=122,757=69 Marianne Gravatte=American actress=35,470=238 Maria Grazia+Cucinotta=Italian, Actress=56,296=139 Melanie Griffith=Actress=63,847=124 Maribel Guardia=Costa Rican, Actress=82,566=91 Marianne Gurick= =33,837=248 Maggie Gyllenhaal=Actress=45,632=184 …………… Michael Grimm Macy Gray Melissa Gorga Matthew Good Mindy Gledhill Melody Gardot MG,Melanie Griffith MG,Melinda Gates MG,Merv Griffin MG,Michael Gross MG,Mickey Gilley MG,Mikhail Gorbachev MG,Mitzi Gaynor MG,Muammar Gadhafi Martin ,Gabel ,Actor ,The First Deadly Sin Magda ,Gabor ,Actor ,The l east-known Gabor Monique ,Gabrielle ,Actor ,Deathstalker II Mo ,Gaffney ,Actor ,Comedy pa rtner wi th Ka thy Na jimy Marcel ,Gagné ,Journa list ,Li nux Journal columnist Max ,Gail ,Actor ,Det. Wojciehowicz on Barney Miller Michel ,Galabru ,Actor ,The Judge and the Assassin Megan ,Gallagher ,Actor ,Ti na Russo on Hill Street Blues Mike ,Gallagher ,Ta l k Show Host ,The Mike Gallagher Show Mavis ,Gallant ,Author ,Prol ific Ca nadian s hort s tory a uthor Mason ,Gamble ,Actor ,Dennis the Menace Michael ,Gambon ,Actor ,The Singing Detective Mahatma ,Gandhi ,Acti vi s t ,Proselytizer of nonviolence Martin ,Garbus ,Attorney ,Attorney for Lenny Bruce Mary ,Garden ,Si nger ,Operatic s oprano Martin ,Gardner ,Ma thematician ,Mathematical ga mes, Scientific American Mike ,Garrett ,Footba ll ,Winner, 1965 Heisman Trophy Mick ,Garris ,Fi lm Director ,Sleepwalkers Michael ,Garrison ,Educator ,President, West Vi rginia Uni versity Marcus ,Garvey ,Acti vi s t ,Pa n-African black nationalist Mark ,Gastineau ,Football ,New York Jets defensive line Melinda ,Gates ,Phi l anthropist ,Ma rried to Bill Gates Marjorie ,Gateson ,Actor ,Goin' to Town Mark ,Gatiss ,Actor ,The League of Gentlemen Michel ,Gauthier ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian MP, Roberval/LacSa i nt-Jean Marvin ,Gaye ,Si nger ,Heard It Through the Grapevine Mitzi ,Gaynor ,Actor ,South Pacific Mark ,Gearan ,Government ,Peace Corps Director, 1995-99 Michael ,Geist ,Bl ogger ,Internet l aw professor, University of Otta wa Max ,Geldray ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Conks of The Goon Show Martha ,Gellhorn ,Journalist ,War correspondent Murray ,Gell-Mann ,Phys i cist ,Quarks and s trangeness Melissa ,George ,Actor ,La uren Reed on Alias Mark ,Geragos ,Attorney ,Hi gh-profile defense a ttorney Mic ,Geronimo ,Mus i cian ,Shit's Real Michael ,Gershon ,Sci entist ,Gut neurobiology Michael ,Gerson ,Pol i tician ,Washington Post col umnist Masha ,Gessen ,Author ,The Man Without a Face Malcolm ,Gets ,Actor ,Caroline in the City Manucher ,Ghorbanifar ,Business ,Arms dealer, ex-CIA i nformant Mossimo ,Giannulli ,Fashion Designer ,Creator of Mossimo l i ne Maurice ,Gibb ,Ba s sist ,Bassist and vocalist of Bee Gees Mark ,Gibbons ,Judge ,Neva da Chief Justice Marla ,Gibbs ,Actor ,Fl orence on The Jeffersons Mel ,Gibson ,Actor ,Mad Max Miep ,Gies ,Acti vi s t ,Sheltered the family of Anne Frank Melissa ,Gilbert ,Actor ,Little House on the Prairie Michael ,Giles ,Drummer ,Ori ginal drummer for King Crimson Marie ,Gillain ,Actor ,L'appât Mickey ,Gilley ,Country Mus i cian ,Seventeen #1 country hi ts Melchiorre ,Gioja ,Economist ,Filosofia della Statistica Michael ,Gira ,Mus ician ,Swans Massimo ,Girotti ,Actor ,Facing Windows Malcolm ,Gladwell ,Col umnist ,The Tipping Point Mitch ,Glazier ,Lobbyi st ,EVP a t RIAA Mikhail ,Glinka ,Composer ,Ruslan and Lyudmila Mark ,Goddard ,Actor ,Ma j. Don West on Lost in Space Mike ,Godwin ,Attorney ,Former General Counsel, Wi ki media Magda ,Goebbels ,Rel ative ,Wife of Joseph Goebbels Maria ,Goeppert-Mayer ,Phys i ci st ,Shell nuclear model Missy ,Gold ,Actor ,Ka ti e on Benson Marshall ,Goldberg ,Football ,Chicago Ca rdinals RB Michael ,Golden ,Judge ,Justice, Wyoming Supreme Court Michael ,Golden ,Publ isher ,Publisher, The International Herald Tribune Maurice ,Goldhaber ,Phys i ci st ,Neutrons Matthew ,Goldstein ,Educa tor ,Cha ncellor of CUNY Michael ,Goldstein ,Bus iness ,CEO of Toys R Us , 1994-98 Mike ,Golic ,Football ,Commentator, former NFL tackle Minna ,Gombell ,Actor ,Block-Heads Mario ,Gómez ,Soccer ,Ba yern Munich forward Michel ,Gondry ,Fi l m Director ,Innovative music vi deo di rector Matt ,Gonzalez ,Pol i tician ,Progressive politician, activist Meagan ,Good ,Actor ,Eve's Bayou Matthew ,Goode ,Actor ,Chasing Liberty Michael ,Goodliffe ,Actor ,A Night to Remember Monica ,Goodling ,Government ,DoJ spokeswoman Marc ,Goodman ,Computer Programmer ,The Bilestoad Mark ,Goodson ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Goodson-Todman Producti ons Mikhail ,Gorbachev ,Hea d of State ,Final leader of the Sovi et Union Mack ,Gordon ,Compos er ,Chattanooga Choo Choo Michael ,Gordon ,Fi l m Director ,Pillow Talk Mike ,Gordon ,Ba s sist ,Bass guitarist for Phish Martin ,Gore ,Mus i cian ,Depeche Mode Marius ,Goring ,Actor ,The Red Shoes Maxim ,Gorky ,Pl a ywri ght ,The Lower Depths Marjoe ,Gortner ,Rel igion ,Former child preacher Matt ,Goss ,Si nger/Songwriter ,The Key Mark-Paul ,Gosselaar ,Actor ,Za ck on Saved by the Bell Mark ,Gottfried ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coach, Alabama Cri mson Ti de Michael ,Gough ,Actor ,Al fred in Batman fi lms Maggie ,Grace ,Actor ,Sha nnon Rutherford on Lost Mark ,Grace ,Ba s eball ,Former MLB, Cubs, Diamondbacks Martha ,Graham ,Da ncer ,Innovator of modern dance Mary ,Graham ,Author ,Wi fe of Donald Graham Margot ,Grahame ,Actor ,The Informer Mike ,Gravel ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Alaska, 1969-81 Macy ,Gray ,Si nger ,R&B vocalist Mike ,Gray ,Author ,The China Syndrome Mark ,Green ,Pol i tician ,US Ambassador to Ta nzania Maurice ,Greene ,Tra ck a nd Field ,Olympic s printer, four medals Michele ,Greene ,Actor ,Abby Perki ns on LA Law Max ,Greenfield ,Actor ,Schmi dt on New Girl Meg ,Greenfield ,Journa list ,The Washington Post Maggie ,Greenwald ,Fi l m Director ,Songcatcher Marvin ,Griffin ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Georgia, 1955-59 Merv ,Griffin ,Ta l k Show Host ,The Merv Griffin Show a nd Jeopardy Melanie ,Griffith ,Actor ,Mom from Lolita redux Morgan ,Griffith ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Virginia 9th Marcia ,Griffiths ,Si nger ,The Queen of Reggae Michael ,Grimm ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, New York 13th Morley ,Griswold ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Neva da, 1934-35 Matt ,Groening ,Ca rtoonist ,Creator of The Simpsons Mary ,Gross ,Actor ,Saturday Night Live Michael ,Gross ,Actor ,The da d in Family Ties Marc ,Grossman ,Di pl omat ,US Under Secy. for Political Affa i rs, 2001-05 Matthias ,Grünewald ,Pa i nter ,Isenheim Altarpiece Mandy ,Grunwald ,Acti vi s t ,Hillary Cl inton media adviser Meyer ,Guggenheim ,Bus iness ,Pa triarch of Guggenheim fortune Mamie ,Gummer ,Actor ,Da ughter of Meryl Streep Mike ,Gundy ,Football ,OSU Head Coach Moses ,Gunn ,Actor ,Bumpy Jonas in Shaft Mohan ,Gyani ,Bus i ness ,CEO of AT&T Wi reless, 2000-03 Maggie ,Gyllenhaal ,Actor ,Secretary 8. MH Merle Haggard=American, Country M usician=101,183=31 Morten Harket=Norwegian musician=86,640=37 Marques Houston=American, M usician=44,400=82 Mick Hucknall=Singer and songwriter=27,592=140 Mark Hoppus=M usician, songwriter, producer, TV host=13,228=252 Michael Hutchence=Australian, Soundtrack=56,860=63 Mark-Paul Gosselaar=Actor=59,718=58 Matthew Gray+Gubler=American, Actor=215,660=6 Michael Greyeyes=Canadian, Actor=18,742=193 Mehmet Günsür=Turkish, Actor=23,842=162 Mark Hamill=Actor=13,963=238 Max Hardcore=American pornographic actor=10,685=297 Monica Hansen=Norwegian, M odel=40,158=210 Mariska Hargitay=Actress=178,841=40 Melissa Haro=American, M odel=30,297=266 Mary Hart=American journalist=50,828=157 Meghan Heffern=Canadian, Actress=34,585=244 Marg Helgenberger=American actress=97,706=82 Marilu Henner=American, Actress=68,927=113 Martha Higareda=M exican, Actress=26,578=297 Marianna Hill=American, Actress=64,859=122 Martina Hingis=Swiss tennis player=57,749=137 Marin Hinkle=American, Actress=50,682=159 Mellody Hobson=American, Business=30,314=265 Michelle Hunziker=Swiss, M odel=207,857=32 Martha Hyer=actress=66,104=117 …………… Matt Hunter Matt Hardy=professional wrestler=29,196=133 Mickey Hargitay=American actor=15,346=221 Mark Harmon=Actor=135,784=19 Martin Henderson=Actor=45,375=81 Mark Herras=Filipino, Actor=29,336=132 Mitch Hewer=Actor=30,068=125 Martin Hewitt=American actor=28,825=134 Mark Hildreth=Canadian, Actor=35,416=109 Max Hodges=M odel=27,653=139 Mitch Holleman=American actor=11,835=272 Murray Hone=Canadian, Ice Hockey=13,074=255 FNEEDED MH,M. C. Hammer MH,M.C. Hammer MH,MC Hammer MH,Margaret Hamilton MH,Margaux Hemingway MH,Mariel Hemingway MH,Mariette Hartley MH,Marilu Henner MH,Mariska Hargitay MH,Mark Hamill MH,Mark Harmon MH,Martina Hingis MH,Marvin Hagler MH,Marvin Hamlisch MH,Mary Hopkin MH,Mata Hari MH,Matthew Henson MH,Melissa Joan Hart MH,Merle Haggard MH,Mia Hamm MH,Michael C. Hall MH,Mickey Hart MH,Milton Hershey MH,Miss Frances Horwich MH,Moe Howard MH,Monty Hall MH,Moss Hart Mr Hudson Megan Hilty Missy Higgins Marcos Hernandez Michael Heart Machine Head Mayer Hawthorne Molly Hatchet Mc Hammer Matthias ,Habich ,Actor ,Enemy at the Gates Marilyn ,Hacker ,Poet ,Presentation Piece Mark ,Haddon ,Author ,The Curious Incident Molly ,Hagan ,Actor ,Angel on Herman's Head Merle ,Haggard ,Country Mus i cian ,Okie From Muskogee Marvin ,Hagler ,Boxi ng ,Retired boxing champ, lives i n Italy Mika ,Häkkinen ,Auto Ra ci ng ,Formula 1 World Cha mpion, 1998-99 Matt ,Hale ,Rel i gion ,White s upremacist Marshall ,Hall ,Doctor ,Theory of reflex action Monty ,Hall ,Ga me Show Host ,Let's Make a Deal Mark ,Halperin ,Journalist ,TIME s enior political a nalys t Mark ,Hamill ,Actor ,Luke Skywalker i n Star Wars Margaret ,Hamilton ,Actor ,Wi cked Witch of the West Murray ,Hamilton ,Actor ,Jaws Marvin ,Hamlisch ,Composer ,The Way We Were Mia ,Hamm ,Soccer ,Top US women's soccer player MC ,Hammer ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Ca n't touch this Mel ,Hancock ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Missouri, 1989-97 Michael ,Haneke ,Fi l m Director ,Funny Games Mary ,Hansen ,Mus i cian ,Stereolab multi-instrumentalist Max ,Hardcore ,Porns ta r ,Extremist pornographist Malcolm ,Hardee ,Comi c ,I Stole Freddie Mercury's Birthday Cake Melora ,Hardin ,Actor ,Ja n Levinson on The Office Matt ,Hardy ,Wres tl ing ,The Hardy Boyz Mark ,Harelik ,Actor ,Cha ra cter a ctor Mariska ,Hargitay ,Actor ,Law & Order: SVU Mickey ,Hargitay ,Actor ,Bloody Pit of Horror Mata ,Hari ,Spy ,Fra med by the Germans Mark ,Harmon ,Actor ,NCIS Michael ,Harrington ,Acti vi st ,The Other America Mark ,Harris ,Novelist ,Bang the Drum Slowly Marvin ,Harris ,Anthropologist ,Anthropological historian Mel ,Harris ,Actor ,Hope Steadman on thirtysomething Mike ,Harris ,Pol itician ,Premier of Ontario, 1995-2002 Marvin ,Harrison ,Football ,Indianapolis Colts WR Melissa ,Harris-Perry ,Author ,Barbershops, Bibles, and BET Mary ,Harron ,Fi l m Director ,American Psycho Mary ,Hart ,TV Pers onality ,Entertainment Tonight Melissa ,Hart ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman from Pennsyl vania, 2001-07 Mickey ,Hart ,Drummer ,Drummer for Grateful Dead Moss ,Hart ,Pl a ywri ght ,You Can't Take It With You Mariette ,Hartley ,Actor ,CBS Morning Program Moritz ,Hartmann ,Poet ,Germa n patriotic poet Martin ,Harwit ,As tronomer ,Helium-cooled rockets a nd i nfra red s pectroscopy Masujiro ,Hashimoto ,Bus iness ,Founder of Nissan Motor Co. Matt ,Hasselbeck ,Football ,Tennessee Titans quarterback Max ,Hastings ,Journalist ,Editor of the Daily Telegraph, 1986-95 Mark ,Hatfield ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Oregon, 1967-97 Miho ,Hatori ,Mus i cian ,Vocalist, Cibo Matto Matthew ,Haughey ,Bl ogger ,MetaFilter, PVRblog Michael ,Hawley ,Photogra pher ,Bhutan: A Visual Odyssey Mike ,Hayden ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Kansas, 1987-91 Michael ,Haydn ,Compos er ,Missa Hispanica Margaret ,Hayes ,Actor ,Blackboard Jungle Michel ,Hazanavicius ,Film Director ,The Artist Murray ,Head ,Mus i cian ,One Night in Bangkok Myron ,Healey ,Actor ,Prol i fic actor in Westerns Margaret ,Heckler ,Pol i tician ,US Secretary of HHS, 1983-85 Mitch ,Hedberg ,Comi c ,Sta nd-up comedian known for onel i ners Marvin ,Heemeyer ,Cri mi nal ,Killdozer pilot Martin ,Heidegger ,Phi l osopher ,Being and Time Morton ,Heilig ,Inventor ,Ea rly vi rtual reality pioneer Mel ,Hein ,Footba ll ,NY Giants, Hall of Famer Martin ,Heinrich ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, New Mexico 1st Marg ,Helgenberger ,Actor ,Species Martin ,Hellman ,Inventor ,Public key cryptographer Monte ,Hellman ,Fi l m Director ,Two-Lane Blacktop Mark ,Helprin ,Author ,Winter's Tale Margaux ,Hemingway ,Actor ,Troubled actress OD'd on kl onopin Mariel ,Hemingway ,Actor ,Woody Al len's Manhattan Marcia ,Henderson ,Actor ,Peter Pan Martin ,Henderson ,Actor ,The Ring Marilu ,Henner ,Actor ,Taxi Mark ,Henry ,Wres tling ,WWE wrestler Mike ,Henry ,Footba ll ,Ta rzan, 1966-68 Matthew ,Henson ,Expl orer ,Possibly fi rst to reach North Pol e Matthew ,Herbert ,El ectronic Musician ,Plat du Jour Miguel ,Hernández ,Poet ,El rayo que no cesa Milton ,Hershey ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Hershey's Marshall ,Herskovitz ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Executive Producer, thirtysomething Michael ,Heseltine ,Pol i tician ,UK Deputy Pri me Mi nister, 1995-97 Myra ,Hess ,Pi a nist ,Held l unchtime concerts during WWII Martin ,Hewitt ,Actor ,Endless Love Miguel ,Hidalgo ,Rel igion ,Father of Mexican independence Michael ,Hightower ,Bus iness ,Blue Cross Blue Shield of Fl ori da Megan ,Hilty ,Actor ,Ivy Lynn on Smash Michael ,Hiltzik ,Col umnist ,Los Angeles Times columnist Maurice ,Hinchey ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, New York 22nd Myra ,Hindley ,Cri mi nal ,The Moors Murders Martina ,Hingis ,Tennis ,The Swiss Miss Marin ,Hinkle ,Actor ,Judy Brooks on Once and Again Maria ,Hinojosa ,Journalist ,CNN, NPR journalist Mazie ,Hirono ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Hawaii 2nd Michael ,Hitchcock ,Actor ,MadTV Mitzi ,Hoag ,Actor ,Li z Pl a tt on We'll Get By Meindert ,Hobbema ,Pa i nter ,Dutch landscape master Mellody ,Hobson ,Bus i ness ,President of Ari el Ca pital Ma na gement Mike ,Hodges ,Fi l m Director ,Get Carter Michael ,Hoffman ,Fi l m Director ,One Fine Day Melchior ,Hofmann ,Rel i gion ,German Anabaptist mys tic Michael ,Hogan ,Actor ,Col . Sa ul Tigh on Battlestar Galactica Martin ,Hoke ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Ohio, 1993-97 Mark ,Holland ,Pol itician ,Ca nadian MP, Aja x-Pickering Marshall ,Holman ,Bowling ,Professional bowler, mostly reti red Mike ,Holmgren ,Footba ll ,President, Cl eveland Browns Matthew ,Holness ,Comi c ,Garth Marenghi's Darkplace Mike ,Holovak ,Footba ll ,NFL Head Coach, General Manager Miroslav ,Holub ,Poet ,Immunologist, important Czech poet Mike ,Honda ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ca lifornia 15th Manfred ,Honeck ,Conductor ,Mus ic Director, Pi ttsburgh Symphony Mary ,Hopkin ,Si nger ,Those Were the Days Miriam ,Hopkins ,Actor ,The Story of Temple Drake Mark ,Hoppus ,Ba s sist ,Blink-182 Monica ,Horan ,Actor ,Everybody Loves Raymond Michael ,Hordern ,Actor ,The Slipper and the Rose Marilyn ,Horne ,Si nger ,Operatic mezzo s oprano Mieczyslaw ,Horszowski ,Pi a nist ,Polish-American pianist Marques ,Houston ,Si nger ,Immature/IMx Michael ,Howard ,Pol i ti cian ,UK Home Secretary, 1993-97 Moe ,Howard ,Actor ,Bos s Stooge Mike ,Huckabee ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Arkansas, 19962007 Mick ,Hucknall ,Si nger ,Lead singer, Simply Red Michael ,Huffington ,Government ,Congressman from Ca l i fornia, 1993-95 Miller ,Huggins ,Ba s eball ,Ya nkees Ma nager, 1918-29 Miko ,Hughes ,Actor ,Mercury Rising Mary-Margaret ,Humes ,Actor ,Ga i l Leery on Dawson's Creek Marsha ,Hunt ,Actor ,Johnny Got His Gun Martita ,Hunt ,Actor ,Great Expectations Mark ,Hurd ,Bus iness ,President of Ora cle Michelle ,Hurd ,Actor ,Col l een Ma nus on The Glades Michael ,Hutchence ,Mus i cian ,INXS Martha ,Hyer ,Actor ,Some Came Running 9. MI Mr. Incredible Max Irons=Film actor and model=22,241=170 COMPLETEandLEFT MARÍA ISABEL MAYUMI MAYUMI MAYUMI IIZUKA IKEMIZU ITSUWA MUSIC INSTRUCTOR Margrethe ,I ,Royalty ,Queen of Denmark, Norway, Sweden Maximilian ,I ,Royalty ,Holy Roman Emperor, 1493-1519 Mehmed ,I ,Royalty ,Ottoman Sultan, 1413-21 Murad ,I ,Royalty ,First Ottoman Sultan, 1359-1389 Marc ,Iavaroni ,Ba sketball ,Head Coach, Memphis Grizzlies Michael ,Ignatieff ,Author ,Blood and Belonging Margrethe ,II ,Royalty ,Queen of Denmark Maximilian ,II ,Royalty ,Holy Roman Emperor, 1564-76 Montezuma ,II ,Head of State ,Aztec leader, capitulated to the Spanish Murad ,II ,Royalty ,Ottoman Sultan, 1421-51 Mswati ,III ,Royalty ,King of Swaziland Michael ,Imperioli ,Actor ,Chri stopher on The Sopranos Mark ,Indelicato ,Actor ,Jus tin Suarez on Ugly Betty Miguel ,Induráin ,Cycl i s t ,Five-time Tour de France winner Martin ,Indyk ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Israel, 1995-97, 2000-01 Marty ,Ingels ,Comi c ,Comi c-husband of Shirley Jones Michael ,Ironside ,Actor ,Scanners, Top Gun, Starship Troopers Michael ,Irvin ,Football ,Dallas Cowboys #88 wi de receiver Monte ,Irvin ,Ba seball ,Negro Leagues player, MLB Hall of Fa mer Margaret ,Irving ,Actor ,Animal Crackers Michael ,Isikoff ,Journalist ,NBC reporter Michael ,Ivins ,Ba ssist ,Bassist for The Flaming Li ps Molly ,Ivins ,Col umnist ,Loudmouthed Texas dame 10. MJ Michael Jackson=Singer=853,745=1 Mick Jagger=English rock musician, actor, songwriter=176,445=12 Maynard James+Keenan=M usician=54,537=64 Martin Johnson=American, Singer=14,450=232 Mike Jones=American, Rapper=13,555=245 Marlon Jackson=American, Singer=10,752=294 Michael J.+Fox=Canadian actor=49,858=69 Marc Jacobs=American fashion designer=16,696=209 Michael Jai+White=American, Actor=29,592=130 Marko Jaric=Serbian basketball player=24,149=161 Magic Johnson=American professional basketball player=15,908=218 Michael Jordan=Professional National Basketball Association player and businessman=298,621=3 Mary J.+Blige=Singer-songwriter, rapper, record producer, actress=67,822=116 Mickie James=Professional wrestler=164,457=44 Melanie Jane=Colombian, Pornstar=46,946=176 Melissa Joan+Hart=American actress=83,190=90 Marlène Jobert=Actress, author=37,022=230 Marion Jollès=French, TV Personality=72,030=105 Malia Jones=American, M odel=50,151=161 Milla Jovovich=model and actress=153,890=49 Malese Jow=American, Actress=62,779=128 ……………… Montell Jordan Mason Jennings Maddi Jane Ms. Jade Mila J MJ,Magic Johnson MJ,Mahalia Jackson MJ,Melissa Joan-Hart MJ,Michael J. Jordan MJ,Michael Jackson MJ,Michael Johnson MJ,Michael Jordan MJ,Mick Jagger MJ,Milla Jovovich Michael ,Jace ,Actor ,Det. Jul ien Lowe on The Shield Mahalia ,Jackson ,Singer ,Queen of Gospel Music Marlon ,Jackson ,Mus i cian ,The Jackson Five Maynard ,Jackson ,Pol i tician ,First black Ma yor of Atlanta Mel ,Jackson ,Actor ,Agent Morton on DAG Michael ,Jackson ,Si nger ,Ki ng of Pop Mick ,Jackson ,Fi l m Director ,The Bodyguard Milt ,Jackson ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Vibrophonist, The Modern Jazz Qua rtet Max ,Jacob ,Poet ,Le Cornet à dés Marc ,Jacobs ,Fa s hion Designer ,Fi red i n 1993 a fter rel easing a "Grunge" line Mick ,Jagger ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Lead singer of the Rolling Stones Mickie ,James ,Wres tl ing ,WWE wrestler Mariss ,Jansons ,Conductor ,Conductor, Royal Concertgebouw Orchestra Maurice ,Jarre ,Compos er ,Score to Lawrence of Arabia Michael ,Jay ,Di pl omat ,UK Ambassador to Fra nce, 19962001 Michael ,Jayston ,Actor ,Nicholas and Alexandra Marianne ,Jean-Baptiste ,Actor ,Without a Trace Martha ,Jefferson ,Fi rs t La dy ,Wife of US President Thomas Jefferson Megs ,Jenkins ,Actor ,The History of Mr. Polly Merrill ,Jensen ,Hi s torian ,The Articles of Confederaton Michael ,Jeter ,Actor ,Evening Shade Marlène ,Jobert ,Actor ,Masculin, féminin: 15 faits précis Mike ,Johanns ,Pol i ti cian ,US Senator from Nebraska Mervyn ,Johns ,Actor ,Dead of Night Michael ,Johns ,Government ,Conservative a ctivist, hea lthcare exec Magic ,Johnson ,Ba s ketball ,La kers star, AIDS spokesman Mercedes ,Johnson ,Bus iness ,CFO of Ava go Technologies Michael ,Johnson ,Tra ck a nd Field ,Sprinter, 5-time Olympic Gol d medalist Michelle ,Johnson ,Actor ,Blame It on Rio Mary ,Johnston ,Novel ist ,To Have and To Hold Maggie ,Jones ,Actor ,Coronation Street Mandana ,Jones ,Actor ,Ni kki Wade on Bad Girls Marion ,Jones ,Tra ck a nd Field ,Fastest woman on Earth, wi th a n a sterisk Mick ,Jones ,Mus i cian ,The Clash Mick ,Jones ,Mus i cian ,Foreigner Mike ,Jones ,Ra pper ,Who is Mike Jones? Mother ,Jones ,Acti vi s t ,The grandmother of all agitators Marian ,Jordan ,Actor ,Mol l y of Fibber McGee and Molly Michael ,Jordan ,Ba s ketball ,God's gift to basketball, clearly Matthew ,Josephson ,Hi s torian ,The Robber Barons Milla ,Jovovich ,Actor ,The Fifth Element Mike ,Judge ,Ca rtoonist ,Beavis and Butthead Max ,Julien ,Actor ,The Mack 11. MK Mark Knopfler=English guitarist=34,925=110 Myles Kennedy=American, M usician=11,240=284 Michael Keaton=American actor=38,384=98 Mustafa Kemal+Atatürk=Turkish officer and statesman=10,741=295 Matt Kemp=American baseball player=42,317=88 Mahsun Kirmizigül=Turkish=15,991=216 Michael Kitchen=Actor=18,500=197 Matthew Knight=American, Actor=25,876=152 COMPLETEandLEFT MK,Madeline Kahn MK,Margot Kidder MK,Martin Luther King MK,Michael Keaton MK,Mila Kunis Maria Kanellis=professional wrestler, valet, singersongwriter, actress, and model=105,109=74 Mollie King=English female singer=52,741=150 Mindy Kaling=Actress, Writer, Comedian=50,042=162 Melina Kanakaredes=Actress=52,086=155 Mitzi Kapture=American, Actress=52,131=153 Monica Keena=Actress=35,952=236 Megyn Kelly=American television newsreader and attorney=140,178=58 Minka Kelly=US Actress=349,787=17 Miranda Kerr=M odel=1,220,782=4 Margot Kidder=Actress=28,209=282 Maria Kirilenko=Russian tennis player=42,772=199 Mia Kirshner=Canadian, Actress=52,575=151 Marcela Kloosterboer=Argentinean, Actress=28,217=281 Maria Korinthiou=Greek, Actress=44,865=185 Michelle Kosinski=American, Journalist=50,383=160 Marta Krupa=Polish, M odel=96,075=84 Mila Kunis=American actress=979,828=5 Michelle Kwan=Figure skater=41,927=204 …………….. Ms Krazie Matt Kennon Mat Kearney Miles Kane Mauricio ,Kagel ,Composer ,Absurdist composer Meir ,Kahane ,Acti vi s t ,Founder of Jewish Defense League Madeline ,Kahn ,Actor ,Paper Moon a nd Blazing Saddles Michio ,Kaku ,Phys i cist ,String Theory Michiko ,Kakutani ,Cri ti c ,Quirky New York Times book cri ti c Marvin ,Kalb ,Journalist ,CBS and NBC news correspondent Mindy ,Kaling ,Actor ,Kel ly Ka poor on The Office Michael ,Kamen ,Compos er ,Prolific film composer a nd conductor Max ,Kampelman ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to the CSCE Melina ,Kanakaredes ,Actor ,Det. Bonasera on CSI: NY Maria ,Kanellis ,Wrestling ,WWE diva, ditzy i nterviewer Marek ,Kanievska ,Fi l m Director ,Less Than Zero MacKinlay ,Kantor ,Author ,Andersonville Mickey ,Kantor ,Government ,US Secretary of Commerce, 1996-97 Marvin ,Kaplan ,Actor ,Henry on Alice Mitch ,Kapor ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Lotus, Co-founder EFF Marcy ,Kaptur ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Ohio 9th Mel ,Karmazin ,Bus iness ,President a nd COO of Vi acom, 2000-04 Martin ,Karplus ,Chemist ,Karplus Equation Mary ,Karr ,Author ,The Liars' Club Mathieu ,Kassovitz ,Fi lm Director ,La Haine Mikhail ,Kasyanov ,Head of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Russia, 2000-04 Moshe ,Katsav ,Hea d of State ,President of Israel, 2000-07 Marta ,Kauffman ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Co-Creator of Friends Martin ,Kaymer ,Gol f ,Winner, 2010 PGA Cha mpionship Munr ,Kazmir ,Bus i ness ,CEO, Direct Meds, Inc. Michael ,Keaton ,Actor ,Batman Monica ,Keena ,Actor ,Abby Morga n on Dawson's Creek Mike ,Keenan ,Hockey ,Ca l gary Fl ames Head Coach Matt ,Keeslar ,Actor ,Feyd-Rautha Harkonnen Marthe ,Keller ,Actor ,Fedora Marilyn ,Kelly ,Judge ,Justice, Mi chigan Supreme Court Megyn ,Kelly ,Journa list ,Fox News Channel anchor Michael ,Kelly ,Actor ,Det. Crocker on Kojak revi va l Mike ,Kelly ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Pennsylvania 3rd Minka ,Kelly ,Actor ,Friday Night Lights Moira ,Kelly ,Actor ,Ma ndy on The West Wing Martin ,Kemp ,Mus i cian ,Spandau Ballet Matt ,Kemp ,Ba s eball ,Los Angeles Dodgers Madge ,Kennedy ,Actor ,The Marrying Kind Margaret ,Kennedy ,Novel ist ,The Constant Nymph Mark ,Kennedy ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Mi nnesota 6th Mimi ,Kennedy ,Actor ,Abby O'Nei l on Dharma & Greg Muhtar ,Kent ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Coca -Cola Michael ,Kergin ,Di pl omat ,Ca nadian Ambassador to the US, 2000-05 Miranda ,Kerr ,Model ,Australian fashion model Majid ,Khadduri ,Scholar ,Middle East scholar Mohammad ,Khatami ,Hea d of State ,President of Iran, 1997-2005 Mikhail ,Khodorkovsky ,Business ,Founder of Yukos, now ja i led Mwai ,Kibaki ,Hea d of State ,President of Kenya Matt ,Kibbe ,Acti vi s t ,President and CEO of FreedomWorks Michael ,Kidd ,Choreographer ,Award-winning choreographer Margot ,Kidder ,Actor ,Loi s La ne i n Superman Masta ,Killa ,Musician ,Wu-Tang Cl an Mabel ,King ,Actor ,What's Happening! Matt ,King ,Actor ,Super Hans on Peep Show Michael ,Kinsley ,Pundit ,Founding editor of Slate Mark ,Kirk ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Illinois Mia ,Kirshner ,Actor ,The L Word Michael ,Kitchen ,Actor ,Foyle's War Marc ,Klaas ,Acti vist ,Lobbied to get bad Three Strikes law pa ssed Melanie ,Klein ,Ps ychol ogist ,The Psychoanalysis of Children Myles ,Klein ,Bus i ness ,Klein & Ba rreto PA Marius ,Kloppers ,Business ,CEO of BHP Billiton Michael ,Klosson ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Cyprus , 2002-05 Marjorie ,Knoller ,Cri mi nal ,Presa Ca nario enthusiast Mark ,Knopfler ,Mus i cian ,Dire Straits Makoto ,Kobayashi ,Phys i cist ,Kobayashi-Maskawa matrix Masahiko ,Kobe ,Chef ,Iron Chef Italian Marianne ,Koch ,Actor ,A Fistful of Dollars Max ,Kohl ,Bus i ness ,Kohl's Department Stores Michael ,Kojaian ,Business ,Kojaian Management Corpora tion Mort ,Kondracke ,Col umnist ,Tolerated by Fox, McLa ughlin Masaru ,Konuma ,Fi l m Director ,Wife to Be Sacrificed Mike ,Kopetski ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Oregon, 1991-95 Michael ,Korda ,Publ isher ,Editor-in-Chief of Simon & Schus ter Masatoshi ,Koshiba ,Phys icist ,Detected cosmic neutrinos Martin ,Kosleck ,Actor ,Germa n-American character a ctor Martin ,Kove ,Actor ,Det. Isbecki on Cagney & Lacey Mark ,Kozelek ,Mus i cian ,Red House Painters, Sun Ki l Moon Mary ,Kramer ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Barbados, 2004-06 Michael ,Krasny ,Ta lk Show Host ,Host of Forum on KQEDFM Margery ,Kraus ,Bus iness ,CEO of APCO Worl dwide Marie-Josée ,Kravis ,Economist ,President of MoMA Mike ,Krempasky ,Acti vi s t ,Co-Founder of Mario ,Kreutzberger ,Ga me Show Host ,Don Fra ncisco on Sábado Gigante Murray ,Krieger ,Cri ti c ,The Play and Place of Criticism Marvin ,Krislov ,Educator ,President, Oberlin College Marta ,Kristen ,Actor ,Judy Robi nson on Lost in Space Marty ,Krofft ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Co-Creator: H.R. Pufnstuf, Land of the Lost Mike ,Krzyzewski ,Ba s ketball ,Duke Head Coach Maggie ,Kuhn ,Acti vi s t ,Orga nizer of the Gra y Pa nthers Maxine ,Kumin ,Poet ,Up Country Milan ,Kundera ,Author ,The Unbearable Lightness of Being Mila ,Kunis ,Actor ,Ja ckie on That 70's Show Mimi ,Kuzyk ,Actor ,Judi th Pa rker on Sophie Michelle ,Kwan ,Fi gure Skating ,Olympic figure s kater 12. ML Meat Loaf=American musician and actor=36,016=106 Matthew Labyorteaux=Actor=58,385=61 Michael Landon=Actor, director, producer, writer=34,315=112 Matt Lanter=Actor=118,962=27 Matt Lattanzi=American, Actor=39,930=91 Matt Lauer=American, Talk Show Host=14,610=230 Mathias Lauridsen=Danish, M odel=22,484=168 Martin Lawrence=American, Comic=29,920=128 Matthew Lawrence=American, Actor=51,196=66 Matt LeBlanc=American, Actor=72,011=51 Min-ho Lee=South Korean, Actor=20,663=180 Matt Leinart=All-American college football player, professional football player, quarterback, Heisman Trophy winner=28,439=137 Matthew Lewis=English, Actor=46,853=77 Mark Liddell=Photographer=16,517=210 Miranda Lambert=Country music artist=132,286=62 Mélanie Laurent=French, Actress=64,562=123 Maggie Lawson=American actress=53,933=147 Mary LeGault= =27,354=291 Monica Leigh=American, M odel=43,605=193 Margarita Levieva=American actress=50,787=158 Monica Lewinsky=American woman involved in President Bill Clinton's sex scandals=254,237=23 Myrna Loy=actress=69,346=111 Masha Lund=Danish, M odel=36,344=234 Masiela Lusha=Actress, writer, author=128,234=66 Melanie Lynskey=New Zealand actres=30,876=261 ………………….. Mac Lethal Murphy Lee Miss Lawrence Marit Larsen Mc Lars Mads Langer Matthew Lillard=American, Actor=21,354=175 Max Lloyd-Jones=Canadian, Actor=30,457=122 Marcus London=British pornographic film Mark Lanegan Madina Lake actor=14,971=226 Matt Long=American, Actor=19,709=183 Mario Lopez=Actor, Host=99,996=34 Martin Luther+King=Political activist=74,829=50 Matthew ,Laborteaux ,Actor ,Little House on the Prairie Mercedes ,Lackey ,Novel ist ,Valdemar s eries Margaret ,Ladd ,Actor ,Emma Cha nning on Falcon Crest Melvin ,Laird ,Government ,US Secretary of Defense, 1969- COMPLETEandLEFT 73 ML,Madeline LEngle ML,Margaret Leighton ML,Mario Lanza ML,Mario Lemieux ML,Mark Lester ML,Martin Landau ML,Martin Lawrence ML,Martin Luther ML,Mary Leakey ML,Matt Lauer ML,Maya Ying Lin ML,Meadowlark Lemon ML,Meat Loaf ML,Meriwether Lewis ML,Michael Landon ML,Michael Learned ML,Michael Lovesmith ML,Michel Legrand ML,Michele Lee ML,Myrna Loy Maurice ,LaMarche ,Actor ,Ki f on Futurama Miranda ,Lambert ,Country Mus i cian ,Kerosene Martin ,Landau ,Actor ,Mission: Impossible, Space 1999 Michael ,Landes ,Actor ,Ji mmy Ol sen on Lois and Clark Michael ,Landon ,Actor ,Little House on the Prairie Mary ,Landrieu ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Louisiana Mitch ,Landrieu ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of New Orleans Moon ,Landrieu ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of New Orleans, 1970-78 Mark ,Lanegan ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Screaming Trees frontma n Mark ,Langdale ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Costa Rica Mark ,Langston ,Ba s eball ,MLB pitcher, 2464 s tri keouts Meyer ,Lansky ,Cri mi nal ,The brains behind the Ma fia's money Matt ,Lanter ,Actor ,Li a m Court on 90210 Mario ,Lanza ,Si nger ,Voice of the Century Mary ,Lasker ,Acti vi s t ,Health ca re a dvocate Matt ,Lauer ,Ta l k Show Host ,Today Show hos t Mitchell ,Laurance ,Actor ,Not Necessarily the News Mélanie ,Laurent ,Actor ,Inglourious Basterds Marc ,Lawrence ,Actor ,Prol i fic character actor Martin ,Lawrence ,Comi c ,Martin Matthew ,Lawrence ,Actor ,Actor-brother of Joey La wrence Maggie ,Lawson ,Actor ,Jul iet O'Hara on Psych Mike ,Lazaridis ,Business ,Founder of Research in Motion Mike ,Leach ,Football ,Football Coa ch, Washington State Uni versity Munro ,Leaf ,Author ,The Story of Ferdinand Mary ,Leakey ,Anthropologist ,Discovered Proconsul Michael ,Learned ,Actor ,The Waltons Matt ,LeBlanc ,Actor ,Joey on Friends Maurice ,Leblanc ,Novel ist ,Creator of Arsène Lupin Michael ,Ledeen ,Government ,Neoconserva tive activist Mimi ,Leder ,Fi l m Director ,Deep Impact Michele ,Lee ,Actor ,Knots Landing Michael ,Lee-Chin ,Bus iness ,Jamaican billionaire Michel ,Legrand ,Compos er ,Film composer, The Windmills of Your Mind Michael ,Lehmann ,Fi l m Director ,Heathers Megan ,Leigh ,Porns tar ,Ali Boobie & the 40 D's Mike ,Leigh ,Fi l m Director ,Naked, Topsy-Turvy Margaret ,Leighton ,Actor ,The Go-Between Matt ,Leinart ,Football ,Heisman Trophy winning qua rterback Michel ,Leiris ,Author ,Surrealist, ethnographer, a utobiographer Mitchell ,Leisen ,Fi l m Director ,Death Takes a Holiday Mickey ,Leland ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Texas, 197989 Michael ,Lembeck ,Actor ,Ma x Horva th on One Day at a Time Mario ,Lemieux ,Hockey ,Pi tts burgh Penguins Meadowlark ,Lemon ,Ba s ketball ,Harlem Globetrotter Mark ,Lenard ,Actor ,Amba ssador Sarek on Star Trek Madeleine ,L'Engle ,Author ,A Wrinkle In Time Melissa ,Leo ,Actor ,Sgt. Ka y Howa rd on Homicide Mark ,Leonard ,Author ,What Does China Think? Mikhail ,Lermontov ,Poet ,A Hero of Our Time Max ,Lerner ,Soci ologist ,Ideas Are Weapons Michael ,Lerner ,Actor ,Barton Fink Mervyn ,LeRoy ,Fi l m Director ,Quo Vadis? Matthew ,Lesko ,TV Pers onality ,Shys ter informercial ma ven Mark ,Leslie ,Bus i ness ,CEO of VERITAS Software, 1990-2000 Michelle ,Leslie ,Model ,Australian model arrested for ecs tasy Mark ,Lester ,Actor ,Oliver! Marie ,Leszczynska ,Roya l ty ,Queen Consort of Louis XV Matt ,Letscher ,Actor ,Good Morning, Miami Max ,Levchin ,Bus i ness ,Co-Founder of Pa yPal Mark ,Levin ,Acti vi s t ,La ndmark Legal Foundation Meyer ,Levin ,Novel ist ,Compulsion Mel ,Levine ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from California, 198393 Melvyn ,Levitsky ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Brazil, 199498 Marv ,Levy ,Football ,NFL, CFL, a nd NCAA coa ch Maurice ,Lévy ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Publicis Monica ,Lewinsky ,Government ,Engaged i n Presidential ci ga r play Marvin ,Lewis ,Football ,Head Coach, Ci ncinnati Bengals Matthew ,Lewis ,Actor ,Nevi lle Longbottom in Harry Potter Meriwether ,Lewis ,Expl orer ,Lewis and Cl ark expedition Michael ,Lewis ,Author ,Liar's Poker Morgan ,Lewis ,Pol i tician ,Governor of New York, 1804-07 Marlo ,Lewis,^Jr. ,Acti vi s t ,Global Wa rming cri tic Mark ,Leyner ,Author ,The Tetherballs of Bougainville Mara ,Liasson ,Journalist ,Fox News political analyst Maria ,Lilja ,Business ,Head of American Express Europe, 1996-2000 Matthew ,Lillard ,Actor ,Scream, Scooby-Doo, SLC Punk Maya ,Lin ,Arti s t ,Designed Vietnam Veterans Memorial Marta ,Linden ,Actor ,A Yank at Eton Max ,Linder ,Actor ,Seven Years Bad Luck Margaret ,Lindsay ,Actor ,The House of the Seven Gables Mark ,Linkous ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Sparklehorse Mark ,Linn-Baker ,Actor ,La rry on Perfect Strangers Maureen ,Lipman ,Actor ,Agony Martin ,Lipton ,Attorney ,Wa chtell, Li pton, Rosen & Ka tz Mark ,Lisanti ,Bl ogger ,Los Angeles gossip monger Moira ,Lister ,Actor ,Seven Waves Away Maxim ,Litvinov ,Government ,Soviet foreign minister, ous ted in nod to Hitler Margaret ,Livingston ,Actor ,Sunrise: A Song of Two Humans Marilyn ,Lloyd ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman from Tennessee, 1975-95 Meat ,Loaf ,Mus i cian ,Bat Out of Hell Margaret ,Lockwood ,Actor ,Cast a Dark Shadow Mikhail ,Lomonosov ,Poet ,Ea rl y fa ther of Russian poetry Matt ,Long ,Actor ,Jack & Bobby Michael ,Lonsdale ,Actor ,Moonraker Mike ,Lookinland ,Actor ,Bobby on The Brady Bunch Mario ,Lopez ,Actor ,A.C. Sl a ter on Saved by the Bell Melissa ,Lora ,Bus iness ,CFO of Ta co Bell Marjorie ,Lord ,Actor ,Make Room for Daddy Marion ,Lorne ,Actor ,Aunt Cl a ra on Bewitched Mark ,Loughridge ,Bus i ness ,CFO of IBM Morris ,Louis ,Pa i nter ,Abstract expressionist Marie ,Louise ,Roya l ty ,Empress of Fra nce Mike ,Love ,Si nger/Songwriter ,The Beach Boys Montagu ,Love ,Actor ,Bri ti sh character a ctor Mildred ,Loving ,Acti vi s t ,Interracial marriage Mike ,Lowell ,Ba s eball ,Boston Red Sox Malcolm ,Lowry ,Novel ist ,Under the Volcano Mike ,Lowry ,Pol i ti cian ,Governor of Washington, 1993-97 Myrna ,Loy ,Actor ,The Thin Man Matt ,Lucas ,Actor ,Little Britain Manny ,Lujan ,Pol i ti cian ,US Secretary of the Interior 198993 Masiela ,Lusha ,Actor ,Ca rmen on George Lopez Martin ,Luther ,Rel igion ,Created Protestant movement Michael ,Lynch ,Bus iness ,Founder and CEO of Autonomy Corpora tion Melanie ,Lynskey ,Actor ,Heavenly Creatures Mary ,Lyon ,Acti vi s t ,Founder of Mount Holyoke College MC ,Lyte ,Ra pper ,Groundbreaking female rapper 13. MM Marilyn Manson=American musician and artist=210,483=8 Mitchel Musso=Actor, (singer, rapper=171,841=14 Method Man=American music producer and actor=47,696=74 Moby Mizanin=M usician=42,370=87 Mark McGrath=Singer, Television host=40,894=90 Mick Mars=American, Guitarist=28,715=135 Michael McDonald=American, M usician=28,346=138 Matt Monro=Singer=27,098=143 Marcus Mumford=English, M usician=12,474=264 Mandy Moore=Singer, actress=208,029=31 Michèle Mercier=Actress, Dancer and Singer=145,489=55 Martina McBride=M usician=130,568=63 Mindy McCready=Singer=117,900=72 Maureen McCormick=Actress, singer=82,505=92 Martine McCutcheon=English actress, singer=49,959=163 Melia McEnery=American, Artist=52,117=154 Miriam McDonald=Canadian, Actress=53,287=149 Marla Maples=American, Relative=28,872=275 Meghan Markle=American, Actress=48,379=168 Michelle Marsh=English, M odel (Adult/Glamour)=315,566=19 Mr. Marcus=pornographic actor=19,340=187 Manfred Mann= =11,605=279 Matthew Macfadyen=British actor=58,729=60 Michael Madsen=American, Actor=10,943=291 Mariano Martínez=Argentinean, Actor=12,911=258 Morgan Mason=American, Film/TV Producer=10,549=299 Marcello Mastroianni=Actor=19,472=186 Matthew McConaughey=Actor=127,165=23 Mel Metcalfe= =15,029=225 Marc Mezvinsky=American, Business=11,860=271 Martin Mica=Argentinean, M odel=12,016=269 Mads Mikkelsen=Danish actor=19,136=191 Martin Milner=Actor=14,357=235 Max Minghella=Actor=12,931=257 Matthew Morrison=Actor=101,866=29 Mike Myers=Actor, comedian, screenwriter, producer=12,533=261 COMPLETEandLEFT MM,Malcolm McDowell MM,Mandy Moore MM,Marcel Marceau MM,Margaret Mead MM,Margaret Mitchell MM,Maria Montessori MM,Maria Muldaur MM,Marilyn McCoo MM,Marilyn Monroe MM,Mark Martin MM,Mark McGwire MM,Marlee Matlin MM,Marsha Mason MM,Marshall McLuhan MM,Martin Milner MM,Martin Mull MM,Martina McBride MM,Mary Martin MM,Mary Tyler Moore MM,Matthew McConaughey MM,Maureen McCormick MM,Melina Mercouri MM,Michael McDonald MM,Michael Michele MM,Michael Moore MM,Michael Moorer MM,Mickey Mantle MM,Mike Mills MM,Mike Modano MM,Miriam Makeba MM,Mitch Miller MM,Mitch Mitchell MM,Modest Mussorgsky Meaghan Martin=American, Actress=32,166=255 Masuimi Max=American glamour and fetish model and actress=41,991=203 Marilyn Maxwell=American actress=29,725=270 Monet Mazur=American, Actress=39,735=214 Michelle McCool=American, Wrestling=44,299=187 Mercedes McNab=Actress=28,504=279 Maureen McPhilmy=American, Personality=155,620=48 Maria Menounos=American, TV News=160,034=45 Maliah Michel=American, M odel (Adult/Glamour)=26,744=296 Melissa Midwest=American pornographic actress, director, adult model, businesswoman=34,068=246 Marilyn Milian=American judge=168,162=43 Marisa Miller=American M odel=212,452=29 Mary Millington=English adult film actress=30,473=264 Michelle Monaghan=Actress=44,259=188 Marilyn Monroe=American actress=1,385,692=3 Memphis Monroe=American pornographic actress=38,004=225 Mason Moore=Pornographic actress=42,926=198 Marisa Morris=Portuguese, Actress=42,319=200 Maxi Mounds=American pornographic actress=29,438=273 Misty Mundae=American, Actress=55,931=140 ……………… Mali Music Modest Mouse Mother Mother Matthew Morrison Mark Morrison Matt Morris Marisa Monte Millionaires Mac Miller Meek Mill Mikeschair Mewithoutyou Maria Mena Michelle Mcmanus Megan Mccauley Mary Mary Messy Marv Melanie Martinez Mia Martina Matt Maher Monster Magnet Moms ,Mabley ,Comic ,Pioneering black comedienne Matthew ,Macfadyen ,Actor ,Tom Quinn on Spooks Martha ,MacIsaac ,Actor ,Emily of New Moon Meredith ,MacRae ,Actor ,Host of Mid-Morning L.A. Michael ,Madsen ,Actor ,Reservoir Dogs' M r. Blonde Mía ,Maestro ,Actor ,Nadia Santos on Alias Maurice ,Maeterlinck ,Playwright ,Pelléas et Mélisande Mary ,Magdalene ,Religion ,Early follower of Jesus Christ Michel ,Magne ,M usician ,Tropical Fantasy Marjorie ,Magner ,Business ,Former Citibank executive Moses ,Maimonides ,Religion ,Codified Jewish law Marjorie ,Main ,Actor ,Ma and Pa Kettle Minoru ,Makihara ,Business ,President of M itsubishi, 199298 Michelle ,Malkin ,Columnist ,Syndicated conservative columnist Moses ,Malone ,Basketball ,Philadelphia 76ers Michael ,Maloney ,Actor ,Notes on a Scandal Marcello ,Malpighi ,Doctor ,Early microscopic anatomist Mahmood ,Mamdani ,Author ,When Victims Become Killers Method ,Man ,Rapper ,Wu-Tang Clan Milo ,Manara ,Cartoonist ,Erotic comic book artist Melissa ,Manchester ,Singer/Songwriter ,Adult contemporary songwriter Marvin ,Mandel ,Politician ,Governor of M aryland, 1969-79 Mark ,Mangino ,Football ,Kansas Jayhawks Head Coach Manfred ,Mann ,M usician ,Manfred Mann's Earth Band Michael ,Mann ,Film Director ,Manhunter Mike ,Mansfield ,Politician ,US Senator from M ontana, 1953-77 Marilyn ,Manson ,Singer ,Goth shock rocker Mickey ,Mantle ,Baseball ,Twelve times in the World Series Michael ,Mantler ,M usician ,Trumpeter and bandleader Martin ,Manulis ,Film/TV Producer ,Creator of Playhouse 90 Marla ,Maples ,Relative ,One of Donald Trump's ex-wives Manning ,Marable ,Educator ,Beyond Black and White Michael ,Marcavage ,Religion ,Founder of Repent America Marcel ,Marceau ,Performance Artist ,M ime, created Bip the clown Marjorie ,Margolies-Mezvinsky ,Journalist ,Congresswoman from Pennsylvania, 1993-95 Mark ,Margolis ,Actor ,The Fountain Matt ,Margolis ,Blogger ,Blogs for Bush Miriam ,Margolyes ,Actor ,The Age of Innocence Marino ,Marini ,M usician ,Innovative pop music bandleader Mona ,Maris ,Actor ,Kiss and Make-Up Monte ,Markham ,Actor ,The Second Hundred Years Merrill ,Markoe ,Comic ,Late Night with David Letterman Marc ,Maron ,Comic ,What the F*ck? Mick ,Mars ,Guitarist ,Guitarist for Motley Crue Mae ,Marsh ,Actor ,The Birth of a Nation Marian ,Marsh ,Actor ,Svengali Marion ,Martin ,Actor ,Boom Town Mark ,Martin ,Judge ,Justice, North Carolina Supreme Court Mary ,Martin ,Actor ,Peter Pan Michael ,Martin ,Politician ,Speaker of the House of Commons, 2000-09 Margo ,Martindale ,Actor ,Rita Perkins-Hall on A Gifted Man Mel ,Martinez ,Government ,US Senator from Florida, 2005-09 Max ,Martini ,Actor ,M ack Gerhardt on The Unit Moussa ,Marzook ,Activist ,Head of the Hamas politburo Marlyn ,Mason ,Actor ,The Trouble with Girls Marsha ,Mason ,Actor ,The Goodbye Girl Michael ,Massee ,Actor ,Momentum Marcello ,Mastroianni ,Actor ,The Pizza Triangle Mary ,Matalin ,Politician ,Political creature Mireille ,Mathieu ,Singer ,Internationally renown French chanteuse Marlee ,Matlin ,Actor ,Deaf actress on The West Wing Mack ,Mattingly ,Politician ,US Senator from Georgia, 1981-87 Marcel ,Mauss ,Sociologist ,The Gift Masuimi ,Max ,M odel ,Fetish model Marilyn ,Maxwell ,Actor ,Stand by for Action Mathilda ,May ,Actor ,La Teta i la lluna Marissa ,Mayer ,Business ,CEO of Yahoo! Melanie ,Mayron ,Actor ,thirtysomething Misty ,May-Treanor ,Sports Figure ,Top beach volleyball player Monet ,Mazur ,Actor ,Blow Mike ,Mazurki ,Actor ,Murder, My Sweet Mary ,McAleese ,Head of State ,President of Ireland Megan ,McArdle ,Blogger ,Atlantic Monthly blogger Martina ,McBride ,Country M usician ,My Baby Loves Me Melissa ,McBride ,Actor ,Carol Peletier on The Walking Dead Megan ,McCafferty ,Novelist ,Juvenile novelist, Sloppy Firsts Meghan ,McCain ,Blogger ,John M cCain's daughter Mitzi ,McCall ,Actor ,Laugh-In Mercedes ,McCambridge ,Actor ,All the King's Men Mary ,McCarthy ,Author ,The Group Melissa ,McCarthy ,Actor ,Sookie St. James on Gilmore Girls Mike ,McCarthy ,Football ,Head Coach, Green Bay Packers Michael ,McCaul ,Politician ,Congressman, Texas 10th Mark ,McClellan ,Government ,M edicare Chief Marc ,McClure ,Actor ,Superman: The Movie Michael ,McClure ,Poet ,The Blossom; or Billy the Kid Matthew ,McConaughey ,Actor ,Contact Mitch ,McConnell ,Politician ,US Senator from Kentucky Mary ,McCormack ,Actor ,Kate Harper on The West Wing Mike ,McCormack ,Football ,NFL Hall of Famer, coach Maureen ,McCormick ,Actor ,M arcia on The Brady Bunch Malachy ,McCourt ,Actor ,Father M eehan on Oz Matt ,McCoy ,Actor ,The Hand That Rocks the Cradle Mike ,McCready ,M usician ,Pearl Jam Mindy ,McCready ,Country M usician ,Troubled country music singer Mike ,McCurry ,Government ,White House Press Secretary, 1994-98 Myra ,McDaniel ,Attorney ,Texas Secretary of State, 1984- 87 Michael ,McDermott ,Criminal ,M ucko killed seven coworkers Maurice ,McDonald ,Business ,Co-Founder of M cDonald's Michael ,McDonald ,M usician ,White pop/soul vocalist Michael ,McDonald ,Comic ,MADtv Miriam ,McDonald ,Actor ,Degrassi: The Next Generation Mary ,McDonnell ,Actor ,Stands With A Fist Malcolm ,McDowell ,Actor ,A Clockwork Orange Michael ,McFaul ,Diplomat ,US Ambassador to Russia Max ,McGee ,Football ,Former WR, Green Bay Packers Maureen ,McGovern ,Singer ,The Morning After Michael ,McGrady ,Actor ,Det. Salinger on Southland Mark ,McGrath ,M usician ,Frontman for Sugar Ray Melinda ,McGraw ,Actor ,Cyd M adison on The Commish Mary ,McGrory ,Journalist ,Pulitzer Prize-winning Liberal Icon Matthew ,McGrory ,Actor ,Big Fish Martin ,McGuinness ,Politician ,Politician, former IRA gunman Mark ,McGwire ,Baseball ,583 home runs Matthew ,McHugh ,Politician ,Congressman from New York, 1975-93 Mike ,McIntyre ,Politician ,Congressman, North Carolina 7th Michael ,McKean ,Actor ,This Is Spinal Tap, SNL Mark ,McKinney ,Actor ,The Kids in the Hall Malcolm ,McLaren ,Business ,Sex Pistols manager Mack ,McLarty ,Government ,White House Chief of Staff, 1993-94 Marshall ,McLuhan ,Author ,The medium is the message Michael ,McMahon ,Politician ,Congressman from New York, 2009-11 Michaela ,McManus ,Actor ,Tara on Awake Maggie ,McNamara ,Actor ,Three Coins in the Fountain Michael ,McNamara ,Business ,CEO of Flextronics Michael ,McNulty ,Politician ,Congressman from New York, 1989-2009 Marian ,McPartland ,Jazz M usician ,Piano Jazz Michael ,McShane ,Business ,CEO of Grand Prideco, 200208 Margaret ,Mead ,Anthropologist ,Coming of Age in Samoa Matt ,Mead ,Politician ,Governor of Wyoming Mike ,Medavoy ,Business ,TriStar, Orion, Phoenix Pictures chairman Michael ,Medved ,Critic ,Traditional values pundit, film critic Marty ,Meehan ,Politician ,Congressman from M assachusetts, 1993-2007 Montgomery ,Meigs ,M ilitary ,M ilitary analyst Macedonio ,Melloni ,Physicist ,Diathermancy Michael ,Melvill ,Astronaut ,First private astronaut in space Moses ,Mendelssohn ,Philosopher ,Brilliant GermanJewish philosopher Maria ,Menounos ,Journalist ,Entertainment Tonight Marian ,Mercer ,Actor ,Nancy Beebe on It's a Living Michèle ,Mercier ,Actor ,Angélique, Marquise des Anges Melina ,Mercouri ,Actor ,Topkapi Maurice ,Merleau-Ponty ,Philosopher ,Phenomenology of Perception Marin ,Mersenne ,M athematician ,L'Harmonie universelle Mark ,Messier ,Hockey ,Hall of Famer, 25 years in NHL Marc ,Mezvinsky ,Business ,Husband of Chelsea Clinton Matthew ,Miau ,Business ,Chairman of M iTAC-Synnex Michael ,Michaud ,Politician ,Congressman, M aine 2nd Michael ,Michele ,Actor ,Dr. Cleo Finch on ER Mårten ,Mickos ,Business ,CEO of M ySQL Mary ,Midgley ,Philosopher ,Beast and Man Max ,Miedinger ,Typographer ,Designed the Helvetica typeface Mijailo ,Mijailovic ,Assassin ,Confessed assassin of Anna Lindh Mike ,Mikan ,Business ,EVP at UnitedHealth Group Mads ,Mikkelsen ,Actor ,Casino Royale Marilyn ,Milian ,TV Personality ,The People's Court Michael ,Milken ,Business ,Convicted financial executive Mark ,Millar ,Cartoonist ,The Ultimates, Ultimate X-Men writer Mac ,Miller ,Rapper ,Blue Slide Park Marilyn ,Miller ,Actor ,Broadway actress Marvin ,Miller ,Actor ,M ichael Anthony on The Millionaire Marvin ,Miller ,Labor Leader ,M LB Player Association, 1966-82 Matthew ,Miller ,Columnist ,The Two Percent Solution May ,Miller ,Playwright ,The Bog Guide Mitch ,Miller ,M usician ,Sing Along with Mitch Mike ,Mills ,Bassist ,Bassist for R.E.M. Martin ,Milner ,Actor ,LAPD officer Pete M alloy on Adam12 Marcel ,Minnaert ,Astronomer ,Solar spectrophotometry Mike ,Minor ,Actor ,Steve Elliott on Petticoat Junction Minnie ,Minoso ,Baseball ,The Cuban Comet Marvin ,Minsky ,Scientist ,Father of Artificial Intelligence Manuel ,Miranda ,Activist ,Third Branch Conference Margaret ,Mitchell ,Novelist ,Gone With the Wind Maria ,Mitchell ,Astronomer ,First American female astronomer Millard ,Mitchell ,Actor ,My Six Convicts Mitch ,Mitchell ,Drummer ,Drummer for The Jimi Hendrix Experience Marvin ,Mitchelson ,Attorney ,Celebrity divorce lawyer Mimi ,Miyagi ,Pornstar ,Lickity Slit, FantAsiany, Geisha Cum Whores Mike ,Modano ,Hockey ,Dallas Stars center Matthew ,Modine ,Actor ,Joker in Full Metal Jacket Michelle ,Monaghan ,Actor ,Kiss Kiss Bang Bang Mario ,Monicelli ,Film Director ,Big Deal on Madonna Street Meredith ,Monk ,Singer ,Vocalist and "interdisciplinary performance" artist Matt ,Monro ,Singer ,Born Free Marilyn ,Monroe ,Actor ,Some Like It Hot Meredith ,Monroe ,Actor ,Andie M cPhee on Dawson's Creek Michael ,Monroe ,Singer ,Lead singer, Hanoi Rocks Maria ,Montessori ,Educator ,Founder of M ontessori Education M ethod Maria ,Montez ,Actor ,The Exile Mike ,Montgomery ,Basketball ,UC Berkeley Head Coach Mario ,Monti ,Government ,Prime M inister of Italy Mark ,Moody-Stuart ,Business ,Chairman of Anglo American Michael ,Moorcock ,Author ,Wrote the Elric series Mandy ,Moore ,Singer ,Candy Marianne ,Moore ,Poet ,Collected Poems Matt ,Moore ,Actor ,Irish-American character actor Melba ,Moore ,Singer ,Lift Every Voice and Sing Michael ,Moore ,Film Director ,Fahrenheit 9/11 Mike ,Moore ,Head of State ,Prime M inister of New Zealand, 1990 Mike ,Moore ,Attorney ,Attorney General of M ississippi, 1988-2004 Marguerite ,Moreau ,Actor ,Easy Mantan ,Moreland ,Actor ,Birmingham Brown Melanie ,Morgan ,Radio Personality ,Conservative radio host Michèle ,Morgan ,Actor ,La Symphonie pastorale Michael ,Morhaime ,Business ,President of Blizzard Entertainment Marc ,Morial ,Politician ,M ayor of New Orleans, 1994-2002 Michael ,Moriarty ,Actor ,ADA on Law & Order Masaharu ,Morimoto ,Chef ,Iron Chef Japanese Michael ,Moritz ,Business ,Partner, Sequoia Capital Matthew ,Morrison ,Actor ,Will Schuester on Glee Mohamed ,Morsi ,Head of State ,President-Elect of Egypt Mireya ,Moscoso ,Head of State ,President of Panama, 1999-2004 Mark ,Moses ,Actor ,Paul Young on Desperate Housewives Max ,Mosley ,Auto Racing ,Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile Mohammed ,Mossadegh ,Head of State ,Prime M inister of Iran, 1951-53 Mark ,Mothersbaugh ,M usician ,Devo Marion ,Motley ,Football ,Fullback, NFL Hall of Famer Markos ,Moulitsas ,Blogger ,Daily Kos webmaster Mo ,Mowlam ,Politician ,Former Labour M P Martha ,Moxley ,Victim ,M urdered by M ichael Skakel Marcel ,Moyse ,M usician ,Virtuoso flautist Malcolm ,Muggeridge ,Author ,Highly iconoclastic English wit Michael ,Mukasey ,Judge ,US Attorney General, 2007-09 Martin ,Mull ,Comic ,Fernwood Tonight Megan ,Mullally ,Actor ,Karen Walker on Will & Grace Michael ,Mullen ,M ilitary ,Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 2007-11 Mick ,Mulvaney ,Politician ,Congressman, South Carolina 5th Misty ,Mundae ,Actor ,Spiderbabe Mary ,Murphy ,Actor ,The Wild One Michael ,Murphy ,Actor ,An Unmarried Woman Mae ,Murray ,Actor ,The Girl with the Bee Stung Lips Margaret ,Murray ,Archaeologist ,Egyptologist, mother of Wicca Miyamoto ,Musashi ,M ilitary ,A Book of Five Rings Mandy ,Musgrave ,Actor ,Ashley Davies on South of Nowhere Marilyn ,Musgrave ,Politician ,Congresswoman from Colorado, 2003-09 Mike ,Mussina ,Baseball ,Pitcher, New York Yankees Mitchel ,Musso ,Actor ,Oliver Oken on Hannah Montana Modest ,Mussorgsky ,Composer ,Boris Godunov Michael ,Musto ,Columnist ,Village Voice gossip columnist Mike ,Muuss ,Computer Programmer ,Ping Mike ,Myers ,Comic ,Austin Powers 14. MN Matthew Nelson=American, M usician=17,086=205 Michael Nesmith=musician, songwriter, actor=15,258=222 Mike Ness=American, Guitarist=14,445=233 Michael Nader=American actor=10,828=292 Martin Nievera=Filipino, Actor=44,370=83 Michael Nouri=American, Actor=27,109=142 FNEEDED MN,Michael Nesmith MN,Mike Nichols Magdalena Neuner=female biathlete=53,434=148 Margaret Nolan=English actress-model=48,214=170 …………… Mizz Nina Megan Nicole Matt Nathanson Matheus ,Nachtergaele ,Actor ,City of God Michael ,Nader ,Actor ,Dex Dexter on Dynasty Mira ,Nair ,Fi l m Director ,Salaam Bombay! Masahisa ,Naitoh ,Bus iness ,CEO of Institute of Energy Economics, Japan Mohammad ,Najibullah ,Head of State ,President of Afgha nistan, 1987-92 Milton ,Nascimento ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Clube da Esquina Mary ,Nash ,Actor ,The Philadelphia Story Matt ,Nathanson ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Come On Get Higher Mildred ,Natwick ,Actor ,Barefoot in the Park Martina ,Navratilova ,Tennis ,Nine-time Wimbledon wi nner Me'Shell ,NdegéOcello ,Si nger ,Ecl ectic R&B singer and ba ssist Matthew ,Nelson ,Mus i cian ,Nelson Mike ,Nesmith ,Mus i cian ,Monkee Mike ,Ness ,Mus i cian ,Social Distortion frontma n Mark ,Neumann ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Wisconsin, 1995-99 Michael ,Newdow ,Acti vi s t ,Waged war a gainst "under God" Mike ,Newell ,Fi l m Director ,Four Weddings and a Funeral Michel ,Ney ,Mi l i tary ,Na poleonic General Marisol ,Nichols ,Actor ,Na dia Yassir on 24 Mike ,Nichols ,Fi l m Director ,Primary Colors Michael ,Ninn ,Fi l m Director ,Sex, Latex, Shock Marian ,Nixon ,Actor ,The Sweetest Girl In Hollywood Marni ,Nixon ,Si nger ,The Voice of Hollywood Mojo ,Nixon ,Mus i cian ,Don Henley Must Die Michael ,Noer ,Journa list ,Forbes editor Mike ,Nolan ,Football ,Head Coach, San Francisco 49ers Mark ,Noll ,Hi s torian ,Christian historian Max ,Nordau ,Cri ti c ,Zi onist a nd cultural cri tic, Degeneration Manuel ,Noriega ,Hea d of State ,Pa namanian dictator Mabel ,Normand ,Actor ,Tillie's Punctured Romance Michele ,Norris ,Ra di o Personality ,NPR host, All Things Considered Michael ,Nouri ,Actor ,Flashdance Michael ,Novak ,Rel igion ,The Spirit of Democratic Capitalism Martha ,Nussbaum ,Phi l osopher ,The Fragility of Goodness Michael ,Nutter ,Pol i ti cian ,Ma yor of Philadelphia Matti ,Nykänen ,Ski er ,Ol ympic ski jumper Michael ,Nyman ,Compos er ,Mi nimalist/soundtrack composer a nd pianist 15. MO Mark Owen=English singer-songwriter=11,637=277 Mauricio Ochmann=M exican, Actor=17,586=203 Miles O'Keeffe=American, Actor=14,905=228 Maurice Oldham=American, Photographer=20,866=178 Merlin Olsen=Player of American football=16,702=208 FNEEDED MO,Margaret OBrien MO,Marie Osmond MO,Mary-Kate Olsen MO,Maureen OHara MO,Merlin Olsen MO,Michelle Obama Malia Obama=American, Relative=40,020=211 Michelle Obama=Wife of the 44th President of the United States=376,481=15 Merle Oberon=Indian, Actress=41,611=205 Maureen O'Hara=Actress=99,941=78 Mary-Kate Olsen=Actress, fashion designer, author, producer, businesswoman=231,944=26 Meghan Ory=Canadian, Actress=34,767=243 Marie Osmond=American actress and singer=65,245=120 Maureen O'Sullivan=Actress=48,123=171 Maryse Ouellet=glamour model, professional wrestler, and professional wrestling valet=208,641=30 Maria Ozawa=Japanese adult video actress=242,314=24 …………… M.O.P. Melissa O'neil Mark Owen Manchester Orchestra Mike Oldfield Midnight Oil Michael ,Oakeshott ,Phi l osopher ,Rationalism in Politics Michelle ,Obama ,Fi rs t La dy ,Wi fe of Barack Obama Merle ,Oberon ,Actor ,Wuthering Heights Milton ,Obote ,Hea d of State ,Two-time President of Uga nda Margaret ,O'Brien ,Actor ,Meet Me in St. Louis Morgan ,O'Brien ,Bus iness ,Co-Founder of Nextel Mike ,O'Callaghan ,Politician ,Governor of Nevada, 1971-79 Maureen ,O'Connor ,Pol i tician ,Mayor of San Diego, 198592 Maureen ,O'Connor ,Judge ,Justice, Ohio Supreme Court Martha ,O'Driscoll ,Actor ,Li'l Abner Michael ,O'Hanlon ,Scholar ,Brookings Institution Maureen ,O'Hara ,Actor ,Miracle on 34th Street Michael ,O'Hare ,Actor ,Jeffrey Si nclair on Babylon 5 Michael ,Oher ,Football ,Baltimore Ravens OT Masi ,Oka ,Actor ,Hi ro Na kamura on Heroes Michael ,O'Keefe ,Actor ,Caddyshack Miles ,O'Keeffe ,Actor ,Tarzan, the Ape Man Michel ,Oksenberg ,Schol ar ,Leading sinologist Marvin ,Olasky ,Pundit ,The Tragedy of American Compassion Mike ,Oldfield ,Mus i cian ,Composer, Tubular Bells Matt ,O'Leary ,Actor ,Mom's Got a Date with a Vampire Margaret ,Oliphant ,Novelist ,The Chronicles of Carlingford Mark ,Oliphant ,Phys icist ,Deuterium reactions Mary ,Oliver ,Poet ,American Primitive Michael ,Oliver ,Actor ,Problem Child Marc ,Olivié ,Bus iness ,MRO Ma nagement BVBA Mary-Kate ,Olsen ,Actor ,Ol s en Twin Merlin ,Olsen ,Football ,Rams defensive ta ckle, FTD s hill Moroni ,Olsen ,Actor ,Snow White and the Seven Dwarfs Martin ,O'Malley ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Ma ryland Mike ,O'Malley ,Actor ,Ji mmy Hughes on Yes, Dear Mohammed ,Omar ,Terrori st ,Head of the Taliban Mark ,O'Meara ,Gol f ,Wi nner of 2 Ma jors in 1998 Michael ,Ondaatje ,Novel ist ,The English Patient Michael ,Ontkean ,Actor ,Sheriff Harry S. Truman, Twin Peaks Marcel ,Ophüls ,Fi l m Director ,The Sorrow and the Pity Max ,Ophüls ,Fi lm Director ,Letter from an Unknown Woman Meret ,Oppenheim ,Arti s t ,Fur-covered teacup Manuel ,Orantes ,Tennis ,Winner, 1975 US Open Mollie ,Orshansky ,Economist ,Ors hansky Index Meghan ,Ory ,Actor ,Red Ri ding Hood on Once Upon a Time Michael ,O'Shea ,Actor ,It's a Great Life Milo ,O'Shea ,Actor ,Ulysses Margaret ,Osmer-McQuade ,Bus i ness ,Qualitas International Marie ,Osmond ,Country Mus i cian ,Donny and Marie Show Maureen ,O'Sullivan ,Actor ,A Day at the Races Mel ,Ott ,Ba s eball ,HoF New York Giants outfielder Miranda ,Otto ,Actor ,Eowyn i n The Lord of the Rings Maria ,Ouspenskaya ,Actor ,Waterloo Bridge Michael ,Ovitz ,Bus i ness ,President of Disney, 1995-97 Michael ,Owen ,Soccer ,Soccer great Major ,Owens ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, New York 11th Michael ,Oxley ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ohio, 19812007 Mehmet ,Oz ,Doctor ,Healing from the Heart 16. MP Master P=American, musician=47,286=75 Mike Patton=American, Composer=19,173=190 Mahée Paiement=Canadian, Actress=58,377=134 Megan Park=Actress=27,909=285 Michael Paré=Actor=17,236=204 Matt Passmore=Australian, Actor=34,207=114 Marcus Patrick=Actor=13,349=247 Matthew Perry=American, Actor=182,675=10 Michael Phelps=American international swimmer, world record holder, Olympic gold medalist=86,003=38 Mekhi Phifer=Actor=18,287=199 Mark Philippoussis=Australian tennis player=26,383=150 Michael Pitt=American, Actor=78,777=45 M. Pokora=French, Singer=12,395=265 Myles Pollard=Australian, Actor=12,475=263 Michael Praed=British actor=13,623=243 Matt Prokop=American, Actor=21,365=174 FNEEDED MP,Mandy Patinkin MP,Manny Pacquiao MP,Mario Puzo MP,Markie Post MP,Mary Kay Place MP,Mary Pickford MP,Master P MP,Matthew Perry MP,Maury Povich MP,Max Planck MP,Maxfield Parrish MP,Melvin Van Peebles MP,Michael Phelps MP,Michele Pfeiffer MP,Michelle Pfeiffer MP,Michelle Phillips MP,Mike Piazza MP,Minnie Pearl Mary-Louise Parker=Actress=121,596=70 Marnette Patterson=American actress=40,887=209 Melody Patterson=American actress=33,930=247 Missy Peregrym=Canadian actress=145,097=56 Melina Perez=Professional wrestler=152,892=50 Maite Perroni=M exican, Actress=943,563=6 Madison Pettis=American, Actress=142,251=57 Michelle Pfeiffer=Actress=152,838=51 Michelle Phillips=Singer, actress=69,513=109 Mary Pickford=Actress=31,421=259 Mary Pierce=American tennis player=30,527=263 Monika Pietrasinska=Polish, M odel=47,324=174 Melina Pitra=Argentinean, M odel=44,185=190 Maureen Plant=British=72,546=104 Martha Plimpton=Actress=26,455=300 Markie Post=American, Actress=148,500=53 Monica Potter=American actress=38,200=222 Moana Pozzi=Adult film actress=55,812=141 Megyn Price=American actress=39,307=216 …………… Marvin Priest Marie Presley Mike Posner Marcy Playground Madeleine Peyroux Moriah Peters Morning Parade Mayday Parade Midnight Panic Morgan Page Master ,P ,Actor ,Rapper, CEO of No Limit Records Manny ,Pacquiao ,Boxi ng ,World boxing champion, Congressman Marcel ,Pagnol ,Screenwriter ,Jean de Florette Matt ,Painter ,Ba s ketball ,Purdue Head Coach Michael ,Palin ,Comic ,Monty Python Mark ,Palmer ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Hungary, 198690 Maulik ,Pancholy ,Actor ,Jonathan on 30 Rock Maurice ,Papon ,Cri mi nal ,Vi chy war cri minal Mike ,Paradinas ,Electronic Musician ,µ-Ziq Michael ,Paré ,Actor ,Eddie and the Cruisers Marisa ,Paredes ,Actor ,The Flower of My Secret Michael ,Parenti ,Cri ti c ,Make-Believe Media Matthew ,Paris ,Historian ,Chronica Majora Mitchell ,Parish ,Songwriter ,Volare Mungo ,Park ,Expl orer ,Scottish explorer of the Niger Mary-Louise ,Parker ,Actor ,Weeds Matthew ,Parker ,Rel igion ,Archbishop of Canterbury, 1559-75 Molly ,Parker ,Actor ,Wi dow Garret on Deadwood Mark ,Parkinson ,Pol itician ,Governor of Ka nsas, 2009-11 Michael ,Parks ,Actor ,Then Came Bronson Maxfield ,Parrish ,Arti st ,American book a nd magazine i l lustrator Matt ,Passmore ,Actor ,Ji m Longworth on The Glades Michael ,Pate ,Actor ,Hondo Mandy ,Patinkin ,Actor ,Dead Like Me Marcus ,Patrick ,Actor ,Days of Our Lives Michael ,Patsalos-Fox ,Business ,Chairman for the Ameri cas, McKi nsey & Co. Melody ,Patterson ,Actor ,Wra ngler Ja ne on F Troop Mike ,Patton ,Si nger ,Faith No More and Mr. Bungle frontma n Mark ,Pauline ,Performance Arti st ,Survi val Research Labs Morgan ,Paull ,Actor ,Blade Runner Marisa ,Pavan ,Actor ,The Rose Tattoo Muriel ,Pavlow ,Actor ,Murder She Said Mervyn ,Peake ,Novel ist ,Titus Groan Mariane ,Pearl ,Journalist ,Widow of Daniel Pearl Minnie ,Pearl ,Si nger ,Her hat cost ,1.98 Matt ,Pelissier ,Drummer ,Ex-Drummer, My Chemical Roma nce Mark ,Pellegrino ,Actor ,Luci fer on Supernatural Mark ,Pellington ,Fi l m Director ,Arlington Road Meeno ,Peluce ,Actor ,Voyagers! Michael ,Peña ,Actor ,Crash Mike ,Pence ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Indiana 6th Mark ,Penn ,Government ,Hillary Cl inton 2008 ca mpaign s tra tegist Michael ,Penn ,Mus i cian ,Sean Penn's brother Missy ,Peregrym ,Actor ,Ca ndi ce Wilmer on Heroes Marty ,Peretz ,Publ isher ,Co-Owner, The New Republic Melina ,Perez ,Wres tling ,WWE wrestler/manager Marlin ,Perkins ,Zoologist ,Mutual of Omaha's Wild Kingdom Matthew ,Perkins ,Bus iness ,Founder of Perkins Restaurant a nd Bakery Millie ,Perkins ,Actor ,The Diary of Anne Frank Max ,Perlich ,Actor ,Brodi e on Homicide Matthew ,Perry ,Actor ,Cha ndler on Friends Matthew ,Perry ,Mi l i tary ,Opened Japan to the west Melissa ,Peterman ,Actor ,Ba rbra Jean on Reba Mary ,Peters ,Government ,US Secretary of Transportation, 2006-09 Mike ,Peters ,Mus i cian ,Frontman for The Alarm Mike ,Peters ,Ca rtoonist ,Mother Goose and Grimm Maggie ,Peterson ,Actor ,Cha rl ene Darling on Andy Griffith Michael ,Peterson ,Author ,The Staircase Madison ,Pettis ,Actor ,Sophie on Cory in the House Michelle ,Pfeiffer ,Actor ,The Witches of Eastwick Michael ,Phelps ,Swi mmer ,Swimmer, won 8 gold medals at Bei jing Mekhi ,Phifer ,Actor ,Dr. Greg Pra tt on E.R. Manuel ,Philes ,Poet ,Byza ntine poet a nd flatterer Mark ,Philippoussis ,Tennis ,Australian "Scud" clocks 142 mph s erve Mackenzie ,Phillips ,Actor ,Julie on One Day at a Time Michelle ,Phillips ,Si nger/Songwriter ,The Mamas and the Papas Maurice ,Pialat ,Fi lm Director ,À nos amours Mike ,Piazza ,Ba s eball ,Mets ca tcher Michel ,Piccoli ,Actor ,La Belle Noiseuse Mary ,Pickford ,Actor ,Ameri ca's Sweetheart Molly ,Picon ,Actor ,Yi ddish theatre a ctress Mary ,Pierce ,Tenni s ,Winner of 4 Gra nd Slam ti tles Marge ,Piercy ,Novel ist ,Gone to Soldiers Mario ,Pieri ,Ma thematician ,Italian geometer Mitch ,Pileggi ,Actor ,Wa l ter Skinner on The X-Files Mark ,Pincus ,Business ,Founder of Zynga Michael ,Pinto-Duschinsky ,Scholar ,Political scientist Marie-France ,Pisier ,Actor ,The Other Side of Midnight Molly ,Pitcher ,M ilitary ,Fought at the Battle of M onmouth Maria ,Pitillo ,Actor ,Ti na Ca lcatera on Providence Mahlon ,Pitney ,Judge ,US Supreme Court Justice, 1912-22 Michael ,Pitt ,Actor ,Hedwig and the Angry Inch Max ,Planck ,Phys i cist ,Ori ginator of quantum theory Michel ,Platini ,Soccer ,Exceptional French midfielder Martha ,Plimpton ,Actor ,The Goonies Miles ,Poindexter ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Washington, 1911-23 Michael ,Polish ,Film Director ,The Astronaut Farmer Michael ,Pollan ,Author ,The Omnivore's Dilemma Marco ,Polo ,Expl orer ,Travels of Marco Polo Mike ,Pompeo ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ka nsas 4th Markus ,Popp ,El ectronic Musician ,Oval Michael ,Porter ,Schol ar ,Competitive Strategy Michael ,Portillo ,Politician ,Former Conservative MP Mike ,Portnoy ,Drummer ,Progressive drummer, Dream Theater Markie ,Post ,Actor ,Chri s tine on Night Court Michael ,Potemra ,Col umnist ,Deputy Ma naging Editor, National Review Martin ,Potter ,Actor ,Satyricon Maureen ,Potter ,Actor ,Bel oved Irish actress and comic Monica ,Potter ,Actor ,Lori Col son on Boston Legal Myrtle ,Potter ,Bus iness ,COO of Genentech, 2000-04 Maury ,Povich ,Ta l k Show Host ,The Maury Povich Show Michael ,Powell ,Government ,FCC Cha irman 2001-05, Col i n Powell's s on Michael ,Powell ,Fi l m Director ,Stairway to Heaven Mala ,Powers ,Actor ,Cyrano de Bergerac Moana ,Pozzi ,Porns ta r ,Backdoor Summer 2 Maurice ,Prendergast ,Pa i nter ,American PostImpressionist watercolorist Megyn ,Price ,Actor ,Grounded for Life Mike ,Price ,Footba ll ,UTEP Head Coach Molly ,Price ,Actor ,Fa i th Yokas on Third Watch Maudie ,Prickett ,Actor ,Ros i e on Hazel Marcel ,Proulx ,Pol i tician ,Canadian MP, Hull-Ayl mer Marcel ,Proust ,Author ,In Search of Lost Time Mark ,Pryor ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Arkansas Manuel ,Puig ,Novel ist ,Kiss of the Spider Woman Melvin ,Purvis ,Government ,Top G-man of the 1930s Martin ,Puryear ,Scul ptor ,Post-minimalist Mario ,Puzo ,Novel ist ,The Godfather Missi ,Pyle ,Actor ,Bringing Down the House 17. MQ,Marilyn Quayle MQ Maggie Q=American actress=189,724=36 Maggie ,Q ,Actor ,Mission: Impossible III Muammar ,Qaddafi ,Hea d of State ,Dictator of Libya Marilyn ,Quayle ,Fi rs t Lady ,Wi fe of Dan Quayl e Manuel ,Quezon ,Hea d of State ,2nd President of the Phi l ippines Mike ,Quigley ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Illinois 5th Maeve ,Quinlan ,Actor ,South of Nowhere Martha ,Quinn ,TV Pers onality ,Ori ginal MTV veejay 18. MR Marty Robbins=American singer, songwriter and racing driver=50,993=68 Martin Rabbett=Film Director=49,488=70 Mark Redknap=English, Agent=46,228=78 Matthew Rhys=Welsh actor, producer, activist=34,024=115 Marlon Richards=British, Editor=62,851=55 Mark Ronson=English-born U.S.-based musician and entrepreneur=19,302=188 Mickey Rooney=Actor=23,252=166 Michael Rosenbaum=American actor=29,967=126 Mickey Rourke=American actor=68,857=53 Mike Rowe=Television personality=142,264=18 Mark Ruffalo=American actor=21,666=173 Matthew Rush=American pornographic actor=31,140=120 Max Ryan=American, Actor=16,240=214 FNEEDED MR,Mark Russell MR,Martha Raye MR,Mary Lou Retton MR,Maurice Ravel MR,Meg Ryan MR,Michael Richards MR,Mickey Rooney MR,Mickey Rourke MR,Mr. Rogers Melissa Rauch=Comedian and actress=532,149=10 Maricar Reyes =,192=283 Miranda Rijnsburger=Dutch, M odel=29,603=272 Molly Ringwald=Actress=46,973=175 Marian Rivera=Filipino, Actress=302,838=20 Monica Roccaforte=Hungarian, Pornstar=33,105=249 Michelle Rodriguez=Actress=194,656=35 Mimi Rogers=American actress and competitive poker player=69,491=110 Mackenzie Rosman=American actress=220,653=27 Missy Rothstein=American, Personality=51,552=156 Milena Roucka=professional wrestler and model=38,638=219 Misty Rowe=American actress=44,192=189 Maya Rudolph=American actress, comedian, impressionist and singer=32,217=254 Meg Ryan=American actress=216,181=28 Michelle Ryan=British actress=45,966=181 ……….. Marlon Roudette Maggie Rose Mark Ronson Matchbook Romance Megan Rochell Matt Redman Midnight Red Marion Raven Mohammad ,Rabbani ,Hea d of State ,Taliban leader, Prime Mi ni ster Marc ,Racicot ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Montana, 1993-2001 Martha ,Raddatz ,Journa list ,ABC News correspondent Mujibur ,Rahman ,Hea d of State ,President, Pri me Mi nister of Ba ngladesh Ma ,Rainey ,Si nger ,The mother of the blues Mahinda ,Rajapakse ,Head of State ,President of Sri Lanka Michael ,Rake ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of British Telecom Mick ,Ralphs ,Gui tarist ,Guitarist for Mott The Hoople and Ba d Company Marjorie ,Rambeau ,Actor ,The Primrose Path Manny ,Ramirez ,Ba s eball ,12-time All-Star outfielder Marcus ,Ranum ,Computer Programmer ,Tenable Network Securi ty Michael ,Rapaport ,Actor ,Zebrahead Mikhail ,Rasumny ,Actor ,For Whom the Bell Tolls Monroe ,Rathbone ,Bus i ness ,Formed Exxon Mike ,Ratledge ,Mus i cian ,Soft Machine keyboardist Melissa ,Rauch ,Actor ,Bernadette on The Big Bang Theory Marc ,Ravalomanana ,Head of State ,President of Ma da gascar Maurice ,Ravel ,Composer ,Bolero Man ,Ray ,Photogra pher ,Dadaist photographer Martha ,Raye ,Actor ,Monsieur Verdoux Maureen ,Reagan ,Rel ative ,Daughter of Ronald Reagan a nd Ja ne Wyman Michael ,Reagan ,Ra dio Personality ,Ronald Reagan's a dopted son Michael ,Redgrave ,Actor ,Mourning Becomes Electra Marge ,Redmond ,Actor ,Si s ter Jacqueline on The Flying Nun Marshall ,Reed ,Actor ,Ins p. Fred Asher on The Lineup Martin ,Rees ,As tronomer ,President of the Royal Society Merlyn ,Rees ,Pol i tician ,UK Home Secretary, 1976-79 Mason ,Reese ,Actor ,Chi l d actor, pitched Underwood Devi led Ham Martha ,Reeves ,Si nger ,Ma rtha and the Vandellas Matt ,Reeves ,Fi l m Director ,Felicity Mike ,Reid ,Actor ,Fra nk Butcher on EastEnders Max ,Reinhardt ,Thea ter Director ,Filmed A Midsummer Night's Dream Michelle ,Reis ,Actor ,Fallen Angels Marc ,Reisner ,Author ,Cadillac Desert MC ,Ren ,Ra pper ,NWA Mary ,Renault ,Novel ist ,The Last of the Wine Michael ,Rennie ,Actor ,The Day the Earth Stood Still Michael ,Retzer ,Bus i ness ,US Ambassador to Tanzania, 2005-07 Martin ,Rev ,Mus i cian ,Keyboardist for Suicide Malvina ,Reynolds ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Little Boxes Marjorie ,Reynolds ,Actor ,Holiday Inn Mel ,Reynolds ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Illinois, 199395 Mercer ,Reynolds ,Pol i tician ,Chief fundraiser behind GWB pres idential campaigns Madlyn ,Rhue ,Actor ,Ma rjori e Grant on Bracken's World Matthew ,Rhys ,Actor ,Brothers & Sisters Marissa ,Ribisi ,Actor ,Dazed and Confused Marc ,Ribot ,Gui ta rist ,Avant-garde guitarist a nd composer Matteo ,Ricci ,Rel igion ,Jesuit missionary to Chi na Marc ,Rich ,Cri mi nal ,Pa rdoned by Cl inton Maurice ,Richard ,Hockey ,NHL Hall of Famer Michael ,Richards ,Actor ,Cos mo Kra mer on Seinfeld Miranda ,Richardson ,Actor ,The Crying Game Martin ,Richenhagen ,Bus i ness ,CEO of AGCO Mordecai ,Richler ,Novel ist ,The Apprenticeship of Duddy Kravitz Mark ,Richt ,Footba ll ,Head Coach, UGA Bulldogs Malcolm ,Rifkind ,Pol i tician ,UK Foreign Secretary, 1995-97 Meshulam ,Riklis ,Business ,Corporate raider Michael ,Riley ,Actor ,Dr. Tom on Being Erica Mike ,Riley ,Football ,OSU Beavers Head Coach Matthew ,Rinaldo ,Pol itician ,Congressman from New Jers ey, 1973-93 Molly ,Ringwald ,Actor ,The Breakfast Club Minnie ,Riperton ,Si nger ,Lovin' You Michael ,Rispoli ,Actor ,Ja ckie Aprile on The Sopranos Michael ,Ritchie ,Fi l m Director ,The Candidate Malachi ,Ritscher ,Ja zz Musician ,Musician who self i mmolated for peace Martin ,Ritt ,Fi l m Director ,The Long Hot Summer Mariano ,Rivera ,Ba s eball ,Yankees Relief Pi tcher Melissa ,Rivers ,TV Pers onality ,Daughter of Joan Rivers Max ,Roach ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Enduring jazz drummer Marty ,Robbins ,Country Mus i cian ,El Paso Michael ,Robbins ,Actor ,Arthur Rudge on On the Buses Mark ,Roberts ,Arti s t ,Serial Streaker a t Superbowl XXXVIII Mark ,Roberts ,Acti vi s t ,UK's most fa mous drug smuggler Marilynne ,Robinson ,Novel ist ,Housekeeping Mary ,Robinson ,Hea d of State ,President of Ireland, 199097 Max ,Robinson ,Journalist ,Co-Anchor of World News Tonight Mark ,Robson ,Fi l m Director ,Valley of the Dolls May ,Robson ,Actor ,Lady for a Day Martha ,Roby ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Alabama 2nd Mo ,Rocca ,Comi c ,Senior correspondent, The Daily Show Marc ,Rocco ,Fi l m Director ,Murder in the First Martin ,Rodbell ,Sci entist ,G-protein cell signal transmission Marcia ,Rodd ,Actor ,Cl a udia Zimmer on The Four Seasons Michelle ,Rodriguez ,Actor ,Girlfight, Resident Evil Mike ,Rogers ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Mi chigan 8th Mike ,Rogers ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Alabama 3rd Mimi ,Rogers ,Actor ,Someone To Watch Over Me Mitt ,Romney ,Pol i ti cian ,Governor of Ma ssachusetts, 200307 Maurice ,Ronet ,Actor ,Elevator to the Gallows Mick ,Ronson ,Gui ta rist ,Bowie/Spiders from Ma rs guitarist Michael ,Rooker ,Actor ,Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer Mickey ,Rooney ,Actor ,Actor i n Andy Ha rdy comedies, mus icals Moishe ,Rosen ,Rel igion ,Jews for Jesus founder Michael ,Rosenbaum ,Actor ,Lex Luthor on Smallville Mackenzie ,Rosman ,Actor ,Ruthi e Camden on 7th Heaven Marion ,Ross ,Actor ,Mrs . Cunni ngham on Happy Days Marjory ,Ross ,Publ isher ,Regnery Publishing Matt ,Ross ,Actor ,Al by Gra nt on Big Love Mike ,Ross ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Arkansas 4th Mstislav ,Rostropovich ,Cellist ,Cellist a nd conductor Marc ,Rotenberg ,Acti vi s t ,El ectronic Pri va cy Information Center Mark ,Roth ,Bowl ing ,Professional bowler Murray ,Rothbard ,Economi st ,Anarcho-capitalist Mark ,Rothko ,Pa i nter ,Pa inter of fuzzy rectangles Marlon ,Roudette ,Mus i cian ,Matter Fixed Marge ,Roukema ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman from New Jers ey, 1981-2003 Mike ,Rounds ,Pol i tician ,Governor of South Dakota, 200311 Mickey ,Rourke ,Actor ,The Wrestler Mike ,Rowe ,TV Pers onality ,Dirty Jobs Misty ,Rowe ,Actor ,Hee Haw Mary ,Rowlandson ,Author ,Narrative of the Captivity Manuel ,Roxas ,Hea d of State ,5th President of the Phi l ippines Mike ,Royko ,Col umnist ,Syndicated Chicago columnist Mike ,Rozier ,Footba ll ,Houston Oilers running back Marco ,Rubio ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Florida Max ,Rudolf ,Conductor ,Di rector, Ci ncinnati Symphony, 1958-71 Maya ,Rudolph ,Actor ,Saturday Night Live Mercedes ,Ruehl ,Actor ,Married to the Mob Mark ,Ruffalo ,Actor ,13 Going on 30 Muriel ,Rukeyser ,Poet ,The Book of the Dead Michael ,Rumaker ,Author ,Bea t author, The Butterfly Marvin ,Runyon ,Government ,US Postmaster General, 1992-98 Mark ,Russell ,Comi c ,Political musician and satirist Mark ,Russinovich ,Computer Programmer ,Microsoft Windows Internals Marty ,Russo ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Illinois, 197593 Margaret ,Rutherford ,Actor ,The V.I.P.s Mike ,Rutherford ,Gui ta rist ,Guitarist for Genesis Mary ,Ryan ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Swaziland, 198890 Meg ,Ryan ,Actor ,Sleepless In Seattle Michelle ,Ryan ,Actor ,Zoe Sl ater on EastEnders Mitchell ,Ryan ,Actor ,Edwa rd Montgomery on Dharma & Greg Mark ,Rydell ,Fi l m Director ,On Golden Pond Mitch ,Ryder ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Devil with a Blue Dress On Martin ,Ryle ,As tronomer ,Radio astronomer 19. MS Mark Salling=Actor, musician=134,009=20 M. Shadows=American heavy metal Mariana Seoane=Actress and Singer=85,372=89 Mandy Smith=English singer, model=27,897=286 singer=85,463=40 Mike Shinoda=M usician, Rapper, Record producer, Graphic Designer=38,994=96 Musiq Soulchild=American, Singer=31,318=119 Michael Stipe=singer for R.E.M .=24,633=157 Michael Spears=American actormusician=14,906=227 Marat Safin=Russian tennis player=22,317=169 Mark Sanchez=Professional American football player=34,288=113 Merlin Santana=Actor=29,895=129 Michael Sarrazin=Canadian actor=16,029=215 Marcus Schenkenberg=Swedish model=59,081=59 Michael Schoeffling=American, Other=81,633=43 Michael Schumacher=Racing driver, Formula 1 driver, 7 times world champion=29,922=127 Michael Seater=Canadian, Actor=33,332=117 Matthew Settle=American actor=11,417=282 Michael Shanks=Canadian actor=11,418=281 Martin Shaw=Actor=12,634=260 Martin Sheen=Actor, activist=16,384=212 Michael Sheen=Welsh, Actor=80,068=44 Matt Shively=American actor=18,540=196 Mark Slaughter=M usician, voice actor=12,721=259 Matt Smith=Actor=23,602=163 Mike Sorrentino=American, TV Personality=13,120=254 Michael Stefano=American pornographic actor=11,622=278 Michael Steger=Actor=12,235=267 Mark Steines=American, TV Personality=17,880=201 Michael Strahan=Player of American football=30,375=123 Marty Stuart= =11,466=280 Marion Suge'+Knight=M usic executive=13,571=244 COMPLETEandLEFT MS,M. Night Shyamalan MS,Mack Sennett MS,Maggie Smith MS,Marc Summers MS,Maria Sharapova MS,Marilyn Vos Savant MS,Mark Spitz MS,Martha Stewart MS,Martie Seidel MS,Martin Scorsese MS,Martin Sheen MS,Martin Short MS,Mary Queen of Scots MS,Mary Wollstonecraft Shelley MS,Maureen Stapleton MS,Maurice Sendak Merilyn Sakova=Ukrainian, Pornstar=57,898=136 Maja Salvador=Filipino, Actress=150,244=52 Mamen Sanz=Spanish, Personality=59,007=133 Mia Sara=Actress=68,718=114 Melissa Satta=Italian, TV Personality=265,757=21 Melinda Shankar=Canadian, Actress=37,564=228 Maria Sharapova=Russian tennis player=327,243=18 Minnie Sharp=American, M odel=28,656=276 Maria Shriver=American, Journalist=38,030=224 Maggie Siff=American actress=31,799=257 Molly Sims=American, Actress=73,846=101 Marina Sirtis=Actress=54,748=144 Meadow Sisto=American, Actress=28,228=280 Madeline Smith=British, Actress=32,767=250 Madolyn Smith+Osborne=American actress=80,608=94 Marla Sokoloff=American actress=39,753=212 Mira Sorvino=Actress=49,704=165 Michelle Stafford=American, Actress=31,966=256 Madeleine Stowe=Actress=100,441=77 Meryl Streep=American actress=65,871=118 Melissa Sue+Anderson=Actress=68,937=112 Mena Suvari=Actress, fashion designer, model=68,167=115 Monica Sweetheart=Czech pornographic actress=27,629=288 …………. Mod Sun Mike Stud Metro Station Mazzy Star Martin Solveig Miike Snow Mcclain Sisters Marie Serneholt Mad Season Mark Schultz Max Schneider Marvin Sapp Maverick Sabre Mikhail ,Saakashvili ,Head of State ,President of Georgia Martin ,Sabo ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Mi nnesota, 1979-2007 Morley ,Safer ,Journa list ,60 Minutes Marat ,Safin ,Tenni s ,Winner of 2 Gra nd Slam ti tles Melanie ,Safka ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Brand New Key Melissa ,Sagemiller ,Actor ,Ga yle on Sleeper Cell Mort ,Sahl ,Comi c ,Ea rly i nfluential stand-up comic Meredith ,Salenger ,Actor ,The Journey of Natty Gann Matt ,Salinger ,Actor ,Son of J.D. Sa linger Mark ,Salling ,Actor ,Noah Puckerman on Glee Matt ,Salmon ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Ari zona, 19952001 Mikael ,Salovaara ,Business ,Greycliff Partners Martin ,Salter ,Pol i tician ,British MP, Reading West MS,Max Steiner MS,Max Von Sydow MS,McLean Stevenson MS,Meryl Streep MS,Michael Sheen MS,Mickey Spillane MS,Mike Schmidt MS,Mike Shinoda MS,Morley Safer MS,Mort Sahl Matthias ,Sammer ,Soccer ,Ea st German footballer Mark ,Sanchez ,Football ,New York Jets QB Michael ,Sandison ,El ectronic Musician ,Boards of Canada Max ,Sandlin ,Pol itician ,Congressman from Texas, 19972005 Miguel ,Sandoval ,Actor ,D.A. Ma nuel Devalos on Medium Mari ,Sandoz ,Author ,Crazy Horse Mark ,Sandrich ,Fi lm Director ,Top Hat Mark ,Sanford ,Pol i tician ,Governor of South Ca rolina, 2003-11 Margaret ,Sanger ,Acti vi s t ,Birth control advocate Maya ,Sansa ,Actor ,Good Morning, Night Mongo ,Santamaria ,Drummer ,Influential latin percussionist Manolo ,Santana ,Tennis ,Winner of 5 Gra nd Slam titles Merlin ,Santana ,Actor ,The Steve Harvey Show Marvin ,Sapp ,Si nger ,Gospel singer, Nothing Else Matters Mia ,Sara ,Actor ,Queenie Malcolm ,Sargent ,Conductor ,Conductor, BBC Symphony, 1950-57 Michael ,Sarrazin ,Actor ,Frankenstein: The True Story May ,Sarton ,Poet ,Plant Dreaming Deep Merl ,Saunders ,Pi a nist ,Jazz & New Age keyboardist Michael ,Savage ,Ra di o Personality ,Savage Nation Mario ,Savio ,Acti vi s t ,Free Speech Movement Marjorie ,Scardino ,Business ,CEO of Pearson Mark ,Schauer ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Mi chigan, 2009-11 Maria ,Schell ,Actor ,The Heart of the Matter Maximilian ,Schell ,Actor ,Judgment at Nuremberg Marcus ,Schenkenberg ,Model ,Ma le supermodel Michael ,Schenker ,Mus i cian ,Michael Schenker Group Michael ,Scheuer ,Spy ,Imperial Hubris Michael ,Schiavo ,Relative ,Terri Schiavo's husband Moritz ,Schlick ,Phi losopher ,Positivist philosopher, Vi enna Ci rcl e Max ,Schmeling ,Boxi ng ,Fought Joe Louis twice Maarten ,Schmidt ,As tronomer ,Co-Discoverer of quasars Mike ,Schmidt ,Ba s eball ,Phillies third baseman Maria ,Schneider ,Actor ,Last Tango in Paris Michael ,Schoeffling ,Actor ,Ja ke Rya n in Sixteen Candles Martin ,Schongauer ,Engra ver ,The Wise and Foolish Virgins Marge ,Schott ,Ba s eball ,Owner, Ci ncinnati Reds Marty ,Schottenheimer ,Footba ll ,Former NFL coach Mike ,Schuler ,Ba s ketball ,Former Tra il Blazers, Clippers Hea d Coach Michael ,Schumacher ,Auto Ra ci ng ,Formula 1 dri ver Mark ,Schwartz ,Bus i ness ,Former CEO, Soros Fund Ma na gement Melvin ,Schwartz ,Phys i cist ,Researcher of neutrinos Martin ,Schwarzschild ,As tronomer ,Structure and Evolution of the Stars Mike ,Scioscia ,Baseball ,Manager, Los Angeles Angels Margaret ,Scobey ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Syri a, 2004-05 Martin ,Scorsese ,Fi l m Director ,Taxi Driver Martha ,Scott ,Actor ,Our Town Michael ,Seater ,Actor ,Life with Derek Michael ,Seaton ,As tronomer ,Opacity Project Mary ,See ,Chef ,Confectioner Mikhail ,Segal ,Bus iness ,Co-Founder of LS Power Group Monica ,Seles ,Tennis ,Winner of 9 Ma jors Mel ,Sembler ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Italy, 2001-05 Maurice ,Sendak ,Author ,Where The Wild Things Are Mack ,Sennett ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Founder of Keystone Studi os MC ,Serch ,Ra pper ,3rd Bass MC, produced Nas album Illmatic Michel ,Serrault ,Actor ,La cage aux folles Michael ,Servetus ,Rel i gion ,De Trinitatis Erroribus Matthew ,Settle ,Actor ,Band of Brothers Michael ,Shaara ,Author ,The Killer Angels Mike ,Shanahan ,Football ,Washington Redskins Head Coa ch Michael ,Shanks ,Actor ,Da niel Jackson on Stargate SG-1 Michael ,Shannon ,Actor ,Va n Al den on Boardwalk Empire Molly ,Shannon ,Comi c ,Saturday Night Live Mark ,Shapiro ,Bus iness ,CEO of Si x Flags Maria ,Sharapova ,Tennis ,Winner of 3 Gra nd Slam ti tles Moshe ,Sharett ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Israel, 1953-55 Matt ,Sharp ,Ba s sist ,Weezer Mickey ,Shaughnessy ,Actor ,Jailhouse Rock Melville ,Shavelson ,Fi lm Director ,Yours, Mine and Ours Martin ,Shaw ,Actor ,Doyl e on The Professionals Michael ,Sheard ,Actor ,Mr. Brons on on Grange Hill Moira ,Shearer ,Da ncer ,The Red Shoes Martin ,Sheen ,Actor ,The West Wing Michael ,Sheen ,Actor ,Wel sh stage actor Mary ,Shelley ,Novel ist ,Frankenstein Marley ,Shelton ,Actor ,Sin City Matthew ,Shepard ,Vi cti m ,Gay ha te crime vi ctim Mark ,Sheppard ,Actor ,Crowl ey on Supernatural Mallika ,Sherawat ,Actor ,The Myth Mike ,Sherman ,Football ,Head Coa ch at Texas A&M, 200811 Michael ,Shermer ,Journa list ,Skeptic Magazine Mark ,Shields ,Col umnist ,Shields and Brooks Mike ,Shinoda ,Mus i cian ,Singer/instrumentalist for Linkin Park Matthew ,Shipp ,Ja zz Mus i cian ,Free jazz pianist Mother ,Shipton ,Pa ra normal ,Bri tish prophetess Michelle ,Shocked ,Mus i cian ,Short Sharp Shocked Mikhail ,Sholokhov ,Author ,The Silent Don Miriam ,Shor ,Actor ,Cri cket Ca ruth-Reilly on GCB Martin ,Short ,Comi c ,SNL a nd Primetime Glick Max ,Showalter ,Actor ,Niagara Michael ,Showalter ,Comi c ,The State Maria ,Shriver ,Journalist ,Marri ed to Arnold Schwa rzenegger Martin ,Shubik ,Economist ,Economist and game theorist Morton ,Shulman ,Pol i tician ,Ontario MPP, i conoclast Manne ,Siegbahn ,Phys i ci st ,X-Ray s pectroscopy Maggie ,Siff ,Actor ,Ta ra Knowles on Sons of Anarchy Milton ,Sills ,Actor ,The Sea Hawk Martin ,Silverstein ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Uruguay, 2001-05 Michel ,Simon ,Actor ,L'Atalante Menno ,Simons ,Religion ,Dutch Protestant reformer Mike ,Simpson ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Idaho 2nd Molly ,Sims ,Model ,Delinda Deline on Las Vegas Madge ,Sinclair ,Actor ,Nurs e Shoop on Trapper John Marc ,Singer ,Actor ,Beastmaster Manmohan ,Singh ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of India 2004+ Mike ,Singletary ,Footba ll ,Li nebacker, Chicago Bears Michael ,Sinterniklaas ,Actor ,Dean on The Venture Bros. Marina ,Sirtis ,Actor ,Half-Betazoid Deana Troi on ST:TNG Moses ,Sithole ,Cri mi nal ,South Afri can serial killer Michael ,Sitrick ,Business ,Sitrick a nd Company Michael ,Skakel ,Cri mi nal ,Convi cted of murdering Martha Moxl ey Mark ,Skousen ,Economist ,Forecasts & Strategies Melanie ,Sloan ,Acti vi s t ,Ci tizens for Responsibility a nd Ethi cs in Washington Michael ,Smerconish ,Ra dio Personality ,Philadelphia ta lk ra di o host Maggie ,Smith ,Actor ,Prof. McGona gall in Harry Potter Martha ,Smith ,Actor ,Scarecrow and Mrs. King Matt ,Smith ,Actor ,The el eventh Doctor Who Mel ,Smith ,Actor ,Alas Smith & Jones Merriman ,Smith ,Journa list ,UPI correspondent, reported Kennedy's death Michael ,Smith ,Chemi st ,Oligonucleotide-based muta genesis Mike ,Smith ,Football ,Head Coach, Atlanta Falcons Mike ,Smith ,Actor ,Bubbl es on Trailer Park Boys Madeleine ,Smithberg ,Comi c ,Daily Show co-crea tor Mário ,Soares ,Hea d of State ,President of Portugal, 198696 Morton ,Sobell ,Cri mi nal ,Rosenbergs Co-Defendant Mike ,Sodrel ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Indiana 9th Marla ,Sokoloff ,Actor ,Lucy Ha tcher on The Practice Monte ,Solberg ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian MP, Medicine Hat Martin ,Solveig ,Di s c Jockey ,Hello Michael ,Sorrentino ,TV Pers onality ,The Situation on Jersey Shore Matt ,Sorum ,Drummer ,Drummer for Velvet Revolver Mira ,Sorvino ,Actor ,Mighty Aphrodite Mark ,Souder ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Indiana, 1995- 2010 Merrie ,Spaeth ,Bus i ness ,PR guru for Reagan, Swift Boat Vets Muggsy ,Spanier ,Ja zz Mus i cian ,Muggsy Spanier and His Ra gti me Band Martin ,Spanjers ,Actor ,Rory Hennessy on 8 Simple Rules Muriel ,Spark ,Novel ist ,The Prime of Miss Jean Brodie Mighty ,Sparrow ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Ca lypso Ki ng of the Worl d Margaret ,Spellings ,Government ,Secretary of Education Mark ,Spencer ,Computer Programmer ,Creator of Asterisk Mickey ,Spillane ,Author ,Mi ke Hammer novels Michael ,Spindler ,Bus iness ,CEO of Apple Computer, 199496 Michael ,Spinks ,Boxi ng ,World Heavyweight Champion 1985-88 Mark ,Spitz ,Swi mmer ,Ol ympic swimmer Michael ,Spound ,Actor ,Da ve Kendall on Hotel Morgan ,Spurlock ,Fi l m Director ,Filmmaker, took on McDona ld's Maria ,Stader ,Si nger ,Operatic soprano, specialty Mozart Michelle ,Stafford ,Actor ,The Young and the Restless Michael ,Stahl-David ,Actor ,Sean Donnelly on The Black Donnellys Maureen ,Stapleton ,Actor ,Won a n Oscar for playing Emma Goldman Marylin ,Star ,Porns tar ,Ex-Pornstar, insider tra der Mike ,Starr ,Actor ,Goodfellas Mike ,Starr ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for Alice In Chains Monteagle ,Stearns ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Greece, 1981-85 Michael ,Steele ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for The Bangles Mary ,Steenburgen ,Actor ,Goin' South Max ,Steiner ,Composer ,Gone With the Wind Mark ,Steines ,TV Pers onality ,Co-Host of Entertainment Tonight, 2004-11 Mattie ,Stepanek ,Poet ,Mus cular-dystrophic boy-poet Mindy ,Sterling ,Actor ,Fra u Fa rbissina in Austin Powers Mark ,Stevens ,Actor ,The Snake Pit Morgan ,Stevens ,Actor ,Da vi d Reardon on Fame Margot ,Stevenson ,Actor ,Ma rgo La ne on The Shadow McLean ,Stevenson ,Actor ,Lt. Col . Henry Blake on M*A*S*H Martha ,Stewart ,Bus i ness ,Professional housekeeper, i ns ider tra der Martha ,Stewart ,Actor ,In a Lonely Place Mel ,Stewart ,Actor ,Scarecrow and Mrs. King Michael ,Stewart ,Pol i tician ,Former UK Foreign Secretary Mark ,Steyn ,Author ,America Alone Michael ,Stich ,Tennis ,Winner, 1991 Wi mbledon Michael ,Stipe ,Mus i cian ,Lead singer of R.E.M. Max ,Stirner ,Phi l osopher ,Existential German nihiloa na rchist Mink ,Stole ,Actor ,Appears in John Waters films Mike ,Stoller ,Songwriter ,Hitmaker for El vis Matt ,Stone ,Ca rtoonist ,South Park Milburn ,Stone ,Actor ,Doc Ada ms on Gunsmoke Marie ,Stopes ,Sci entist ,Scientist a nd birth control a dvoca te Michael ,Storm ,Actor ,La rry Wol ek on One Life to Live Madeleine ,Stowe ,Actor ,The General's Daughter Michael ,Strahan ,Football ,NY Giants Defensive End Mike ,Straka ,Col umnist ,Grrr! col umnist for Fox News Mark ,Strand ,Poet ,U.S. Poet La ureate 1990-91 Marcia ,Strassman ,Actor ,Welcome Back, Kotter Meryl ,Streep ,Actor ,The Deer Hunter Mark ,Strong ,Actor ,Tinker Tailor Soldier Spy Maurice ,Strong ,Acti vi s t ,Power executive, envi ronmentalist Maxine ,Stuart ,Actor ,Ama nda Earp on The Rousters Mel ,Stuart ,Fi l m Director ,Willy Wonka & the Chocolate Factory Marlin ,Stutzman ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Indiana 3rd Morton ,Subotnick ,El ectronic Musician ,Silver Apples of the Moon Mollie ,Sugden ,Actor ,Mrs . Sl ocombe on Are You Being Served? Megawati ,Sukarnoputri ,Hea d of State ,President of Indonesia, 2001-04 Margaret ,Sullavan ,Actor ,The Shop Around the Corner Mark ,Sullivan ,Government ,Director, US Secret Service Mike ,Sullivan ,Pol itician ,Governor of Wyoming, 1987-95 Marc ,Summers ,Ta l k Show Host ,Super Sloppy Double Dare Mats ,Sundin ,Hockey ,Toronto Ma ple Leafs Mona ,Sutphen ,Government ,White House Deputy Chief of Sta ff for Policy Mena ,Suvari ,Actor ,American Beauty a nd American Pie Michio ,Suzuki ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Suzuki Motor Co. Matthew ,Sweet ,Mus i cian ,Girlfriend Madylin ,Sweeten ,Actor ,Al l y Ba rone on Everybody Loves Raymond May ,Swenson ,Poet ,Another Animal Marshall ,Sylver ,Ma gi cian ,Stage hypnotist, s elf-help guru Marcy ,Syms ,Bus iness ,Syms Corporation Mike ,Synar ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Oklahoma, 197995 Magda ,Szubanski ,Actor ,Babe 20. MT Mr. T=actor, motivational speaker, wrestler, Melody Thornton=African-American born female blues and bodyguard, TV personality=37,538=100 Michael T.+Weiss=American actor=35,601=108 Mike The+Miz'=American professional wrestler=45,871=79 Max Thieriot=American actor=36,167=105 Michael Trevino=American actor=78,241=47 Matchbox Twenty= =29,543=131 Mike Tyson=American heavyweight boxer=85,509=39 pop soprano vocalist and singer-songwriter of M exican descents=44,102=191 Maria Takagi=Japanese pornographic film actress=63,374=126 Mika Tan=American pornographic actress=31,210=260 Momoko Tani=Japanese, Actress=77,325=97 Mother Teresa=Christian Blessed, international humanitarian, Nobel Laureate, Roman Catholic nun=35,212=240 MNEEDED MT,Mao Tse-tung MT,Margaret Thatcher MT,Maria Tallchief MT,Marisa Tomei MT,Mark Twain MT,Marlo Thomas MT,Mary Travers MT,Meg Tilly MT,Mel Tillis MT,Mel Torme MT,Meshach Taylor MT,Michael Tucker MT,Mike Tyson MT,Mother Teresa MT,Mr. T MT,Muzaffer Tema Manuela Testolini=Canadian, Business=38,408=221 Mélissa Theuriau=French journalist=96,376=83 Mélanie Thierry=French actress, model=37,775=226 Marlo Thomas=Actress=46,637=178 Marsha Thomason=English actress=35,642=237 Maura Tierney=American, Actress=32,689=251 Marisa Tomei=American actress=195,141=34 Melita Toniolo=Italian, M odel=54,059=145 Michelle Trachtenberg=Actress=187,079=37 Margaret Trudeau=Canadian, First Lady=32,515=253 Melania Trump=Slovenian model=28,080=284 Mia Tyler=American model=70,690=106 Mary Tyler+Moore=American actress, television producer=82,292=93 ………… Marianas Trench Michael Tolcher Miss Tila Michel Telo Mis - Teeq Maria Taylor Matchbox 20 Mack 10 Morris ,Tabaksblat ,Business ,Chairman of Reed Elsevier, 1999-2005 Matt ,Taibbi ,Journalist ,The Great Derangement Mitsunobu ,Takeuchi ,Bus i ness ,Denso International Ameri ca Maria ,Tallchief ,Da ncer ,New York Ci ty Ballet Mary ,Tamm ,Actor ,Roma na #1 from Doctor Who Mika ,Tan ,Porns ta r ,Lady Fellatio #2: Desperately Seeking Semen Myles ,Tanenbaum ,Bus i ness ,Real Es tate developer Mark ,Tapscott ,Journalist ,Washington Examiner Margaret ,Taylor ,Fi rs t La dy ,Wi fe of US President Zachary Ta yl or Mary ,Taylor ,Pol i tician ,Lt. Governor of Ohio Meshach ,Taylor ,Actor ,Anthony Bouvi er on Designing Women Mick ,Taylor ,Gui ta rist ,Ex-Guitarist for the Rolling Stones Michel ,Teló ,Si nger ,Ei, psiu! Beijo me liga Michele ,Temple ,Mus i cian ,Member of Pere Ubu Mother ,Teresa ,Rel igion ,Missionaries of Charity Margaret ,Thatcher ,Hea d of State ,UK Pri me Mi nister, 1979-90 Mark ,Thatcher ,Rel a tive ,Margaret Thatcher's ne'er-dowel l son Maria ,Thayer ,Actor ,Redhead on Strangers with Candy Max ,Theiler ,Sci entist ,Yellow fever va ccination Maria ,Theresa ,Royalty ,Archduchess of Austria Marie ,Thérèse ,Royalty ,Queen Consort of Louis XIV Max ,Thieriot ,Actor ,The Pacifier Marlo ,Thomas ,Actor ,That Girl Michelle ,Thomas ,Actor ,Myra on Family Matters Marsha ,Thomason ,Actor ,Di a na Barrigan on White Collar Mark ,Thompson ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Fairchild Semiconductor Marshall ,Thompson ,Actor ,To Hell and Back Mayo ,Thompson ,Mus i cian ,The Red Crayola Mick ,Thompson ,Gui ta rist ,Lead guitarist, Slipknot Mike ,Thompson ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, California 1s t Meldrim ,Thomson,^Jr. ,Pol i tician ,Governor of New Ha mpshire, 1973-79 Mac ,Thornberry ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Texas 13th Malachi ,Throne ,Actor ,Noa h Bain on It Takes a Thief Maura ,Tierney ,Actor ,Abby from ER Mel ,Tillis ,Country Musician ,I Ain't Never Meg ,Tilly ,Actor ,Agnes of God Mary ,Timony ,Mus i cian ,Frontwoman for Helium Michael ,Todd ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Around the World in Eighty Days Michael ,Toelle ,Agri cul turalist ,Chairman of CHS Michael ,Tolan ,Actor ,The Bold Ones Martin ,Tolchin ,Journalist ,Founder, The Hill Marisa ,Tomei ,Actor ,My Cousin Vinny Mike ,Tomlin ,Football ,Head Coach, Pittsburgh Steelers Malcolm ,Toon ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to the USSR, 1976-79 Mirek ,Topolánek ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Czechia Mel ,Tormé ,Si nger ,The Velvet Fog Martín ,Torrijos ,Head of State ,President of Pa nama, 200409 Michel ,Tournier ,Novel ist ,Le Roi des aulnes Mischelle ,Townsend ,Government ,Inveterate e-voting prota gonist Michelle ,Trachtenberg ,Actor ,Da wn Summers on Buffy Mary ,Travers ,Si nger ,The Ma ry i n Peter, Paul, and Mary Merle ,Travis ,Country Mus i cian ,Influential fingerpicking country gui tarist Mary ,Treen ,Actor ,It's A Wonderful Life Marie ,Trintignant ,Actor ,Popul ar French actress, beaten to dea th Michelle ,Triola ,Relative ,Palimony Massimo ,Troisi ,Actor ,Il Postino Michael ,Trubshawe ,Actor ,The Guns of Navarone Michael ,Trucco ,Actor ,Jus tin Patrick on Fairly Legal Margaret ,Trudeau ,Fi rs t La dy ,Ex-Wife of Pi erre Trudeau Margaret ,Truman ,Rel a tive ,Harry S. Truman's mystery novel ist daughter Melania ,Trump ,Model ,Slovenian wife of Donald Trump Martin ,Trust ,Bus i ness ,CEO of MAST Industries, 1970-2001 Moise ,Tshombe ,Hea d of State ,Ka tanga secessionist Morgan ,Tsvangirai ,Government ,Pri me Mi nister of Zi mbabwe Michael ,Tucci ,Actor ,Norma n Briggs on Diagnosis Murder Michael ,Tucker ,Actor ,Stua rt Ma rkowitz on L.A. Law Moe ,Tucker ,Drummer ,Drummer for The Velvet Underground Margaret ,Tudor ,Roya l ty ,Queen of Scotland, 1503-13 Mary ,Tudor ,Roya l ty ,Queen Consort of France, 1514-15 Martin ,Turchin ,Bus i ness ,Vice Chairman of CB Ri chard Ellis Michael ,Turner ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ohio 3rd Murray ,Turoff ,Sci entist ,Computer conferencing a nd i ns tant messaging Madame ,Tussaud ,Scul ptor ,Wax s culptor Margaret ,Tutwiler ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Morocco, 2001-03 Merle ,Tuve ,Phys i cist ,Proxi mity fuse Mark ,Twain ,Author ,Huckleberry Finn Mia ,Tyler ,Model ,Model/daughter of Steven Tyl er Michael ,Tylo ,Actor ,Guiding Light Mike ,Tyson ,Boxi ng ,Erra tic heavyweight champion Margaret ,Tyzack ,Actor ,The Forsyte Saga 21. MU Mauricio Umansky=American, TV Meryem Uzerli=Turkish, Actress=181,697=38 Personality=21,891=172 Matthew Underwood=American actor=26,784=147 ALLNEEDED Mark ,Udall ,Pol itician ,US Senator from Colorado Mo ,Udall ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ari zona, 1961-91 Miyoshi ,Umeki ,Actor ,Sayonara Matthew ,Underwood ,Actor ,Loga n Reese on Zoey 101 Mary ,Ure ,Actor ,Sons and Lovers Midge ,Ure ,Mus i cian ,Frontman for Ultravox Michael ,Urie ,Actor ,Ma rc St. Ja mes on Ugly Betty Michael ,Ussery ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Morocco, 1989-92 22. MV Mark Valley=Actor=26,172=151 Mark Vanderloo=Dutch model=11,041=289 Michael Vartan=French actor=47,211=76 Milo Ventimiglia=American actor=176,365=13 Michael Vick=American football quarterback=39,678=93 Mike Vitar=American actor=30,492=121 Mike Vogel=American model=17,615=202 MNEEDED MV,Meredith Vieira Micaela Vázquez=Argentine actress-singer=29,651=271 Melanie Vallejo=Australian, Actress=28,504=278 Mamie Van+Doren=American actress=136,563=59 Mindy Vega=American, Pornstar=45,788=183 Milena Velba=Czech, M odel=159,448=46 Mayra Veronica=M odel=389,559=14 Meredith Vieira=AM erican game show host=38,162=223 Michelle Vieth=M exican actress=43,104=196 Mayrín Villanueva=Mexican actress=99,268=80 Monica Vitti=Actress=56,672=138 Marina Vlady=Actress=54,921=143 ………… Mini Viva Mr. Vegas Mario Vazquez Michael ,Vale ,TV Pers onality ,Ti me to make the donuts Mark ,Valley ,Actor ,Chri s topher Chance on Human Target Musetta ,Vander ,Actor ,Wild Wild West Matti ,Vanhanen ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Finland Mordechai ,Vanunu ,Acti vi s t ,Blew whistle on Israel's nukes Michael ,Vartan ,Actor ,Never Been Kissed Mike ,Vaska ,Acti vi s t ,Discovery Institute Matthew ,Vaughn ,Fi l m Director ,Layer Cake Milo ,Ventimiglia ,Actor ,Adopts the s uperpowers of other Heroes Maribel ,Verdú ,Actor ,Y Tu Mama Tambien Marcus ,Vick ,Football ,Former Mi ami Dolphins WR and QB Michael ,Vick ,Football ,Football quarterback and dog fi ghter Meredith ,Vieira ,Ga me Show Host ,Who Wants to Be a Millionaire Michelle ,Visage ,Si nger ,Seduction Mike ,Vitar ,Actor ,The Sandlot Monica ,Vitti ,Actor ,L'Avventura Mike ,Vogel ,Actor ,Grind Mark ,Volman ,Si nger ,The Turtles Mike ,Volpi ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Joost Murvyn ,Vye ,Actor ,Pickup on South Street 23. MW Mark Wahlberg=Academy Award-nominated American actor, television producer and rap musician=211,431=7 Michael W.+Smith=M usician, Songwriter, Composer=14,072=236 Mikey Way=American, Bassist=13,791=242 Marc Wallice=American actor=19,695=184 Malcolm-Jamal Warner=American actor=24,658=156 Marlon Wayans=Actor=31,858=118 Michael Weatherly=American actor=100,621=33 Mark Webber=American actor=11,220=285 Mark Webber=Australian Formula One driver=10,627=298 Mark Welling=American, Actor=15,665=219 FNEEDED MW,Madame C.J. Walker MW,Mae West MW,Malcolm-Jamal Warner MW,Marlon Wayans MW,Max Weinberg MW,Michael Waltrip MW,Michael Warren MW,Michelle Wright MW,Mike Wallace MW,Montel Williams MW,Muddy Waters Maiara Walsh=American actress=86,252=88 Mia Wasikowska=Australian actress=48,633=167 Mae West=Actress, playwright, screenwriter, and sex symbol=99,878=79 Meg White=American drummer=40,979=208 Michelle Wie=Professional golfer=49,771=164 Michelle Williams=American actress=169,955=42 Mara Wilson=American writer, former actress=573,567=9 …………….. Mario Winans Mark Wills Matt Willis Michelle Williams Matt White Matthew West Matt Wertz Matt Webb Muddy Waters Martha Wainwright Murray ,Waas ,Journalist ,Washington reporter Marvin ,Wachman ,Educa tor ,Temple University President, 1973-83 Mark ,Wahlberg ,Actor ,Formerl y of the Funky Bunch Morrison ,Waite ,Judge ,US Chief Justice, 1874-88 Martin ,Waldseemuller ,Ca rtogra pher ,Put America on the ma p Margaret ,Walker ,Novel ist ,Jubilee Mort ,Walker ,Ca rtoonist ,Beetle Bailey Marcia ,Wallace ,Actor ,The Simpsons Mike ,Wallace ,Journalist ,Veteran 60 Minutes corres pondent Marc ,Wallice ,Pornstar ,HIV+ pornstar Malcolm ,Wallop ,Politician ,US Senator from Wyoming, 1977-95 Maiara ,Walsh ,Actor ,Meena on Cory in the House Melora ,Walters ,Actor ,Boogie Nights Michael ,Waltrip ,Auto Racing ,Two-time Daytona 500 Wi nner Michael ,Walzer ,Phi l osopher ,Just and Unjust Wars Megan ,Ward ,Actor ,Ki mberly Sa yers on Dark Skies Michael ,Ward ,Bus iness ,Bain Ca pital Marilyn ,Ware ,Bus iness ,US Ambassador to Finland, 200608 Marsha ,Warfield ,Actor ,Roz on Night Court Murray ,Warmath ,Football ,Mi nnesota Head Coa ch, 195471 Malcolm-Jamal ,Warner ,Actor ,Theo Huxtable on The Cosby Show Margaret ,Warner ,Journa list ,PBS News Hour Corres pondent Mark ,Warner ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Vi rginia Michael ,Warner ,Schol ar ,Fear of a Queer Planet Marc ,Warren ,Actor ,Da nny Blue on Hustle Michael ,Warren ,Actor ,Bobby Hi ll on Hill Street Blues Martha ,Washington ,Fi rs t La dy ,Wi fe of US President George Washington Mia ,Wasikowska ,Actor ,Alice in Wonderland Matthew ,Waterhouse ,Actor ,Adri c from Doctor Who Mark ,Waters ,Fi l m Director ,Mean Girls Maxine ,Waters ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Ca lifornia 35th Muddy ,Waters ,Mus i cian ,Hoochie Coochie Man Minor ,Watson ,Actor ,Guadalcanal Diary Muse ,Watson ,Actor ,Mi ke Fra nks on NCIS Mel ,Watt ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, North Carolina 12th Mike ,Watt ,Mus i cian ,fIREHOSE, Minutemen Mikey ,Way ,Ba s sist ,My Chemical Romance Marlon ,Wayans ,Comi c ,A Wa yans Brother Michael ,Weatherly ,Actor ,Navy NCIS Matthew ,Webb ,Swi mmer ,First to s wim the English Cha nnel Mark ,Webber ,Actor ,Snow Day Max ,Weber ,Soci ologist ,The Protestant Ethic Mike ,Webster ,Football ,Hall of Fame Center, Pi ttsburgh Steelers Max ,Weinberg ,Drummer ,Drummer for Springsteen and Cona n Mikey ,Weinstein ,Acti vi s t ,With God on Our Side Mike ,Weir ,Gol f ,Wi nner of 2003 Ma s ters Mark ,Weisbrot ,Economist ,Center for Economic and Policy Res earch Morry ,Weiss ,Bus iness ,CEO of American Greetings, 19872003 Michael ,Welch ,Actor ,Luke on Joan of Arcadia Mary ,Wells ,Si nger ,My Guy Mae ,West ,Actor ,Go up a nd see her s ometime Merritt ,Wever ,Actor ,Zoey on Nurse Jackie Michael ,Whalen ,Actor ,Wee Willie Winkie Maggie ,Wheeler ,Actor ,Ja nice Li tman on Friends Mortimer ,Wheeler ,Archa eologist ,Archaeology from the Earth Mark ,Whitaker ,Journa list ,CNN ma naging editor Mark ,White ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Texas, 1983-87 Maureen ,White ,Acti vi s t ,DNC Na tional Finance Chair Maurice ,White ,Mus i cian ,Founder, Earth, Wind & Fi re Meg ,White ,Drummer ,Drummer for The White Stri pes Mike ,White ,Screenwriter ,Wri ter of School of Rock Mike ,White ,Football ,Fighting Illini Head Coach, 1980-87 Mary ,Whitehouse ,Acti vi s t ,British anti-pornography crus a der Margaret ,Whiting ,Si nger ,That Old Black Magic Mae ,Whitman ,Actor ,Ann on Arrested Development Meg ,Whitman ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Hewlett-Packard Margaret ,Whitton ,Actor ,The Secret of My Succe ,s May ,Whitty ,Actor ,Night Must Fall Mary ,Wickes ,Actor ,Sister Act Michelle ,Wie ,Gol f ,Young pro golfer Michael ,Wigglesworth ,Poet ,The Day of Doom Mats ,Wilander ,Tennis ,Winner of 9 Gra nd Slam ti tles Michael ,Wilbon ,Journalist ,Co-host of Pardon the Interruption Maggie ,Wilderotter ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Ci ti zens Communications Michael ,Wilding ,Actor ,Torch Song Max ,Wilk ,Author ,Don't Raise the Bridge: Lower the River Maurice ,Wilkins ,Bi ologist ,Took X-ra y pictures of DNA Maggie ,Williams ,Government ,Hillary Cl inton's former chi ef of s taff Malinda ,Williams ,Actor ,Tra cy Va n Adams on Soul Food Mark ,Williams ,Actor ,The Borrowers Michael ,Williams ,Actor ,Educating Rita Michelle ,Williams ,Si nger ,One-third of Destiny's Child Michelle ,Williams ,Actor ,Jen Lindley on Dawson's Creek Montel ,Williams ,Ta lk Show Host ,The Montel Williams Show Mykelti ,Williamson ,Actor ,Bubba i n Forrest Gump Maury ,Wills ,Baseball ,Stole 104 ba ses i n 1962 Meredith ,Willson ,Composer ,The Music Man Malcolm ,Wilson ,Politician ,Governor of New York, 197375 Mara ,Wilson ,Actor ,Matilda Marie ,Wilson ,Actor ,My Friend Irma Mary ,Wilson ,Si nger ,The Supremes Mike ,Wilson ,Fi lm Director ,Michael Moore Hates America Michael ,Wincott ,Actor ,The Crow Marie ,Windsor ,Actor ,The Killing Michael ,Winner ,Fi l m Director ,Death Wish Mare ,Winningham ,Actor ,Georgia Michael ,Winslow ,Actor ,Ma n of 10,000 Sound Effects i n Police Academy Michael ,Winterbottom ,Fi l m Director ,24 Hour Party People Marv ,Wolfman ,Ca rtoonist ,Former Editor-In-Chief of Ma rvel Comics Mary ,Wollstonecraft ,Author ,Vindication of the Rights of Women Mike ,Woodson ,Ba s ketball ,Coach, New York Knicks Morgan ,Woodward ,Actor ,Punk Anderson on Dallas Monty ,Woolley ,Actor ,The Man Who Came to Dinner Manfred ,Wörner ,Di pl omat ,NATO Secretary General, 1988-94 Mary ,Woronov ,Actor ,Eating Raoul Max ,Wright ,Actor ,The da d on ALF Michael ,Wright ,Actor ,El i as Ta ylor on V Mickey ,Wright ,Gol f ,Winner of 13 Ma jors Magdalena ,Wrobel ,Model ,Wonderbra model Margaret ,Wycherly ,Actor ,Sergeant York Meg ,Wyllie ,Actor ,The Travels of Jaimie McPheeters May ,Wynn ,Actor ,The Caine Mutiny 24. MX Michael Xavier – Actor About 7,160,000 results Michelle Xen Australian visual artist, musician, vocalist, and record producer About 733,000 results Malcolm X=Nation of Islam leader=11,090=288 ALLNEEDED Malcolm ,X ,Activist ,Nation of Islam Michael ,X ,Civil rights activist ,Executed by hanging for murder MX,Malcolm X 25. MY Murat Yildirim=Turkish actor=387,154=2 MNEEDED MY,Marvin Yagoda MY,Michael York MY,Michelle Yeoh Minase Yashiro=Japanese gravure idol=39,579=215 Megumi Yasu=Japanese, Actress=36,445=233 Morgan York=American actress=27,607=290 Martin ,Yan ,Chef ,Yan Can Cook Molly ,Yard ,Activist ,President of NOW, 1987-91 Michelle ,Yeoh ,Actor ,Hong Kong action movie star Matthew ,Yglesias ,Blogger ,Big M edia M att Malik ,Yoba ,Actor ,New York Undercover Michael ,Yonkers ,Guitarist ,Microminiature Love Michael ,York ,Actor ,Logan's Run Malachi ,York-El ,Religion ,E.T. leader of United Nuwaubian Nation of M oors Malcolm ,Young ,Guitarist ,Rhythm guitar for AC/DC Marguerite ,Young ,Author ,Miss MacIntosh, My Darling Marguerite ,Yourcenar ,Novelist ,Mémoires d'Hadrien Muhammad ,Yunus ,Business ,Banker to the Poor 26. MZ Massai Z.+Dorsey=Actor=43,413=84 Mark Zuckerberg=American computer entrepreneur=13,238=251 ALLEEDED MZ,Madeline Zima MZ,Mark Zuckerberg MZ,Moon Unit Zappa Madeline Zima=Actress=61,625=129 Mia Zottoli=American, Actress=58,361=135 ………………….. Maher Zain MICHAEL ZAPRUDER MARTIN ZELLER Mike Zee, Molly Zenobia Mauricio Zottarelli Mark ,Zachares ,Government ,Abramoff confederate Mammen ,Zachariah ,Doctor ,Cardiologist Mariel ,Zagunis ,Sports Figure ,Fencing gold medalist Mahmoud ,Zahar ,Activist ,Hamas co-founder, spokesman Manuel ,Zelaya ,Head of State ,President of Honduras, 2006-09 Matthew ,Zell ,Business ,Equity Group Investments Meles ,Zenawi ,Head of State ,Prime M inister of Ethiopia Mai ,Zetterling ,Actor ,The Witches Muhammad ,Zia-ul-Haq ,Head of State ,Ruler of Pakistan, 1977-88 Madeline ,Zima ,Actor ,Grace Sheffield on The Nanny Marvin ,Zindler ,Journalist ,Houston reporter, KTRK-TV Marion ,Zioncheck ,Politician ,Congressman, committed suicide Max ,Zorn ,M athematician ,Zorn's Lemma Mark ,Zuckerberg ,Business ,Founder of Facebook Mort ,Zuckerman ,Business ,Owner, New York Daily News .. M I, M Q
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