COMPLETEandLEFT - Art of Memory Forum
COMPLETEandLEFT - Art of Memory Forum
MEN 1. JA WOMEN Jason Aldean=American singer=188,534=33 Jin Akanishi=Singer-songwriter, actor, voice actor, Julia Alexandratou=M odel, singer and actress=129,945=69 Julie Anne+San+Jose=Filipino actress and radio host=31,926=197 John Abraham=Film actor=118,346=54 Jensen Ackles=American actor=453,578=10 Jonas Armstrong=Irish, Actor=20,732=288 singer=67,087=129 Julie Andrews=Actress, singer, author=55,954=162 Julie Adams=American actress=54,598=166 Jenny Agutter=British film and television actress=72,810=122 Jessica Alba=actress=893,599=3 Jaimie Alexander=Actress=59,371=151 June Allyson=Actress=28,006=290 Jennifer Aniston=American actress=1,005,243=2 Julia Ann=American pornographic actress=47,874=184 Judy Ann+Santos=Filipino, Actress=39,619=212 Jean Arthur=Actress=45,356=192 Jane Asher=Actress, author=53,663=168 COMPLETEandLEFT JA,Jack Anderson JA,James Agee JA,James Arness JA,Jane Austen JA,Jean Arthur JA,Jennifer Aniston JA,Jessica Alba JA,Joan Van Ark JA,Joan of Arc JA,John Adams JA,John Amos JA,John Astin JA,John James Audubon JA,John Quincy Adams JA,Jon Anderson JA,Julie Andrews JA,June Allyson …….. José González Janelle Monáe Joseph Arthur James Arthur Jann Arden Jessica Andrews John Anderson Jefferson Airplane Jane's Addiction Jacob ,Abbott ,Author ,Franconia Stories Jim ,Abbott ,Ba s eball ,One-handed MLB pi tcher John ,Abbott ,Actor ,The Woman in White John ,Abbott ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Ca nada, 1891-93 James ,Abdnor ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from South Dakota, 1981-87 John ,Abizaid ,Mi l i tary ,C-i n-C, US Central Command, 200307 John ,Abraham ,Actor ,Dhoom Jim ,Abrahams ,Fi l m Director ,Airplane! Jon ,Abrahams ,Actor ,Scary Movie Jack ,Abramoff ,Government ,Ca sino Ja ck Jerry ,Abramson ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of Louisville Jill ,Abramson ,Journalist ,New York Times managing editor Johnny ,Ace ,Si nger/Songwriter ,R&B s tar, shot himself Joel ,Ackerman ,Bus i ness ,Pa rtner, Warburg Pincus Josef ,Ackermann ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Deutsche Bank Joss ,Ackland ,Actor ,White Mischief Jensen ,Ackles ,Actor ,Supernatural Jason ,Acuña ,Actor ,Jackass dwa rf Jane ,Adams ,Actor ,Dr. Mel Ka rnofsky on Frasier Joey ,Adams ,Comi c ,Bors cht Belt comedian John ,Adams ,Compos er ,Nixon in China John ,Adams ,Hea d of State ,2nd President of the U.S. Jonathan ,Adams ,Actor ,Henry Wa lker on American Dreams Julie ,Adams ,Actor ,Pa ul a Denning on Capitol Joy ,Adamson ,Na tura list ,Born Free Joe ,Adcock ,Ba s eball ,Mi lwaukee Braves First Baseman Jane ,Addams ,Acti vi s t ,Founder of Hull House Joseph ,Addison ,Author ,The Spectator Jay ,Adelson ,Bus iness ,CEO of Di gg, 2004-10 Jay ,Adler ,Actor ,The Family Jewels John ,Adler ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New Jersey, 2009-11 Joe ,Adonis ,Cri mi nal ,Ma fia boss, eventually deported John ,Agar ,Actor ,Sands of Iwo Jima James ,Agee ,Poet ,A Death in the Family Jenny ,Agutter ,Actor ,Jes sica 6 i n Logan's Run James ,Aiona ,Pol i tician ,Lt. Governor of Hawaii Jessica ,Alba ,Actor ,Dark Angel Joshua ,Alba ,Actor ,Actor, brother of Jessica Alba Josef ,Albers ,Arti s t ,Homage to the Square Jack ,Albertson ,Actor ,The Ma n on Chico and the Man Joe ,Albertson ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Albertson's Jason ,Aldean ,Country Mus i cian ,Big Green Tractor James ,Aldridge ,Novel ist ,The True Story of Lilli Stubeck Jane ,Alexander ,Actor ,The Ring Jason ,Alexander ,Actor ,George Cos tanza on Seinfeld Jacques-Édouard ,Alexis ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of Ha i ti Joseph ,Alioto ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of San Franscisco, 1968-76 Joe ,Allbaugh ,Government ,FEMA Director, 2001-03 Jay ,Allen ,Bus iness ,Senior VP a t Wa l-Mart, 1995-2005 Joan ,Allen ,Actor ,Mother i n Pleasantville Jonelle ,Allen ,Actor ,Gra ce on Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman June ,Allyson ,Actor ,Two Girls and a Sailor Joaquin ,Almunia ,Pol i tician ,EU Economic Affairs Commi ssioner Joseph ,Alsop ,Journalist ,Matter of Fact Jonathan ,Alter ,Col umnist ,Newsweek Senior Editor Jeff ,Altman ,Comi c ,Pink Lady and Jeff Jason ,Altmire ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Pennsyl vania 4th John ,Alton ,Ci nematographer ,An American in Paris José ,Alvarez ,Scul ptor ,Court sculptor to Ferdinand VII John ,Alvin ,Actor ,The Fighting Sullivans Jorge ,Amado ,Novel ist ,Dona Flor and her Two Husbands John ,Amaechi ,Ba s ketball ,Only openly gay ex-NBA player Justin ,Amash ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman, Mi chigan 3rd Jeff ,Ament ,Ba s sist ,Pearl Jam Jon ,Amiel ,Fi l m Director ,Entrapment Jost ,Amman ,Engra ver ,Prolific Swiss engraver John ,Amos ,Actor ,Ja mes Evans on Good Times Joachim ,Andersen ,Mus i cian ,Danish flautist a nd composer for fl ute Jack ,Anderson ,Col umnist ,Uncovered CIA plot to kill Fidel Ca s tro James ,Anderson ,Actor ,To Kill a Mockingbird Jeff ,Anderson ,Actor ,Clerks Joe ,Anderson ,Actor ,Across the Universe John ,Anderson ,Country Mus i cian ,Country music tra di tionalist John ,Anderson ,Actor ,Ha rry Ja ckson on MacGyver John ,Anderson ,Pol i tician ,Chancellor of the Exchequer, 1943-45 John ,Anderson ,Pol i tician ,Independent ca ndidate for Pres i dent, 1980 Jon ,Anderson ,Si nger ,Si nger for Yes Judith ,Anderson ,Actor ,Rebecca Juliet ,Anderson ,Porns ta r ,Queen of the MILFs John ,Anderson,^Jr. ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Ka nsas, 196165 Julie ,Andrews ,Si nger ,Mary Poppins Jennifer ,Aniston ,Actor ,Ra chel on Friends John ,Aniston ,Actor ,Vi ctor Ki riakis on Days of Our Lives John ,Ankerberg ,Rel i gion ,The John Ankerberg Show Jean-Jacques ,Annaud ,Fi l m Director ,The Name of the Rose Jean ,Anouilh ,Pl a ywri ght ,Le Voyageur sans Bagage Judd ,Apatow ,Fi l m Director ,Anchorman, The 40 Year Old Virgin Jerry ,Apodaca ,Pol i tician ,Governor of New Mexico, 197579 Johnny ,Appleseed ,Rel igion ,Itinerant preacher, a pple tree di s tributor John ,Aprea ,Actor ,Ni ck Ka tsopolis on Full House Jacobo ,Arbenz ,Hea d of State ,President of Guatemala, 1951-54 John ,Arbuthnot ,Doctor ,Scri blerus Cl ub Jeffrey ,Archer ,Novel ist ,First Among Equals John ,Archer ,Actor ,Destination Moon John ,Arden ,Pl a ywri ght ,Serjeant Musgrave's Dance Jean-Bertrand ,Aristide ,Hea d of State ,Twice overthrown pres ident of Haiti Jose ,Armario ,Bus iness ,President, McDonalds Ca nada & La ti n America Joan ,Armatrading ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Ecl ectic folk performer John ,Armstrong ,Pol i tician ,US Secretary of War, 1813-14 James ,Arness ,Actor ,Ma rs hal Ma tt Dillon on Gunsmoke Jeannetta ,Arnette ,Actor ,Berna dette Meara on Head of the Class Jack ,Arnold ,Fi l m Director ,Creature from the Black Lagoon Jean ,Arp ,Scul ptor ,Ava nt-garde sculptor, Dadaist Joe ,Arpaio ,Government ,Sheriff of Maricopa Co., AZ John ,Arrillaga ,Business ,Silicon Valley real estate developer Jean ,Arthur ,Actor ,Only Angels Have Wings John ,Ashbery ,Poet ,Self-Portrait in a Convex Mirror Jean ,Ashbrook ,Pol i ti cian ,Congresswoman from Ohio, 1982-83 John ,Ashcroft ,Pol i ti cian ,US Attorney General, 2001-05 Jane ,Asher ,Actor ,Deep End John ,Ashley ,Actor ,Beach Blanket Bingo John ,Ashton ,Actor ,Beverly Hills Cop Juli ,Ashton ,Porns ta r ,Butt Detective Jari ,Askins ,Pol itician ,Lt. Governor of Oklahoma Julian ,Assange ,Ha cker ,Founder of Wikileaks John ,Astin ,Actor ,Gomez on The Addams Family John ,Atanasoff ,Inventor ,Atanasoff-Berry Computer Jayne ,Atkinson ,Actor ,Eri n Stra uss on Criminal Minds Jensen ,Atwood ,Actor ,Wa de on Noah's Arc James ,Aubrey ,Actor ,Lord of the Flies John ,Aubrey ,Hi s torian ,English a ntiquary Jacques ,Audiard ,Fi l m Director ,A Prophet Jean-Pierre ,Aumont ,Actor ,La Machine Infernale Jane ,Austen ,Author ,Pride and Prejudice James ,Avery ,Actor ,Phi l ip Banks on Fresh Prince Jon ,Avnet ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Fried Green Tomatoes Julius ,Axelrod ,Chemi st ,Research of neurotransmitters 2. JB Justin Bieber=Canadian singer=6,220,467=1 James Blunt=English musician=72,990=86 Jackson Browne=American, Singer=58,800=113 James Brown=Singer, songwriter, record producer, dope dealer=54,046=122 Jack Black=American actor, comedian and musician=49,395=131 Jeff Buckley=Singer-songwriter and guitarist=43,644=141 Jimmy Buffett=American musician=30,013=206 Jeff Beck=British, Guitarist=27,142=229 John Bonham=Drummer, Percussionist=26,434=233 John Barrowman=British-American actor, musical performer, dancer, singer, television presenter, media personality=25,844=234 Joe Budden=American, Rapper=20,656=291 Javier Bardem=Actor=51,997=126 Justin Bartha=American, Actor=60,045=110 Jay Baruchel=Canadian, Actor=37,126=168 Jason Bateman=American actor=22,481=264 Jon Beavers=American, Actor=39,228=160 Jason Behr=Actor=59,746=111 Jamie Bell=Actor=45,170=138 Jonathan Bennett=American, Actor=28,890=214 Justin Berfield=Actor, producer=38,088=162 Jason Biggs=American, Actor=19,966=296 Jean-Luc Bilodeau=Tall, brown eyes color=72,551=87 Joshua Bowman=British, Actor=59,123=112 Jesse Bradford=American, Actor=24,732=243 Jonathan Brandis=Actor, director, producer, screenwriter=41,270=153 Justin Brescia=American, TV Personality=76,886=81 Jeff Bridges=Actor, singer=21,120=282 Josephine Baker=U.S.-born French actress, singer, dancer; World War II French Resistance volunteer=171,871=50 Jane Birkin=Actress, singer=96,061=96 Jeanette Biedermann=German singer=48,393=182 Jane Badler=Actress, singer=32,904=262 Johanna Bennett=British, Songwriter=28,312=289 Joan Baez=American folk singer=27,511=293 Jillian Barberie=Actress, television hostess=43,057=202 Jessica Barton=American, M odel=28,391=287 Jennifer Beals=Actress=77,656=115 Joan Bennett=Actress=30,528=271 Julie Benz=American actress=95,887=97 Jaime Bergman=American, M odel=47,724=186 Julissa Bermudez=Dominican, Actress=30,402=273 Jillian Beyor=American, M odel=38,169=222 Jessica Biel=American actress=519,668=6 Juliette Binoche=Actress=48,689=181 Jacqueline Bisset=Actress=180,782=43 Josie Bissett=American, Actress=58,745=154 Jolene Blalock=Actress=52,848=169 Joan Blondell=actress=95,850=98 Jessica Boehrs=German, Singer=44,694=197 Julia Bond=American pornographic film actress=35,780=244 Julie Bowen=Actress=61,843=141 Judi Bowker=English, Actress=73,537=120 Jessica Bowman=American actress=38,414=219 Jacqueline Bracamontes=M exican, Actress=76,424=117 Jordana Brewster=American actress=133,224=65 Joy Bryant=American, Actress=37,329=230 Jessica Burciaga=American, M odel=457,347=10 Jasmine Byrne=American pornographic film actress, adult model, dominatrix=43,470=201 ……………….. Juanita Bynum Josh Brolin=American, Actor=21,792=278 Jamie Burke=English, M odel=20,626=292 Jenson Button=Formula One driver=34,977=180 COMPLETEandLEFT JB,J Boog JB,Jack Benny JB,Jack Black JB,Jack Bruce JB,Jackson Browne JB,Jacqueline Bisset JB,James Baldwin JB,James Bond JB,James Brown JB,James Buchanan JB,James L. Brooks JB,Javier Bardem JB,Jean-Paul Belmondo JB,Jeff Bezos JB,Jeff Bridges JB,Jennifer Beals JB,Jenson Button JB,Jessica Biel JB,Jill Biden JB,Jim Backus JB,Jim Bakker JB,Jim Belushi JB,Jim Brown JB,Jimmy Breslin JB,Jimmy Buffett JB,Joan Baez JB,Joe Biden JB,Joe E. Brown JB,Joey Bishop JB,Johann Sebastian Bach JB,John Barry JB,John Barrymore JB,John Belushi JB,John Bonham JB,John Brown JB,Johnny Bench JB,Jon Bon-Jovi JB,Jonathan Brandis JB,Joseph Barbera JB,Josephine Baker JB,Judy Blume JB,Juliette Binoche JB,Justin Bieber Jake Bugg Jonas Brothers Joe Brooks Jeff Bridges Jim Brickman Jay Brannan Jawga Boyz Junior Boys J Boog Jimmy Bondoc Joe Bonamassa James Blake Joan Baez Jon B Joey Bada$$ Johnny ,B. ,Comi c ,Ha l f of The Jerky Boys Juan ,Babauta ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Northern Ma riana Is lands Jed ,Babbin ,Col umnist ,Human Events Joseph ,Babinski ,Doctor ,The Babinski s ign Joe ,Baca ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, California 43rd James ,Bacchus ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Florida, 1991-95 Jim ,Backus ,Actor ,Mr. Howell on Gilligan's Island John ,Backus ,Computer Progra mmer ,Inventor of BNF, led FORTRAN tea m John ,Badham ,Fi l m Director ,Saturday Night Fever Jane ,Badler ,Actor ,Di a na on V Joan ,Baez ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Diamonds and Rust Jeff ,Bagwell ,Ba s eball ,Former 1st Baseman, Houston As tros Jerry ,Bailey ,Jockey ,Two-time Kentucky Derby wi nner John ,Bailey ,Ci nematographer ,China Moon Joanna ,Baillie ,Pl a ywright ,Family Legend Jean-Sylvain ,Bailly ,As tronomer ,Histoire de l'Astronomie John ,Bainbridge ,As tronomer ,Description of the late Comet Jimmy ,Baio ,Actor ,Bi l ly Ta te on Soap John ,Baird ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian MP, Otta wa West--Nepean James ,Baker ,Government ,US Secretary of State, 1989-92 Janet ,Baker ,Si nger ,English mezzo-soprano, active 1957-82 Josephine ,Baker ,Da ncer ,Sensual dancer turned WWII spy Jim ,Bakker ,Rel i gion ,Adulterous bisexual TV evangelist John ,Balance ,El ectronic Musician ,Coil Josiane ,Balasko ,Actor ,French Twist John ,Baldacci ,Politician ,Governor of Maine, 2003-11 James ,Baldwin ,Novel ist ,Go Tell It on the Mountain Jeanne ,Balibar ,Actor ,Va Savoir John ,Ball ,Acti vi st ,Instigator of 1381 peasant revolt John ,Ball ,Na turalist ,Irish Al pinist Johnny ,Ball ,Ga me Show Host ,Think of a Number Jim ,Balsillie ,Bus iness ,Co-CEO, Research In Motion, 201012 Jamie ,Bamber ,Actor ,Battlestar Galactica James ,Bamford ,Author ,The Puzzle Palace Joy ,Bang ,Actor ,Play It Again, Sam Joan ,Banks ,Actor ,Ra dio a ctress, Gangbusters Jonathan ,Banks ,Actor ,Fra nk McPi ke on Wiseguy John ,Banner ,Actor ,Sgt. Schul tz on Hogan's Heroes Jack ,Bannon ,Actor ,Art Donovan on Lou Grant Jim ,Bannon ,Actor ,Cowboy a ctor, played Red Ryder John ,Banville ,Novelist ,The Book of Evidence Jerry ,Barber ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1961 PGA Cha mpionship Joseph ,Barbera ,Ca rtoonist ,Hanna-Barbera ca rtoons John ,Barbirolli ,Conductor ,Conductor a t The Hallé, 194370 James ,Barbour ,Pol i tician ,US Secretary of War, 1825-28 John ,Bardeen ,Phys i ci st ,Co-Inventor of the tra nsistor Javier ,Bardem ,Actor ,Before Night Falls Jim ,Barksdale ,Bus iness ,CEO of Netscape, 1995-99 John ,Barletta ,Government ,Reagan-era Secret Service a gent Joel ,Barlow ,Poet ,The Hasty Pudding Jim ,Barnes ,Gol f ,Wi nner of 4 Ma jors Joanna ,Barnes ,Actor ,Goodbye Charlie Julian ,Barnes ,Novel ist ,Flaubert's Parrot Jean-Marc ,Barr ,Actor ,Europa Julia ,Barr ,Actor ,Brooke English in All My Children John ,Barrasso ,Pol itician ,US Senator from Wyoming Julian ,Barratt ,Comi c ,Daaan Aaaashcroooft Jean-Louis ,Barrault ,Actor ,Les Enfants du Paradis Jacinda ,Barrett ,Actor ,The Last Kiss John ,Barron ,Journalist ,Sovi et espionage expert John ,Barrow ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Georgia 12th John ,Barrowman ,Actor ,Ca pt. Ja ck Harkness John ,Barry ,Compos er ,Film composer, James Bond, Out of Africa John ,Barrymore ,Actor ,Romeo and Juliet Judith ,Barsi ,Actor ,Murdered child actress John ,Barth ,Novel ist ,Lost in the Funhouse Justin ,Bartha ,Actor ,National Treasure John ,Bartlett ,Author ,Bartlett's Familiar Quotations Joe ,Barton ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Texas 6th John ,Bartram ,Na tura list ,Col onial botanist to Ki ng George III Jürgen ,Bartsch ,Cri mi nal ,Teenaged homosexual s erial ki l ler Jay ,Baruchel ,Actor ,She's Out of My League Jacques ,Barzun ,Hi s torian ,From Dawn to Decadence Jean-Michel ,Basquiat ,Pa i nter ,NYC gra ffiti artist John ,Batchelor ,Ra dio Personality ,The John Batchelor Show Jason ,Bateman ,Actor ,Arrested Development Justine ,Bateman ,Actor ,Ma l l ory Kea ton on Family Ties Jim ,Bates ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ca lifornia, 1983-91 John ,Battelle ,Bl ogger ,The Industry Standard Jean ,Baudrillard ,Phi losopher ,Simulacra and Simulation John ,Bayley ,Novel ist ,Widower's House Jeremy ,Beadle ,TV Pers onality ,You've Been Framed John ,Beal ,Actor ,The Little Minister Jennifer ,Beals ,Actor ,Flashdance Jim ,Beam ,Bus i ness ,Bourbon baron James ,Beard ,Chef ,Fi rs t prominent TV chef Jere ,Beasley ,Pol i tician ,Lt. Governor of Al abama, 1970-78 Jim ,Beaver ,Actor ,El l sworth on Deadwood Jeff ,Beck ,Gui ta rist ,Exceptional rock guitarist John ,Beck ,Actor ,Ma rk Gra ison on Dallas Julian ,Beck ,Actor ,Rev. Ka ne i n Poltergeist II Jacques ,Becker ,Fi l m Director ,Le Trou Jean ,Becker ,Fi l m Director ,Children of the Marshlands Josh ,Beckett ,Ba s eball ,Pi tcher, Boston Red Sox Kabir ,Bedi ,Actor ,Octopussy Janet ,Beecher ,Actor ,The Mighty Barnum Jason ,Beghe ,Actor ,Sea n McGra il on To Have and to Hold Joy ,Behar ,TV Pers onality ,Co-Host of The View Jason ,Behr ,Actor ,Ma x Eva ns on Roswell John ,Beilein ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coach, University of Mi chi gan Joshua ,Bekenstein ,Bus i ness ,Bain Capital Jordan ,Belfort ,Bus i ness ,The Wolf of Wall Street Jean-Luc ,Bélingard ,Bus iness ,CEO of Ipsen SA Jean ,Béliveau ,Hockey ,Montreal Ca nadiens, 1950-71 Jamie ,Bell ,Actor ,Billy Elliot Jim ,Bell ,Acti vi s t ,Assassination Politics Joshua ,Bell ,Vi ol inist ,Violin vi rtuoso Julie ,Bell ,Arti s t ,Fa ntasy a irbrush artist Joe ,Bellino ,Football ,Winner, 1960 Heisman Trophy Jean-Paul ,Belmondo ,Actor ,Itineraire d'un Enfant Gate Jim ,Belushi ,Comi c ,According to Jim John ,Belushi ,Actor ,Animal House Jacinto ,Benavente ,Pl a ywri ght ,The Bonds of Interest Johnny ,Bench ,Ba s eball ,Hall of Fame catcher James ,Bennet ,Journalist ,Editor-in-Chief of Atlantic Monthl y Jeff ,Bennett ,Actor ,Voi ce of Johnny Bra vo Jill ,Bennett ,Actor ,The Sheltering Sky Joan ,Bennett ,Actor ,Little Women Jonathan ,Bennett ,Actor ,Dukes of Hazzard: The Beginning Jan ,Bennink ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Numico NV, 2002-07 Jack ,Benny ,Actor ,The Jack Benny Show Jodi ,Benson ,Actor ,The Little Mermaid Jeremy ,Bentham ,Phi l osopher ,Proponent of Utilitarianism Julie ,Benz ,Actor ,Jawbreaker Justin ,Berfield ,Actor ,Malcolm in the Middle John ,Berger ,Novel ist ,British novelist, G Jaime ,Bergman ,Model ,January 1999 Pl a ymate of the Month John ,Berlau ,Col umnist ,Competitive Enterprise Institute Jeannie ,Berlin ,Actor ,The Heartbreak Kid Johann ,Bernoulli ,Ma thematician ,L'Hôpital's rule Jon ,Bernthal ,Actor ,Sha ne Walsh on The Walking Dead Jan ,Berry ,Mus i cian ,Jan and Dean John ,Berry ,Fi l m Director ,The Bad News Bears Go to Japan Jules ,Berry ,Actor ,Le Jour se lève John ,Berryman ,Poet ,Homage to Mistress Bradstreet Jay ,Berwanger ,Football ,First Heisman Trophy wi nner Joe ,Besser ,Actor ,The Three Stooges James ,Best ,Actor ,Ros coe P. Col trane on Dukes John ,Betjeman ,Poet ,Summoned By Bells Jerome ,Bettis ,Footba ll ,The Bus Joseph ,Beuys ,Arti s t ,German conceptual a rtist James ,Bevel ,Acti vi s t ,Ci vil ri ghts a ctivist, convicted of i ncest John ,Beystehner ,Bus i ness ,COO of UPS, 2004-07 Jeff ,Bezos ,Bus iness ,Founder of Amazon Jaya ,Bhaduri ,Actor ,Kabhi Khushi Kabhie Gham... Jello ,Biafra ,Si nger ,Dead Kennedys John ,Biddle ,Rel igion ,Father of English Unitarianism Joseph ,Biden ,Pol i ti cian ,Vice President of the United Sta tes Jim ,Bidzos ,Bus i ness ,Vi ce Chairman of Verisign, 2001-07 Justin ,Bieber ,Si nger ,Baby Jessica ,Biel ,Actor ,The Rules of Attraction John ,Biffen ,Pol i tician ,Leader, House of Commons, 198287 Jacob ,Bigelow ,Bota nist ,American Medical Botany John ,Bigelow ,Author ,Ambassador to France, memoirist Judy ,Biggert ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Illinois 13th Jason ,Biggs ,Actor ,American Pie Josh ,Billings ,Author ,19th century American humorist John ,Billingsley ,Actor ,Dr. Phl ox on Star Trek: Enterprise James ,Billington ,Hi storian ,13th Li brarian of Congress Jeff ,Bingaman ,Pol i ti cian ,US Senator from New Mexico Juliette ,Binoche ,Actor ,Chocolat a nd The English Patient Jean-Baptiste ,Biot ,Phys i cist ,Biot-Savart La w John ,Birch ,Rel i gion ,Missionary to Chi na killed during WW2 Jesse ,Birdsall ,Actor ,Ni cholas Beckett on Bugs Jane ,Birkin ,Actor ,Sa ng on Je t'aime ... moi non plus Joey ,Bishop ,Comi c ,Rat Pack member Julie ,Bishop ,Actor ,Northern Pursuit Julie ,Bishop ,Pol i tician ,Deputy Leader, Australian Li beral Pa rty Joan ,Biskupic ,Journalist ,USA Today Supreme Court reporter Jacqueline ,Bisset ,Actor ,The Deep Josie ,Bissett ,Actor ,Ja ne Andrews Ma ncini on Melrose Place Joh ,Bjelke-Petersen ,Pol i tician ,Former Premier of Queensland, Australia Jussi ,Björling ,Si nger ,Operatic tenor Jack ,Black ,Mus i cian ,Half of Tenacious D Jay ,Black ,Mus i cian ,Second "Jay" fronting Ja y and the Ameri cans Jean-Pierre ,Blackburn ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian Mi nister of La bour Joan ,Blackman ,Actor ,Blue Hawaii Joan ,Blades ,Acti vi s t ,Cofounder of Janet ,Blair ,Actor ,Night of the Eagle Jayson ,Blair ,Journalist ,Prevaricating NYT reporte r James ,Blake ,Tennis ,2nd place, 2006 Tennis Masters Cup Jolene ,Blalock ,Actor ,T'Pol on Enterprise Jimmy ,Blanton ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Bassist, The Duke Ellington Orches tra John ,Blatnik ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Mi nnesota, 1947-75 Jonah ,Blechman ,Actor ,Another Gay Movie Jeff ,Bleckner ,Fi l m Director ,White Water Summer Judith ,Blegen ,Si nger ,Operatic s oprano Jack ,Blessing ,Actor ,Mr. Donner on The Naked Truth James ,Blinn ,Computer Programmer ,3D computer i maging pi oneer James ,Blish ,Author ,Cities in Flight Joan ,Blondell ,Actor ,A Tree Grows in Brooklyn John ,Blow ,Compos er ,Venus and Adonis Judy ,Blume ,Author ,Author of children's books James ,Blunt ,Mus i cian ,Back To Bedlam James ,Blyth ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of Diageo, 2000-08 John ,Boccieri ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ohio, 2009-11 Jerry ,Bock ,Compos er ,Fiorello! Jean ,Bodin ,Economist ,Six livres de la République Jim ,Boeheim ,Ba s ketball ,Syra cuse Head Coach Jakob ,Boehme ,Rel i gion ,German Protestant mystic John ,Boehner ,Pol i tician ,Speaker of the US House Jim ,Bohannon ,Ra di o Personality ,The Jim Bohannon Show John ,Bohlinger ,Pol i tician ,Lt. Governor of Montana James ,Bolam ,Actor ,The Likely Lads John ,Boles ,Actor ,Vi ctor Mori tz i n Frankenstein Jim ,Bolger ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of New Zealand, 1990-97 Joseph ,Bologna ,Actor ,Blame it on Rio Josh ,Bolten ,Government ,White House Chief of Staff, 2006-09 John ,Bolton ,Government ,US Ambassador to the UN, 2005-06 Joe ,Bonanno ,Cri mi nal ,Bonanno cri me family Johnny ,Bond ,Country Mus i cian ,Hot Rod Lincoln Julian ,Bond ,Acti vi s t ,NAACP Cha irman, 1998-2010 John ,Bonham ,Drummer ,Drummer for Led Zeppelin, 196880 Jo ,Bonner ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Alabama 1s t John ,Boorman ,Fi l m Director ,Hope and Glory James ,Booth ,Actor ,Zulu John ,Boozman ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Arkansas Jules ,Bordet ,Sci entist ,Researched antibodies a nd antigens Jean-Louis ,Borloo ,Pol i tician ,French Environment Minister Julius ,Boros ,Gol f ,Winner of 3 ma jor titles Jesse ,Borrego ,Actor ,Ga el Ortega on 24 Jacques ,Bossuet ,Rel i gion ,Discours sur l'Histoire Universelle James ,Boswell ,Author ,The Life of Samuel Johnson Jim ,Bottomley ,Ba s eball ,St. Louis Ca rdinal, Hall-of-Famer Joseph ,Bottoms ,Actor ,The Dove James ,Bovard ,Author ,Lost Rights Julie ,Bovasso ,Actor ,Saturday Night Fever James ,Bowdoin ,Pol i ti cian ,Governor of Ma ssachusetts 1785-87 John ,Bowe ,Author ,Nobodies: Modern American Slave Labor John ,Bowen ,Novel ist ,The Truth Will Not Help Us Julie ,Bowen ,Actor ,Modern Family Jeff ,Bower ,Football ,Head Coach, Southern Mi ss, 19902007 Johnny ,Bower ,Hockey ,The China Wall Jim ,Bowie ,Mi l i tary ,Kni fe fighter, Alamo combatant Judi ,Bowker ,Actor ,Brother Sun, Sister Moon Jane ,Bowles ,Novel ist ,Two Serious Ladies Joshua ,Bowman ,Actor ,Da niel Grayson on Revenge Jimmy ,Boyd ,Si nger ,I Saw Mommy Kissing Santa Claus Jean-Pierre ,Boyer ,Hea d of State ,President of Haiti, 181843 Jerry ,Boykin ,Mi l i tary ,Pentagon's resident Jesus freak John ,Brademas ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Indiana, 1959-81 Jesse ,Bradford ,Actor ,Clockstoppers James ,Bradley ,As tronomer ,Aberra tion of Light Jeb ,Bradley ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New Hampshire, 2003-07 Jennette ,Bradley ,Pol i tician ,Lt. Governor of Ohio, 2003-05 John ,Bradshaw ,Government ,Tri ed Ki ng Charles I James ,Brady ,Government ,White House Press Secy. s hot by John Hi nckley John ,Brady ,Ba s ketball ,LSU Ti gers Head Coa ch John ,Brahm ,Fi l m Director ,The Lodger Johannes ,Brahms ,Compos er ,Ein deutsches Requiem John ,Braine ,Novel ist ,Room at the Top Joseph ,Bramah ,Inventor ,Inventor of the hydraulic press John ,Brand ,Hi s torian ,Observations on Popular Antiquities Jonathan ,Brandis ,Actor ,Luca s Wolenczak on SeaQuest Joseph ,Brant ,Mi l i tary ,Mohawk Indian Chief Julian ,Bream ,Gui tarist ,Guitarist and lutenist John ,Breaux ,Pol i ti cian ,US Senator from Louisiana, 19872005 Jacques ,Brel ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Legendary chanson s i nger a nd s ongwriter Jimmy ,Breslin ,Col umnist ,The Gang That Couldn't Shoot Straight Jeremy ,Brett ,Actor ,The Adventures of Sherlock Holmes Jim ,Breuer ,Comi c ,Half-Baked Jan ,Brewer ,Pol i ti cian ,Governor of Ari zona Jordana ,Brewster ,Actor ,The Faculty Jean-Claude ,Brialy ,Actor ,Une femme est une femme James ,Bridges ,Fi l m Director ,Urban Cowboy a nd The Paper Chase Jeff ,Bridges ,Actor ,The Dude abides Jordan ,Bridges ,Actor ,Fra nkie on Rizzoli & Isles Jim ,Broadbent ,Actor ,Os ca r-winning oddball English actor John ,Brockington ,Footba ll ,Green Bay Pa ckers RB John ,Brockman ,Pundi t ,Editor of James ,Broderick ,Actor ,Doug La wrence on Family John ,Brodie ,Footba ll ,Former San Francisco 49ers QB Joseph ,Brodsky ,Poet ,"Soci al parasite" turned Poet La ureate John ,Brogden ,Pol i tician ,Disgraced Australian opposition l eader James ,Brolin ,Actor ,Bruba ker in Capricorn One Josh ,Brolin ,Actor ,No Country for Old Men John ,Bromfield ,Actor ,U.S. Marshal Jayne ,Brook ,Actor ,Chicago Hope Jack ,Brooks ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Texas, 1953-95 Jeremy ,Brooks ,Novel i st ,Jampot Smith Joel ,Brooks ,Actor ,J. D. Luca s on My Sister Sam Joyce ,Brothers ,Ps ychol ogist ,Pop psychologist John ,Brougham ,Actor ,Iri sh-American dramatist and actor Jack ,Brouillard ,Business ,CFO of H.E. Butt Grocery Co., 1991-2005 James ,Brown ,Si nger ,Godfather of Soul Jerry ,Brown ,Pol i tician ,Governor of California Jesse ,Brown ,Government ,US Secretary of Veteran's Affa i rs, 1993-97 Jim ,Brown ,Football ,Cl eveland Browns RB John ,Brown ,Acti vi s t ,Led the ra id on Harpers Ferry Julie ,Brown ,Actor ,Wes t Coa st Julie Brown Jackson ,Browne ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Running on Empty John ,Browne ,Bus iness ,CEO of Bri tish Petroleum, 19952007 John ,Browning ,Inventor ,Best gun designer of all time Jim ,Broyhill ,Pol itician ,Congressman from North Ca rolina, 1963-86 Jack ,Bruce ,Mus i cian ,Bassist/Vocalist for Cream Jerry ,Bruckheimer ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Bombastic Movi e Producer John ,Brunner ,Author ,The Shockwave Rider John ,Bruton ,Hea d of State ,Prime Mi nister of Ireland, 1994-97 Joy ,Bryant ,Actor ,Get Rich or Die Tryin' John ,Buchan ,Author ,The Thirty-Nine Steps Jack ,Buchanan ,Actor ,The Band Wagon James ,Buchanan ,Hea d of State ,15th US President, 185761 Jack ,Buck ,Sports Journalist ,Voice of the Ca rdinals Jeff ,Buckley ,Si nger ,Influential rock vocalist Joe ,Budden ,Ra pper ,New Jersey ra pper/mixer Jack ,Buetel ,Actor ,Deputy Ta ggert on Judge Roy Bean Jimmy ,Buffett ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Margaritaville Joyce ,Bulifant ,Actor ,Match Game pa nelist John ,Bull ,Compos er ,English composer a nd organist Jeremy ,Bulloch ,Actor ,Boba Fett i n the Star Wars s eries Joseph ,Buloff ,Actor ,Yi ddish stage a ctor John ,Bunnell ,TV Pers onality ,World's Wildest Police Videos Jim ,Bunning ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Kentucky John ,Bunny ,Actor ,Comi c s tarred in over 200 s hort films John ,Bunyan ,Author ,Pilgrim's Progress Julie ,Burchill ,Journalist ,Co-founder of Modern Review Jocelyn ,Burdick ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from North Dakota, 1992 John ,Burgoyne ,Mi l itary ,Defeated at the Battle of Sa ra toga Jean ,Buridan ,Phi l osopher ,Buridan's Ass John ,Burke ,Pol i tician ,North Dakota Governor, US Trea surer Johnny ,Burke ,Songwri ter ,Swinging on a Star Jack ,Burke,^Jr. ,Gol f ,Winner, 1956 Ma s ters a nd PGA Cha mpionship Jesse ,Burkett ,Ba s eball ,The Cra b, MLB Hall of Famer Johnny ,Burnette ,Mus i cian ,Rockabilly instigator Jere ,Burns ,Actor ,Breughel on Max Headroom John ,Burns ,Journa list ,New York Times correspondent John ,Burroughs ,Na tura list ,Birds and Poets John ,Burroughs ,Pol i tician ,Governor of New Mexico, 1959-61 Janet ,Burroway ,Novel ist ,The Dancer from the Dance Jake ,Busey ,Actor ,Identity Jeb ,Bush ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Florida, 1999-2007 Jebby ,Bush ,Rel ative ,Son of Jeb Bush Jenna ,Bush ,Rel ative ,Twin daughter of George W. Bush Jerry ,Buss ,Bus i ness ,Owner, Los Angeles La kers Jack ,Butler ,Football ,Former Pi ttsburgh Steelers DB Jerry ,Butler ,Si nger/Songwriter ,The Ice Ma n Jerry ,Butler ,Porns tar ,10 1/2 Weeks Judith ,Butler ,Schol ar ,Gender Trouble Joey ,Buttafuoco ,Cri mi nal ,Amy Fisher's other daddy Jay ,Bybee ,Judge ,9th Ci rcuit Court of Appeals Junior ,Byles ,Si nger ,Reggae singer, Lee "Scratch" Perry col l aborator John ,Byner ,Comi c ,Voi ce of The Aardvark ca rtoon Juanita ,Bynum ,Rel igion ,Pentecostal televangelist Jane ,Byrne ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of Chicago, 1979-83 Jim ,Byrnes ,Actor ,Li feguard on Wiseguy 3. JC Johnny Cash=Singer and songwriter=110,878=56 Joe Cocker=English rock and blues musician, composer and actor=84,096=74 Juliete Cabrera=Cuban, M odel=42,538=205 JoAnna Cameron=Actress, director=55,590=163 Jennifer Capriati=Tennis player=39,315=213 J.C. Chasez=American, M usician=68,200=92 Julian Casablancas=Singer=65,347=97 Jim Croce=American singer-songwriter=33,811=186 Jerry Cantrell=American musician and Jennifer Carpenter=Actress=65,516=134 Jordan Carver=German, M odel=72,870=121 Juliet Casablancas=American, Other=66,764=130 Jazmine Cashmere=American pornographic songwriter=31,943=196 Jay Chou=Taiwanese musician=29,384=212 Jeremy Camp=American, M usician=22,218=270 John Cena=Professional wrestler, an amateur hip hop musician and actor=596,802=7 Jackie Chan=Hong Kong actor, action choreographer, film director, film producer, martial artist, screenwriter, singer and stunt performer=89,767=69 James Cagney=Actor=29,964=207 Jaime Camil=M exican, Actor=26,580=231 Jamie Campbell+Bower=Actor=39,870=155 Jencarlos Canela=American, Actor=28,274=216 Jim Carrey=Canadian-American actor=349,131=15 Jim Caviezel=Actor=56,311=118 Justin Chambers=American, Actor=23,040=256 Josh Charles=American, Actor=85,533=73 Justin Chatwin=Canadian, Actor=54,225=120 John Clark+Gable=American, Actor=45,813=137 John Corbett=American, Actor=36,528=172 Johnny Crawford=American, Actor=27,192=227 Jonathan Crombie=Canadian, Actor=27,324=224 Jake Cuenca=Filipino actor-modelfootballer=32,731=191 John Cusack=Actor/Screenwriter=263,393=23 Jay Cutler=American football quarterback=24,499=245 actress=38,383=220 FNEEDED JC,J.C. Chasez JC,J.J. Cale JC,Jack Casady JC,Jackie Chan JC,Jackie Collins JC,Jackie Coogan JC,Jackie Cooper JC,Jacques Cousteau JC,James Caan JC,James Cagney JC,James Cameron JC,James Caviezel JC,James Coburn JC,Jamie Lee Curtis JC,Jane Curtin JC,Jean Chrétien JC,Jean Cocteau JC,Jeanne Crain JC,Jeff Chandler JC,Jennifer Capriati JC,Jennifer Connelly Jeisa Chiminazzo=Brazilian, M odel=29,630=281 Julie Christie=Actress=76,554=116 Jamie Chung=American, Actress=178,178=45 Jessica Cirio=Argentinean, TV Personality=118,484=78 Jill Clayburgh=American, Actress=29,962=277 Jo Coddington=American, TV Personality=34,529=250 Joan Collins=English actress, author and columnist=210,805=30 Julie Condra=Actress=30,113=274 Jennifer Connelly=American actress=200,405=36 Jennifer Coolidge=American, Actress=37,727=227 Jana Cova=Czech, Pornstar=33,508=256 Jeanne Crain=American, Actress=44,026=200 Joan Crawford=American actress=97,945=93 ………… Jah Cure Jesus Culture Jamie Cullum Justice Crew Jonny Craig Jimmy Cozier Jodie Connor Javier Colon J. Cole Jimmy Cliff Jonathan Clay Jason Chen Jason Castro Joe ,C. ,Ra pper ,Tiny ra pping sidekick of Ki d Rock James ,Caan ,Actor ,Vegas John ,Cabot ,Expl orer ,Discovered North America John ,Cadbury ,Bus i ness ,Chocolatier Julius ,Caesar ,Head of State ,Roman Dictator 45 BC unti l 44 BC Jack ,Cafferty ,TV Pers onality ,CNN a nchor Jefferson ,Caffery ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Egypt, Fra nce, Brazil, Cuba Julie ,Cafritz ,Gui ta rist ,Guitarist for Pussy Galore John ,Cage ,Compos er ,Experimental composer James ,Cagney ,Actor ,New York tough guy John ,Caius ,Doctor ,Second founder of Gonville a nd Caius Col l ege Jonathan ,Cake ,Actor ,The One and Only Jason ,Calacanis ,Business ,Weblogs Inc., Ma Jim ,Caldwell ,Football ,Indianapolis Colts coach, 2009-12 John ,Cale ,Cel l ist ,Velvet cellist and i nfluential producer Jim ,Calhoun ,Ba s ketball ,UConn Head Coach Joseph ,Califano ,Government ,Ca rter's HEW Secretary JC,Jeremy Castle JC,Jesus Christ JC,Jill Clayburgh JC,Jim Carrey JC,Jim Corr JC,Jim Courier JC,Jim Croce JC,Jimmy Carter JC,Jimmy Conners JC,Jimmy Connors JC,Joan Chen JC,Joan Collins JC,Joan Crawford JC,Joan Cusack JC,Joe Cocker JC,John Cage JC,John Candy JC,John Carpenter JC,John Cena JC,John Chapman JC,John Cleese JC,John Coltrane JC,John Cusack JC,John Le Carre JC,Johnny Carson JC,Johnny Cash JC,Jon Cryer JC,Joseph Campanella JC,Joseph Conrad JC,Joseph Cotten JC,José Canseco JC,Juan Carlos JC,Judy Collins JC,Julia Child JC,Julian Casablancas John ,Calipari ,Ba sketball ,Head Coach, University of Kentucky James ,Callaghan ,Head of State ,UK Pri me Mi nister, 197679 K ,Callan ,Actor ,Ma rtha Kent on Lois & Clark Joseph ,Calleia ,Actor ,Touch of Evil John ,Calley ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,CEO of Sony Pi ctures, 19962003 Jeanne ,Calment ,El derly ,Ol dest recorded person, died a t 122 John ,Calvin ,Rel igion ,French Protestant Reformation John ,Cambridge ,Drummer ,Drummer for The Rats a nd Juni or's Eyes James ,Cameron ,Fi l m Director ,Terminator, Titanic, a nd Avatar John ,Cameron ,Rel igion ,Scottish Protestant theologian Joe ,Camp ,Fi l m Director ,Benji Joseph ,Campanella ,Actor ,The Colbys John ,Campbell ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ca lifornia 48th Joseph ,Campbell ,Author ,The Power of Myth Joseph ,Campbell ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Ca mpbell Soups Julia ,Campbell ,Actor ,The Tillamook Treasure Jane ,Campion ,Fi l m Director ,The Piano John ,Candelaria ,Ba seball ,Ca ndyman, MLB pitcher John ,Candy ,Actor ,Uncle Buck Joseph ,Canizaro ,Bus iness ,Real estate mogul Judy ,Canova ,Actor ,Comi c a ctress, va udevillian Jose ,Canseco ,Ba s eball ,Troubled Oa kland A's player Jim ,Cantalupo ,Bus iness ,CEO of McDonald's, 2002-04 Jerry ,Cantrell ,Gui ta rist ,Lead guitar for Alice In Chains Joseph ,Cao ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Louisiana, 200911 Jim ,Capaldi ,Drummer ,Drummer/Songwriter for Traffic John ,Cappelletti ,Football ,Winner, 1973 Heisman Trophy Jennifer ,Capriati ,Tennis ,Troubled tennis pro Jessica ,Capshaw ,Actor ,Dr. Robbins on Grey's Anatomy Jack ,Cardiff ,Ci nematographer ,The Long Ships Julien ,Carette ,Actor ,The Grand Illusion Jan ,Carlson ,Business ,CEO of Autoliv Jeffrey ,Carlson ,Actor ,Broa dway a ctor, transgender soap s ta r John ,Carmack ,Computer Programmer ,Lead programmer of Doom, Quake Julie ,Carmen ,Actor ,Gloria Jean ,Carnahan ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Missouri, 200102 Joe ,Carnahan ,Fi l m Director ,Smokin' Aces Judy ,Carne ,Actor ,Sock-i t-to-me girl on Laugh-In JoAnne ,Carner ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1971 a nd 1976 US Women's Open Jay ,Carney ,Government ,White House Press Secretary John ,Carney ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Delaware Jennifer ,Carpenter ,Actor ,The Exorcism of Emily Rose John ,Carpenter ,Fi l m Director ,Escape from New York Joe ,Carr ,Football ,NFL President, 1921-39 John ,Carradine ,Actor ,In over 200 B movi es José ,Carreras ,Si nger ,The third tenor Jim ,Carrey ,Actor ,Rubber-faced fa rtsmith Janet ,Carroll ,Actor ,Risky Business Jim ,Carroll ,Author ,The Basketball Diaries John ,Carroll ,Actor ,Flying Tigers Julian ,Carroll ,Politician ,Governor of Kentucky, 1974-79 Jack ,Carson ,Actor ,Two Guys From Milwaukee Jean ,Carson ,Actor ,Fun gi rl Daphne Johnnie ,Carson ,Di plomat ,US Asst. Secy. of Sta te for Africa Johnny ,Carson ,Ta l k Show Host ,Longtime host of Tonight Show Julia ,Carson ,Pol itician ,Congresswoman from Indiana, 1997-2007 Jack ,Carter ,Rel ative ,Jimmy Ca rter's eldest son Jack ,Carter ,Comi c ,Sta nd-up comic, a ctor Janis ,Carter ,Actor ,B-Movi e actress Jason ,Carter ,Actor ,Ma rcus Cole on Babylon 5 Jim ,Carter ,Actor ,Mr. Ca rs on on Downton Abbey Jimmy ,Carter ,Hea d of State ,39th US President, 1977-81 Joe ,Carter ,Ba s eball ,Toronto Blue Ja ys John ,Carter ,Actor ,Lt. John Bi ddle on Barnaby Jones John ,Carter ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Texas 31s t Jon ,Carter ,Mus i cian ,Monkey Ma fia Jocelyn ,Carter-Miller ,Bus iness ,President of TechEdVentures Jacques ,Cartier ,Expl orer ,Discovered St. La wrence ri ver James ,Carville ,Government ,Clinton ca mpaign strategist Joyce ,Cary ,Novel ist ,The Horse's Mouth Julian ,Casablancas ,Musician ,The Strokes frontma n Jack ,Casady ,Ba s sist ,Jefferson Airplane John ,Casey ,Novel ist ,Spartina Johnny ,Cash ,Country Mus i cian ,The Ma n i n Black Jack ,Cashill ,Author ,What's The Matter With California? John ,Cassavetes ,Actor ,Rosemary's Baby Jean-Pierre ,Cassel ,Actor ,The Crimson Rivers John ,Cassell ,Publisher ,Cassell's Magazine Jack ,Cassidy ,Actor ,The Eiger Sanction Joanna ,Cassidy ,Actor ,Sna ke-charmer in Blade Runner Jimmy ,Castor ,Mus i cian ,Troglodyte John ,Catron ,Judge ,US Supreme Court Justice, 1837-65 John ,Catsimatidis ,Business ,Supermarket billionaire Joan ,Caulfield ,Actor ,Dear Ruth John ,Cavanagh ,Economi st ,Institute for Policy Studies James ,Caviezel ,Actor ,Passion John ,Cazale ,Actor ,Fredo i n The Godfather Jacques ,Cazotte ,Author ,Diable Amoureux John ,Cena ,Wres tling ,WWE Champion James ,Chadwick ,Phys i ci st ,Discovered the neutron Jason ,Chaffetz ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Utah 3rd Jonathan ,Chait ,Journa list ,Senior Editor, The New Republic Joba ,Chamberlain ,Ba seball ,Yankees pitcher Joseph ,Chamberlain ,Pol i tician ,British pol revered i n Bi rmi ngham Jimmy ,Chamberlin ,Drummer ,Ex-Smashing Pumpkins drummer Justin ,Chambers ,Actor ,Dr. Al ex Ka rev on Grey's Anatomy Jean-Lou ,Chameau ,Educa tor ,President, Ca lifornia Ins titute of Technology Jean-François ,Champollion ,Hi storian ,Deciphered the Ros etta Stone Jackie ,Chan ,Actor ,Ma rti al arts s tar, did his own s tunts James ,Chance ,Mus i cian ,James Chance and the Contortions John ,Chancellor ,Journalist ,NBC Nightly News anchor Jeff ,Chandler ,Actor ,Broken Arrow Jordy ,Chandler ,Vi cti m ,Boy who got ,15.3M from Mi chael Ja cks on John ,Chaney ,Ba s ketball ,Temple Head Coach, 1982-2006 Jim ,Chapman ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Texas, 198597 John ,Chapple ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Nextel Pa rtners, 1998-2006 Jean-Marc ,Chapus ,Bus iness ,Trust Company of the West Jean-Martin ,Charcot ,Doctor ,Fa ther of neurology Josh ,Charles ,Actor ,Da n Rydell on Sports Night Jule ,Charney ,Sci entist ,Quasi-gesotrophic theory John ,Charnley ,Doctor ,Hi p replacement s urgery Jerome ,Charyn ,Novel ist ,The Good Policeman Jonathan ,Chase ,Actor ,Ca s h on One on One Jessica ,Chastain ,Actor ,The Tree of Life Justin ,Chatwin ,Actor ,War of the Worlds rema ke Juhi ,Chawla ,Actor ,Hum Hain Rahi Pyar Ke John ,Cheever ,Author ,The Enormous Radio Joan ,Chen ,Actor ,The Last Emperor Julie ,Chen ,Ga me Show Host ,Host of Big Brother Jacky ,Cheung ,Si nger ,Ca ntopop God of Songs Judy ,Chicago ,Arti s t ,The Birth Project Jack ,Chick ,Ca rtoonist ,Anti-Catholic comics publisher Julia ,Child ,Chef ,Haute cuisine wi th a unique voice Jacques ,Chirac ,Hea d of State ,President of France, 19952007 John ,Chisholm ,Bus iness ,Chairman of QinetiQ Joaquim ,Chissano ,Head of State ,President of Moza mbique, 1986-2005 John ,Cho ,Actor ,Harold & Kumar Go to White Castle Joseph ,Choate ,Attorney ,Attorney, a mbassador Jay ,Chou ,Si nger ,Taiwanese popstar, Ka to in The Green Hornet Jean ,Chrétien ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Canada, 1993-2003 Jesus ,Christ ,Rel i gion ,Carpenter, evangelist Jack ,Christiansen ,Football ,NFL Hall of Famer, coach Julie ,Christie ,Actor ,Darling June ,Christy ,Si nger ,Something Cool Judy ,Chu ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Ca lifornia 32nd John ,Ciardi ,Poet ,How Does a Poem Mean? Jerry ,Ciccoritti ,Fi lm Director ,The Life Before This Jonathan ,Cilley ,Pol itician ,US Congressman from Maine, 1837-38 Joseph ,Cinqué ,Acti vi s t ,Led the Amistad s lave rebellion John ,Clare ,Poet ,Northamptonshire Peasant Poet Jim ,Clark ,Bus iness ,Co-Founder of SGI a nd Netscape Joe ,Clark ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of Ca nada, 1979-80 John ,Clarke ,Phys i cist ,Superconducting quantum i nterference Jeremy ,Clarkson ,TV Pers onality ,Top Gear James ,Clavell ,Novelist ,Shogun a nd The Great Escape Joan ,Claybrook ,Acti vi st ,Public Citizen Jill ,Clayburgh ,Actor ,Starting Over Jane ,Clayson ,Journalist ,Host of The Early Show 1999-02 Jack ,Clayton ,Fi l m Director ,The Great Gatsby Jan ,Clayton ,Actor ,El l en Mi ller on Lassie June ,Clayworth ,Actor ,At Sword's Point John ,Cleese ,Comi c ,Monty Python John ,Cleland ,Novel ist ,Fanny Hill Jemaine ,Clement ,Mus i cian ,Flight of the Conchords Jim ,Click ,Bus iness ,Tucson car dealer Jimmy ,Cliff ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Reggae musician Jim ,Clyburn ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, South Ca rolina 6th James ,Coburn ,Actor ,Our Man Flint Jackie ,Cochran ,Avi a tor ,Fi rst woman to break the sound ba rri er Johnnie ,Cochran ,Attorney ,Successfully defended O. J. Si mpson Josephine ,Cochrane ,Inventor ,Invented the dishwasher John ,Cockcroft ,Phys i ci st ,Split the atom Jarvis ,Cocker ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Frontman, Pulp Joe ,Cocker ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Singer-slash-contortionist Jay ,Cocks ,Screenwriter ,Screenwriter, Gangs of New York James ,Coco ,Actor ,Only When I Laugh Jean ,Cocteau ,Poet ,La Belle et la Bête Jonathan ,Coe ,Novel ist ,What a Carve Up! Joel ,Coen ,Fi l m Director ,Half of the Coen brothers Jeffery ,Cohelan ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ca lifornia, 1959-71 Jared ,Cohen ,Government ,Children of Jihad Jeff ,Cohen ,Pundi t ,Fox News Watch Jean-Baptiste ,Colbert ,Government ,Economic reformer under Louis XIV Juan ,Cole ,Hi s torian ,Sacred Space and Holy War Jack ,Coleman ,Actor ,Steven Ca rrington on Dynasty Jaz ,Coleman ,Mus i cian ,Killing Joke John ,Coleman ,TV Pers onality ,Founder, The Weather Cha nnel John ,Colicos ,Actor ,Anne of the Thousand Days Jackie ,Collins ,Novelist ,Hollywood Wives Joan ,Collins ,Actor ,Al exis on Dynasty Judy ,Collins ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Folk singer June ,Collyer ,Actor ,The Stu Erwin Show Jerry ,Colonna ,Ra di o Personality ,Sidekick of Bob Hope Jessi ,Colter ,Si nger ,I'm Not Lisa John ,Coltrane ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Jazz tenor s axophonist Jack ,Colvin ,Actor ,Ja ck McGee on The Incredible Hulk Jeffrey ,Combs ,Actor ,Herbert West in Re-Animator James ,Comey ,Government ,Deputy US Attorney General, 2003-05 John ,Compton ,Hea d of State ,Many-time Pri me Mi nister of St. Luci a Joe ,Conason ,Journa list ,New York Observer pol itical col umnist Jeff ,Conaway ,Actor ,Grease John ,Connally ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Texas, 1963-69 James ,Connaughton ,Government ,Chairman, Council on Envi ronmental Quality Jeffrey ,Connaughton ,Attorney ,Lobbyist, Quinn Gillespie John ,Connaughton ,Bus i ness ,Bain Ca pital Jennifer ,Connelly ,Actor ,Betty Ros s i n The Hulk Jason ,Connery ,Actor ,Merlin Jimmy ,Connors ,Tennis ,'70s , '80s tennis champ Joseph ,Conrad ,Author ,Heart of Darkness John ,Constable ,Pa i nter ,English landscape painter Jack ,Conway ,Fi l m Director ,Too Hot to Handle John ,Conway ,Ma thematician ,Game of Life John ,Conyers ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman, Mi chigan 14th Jackie ,Coogan ,Actor ,Uncl e Fester in The Addams Family James ,Cook ,Expl orer ,Explorer of the South Pa cific Jason ,Cook ,Actor ,Days of Our Lives John ,Cook ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of El Paso Joseph ,Cook ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of Australia, 1913-14 Janet ,Cooke ,Journa list ,Ca ught wri ting fa ke news John ,Cooksey ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Louisiana, 1997-2003 Jennifer ,Coolidge ,Actor ,Legally Blonde Jackie ,Cooper ,Actor ,Ja cki e i n Our Gang Jeanne ,Cooper ,Actor ,The Young and the Restless Jim ,Cooper ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Tennessee 5th John ,Cooper ,Football ,OSU Head Coa ch, 1988-2000 Joseph ,Coors,^Sr. ,Bus iness ,Ultraconserva tive beer baron Jack ,Cope ,Novel ist ,The Fair House Julian ,Cope ,Mus i cian ,World Shut Your Mouth John ,Corbett ,Actor ,Chri s the DJ on Northern Exposure Jeff ,Corey ,Actor ,Little Big Man Joseph ,Cornell ,Scul ptor ,Exponent of Assemblage John ,Cornforth ,Chemi st ,Stereochemistry of enzymeca ta lysts John ,Cornyn ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Texas Juan ,Corona ,Cri mi nal ,Serial killer s erving 25 l ife sentences Jerome ,Corsi ,Acti vi st ,Co-Author, Unfit for Command Julio ,Cortázar ,Author ,Argentine fantasy s hort s tory wri ter Jeff ,Corwin ,TV Pers onality ,Ani mal Planet host Jon ,Corzine ,Pol i ti cian ,Governor of New Jersey, 2006-10 Jay ,Cost ,Col umnist ,Spoiled Rotten Jim ,Costa ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ca lifornia 20th Jerry ,Costello ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Illinois 12th John ,Costello ,Author ,The Pacific War Joseph ,Cotten ,Actor ,Jedi diah Leland in Citizen Kane John ,Cotton ,Rel igion ,First Church of Boston Joe ,Coulombe ,Bus iness ,Cofounder of Tra der Joe's Market Jim ,Courier ,Tenni s ,Winner of 4 Gra nd Slam ti tles Jim ,Courter ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New Jersey, 1979-91 Jacques ,Cousteau ,Acti vi s t ,Oceanographer, envi ronmentalist Jerome ,Cowan ,Actor ,Miracle on 34th Street Janet ,Cowell ,Pol i tician ,State Treasurer of North Ca rolina Joshua ,Cox ,Actor ,Peter Ri ggs on Strong Medicine James ,Craig ,Actor ,Our Vines Have Tender Grapes Jenny ,Craig ,Bus iness ,Diet plan purveyor Jeanne ,Crain ,Actor ,20th Century Fox s tudio actress Jim ,Cramer ,TV Pers onality ,Mad Money Joan ,Crawford ,Actor ,What Ever Happened to Baby Jane? Johnny ,Crawford ,Actor ,Ma rk McCa i n on The Rifleman Jack ,Creley ,Actor ,Dr. Strangelove, Videodrome James ,Crichton ,Schol ar ,The Admirable Cri chton Judith ,Crist ,Cri ti c ,As cerbic film cri tic Jim ,Croce ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Time in a Bottle Jonathan ,Crombie ,Actor ,Green Gables John ,Crome ,Pa i nter ,Pa inter of trees, Norwich School John ,Crommelin,^Jr. ,Mi l i tary ,Rear Admiral, US Navy James ,Cromwell ,Actor ,Babe, L.A. Confidential John ,Cromwell ,Fi l m Director ,The Prisoner of Zenda Joe ,Cronin ,Ba s eball ,Shortstop on 7 Al l-Star teams Jon ,Crosby ,Mus i cian ,VAST Joseph ,Cross ,Actor ,Running with Scissors Jake ,Crouthamel ,Football ,Syracuse Athletics Director John ,Crowley ,Author ,Little, Big Joseph ,Crowley ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, New York 7th Johan ,Cruijff ,Soccer ,Dutch football great James ,Crumley ,Novel ist ,The Mexican Tree Duck James ,Cruze ,Fi l m Director ,If I Had a Million Jon ,Cryer ,Actor ,Ducki e Dale in Pretty in Pink John ,Culberson ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman, Texas 7th John ,Cullum ,Actor ,Hol ling Vincoeur on Northern Exposure John ,Culver ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Iowa, 1974-81 Jeanne ,Cummings ,Journa list ,Wall Street Journal political corres pondent Jim ,Cummings ,Actor ,Prol i fic voice actor John ,Curry ,Fi gure Skating ,Figure Skater, 1976 Ol ympic Gol d Medalist Jane ,Curtin ,Actor ,SNL, Third Rock from the Sun John ,Curtin ,Hea d of State ,Prime Mi nister of Australia, 1941-45 John ,Curwen ,Mus i cologist ,Tonic Sol-fa Method Joan ,Cusack ,Actor ,Grosse Pointe Blank John ,Cusack ,Actor ,High Fidelity Jessica ,Cutler ,Bl ogger ,Former DeWine s taffer, Washingtonienne Jan ,Czochralski ,Scientist ,Czochralski Process 4. JD John Denver=Singer-songwriter, instrumentalist, Jenni Dahlman-Räikkönen=Finnish, record producer, actor, writer, poet, activist=142,278=45 Jamie Dornan=Actor, model, musician=74,174=84 Jonathan Davis=Heavy metal singer, frontman for Korn=36,296=174 Jaye Davidson=American, Actor=34,608=182 John Deacon=M usician=25,310=237 Jeremy Davis=Bassist of the alternative Rock band 'Paramore'=24,165=247 Jermaine Dupri=American, M usic Producer=22,492=263 Jakob Dylan=American, M usician=21,098=283 James Darren=Actor=28,066=218 James Dean=actor=232,739=24 Jeffrey Dean+Morgan=Actor=58,497=116 James Deen=Filipino pornographic actor=27,320=225 Johnny Depp=American actor=570,508=8 John Derek=Film actor and director=32,435=192 Jason Dolley=American, Actor=167,137=38 Jeffrey Donovan=American, Actor=87,040=72 Jamie Draven=English, Actor=20,674=290 Josh Duhamel=Actor=95,722=63 Jeff Dunham=American, Comic=25,053=239 John Dye=American film and television actor=72,336=88 Horseriding=51,240=171 Josie Davis=American, Actress=27,832=291 Jana Defi=Czech, M odel=59,687=150 Jakki Degg=British, M odel=62,905=140 Judi Dench=English actress=33,286=258 Jenna Dewan-Tatum=American, Actress=207,131=31 Joyce DeWitt=American, Actress=240,266=24 Janice Dickinson=fashion model=87,292=108 Jelena Dokic=Australian tennis player=66,109=133 Jessica Drake=American pornographic actress=37,610=228 FNEEDED JD,Jack Dempsey JD,Jakob Dylan JD,James Daughton JD,James Dean JD,James Dickey JD,James Doohan JD,Jeff Daniels JD,Jefferson Davis JD,Jerry Van Dyke JD,Jim Davis JD,Jimmy Dean JD,Jimmy Dorsey JD,Jimmy Durante JD,Joe Dante JD,Joe DiMaggio JD,Joe Dimaggio JD,John Davidson JD,John Deacon JD,John Densmore JD,John Denver …………… James Durbin Junior Doctor Joy Division Jonny Diaz Jason Derulo Jayme Dee J - Dawg J. Dash John ,Dahl ,Fi l m Director ,Rounders Jeffrey ,Dahmer ,Cri mi nal ,Homosexual s erial killer ca nnibal Jim ,Dale ,Actor ,Me and My Girl John ,Dall ,Actor ,Rope Josh ,Dallas ,Actor ,Da vid Nolan on Once Upon a Time Joe ,Dallesandro ,Actor ,Took a walk on the wild side Jack ,Dalrymple ,Pol i ti cian ,Governor of North Dakota John ,Dalton ,Chemi st ,Early proponent of Atomic Theory James ,Daly ,Actor ,Dr. Pa ul Lochner on Medical Center Jim ,Daly ,Acti vi s t ,President a nd CEO, Focus on the Family John ,Daly ,Gol f ,Al coholic golfer Joe ,D'Amato ,Fi l m Director ,Ator the Invincible Jacques ,d'Amboise ,Da ncer ,Founder of the National Da nce Institute Johnny ,Damon ,Ba s eball ,"Ca veman" outfielder John ,Danforth ,Pol i tician ,US Ambassador to the UN, 2004 Jack ,Dangers ,El ectronic Musician ,Meat Beat Ma nifesto Jack ,Daniel ,Bus i ness ,Moonshine magnate Jeff ,Daniels ,Actor ,Dumb and Dumber Jonathan ,Daniels ,Government ,FDR and Truman's press s ecretary Josephus ,Daniels ,Government ,Secretary of the Navy, 1913-21 Joe ,Dante ,Fi l m Director ,The 'burbs James ,D'Arcy ,Actor ,Revelation Jessica ,Darlin ,Pornstar ,Extreme hardcore blonde James ,Darren ,Actor ,The Time Tunnel Justin ,Dart ,Bus i ness ,Drug store magnate JD,John Derek JD,John Dillinger JD,Johnny Depp JD,Joyce DeWitt JD,Judy Dench JD,Julia Louis Dreyfus Justin ,Dart,^Jr. ,Acti vi s t ,Father of the Americans with Di s abilities Act Jane ,Darwell ,Actor ,The bi rd woman i n Mary Poppins Julie ,Dash ,Fi l m Director ,Daughters of the Dust Jules ,Dassin ,Fi lm Director ,Topkapi Jean ,Dasté ,Actor ,L'Atalante Jean ,Daurat ,Poet ,French Pléiade poet Jean ,Dausset ,Sci entist ,Recognition of HLA antigens Jack ,Davenport ,Actor ,Steve Ta ylor on Coupling Jacques-Louis ,David ,Pa i nter ,French Neoclassical painter Jeffrey ,Davidow ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Mexico, 1998-2001 Jaye ,Davidson ,Actor ,The Crying Game Jim ,Davidson ,Comi c ,Stand Up Jim Davidson John ,Davidson ,Ta l k Show Host ,That's Incredible! Jeremy ,Davies ,Actor ,Saving Private Ryan Jason ,Davis ,Actor ,Prison Break Jefferson ,Davis ,Head of State ,President of the Confederacy Jim ,Davis ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Florida, 1997-2007 Jim ,Davis ,Actor ,Jock Ewi ng on Dallas Jim ,Davis ,Ca rtoonist ,Garfield Jimmie ,Davis ,Si nger/Songwriter ,You Are My Sunshine Joan ,Davis ,Actor ,I Married Joan John ,Davis ,Expl orer ,Discovered Falkland Islands Jonathan ,Davis ,Mus ician ,Korn frontman Josie ,Davis ,Actor ,Sa ra h Powell on Charles in Charge Judy ,Davis ,Actor ,A Passage to India Julia ,Davis ,Actor ,Nighty Night John ,Day ,Pl a ywri ght ,The Parliament of Bees John ,Deacon ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for Queen James ,Dean ,Actor ,Li ved fa st, died young Jimmy ,Dean ,Country Mus i cian ,Singer, s ongwriter, s a usage-maker John ,Dean ,Government ,Nixon's White House Counsel Justin ,Deas ,Actor ,Buzz Cooper on Guiding Light James ,DeBarge ,Mus i cian ,Janet's Ex Husband a nd member of DeBarge James ,DeBello ,Actor ,Cabin Fever John ,Dee ,Ma thematician ,Ma thematician and mystic John ,Deere ,Bus i ness ,Invented the self-scouring plow James ,DeFranco ,Bus i ness ,Co-Founder of Echostar Jean-Luc ,Dehaene ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Bel gium, 1992-99 John ,Dehner ,Actor ,Carousel Johann ,Deisenhofer ,Chemi st ,Proteins of photosynthesis Jean-Baptiste-Joseph ,Delambre ,As tronomer ,Histoire de l'Astronomie Joe ,DeLamielleure ,Football ,NFL Hall of Famer John ,Delaney ,Pol i tician ,Mayor of Jacksonville, 1995-2003 Jessica ,Delfino ,Comi c ,Dirty Folk Rock Jacques ,Delille ,Poet ,French tra nslator of Virgil Joseph-Nicolas ,Delisle ,As tronomer ,Founded St. Peters burg observatory John ,DeLorean ,Bus iness ,Automobile designer and entepreneur Jacques ,Delors ,Pol i tician ,EU Commission President, 198594 Julie ,Delpy ,Actor ,Europa Europa Jean-André ,Deluc ,Geol ogist ,Lettres... sur les montagnes Jay ,DeMarcus ,Country Mus i cian ,Vocalist, Rascal Flatts Jimmy ,Demaret ,Gol f ,Winner of three Ma sters Tourna ments Jim ,DeMint ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from South Carolina John ,Demjanjuk ,Cri mi nal ,Retired a uto worker convicted for Na zi past Jonathan ,Demme ,Fi l m Director ,The Silence of the Lambs Jacques ,DeMolay ,Mi l i tary ,La st Grand Master of the Kni ghts Templar Jack ,Dempsey ,Boxi ng ,Heavyweight champ Jeffrey ,DeMunn ,Actor ,Citizen X Jacques ,Demy ,Fi l m Director ,The Umbrellas of Cherbourg Judi ,Dench ,Actor ,Mrs. Brown Jeff ,Denham ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ca lifornia 19th John ,Denham ,Pol i tician ,British MP, Southampton Itchen John ,Dennis ,Cri ti c ,The Usefulness of the Stage John ,Densmore ,Drummer ,Drummer for The Doors James ,Denton ,Actor ,Mi ke Delfino on Desperate Housewives Jeremiah ,Denton ,Mi l i tary ,US Senator from Al abama, 1981-87 John ,Denver ,Country Mus i cian ,Rocky Mountain High Jewel ,De'Nyle ,Porns tar ,Bend Over and Say Ahh 3 Johnny ,Depp ,Actor ,Ca pta in Ja ck Sparrow John ,Derbyshire ,Author ,Cons ervative pundit John ,Derek ,Fi l m Director ,Tarzan, the Ape Man Joe ,DeRita ,Actor ,The Three Stooges Jacques ,Derrida ,Phi l osopher ,Deconstructionism, Intellectual Terrorist Jason ,Derülo ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Watcha Say Jackie ,DeShannon ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Put a Little Love in Your Heart Jean ,Desmarets ,Pl a ywri ght ,Les Visionnaires John ,Deutch ,Government ,CIA Director, 1995-96 Jenna ,Dewan ,Actor ,Tamara James ,Dewar ,Phys i cist ,Researcher of l ow temperatures John ,Dewey ,Educa tor ,Pra gmatist philosopher, education reformer Joyce ,DeWitt ,Actor ,Ja net on Three's Company Jared ,Diamond ,Sci entist ,Collapse of societies John ,Dickerson ,Journa list ,Time White House corres pondent James ,Dickey ,Poet ,Deliverance Jay ,Dickey ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Arkansas, 19932001 Janice ,Dickinson ,Model ,1970s s upermodel John ,Dickinson ,Pol itician ,Founder of Dickinson College Joan ,Didion ,Author ,Slouching Toward Bethlehem John ,Diebold ,Author ,Advoca te of a utomation John ,Diefenbaker ,Hea d of State ,Prime Mi nister of Ca na da, 1957-63 John ,Diehl ,Actor ,La rry Zi to on Miami Vice J ,Dilla ,Mus ic Producer ,Hip-hop producer, Donuts John ,Dillinger ,Cri mi nal ,Public Enemy Number One Joe ,DiMaggio ,Ba s eball ,Where have you gone John ,DiMaggio ,Actor ,Voi ce of Bender on Futurama James ,Dimon ,Bus i ness ,CEO of JP Morga n Chase John ,Dingell ,Pol i tician ,US Congressman, Michigan 15th Janine ,DiTullio ,Comi c ,Brendon's mom on Home Movies Jeane ,Dixon ,Pa ra normal ,High profile astrologer Jeremiah ,Dixon ,As tronomer ,Ma son-Dixon Li ne James ,Dobson ,Ra di o Personality ,Focus on the Family Jimmie ,Dodd ,Ta l k Show Host ,Winsome Mickey Mouse Club hos t Jack ,Dodson ,Actor ,The Andy Griffith Show John ,Doe ,Mus i cian ,X John ,Doerr ,Bus iness ,Silicon Valley venture ca pitalist Jason ,Dohring ,Actor ,Loga n Echolls on Veronica Mars Jason ,Dolley ,Actor ,PJ Duncan on Good Luck Charlie John ,Dollond ,Phys i cist ,Invented a chromatic lenses John ,Doman ,Actor ,Ad exec turned prolific character a ctor John ,Donahoe ,Bus i ness ,CEO of eBay James ,Donald ,Actor ,Third Man on the Mountain Jim ,Donald ,Bus i ness ,President a nd CEO of Starbucks John ,Donne ,Poet ,Anniversaries Joe ,Donnelly ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Indiana 2nd Jason ,Donovan ,Si nger ,Australian singer/actor, MDA Jeffrey ,Donovan ,Actor ,Mi cha el Westen on Burn Notice James ,Doohan ,Actor ,Scotty on Star Trek Jim ,Dooley ,Footba ll ,Chi cago Bears Head Coach, 1968-71 James ,Doolittle ,Avi a tor ,Doolittle Raid a gainst Tokyo i n 1942 John ,Doolittle ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from California, 1991-2009 Julie ,Doolittle ,Rel a tive ,Wife of Congressman John Dool ittle Joel ,Dorius ,Educa tor ,Professor fi red for gay porn arrest Jürgen ,Dormann ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of ABB Jimmy ,Dorsey ,Mus i cian ,Popular bandleader and swing mus ician Julie ,Doucet ,Ca rtoonist ,Dirty Plotte Jon ,Dough ,Porns ta r ,Pornstar wi th split-stream eja culations James ,Douglas ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Vermont, 2003-11 Jean ,Douville ,Bus iness ,Chairman of UAP, Inc. Jeff ,Dowd ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,The Dude John ,Dowland ,Compos er ,Lachrimae, Lutenist Jerry ,Doyle ,Actor ,Mi cha el Garibaldi on Babylon 5 Jim ,Doyle ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Wisconsin, 2003-11 Jean-Claude ,Dreyfus ,Actor ,Delicatessen Joanne ,Dru ,Actor ,She Wore a Yellow Ribbon James ,Drury ,Actor ,The Virginian John ,Dryden ,Poet ,Absalom and Achitophel Ja'net ,DuBois ,Actor ,Wi l lona Woods on Good Times Julia ,Duffy ,Actor ,Stephanie on Newhart Josh ,Duhamel ,Actor ,All My Children John ,Duigan ,Fi l m Director ,Sirens Jean ,Dujardin ,Actor ,The Artist Jane ,Dulo ,Actor ,Li z Murra y on Hey, Jeannie! Joe ,Dumars ,Ba s ketball ,NBA Hall of Famer Jean-Baptiste-André ,Dumas ,Chemi st ,Pi oneer of organic chemistry John ,Duncan ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Tennessee 2nd Jean-Benoit ,Dunckel ,Mus i cian ,Half of the duo Air Jeff ,Dunham ,Comi c ,Ventriloquist, Arguing With Myself James ,Dunn ,Actor ,A Tree Grows in Brooklyn Jennifer ,Dunn ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman from Wa s hington, 1993-2005 Jules ,Dupré ,Pa i nter ,Ba rbizon s chool June ,Duprez ,Actor ,The Thief of Bagdad Jermaine ,Dupri ,Mus i c Producer ,CEO of So So Def Records Jimmy ,Durante ,Comi c ,Everybody wa nts ta get inta da a ct James ,Durbin ,Si nger ,Memories of a Beautiful Disaster Junior ,Durkin ,Actor ,Huckleberry Finn John ,Dury ,Rel igion ,The Reformed Librarie-Keeper Jacques ,Dutronc ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Les Cactus James ,Duval ,Actor ,Go Jean-Claude ,Duvalier ,Hea d of State ,"Baby Doc" Haitian di cta tor Julien ,Duvivier ,Fi l m Director ,Pépé le Moko John ,Dvorak ,Col umnist ,Crusty Geek PC Magazine Col umnist John ,Dye ,Actor ,Andrew on Touched by an Angel Jakob ,Dylan ,Mus i cian ,Head Wallflower a nd Bob Dylan's s on James ,Dyson ,Inventor ,Dyson va cuum cleaner 5. JE Joe Elliott=English, M usician=41,675=152 Jason Earles=Actor=66,026=95 Jesse Eisenberg=American, Actor=35,766=178 John Enos+III=American, Actor=23,438=255 COMPLETEandLEFT JE,Jason Earles JE,Jenna Elfman JE,Jill Eikenberry JE,John Elway JE,John Entwistle JE,Julius Dr. J Erving JE,Julius Erving Jennifer Ellison=English actress, model and singer=69,932=125 Jennifer Earles= =61,375=144 Jennifer Ehle=American, Actress=51,888=170 Jenna Elfman=Actress, producer=50,427=175 Jennifer England= =46,004=190 Jennifer Esposito=American, Actress=82,561=112 ………………… Jackie Evancho Jean Elan Jagged Edge John ,Earle ,Rel igion ,Microcosmographie Jason ,Earles ,Actor ,Ja cks on Stewart on Hannah Montana Jubal ,Early ,Mi l i tary ,Confederate General Jayne ,Eastwood ,Actor ,Chicago José ,Eber ,Bus i ness ,Hair s tylist to the stars John ,Eccles ,Sci entist ,Membrane potential of nerves José ,Echegaray ,Pl a ywri ght ,Nobel Pri zewinning Spanish dra ma tist Johann ,Eck ,Rel i gion ,Martin Luther's Catholic opponent James ,Eckhouse ,Actor ,Ji m Wa lsh on Beverly Hills, 90210 Jim ,Edgar ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Illinois, 1991-99 Joel ,Edgerton ,Actor ,Owen La rs in Star Wars II a nd III Jim ,Edmonds ,Ba s eball ,Gold Glove centerfielder John ,Edward ,Pa ra normal ,Crossing Over With John Edward John ,Edwards ,Pol i tician ,2004 Vi ce Presidential candidate Jonathan ,Edwards ,Rel i gion ,American Puritan theologian Jennifer ,Egan ,Novel ist ,A Visit from the Goon Squad Jan ,Egeland ,Government ,UN Undersecretary for Huma nitarian Affairs Jennifer ,Ehle ,Actor ,Sunshine John ,Ehrlichman ,Government ,Watergate cri minal, s erved ti me Jill ,Eikenberry ,Actor ,Ann Kel sey on L.A. Law Jesse ,Eisenberg ,Actor ,The Social Network Jack ,Elam ,Actor ,The Sundowners Joycelyn ,Elders ,Government ,Highly opinionated Surgeon General Jenna ,Elfman ,Actor ,Frea ky chick on Dharma and Greg Joe ,Elliott ,Mus i cian ,Def Leppard vocalist Josh ,Elliott ,TV Pers onality ,Good Morning America Jim ,Ellis ,Computer Programmer ,Usenet co-creator James ,Ellroy ,Novel ist ,L.A. Confidential John ,Elway ,Footba ll ,1999 Superbowl MVP John ,Emery ,Actor ,Rocketship X-M John ,Engler ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Michigan, 1991-2003 Jessica ,Ennis ,Tra ck a nd Field ,Heptathlete John ,Ennis ,Comi c ,Mr. Show with Bob and David John ,Ensign ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Neva da, 2001-11 James ,Ensor ,Pa i nter ,Christ's Entry Into Brussels in 1889 Jon ,Entine ,Author ,Taboo John ,Entwistle ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for The Who Jacob ,Epstein ,Scul ptor ,Strand Statues Jake ,Epstein ,Actor ,Degrassi: The Next Generation John ,Ericson ,Actor ,The Return of Jack Slade John ,Ericsson ,Inventor ,Built the ironclad USS Monitor Joseph ,Erlanger ,Sci entist ,Nerve conduction John ,Erlenborn ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Illinois, 1965-84 John ,Erman ,Fi l m Director ,Scarlett Julius ,Erving ,Ba s ketball ,Forward, Philadelphia 76ers Jaime ,Escalante ,Educa tor ,Celebrated high school calculus tea cher Juan ,Escoiquiz ,Pol itician ,Favorite of Ki ng Ferdinand VII Jill ,Esmond ,Actor ,The Skin Game Jennifer ,Esposito ,Actor ,The Proposal Julio ,Estorino ,Ra dio Personality ,South Florida Spanishs peaking ra dio host Joe ,Eszterhas ,Screenwriter ,Showgirls, Basic Instinct John ,Etchemendy ,Educa tor ,Provost of Stanford Uni versity Jeffrey ,Eugenides ,Author ,The Virgin Suicides Jackie ,Evancho ,Si nger ,Dream With Me Janet ,Evanovich ,Novel ist ,Stephanie Pl um mysteries Janet ,Evans ,Swi mmer ,Olympic distance swimmer John ,Evelyn ,Author ,English diarist Jason ,Evers ,Actor ,The Brain That Wouldn't Die Judith ,Exner ,Author ,JFK mi stress Jim ,Exon ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Nebraska, 1979-97 6. JF Jamie Foxx=Actor, singer, comedian=272,046=22 John Frusciante=American guitarist, singer, songwriter and record producer=203,158=28 John Fogerty=US-American rock singer, songwriter, and guitarist=63,151=102 Jared Followill=American, Bassist=57,219=117 John F.+Kennedy=35th President of the United States=77,873=79 Jonah Falcon=American, Actor=123,938=51 Jimmy Fallon=TV Personality=43,041=144 Josh Farro=Rock musician=42,417=146 Jerry Ferrara=American, Actor=24,145=248 Joseph Fiennes=Actor=27,278=226 Joe Francis=American, Film/TV Producer=22,847=258 James Franco=Film actor=318,492=18 COMPLETEandLEFT JF,James Farentino JF,James Fox JF,James Franciscus JF,James Franco JF,Jamie Farr JF,Jamie Foxx JF,Jane Fonda JF,Jane Froman JF,Jeff Fahey JF,Jeff Foxworthy JF,Jerry Falwell JF,Jimmy Fallon JF,Joan Fontaine JF,Jodie Foster JF,Joe Frazier JF,Joey Fatone JF,John Ford JF,John Forsythe JF,José Feliciano JF,José Ferrer JF,Jules Feiffer JF,June Foray Jenny Frost=English singer, songwriter=32,921=261 Jenni Falconer=Scottish, Personality=27,093=299 Jodelle Ferland=Actress=39,018=214 Jennie Finch=Softball player=29,004=283 Jeanna Fine=American pornographic actress=33,495=257 Jada Fire=American pornographic actress=181,309=42 Jenna Fischer=Actress=60,160=149 Joely Fisher=American actress=32,645=264 Jennifer Flavin=American, Actress=37,268=231 Jane Fonda=Actress, writer=171,050=51 Joan Fontaine=Actress=47,745=185 Jodie Foster=American actress, film director and producer=166,205=53 Jorja Fox=American actress=73,762=118 Jaimee Foxworth=American pornographic actress=30,465=272 Jennifer Freeman=American actress=58,063=155 …………… Julie Fowlis James Fortune Jessie Farrell John Farnham Jimmy Fallon Jeffrey ,Fager ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,60 Minutes executive producer Jeff ,Fahey ,Actor ,The Lawnmower Man John ,Fahey ,Gui ta rist ,The Transfiguration of Blind Joe Death John ,Fahey ,Bus iness ,CEO of Na tional Geographic Society Jonny ,Fairplay ,TV Pers onality ,Survivor contes tant JoAnn ,Falletta ,Conductor ,Music Director, Buffalo Phi l harmonic Jimmy ,Fallon ,Comi c ,Saturday Night Live James ,Fallows ,Journalist ,Atlantic Monthly Jerry ,Falwell ,Rel igion ,Television evangelist John ,Fante ,Author ,Bukowski's idol Joseph ,Farah ,Journa list ,Founder and CEO, WorldNetDaily James ,Farentino ,Actor ,The Final Countdown James ,Fargo ,Fi l m Director ,The Enforcer James ,Farmer ,Acti vi s t ,Co-Founder, CORE Jamie ,Farr ,Actor ,Cpl . Kl i nger on M*A*S*H John ,Farrow ,Screenwriter ,Around the World in Eighty Days Jim ,Fassel ,Football ,NY Giants Head Coa ch, 1997-2003 Joey ,Fatone ,Si nger ,Baritone of *NSYNC Jon ,Favreau ,Actor ,Swingers Julia ,Faye ,Actor ,Si l ent film actress John ,Feehery ,Government ,Washington lobbyist, pundit Jules ,Feiffer ,Ca rtoonist ,Ca n't draw but writes like a ma s ter José ,Feliciano ,Si nger ,Feliz Navidad Julian ,Fellowes ,Actor ,Shadowlands Judith ,Fergin ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to East Ti mor Jodelle ,Ferland ,Actor ,Tideland John ,Ferling ,Hi s torian ,Adams vs. Jefferson Jerry ,Ferrara ,Actor ,Turtl e on Entourage Jose ,Ferrer ,Actor ,The Caine Mutiny Jim ,Ferrier ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1947 PGA Cha mpionship Jacques ,Feyder ,Fi l m Director ,Carnival in Flanders Johannes ,Fibiger ,Sci entist ,Ca used ca ncer i n lab rats John ,Fiedler ,Actor ,Voi ce of Pi glet John ,Field ,Compos er ,Irish composer of Nocturnes Janet ,Fielding ,Actor ,Tega n from Doctor Who Joseph ,Fiennes ,Actor ,Shakespeare in Love Jennifer ,Finch ,Ba s sist ,Former L7 ba ssist Jon ,Finch ,Actor ,Frenzy Jeanna ,Fine ,Porns ta r ,Sleeping Booty Jonathan ,Finer ,Journa list ,Washington Post reporter James ,Finlayson ,Actor ,D'oh! Julie ,Finley ,Soci a lite ,US Ambassador to the OSCE John ,Finn ,Actor ,John Sti llman on Cold Case Jack ,Finney ,Novel ist ,Invasion of the Body Snatchers Joan ,Finney ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Kansas, 1991-95 Jennifer ,Finnigan ,Actor ,Close to Home Jenna ,Fischer ,Actor ,Pa m Beesly on The Office Joschka ,Fischer ,Pol i tician ,German Foreign Mi nister, 19982005 Jeff ,Fisher ,Football ,Head Coa ch, St Louis Rams Joely ,Fisher ,Actor ,Nostradamus Jon ,Fishman ,Drummer ,Drummer for Phish Jim ,Fisk ,Bus iness ,Business partner of Jay Gould John ,Fiske ,Hi s torian ,Outlines of Cosmic Philosophy Joe ,Flacco ,Football ,Baltimore Ravens QB Jim ,Flaherty ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian Mi nister of Finance Joe ,Flaherty ,Comi c ,SCTV Jeff ,Flake ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ari zona 6th John ,Flamsteed ,As tronomer ,Founder of Greenwich Obs ervatory Joe ,Flanigan ,Actor ,Stargate: Atlantis Janet ,Flanner ,Journa list ,The New Yorker John ,Flansburgh ,Mus i cian ,They Might Be Giants Jack ,Fleck ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1955 US Open John ,Fleming ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman, Louisiana 4th Jimmy ,Flemion ,Si nger/Songwriter ,The Frogs Jason ,Flemyng ,Actor ,The Quatermass Experiment Jack ,Fletcher ,Photogra pher ,National Geographic photographer John ,Fletcher ,Pl a ywri ght ,Collaborator with Francis Bea umont Joseph ,Fletcher ,Soci ologist ,Situation ethics Jill ,Flint ,Actor ,Ji ll Ca sey on Royal Pains James ,Florio ,Pol i tician ,Governor of New Jersey, 1990-94 Joe ,Flynn ,Actor ,Ca pt. Bi nghamton on McHale's Navy John ,Flynn ,Fi l m Director ,Brainscan Jack ,Flynt ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Georgia, 1954-79 John ,Fogerty ,Mus i cian ,Creedence Clearwater Revival Jared ,Fogle ,Meme ,Los t 245 l bs eating only fast food James ,Foley ,Fi l m Director ,Glengarry Glen Ross John ,Folinsbee ,Pa i nter ,Impressionist painter Jim ,Folsom,^Jr. ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Al abama, 1993-95 Jane ,Fonda ,Actor ,Promi nent Vi etnam Wa r protester Joan ,Fontaine ,Actor ,Suspicion June ,Foray ,Actor ,Voi ce of Rocky the Squirrel John ,Force ,Auto Ra ci ng ,Funny ca r drag ra cer John ,Ford ,Fi l m Director ,How Green Was My Valley John ,Forster ,Author ,Life of Charles Dickens John ,Forsyth ,Pol i tician ,US Secretary of Sta te, 1834-41 John ,Forsythe ,Actor ,Bl a ke Ca rrington on Dynasty Jeff ,Fortenberry ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Nebraska 1st Joe ,Foss ,Mi l i tary ,WWII a ce, Governor of South Dakota Jodie ,Foster ,Actor ,The Silence of the Lambs Jon ,Foster ,Actor ,Da mi en Cutler on Windfall Jon ,Foulds ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of Huntsworth plc Jim ,Fowler ,Na tura list ,Did all the work on Wild Kingdom John ,Fowles ,Novel ist ,The French Lieutenant's Woman James ,Fox ,Actor ,A Passage to India John ,Fox ,Football ,Head Coach, Denver Broncos Jorja ,Fox ,Actor ,Sa ra Si dle on CSI Justin ,Fox ,Author ,The Myth of the Rational Market John ,Foxe ,Rel i gion ,Foxe's Book of Martyrs Jaimee ,Foxworth ,Actor ,Family Matters Jeff ,Foxworthy ,Comi c ,Jus t might be a redneck Jamie ,Foxx ,Comi c ,Ray Jimmie ,Foxx ,Ba s eball ,Seven-time All Star, 534 home runs Jean-Honoré ,Fragonard ,Pa i nter ,The Swing James ,Frain ,Actor ,Sunshine Jonathan ,Frakes ,Actor ,Comma nder Riker on Star Trek: TNG Janet ,Frame ,Author ,Ki wi a uthor, s ubject of An Angel at My Table James ,Franciscus ,Actor ,Mr. Novak James ,Franck ,Phys i ci st ,Franck-Hertz experiment James ,Franco ,Actor ,Freaks and Geeks Jesus ,Franco ,Fi l m Director ,Vampyros Lesbos John ,Frankenheimer ,Fi l m Director ,Seven Days in May Joe ,Franklin ,Ta lk Show Host ,Pi oneer talk show host Jonathan ,Franzen ,Author ,The Corrections Joe ,Frazier ,Boxi ng ,Smokin' Joe Jennifer ,Freeman ,Actor ,My Wife and Kids Joan ,Freeman ,Actor ,Panic in Year Zero! Josh ,Freese ,Drummer ,Session drummer Jim ,Fregosi ,Ba s eball ,Former MLB Ma nager John ,Freind ,Doctor ,The History of Physic Jessie ,Fremont ,Rel ative ,Wi fe of John C. Fremont James ,Frey ,Author ,Addiction memoirist, A Million Little Pieces Jonathan ,Frid ,Actor ,Dark Shadows Judah ,Friedlander ,Comi c ,Baseball-capped comedian, 30 Rock Justine ,Frischmann ,Gui tarist ,Guitarist, Elastica Josef ,Fritzl ,Cri mi nal ,Kept daughter i n basement for 24 yea rs Jane ,Froman ,Si nger ,The Jane Froman Show Jo ,Frost ,TV Pers onality ,Supernanny John ,Frusciante ,Gui ta rist ,Guitarist for the Red Hot Chili Peppers Jerry ,Fuchs ,Drummer ,Maserati, !!! Jerry ,Fujikawa ,Actor ,Sa l t water bad for glass Joe ,Fulks ,Ba s ketball ,Scored 63 points i n a 1949 NBA ga me John ,Fund ,Col umnist ,The Wall Street Journal Jason ,Furman ,Government ,Senior Fellow, Brookings Ins titution Jim ,Furyk ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 2003 US Open 7. JG Josh Groban=American musician and actor=279,072=21 Justin Gaston=Actor, M odel, Singer=73,728=85 Johnny Galecki=American, Actor=139,856=46 James Garner=American actor=22,295=268 Jason Gedrick=American, Actor=29,518=210 Jonathan Gilbert=Former child actor=36,279=175 Johnny Gill=American, Personality=27,950=219 Jeff Goldblum=American, Actor=46,160=136 Joseph Gordon-Levitt+-1947=American actor=635,589=4 John Gotti=Crime boss=19,915=299 Jason Gould=Actor, director, writer, producer=42,255=147 Jonathan Groff=American, Actor=42,825=145 Jake Gyllenhaal=American actor=628,634=5 COMPLETEandLEFT JG,J. Paul Getty JG,Jackie Gleason JG,Jake Gyllenhaal JG,James Galway JG,James Gandolfini JG,James Garfield JG,James Garner JG,Jane Goodall JG,Janeane Garofalo Judy Garland=American actress, singer=82,628=111 Jo Garcia=American Playboy model=93,697=100 JoAnna Garcia+Swisher=Actress=61,456=143 Jennifer Garner=Actress=156,702=56 Janeane Garofalo=comedian, actress, political activist, writer=48,790=179 Jennie Garth=Actress=126,795=70 Judy Geeson=British actress=64,269=138 Jami Gertz=American, Actress=53,729=167 Jessica Gomes=Australian, M odel=96,640=94 Jimena Gomez-Paratcha=American, Activist=35,934=240 Julie Gonzalo=Argentinean, Actress=27,323=296 Jo Green=British=58,826=153 Judy Greer=Actress=45,153=193 Jennifer Grey=Actress, dancer=204,899=32 Jackie Guerrido=Puerto Rican, TV Personality=212,321=29 Jasmine Guy=American, Actress=28,562=286 ……………… Justin Guarini Jason Gray Josh Gracin Jamie Grace Johnny Gill Jean ,Gabin ,Actor ,The Lower Depths James ,Gadsden ,Mi l i tary ,Gadsden Purchase Jim ,Gaffigan ,Comi c ,Beyond the Pale JG,Jasmine Guy JG,Jean-Luc Godard JG,Jean-Paul Gaultier JG,Jeff Goldblum JG,Jeff Gordon JG,Jennie Garth JG,Jennifer Garner JG,Jerry Garcia JG,Joe Garagiola JG,Joel Grey JG,Johann von Goethe JG,Johannes Gutenberg JG,John Gielgud JG,John Glenn JG,John Gosselin JG,John Grisham JG,Johnny Gruelle JG,Jon Gosselin JG,Jose Greco JG,Josh Golden JG,Josh Groban JG,Judy Garland John ,Gage ,Bus i ness ,Sun Microsystems Jake ,Gaither ,Footba ll ,Head Coach, Florida A&M, 1945-69 Johnny ,Galecki ,Actor ,Leonard on The Big Bang Theory Juan ,Gallardo ,Business ,CEO of Grupo Embotelladoras Uni das Joseph ,Galli,^Jr. ,Bus iness ,CEO of Newell Rubbermaid, 2001-05 John ,Galliano ,Fashion Designer ,1987 Bri tish Designer of the Yea r John ,Galsworthy ,Novel ist ,The Forsyte Saga John ,Galt ,Novel ist ,The Ayrshire Legatees James ,Galway ,Mus i cian ,Flute vi rtuoso James ,Gamble ,Bus iness ,Co-Founder of Procter & Ga mble James ,Gammon ,Actor ,Ameri ca n Character Actor James ,Gandolfini ,Actor ,Tony Soprano wants his money Jeff ,Gannon ,Journa list ,White House s hill, ,200/hour male es cort Joe ,Garagiola ,Baseball ,St. Louis Ca rdinal turned s portscaster John ,Garamendi ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, California 10th Jeff ,Garcia ,Football ,NFL QB Jerry ,Garcia ,Mus ician ,Gra teful Dead Joanna ,Garcia ,Actor ,Cheyenne Hart-Montgomery on Reba Jorge ,Garcia ,Actor ,Hurl ey on Lost John ,Gardner ,Novel ist ,Grendel James ,Garfield ,Hea d of State ,20th US President, 1881 John ,Garfield ,Actor ,Gentleman's Agreement Jonathan ,Garfinkel ,Bus iness ,Texas Pacific Group Judy ,Garland ,Si nger ,Dorothy in Wizard of Oz Jeff ,Garlin ,Actor ,Jeff Greene on Curb Your Enthusiasm Jake ,Garn ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Uta h, 1974-93 James ,Garner ,Actor ,Ji m Rockford on Rockford Files Jay ,Garner ,Mi l i tary ,Ex-Di rector of Reconstruction of Iraq Jennifer ,Garner ,Actor ,Alias Jean-Pierre ,Garnier ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Gl axoSmithKline Janeane ,Garofalo ,Comi c ,Actor, Comedian, Author, Acti vi s t Jason ,Garrett ,Football ,Dallas Cowboys head coach Jim ,Garrison ,Attorney ,New Orl eans DA investigated JFK's a s sassination Jennie ,Garth ,Actor ,Kel ly on Beverly Hills 90210 Jean-Louis ,Gassée ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Be, Inc. Jean-Paul ,Gaultier ,Fa s hion Designer ,Ma de Ma donna's bl a ck s tudded bra Janina ,Gavankar ,Actor ,Pa pi on The L Word John ,Gavin ,Actor ,Jul i us Ca esar i n Spartacus John ,Gay ,Poet ,The Beggar's Opera Joseph-Louis ,Gay-Lussac ,Chemi st ,Researched gases, etc. Janet ,Gaynor ,Actor ,A Star Is Born Jason ,Gedrick ,Actor ,Promised Land Judy ,Geeson ,Actor ,Ma ggi e Conway i n Mad About You Julius ,Genachowski ,Government ,FCC Cha irman Jean ,Genet ,Novel ist ,Theatre of the Absurd Jason ,George ,Actor ,J. T. Hunter on Eve Julie ,Gerberding ,Doctor ,Di rector, Centers for Disease Control , 2002-09 Jim ,Geringer ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Wyoming, 1995-2003 Jim ,Gerlach ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Pennsylvania 6th Jack ,Germond ,Col umnist ,Fat Man in a Middle Seat Jean-Leon ,Gerome ,Pa i nter ,French Orientalist painter and s cul ptor Jami ,Gertz ,Actor ,Muffy on Square Pegs John ,Getz ,Actor ,Blood Simple Jason ,Giambi ,Ba s eball ,Big-league s lugger who a dmitted us i ng steroids John ,Giannandrea ,Computer Programmer ,Chi ef Technology Officer at Tellme John ,Gibbon ,Mi l i tary ,Led the Civil War's Iron Bigade Jim ,Gibbons ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Nevada, 2007-11 John ,Gibbons ,Ba s eball ,Ma nager, Toronto Blue Ja ys, 200408 Joe ,Gibbs ,Football ,NFL coach, NASCAR team owner John ,Gibson ,Journa list ,The Big Story with John Gibson John ,Gibson ,Scul ptor ,English neoclassical sculptor Josh ,Gibson ,Ba s eball ,Negro Leagues hall of fame hitter John ,Gielgud ,Actor ,Prospero's Books John ,Gilbert ,Actor ,La Boheme Jonathan ,Gilbert ,Actor ,Little House on the Prairie Jarobin ,Gilbert,^Jr. ,Bus i ness ,Former NBC executive Jim ,Gilchrist ,Acti vi st ,Mi nuteman Project founder Jack ,Gilford ,Actor ,Save the Tiger Johnny ,Gill ,Si nger ,R&B singer, New Edition Julia ,Gillard ,Head of State ,Pri me Minister of Australia John ,Gilling ,Fi lm Director ,The Plague of the Zombies James ,Gillray ,Arti st ,English ca ricaturist Jim ,Gilmore ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Virginia, 1998-2002 John ,Gilmore ,Acti vi s t ,Cofounder: EFF, Cypherpunks John ,Gilmour ,Pol i tician ,UK Home Secretary, 1932-35 Jessalyn ,Gilsig ,Actor ,Terri Schuester on Glee Joe ,Girardi ,Ba seball ,Ma nager, New York Yankees Jean ,Giraudoux ,Novel ist ,The Madwoman of Chaillot Jerry ,Gitt ,Bus i ness ,Former VP a t Merrill Lynch Judith ,Giuliani ,Relative ,Wife of Rudy Gi uliani Joseph ,Glanvill ,Philosopher ,The Vanity of Dogmatizing Jon ,Glaser ,Actor ,Delocated James ,Glassman ,Publ isher ,Roll Call editor Jackie ,Gleason ,Actor ,Ra l ph Kra mden i n The Honeymooners James ,Gleason ,Actor ,Here Comes Mr. Jordan Joanna ,Gleason ,Actor ,Crimes and Misdemeanors James ,Gleick ,Author ,Chaos: Making a New Science John ,Glenn ,As tronaut ,First American to orbit earth John ,Glover ,Actor ,Li onel Luthor on Smallville Julian ,Glover ,Actor ,For Your Eyes Only Jim ,Goad ,Author ,ANSWER Me! Jean-Luc ,Godard ,Fi l m Director ,Vivre sa Vie Joscelyn ,Godwin ,Hi s torian ,Historian of the esoteric Joseph ,Goebbels ,Government ,Reich Mi nister of Propa ganda Joanna ,Going ,Actor ,Phantoms Joe ,Gold ,Bus iness ,Founder of Gold's Gym Judy ,Gold ,Comi c ,25 Questions for a Jewish Mother Jonah ,Goldberg ,Col umnist ,National Review Online Jeff ,Goldblum ,Actor ,The Fly Jonathan ,Golden ,Attorney ,Arna ll Golden Gregory Jake ,Goldenflame ,Author ,Overcoming Sexual Terrorism John ,Golding ,Pol i tician ,MP for Newcastle-under-Lyme, 1969-96 John ,Golding ,Cri ti c ,Cubism: A History and an Analysis Jack ,Goldsmith ,Government ,The Terror Presidency Jerry ,Goldsmith ,Composer ,Prominent soundtrack composer Julie ,Gonzalo ,Actor ,Pa rker Lee on Veronica Mars Jill ,Goodacre ,Model ,Ex-Supermodel, married Harry Conni ck, Jr. Jane ,Goodall ,Na tura list ,Pri mate researcher James ,Goodby ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Fi nland, 1980-81 John ,Goode ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Virginia, 187581 John ,Goodman ,Actor ,King Ralph Jade ,Goody ,TV Pers onality ,British TV celebrity Jeff ,Gordon ,Auto Ra cing ,Four-time Winston Cup winner Joseph ,Gordon-Levitt ,Actor ,Third Rock From the Sun Jay ,Gorney ,Compos er ,Brother, Can You Spare A Dime? John ,Gorrie ,Inventor ,Invented air conditioning John ,Gorton ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Australia, 1968-71 Jon ,Gosselin ,TV Pers onality ,Jon & Kate Plus 8 John ,Gotti ,Cri mi nal ,The Teflon Don Jason ,Gould ,Actor ,Son of Streisand a nd Elliott Gould Jay ,Gould ,Bus iness ,Railroad baron owned Union Pa cific John ,Gower ,Poet ,Confessio Amantis Jean ,Grae ,Ra pper ,What? What? Jorie ,Graham ,Poet ,The Dream of the Unified Field Jennifer ,Granholm ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Michigan, 2003-11 Jennifer ,Granick ,Attorney ,Cyber l a wyer Jennifer ,Grant ,Actor ,Da ughter of Cary Gra nt and Dyan Ca nnon Julia ,Grant ,Fi rs t La dy ,Wi fe of US President Ul ysses Grant James ,Grauerholz ,Author ,Wi lliam S. Burrough's assistant James ,Gray ,Author ,Shoulder the Sky John ,Gray ,Fi l m Director ,The Glimmer Man Jason ,Gray-Stanford ,Actor ,Lt. Di s her on Monk Johnny ,Green ,Compos er ,Body and Soul Jeff ,Greenfield ,Pundi t ,ABC, CNN ta lking head Jerry ,Greenfield ,Bus iness ,Ben & Jerry's Homemade, Inc. Jim ,Greenspoon ,Mus i cian ,Organ player for Three Dog Night James ,Greenwood ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Pennsyl vania, 1993-2005 Joan ,Greenwood ,Actor ,The Importance of Being Earnest Jonny ,Greenwood ,Gui tarist ,Guitarist for Radiohead Jane ,Greer ,Actor ,Out of the Past Judy ,Greer ,Actor ,13 Going on 30 Judd ,Gregg ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from New Hampshire, 1993-2011 James ,Gregory ,Actor ,Ins pector Lugar on Barney Miller John ,Gregson ,Actor ,Genevieve Julian ,Grenfell ,Poet ,Into Battle Jean-Baptiste-Louis ,Gresset ,Poet ,Vert Vert Joel ,Gretsch ,Actor ,Tom Ba l dwin on The 4400 Jean-Baptiste ,Greuze ,Pa i nter ,French genre painter Jacques ,Grévin ,Pl a ywri ght ,Les Ébahis Jules ,Grévy ,Hea d of State ,President of the Third Republic Joseph ,Grew ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Ja pan, 1932-41 Jennifer ,Grey ,Actor ,Dirty Dancing Joel ,Grey ,Actor ,Cabaret Jon ,Gries ,Actor ,Broots on The Pretender Joe ,Grifasi ,Actor ,The Bronx Is Burning Joseph ,Grimaldi ,Performance Arti st ,Celebrated English cl own Jo ,Grimond ,Pol i ti cian ,Leader of the UK Li beral Pa rty, 1956-67 Juan ,Gris ,Pa i nter ,Spanish Synthetic Cubist painter John ,Grisham ,Novel ist ,The Firm Josh ,Groban ,Mus i cian ,Album Closer 3x pl atinum Jim ,Grobe ,Football ,Wake Forest Head Coa ch Jonathan ,Groff ,Actor ,Jes se St. Ja mes on Glee John ,Grogan ,Pol i ti cian ,Bri tish MP, Sel by John ,Gruber ,Bl ogger ,Daring Fireball Jack ,Grubman ,Bus iness ,Shady-dealings securities a nalys t Jon ,Gruden ,Footba ll ,Head Coach, Ta mpa Bay Buccaneers, 2002-08 John ,Guare ,Pl a ywri ght ,Six Degrees of Separation Justin ,Guarini ,Mus ician ,Big afro on American Idol John ,Guillermin ,Fi l m Director ,The Bridge at Remagen Jorge ,Guinle ,Soci a lite ,Brazilian playboy John ,Gummer ,Pol i tician ,British MP, Suffolk Coastal Janet ,Gunn ,Actor ,Lost Voyage Jim ,Gunter ,Judge ,Justice, Arkansas Supreme Court John ,Gunther ,Journa list ,Inside Europe Johannes ,Gutenberg ,Inventor ,Inventor of movable type James ,Guthrie ,Pol i tician ,US Secretary of the Treasury, 1853-57 Jasmine ,Guy ,Actor ,A Different World Jack ,Guynn ,Bus i ness ,CEO of FRB Atl anta, 1996-2006 Jake ,Gyllenhaal ,Actor ,Donnie Darko 8. Jeff Hardy=professional wrestler and musician; Julianne Hough=Professional dancer, singer and JH artist=134,698=47 Jimi Hendrix=American rock musician=129,880=49 James Hetfield=American, M usician=123,524=52 Justin Hayward=English, Guitarist=19,976=295 Jon Hamm=Actor=52,424=125 Justin Hartley=American, Actor=39,863=156 Josh Hartnett=American, Actor=443,091=11 Josh Hartzler=American, Psychologist=22,237=269 Josh Henderson=American, Actor=89,676=70 John Hennigan=Professional wrestler=40,092=154 Jay Hernandez=Actor=41,911=150 Jon-Erik Hexum=Actor, model=30,268=204 Jukka Hilden=Finnish, TV Personality=22,331=267 Jonah Hill=American, Actor=26,532=232 Josh Holloway=American actor and model=39,490=159 John Holmes=American, Special Effects=53,023=124 Josh Hopkins=American, Actor=25,785=235 Josh Hutcherson=American, Actor=601,435=6 COMPLETEandLEFT JH,J. Edgar Hoover JH,James Herriot JH,James Hetfield JH,James Hunt JH,Jan Hooks JH,Jean Harlow JH,Jeff Hardy JH,Jennifer Love Hewitt JH,Jesse Helms JH,Jill Hennessy JH,Jim Henson JH,Jimi Hendrix JH,Jimmy Hoffa JH,Joey Heatherton JH,John Hancock JH,John Hughes JH,John Hurt JH,John Huston JH,John Lee Hooker JH,Jon Hamm JH,Jools Holland JH,Joseph Haydn JH,Josh Hartnett JH,Judd Hirsch actress=284,850=17 Joey Heatherton=actress, singer=273,788=20 Jennifer Hudson=Singer–songwriter, actress, spokesperson=154,998=58 Janine Habeck=German, M odel=60,763=145 Jessica Hahn=American, M odel=197,461=38 Jerry Hall=American, M odel=45,964=191 Jean Harlow=Actress=131,935=68 Jasmine Harman=British, TV Personality=48,720=180 Joy Harmon=American, Actress=60,603=146 Jenilee Harrison=American, Actress=103,059=88 Jennifer Hawkins=Australian, M odel=132,995=67 Jenna Haze=US porn actress=190,747=40 Julie Henderson=American, M odel=32,373=266 Jill Hennessy=Canadian actress=29,763=279 Jane Herman= =33,906=254 Joanna Hernandez=American, M odel (Adult/Glamour)=44,043=199 Jayanna Howeton= =139,101=63 Juliet Huddy=American television anchor and personality=133,129=66 Joyce Hyser=American, Actress=35,864=242 ………….. J. Holiday John Hiatt Jj Heller Jonn Hart Jawan Harris Jessica Harp Jeff ,Habay ,Pol i tician ,Pennsylvania State Legislator, 19962006 Jürgen ,Habermas ,Phi l osopher ,The Theory of Communicative Action Jefferson ,Hack ,Publ i sher ,Editor of Dazed & Confused Joan ,Hackett ,Actor ,Only When I Laugh Jacques-Salomon ,Hadamard ,Ma thematician ,Pri me number theorem Jerry ,Hadley ,Si nger ,Operatic tenor Jessica ,Hagedorn ,Author ,Dogeaters John ,Hagee ,Rel igion ,John Hagee Mi nistries John ,Hagelin ,Acti vi s t ,Na tural Law Party Jean ,Hagen ,Actor ,Singin' in the Rain Julie ,Hagerty ,Actor ,Airplane! Joe ,Hagin ,Government ,White House Deputy Chi ef of Staff, 2001-08 Janice ,Hahn ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, California 36th Jess ,Hahn ,Actor ,Topkapi Jessica ,Hahn ,Vi cti m ,Had sex wi th Jim Bakker Joseph ,Hahn ,Di s c Jockey ,Linkin Park DJ, vi deo director Jörg ,Haider ,Pol i tician ,Austrian extreme ri ghtist Jules ,Haimovitz ,Bus iness ,Dick Cl ark Productions Joe ,Haldeman ,Novel ist ,The Forever War Jennifer ,Hale ,Actor ,Sa m on Totally Spies! John ,Hale ,Novel ist ,The Whistle Blower Jonathan ,Hale ,Actor ,J. C. Di thers Jack ,Haley ,Actor ,Ti n Ma n on The Wizard of Oz James ,Hall ,Actor ,Hell's Angels Jane ,Hall ,Journalist ,Fox News Watch commentator Jerry ,Hall ,Model ,Second wife of Mi ck Ja gger John ,Hall ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New York, 2007-11 Jon ,Hall ,Actor ,The Hurricane Joseph ,Hall ,Author ,Virgidemiarum John ,Halliday ,Actor ,The Philadelphia Story Johnny ,Hallyday ,Si nger ,French rock star, Souvenirs, Souvenirs Jack ,Ham ,Football ,Li nebacker, NFL Hall of Famer Josh ,Hamilton ,Actor ,Alive John ,Hamm ,Pol i tician ,Premier of Nova Scotia, 1999-2006 Jon ,Hamm ,Actor ,Don Dra per on Mad Men Jan ,Hammer ,Mus i cian ,Wrote the theme for Miami Vice Jay ,Hammond ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Alaska, 1974-82 Joan ,Hammond ,Si nger ,Operatic s oprano John ,Hampden ,Pol i tician ,English Parliamentarian James ,Hampton ,Actor ,Trooper Dobbs on F Troop Jane ,Hamsher ,Bl ogger , founder John ,Hancock ,Pol i tician ,First signer of the Declaration of Independence Jimmy ,Hanley ,Actor ,Jim's Inn Jim ,Hannah ,Judge ,Arka nsas Chief Justice John ,Hannah ,Actor ,Four Weddings and a Funeral John ,Hannah ,Football ,New England Patriots ta ckle Jeff ,Hanneman ,Gui ta rist ,Slayer l ead guitarist Joseph ,Hansen ,Author ,Da ve Brandstetter detective series John ,Hanson ,Pol i tician ,President of the Continental Congress Jerome ,Hanus ,Rel igion ,Catholic Archbishop of Dubuque John ,Harbaugh ,Football ,Head Coach, Baltimore Ravens James ,Harden ,Ba s ketball ,Oklahoma Ci ty Thunder June ,Harding ,Actor ,The Trouble with Angels Kadeem ,Hardison ,Actor ,A Different World Jean ,Hardouin ,Schol ar ,Confused Jesuit s cholar Jeff ,Hardy ,Wres tling ,The Hardy Boyz Joy ,Harjo ,Poet ,The Last Song James ,Harlan ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Iowa, 1855-73 Jean ,Harlow ,Actor ,Bombshell Jane ,Harman ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman from Ca lifornia, 1993-2011 Jessica ,Harper ,Actor ,Suspiria a nd My Favorite Year Jim ,Harrick ,Ba sketball ,Former UCLA a nd UGA head coach James ,Harrington ,Phi l osopher ,Oceana Joey ,Harrington ,Footba ll ,Atlanta Falcons QB Jared ,Harris ,Actor ,I Shot Andy Warhol Joanne ,Harris ,Novelist ,Chocolat Jonathan ,Harris ,Actor ,Dr. Za chary Smith on Lost in Space Julie ,Harris ,Actor ,East of Eden Jenilee ,Harrison ,Actor ,Ci ndy Snow on Three's Company Jerry ,Harrison ,Mus ician ,Guitar a nd keyboard player for Ta l king Heads Jim ,Harrison ,Novelist ,Legends of the Fall John ,Harrison ,Inventor ,Inventor of a marine clock Jackée ,Harry ,Actor ,Sa ndra Cl ark on 227 Jimmy ,Hart ,Wres tling ,The Mouth of the South John ,Hart ,Actor ,Replaced Clayton Moore as TV's Lone Ranger Johnny ,Hart ,Ca rtoonist ,The Wizard of Id, B.C. Josephine ,Hart ,Author ,Damage Justin ,Hartley ,Actor ,Fox Cra ne on Passions Josh ,Hartnett ,Actor ,The Virgin Suicides John ,Harvard ,Rel igion ,Bequest to Harvard College John ,Harvey-Jones ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of ICI, 1982-87 John ,Harwood ,Journalist ,Wall Street Journal pol itical edi tor Jaroslav ,Hasek ,Author ,The Good Soldier Svejk Jim ,Haslam ,Bus iness ,Pilot Corporation Juliana ,Hatfield ,Mus ician ,Juliana Hatfield Three James ,Haven ,Actor ,Brother of Angelina Jolie June ,Haver ,Actor ,Irish Eyes Are Smiling John ,Havlicek ,Ba s ketball ,Boston Celtic, Hall of Famer June ,Havoc ,Actor ,Gentleman's Agreement John ,Hawkes ,Actor ,Bugs y i n The Perfect Storm John ,Hawkes ,Novel ist ,The Blood Oranges John ,Hawkesworth ,Author ,Voyages in the Southern Hemisphere Jack ,Hawkins ,Actor ,Land of the Pharaohs Jeff ,Hawkins ,Inventor ,Inventor of the Palm Pilot and Treo Jimmy ,Hawkins ,Actor ,The Donna Reed Show Justin ,Hawkins ,Mus i cian ,The Darkness frontman Jill ,Haworth ,Actor ,In Harm's Way John ,Hay ,Government ,US Secretary of State, 1898-1905 Joseph ,Haydn ,Compos er ,Symphony No. 102 in B-flat Major Justin ,Hayward ,Gui tarist ,The Moody Blues Jenna ,Haze ,Porns ta r ,Cum Dumpsters James ,Hazeldine ,Actor ,Mi ke "Bayleaf" Wilson on London's Burning Jeff ,Healey ,Gui ta rist ,The Jeff Healey Band John ,Heard ,Actor ,The Pelican Brief Joey ,Heatherton ,Actor ,1960s s ex kitten Jay ,Hebert ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1960 PGA Cha mpionship Jessica ,Hecht ,Actor ,Bets y Morga n on What About Joan Joe ,Heck ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Nevada 3rd Jon ,Heder ,Actor ,Napoleon Dynamite Jack ,Hedley ,Actor ,Lt. Col . John Preston on Colditz Joachim ,Heel ,Bus i ness ,Senior VP a t Sun Mi crosystems Johannes ,Heesters ,Actor ,Dutch/German film actor John ,Heffron ,Comi c ,Good Kid, Bad Adult Joel ,Hefley ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Colorado, 19872007 Jascha ,Heifetz ,Vi olinist ,Vi olin vi rtuoso Jacob ,Heilbrunn ,Journa list ,They Knew They Were Right John ,Heinz ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Pennsyl vania, 197791 John ,Heisman ,Football ,Namesake of the Heisman Trophy Jayne ,Heitmeyer ,Actor ,Earth: Final Conflict Jordan ,Heller ,Bus i ness ,Schonbraun McCa nn Group Joseph ,Heller ,Author ,Catch-22 Jesse ,Helms ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from North Ca rolina, 1973-2003 Johan ,Helsingius ,Business ,Operated a nonymous remailer ( John ,Hench ,Arti s t ,Di sney a rtist, designed the Ol ympic torch Josh ,Henderson ,Actor ,Desperate Housewives Jimi ,Hendrix ,Gui ta rist ,Purple Haze Justine ,Henin ,Tennis ,Winner of 7 gra nd slams Jill ,Hennessy ,Actor ,Crossing Jordan Joseph ,Henry ,Phys i cist ,Discovered electromagnetic i nduction Justin ,Henry ,Actor ,Kramer vs. Kramer Jeb ,Hensarling ,Pol itician ,Congressman, Texas 5th John ,Hensley ,Actor ,Ma tt McNa ma ra on Nip/Tuck Jim ,Henson ,Performa nce Artist ,Creator of the Muppets John ,Henson ,Ta l k Show Host ,Spotted Talk Soup a nchor John ,Henton ,Comi c ,Obi e on Living Single Jeff ,Hephner ,Actor ,Red Ra ymond on Hellcats Josephine ,Herbst ,Novel ist ,Pity Is Not Enough Jack ,Herer ,Acti vi s t ,Cannabis evangelist Joyce ,Hergenhan ,Bus i ness ,Former VP a t General Electric Joseph ,Hergesheimer ,Novel ist ,Tol'Able David Jerry ,Herman ,Compos er ,Hello Dolly! Jaime ,Hernandez ,Ca rtoonist ,Co-creator, Love & Rockets Javier ,Hernandez ,Soccer ,Ma nchester United forward Jay ,Hernandez ,Actor ,Crazy/Beautiful James ,Herriot ,Novel ist ,All Creatures Great and Small John ,Herschel ,As tronomer ,Discovered many moons of Sa turn John ,Hersey ,Novel ist ,A Bell for Adano Jean ,Hersholt ,Actor ,Founder, Moti on Pi cture Relief Fund Jason ,Hervey ,Actor ,Wa yne Arnold on The Wonder Years Joachim ,Herz ,Bus i ness ,German coffee heir billionaire John ,Herzfeld ,Fi l m Director ,15 Minutes James ,Hetfield ,Mus i cian ,Metallica Jennifer ,Hetrick ,Actor ,Corri ne Hammond on L.A. Law Johannes ,Hevelius ,As tronomer ,Selenographia James ,Hewitt ,Rel ative ,Pri ncess Diana's a dulterous l over John ,Hewitt ,Poet ,No Rebel Word Jon-Erik ,Hexum ,Actor ,Actor a cci dently s hot himself Jaroslav ,Heyrovsky ,Chemist ,Polarography John ,Heywood ,Pl a ywri ght ,The Play of Love Jesse ,Hibbs ,Fi l m Director ,To Hell and Back John ,Hickenlooper ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Colorado Joan ,Hickson ,Actor ,Mi s s Ma rple Jim ,Hightower ,Ra di o Personality ,Texan, ra dio voice, a uthor James ,Hill ,Fi lm Director ,Born Free Jay ,Hill ,Pol itician ,Canadian MP, Pri nce George/Peace River Joe ,Hill ,La bor Leader ,La bor leader, convicted of murder Jonah ,Hill ,Actor ,Superbad John ,Hillerman ,Actor ,Hi ggins on Magnum, P.I. James ,Hillier ,Phys icist ,Electron microscope James ,Hilton ,Novel ist ,Goodbye, Mr. Chips Jim ,Himes ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Connecticut 4th John ,Hinckley ,As s a ssin ,Took a shot at President Reagan John ,Hinderaker ,Bl ogger ,Power Li ne blog Jerome ,Hines ,Si nger ,Operatic bass, NY Metropolitan Opera Johnny ,Hines ,Actor ,Si l ent film comedian Judd ,Hirsch ,Actor ,Taxi James ,Hirsen ,Col umnist ,The Left Coast Report Jerry ,Hirshberg ,Des i gner ,Ni ssan's design chief, 1980-2000 Johann ,Hittorf ,Phys i cist ,Fluorescence i n va cuum tubes Jim ,Hoagland ,Journa list ,The Washington Post James ,Hoban ,Archi tect ,Archi tect of the White House Jim ,Hodges ,Pol i tician ,Governor of South Ca rolina, 19992003 Johnny ,Hodges ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Ja zz alto saxophonist John ,Hodgman ,Author ,The Areas of My Expertise Joel ,Hodgson ,Comi c ,Crea ted Mystery Science Theater 3000 John ,Hodiak ,Actor ,Lifeboat Joseph ,Hoeffel ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Pensyl vania, 1999-2005 John ,Hoeven ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from North Dakota Jimmy ,Hoffa ,La bor Leader ,International Brotherhood of Tea msters Jerzy ,Hoffman ,Fi l m Director ,With Fire and Sword Josef ,Hoffmann ,Archi tect ,Vi enna Secession a rchitect James ,Hogg ,Poet ,The Queen's Wake Jools ,Holland ,Mus ician ,Former Squeeze keyboardist John ,Hollander ,Poet ,Powers of Thirteen Judy ,Holliday ,Actor ,Born Yesterday Josh ,Holloway ,Actor ,Sa wyer on Lost James ,Holmes ,Cri mi nal Defendant ,2012 Aurora theater s hooting John ,Holmes ,Porns tar ,Li fe-support s ystem for a 10-inch penis John ,Holmes ,Di plomat ,UN Under Sec. Gen. for Huma nitarian Affairs James ,Holshouser ,Pol i tician ,Governor of North Ca rolina, 1973-77 Jack ,Holt ,Actor ,They Were Expendable Jennifer ,Holt ,Actor ,Stage to Mesa City John ,Holt ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Reggae singer, lead vocalist for The Pa ra gons Johannes ,Holtfreter ,Zool ogist ,Chemotaxis John ,Home ,Pl a ywri ght ,Douglas Josh ,Homme ,Gui ta rist ,Guitarist for Kyuss a nd Queens of the Stone Age James ,Hong ,Actor ,Indeed! Joseph ,Hooker ,Mi l i tary ,Union Army General Jan ,Hooks ,Comi c ,Saturday Night Live John ,Hooper ,Rel i gion ,Zwinglian bishop of Gloucester Johns ,Hopkins ,Phi l anthropist ,Johns Hopkins University a nd Hospital Josh ,Hopkins ,Actor ,Gra ys on El lis on Cougar Town John ,Hopkinson ,Engi neer ,English electrical engineer Jerry ,Hopper ,Fi l m Director ,The Private War of Major Benson John ,Hoppner ,Pa i nter ,English portrait painter Jack ,Horkheimer ,As tronomer ,Na ked-eye astronomer James ,Horner ,Compos er ,Scored Titanic Jane ,Horrocks ,Actor ,Deadly Advice Jeremiah ,Horrocks ,As tronomer ,Observed transit of Venus John ,Horrocks ,Bus i ness ,British cotton manufacturer John ,Hospers ,Pol i tician ,First Libertarian presidential ca ndidate John ,Hostettler ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Indiana, 1995-2007 Joan ,Hotchkis ,Actor ,El l en Monroe on My World and Welcome to It Jean-Antoine ,Houdon ,Scul ptor ,French Rococo s culptor John ,Hough ,Fi l m Director ,The Legend of Hell House Julianne ,Hough ,Da ncer ,Dancing with the Stars John ,Houseman ,Actor ,The Paper Chase Jeph ,Howard ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for The Used John ,Howard ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of Australia, 1996-2007 John ,Howard ,Actor ,Bul l dog Drummond John ,Howard ,Acti vi s t ,The State of Prisons John ,Howe ,Rel i gion ,The Living Temple Joseph ,Howe ,Government ,Premier of Nova Scotia, 186063 John ,Hoyt ,Actor ,Attack of the Puppet People Jen-Hsun ,Huang ,Bus i ness ,CEO of NVIDIA John ,Huarte ,Football ,Winner, 1964 Heisman Trophy John ,Hubbard ,Actor ,Dramatic School Jerry ,Huckaby ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Louisiana, 1977-93 Jennifer ,Hudson ,Actor ,Dreamgirls John ,Hughes ,Fi l m Director ,Ferris Bueller's Day Off Josephine ,Hull ,Actor ,Harvey John ,Hume ,Pol i tician ,Northern Ireland pol, Nobel reci pient Josephine ,Humphreys ,Author ,Rich in Love Jeffrey ,Hunter ,Actor ,King of Kings John ,Hunter ,Doctor ,English pathologist Jon ,Huntsman,^Jr. ,Pol i tician ,US Ambassador to China, 2009-11 Jackson ,Hurst ,Actor ,Gra ys on Kent on Drop Dead Diva John ,Hurt ,Actor ,Alien Jan ,Hus ,Rel igion ,Czech reformer and martyr John ,Huston ,Fi l m Director ,The Maltese Falcon Josh ,Hutcherson ,Actor ,Bridge to Terabithia Josephine ,Hutchinson ,Actor ,North by Northwest Jock ,Hutchison ,Gol f ,Wi nner of 2 Ma jors James ,Hutton ,Geol ogist ,Theory of the Earth Jim ,Hutton ,Actor ,Ellery Queen John ,Hutton ,Pol i tician ,British MP, Ba rrow a nd Furness Julian ,Huxley ,Bi ol ogist ,Evolutionary biologist Joris-Karl ,Huysmans ,Author ,Decadent a uthor, À Rebours Joel ,Hyatt ,Attorney ,Hya tt Legal Services Jonathan ,Hyde ,Actor ,Titanic Jamie ,Hyneman ,TV Pers onality ,Mus tachioed host of MythBusters 9. JI Julio Iglesias=Musician=36,865=169 James Ingram=American, Singer=23,756=251 JC Intal=Filipino basketball player=20,755=287 FNEEDED JI,James Merritt Ives JI,Janis Ian JI,Jeremy Irons JI,Jill Ireland JI,Judge Lance Ito JI,Julio Iglesias Jill Ireland=Actress=35,323=246 James ,I ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Scotland, 1406-37 James ,I ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Aragon, 1213-76 Jean ,I ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of France, 1316 João ,I ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Portugal, 1385-1433 Joseph ,I ,Roya l ty ,Holy Roman Emperor, 1705-11 Justinian ,I ,Roya lty ,Byza ntine Emperor, 527-565 AD Janis ,Ian ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Society's Child Jacques ,Ibert ,Compos er ,Escales Jack ,Idema ,Mi l i tary ,Green Beret wannabe Julio ,Iglesias ,Si nger ,International pop star James ,Iha ,Gui ta rist ,Guitarist for Smashing Pumpkins James ,II ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Scotland, 1437-60 Jean ,II ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of France, 1350-64 João ,II ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Portugal, 1481-95 Joseph ,II ,Roya l ty ,Holy Roman Emperor, 1765-90 James ,III ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Scotland, 1460-88 João ,III ,Roya lty ,Ki ng of Portugal, 1521-57 Josefa ,Iloilo ,Head of State ,President of Fiji, 2000-09 Jared ,Ingersoll ,Pol itician ,Signed the US Constitution Jean-Auguste-Dominique ,Ingres ,Pa i nter ,Odalisque James ,Inhofe ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Oklahoma John ,Inman ,Actor ,Are You Being Served? Jay ,Inslee ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Washington, 19992012 Jimmy ,Iovine ,Mus i c Producer ,President of Interscope Records Jill ,Ireland ,Actor ,Love and Bullets John ,Ireland ,Actor ,All the King's Men John ,Ireland ,Rel igion ,Ca tholic Archbishop of St. Pa ul, 1888-1918 John ,Ireland ,Compos er ,The Holy Boy Jack ,Irons ,Drummer ,Drummer for the Red Hot Chili Peppers Jeremy ,Irons ,Actor ,Dead Ringers John ,Irvin ,Fi l m Director ,Tinker, Tailor, Soldier, Spy John ,Irving ,Novel ist ,The World According to Garp James ,Irwin ,As trona ut ,8th to walk on the Moon Jennifer ,Irwin ,Actor ,Li nda Mi chaels on Still Standing Jason ,Isaacs ,Actor ,Black Hawk Down Johnny ,Isakson ,Pol itician ,US Senator from Georgia Judas ,Iscariot ,Religion ,Betrayer of Jesus Christ Jozef ,Israëls ,Pa inter ,Dutch s cene painter Joi ,Ito ,Bus iness ,Creative Commons, Technorati José ,Iturbi ,Pi a nist ,Spanish pianist, conductor a t Rochester James ,IV ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Scotland, 1488-1513 João ,IV ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Portugal, 1640-56 Jony ,Ive ,Des igner ,Senior VP of Industrial Design, Apple Judith ,Ivey ,Actor ,Designing Women James ,Ivory ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,The Remains of the Day 10. JJ Joe Jonas=American, Singer=1,147,014=3 Joey Jordison=M usician, songwriter, and record producer=43,510=143 Jack Johnson=American, M usician=23,926=249 Jack Jones=Singer, actor=20,708=289 Joshua Jackson=Actor=104,207=59 Jesse James=Television personality, motorcycle builder=96,673=62 Jason James+Richter=American actor=36,157=176 COMPLETEandLEFT JJ,Jack Jones JJ,Jackie Joyner-Kersee JJ,James Earl Jones JJ,James Joyce JJ,Janet Jackson JJ,Janis Joplin JJ,Jasper Johns JJ,Jennifer Jones JJ,Jenny Jones JJ,Jermaine Jackson JJ,Jesse Jackson JJ,Jesse James JJ,Jill St. John JJ,Joan Jett JJ,Joe Jonas JJ,John H. Johnson JJ,John Paul Jones JJ,Jon Bon Jovi JJ,Judith Jamison Janet Jackson=American singer-songwriter and actress=281,830=18 Joan Jett=American singer-songwriter, rock musician=221,961=27 Janis Joplin=American musician=152,890=59 Joslyn James=American, Pornstar=106,986=86 Jennifer Jones=Actress=47,935=183 Jenna Jameson=American pornographic actress and entrepreneur=473,355=8 Jesse Jane=American pornographic actress=449,770=11 Jessica Jane+Clement=English, M odel=102,798=89 Jennifer Jason+Leigh=actress=37,170=233 Jayden Jaymes=American pornographic actress=73,615=119 Jessica Jaymes=American pornographic actress=60,187=148 Jeanette Jenkins= =28,387=288 Jelena Jensen=American glamour model=90,193=103 Janet Jones=American, Actress=122,934=75 January Jones=American actress=223,568=25 Jana Jordan=American adult model and pornographic actress=34,073=252 Juanita Jordan=American, Other=49,057=178 Jenni Jwoww'+Farley=American television personality=35,568=245 ……………. J J-Demon Janis Joplin Jim Jones Jamey Johnson Jessica Jarrell Jessie James Just Jack Juicy J Jessie J Jessie ,J ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Who You Are Jackie ,Jackson ,Mus i cian ,Tallest of the Jackson Five Janet ,Jackson ,Si nger ,What Have You Done For Me Lately? Jeanine ,Jackson ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Burkina Fa s o Jeremy ,Jackson ,Actor ,Hobi e on Baywatch Jermaine ,Jackson ,Mus i cian ,The Jackson Five Jesse ,Jackson ,Acti vi s t ,Rainbow Coalition Joe ,Jackson ,Rel ative ,Pa triarch of the Jackson family Joe ,Jackson ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Stepping Out Jonathan ,Jackson ,Actor ,Lucky Spencer on General Hospital Joshua ,Jackson ,Actor ,Pa cey on Dawson's Creek Jesse ,Jackson,^Jr. ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Illinois 2nd Jane ,Jacobs ,Author ,The Death and Life of Great American Cities Jeff ,Jacoby ,Col umnist ,Boston Globe col umnist Joseph-Marie ,Jacquard ,Inventor ,Jacquard l oom Janet ,Jagan ,Hea d of State ,President of Guya na, 1997-99 Jade ,Jagger ,Rel ative ,Daughter of Mick and Bianca Jaromir ,Jagr ,Hockey ,Dallas Stars Jesse ,James ,TV Pers onality ,Cus tom motorcycle builder, Monster Garage Jesse ,James ,Cri mi nal ,Bank robber, with Ja mes Gang John ,James ,Actor ,Jeff Col by on Dynasty Joni ,James ,Si nger ,Why Don't You Believe Me? Jenna ,Jameson ,Porns ta r ,Got naked with Howard Stern i n Private Parts Judith ,Jamison ,Da ncer ,Alvin Ailey American Dance Thea tre Jesse ,Jane ,Porns tar ,Hooters girl gone porn Joseph ,Jarman ,Mus i cian ,Art Ensemble of Chicago mul tii ntrumentalist Jim ,Jarmusch ,Fi l m Director ,Permanent Vacation Jean-Michel ,Jarre ,El ectronic Musician ,Oxygene a nd Equinoxe Jeff ,Jarvis ,Bl ogger ,Founder of Entertainment Weekly Jacques ,Jasmin ,Poet ,Provença l poet Jean ,Jaurès ,Pol i tician ,French socialist l eader John ,Jay ,Judge ,Fi rst Chief Justice of the Supreme Court Jennifer ,Jayne ,Actor ,The Crawling Eye Jim ,Jeffords ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Vermont, 19892007 Jackie ,Jensen ,Ba s eball ,American League MVP, 1958 Julia ,Jentsch ,Actor ,The Edukators Joan ,Jett ,Mus i cian ,I Love Rock 'N Roll Jean-Pierre ,Jeunet ,Fi l m Director ,Alien: Resurrection John ,Jewel ,Rel igion ,Defender of Anglicanism Jaromil ,Jires ,Fi l m Director ,Valerie and Her Week of Wonders Joseph ,Joachim ,Vi olinist ,Virtuoso vi olinist, Joachim Qua rtet Josef ,Joffe ,Edi tor ,Editor of Die Zeit Jon ,Johansen ,Computer Progra mmer ,Wrote the DeCSS progra m to decrypt DVDs Jasper ,Johns ,Pa i nter ,Neo-Dadaist painter of US Flag Jack ,Johnson ,Boxi ng ,First black heavyweight champion Jack ,Johnson ,Mus i cian ,Brushfire Fairytales Jake ,Johnson ,Actor ,Ni ck on New Girl Jay ,Johnson ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Wisconsin, 1997-99 Jimmie ,Johnson ,Auto Ra ci ng ,NASCAR racer Jimmy ,Johnson ,Football ,Former Cornerback, San Fra ncisco 49ers Jimmy ,Johnson ,Football ,Former Cowboys, Dolphins head coa ch Joanna ,Johnson ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Crea tor of Hope & Faith Jay ,Johnston ,Comi c ,Mr. Show with Bob and David Joe ,Johnston ,Fi l m Director ,October Sky Jimmy ,Johnstone ,Soccer ,Cel tic FC l egend Justine ,Joli ,Porns tar ,Carnival Sluts and Circus Dicks Joe ,Jonas ,Mus i cian ,The Jonas Brothers Jack ,Jones ,Si nger ,The Impossible Dream James ,Jones ,Author ,From Here to Eternity Janet ,Jones ,Actor ,Wi fe of Wayne Gretzky January ,Jones ,Actor ,Mad Men Jason ,Jones ,Comi c ,The Daily Show Jeffrey ,Jones ,Actor ,Ferri s Bueller's principal Jennifer ,Jones ,Actor ,The Song of Bernadette Jenny ,Jones ,Ta l k Show Host ,The Jenny Jones Show Jerry ,Jones ,Football ,Owner of the Dallas Cowboys Jim ,Jones ,Ra pper ,We Fly High, Dipset Jim ,Jones ,Rel i gion ,Led mass People's Temple suicide June ,Jones ,Footba ll ,Hawaii Warri ors Head Coach Jim ,Jontz ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Indiana, 1987-93 Janis ,Joplin ,Si nger ,Ball and Chain (Piece of My Heart) Jacob ,Jordaens ,Pa i nter ,Flemish painter, associate of Rubens Jeremy ,Jordan ,Actor ,Never Been Kissed Jim ,Jordan ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ohio 4th Jim ,Jordan ,Actor ,Fi bber McGee June ,Jordan ,Poet ,Who Look At Me Joey ,Jordison ,Drummer ,Slipknot drummer Jackie ,Joseph ,Actor ,Ja cki e Pa rker on The Doris Day Show Jon ,Jost ,Fi l m Director ,All the Vermeers in New York Jean-Baptiste ,Jourdan ,Mi l itary ,Forced Austrians over the Rhi ne James ,Joyce ,Author ,Ulysses Jackie ,Joyner-Kersee ,Tra ck a nd Field ,Track and Field medalist Judge ,Judy ,TV Pers onality ,Telejurist extraordinaire Jerry ,Juhl ,Screenwriter ,Head writer, The Muppet Show Jerry ,Jurgensen ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Nationwide, 2000-09 John ,Justin ,Actor ,The Thief of Bagdad 11. JK Jordan Knight=American, Singer=48,756=132 Jay Kay=English musician=41,986=149 Jamie Kennedy=American comedian, actor and rapper=31,269=198 Josh Klinghoffer=American, M usician=20,907=285 Jewel Kilcher=American singer-songwriter=47,286=188 Julie K.+Smith=American pornographic actress=88,699=106 Jill Kelly=American pornographic actress=104,396=87 Joanne Kelly=Actress=109,564=82 Jacqueline Kennedy=First Lady of the United States, book Jonathan Knight=Singer, Real Estate Developer=20,879=286 John Kennedy+Jr.=Lawyer, journalist=106,358=58 Jason Kidd=American basketball player=22,790=259 Jimmy Kimmel=Actor, comedian, television personality=27,780=221 Justin Kirk=American actor=31,251=199 Josh Kloss= =33,362=190 Johnny Knoxville=American, Actor=43,836=140 Jon Kortajarena=Spanish, M odel=66,482=94 John Krasinski=Actor=63,130=103 COMPLETEandLEFT JK,Jack Kemp JK,Jack Kerouac JK,Jack Klugman JK,Jackie Joyner Kersee JK,Jane Kaczmarek JK,Jean-Claude Killy JK,Jerome Kern JK,Jerzy Kosinski JK,Joanna Kerns JK,Johannes Kepler JK,John F. Kennedy JK,John Katz JK,John Keats JK,John Kerry JK,John Krasinski JK,Joseph P. Kennedy JK,Joyce Kilmer JK,Julie Kavner editor=115,114=80 Jayne Kennedy=Actress, model, presenter, M iss Ohio USA 1970=168,311=52 Jemima Khan=British, Socialite=38,865=215 Jaime King=American actress and model=44,976=194 Jessica King=Canadian, M odel=29,981=276 Jane Krakowski=American actress=31,419=268 Jana Kramer=American, Actress=42,604=204 Joanna Krupa=Polish model and actress=368,403=14 ………… J - Kwon Jana Kramer Josh Kelley Jane ,Kaczmarek ,Actor ,Pleasantville Jan ,Kalff ,Bus iness ,Former Chairman, ABN AMRO Jack ,Kamen ,Ca rtoonist ,EC Comi cs artist John ,Kander ,Compos er ,Top Broadway composer Joseph ,Kane ,Fi l m Director ,Flame of Barbary Coast Jill ,Kanin-Lovers ,Business ,Senior VP a t Avon, 1998-2004 Jigoro ,Kano ,Sports Figure ,Founder of Judo John ,Kapelos ,Actor ,Det. Schanke on Forever Knight Jill ,Kaplan ,Publisher ,Publisher of Cra in's New York Business Jonathan ,Kaplan ,Fi lm Director ,Over the Edge Justin ,Kaplan ,Author ,Mr. Clemens and Mark Twain Jack ,Kapples ,Bus i ness ,Raytheon VP, Corporate Secretary James ,Karen ,Actor ,The Return of the Living Dead Jerome ,Karle ,Chemi st ,X-Ray diffraction studies John ,Karlen ,Actor ,Ha rvey La cey on Cagney & Lacey Jay ,Karnes ,Actor ,Det. Wa genbach on The Shield Janis ,Karpinski ,Mi litary ,Bri g. General i n charge of Abu Ghra i b prison Jake ,Kasdan ,Fi l m Director ,Orange County John ,Kasich ,Pol itician ,Governor of Ohio John ,Kassir ,Actor ,Voi ce of the Crypt Keeper Joette ,Katz ,Judge ,Justice, Connecticut Supreme Court Jonathan ,Katz ,Comi c ,Dr. Katz, Professional Therapist Jeffrey ,Katzenberg ,Bus i ness ,Produced Shrek Jorma ,Kaukonen ,Gui ta rist ,Jefferson Airplane Julie ,Kavner ,Actor ,Ma rge on The Simpsons Jay ,Kay ,Si nger ,Jamiroquai s inger Juliette ,Kayyem ,Government ,Counterterrorism wonk James ,Keach ,Actor ,The Long Riders Jane ,Kean ,Actor ,Tri xi e Norton on The Jackie Gleason Show Joseph ,Kearns ,Actor ,Mr. Wi l son on Dennis the Menace John ,Keats ,Poet ,Engl ish romantic poet John ,Keegan ,Hi s torian ,The Face of Battle Joe ,Keithley ,Si nger ,Joey Shithead from D.O.A. Jack ,Kelley ,Journa list ,Disgraced USA Today reporter Jack ,Kelly ,Actor ,Ba rt Ma veri ck Jill ,Kelly ,Porns tar ,Assoholic, Breast Strokes, Dickochet Jim ,Kelly ,Football ,Buffalo Bills QB Johnny ,Kelly ,Drummer ,Drummer for Type O Negative Jack ,Kemp ,Pol i tician ,American politican, football player Jamie ,Kennedy ,Actor ,Scream, Malibu's Most Wanted Jayne ,Kennedy ,TV Pers onality ,First female s portscaster on NBC Joan ,Kennedy ,Rel a tive ,First wife of Ted Kennedy James ,Kent ,Judge ,Commentaries on American Law Jean ,Kent ,Actor ,The Browning Version Jomo ,Kenyatta ,Hea d of State ,President of Kenya, 1964-78 Johannes ,Kepler ,As tronomer ,Laws of Pl anetary Motion Jerome ,Kern ,Compos er ,Show Boat Joseph ,Kernan ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Indiana, 2003-05 Joanna ,Kerns ,Actor ,Ma ggi e Seaver on Growing Pains Jack ,Kerouac ,Novel ist ,On The Road Jean ,Kerr ,Author ,Please Don't Eat the Daisies Jim ,Kerr ,Si nger ,Frontman for Simple Minds John ,Kerr ,Actor ,Tea and Sympathy Johnny ,Kerr ,Ba s ketball ,Chicago Bulls coach, commentator John ,Kerry ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Massachusetts Jerome ,Kerviel ,Cri mi nal ,Rogue trader, lost €4.9B for Soci éte Générale Jack ,Ketch ,Government ,Notoriously incompetent executioner Jim ,Kever ,Bus i ness ,Voyent Pa rtners LLC Jack ,Kevorkian ,Doctor ,Euthanasia enthusiast John ,Key ,Government ,Pri me Minister of New Zealand Jay ,Keyworth ,Phys i ci st ,Science advisor to Reagan Jason ,Kidd ,Ba s ketball ,Point guard, New York Knicks Johnny ,Kidd ,Mus i cian ,Shakin' All Over Jason ,Kilar ,Business ,CEO of Hulu Jean-Claude ,Killy ,Skier ,Won 3 gol d medals skiing a t Grenoble '68 Joyce ,Kilmer ,Poet ,Trees Jimmy ,Kimmel ,Ta l k Show Host ,The Man Show, Jimmy Kimmel Live James ,Kimsey ,Bus i ness ,AOL's founding CEO Jamaica ,Kincaid ,Novelist ,Annie John Jaime ,King ,Actor ,White Chicks Jonathan ,King ,Mus i cian ,Pop producer, discovered Genesis Jack ,Kingston ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Georgia 1s t Joel ,Kinnaman ,Actor ,Stephen Holder on The Killing Jack ,Kirby ,Ca rtooni st ,Captain America James ,Kirby ,El ectronic Musician ,V/Vm, The Caretaker James ,Kirk ,Actor ,Tra vi s Deosdade on Edgemont Justin ,Kirk ,Actor ,Angels in America Joseph ,Kirkland ,Novelist ,Zury: The Meanest Man in Spring County Jen ,Kirkman ,Comi c ,Chelsea Lately Jeane ,Kirkpatrick ,Government ,Reagan's UN Ambassador James ,Kirkwood ,Novel ist ,A Chorus Line Jim ,Kittle ,Bus i ness ,Ki ttle's Furniture John ,Kitzhaber ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Oregon Jerry ,Kleczka ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Wisconsin, 1984-2005 Joe ,Klein ,Journa list ,Anonymous a uthor of Primary Colors John ,Kline ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman, Mi nnesota 2nd John ,Kluge ,Bus iness ,Media mogul, Metromedia, Inc. Jack ,Klugman ,Actor ,The Odd Couple Jonathan ,Knight ,Si nger ,New Kids on the Block Jordan ,Knight ,Si nger ,New Kids on the Block Joseph ,Knollenberg ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Mi chigan 9th John ,Knowles ,Novel ist ,A Separate Peace John ,Knox ,Rel i gion ,Scottish Reformation Johnny ,Knoxville ,Da redevil ,MTV Jackass Jeff ,Kober ,Actor ,Dodger on China Beach Jan ,Kodes ,Tennis ,Winner of 3 Gra nd Slam titles Jerome ,Kohlberg,^Jr. ,Bus i ness ,KKR, Kohlberg & Company Juliane ,Köhler ,Actor ,Aimee & Jaguar Junichiro ,Koizumi ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Ja pan, 2001-06 Jim ,Kolbe ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ari zona, 19852007 James ,Komack ,Actor ,Norma n Tinker on The Courtship of Eddie's Father Joseph ,Konopka ,Cri mi nal ,Real-life s uper vi llain Dr. Chaos Jim ,Konstanty ,Ba s eball ,National League 1950 MVP Joseph ,Kony ,Cri mi nal ,Lord's Resistance Army i n Uganda Jeff ,Koons ,Scul ptor ,Arti stic hack, Ci cciolina's ex-husband John ,Kornblum ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Germany, 1997-2001 John ,Korty ,Fi l m Director ,The Autobiography of Miss Jane Pittman Jerzy ,Kosinski ,Author ,Being There Jeff ,Kottkamp ,Pol i ti cian ,Lt. Governor of Florida Jonathan ,Kozol ,Educa tor ,Death at an Early Age Jeroen ,Krabbé ,Actor ,The Discovery of Heaven Jon ,Krakauer ,Author ,Into Thin Air Jane ,Krakowski ,Actor ,Jenna Ma roney on 30 Rock Jack ,Kramer ,Tennis ,Winner of 10 Gra nd Slam titles Jerry ,Kramer ,Football ,Green Bay Pa ckers, 1958-68 Judith ,Krantz ,Novel ist ,Scruples John ,Krasinski ,Actor ,Ji m Halpert on The Office John ,Kricfalusi ,Ca rtoonist ,Ren And Stimpy Johan ,Kriek ,Tenni s ,Winner, 1981 a nd 1982 Australian Open Josef ,Krips ,Conductor ,Director, Buffalo Philharmonic, 1954-63 Julia ,Kristeva ,Phi losopher ,Ps ychoanalyst, l inguistic phi lsopher Jack ,Kruschen ,Actor ,The Apartment Juscelino ,Kubitschek ,Hea d of State ,President of Brazil, founder of Brasilia John ,Kufuor ,Hea d of State ,President of Ghana, 2001-09 John ,Kundla ,Ba s ketball ,Mi nneapolis La kers Head Coa ch, 1948-59 Joshua ,Kurlantzick ,Journalist ,Charm Offensive Jari ,Kurri ,Hockey ,NHL Hall of Famer Jon ,Kyl ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Ari zona 12. JL Jared Leto=American actor and musician=1,528,513=2 John Lennon=Rock musician=219,278=26 John Legend=Singer–songwriter, pianist=65,343=98 Jani Lane=Singer-songwriter, M usician=62,983=104 Joseph Lawrence=Actor, singer=60,309=109 Julian Lennon=British musician, songwriter and actor=47,123=134 Jerry Lee+Lewis=Singer, Songwriter, Pianist=23,738=252 James Lafferty=American, Actor=220,331=25 Joe Lando=American, Actor=37,918=163 Jude Law=English actor=200,087=30 Jonny Lee+Miller=English, Actor=27,867=220 Jason Lewis=American, M odel=75,883=82 Jerry Lewis=American comedian, actor, film producer, writer and director=33,699=187 Jet Li=Chinese, Actor=47,895=133 John Lloyd+Cruz=Filipino actor, model, and occasional TV host=50,160=130 Justin Long=American actor=128,327=50 Jack Lord=American actor=22,074=275 Josh Lucas=American actor=152,424=40 Jesus Luz=Brazilian, M odel=62,559=106 Jay Lyon=Canadian archer=34,502=183 COMPLETEandLEFT JL,Jack LaLanne JL,Jack Lemmon JL,Jack London JL,Jack Lord JL,Jack Lousma JL,Jake LaMotta JL,James Longstreet JL,Janet Leigh JL,Jason Lee JL,Jay Leno JL,Jeff Licon JL,Jennifer Jason Leigh JL,Jennifer Lopez JL,Jerry Lee Lewis JL,Jerry Lewis JL,Jessica Lange JL,Jet Li JL,Joan Lunden JL,Joe E. Lewis JL,Joe Louis JL,Joey Lawrence JL,John Landis JL,John Larroquette JL,John Leguizamo Jennifer Lopez=Entertainer=1,211,660=1 Jennifer Love+Hewitt=actress, singersongwriter=766,310=4 Jamie Lynn+Spears=American actress and singer=200,055=37 Jenny Lewis=American singer-songwriter=28,897=284 Juliette Lewis=American actress and musician=90,380=102 Julie London=Singer, Actress=35,792=243 Jayme Langford=American pornographic actress, rock singer=30,024=275 Jocelyn Lane=English actress and model=35,084=247 Jessica Lange=Actress=50,595=174 Jenya Lano=Russian, Actress=50,622=173 Joi Lansing=Actress=50,169=176 Joey Lauren+Adams=Film actress/director; television actress/director=33,253=260 Jennifer Lawrence=American actress=217,266=28 Jenni Lee=American, Pornstar=36,997=234 Jamie Lee+Curtis=Actress, author=188,078=41 Jane Leeves=Actress=37,842=225 Janet Leigh=American actress=150,883=61 Joan Leslie=Actress=44,725=196 Jenna Lewis=American, Other=67,941=128 Judith Light=American actress=60,277=147 Janine Lindemulder=Adult film actress=394,514=13 Josie Loren=American, Actress=32,838=263 Julia Louis-Dreyfus=Actress, comedian=69,706=126 Jessica Lowndes=Canadian, Actress=174,952=47 Jessica Lucas=Canadian, Actress=94,277=99 Joanna Lumley=English actress and former model=56,849=159 Joan Lunden=American, TV News=36,900=235 Jamie Luner=American, Actress=31,185=269 Janet Lupo=American, M odel=36,682=236 Jennifer Lyn+Jackson=American, M odel (Adult/Glamour)=32,386=265 Jodi Lyn+O'Keefe=Actress=57,478=157 Jennifer Lyon=American, Reality TV=33,262=259 Jennifer Lyons=American actress=27,479=294 …………… Jessica Lowndes Jacob Latimore Jonny Lang Jon Lajoie Jesse Labelle Jacques ,Lacan ,Ps ychi atrist ,The Mirror Stage as Formative of the I Jordan ,Ladd ,Actor ,Cabin Fever James ,Lafferty ,Actor ,Na tha n on One Tree Hill JL,John Lennon JL,John Lewis JL,John Lithgow JL,John Phillip Law JL,Jon Lee JL,Jon Lovitz JL,Jude Law JL,Julia Louis-Dreyfus JL,Julian Lennon JL,Julie London JL,Juliette Lewis JL,Juliette Low JL,June Lockhart Jim ,Lafferty ,Government ,Republican press flak Jules ,Laforgue ,Poet ,Pes simistic poet who i nspired T. S. El i ot Joseph-Louis ,Lagrange ,Ma thematician ,Mécanique Analytique Jhumpa ,Lahiri ,Author ,Interpreter of Maladies Jon ,Lajoie ,Actor ,Ta co on The League Jean-Baptiste ,Lamarck ,Bi ologist ,Early i nvertebrate bi ologist, evolutionary theorist Jack ,Lambert ,Football ,Pi ttsburgh Steeler, Hall of Famer Jack ,Lambert ,Actor ,Riverboat Jake ,LaMotta ,Boxi ng ,Best chin in boxing Juliet ,Landau ,Actor ,Drus illa on Buffy the Vampire Slayer Judy ,Landers ,Actor ,Stewardess School John ,Landis ,Fi l m Director ,An American Werewolf in London Joe ,Lando ,Actor ,Byron Sul ly on Dr. Quinn Jennifer ,Landon ,Actor ,As the World Turns Jeff ,Landry ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Louisiana 3rd Jackie ,Lane ,Actor ,Tickle Me Jackie ,Lane ,Actor ,Dodo Chaplet i n Dr. Who Jani ,Lane ,Si nger ,Lead singer of Warrant June ,Lang ,Actor ,Bonnie Scotland James ,Langdon ,Attorney ,Aki n Gump Strauss Hauer & Feld John ,Langdon ,Pol i tician ,Twice Governor of New Ha mphire Jessica ,Lange ,Actor ,Tootsie Jim ,Lange ,Ga me Show Host ,The Dating Game Jim ,Langevin ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Rhode Island 2nd Janet ,Langhart ,Fi rs t La dy ,Ex-First La dy of the Pentagon Jean ,Langlais ,Composer ,Organist and composer Jaron ,Lanier ,Sci entist ,Coi ned the term "vi rtual reality" James ,Lankford ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Oklahoma 5th Joi ,Lansing ,Actor ,Gl a dys Flatt on The Beverly Hillbillies Jonathan ,LaPaglia ,Actor ,Det. Kevin Debreno on The District Joe ,Lapchick ,Ba s ketball ,Ori ginal Celtic, l ater NY Knicks Coa ch Jane ,Lapotaire ,Actor ,Engl ish character actress John ,Larch ,Actor ,Cha ra cter a ctor John ,Larroquette ,Actor ,Night Court Jack ,Larson ,Actor ,The Adventures of Superman John ,Larson ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Connecticut 1s t John ,Lasseter ,Fi l m Director ,Toy Story John ,Latsis ,Bus iness ,Greek shipping tycoon Johnny ,Lattner ,Football ,Winner, 1953 Heisman Trophy James ,Laughlin ,Publ isher ,Founder, New Directions Press John ,Laurens ,Mi l i tary ,Mi litary a ide to George Washington John ,Laurie ,Actor ,Pvt. Ja mes Frazer on Dad's Army Jaynee ,LaVecchia ,Judge ,Justice, New Jersey Supreme Court James ,Lavelle ,Bus i ness ,MoWax founder, member of UNKLE Jude ,Law ,Actor ,Gattaca Jerry ,Lawler ,Wres tl ing ,Bitchslapped Andy Ka ufman on Letterma n Jennifer ,Lawrence ,Actor ,Winter's Bone Jerome ,Lawrence ,Pl a ywri ght ,Inherit the Wind a nd Mame Joey ,Lawrence ,Actor ,Joey on Blossom Jack ,Layton ,Pol i tician ,Leader of Ca nada's NDP Jim ,Leach ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Iowa, 1977-2007 Jean-Pierre ,Léaud ,Actor ,The 400 Blows Jim ,Leavitt ,Football ,Head Coa ch, U. of South Florida Joseph ,LeBaron ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Ma uritania Jeff ,Lebo ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coach, Auburn University John ,LeBoutillier ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New York, 1981-83 Joshua ,Lederberg ,Bi ol ogist ,Genetic properties of bacteria John ,Ledyard ,Expl orer ,Explored Hawaii with Ca ptain Ja mes Cook Jack ,Lee ,Fi l m Director ,The Wooden Horse Jason ,Lee ,Actor ,My Name Is Earl John ,Leeson ,Actor ,Voi ce of K9 i n Doctor Who Jane ,Leeves ,Actor ,Da phne Cra ne on Frasier John ,Legend ,Mus i cian ,Get Lifted James ,LeGros ,Actor ,Living in Oblivion John ,Leguizamo ,Comi c ,House of Buggin' John ,Lehmann ,Poet ,Thrown to the Woolfs Jean-Marie ,Lehn ,Chemi st ,Synthesis of molecules Jim ,Lehrer ,Journalist ,PBS NewsHour Jonah ,Lehrer ,Author ,Imagine: How Creativity Works Jussi ,Lehtisalo ,Mus ician ,Founder of Ci rcle, Ektroverde and the Ektro l abel Jerry ,Leiber ,Songwri ter ,Hitmaker for Elvis Joseph ,Leidy ,Bi ol ogist ,Tri chinosis a nd dinosaurs Janet ,Leigh ,Actor ,Psycho Jacques ,Lemaire ,Hockey ,Head Coa ch, Mi nnesota Wild Jack ,Lemmon ,Actor ,The Odd Couple Jozef ,Lenart ,Hea d of State ,Czech Pri me Minister, 1963-68 John ,Lennon ,Mus i cian ,Beatle Julian ,Lennon ,Mus i cian ,Too Late for Goodbyes Jay ,Leno ,Ta l k Show Host ,The Tonight Show Joshua ,Leonard ,Actor ,The Blair Witch Project Justin ,Leonard ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1997 Bri tish Open Jan ,Leschly ,Bus i ness ,CEO of SmithKline Beecham, 19942000 Joan ,Leslie ,Actor ,Yankee Doodle Dandy John ,Leslie ,Porns ta r ,Talk Dirty To Me James ,Lesure ,Actor ,Mi ke Ca nnon on Las Vegas Jonathan ,Lethem ,Author ,Gun with Occasional Music Jared ,Leto ,Actor ,Ha rry i n Requiem for a Dream Jeremy ,Leven ,Fi l m Director ,Don Juan DeMarco Jerry ,Levin ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Ti me Warner, 2000-02 James ,Levine ,Conductor ,Mus ic Director, NY Metropolitan Opera Jane ,Levy ,Actor ,Tes sa Altman on Suburgatory Jim ,Levy ,Bus iness ,CEO of Acti vision, 1979-86 Jamal ,Lewis ,Footba ll ,Cl eveland Browns RB Jason ,Lewis ,Model ,Smith Jerrod in Sex and the City Jenifer ,Lewis ,Actor ,The Preacher's Wife Jenny ,Lewis ,Actor ,Ka ti e Monahan on Brooklyn Bridge Jerry ,Lewis ,Comi c ,Mus cular Dystrophy Association Jerry ,Lewis ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ca lifornia 41st John ,Lewis ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Georgia 5th Juliette ,Lewis ,Actor ,Natural Born Killers Jim ,Leyland ,Ba s eball ,Ma nager, Detroit Tigers Judith ,Leyster ,Pa i nter ,Dutch baroque-era painter Jet ,Li ,Actor ,Kung fu a ction movie star Jeffrey ,Liaw ,Bus i ness ,Texas Pacific Group James ,Lick ,Bus i ness ,Li ck Observatory Jamie ,Lidell ,Si nger ,Multiply Joseph ,Lieberman ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Connecticut Justus ,Liebig ,Chemi st ,Reformed pedagogy of chemistry Jennifer ,Lien ,Actor ,Kes on Star Trek: Voyager Judith ,Light ,Actor ,Angel a Bower on Who's the Boss? Jim ,Lightfoot ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Iowa, 1985-97 Joseph ,Limprecht ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Albania, 1999-2002 Jeremy ,Lin ,Ba s ketball ,Houston Rockets point guard Justin ,Lin ,Fi l m Director ,Better Luck Tomorrow Jenny ,Lind ,Si nger ,Soprano, The Swedish Nightingale Janine ,Lindemulder ,Porns ta r ,Annoying "girls only" butterface performer John ,Linder ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Georgia, 19932011 John ,Lindsay ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of New York Ci ty, 1966-73 John ,Linnell ,Mus i cian ,They Might Be Giants Joanne ,Linville ,Actor ,Gable and Lombard Jean-Étienne ,Liotard ,Pa i nter ,Swiss portrait painter Joanne ,Lipman ,Edi tor ,Edi tor of Condé Nast Portfolio, 2007-09 Jonathan ,Lipnicki ,Actor ,The Jeff Foxworthy Show Justus ,Lipsius ,Scholar ,Belgian s cholar a nd a uthor James ,Lipton ,TV Pers onality ,Host, Inside the Actors Studio Joseph ,Lister ,Doctor ,Pi oneer of antiseptic s urgery John ,Litel ,Actor ,Two Dollar Bettor John ,Lithgow ,Actor ,Third Rock From The Sun Jerry ,Litton ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Mi ssouri, 197376 Jay ,Livingston ,Compos er ,Que Sera Sera Jake ,Lloyd ,Actor ,Ana kin Skywalker i n Episode I John ,Locke ,Phi l osopher ,An Essay Concerning Human Understanding Joe ,Lockhart ,Government ,White House Press Secretary under Bill Clinton June ,Lockhart ,Actor ,Mom on Lassie, Lost in Space John ,Loder ,Actor ,Sabotage Jacques ,Loeb ,Doctor ,Investigator of artificial pa rthenogenesis Joshua ,Logan ,Fi l m Director ,South Pacific Jackie ,Lomax ,Mus i cian ,Li verpool/Merseybeat musician Jack ,London ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of CACI International Jack ,London ,Novel ist ,Call of the Wild Jason ,London ,Actor ,Poor White Trash Jeremy ,London ,Actor ,As s istant reverend on 7th Heaven Julie ,London ,Si nger ,Cry Me a River John ,Lone ,Actor ,The Last Emperor Justin ,Long ,Actor ,Dodgeball: A True Underdog Story John ,Longden ,Actor ,Quatermass 2 Johnny ,Longden ,Jockey ,Wi nner, 1943 Tri ple Crown Jeannie ,Longo ,Cycl i s t ,Preeminent French cycl ist James ,Longstreet ,Mi l itary ,Confederate Army General Javy ,Lopez ,Ba s eball ,Ca tcher Atlanta Braves #8 Jennifer ,Lopez ,Si nger ,Maid in Manhattan Jack ,Lord ,Actor ,McGa rrett on Hawaii 5-O James ,Lord ,Author ,Giacometti: A Biography Jon ,Lord ,Mus i cian ,Founder of Deep Purple Jeffrey ,Loria ,Ba s eball ,Mi ami Ma rlins owner Joan ,Lorring ,Actor ,The Corn Is Green Joseph ,Losey ,Fi l m Director ,The Go-Between John ,Lott ,Economi st ,More Guns, Less Crime Jim ,Louderback ,Col umnist ,Former PC Magazine edi tor-inchi ef Jared ,Loughner ,As s assin ,Tucson Safeway shooter Joe ,Louis ,Boxi ng ,The Champ Julia ,Louis-Dreyfus ,Comi c ,El aine on Seinfeld Jean-Baptiste ,Louvet ,Author ,Mémoires de Louvet de Couvrai Jim ,Lovell ,As tronaut ,Apollo 13 James ,Lovelock ,Sci entist ,The Gaia Theory Jon ,Lovitz ,Comi c ,Yea aaah, that's the ticket! Joseph ,Lowery ,Acti vi s t ,Co-Founder of the SCLC Jessica ,Lowndes ,Actor ,Adri a nna Tate-Duncan on 90210 Jerry ,Lucas ,Ba s ketball ,NBA Hall of Famer Jessica ,Lucas ,Actor ,CSI: Crime Scene Investigation Josh ,Lucas ,Actor ,Wonderland Johnny ,Lujack ,Football ,Winner, 1947 Heisman Trophy Jan ,Lukasiewicz ,Ma thematician ,Invented Reverse Polish Nota ti on Jean-Baptiste ,Lully ,Compos er ,Founder of French opera Joanna ,Lumley ,Actor ,Pa ts y Stone in Absolutely Fabulous Jimmie ,Lunceford ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Ji mmie Lunceford Orches tra John ,Lund ,Actor ,My Friend Irma Joan ,Lunden ,Ta l k Show Host ,Former host, Good Morning America Jessica ,Lundy ,Actor ,Gl oria Utz on Hope & Gloria Jamie ,Luner ,Actor ,Lexi on Melrose Place Joseph ,Luns ,Pol i ti cian ,Dutch Foreign Minister, 1952-71 Jeffrey ,Lunstead ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Sri Lanka, 2003-06 John ,Lurie ,Mus i cian ,Fishing with John, Lounge Li zard Jean-Marie ,Lustiger ,Rel igion ,Archbishop of Paris, 19812005 John ,Lydgate ,Poet ,Troy Book Jimmy ,Lydon ,Actor ,Andy Boone on So This Is Hollywood John ,Lyly ,Pl a ywri ght ,Euphues Jack ,Lynch ,Hea d of State ,Twice Prime Mi nister of Ireland Jane ,Lynch ,Actor ,Cheerleading coach on Glee Jessica ,Lynch ,Vi cti m ,PFC ca ptured by Iraq, rescued John ,Lynch ,Actor ,Cal John ,Lynch ,Pol i tician ,Governor of New Hampshire Jeffrey ,Lynn ,Actor ,Home Town Story Jonathan ,Lynn ,Screenwriter ,Yes, Minister Jeff ,Lynne ,Mus i cian ,Frontman for Electric Light Orchestra Joseph ,Lyons ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Australia, 1932-39 Jean-François ,Lyotard ,Phi l osopher ,Founder of Pos tmodernism 13. JM John Mayer=Guitarist and singer/songwriter=395,575=12 Jim Morrison=M usician, Songwriter, Poet, Filmmaker=350,114=14 Jesse McCartney=American, Singer=309,333=20 James Maslow=American, Singer=163,759=39 Jason Mraz=American, M usician=150,686=42 Johnny Mathis=American, Singer=68,532=91 Joel Madden=American, Singer=46,406=135 John Mellencamp=M usician=36,400=173 Jared Murillo=American, Singer=21,068=284 James MacArthur=American actor=29,460=211 John Malkovich=Academy Award-nominated American actor, producer and director=23,530=254 Joe Manganiello=Actor=82,348=77 Jay Manuel=American, Fashion Designer=39,528=158 James Marsden=American, Actor=51,173=129 James Marsters=American actor=37,632=165 Jamie Mazur=American, Business=22,412=265 James McAvoy=Scottish stage and screen actor=66,980=93 Jake McDorman=American, Actor=22,119=273 Julian McMahon=Australian, Actor=75,375=83 Johnny Messner=American actor=37,429=167 Jesse Metcalfe=Actor=83,065=76 Jason Mewes=American, Actor= =300 Jason Momoa=Actor, model=92,870=67 Joseph Morgan=English actor=100,858=60 Joe Namath=American football player=21,705=279 COMPLETEandLEFT JM,J.P. McCarthy JM,Jackie Mason JM,James Madison JM,James Marsters Jennette McCurdy=Actress, singer, songwriter=442,034=12 Jennylyn Mercado=actress, singer, reality show winner=63,432=139 Jayne Mansfield=American actress, singer, model=502,854=7 Jena Malone=American actress and musician=41,295=208 Joni Mitchell=Canadian musician and painter=38,208=221 Jacqueline MacInnes+Wood=Canadian actress=61,465=142 Jillie Mack=Actress=47,679=187 Josie Maran=American, M odel=70,425=124 Jane March=English actress=66,585=132 Julianna Margulies=American actress=42,507=206 Jarah Mariano=American model=92,476=101 Jodie Marsh=English glamour model and television personality=203,856=34 Jayma Mays=Actress=56,273=160 Jenny McCarthy=American actress and model=460,898=9 Jill McCormick=American, M odel=30,767=270 Julie McCullough=American, Actress=40,701=210 Jillian Michaels=American personal trainer=222,709=26 Julie Michaels=American, Actress=44,094=198 Jessica Michibata=Japanese, M odel=273,225=21 Jordan Monroe=American, M odel=27,326=295 Julia Montes=Filipino, Actress=42,608=203 Joanna Moore=Actress=37,842=224 Julianne Moore=American actress=96,431=95 Jennifer Morrison=Actress, model, film producer=120,920=77 Jaime Murray=English actress=175,593=46 Jillian Murray=Actress=34,521=251 ……….. Junior M.a.f.i.a. J. Moss James Morrison Justin Moore JM,James Mason JM,James Michener JM,James Monroe JM,James Morrison JM,Jan Merlin JM,Jayne Mansfield JM,Jayne Meadows JM,Jean Marsh JM,Jeanne Moreau JM,Jillian Michaels JM,Jim McKay JM,Jim Messina JM,Jim Morrison JM,Joan Miró JM,Joe Montana JM,Joel McCrea JM,John Madden JM,John Major JM,John Malkovich JM,John Mayall JM,John Mayer JM,John McCain JM,John McEnroe JM,John Mills JM,John Milton JM,John Muir JM,John Singleton Mosby JM,Johnny Mathis JM,Johnny Mercer JM,Johnny Miller JM,Joni Mitchell JM,José Marti JM,Julian McMahon JM,Julianne Moore JM,Juliet Mills Jerzee Monet Jae Millz Jake Miller Jon Mclaughlin Joey Mcintyre Joe Mcelderry Jamie Mcdell Jessica Mauboy Jack's Mannequin Jack ,Ma ,Business ,Founder of Alibaba Jan ,Mabuse ,Painter ,Flemish Renaissance painter James ,MacArthur ,Actor ,Dano from Hawaii 5-O John ,MacArthur ,Religion ,Grace Community Church Jeanette ,MacDonald ,Actor ,The Merry Widow John ,MacDougall ,Politician ,Labour M P for Glenrothes, 2005-08 Jack ,MacGowran ,Actor ,The Fearless Vampire Killers John ,MacGregor ,Politician ,Leader, House of Commons, 1990-92 Jack ,Mack ,Business ,Founder of M ack Trucks John ,Mack ,Psychiatrist ,A Prince of Our Disorder James ,Mackay ,Historian ,Plagiarising historian Jeff ,MacKay ,Actor ,French on Baa Baa Black Sheep John ,Mackenzie ,Film Director ,The Long Good Friday John ,Mackey ,Football ,NFL Hall of Famer John ,Mackovic ,Football ,NFL and NCAA football coach John ,Macleod ,Scientist ,Helped discover insulin Jeff ,MacNelly ,Cartoonist ,Editorial cartoonist, Shoe John ,Macomber ,Business ,JDM Investment Group James ,Macpherson ,Hoaxer ,So-called translations of Ossian Jay ,Macpherson ,Poet ,O Earth Return Joel ,Madden ,M usician ,Good Charlotte John ,Madden ,Film Director ,Shakespeare in Love John ,Madden ,Football ,Gregarious Sports Announcer Joe ,Maddon ,Baseball ,M anager, Tampa Bay Devil Rays Jean ,Madeira ,Singer ,Operatic contralto, Carmen James ,Madison ,Head of State ,4th US President, 1809-17 John ,Magaw ,Government ,BATF Director, 1993-99 Jeb ,Magruder ,Government ,Nixon's deputy campaign director John ,Mahaffey ,Golf ,Winner, 1978 PGA Championship Joseph ,Maher ,Actor ,Chancellor Willoughby on Goode Behavior Jock ,Mahoney ,Actor ,Yancy Derringer John ,Mahoney ,Actor ,M artin Crane on Frasier John ,Major ,Politician ,UK Prime M inister, 1990-97 Johnny ,Majors ,Football ,College football coach John ,Makinson ,Business ,Chairman & CEO, Penguin Group Janet ,Malcolm ,Journalist ,The Journalist and the Murderer Joshua ,Malina ,Actor ,Will Bailey on The West Wing Judith ,Malina ,Actor ,Co-Founder, The Living Theatre John ,Malkovich ,Actor ,Subject of Being John Malkovich Jan ,Malmsjö ,Actor ,Scenes from a Marriage Jena ,Malone ,Actor ,Saved! Joe ,Malone ,Hockey ,NHL Hall of Famer Joe ,Maloof ,Business ,Las Vegas entrepreneur Julianne ,Malveaux ,Columnist ,Pundit Joe ,Manchin ,Politician ,US Senator from West Virginia Joe ,Manganiello ,Actor ,Alcide Herveaux on True Blood James ,Mangold ,Film Director ,Walk the Line John ,Manley ,Politician ,Canadian Deputy PM , 2002-03 James ,Mann ,Author ,Rise of the Vulcans Jayne ,Mansfield ,Actor ,The Girl Can't Help It Joe ,Mantegna ,Actor ,David Rossi on Criminal Minds Joe ,Mantell ,Actor ,Angie in Marty Jason ,Mantzoukas ,Actor ,Rafi on The League Jay ,Manuel ,TV Personality ,Judge, America's Next Top Model Jean ,Marais ,Actor ,Beauty and the Beast Josie ,Maran ,M odel ,Fashion model, sometime actress Jean-Paul ,Marat ,Activist ,French revolutionary Joseph ,Marcell ,Actor ,Geoffrey on Fresh Prince Jane ,March ,Actor ,Color of Night Janet ,Margolin ,Actor ,Take the Money and Run Julianna ,Margulies ,Actor ,Alicia Florrick on The Good Wife Juan ,Marichal ,Baseball ,Nine-time All-Star SF Giants pitcher Jean-Pierre ,Marielle ,Actor ,Tous les matins du monde Jacques ,Marin ,Actor ,Charade Jean-Luc ,Marion ,Philosopher ,Phenomenologist, God Without Being Jacques ,Maritain ,Philosopher ,Interpreter of St. Thomas John ,Markoff ,Journalist ,New York Times computer guy Jeannette ,Marks ,Poet ,The Merry Merry Cuckoo John ,Marley ,Actor ,Godfather horsehead recipient Joe ,Maross ,Actor ,Run Silent, Run Deep Jerry ,Marotta ,Drummer ,Peter Gabriel's drummer, active session musician Johnny ,Marr ,Guitarist ,The Smiths James ,Marsden ,Actor ,Cyclops in X-Men and X2 Jason ,Marsden ,Actor ,Eerie, Indiana Jean ,Marsh ,Actor ,Co-Creator, Upstairs, Downstairs Joan ,Marsh ,Actor ,You're Telling Me! Jack ,Marshall ,Head of State ,Prime M inister of New Zealand, 1972 James ,Marshall ,Explorer ,Discovered gold at Sutter's M ill James ,Marshall ,Actor ,A Few Good Men Jim ,Marshall ,Football ,M innesota Vikings Jim ,Marshall ,Politician ,Congressman from Georgia, 200311 Joan ,Marshall ,Actor ,Homicidal John ,Marshall ,Judge ,US Chief Justice, 1801-35 James ,Marsters ,Actor ,Spike on Buffy the Vampire Slayer John ,Marston ,Playwright ,The Malcontent José ,Martí ,Activist ,Cuban hero Jared ,Martin ,Actor ,Steven Farlow on Dallas Judith ,Martin ,Columnist ,Miss Manners Jean ,Martinon ,Conductor ,M usic Director, Chicago Symphony, 1963-68 Jackie ,Martling ,Comic ,Writer for Howard Stern Justin ,Martyr ,Rel igion ,Apology Judy ,Martz ,Politician ,Governor of M ontana, 2001-05 Jamie ,Masada ,Business ,Laugh Factory owner Jan ,Masaryk ,Government ,Czech Foreign M inister J ,Mascis ,M usician ,Frontman for Dinosaur Jr. John ,Masefield ,Poet ,Poet Laureate of England, 1930-67 Janet ,Maslin ,Critic ,New York Times film critic James ,Maslow ,Actor ,James Diamond on Big Time Rush Jackie ,Mason ,Comic ,The World According to Me! James ,Mason ,Actor ,North by Northwest Julie ,Mason ,Journalist ,Houston Chronicle Jules ,Massenet ,Composer ,Manon Joe ,Masseria ,Criminal ,NY mobster, killed by Luciano Jerry ,Mathers ,Actor ,Beaver in Leave it to Beaver Jim ,Matheson ,Politician ,Congressman, Utah 2nd Johnny ,Mathis ,Singer ,He's as helpless as a kitten up a tree Jack ,Matlock ,Diplomat ,US Ambassador to the USSR, 1987-91 Johann ,Mattheson ,Composer ,German baroque composer, theorist Jessie ,Matthews ,Actor ,English stage and radio actress James ,Mattis ,M ilitary ,Commander-in-Chief, CENTCOM John ,Matuszak ,Football ,Oakland Raider turned actor Joe ,Mauer ,Actor ,M innesota Twins catcher Judith ,Maxwell ,Business ,Canadian Policy Research Networks James ,May ,TV Personality ,Top Gear Jodhi ,May ,Actor ,Sister My Sister Joe ,May ,Film Director ,The Invisible Man Returns Julian ,May ,Novelist ,Galactic Milieu Trilogy John ,Mayall ,M usician ,Bluesbreaker John ,Mayer ,M usician ,Your Body Is a Wonderland Jonathan ,Mayhew ,Religion ,Congregationalist minister, anti-Royalist Jayma ,Mays ,Actor ,Emma Pillsbury on Glee Jules ,Mazarin ,Religion ,French Cardinal and Statesman Joseph ,Mazzello ,Actor ,Jurassic Park John ,McAfee ,Business ,Antivirus entepreneur and yoga wannabe James ,McAuley ,Poet ,Australian poet, Ern M alley hoaxer James ,McAvoy ,Actor ,Chronicles of Narnia Jack ,McBrayer ,Actor ,30 Rock Jim ,McBride ,Film Director ,The Big Easy James ,McCaffrey ,Actor ,Jimmy Keefe on Rescue Me John ,McCain ,Politician ,US Senator from Arizona John ,McCallum ,Politician ,Canadian M P, M arkham-Unionville Jenny ,McCarthy ,M odel ,Early-nineties Playboy model, Singled Out Joe ,McCarthy ,Baseball ,Yankees manager for 15 years John ,McCarthy ,Computer Programmer ,Created LISP programming language Joseph ,McCarthy ,Politician ,US Senator from Wisconsin, 1947-57 Jesse ,McCartney ,Singer ,Bradin Westerly on Summerland James ,McClatchy ,Publisher ,Former Chairman, M cClatchy Newspapers James ,McClure ,Novelist ,British mystery novelist Jessica ,McClure ,Victim ,Baby Jessica, rescued from well John ,McCone ,Government ,CIA Director, 1961-65 John ,McCook ,Actor ,The Bold and the Beautiful John ,McCormack ,Singer ,Operatic tenor, Irish balladeer James ,McCracken ,Singer ,Operatic tenor, Otello Joel ,McCrea ,Actor ,Ride the High Country Jim ,McCrery ,Politician ,Congressman from Louisiana, 1989-2009 Julie ,McCullough ,Actor ,Playboy centerfold, actress Jennette ,McCurdy ,Actor ,Sam on iCarly James ,McDaniel ,Actor ,Lt. Arthur Fancy on NYPD Blue Josh ,McDaniels ,Football ,Denver Broncos coach, 2009-10 James ,McDermott ,Politician ,Congressman, Washington 7th Jack ,McDevitt ,Novelist ,Academy Universe Jake ,McDorman ,Actor ,Evan on Greek John ,McDowell ,Philosopher ,Mind and World Josh ,McDowell ,Religion ,Evidence That Demands A Verdict Joseph ,McElroy ,Novelist ,Lookout Cartridge John ,McEnery ,Actor ,Romeo and Juliet John ,McEnroe ,Tennis ,Winner of 17 Grand Slam titles John ,McEntire ,Drummer ,Tortoise John ,McEwen ,Head of State ,Prime M inister of Australia, 1967-68 John ,McGahern ,Novelist ,Amongst Women Jack ,McGee ,Actor ,Chief Jerry Reilly on Rescue Me John ,McGeoch ,M usician ,Siouxsie and the Banshees guitarist John ,McGiver ,Actor ,Midnight Cowboy James ,McGovern ,Politician ,Congressman, M assachusetts 3rd John ,McGraw ,Baseball ,NY Giants manager for 30 years James ,McGreevey ,Politician ,Governor of New Jersey, 2002-04 Joel ,McHale ,TV Personality ,The Soup Jimmy ,McHugh ,Songwriter ,On the Sunny Side of the Street John ,McHugh ,Politician ,US Secretary of the Army Jay ,McInerney ,Novelist ,Bright Lights, Big City John ,McIntire ,Actor ,Christopher Hale on Wagon Train Joey ,McIntyre ,Singer ,New Kids on the Block Jim ,McKay ,Sports Journalist ,Host of Wide World of Sports John ,McKay ,Football ,USC Trojans Head Coach, 1960-75 John ,McKay ,Politician ,Canadian M P, Scarborough-Guildwood Joseph ,McKenna ,Judge ,US Supreme Court Justice, 18981925 Jacqueline ,McKenzie ,Actor ,The 4400 Jack ,McKeon ,Baseball ,Former M anager, Florida M arlins John ,McKinley ,Judge ,US Supreme Court Justice, 1838-52 John ,McLaren ,Baseball ,Former M anager, Seattle M ariners John ,McLaughlin ,Jazz M usician ,Influential jazz/fusion guitarist John ,McLaughlin ,Talk Show Host ,The McLaughlin Group John ,McLean ,Judge ,US Supreme Court Justice, 1829-61 Jim ,McMahon ,Football ,Retired NFL Quarterback Julian ,McMahon ,Actor ,Dr. Christian Troy on Nip/Tuck John ,McNaughton ,Film Director ,Henry: Portrait of a Serial Killer John ,McNee ,Diplomat ,Canadian Ambassador to the UN James ,McNerney ,Business ,CEO of Boeing Jerry ,McNerney ,Politician ,Congressman, California 11th Jimmy ,McNichol ,Actor ,Actor, brother of Kristy M cNichol Jimmy ,McPartland ,Jazz M usician ,Chicago jazz cornetist John ,McPhee ,Author ,Annals of the Former World Janet ,McTeer ,Actor ,Tumbleweeds John ,McTiernan ,Film Director ,The Hunt for Red October John ,McVie ,Bassist ,Bassist for Fleetwood M ac John ,McWhorter ,Linguist ,Linguist, social critic Jon ,Meacham ,Journalist ,M anaging Editor of Newsweek, 1998-2010 Jayne ,Meadows ,Actor ,City Slickers Joe ,Medwick ,Baseball ,M LB Hall of Famer Jeffrey ,Meek ,Actor ,Craig M ontgomery on As the World Turns Joe ,Meek ,M usic Producer ,Innovative record producer John ,Megna ,Actor ,To Kill a Mockingbird John ,Melcher ,Politician ,US Senator from M ontana, 197789 John ,Mendelsohn ,Biologist ,Cancer researcher John ,Mengatti ,Actor ,Nick Vitaglia on The White Shadow Josef ,Mengele ,Doctor ,The Angel of Death Justus ,Menius ,Religion ,Lutheran theologian in Thuringinia Johnny ,Mercer ,Songwriter ,Accentuate the Positive James ,Merendino ,Film Director ,SLC Punk! John ,Merivale ,Actor ,The List of Adrian Messenger Jeff ,Merkley ,Politician ,US Senator from Oregon Joseph ,Merrick ,Oddity ,The Elephant M an James ,Merrill ,Poet ,Nights and Days John ,Merritt ,Football ,Tennessee Football Coach, 1963-83 Jeanne ,Meserve ,Journalist ,CNN anchor Jean-Marie ,Messier ,Business ,CEO of Vivendi, 19962000 Jim ,Messina ,M usician ,Loggins and Messina Johnny ,Messner ,Actor ,Det. Jack Hale on Killer Instinct Jack ,Metcalf ,Politician ,Congressman from Washington, 1995-2001 Jesse ,Metcalfe ,Actor ,Desperate Housewives Jason ,Mewes ,Actor ,"Jay" to Kevin Smith's "Silent Bob" Joyce ,Meyer ,Religion ,Televangelist Jan ,Meyers ,Politician ,Congresswoman from Kansas, 1985-97 Josh ,Meyers ,Actor ,MADtv Jeffrey ,Mezger ,Business ,CEO of KB Home John ,Mica ,Politician ,Congressman, Florida 7th Jillian ,Michaels ,TV Personality ,Trainer, The Biggest Loser Jules ,Michelet ,Historian ,Histoire de France John ,Michell ,Geologist ,Phaenomena of Earthquakes Jo ,Mielziner ,Designer ,Broadway stage designer Julia ,Migenes ,Singer ,Operatic soprano Jim ,Miklaszewski ,Journalist ,NBC Chief Pentagon Correspondent Joachim ,Milberg ,Business ,CEO of BM W, 1999-2002 John ,Milius ,Film Director ,Conan the Barbarian John ,Miljan ,Actor ,I Accuse My Parents James ,Mill ,Philosopher ,History of India Juanita ,Millender-McDonald ,Politician ,Congresswoman from California, 1996-2007 Jason ,Miller ,Actor ,The Exorcist Jeff ,Miller ,Politician ,Congressman, Florida 1st Jeremy ,Miller ,Actor ,Ben Seaver on Growing Pains Joaquin ,Miller ,Poet ,Songs of the Sierras Jody ,Miller ,Business ,The Business Talent Group Jody ,Miller ,Country M usician ,Queen of the House John ,Miller ,Politician ,Governor of North Dakota, 1889-91 John ,Miller ,Politician ,Congressman from Washington, 1985-93 Johnny ,Miller ,Golf ,Golf commentator Jonathan ,Miller ,Film Director ,Beyond the Fringe Judith ,Miller ,Journalist ,Credulous NY Times WM D maven James ,Millican ,Actor ,American character actor Jean-Pierre ,Millon ,Business ,PCS Health Systems John ,Mills ,Actor ,Ryan's Daughter Judson ,Mills ,Actor ,Walker, Texas Ranger Juliet ,Mills ,Actor ,The Rare Breed John ,Mills-Cockell ,M usician ,Intersystems electronics John ,Milton ,Politician ,Florida governor, committed suicide John ,Milton ,Poet ,Paradise Lost Jan ,Miner ,Actor ,Soaking in Palmolive dishwashing liquid Jay ,Miner ,Engineer ,Father of the Amiga Computer Joan ,Miró ,Painter ,The most surrealist of them all Jami ,Miscik ,Government ,Global Head of Sovereign Risk, Lehman Bros. Jimi ,Mistry ,Actor ,The Guru James ,Mitchell ,Actor ,All My Children Jim ,Mitchell ,Film Director ,Pornographer; shot and killed brother Artie Joan ,Mitchell ,Painter ,Abstract Expressionist John ,Mitchell ,Government ,Attorney General, Watergate figure Joni ,Mitchell ,Singer/Songwriter ,Big Yellow Taxi Joseph ,Mitchell ,Author ,The New Yorker James ,Mitchum ,Actor ,Son of Robert M itchum Jessica ,Mitford ,Journalist ,The American Way of Death Joseph ,Moakley ,Politician ,Congressman from M assachusetts, 1973-2001 James ,Moeser ,Educator ,Chancellor, UNC Chapel Hill Jarl ,Mohn ,Business ,Founder of E! Television Networks Jay ,Mohr ,Comic ,Gary Unmarried Jordi ,Mollà ,Actor ,Diego Delgado in Blow Janel ,Moloney ,Actor ,Donna M oss on The West Wing Jason ,Momoa ,Actor ,Ronon Dex on Stargate: Atlantis Jimmy ,Monaco ,Composer ,You Made Me Love You Jean ,Monnet ,Diplomat ,Worked to unify Europe Jacques ,Monod ,Scientist ,Operon theory of genetic control James ,Monroe ,Head of State ,5th President of the U.S. Joe ,Montana ,Football ,San Francisco 49ers QB Janet ,Montgomery ,Actor ,Ames on Human Target Joseph ,Montoya ,Politician ,US Senator from New M exico, 1964-77 Jim ,Moody ,Politician ,Congressman from Wisconsin, 1983-93 John ,Moody ,Journalist ,Fox News senior VP James ,Moore ,Politician ,Canadian M P, Port M oody Joanna ,Moore ,Actor ,Walk on the Wild Side Juanita ,Moore ,Actor ,Imitation of Life Julianne ,Moore ,Actor ,Boogie Nights, Short Cuts Justin ,Moore ,Country M usician ,Small Town USA Jocelyn ,Moorhouse ,Film Director ,How to Make an American Quilt Jim ,Mora,^Jr. ,Football ,Head Coach, Seattle Seahawks Jerry ,Moran ,Politician ,US Senator from Kansas Jim ,Moran ,Politician ,Congressman, Virginia 8th John ,Moran ,Composer ,Composer of The Manson Family opera Jeanne ,Moreau ,Actor ,Jules et Jim Joe ,Morgan ,Baseball ,National League M VP, 1975-76 Joseph ,Morgan ,Business ,Patriarch of the M organ family of millionaires Julia ,Morgan ,Architect ,Designed Hearst Castle Joe ,Morgenstern ,Critic ,Wall Street Journal film critic Jan ,Morris ,Journalist ,Transsexual travel writer James ,Morrison ,Actor ,Bill Buchanan on 24 Jennifer ,Morrison ,Actor ,Dr. Cameron on House, MD Jim ,Morrison ,Singer/Songwriter ,Lead singer and songwriter, The Doors Joe ,Morrison ,Football ,NY Giant, Gamecocks Coach Jeff ,Morrow ,Actor ,This Island Earth Joshua ,Morrow ,Actor ,The Young and the Restless John ,Mortimer ,Playwright ,Rumpole of the Bailey Joe ,Morton ,Actor ,The brother from another planet Jonny ,Moseley ,Skier ,1998 Olympic Gold M edal, M oguls John ,Moses ,Politician ,Governor of North Dakota, 1939-45 Jeff ,Moss ,Business ,DEF CON, Black Hat hacker con founder Jerry ,Moss ,Business ,The "M " in A&M Records Josh ,Mostel ,Actor ,Jesus Christ Superstar Jonathan ,Mostow ,Film Director ,Terminator 3: Rise of the Machines Jean ,Moulin ,Government ,M artyr of the French Resistance Jose ,Mourinho ,Soccer ,Real M adrid FC Coach Joel ,Mowbray ,Columnist ,Dangerous Diplomacy Jason ,Mraz ,M usician ,Curbside Prophet Jamie ,Muir ,Drummer ,Experimental percussionist John ,Muir ,Activist ,Patron saint of Yosemite National Park Jose ,Mujica ,Head of State ,President of Uruguay Jack ,Mullaney ,Actor ,The Ann Sothern Show Janet ,Munro ,Actor ,Swiss Family Robinson Jules ,Munshin ,Actor ,On the Town James ,Murdoch ,Business ,Rupert M urdoch's heir-apparent Jan ,Murray ,Comic ,Borscht belt comedian, host of Treasure Hunt Joel ,Murray ,Actor ,Pete Cavanaugh on Dharma & Greg Johnston ,Murray ,Politician ,Governor of Oklahoma, 195155 Jack ,Murtha ,Politician ,Pennsylvania Congressman, 19742010 John ,Musker ,Film Director ,Aladdin 14. JN Jason Newsted=American, Bassist=21,832=277 Judd Nelson=American, Actor=32,218=193 Joe Nichols=American, Personality=22,146=272 Jack Nicholson=American actor=94,177=65 Jeremy Northam=British, Actor=24,787=242 COMPLETEandLEFT JN,Jack Nicholson JN,Jack Nicklaus JN,Jack Niclaus JN,James Naismith JN,James Noble JN,Jason Curtis Newsted JN,Jason Newsted JN,Jawaharlal Nehru JN,Jay North JN,Jim Nabors JN,Joe Namath JN,Johnette Napolitano JN,Judd Nelson JN,Julie Newmar Julie Newmar=Actress, dancer, singer=87,035=109 Jennifer Nettles=American, Country M usician=78,747=113 Julia Nickson=Singaporean, Actress=36,514=237 Jayde Nicole=Canadian model, Playboy's Playmate of the M onth January 2007 and Playmate of the Year 2008=147,350=62 Jennifer Nicole+Lee=American model and actress=56,100=161 Jonna Nygren= =54,627=165 ……….. Justin Nozuka John Nolan Jerrod Niemann Joe Nichols Jimmy Nevis Jonathan Nelson Jimmy Needham John ,Naber ,Swi mmer ,Four Ol ympic Gold Medals i n 1976 Jim ,Nabors ,Actor ,Gomer Pyle USMC Joseph ,Nacchio ,Bus i ness ,Qwest CEO, convi cted of fraud Jerry ,Nachman ,Journa list ,MSNBC reporter James ,Nachtwey ,Photogra pher ,War photographer Jerrold ,Nadler ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, New York 8th John ,Naisbitt ,Author ,Megatrends James ,Naismith ,Ba s ketball ,Inventor of Basketball Joe ,Namath ,Football ,Football player a nd pantyhose wea rer Jack ,Nance ,Actor ,Eraserhead Janet ,Napolitano ,Pol i tician ,US Secretary of Homeland Securi ty Jack ,Narz ,Ga me Show Host ,Concentration Joergen ,Nash ,Arti s t ,Beheaded Copenhagen's Li ttle Merma i d John ,Nash ,Ma thematician ,Schizophrenic game theorist John ,Nash ,Archi tect ,Bri tish Regency a rchitect James ,Naughton ,Actor ,The Paper Chase Jim ,Naugle ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of Fort La uderdale, 19912009 James ,Nayler ,Rel igion ,The Quaker Jesus Jim ,Neal ,Pol i tician ,Sought Elizabeth Dole's Senate seat in 2008 John ,Neal ,Novel ist ,Keep Cool Jacques ,Necker ,Government ,Mi nister of Finance under Loui s XVI Joseph ,Needham ,Hi s torian ,Science and Civilization in China John ,Negroponte ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to the UN, 2001-04 Jean ,Negulesco ,Fi l m Director ,Three Coins in the Fountain Jawaharlal ,Nehru ,Hea d of State ,First Pri me Mi nister of India Jack ,Nelson ,Journa list ,The Los Angeles Times Judd ,Nelson ,Actor ,The Breakfast Club Julius ,Nepos ,Roya l ty ,Western Roman Emperor, 474-75 AD James ,Nesbitt ,Actor ,Ada m Williams on Cold Feet Jennifer ,Nettles ,Country Mus i cian ,Lead Singer, Sugarland John ,Nettles ,Actor ,Midsomer Murders Joseph ,Neubauer ,Bus i ness ,CEO of ARAMARK John ,Neville ,Actor ,The Adventures of Baron Munchausen John ,Newcombe ,Tenni s ,Winner of 26 Gra nd Slam ti tles Julie ,Newmar ,Actor ,The fi rs t Catwoman Joanna ,Newsom ,Mus i cian ,The Milk-Eyed Mender Jason ,Newsted ,Ba s sist ,Metallica, Voivod, Ozzy John ,Newton ,Mi l i tary ,Union Army General a nd engineer John ,Newton ,Rel igion ,Amazing Grace John ,Newton ,Actor ,Tony Pa ga no on The Untouchables Juice ,Newton ,Si nger ,"Queen of Hearts" Joe ,Nichols ,Country Mus ician ,Brokenheartsville John ,Nichols ,Author ,Dick: The Man Who Is President Jack ,Nicholson ,Actor ,Chinatown Jan ,Nicholson ,Business ,Former Ci ticorp/MBIA executive Jim ,Nicholson ,Government ,US Secretary of Veterans Affa i rs Julianne ,Nicholson ,Actor ,Law & Order: Criminal Intent Joe ,Nickell ,Author ,Professional s keptic Jack ,Nicklaus ,Gol f ,Golf l egend, Winner of 18 Ma jors Jean ,Nidetch ,Bus i ness ,Weight Wa tchers founder Joe ,Nieuwendyk ,Hockey ,General Ma nager, Dallas Stars Johnny ,Nitro ,Wres tling ,WWE wrestler Jay ,Nixon ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Mi ssouri John ,Noble ,Actor ,Dr. Wa l ter Bishop on Fringe Joe ,Nocera ,Col umnist ,Business columnist, NYT Jeffrey ,Noddle ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Supervalu Jeanette ,Nolan ,Actor ,Annette Deveraux on Hotel de Paree Jimmie ,Noone ,Ja zz Mus ician ,New Orl eans ja zz cl arinetist Jeffrey ,Nordling ,Actor ,Ja ke Ma nning on Once and Again Jay ,Nordlinger ,Col umnist ,Senior Editor, National Review Jessye ,Norman ,Si nger ,Operatic s oprano John ,Norman ,Author ,Chronicles of Gor Jay ,North ,Actor ,Dennis the Menace Jeremy ,Northam ,Actor ,Enigma Jack ,Northrop ,Bus i ness ,Al l-wing aircraft Jim ,Norton ,Comi c ,Ba ld white guy on Tough Crowd Judy ,Norton-Taylor ,Actor ,The Waltons Jack ,Noseworthy ,Actor ,Idle Hands John ,Nott ,Pol i tician ,Defence Mi nister during Falklands Wa r Jay ,Novello ,Actor ,The Lost World Justin ,Nozuka ,Si nger/Songwriter ,You I Wind Land and Sea Jim ,Nussle ,Pol i tician ,OMB Director 15. JO Jack O'Connell=British actor=44,593=139 Jerry O'Connell=American actor=33,551=189 Jack Osbourne=Son of Ozzy and Sharon Osbourne=27,173=228 MNEEDED JO,Jacqueline Kennedy Onasis JO,Jennifer ONeill JO,Jerry Orbach JO,Jesse Owens JO,Jo OMeara JO,Johnny Otis JO,Joyce Carol Oates Jessica Origliasso=Australian singer-songwriter and actress=28,788=285 Jennifer O'Dell=American, Actress=161,357=54 Jade Olivia=English, Assistant Director=49,514=177 Jennifer O'Neill=American, Actress=46,375=189 Julia Ormond=Actress=29,741=280 ………… M Jake Owen James Otto Jeffrey Osborne Joell Ortiz F Joan Osborne Jamie O'neal Jacki - O Jeannie Ortega Jack ,Oakie ,Actor ,The Great Dictator John ,Oates ,Mus i cian ,Half of Hall and Oates Johnny ,Oates ,Ba s eball ,Former Ori oles and Rangers ma nager James ,Oberstar ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Mi nnesota, 1975-2011 Jim ,Oberweis ,Bus i ness ,Republican dairy magnate Jacqueline ,Obradors ,Actor ,Det. Orti z on NYPD Blue Jim ,O'Brien ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coach of Indiana Pa cers, 2007-11 Joan ,O'Brien ,Actor ,Operation Petticoat Jerry ,O'Connell ,Actor ,Pete Ka czmarek in The Defenders Judith ,O'Dea ,Actor ,Night of the Living Dead John ,Oecolampadius ,Religion ,German-Swiss Protestant reformer Jacques ,Offenbach ,Compos er ,Inventor of the the opérette John ,Ogilby ,Publ isher ,Royal Cosmographer, printer Jack ,O'Halloran ,Actor ,Non i n Superman Jenny ,O'Hara ,Actor ,Di xi e Randazzo on My Sister Sam John ,O'Hara ,Author ,Appointment in Samarra Jim ,O'Heir ,Actor ,Jerry Gergi ch on Parks and Recreation John ,O'Hurley ,Actor ,J. Peterma n on Seinfeld James ,O'Keefe ,Acti vi s t ,ACORN, Pl anned Parenthood s ting vi deos Johnny ,O'Keefe ,Mus i cian ,King of Australian rock and roll Jamie ,Oliver ,Chef ,The Naked Chef John ,Oliver ,Comi c ,The Daily Show Jorma ,Ollila ,Business ,CEO of Nokia, 1992-2006 James ,Olson ,Actor ,Rachel, Rachel Jane ,Olson ,Acti vi s t ,Chairman, Human Rights Wa tch Johnny ,Olson ,Ga me Show Host ,Announcer for What's My Line, etc. John ,Olver ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Massachusetts 1s t Jason ,O'Mara ,Actor ,Ji m Sha nnon on Terra Nova Jennifer ,O'Neill ,Actor ,Summer of '42 Jim ,O'Neill ,Economist ,Chairman, Goldman Sachs Asset Ma na gement Joseph ,O'Neill ,Bus iness ,O'Neill Properties John ,Ong ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Norway, 2002-05 Jerry ,Only ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for The Misfits John ,Opie ,Pa i nter ,English portrait painter Jerry ,Orbach ,Actor ,Lennie Briscoe from Law & Order Julia ,Ormond ,Actor ,Sabrina Jim ,O'Rourke ,Mus i cian ,Rock/ava nt-garde composer and producer Joe ,Orton ,Pl a ywri ght ,Prick Up Your Ears Jeffrey ,Osborne ,Mus i cian ,On the Wings of Love Joan ,Osborne ,Si nger/Songwriter ,One of Us John ,Osborne ,Pl a ywri ght ,Look Back in Anger Jack ,Osbourne ,Rel ative ,Son of Ozzy Os bourne James ,O'Shea ,Journa list ,LA Times Editor, 2006-08 Jay ,Osmond ,Mus i cian ,One of the Osmonds Jimmy ,Osmond ,Mus i cian ,Youngest of the Osmonds Joel ,Osteen ,Rel igion ,Pastor of La kewood Church, Houston James ,Otis ,Government ,Ma ssachusetts patriot a nd pa mphleteer Johnny ,Otis ,Mus i cian ,Harlem Nocturne James ,Otto ,Country Mus i cian ,Just Got Started Lovin' You Jim ,Otto ,Football ,Hall of fa me center, Oa kland Raiders #00 Jake ,Owen ,Country Mus i cian ,Barefoot Blue Jean Night Jesse ,Owens ,Tra ck a nd Field ,Four tra ck and field medals i n 1936 Ol ympi cs 16. JP Jimmy Page=Guitarist, Songwriter, Producer=178,310=34 Joaquin Phoenix=Actor and musician=196,338=32 Jada Pinkett+Smith=Actress, singer=126,050=73 Jane Powell=Singer, dancer, actress=36,493=238 Joe Perry=American, M usician=23,691=253 Juan Pablo+Raba=Colombian actor=21,456=280 Jared Padalecki=American, Actor=198,036=31 Jesse Palmer=American college football player, Joanna Pacula=Polish, Actress=34,986=249 Juliana Paes=Brazilian actress=202,624=35 June Palmer=English, Actress=37,777=226 Jessica Paré=Canadian television and film college football player, quarterback, sports broadcaster=28,405=215 Jim Parsons=American, Actor=120,196=53 Jason Patric=Actor=34,778=181 John Paul=British, M odel=25,321=236 Josh Peck=Actor=87,358=71 Juan Pedro+Lanzani =Argentinean, Actor=25,134=238 Joe Penny=Actor=35,667=179 James Phelps=Actors=37,647=164 Jasmine Pilchard-Gosnell=Armenian, Wrestling=100,715=61 Jeremy Piven=Actor=61,885=107 John Prats=Filipino, Actor=22,165=271 Jason Priestley=Canadian-American actor=36,541=171 Jeff Probst=American, Game Show Host=43,623=142 James Purefoy=English actor=30,125=205 actress=78,565=114 Jean Peters=Actress=58,859=152 Julianne Phillips=Model and actress=29,447=282 Joana Prado=Brazilian, TV Personality=38,075=223 Jaime Pressly=American, Actress=155,413=57 Janelle Priego=M exican, M odel=38,545=217 Juliet Prowse=Dancer, actress=38,784=216 COMPLETEandLEFT JP,Jack Paar JP,Jack Palance JP,Jackson Pollock JP,James Cash Penney JP,James K. Polk JP,James Patterson JP,Jane Pauley JP,Jason Priestley JP,Jean Luc Ponty JP,Jean Piaget JP,Jeff Probst JP,Jim Palmer JP,Jimmy Page JP,Joe Paterno JP,Joe Perry JP,Joe Pesci JP,Joe Piscopo JP,John J. Pershing JP,Johnny Paycheck JP,Joseph Papp JP,Joseph Pulitzer JP,Juan Peron JP,Juliet Prowse ………… Jordan Pruitt John Prine Judas Priest Jesse Powell Joel Piper Jack ,Paar ,Ta l k Show Host ,Second host of the Tonight Show Johnny ,Pacar ,Actor ,Flight 29 Down Judy ,Pace ,Actor ,Peyton Place Johann ,Pachelbel ,Mus i cian ,Canon in D Major Joanna ,Pacula ,Actor ,Gorky Park Jared ,Padalecki ,Actor ,Supernatural Jose ,Padilla ,Terrorist ,Alleged Terrorist Jimmy ,Page ,Gui ta rist ,Led Zeppelin Guitarist Joanna ,Page ,Actor ,Gavin & Stacey Janis ,Paige ,Actor ,Please Don't Eat the Daisies Jack ,Palance ,Actor ,Performed one-handed push-ups Jacopo ,Palma ,Pa i nter ,Pa lma Vecchio, Venetian painter Jim ,Palmer ,Ba s eball ,Longtime Baltimore Ori oles pitcher John ,Palmer ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Portugal, 200104 John ,Pankow ,Actor ,Ira on Mad About You Joe ,Pantoliano ,Actor ,Ra lph Ci faretto, Guido the killer pi mp Jonathan ,Papelbon ,Ba s eball ,Cl osing pitcher, Boston Red Sox Joseph ,Papp ,Thea ter Director ,Founder, New York Sha kespeare Festival Jack ,Pardee ,Football ,Li nebacker, Head Coach Jessica ,Paré ,Actor ,Lost and Delirious Judy ,Parfitt ,Actor ,Girl with a Pearl Earring Jay ,Parini ,Author ,The Last Station Jerry ,Paris ,Actor ,Jerry Hel per on The Dick Van Dyke Show Jameson ,Parker ,Actor ,AJ on Simon & Simon Jean ,Parker ,Actor ,Little Women Jim ,Parker ,Football ,Lineman, NFL Hall of Famer John ,Parker ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of National Grid Junior ,Parker ,Mus i cian ,Blues harmonica player, Mystery Train James ,Parkinson ,Doctor ,Essay on the Shaking Palsy Jiri ,Paroubek ,Hea d of State ,Prime Mi nister of Czechia. 2005-06 Jack ,Parsons ,Sci entist ,Satanic rocket s cientist Jim ,Parsons ,Actor ,Sheldon on The Big Bang Theory James ,Parton ,Author ,Ameri can biographer Juhan ,Parts ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of Estonia, 2003-05 Jean ,Passerat ,Poet ,Satyre ménippée Joe ,Pasternak ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Destry Rides Again Jaco ,Pastorius ,Ja zz Musician ,Bassist for Weather Report Jerry ,Pate ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1976 US Open Joe ,Paterno ,Footba ll ,Penn State Head Coach, 1966-2011 Jason ,Patric ,Actor ,The Lost Boys James ,Patterson ,Author ,Along Came a Spider Jim ,Pattison ,Bus iness ,Billionaire, Jim Pattison Group Jane ,Pauley ,Ta l k Show Host ,Host of Today Show, 1976-89 John ,Paulson ,Bus iness ,Billionaire hedge fund manager Johnny ,Paycheck ,Country Mus i cian ,Take This Job and Shove It John ,Payne ,Actor ,Kansas City Confidential Julie ,Payne ,Actor ,Da ughter of John Payne a nd Anne Shi rley Julie ,Payne ,Actor ,Improv a nd voice a ctress Josh ,Peck ,Actor ,Drake and Josh John ,Peel ,Ra di o Personality ,Influential ra dio presenter Jordan ,Peele ,Actor ,MADtv Jan ,Peerce ,Si nger ,Operatic tenor, NY Metropolitan Opera Jaroslav ,Pelikan ,Hi storian ,The Christian Tradition John ,Pelphrey ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coach, Arkansas Ra zorbacks Jean-Charles-Athanase ,Peltier ,Phys i cist ,Peltier Effect Joe ,Penner ,Ra di o Personality ,Wanna buy a duck? Joe ,Penny ,Actor ,Jake and the Fatman Jacques ,Pépin ,Chef ,Frequent Julia Child collaborator Joe ,Pepitone ,Ba s eball ,New York Ya nkees, 1962-69 Jerry ,Perenchio ,Bus i ness ,Univision billionaire Jacopo ,Peri ,Compos er ,Dafne, the first opera John ,Perkins ,Acti vi s t ,Confessions of an Economic Hit Man Juan ,Peron ,Hea d of State ,Twice President of Argentina Jacques ,Perrin ,Actor ,Z Jean ,Perrin ,Phys i cist ,Verified atomic nature of matter Jeff ,Perry ,Actor ,Ins pector Leek on Nash Bridges Joan ,Perry ,Actor ,Bullets for O'Hara Joe ,Perry ,Gui ta rist ,Lead guitarist for Aerosmith Joe ,Perry ,Football ,49ers fullback, Hall-of-Famer Jon ,Pertwee ,Actor ,The Third Doctor Who Joe ,Pesci ,Actor ,Tommy DeVi to i n Goodfellas Johnny ,Pesky ,Ba s eball ,Boston Red Sox Jean ,Peters ,Actor ,Captain from Castile Jon ,Peters ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Half of Hollywood PetersGuber duo John ,Peterson ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Pennsylvania, 1997-2007 John ,Pethica ,Phys i cist ,Atomic force microscopy John ,Petrucci ,Gui tarist ,Dream Theater gui tarist Joanna ,Pettet ,Actor ,Casino Royale Joseph ,Pevney ,Fi l m Director ,Man of a Thousand Faces John ,Peyton ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of Jacksonville John ,Pfeffer ,Bus iness ,Kohlberg Kra vis Roberts James ,Phelps ,Actor ,Fred Weasley i n Harry Potter John ,Philips ,Poet ,The Splendid Shilling John ,Phillips ,Musician ,The Mamas and the Papas John ,Phillips ,Educator ,Founder of Phillips Exeter Academy Julianne ,Phillips ,Actor ,Actress/wife of Bruce Springsteen Joaquin ,Phoenix ,Actor ,Gladiator Jean ,Piaget ,Ps ychol ogist ,Elaborated the stages of chi l dhood Jean ,Piccard ,Avi a tor ,Extreme balloonist James ,Pickens,^Jr. ,Actor ,Dr. Ri cha rd Webber on Grey's Anatomy Jake ,Pickle ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Texas 1963-95 Jim ,Piddock ,Actor ,A Mighty Wind Jane ,Pierce ,Fi rs t La dy ,Wi fe of US President Fra nklin Pi erce Justin ,Pierce ,Actor ,Kids Jimmy ,Piersall ,Baseball ,Cra zy center fielder James ,Pike ,Rel igion ,5th Episcopal Bishop of California Józef ,Pilsudski ,Mi litary ,Mi litary di ctator of Poland, 192635 John ,Pinette ,Comi c ,You go now! You been here four owa! Jim ,Pinkerton ,Pundi t ,Fox News Watch Jeanine ,Pirro ,Government ,Westchester County DA Joe ,Piscopo ,Comi c ,Saturday Night Live Jeremy ,Piven ,Actor ,Ari Gol d on Entourage Jeff ,Plagge ,Bus i ness ,Mi dwest Heritage Bank Jacques ,Plante ,Hockey ,NHL Ha ll of Famer James ,Plaskitt ,Pol i tician ,British MP, Wa rwick and Lea mington John ,Playfair ,Ma thematician ,Huttonian Theory of the Earth James ,Plimpton ,Inventor ,Four-wheeled roller s kates Jack ,Plotnick ,Actor ,Xa ndir on Drawn Together Joan ,Plowright ,Actor ,Enchanted April Julius ,Plücker ,Ma thematician ,Analytical geometry Jake ,Plummer ,Footba ll ,Former Ca rdinals, Broncos QB Jim ,Plunkett ,Football ,Superbowl MVP John ,Podesta ,Government ,Ex-Cl inton Deputy Chi ef of Sta ff John ,Podhoretz ,Col umnist ,Conservative columnist Johnny ,Podres ,Ba s eball ,1955 Worl d Series MVP John ,Poindexter ,Mi l i tary ,Ira n-Contra criminal June ,Pointer ,Mus i cian ,The Pointer Sisters Jean-Marie ,Poiré ,Fi l m Director ,The Visitors Jared ,Polis ,Pol itician ,Congressman, Colorado 2nd Jon ,Polito ,Actor ,Johnny Ca spar i n Miller's Crossing Jonathan ,Pollard ,Spy ,Spied for Israel Jackson ,Pollock ,Pa i nter ,Abstract expressionist John ,Pont ,Football ,IU-Bloomington Head Coa ch, 1965-72 Jean-Luc ,Ponty ,Ja zz Mus i cian ,El ectric jazz vi olinist Jimmy ,Pop ,Si nger ,The Bloodhound Gang John ,Pope ,Mi l i tary ,Union Army General Jerzy ,Popieluszko ,Acti vi s t ,Priest murdered by Polish government Johannes ,Popitz ,Government ,Prussian finance minister 1933-44 John ,Popper ,Mus i cian ,Harmonica player, Blues Tra veler Jean ,Porter ,Actor ,Till the End of Time Jon ,Porter ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Nevada, 2003-09 Jorge ,Posada ,Ba seball ,New York Yankees ca tcher Jon ,Postel ,Sci entist ,Creator of the Internet's RFC s ystem Jerry ,Pournelle ,Author ,Sci -Fi collaborator wi th Larry Ni ven Jane ,Powell ,Actor ,Seven Brides for Seven Brothers Jody ,Powell ,Government ,Jimmy Ca rter's Press Secretary June ,Preisser ,Actor ,Strike Up the Band Josephine ,Premice ,Actor ,Ca l ypso singer, Broadway a ctress Jim ,Prentice ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian Mi nister of Industry John ,Prescott ,Pol i tician ,Deputy Pri me Mi nister of the UK, 1997-2007 Jaime ,Pressly ,Actor ,Not Another Teen Movie John ,Price ,Di plomat ,US Ambassador to Ma uritius, 200205 Jason ,Priestley ,Actor ,Bra ndon Walsh on Beverly Hills 90210 Joseph ,Priestley ,Chemi st ,Investigated gases, discovered Oxygen Joseph ,Prince ,Rel i gion ,Pastor, New Creation Church Joan ,Pringle ,Actor ,Sybi l Buchanan on The White Shadow James ,Prior ,Pol i tician ,Mi nister for Northern Ireland, 198184 Jeff ,Probst ,Ga me Show Host ,Survivor Jürgen ,Prochnow ,Actor ,Das Boot John ,Profumo ,Pol i tician ,Resigned House of Commons over a n a ffair Joseph ,Proudman ,Ma thematician ,Tidal currents Jon ,Provost ,Actor ,Ti mmy Ma rtin on Lassie Juliet ,Prowse ,Da ncer ,Can-Can Jonathan ,Pryce ,Actor ,Sa m Lowry i n Brazil Jackson ,Publick ,Ca rtoonist ,Co-Creator of The Venture Bros. Jade ,Puget ,Gui ta rist ,AFI Joseph ,Pulitzer ,Bus iness ,Established the Pulitzer Pri ze James ,Purdy ,Author ,Eustance Chisholm and the Works James ,Purefoy ,Actor ,Feast of July James ,Purnell ,Pol i tician ,British MP, Sta lybridge a nd Hyde Jon ,Purnell ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Uzbekistan, 200407 John ,Putch ,Fi l m Director ,American Pie Presents: The Book of Love Joe ,Pyne ,TV Pers onality ,Father of a ttack TV 17. JQ John ,Quade ,Actor ,Every Which Way But Loose MNEEDED Jean ,Quan ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of Oa kland Joan ,Quigley ,Government ,Reagan's astrologer John ,Qualen ,Actor ,The Grapes of Wrath Joe ,Queenan ,Author ,Closing Time James ,Quello ,Government ,FCC Commissioner, 1974-97 Josiah ,Quincy ,Educa tor ,President of Harvard, 1829-45 Jack ,Quinn ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New York, 19932005 Jack ,Quinn ,Attorney ,Whi te House Counsel, 1995-96 18. JR Jeremy Renner=American actor and musician=201,894=29 Jim Reeves=Singer-songwriter=95,517=64 Jericho Rosales=Actor, Singer/Songwriter & M odel=94,067=66 Ja Rule=Rapper, actor=70,092=90 Johnny Rzeznik=American, M usician=65,125=100 James Righton=British, M usician=27,378=222 Johnny Reid=Scottish, Country M usician=21,377=281 Josh Radnor=American actor=111,982=55 Jackson Rathbone=Actor=143,362=44 Jerry Reed=American, Actor=23,926=250 Josh Resnik= =19,950=298 Jonathan Rhys+Meyers=Irish actor, model=168,299=37 Jason Ritter=American, Actor=19,956=297 Joe Rogan=American martial artist and comedian=65,237=99 Jeremy Roloff=American, Reality TV=20,135=294 COMPLETEandLEFT JR,J.K. Rowling JR,J.P. Big Bopper Richardson JR,Jackie Robinson JR,James Earl Ray JR,James Randi JR,Jan van Riebeeck JR,Jane Russell JR,Jason Robards JR,Jean Reno JR,Jeanne Robertson JR,Jeannie C. Riley JR,Jeri Ryan JR,Jerome Robbins JR,Jerry Rice JR,Joan Rivers JR,Joe E. Ross JR,Joey Ramone JR,John Ratzenberger JR,John Ritter JR,Johnnie Ray JR,Jon Benet Ramsey JR,Joyce Randolph Jenni Rivera=M exican-American singer=89,886=104 Joely Richardson=English, Actress=37,441=229 Jennifer Rivell=American, TV Personality=38,499=218 Julia Roberts=American actress=204,705=33 Julianna Rose+Mauriello=American, Actress=291,590=15 Janice Rule=Actress=31,751=267 Jane Russell=Actress, M odel=280,659=19 Jeri Ryan=Actress=87,840=107 ……………. Johnny Ruffo Jay Rock Julie Roberts Josh Ritter John Rich J Rice Jason Reeves Jessica Reedy Joshua Radin Julius ,Raab ,Hea d of State ,Chancellor of Austria, 1953-61 Jean ,Racine ,Pl a ywri ght ,Phèdre Josh ,Radnor ,Actor ,How I Met Your Mother Jean-Pierre ,Raffarin ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Fra nce, 2002-05 John ,Rainey ,Bus i ness ,Easlan Ca pital, Inc. Joseph ,Rainey ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from South Ca rol ina, 1870-79 James ,Rainwater ,Phys i cist ,Determined s hapes of nuclei John ,Raisian ,Economist ,Director, Hoover Institution John ,Raitt ,Actor ,Broa dway a ctor Jessie ,Ralph ,Actor ,San Francisco Jobyna ,Ralston ,Actor ,Wings Jean-Philippe ,Rameau ,Compos er ,Hippolyte et Aricie Joey ,Ramone ,Si nger ,The Ramones Johnny ,Ramone ,Mus i cian ,The Ramones Jack ,Ramsay ,Ba s ketball ,Longtime NBA Coach John ,Ramsey ,Rel ative ,JonBenét's father JonBenét ,Ramsey ,Vi cti m ,6-year-old murdered pageant wi nner Jim ,Ramstad ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Mi nnesota, 1991-2009 James ,Randi ,Ma gi ci an ,The Amazing Randi Jane ,Randolph ,Actor ,Cat People JR,Julia Roberts Jennings ,Randolph ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from West Vi rgi nia, 1958-85 John ,Randolph ,Actor ,Prizzi's Honor Joyce ,Randolph ,Actor ,Tri xi e on The Honeymooners Jim ,Rash ,Actor ,Dea n Pelton on Community Jef ,Raskin ,Computer Programmer ,Designed Ma cintosh huma n i nterface Jeremy ,Ratchford ,Actor ,Ni ck Vera on Cold Case Jean ,Ratelle ,Hockey ,NHL Ha ll of Famer Jackson ,Rathbone ,Actor ,Ja s per Hale in Twilight John ,Ratzenberger ,Actor ,Pos tma n Cl iff Cl avin on Cheers Johannes ,Rau ,Hea d of State ,President of Germany, 19992004 John ,Rauch ,Football ,Raiders Head Coach, 1966-68 Jerry ,Rawlings ,Hea d of State ,President of Ghana, 1981-93 John ,Rawls ,Phi l osopher ,A Theory of Justice Johnnie ,Ray ,Mus i cian ,Cry/The Little White Cloud That Cried James ,Read ,Actor ,North & South Johnny ,Rebel ,Si nger ,Segregationist Singer James ,Rebhorn ,Actor ,Independence Day John ,Rechy ,Author ,City of Night James ,Redfield ,Novel ist ,The Celestine Prophecy Joyce ,Redman ,Actor ,Tom Jones John ,Redwood ,Pol i tician ,British MP, Wokingham Jack ,Reed ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Rhode Island Jerry ,Reed ,Country Mus i cian ,When You're Hot, You're Hot Jimmy ,Reed ,Si nger ,Blues singer/guitarist, Big Boss Ma n John ,Reed ,Acti vi s t ,Ten Days That Shook the World Jim ,Reeves ,Country Mus i cian ,He'll Have to Go Joe ,Regalbuto ,Actor ,Fra nk Fontana on Murphy Brown Judith ,Regan ,Publ isher ,ReganBooks John ,Reid ,Pol i tician ,British MP, Ai rdrie and Shotts John ,Reinhardt ,Di pl omat ,US Ambassador to Ni geria, 1971-75 Jehuda ,Reinharz ,Educa tor ,President, Brandeis University Judge ,Reinhold ,Actor ,Fast Times at Ridgemont High Judith ,Reisman ,Author ,Ha tes Ki nsey Jason ,Reitman ,Fi l m Director ,Up in the Air James ,Remar ,Actor ,The Warriors Jim ,Renacci ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ohio 16th John ,Rendon ,Bus iness ,CEO, The Rendon Group Jérémie ,Renier ,Actor ,L'Enfant Jeremy ,Renner ,Actor ,Neo Ned Janet ,Reno ,Government ,Cl inton's US Attorney General Jean ,Reno ,Actor ,Léon the Professional Jean ,Renoir ,Fi l m Director ,La Grande Illusion James ,Renwick ,Archi tect ,Gothic Revi val a rchitect Judith ,Resnik ,As trona ut ,Challenger astronaut James ,Reston ,Journa list ,The New York Times James ,Reston,^Jr. ,Author ,The Conviction of Richard Nixon Johann ,Reuchlin ,Schol ar ,German humanist and Hebraist Johnny ,Revolta ,Gol f ,Winner, 1935 PGA Cha mpionship Jose ,Reyes ,Ba s eball ,Shortstop, New York Mets Judy ,Reyes ,Actor ,Nurs e Espinosa on Scrubs James ,Reynolds ,Bus iness ,Reynolds Pl antation John ,Reynolds ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian MP, West Va ncouver Joshua ,Reynolds ,Pa i nter ,English portraitist Jean ,Rhys ,Novel ist ,Wide Sargasso Sea John ,Rhys-Davies ,Actor ,Gi ml i the dwarf i n Lord of the Rings Jonathan ,Rhys-Meyers ,Actor ,Velvet Goldmine John ,Riccitiello ,Business ,CEO of El ectronic Arts Jerry ,Rice ,Footba ll ,Hall of Fame NFL wide receiver Joely ,Richardson ,Actor ,Jul ia McNamara on Nip/Tuck John ,Richels ,Bus iness ,President of Devon Energy Julian ,Richings ,Actor ,Todd and the Book of Pure Evil Jonathan ,Richman ,Mus i cian ,Modern Lovers frontman, pre-punk influence Joe ,Ricketts ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Ameritrade Jay ,Riemersma ,Footba ll ,Former NFL tight end Jeremy ,Rifkin ,Acti vi s t ,Foundation on Economic Trends John ,Rigas ,Bus iness ,CEO of Adelphia, 1952-2002 John ,Riggins ,Football ,NFL running back, The Diesel Jack ,Riley ,Actor ,El l iot Ca rlin on The Bob Newhart Show John ,Ringling ,Bus iness ,Ringling Brothers Ci rcus Jim ,Ringo ,Football ,NFL Hall of Famer Johnny ,Ringo ,Cri mi nal ,Ol d West gunslinger James ,Risen ,Journalist ,NY Times national s ecurity reporter Jill ,Ritchie ,Actor ,D.E.B.S. Jason ,Ritter ,Actor ,Kevi n on Joan of Arcadia John ,Ritter ,Actor ,Ja ck Tri pper on Three's Company Joan ,Rivers ,Comi c ,Ca n we talk? Johnny ,Rivers ,Mus i cian ,Secret Agent Man Jacques ,Rivette ,Fi l m Director ,La Belle Noiseuse José ,Rizal ,Acti vi s t ,Philippine national hero Jay ,Roach ,Fi l m Director ,Austin Powers: International Man of Mystery Jason ,Robards ,Actor ,All The President's Men Jason ,Robards,^Sr. ,Actor ,Bedlam Jerome ,Robbins ,Choreographer ,West Side Story John ,Robbins ,Author ,Cel ebrity vegan Joe ,Robert ,Bus i ness ,CEO of J.E. Robert Companies Julia ,Roberts ,Actor ,Pretty Woman James ,Robertson ,Judge ,Judge, resigned from FISA court Jackie ,Robinson ,Ba s eball ,First negro in the major l eagues Jay ,Robinson ,Actor ,Ca l i gula i n The Robe John ,Robinson ,Footba ll ,LA Ra ms, NCAA head coach John ,Robinson ,Actor ,Elephant James ,Robison ,Rel igion ,Televangelist Jack ,Roche ,Terrori s t ,al Qa eda's man i n Australia Jean ,Rochefort ,Actor ,The Clockmaker of St. Paul Jay ,Rockefeller ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from West Virginia John ,Rocker ,Ba s eball ,MLB player, s uspended for ra cist rema rks James ,Roday ,Actor ,Sha wn Spencer on Psych Jimmie ,Rodgers ,Country Mus i cian ,Pioneering country s i nger/songwriter/yodeler Johnny ,Rodgers ,Football ,Winner, 1972 Heisman Trophy Judith ,Rodin ,Educa tor ,President of UPenn, 1994-2004 Jai ,Rodriguez ,TV Pers onality ,Cul ture Queer Eye guy John ,Roebling ,Engi neer ,Began construction of Brooklyn Bri dge Jim ,Rogan ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ca lifornia, 19972001 Joe ,Rogan ,Actor ,Hos t of Fear Factor Jean ,Rogers ,Actor ,Da l e Arden in Flash Gordon s erials Jacques ,Rogge ,Sports Figure ,President of the Int'l Ol ympi c Committee Jean-Marie ,Roland ,Government ,French Interior Mi nister, 1792-93 Jeanne-Marie ,Roland ,Rel a tive ,French woman of intrigue John ,Rolfe ,Agri cul turalist ,First Virginia tobacco baron, hus band of Pocahontas James ,Rolph,^Jr. ,Government ,Ma yor of San Francisco, 1912-31 Jim ,Rome ,Ra di o Personality ,Jim Rome is Burning Jim ,Romenesko ,Bl ogger ,The Obscure Store and Reading Room John ,Romero ,Computer Programmer ,Doom, Quake, Daikatana John ,Romita ,Ca rtoonist ,Comic book artist James ,Roosevelt ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ca lifornia, 1955-65 James ,Root ,Gui ta rist ,Rhythm guitarist, Slipknot Jack ,Rose ,Gui ta rist ,Pelt Jamie ,Rose ,Actor ,Vi cki e Gioberti on Falcon Crest Jim ,Rose ,Oddi ty ,Propri etor of the Ji m Rose Circus Julius ,Rosenberg ,Spy ,Lea ked a tomic bomb secrets to USSR Julius ,Rosenwald ,Bus iness ,Sears executive and Good Sa ma ritan Judith ,Rossner ,Novel ist ,Looking for Mr. Goodbar Jean-Pierre ,Rosso ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Ca se Corporation, 1994-99 Joseph ,Rotblat ,Phys i cist ,Nuclear physicist, anti-nuke a cti vist Joe ,Roth ,Bus i ness ,Revolution Studios, former Disney CEO Jonathan ,Rothermere ,Publ isher ,Proprietor of the Daily Mail Jacob ,Rothschild ,Bus iness ,RIT Ca pital Pa rtners Johnny ,Rotten ,Mus i cian ,Sex Pistols a nd Public Image, Ltd. Jean-Jacques ,Rousseau ,Phi l osopher ,Conceptualized the Soci al Contract John ,Rowland ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Connecticut, 19952004 Josiah ,Royce ,Phi l osopher ,The Religious Aspect of Philosophy Joseph ,Ruben ,Fi l m Director ,The Forgotten Jennifer ,Rubin ,Actor ,Deal of a Lifetime Jerry ,Rubin ,Acti vi s t ,Yippie, one of the Chicago 7 Jack ,Ruby ,As s assin ,Killed Lee Harvey Oswald Joaquin ,Ruiz ,Educa tor ,Science Dean, University of Arizona Ja ,Rule ,Ra pper ,Holla Holla Jane ,Rule ,Author ,Desert of the Heart Janice ,Rule ,Actor ,3 Women Jon ,Runyan ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman, New Jersey 3rd Jimmy ,Rushing ,Si nger ,Mr. Fi ve By Fi ve John ,Ruskin ,Cri ti c ,Grea test Victorian a rt cri tic Joanna ,Russ ,Author ,The Female Man Jane ,Russell ,Actor ,Gentlemen Prefer Blondes John ,Russell ,Pa i nter ,English portrait painter John ,Russell ,Actor ,Lawman John ,Russell ,Ba seball ,Ma nager, Pi ttsburgh Pirates James ,Russo ,Actor ,The Box Johnny ,Rutherford ,Auto Ra ci ng ,Three-time Indy 500 wi nner Jeri ,Ryan ,Actor ,Seven of Nine on Star Trek: Voyager Johannes ,Rydberg ,Phys i cist ,Rydberg constant Jim ,Ryun ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Ka nsas 2nd Johnny ,Rzeznik ,Mus i cian ,Goo Goo Dolls frontman 19. JS Jay Sean=Singer–songwriter, record producer, Jessica Simpson=American singer-songwriter and arranger=132,111=48 Juelz Santana=American rapper=33,579=188 John Schneider=Actor, singer, screenwriter, film producer=29,686=209 Jacoby Shaddix=American, Singer=25,013=240 Joe Strummer=M usician and actor=22,046=276 Jason Schwartzman=American, Actor=22,568=262 James Scott=English, Actor=51,599=128 Jason Segel=American, Actor=175,488=35 Johnny Sheffield=American, Actor=22,104=274 Johnny Simmons=American actor=32,110=194 Jeremy Sisto=Actor=24,405=246 Jaden Smith=American, Actor=337,262=16 Jussie Smollett=American actor=24,864=241 James Spader=Actor=22,979=257 Jesse Spencer=Australian actor=58,563=115 Jerry Springer=American, Talk Show Host=24,728=244 James Stacey=American, Actor=31,156=200 Joseph Stalin=Dictator of the Soviet Union (1927– 1953)=27,329=223 John Stamos=American, Actor=152,345=41 Jeffree Star=American, M odel=22,363=266 Jason Statham=Actor=318,119=19 James Stewart=American actor and military veteran=29,894=208 Jon Stewart=American, Comic=32,018=195 Jarret Stoll=Canadian ice hockey player=20,441=293 Jeff Stryker=American pornographic actress=582,695=5 Joss Stone=English singer–songwriter and actress=126,486=71 Jill Scott=American, Singer=121,195=76 Jordin Sparks=American singer, winner of 2007 American Idol=108,756=83 Jessica Sutta=female dancer and pop singersongwriter=39,656=211 Jodi Stewart=Jamaican, Video Jockey=29,808=278 Jasmine Sanders=American=27,022=300 Jackie Sandler=American, Actress=44,760=195 Jessy Schram=American actress=33,593=255 Jean Seberg=Actress=57,966=156 Joan Severance=Film and television actress, model=172,938=48 Jane Seymour=Actress=98,336=91 Jenny Shimizu=American model=50,650=172 Jean Shrimpton=English, M odel=192,383=39 Jamie-Lynn Sigler=Actress, singer=35,054=248 Jean Simmons=Actress=64,438=137 Jennifer Sklias=American, Actress=35,930=241 Jaclyn Smith=Actress, businesswoman=116,984=79 Jessica Smith=American, Other=27,134=298 Jan Smithers=American, Actress=124,230=74 Jurnee Smollett=American actress=34,053=253 Jill St.+John=American actress=250,431=23 Jewel Staite=Canadian actress=97,990=92 Jessica Stam=Canadian model=65,098=136 Julia Stiles=American actress=252,383=22 actor=51,868=127 Jim Sturgess=English, Actor=63,525=101 Jason Sudeikis=American actor=54,183=121 Jeremy Sumpter=American actor=148,725=43 COMPLETEandLEFT JS,J.D. Salinger JS,Jaclyn Smith JS,Jacqueline Susann JS,Jaden Smith JS,James Spader JS,Jamie Lynn Spears JS,Jane Seymore JS,Jane Seymour JS,Jay Silverheels JS,Jean Seberg JS,Jean Sibelius JS,Jean Simmons JS,Jean Smart JS,Jean Stapleton JS,Jean-Paul Sartre JS,Jeremy Sumpter JS,Jerry Seinfeld JS,Jerry Springer JS,Jerry Stiller JS,Jessica Simpson JS,Jessica Steen JS,Jimmy Smits JS,Jimmy Stewart JS,Jo Stafford JS,Joan Sutherland JS,John Cameron Swayze JS,John Paul Stevens JS,John Philip Sousa JS,John Sandford JS,John Sebastian JS,John Singer Sargent JS,John Singer-Sargent JS,John Stamos JS,John Steinbeck JS,Jon Stewart JS,Jonas Salk JS,Jonathan Swift JS,Joseph Stalin JS,Joss Stone JS,Jozef Sabovcik JS,Judge Judy Sheindlin JS,Judy Sheindlin JS,Julia Stiles JS,Junior Seau Jennifer Stone=American actress=89,194=105 Jessica Stroup=American actress=151,380=60 Jodie Sweetin=Actress=114,187=81 Jennifer Syme=Actress, Production assistant=57,442=158 Jessica Szohr=Actress/M odel=179,462=44 ………….. Jupiter Sunrise Jazmine Sullivan Jamestown Story Julia Stone Jeffree Star Jaden Smith Juliet Simms Julia Sheer Jon Secada Jessica Sanchez Joe ,Sacco ,Ca rtoonist ,Palestine Jeffrey ,Sachs ,Economist ,The End of Poverty Jonathan ,Sadowski ,Actor ,She's the Man Jeff ,Sagansky ,Bus i ness ,President, CBS Entertainment, 1990-94 Joe ,Sakic ,Hockey ,Col orado Avalanche John ,Salazar ,Pol itician ,Congressman from Colorado, 200511 Jonas ,Salk ,Sci entist ,Discoverer of the first polio va ccine Jorge ,Sampaio ,Hea d of State ,President of Portugal, 19962006 Junior ,Samples ,TV Pers onality ,Hee Haw James ,Sanborn ,Scul ptor ,Kryptos s cul pture a t CIA Hea dquarters Jerry ,Sanders ,Pol i tician ,Mayor of San Diego Julian ,Sands ,Actor ,Warlock Jerry ,Sandusky ,Footba ll ,Penn State Coach, convicted mol ester Justin ,Sane ,Mus i cian ,Lead singer of Anti-Flag Juelz ,Santana ,Ra pper ,The Diplomats Joey ,Santiago ,Gui ta rist ,The Pi xies' l ead guitarist Joe ,Santos ,Actor ,Det. Becker on Rockford Files José ,Saramago ,Author ,Bri l liant Portuguese novelist John ,Sarbanes ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Maryl and 3rd Joseph ,Sargent ,Fi l m Director ,The Taking of Pelham One Two Three José ,Sarney ,Hea d of State ,President of Brazil, 1985-90 Jay ,Sarno ,Bus i ness ,Creator of Caesars Palace Jacques ,Sarrazin ,Pa i nter ,Pa inted western dome of the Louvre Jean-Paul ,Sartre ,Phi l osopher ,Nausea, No Exit Jim ,Sasser ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Tennessee, 1977-95 Joe ,Satriani ,Guitarist ,Virtuoso rock guitarist Jennifer ,Saunders ,Comi c ,Absolutely Fabulous John ,Savage ,Actor ,The Deer Hunter Josh ,Saviano ,Actor ,Pa ul Pfeiffer on The Wonder Years Jonas ,Savimbi ,Mi l itary ,Angolan UNITA rebel Jessica ,Savitch ,Journalist ,Newscaster drowned with VP of NY Pos t Julia ,Sawalha ,Actor ,Sa ffron on Absolutely Fabulous John ,Sawers ,Di pl omat ,Director-General Designate, MI6 Joe ,Sawyer ,Actor ,Cha ra cter actor 1930s to 1950s John ,Saxon ,Actor ,Enter the Dragon Jim ,Saxton ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, New Jersey 3rd John ,Sayles ,Fi l m Director ,The Secret of Roan Inish Jeremy ,Scahill ,Journalist ,Democracy Now! Jack ,Scalia ,Actor ,Tequila and Bonetti Joseph ,Scaliger ,Scholar ,De emendatione temporum John ,Scalzi ,Novel ist ,Old Man's War Joe ,Scarborough ,Pundi t ,Co-Host, Morning Joe Jonathan ,Scarfe ,Actor ,Cha rl ie Sagansky on Raising the Bar John ,Scarlett ,Spy ,Hea d of MI6 Johnathon ,Schaech ,Actor ,The Doom Generation Jack ,Schaefer ,Novel ist ,Shane Jan ,Schakowsky ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Illinois 9th Joe ,Schermie ,Ba s sist ,Bass player for Three Dog Night Jacob ,Schick ,Inventor ,Electric ra zor Jacob ,Schiff ,Bus iness ,New York banker Joseph ,Schildkraut ,Actor ,The Life of Emile Zola John ,Schlesinger ,Fi l m Director ,Marathon Man Jean ,Schmidt ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Ohio 2nd Jack ,Schmitt ,As trona ut ,12th Ma n on the Moon Julian ,Schnabel ,Fi lm Director ,Basquiat John ,Schnatter ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Papa John's John ,Schneider ,Actor ,Bo Duke on The Dukes of Hazzard Jill ,Schoelen ,Actor ,The Stepfather John ,Schoenherr ,Arti s t ,Owl Moon John ,Schuck ,Actor ,Sgt. Enri ght on McMillan and Wife Joel ,Schumacher ,Fi l m Director ,The Lost Boys Joseph ,Schumpeter ,Economi st ,Creative Destruction James ,Schuyler ,Poet ,Freely Espousing Jean ,Schwartz ,Songwriter ,Chinatown, My Chinatown Jim ,Schwartz ,Footba ll ,Head Coach, Detroit Lions Josh ,Schwartz ,Screenwriter ,Creator, The O.C. Julius ,Schwartz ,Ca rtoonist ,Silver Age comics pioneer Jason ,Schwartzman ,Actor ,Rushmore Joe ,Schwarz ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Mi chigan, 200507 Julian ,Schwinger ,Phys i cist ,Quantum electrodynamics Jacqueline ,Scott ,Actor ,Cha ra cter a ctress James ,Scott ,Actor ,Days of our Lives Janette ,Scott ,Actor ,The Day of the Triffids Jason ,Scott ,Hi s torian ,GET LAMP, Sockington Ca t Jill ,Scott ,Si nger ,R&B "Neo Soul" singer Jimmy ,Scott ,Si nger ,Ja zz s oprano vocalist Joseph ,Scriven ,Songwriter ,What a Friend We Have in Jesus John ,Sculley ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Apple, 1983-93 James ,Scullin ,Head of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Australia, 1929-32 Jenny ,Seagrove ,Actor ,Jo Mi l ls on Judge John Deed Jim ,Seals ,Mus i cian ,Seals a nd Crofts Jay ,Sean ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Eyes on You John ,Searle ,Phi l osopher ,Chi nese Room Argument, Phi l osopher of Language Junior ,Seau ,Football ,NFL Linebacker, committed suicide John ,Sebastian ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Theme to Welcome Back, Kotter Jean ,Seberg ,Actor ,Saint Joan Jon ,Secada ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Latin heartthrob Jon ,Seda ,Actor ,Det. Pa ul Falsone on Homicide Jason ,Segel ,Actor ,How I Met Your Mother Jonathan ,Segel ,Mus i cian ,Ca mper Van Beethoven multii ns trumentalist Jason ,Sehorn ,Football ,St. Louis Rams #42 Jaroslav ,Seifert ,Poet ,The Nightingale Sings Out of Tune John ,Seigenthaler ,Edi tor ,Tennessean editor, RFK a ide Jerry ,Seinfeld ,Comi c ,A s how about nothing Jessica ,Seinfeld ,Rel ative ,Wife of Jerry Seinfeld Jay ,Sekulow ,Acti vi s t ,American Center for La w a nd Justice John ,Selden ,Schol ar ,English orientalist and jurist Jackie ,Selebi ,Government ,Interpol President, 2004-08 Joel ,Seligman ,Educa tor ,President, University of Rochester Jorge ,Semprún ,Novel ist ,Screenplay for Z Jean ,Senebier ,Bota nist ,Explained vegetable nutrition Jim ,Sensenbrenner ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Wisconsin 5th José ,Serrano ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, New York 16th Jeff ,Sessions ,Pol itician ,US Senator from Alabama Joe ,Sestak ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Pennsylvania, 2007-11 Joan ,Severance ,Actor ,Dangerous Indiscretion John ,Sexton ,Educa tor ,President, New York University Jane ,Seymour ,Actor ,Dr. Quinn, Medicine Woman John ,Seymour ,Pol i tician ,Ma yor of Anaheim, 1978-82 John ,Seymour ,Ari s tocrat ,19th Duke of Somerset John ,Shad ,Government ,SEC Cha irman, 1981-87 Jacoby ,Shaddix ,Si nger ,Singer for Papa Roach John ,Shadegg ,Pol i ti cian ,Congressman from Arizona, 19952011 Jeanne ,Shaheen ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from New Ha mpshire John ,Shalikashvili ,Mi litary ,Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff, 1993-97 Judith ,Shapiro ,Educa tor ,President, Barnard College Jeff ,Sharlet ,Journa list ,The Family Jim ,Sharman ,Fi l m Director ,The Rocky Horror Picture Show James ,Sharp ,Attorney ,Hi gh-powered Washington a ttorney John ,Shattuck ,Attorney ,CEO, JFK Li bra ry Foundation Joan ,Shawlee ,Actor ,The Adventures of Aggie John ,Shea ,Actor ,Lex Luthor on Lois & Clark James ,Sheakley ,Pol i ti cian ,Territorial Governor of Alaska, 1893-97 Jules ,Shear ,Mus i cian ,Pop s ongwriter Jake ,Shears ,Si nger ,Lead singer, Scissor Sisters Josette ,Sheeran ,Government ,UN World Food Programme Jeremy ,Sheffield ,Actor ,Al ex Adams on Holby City Johnny ,Sheffield ,Actor ,Chi l d actor, "Boy" i n Tarzan films Jean ,Shepard ,Country Mus i cian ,Beautiful Lies Jean ,Shepherd ,Ra dio Personality ,A Christmas Story Jack ,Sheppard ,Cri mi nal ,English s coundrel, escapee Jamey ,Sheridan ,Actor ,Law & Order: Criminal Intent Jim ,Sheridan ,Fi l m Director ,My Left Foot John ,Sherman ,Pol i tician ,Sherman Antitrust Act Jackie ,Sherrill ,Football ,MSU Head Coach, 1991-2003 James ,Shigeta ,Actor ,Flower Drum Song Jenny ,Shimizu ,Model ,Lezbopunk bike-dyke John ,Shimkus ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Illinois 19th Jenny ,Shipley ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of New Zea land, 1997-99 James ,Shirley ,Pl a ywri ght ,Love Tricks Jeremy ,Shockey ,Football ,NY Giants Tight End Jack ,Sholder ,Fi l m Director ,The Hidden Jake ,Short ,Actor ,Fl etcher Quimby on A.N.T. Farm Jouett ,Shouse ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ka nsas, 191519 John ,Shoven ,Economist ,Stanford economist Jean ,Shrimpton ,Model ,Top 1960's s upermodel Joe ,Shuster ,Ca rtooni st ,Co-Creator of Superman Jesse ,Shwayder ,Bus iness ,Founder of Samsonite Corpora tion Jane ,Sibbett ,Actor ,The Second Arrival Jean ,Sibelius ,Composer ,The Swan of Tuonela Jennifer ,Siebel ,Rel a tive ,Wife of Gavin Newsom Jerry ,Siegel ,Author ,Crea tor of Superman Joel ,Siegel ,Cri ti c ,Fi lm cri tic Jamie-Lynn ,Sigler ,Actor ,Tony Soprano's bratty daughter Johanna ,Sigurdardottir ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Icel and John ,Silber ,Educa tor ,President of Boston University, 197196 Joel ,Silver ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Producer, The Matrix Josh ,Silver ,Mus i cian ,Keyboardist for Type O Negative Joey ,Silvera ,Porns tar ,Anal Hounds and Bitches Jay ,Silverheels ,Actor ,Tonto on The Lone Ranger Jonathan ,Silverman ,Actor ,The Single Guy John ,Simm ,Actor ,Life on Mars Josias ,Simmler ,Author ,De Alpibus Commentarius Jean ,Simmons ,Actor ,Guys and Dolls John ,Simon ,Pol i tician ,Lord Chancellor of Bri tain, 1940-45 John ,Simon ,Cri ti c ,Reviewer for New York ma gazine James ,Simons ,Ma thematician ,Renaissance Technologies hedge fund Jan ,Simonsen ,Pol i tician ,Excluded Norwegian parliament member Jessica ,Simpson ,Si nger ,MTV Newlyweds Jimmi ,Simpson ,Actor ,Ll oyd Lowery on Breakout Kings Joan ,Sims ,Actor ,Carry On... Jacques ,Singer ,Conductor ,Mus ic Director, Oregon Symphony, 1962-72 John ,Singleton ,Fi l m Director ,Boyz N the Hood John ,Sirica ,Judge ,Watergate judge Jeremy ,Sisto ,Actor ,Bi l ly Chenowith on Six Feet Under Joey ,Skaggs ,Hoa xer ,Inveterate media prankster Joseph ,Skeen ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New Mexico, 1981-2003 John ,Skelton ,Poet ,Why come ye nat to courte Jeffrey ,Skilling ,Business ,Disgraced former CEO of Enron Jane ,Skinner ,Journa list ,Fox News anchor Jack ,Skolds ,Bus i ness ,EVP a t Exelon, 2003-07 Jeremy ,Slate ,Actor ,The Mini-Skirt Mob Jim ,Slattery ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Ka nsas, 1983-95 John ,Slattery ,Actor ,Roger on Mad Men James ,Slavet ,Bus i ness ,Greylock Pa rtners Johann ,Sleidan ,Hi s torian ,De statu religionis et republicae Jerry ,Sloane ,Ba s ketball ,Head Coa ch, Utah Ja zz Jeff ,Sluman ,Gol f ,Winner, 1988 PGA Cha mpionship Jean ,Smart ,Actor ,Cha rl ene on Designing Women John ,Smibert ,Pa i nter ,The Bermuda Group Jack ,Smight ,Fi l m Director ,Midway Jane ,Smiley ,Novel ist ,A Thousand Acres Jeffery ,Smisek ,Bus i ness ,President of Continental Ai rlines Jaclyn ,Smith ,Actor ,Kel ly on Charlie's Angels Jacob ,Smith ,Actor ,Cheaper by the Dozen Jacqui ,Smith ,Pol i tician ,UK Home Secretary Jaden ,Smith ,Actor ,The Pursuit of Happyness Jeff ,Smith ,Chef ,Former TV chef, alleged child molester Jimmy ,Smith ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Ma ster of the Hammond B3 orga n Joe ,Smith ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Cool jazz trumpeter John ,Smith ,Actor ,Sl i m Sherman on Laramie John ,Smith ,Expl orer ,Founder of Ja mestown Colony Johnny ,Smith ,Gui ta rist ,Ecl ectic guitarist, Walk, Don't Run Joseph ,Smith ,Rel igion ,Founded the Mormon faith Jan ,Smithers ,Actor ,Ba i ley on WKRP James ,Smithson ,Chemi st ,Chemist, funded the Smi thsonian Institution Jimmy ,Smits ,Actor ,L.A. Law Jurnee ,Smollett ,Actor ,Li s a Tyl er on The Defenders John ,Smoltz ,Ba s eball ,Pi tcher, Atl anta Braves Jerome ,Smucker ,Bus i ness ,Founder of J. M. Smucker Compa ny Jan ,Smuts ,Pol i ti cian ,South African Pri me Minister John ,Snow ,Government ,US Secretary of the Treasury, 2003-06 Jay ,Snyder ,Bus iness ,HBJ Investments José ,Sócrates ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Minister of Portugal Jure ,Sola ,Bus iness ,CEO of Sanmina-SCI Javier ,Solana ,Pol i tician ,Secretary-General, Council of the European Union Julie ,Sommars ,Actor ,ADA Jul ie Ma rch on Matlock Jack ,Soo ,Actor ,Det. Yemana on Barney Miller Jim ,South ,Bus i ness ,Porn talent scout Joe ,South ,Mus i cian ,Southern singer/songwriter a nd s ession guitarist James ,Spader ,Actor ,Sex, Lies, and Videotape Joe ,Spano ,Actor ,Hill Street Blues Jared ,Sparks ,Author ,Life and Writings of George Washington Jordin ,Sparks ,Si nger ,Wi nner, 6th s eason American Idol Jeff ,Speakman ,Actor ,Ma rti a l arts a ctor Jackie ,Speier ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman, Ca lifornia 12th John ,Spellman ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Washington, 198185 Jesse ,Spencer ,Actor ,House, MD John ,Spencer ,Actor ,Leo McGa rry on The West Wing John ,Spencer-Churchill ,Ari s tocrat ,11th Duke of Ma rl borough Joan ,Spero ,Di plomat ,Under Secretary of State, 1993-97 James ,Speyer ,Bus iness ,New York Banker Joe ,Spinell ,Actor ,Fra nk Zito in Maniac Jordana ,Spiro ,Actor ,PJ Fra nklin on My Boys John ,Spratt ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from South Ca rolina, 1983-2011 Jerry ,Springer ,Ta l k Show Host ,The Jerry Springer Show James ,Stacy ,Actor ,Lancer Jean ,Stafford ,Novel ist ,The Catherine Wheel Jo ,Stafford ,Si nger ,You Belong to Me John ,Stagliano ,Porns tar ,Adventures of Buttman Jerry ,Stahl ,Author ,Permanent Midnight Jewel ,Staite ,Actor ,Ka yl ee Frye on Firefly Jim ,Staley ,Mus i cian ,Skilled avant-garde trombonist Josef ,Stalin ,Hea d of State ,Brutal dictator, Soviet Union Jock ,Stallard ,Pol itician ,British MP, St. Pa ncras North, 1970-83 Jackie ,Stallone ,Rel a tive ,Astrologer-Mother of Sylvester Sta l lone John ,Stamos ,Actor ,Jes se on Full House John ,Standing ,Actor ,Bri ti sh stage and film a ctor Jean ,Stapleton ,Actor ,Edi th on All In The Family Jeffree ,Star ,Model ,MySpace "Queen of the Internet" Johannes ,Stark ,Phys i cist ,Discovered the Stark Effect Jack ,Starrett ,Fi l m Director ,Cleopatra Jones Jason ,Statham ,Actor ,Snatch Joel ,Stebbins ,As tronomer ,Photoelectric photometry James ,Steele ,Journa list ,Barlett & Steele Jan ,Steen ,Pa i nter ,Dutch s ubject painter Jessica ,Steen ,Actor ,Li nda Metcalf on Homefront Janet ,Steiger ,Government ,FTC chairman, 1989-95 Joel ,Stein ,Col umnist ,LA Times columnist Joseph ,Stein ,Pl a ywri ght ,Fiddler on the Roof l i brettist Jules ,Stein ,Bus iness ,Founder of MCA John ,Steinbeck ,Novel ist ,The Grapes of Wrath Jack ,Steinberger ,Phys i cist ,Researcher of neutrinos Joshua ,Steiner ,Bus iness ,Quadrangle Group Jake ,Steinfeld ,Fi tness Guru ,Body By Jake Jan ,Stenerud ,Football ,Placekicker, Hall of Famer Jeanette ,Sterke ,Actor ,A Stitch in Time Jan ,Sterling ,Actor ,Ace in the Hole John ,Stevens ,Drummer ,Free music drummer and ba ndleader Juliet ,Stevenson ,Actor ,Truly Madly Deeply Jackie ,Stewart ,Auto Ra cing ,Three ti me Formula-1 world cha mpion Jane ,Stewart ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian MP, Bra nt Jermaine ,Stewart ,Si nger ,We Don't Have To Take Our Clothes Off Jimmy ,Stewart ,Actor ,Mr. Smith Goes to Washington Jon ,Stewart ,Comi c ,Anchor of The Daily Show Josh ,Stewart ,Actor ,Hol t McLa ren on Dirt Joseph ,Stiglitz ,Economi st ,Ex-Chief Economist of the Worl d Bank Julia ,Stiles ,Actor ,10 Things I Hate About You Jerry ,Stiller ,Actor ,Fra nk Cos tanza on Seinfeld Joseph ,Stilwell ,Mi l itary ,Led US and Chinese forces in WWII Chi na James James James James ,Stinson ,El ectronic Musician ,Drexciya ,Stirling ,Ma thematician ,Methodus differentialis ,Stirling ,Archi tect ,Pri tzker-winning architect ,Stockdale ,Mi l i tary ,H. Ross Perot's would-be Vice Pres i dent John ,Stockton ,Ba s ketball ,Utah Ja zz, 1984-2003 John ,Stockwell ,Actor ,Couga r i n Top Gun Jens ,Stoltenberg ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Norway Jennifer ,Stone ,Actor ,Wizards of Waverly Place Joss ,Stone ,Si nger ,Mind, Body & Soul John ,Stonehouse ,Pol i tician ,British MP, fa ked his own dea th June ,Storey ,Actor ,In Old Chicago Joseph ,Story ,Judge ,US Supreme Court Justice, 1812-45 John ,Stossel ,Journa list ,Libertarian reporter Jerry ,Stovall ,Football ,LSU Tigers Head Coach, 1980-83 John ,Stow ,Author ,Anti quary, Survey of London Julie ,Strain ,Actor ,Queen of All Media Judy ,Strangis ,Actor ,Dyna Gi rl Johann ,Strauss ,Composer ,The Blue Danube Johann ,Strauss,^Sr. ,Compos er ,Täuberl-Walzer Jack ,Straw ,Pol i tician ,Leader, House of Commons, 2006-07 Julius ,Streicher ,Journa list ,Editor of Der Stuermer 1923-45 Joseph ,Strick ,Fi l m Director ,Ulysses KaDee ,Strickland ,Actor ,Dr. Cha rl otte Ki ng on Private Practice James ,Strong ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Qa ntas, 1993-2001 Jessica ,Stroup ,Actor ,Eri n Si lver on 90210 Joe ,Strummer ,Mus i cian ,Lead singer of The Clash Jeff ,Stryker ,Porns ta r ,"Straight" star of gay porn Jeb ,Stuart ,Mi l i tary ,Confederate ca valry officer Johannes ,Stumpf ,Hi s torian ,Swiss chronicler, theologian Joseph ,Sturge ,Acti vi s t ,Anti-slavery a ctivist Jock ,Sturges ,Photogra pher ,Art photographer charged wi th obscenity John ,Sturges ,Fi l m Director ,The Great Escape Jim ,Sturgess ,Actor ,Across the Universe Jule ,Styne ,Songwriter ,Three Coins in the Fountain Jason ,Sudeikis ,Actor ,Saturday Night Live John ,Sullivan ,Mi litary ,Revolutionary Wa r general John ,Sullivan ,Pol itician ,Congressman, Oklahoma 1st Jeremy ,Sumpter ,Actor ,Sta r of rema de Peter Pan Joel ,Surnow ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,24, Half Hour News Hour Jacqueline ,Susann ,Novel ist ,Valley of the Dolls Joan ,Sutherland ,Si nger ,"La Stupenda" opera soprano James ,Sutorius ,Actor ,Gordon Wales on Dynasty John ,Sutton ,Actor ,Hudson's Bay Janet ,Suzman ,Actor ,Nicholas and Alexandra Johan ,Sverdrup ,Hea d of State ,Norwegian Pri me Mi nister, 1884-89 Jimmy ,Swaggart ,Rel igion ,Televangelist with a whore probl em Jan ,Swammerdam ,Na tura list ,Biblia Naturae Jeffrey ,Swartz ,Bus i ness ,President and CEO of Ti mberland John ,Sweeney ,La bor Lea der ,President of the AFL-CIO, 1995-2009 John ,Sweeney ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from New York, 1999-2007 Julia ,Sweeney ,Comi c ,Androgyne Pa t on Saturday Night Live Jodie ,Sweetin ,Actor ,Steph Ta nner on Full House Jane ,Swift ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Massachusetts, 2001-03 Jonathan ,Swift ,Author ,Gulliver's Travels Jack ,Swigert ,As trona ut ,Command Module Pilot on Apollo 13 John ,Sylvester ,Ra dio Personality ,Shock jock Joshua ,Sylvester ,Poet ,Essay of the Second Week James ,Syme ,Doctor ,Lea ding Scottish surgeon James ,Symington ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Mi ssouri, 1969-77 Jon ,Symonds ,Bus iness ,Ma naging Director, Goldman Sachs Jessica ,Szohr ,Actor ,Va nessa Abrams on Gossip Girl 20. JT Justin Timberlake=American singer, occasional actor=539,674=9 James Taylor=American, M usician=77,435=80 John Travolta=Actor, singer, dancer=70,521=89 John Taylor=Bassist=53,851=123 Josh Turner=American singersongwriter=36,020=177 Jolin Tsai=Singer, Dancer, Actress=27,231=297 Jennifer Taylor=American actress=68,668=127 Juno Temple=British actress=54,935=164 Jennifer Tilly=Actress=100,385=90 Jordan Todosey=Canadian, Actress=36,346=239 Janine Turner=American actress=82,843=110 Joey Tempest=Swedish, M usician=34,323=184 Jake T.+Austin=American, Actor=171,458=36 Jeff Tarpley=American, Actor=41,699=151 Jonathan Taylor+Thomas=Actor=81,624=78 Justin Theroux=Actor=62,602=105 Jonathan Togo=Actor=30,649=202 Jason Toohey=American, Bodybuilder=36,592=170 Jim Toth=American, Agent=29,344=213 Jerry Trainor=American actor=55,241=119 Jason Trawick=American, Agent=39,605=157 COMPLETEandLEFT JT,J.R.R. Tolkien JT,Jacques Tati JT,James Taylor JT,James Thurber JT,Jeff Timmons JT,Jennifer Tilly JT,Jessica Tandy JT,Jim Thorpe JT,John Tesh JT,John Travolta JT,John Turturro JT,John Tyler JT,Justin Timberlake …………… Jethro Tull Jasmine Trias Josh Thompson Juliana Theory Jordyn Taylor J T-Hodges Jorma ,Taccone ,Comi c ,The Lonely Island Jalal ,Talabani ,Head of State ,President of Iraq Jim ,Talent ,Pol i ti cian ,US Senator from Missouri, 2002-07 Jill ,Talley ,Comi c ,Mr. Show Jean-Lambert ,Tallien ,Pol itician ,French Revolutionary Jeffrey ,Tambor ,Actor ,Ha nk Kingsley on The Larry Sanders Show Jessica ,Tandy ,Actor ,Driving Miss Daisy John ,Tanner ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Tennessee, 1989-2011 Joy ,Tanner ,Actor ,Life with Derek Jake ,Tapper ,Journa list ,ABC Chi ef White House Corres pondent James ,Taranto ,Col umnist ,Wall Street Journal Jimmy ,Tarbuck ,Comi c ,Winner Takes All Jerry ,Tarkanian ,Ba sketball ,Longtime UNLV basketball coa ch Jan ,Tarnowski ,Mi l itary ,Polish general, fought Turks John ,Tartaglia ,Actor ,Johnny and the Sprites James ,Tate ,Poet ,The Lost Pilot Jack ,Tatum ,Football ,The Assassin Johann ,Tauler ,Rel i gion ,German mystic John ,Tayler ,Pol i tician ,Governor of New York, 1817 James ,Taylor ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Seen fire, rain Jason ,Taylor ,Football ,Mi ami Dolphins Defensive End Jennifer ,Taylor ,Actor ,Chel sea on Two and a Half Men Jeremy ,Taylor ,Rel igion ,Holy Living a nd Holy Dying John ,Taylor ,Poet ,The Wa ter-Poet John ,Taylor ,Ba s sist ,Bassist for Duran Duran June ,Taylor ,Da ncer ,June Tayl or Dancers choreographer Julie ,Taymor ,Fi l m Director ,Across the Universe Jack ,Teagarden ,Ja zz Mus ician ,Vi rtuoso trombonist and ja zz ba ndleader Jeff ,Tedford ,Footba ll ,Head Coach, Ca lifornia Golden Bears Julien ,Temple ,Fi l m Director ,The Great Rock 'n' Roll Swindle Juno ,Temple ,Actor ,St. Trinian's John ,Templeton ,Phi l anthropist ,Billionaire fund manager James ,Tenney ,Compos er ,A History of 'Consonance' and 'Dissonance' Jon ,Tenney ,Actor ,Brooklyn South Judy ,Tenuta ,Comi c ,The Love Goddess John ,Terry ,Actor ,Dr. Chri s tian Shephard on Lost Javier ,Teruel ,Bus iness ,Colgate-Palmolive EVP John ,Tesh ,TV Pers onality ,Ex-Co-Anchor Entertainment Tonight Jon ,Tester ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Montana Johann ,Tetzel ,Rel igion ,Seller of indulgences Josephine ,Tewson ,Actor ,Mi s s Davenport on Last of the Summer Wine Josephine ,Tey ,Novel ist ,Richard of Bordeaux John ,Thaw ,Actor ,Inspector Morse Joe ,Theismann ,Football ,Washington Redskins QB José ,Theodore ,Hockey ,Col orado Ava lanche Justin ,Theroux ,Actor ,Mulholland Dr. Jake ,Thomas ,Actor ,Ma tt on Lizzie McGuire Jameson ,Thomas ,Actor ,Bri ti sh s tage, minor Hollywood a ctor Jay ,Thomas ,Actor ,Jerry Gol d on Murphy Brown Jim ,Thome ,Ba s eball ,Baltimore Orioles designated hitter Jack ,Thompson ,Actor ,Sunday Too Far Away Jack ,Thompson ,Attorney ,Vi deo game decency barrator Jason ,Thompson ,Actor ,General Hospital Jeri ,Thompson ,Rel a tive ,Wife of Fred Thompson Jim ,Thompson ,Novel ist ,Heed the Thunder John ,Thompson ,Ba s ketball ,Georgetown Head Coa ch, 1972-99 John ,Thompson ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Ca nada, 1892-94 June ,Thorburn ,Actor ,The 3 Worlds of Gulliver James ,Thornton ,Songwri ter ,When You Were Sweet Sixteen Joe ,Thornton ,Hockey ,Sa n Jose Sharks Jeremy ,Thorpe ,Pol i tician ,Leader of the UK Li beral Pa rty, 1967-76 Jim ,Thorpe ,Footba ll ,Ol ympics and football Johnny ,Thunders ,Gui tarist ,New York Dolls guitarist John ,Thune ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from South Dakota James ,Thurber ,Author ,Short s tory wri ter a nd ca rtoonist John ,Tierney ,Pol i tician ,Congressman, Massachusetts 6th Jennifer ,Tilly ,Actor ,Bound, Monsters, Inc. Justin ,Timberlake ,Si nger ,*NSYNC Jan ,Tinbergen ,Economist ,Economic Policy Jennifer ,Tisdale ,Actor ,Actres s , Sister of As hley Tisdale James ,Toback ,Fi l m Director ,The Pick-up Artist James ,Tobin ,Economist ,Investment behaviorist Jordan ,Todosey ,Actor ,Li zzi e on Life with Derek Jonathan ,Togo ,Actor ,Rya n Wol fe on CSI: Miami John ,Toland ,Hi s torian ,The Rising Sun James ,Tolkan ,Actor ,Back to the Future Jeffrey ,Toobin ,Attorney ,CNN Seni or Legal Analyst Jean ,Toomer ,Author ,Cane Joe ,Torre ,Ba s eball ,MLB EVP for Baseball Operations Jacques ,Torres ,Chef ,Chocol atier nonpareil John ,Torrey ,Bota nist ,Flora of North America Joe ,Torry ,Actor ,Poetic Justice Jacques ,Tourneur ,Fi l m Director ,Ori ginal 1942 Cat People John ,Tower ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Texas, 1961-85 James ,Towey ,Government ,Faith-Based Initiatives Cza r, 2002-06 John ,Townsend ,Ma thematician ,El ectron's charge James ,Traficant ,Pol i tician ,Disgraced former Ohio Congressman Jerry ,Trainor ,Actor ,Spencer on iCarly Jack ,Tramiel ,Bus iness ,Commodore Business Ma chines Joey ,Travolta ,Actor ,Beverly Hills Cop III John ,Travolta ,Actor ,Saturday Night Fever Jeff ,Tremaine ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Co-creator of MTV's Jackass Jim ,Tressel ,Footba ll ,Former Head Coach, Ohio State Jean-Claude ,Trichet ,Bus i ness ,President, European Centra l Bank Jean-Louis ,Trintignant ,Actor ,Un homme et une femme Juan ,Trippe ,Bus i ness ,Founder of Pan-Am Joe ,Trippi ,Acti vi s t ,Democratic ca mpaign s trategist Jeanne ,Tripplehorn ,Actor ,Office Killer Joe ,Trohman ,Gui tarist ,Guitarist for Fall Out Boy Jackie ,Trujillo ,Business ,CEO of Ha rman Management, 1995-2004 John ,Trumbull ,Pa i nter ,American Revolutionary painter Jonathan ,Trumbull ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Connecticut, 1769-84 Jonathan ,Trumbull,^Jr. ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Connecticut, 1797-1809 Jolin ,Tsai ,Si nger ,Ta iwanese pop singer Jessica ,Tuck ,Actor ,Gi llian Gray on Judging Amy Jonathan ,Tucker ,Actor ,The Black Donnellys Jethro ,Tull ,Agri cul turalist ,The Horse-hoeing Husbandry James ,Tupper ,Actor ,Ja ck Sl attery on Men in Trees Jonathan ,Turley ,Schol ar ,GWU law professor Janine ,Turner ,Actor ,Ma ggi e on Northern Exposure Jim ,Turner ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Texas, 1997-2005 Jim ,Turner ,Actor ,Ki rby on Arli , ,, Ra ndee of the Redwoods John ,Turner ,Hea d of State ,Pri me Mi nister of Ca nada, 1984 Josh ,Turner ,Country Mus i cian ,Your Man Jim ,Turnesa ,Gol f ,Wi nner, 1952 PGA Cha mpionship Jon ,Turteltaub ,Fi l m Director ,National Treasure John ,Turturro ,Actor ,Barton Fink, Five Corners Jeff ,Tweedy ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Lead s inger of Wilco Jack ,Twyman ,Ba s ketball ,Ci ncinnati Royals forward, NBA Ha l l-of-Famer John ,Tyler ,Hea d of State ,10th President of the U.S. Judy ,Tyler ,Actor ,Jailhouse Rock 21. JU John Utendahl=American, Business=30,911=201 MNEEDED JU,Jacob Underwood JU,Jay Underwood JU,John Updike Jenna Ushkowitz=Actress, singer=37,183=232 Jay ,Underwood ,Actor ,The Boy Who Could Fly Jim ,Unger ,Ca rtooni st ,Herman Johnny ,Unitas ,Footba ll ,The Golden Arm Jesse ,Unruh ,Pol i tician ,Speaker of Ca lifornia State As s embly Jolene ,Unsoeld ,Pol i tician ,Congresswoman from 22. JV JU,Johnny Unitas Wa s hington, 1989-95 John ,Updike ,Novel ist ,Rabbit, Run James ,Urbaniak ,Actor ,Dr. Venture on The Venture Bros. James ,Ussher ,Rel igion ,Ol d Testament chronologist Jørn ,Utzon ,Archi tect ,Sydney Opera House Joseph ,Uva ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Univision Jean-Claude Van+Damme=Actor, martial artist, Jasmine Villegas=Singer=172,129=49 Jenna von+Oÿ=Actress, singer=27,619=292 Jill Vandenberg+Curtis=Personality=65,493=135 Julie Vardalos=American, M odel=40,891=209 ………….. Joseph Vincent Jim Verraros Jaci Velasquez J. Valentine director=65,636=96 Jake Vargas=Filipino actor=30,646=203 Jan-Michael Vincent=American actor=28,066=217 MNEEDED JV,James Van-Der-Beek JV,Jan Vermeer JV,Jesse Ventura JV,Jon Voight JV,Jules Verne James ,V ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Scotland, 1513-42 João ,V ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Portugal, 1706-50 Jerry ,Vale ,Si nger ,Romantic ballad s inger Jack ,Valenti ,Bus i ness ,Presidential advisor, headed the MPAA Jim ,Valvano ,Ba s ketball ,NCSU Basketball Coach, 1980-89 John ,Vanbrugh ,Pl a ywri ght ,The Provok'd Wife Jack ,Vance ,Novel ist ,The Dying Earth Jim ,VandeHei ,Journa list ,The Washington Post Jennifer ,Vanderbes ,Author ,Easter Island John ,Vanderlyn ,Pa i nter ,American portrait painter Jeff ,Vandermeer ,Author ,The Book of Lost Places Jacob ,Vargas ,Actor ,The Death and Life of Bobby Z Jason ,Varitek ,Ba s eball ,Boston Red Sox John ,Varley ,Novel ist ,Wrote Titan, Wizard, a nd Demon John ,Varley ,Bus i ness ,CEO of Ba rclays Jim ,Varney ,Actor ,Pl a yed annoyant Ernest P. Worrell John ,Vasconcellos ,Pol itician ,Ca lifornia State Legislator Jhonen ,Vasquez ,Ca rtooni st ,Invader Zim, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac John ,Venn ,Ma thematician ,Venn diagrams John ,Ventimiglia ,Actor ,Arti e Bucco on The Sopranos Jesse ,Ventura ,Wres tling ,Wrestler turned Governor of Mi nnesota Janet ,Ventura-Arvizo ,Rel ative ,Gavin Arvi zo's mother Jacques ,Vergès ,Attorney ,Attorney specializing i n defense of mons ters Justin ,Verlander ,Ba s eball ,Detroit Ti gers pitcher Jan ,Vermeer ,Pa i nter ,17th c. Dutch Master Jules ,Verne ,Author ,Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea Josée ,Verner ,Pol i tician ,Ca nadian MP, Louis-Saint-Laurent John ,Vernon ,Actor ,Dea n Wormer i n Animal House Justin ,Vernon ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Frontman for Bon Iver Jones ,Very ,Poet ,Rel igious mystic John ,Vessey ,Mi l i tary ,Chairman, Joint Chiefs of Staff 198285 João ,VI ,Roya l ty ,Ki ng of Portugal, 1816-26 Jean ,Vigo ,Fi l m Director ,L'Atalante Jacques ,Villeneuve ,Auto Ra ci ng ,Ca nadian Formula-1, Indy ca r ra cer Jacques ,Villeret ,Actor ,The Dinner Game Jan-Michael ,Vincent ,Actor ,Airwolf John ,Vinocur ,Journalist ,International Herald Tri bune corres pondent Kaavya ,Viswanathan ,Novelist ,Alleged plagiarist, How Opal Mehta... Joseph ,Vitale ,Actor ,A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court Joe ,Viterelli ,Actor ,Jel ly i n Analyze This John ,Vivyan ,Actor ,Mr. Lucky Joseph ,Vlasic ,Business ,Pickle baron John ,Vlissides ,Computer Programmer ,Author number 4 of the Ga ng of Four Jürgen ,Vogel ,Actor ,Life Is All You Get Jon ,Voight ,Actor ,Midnight Cowboy Julia ,Volkova ,Mus i cian ,t.A.T.u.'s butchy brunette Joseph ,Volpe ,Admi nistrator ,GM Metropolitan Opera, 1990-2006 Jean-Georges ,Vongerichten ,Chef ,JoJo JP ,Vranesevich ,Bus i ness ,AntiOnline, computer security wa nnabe 23. JW Jack Wagner=Actor, singer, golfer=92,380=68 Jack White=Rock musician=83,755=75 Joe Walsh=Rock musician=58,607=114 Jeordie White=Singer, M usician, Bassist, Guitarist, Songwriter, Programmer, Producer,=33,832=185 Jason Wahler=American, Personality=42,006=148 Jimmie Walker=American actor=26,627=230 John Wayne=American film actor=107,876=57 Jaleel White=Actor, screenwriter=22,669=260 Jesse Williams=American actor=61,183=108 Josh Winterhalt= =38,309=161 James Woods=Actor=37,518=166 FNEEDED JW,Jack Warden JW,Jack Webb JW,Jack Weston JW,Jack White JW,James Whitmore JW,James Woods JW,Jamie Walters JW,Jane Wyatt JW,Jane Wyman JW,Jesse White JW,Jimmie Walker JW,Jimmy Wakely JW,Jimmy Webb Jill Wagner=American actress=285,995=16 Jennifer Walcott=American model=71,061=123 Jasmine Waltz=American, Actress=107,192=85 Joanne Whalley=Actress=41,372=207 Jamie White=American, Actress=133,831=64 Jessica White=American actress-model=126,186=72 …………. Jamie Woon Josh Wilson Joy Williams Jim White John West J Wess James Wesley Jimmy Wayne Jessie Ware Jason Walker Justine ,Waddell ,Actor ,Tess of the D'Urbervilles Jack ,Wagner ,Actor ,Fri s co Jones on General Hospital Julius ,Wagner-Jauregg ,Ps ychi a trist ,Cured syphilis with ma l aria, pioneered s hock therapy John ,Waite ,Si nger ,The Babys a nd Bad English John ,Wakeham ,Pol i tician ,Baron Wakeham of Ma ldon Jerry ,Wald ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Peyton Place Jimbo ,Wales ,Encycl opaedist ,Co-Founder of Wikipedia Jimmie ,Walker ,Comi c ,Dyn-o-Mite John ,Walker ,Chemi st ,Invented the fri ction match JW,Jo Anne Worley JW,Joanne Woodward JW,Joe Williams JW,John Walsh JW,John Waters JW,John Wayne JW,John Williams JW,John Wooden JW,Johnny Winter JW,Jonathan Winters JW,Joseph Wambaugh JW,Joseph Wapner JW,Judge Joseph Wapner Johnnie ,Walker ,Bus i ness ,Whiskey maker Jonathan ,Walker ,Acti vi s t ,The Ma n wi th the Branded Ha nd Junior ,Walker ,Mus i cian ,Soul vocalist a nd sax player John ,Wall ,Ba sketball ,Washington Wizards point guard Jean ,Wallace ,Actor ,The Big Combo Jacob ,Walles ,Di plomat ,US Consul General in Jerusalem John ,Wallis ,Ma thematician ,Arithmetica Infinitorum Josiah ,Walls ,Politician ,Congressman from Florida, 187176 Jon ,Walmsley ,Actor ,Ja s on Walton on The Waltons Jim ,Walsh ,Pol itician ,Congressman from New York, 19892009 Joan ,Walsh ,Edi tor ,Editor-in-Chief of Salon, 2005-10 Joe ,Walsh ,Pol itician ,Congressman, Illinois 8th Joe ,Walsh ,Mus ician ,Life's Been Good To Me John ,Walsh ,TV Pers onality ,America's Most Wanted Jessica ,Walter ,Actor ,Luci lle Bluth on Arrested Development John ,Walters ,Government ,American Drug Czar, 20012009 Julie ,Walters ,Actor ,Educating Rita Jess ,Walton ,Actor ,The Young and the Restless Jim ,Walton ,Rel ative ,World's 11th ri chest man, 2005 Joseph ,Wambaugh ,Novel ist ,The Onion Field Jude ,Wanniski ,Col umnist ,Supply-side theorist Judge ,Wapner ,TV Pers onality ,People's Court Joseph ,Ward ,Hea d of State ,Twice Pri me Mi nister of New Zea land Jack ,Warden ,Actor ,12 Angry Men John ,Warner ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Virginia, 19792009 Julie ,Warner ,Actor ,The Puppet Masters Jennifer ,Warnes ,Si nger/Songwriter ,The Time of My Life John ,Warnock ,Computer Progra mmer ,Co-Founder of Adobe Jennifer ,Warren ,Actor ,Night Moves Joseph ,Warren ,Government ,American patriot killed at Bunker Hill John ,Waters ,Fi l m Director ,Hairspray James ,Watkins ,Government ,US Secretary of Energy, 1989-93 Jody ,Watley ,Si nger/Songwriter ,Hasta l a vista, baby Jack ,Watling ,Actor ,We Dive at Dawn Jack ,Watson ,Government ,Ca rter's Chief of Staff Jack ,Watson ,Actor ,The Wild Geese James ,Watson ,Sci entist ,Co-Discoverer of DNA John ,Watson ,Ps ychol ogist ,Founder of Behaviorism James ,Watt ,Government ,Reagan's Secretary of the Interior James ,Watt ,Inventor ,Invented modern steam engine John ,Wattin ,Bus i ness ,Chairman of MySQL John ,Wayne ,Actor ,The Duke Jason ,Weaver ,Actor ,Ma rcus Henderson on Smart Guy Jack ,Webb ,Actor ,Joe Fri day i n Dragnet Jimmy ,Webb ,Songwriter ,Up, Up, and Away! John ,Webb ,Judge ,NC Sta te Supreme Court Justice, 198698 Jake ,Weber ,Actor ,Joe Dubois on Medium John ,Webster ,Pl a ywri ght ,The Duchess of Malfy Josiah ,Wedgwood ,Arti s t ,Greatest potter of all time Jerry ,Weintraub ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Hollywood producer Johnny ,Weir ,Fi gure Skating ,Olympic fi gure skater Jacob ,Weisberg ,Journa list ,Slate Group chairman Jonathan ,Weisman ,Journa list ,Wall Street Journal Jeffrey ,Weiss ,Bus iness ,President a nd COO of American Greetings Johnny ,Weissmuller ,Actor ,Gol d Medalist became Tarzan Joseph ,Weizenbaum ,Computer Progra mmer ,ELIZA Jack ,Welch ,Bus i ness ,CEO of GE, 1981-2001 Joseph ,Welch ,Attorney ,Ha ve you no sense of decency? Joan ,Weldon ,Actor ,Them! Jerry ,Weller ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Illinois, 19952009 Jonathan ,Wells ,Religion ,Moonie for Intelligent Design Jann ,Wenner ,Bus iness ,Publisher of Rolling Stone ma ga zine John ,Wesley ,Rel igion ,Founder of Methodism Jerry ,West ,Ba s ketball ,Los Angeles Lakers Jessamyn ,West ,Author ,The Friendly Persuasion James ,Westcott ,Pol i tician ,US Senator from Florida, 184549 James ,Westerfield ,Actor ,On the Waterfront Jennifer ,Westfeldt ,Actor ,Notes from the Underbelly Jack ,Weston ,Actor ,Wait Until Dark John ,Wetton ,Mus i cian ,Singer for Asia a nd King Crimson James ,Whale ,Fi l m Director ,Frankenstein Justin ,Whalin ,Actor ,Ji mmy Ol sen on Lois and Clark Joanne ,Whalley ,Actor ,Willow Joss ,Whedon ,Fi l m/TV Producer ,Creator of Buffy, Angel, a nd Firefly James ,Whistler ,Pa i nter ,Whistler's Mother Johnny ,Whitaker ,Actor ,Jody on Family Affair Jack ,White ,Mus i cian ,Frontman for The White Stripes Jacqueline ,White ,Actor ,The Narrow Margin Jaleel ,White ,Actor ,Urkel Jamie ,White ,Ra di o Personality ,KYSR ra dio host i n Los Angel es Jason ,White ,Footba ll ,Wi nner, 2003 Heisman Trophy Jesse ,White ,Actor ,The Ma yta g Repairman, 1967-88 John ,Whitehead ,Mus i cian ,Ain't No Stoppin' Us Now June ,Whitfield ,Actor ,Terry and June James ,Whitmore ,Actor ,Give 'em Hell, Harry! Jon ,Whitmore ,Educa tor ,President, San Jose State Uni versity Jack ,Whittaker ,uns pecified ,Powerball winner, ,111,681,349 a fter ta xes Johnny ,Whitworth ,Actor ,Empire Records Jordyn ,Wieber ,Gymna s tics ,Ol ympic gymnast Jane ,Wiedlin ,Mus i cian ,Guitarist / voca list for The Go-Go's James ,Wieghart ,Journa list ,Editor, NY Daily News, 1982-84 Johannes ,Wier ,Doctor ,Fi rs t modern physician John ,Wiese ,Mus i cian ,Power noise musician Jeffrey ,Wigand ,Sci entist ,Tobacco i ndustry whistleblower James ,Wilby ,Actor ,Maurice Jack ,Wild ,Actor ,Oliver! James ,Wilder ,Actor ,A Face to Die For Jason ,Wiles ,Actor ,Third Watch John ,Wilkes ,Pol i tician ,Colorful London ra dical John ,Wilkins ,Author ,Essay towards a Real Character James ,Wilkinson ,Mi litary ,Duplicitous soldier a nd a dventurer Jemima ,Wilkinson ,Religion ,The Universal Friend Jonny ,Wilkinson ,Sports Figure ,Rugby player, Newcastle Fa l cons Jack ,Williams ,Politician ,Governor of Arizona, 1967-75 Jack ,Williams ,Business ,CEO of Eos Airlines Jason ,Williams ,Basketball ,White Chocolate Jayson ,Williams ,Basketball ,Retired a nd imprisoned NBA pl a yer Jesse ,Williams ,Actor ,Dr. Ja ckson Avery on Grey's Anatomy Jett ,Williams ,Country Mus ician ,Daughter of Hank Wi l liams, Sr. Jimy ,Williams ,Baseball ,MLB Ma nager JoBeth ,Williams ,Actor ,Poltergeist Jody ,Williams ,Acti vist ,Anti-landmine a ctivist Joe ,Williams ,Singer ,Baritone jazz vocalist John ,Williams ,Composer ,Composer for Jaws, E.T. Juan ,Williams ,Pundit ,Fox News commentator John ,Wilmot ,Poet ,Sodom, or the Quintessence of Debauchery Jackie ,Wilson ,Si nger ,Lonely Teardrops James ,Wilson ,Judge ,US Supreme Court Justice, 1789-98 James ,Wilson ,Government ,US Secretary of Agri culture, 1897-1913 James ,Wilson ,Publisher ,Founder of The Economist Joe ,Wilson ,Pol itician ,Congressman, South Ca rolina 2nd Joseph ,Wilson ,Di plomat ,Ambassador to Gabon, Valerie Pl a me's husband Johann ,Winckelmann ,Archa eologist ,Geschichte der Kunst des Alterthums Jerry ,Wind ,Educa tor ,Director, SEI Center, Wharton Jon ,Winkelried ,Bus iness ,Formerly Co-COO of Goldman Sa chs Justin ,Winsor ,Cura tor ,Li brarian of Harva rd University Johnny ,Winter ,Gui ta rist ,Blues guitarist Jonathan ,Winters ,Comi c ,Mea rth, son of Mork Jeanette ,Winterson ,Novel ist ,Oranges Are Not the Only Fruit John ,Winthrop ,Pol i tician ,Governor of Massachusetts Col ony Joseph ,Wirth ,Hea d of State ,German Chancellor John ,Wise ,Rel i gion ,A Vindication of New England Churches Joseph ,Wiseman ,Actor ,Dr. No Jules ,Witcover ,Col umnist ,Longtime Baltimore Sun col umnist Jane ,Withers ,Actor ,Once-s uperstar child a ctor John ,Witherspoon ,Comi c ,Killer Tomatoes Strike Back! Joel-Peter ,Witkin ,Photogra pher ,Photographer of the ma ca bre James ,Wlcek ,Actor ,Sons of Thunder Jah ,Wobble ,Mus i cian ,Pi L co-founder, World music i nnovator John ,Wohlstetter ,Acti vi s t ,Discovery Institute John ,Wojtowicz ,Cri mi nal ,Bank robber i nspired Dog Day Afternoon James ,Wolcott ,Journa list ,Vanity Fair cul tural critic James ,Wolfe ,Mi l i tary ,Hero of Quebec James ,Wolfensohn ,Bus i ness ,World Bank president, 19952005 James ,Wolk ,Actor ,Front of the Class John ,Woo ,Fi l m Director ,Director of Hong Kong a ction fi l ms John ,Wood ,Actor ,Dr. Fa l ken i n WarGames John ,Wooden ,Ba s ketball ,Winningest-ever college ba s ketball coach Jim ,Woodring ,Ca rtoonist ,Frank Judy ,Woodruff ,Journa list ,PBS newscaster James ,Woods ,Actor ,Casino, Any Given Sunday Joanne ,Woodward ,Actor ,The Three Faces of Eve John ,Woolman ,Rel igion ,American Quaker preacher James ,Woolsey ,Government ,CIA Director, 1993-95 James ,Worthy ,Ba s ketball ,Forward, LA La kers John ,Wozniak ,Mus i cian ,Frontman for Marcy Playground Jack ,Wrangler ,Porns ta r ,Eyes of a Gay Stranger James ,Wright ,Poet ,The Branch Will Not Break James ,Wright ,Educa tor ,President, Dartmouth College Jay ,Wright ,Ba s ketball ,Villanova Head Coach Jeffrey ,Wright ,Actor ,Basquiat Jenny ,Wright ,Actor ,Out of Bounds Jerauld ,Wright ,Mi l i tary ,US Atl antic Fleet Commander, 1954-60 Jeremiah ,Wright ,Rel igion ,Tri nity United Church of Christ Jim ,Wright ,Pol i tician ,Congressman from Texas, 1955-89 Judith ,Wright ,Poet ,The Moving Image Jane ,Wyatt ,Actor ,Father Knows Best John ,Wycliffe ,Rel igion ,Tra nslated the bible into English John ,Wyeth ,Bus iness ,Founder of Wyeth Jane ,Wyman ,Actor ,Falcon Crest John ,Wyndham ,Author ,The Day of the Triffids Jim ,Wynorski ,Fi l m Director ,Prolific B movie director 24. JX 25. JY Jacky Xu ,Bi l lionare ,Mississauga One Realty.. Inc Jessica Xavier – singer About 15,200,000 results James Young = Guitarist – lead singer of Styx About 12,500,000 results Jessica York Television Actor, About 288,000,000 results Jessica Yellin Journalist About 372,000 ALLNEEDED Jon Young Jun Yan Joe Yamada Jimmy Yancey Johnny Yankoviak Joseph ,Yablonski ,Labor Leader ,UM W executive, murdered Jeff ,Yagher ,Actor ,Kyle Bates on V Jerry ,Yang ,Business ,Co-Founder of Yahoo John ,Yarmuth ,Politician ,Congressman, Kentucky 3rd John ,Yearwood ,Business ,CEO of Smith International, 2009-10 Jack ,Yellen ,Songwriter ,Happy Days Are Here Again John ,Yoo ,Government ,Thinks Geneva Conventions are obsolete Jeff ,York ,Actor ,Reno M cKee on The Alaskans Jerry ,York ,Business ,CFO of IBM , 1993-95 John ,Young ,Astronaut ,9th to walk on the M oon John ,Young ,Politician ,Governor of New York, 1847-49 Johnny ,Young ,Diplomat ,US Ambassador to Slovenia, 2001-04 Jack ,Youngblood ,Football ,NFL Hall of Fame Defensive End 26. JZ Jay - Z =Rapper, entrepreneur=320,533=17 FNEEDED JZ,Jay Z JZ,Jiang Zemin Juana Zayas Acclaimed pianist About 542,000 results JESSE ZANE JOE ZAWINUL JORDAN ZED JOHN ZORN Joseph ,Zappala ,Diplomat ,US Ambassador to Spain, 198992 John ,Zarrella ,Journalist ,CNN M iami bureau chief Jeffrey ,Zaslow ,Author ,Replaced Ann Landers Jamie ,Zawinski ,Computer Programmer ,Netscape geek and SF club owner Jochen ,Zeitz ,Business ,CEO of Puma AG Jiang ,Zemin ,Head of State ,President of China, 1993-2003 John ,Ziegler ,Radio Personality ,Right-wing talk radio host Joseph ,Zito ,Film Director ,Missing In Action Jonathan ,Zittrain ,Educator ,The Future of the Internet and How to Stop It John ,Zogby ,Business ,Pollster Jim ,Zorn ,Football ,Former coach, Washington Redskins John ,Zorn ,Composer ,Prolific avant-garde composer Jerry ,Zucker ,Film Director ,Ghost Jacob ,Zuma ,Politician ,President of South Africa Joel ,Zwick ,Film Director ,My Big Fat Greek Wedding .. JQ, JX,JY
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