Diaspora for Development – the Western Balkans Experience
Diaspora for Development – the Western Balkans Experience
International Organization for Migration (IOM) Diaspora for Development – the Western Balkans Experience 1 Facts and Figures 2010: Diaspora in Albania figures Emigrants: 1,438.3 thousands; as percentage of population: 45.4% Bosnia and Herzegovina Emigrants: 1,461.0 thousands; as percentage of population: 38.9% Kosovo (2008) Emigrants: 550 thousands; as percentage of population: 30.5% Macedonia Emigrants: 447.1 thousands; as percentage of population: 21.9% Croatia Emigrants: 753.9 thousands; as percentage of population: 17.1% Serbia Emigrants: 196.0 thousands; as percentage of population: 2.0% Montenegro: data not available 3 2008: Remittances (in USD) Albania: 1,495 million (13% of GDP, 166% FDI, 374% ODA) Bosnia & Herzegovina: 2,735 million (17% of GDP, 249% FDI, 547% ODA – 2007) Serbia: 5,538 million (185% FDI, 554% ODA) Macedonia: 407 million (67% FDI, 204% ODA) Croatia: 1,602 million (33% FDI, 400% ODA) Kosovo and Montenegro: data not available 4 Initiatives: Investment (financial capital) Initiatives: remittances & savings for investment 6 •IASCI - IOM 2010. ''Maximising the Development Impact of Migration-related Financial Flows and Investment to Bosnia and Herzegovina.'' • IASCI 2010. ''Maximising the Development Impact of Migration-related Financial Flows and Investment to Albania and Kosovo.'„ •IOM, Embassy of the Kingdom of the Netherlands (EKN), Triodos Facet: “Diaspora Savings Fund for Rural Entrepreneurs, Bosnia-Herzegovina” 7 Diaspora estimated annual savings • Albania: Euro 3,437 million (2008) • Bosnia & Herzegovina: Euro 4,660 million (2009) • Kosovo: Euro 2,535 million (2008) -IASCI 2010 Initiatives: remittances & savings for investment 8 •Long-term migration results in considerable savings and investment potential. •Given their numbers, long-term migrants and their HHs comprise a significant human and financial resource, and a substantial potential market for interested and imaginative actors in the financial sector •These important findings remain largely unexplored by financial intermediaries and governments alike. Initiatives: Brain Gain (human capital) Initiatives: Brain gain • Serbia: Scientific Research • Bosnia & Herzegovina: RQN • Regional: MIDWEB TRQN/TVR • Croatia: Unity through Knowledge 1 0 11 Case Study: Bosnia Return of Qualified Nationals Total RQN placements, September 862 1996 – June 2000: Male: 520 Female: 342 Number of candidates who completed the RQN project cycle: 768 Still working with the same employer even after IOM assistance finished: 652 (85%) Total number of dependants returned with candidates: 1906 Estimated number of new jobs created by self-employed candidates: 358 Case Study: Bosnia Return of Qualified Nationals Placed Candidates •Recruitment of candidates, outside BiH, and matching with available job offers, •A one year minimum official employment contract for the candidates selected, •Return travel to BiH for the selected candidates and their dependants, •Institutional budget subsidies as a means to guarantee regular salaries for candidates, 179 112 175 49 Economy 13% Education 20% Health 15% Industry 26% 223 124 Law 5% Self-employment 21% • • Institutional equipment to match the new human resources, Limited assistance with reintegration and/or with accommodation. 1 2 Case Study: Croatia Unity Through Knowledge • Ministry of Science, Education and Sports, supported by World Bank, Program aims to: – (i) encourage Croatian scientists & professionals in Diaspora to return and work in Croatia and/or connect with the local scientists; – (ii) encourage Croatian institutions & researchers to use potentials of Croatian scientific and professional Diaspora. – (iii) integrate these processes into national reconstruction and economic development. 1 3 Case Study: Croatia Unity Through Knowledge UKF Research Cooperability Program 200 000 EUR 1A “Homeward” 1B “Crossing Borders” Connectivity Program 10 000 EUR 2A “Gaining Experience” 2B “Homeland Visit” Young Researchers and Professionals up to 100 000 EUR 3A “My first research” 3B “Reintegration” 3C“Research in industry” 1 4 15 Case Study: Croatia Unity Through Knowledge • European Regional Economic Forum (EREF): best practice in “Developing human capital and managing migration for more competitive European regions.” • International Labor Organization (ILO): best practice in “Promoting the linkages between migration and development.” Initiatives: Grassroots (social capital) 17 Grass-roots initiatives (social capital) • Grass-roots vs. institutions • Nostalgia vs. activism: Although migrant and diaspora associations exist, their role and importance …(is) extremely limited. …(l)ess than 0.5% of migrants see such associations as “a trusted source of information.” • Razglasaj, Tweet-up, BH Fanaticos • Regional cooperation 18 Literature • Odliv mozgova – Grupa 484 May 2010 • Research: Diaspora-savings Based Fund for Rural Entrepreneurs, BosniaHerzegovina, Triodos Facet, IOM April 2011
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