Saraybosna Ticaret Müşavirliğimizden alınan bir yazıda, Bosna
Saraybosna Ticaret Müşavirliğimizden alınan bir yazıda, Bosna
From: Hüsnü Ada [] Sent: Tuesday, August 12, 2014 1:48 PM To: yatirimlar; Cc: Subject: Bosna Hersek Hizmet Alımı İhalesi Duyurusu hk. Sayın Sektör Temsilcileri Saraybosna Ticaret Müşavirliğimizden alınan bir yazıda, Bosna Hersek Federasyonu toprakları içinde petrol ve gaz arama ve çıkarma faaliyetleri için düzenlenecek sözleşmelerin hazırlanması, müzakerelerin yürütülmesi ve müzakerelerde danışma hizmetleri sağlanmasına yönelik müşavirlik hizmetleri sunabilecek bir firmanın seçimine ilişkin olarak Federasyon Enerji, Madencilik ve Sanayi Bakanlığınca ihale süreci başlatıldığı ifade edilmektedir. Söz konusu ihale süreci ile ilgili olarak yayımlanan ilanın bir örneği ekte yer almakta olup, ilgili belgelerin temin edilmesi için son tarih 3 Eylül 2014, ihaleye iştirak için ise son tarih 8 Eylül 2014 olarak belirlenmiştir. Bilgilerini ve söz konusu ihale duyurusunun kuruluşunuz bünyesindeki ilgili şirketlere iletilmesi hususunda gereğini rica ederim. Dr. Hüsnü ADA Şube Müdürü Yurtdışı Müteahhitlik ve Yatırımlar Dairesi Serbest Bölgeler,Yurtdışı Yatırım ve Hizmetler Genel Müd. Ekonomi Bakanlığı Tel: +90 312 204 8065 E-mail: Bu e-posta sadece yukarıda isimleri belirtilen kişiler arasında özel haberleşme amacını taşımaktadır. Size yanlışlıkla ulaşmışsa lütfen mesajı sisteminizden siliniz. T.C. Ekonomi Bakanlığı bu mesajın içeriği ile ilgili olarak hiçbir hukuksal sorumluluğu kabul etmez. This e-mail communication is intended for the private use of the people named above. If you received this message in error, please immediately delete it from your system.Ministry of Economy does not accept legal responsibility for the contents of this message. Fax from 88- B8- 14 13:48 : +387 33 227 15& Pg : BOSNA I HERCRGOVINA BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA Minista rstvo v:mjskih poslovn Ministry of Foreign Affairs 1 No. 06/6-3 1-05-24598-1114 The Ministry uf Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina presents its compliments to all Embassies accredited to Bosnia and Herzegovina and has the honor to infonn that Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry of Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina launched an open procedure procurement services selection of a legal entity as an expert consultant for the consu lting services in negotiating, conducting negotiations and preparaton of contract modality lor purposes of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in procedure for assignment o f a concession contract for research and exploration of oil and gas in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina Information about Tender 00cumc:H is released in a public invitation to potential legal entiti es in the Bulletin of Public Procurement ("Official Gazette of Bosnia and Herzegovina " No. 58i l4) of 28 July 2014th year, and can be found out in the appendix that is attached to these note. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Bosnia and Herzegovina avails itself of this opportuni ty to renew to all Embassies accredited to Bosnia and Herzegovina the assurances of its highest consideration.JJK Sarajevo, August 6, 20 14 ALL EY1BASSIES ACCREDITED TO BOSNIA AND HERZEGOVINA ~11\ L~lhLL jdc Attach - as stated i\ lu ~ala 2, S:~rnj('vO, Tel: ( +.3117 ,3]) 2111 -100, Fa: (+387 33) 227-156 - 1\!usal:l 2, Sarajevo, Phon e: (+3117 33) 28 1-IUO, Fnx: (+3!l7 3.') 227- 156 PROCUREMENT NOTICE – INTERNATIONAL PUBLICATION Part I: CONTRACTING AUTHORITY I.1. Contracting authority data Official name Federal Ministry of Energy, Mining and Industry Contact person Martina Mihić Address Alekse Šantića bb Postal code 88000 Municipality/City Mostar Identification number 4227314160001 Telephone 036513802 Fax 036580015 E-mail Internet address I.2. Address for obtaining tender documents As in Annex A I.3. Type of the contracting authority, level and main activity I.3.a. Type of contracting authority Administrative bodies I.3.b. Level of government where contracting authority belong to Federacija Bosne i Hercegovine I.3.c. Main activity of contracting authority Public service Part II: OBJECT OF THE CONTRACT II.1. Type of the contract Services II.1.a. Title of the object of the contract Selection of a legal entity, in its capacity of professional consultant for the consulting services in negotiating, conducting negotiations and preparation of contract modality for purposes of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in procedure for assignment of a concession contract for exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. II.1.b. Description of the object of the contract Consulting services in negotiating, conducting negotiations and preparation of contract modality for purposes of the Government of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina, in procedure for assignment of a concession contract for exploration and exploitation of oil and gas in the territory of the Federation of Bosnia and Herzegovina. Martina Mihić, 24.7.2014 12:04, Poslano na objavu, D31CD-4BBE7-A81AF-3532D II.1.c. Total quantity (number of units) or scope of the contract According to the Tender Documentation. Part III: PROCEDURE III.1. Type of procedure Open procedure III.2. Conditions for obtaining tender documents III.2.a. Date Obtainable until 3.9.2014 III.2.b. Price of tenders documents, if a fee is required 50,00 KM III.3. Deadline and address for receipt of tenders/requests to participate Date 8.9.2014. Time 11:00 Address and place Alipašina 41, Sarajevo Part IV: ADDITIONAL INFORMATION - A fee for collecting the Tender Documents is paid to the bank account: UNION BANKA d.d. Sarajevo 1020500000106698 - Types of income: 722791 - Budget organization: 1701001 - Purpose of payment: Selection of professional consultant - Evidence proving that fee for collecting the Tender Documents was paid shall be submitted together with the request to collect the Tender Documents. The tenderer's representative attending the bid opening procedure shall have a written authorization issued by the tenderer empowering him to sign and collect the Minutes of the public bid opening procedure. Martina Mihić, 24.7.2014 12:04, Poslano na objavu, D31CD-4BBE7-A81AF-3532D ANEX A I.2. Address for obtaining tender documents Contact person Martina Mihić Address Alipašina 41 Postal code 71 000 Municipality/city Sarajevo Telephone 033226493 Fax 033220619 E-mail Internet address Martina Mihić, 24.7.2014 12:04, Poslano na objavu, D31CD-4BBE7-A81AF-3532D