Harold - Minuteman Model A Ford Club


Harold - Minuteman Model A Ford Club
The Oil Leak
The Official Publication of the Minuteman Model “A” Ford Club
from the driver’s seat… May 2012
Another great season is under way!
We have welcomed a number of new members and
have had great participation from all at meetings and events. Recognition is due
to the many volunteers who have stepped forward to help out with club activities. Craig Martin did an outstanding job organizing the swap meet along with
all those who helped unloading and setup, manning the doors and serving coffee
and donuts. Gene Tallone continues to organize technical seminars and come up
with great ideas for programs. Jack Stokinger and Jo Johnson have again hosted
the technical seminars and the spring clinic. Ed and Joyce Croci led the Sunday
Brunch tour, and Dick and Barbara O’Brien ordered excellent weather for their annual hosting of the Boston Marathon Picnic. More tours are coming. Stand by for
tour reports and thank you in advance to those who have stepped forward as tour
leaders. While our May meeting will be at the usual location, there will be some
special locations for the summer meetings. JJ and Shirley Jacobson have offered
to host the June meeting at their home, and have arranged for a speaker who comes
highly recommended. George Day has again arranged for our July meeting at Carlton Willard in Bedford. The August location is TBD. Tony Zeoli has been cracking
the whip to get submittals for the Oil Leak to keep you informed. Turn the page
to see the fruits of his labor.
Vice President
Newsletter Editor
Steering Committee:
Tom Zappala
Shop Keeper
Gary Hoyt
Newsletter Distribution Sue Champagne
Tour Director
Harold Samuels
Vincent Del Mastro
Rich Batstone
Barbara McElhiney
Tony Zeoli -Temp
Jo Johnson
Nan Linden Gene Tallone
Tom Zappala
Gene Laks
Gene Tallone
Art Callan
Joyce Croci
Sally Legge
Dick Stitt
The Oil Leak
May 2012
Minuteman Calendar
*(All tours start at the Sudbury Grange,326 Concord Road
Sudbury, MA 01776, unless noted)
More Info Page 13
May 1 - Minuteman Club Regular Meeting - Details last page
May 10 - Dinner Tour at Steven Anthony’s - Boston Post Road, Sudbury
May 19 - Concord Pops Tour - Concord Center - Wilma @ Aldie Johnson, Jr.
May 20 - Wonderful Wellesley Parade - O’Brien’s
May 26 - Bubbling Brook Antiquing Tour
May 30 - C.J’s Northside Grill Dinner Tour
Treasurer's Report
Weekly Breakfast Group
Doing anything on Wednesday morning? No.
Well then, you are invited to join the group for
breakfast at the Big Apple Deli, 331 Boston
Post Road East (RT 20) in Marlborough, MA.
The food is good
and there is plenty
of Model A talk. We
arrive about 8:00
AM and stay until
The Oil Leak
Secretary’s Report
April 2012
4/3/12 Monthly Club Meeting
Meeting called to order at 7:30 PM by President Harold Samuels
Visitors and new members were welcomed
Vin DelMastro noted the flyers and club newsletters that are available for members to browse.
A motion was m/s/p to accept the Secretary’s Report as printed in the Oil Leak
A motion was m/s/p to accept the Treasurer’s Report as printed in the Oil Leak
Department/Committee Reports:
Touring……………Report by Tom Zappala. Tom reported that the Tour Cards are at the printer and
will be available shortly. The following upcoming tours were highlighted:
April 15th………Post Office Pub, meet at 10 AM
April 16th………Marathon cookout at the home of Dick and Barbara O’Brien, come at approximately
11:30, earlier if you like. Tom noted that his friend Dennis Moran will be competing in the race this year as
a wheel chair entrant. He speculated that Dennis would come through the area at about 10:30 AM.
April 26th………Dinner Tour, meet at the Grange at 6:30 PM
May 10th……….Dinner Tour, Steven Anthony’s
May 19th……….Concord Pops Tour
Father’s Day: John Jacobson noted that a Club Picnic Tour will be held at the Wayside Inn in conjunction
with the Yankee Chapter of the Woodies of America Club.
April 22nd………Doug Linden said the V-8 Club is having their Flea Market at Fitchburg Airport.
Oil Leak Newsletter..Tony Zeoli was introduced as the new Oil Leak Editor and was complimented
for his first issue. Tony emphasized that he is a “temporary” editor, at least until he feels he can be comfortable with the software and the overall responsibilities of the job.
Shopkeeper…………Gary Hoyt showed the items available for sale.
Programs…………….Report by Gene Tallone. Gene thanked Harold Samuels for the fine job he did presenting the Horn Seminar. Also mentioned how much we all enjoyed Tom Zappala’s presentation on Long Range
Touring. Gene thanked Jack for the generous provision of his garage for these meetings.
The presentation for this meeting was the video of Futureliner #10…….an amazing amount of work.
Swap Meet…………...Craig Martin reported and thanked all the many helpers that worked on the meet.
Many were mentioned for their specific contributions to the effort. Income for this meet was $1800.05.
Driving Awards………Wayne Champagne presented the 2000 mile award to Rick Gadbois and the
70,000 mile award to Doug Linden. Bruce Marshall (not in attendance) will also receive two mileage awards.
Spring Clinic..……….Jack Stokinger talked about this event, scheduled for April 21st at his home garage. An appointment sheet was quickly filled by interested members.
Doug Linden discussed the latest issue before the Massachusetts Legislature, namely the antique license
plates and whether “restored” plates will be allowed to be used, in addition to original plates in very good condition. The argument in favor of this is the fact that many more cars could be registered with Year-ofManufacture plates. Contact your Representative to show your support for this bill.
A motion was m/s/p to adjourn the business portion of the meeting at 8 PM.
During Coffee Break, a representative group of our BOD held an impromptu meeting requested by Treasurer
Barbara McIlhiney. She proposed that the club deposit some of our savings into an account that bears more
interest than our current account. It was voted to move $8000 to this new account and to designate the interest earnings for the clubs 50th Anniversary Party.
Respectfully Submitted,
Richard Batstone, Secretary
The Oil Leak
Minuteman Outing
We dedicated this tour in memory of
Helen Johnson,
who passed away Friday, April 13th. We had a beautiful day for our first road
tour of the season. Traveling from the Grange were the DelMastro’s, Graham’s, Kerns’, Legge’s, Lenny Michalak, O’Brien’s, and Samuel’s. We
traveled to the Post Office Pub in Grafton through the back roads without
any glitches and the Champagne’s and Linden’s met us as we traveled
through Southborough. When we arrived at the Pub, the Tallone’s and my
father were already there. The Pub was ready for us and had tables all set
up in a private area. The brunch was excellent and I think was enjoyed by
all. To end the tour, some of us went on to visit the Mendon Gift Barn which
was enjoyed by the ladies and the men were able to sit outside and enjoy the
nice weather.
Joyce & Ed Croci
The Tour Leaders
Club photos provided by Robyn Samuels
The Oil Leak
Minuteman Outing
All marathon photos provided by Andy
Minuteman Annual Clinic
The Oil Leak
JJ’s Jumper Cable
Sunday, June 17th , 11:30 AM
Wayside Inn, 72 Wayside Inn Road, Sudbury , MA. 01776
In conjunction with the Yankee Woodie Club
Food tent on premises
(Free Lunch provided to earliest Registrant
E-mail John Jacobson- Wheelsofjj@comcast.net or call 508 733 0102
Saturday evening, August 11th, 6:30PM
1900 Waterbury Road, Stowe, VT. 05672
(adjacent to show field)
The Jacobsons, Kerns, and Legges invite all members attending
the Stow Car Meet to a pizza party campfire at our campsites.
RSVP: wheelsofjj@comcast.net, or see any of the three of us
(Note: We were going to pull our rigs into a tight circle, in case of a hostile attack,
but since there are only three of us, a triangle will have to do!)
A $5.00/person has traditionally been paid.
Mark your June calendar
The June Club meeting will be at the Jacobson’s
242 Old Connecticut Path,
Wayland MA 01778 ,not at the church.
Mr. Alex Olivera, a well known Pinstriper,
who has done work for many famous car collectors all over the world,
will be doing a presentation that night.
The Oil Leak
Tour Leaders: Nan & Doug Linden
The traditional first official club gathering for the new touring season
has been our Annual Pizza Party. This year we had a special treat, in
addition to the great pizza, we had the most unbelievable weather we
have ever had for this event. Wow, 80 degrees in March, who would
have guessed. Of course, this great weather really brought out the
Model A’s. Outside, the streets of Southborough were lined with our beautiful Model A’s.
Inside the Fire House Pizza was filled to capacity with 51 adults and 4 grand kids attending. We all enjoyed the fellowship of our first gathering and especially enjoyed the salads
and pizzas, provided by the staff, and coffee and dessert’s provided by Nan Linden.
And what would this gathering be without the “World Famous Pizza Quiz?” Quiz masters
Dick O’Brien and Doug Linden prepared a quiz that baffled many. There was lots of head
scratching, kibitzing and maybe a little internet searching, but when the answers were revealed we found that didn’t help much.
Bruce Marshall rose to the occasion to claim the top score, followed by Rick Gadbois,
Gene Bunce, Jordan Linden, Dick Stitt, Wayne Champagne, and John Kerns. Prizes were
available to all these winners, thanks to the Lindens. See their scores below:
Thanks to all who attended for making this first event of the year a super night.
Pizza Quiz Winners
13 - Bruce Marshall
12 - Rick Gadbois
11 - Gene Bunce
9 - Jordan Linden
8 - Wayne Champagne
8 - John Kerns
8 - Dick Stitt,
Photos by Jack
Photos by Robyn
The Oil Leak
“The World Famous Pizza Quiz”
1. Bumpers for the Model A Ford were initially offered as an option. ( True or False )
2. Model A Fords in Russia were produced from 1932 to 1936.
(True or False )
3. Black had been the only color available on Model T Fords from _______ to _________.
4. At what time in Model A Ford production was the color Black a special order, not standard ? ______________.
5. Henry Ford built his first vehicle in 1896. It was called the ______________.
6. What was the Model A Ford windshield safety glass called? __________.
7. The new Model A Ford was advertised as having unusual speed. They claimed it had a top speed of …._________.
8. The oval type speedometer went as high as how many m.p.h.?________,
how many m.p.h.? _______.
The round type speedometer went as high as
9. Who produced the first V8 engine Ford or Chevrolet?
10. Most people have heard of AC Spark Plugs. What does the AC stand for? ____________________
11. What did Clara Ford enjoy to drink? A. Coffee with cream and sugar B. Wine C. Hot Chocolate with whipped cream
D. Rolling Rock Beer
12. In 1908 what did Clara Ford use for her personal transportation for her many errands around town? A. Taxi.
B. Chauffer. C. Model T.
D. Electric car. E. Horse and Carriage.
13. The first Ford Cars had what kind of engine ? A. Electric.
B. Two cylinder. C. Dodge. D. One cylinder with a large flywheel.
14. In the 1920’s Ford was cranking out how many Model T’s a day at the Highland Park Plant?
D. 4,000 E. 6,000
A. 250
B. 750 C. 2,000
15. In 1919 from the Upper Peninsula of Michigan Ford was requiring approximately how many board feet of lumber a day
to manufacture Model T Fords ? A. 50,000 B. 220,000 C. 575,000 D. 825,000 E. 1,000,000
16. In 1930 what song spent the most time on the Billboard Chart? A. Happy Days are Here Again B. Puttin’ on the Ritz
C. The Peanut Vendor D. When it’s Springtime in the Rockies
17. On this day, March 21, in 1931 what was the number one song? A. Stein Song B. Among My Souvenirs
C. By the River St. Marie
D. Precious Little Thing Called Love
18. In the 1930s Shantytowns formed consisting of wood and cardboard in the United States. They are often referred to as?
A. Jungles B. Hoovertowns C. The Burbs D. Poor Homes
19. In 1930 the average income per year was $1970 and by 1939 it was? A. $1730 B. $2012 C. $1590 D. $1970
20. In 1930, the plastic things on the end of the shoelace was called. A Eyelets B. Aglets C. Tiplets D. Threadlets
Bonus Question: How Many spokes on a Model A wheel? ______.
Note: Anytime Model A Ford is referred to in this quiz it is the Model A’s produced from 1928 through 1931,.…not the Model A
produced in 1903.
The Oil Leak
Gene’s Generator
The Club’s Horn Seminar was well attended by our interested restorers. Harold Samuels did a great job
presenting detailed information as well as demonstrating the key restoration steps for a perfect “ah-oogah” sound.
He opened with some history that Henry, again, had many different suppliers for Model A parts. Over the
4 year period there were 5 manufactures of this horn, all very similar in design. They were; 1) Sparton, 2)
Ames, 3) EA (Emanual Aufiero), 4) Stewart Warner and 5) GIM (General Industries Manufacturing). The
majority have distinctive marking somewhere on the horn. Most are on the cover. The DC motors were all
6 volts and drive a ratchet wheel and a diaphragm to crate the distinctive sound we all have come to enjoy.
As the presentation progressed, it became obvious that the Model A Horn is fairly rugged mechanically
but very sensitive electronically. Harold demonstrated that most horn problems are intermittent in nature
and, so in most, cases the devil is in the details. The best trouble shooting process should NOT start by
taking the horn all apart but to follow a step by step testing to eliminate each problem area. Step 1 is to
check the mechanical integrity of the critical parts. Step 2 check and clean the electrical parts such as armature, brushes, springs, and insulators. Step 3 inspect and oil felt pads, inspect the adjusting screw and
the check the cosmetics, paint etc. You should now be ready to fine tune your sound with the adjusting
After lunch, members had the opportunity to get in the “hands on” repair of their own Model A Horns. Of
course, there were lots of helpers around to add their suggestions, some worked better than others, but in
the end all of the horns sounded great...
We all extended our appreciation to Harold for a detailed and very informative presentation. In addition, I
want to thank Jack Stokinger for being our host again.
Gene Tallone
The Oil Leak
Tony’s Transmission
All Oil Leak entries must be summited to, Tony Zeoli, zeoli@comcast.net, by the 18th of
each month, thank you.
This issue of the Oil Leak was made possible by the assistance of Susan Champagne.
The first outing for 2012 for our club was a wonderful success. See Doug’s input on page
7. Also during the pizza party, a quiz was given to those in attendance. Now you have an
opportunity to participate. See on page 8. Answers will be in the June Oil Leak.
Tony Z thanks John Bradley, of Hooksett, NH, for the timely repair of a blown head gasket. John’s craftsmanship is second to none.
Special thanks goes out to Jo and Jack, for hosting our annual clinic. Kudos to the many
members who shared their talents and efforts which made it a successful event
Save the club money, sign up for electronic delivery of the Oil Leak by emailing, Susan
Champagne, schampagne@lwra.com to be put on the mailing list.
Tony’s Trivia: Posted in April Oil Leak: What part of all cars is and always has been metric? First correct answer will be acknowledged in the next “Oil Leak”.
The Oil Leak
Sunshine Report
by Sally Legge
A card of condolence is being sent to Roy Johnson who lost his wife Helen
last week. Helen was our original Sunshine Lady for many years. Our
heartfelt sympathy goes out to Roy and all of Helen's family.
If you know of anyone who needs a card please contact me at
508 655-1977 or sally_legge@comcast.net
May 1929
May 1930
May 1931
The Oil Leak
“Winter Blah’s” Swap & Sell Model A Attendees
“Winter Blah’s”
Raffle Winners
1. Rick Arwent
- Transmission
2. Ken Roukey
- Ahooga Horn
3. Roy Frizzell
- Bendex Starter
For Sale - Now In Stock - Mitchell Overdrive units and Synchromesh Transmissions. No waiting. Call for prices. NEW, just in stock, Bill Hirsh Halogen Bulbs for Head lights, Stop Lights and
Cowl Lights that fit in regular bulb socket, 6 & 12 Volt, $25 each - - - Call Gene Bunce 978-8579130
For Sale 1931 Pickup Project, steel top, wide bed, fiberglass fenders, hydraulic brakes,
runs - drives. $7000. John Pierce 508-508-653-6543
For Sale 1930 Model A Ford Running Gear, Engine, Radiator, Front and Rear End,
Transmission, Front Fenders, and Steering. Runs Well
Call Dale Watson at 207-3990437
For Sale 1930 Model A Coupe “Project” Disassembled, but has a running engine, Extra
used and new parts come with the $4500 asking price. Other items for sale include:
1931 AA 1.5 ton frame, $25. 1931 AA 1.5 front end, $25, rear end, $25. 1930-31 4 speed transmission, $35. 1928 worm drive 2 rear end, $50, Model T 1 ton frame with rear end $25. Model A
frame, $250. Model A front end, $150. A Model A rear end, $150. A Model A engine,$375. Call
Rollie Boucher at 978-8740-0486
The Oil Leak
Tourist Tom Page
The Oil Leak
The Oil Leak
Every shaver
Now can snore
Six more minutes
Than before
By using
The Oil Leak
Minuteman Model “A” Ford Club
PO Box 545, Sudbury, MA 01776
MAFCA Newsletter of Excellence Award
MARC Newsletter Award for Continuing Excellence
May 2012
Mail to:
Be sure to visit www.oilleak.org
May 1, 2012
A person who
never makes a
mistake never
makes anything.
Monthly Meetings are held on the first Tuesday of the
Month at the Memorial Congregational Church on 26 Concord Rd in Sudbury, 01776. Meetings start at 7:30 PM,
preceded by “Tire Kicking” at 7:00 PM.