President`s Message - Minuteman Model A Ford Club
President`s Message - Minuteman Model A Ford Club
The Oil Leak President’s Message from the driver’s seat Thoughts of Wright's Restaurant Tour, Frostbite Tour, and Thanksgiving are just a few of the "Good Times" to come. It's all about the food and friends. The tour season was a big success, thanks to Mike Doyle and all the tour leaders. Minuteman is able to get so many fun events in one calendar due to the fantastic support of the membership. Not only does it make the schedule happen, the enthusiasm brings fun and happiness to each event. Don't forget the auction is the big event for the November meeting. So please bring some interesting items for " JJ" to do his magic. Remember at an auction, there are no friends, so bid it up and make " JJ" work hard. See you all at the Holiday Party in December. It's a good time to celebrate the past 12 months and look forward to the New Year. John 2014 OFFICERS President John Kerns 508-877-1226 Vice President Rich Batstone 978-838-2098 Secretary John Erb 978-897-7953 Treasurer Andy Adams 781-237-1575 Newsletter Editor Tony Zeoli 781-935-6422 Membership Nan Linden 508-485-7575 Steering Committee: Jo Johnson Jack Stokinger Vin Del Mastro John “JJ” Jocabson KEY CONTACTS Tour Director Mike Doyle 781-899-8706 Webmaster Wayne Champagne 508-881-1595 Programs Mike Doyle (Temporary) 781-899-8706 Shop Keeper Gary Hoyt 508-655-0077 Newsletter Distribution Sue Champagne 508-881-1595 Historian Art Callan 617-332-3363 Hospitality Joyce Croci 508-473-2243 Sunshine Sally Legge 508-655-1977 Raffles John Pierce 508-653-6543 Business Card Ads Don Ross 617-965-0609 1 The Oil Leak Secretary’s Report Minutes of the October 7, 2014 Meeting of the Minuteman Model A Club. President John Kerns opened the meeting at 7:30 PM and Bob Mangan led in the singing of “God Bless America”. The president thanked Pat Callan, Linda Batstone and Nan Linden for bringing refreshments. The Secretary’s report and the Treasurer’s report were approved as printed in the “Oil Leak”. Vice President Rich Batstone gave information of the Wayside Inn Dinner. Nan Linden reported no new members and reminded us that dues would be collected starting in November. Mike Doyle reported on the upcoming tours. John Jacobson reported for the nominating committee that they had candidates for next year: Rich Batstone President, Doug Linden Vice President, John Erb Secretary and Andy Adams Treasurer. The meeting was adjourned at 7:45 for the program. Art Callan presented the history of Diners in New England. Respectfully submitted John Sunshine Report Treasurer’s Report A card was sent to Stuart (Skip) Peppard who is at home recovering from recent health issues. If you know of anyone needing a card, Please let me know @: or 508 655-1977 2 The Oil Leak Road Service Editorial As we travel the back roads and highways in our antiques and moderns, we find ourselves in need of road service. I am not referring to the type of road service AAA provides like running out of gas, a flat tire, or a tow. Sometimes we are in need of major assistance. Well, here at two examples of such extraordinary services. First, the antique scenario was provided by Minuteman Rich Batstone and third person edited. He had driven his "new" unrestored tudor to the meet in Hyannis last year. On the way home, unaccompanied by other A's, the generator bearing failed. He pulled over right under the shadow of the Bourne Bridge. Within minutes, a gentleman came into the driveway where he was parked and asked if he needed help. It turns out the gentleman was going to the shop owned by the company he worked for on a Sunday to do some personal work. He invited Rich to drive his car into the well equipped shop. Rich removed the generator and found it needed a new bearing and a few other things. The gentleman said one of his co-workers owned a Model A and suggested he would call him to see if he could assist. That man came right over and as soon as he understood the problem. He offered to remove the generator from his own car (at home) and bring it back to loan to Rich, so he could make it home. Awesome! Rich installed the loaner generator and drove home without any problems. The next day he removed the loaner and shipped it back to his benefactor with great thanks and a few little gifts. This was a perfect example of the kindness and helpfulness of the Model A community. The second modern scenario was experienced by Jude and I and our recent road trip to the south for Auntie Mae’s 94th birthday. The trip itinerary consisted of stops in Pennsylvania, Maryland, Virginia, North Carolina South Carolina, Georgia, three locations in Florida, South Carolina, Pennsylvania and back home. While leaving Virginia after an overnighter, our 2001 Town and Country Chrysler sedan stuttered one morning while in reverse and in forward. The problem was only for a few minutes. No problems to and from or Fayetteville, North Carolina. This stop was not an overnighter. However, the problem returned as we were leaving Myrtle Beach South Carolina, after an overnighter. The stutter was a lot worse this time, but it again cleared. I called my mechanic back home and he recommended a shop in Myrtle Beach. Gary at C&G Auto and Truck repair was absolutely accommodating. He took the car for a ride and analyzed the computer printout. Of course, the car was running great right, by now. He had the car for about 45 minutes. He could not find anything wrong with it. There was no charge for his time and effort. He didn’t want to work on something that wasn’t broke. It was a five-star experience. Next stop was Savannah Georgia where the car was valet parked for two days. Now it was stuttering badly, the orange engine light appeared and did not go away. I googled for a local shop and found RPM Autoworx . Luckily for us, owner Moira Sheehan answered the call and was happy to help. The spark plugs were shot. The wiring to the plugs was frayed so badly they shorted out after a damp morning start. We all know the chances we are taking having auto repairs done on the road far away from home. However, if you find yourself in need of such assistance in Myrtle Beach SC or Savannah, GA I highly recommend these two five-star repair shops. (See below) Smart Model A travelers always bring a roster of Model A contacts on their long journeys. It is nice to build such a list for modern cars as well. 3 The Oil Leak Calendars 2014 Minuteman Tours * Events Fashion From Roaring 20’s Lawn Party 2014 Denise & Pat Martone NOT starting at the Grange November 2014 2 4 8 12 Sun Wright’s Chicken Farm Tour 10:00 Tue Club Monthly Meeting * 18:30 Sat Frostbite Tour 10:00 Wed Dinner Tour * 18:30 December 2014 Big Apple Home 5 Fri Holiday Party * 10:00 7 Sun Maynard Christmas Parade *13:00 CONTENTS Annual Minuteman Auction Art’s Almanac / Artie Facts Breakfast Club Calendars Class A Ads Editorial Fashion Guiney Tribute Hershey 2014 MAFCA National Meet 2015 MAFFI MARC National Meet 2015 Meeting Notice Membership Renewal Notice Officers / Key Contacts Outing – Martha’s Vineyard Outing – New England Meet Outing – Windham Junction Pin-MAR Presidents Message Puzzle Secretary’s Report Sunshine Report Tech Talk Threadhead News Town Sedan Club Article Treasurer’s Report 5 12 11 4 16-19 3 4 15 10 14 14 &15 14 20 12 1 8-9 7 6 10 1 15 2 2 15 11 13 2 The Melrose Free Press 7 August 2014. P a t P h o t o 4 The Oil Leak Annual Minuteman Auction Tuesday November 4, 2014 PLEASE Remember to bring items to sell Immediately after the Minuteman Model A Ford Club Meeting Featuring: A Live Auction and a Silent Auction This is the time to get rid of, err, uh, make some of those unused auto parts and collectibles available to your fellow club members. In our live auction, we’ll sell off your automobilia to the highest bidder, and in our silent auction, we’ll put out anything you bring on tables – and club members can bid on each item until the auction is closed. For those new to the Minuteman Club, this is a fun event where members bring in things they want to sell or donate to the club – and the club will split the proceeds with you. Past live-auction items have included horns, tool sets, and an almost-new auto part that someone really, really needed. The silent auction has included home-baked goods, house wares, books and you-name-it. The management does reserve the right to reject any items it deems unsalable, and any unsold items MUST be taken home with you. 5 The Oil Leak Minuteman Outing Tour to Windham Junction 20 September 2014 This year's trip to Windham Junction in NH. was quite a treat. We had a total of 29 cars attending which included our own cars and that of the White Mountain Model A Club from the Concord, NH area. Kay and Jon (owners of WJ) were able to handle this large group easily and we were soon enjoying dining, shopping, admiring cars, and getting to know each other. A big thank you to Leigh Green from the White Mountain club who helped to arrange this combined tour. We are planning to make this happen again next summer and hope to have members of the Pine Tree Model A Club from Maine join us, also. Should be a fun gathering. Thanks all of you for making this a wonderful day 6 The Oil Leak Minuteman Outing 2014 New England Meet Long Island, NY Sept 11-14 9 members of the Minuteman club traveled to Long Island to attend the 58th NE Model A Meet in Hauppauge, NY; hosted by the Model A Club of Long Island. The Lindens, Doyles, Adams, Martones and Bruce Marshall made their way to New London, CT to take the ferry to Orient Point, NY. Our Model A’s, along with others from CT and MA, were loaded on the ferry for our 1 and half hour crossing. It was a very calm day which made it a comfortable ride. Our group split up once we docked, with the Adams’ and Pat M. going to the hotel; while the Lindens, Doyles and Bruce M. took two additional ferries to get to the south island and visit the historic Montauk Light which was commissioned by George Washington. We arrived at the hotel to see the parking lot loaded with Model A’s. Friday was a self-touring day and we went to the scenic Fire Island where we visited the Fire Island Lighthouse. The weather was picture perfect and we took a walk on the beach before heading to the lighthouse. We toured the various lighthouse buildings and got to see the original First Order Fresnel Lens and the mechanisms that turned the lens and kept the oil lamp lit. The view of the light was pretty neat and we thought the Model A in front of the light would make a good picture, so we convinced the staff to let us drive up for a photo session, once we got the school kids on a field trip out of the picture. Lunch at a local diner was a challenge, to eat all the food they served. One meal could have fed two people. Friday night was a dinner with a Frank Sinatra impersonator who was pretty good. Saturday was the Grand Tour. 150 Model As were dispatched on a route the was 35 miles long, which included some planned “U” turns so we got to see the Model A’s coming and going, so to speak. The tour ended at Deep Well Farm, the historic home of NYC Mayor Gaynor. Lunch was under the Big Top tent after we viewed the Model A’s and visited the local country store. From Deep Well it was only 6 miles to the host hotel, but a few of us continued to the quaint town of Port Jefferson before making the return trip. The evening banquet featured a Beatles group which was very good. The event was the Sunday Awards brunch which was very efficient. The car awards and the raffles went very smoothly and finished at 10:30, which allowed us to try to get an early ferry back to New London. Unfortunately the ferries were booked so we had to wait for our scheduled reservation. The nice thing was the ferry had a large number of Model A’s on board. Once off the ferry it was a pleasant ride back home. Next year’s meet will be held in Mystic, CT 7 The Oil Leak Minuteman Outing Tour to Martha’s Vineyard 17 - 19 October 2014 The Minuteman Club took it's annual Fall Tour, traveling to the beautiful island of Martha's Vineyard, a place they last visited as a group in 2006. The tour was led by Tom Zappala, and included Minutemen (and women) Andy and Marilyn Adams, Rich and Linda Batstone, Wayne and Susan Champagne, Vin and Nicki DelMastro, Mike and Grace Doyle, Rick and Anna Gadbois, John and Shirley Jacobson, Jim and Laura Jacobson, Doug and Nan Linden, Bruce Marshall and Cookie Smith, Craig and Karen Martin, Len and Peg Michalak, Bob Schenk, Jim Anderson, Steve and Donna Smith, Jack Stokinger and Jo Johnson, And Tony and Jude Zeoli. Lisa Zappala joined the crew on Friday evening, arriving on the island by alternative transport. The tour got off to a slow start for the Jacobson and Zappala vehicles, and the Jacobsons responded quickly, swapping out their Fordor for a more modern vehicle. Tom Zappala took the slower route, coaxing his woody wagon down to West Bridgewater before, hours later, pulling out the Triple-A Black card and calling for a lift home. While the rest of the tour group (including the Jacobson clan) made it down to Woods Hole in time for lunch and the 2:30 PM ferry, Zappala arrived on the island by days end, on the 8:30 PM boat and driving a Jeep Wrangler. The Grand Tour of the island went off as scheduled and included a scenic and leisurely jaunt around the islands six towns. The group stopped at the Martha's Vineyard Camp Meeting Association campground and took in the beautifully decorated gingerbread houses surrounding the tabernacle. The 16-car caravan then toured past two of the islands four lighthouses, at East Chop and at West Chop, in Tisbury (or Vineyard Haven). The group then proceeded up island, stopping at The Granary Gallery (an antique and art gallery), Alley's General Store (in West Tisbury), and then for lunch at The Menemsha Fish Market, where the group enjoyed the "Minuteman Special" of Lobster Rolls and Fish Sandwiches, and Clam Chowder is a seaside setting. The group toured to Menemsha and then on to Aquinnah through some of the prettiest countryside around, past farms and beaches, and with the miles and limes of stone walls reminding all of the vineyards agrarian past. At Aquinnah, the group took in the island's third lighthouse and the gay cliffs that overlook the island's south shore. The tour finished up by the Edgartown lighthouse, a stately affair, and the group took in the quaint shops and scenic beauty of Edgartown before returning to The Island Inn, the groups home for the weekend in Oak Bluffs. Model As were seen in and around Edgartown and Oak Bluffs all weekend as the group dined in and around these two towns. On Sunday morning, the group toured collectively over to Vineyard Haven, in order to catch breakfast at The Black Dog Restaurant and then, sadly, the ferry home. The weather was fantastic, and the group found itself back on the mainland and back home by the end of the day - and without event. It was a great weekend for all. 8 The Oil Leak Minuteman Outing Tour to Martha’s Vineyard 17 - 19 October 2014 Minuteman Dick Krug was spotted vacationing with his family in Edgartown. Photos by Jo Johnson 9 The Oil Leak Minuteman News Hershey 2014 Our Minuteman Model A Ford Club was well represented at Hershey, this year. Wayne Champagne, John Erb, Bill Hurley, Peter Kaptain, Clyde Kelton, Doug Linden, Bruce Marshall, Peg and Lenny Michalak, Tim O’Brien, John Pierce, Dave Robbins, Dick Stitt, Jack Stokinger, Gene Tallone, Rich Weintraub, and Jude and Tony Zeoli attended the event. Some Hershey inner-circle people having a beer after a day at the field . Left to right Jack Stokinger, Wayne Champagne, Doug Linden, Gene Tallone, Dick Stitt and Bruce Marshall Photo provided by Gene A Very Poor Attendance Record After having helped establish the Pinellas Model A Restorers (Pin-MAR) in 1964 and being drafted for the Vietnam Conflict in 1965, Tony Zeoli attended his first club meeting in 49 years. He finally happened to be in Florida on a club meeting date. He thanked the audience for keeping the club alive, for expanding the interest to all antiques automobiles and for keeping the name Pin-MAR. He announced that he located two other charter members in Brooksville, Florida, Pat and Buster Webb. Buster was Tony’s supervisor at Publix in 1962. Buster introduced Tony to the Model A during that employment. Pat and Buster are, again, members of Pin-MAR . President Ron Roberson and all members in attendance made Jude and Tony feel quite welcomed. It was a pleasure for Tony re-meet fellow charter member Rich Fraze. They compared memory notes in which Rich had more to contribute. Finally, It was special privilege to meet Tony’s club newsletter editing counterpart Sherrie Roberson for , The Pin-MAR News, She has been his inspiration for the Oil Leak. 10 The Oil Leak Minuteman News Wednesday Breakfast Club Fall is here. As we bring the year to a close, some club members are more apt bring alternative vehicles to this weekly meeting. There is usually something interesting going each week. For example, Don Ross brought a very nice such car to our October 15, gathering. It is registered as a 1981 but it is a cross between a 1928 Mercedes and 1935 Duesenberg. for our discussion enjoyment. We meet at the Big Apple Deli, 331 Boston Post Road. Marlborough MA. Breakfast begins at 08:00 and lasts until … Where business is booming and help is needed. Join us! Please Call 508-229-2829 Other Quilt Joyce’s Quilt This quilt was on display at a quilt shop in western MA Tony Zeoli, self-appointed quilt critic, gave the quilt (on the left) craftsmanship a rating of 78%. Now, look at the same styled quilt done by Joyce Croci that has earned a 97%, by Tony. If you look closely at both quilts you will be able to see the superior quality of Joyce’s quilt. Nice! A life spent making mistakes is not only more honorable, but more useful than a life spent doing nothing. George Bernard Shaw 11 The Oil Leak Minuteman News Art’s Almanac Artie-Facts November 1979 35 years OK SMARTIE, TRY THIS ONE No report on file. November 1989 25 years 1--Where was the first three-color traffic light installed? Minuteman accepts hosting the N E Meet every 6 years. Doug Linden runs for Directorship of MAFCA. J J, our lame-duck President, avoids a fine for his photo of a "cow light" in the Restorer. 2--Where was the first Drive In movie? November 1999 3--What car beat the Kia with a "perpetual guarantee? 15 years Apple picking to Hollis NH, lead by the Snedens. Mystery Tour ends at Donacesca's in the dark. Leader, P MacDonald. Fitz Stevens passes away. 14 Model A's pay fond farewell at the cemetery. Answers: 1--Detroit, 1919. 2--Camden NJ, 1933 3--The ACME in Reading, PA. "perpetual" from 1904 to 1911 2014 dues are due. Clip and mail in with a check 12 The Oil Leak Minuteman News JOIN THE MODEL A FORD TOWN SEDAN CLUB IN 2015 Article Reprinted from the Town sedan Times Vol. 14 Iss. 9 13 The Oil Leak National News MAFFI Minuteman brick at the Model A Ford Museum in Michigan . 14 The Oil Leak MAFFI’s President on Model A Day IV Dear Club Liaison Friends, Model A Day IV is in the history books. It was a fun and successful event, as was the Annual Trustee Meeting which took place on Thursday, September 18th. At the meeting we had a full agenda, welcoming in new Trustees and saying a temporary goodbye to departing trustees. New trustees Stan Braden, Gene Tallone, and Jim Thomas were sworn in using a newly adopted oath of office, which all trustees present, chose to take as well. Departing trustees at the meeting were Howard Truchot, Phil Ierardi and Randy Sierk. Gene Tallone was elected as the new treasurer to replace Howard Truchot. Stan Braden's wife Carol took notes for use in preparation of the minutes. Each trustee was given an opportunity to make a report on their areas of responsibility. An investment committee was appointed with their first report due on Feb 1. Many other topics such as storage, expansion, insurance, finances and future strategies were discussed and motions passed. When ready, the minutes will publish the plans and decisions made. Friday was a work day, doing museum upkeep projects and preparing for the big day on Saturday. On Friday Night a live band played era music for the Cruise-In which was attended by people in Model A's as well as a variety of there interesting cars. It was a beautiful evening - the Diner was open, the Model A Museum was open, pretty much Heaven on Earth. On Saturday more than 100 Model A's rolled onto the grounds and a crowd of several hundred people enjoyed a day that threatened rain, but the rain stayed away until late afternoon. Special display cars in front of the museum included the newly donated (Bill Edstrom) Taxi, the recently donated Deluxe Phaeton and Roadster Pickup (Paul Fagan). Also a Model N, and two Model K Fords and a Town Car were brought for the day by Tim Kelly. Inside was the recently donated (Beckwith) '29 roadster. The Secrets of Speed Society held their annual gathering at the same time and added a lot of interest to the overall event. Seminars by Anne Neely-Beck; Ron Ehrenhofer, Dick Dorato and Rich Falluca were very well attended. The ceremony to induct the first two members of the Model A Ford Hall of Fame, Henry and Edsel, went off well. A new display has been created so that every year new members can be inducted and honored with a photograph on the museum walls. Ken and Helen Ehrenhofer were presented with the annual Volunteer of the Year plaque for their many contributions to the success of the foundation over the past years. The Swap Meet was very successful with lots of good Model A items and other vendors mixed in. A rebuilt engine was offered in a silent auction. It was a great start for what we hope will be a reason to attend Model A Day at Gilmore every year. We haven't tallied up the income from the gate, sales and swap meet, but that will be done soon. It usually takes Gilmore a little while to determine the bottom line gate receipts. But one thing is for sure; all these things do not happen without a lot of hard work by a lot of people. Thank you all for your individual and collective efforts to make it a good event. We keep improving and I know it will be even better next year. Thanks, Stan Johnson, President 15 The Oil Leak Tech Talk WARNING: Be careful greasing throw-out bearing collar housing. Putting too much grease can cause problems. I experienced such a problem first hand, after failing to notify my mechanic about using too much grease. For a test ride, I took my 1930 Town Sedan the club’s Breakfast Club gathering, a 28 mile run. I could not shift without grinding in all three gears Fortunately for me, shifting during the ride back home was trouble free. Thanks to Jack Stokinger and Pat Martone, I was reminded to read the following from the famous model A Lubrication Chart: Lubricate the clutch release bearing every 2000 miles (Pressure gun). This is done by removing the hand hole cover and turning the bearing until the lubricating fitting ids on top, and easy to get at. NOTE: The clutch is a dry disc type clutch and should never be oiled. Duh, Tony Zeoli It took a Hershey rendezvous to catch up with Bruce Marshall for his “Miss Lube Rack” contest win in the April 2014 issue of the Oil Leak. Here Jude Zeoli presents Bruce with his can of nuts prize. Tribute to Bill Guiney 11 October 2014 About 60 people attended a memorial service at Grace Baptist Church in Hudson MA. Bill was a founder of the Bay A’s Model A Ford Club of Arlington MA Can you solve this problem??? What spot number is the car parked in? Be the first to email your correct answer to: to be recognized in Oil Leak! WANTED !!!!!!!!!! Class “A” Ad Looking for a very professionally restored 30-31 Model A in excellent to pristine condition that doesn't have any major issues. NOT A 20 FOOTER. If you have one you'd like to sell or know of someone selling one please call me or forward this message. A very serious cash buyer. (774)-551-6367 16 The Oil Leak Class “A” Ads For Sale Recently refurbished 1931 Model A Ford Roadster for sale in Holden, MA. $17,900 O.B.O. Garaged and in running condition. Please contact Josh at (323) 877-5362 for more information. Here is the link to the ad I have on Craig's List... For Sale Stewart Warner Horn model 114-A which is unrestored, works well and is loud. I'm sure you are aware that this model is hand or foot powered not dependent on 6 or 12 volt battery voltage. The horn has minute rust spots which should clean up nicely for repainting by new owner. The horn is free of dents and abuse. Photos are enclosed. My asking price is $175.00 Contact: Paul Nisula For Sale Dick Krug 1931 Model A Coupe Acton, MA 7 K miles on rebuilt engine 978-263-8384 978-505-7471 cell Dual side mounts with trunk Same owner for twenty years French gray w/ red pinstripe For Sale 1928-29 chassis It is a good running motor. Body and fenders were removed from complete car. It has 16" wheels & tires. Has the 2 tooth style steering box. Generator and starter recently rebuilt. Has new battery. $2500.00 firm. 1929 Shay Replica Roadster. recently painted, runs and drives excellent. Modern driveline for dependability. Asking $15, 500.00 or BRO. Can be seen by appointment only. Contact: PV Antique and Classic Ford, Inc. 978-851-9159 or Contact: PV Antique and Classic Ford, Inc. 978-851-9159 or Smitty’s Custom Contact Don at 17 Steve Smith Sheet metal fabrication and body repair, modern rear shock kits. Other Model A related work. Ph:978-356-2302 Email The Oil Leak 18 The Oil Leak 19 The Oil Leak Minuteman Model “A” Ford Club PO Box 545, Sudbury, MA 01776 November 2014 Please Mail to: Be sure to visit REMINDER Next Club Meeting November 4, 2014 7:00 P.M. Our next club meeting is at our regular location the Memorial Congregational Church See you there! Auction Tuesday November 4, 2014 GET YOUR STUFF READY! Monthly meetings are held on most first Tuesdays of the month at the Memorial Congregational Church at 26 Concord Rd in Sudbury, MA 01776. Tire kicking at 7:00 PM Club Meetings begin at 7:30 P.M. 20
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