- Winnipeg Art Gallery


- Winnipeg Art Gallery
Winnipeg Art Gallery
300 Memorial Boulevard
Winnipeg, MB, Canada R3C 1V1
Gallery Tuesday–Sunday 11am-5pm,
Friday 11am-9pm, Closed Monday
Switchboard 204.786.6641
Art Classes 204.789.1766
Development 204.789.1299
Facility Rentals 204.789.1765
Guided Adult Group Tours 204.789.0516
School Tours 204.789.1762
en français 204.789.1763
Tragic mask (detail), 2nd century AD. Marble, SK 1038; Theatre mask with hand, 100-150 AD. Marble, Inv. no. SK 281;
Theater mask of Herakles (detail), 150-100 BC. Marble, Inv. no. SK 1889. photo: Alexandra Kalinin and Rory Graham
Head of the youthful
Dionysus in a
classical antefix
(detail), Mid-2nd
century AD. Marble.
Herm head of
Dionysos (detail),
2nd century AD.
All works ©
Staatliche Museen
zu Berlin, photo:
Johannes Laurentius
Clara Lander Library
204.786.6641 ext 237
Tuesday–Friday 11am-4:30pm • Selected
Saturdays 11am-3pm • Closed Sunday and
Monday, other times by appointment
Gallery Shop • 204.789.1769
Tuesday–Saturday 11am–5pm,
Friday 11am-9pm, Sunday 12pm-5pm
Olympus: The Greco-Roman Collections of Berlin • Until Mar 6
Abstract Objectives • Until May 15
We Are On Treaty Land • Until May 22
Tom Thomson and the Group of Seven • Ongoing
The Modernist Tradition, 1900–1950 • Ongoing
The Inuit Art Centre Project • Ongoing
Please visit wag.ca for special holiday pricing.
The George & Tannis Richardson Collection of Inuit Sculpture • Until Feb 15
Oviloo Tunnillie • May 14–Sept 4
Member • Child (5 and under) Free
Senior/Student $8 • Adult $12 • Family* $28
Olympus Surcharge
Member $8 • Adult/Senior/Student $10
Family* $30
8Chagall • May 20–Aug 28
Karel Funk • June 18–Sept 25
The Permanent Collection
Gallery 1
Renaissance and Baroque Art, 1500–1700
Gallery 2
The Academic Tradition in Europe and Canada, 1700–1900
MRA Gallery Highlights of Inuit Sculpture
12-14, 18 16
events and
** 2 individuals living in the same household
Bay Parkade across from the Gallery,
meters on surrounding streets.
Wheelchair accessible.
U of W
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* Up to 2 adults and 4 children under 18 living
in the same household
Follow us online. Exhibition,
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subject to change. Visit wag.ca for
the most up-to-date information.
programs for
Renew your membership today • 204.789.1764
Individual $60 • Couple** $85
Family* $95 • Student $30
Senior $50 • Senior Couple $75 Colony
myWAG is published by the
WAG. © 2015 Winnipeg Art
Gallery. Printed in Canada.
Photography: David Lipnowski,
Eric Au Studios, Ernest Mayer,
Leif Norman, and Studio
Martin Lussier (unless
otherwise noted).
Curatorial Update
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries Free Day
Fashion Show and Nuit Blanche
Programming and Events
Gallery Ball 2015 and CRAFTED
The Associates
Support the WAG
TABLE Restaurant • 204.948.0085
Tuesday–Friday 11am-3pm,
Saturday and Sunday 11am-2pm,
Closed Monday
St Mar
Through art and artmaking, the Centre
will foster awareness, appreciation, and
understanding of Indigenous art and
culture. The art, life, and history of
the Inuit will be highlighted through
exhibitions, programs, research, education,
and partnerships with Inuit artists and
arts organizations in the North.
This past summer, I had the privilege,
along with my wife Hazel and son Roman,
of touring the Heart of the Arctic on the
Ocean Endeavour with Adventure Canada.
We were fortunate to visit many
communities in Nunavik, Nunavut, and
Greenland, meeting with artists, elders,
and lots of children. One of the highlights
of the expedition was seeing the Arctic
and the Inuit culture through the eyes of
a child, my ten-year-old son.
The Centre is a bridge, enabling peoples
from northern and southern communities
to meet, learn, and work together. It will
also act as a cultural hub promoting
economic development and tourism.
The link between North and South is
critical to the IAC’s success; in fact, the
connection is at the heart of this project.
To learn more about the Centre visit
The Inuit Art Centre Project exhibition
at the WAG.
Only a handful of Canadians will
ever see the land of the Inuit and the
context for their incredible artmaking
enterprise. That’s perhaps why Canada’s
Inuit Art Centre (IAC), being developed
right here at the WAG, is so important
to our understanding of the Inuit. While
textbooks, maps, and videos play an
important role in a child’s education
about the North and Indigenous cultures,
a trip to the Centre will bring students
face to face with Inuit carvings, prints,
drawings and textiles, and the chance to
meet with the creators of these works.
Of course there is a lot more going on at
the WAG, which you can read about in this
issue of myWAG—or visit wag.ca. If you
haven’t seen Olympus yet—now is your
chance before these extraordinary works
are returned to Berlin.
It has been an exciting fall for the IAC
project. The WAG started planning a
home for its celebrated Inuit art collection,
which numbers close to 14,000 works,
more than three decades ago, and with
recent developments and announcements
we are getting closer to making the
Centre a reality.
October 14: The Winnipeg
Foundation announced their
$950,000 contribution to the
Inuit Art Centre project.
Commemorating their 95th
anniversary, it is the largest gift
in the Foundation’s history.
November 19: The Premiers of
Manitoba and Nunavut signed
a Memorandum of Understanding,
which includes a partnership
between Nunavut and the WAG.
Nunavut’s Fine Art Collections,
numbering more than 7,000, will
be transferred to the WAG for a
five-year loan with $1 million in
joint funding.
November 20: The Honourable
Greg Selinger, Premier of
Manitoba, announced that the
Province will contribute $15
million to the IAC building project.
Thank you for
supporting the WAG
in so many ways
—through your
volunteering, donations,
and feedback. Best
wishes for the holidays
and Happy New Year!
Stephen Borys
Director & CEO
top: Arctic action figures, photo: Roman Borys; right: Manitoba Premier Greg Selinger and Nunavut Premier Peter Taptuna shake hands after signing a
Memorandum of Understanding for Trade, Energy & Culture at the WAG. Looking on are WAG Director & CEO Stephen Borys, Nunavut Culture & Heritage
Minister George Kuksuk, and Aboriginal & Northern Affairs Minister Eric Robinson. photo: Wayne Glowacki/Winnipeg Free Press; Irene Avaalaaqiaq
Tiktaalaaq. Untitled, Collection of the Government of Nunavut, on long-term loan to the Winnipeg Art Gallery, 988.1283
myWAG | 1
Athletic Heroes
From Ancient Greece to Today
By Mark Golden
Professor Emeritus, Department of Classics, University of Winnipeg
Philosophers, poets, painters, potters, politicians:
these are the ancient Greeks most of us know and
admire. For the Greeks, however, the celebrities
were athletes.
The Athenians condemned Socrates to death even
though he was one of their own. But when they
captured Dorieus, a Rhodian and an enemy during
the generation-long Peloponnesian War, they let
him go because he was an Olympic champion
boxer. Pindar, the most famous Greek lyric poet,
wrote many kinds of verse, including hymns to the
gods. Yet only his well-paid poems in honour of
victors survived throughout antiquity.
Olympus is a rare opportunity to see ancient Greek
and Roman art on the Prairies. As Manitoba’s first
major exhibition of classical antiquities in over
half a century, Olympus features over 160 works
from the National Museums in Berlin—marble
statues and reliefs, bronze statuettes, terracotta
vases, and jewellery—spanning almost ten
centuries of artistic production.
While winners at the great games, which were
open to competitors from all over the Greek
world, took home only a symbolic prize, such
as a wreath of olive or laurel, their cities gave
them cash rewards and other honours on their
return. There were many other competitions too,
and these did offer money prizes, much like golf
or tennis tournaments today. Nothing prevented
the athletes who won these competitions from
going on to the Olympics or the Pythian games at
Delphi, and many did.
As part of Olympus, we are partnering with
local athletes and sports teams to celebrate
modern-day gods and goddesses. See videos at
wag.ca/heroes. An exhibit of the photographs by
Ian McCausland opens at the WAG on December 18.
North American sports fans tend to focus on the
shorter footraces; a good example is Usain Bolt.
North Africans, however, are more likely to pay
attention to distance runners; and in the Caucasus
and Middle East, wrestlers are the heroes.
Until March 6 • Curated by Angeliki Bogiatji
and Dr. Stephen Borys
Tastes differed in antiquity too. The stadion, a
200-metre dash, was said to have been the
first and only event at the original Olympics in
Sarcophagus fragment with Dionysian procession (detail), c. 150 AD. Marble. Inv. no. SK 851. © Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin,
photo: Johannes Laurentius
2 | WINTER2015
776 BC, and later festivals were identified by the
name of the winner. Sculptors used the perfectly
balanced bodies of pentathletes (naked like all
other athletes) as models, such as the torso of an
athlete seen in the Olympus exhibition. However,
it was usually fighters—boxers, wrestlers, and
the pancratiasts, who shared the skills of both—
who became heroes in the Greek sense: mortals
worshipped after their death.
Meanwhile, the rich and powerful preferred
horse and chariot-racing, a sport whose expense
excluded lesser mortals and where wealth
guaranteed a competitive career much longer than
an athlete’s strength or swiftness. This was the
sport of kings and of queens (women too could
sponsor horses and chariot teams, though they
were not permitted to attend the Olympus festival
itself), and of kings' girlfriends. Bilistiche, mistress
of Ptolemy II of Egypt, won the first Olympic twohorse chariot race for colts in 264 BC. work and the chariot-owner’s equivalent: the
willingness to spend money. Natural talent also
played a part. Then, as now, athletic ability ran
(or boxed or wrestled) in families (horse owners
supposedly had a knack for breeding winners).
No one wins without something extra. We call
it luck. The Greeks, equally at a loss for an
explanation, credited the favour of the gods.
After all, it was in their honour that the Greeks
celebrated the Olympics and the many other
competitive festivals that crowded their calendars.
Mark Golden is Professor Emeritus, Department of Classics,
University of Winnipeg. He is the author of Sport and Society in
Ancient Greece (1998), Sport in the Ancient World from A to Z (2004),
and Greek Sport and Social Status (2008), among other titles.
How did the Greeks account for sporting success?
Much as we do. Pindar praises the athlete’s hard
left to right: Ian McCausland. University of Winnipeg wrestler Finn Higgins, 2015; Panathenaic prize amphora, c. 450 BC. Terracotta. Inv. no. V.I.
3979; Statue of dancing satyr, 1st century BC. Marble. Inv. no. SK 262. © Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin, photo: Johannes
myWAG | 3
Abstract Objectives
Painting and Sculpture, 1950–Present
We Are On
Treaty Land
Until May 15 • Gallery 5
Curated by Andrew Kear
Until May 22 • Gallery 6
Curated by Jaimie Isaac
Since its beginning around
the turn of the last century,
modern abstraction has
incorporated a broad range
of approaches, intentions,
and associations in
the Western world.
In the decades that
followed World War II,
abstract art went from
being a crucial but
misunderstood tendency
within modernism, to a
dominant mode of creative
expression embraced by
artists, art museums, and
much of the general public.
The increasing popularity of abstract painting
and sculpture through the second half of the 20th
century and into the 21st has bred heterogeneity.
Historically, abstraction was construed as a
vehicle for heroic self-expression, and formal
experimentation. Even today, the look of abstract
art is being redrawn, its motivations reconceived,
and its objectives re-evaluated.
This exhibition draws from the WAG’s permanent
collection, bringing together paintings and
sculptures by mostly Canadian artists created
between 1950 and the present day. These works
underline some of the shifting parameters and
motivations that have shaped abstract art over the
past 60 years.
We Are On Treaty Land is Jaimie Isaac’s first
exhibition as Curatorial Resident of Indigenous and
Contemporary Art at the WAG, which is located
on Treaty No. 1 Territory. Interdisciplinary work
by Indigenous artists provides reflections that
are influenced and informed by the territory's
land and treaty relations. The exhibition focuses
on contemporary paintings, mixed media, and
photography over a 40-year period from the WAG's
collection. Together they generate narratives that
examine what it means to honour and recognize the
enduring treaties and long-standing relationships
between the First Nations and the Crown. We Are On
Treaty Land provides an opportunity to learn where
we are today, and to move forward in collaboration.
The art is complemented by historical objects
generously loaned by The Manitoba Museum,
including the Treaty 1 Medal and a beaded bandolier
bag. These works serve as tangible witnesses to
the historic treaty, transcending traditional and
contemporary aesthetics.
left to right: Krisjanis Kaktins-Gorsline. DST RZ FLD, 2013. Oil on canvas. Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery. Acquired with funds from the
Estate of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Naylor, funds administered by The Winnipeg Foundation and with funds from the Canada Council for the Arts
Acquisition Assistance program/Oeuvre achetée avec l’aide du programme d’aide aux acquisitions du Conseil des Arts du Canada. 2014-51;
Robert Houle. Premises for Self Rule: Treaty No. 1, 1994. Acrylic, photo emulsion, vinyl lettering on canvas, Plexiglas. Collection of the Winnipeg Art
Gallery. Acquired with funds from the Canada Council for the Arts Acquisition Assistance Program/Oeuvre achetèe avec l'aide du programme
d'aide aux acquisitions du Conseil des Arts du Canada, G-96-11 abc
4 | WINTER2015
Tom Thomson
and the Group
of Seven
Ongoing • Gallery 3
Curated by Andrew Kear
In 1920, Frank Johnston helped establish the
Group of Seven in Toronto. One year later,
he left to assume the role of principal at the
Winnipeg School of Art, at the time a location
further west than any Group member had
painted. The art school, which is now part of
the University of Manitoba, was then associated
with the Winnipeg Museum of Fine Arts (today,
the Winnipeg Art Gallery).
In Serenity, Lake of the Woods (1922), Johnston
captures the geographical expanse of Ontario’s
Lake of the Woods and the intensity of the
region’s long-lasting summer light. He exhibited
regularly in Winnipeg while he lived here, and
his first solo exhibition in the city was mounted
at the WAG in February 1922, several months
before he painted Serenity, Lake of the Woods.
The WAG acquired this canvas in 1924, after
returning a tempera painting it had purchased
from the artist. Johnston’s time in Winnipeg
was fruitful; his creative practice developed
and his confidence grew.
Johnston returned to Toronto in 1924 and
taught at the Ontario College of Art. That year,
intent on pursuing a more independent creative
path, Johnston cut his ties with the Group of
Johnston’s piece is featured in the Tom
Thomson and the Group of Seven exhibition.
The Modernist Tradition,
Ongoing • Gallery 4
Curated by Andrew Kear
In the mid-1920s, Elizabeth Wyn Wood, a recent graduate of the
Ontario College of Art, was one of a growing number of sculptors
more interested in direct forms of carving than casting. Neck and
Head was exhibited at the Ontario Society of Artists exhibition in
Toronto in March 1927.
According to the curator Victoria Baker, Neck and Head is “the
only known piece dating from her American studies, and a rare
example of direct carving in her production. It reveals a radically
reduced and stylized treatment of the partial figure, reflective of
the experience of carving and a response to the more progressive
forms of sculpture she was exposed to at this time.”
Although Wyn Wood is best known for her monumental public
sculpture work and small-scale, three-dimensional interpretations
of the rugged landscape of the Canadian Shield, Neck and Head is
an important register of the artist’s early experimentalism.
This work is currently on view as part of The Modernist Tradition,
left to right: Frank Johnston. Serenity, Lake of the Woods, 1922. Oil on canvas. Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, L-102; Elizabeth Wyn Wood.
Neck and Head, 1926–27. Marble. Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery. 2009-336
myWAG | 5
The Inuit Art Centre Project
Ongoing • Mezzanine Gallery
Curated by Dr. Stephen Borys
The WAG holds the world’s largest public
collection of contemporary Inuit art. Amassed
over the last 60 years, this amazing collection of
over 13,000 carvings, drawings, prints, textiles,
and new media is matched by an outstanding
record of 160 exhibitions and 60 publications.
To celebrate the art and the people who have
created these works, the WAG is building an Inuit
Art Centre (IAC), the first of its kind in the world.
In this new exhibit, architectural renderings,
sculpture, and photography outline key aspects of
the project: the vision for the Centre, the design
process, and a brief history of Inuit art at the WAG.
The IAC will be a centre for exhibitions and
programs, research and learning, studio practice,
and artmaking. It will be a gathering place—a
community hub for exploration, dialogue, and
inspiration—bridging Canada’s North and South.
Galleries and a visible vault will display thousands
of works of art through dynamic exhibitions,
programs, and interactive spaces. Classrooms and
studio spaces will offer opportunities for creative
learning and artistic production, inspired by the
images and ideas from the collection.
Situated next to the existing WAG building, the IAC
will bring the power and beauty of the North to its
neighbours in the South, and change the way our
kids learn about the Arctic. The Centre will be a
transformative place led by the images and stories
from the art, the people, and the land.
clockwise from top left: Aerial view of Inuit Art Centre and Winnipeg Art Gallery; View of Inuit Vault; View of Inuit Gallery; View of Indigenous Gallery
(with view of Manitoba Legislative Building); all images courtesy of Michael Maltzan Architecture
6 | WINTER2015
The George & Tannis
Richardson Collection
of Inuit Art
Until Feb 15 • Mezzanine Gallery
Curated by Darlene Coward Wight
The Richardson Collection is made up of 39 sculptures by
30 artists from 11 communities across the Canadian Arctic,
including Nunavut and the region of Nunavik in Arctic
Quebec. This magnificent showcase of sculpture captures
moments of Northern life, from a bustling winter camp to
hunting and transportation.
A pair of unusual, large-scale sculptures by respected
Igloolik artist Lukie Airut are linked conceptually and
stylistically, warning to “be careful...when you are hunting.”
Two major sculptures by another Igloolik artist, Isaac
Angutautuk, reveal the drama of hunters battling huge and
ferocious walruses. The works are carved completely in
the round, and must be viewed from multiple angles.
Some works from Kimmirut make use of the yellowishgreen serpentinite from a stone deposit at McKellar Bay,
eight kilometres southeast of Kimmirut. Joanassie Lyta’s
large winter camp scene is an energetic tableau showing
an Inuk who has just returned from hunting.
Also featured is Salluit carver Tivi Ilisituk’s tender
portrayal of a female walrus posed protectively near her
pup, as well as an unusual carving of a woman and seal
by Akulivik artist Markusi Anauta. Inukjuak artist Jimmy
Arnamissak’s large carving shows two men loading a
kayak onto a qamutiik for overland transport.
In 1970, George Richardson became the first Canadianborn Governor of the Hudson’s Bay Company, serving until
1982. He often flew his helicopter to visit remote Arctic
posts, the first governor to journey North since Sir George
Simpson in the early 1800s. On his frequent trips to the
area, Richardson became interested in the art of the Inuit,
left to right: Markusi Pangutu Anauta. Woman Holding Seal, c. 1970–1979. Stone.
Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2011-59; John Pangnark. Head,
n.d. Stone. Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2011-81
particularly sculpture. He acquired many pieces by artists
from communities across the Arctic. It is this collection,
donated to the WAG in 2011, that makes up The George &
Tannis Richardson Collection of Inuit Sculpture.
Tannis Richardson is a dedicated supporter of the WAG.
Not only was she instrumental in starting the Study Groups
and Art to the Schools, both of which continue to this day,
but she has been a member of The Associates of the WAG
since 1950. Over the years, The Associates have supported
donations of more than 1,000 Canadian works to the WAG
collection, including the first pieces of Inuit sculpture to
be acquired by the Gallery: 11 works in 1957 and 139 major
pieces from George Swinton in 1960. These acquisitions
marked a definitive commitment toward building this
part of the Gallery’s collection. In 1985 The Associates
raised funds for the important purchase of the Ian Lindsay
Collection of 410 Inuit sculptures. Today the WAG holds in
trust the world’s largest public collection of contemporary
Inuit art.
The George & Tannis Richardson Collection of Inuit Sculpture
catalogue is made possible through a generous gift by
Douglas and Louise Leatherdale. The WAG is also grateful
to Robert and Deirdre Kozminski for supporting this
Art for Lunch • Feb 3 • 12:10pm • Tour: The George &
Tannis Richardson Collection of Inuit Sculpture with WAG
Curator of Inuit Art, Darlene Coward Wight.
myWAG | 7
Oviloo Tunnillie
Karel Funk
May 14–September 4, 2016
Gallery 8
Curated by Darlene Coward Wight
May 20–August 28, 2016
Gallery 7
Organized by the National Gallery of
Canada and the Winnipeg Art Gallery
June 18–September 25, 2016
Gallery 8
Curated by Andrew Kear
Oviloo Tunnillie is the first
retrospective of one of the most
respected female Inuit sculptors
from the Canadian Arctic. Bringing
together some 60 sculptures from
private and public collections in
Canada and the USA, the development
of Tunnillie’s work is surveyed from
the typical genre of finely-crafted
birds and animals in the 1970s, to her
exploration of social issues in the
1980s, to autobiographical themes in
the 1990s and 2000s.
Russian-born artist Marc Chagall was
a pioneer of modernism and a master
of colour. The WAG’s latest NGC@
WAG collaboration features Daphnis
& Chloé, widely considered the
crowning achievement of Chagall’s
career as a printmaker.
The WAG is pleased to present
Karel Funk’s first retrospective. The
exhibition will survey major paintings
he completed between 2002 and
2016, with works drawn from select
private, corporate, and museum
collections across North America.
These prints highlight Chagall’s unique
style, setting him apart from the main
20th-century trends followed by many
of his contemporaries. The set of
42 lithographs is presented with
additional works from the NGC
and WAG, including ​Flower
Still Life ​(1935).
Born and raised in Winnipeg, Funk
has garnered international attention
for his precise and unconventional
paintings of lone figures clothed in
contemporary high-performance
outerwear set against white
left to right: Oviloo Tunnillie. Woman playing Accordion, 2005. Stone (green serpentinite). Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, 2012-128;
Marc Chagall. Flower Still Life, c. 1935. Watercolour, gouache on paperboard on canvas. Collection of the Winnipeg Art Gallery, G-54-9;
Karel Funk. Untitled #11 (detail), 2004. Acrylic on panel, 66.0 x 48.3 cm. Collection of the Solomon R. Guggenheim Museum, New York.
Purchased with funds contributed by the International Director’s Council and Executive Committee, 2005. 2005.14
8 | WINTER2015
WAG Welcomes
New Indigenous
Art Curators
Over the past few months, the
WAG’s curatorial team has grown
with two new additions specializing in
Indigenous art: Dr. Julie Nagam, Chair
in History of Indigenous Arts in North
America, a joint appointment with the
University of Winnipeg; and Jaimie
Isaac, Curatorial Resident of
Indigenous and Contemporary Art.
Dr. Nagam’s portfolio includes
research and teaching in the History
Department at UWinnipeg, and
curatorial and exhibition work at the
WAG. The first of its kind in Canada,
the position is made possible in part
with the support of Michael Nesbitt,
who continues to champion
contemporary art across the country.
Dr. Nagam is responsible for cuttingedge research, and developing
courses, exhibitions, and programs
designed to enhance and advance the
area of Indigenous art both at the
University and the Gallery.
"There is a growing trend of global
recognition of the innovative and
dynamic contribution Indigenous
artists, curators, and scholars have to
offer, and I would like to continue to
be at the forefront of this artistic and
curatorial renaissance,” comments
Dr. Nagam.
A scholar, artist, and curator with
a strong background in research
and teaching, Dr. Nagam comes back
to Winnipeg from Toronto’s OCAD
University. She holds a PhD from
York University (Social and Political
Thought) in addition to a MA (Native
Studies) and a BA Honours (Women
Studies and Art History) from the
University of Manitoba. This fall
Dr. Nagam travelled to Australia as
a delegate for the Canada Council
for the Arts’ First Nations Curatorial
Exchange and the 8th Asian Pacific
Triennial of Contemporary Art.
Jaimie Isaac joins the WAG through
a two-year residency funded by the
Canada Council for the Arts. Isaac’s
work is critical to the WAG’s
Indigenous mandate, and includes:
developing exhibitions and programs
in partnership with local and national
Indigenous organizations; and
acquiring contemporary Indigenous
art for the WAG; thereby raising the
profile of artists locally and beyond.
Isaac’s first project and exhibition at
the WAG, We Are On Treaty Land
(page 4), is garnering significant
attention, promoting collaboration
and dialogue in the community.
Watch for her upcoming exhibitions
in 2017: Border X and Mino’ayaawin
(health and wellness).
“The WAG has an important history
in regards to Indigenous arts in
Canada,” states Isaac. “A big part
of the residency will be to engage
and collaborate with Indigenous
communities to create exhibitions
that are meaningful, relevant, and
Isaac holds a BA in Art History and
an Arts and Cultural Management
Certificate from the University of
Winnipeg, as well as a MA from the
University of British Columbia
Okanagan. Working in diverse areas
in the arts sector has informed her
career as an innovative, freelance
curator and interdisciplinary artist.
She has successfully published
essays, presented at international
conferences, participated in artist
residencies, and curated and exhibited
work nationally.
left to right:
Jaimie Isaac, Curatorial Resident of Indigenous and Contemporary Art, photo: Mike Deal/Winnipeg Free Press. Julie Nagam, Chair in
History of Indigenous Arts in North America.
myWAG | 9
Manitoba Liquor & Lotteries
hosts Free Day
For the second consecutive year, Winnipeg art
enthusiasts enjoyed a free visit to the WAG thanks
to the generous sponsorship of Manitoba Liquor &
Lotteries (MBLL). At MBLL Free Admission Day on
September 20, 2015, visitors were admitted to the
WAG at no cost, allowing them access to the WAG’s
feature exhibition, Olympus: The Greco-Roman
Collections of Berlin.
Adding to the welcoming and creative atmosphere
was a special artmaking workshop hosted by
volunteers from MBLL, where children and their
parents created works of faux stained glass. Young
artists chose patterns based on images from the
ancient world like the Trojan Horse and Greek gods
and goddesses.
The WAG was delighted to welcome many new
visitors from all across the city. Guests took
advantage of the free audio tours and participated
in guided tours throughout the day.
Proud supporters of the Olympus exhibition.
Free Admission Day also provided volunteers from
MBLL an opportunity to share their enthusiasm for
art and to give back to the community. The WAG is
grateful to MBLL for helping us make a memorable
experience for our visitors.
Recognized as one of Canada’s Best Managed Companies every year since 2001.
10 | WINTER2015
Presented in collaboration with the
Nunavut Arts and Crafts Association
and Danali, What to Wear this Winter
(WTWTW) was an innovative couture
event celebrating the art of dressing
warm chic. WTWTW featured fashion
runways in six of the WAG’s galleries
against a backdrop of art spanning
centuries. A first for the WAG, models
showcased pieces from five designers
out of Nunavut. All proceeds support
the WAG’s Inuit Art Centre project.
PrairieView School of Photography
September 24, 2015
September 26, 2015
David Lipnowski
The WAG welcomed 4,000 people
to its all-night party as part of Nuit
Blanche Winnipeg. With outstanding
art, electronic beats, and inspired
programming, the night included
MEMETIC’s world fusion sounds, a
dance party on the rooftop, and an
ancient jewellery workshop with
Manitoba Craft Council artists.
Guests visited the Minecraft Digital
Lounge and helped build a virtual
Olympus-inspired world.
myWAG | 11
# WAG ti t a n s
Feast for Gods and Goddesses
Thursdays, 6pm • Enjoy a three-course
Mediterranean dinner at TABLE Restaurant,
followed by an exhibition tour. $85, Members $80
Jan 21 • Angeliki Bogiatji, Project Curator
Feb 14 • Valentine’s Day Edition, Angeliki
Bogiatji, Project Curator
Seminars • FREE
Olympus-themed discussions led by local antiquity
experts. Weekends, 2–4pm
Sunday, Jan 17 • It’s Really Roman and You Can
Touch It Dr. Lea Stirling, University of Manitoba
Sunday, Feb 28 • Doing No Harm: Doctors,
Medical Ethics, and Religion in Ancient Greece
Dr. Tyson Sukava, University of Winnipeg
A R T + S O U L
Distinguished Lecture Series • FREE
Talks with local and visiting scholars exploring
Olympus and beyond. Weekends, 2pm
Sunday, Jan 31 • Craft and Craftiness: Cunning
Agencies in Greek Art Dr. Lisa Landrum,
University of Manitoba
FEB 20.2016
a r t a n dso u l.wa g.ca
12 | WINTER2015
Drop-in Tours • FREE
with Gallery admission
Saturdays and Sundays
Head of Aphrodite of
Knidos (detail), c. 50 AD.
Marble. Inv. no. SK 40.
© Antikensammlung,
Staatliche Museen zu
Berlin, photo: Johannes
Art for Lunch
Bite-sized talks, videos, and tours over the
lunch hour. Video programs are free, tours
and talks are included with Gallery admission.
No registration is necessary unless otherwise
stated. Events listed are subject to change.
Alternate Wednesdays, 12:10pm
Dec 16 • Talk: Rome and Jerusalem:
Worlds in Collision Rabbi Alan Green,
Congregation Shaarey Zedek
Jan 27 • Lecture: Unmasking Greek Tragedy
Dr. Allison Surtees and Dr. Jane Cahill,
University of Winnipeg.
Feb 17 • BBC Video: Meet the Romans:
All Roads Lead to Rome (50 min)
FREE with Gallery admission. Enjoy
20-minute mini tours of Olympus. Find out
which Olympian you are, then come take
the tour focusing on your god or goddess!
Dec • Artemis (Diana), Goddess of
the Hunt & Nature
Jan/Feb • Aphrodite (Venus), Goddess of Love
Gods Quiz
Take our Gods Quiz at olympus.wag.ca
at home or in the exhibition. Find your
icon at the end of the quiz and then look
for it in Olympus, identifying artworks
related to your god or goddess.
Olympus Viewports
Discover an exciting series of Olympus
viewports for kids and adults. Marvel
as animated myths from ancient Greek
vases come to life before your eyes.
Explore impressive panoramas created
by Manitoba LEGO® Users Group.
Tom Lovatt, Junkyard Queen
Expand your mind with
Tom Lovatt and
40+ amazing artists
200-62 Albert Street | Winnipeg, Manitoba
gurevichfineart.com | 204.488.0662
LEGO®, the LEGO logo, DUPLO, the Brick and Knob configuration,
and the Minifigure are trademarks of The LEGO Group which does
not sponsor, authorize or endorse this building event.
myWAG | 13
Family Events
Family Fusion Days@WAG
Spend some creative
time together!
Drop-in between 1pm & 3pm
(recommended for kids 6–12)
Tuesday, Dec 29 • The Great Art Hunt
Embark on an exciting family tour of
the galleries using our new WAG Art
Adventure Booklet.
Spring Break
Family E-Newsletter
Would you like to receive information
about family programs and events
at the WAG? Send an email to
education@wag.ca and start
receiving our Family E-Newsletter.
Wednesday, Dec 30 • Family ArtJam
Come to WAG Studio, use our supplies,
and make something amazing to take
home with you!
Jan 24 • 1:30-4pm
$10 per family
(2 adults & up to 4 children under 18)
Keep your snowsuit on for a Northern
experience at the WAG. Make your
way to the rooftop and participate in
fun outdoor activities. Celebrate Inuit
culture through traditional music,
games, gallery tours, and art-making
Tuesday, Mar 29–Friday, Apr 1
8:30am-5pm • Ages 6–12
$50/day, Members $45/day
Get creative with a new theme
every day! Campers will have fun
experimenting with new art forms,
playing active games, and seeing art in
the galleries.
NEW! Spring Break
Art Camp for Teens
Mural Madness
Tuesday, Mar 29–Friday, Apr 1
9:30am-5pm • Ages 13–18
$180/week, Members $200/week
$20 per adult & child; $5 per additional
child. For more details visit wag.ca/
Family Sunday
Arctic Chill Out!
Spring Break Art Camp
Enjoy the party…leave the
arrangements to us!
Choose a theme and celebrate your
child’s birthday at the WAG. These fun
and creative pARTies include a tour of
current exhibitions, an art workshop,
and a party room for gifts and cake.
For more information, download
our brochure online or contact
Paint a mural on the walls of the WAG
Studio building, learn about the rich
traditions of mural art, and make new
Spring Break Family
Interactive Fusion Tours
Tuesday, Mar 29 & Thursday, Apr 1
1pm • $20 per adult & child
$5 per additional child
All ages will enjoy learning about
the art and taking part in hands-on
activities. For more details visit
Winter Classes 2016
Warm Up with Art!
Classes start
Jan 9, and
run until Mar 19
Winter is a great time to get creative. WAG Studio offers
children and youth classes in a variety of media for ages 5 to 17.
We also offer adult classes. Registration is on now for drawing,
painting, sculpture, pottery, and animation. Sign up in person
at 280 Memorial Boulevard, by phone 204.789.1766, or at
14 | WINTER2015
Richard Finney
February 26–March 20
Friday, February 26
WAVE at the WAG 2016
March 23–April 17
Reception: Wednesday, March 23 • 6-9pm
Maureen Watchorn:
April 21–May 8
Reception: Thursday, April 21 • 6-9pm
Dates are subject to change, please
visit wag.ca for more details.
October 17, 2015
Four hundred guests dined like
deities at a monumental celebration
nearly 3,000 years in the making with
Olympus. The WAG's annual Gallery
Ball was a smashing success, raising
over $200,000 in support of youth
outreach and education programs.
Guests participated in extraordinary
live and silent auctions, and enjoyed a
sumptuous meal in the galleries with
performances by acclaimed New York
dancer Jeanne Bresciani and by local
dance artists.
See more photos at
Buzzing with over 3,500 shoppers, the
WAG hosted CRAFTED: Show + Sale,
the Gallery's first-ever juried craft
fair. Presented in partnership with
Manitoba Craft Council and Nunavut
Arts and Crafts Association, the twoday event featured five workshops
and four floors of handmade crafts,
showcasing the extraordinary talents
of over 50 artists from Manitoba and
Crazy In Love and WAG
November 6 & 7, 2015
gallery ball, top l-r: WAG Curatorial Resident of Indigenous and Contemporary Art Jaimie Isaac, Chris Fehr, The Winnipeg Foundation Board Chair Susan Millican, James
Millican, Nancy Frost, The Winnipeg Foundation CEO Rick Frost, Deborah McCawley, and Otto Lang. middle l-r: WAG Director & CEO Stephen Borys, Hazel Borys, Tracy Bowman,
Mayor Brian Bowman, WAG Board Chair Ernest Cholakis, Anastasia Cholakis, Gallery Ball 2015 Chair Susan Skinner, and Ken Skinner. bottom l-r: Margo Kalinowsky, Ian
Kalinowsky, Kim MacDonald, Gallery Ball Presenting Sponsor 1832 Asset Management Senior Vice-President Donald MacDonald, Ella Donnelly, and Kevin Donnelly.
bottom left: CRAFTED 2015 Co-Chairs Joyce Berry and Hennie Corrin.
16 | WINTER2015
Adventure Canada Tour to
the Arctic and Greenland
historian, an archaeologist, filmmaker
John Houston, son of James Houston
who introduced printmaking to the
Inuit, artist Pootogook Qiatsuk, and
Dr. Borys. On the floating university
Dr. Borys gave three well-attended
lectures and seminars.
A special guest on the trip was
Hidekazu Tojo, the world-renowned
sushi chef from Vancouver. During the
trip we all had an opportunity to watch
him prepare sushi, to practise making
our own, and of course to eat it.
Stephen Borys
Every traveller holds their own
particular memories: the stark beauty
of the land, the warmth of the people,
the special blue of an iceberg are some
we will hold dearly. The North is a
special place.
By Harry and Mary Lynn Duckworth
This was no ordinary cruise! On
July 17 a dozen adventurers under
the auspices of The Associates of
the Winnipeg Art Gallery, and in the
capable hands of Sue Irving, joined
190 others on the Ocean Endeavour
for a two-week Adventure Canada
expedition into the “Heart of the
Arctic.” Among the party were Dr.
Stephen Borys, Director & CEO of the
WAG, his wife Hazel, and son Roman.
No ordinary cruise meant days were
spent getting in and out of zodiacs, the
main connection to land. Embarking
from Kuujjuaq, Nunavik, the voyage
took us into Hudson Strait to Akpatok
Island, where polar bears strolled the
beach. The cruise visited Wakeham
Bay, a tiny community on the south
shore of Hudson Strait, where the
group tried beluga muktuk and seal
meat and heard local throat singers.
The wild and uninhabited Digges
Islands awaited, with remnants of
early Inuit dwellings; Cape Dorset saw
carvers working en plein air, along with
print shops that made the opportunity
to buy irresistible.
Kimmirut (Lake Harbour) was
memorable, with its enthusiastic
Inuit games in the community centre.
Before sailing off to Nuuk, the capital
of Greenland, with its outstanding
museum, the group inspected an
iceberg up close in Davis Strait.
Greenland offered fiords and glaciers
and friendly, tiny communities, as well
as a very competitive soccer match
between the village of Itilleq and the
ship. The expedition ended with a visit
to the Greenland ice cap before flying
home to a land with trees.
The exceptional Adventure Canada
team on board included a geologist,
naturalists, Inuit culturalists, an
For upcoming Associates Travel Tours,
visit wag.ca/visit/events/traveltours.
June 18–29, 2016
Explore the wild and beautiful
Newfoundland coast. Listen to stories,
tap your toes to infectious music, and
share laughter with the famously
warm-hearted people. Visit wag.ca
for details and contact information.
Home Tour Success!
9th Annual Home Tour
4 Riverfront homes
42 Volunteers
450 Visitors
$16,000 raised to assist in
making art accessible to all
myWAG | 17
Manitoba Tourism, Culture,
Heritage, Sport and Consumer
Winnipeg Arts Council
WAG Supporters
The Winnipeg Art Gallery is
grateful to the individuals,
corporations, foundations,
friends, and all levels of
government that support
the WAG’s many exhibitions,
education programs, and
fundraising initiatives.The
following list recognizes
contributions received between
January 26, 2015 and September
25, 2015, as well as our ongoing
government support.
Border Glass & Aluminum
Cholakis Dental Group
Investors Group
Alpha Masonry
The Boeing Company
Stephen and Hazel Borys
The Dorothy Strelsin Foundation
Friesens Corporation
Gurevich Fine Art
Keates Foundation, The
Winnipeg Foundation
Johnston Group
Douglas and Louise Leatherdale
Minerva Painting & Decorating
Michael Nesbitt
Andrew B. Paterson
Wawanesa Insurance
The Winnipeg Foundation
Government of Canada
Canada Council for the Arts
Young Canada Works,
Department of Canadian
Museums Assistance Program,
Department of Canadian
Government of Manitoba
Bureau de l’éducation française
under the aegis of the
Canadian/ Manitoba Program
for Official Languages in
Community Places Program,
Manitoba Housing and
Community Development
Green Team Manitoba,
Manitoba Children and Youth
Heritage Grants Program,
Manitoba Tourism, Culture,
Heritage, Sport and Consumer
Mary Lou and Paul Albrechtsen
Irena Cohen
Fort Garry Hotel
Gillis Quarries
The Greek Market
Inn at the Forks
The Jewish Foundation of
Robert and Dierdre Kozminski
Manitoba Liquor and Lotteries
The McCain Foundation
Red River Cooperative Ltd.
Storm Catering
Terracon Development Ltd.
TD Bank Financial Group
Winnipeg Free Press
49-97 Capital Partners
AHEPA Winnipeg Chapter
Jean P. Carter and Richard Riess
Danali His & Hers Urbanwear
Daughters of Penelope, Winnipeg
Embassy of the Federal Republic
of Germany
Ahava Halpern and Frank Lavitt
Ruth Hastings
Hellenic Greek Orthodox Church
(St. Demetrios)
Hellenic Professional
Association of Manitoba
Simon Hiebert and Rose Grijalva
Ladies Philoptochos Society/
The Greek Pavilion
Dr. and Mrs. Angelos
Manitoba Public Insurance
SC Media
Ten Spa
Natalija Zmavc
Jeff Baigre
Maxine and John Bock
Richard and Joyce
Dr. Ernest Cholakis and
Dr. Anastasia Cholakis
Arnold and Carla Cohn
Employees of the Winnipeg Free
Herb Enns and Maem SlaterEnns
Fred Ford and Gela Stach
Dimos and Nancy Ginakes and
Faye Hellner and Garry
Ross Hoople and Athena Dinos
Katopodis Family
Ruth Kettner
Helene and Demetrios
Kristina’s on Corydon
Drs. Maria and Milt Lautatzis
Darryl and Shawna Levy
Graham C. Lount Family
Helen Leeds
Allan Macdonald
Barry and Carol McArton
Maxime’s Restaurant & Lounge
Mitchell Fabrics Ltd.
Nick’s Inn Restaurant
Shirley A. Richardson
Rachel and Dean Scaletta
Deborah M. Schnitzer
Eva Stubbs
John Verogos
David T. Anderson
Teacher’s Corner
FREE! Digital Teacher
DEC 17–20
Muriel Richardson Auditorium
Dec 17 7pm • Dec 18 7pm & 9:30pm
Dec 19 & Dec 20 1pm, 3:30pm & 7pm
Member / Student / Senior $12
Adult $14
Tickets at the WAG or online at wag.ca/events
18 | WINTER2015
Visit our Teacher’s Corner at
wag.ca/teachers for access to a
wealth of classroom resources designed
to meet Manitoba curriculum outcomes.
These resources include an Olympus
pre-visit guide, Olympus self-guided
tour sheets, links to fantastic online
resources, as well as a selection of
lesson plans.
C. Richard and Joyce Betts
Ken and Lynn Cooper
John Crabb and Marilyn Baker
Robert and Marian Cumming
Arlene Fages
Derek Fewer and Leslie Sarchuk
Peter and Livii Forster Family
Daniel Friedman and Rob
James Gibbs
Percy and Elaine Goldberg
Patricia Guy
Interior Illusions
Dana and Peter Jessiman
Suenita Maharaj-Sandhu and
Shana Menkis
The Honourable Peter Morse and
Margaret Morse
Susan and Gordon Pollard
Lawrie and Frances Pollard
Ram Wools Yarn Co-op
Marlene Stern and Peter Rae
Ken and Lorna Thorlakson
Arlene Wilson
Academy Optical
Jay and Judy Anderson
Thanasis Argyriou
Linda Armbruster
Artists Emporium
Ayoko Magazine
Christina Barwinsky
Christopher Birt
John Bond
Boston Pizza, Winnipeg
Professional Development
NEW! Visual Literacy
Let our art educators help you craft your
own professional development day at
the WAG or at your school. Tours and
visuals of current exhibitions provide
excellent context for explorations into
visual literacy and can be paired with
art-making workshops for a full-day
experience. E-mail youth-programs@
wag.ca for more info.
Sarcophagus relief with the abduction of
Proserpina, 3rd century AD. Marble. Inv. no. SK
847a. © Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu
Berlin, photo: Johannes Laurentius
E-mail education@wag.ca to receive our Teacher’s
Corner E-Newsletter
Karen and Dwight Botting
The Late Ruth Bredin
David and Sheila Brodovsky
Doneta and Harry Brotchie
Carol Budnick
David Carr
Christina Cassels
Maxa and Cliff Chisick
Rick and Hennie Corrin
Margaret Cuddy
Dr. Raymond Currie
Paul Daeninck
Robert G. and Alison Darling
Tara Debreuil
Claire Dionne
Bill and Meggin Elliott
European Shoe Shop
Donalda Fridfinnson and
Michael Gillis
Curwin Friesen and Jill Weber
A. Lee Gibson
Girl Candy
Prof. Robert and Dr. Linda Gold
Susan Gottheil and Leonard
K. Abigail and Garth Grieder
Judith Hall
Hat Trick
The Heights Salon
Leona Herzog
Jennie Hogan
Angie and Mike Houvardas
Analee Hyslop
Lesley Iredale
Dr. J. B. Jenkins
J. H. Kaminsky
John Kassenaar
Paul Klassen
Susan and Keith Knox
José and Rudolf Koes
Katarina Kupca
Barbara Latocki
Marjorie L. Law
Frederick Lee and Laurie
Terèsa Lee
Marsha Leith
Ted and Wanda Lismer
Christy Little
Ganpat and Manju Lodha
Catherine Maksymiuk
Elaine and Neil Margolis
Scott McCulloch
Nanette McKay
MCW/AGE Consulting
Professional Engineers
Grange Morrow
National Leasing
Joanne Olchowecki
Keith Oliver
Al Pich
Donna Plant
Juta Rathke
Really Great Things–Shelley
Dr. Martin Reed and Joy Cooper
Iris Reimer
Joyce E. Rich
Joan Richardson
Nichole Riese
Alex Robinson
Esther Rose and Aubie Angel
Valerie Shantz
Lucille Schmidt
Bob Somers
Majid and Moti Shojania
Jacqui Shumiatcher
Helga Sickert and David Hewitt
Frederick and Edith Simpson
The Honourable Mira Spivak
SPR Quality Design and
Jennie Sylvia Squire
Maurice and Patricia Steele
P. Colleen Suche
These Four Walls
Charles and Roine Thomsen
Marvin Tiller
Hugo and Aleida Veldhuis
Stasa Veroukis
F.C. and Estela Violago
Joan A. Wright
Vicki Young
Dr. Alex and Harriet Zimmer
Tribute and Memorial Gifts
In Memory of Mary Beamish
Esther Rose Angel
Dr. Jaroslaw and Mary and
Christina Barwinsky
Maxine Cristall
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon B. Davidson
Judith Hall
Maureen Kerry and Jim
José Koes
Elaine Margolis
Margaret Morse
Michael Rachlis
Betty Ann and Sam Searle
Staff and Management of The
Great-West Life Assurance
In Memory of Morley Blankstein
Esther Rose and Aubie Angel
Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Hazel
In Memory of Ruth Bredin
Christina Barwinski
Sylvia Squire
James Patrick Stoneman
In Memory of Margaret Collins
Catherine Collins
In Memory of Ruth Bredin
James Patrick Stoneman
In Memory of Robert Ferguson
Morley Walker and Gail
In Memory of Joan Fotiadis
Dr. Ernest Cholakis and Dr.
Anastasia Cholakis
In Memory of Bill Irish
William and Nancy Mitchell
Donna Plant
In Memory of Max Levenstein
Betty Ann and Sam Searle
In Memory of Evangeline Mercury
Richard L. Yaffe
In Memory of Paul Slivinski
Judy and Alex Slivinski
In Memory of Terry Des Marais
Eric Des Marais
In Memory of Bernhard Wiens
Elizabeth Wiens
In Honour of Arthur Blankstein
Ellen and Daniel Hamburg
In Honour of James Cohen
Donna Plant
Purchase a FAMILY
membership this
December and your
first visit to Olympus
is FREE!
the GIFT
of ART
Be part of our story. Inspire future
generations with your donation to the WAG.
In person at our front desk or the
Gallery Shop OR visit wag.ca/donate
Head of the youthful Dionysus in a classical antefix (detail), Mid-2nd
century AD. Marble. Inv. no. SK 121. © Antikensammlung, Staatliche
Museen zu Berlin, photo: Johannes Laurentius
In Honour of Anita Collins
Kenlyn Collins
In Honour of Hennie & Rick Corrin
Carol Oreck
Lynne Oreck-Wener
In Honour of Scott McCulloch &
Liz Ling
David Carr
Sarah Crabbe
Cora Eaton
Jordan Sodonsky
Arnie Thorsteinson and Susan
In Honour of Margaret Morse
Dr. Stephen and Mrs. Hazel
Maxine Cristall
Harry and Mary Lynn Duckworth
Murdoch and Peggy MacKay
David Folk and Laurel Malkin
Linda and Michael Radcliffe
Morley and Shirley Rypp
Betty Ann and Sam Searle
Phyllis Watson
In Honour of Shelley Nimchonok
Phil and Ruth Rubin
In Honour of Reva Stone
Betty Ann and Sam Searle
In Honour of Brenlee Werner
Richard L. Yaffe and John
The Estate of Marjorie Gardner
The Estate of Gordon P. Linney
Students of WAG
Are you between the age
of 15 and 18? Is art your
favourite subject? Do you
make your own art and are you
interested in getting involved in
Winnipeg’s artistic community?
Come join a fun group of likeminded teens and get a chance
to see behind the scenes at the
WAG. For more information,
visit wag.ca/sowag.
Relief with Nike sacrificing a bull, (detail), 1st century
BC, marble, Inv.no.SL2.3 & -12 SK 1901. ©
Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin,
photo: Johannes Laurentius
myWAG | 19
WAG Board of Governors
Ernest Cholakis
Ex Officio
Stephen Borys
Dentist, Cholakis Dental Group
WAG Director & CEO
Jeff Baigrie
Ex Officio
Bill Elliott
Partner, Pitblado Law
WAG Deputy Director
Past Chair
Alex Robinson
Members at Large
Business Development Manager,
Graham Construction
Chair, Building Committee
Kevin Donnelly
Chair, Development
Scott McCulloch
Dwight MacAulay
Partner, Assurance
PricewaterhouseCoopers LLP
Chair, Governance and
Nominating Committee
Alex Robinson
Business Development Manager,
Graham Construction
Chair, Human Resources
Jeff Baigrie
Partner, Pitblado Law
President, Associates
Diane Biehl
Chair, Works of Art
Fred Ford
President/Board Chair, Manitoba
Inuit Association
20 | WINTER2015
of Architecture, U. Manitoba
& Director, CISCO Innovation
Centre, U. Winnipeg)
Curwin Friesen
Chair, Finance and Audit
Hans Andersen
my news my way
Herbert Enns (Professor
Senior Vice President
& General Manager,
MTS Centre, True North
Sports & Entertainment Ltd.
Business Development Manager,
Western Canada, Vector
Corrosion Technologies Ltd
Get a head start on your day with our essential
morning briefing posted on winnipegfreepress.com
Monday through Friday by 7 a.m.
Hennie Corrin
CEO- Friesens Corporation
Nick Logan
Chief of Protocol,
Government of Manitoba
Lisa Meeches
Executive Producer, Manito
Ahbee Festival
Shane Paterson
Corporate Development Officer,
Paterson GlobalFoods Inc.
Sandy Riley
CEO, Richardson Financial Group
Winnipeg Art Gallery
Foundation Inc. Appointment
Ken Cooper
Province of Manitoba
Manju Lodha
Artist, Creative Writer, and
Multicultural/Multifaith Educator
and Learner
City of Winnipeg
Russ Wyatt
City Councillor
for Transcona Ward
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Olympus Title Sponsor
© Antikensammlung, Staatliche Museen zu Berlin – Preußischer Kulturbesitz, photographer Johannes Laurentius
CDG 201509 myWAG.indd 1
C E L E B R AT E L I K E I T S 5 0 0 B C
SAVE 20% OFF admission*
Tues–Sat • 11am-5pm
Fri • 11am-9pm
BOGO Friday Nights* • 5-9pm
Open Dec 24 until 2pm,
Dec 26, Dec 31, and Jan 1
Closed Dec 25
2015-09-16 10:52 AM
Return undeliverable
Canadian addresses to:
Winnipeg Art Gallery
300 Memorial Boulevard
Winnipeg, MB R3C 1V1