WHAT is Unified Food Truck Festival?


WHAT is Unified Food Truck Festival?
WHAT is Unified Food Truck Festival?
Special Olympics Arizona Unified Food Truck Festival will pair the love of sports with the
love of food. Unified sports pairs individuals with and without intellectual disabilities to
compete together on the same sports team. The event gives individuals the opportunity
to have an interactive experience with Special Olympics Arizona athletes in a fun, safe
and competitive environment. Individuals are divided into teams and paired with Special
Olympics Athletes to compete against each other for some friendly team building competition. The benefits are endless for both the Special Olympics athletes and their teammates without a disability. It allows Special Olympic athletes to gain higher-level sports
skills while experiencing meaningful inclusion by playing a valued role on a team. This
event changes people’s attitudes about people with disabilities and fosters lasting
Special Olympics Arizona
Special Olympics Arizona-Palo Verde Area serves over 5,000 individuals with and without
an intellectual disability in the West Valley of Phoenix. Special Olympics provides every
person with intellectual disabilities a place of welcome, acceptance and the chance to be
their best. Our goal at Special Olympics Arizona is to empower the over 180,000 Arizonans with intellectual disabilities to be healthy, productive, and respected members of
society through year-round sports training, competitions, and support programs.
GOALS of Unified Food Truck Festival
1. Facilitate PARTICIPATION of Special Olympics athletes and company members in a fun,
interactive, and social atmosphere;
2. Encourage meaningful INTERACTION among Special Olympics athletes, company
members and community members
3. Foster CAMARADERIE and friendly competition;
4. RECOGNIZE and PROMOTE sponsors
5. Raise COMMUNITY SUPPORT AND AWARENESS for Special Olympics Arizona
WHY participate in Unified Food Truck Festival
85% of the American public believes corporate partnerships with Special Olympics “make
a difference” in the lives of those with intellectual disabilities.
85% of people surveyed said they were likely to buy a product from company who
supports Special Olympics.
77% of the public feel more positive about companies that support Special Olympics.
76% of the public would “almost always” choose a product associated with Special
Olympics given the choice of two products with similar price and quality.
Increase employee morale, camaraderie, job satisfaction and organizational
Provide networking opportunities
HOW to play Unified Food Truck Festival
Objective: Proudly represent your company or team in the Unified Food Truck Festival! No
athletic skills necessary, just the willingness to Play Unified!
1. Each company/group is split into 4 teams and will receive an item based on their group color. Each
color will start at a different sporting activity: Soccer, Corn Toss, Bocce Ball or Flag Football. For example, all Red Groups will begin at Soccer, Green Groups at Corn Toss, etc.
Red Group
Green Group
Blue Group
Yellow Group
2. After a brief 5 minute instructional overview,
teams will spend 20 minutes competing against other
3. When the allotted 20 minutes of competition has concluded, groups will then move on to the next
sporting activity. Groups will continue this pattern until they have completed all 4 sporting activities
4. Once the team has completed all four areas, they will receive a participation medal. Teams will be
given awards based on most funds raised.
5. Individuals ages 2-7 years old can participate in the Unified Easter Egg Hunt & $5 Easter Bunny
6. Take in the great food from one of the many food trucks. Food Trucks are signing up for purse prizes
in categories of Best Entrée, Best Dessert, Most Entrée Sold, Most Dessert Sold and Best Festival Atmosphere. Come watch the celebrity judge taste test at 1:00 pm.
Everyone loves a little competition! Encourage your employees to compete against each
other for the Top Fundraising Team and the Top Fundraiser. This not only promotes
healthy competition, it also raises funds for Special Olympics Arizona athletes. Special
Olympics Arizona will provide each team with their own online fundraising platform for
them to use in their efforts.
supports one athlete at Summer Games
provides transportation for four (4) athletes
funds 150 Young Athletes (ages 2-7)
supports two athletes for an entire year
provides healthy meals at Summer Games
will provided printed materials, teacher and student trainings, sports equipment,
uniforms, and campaign supplies so that 4 elementary school can implement Project
Unify for one school year
What Does the Winning Individual & Team Win?
Let’s give employees what they really want. Extra PTO, a half day at work, prime
parking space, or a pizza party with their team members! Special Olympics Arizona will
provide a trophy for the Top Fundraiser and Top Fundraising team of the corporation.
Want to make things more fun? Create an odious consequence for the losing
team. Winners pick the poison – be it delegating work, wearing goofy costumes, washing
the cars of triumphant team members…the torture is endless!
$15,000 Championship Partnership Benefits
Employee Engagement:
Opportunity to engage employees and create a team building experience by “Owning, Running and Branding” an
activity at The Unified Food Truck Festival (ex: Corn Toss, Bocce Ball, Soccer or Flag Football)
Up to 5 Team Entries
Pre-event pizza party for employees (food provided by SOAZ) for individuals to pick
teams and unique team name
Marketing & Communications Outreach:
Company logo and link in e-newsletter and website
Logo put on promo (ex: water bottle, wrist bands, t-shirt) give away to all
participants (Logo must be provided by March 1st)
Company name/logo on all event communication after March 1st
Recognition of your company’s contributions at the awards ceremony
Company name/logo will be prominently placed on all marketing materials including: T-shirts Website and social Media (Logo must be provided by March 1st)
Opportunity to display two partner provided banners (3’ x 5’) at event . One 6’ table/booth for display (table and
booth must be provided by vendor)
Opportunity to include company information or items in participant goodie bag (item must be provided to Special
Olympics by March 16th)
$ 1 0 , 0 0 0 F i n a l s Pa r t n e r s h i p B e n e f i t s
Employee Engagement:
 Opportunity to engage employees and create a team building experience by “Owning, Running and Branding” an
element of the many activities that take place at The Unified Food Truck Festival (example: Stage/Awards, TShirts
 Up to 3 Team Entries
Marketing & Communications Outreach:
 Recognition of your company’s contributions at the awards ceremony
 Company name/logo prominently placed on event T-shirt (Logo must be provided by March
 Opportunity to display banner (3’ x 5’) at event
 One 6’ table/booth for display (table and booth must be provided by vendor)
Opportunity to include company information or items in participant goodie bag (item must be provided to Special
Olympics by March 16th)
$7,500 Semi-Finals Partnership Benefits
Employee Engagement:
Opportunity to engage employees and create a team building experience by “Owning and Running” an element of
the many activities that take place at The Unified Food Truck Festival (example: a Particular Sporting Event, Stage/
Awards, etc.)
Up to 2 Team Entries
Marketing & Communications Outreach:
Recognition of your company’s contributions at the awards ceremony
Company name/logo on event T-shirt by (Logo must be provided by March 1st)
One 6’ table/booth for display ( table and booth must be provided by vendor)
Opportunity to include company information or items in participant goodie bag (item must be provided to Special
Olympics by March 16th )
$5,000 First Round Team Benefits
Employee Engagement:
1 Team Entry
Marketing & Communications Outreach:
One 6’ table/booth for display (table and booth must be provided by vendor)
Recognition of your company’s contributions at the awards ceremony
Opportunity to include company information or items in participant goodie bag (item must be
provided to Special Olympics by March 16th)
For More Information Contact:
Jamie Heckerman | Palo Verde and Four Peaks Area Director | 602.230.9135 | Jamie@SpecialOlympicsArizona.org
Krista Sanchez | Sr. Development Coordinator | 602.230.1115| Krista@SpecialOlympicsArizona.org
In Kind Donation Opportunities
Unified Food Truck Festival gladly accepts donations that are not monetary. Here are a few items we are needing for this event to be successful:
- Cases of water
- 500 Event Programs
- Trophies
- 500 Goodie Bags
- Candy for Easter Egg Hunt
- 1,000 Flyers
- Trash boxes/liners
- Event T-Shirts
- Easter Eggs
- Crafts for Kid Station
- Event Photographer
- Event Videographer
- DJ with Equipment
- MC to Host Event
- Easter Bunny
- Printed Photos
Sponsorship Amount $______________________
Contact Name ___________________________________________________
Title ____________________________________________________________
Address _________________________________________________________
City _________________________State________________ Zip ___________
Phone ___________________________ Fax ___________________________
E-mail __________________________________________________________
Signature _______________________________________________________
For more information please contact:
Jamie Heckerman | Palo Verde and Four Peaks Area Director
Jamie@SpecialOlympicsArizona.org | 602.230.9135
Special Olympics Arizona
2100 S 75th Avenue | Phoenix, AZ 85043
Office: 602.230.1200 | Fax: 602.230.1110