cebu chapter


cebu chapter
President’s Page
Sydney Goulbourn
Founding President
Dear CanCham members and friends of CanCham:
Fidel V. Ramos
Washington Sycip
Alfonso T. Yuchengco
To represent, support and promote Canada-Philippines business interests
Julian H. Payne
Roger Dimmell
1st Vice President
Mercedes L. Marquez
2nd Vice President
Christopher Bell-Knight
Atty. Virgilio del Rosario
Corp. Secretary
Tammy Lipana
Ernest Loignon
Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines
Unit 1406 Antel Corporate Center 121 Valero Street, Salcedo Village
Makati City 1200 Philippines
Phone: +(632) 843-6457 • +(632) 843-6466 • +(632) 843-6471
Fax: +(632) 843-6469
Cebu Chapter:
12/F, Unit 1201 FGU Center, Mindanao Avenue, Cebu Business Park
Cebu City 6000 Philippines
We had an outstanding Annual General Meeting in Manila on April 26 and
also a great Annual Plenary Session in Cebu on May 10. Both were notable
for excellent attendance and participation by members. The atmosphere was
greatly enhanced by the service provided by the Makati Shangri-La, Manila
Hotel and the Marco Polo Cebu Hotel. The questions at the Annual General
Meeting were the best I have heard in such meetings and provided constructive
guidance about how we can improve our program of events to better meet the
needs of members in a user friendly way. Thank you all!
On behalf of the nine Trustees you elected, I wish to thank you for trust you
have in us to govern CanCham for the next year. We will do our best to justify
this trust. To help us we welcome two new Trustees elected to serve as such
for the first time: Mr. “Jun” Palafox and Mr. John Ridsdel. Both bring widely
recognized experience in their respective fields of architecture and extractive
industries that will broaden the perspective of the Board. The other Trustees
re-elected are Christopher Bell-Knight, Roger Dimmell, Tammy Lipana, Ernest
Loignon, Mercedes Marquez-Laurel and Flora Naces-Mateo as well as myself,
At the first meeting of the newly elected Trustees held on May 19, the Trustees re-elected Mr. Roger
Dimmell as First Vice President, Ms. Mercedes Marquez-Laurel as Second Vice President and Mr.
Christopher Bell-Knight as Treasure as well as myself as President. This represents a continuation of all
in office and we thank the Trustees for their continued support for 2012-2013.
Phone: +(6332) 231-3368 • +(6332) 583-8708 Email:
In accord with the By-Laws the Board of Trustees appointed Mr. James Dantow as a Governor as well as
reappointing Jack Gaisano, Roger Mandriak, Esther Tan, Celso Vivas, and “Tito” Yuchengco as Governors.
Ambassador Thornley has graciously agreed to continue ex officio as Chairman of the Board of Governors
with Immediate Past President Richard Mills and myself also ex-officio members.
Lastly in terms of organization the Board of Trustees has re-established/established the following
committees (with chairperson noted where so far appointed)
•Communications and Media Committee (Ernest Loignon)
Flora Naces-Mateo
•Events Committee (Mercedes Marquez-Laurel)
•Membership Committee (Tammy Lipana)
•Cebu Advisory Committee (to be appointed)
Amb. Christopher Thornley
• To represent the collective business interests of the membership
Jack Gaisano
• To increase the business profile and Canadian connection of the
Robert Lee
Roger Mandriak
Richard Mills
Julian H. Payne
Celso Vivas
Esther Tan
Alfonso S. Yuchengco III
• To advocate improvements in the Philippines business environment
to benefit members
• To assist Canadian business get established in the Philippines
• To assist members in accessing business support resources
• To arrange events and facilities for members to exchange business
experience, expertise, ideas and news
• To provide business oriented social opportunities
Jimmy Chua
Sean R. Georget, Executive Director
Jose Jaime Escaño
Heidi H. del Pilar, Office Manager & Publications In-charge
Heiko KÄefer
Grace Ventosa, Marketing & Events Manager
Dr. Nonito Narvasa
Jemela Ann Gomez, Administrative Officer (Cebu)
Ritche Rivera
Jerry Agarin, Administrative Assistant
Carolina Marcelo, Office Assistant
March — May 2012
•Agri-business and Renewable Resources Committee (Roger Dimmell)
•Extractive Industries and Non-renewable Resources Committee (John Ridsdel)
•Governance and Anti-corruption Committee (Celso Vivas)
•ICT/BPO Committee (to be appointed)
•Labour Mobility & Education Committee (to be appointed)
•Water supply, Sanitation & Environment Committee (Julian Payne, a.i.)
•Davao City and Mindanao Group (Julian Payne, a.i.)
As you can see we envisage an active year ahead with many varies opportunities for participation by
members in areas of professional interest to them. Please take the initiative to contact the Secretariat if
interested in becoming a regular member of one of these committees.
Several members have been asking me about the status of our search for a new Executive Director
to replace Sean who will be leaving at the end of June. Briefly we have received a significant number
of applications and the members of the Search Committee, headed by our Treasurer Christopher bellKnight with our Governor James Dantow and our Trustee Tammy Lipana, have started reviewing the
applications and preparing for interviews.
On a nostalgic closing note…but also one which reflects keeping up with the times: this will be the last
hard copy issue of Canada Links. Moving with the time, CanCham is moving to an all-e communications
program (excluding the Directory) with an updated website and e-news-letter service. With this move
forward we hope to serve you better with more information, in a more timely manner, with better
opportunities for interaction by you…and at lower cost.
Major Corporate Members
International ICT Awards
Philippines — 2012
Top 10 reasons why “BPO” is
more fun in the Philippines —
by Lauro Vives
Monthly Networking Night
CanCham Executive Management Series
Annual General Membership meeting & Election
Foreign Chamber’s Networking Night
CanCham Members’ Plenary Meeting
22Advocacy Page
Joint Foreign Chambers (JFC) meeting with
DOF Sec. Purisima & DTI Secretary Domingo
Developing Asia growth subdued but steady-ADB Report
24Canada News
Latest issues on Canadian immigration law
25Cebu Chapter
Production & Advertising:
Editorial Staff :
Consulting Editor:
Crown Worldwide Group opens new office and
warehouse facility in Cebu
New Members’ Profile
28Members’ Update
Service Directory
March — May 2012
The views and opinions expressed in the
various articles contained within Canada
Links are not necessarily those of the
Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the
Philippines, Inc., nor it’s Board of Trustees,
nor the individuals of which the board
is comprised. The information provided
within any news release or advertisement
contained within Canada Links has not
been verified by the Canadian Chamber
of Commerce of the Philippines, Inc. Any
claims, statements, or assertions made
in any news release or advertisement are
strictly the responsibility of the individual
company or advertiser. The Canadian
Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines
makes no guarantee as to the accuracy
of any claims, statements, or assertions
in connection with the contents of any
news release or advertisement appearing
in Canada Links and disclaims all
responsibility and liability that may arise.
March — May 2012
convey or communicate over 30 messages thru facial expressions? From the most famous, “pointing with the lips” to the
more common, “scratching your head when you don’t know the answer”, the experience is pure Filipino.
It’s more fun to outsource in the Philippines because of the English accent — The English accent of the workforce
may not be the biggest factor in outsourcing jobs, but without a doubt, it is a differentiator. Other countries, like
India, are known for having a much more pronounced accent (although this is not as much of a factor in younger generations). The accent of the Filipinos is more in line with that of an ethnic American; in part to the country’s strong historical
background with the Americans. The country has maintained a strong relationship the United States since 1898, after the
400 years of Spanish colonization.
The Global English Corporation, based in Brisbane, California, posited some very interesting results with regard to
English proficiency scores. Their results showed only one country, the Philippines, as scoring above a 7.0 BEI level; as
compared with others in the top five with scores ranging from Slovenia’s 6.19 to Norway’s 6.54. A score of above 7.0
is described as possessing a high proficiency that indicates an ability to take an active role in business discussions and
perform relatively complex tasks. This is particularly interesting because the Philippines, a country with one-tenth of the
population of India, recently overtook India as a hub for call centers.
These factors combine translate to call centers having employees far better suited to dealing with customer concerns.
This is the result of Filipinos having a better understanding of the intricacies of western culture. That difference, in turn,
translates to the need for less cultural training, and reduced employee acquisition costs. Filipinos are ‘naturals’ when it
comes to providing services.
In 2005, XMG Global pronounced the Philippines would surpass India in the global call center industry by 2010. At
the time, this left some gasping in disbelief and doubt, and wondering what meds we were on (and rationally so, due to
the huge population differential). An old adage says, the best payback to those who doubted you, is success. Our predictions were right on the money. To our delight (and perhaps their dismay) the Philippines topped India in late 2009, and
continues to be the top destination for voice services. This is not to say we don’t have our own quirks with our brand of
English. We say “shades” instead of “sun glasses” (never mind using them as hair bands), or refer to power interruptions
as “brown outs”; but these prove to be of little matter, on the job.
By: Lauro Vives
ASA Chief Information Officer (CIO) recently said to an open forum of NASA Center CIOs,
“Why are we talking so much about ‘right-now’ technology instead of envisioning future
technologies?” Such a forward-looking position bodes well for all of us to consider; no
matter what our purpose, in government or business.
This is exactly the position the government of the Philippines has chosen for its positioning with regard to outsourcing, captive or shared services operations,(or what is generally called BPO operations) relocating to the Philippines.
Note, however, to use the term “BPO” to represent all the services above is a major misnomer - BPO is but one of several
services described above. It is like asking a buddy to buy you a tube of Colgate, but make sure the brand is Crest, or
asking for “Kleenex” instead of tissue paper. You get the picture. So in the spirit of our quirks and traits defining us as
Filipinos, we’ll refer to everything from animation to call center to IT as BPO.
It’s more fun to outsource in the Philippines because of lower costs — Lower business costs translate directly into
higher business profits; let’s face it! The Philippines remains a less expensive choice. The typical operating costs of a
BPO company in the Philippines results in an average savings of 15,000 to 22,000 US dollars per annum. The daily minimum wage is set to approximately$10 per day, making it far cheaper to outsource in the Philippines. As such, Filipino
salaries are but a fraction of their western counterpart’s. Based on an XMG Global study, Indian professionals are, on
average, paid 37% higher than their Filipino counterparts. Another cost-reduction factor is the fewer number of legal
holidays. The Philippines only has 18 holidays per year, compared to India’s 33, for example (though one might think
Christmas begins in September and ends in January).
Our Government may not have NASA’s resources; however, its resolve is no less passionate. Here at XMG Global,
we take predictions about the future very seriously; hence, we are providing whatever guidance we can, to aide in the
development of well-informed government policy and direction decisions.
The beauty, of dealing with these issues, is we have the opportunity to discuss a very serious government strategy
with relation to business applications, and how that strategy was positioned. But we’re not afraid to have a little fun, as
we try to help you realize where we are; how we got here; and where we are headed. With the light-hearted style of a
late-night talk show host, we take a serious subject, and will now provide, our Top Ten Reasons!
I t’s more fun to outsource in the Philippines because it has young and bright talents — The Philippine workforce
is highly-skilled and competent; possessing a world-class education in IT and competitive infrastructure backed by
several multinational IT companies. Country estimations project 440,000 graduates (2012-2013); of those, an impressive
50,000 IT graduates are expected. Compared to other highly-populated countries, the Philippines might lack the overall
numbers; however, our offsets will make potential employers smile. With the Philippines’ literacy rate of 92.6%,resources are readily at hand, and the base of potential employees is here for the taking.
Most western countries have seen a median age creep; however, in the Philippines, it remains at 22.9. Translation:
This country has a huge pool of young individuals; highly trainable, and largely untapped. This young generation, with
their lack of work experience, allows business to have higher employee retention and continued growth, compared to
their offshore counterparts. It is interesting to note, this younger generation still abides by parental house rules, even if
they are over 18.
I t’s more fun in the Philippines because of education — In 1901 the Thomasites first established the first “normal”
university in South East Asia. The location selected for that teaching university was the Philippines. The obvious
advantage was that the education system was structured using a western model. The government has displayed its commitment to improve the quality of education, by taking initiatives like the new K+12 policy from Department of Education and Roadmaps. Once again, these initiatives align it more with western education models. A western model does
not preclude some experiences, which are totally Filipino. Where else but the Philippines would you find the ability to
March — May 2012
March — May 2012
I t’s more fun in the Philippines because health is wealth — Labor cost in the Philippines is undeniably low. Despite
these lower base salaries, employees view their compensation and benefit packages as a benchmark. Many professionals give importance to what a company offers to them in terms of benefits. According to XMG Global research, about
41.7% of the time, employees give value to medical privileges. Moreover 45.2% of employees would like those benefits
to be extended to their families. About 70 to 80% of fresh graduates and experienced professionals are willing to work
in shifting schedules; however, for Filipinos, work life balance is also a factor. About 6.5% of experienced professionals
would take a new job, in order to work for a company that offers a good environment. Take note that Filipinos can sing
and dance at the drop of a hat.
The recognition of the need to be multilingual to service the world — At present, the country is still experiencing
scarcity in the supply of multilingual talent. An estimate of over than 6,000 multi-lingual’s in 2011 far exceeds labor
market projections. Last year, with insights and help from XMG Global, a tie up between the Board of Investment and
IBM was formed to implement programs to enhance the capabilities of multilingual talent in general, but more particularly in the BPO sector in languages other than English. This effort will play a crucial role to hit the industry’s goal
of generating $25 billion in revenue by year 2016. This is yet another example of government and business working in
concert to achieve a common goal.
What is noteworthy is that nearly 70% of the working multi-lingual speakers have never travelled to the country for
which they speak the foreign language. Perhaps these are the Filipinos that like to bear foreign license plates on their
cars– especially European plates.
Social mind-trend to be in a BPO company as hip employment — It is in the social mind trend of the Filipinos to
work for a BPO company. This is because BPO companies are known for competitive compensation and benefits,
which attract many highly skilled workers. Depending on the educational background, many fresh graduates and experienced professionals prefer to work for a BPO company (yes, this means IT, Call Center, BPO, Medical Transcription
and the lot). In an XMG Global survey, about 12.4% Business graduates would prefer to work for a BPO companies,
compared to 6.7% for Technical skilled graduates. Moreover, about 23.6% of technical fresh graduates and experience
professionals stated their preference to work for High Tech (IT/Telecom) Companies in 2011. Today about 41.6% of experienced professionals prefer to work for this industry, and the trend is growing. Working for a BPO is becoming hip,
just like anything imported.
Building a nation – BPO outsourcing is a certainty in the Philippines; ensuring GDP growth — The BPO industry
helps build the nation by providing more jobs for Filipinos, encouraging investments, and contributing to revenue of
the country. Because of the rise of this industry, an XMG Global study identified it as currently the largest in the private
sector providing about 610,000 direct BPO jobs in 2011 alone.
The Philippine government is open to foreign investment and facilitates globalization. The country takes the initiative,
and recognizes the potential of the BPO industry growth as it helps the economy of the country. Thus, because of this
initiative, the Government is currently developing a roadmap to further improve the industry by 2016.
If you notice, no matter how rich or poor Filipinos are, they manage to smile even for no reason at all. These results
and future plans will put more smiles on any Filipino’s face.
Best place to be located in the Philippines — The Philippines has many economics zones housing BPO companies.
There are about 248 locations established by Philippine Economic Zone Authority, which give opportunities for
investments, and locating business operations. Locations are strategically and widely-situated across the country; chosen for a combination of location (individual local governments have gotten involved, each touting the benefits of its
respective location); labor and transportation availability; and costs. Current successes will ensure more of these economic zones will be developed. The government has responded to the changing needs of these economic zones, with a
full range of infrastructure development. As required, airports, transportation links, and support has been modified or
created from scratch. The involvement of local governments has bolstered the recognition that everyone benefits when
these zones thrive.
However, note to investors and travelers. I think this is the only country in the world where nobody – family or friends
– can enter an airport to say goodbye - unless they are also passengers. Perhaps it is to make room for the eight boxes
one takes whenever Filipinos travel.
Being close to nature - a 7,000 island paradise — Aside from the advantage that companies can locate their business activities pretty much anywhere in the country, these locations give access to some of the most desired
tourist sites in the world. Employees have the best of both worlds; work opportunities far greater than those of the past
(which far too often, involved leaving home and family to work abroad), and locations which each offer a wide variety of
activities for leisure activity. The Philippines is a vacation destination all year round. Companies, which elect to establish
their offices in these favorable locations are, in-effect, living in paradise.
Imagine, over 7000 islands of tropical climate
that keeps your skin ageless while you increase
the value quotient of
your company. And one
more – and this is important because life is about
happiness and sharing
- where else would you
find a country where anyone who is eating greets
you with the words “Let’s
and press
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published free
of charge for
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be accorded
releases of news
value and are
subject to editing.
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Canada Links
Business Magazine
March — May 2012
March — May 2012
CanCham Major Corporate Members 2012-2013
Headquartered in Metro Manila, today Manulife Philippines reaches out to the archipelago with numerous strategically
located branch offices and a team of more than 1,500 full time professional agents.
AGS Four Winds International Movers
Manulife Philippines was a key participant in the Company’s demutualization project. This structural change paved
the way for Manulife Financial Corporation (MFC) to list its shares on the Philippine Stock Exchange (PSE). In 1999
MFC made history by becoming the first foreign company to list at the PSE. This has significantly improved Manulife
Philippines’ public visibility and reinforced Manulife’s commitment to the Philippines’ insurance marketplace. As of endJanuary 2010, Manulife continues to be the largest company (by market capitalization) listed on the PSE.
AGS Four Winds is the oldest and most established mover in the Philippines, originally
set up in 1951 as Delbros International Moving, Inc. a company with a history of
excellence and quality service born out of a culture of constant improvement in
customer and client satisfaction. In 2000, there was a management buyout and the
name was changed to Executive International Movers and in early 2008 the company
was bought by AGS of France – the largest moving and storage firm in Europe.
AGS Four Winds also has an office and warehouse in Cebu which provides services to organizations and individuals
who are located in the Visayas and Mindanao. AGS Four Winds is one of the few relocation firms in the Philippines that
have an office outside Metro Manila with a full time presence of experienced staff dedicated to moving household goods.
AGS Four Winds is a member of the International Moving Federation (FIDI) based in Brussels. After undertaking
a rigorous certification program, AGS Four Winds was awarded the FAIM quality certification. AGS Four Winds is
proud to be part of the group of companies who have achieved the FAIM certification. We are also affiliated member
of internationally recognized moving associations such as the Household Goods Forwarders Association of America
(HHGFAA), British Association of Removers (BAR) and the Far East Movers Association (FEMA).
AGS Four Winds specializes in the following areas: International door-to-door removals of household—goods and
personal effects • Domestic door-to-door removals including any province in the country • House and office removals
• Document storage/file management • Household goods and personal effect storage—including secure vault for
valuable items and documents • Climate controlled storage • General / project cargo handling • Commercial shipments
• International pet transport • Vehicle transport • Fine arts and antique handling
AGS Four Winds has a worldwide network of 120 branches in 78 countries that enables us to be in a position to
offer comprehensive door to door service both sea and air freight and fully containerized bonded storage facilities.
We are part of the largest European moving and storage firm and we pride ourselves on providing a quality seamless
service to our clients.
AGS Four Winds can move you around the corner or around the world with the same expertise. Try AGS Four Winds
and see how extremely satisfied you will be with the quality personal service!
Colliers International Phils., Inc.
Colliers International is a leader in global real estate services defined by our spirit of
enterprise. Through a culture of service excellence, and a shared sense of initiative, we integrate
the resources of real estate specialists worldwide to accelerate the success of our partners.
We represent property investors, developers and occupiers in local and global markets. We
empower our teams to partner with each client, listen to their unique business needs, design
an integrated service offering and deliver enterprising solutions that make your property a
competitive business advantage.
We are backed by the financial strength of FirstService Corp., a strong diversified capital partner, allowing us to invest
in major client resources. As a result Colliers is consistently ranked in the Global Outsourcing 100 by the International
Association of Outsourcing Professionals and as the world’s number two commercial real estate brand by the Lipsey
Manulife Financial is a leading Canadian-based financial services group serving millions of customers in 22 countries
and territories worldwide. Operating as Manulife Financial in Canada and Asia, and primarily through John Hancock in
the United States, the Company offers clients a diverse range of financial protection products and wealth management
services through its extensive network of employees, agents and distribution partners. Funds under management by
Manulife Financial and its subsidiaries were C$446 billion (US$440 billion) as at March 31, 2010.
Manulife Financial Corporation trades as ‘MFC’ on the TSX, NYSE and PSE, and under ‘945’ on the SEHK. Manulife
Financial can be found on the Internet at
> Corporate Solutions
> Real Estate Management Services > Investment Services
> Project Management
> Residential Sales & Leasing
> Industrial Services
> Research
> Office Services
> Valuation & Advisory Services
> Retail Services
Manulife Philippines
In 1901, the first Manulife life insurance policy was sold in the Philippines. A
few years later, in 1907, Manulife received its license to formally operate in the
Philippines. Since then, The Manufacturers Life Insurance Co. (Phils.), Inc. (Manulife
Philippines) has grown to become one of the country’s top ten life insurance
companies. Manulife Philippines’ agency force is considered to be amongst the most professional in the local life insurance
industry. The same quality service and financial integrity that has allowed it to endure for 100 years and beyond will
continue to bring Manulife Philippines success in the new millennium.
Mercan Canada Employment Philippines, Inc.
March — May 2012
Mercan Canada Employment Phils. Inc. is now the leading provider of manpower
recruitment services in Canada and soon to the United States of America with
the corporate head office located in Montreal, Quebec Canada. Mercan provides
reliable and responsive service for highly qualified skilled trade, technical, service
and health personnel.
We have sent over 3,000 workers to Canada since 2006 and in the process of
sending another 2,000 workers this year 2009. Mercan Capital Ltd., its affiliated
company, is one of the largest and most successful immigration-consulting firms.
Since 1989, more than 25,000 individuals of all origins have been able to establish permanent residency in Canada by
entrusting their applications with Mercan.
Mercan Canada Employment Phils. Inc. is an industry leader in the field of foreign recruitment and placement. We
provide comprehensive and customized solutions for large and small business owners, Human Resource professionals
and foreign workers. With partners in every major industry and an entire team of talented and highly experienced
professionals, including lawyers, consultants, technicians, and support staff, we are dedicated to providing each of our
clients with the best service. We are committed to deliver exactly the required services at 100% guaranteed satisfaction.
We are a customer-facing, market-oriented professional organization that communicates with clarity, honesty, integrity
and respect in all relationships. We are passionate about, and committed to, the success of our clients. To maintain our
leadership in this business, we are devoted to continuing education and development so we can respond constructively
and proactively to changing expectations and regulations.
With 20 years of experience in immigration, investment and recruitment consulting, Mercan has built a world-wide
network that provides us the ability to work directly with a great number of foreign workers. Our knowledge and
expertise in immigration processes allows us to bring foreign workers to employers in minimum time. At Mercan Canada
Employment Phils. Inc., we reduce the workload that the employees and the employers should face in recruiting foreign
workers. Avail our services and enjoy the Mercan Recruit Advantage!
--> Consult --> Recruit --> Selection --> Deliver --> Partner
Mercan Recruit Advantage Process
NetSuite (Philippines), Inc.
NetSuite Inc. is a leading provider of business management software
that enables companies to manage core business processes in a single
system that is delivered and accessed entirely from the Internet
“cloud.” Our software provides businesses of any size the capability
to do Enterprise Resource Planning (ERP) and Accounting, Customer
Relationship Management (CRM), and Ecommerce—all at a fraction of
the cost and complexity of traditional, on-premise applications.
The company is headquartered in Silicon Valley in the US, and is listed in the New York Stock Exchange trading under
the symbol “N.” The company was founded in 1997, and has since grown to well over 1,000 employees, serving over
10,000 customers, from more than ten offices in four continents around the world. Of NetSuite’s 1,000 employees,
nearly 400—representing all of the functional departments of the company, are based out of its Philippine office in
RCBC Plaza in Makati City.
The Philippine office was initially set up in 2007, and started out purely as a center for back-office processing work.
Today the center has grown to become a strategic enabler of the company’s operations—with many of its employees
doing high value, knowledge intensive, innovative work such as financial accounting and management, systems audit
and compliance, customer service and support, systems and business process consulting, training and education, even
product design, development and quality assurance.
Manulife’s agency retention standards play a key role in maintaining a professional agency force. The Company
continues to focus on recruiting and training quality Sales Associates in its tradition to provide professional service for
its customers and stakeholders.
Colliers International established its’ presence in the Philippines in 1994 and is now a market leader in commercial
real estate, synonymous with quality, reliability and total customer satisfaction. Specialization distinguishes Colliers.
With the resources of 325 staff in the Philippines, we help you make decisions with confidence - using our deep market
knowledge and expertise to achieve your goals
March — May 2012
Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company
The PLDT Corporate Business Group has been re-launched as PLDT ALPHA Enterprise,
reflecting its leadership position in the Enterprise ICT market.
Alpha denotes ³the first², ³the beginning². It is also assigned to the leader who holds the
top rank in any group or association, for example the ³Alpha² wolf in the pack.
Rebranding the PLDT Corporate Business Group was a response to the new needs the top
enterprise clients who themselves occupy the highest ranks in business and industry. Quite
simply, they are Alpha clients who require an end-to-end Alpha ICT partner.
PLDT ALPHA Enterprise claims its long held position as the leading telco in the Philippines
and the most respected worldwide. It is the country¹s “Carrier of Carriers” with the unmatched
extensive NxGN network, MEF 9 and 14-rated Carrier Networking Technologies, and the most
insightful custom-built solutions for the Alpha enterprise customers who demand it.
PLDT Alpha Enterprise is more than just a new name; it¹s the committed brand of a transformed ICT leader. Through
its mission to put “Relationships First”, it recommits to be always in tune and in sync with a more dynamic and savvy
Enterprise market. It is the ALPHA Enterprise customer who has shown the way to Alpha. It is PLDT ALPHA Enterprise
who will respond and deliver.
Sun Life of Canada ( Philippines), Inc.
Philippine Operations
Sun Life Financial in the Philippines offers a wide spectrum of products that
includes Life Insurance, Accidental Insurance, Pension Plans, Education Plans
and Mutual Funds.
Sun Life Financial is represented in the country by its life insurance arm, Sun
Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc. (SLOCPI); its mutual fund manager, Sun Life
Asset Management Company Inc. (SLAMC); and its pre-need business distributor,
Sun Life Financial Plans Inc (SLFPI).
Sun Life of Canada (Philippines), Inc. or SLOCPI pioneered life insurance in the Philippines in 1895. Since then, it
has grown dramatically to become a diversified financial services institution providing a wide range of products and
services to individuals and corporations, meeting their needs for protection, wealth accumulation and management.
It ranks as one of the top two life insurance companies in the Philippines with a million individual and group life
policyholders nationwide. The company is backed by a network of over 3,000 agents and some 600 employees. As of
2010, SLOCPI’s total assets stood at over P90 Billion.
In 2000, Sun Life Philippines introduced its first subsidiary, the Sun Life Asset Management Company, Inc. or SLAMC.
The company is the fund manager and principal distributor of the biggest family of mutual funds in the country – the
Sun Life Prosperity Funds. It is the first in the industry to have an accounting system that adequately complied with the
standards set by the International Accounting Standards (IAS). SLAMC benefits greatly from the expertise of its mother
company’s close association with MFS Investment Management – the inventor of mutual funds in the U.S.
Then in 2001, Sun Life Philippines launched its second subsidiary, Sun Life Financial Plans, Inc. or SLFPI. The company
is the sole distributor of Sun Life’s Pension and Education plans in the country. It is the first pre-need company in the
Philippines to offer participating pension and education plans.
As a multinational organization, Sun Life Financial is committed to conducting its business with fairness and integrity
-- a commitment that is based on a fundamental belief in law and honesty.
The quality of the company’s asset structure has been recognized by Standard and Poor’s and the A.M. Best Company,
which accorded Sun Life of Canada’s high positive ratings.
Sycip Gorres Velayo & Co.
SGV & Co. is the Philippines’ largest professional services firm with eight offices across the
country. It employs 2,300 people.
SGV professionals from various disciplines provide integrated solutions that draw on diverse and
deep competencies in assurance, tax, transaction advisory, and services. Upholding the highest
standards of quality, the Assurance and Advisory Business Services division of SGV & Co. has
been ISO-certified since 1996. SGV & Co. counts among its clients the most prestigious Filipino
and international business organizations operating in the country.
SGV & Co. has played a leading role in the national accounting profession for many years, and
former SGV partners fill many of the top elective posts in Philippine professional organizations.
There are about 32,000 SGV alumni worldwide and in the Philippines, many hold high positions in
the private and public sectors. SGV & Co.’s track record has remained unmatched in the region.
It has accumulated invaluable resources in more than 60 years of operation — highly qualified
and competent staff, state-of-the-art facilities, and an enviable global network. The Firm envisions not only to give
value-added services to its clients but, more importantly, to become a partner in their growth and development.
SGV & Co. is a member practice of Ernst & Young Global. Ernst & Young, a global leader in professional services,
understands the business issues that are important to senior executives. With extensive business knowledge and hands-on
industry experience, the global Ernst & Young organization can implement a broad array of solutions to help companies
capture growth, improve financial performance, and manage risk — anywhere in the world. Its 130,000 people serve
as trusted business advisors in more than 140 countries, offering auditing, accounting, tax, and transaction advisory
services across all industries to many of today’s leading global corporations as well as emerging growth companies.
March — May 2012
TELUS International Philippines, Inc.
TELUS International Philippines brings extensive experience in building worldclass, global outsourcing solutions for leading North American clients. Now
with a growing list of Fortune 500 clients and close to 9000 employees, TELUS
International has become a leading provider of contact center and IT services to
clients in the utilities, IT, telecom, consumer electronics and financial services industries.
TELUS has invested heavily in technology and human resources. We employ cutting-edge technology via a fully
redundant, fully fiber-optical network. Our screening and training processes identify and develop agents with an
exceptional customer-centric focus. Our agents are dynamic and can quickly and effectively resolve customer inquiries.
All of which underpins the TELUS commitment to clients: superior service quality and cost-effective delivery.
What does it mean to work with TELUS?
You don’t just hire a vendor, you gain a partner. Partnering with TELUS International promises more
than just an outsourcing arrangement. By working with TELUS, clients can access a high-quality, lower
cost, customer-centric solution - all backed by a multi-billion dollar Canadian telecommunications company.
You don’t just get people who get you, you get people who get your customers.
TELUS International is consistently recognized by clients for exceeding customer service metrics.
Our communication skills and cultural training programs allow our agents to engage customers more
effectively, with friendly, efficient service. When customers deal with our agents, they know they have
proactive individuals on the line - people they can trust for solutions ranging from simple to complex.
You don’t just save more money,you make more money.
At TELUS International, we take the time to understand the client’s business to tailor a solution that meets their unique
requirements. This allows us to put forward well thought-out solutions that not only serve client customers better, but
also help them realize their revenue targets. You don’t just hear promises, you see performance.
Our goal is to be the number one outsourcing provider to all of our clients. This motivates our team to think outside
the box and look at client’s challenges as our opportunities. Our award winning programs are a testament to how
we do business. You don’t just get a greater piece of the pie, you get greater peace of mind. Our ability to provide
peace of mind and build long-term partnerships stems from our financial strength and continued growth. TELUS
International Philippines is backed by TELUS International, Inc. - a fully-owned subsidiary of Canada’s second largest
telecommunications company, TELUS Corporation.
Our Fundamentals-Hands-on Management TELUS International’s senior management and operations team is based
in Manila and working US business hours, keeping a close watch on our clients’ businesses. The team is composed
of call center veterans with US call center expertise, as well as deep understanding of Philippine business practices.
TELUS International has become one of the key players in the industry and one of the few with Filipino roots. This gives
the management team better insight into what motivates the Filipino agent as the industry matures.
Transcom Worldwide Philippines, Inc.
The best of the East meets West in Manila, Philippines. A well-educated,
professional and multilingual workforce that understands North American
Culture and Customer Service. Modern Technology and communication
infrastructure in a stable political environment. A fast-growing economy with
attractive, cost-effective competitive advantages for global and other businesses.
This Southeast Asian financial and business hub has long been recognized as a region that seamlessly merges the
competitive economic advantages of its off-shore location with its European connections. Today, over 500 multinational
companies operates from the Philippines.
Now, Transcom Asia has brought its successful business model for contact center operation and outsourced business
processing to Manila.
Transcom Asia is a Canadian success story making its mark in the competitive global center industry. Over the past decade,
Transcom has grown rapidly servicing a select list of clients ranging from fast-growing businesses to Fortune 1000 multinationals.
With clients in sector ranging from telecommunications to financial services to broadcasting to retail, Transcom has
acquired an extraordinary degree of experience across innovative industry sectors.
Transcom offers a global geographical coverage encompassing an extremely competitive cross-border service. This
enables our client to focus on their core business, reduce their cost and develop in their markets.
The Transcom Asia Model
The same business model that has made Transcom successful in Europe and North America is in place in Manila
Operations. A key aspect of Transcom’s business model is its ability to recruit, train and retain the best people in the
call center business. The company’s corporate culture incorporates and promotes values of honesty, dignity and respect
– all of which encourages professionalism, personal development and opportunities for career advancement.
Transcom Asia’s Manila management and frontline agent receive the same extensive customer service training
provided to Transcom Worldwide agents and managers. Transcom Asia also leverages Transcom’s cutting-edge call
center technologies and software applications, which drive efficiencies and productivity using statistical quality controls
and continuous improvements.
TVI Resource Development Phils., Inc.
TVI Resource Development (Phils.) Inc. (TVIRD) is the Philippine affiliate of TVI
Pacific Inc. (TSX: TVI), a publicly-listed Canadian mining company focused on the
exploration and production of precious and base metals from district scale large
system, high margin projects located in the Philippines. TVIRD has assembled a team
with exceptional skill in all aspects of mining and exploration and has acquired, or
applied for, an impressive portfolio of properties in the Philippines.
March — May 2012
TVIRD is a domestic corporation incorporated under Philippine laws, and operates a mining project
i n S i t i o C a n a t u a n , B a ra n g ay Ta b ayo, M u n i c i p a l i ty o f S i o c o n , P r ov i n c e o f Za m b o a n g a d e l N o r t e .
The basis of the mining concession is the Mineral Production Sharing Agreement (MPSA No. 054-96-IX) by and between the
Philippine Government on one hand and Mr. Ramon Bosque (claim owner) and Benguet Corporation (operator) on the other as
contractor entered on October 23, 1996. On June 16, 1997, the contractor executed a Deed of Assignment in favor of TVIRD
conveying all the contractor’s rights under the MPSA. The transfer was approved and through the Order of the Secretary of
the Department of Environment and Natural Resources dated May 14, 1998, the MPSA was registered in the name of TVIRD.
The MPSA has a term of 25 years, renewable for another period, and grants the contractor the “exclusive right to explore,
develop, and utilize for commercial purposes gold, silver, copper, zinc and other minerals existing within the contract area.
TVIRD’s Canatuan Mine began mining and milling operations in mid-2004 producing gold and silver doré. The project covers
a mining concession wholly owned by TVIRD consisting of 508.3396 hectares that encompass a polymetallic sulphide
deposit replete with gold and silver, incidentally falling within the Ancestral Domain of the Subanon Indigenous People.
TVIRD is now looking beyond the development of the Canatuan sulphide plant to its second development-stage
property and planned production center at the Balabag Gold and Silver Project in Bayog, Zamboanga del Sur. The
company plans to advance development activity at Balabag in the near term with the intention of augmenting the
cash flows being generated at Canatuan. While the scoping study produced on Balabag in early 2008 provided data
on a full-scale production plant, TVIRD is currently evaluating strategies to establish a pilot plant, which would require
significantly lower capital expenditures, in order to bring the project into production much more quickly. Cash flows
from the operation could then be reinvested into staged expansion and improvement of the plant, to further increase
production and cash flow, as well as contributing to advancing exploration activities. This is the same strategy that
was previously employed to bring the Canatuan mine into initial commercial production. As arguably the most
experienced foreign operator in this region of the Philippines, TVIRD is confident it can execute this strategy again.
TVIRD’s exploration personnel will also continue examining the significant upside potential of its largely unexplored
land position in other areas in the Zamboanga Peninsula. This extensive portfolio of properties represents the forward
opportunities for the company. The tenements have the potential for hosting large porphyry copper-gold and epithermal
gold deposits. In addition to follow-up work on prospective discoveries already made at the Tamarok, Tapisa and Bonbon
projects, TVIRD will be advancing exploration across its broader property package with the intention of discovering the
Philippines’ next significant deposit.
Vicsal Development Corporation (VICSAL), is a private family corporation primarily
engaged in the retail business. It owns and operates a chain of department stores and
supermarkets popularly known as Metro.
Vicsal Development Corporation (VICSAL)
Incorporated in 1981, Metro opened its first department store and supermarket in
1982. Its inception was through the vision of the late Sir Victor Gaisano, a seasoned
retailer and one of the revered members of the Gaisano family. With the help of his wife,
Sally Gaisano, and four children — Margaret, Jack, Edward and Frank, Victor Gaisano
envisioned a department store and supermarket that will offer quality and a variety
of merchandise in a friendly atmosphere and at prices that are highly competitive and
reasonable. Metro’s vision is to become a world-class retail store and enjoy the process
of attaining it. Its mission is to provide quality environment, quality service, and to be
responsive to customers’ needs in the highest current standard. Metro was built firmly on the philosophy of customer
Today, Metro is known for its comfortable and friendly outlets that offer a wide assortment of fresh and quality products
at reasonable prices. Their retail activities typically range from supermarket operations, department store operations,
appliances, fine jewelry, pharmacy, fast food outlets, bakeshops, coffee shops, photocopying, framing, embroidery
and gift wrapping services. Through a series of expansions and partnerships with Ayala Land Inc. and other major
developers, it now operates 8 retail outlets, located in the cities of Cebu with two, Mandaue, Legazpi, Lucena, Bonifacio
Global City, Taguig City and Angeles City, Pampanga. All Metro Department Stores and Supermarkets are located inside
multi-level store buildings.
Convergys Philippines Services Corporation
BPO Employer of the Year
HSBC Electronic Data Processing Philippines
Shared Services Excellence of the Year
The Pacific Mall built to complement Super Metro Mandaue was completed early this year 2011. Two floors are already
being added to Metro Ayala Cebu. Four Metro stores are also being planned to open in Naga, Cebu; Maasin, Leyte;
Alabang and Cavite within the next 2 years which will double the current total selling area.
Non-Voice Excellence of the Year
Tata Consultancy Services (Philippines) Inc.
Best New BPO Locator of the Year
Ingram Micro Shared Services Center
Fastest Growing BPO Company of the Year
Maersk Global Services Center (Philippines), Ltd.
Most Innovative BPO Company of the Year
Investment House - Vicsal Investment Inc.; Banking – Wealthbank, Stock Brokering - Vicsal Securities and Stock
Brokerage, Inc.; Mutual Fund - Filipino Fund, Inc.; Other Finance Services - Prime Asia Pawn & Jewelry Shop, Inc., Real
Estate Development, Residential and Commercial - Taft Property Venture Development Corporation; Travel - Grand
Holidays Travel and Tours, Inc.; Logistics - Cargo Bayan Inc.; Social Responsibility - Vicsal Foundation, Incorporated
Accenture in the Philippines
BPO Company of the Year
Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific (HK) Ltd. Phils. ROHQ
Quality Program of the Year
Lilia De Lima • Monchito Ibrahim • Vergilio Peña
ICT Individual ContributorS
VICSAL has an ardent desire to touch the lives of their consumers. That is why more than a business, it sees every
enterprise as an opportunity to uplift surrounding communities.
March — May 2012
March — May 2012
F inalists
BPO Company of the Year
Accenture in the Philippines
Convergys Philippines Services Corporation
Sitel Philippines Corporation
Stream Global Services
Teleperformance Philippines
TELUS International Philippines
Shared Services Excellence of the
ANZ Global Services
HSBC Electronic Data Processing Philippines
Ingram Micro Shared Services Center
Maersk Global Services Center (Philippines), Ltd.
Regus Service Centre Philippines B.V.
BPO Employer of the Year
Accenture in the Philippines
Convergys Philippines Services Corporation
Sitel Philippines Corporation
Startek Philippines, Inc.
Sutherland Global Services Philippines
Teleperformance Philippines
TELUS International Philippines
Most Innovative Company
Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific (HK) Ltd. Phils. ROHQ
Maersk Global Services Center (Philippines), Ltd.
SPi Global
Startek Philippines, Inc.
Wipro Philippines
From L-R: Lito Tayag - Country Managing Director, Accenture in the Philippines; Cassandra Sotto - Director, Business
Process Delivery for Philippines, IBM; Alex Wozniak - General Manager, Ingram Micro Shared Services Center; Kristina
Beckendorf - Managing Director, Global Delivery Lead Liner Operations & Head of Business Relations Management,
Maersk Global Services Center (Philippines), Ltd.; Monchito Ibrahim; Virgilio Peña; Noel Mendoza - Director, Global
Deliver Center, Hewlett Packard Asia Pacific (Hong Kong) Ltd., Phils.; Vikram Singh - Country Manager, Tata Consultancy
Services (Philippines) Inc.; Carlo Jose - President & Head of GSC Philippines, HSBC Electronic Data Processing
Philippines; and Victoria Mueco, Country Manager for Customer Management Operations, Convergys Philippines
Services Corp.
j u d g es
Non-Voice Excellence of the Year
Fastest Growing
BPO Company of the Year
ANZ Global Services
Ingram Micro Shared Services Center
Maersk Global Services Center (Philippines) Ltd.
Pointwest Technologies Corporation
RCG IT Philippines, Inc.
Alorica Inc.
InterGlobe Technologies Philippines
Ingram Micro Shared Services Center
PCCW Teleservices (Philippines), Inc.
Startek Philippines, Inc.
Best New BPO Locator of the Year
Quality Program of the Year
Tata Consultancy Services (Philippines) Inc.
Hewlett-Packard Asia Pacific (HK) Ltd. Phils. ROHQ
Logica Philippines, Inc.
PCCW Teleservices (Philippines), Inc.
RCG IT Philippines, Inc.
SPi Global
Thomson Reuters Manila
ICT Individual Contributor Award
Lilia De Lima
Monchito Ibrahim
Virgilio Peña
March — May 2012
Sean Georget – Executive Director, CanCham; Richard Mills - Chairman, International ICT Awards - Philippines
2012; Cyril Rocke, Director, European Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines; Robbie Bassig – Isla Lipana
PriceWaterhouseCoopers; Alejandro P. Melchor III, Information & Communications Technology Office Department of
Science & Technology; Don Felbaum - Head - ICT Committee, American Chamber of Commerce ; Gigi Virata, Senior
Exec. Director, Business Processing Association of the Philippines
March — May 2012
Annual General Membership Meeting and Election
Makati Shangri-La, Manila
April 26, 2012
Monthly Networking Night
Howzat •
March 21, 2012
CanCham Executive Management Series
New World Hotel
March — May 2012
April 24, 2012
March — May 2012
ForeignChamber’s Networking Night
The Bellevue
Supported by:
May 24, 2012
CanCham Members Plenary Meeting
Marco Polo Plaza
May 10, 2012
Sean Georget (CanCham), Henri Ortiz (French Chamber), Roger Dimmell (CanCham), Roger Lamb (British Chamber),
Rick Jenning (AmCham), Chris Ward (ANZCham), Nobuo Fujii (Japanese Chamber), Hubert d’Aboville (ECCP) & Ryan
Chan (The Bellevue)
In Canatuan, responsible mining is
a catalyst for sustainable development.
Metro Colon I Super Metro Mandaue I Metro Ayala Center I Metro Legazpi I Metro Lucena I Metro Market!Market! I Metro Food & Fashion
Through its social commitment and environmental protection programs, TVI Resource Development (Phils.) Inc. has made sustainable
development possible for its Subanon indigenous hosts.
At its copper-zinc project in Canatuan, Siocon, Zamboanga del Norte, the human rights paradigm has guided the Company as it implements
community development projects that can be sustained beyond the life-of-mine and into the future.
Know how the Company is making this happen. Visit today.
March — May 2012
March — May 2012
Joint Foreign Chambers (JFC) meeting
with DOF Secretary Cesar V. Purisima and DTI Secretary Gregory L. Domingo
highlighted at the meeting:
On May 23, 2012, the Joint Foreign Chambers
(JFC) met with Department of Finance (DOF)
Secretary Cesar V. Purisima and Department of
Trade and Investments (DTI) Secretary Gregory L.
Domingo at the DTI OSEC Conference Room, DTI
Building in Makati City. The following topics were
•Government shares in mining revenues.
•Foreign ownership restrictions.
•Air safety.
•Excise taxes for Alcohol, Cigarettes, and Tobacco.
•DICT creation.
•Common Carriers Tax/Gross Philippine Billings
•Rationalization of Fiscal Incentives.
•Customs Modernization and Tariffs Act.
•National Single Window System.
•Wage Increase.
•Creating green/blue lanes or integrity lanes.
•Implementation of new Tax Credit Certificates.
•Inclusion of baseload power projects in the new
Investment Priorities Plan.
•DOF Position on MRT-­7.
Developing Asia growth subdued but steady - ADB Report
eak global demand will weigh on developing Asia in 2012
but growth rates in most economies remain robust and
should tick back up in 2013 with private consumption
providing support, the Asian Development Bank (ADB) says in a
new report.
ADB’s flagship annual economic publication, Asian Development Outlook 2012
(ADO 2012), forecasts gross domestic product (GDP) growth in developing Asia at
6.9% in 2012, rising to 7.3% in 2013. GDP expanded by 7.2% in 2011 after growing
9.1% in 2010, as the region rebounded strongly from the global financial crisis.
“Continued uncertainties in the eurozone and a further slump in global trade
pose the biggest threats to the growth outlook,” said Changyong Rhee, ADB Chief
Economist. “At the same time, Asian economies are gradually diversifying into new
markets, private consumption is trending up and the region has limited direct financial exposure to the eurozone—
which should help sustain its momentum.”
External trade was subdued in 2011, but domestic demand helped take up some of the slack, with the region’s current
account surplus falling to 2.6% of GDP from 4% in 2010. Inflation is gradually easing, but remains a potential threat given
volatility in food and fuel prices. A significant dip in investment late in 2011, and the possibility of growing unpredictability in foreign capital flows in and out of the region are other factors policymakers must be wary of.
Asia must be ready to respond to any further major shocks in the eurozone which could stall an exports recovery, dry
up trade finance or undermine key global supply chains―where Asia plays an integral role. Most economies in the region
have sharply improved finances in the wake of the 2008 global financial crisis and have the capacity to respond to further
external weakness. “There is no clear case for short-term policy responses, but if inflationary pressures build up again
and capital inflows resume, there may be a need to readjust monetary policy to maintain price stability,” Mr. Rhee said.
In the longer term, policymakers will need to strike a balance between paying down debt while supporting growth
that is both inclusive and environmentally sustainable. Across the region, East Asia will see a deceleration in growth
to 7.4% this year from 8.0% in 2011, weighed down by weaker exports and investment. People’s Republic of China, the
world’s second largest economy, will lead the way with growth set to moderate to 8.5% and 8.7% for 2012 and 2013,
down from 9.2% in 2011. South Asia will also remain subdued with growth of 6.6% in 2012, tempered by weak demand
and fiscal limitations. The pace of expansion will accelerate to 7.1% the following year, driven by the Indian economy,
which is projected to rise to 7.5%. Southeast Asia will see growth quicken, with GDP expanding to 5.2% in 2012 from just
4.6% in 2011, on the back of the continued recovery in the Thai economy.
L-­R: JCCIPI VP Nobuo Fujii, ECCP VP Michael Raeuber, JCCIPI President Takashi Ishigami, CanCham ED Sean Georget, ECCP President Hubert
d’Aboville, DOF Secretary Cesar Purisima, CanCham President Julian Payne, DTI Secretary Gregory Domingo, AmCham President Rhicke Jennings,
KCCP President Edward Eun-Gap Chang, AmCham/ICIP SA John Forbes, ANZCham President Ian Porter, SMI Finance and Commercial Manager Justin
Hillier, and ANZCham ED Angie Pettersson (DTI Usec. Adrian Cristobal also attended.)
March — May 2012
Central Asia will see little change in economic activity for 2012, with projected growth of 6.1% reflecting the weak conditions in the eurozone and sluggish growth in the Russian Federation. Growth in the Pacific is set to moderate to 6.0%
in 2012 and 4.1% in 2013, as Papua New Guinea, the largest economy in the region, sees a winding down of infrastructure
projects that stimulated growth in 2011.
March — May 2012
Latest issues on Canadian immigration law
by David H. Davis
The Immigration Minister Jason Kenney is constantly busy with his team
he first major announcement by CIC is the fact the BUFFALO VISA OFFICE in USA
was officially closed as at MAY 29TH, 2012. You can visit the following web link for an
explanation of the changes in service standards for processing all types of applications
for persons resident in USA:
If you represent persons who are citizens of Mexico, the
CIC office has announced changes to make it easier to obtain police criminal record certificates from that country.
Please see the web link at:
resources/manuals/bulletins/2012/ob422.asp The major
change is that state-issued police certificates do not need
to be requested anymore.
The minister has also made it easier for all of those applicants awaiting pr visa to have their medical assessment
extended if the current medical certificate is older than 15
months. This memorandum, which takes legal effect on
June 1st, 2012, will only be applicable if outstanding medical is only remaining issue once the visa officer has made
final decision on all other aspects of the pending file application. Please see the following web link: http://www.
If you have a client who desires to live and work in
Alberta, and they fit into the occupational definition for
pipefitter and or steamfitter, then you will want to review
the following web link which discusses that this temporary foreign worker agreement has been extended to May
31st, 2013. Please see the following web link: http://www.
The CIC department has also announced that they will
issue PR cards to those applicants who qualify for renewal
and will deliver the actual cards directly to their address,
thus avoiding the painstaking process of the applicant
having to attend to the nearest CIC office to retrieve their
new card. This web link confirms this new procedure: however, in this same operational
bulletin, its possible for an applicant to only receive a one
year validity and the main reason for
that is local cic officials familiar with the
applicant may be anticipating or have
already filed a section 44 report for inadmissibility.
The federal skilled worker applications for PR status that were filed prior
to Feb. 27th, 2008 will meet their fate
once the BIA ( budget implementation
act ) has been finalized. The BIA has to
do with the refund of application fees for
all of those applicants who applied prior
to Feb. 27th, 2008. It will be important for
all applicants to consider their legal position especially if they have children who
were under 22 years of age prior to the
announcement of the CIC in March, 2012
but whose children become 22 years and
older and who may not meet the definition of dependent child after March 29th,
2012. This is significant because many
applicants will consider applying for PR
status under the new criteria, but those
whose children will no longer be accepted under the new criteria due to being
over the age of 22 years, will not be so
inclined if they know that some of their
family members will no longer be able
to receive immigrant visas. Please see
the following web link: http://www.cic.
Crown Worldwide Group opens new office and warehouse facility in Cebu
he Crown Worldwide Group, a worldwide leader of global mobility, relocation services,
information management and fine arts and high value logistics recently opened a new
branch in Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines. Crown’s newest facility aims to support the
rapidly growing records management and relocation businesses in the region.
Crown Cebu’s 650 square meter warehouse and office facility has 24 hour security, closed-circuit television cameras
and is equipped with a fire detection system. The new facility has helped strengthen regional market share and stands as
a collaborative arm of Crown Manila. Camilla Brooks, country manager for Crown Philippines states: “Cebu’s growth in
recent years means that, in order to remain a dominant player in the relocations and records industry in the Philippines,
we must have presence in Cebu. The cooperative efforts of both offices will be critical to long term Crown Philippines’
success. We are so excited to have them on board!”
Cebu’s extensive international port facilities, accessibility to Asia and the rest of the world, have led more than a hundred multinational firms to establish manufacturing industries on the islands. As a result, Cebu leads the entire country
in exports. Crown’s Cebu office is managed by Sidri Hilario, branch manager, who has 10 years of extensive experience
in business development and operations management. Sidri said: The branch presence signifies Crown’s commitment
and promises to our clients, wherever they are located.
continued from page 24 — Latest issues...
determination system:
The federal government is prepared to compromise with
many of the opponents to this proposed legislation and
that is an initial 14 day detention review with subsequent
reviews taking place every 180 days, unless of course the
person concerned is able to substantiate their request for
refugee status and is considered a genuine refugee. The
main purpose of the new Bill is to try to deal with the arrival of boat persons who make refugees and others who
take advantage of our refugee protection system and make
what is considered a bogus refugee claim. It is important to
report as well that though CIC has not announced publicly
yet, there is expectation that visa posts such as BUFFALO
and many inland CIC offices are going to be closed as the
government tries to implement significant cost cutting
measures all meant to reduce duplication of services and
costs. However, it is important of course to ensure that the
government can still meet its mandate of approving pr visas for up to 1% of Canada’s population, even with the
significant cost cutting.
If you wish to try to stay on top of all changes in Immigration Laws or announcements you should visit the web
site of the department at:
The author is a CanCham member and could reach him at 204-956-2336 ext. 201 website:
The Minister of Immigration is busy
with many media announcements as
well. see for example the following web
link which discusses the new proposed
BILL C-31 which deals with the refugee
March — May 2012
March — May 2012
Dusit Thani Manila earns silver certification from EarthCheck
ward-winning flagship property of Dusit International - Dusit Thani
Manila, has once again received a global recognition, this time,
awarded with a Silver level certification by EarthCheck. (www.
Earth Check is an internationally recognized environmental management and certification
program designed for the Travel and Tourism industry. It helps determine a company’s standard of environmental, social, and economic performance and requires compliance to internationally recognized standards. This includes the reporting of Greenhouse Gas emissions
(GHG) and consumption of natural resources.
In order for Dusit Thani Manila to gain EarthCheck Certified status, the five-star luxury hotel was required to submit
a year’s worth of operational data to EarthCheck for Benchmarking purposes. This was then compared to the operational
data submitted by similar organizations, before being rated against Baseline and Best Practice levels.
Dusit Thani Manila was also required to submit to independent, third party auditing, to verify the accuracy of their
sustainability claims. Their policies require the use of energy-efficient lighting, the minimization of water consumption,
recycling of solid waste products and use of recycled products whenever possible. This has resulted in a decrease in
Greenhouse gas emissions (GHG) for the hotel’s operations.
Some of the on-going environmental efforts of Dusit Thani Manila are 24/7 Green Initiative and Dusit Green Hour
Dusit Thani Manila conducts every last Saturday of the month ‘Dusit Green Hour’ which is the monthly version of the
Earth Hour. Dusit Green Hour is 60-minute hotel-wide lights-off campaign that has been going on since June 27, 2009
from 8:30pm to 9:30pm, an initiative in its continuous fight against global warming.
The monthly Dusit Green Hour is being conducted and participated by the entire Dusit Thani Manila consisting of the
DFiT Fitness Center, Devarana Spa, main Hotel lobby and all its restaurants and bars. Hotel guests are also encouraged
to switch off the lights in their rooms.
P. Carmen Street, Alua, San Isidro, Nueva Ecija, Philippines 3106
Tel: (044) 940-6249
Safety Projects International Inc. was incorporated in Canada in 1982, and now operates in over 40 countries providing
training, general consulting and auditing services.
Provide occupational safety and health training and auditing of high risk industries on a global scale, in addition to
providing on line training of more than 800 topics with full client customization and internationally recognized certification
and qualifications after successfully passing each modules examination. Safety Projects International is Canada’s largest
Independent safety consultancy and owner of the International Trademark 5 Star Health & Safety Management System™
which covers General industry, Marine, Aviation, Hospital and Offshore oil & Gas exploration and production Industries.
Mission Statement
The Mission of Safety Projects International Inc. is to educate and influence management to adopt effective Safety
Health and Risk Control policies, practices and procedures that prevent and mitigate human and economic losses arising
from accidental causes and adverse occupational and environmental health exposures.
To achieve its mission, The Company. has five interrelated services, currently in use in over 30 countries, these include:
• Consultancy Services, 5 Star Health & Safety Audits
• Training Films on Risk Control
• Publications, Manuals, Books, C.D. ROM etc.
• Management & Safety Practitioner Training
As this campaign endeavors to save Mother Earth that eventually saves energy cost for the hotel, all its dining guests
are also being shared the saving benefits of this thrust by entitling them 30% discount on any food and beverage orders
for dinner every last Saturday of each month.
EarthCheck is trusted by more than 1200 organizations in over 65 countries. It is used to measure key environmental
indicators such as: energy and water consumption; total waste production and community commitment.
Marriott Manila sales and
marketing bags major awards
British School Manila chairman awarded
MBE in Queen’s new year’s honours list
for his services to education in the Philippines
The British School Manila is pleased
to announce that Her Majesty the
Queen graciously appointed Chairman
Simon Bewlay as a Member of the Most
Excellent Order of the British Empire
(MBE) in recognition of his services to
education in The Philippines.
With Marriott Manila’s continuous market share leadership
since 2011 by exceeding room revenue by 14%, catering by
19% versus budget, and revpar index change year above by
28%, Marriott Manila director of revenue strategies Catherine
Ona won the revenue leadership management of the year by
Marriott International. A title she holds for two years, she credits
the department’s teamwork in steering the goal by focusing
on strategies. Aside from this, the team brought home the
prestigious sales and marketing special achievement award
of the year which was based on the property’s unprecedented
rate of growth despite the challenge in location and destination,
unique sales staff deployment, effectively tapping e-commerce
channels and social media while amassing corporate and MICE
accounts made the two year old property the most sought after
hotel for the past fifteen straight months. Shown in photo are the
Marriott Manila Sales and Marketing headed by director Cristy
March — May 2012
Simon was born in Birmingham in
1940, to Josey Bewlay (nee Plant) and
Flight Lieutenant Ryland Bewlay.
He spent much of his career as a company Director in
Asia, Africa, North America and the UK.
In Nigeria, he also served as Chairman of the Iron and
Steel Employers Association and was part of a consultative
panel established to advise the then Federal Commissioner
of Labour. He was Director of International Operations for
Norcros plc and later Director of Corporate Finance for
Byrne Fleming (Pty) Ltd.
More recently Simon acted as Advisor to a number of
Company Boards in Indonesia, whilst concurrently acting
as Treasurer of Bandung International School. He has
served as Chairman of the British School Manila for the
last 10 years.
Lower Penthouse 12, BSA Suites, 103 Palanca St., Legaspi Village, Makati City, Philippines
Tel: +(632) 887-5720 • Fax: +(632) 887-5720
Transitions Executive Search, Inc., a boutique screening firm, was founded on August 2008. The company’s vision is
to make it an innovative, leading search firm in the hospitality industry. Its mission is to provide clients with excellent,
professional candidates and to serve both parties with extreme professionalism.
Average days to complete an assignment: Completion Ratio:
Repeat Client Ratio:
Average days to present shortlist:
Productivity Quotient
35.12 days
12.19 days
“Simon has made a tremendous contribution over many
years to the development of the British School Manila. I
am delighted that this has been recognised in the New
Years Honours list. I offer my personal congratulations,”
said British Ambassador Stephen Lillie.
March — May 2012
2012 Annual General Membership
meeting and Election of Officers
n 26 April 2012, the Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the Philippines Inc. held a well attended Annual
General Meeting at the Shangri-La Makati Hotel at which, the honorable Roberto De Ocampo, former
Secretary of Finance spoke as guest speaker.
The Board has now convened and nominated the
following representatives in executive positions:
Executive Committee:
Julian Payne — President
Roger Dimmell —1st Vice President
Mercedes L. Marquez —2nd Vice President
Christopher Bell-Knight — Treasurer
Ernest LoigNon — Director
Tammy Lipana — Director
Flora Naces-Mateo — Director
Felino ‘Jun’ Palafox — Director
John Ridsdel — Director
The Chamber also has Board of Governors who
advise the Trustees on long term direction of the
Chamber. The following have been appointed as
Governors for 2012-2013 year:
Amb. Christopher Thornley
Richard Mills
Roger Mandriak
Celso Vivas
Tito Yuchengco
Esther Tan
Robert Lee
Jack Gaisano
James Dantow
Julian Payne
In order to further pursue the Cancham mission
statement and provide value added service to our
members the Trustees are in the process of setting
up a number of committees. Please see below the
suggested committees and nominated Chair of each
committee. Members interested in any committee
can contact the chamber for more information.
Committee / Chairs:
Editorial and Communications
— Ernest Loignon
— Tammy Lipana
Events Review
— Mercedes Laurel-Marquez
Agri business& Renewable Resources
— Roger Dimmell
Extractive industries &
Non Renewable Resources
— John Ridsdel
IT & BPO Commitee
— (TBA)
Labour Mobility
— (TBA)
Water, Sanitation & Environment
— Julian Payne
Governance & Anti Corruption
— Celso Vivas (TBC)
Davao Working Group
— Julian Payne
Unit 301 Richbelt Terraces
19 Annapolis Street 1502 Greenhills
San Juan City, Philippines
Tel: +(632) 722-5355 • +(632) 584-3657
Fax: +(632) 584-3658
For changed contact details and/or
representatives, please send to:
Canadian Chamber of Commerce of the
Unit 1406
Antel Corporate Center
121 Valero Street
Salcedo Village, Makati City 1200 Philippines
Fax: (632) 843-6469
P. Carmen Street, Alua, San Isidro
Nueva Ecija, Philippines 3106
Tel: (044) 940-6249
Dr. Bill Ponfret MSc; FIOSH; RSP
Christopher Tolentino
Lower Penthouse 12 BSA Suites
103 Palanca St., Legaspi Village
Makati City, Philippines
Phone: +(632) 887-5720
Fax: +(632) 887-5720
Jeannie Pilapil
President & COO
Mariano Fuertes
Head Finance
March — May 2012
March — May 2012
service directory
JCL International, Inc.
(Project and Construction Management)
Tel: (632) 890-9788
Fax: (632) 890-9596
products and
restaurant srvs.
Tel: (632) 817-0130
Fax: (632) 813-1156
contact & data ctr
Gateway Property
Holdings, Inc.
Tel. (632) 892-2916-23
Fax: (632) 812-8408
RCG Information Technology
Tel: 893-2322 loc. 2201
Fax:893-2322 loc.100
Moldex Realty
Marketing, Inc.
Tel: 536-0079
Philippine Airlines
Tel: (632)777-4800
Supersonic Services, Inc.
/Air Canada
No. 10 P. Antonio St., Barrio Ugong, Pasig City
Phone: (632) 671-8000 Fax: (632) 671-8338
Tel: (632) 840-4827
Fax: (632) 8195545
CSA Resources Corporation
General Sales Agent - Philippines:
Supersonic Services, Inc.
Unit 14-A, Ground Flr, Colonnade Residences
132 C. Palanca Jr. St. Legaspi Village, Makati City
Tel. (632) 8404615 to 16, 8404626 to 29
Fax (632) 8195545 E-mail:
1839 Eureka St., La Paz Village, Makati City
Tel nos.: 896-5927 • 896-4196 • 890-7851
890-3606 • 899-2942
Fax no.: 899-2304
Email: info@safarirentacarinc. com
Sta. Rosa, Laguna Station:
Tel. nos.: (049) 541-1958 / 541-1959
Manila Direct: (02) 6800-5062
Cavite Station:
Tel. nos.: (046) 402-0394 / 509-2076
Manila Direct: (02) 6800-5062
Calamba, Laguna Station:
Tel. nos.: (049) 545-9675 / 545-2588
Manila Direct: (02) 6700-5196
March — May 2012
Avanguard AGP SErvices inc.
Tel: (632) 556-4338
(632) 985-3980
employment /
manpower services
Energy Manpower
Tel: (632) 759-4119
(632) 817-7045
Fax: (632) 817-7045
Asia Divers/El Galleon
Resort-Puerto Galera
Tel: (632)834-2974
Fax: (632) 551-8063
Transcom Center Building Las Fiestas Road
Frontera Verde Compound, Pasig City Philippines
Phone: (632) 702-2400 • Fax: (632) 702-2433
Olivares Plaza E. Aguinaldo Hi-way
Tagaytay City
Telefax (046) 413-3310 / (046) 413-3097
Manila Sales Office
Olivares Collage Cmpd Dr. A. Santos Ave.
Sucat Road, Parañaque City
Tel: (632) 826-4332
Premier Economic Zone
Tel: (632) 892-2605
Fax: (632) 892-2554
Home of the world-class GBR Museum
Barangay Javalera, General Trias, Cavite
Tel (046) 433-0071 • Fax (046) 433-0129
Searep Limited
Supports the
Canadian Chamber of
of the Philippines
Make it Alabang. Make it The Bellevue.
Filinvest Corporate City, Alabang, Muntinlupa
Tel: (632) 771-8181 Fax: (632) 771-8282
Helping you make
better financial decisions
16/F LKG Tower 6801 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
Phone: (632) 884-5433 Fax: (632) 884-2560
Advertise your company
here !!!
For more information, please contact:
offering full range of financial protection
and wealth management products
16/F Tower 2 The Enterprise Center
6766 Ayala Avenue, Makati City
Phone: (632) 849-9888 • Website:
Heidi H. del Pilar
Phone: (632) 843-6466
March — May 2012
service directory
Would you like your company be listed in the Service Directory?
Please fill out the form below and send to CanCham secretariat:
Phone: (632) 843-6466 • Fax: (632) 843-6469 • Email:
Line Ad (max. of 2 lines only -1 year)
Box Ad (1 year)
q P 6,000
q P 12,000
q P 5,000
q P 10,000
This is to confirm my reservation of advertising space marked above.
COMPANY NAME: ____________________________________________________________
ADDRESS: __________________________________________________________________
PHONE: ______________________________________ FAX: _________________________
INDUSTRY CLASSIFICATION ___________________________________________________
AUTHORIZED REP. : _______________________ POSITION: ________________________
March — May 2012
(Signature over printed name)