
Lord’s Leaven Mission Society
Prayer Manual
Nihil Obstat:Imprimatur:
Vicar General & CensorVice-Chancellor
October 20, 1987
All rights reserved
(For use in the USA)
The Holy Scriptures, Bible, reveals the power of the Word of God:
“The word of God is alive and active, sharper than any double-edged sword. It penetrates even
to where soul and spirit meet, where joints and marrow come together. It judges the thoughts
and desires of the heart.” (Heb. 4:12)
“Is not the My Word life fire?” says the Lord, “and like a hammer it breaks the stone into pieces?” (Jer 23:29)
Thus the Holy Rosary is filled with the power of God because all the prayers contained in the Holy Rosary all from
the Word of God. These are the mysteries of the life, passion, death and resurrection of the Lord Jesus and the life
of the Blessed Mother. The Word of God is also contained in the Creed, the Our Father, the Hail Mary, the Glory be
and the other additional prayers.
“Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God.” (Eph 6:17)
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
realms.” (Eph. 6:12)
“Be strong in the Lord and in his mighty power. Put on the full armor of God, so that you can take
your stand against the devil’s schemes.” (Eph. 6:10-11)
That is why the Blessed Mother wants the Holy Rosary to be used as the sword or armament of the Spirit in this
Spiritual Battle against all forms of darkness and evil. The Lord’s Leaven Mission simply follows the instruction of
the Word of God and the Blessed Mother.
All problems, worries, concerns, sufferings and hardships in the world are all trials and tests that the Lord allows as
instigated by the Evil One and by all evil spirits and evil thoughts of men. As the Word of God says,
For our struggle is not against flesh and blood, but against the rulers, against the authorities, against the powers of this dark world and against the spiritual forces of evil in the heavenly
realms.” (Eph. 6:12)
That is why we should not delay in using the Sword of the Spirit, which is the Word of God as revealed in Scriptures and contained in the Holy Rosary. Let us form the Cenacle in our families, our neighborhood, , friends and
acquaintances. Let us increase, spread and multiply many small groups of Cenacles of Prayer in all places and in
all corners of the villages, towns, cities and elsewhere. Let us invite and encourage all men and women, parents,
adults, youth, children to join the Spiritual Battle. Let us accompany the Blessed Mother in her leading us into this
struggle against Satan and his army of evil.
(Lord’s Leaven Mission Cenacle Prayer Manual)
- Blessed Mother
The Cenacle may begin with a Marian Song. (Rf. to the Marian Songs in the Appendix.)
“Come, Holy Spirit, come by means of the powerful intercession of the Immaculate Heart of Mary, Your well-beloved Spouse….
In the Name of the Father, and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit….
Let us put our attention in the spirit within our soul before the Presence of God. With childlike faith
let us picture in our mind that we are before the throne of God, in the Presence of the Father, the Son
and the Holy Spirit in the fullness of their glory and light. (a moment of silent contemplation.)
All the angels and saints and the whole court of heaven, all are in adoration before the Blessed Trinity.
Beside Jesus Our Lord is our Blessed Mother Mary, resplendent in heavenly glow. St. Michael the Archangel and all the angels are in full battle array with swords in their right hand and our Lady’s banner on
the left. St. Joseph is leading the saints together with all of us who join in Cenacles. All are in adoration
before the throne. In unison and with loud voice filled with heavenly joy and peace let us proclaim our
faith in God and join the heavenly chorus saying:
(The Apostles’ Creed) I believe in God, the Father Almighty, Creator of heaven and earth. I believe in
Jesus Christ, His only Son, our Lord. He was conceived by the power of the Holy Spirit and born of the
Virgin Mary. He suffered under Pontius Pilate, was crucified, died and was buried. He descended to
the dead. On the third day He rose again. He ascended into heaven, and is seated at the right hand of
the Father. He will come again in glory to judge the living and the dead. I believe in the Holy Spirit, the
Holy Catholic Church, the Communion of Saints, the forgiveness of sins, the resurrection of the body,
and life everlasting. Amen.
Our Father….
Let us praise and glorify God our Father in His work of creation.
Hail Mary….
Let us praise and glorify the Son in His work of Redemption.
Hail Mary….
Let us praise and glorify the Holy Spirit in His work of Sanctification and Preservation of Creation.
Hail Mary….
Let us celebrate the Triumph of our Heavenly Mother and join the heavenly Host in their unending
hymn of praise.
Glory be….
The First Joyful Mystery is the Annunciation of the Birth of Our Lord Jesus.
The First Luminous Mystery is the Baptism of Our Lord Jesus at the River Jordan.
The First Sorrowful Mystery is the Agony of Our Lord Jesus in the Garden of Gethsemane.
The First Glorious Mystery is the Resurrection of Our Lord Jesus from the dead.
Let us prepare ourselves for spiritual battle. As we pray, let us not forget that the Word of God is the
Sword of the Spirit. Let us also understand that each time we pray the Creed, the Our Father, Hail
Mary, Glory be the Light of God shines forth from within our souls to envelop all the intentions that
we pray for. As we announce the Gospel “Hail, full of grace. THE LORD IS WITH YOU” and make a conscious effort of thinking of the Presence of God within us we apply the light of the Word of God from
within our heart to the intentions that we pray for in this Cenacle. We dedicate this first decade for
peace and conversion of the whole world and for the fulfillment of the Plan of God.
Our Father….
Let us now imagine that the Light coming from the throne of God, the Father, the Son and the Holy
Spirit, is shining through the innermost being of the Immaculate Heart of Mary our Mother and Queen.
Let us also look at the angels, the saints and all of us who are now doing the cenacle in unity with all
who are now also praying the cenacle throughout the world. We also carry this same Light of God
within us. Let us send this Light from within our hearts and souls to penetrate every nook and corner
of the earth.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
Mary, our Mother and Queen, with majesty is now enkindling and using the weapon of Divine Light of
her spiritual army in heaven and on earth by means of contemplation, penance and reparation of the
Militant Church here on earth, from all of us and all those who are now doing the Cenacle at this very
moment throughout the world.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
Let us now bring the Light of God around the globe to shine on all the countries of the world especially
in these days of so much trial for all. Let this Divine Light shine all over the United States of America,
Canada, Europe, South America, the Middle East, Russia, Asia, Philippines, Australia and Africa. The
Light of God is now cutting through the barriers of evil, routing the enemies, the evil spirits of hate
and strife, chaos and confusion, lies and deception in the different countries of the world thus bringing
Peace, Unity, Love and Joy to the world.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
St. Michael and his angels are now binding and casting the evil spirits into the nether world. The light
they bear dispels all darkness from the earth.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
We praise and thank You, Most Holy Trinity, as Your Graces and Mercy are upon the world.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
All these we ask of You, O Father, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth in union with the Holy Spirit.
Glory be ….
Let us contemplate Jesus hanging on the cross with His blood poured on the poor souls blessing our
petitions and all the nations of the world.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to heaven, especially those
who most need Your mercy.
O Mary, Queen of Peace.
Pray for us.
The Second Joyful Mystery is the Visitation of Our Lady to her cousin Elizabeth
The Second Luminous Mystery is the Wedding Feast at Cana
The Second Sorrowful Mystery is the Scourging of Our Lord Jesus at the Pillar
The Second Glorious Mystery is the Ascension of Our Lord Jesus into heaven.
We now dedicate the second decade for the blessing and peace of the people of the Americas, Canada, Europe, Middle East, Russia, Asia, Philippines, Australia and Africa, that they may live and fulfill
the Consecration for which these nations have been consecrated unto, for the conversion of the many
who tend to become so materialistic as to despise and scorn the law of God in nature and to guide the
many who are getting confused in the challenges of today’s religious, political, social, economic and
technological pressures.
Our Father….
The spiritual battle is now concentrated in these countries. Let the Light of God from within the hearts
and souls of the great army of Mary in heaven and on earth shine over all these nations. Let us focus
with intense power the Light of God on the troubled areas on earth in order that all traces of darkness
of unbelief, moral deviations, confusions and wars disappear completely from the face of the earth.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
The sword of the Spirit carried by the spiritual army is now consuming, repulsing and thwarting the
enemies of Peace, Reconciliation and Morality throughout these countries.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
The Light of God is now eradicating lawlessness, poverty, exploitation, drug addiction, immorality,
extremist ideologies, the culture of Death, Godless-ness and all that is not of the Lord.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
God’s power is restoring peace and order to these nations. The Light of God lightens up all corners of
these countries wherever evil can possibly hide.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
Reader: We praise and thank You, Most Holy Trinity, for Your graces and Mercy are upon the Americas, Canada,
Europe and all the countries of the world.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
All these we ask of You, O Father, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth in union with the Holy Spirit.
All: Glory be….
Let us contemplate Jesus hanging on the cross with His blood poured on the whole Americas, Canada,
Europe and all the countries of the world as healing balm for the serious wounds of these nations, thus
bringing Peace, Conver-sion and Reconciliation.
Oh my Jesus, forgive us our sins, save us from the fires of hell; lead all souls to heaven, especially those
who most need Your mercy.
O Mary, Queen of Peace
Pray for us.
The Third Joyful Mystery is the birth of Our Lord Jesus Christ in Bethlehem
The Third Luminous Mystery is the Proclamation of the Kingdom of God
The Third Sorrowful Mystery is the Crowning of Jesus with thorns
The Third Glorious Mystery is the Descent of the Holy Spirit upon the Blessed Mother and the Apostles on Pentecost.
We now dedicate the third decade for the Renewal and Conversion of all the people of the United
States. Let us put in the center of battle the people we are praying for and let the light of God shine
upon them.
Our Father….
Let us pray for the Holy Father and all the Bishops of the country, especially the bishop of this diocese,
Bishop _____, all the priests, especially our parish priest, ______, all consecrated and religious souls,
seminarians, lay apostles and those who are totally in the service of the Lord. The light of God now
shines upon them whom we are praying for in the Church. Let us pray for all separated brethren and
all Christians who are not obedient to the Church.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
Let us place at the center of battle the civil servants of our government. The Light of God from the
throng of God’s people is now shining on them. Let us pray for the President of the country and the
people around him in the White House, all the people in the Executive Department, the Judiciary, the
Legislative Body in all the States, cities, and counties of this country. Let us pray for all government
officials and employees. Let the Light of God drive Satan and all evil away from our people that no graft
and corruption may stain them.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
Let us place at the center of battle all military personnel, all dissidents, rebels and all cause-oriented
groups, all our Jewish and Muslim brothers, all our Separated Brethren, all our brothers and sisters in
the mass media and in the entertainment world. Let us intensify the Light of God over all these people
and make extra effort to drive Satan away.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
Let us place at the center of battle the civilian population of the country, those abroad, the business
community, our homes and the neighborhood communities, the prisoners, the elderly, the poor, the
sick, the homeless, the handicapped, the victims of injustices, the deviants, those who constantly live
in fear, those engaged in occult and the souls who are lukewarm.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
The spiritual army is now ferreting out the evil spirits of pride, lust, anger, avarice, greed, jealously,
envy and sloth, including all other spirits that are not of the Lord. The evil spirits are rebuked, bound
and cast at the feet of Jesus for judgment, nevermore to return to earth. The Light dispels all dark-ness
forever, bringing Peace, Love and Joy in the hearts of the people in the Church and in the State.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
All these we ask of You, O Father, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth, in union with the Holy Spirit.
Glory be….
Let us contemplate Jesus hanging on the cross with His blood poured on the poor souls blessing our
petitions and all the people of the United States.
O my Jesus….
O Mary, Queen of Peace.
Pray for us.
The Fourth Joyful Mystery is the Presentation of the Child Jesus in the Temple
The Fourth Luminous Mystery is the Transfiguration of Our Lord Jesus on Mt. Tabor
The Fourth Sorrowful Mystery is the Carrying of the Cross
The Fourth Glorious Mystery is the Assumption of Our Lady into Heaven
We now dedicate the fourth decade for all missionaries including all lay missionaries, especially the
Lord’s Leaven Missionaries who are spreading the Cenacles of Our Lady all over the world. We also ask
the Lord of the harvest to send more laborers to His harvest, “for the harvest is great, and the laborers
are few.”
Our Father….
The spiritual battle is carried on in the lives of the missionaries in their area of commitment; especially
those who help build the Basic Ecclesial Commu-nities (BEC ) in the parishes that they serve. Let us
pray for all of us that we may not lose interest, direction, and quiet time with the Lord, but rather be
fully committed to the purpose of the Lord in this spiritual battle.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
The light of God is now blessing all of us who open our hearts and minds to allow the Lord to work
in us, with us, and through us wherever we may be in our mission fields, in the offices, in the market
places, in our own homes and everywhere.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
The spiritual army is now binding and casting away to the nether world all things visible and invisible
not of the Lord. In their place, the Light of God is setting us on fire.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
The heavens rejoice for the missionaries are now back in the Most Sacred Heart of the Divine Mercy,
fully consecrated to the Immaculate Heart of Mary. We who belong to ur Lady’s spiritual army fall
down in adoration before the Most Blessed Trinity. And God’s blessings are poured on us.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
We praise and thank You, O Most Holy Trinity, for all Your Graces and Mercy upon the missionaries and
on those whom You are sending especially those whom You call to the Cenacles.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
All these we ask of You, O Father, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth in union with the Holy Spirit.
Glory be….
Let us contemplate Jesus hanging on the cross with His blood poured on the poor souls blessing our
petitions and all missionaries especially all Lord’s Leaven Missionaries all over the world.
O my Jesus,….
O Mary, Queen of Peace.
Pray for us.
The Fifth Joyful Mystery is the finding of the lost child Jesus in the Temple
The Fifth Luminous Mystery is the Institution of the Holy Eucharist
The Fifth Sorrowful Mystery is the Crucifixion and Death of Our Lord Jesus on the cross
The Fifth Glorious Mystery is the Coronation of Our Lady as Queen of Heaven and Earth.
Let us picture Our Lord Jesus as the Divine Mercy standing before us, clothed in white. His right hand
raised in blessings, the left is on His breast, where two large rays come forth, one red, the other pale,
blood and water. Blood for life and water for righteousness. His Heart radiates rays of blessings upon
the earth.
Let us now imagine the Poor Souls in Purgatory and let the Light of God from within us shine on all of
Eternal rest grant unto them, O Lord, and let perpetual light shine upon them. May they rest in peace.
We also include our own Personal Intentions. Let us pause for a moment to place our petitions in the
center of our prayer battle. (A moment of silence in the Presence of the Lord within our hearts and
commend to God our petitions.)
Our Father….
Let us imagine the poor souls and our loved ones we especially pray for and commend to the Immaculate Heart of Mary.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
We see the light of Mary’s army shining on Purgatory. On the First Saturday of the month as promised
the Blessed Mother Mary descends from heaven so that together with her angels she brings up the
souls being interceded for, especially those close to her Cenacle. The heavens rejoice in welcome.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
Our petitions are lifted up before the throne of God. The Presence and Light of God now shines over
our petitions to purify our intentions through the Immaculate Heart of May in accordance with the
Plan of God.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
St. Michael and the angels, St. Joseph and all the Saints have joined our Mother in interceding for our
Hail Mary…. (2X)
We praise and thank You, O Most Holy Trinity, for Your Graces and Mercy upon the Poor Souls in Purgatory and upon our petitions which we have lifted up to You. Thank You for hearing our prayers.
Hail Mary…. (2X)
All these we ask of You, O Father, in the name of Jesus of Nazareth in union with the Holy Spirit.
Glory be….
Let us contemplate Jesus hanging on the cross with His blood poured on the poor souls blessing our
petitions and all the Poor Souls in Purgatory that we are praying for.
O my Jesus,….
O Mary, Queen of Peace.
Pray for us.
Let us go back to the throne of Heaven and be soaked with the entire splendor of the Light of God. Let
us feel the presence of the Most Blessed Trinity, Father, Son and Holy Spirit. With them is the whole
throng of Heaven, with Mother Mary, St. Michael the Archangel and all the choirs of angels, St. Joseph
and all the saints, and all of us who are in Cenacle.
Hail, Holy Queen….
Let us pray
O God, whose only Begotten Son, by His life, death and resurrection, has purchased for us the reward
of eternal life, grant, we beseech Thee that meditating upon these mysteries of the Most Holy Rosary
of the Blessed Virgin Mary, we may imitate what they contain and obtain what they promise through
the same Christ our Lord. Amen.
Most Sacred Heart of Jesus
Most Precious Blood of Jesus
Save us
Most Holy Face of Jesus
Save us
Have mercy on us
Holy Infant Jesus of Prague
Bless and protect us
Immaculate Heart of Mary
Pray for us
St. Joseph
Pray for us
Blessed Jacinta and Francisco
Pray for us
All you angels and saints in heaven
Pray for us
All you poor souls in purgatory
Intercede for us.
Remember, O most Gracious Virgin Mary, that never was it known that anyone who fled to your protection, implored your aid or sought your inter-cession was left unaided. Inspired with his confidence
we fly unto You, O Virgin of virgins, our Mother. Before you we stand, sinful and sorrowful. O Mother
of the Word Incarnate, despise not our petitions but in your clemency hear and answer us. Amen.
O Mary, the Father sent His Spirit to overshadow and empower you, His Son as your Child to depend
on you. I too give my whole self to you. I renew my consecration to you, O Mother and Queen, my
body with all its senses, my souls with all its faculties, my heart with all its affections; for you to give to
Jesus and mold to His likeness. Take all that I am, all that I have and all that I do; and give these to the
Holy Spirit to form Jesus in me. At the foot of the Cross, He entrusted me to you. Take and unite me to
Jesus crucified, humbly obedient to the Father, fully yielded to the Spirit in love. May He be the Lord
of my life and of men and in His Spirit the praise and glory of the Father. Amen.
Dear Jesus, I love You will all my whole heart, my whole soul, and all my strength. May the love of Your
own Sacred Heart heal my soul and purify it so that I may die to the world for Love of You, as you died
on the Cross for love of me. My God, You are all mine, grant that I may be all Yours for love of me in
time and in eternity.
My God, I believe, I adore, I hope and I love Thee! I ask pardon for those who do not believe, do not
adore, do not hope, and do not love Thee.
St. Michael the Archangel, defend us in battle. Be our protection against the malice and snares of the
devil. May God rebuke him, we humbly pray. And do thou, O Prince of the Heavenly Host, cast into hell
Satan and all other evil spirits who roam about the world seeking the ruin of souls. Amen.
Angel of God, my Guardian dear, to whom His love commits me here ever this day be at my side to light
and guard, to rule and guide. Amen.
Jesus, Mary and Joseph, I give You my heart and my soul. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, assist me in my last
agony. Jesus, Mary and Joseph, may I breathe forth my soul in peace with You. Amen.
May the Divine Assistance remain always with us. Amen.
Your blessings, Lord, grant upon us, our families and household and those we pray for.
We proclaim the victory of Our Lord Jesus, Divine Mercy in His Most Sacred Heart and the Triumph of
the Immaculate Heart of Mary in this spiritual battle which we are in, together with St .Michael the
Archangel, all the angels and saints with the prayer support of the Triumphant, Suffering and Militant
Churches, for the honor and glory of the Most Holy Trinity forever and ever. Amen,
Divine Indwelling Contemplation is the heart of the Cenacle. It is the key to the Triumph of the Immaculate Heart
of Mary. Silent Spiritual Communion and Contemplation of the Presence of God present in spirit within the soul of
the baptized. Let us pause for a few minutes in silence. Let us close our eyes, bow down our head, and exhale very
slowly through our mouth towards our hearts. Let us rest in the presence of the Lord within us. (a few minutes of
(DI for 3 to 5 minutes as guided by a Facilitator)
Step 1: Relaxing the Body and Soul (“dark night of the senses”)
Sit properly. Relax. Close your eyes. Make a quick inhalation through the nose for momentum. Hold the air for 3
to 5 seconds. Focus your attention on the darkness in front of your closed eyes.
This is only as far as we can go with our thought. Let us feel the emptiness, the nothingness inside us. It is in this
darkness, this nothingness, this emptiness that we are ready for the Interior Journey into ourselves to meet God
in the deepest center of our soul by means of faith.
Let us start now our Interior Journey through the path of the First Dark Night of the Soul, the Dark Night of the
Senses. It is through this path that we learn to pass through the darkness so we may see the light within; we need
to pass through the wall of self- emptiness within us and bring ourselves to a sense of nothingness and simply be
aware of our own being.
Let us bring our attention to relax our shoulder. Exhale very slowly through the mouth. Let us let our shoulders
Inhale quick through the nose… and exhale quick through the mouth. Do this three (3x) times while in our mind
we release and let our whole body go, releasing every thought of tension in our body…. Then relax. Take normal
breath. Rest….
Repeat this exercise above gently and silence:
- quick inhalation through the nose,
- very long exhalation through the mouth letting go a part of the body
- followed by three relaxing release of normal inhaling and exhaling.
Apply these three simple steps in each part of the body (shoulder… breast… stomach… buttocks… thighs… legs…
feet… arms… neck… eyeballs… cheeks… forehead… cranium… whole body) feeling each time how the tension of
our body part is released as we exhale. Repeat this exercise as often as needed.
Step 2.Contemplation in faith (“dark night of the spirit”)
Let us continue to close our eyes. Make a quick inhalation through the nose. Hold our breath a little while concentrating on the darkness in front of our closed eyes. Now turn our attention beyond the darkness onto our bosom.
Exhale very slowly through our mouth while we focus with faith in the Divine Indwelling Presence of the Most
Blessed Trinity in spirit within our soul. Inhale-Exhale as needed. As we exhale, mentally let us let go and surrender
like a little child onto the loving arms of Father God, saying lovingly and very slowly, “Lord God, I believe that You
are present within me simply because You said it.” Then, simply breathe normally, rest trustingly and lovingly in
His arms in contemplation (as long as we need to rest in the Lord).
Step 3. Make three successive short inhalation and exhalation to relax completely.
Step 4. We may repeat the process as needed to enter into the rest of the Lord in spirit within our soul.
(Silence for the rest of the minutes)
My Lord and my God, Father, Son and Holy Spirit, I believe that You are dwelling in spirit in the deepest center
of my soul. I adore You. I love You. And I trust in You; for You are the Source of my being and my life in all that I
think, say and do. Help me to see You in the heart of others and seethe reflection of You in everything that You
have made. Help me to understand the things that I cannot change. And may Your name be praised, blessed and
glorified. Amen.
(These messages come from the Blessed Virgin Mother that were given to Fr. Stefano Gobbi from 1973 until 1997
to be spread throughout the world through the Marian Movement of Priests.)
“I have been appointed by the Most Holy Trinity as leader of this terrible battle, which involves heaven and earth,
heavenly and earthly spirits. It is a great and continuous battle, often invisible, and at this time it has become general.” (Dec 8, 1982)
“This is not one of many Movements. It is my Movement.” (Feb 10, 1974)
“Multiply the cenacle of prayer and of life with me. Hold them everywhere. Gather the faithful about you to recite
the Holy Rosary meditatively, to meditate on my word, to renew and to live the consecration to My Immaculate
Heart.” (Aug 30, 1984)
“When two or more children of my Movement gather together on my account, I am also in the midst of them….
“When you are in Cenacle with me, I am truly present in the midst of you, even though you do not see me. I am not
only spiritually but really and truly present among you. I give sure signs of this presence of mine. Each of you will
be aware of it. Your life will be gently changed and your souls will be delicately touched with my motherly caress.”
(Mar 27, 1974)
“It is necessary that these children of my Movement begin to meet each other regularly and gather in prayer with
me. It is not necessary that they come in great numbers, two or three are enough. These gatherings must constitute real and true cenacles. These cenacles must be multiplied.” (Jan 17, 1974)
“I want you always to join me in cenacle. In the cenacle I have formed you in prayer. I have taught you to pray, to
pray well with me. I n your prayer, which must come from the heart, you must see and feel in the mind, heart and
will, the reality you address in prayer….Gather souls together ever more and more in cenacles of intense prayer,
of deep prayer, so that I may be able to give them peace…. I am again asking you to continue in your cenacles of
prayer because through the grace which springs from my heart and which brings you to a fullness of love for my
Son Jesus I wish to give my children today the precious gift of peace of heart.” (July 5, 1985)
“Meditate on my messages and live them…in these messages, I also reveal to you my plan in its silent preparation,
in its painful realization, and in its victorious fulfillment…. This is a plan which embraces this century…. Now that
you are coming to the most painful and bloody years of this great struggle, I myself have intervened personally in
order to form my cohort through the Marian Movement which is my work. Have confidence in me. I alone am the
leader of my cohort. I make use of the instruments that respond to me…. I myself am leading this work forward
each day for the great battle which we are fighting.” (Sept 20, 1984)
“Many souls are being lost and going each day into hell. Help me to save them. Multiply your cenacles of prayer
as lightning rods which protect you from the fire of the chastisement. (Message 495j) Multiply cenacles of prayer
to compel the mercy of God to descend as a dew, on the immense desert of this world. (Message 219h) You can
become apostles of cenacles in every part of the world.” (Message 428c)
“I am asking in particular that there be formed everywhere children’s cenacles, as a crusade of innocent prayer
in order to form a great barrier against the spread of evil and sin. (Message 419g) because their innocent prayer,
united to mine, has today a great power of intercession and reparation.” (Message 496f)
“Now you must go to bearers of this my message. Bring to every part of the earth this pressing request of mine.
Gather all together in the cenacle of my Heart to prepare them to live the awaited vigil of the new times which
have now arrived and which are now at your doors. Do not become discoursed by the difficulties which you find
before you. I am your comfort; I am the mother of your consolation…. You are the instruments so that you can
bring all my children to my heart.” (July 3, 1987)
(Basahon and Mensahe sa Mahal nga Birhen alang sa katawhan. Kining mga mensahe Iyang gihatag kanato pinaagi
kang Padre Stefano Gobbi sa Marian Movement of Priest. Ang atong pagabasahon kinutlo gikan sa libro OUR LADY
SPEAKS TO HER BELOVED PRIESTS aron maka-hibalo ang katawhan sa mga katuyuan, pamaagi ug mga tugon sa
Mahal nga Birhen alang sa atong panahon karon, mensahe nga tinugutan sa atong Simbahan.)
Panaad sa pagpadayon sa Senakulo
Mama Mary, agig tubag sa imong hinanaling pakimalooy ug mga hangyo kanamo didto pa sa Fatima, bag-ohon
namo karon ang among pakigduyog Kanimo sa panggubatan diha sa Kalihokan sa Senakulo batok sa ignoransya
pinaagi sa Konsagrasyon sa among kaugalingon diha sa among pagtuon ug pagtuman sa Plano sa Dios uban sa
Imong Putli nga Kasingkasing, diha sa pag-ampo sa Santo Rosaryo batok sa tanang matang sa panulay sa kadautan, sa Pagpenetensya ug Pagpuasa batok sa kaluya sa unod, sa Pagbayad sa mga sala batok sa mga kalibutanong
mga panlantaw. Kining among saad sa pagtuman sa Imong mga hangyo nag-agad lamang sa grasya sa Dios. Busa,
mapaubsanon kaming naghangyo Kanimo sa panabang sa Espiritu Santo aron kami makaduyog sa Imong tuyo.
Among panghinauton ang pagduyog Kanimo sa espiritu-hanong pakiggubat sa dautan pinaagi sa Senakulo sa adlaw nga _________alas_________ ang takna, uban sa among kapundok ug sa tanang nagsenakulo niining taknaa
sa tibuook nasud ug tibook kalibutan. Mao kini ang among panaad Kanimo, O Mahal nga Inahan, alang sa himaya
sa Dios diha sa kausahan sa Espiritu Santo, alang sa among kabuluhanan ug sa tibook nga Santos nga Simbahan,
pinaagi kang Cristo among Ginoo. Amen
(Basahon sa Mananabtan ang mosunod nga mga tulumanon sa usa ka sundalo ni Maria.)
Mao kini ang tulumanon sa usa ka sundalo mi Maria:
a) Pagsenakulo matag semana sa adlaw ug takna nga gikasabutan uban sa akong pundok.
b) Pagbag-o kanunay sa akong Konsagrasyon sa Putli nga Kasingkasing ni Maria.
c) Pagsab-ong kanunay sa escapularyo sa Carmen daw timaan sa akong saad ug pag-ila nga ang Mahal nga Birhen
kanunay duol kanako sa akong pagtawag Kaniya.
d) Ang paggamit sa Santo Rosaryo nga taming ug hinagiban sa Espirituhanong pang-gubatan.
e) Ang pagpenetensya pinaagi sa paghalad kanunay sa kaugalingon sa matag adlaw ug sa Pagpuasa sa adlaw sa
asking Senakulo.
f) Pagtuman sa Unang Sabado sa matag bulan agig panghimayad sa mga sala sa kalibutan. Pagkumpisal matag
bulan. Pagkalawat sa Eukaristiya bisag makausa sa usa ka semana o bulan. Pagbuhat ug mga pag-antus ng mga
pagpugong sa kaugalingon aron pagbayad sa kalapasan nga akong nabuhat…
Konsagrasyon sa Putli nga Kasingkasing ni Maria
O Mahal nga Birhen, Inahan sa Kalooy, Rayna sa Langit ug Yuta, Dalangpanan sa mga makasasala, kami nga mga sakop sa Marian Movement nagbag-o sa konsagrasyon sa among kaugalingon sa labing tim-os
nga paagi nganha sa imong Putli nga Kasingkasing.
Pinaagi niini nga kosagrasyon, hatagi intawon kami sa grasya nga matuman namo, uban ug pinaagi Kanimo, ang
tanang mga kaakohan nga among nadawat diha sa sakramento sa bunyag. Inubanan sa imong grasya, among
himoon ang kinakasingkasing nga pag DI ug pagbalik sa Dios nga mao ray makabadbad sa tanang mga gapos nga
naghukot kanamo sa mga kalibutanong mga hiyas, aron sama Kanimo kami mahimong maalagaron kanunay sa
kabubut-on sa Amahan. Samtang naningkamut kami paghalad nganha kanimo, O Labing matam-is ug maloloy-on
nga Inahan, ang among kinabuhi ug bokasyon isip mga kristiano. Hiusaha kami sa Imong laraw sa kaluwasan niining
mga adlaw sa kalisdanan nga nag-awhag kanamo sa paghimog mabug-at nga mga decision ibabaw sa yuta. Nagsaad kami nga tumanon namo ang Imong mga tinguha, labina ang makanunayong pag-ampo sa Santo Rosaryo, ug
usa ka mapuangorong kinabuhi nga nahisubay sa ebanghelyo aron sa paghatag sa tanan ug maayong panig-ingnan
sa pagtuman sa balaod sa Dios ug sa pagbansay sa kristohanong hiyas labina sa kaputli.
Amo usab nga isaad nga magpabilin kaming nahiusa sa Santo Papa, uban sa mga kaparian aron pinaagi niining
kahiusahan mababagan ang daghang midagsang nga mga pagbatok sa Magisterium, mga naghulga sa pagtoo sa
Ubos sa imong pagpanalipod, himoa kaming imong mga apostoles ning labing gikinahanglang kahiusahan sa
pag-ampo ug paghigugma alang sa Santo Papa, nga amo karong iampo nga Imo siyang tagaan ug talagsanong
Ug sa katapusan, kutob sa among mahimo, inubanan sa Imong pag-amuma, nagasaad kami nga among giyahan
ang mga kalag sa among ikahibalag sa pagbag-o sa ilang debosyon alang Kanimo.
Sa among pagdumdom nga ang ateismo makaguba sa pagtoo sa daghang matuohon, nga gipanamastamasan ang
Balaang Templo sa Dios, nga ang dautan ug ang mga sala labihan na gayung pagkaylap sa tibook kalibutan, sa tumang pagsalig nagmaisug kami sa pagsampit Kanimo, O Inahan. Among gipangamuyo karon ug among gipaabot
gikan Kanimo ang Kaluwasan sa tanan mong mga anak, o manggiloy-on, o mahigugmaon, o matam-is nga Birhen
Konsagrasyon sa Pamilya
Sa Putli nga Kasingkasing ni Maria
O, Mahal namong Rayna ug Inahan, Itugyan namo Kanimo ang among pamilya, kaming mga ginikanan ug ang tanan namong mga anak, ug ang tanan namong tinguha, ang among kalag, lawas ug kinabuhi nga walay lipod-lipod,
among mga mata, dalunggan, baba, kasingkasing ug ang among tibook nga pagkatawo. Busa, Mahal namong Inahan, tungod kay imuha man kami, tagda kami nga imong kabtangan ug gipanag-iyahan.
Panalangin alang sa Pamilya
Panalangini ang among pamilya, O Dios namong Amahan, nga maoy nagbuhat kanamo, O Dios nga Anak nga
nagpakamatay sa krus alang kanamo, O Dios Espiritu Santo nga nagbalaan kanamo diha sa mga Sacramento, O
Santisima Trinidad, Usa ka Dios, lig-una ang among mga lawas, hinloi ang among hunahuna, tultoli ang among mga
kasingkasing, ug dad-a kaming tanan sa kinabuhing dayon.
Pag-ampo kang San Miguel Arkanhel
San Miguel arkanghel, panalipdi kami sa panggubatan. Tabangi kami batok sa mga panlimbong ug mga pagsulay
sa yawa. Badlonga siya pinaagi sa gahum sa Dios. Mapaubsanon kaming naghangyo kanimo, O Prinsipe sa tanang
kasundaluhan sa langit, nga imo untang ibanlod sa impierno si satanas uban sa iyang dautang mga espiritu nga
naglibut sa kalibutan aron sa pagpukan sa mga kalag. Amen.
Ang panabang sa Dios magpabilin dinhi kanato. Amen.
Ang presensya sa Dios magpabilin sa among kasingkasing ug hunahuna.Kining tanan among gihangyo sa
langit sa ngalan sa Amahan, Anak ug Espiritu Santo. Amen.
(Dinhi niining higayona sa senakulo, mag-inambitay ang tagsa-tagsa sa ilang mga hunahuna mahitungod sa ilang
na-eksperiensya sa meditasyon sa mensahe sa Birhen sa Dios nga nahitukma sa ilang mga problema o panginabuhi, mga pangutana, mga kalibug, mga “insights”, mga buluhaton o proyekto, ug kun unsa pay angay pagahisgutan.
Pipila lamang kini ka gutlo una tapuson ang senakulo ug manguli dayon ang mga miembro.
PAHIMANGNO: paningkamutan gayud sa usa ka SUNDALO NI MARIA nga IPAKAYLAP ANG SENAKULO. Awhagon
gayud ang mga hamtung, ang mga batan-on ug ang mga kabataan nga naghimog ilang mga senakulo maoy paagi
sa Birhen ug sa langit sa pagpangbisbis ug pang-apudapud sa mga grasya ngadto sa tanang katawhan sa kalibutan.)
Given through interior locution to Fr. Stefano Gobbi,
Founder of the Marian Movement of Priests
(NOTE: The following passages are excerpts of the messages that Our Blessed Lady gave to the Marian Movement
of Priests through Fr. Stefano Gobbi. These messages are written in the book “To the Priests Our Lady’s Beloved
Sons.” To read the full text of the messages we encourage everyone to secure a copy of the said book. Fr. Gobbi
received the mandate from Our Lady to write down all her messages since 1973 until 1997. With the approval of
the Church and Pope John Paul II, these messages are to be spread around the world.)
The Rock of the Great Division
New York City, September 2, 1980
“The Pope is a sign of my extraordinary presence at your side…. He has spoken with firmness, but how few they
are who follow his trustworthy and inspired teaching!... Even some of my beloved sons continue to ignore him, and
thus slip into a greater darkness and the Church in this country becomes so ill and wounded….
Within a short time the apostasy will become manifest; only those who will be with the Pope will be saved form
the threat of shipwreck in their faith.
I am Beneath the Cross
Maine, September 15, 1983
“Do you not recognize that the scourge of war has already come upon you? How many innocent victims will be
called upon to endure unspeakable sufferings!
… the number of (bishops) who prefer to go their own way grows ever greater, heedless of and refusing to follow
the Holy Father…. They are preparing another church, one separated from the Pope, and this will cause a further
scandal that of a sorrowful division.
… my beloved sons the priests… must endure the interior martyrdom of feeling themselves misunderstood, ridiculed and even rejected by their own confreres.
I am beneath the cross of consecrated souls who wish to live their consecration in fidelity, in opposition to the
spirit of the world which has now entered into so many religious houses, bringing into them, tepidity, impurity,
laxity and the pursuit of every kind of worldly satisfaction.
I am beneath the cross of so many of the faithful who…. amid enormous difficulties, hope and have trust in me. In
the thick of great trials, they pray with faith and perseverance; amid countless sufferings, in the spirit of reparation,
they offer whatever the Lord orders in their lives.
I am beneath the cross of my poor sinful children, to lead them back to the road of repentance and reconciliation;
beneath the cross of the sick, to bring them comfort and resignation, of those who have wandered away, to bring
them back to the way of salvation; of those who are soon to die, to help them do so in the grace and love of God.
In these times in which sufferings and tribulations are multiplying, more than ever before, I am your sorrowing and
consoling Mother. I am here beneath your cross and that of all my children, to suffer with you, to pray with you.
My Remedy for Your Illnesses
Texas, Dec 3, 1986
“Be the smallest of my little children. Be my courageous apostles. Be the rays of light that come forth from my
heart and spread about everywhere, to bear witness to my motherly presence.
There are three wounds, in this country of yours, which are causing pain to my motherly Heart and making it
The first wound is caused by the apostasy, which is spreading because of the errors that are being taught and promoted more and more even in Catholic schools, and which are leading an immense number of my poor children
to separate themselves from the true faith.
The responsibility for this grave situation rests above all with those who have consecrated themselves to God because, having been seduced by the spirit of pride, they continue on their way, despite my motherly admonitions
and the directives given by the Magisterium of the Church.
You, my beloved sons, are to be my remedy for this illness, by preaching more and more the truth which Jesus has
taught you and which the Pope and the bishops united with him are still presenting today to everyone with clarity
and courage.
You must oppose anyone who teaches doctrines which are different, and, above all, you must speak openly to all
the faithful of the grave danger, which they are encountering today, of swerving from the true faith in Jesus and
in his Gospel.
The second wound is caused by the disunity in the Church which exists in your countries. How it makes the Heart
of Jesus and my motherly Heart suffer to see that many bishops, priests, religious and faithful are no longer united
with – and are even openly opposing – the Pope, whom Jesus has set up as the foundation of his Church.
This division is becoming daily more extensive and deeper, and soon it will become even open and proclaimed.
How much pain I feel in seeing that often the greatest supporters of this rebellion are those who have consecrated
themselves to God and have vowed to follow Jesus along the road of humility, of poverty, of chastity and obedience.
You, my beloved sons, are to be my remedy for this deep wound by being ever more united with the Pope, by
helping your bishops to be untied with him, through prayer, love and your good example, and by leading all the
faithful to this unity.
(NOTE: Below is a partial list of all “Catholic” Churches in the United States that have apostatized and are
not one with the One, Holy, Roman, Catholic, and Apostolic Church.
1. Anglican Catholic Church (Traditionalist Anglican)
2. Catholic Apostolic Church of Antioch (Liberal)
3. Catholic Apostolic Church in North America (CACINA)
4. Catholic Apostolic Church of Brazil
Founded by former Roman Catholic Bishop Carlos Duarte Costa, after the second world war [resigned over
issue of Vatican passports for fleeing Nazis and Fascists]. With an estimated Brazilian membership of
500,000, it has affiliates in several foreign countries, like the Philippines, now called Catholic Apostolic
Philippine Church
5. Charismatic Episcopal Church. A fast growing church, which blends Catholicism, Anglican, and Charismatic faith traditions, with apostolic succession through Dom Duarte Costa.
6. Christ Catholic Church International
7. ICAN-USA – Igreja Catolica Apostolica Nacional in the USA
8. Congregation of Mary Immaculate Queen (CMRI)
9. Ecclesia Gnostica
10. Evangelical Anglican Church in America
11. Liberal Catholic Church International (LCCI)
12. Liberal Catholic Church, Province of the USA
13. Evangelical Orthodox Catholic Church in America
14. Old Roman Catholic Church in North America
15. Polish National Catholic Church
16. Society of St. Pius X (Traditionalist) (already established in the Philippines)
17. The Thomas Christians (Liberal)
19. Western Orthodox Church in America
20. Independent Catholic Churches International (ICCI)
21. Ukrainian Catholic Church
etc., etc., etc….
The third wound is caused by the infidelity that has entered into the life of many children of the Church, who no
longer follow the commandments of God and the teachings given by Jesus in his Gospel. Thus they walk along the
wrong road of evil and of sin. Sin is no longer recognized as an evil. Often justification is made for even the gravest
sins against nature, such as abortion and homosexuality. Sins are no longer confessed. To what a grave state of
sickness have you now come.
You, my beloved, are to be my remedy for such a grave and so extensive an evil, by helping my children to walk
along the road of purity and of holiness. Return again to teach everyone true Catholic morality. Give a helping
hand to my poor sinful children, to lead them to the observance of the Law of God. Make them understand the necessity of frequent confession, which become indispensable before one who in the state of mortal sin may receive
Holy Communion. The Church here is all wounded because of communions received sacrilegiously.
If you accept this motherly invitation of mine, you will then be the gift of love which my Immaculate Heart is offering today to the Church and to all of humanity which is living in this great country of yours.
You are the instruments of my peace.”
Into What an Abyss You Have Fallen!
May 13, 1987
Milan, Vigil before departure for the United States and Canada
“Today you are recalling to mind the seventy years since my first apparition in the poor Cova da Iria in Fatima,…
Since that time, the succession of these years has been a continual confirmation of what I have foretold to you.
The refusal to return to God through conversion has brought all humanity along the arid and cold road of hatred,
of violence, of sin and of an ever increasingly widespread impurity. Wars have continually succeeded, one upon
another, and despite so many efforts you have not succeeded in building peace. On the contrary today as never
before, the world is being more and more threatened with its very own destruction.
There is unwillingness to respond to my demand for prayer, which I had made to you then, especially with the
frequent recitation of the holy rosary, to obtain the conversion of sinners and the salvation of many souls, exposed
to the grave danger of being eternally lost.
Thus the sight of sin has enveloped the world, and evil has spread everywhere like a terrible cancer. There is an unwillingness to recognize sin as an evil; on the contrary it is openly justified and exalted as a good. People no longer
go to confession. They live and die habitually in mortal sin, and every day how many souls go to hell, because there
is no one to pray and sacrifice for their salvation.
You are living in a humanity which has built a new civilization, atheistic and anti-human. People no longer love one
another; they no longer respect the life and the good of their neighbor; the flames of egoism and hatred are extinguishing those seeds of goodness which are still springing up in the hearts of men. The poor are being abandoned;
the little ones are being ensnared and nourished with the poisoned food of scandal; the youth are begin betrayed
and led into precocious experiences of evil; homes are being profaned and destroyed….
How great is your desolation! How dense is the darkness which surrounds you! Into what an abyss you have fallen!
Satan has succeeded in extending everywhere his reign of darkness and of death, and he rules as an assured victor.
For this reason I invite you all today to second this plan of mine and to accept this loving work of mine, which I
myself am carrying out in every part of the world through my Marian Movement of Priests. And I am still making
use of you, the littlest of my children, and I am bringing you everywhere, to even the most distant places, for a new
and ultimate call to action.
These are the years when, from the profound abyss of darkness and of desolation, I will lead you to the highest
summit of light, of grace and of love because, by means of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart, the glorious reign
of my son Jesus will shine resplendently upon the entire world.”
Your Light will Return
May 17, 1987
National Shrine of the Immaculate Conception
Washington DC
“I welcome into my Immaculate Heart this great nation, exposed to grave dangers. I welcome into my Immaculate
Heart my Church, which is going through hours of agony and of painful crucifixion here, because of the loss of the
true faith on the part of many, of an ever deeper division, and of an obstinate opposition to the Pope. This is con-17-
cretized in the ignoring of his Magisterium and even in the spreading of doctrine opposed to it and openly contrary
to Catholic faith.
The cause of this grave situation is the pastors. Bishops of the holy Church of God, return along the road pointed
out by the good Shepherd, be faithful to the Gospel, and guard, with strength and courage, the deposit of t he faith
which has been entrusted to you. Bishops of the holy Church of God, return to a full, humble and total unity with
the Pope because today you are running the danger of a most grave schism and because of this how great is your
responsibility before God.
Bishops and priests of the holy Church of God, return once more to interesting yourselves in souls, the supreme
good which has been entrusted to you. Defend them against the assaults of the rapacious wolves, who frequently
disguise themselves today as harmless and gentle lambs. See how confusion is increasing, the darkness becoming
deep, errors spreading and sin flooding everywhere. Take care of the flock which has been entrusted to you; lead
it to sure pastures; nourish it with the word of God, strengthen it by prayer heal it by the sacrament of Reconciliation; feed it with the bread of the Eucharist.
My motherly Heart wants to save this entire so great nation. I put myself at your side to help you to recover. I
myself am traveling your roads in search of all my poor children, wandering, sick, marginalized, wounded, stricken,
abandoned and betrayed. I welcome you into my Heart today, O Church of my Jesus, who are living and suffering
here, O Church, one, holy, catholic, apostolic, united to my Pope of Rome.
The times of your suffering are now counted. Soon you will flower again, when my Immaculate Heart will have
its triumph, and your light will return to shine with such intensity that it will draw all those who live in this great
The Deep Wounds
May 23, 1987
Denver, Colorado
You see everywhere the deep wounds and the great sufferings, which are the signs of the wicked times in which
you are living.
They are suffering, those who reject God and are walking along the road of an empty and hopeless life.
They are suffering, the little ones who are opening up to life upon a world which has become an immense desert,
for lack of love.’
They are suffering, the youth to whom are proposed all the experiences of evil and who are being betrayed by such
a vast diffusion of impurity and of drugs.
They are suffering, the adults, because of the division which has entered into families and because of the tremendous wound of divorce.
They are suffering, the old people who have been abandoned to themselves and who are looked upon as an insupportable burden.
Your days of chastisement through which you are living are marked by profound sufferings.
Do not be discouraged. Enter into the refuge of my Immaculate Heart. Allow yourselves to be led by my light,
which will shine out more and more, because these are my times. I am the dew upon all of your wounds; I am the
consolation for all your sufferings.
I am your tender Mother, who is at your side to conduct you to the Lord of salvation and of joy.”
How It Makes His Divine Heart Suffer
June 2, 1987
Seattle, Washington
Jesus is today again despised, scourged and wounded in his Mystical body. How the permissive attitude of many
priests and of some bishops who justify even the gravest acts of impurity makes his divine Heart suffer!
Precisely here, in this very place, the Heart of Jesus has been despised, wounded and outraged by the welcoming
of so many of my poor children, consumed by this terrible vice and by the public encouragement given to them to
continue along the road of impure sin against nature. Impure acts against nature are sins which cry for vengeance
in the sight of God. These sins draw down upon yo0u and upon your nations the flames of the justice of God.
The time has come to proclaim to all, with clarity and with courage, that the sixth commandment given by God to
Moses: “Do not commit impure acts,” (Ex 20:14) still has its full force and must be observed even by this corrupted
and perverted generation.
Every pastor who, in any manner whatsoever, would justify these sins draws down upon his person and upon his
life the fierce fire of divine justice. The cup of iniquity is now full, is more than full and is flowing over everywhere.
And so I invite you to multiply your cenacles of prayer and to offer me your lives, made fragrant by the virtue of
purity, as a powerful force of supplication and of reparation.
I promise you that even now the heavens are on the point of opening upon this poor corrupt world, to cause the
fiery dew of divine justice and of mercy to descend so that it may again become a new garden of life, of purity and
of holiness.
Bear Within Yourself the Witness of Jesus
June 28, 1989
Satan unleashes himself against you, because you form my heel, that is, the weakest and most fragile part of me,
and because you are my offspring. Thus today he lies in ambush for you in a powerful manner, and he unleashes
himself against you with every sort of temptation and persecution. Remain serene. Have confidence in me. These
are the times of the battle, and you must fight for my victory. Because of this, I invite you all to bear within yourselves the witness of Jesus.
Bear within yourselves the witness of Jesus in these times of the purification in order to walk along the road of
fidelity to Christ and to his Church, and of an ever greater holiness. Thus you will remain in security and peace, in
trust and in filial abandonment to me.
Bear within yourselves the witness of Jesus in these times of the apostasy in order to be strong and courageous
witness of faith. For this, I invite you to be ever more united to the Pope, to sustain him with your prayer and with
your love, to accept and spread his teaching; in this way you will indicate to souls the secure way to follow in order
to remain in the true faith.
Maintain the witness of Jesus in these times of the great tribulation. The days foretold by the Gospel and the apocalypse have arrived. The forces of evil, united by the power of the one who opposes himself to Christ, will perform
great prodigies in heaven and on the earth in order to thus seduce a great part of humanity. You must remain solid
in your heroic witness to Jesus and fight with me against the powerful force of him who manifests himself as the
enemy of Christ. In the end you will be able to contemplate with joy my great victory in the glorious triumph of
The Second Pentecost
June 28, 1990
You are entering into time of the triumph of my Immaculate Heart. You are now close to the Second Pentecost.
The Second Pentecost will come because, even now, there are spread about in every part of the world the cenacles
of prayer which I have asked of you many times and with greater and greater insistence. You are here… in order
that you can become apostles of cenacles in every part of the world. My Immaculate Heat is the new and spiritual
cenacle, into which all the church must enter in order to obtain the gift of the new Pentecost….
For this reason, you must allow yourselves to be formed by me in order to arrive at a complete change of heart.
Let your heart become meek and humble, gentle and merciful, sensitive and pure. Let your heart be a chalice filled
with smooth balm to close open and bleeding wounds; to comfort innumerable sufferings and sorrows; to give
hope to the desperate, grace to sinners, comfort to the ailing, help to the needy, peace to the distressed, courage
to the disheartened….
For this reason, you must become the silent and courageous artisans of this general renewal.
Take this poor ailing humanity and bring it to the maternal clinic of my Immaculate Heart, that it may be healed
by your heavenly Mother. You do this when you bring everyone – priests, faithful, children, youth and families
– to the consecration to my Immaculate Heart….
Leave now as courageous apostles of these last times, and go into every part of the world, to carry the light of
Christ in these times of darkness and the dew of his divine love in these days of great aridity. In this way you are
preparing hearts and souls to receive with joy the Christ who is coming.
The Travail of the New Birth
Sept 15, 1990
St. David, Maine, USA
“Beloved children, today I am associating you in the great suffering of your Immaculate Mother. You are the children of my motherly predilection. You have been chosen by me to form part of my victorious cohort. You are an
important part of my plan as Mediatrix and Co-Redemptrix.
The Hour of the Great Trial
Nov 15, 1990
“Now, I announce to you that the hour of the great trial is on the point of arriving.
The great trial has arrived for your country. How many times, as a concerned and sorrowing Mother, have I endeavored to urge my children to follow the path of conversion and of return to the Lord.
I have not been listened to. You have continued to walk along the way of rejection of God and of his Law of love.
Sins of impurity have become ever more widespread, and immorality has spread like a sea which has submerged
all things. Homosexuality, a sin of impurity which is against nature, has been justified; recourse to the means
of preventing life have become commonplace, while abortions – these killings of innocent children, that cry for
vengeance before the face of God – have spread and are performed in every part of your homeland.
The moment of divine justice and of great mercy has now arrived. You will know the hour of weakness and of
poverty, the hour of suffering and defeat, the purifying hour of the great chastisement.
The great trial has arrived for your Church. Those errors which have brought people to the loss of the true faith
have continued to spread. Many pastors have been neither attentive nor vigilant and have allowed many rapacious
wolves, clothed as lambs, to insinuate themselves into the flock in order to bring disorder and destruction.
How great is your responsibility, O pastors of the holy Church, of God! You continue along the path of division from
the People and of the rejection of his Magisterium; indeed, in a hidden way, there is in preparation a true schism
which could soon become open and proclaimed.
For this reason I have wanted you here. You must be the apostles of these last times. Go out everywhere, and
proclaim with strength and courage the Gospel of Jesus. Walk along the path of contempt for the world and for
yourselves. Illuminate the earth in these times of great darkness. Cause the rays of the light of your faith, of your
holiness and of your love to come down upon the world.
You have been chosen to combat courageously against the power of him who places himself in opposition to
Christ, in order to obtain, in the end, my greatest victory.
Vigilant Sentinels
Aug 28, 1994
Vigil of the Journey to North and Central America
“Oh, in your days, how beautiful are the feet of those who announce peace, of those who spread the good news of
salvation and of the triumph of divine mercy! You must be these announcers of peace. You must be today vigilant
sentinels upon the mountains of confidence and hope.
Be vigilant sentinels in the dark time of infidelity and apostasy. Thus you will spread about you the fiercely burning
light of the Gospel; you will give to all the strength of the word of God and point out the road one must travel to
remain ever in the truth.
The whole world awaits your announcement with ardent hope. You are the apostles of this second evangelization.
Preach to all peoples that Jesus Christ is the one and only Lord, your Savior and Redeemer, and that He is now
about to return to you in the splendor of his glory.
Be vigilant sentinels in the hour of the greatest triumph of Satan and of all the evil spirits. Humanity is in their
possession. The world is set in the hands of the Evil One. And so souls have become slaves to sin and are bearing
the burden of separation from God, the only source of your happiness. Thus despair is spreading; violence and
hatred are reigning supreme in the relationships between individuals and countries; and you are becoming more
and more crushed in the bloody winepress of revolutions and wars, of dissensions and fratricidal struggles.
You have come to the culmination of the tribulation, and you are living the years of the great chastisement, which,
in many ways, has already been announced to you.
Be vigilant sentinels who mark out the way of return to the God of peace and life, of love and joy. And so, you
must free yourselves from the yoke of sin in order to live always in grace and in communion with God, setting
yourselves against the spirit of the world in which you live. You will then be ever faithful to the promises of your
By means of you, the light of goodness and love, of brotherhood and peace, of trust and joy will be able to return
upon the world.
Be vigilant sentinels who announce that the great day of the Lord is now imminent. Make this announcement to
all that they may open their hearts to hope, in order for the Second Advent to come about in your time and so that
all may prepare to receive the heavenly dew of divine mercy, which is now on the point of being poured out upon
the entire world.
Thus, even in the indescribable sufferings of the time in which you live, your hearts and your souls can be opened
to the joy of this announcement and to the expectation of this prodigious event which you invoke with inexpressible groaning: Return, Lord Jesus.”
My Times Have Arrived
Oct 13, 1994
“Bring my motherly message to everyone. My times have arrived. The times which I foretold in Fatima have come…
At that time I foretold to you everything you are now experience in these years of the purification and the great
I foretold to you the great chastisement which would strike this poor humanity which has become pagan and built
a new civilization without God, and which is threatened by violence, by hatred, by war, and which is running the
risk of destroying itself by its own hands.
My extraordinary interventions, which I have worked in order to bring humanity back onto the road of conversion
and of its return to the Lord, have been neither accepted nor believed.
So it is now that you find yourselves at the vigil of the great trial which I foretold told to you: it will be the supreme
manifestation of the divine justice and mercy.
Fire will descend from heaven, and humanity will be purified and completely renewed, so as to be ready to receive
the Lord Jesus who will return to you in glory.
I also foretold to you the great crisis which would take place in the Church, because of the great apostasy which
has entered into her, caused by an ever wider diffusion of errors, by her interior division, by opposition to the Pope
and by t he rejection of his Magisterium.
This most beloved Daughter of mine must live the hours of her agony and of her sorrowful passion .She will be
abandoned by many of her children. The impetuous wind of persecution will blow against her, and much blood will
be shed, even by my beloved sons.
My times have arrived. And so I invite you to follow me along the road of prayer and penance, of purity and holiness see how your countries have become victims of materialism and of the unbridled search for pleasure! The
Law of God is being more and more violated. Impurity is being advertised through all the means of social communication. Recourse is being had to every means of impeding life. Abortions are increasing everywhere and
are being legitimized by unjust and immoral laws.
My times have arrived.
Tell everyone to enter into the ark of my Immaculate Heart in order to be protected and saved by me. I request
that you multiply your cenacles of prayer among priests, among children, among youth, and especially in families
My maternal presence among you is the sure sign of protection and of salvation. Open your hearts therefore to
hope, and live in the greatest trust and incomplete abandonment to my Immaculate Heart.
The Final Message
All Has Been Revealed to You
December 31, 1997
Now all has been revealed to you.
Truly Satan, with the cup of lust, has succeeded in seducing all the nations of the earth. He has replaced love with
hatred; communion with division; justice with many injustices; peace with continuous war.
Thus, at Fatima I pointed out the way along which humanity must journey for its return to the Lord: that of conversion, prayer and penance.
Humanity has fallen under the domination of Satan and of his great power, exercised with the satanic and Masonic
forces; my Church has become obscured by his smoke which has penetrated into it. Errors are being taught and
propagated, causing many to lose true faith in Christ and in his Gospel; the holy Law of God is openly violated; sin
is committed and often even justified, and thus the light of grace and of the divine presence is lost; unity is deeply
split apart by a strong contestation directed against the Magisterium, and especially against the Pope; and the
wound caused by painful lacerations becomes ever wider.
As of now, all that I had to say to you has been said, because all has been revealed to you.
On this night, there come to an end the public messages, which I have been, giving you for twenty-five years; now
you must meditate on them, live them and put them into practice. Then the words which I have caused to come
down from My Immaculate Heart… will produce fruits of grace and holiness.
I have announced to you the triumph of my Immaculate Heart in the world. In the end my Immaculate Heart will
triumph. This will come about in the greatest triumph of Jesus, who will bring into the world his glorious reign of
love, of justice and of peace, and will make all things new.
Become the courageous heralds of this, his triumph, because you are the apostles of these last times.
Live as faithful disciples of Jesus, with contempt for the world and for yourselves, in poverty, in humility, in silence,
in prayer, in mortification, in charity and in union with God, while you are unknown and despised by the world.
The moment has come for you to come out from your hiddenness in order to go and shed light upon the earth.
Show ourselves to all as my children, for I am with you always. Let the faith be the light which enlightens you in
these days of darkness, and let zeal alone consume you, zeal for the honor and glory of my son Jesus.
Fight, children of the light, because the hour of my battle has now arrived. In the harshest of winters, you are
the buds which are opening up from my Immaculate Heart and which I am placing on the branches of the Church
to tell you that her most beautiful springtime is about to arrive.
With the love of a Mother, who, during these years, has been listened to, followed and glorified by you, I bless you
all in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Spirit.
1. Unsa ang Senakulo
Ang pulong Senakulo gikan sa Latin: Caena (panihapon) Culum (usa ka “suffix” nga magpa-matuod sa estado sa
lugar), Caenaculum (senakulo o lugar panihaponan). Mao kini ang “Upper Room” diin gisaulog sa Ginoo uban sa
Iyang mga Apostoles ang katapusang panihapon una Siya ilansang sa krus. Didto usab sa Senakulo sa Jerusalem
natukod ang unang Prayer Meeting sa mga disipulo uban sa Mahal nga Birhen sa pagpangandam sa pag-abut sa
Espiritu Santo.
2. Ugsaon pagbuhat ang Senakulo
Ang Lawas: kinahanglan “relax,” mahupayong magpahulay pinaagi sa inanay nga pag-“exhale” sa baba padulong
sa kasingkasing diha sa Presensya sa Dios. Magalingkod ang tanan nga mag-alirong uban sa imahen sa Mahal nga
Birhen. Buhaton ang pag-ampo sa tingug nga makusog, paso, ug hiniusa. Dili kita mag-ampo ngadto sa Birhen,
kun dili mag-ampo kita ngadto sa Guinoo nga ania kanato uban sa Mahal nga Birhen. Ang atong pag-ampo ug mga
katuyuan Iyang dad-on ngadto sa Amahan pinaagi sa atong Guinoong Jesus.
Ang Kalag: Pinaagi sa atong imahinasyon, salabutan ug kabubut-on atong isipon nga ang Santisima Trinidad gilibutan sa pagdayeg sa tibook kalibutan ug kalangitan uban ang Mahal nga Birhen, tanang katawhan, mga kaanghelesan, ug mga Santos, sama sa usa ka daku nga stadium sa kalangitan, nag-ampo sa usa ka daku nga Senakulo.
Hunahunaa nga ang kahayag sa Dios mituhop na sa tanan aron lamdagan ang atong mga katuyuan nga gibungat
sa Senakulo.
Ang Espiritu: Inubanan sa inanay nga pag-exhale padulong sa atong kasingkasing buhaton nato ang akto sa
pag-surrender ug pagtoo nga ang Presensya sa Dios ania na sa atong kaugalingong kinabuhi ug sa kinabuhi sa
tanang ming-apil sa dakung panon sa mga nag-Senakulo.
3. Ang Manual sa Senakulo
Ang Senakulo adunay pipila ka bahin nga mao kining mga mosunod:
Unang Bahin: Ang mapalangdongong pag-ampo sa Santo Rosaryo daw hinagiban sa Espiritu agig lamdag ug panghinaut nga pinaagi sa pangama sa Walaybuling nga Kasingkasing sa Mahal nga Birhen dawaton unta sa
Guinoo ang mga katuyuan sa maong pag-ampo.
Ikaduhang Bahin: Pagbasa, pagpaminaw ug pagpamalandong sa mga mensahe sa Mahal nga Birhen gikan sa
talamdan o basahon sa Mensahe sa Mahal nga Birhen ngadto sa Iyang mga Pinalanggang mga Kaparian.
Ikatulong Bahin: Hilum nga pagpahulay, pamalandong ug contemplasyon sa Presensya sa Dios sulod sa kaugalingong kasingksing sa lima o napulo ka minuto.
Ikaupat nga Bahin: Pagbag-o sa Konsagrasyon ug Panaad sa pagduyog sa Birhen sa Kalihokan sa pag-ampo ug
Ikalimang Bahin: Fellowship nga inubanan sa gamay nga painit ug pag-inambitay sa mga experiensya sa grasya o
ang paghisgut-hisgut sa mga buluhaton. Mahimong tapuson dinhi ang Senakulo. Ang buot mopauli mahimo nang mopauli.
4. Ang Pundok sa Senakulo subay sa mga Misteryo sa Rosaryo aron sa pagtukod sa Basic Ecclesial Community
(BEC) or Gamayng Kristohanong Katilingban (GKK)
Mahimong mag senakulo ang duha hangtud sa lima ka mga myembro. Kung mosubra sa lima ka mga myembro
himoon na pud ang laing pundok sa Senakulo. Mahimong mag-uban ang mga pundok sa pag-ampo sa Senakulo;
apan ang listahan sa us aka grupo sa Senakulo dili gayud molabaw sa lima. Mahimonng buhaton ang Senakulo
bisan asa: sa opisina o mga silinganan.
Ang Senakulo maoy tulay sa pagtukod sa Basic Ecclesial Community (BEC) or Gamayng Kristohanong Katilingban.
Ang magpundok-pundok mao ang lima ka mga ginikanan sa usa ka silinganan subay sa mga Misteryo sa Rosaryo sa
kinabuhi ni Cristo ug sa Mahal nga Birhen, nga mao ang mga mosunod:
Misteryo sa Kalipay
lima (5) ka pamilyang magsilingan
Misteryo sa Kahayag
lima (5) ka pamilyang magsilingan
Misteryo sa Kasakit lima (5) ka pamilyang magsilingan
Misteryo sa Himaya
lima (5) ka pamilyang magsilingan
Busa, ang usa ka BEC o GKK adunay biente (20 ka pamilyang myembro nga nabahin sa upat (4) ka grupo sa Senakulo nga may tig-lilima ka mga myembrong pamilya.
(Tan-awa ang Course 1 sa BEC CENACLE ORGANIZATION ug ang Form 1: BEC FOLLOW UP CHART niini.)
5. Registration sa mga Pundok sa Senakulo
Kinahanglan marehistro ang gamay nga pundok sa Senakulo sa Parish Mission Office aron mahiapil kini sa bisan
unsa nga mga kaayuhan sa pagtinabangay nga mahimo sa BEC Cenacle Movement. Subaya ang Course 1 Lesson
1 sa BEC CENACLE ORGANIZATION sa maayong pagtukod sa Cenacle diha sa us aka BEC. Ilista kung kinsa ang coordinator sa grupo, unsang adlawa ang ilang senakulo. Panghinauton gayud nga ang tanang adlaw sa semana gikan
sa Dominggo hangtud sa Sabado anaa gayuy magsenakulo sa Espirituhaong Pakigbisog (Spiritual Battle). Awhagon
gayud nato nga ang adlaw sa Senakulo mao usab ang adlaw sa pagpuasa ug pagpugong sa kaugalingon alang sa
mga myembro sa maong Senakulo.
Ang listahan sa BEC CENACLE CHART i-submit ngadto sa Parish Mission Office, Diocesan Mission Office, National
Mission Office ug Global Mission Office.
Ang address sa National Lord’s Leaven Mission Office:
Lord’s Leaven Mission Foundation, Inc.
Our Lady of Miraculous Medal Parish
2G-T. Alonzo, Project 4, Quezon City
Tel. 922-4198
Ang address sa International (Global) Lord’s Leaven Mission Office:
Lord’s Leaven Mission Society
4000 Alan Shepard Apt #118 Sacramento, California USA 95834
Email address:
Facebook account: Lord’s Leaven Mission Society
6. Intention Notebook
Matag pundok sa Senakulo magbaton ug notebook o Intention Box alang sa mga personal nga mga hangyo nga angay i-ampo sa tanan. Dad-on kining box kung asa buhaton ang Senakulo sa Pag-ampo. Ihalad ang notebook matag
Senakulo. Mag-inambitay ug maghinatagay gayud ang mga nagsenakulo sa ilang mga intension aron kini i-ampo
sa tanan. I-ampo usab diha sa Senakulo ang mga masakiton o may seriosong kabilinggan.
Mitoo ako sa Dios nga Amahan makagagahom sa tanan, Magbubuhat sa langit ug sa yuta.
Mitoo usab ako kang Jesucristo, Iyang bugtong anak, Ginoo nato; mga gipanamkon sa lalang sa Espiritu Santo, gianak ni Santa Maria kanunayng Birhen, gisakit sa sugo ni Poncio Pilato, gilansang sa Krus, namatay ug gilubong; mikunsad sa mga minatay: sa ikatolo sa adlaw nabanhaw Siya pag-usab, misaka sa langit, naglinkod sa tuo sa Dios nga
Amahan makagagahum sa tanan. Gikan didto mobalik Siya dinhi aron sa paghukom sa mga buhi ug sa mga minatay.
Mitoo ako sa Espiritu Santo; sa Santa Iglesya Katolika, sa panag-ambitan sa mga Santos, sa kapasayloan sa mga
sala; sa pagkabanhaw sa lawas sa tawo, ug sa kinabuhing walay katapusan. Amen
Amahan namo, nga anaa ka sa mga langit. Pagdayegon ang imong ngalan. Umabot kanamo ang Imong gingharian.
Matuman ang Imong pagbuot dinhi sa yuta maingon sa langit.
Ang kalan-on namo sa matag adlaw ihatag kanamo karong adlawa. Ug pasayloa kami sa among mga sala maingon
nga nagapasaylo kami sa mga nakasala kanamo. Ug dili mo kami itugyan sa panulay, hinonoa luwasa kami sa dautan. Amen.
Maghimaya ka, Maria, puno ka sa grasya. Ang Ginoo anaa kanimo. Bulahan ikaw sa mga babae ngatanan; ug bulahan ang bunga sa tiyan mo nga si Jesus.
Santa Maria Inahan sa Dios, i-ampo mo kaming makasasala, karon ug sa oras sa among kamatayon. Amen…
Maghimaya ka Rayna, Inahan sa kalooy, kinabuhi ug katam-is, ikaw ang gilauman namo, maghimaya ka, nagpanawag kami Kanimo, kaming mga hininginlang mga anak ni Eva, nagapanghupaw kami ug nagaagulo dinhi niining kalibutan nga luhaan, daan namong mag-alampo, ilingi Mo kanamo ang Imong mga mata nga maloloy-on. Ug
kun tapos na kining panghingilin ipakita Mo kanamo ang mahal nga bunga sa tiyan Mo nga si Jesus. O maaghop, O
maloloy-on, O matam-is nga Birhen Maria, iampo Mo kami Santos nga Inahan sa Dios aron mahimo kaming takos
sa gisaad namo ni Jesukristo among Ginoo. Amen.
O Dios ko, nagbasul ako sa tibook kong kasingkasing tungod kay nakasala ako Kanimo; ug naligutgut ako sa tanan kong sala, tungod sa kahadlok nga mawala ko ang langit ug tungod sa mga kasakit sa impierno. Apan labaw
sa tanan tungod kay ako nakasala man Kanimo, akong Dios, nga maayo sa tanan ug angay gayud sa tibook kong
paghigugma. Nagasaad na ako nga maglig-on, tinabangan sa imong grasya, sa pagkompisal sa akong mga sala, sa
paghimo’g penetensya, ug sa pag-usab sa akong kinabuhi. Amen.
Archdiocese of Cebu:
Archdiocese of Manila:
2-G T. Alonzo, Project 4, Quezon City
Telephone 438-1184