Weekly Liturgies - St. Paul Catholic Church


Weekly Liturgies - St. Paul Catholic Church
First Sunday of Advent
November 29th - November 30th, 2014
Weekly Liturgies
Mass Schedule
Tuesday: 8:00 a.m.
Saturday: 4:30 p.m.
Sunday: 9:00 a.m.
Sunday: 6:00 p.m.
Communion Services
Wednesday: 8:00 a.m.
Thursday: 8:00 a.m.
Eucharistic Adoration/
Holy Hour & Benediction
Sunday: 5:00 p.m. - 6:00 p.m.
Contact Information
St. Paul Catholic Church
622 South Beach Street
Plainfield, WI 54966-9637
E-mail: stpaul@uniontel.net
Parish Office: 715.335.4314
Fax: 715.335.6016
Website: www.saintpaulplainfield.com
“Like us” on Facebook
Parish Coordinator: Deacon Jim Trzinski
cell phone: 920.240.1968
Tues. - Fri. 8:00 a.m. - 4:00 p.m., and before and after Masses on weekends
Administrator: Rev. David Greskowiak
Office: 920.787.3848
For medical emergency requiring the Sacrament of Anointing: 920.765.3382
Administrative Assistant: Marsha Hadden-Phillips
Mon. - Fri. 8:00 a.m.- 2:00 p.m.
Finance Council Chair:
Bob Ebben
Pastoral Council Chair:
Cathy Kaminski
Director of Religious Ed:
Carla Murray
Music Coordinators:
Kristin Pfluger and
Nicole Marek
RCIA Leaders:
Linda Golla
Alice Phillips
Care Minister Coordinator:
Linda Golla
Cemetery Coordinator:
Larry Zalewski
Funeral Luncheon Coord:
Betty Burns
Parish Trustees:
Treasurer Trustee: Karen Giese - 920.765.0224
Secretary Trustee: Kate Drmolka - 715.366.4743
Our Mission Statement: To care for each other as Jesus has taught
us and to extend that care to others beyond our community.
St. Paul Parish is affiliated with the Diocese of Green Bay.
From the Deacon’s Desk
Happy New Year
I know that you think that my greetings may be a little premature (at least according to the
traditional calendar), but this weekend we celebrate the beginning of a new Church year on
the first Sunday of Advent. This year the Church celebrates Year B in the liturgical cycle and
the Catholic Church will take most of its readings for the liturgical year from the Gospel of
So how have you done this past year on your spiritual journey? Have you moved closer to Christ or is there still
work to do in your relationship with Christ? This weekend, the Gospel from Mark speaks about the importance of
being watchful and ready as we never know when the Lord will come in our lives. Sometimes I think we can read
this passage and think about our death and the Lord coming to take us to eternal life. But I would suggest that you
would consider also looking at this Gospel passage as to bring awareness of how God comes to us each and every
day. Are we being watchful enough to know how Christ is coming into our lives? Or are we just being too busy with
our sports, texting, television, work, computers to even see Christ around us?
I would encourage you that as we begin this new Church year, to take some time to spend in silence each day, or
make an effort to attend Eucharistic Adorations at our parish, and read daily from your Little Blue Advent Books, in
order that you may have the time to be watchful and ready for Christ’s presence in your life.
May you have a very blessed Advent season!
God’s Blessings, Deacon Jim
RCIA Classes Begin Next Saturday
The St. Paul RCIA classes will begin next Saturday, December 6th from 2-3:30 p.m. in our Parish Hall. The classes
are for those who are preparing to receive the Sacraments of Initiation (Baptism, Holy Communion and Confirmation) at the Easter Vigil. If you have not received all of the Sacraments of Initiation into the church, contact Deacon
Jim about signing up for the classes. If you are not able to attend the classes on Saturday afternoons, Deacon Jim will
try to make special arrangements to prepare you for the sacraments. There is no cost for the classes.
Sunday Evening Masses Begin This Sunday
Beginning this Sunday, the First Sunday of Advent, our parish will be adding another Mass to our regularly
scheduled Masses. The 6:00 p.m. Sunday evening Masses will be scheduled for all four Sundays of Advent. We will
begin with Eucharistic Adoration and Sacrament of Reconciliation at 5:00 p.m. with Mass to follow at 6:00 p.m.
Father David and I have scheduled these Masses during Advent in order to offer another opportunity to attend
Sunday Mass in our area and also to get our youth involved on a deeper level in Mass. If the Masses are well
attended, we will consider scheduling more Sunday evening Masses. The Sunday evening Mass will fulfill the
Sunday obligation for Mass.
Kid’s Question of the Week
This weekend’s question: (Fill in the Blank) In the beginning of today’s Gospel, Jesus says to His
apostles, “Be ____________, Be Alert”.
Last Week’s Question and Answer: In the Gospel, what were the two different groups of animals that
Jesus referred to in his story? Sheep and Goats
Stop by and see Deacon Jim after the Mass and give him the answer to receive a small treat.
Saturday, Nov. 29th: The 1st Sunday of Advent
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:30 p.m. - Mass with Rev. William Hower:
For the Deceased of St. Paul Parish
Sunday, Nov. 30th: The First Sunday of Advent
9:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. William Hower:
For Healing and Prayer for
Denise Reilley by Anonymous
5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Hour and
6:00 p.m. - Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak:
For the Youth of our parish
Monday, Dec. 1st
No Prayer Service
7:00 p.m. - Knights of Columbus meeting
Tuesday, Dec. 2nd
8:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. Paul Lippert:
For  Chet &  Bonnie Radzinski
by Margie Studinski
After Mass - Dining with the Deacon at
Smiley’s Old Time Diner
Wednesday, Dec. 3rd
8:00 a.m. - Communion Service
3:30 p.m. - 5:15 p.m. - RE for 1st - 4th Graders;
1st Reconciliation;
and Reconciliation for 3rd & 4th Graders
Thursday, Dec. 4th
8:00 a.m. - Communion Service
Friday, Dec. 5th
8:00 a.m. - Mass at St. Joseph Parish with the
Oremus Program to follow
3:00 p.m. - 5:00 p.m. - 1st Friday Adoration,
Sign up sheet available in our Narthex
Saturday, Dec. 6th: Second Sunday of Advent
and Family Mass
8:30 a.m. - 1:00 p.m. - Christmas Bazaar!
3:45 p.m. - 4:15 p.m. - Sacrament of Reconciliation
4:00 p.m. - Rosary led by our PCCW
4:30 p.m. - Mass with Rev. Tom Long
For  Richard D. Beggs
by Lauretta Beggs Brach
After Mass - Christmas Bazaar
Sunday, Dec. 7th: Second Sunday of Advent
and Family Mass
8:30 a.m. - Rosary led by our PCCW
9:00 a.m. - Mass with Rev. Tom Long:
For  Daniel Coogan by Marie Coogan
After Mass - Christmas Bazaar & Fellowship Sunday
5:00 p.m. - Eucharistic Adoration/Holy Hour and
6:00 p.m. - Mass with Rev. David Greskowiak:
For the People of St. Paul Parish
Liturgical Ministries for
Dec. 6th, 7th, and 8th, 2014
Altar Servers
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Sophie & Lena Reid
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Megan & Kenzy Reilley
Elizabeth & Shawn Kemnetz
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Dawson & Preston Knutson
Monday 7:00 p.m.: Lily Klisiewicz & Katie Craig
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Sharon Austin
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Cathy Bielmeier
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Monica Baillod
Monday 7:00 p.m. Alex Aschenbrenner
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Chuck Austin
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Frank Soborowicz
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Leigh Ann Trzinski
Monday 7:00 p.m.: Alex Aschenbrenner
Immaculate Conception of the
Blessed Virgin Mary, December 8th,
a Holy Day of Obligation
Eucharistic Ministers
Saturday 4:30 p.m.: Jerry & Donna Stapleford
Sunday 9:00 a.m.: Jeff & Kathy Sommers
Sunday 6:00 p.m.: Leigh Ann Trzinski &
Lucille Vezina
Monday 7:00 p.m.: Dick Butzen & Jack Woyak
Saturday 4:30 p.m.:
Sunday 9:00 a.m.:
Sunday 6:00 p.m.:
Monday 7:00 p.m.
Tom Hedglin & Chuck Austin
Donna Thoma & Liz Wysocki
Martin Pionke & Terry Callahan
Frank & Marlene Soborowicz
Christmas Bazaar News From Chairperson, Cathy Kaminski
Our 45th Annual Christmas Bazaar is set for next Saturday, Dec. 6th from 8:30 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. and after Masses.
This is the Parish Council of Catholic Women’s (PCCW) main fundraiser that benefits our parish and community. We
are looking forward to the homemade items which are our biggest draw for our shoppers. Please keep all areas of
the Bazaar in mind as it is coming fast.
Sweet Surprise
Treasure Hunt Room
(no clothes)
Trim a Tree
Back by popular demand, we will have a raffle for an autographed Packer Football in a display case. Plus, new this
year is a raffle for a 2-night stay for 2-6 people at the Wilderness
Resort in Wisconsin Dells which includes waterpark passes!
New arrival for raffle: “Man Cave” Quilt made by Donna Thoma,
a member of our PCCW Christmas Bazaar Craft Team! It is
94”x80”, in between a full-size and queen-size.
These three raffle item tickets are going for 6/$5.
To help spread the word, we now have
posters available for anyone to take and
post in area businesses. You can find
the posters on our Narthex table.
A reminder to all of the Friday Christmas
Bazaar workers: please stay for lunch at
Any items you may have for the
Bazaar can be left in the Parish Office
weekdays between 8:00 a.m. and 12
noon, or under the table just outside the
Parish Hall kitchen pass-through window. If there are any questions, ideas
or a pick-up needed, please call me at
Thank you! — Cathy Kaminski
6:00 p.m. Sunday Masses During Advent
Beginning this Sunday, Rev. David Greskowiak and Deacon Jim Trzinski will offer specially
scheduled Masses on Sunday evenings at 6:00 p.m. during Advent in order to give our parishioners another opportunity to share in the Mass.
There will also be Eucharistic Adoration and the Sacrament of Reconciliation at 5:00 p.m. on those
Sundays of Advent. We ask that you help to get the word out about our new Mass times for Advent
to others in our area.
Knights of Columbus News
1) Our Knights of Columbus will have a meeting on Monday, December 1st at 7:00 p.m.
2) The Knights will be selling “Keep Christ in Christmas” yard signs and magnetic car stickers.
The cost is $3.00 each or 2 for $5.
3) The Knights of Columbus invite you to join a rosary service just before our Masses the
weekend of Dec. 13th at 4:00 p.m. and Dec. 14th at 8:30 a.m.
For information on our St. Paul Knights of Columbus, please contact Grand Knight, Jim Callahan, 715.249.5657.
RCIA Begins Next Weekend
SCRIP Program Has Been Launched!
Are you someone or do you know someone who…
· Has expressed an interest in becoming
· Was baptized Catholic as a child, but has not
celebrated the Sacraments of Confirmation and
· Will be getting married this upcoming year and
would like to become Catholic before the wedding day?
The Rite of Christian Initiation of Adults (RCIA) is the
process by which adults, young or
old are received into full communion
with the Catholic Church. The RCIA
takes place at our parish, and after a
suitable period of formation, culminates in the reception of the Sacraments of InitiationBaptism, Eucharist and Confirmation at the Easter Vigil.
Our PCCW and SCRIP Program Coordinator, Kate
Drmolka have been working hard to get the St. Paul
SCRIP program started just before the Christmas
season. The SCRIP program allows parishioners to
purchase a given dollar amount card for any of 100’s of
retailers, then use it the same as cash. St. Paul Parish
will get a percentage back from each purchase and the
proceeds from the program will help in various church
programs and activities.
Formation includes several areas: Scripture: The stories
of God’s people. Teaching: What Catholics believe,
Prayer, Liturgy and the Mission of the Catholic Church.
Classes will begin next Saturday, December 6th at
2:00 p.m. Classes usually run until 3:30 p.m. If you are
interested in signing up for RCIA or have further
questions about the process, please let Deacon Jim
You can remember your loved one(s)
and help to decorate our church this
Christmas Season and into January
when you order a Christmas poinsettia
from Flowers by Ken at 715.335.4262.
The deadline for flower purchases is
Wed., Dec. 17th. The flowers will be delivered to our
church before Christmas. Please indicate the name of
the person being remembered, as well as your name.
The list of those remembered and those who
purchased flowers will be published in a later Parish
We have available opportunities to offer Mass intentions
for our Tuesday morning Masses with Fr. Paul Lippert,
for weekend Masses, and for our 6:00 p.m.
Advent Masses with Fr. David Greskowiak.
If anyone would like to offer an intention,
please contact our Parish Office.
The Mass intention stipend is $10.
A complete list of participating SCRIP
vendors is available online at
www.shopwithscrip.com. You can
register online, make out your order,
print off a copy and turn it at our
SCRIP table with your payment. Your order will be
ready for pick up at church within 2 weeks or less.
PCCW members will be available after Masses to assist
you with any questions about SCRIP.
Share Our Surplus (S.O.S.) Announcements
1. S.O.S Collection Days and Christmas Gift
Tree: This weekend, Nov. 29th - Nov. 30th is
our last weekend of the S.O.S. Food Drive and
it is for a 4-Roll Package of Tissue and the
Unwrapped Gift weekend. These gifts will go to the
children whose tags had not been taken from the
various trees.
2. Our S.O.S. Mitten Tree has been
changed to an S.O.S. Mitten Basket
due to the restriction of space. Our
basket will be available in our Narthex
this weekend. New gloves, mittens,
and hats can be placed in our Mitten
Basket, then they will be gifted
through the S.O.S. program according to need. Thank
you for your generosity!
Dates to Remember
Nov. 30th, Dec. 7th, Dec. 14th, and Dec. 21st:
additional 6:00 p.m. Advent Masses
Dec. 1st: Knights of Columbus meeting at 7 p.m.
Dec. 2nd: Dining with the Deacon after Mass
Dec. 3rd: First Reconciliation at 3:30 p.m.,
and RE Classes for all grades
Dec. 6th & 7th: PCCW Christmas Bazaar
Dec. 8th: Immaculate Conception Mass at 7:00 p.m.
Dec. 17th: Care Ministers to Heartland House
The 2014 Ecumenical Thanksgiving Service,
A Night Specially Dedicated to Pro-Life
The 2014 Ecumenical Thanksgiving service
was held at our parish last Sunday evening.
Despite the foggy conditions, many area
Christian brothers and sisters gathered
together to give thanks for the many blessings the Lord has given our communities.
The theme chosen this year by the TriCounty Cleary Association was “Pro-Life”.
Our administrator, Fr. David Greskowiak
from St. Joseph Parish, Wautoma started the
service off by welcoming all and leading us in
prayer. Pastor Howard Kruize from New Life
Assembly of God Church led us in the Prayer
of Thanksgiving. Pastor Eric Hughes with
the Isaiah 58 Ministries along with our
Deacon Jim Trzinski shared scripture readings. Pastor Yul Kwon of the Hancock United Church of Christ led the Prayer of Faith, Pastor Paul Gregersen of
Plainfield & Almond United Methodist Churches gave a reflection, and Pastor Eric Hambrock from the Hancock
Wesleyan Church concluded with the Benediction. The Community Choir also inspired those gathered with a few
musical selections on Thanksgiving.
Four people involved in Pro-Life ministry within the community were invited to give testimonials: Leigh Ann Trzinski
with the First Choice Pregnancy Resource Centers in Stevens Point and Wisconsin Rapids; David Senft, Coordinator for 40 Days for Life in Stevens Point; Matt Van Rueden, the Development Director of Pro-Life Wisconsin; and
Carrie Kolbeck, On-Air Host of “The Family” Radio Station, WGFN-FM, 88.5 FM/107.3 FM.
The evening concluded with fellowship in our Parish Hall, courtesy of the ladies of our Parish Council of Catholic
Women (PCCW). Thank you to all who made the evening a special blessing.
Pro-Life Adoration this Sunday
I would like to extend an invitation to all of you to join us at our Pro-Life Eucharistic Adoration this Sunday evening at 5:00 p.m. Father David will be present for the Sacrament of Reconciliation from 5:00 p.m.-5:45 p.m. with
Mass to follow at 6:00 pm. I cannot stress to all of you the importance of prayer when it comes to protecting the
sanctity of all life from conception until natural death.
Please come and spend an hour of time with our Lord in Eucharistic Adoration and pray that we can one day end
abortion in our country and protect the sanctity of all life.
Happy Thanksgiving from Pro-Life Wisconsin!
Thanksgiving is a time of giving thanks for the many blessings bestowed on us by God. At
Pro-Life Wisconsin, we would like to take a moment and thank YOU, our supporters, volunteers, and affiliate leaders, for your faithful dedication to the cause of life. Without you, our
life-saving work would be impossible! Your generous support, volunteering, and prayers
are building a culture of life in Wisconsin. We praise God for you!
" We give thanks to God always for you all, constantly mentioning you in our prayers, remembering before our God
and Father your work of faith and labor of love..." 1 Thessalonians 1:2-3
St. Paul Parish’s 2nd Annual Chili Supper and Raffle
Last Saturday, the opening day of the
Gun/Deer Season, the St. Paul Cemetery Committee hosted their 2nd Annual
Chili Supper before the specially scheduled Deer Hunter’s Mass. Friends and
family enjoyed a fantastic All-You-CanEat Chili Soup Supper after a day in the
woods. There were several varieties of
chili available along with beverages,
homemade breads, and desserts.
Special thanks to those who donated the
chili: Paula Ausloos, Mariette Booth, Jim
Ebben, Marie Reid, Lucy Ruffalo, and
Chris Thompson; and to those who
donated desserts or raffle items anonymously, and to those who helped in any
way. The efforts and the generosity of
our parishioners and friends helped
raise over $1700 for future projects for
our cemetery.
Below: Sexton Larry Zalewski,
Dick Koehler, Cathy Lauer, and
Jim Ebben.
The Kulmann Family
Raffle Winners
1st Place: Mossberg 300 Win. Mag Ducks
Edition Stainless Steel Barrel and 3x9 scope - Carl Phillips of Plainfield
2nd Place: Big Dog Lancer Extreme Ladder Stand Dan Kaltenbach of New Berlin
3rd Place: a Sherm Pehrson Wildlife Print - Mike Beigel of Bancroft
4th Place: Moultrie Digital Game Camera - Jeff Lytle of Almond
5th Place: Fleet Farm $50 Gift Card - Eunice Zimbeck of Bancroft
6th Place:$50 Kevin’s Venison Processing Certificate Ron Stubbe of Fond du Lac
7th Place: Ponderosa Pines Dinner Gift Certificates Dan Lowell of Wisconsin Rapids
8th Place: DJ’s Corner Bar & Grill Pizza Dinner Certificates Roger Phillips of Plainfield
Carl Phillips of Plainfield was the lucky
recipient of the 1st place prize!
Congratulation to all of the winners!
Hispanic Free Legal Clinic
Another Hispanic Free Legal Clinic is scheduled at St. Paul
Catholic Church on Tuesday, December 9th from 4 p.m. - 8 p.m.
Attorney Raymond Schrank will provide assistance in immigration/
naturalization petitions, deferred action for childhood arrivals,
driving/traffic violations, removal/deportation proceedings and other legal issues. No appointment is
necessary; first come, first served. No charge for the
meeting or receiving advice from the attorney.
If you have any questions,
please call Mr. Schrank at (262)679-2094.
Mr. Schrank is not associated with St. Paul Parish.
Our Mission Team has Christmas cards
available in our Parish Hall card rack.
Please stop by the rack and see the many
card types available.
Knowing Your Catholic Faith
As we have celebrated Thanksgiving over the past couple of days, we have probably watched a television
show, or read a book about the early pilgrims in our country. We may have even talked about our own
ancestors and their “pilgrimage” to the United States. Did you ever wonder how Catholicism got started in
the United States in the early days of our country? I did a little research and this is some of the information I
Although Roman Catholics were not the first Europeans to set foot in what would be the American colonies, it was
not long before they made their presence felt on the other side of the Atlantic. Since their first arrival in 1513 in what
became Florida, Roman Catholicism has become the largest Christian tradition in the United States with 25.6 million
Arrival in America
The first Roman Catholics to enter the American colonies settled in Maryland in 1634. They were under the control
of the Vicar Apostolic of London, but the American Revolution made that arrangement untenable. John Carroll, who
had been serving as the Superior of Catholic Missions for the United States, wrote to Rome in 1785. Realizing the
negative effects of a state-controlled church, Carroll endorsed the separation of church and state. He believed in a
more private and personal piety than public, clerically led, devotional services. Rome accepted and Carroll became
Bishop of Baltimore in 1791.
The church exemplified an uncommon level of religious toleration in the face of the Puritans` extremely restrictive
beliefs, but Catholics comprised less than one percent of the population during the American Revolution. When the
laity manifested a reluctance or refusal to participate in the operations of the church and their own private worship,
Carroll later stressed leadership from the clergy, American bishops and the bishops in Rome.
French missionary efforts that penetrated northern tier regions clear to Oregon, and the Spanish discovery and
colonization of the Americas, especially regions that would
become southwestern states, left a deep Catholic imprint on
the future country. For instance, near the Pacific Coast,
Franciscan monk Junipero Serra established a system of
missions beginning with San Diego, California, in 1769. He
induced Native Americans to abandon their traditional lifestyles and convert to Roman Catholicism. His agenda also
included expanding Spanish landholdings.
Fr. Junipero Serra
One of the signatories of the Declaration of Independence,
Charles Carroll (1737-1832), owner of sixty thousand acres
of land, was a Catholic and was one of the richest men in the
colonies. Catholicism was integral to his career.
Charles Carroll
---Deacon Jim
Sharing Christmas with Others: During the past couple of months, our St. Paul Parish Care Ministry has met
several times to discuss how we can better serve our parishioners who reside at the area nursing and assisted
living centers or who are homebound.
At a recent meeting, it was brought up that we should visit a local nursing home to spread some Christmas
cheer during December and visit with people in our community who unfortunately may not have families who
visit them often.
On Wednesday, December 17th from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m., we would like to invite all from our parish to join our Care Ministers as we travel to the Heartland House in Wautoma to spend an afternoon visiting with the residents. If you would like to
bring some treats along, please let the parish office know. This will be a wonderful opportunity to share some of God’s
love and our time with the residents. If you have any questions, please contact Deacon Jim