Section III – Reports - Rocky Mountain District, LCMS


Section III – Reports - Rocky Mountain District, LCMS
50th Convention of the
Rocky Mountain District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Report of the District President
District President Statistical Report
Board of Directors Chairman Report
Reports of the Circuit Visitors
Ysleta Lutheran Mission
Rocky Mountain District LWML
Report of Congregational Services
Administration and Financial Report
Debt Assistance Committee
Scholarship Committee
Disaster Response
2017 District Outreach Coordinator
Communications Report
Mission Funding Project
Lutheran Church Extension Fund
“Be still, and know that I am God..." (Psalm 46:10 ESV)
The culture of our time has some real challenges for each of us. There are times when we may ask the
question, "how long Lord?" The church is placed into an interesting spot in an ever changing world. Still,
Psalm 46 is of great comfort and hope, "Be still, and know that I am God. I will be exalted among the nations, I will be exalted in the earth!” (Psalm 46:10 ESV)
Our Rocky Mountain District and this our 50th Convention has seen change. You will be receiving a wonderful history of your District at this convention. A special word of thanks especially to Lyle Schaefer and
Harry Krueckeberg who have put together this history book. Harry will be doing some special history observances throughout the Convention.
A special thank you to everyone who has worked hard to put together this our 50th Convention. Thanks to
our Administrative Executive, Doug Ullmann, who did the detailed work and covered all contracts and
staffing to make this happen. Thanks to the Executive Secretary, Monique Hjalmquist, who double checks
details, organizes, and keeps us on track. Thanks to Vicar Paul Albers, Congregational Service Executive,
for his consulting and fine tuning the needs for this event. Thanks to Our Father Congregation, Centennial,
Colorado and their pastors for hosting the opening Holy Communion Service and to Redeemer Congregation, Ft. Collins, Colorado for their organizing the service and our music for this event. Thanks to all who
are serving on floor committees and helping in all other capacities. Thank you all so very much! Finally,
thanks to each of you for taking and making time for this important event in the life of the church. Thank
The Board of Directors for the Rocky Mountain District adopted the mission/ministry statement of "Mercy,
Witness, and Life Together." Our leading with Mercy was prophetic in so many ways for our District. My
tenure as District President was only over a week after my installation that the tragedy of the Aurora Theatre shooting occurred. Then the horrific fires of Colorado, New Mexico, and Utah. Then, continuous rain
and ensuing flooding of communities literally changes the face of Colorado. Flooding in El Paso, TX likewise affected that landscape. Then, another shooting resulting in the death of a student at a local high
school. Still the Word of God speaks, "God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble." (Psalm 46:1 ESV).
Our District Disaster Response Team went into those situations working with congregations to reach out in
Mercy. The fact of seeing Jesus in us by caring, sharing, and helping. Our district partner, the Lutheran
Church Missouri Synod Disaster Response Team, also met the challenges of hundreds of souls. The dollar
amount in aid, outlined in the District's Disaster Response report, into the hundreds of thousands, was distributed to congregations and their communities. A thank you seems so small a word for the acts of Mercy
that you and the sister congregations of our district, have given. Thank you and we praise the Lord for you
and your involvement in the lives of so many people.
Leading forth in Mercy was again a remarkable way to help our sisters and brothers in Christ and their congregations. Your support of The Rocky Mountain District allowed those parishes and their ministry staff to
meet the spiritual and material needs of their workers. A great need is to care for our church workers who
face difficult situations. The beauty of knowing God's Word and living the Word of God as Saint Paul
writes, "But if anyone does not provide for his relatives, and especially for members of his household, he
has denied the faith and is worse than an unbeliever" (1 Timothy 5:8 ESV). Truly with heartfelt appreciation, thank you!
The culture of our time can and does take a toll on each of us in different ways. The devil works hard to
cause strife, division, and doubts among us. The health of our congregations, church and school workers is
very important but often, these workers, because they are caregivers themselves, they have many times put
their family as well as their personal need for care, last. The Mercy we can and do show to our church
workers is vital. We are a district of people connecting with people to connect them to Jesus. Our prayer is
that the secular world sees us and our parishes as different, because the reason we love is because Jesus
loved us. We walk in His light, "again Jesus spoke to them, saying, “I am the light of the world. Whoever
follows me will not walk in darkness, but will have the light of life.” (John 8:12 ESV). Once again thank
The opportunities for Witness have been seen through your acts of Mercy. The Witness of reaching out by
you in your communities. The need for pastors in smaller congregations is another vital need. We are
looking at different ways to meet those ministry needs. Our District is moving forward in Special Ministry
Pastors (SMP). The opportunity to meet congregation's needs and help sister congregations is truly awesome. The harvest field is ripe, but the laborers are few. We together are working to reach out and be missional. The geography of our District makes us unique as to our communities, environment, and ministry.
Our diversity makes us unified in what we are about and that is proclaiming Jesus Christ, crucified, resurrected, ascended, and waiting for His return. Our District with all our diversity leads in sharing in this our
time, in our places, His Word. The settings different yet His Word remains, "heaven and earth will pass
away, but my words will not pass away" (Matthew 24:35 ESV).
We come together in this 50th Convention of the Rocky Mountain District of the Lutheran Church Missouri
Synod in the reality that we are spread out by geography. We come together as communities with unique
cultural challenges. Our congregations engaging those challenges as Gospel opportunities. Whether in El
Paso, Texas, St. George, Utah, Santa Fe, New Mexico, or Estes Park, Colorado; wherever you are in this
vast District we come together bearing the Good News of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. This brothers
and sisters is our Life Together. To God from whom all blessings flow...for Faith, Hope, Love abide...the
greatest of these is Love!
I am...
In Christ's Love and Service
Rev. Allen Anderson
President, Rocky Mountain District
REV. ALLEN ANDERSON, Boulder, CO to Rocky Mountain LCMS District President, installed by Rev. Randall
Golter, July 15, 2012.
REV. NORMAN B. BARNETTE, Our Savior/Grace, Lovington/Hobbs, NM to Family of Faith, Falcon, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, November 3, 2013.
REV. BRIAN BESTIAN, St. John's, Ft Collins, CO to Ascension, El Paso, TX, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson,
January 13, 2013.
REV. JOEL DIETERICHS, St. Andrews, Denver, CO to Resurrection, Colorado Springs, CO, installed by Rev.
Allen Anderson, October 12, 2014.
REV. ANDREW DIMIT, Trinity/First English, Akron/Sterling, CO to Immanuel/Immanuel, Artesia/Carlsbad, NM,
installed by Rev. Gary Piepkorn, September 16, 2012.
REV. BROR ERICKSON, First, Tooele, UT to Zion, Farmington, NM, installed by Rev. Peter Spallek, June 1, 2014.
REV. BRADLEY KLEIN, Brighton, CO, Candidate Status to Immanuel, Englewood, CO, installed by Rev. Gregory
Zillinger, March 30, 2014.
REV. ROBERT KRAFT, Roy, UT, Candidate Status to LCMS Board of Mission Services, St Louis, MO, installed
by Rev. Kurt Hering, December 09, 2012.
REV. CHRISTIAN RASMUSSEN, Brighton, CO, Candidate Status to Zion, Brighton, CO, installed by Rev. Allen
Anderson, May 03, 2014.
REV. BENJAMIN ROBERTS, Our Savior, Pueblo West, CO to Summit of Peace, Thornton, CO, installed by Rev.
Charles Westby, September 16, 2012.
REV. TIMOTHY STORCK, Assoc. Pastor, Messiah, Grand Junction, CO to Sole Pastor, Trinity, Ft Morgan, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, April 12, 2015.
REV. KURT VAN FOSSAN, Delta, CO, Candidate Status to Redeemer, Delta, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, September 07, 2014.
REV. DR. JEFFREY WILLIAMS, Assoc. Pastor, Risen Christ, Arvada, CO to Good Shepherd, Leadville, CO, installed by Rev. Dwight Hellmers, February 1, 2014.
REV. SCOTT ABEL, St. Luke's, Oviedo, FL to Our Father, Centennial, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, August 18, 2012.
REV. GARY BROWN, Leadville, CO, Candidate Status to Good Shepherd, Leadville, CO, installed by Rev. Dwight
Hellmers, November 11, 2012.
REV. PAUL CARLSON, Grace, Boyceville, WI to St.Mark/Good Shepherd, Provo/Richfield, UT, installed by Rev.
David Fischer, December 7, 2014.
REV. WILLIAM CATE, Assoc. Pastor, Trinity, Temecula, CA to First, Salida, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, December 1, 2013.
REV. ANTHONY CREEDEN, Assoc. Pastor, Christ Our Savior, Livonia, MI to Assoc. Pastor, Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO, installed by Rev. David Langewisch, August 11, 2013.
REV. QUINTIN CUNDIFF, Christ/Beautiful Savior, Coos Bay/Reedsport, OR to Calvary, Rio Rancho, NM, installed by Rev. Kenneth DeSoto, November 23, 2014.
REV. DENNIS FITZPATRICK, Trinity, Garden City, KS to Emmaus, Denver, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, September 28, 2014.
REV. MICHAEL FEUER, Emmaus, Indianapolis, IN to Prince of Peace, Cedar Crest, NM, installed by Rev. Gary
Piepkorn, July 29, 2012.
REV. THEODORE GROTH, Zion, Summit, IL to Beautiful Savior, Broomfield, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, June 23, 2013.
REV. JOSHUA HIEMBUCK, St. John/Trinity, Villard/Grove Lake, MN to Holy Trinity, Logan, UT, installed by
Rev. Bror Erickson, January 5, 2014.
REV. TIMOTHY LAWSON, Assoc. Pastor, Divine Shepherd, Omaha, NE to Cross of Christ, Aurora, CO, installed
by Rev. Allen Anderson, July 14, 2013.
REV. HENRY MALONE, Non-Candidate, Southern District to St. John's, Salt Lake City, Utah, installed by Rev.
Bror Erickson, March 09, 2014.
REV. ANTHONY MASINELLI, Gloria Dei, Davie, FL to Grace, Sandy, UT, installed by Rev. David Fischer, February 22, 2015.
REV. JAMES BARRET MAXWELL, St. Peter, Whitefish, MT to Rock of Ages, Colorado Springs, CO, installed
by Rev. Dennis Lucero, February 24, 2013.
REV. SHAWN NETTLETON, Assoc. Pastor, Christ, Orland Park, IL to St. John's, Ft. Collins, CO, installed by Rev.
Allen Anderson, April 6, 2014.
REV. CRAIG PATTERSON, IIP, St. Peter, Gun Barrel, TX to IIP, Mt Olive, Aurora, CO, installed by Rev. Allen
Anderson, March 02, 2014.
REV. KENT PECK, Pastor, St. John/St. Paul, Melcher Dal / Lacona, Iowa to Wheat Ridge, Wheat Ridge, CO, installed by Rev. Dwight Hellmers, October 6, 2013.
REV. NATHAN PEREGOY, Asst. Pastor, Christ the King, Largo, FL to Assoc. Pastor, Our Father, Centennial, CO,
installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, August 3, 2014.
REV. CHADWICK POTTS, Assoc. Pastor, Peace, Fremont, IN to Christ, Breckenridge, CO, installed by Rev. Pete
Scheele, January 25, 2015.
REV. JERRY POWERS, Emeritus, Pacific Southwest District to Christ, Murray, UT, installed by Rev. Bror Erickson, February 10, 2013.
REV. ANDREW ROSS, Assoc. Pastor, Our Savior, St. Petersburg, FL to Sr./Admin Pastor, Bethlehem, Lakewood,
CO, installed by Rev. David Langewisch, January 19, 2014.
REV. JASON RUST, Assoc. Pastor, Trinity, St. Louis, MO to Shepherd of the Hills, Ruidoso, NM, installed by Rev.
Allen Anderson, December 07, 2014.
REV. ROBERT STEVENS, Our Savior, Hickory, NC to Mt. Calvary, Gunnison, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, June 29, 2014.
REV. STEPHEN WEISS, Our Redeemer/ St. Peter, Oakabena/Lakefield, MN to Gloria Christi, Greeley, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, January 25, 2015.
REV. VICTOR YOUNG, Trinity, Lowden, IA to Our Savior, Commerce City, CO, installed by Rev. Allen Anderson, June 8, 2014.
REV. BENJAMIN DELIN, ordained and installed August 4, 2013, by Rev. David Dahl as Sole Pastor, St. Paul, Durango, CO.
REV. CARL FRANK, ordained and installed June 30, 2013 by Rev. Dr. Bradley Stoltenow as Sole Pastor, Christ
Our Redeemer, Bennett, CO.
REV. ANTHONY BRIAN FLAMME, ordained and installed July 6, 2014, by Rev. Allen Anderson as Assoc. Pastor, Hope, Aurora, CO.
REV. ANDREW J. MASTIC, ordained and installed December 22, 2013, by Rev. Allen Anderson as Director of
Discipleship/SMP Pastor, St. John's, Denver, CO.
REV. DOUG E. MAUSS, ordained and installed December 21, 2014, by Rev. Allen Anderson as SMP Pastor, Family
of Christ, Colorado Springs, CO.
REV. JEFFREY E. MEINZ, ordained and installed December 15, 2014, by Rev. Allen Anderson as SMP Pastor,
Holy Cross, Colorado Springs, CO.
REV. ANDREW PACKER, ordained and installed June 24, 2012, by Rev. Randall Golter as Sole Pastor, Our Savior,
Pagosa Springs, CO.
REV. ROBERT W. PAUL, ordained June 23, 2013 by Rev. Dr. David Benke, St. John's, Sayville, NY and installed
June 30, 2013, by Rev. Gary Piepkorn as Sole Pastor, Immanuel, Roswell, NM.
REV. DAVID H. REBER, JR., ordained and installed July 7, 2013, by Rev. Gary Piepkorn as Sole Pastor, Grace/
Our Savior, Hobbs/Lovington, NM.
REV. BRANDON W. ROSS, ordained and installed July 17, 2014, by Rev. Albert Schroeder as Sole Pastor, Faith,
Johnstown, CO.
REV. DAVID VANDERHYDE, ordained and installed August 4, 2013, by Rev. Allen Anderson as Sole Pastor, University Hills, Denver, CO.
REV. KURT VAN FOSSAN, transfer from a Partner Church, Candidate, LCMS President accepted transfer February 14, 2014.
REV. TIMOTHY P. AHLMAN, Assoc. Pastor, Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO to Sr. Pastor, Christ, Greenfield, AZ,
August 15, 2013.
REV. ERIC NEIL ANDERSEN, Faith, Johnstown, CO to Zion, Summit, IL, September 30, 2013.
REV. MATTHEW BLACKFORD, Assoc. Pastor, Redeemer, Ft. Collins, CO to Lord of Life, La Fox, IL, October
21, 2013.
REV. DAVID BOYD, Faith, Las Cruces, NM to Our Redeemer, Smithfield, RI, October 1, 2012.
REV. DANA BROOKS, Grace, Sandy, Utah to Grace, Caldwell, ID, January 31, 2014.
REV. GARY BROWN, Good Shepherd, Leadville, CO to Immanuel, Sierra Vista, AZ, April 30, 2013.
REV. BRYAN S. CARY, Emeritus, RMD to Emeritus, Texas, May 10, 2013.
REV. JULIUS BERNHARD CLAUSEN, Dir. of Development/Pastor, CLHSA, Parker, CO to Principal, Sierra Luth
HS, Carson City, NV, June 30, 2013.
REV. JOHN FRAHM III, Senior Pastor, Gloria Christi, Greeley, CO to Pastor, Concordia, Williston, ND, September 20, 2014.
REV. KEVIN FROELICH, Candidate Status, RMD to Pastor, Redeemer, Winona, MN, December 5, 2012.
REV. FRANK FRYE, Pastor, Trinity, Ft. Morgan, CO to Senior Pastor, Holy Cross, Kansas City, MO, May 1, 2014.
REV. SCOTT GEMINN, Holy Cross, Glenwood Springs, CO to Trinity, Keene, NH, December 31, 2012.
REV. RANDALL GOLTER, Candidate Status, RMD to Exec. Dir. Int'l Missions, LCMS, St Louis, MO, October 21,
REV. L. DEAN HEMPELMANN, Emeritus, RMD to Emeritus, Texas, October 19, 2012.
REV. KURT M. HERING, Trinity, Layton, UT to Faith/Christ, Hugoton/Elkhart, KS, December 31, 2014.
REV. DONALD HINCHEY, Emeritus, RMD to IIP, First, Gainesville, FL, April 30, 2013.
REV. SCOTT HOLDER, Holy Trinity, Logan, UT to Oak Road, Lilburn, GA, January 1, 2013.
CHAPLAIN SHAWN HUNZE, Candidate Status, RMD to Candidate Status, Mid-South District, October 23, 2014.
REV. LOWELL KAYSER, Emeritus, RMD to Emeritus, Wyoming District, September 16, 2013.
REV. DUSTIN P. LAPPE, Cross of Christ, Aurora, CO to Holy Cross, Kearney, NE, February 15, 2013.
REV. BRYAN LINDEMOOD, St. John's, Salt Lake City, UT to Trinity, Rupert, ID, June 10, 2013.
REV. DAVID MCKNIGHT, Concordia, Steamboat Springs, CO to Emeritus, Texas, August 1, 2014.
REV. MICHAEL MEYER, Emmaus, Denver, CO to Manager of Disaster Response, LCMS Office of National Missions, St Louis, MO, May 15, 2013.
REV. STEVE PARKS, Non-Candidate, RMD to Asst. Prof. of Theology, Concordia University, Irvine, CA, June 30,
REV. JERRY POWERS, Christ, Murray, UT to Emeritus, Pacific Southwest District, February 6, 2014.
REV. WAYNE RIDDERING, Emeritus, RMD to Peace, Arroyo Grande, CA, June 21, 2013.
REV. DR. VERNON SCHINDLER, Ascension, El Paso, TX to Christus Rex, Rio Rico, AZ, January 31, 2013.
REV. DAVID SCHNEIDER, Emeritus, RMD to Emeritus, South Wisconsin District, June 17, 2014.
REV. THOMAS SCHOECH, Shepherd of the Hills, Ruidoso, NM to St. Peter's, St Joseph, MO, November 11,
REV. DR. JEFFREY SHEARIER, Senior Pastor, Mt. Olive, Aurora, CO to Bethlehem, Aloha, OR, September 1,
REV. DUNCAN SPRAGUE, Candidate Status, RMD to Zion, Wilton, IA, December 07, 2012.
REV. ROBERT STUENKEL, Emeritus, RMD to Emeritus, Florida Georgia District, February 7, 2013.
REV. RICHARD WERTZ, Emeritus, RMD to Emeritus, Florida Georgia District, October 1, 2012.
REV. ALVEY YATES, JR., Candidate Status , RMD to Emeritus, Florida Georgia District, June 27, 2013.
REV. JAY BEYER, Hope, Lubbock, TX to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, April 11, 2014.
REV. JACOB DICKERHOFF, Risen Savior, Byron, IL to Non-Candidate, RMD, August 6, 2014.
REV. BRIAN EARL, Candidate Status, Nebraska District to Candidate Status, RMD September 30, 2014.
REV. MICHAEL GROVES, Non-Candidate Status, Wyoming District to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, August 15,
REV. THEODORE KUSTER, Emeritus, Minnesota South District to Emeritus, RMD, August 25, 2014.
REV. RICHARD D. LANGNESS, Grace, Larned, Kansas to Candidate Status, RMD, December 2, 2014.
REV. JOHN PAULSON, Emeritus, Nebraska District to Emeritus, RMD, September 3, 2012.
REV. NORMAN SCHMOOCK, Zion, Victorville, CA to Emeritus, RMD, August 1, 2013.
REV. ROBERT D. SEIBLE II, Emeritus, California Nevada Hawaii District to Emeritus, RMD, February 24, 2013.
REV. ROBERTO SIMENTAL, Redeemer, South Gate, CA to Emeritus, RMD, November 4, 2014.
REV. THOMAS BARTON, Assistant Pastor, Calvary, Rio Rancho, NM, October 8, 2014.
REV. RANDALL GOLTER, District President, Rocky Mountain District LCMS, July 15, 2012.
REV. ROBERT DOUGLAS HARMON, Non-Candidate Status to Candidate Status, November 6, 2012.
REV. CARLTON HEIN, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, July 10, 2013.
REV. SHAWN D. HUNZE, Chaplain, LCMS Board of Mission Services, St. Louis, MO to Candidate Status, July 31,
REV. BRADLEY JAY KLEIN, Assistant Pastor, Zion, Brighton, CO to Candidate Status, October 20, 2012.
REV. ROBERT S. OELTJEN, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, September 1, 2012.
REV. KURT A. SCHILLING, Redeemer, Denver, CO to Non-Candidate Status, February 15, 2014.
REV. DUNCAN P. SPRAGUE, Grace, Lamar, CO to Candidate Status, August 31, 2012.
REV. CHARLES WINFRED WESTBY, Our Saviour, Commerce City, CO to Candidate Status, July 15, 2013.
REV. RONALD M. BAKER, Rock of Ages, Colorado Springs, CO, January 1, 2013.
REV. GARY A. BICKNER, Trinity, Gallup, NM, November 1, 2014.
REV. SCOTT BLAZEK, Immanuel, Clovis, NM, June 3, 2012.
REV. DEAN H. BOERNKE, Zion, Brighton, CO, August 31, 2013.
REV. RICHARD BOLLAND, Asst. Pastor, Gloria Christi, Greeley, CO, December 1, 2014.
REV. MONTE GUSEWELLE, St. Paul's/Grace, Durango, CO/Moab, UT, July 1, 2012.
REV. LOWELL KAYSER, Grace, El Paso, TX, July 15, 2013.
REV. JAMES KNAPP, Wheat Ridge, Wheat Ridge, CO, December 31, 2012.
REV. ROD W. LOOSE, Immanuel, Paonia, CO, April 1, 2011.
REV. DR. DENNIS LUCERO, Immanuel, Colorado Springs, CO, September 1, 2014.
REV. DONALD H. NEIDIGK, Calvary, Rio Rancho, NM, July 1, 2014.
DR. GRIFFITH PRITCHARD, Trinity, Alamosa, CO, June 2014.
REV. STEVE SANDERSON, Our Savior, Pagosa Springs, CO, June 24, 2012.
REV. GREGORY THOMPSON, Beautiful Savior, Broomfield, CO, June 9, 2013.
REV. GARY THUR, Zion, Farmington, NM, May 31, 2014.
REV. MERLYN WAGNER, Christ, Murray, UT, December 31, 2012.
REV. RICHARD WERTZ, Hope, Socorro, NM, September 23, 2012.
REV. LARRY ZIEGLER, Mt. Zion, Castle Rock, CO, October 1, 2014.
REV. RONALD M. ANDRESEN, Candidate Status, December 6, 2012.
REV. PHILIP A. BOLEN, Candidate Status, June 15, 2012.
REV. TERRENCE BUETHE, St. John's, Yuma, CO, January 12, 2015.
REV. ANTHONY M. CREEDEN, Assoc. Pastor, Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO, November 4, 2013.
REV. MICHAEL GROVES, Non-Candidate Status, November 20,2013.
REV. MELVIN BOEHLKE, Emeritus, January 21, 2014.
REV. GARY BUSS, Messiah, Grand Junction, CO, August 23, 2014.
REV. PETER CARUANA, Emeritus, February 15, 2014.
REV. EVERETT E. GERDES, Emeritus, March 17, 2015.
REV. OTTO HATTSTAEDT, Emeritus, January 30, 2014.
REV. EARNEST HENGST, Emeritus, February 23, 2014.
REV. MURRAY MARTIN, Emeritus, March 6, 2014.
REV. JEFFREY RYAN, Redeemer, Delta, CO, April 18, 2013.
Faith Lutheran Church, Carbondale, CO, February 9, 2014. (Merger- Holy Cross, Glenwood Springs and MessiahAspen, CO)
Trinity Lutheran Church, Layton, UT, October 31, 2014.
Trinity Lutheran Church, Rangely, CO, July 13, 2014.
DAVID BLACK, Shepherd o/t Hills, Centennial, CO to Lutheran HS, Parker, CO installed August 30, 2013 by Rev.
Dr. Michael Eckelkamp.
KRYSTAL COCHRAN, Non-Candidate Status to Redeemer, Salt Lake City, Utah, installed September 8, 2013 by
Rev. David Fischer.
CONNIE CORDOVA, Candidate Status, Lakewood, CO to Beautiful Savior, Broomfield, CO installed August 24,
2014 by Rev. Theodore Groth.
EMILY COTTER, Messiah, Longmont, CO to Immanuel, Albuquerque, NM installed August 19, 2012 by Rev.
Randy Walquist.
JULIE DUFFY, Shepherd o/t Hills, Centennial, CO to St. John's Early Learning Center, Denver, CO installed January 27, 2013 by Rev. Dr. Michael Eckelkamp.
REBECCA ELMSHAUSER, Mt. Olive, Aurora, CO to Lutheran High School, Parker, CO installed August 30, 2013
by Rev. Dr. Michael Eckelkamp.
STACY FOLKMANN, Candidate Status to Gethsemane, Northglenn, CO installed August 10, 2014 by Rev. Gary
SARAH ANN GLOVER, Emmaus, Denver, CO to Gethsemane, Northglenn, CO installed August 05, 2012 by Rev.
Gary Timm.
SARAH JANE HANDROCK, Candidate Status to Christ, Albuquerque, NM installed September 06, 2012 by Rev.
Neal Groeling.
ELIZABETH HANFT, Non- Candidate to Trinity, Greeley, CO, August 31, 2006 by Rev. Keller.
BRANDI L. HINTZMAN, Non-Candidate Status to Immanuel, Loveland, CO installed August 17, 2014 by Rev.
Glen Schlecht.
JANET L. HOENER, Candidate Status to Lutheran HS, Parker, CO installed September 03, 2014 by Rev. Scott
LISA KIRCHNER, Beautiful Savior, Broomfield, CO to Shepherd o/t Hills, Centennial, CO installed Dec. 6, 2012
by Rev. Brad Stoltenow.
GRETA A. MC CLENDON, Non-Candidate Status to Trinity, Greeley, CO, installed Sept. 8, 2013 by Rev. Greg
LISA O'BRIEN, Shepherd o/t Desert, Scottsdale, AZ to Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO installed June 3, 2014 by Rev. D.
JEANNETTE REYNOLDS, Emmaus, Denver, CO to Redeemer, Denver, CO installed September 7, 2007 by Rev.
Kurt Schilling.
LISA SARR, Candidate Status to Immanuel, Loveland, CO installed August 17, 2015 by Rev. Glen Schlecht.
BETHANY STEINER, Candidate Status to Christ, Murray, Utah installed August 18, 2013 by Rev. Jerry Powers.
SHAUNNA WOLFE, Non-Candidate Status to Zion, Brighton, CO installed August 17, 2014 by Rev. Christian Rasmussen.
JOAN YAMAGUCHI, Candidate Status to Redeemer, Denver, CO installed September 8, 2013 by Rev. Kurt Schilling.
JOHN ZILM, Lutheran School Assoc., Decatur, IL to Lutheran HS, Parker, CO installed August 22, 2012 by Rev.
Juls Clausen.
LEAH ABEL, St. Luke's, Oviedo, FL to Candidate Status, RMD, August 1, 2012.
HEATHER ANDERSON, Bethany, Menio Park, CA to Grace, Sandy, Utah, August 10, 2014.
MEREDITH ARLDT, Prince of Peace, Carrollton, Texas to Shepherd of the Hills, Centennial, CO, August 8, 2012.
KATELIN AUSTIN, Grace, Pocatello, Idaho to Trinity, St. George, Utah, August 17, 2014.
GINA BOSSOW, Loving Arms Christian PS, Largo, FL to Messiah, Grand Junction, CO, August 18, 2013.
KIMBERLEE COBB, St. Paul's, Orange, CA to Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO, August 5, 2012.
ABBY EINSPAHR, Calvary, San Lorenzo, CA to Candidate Status, RMD, July 26, 2012.
DAVID GOSA, Trinity, Hilbert, WI to Trinity, Pueblo, CO, September 7, 2014.
KERI GOSA, Non-Candidate Status, South Wisconsin to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, July 1, 2014.
LISA HARWELL, Candidate Status, Minnesota South to Candidate Status, RMD, October 9, 2014.
MATTHEW HARWELL, Good Shepherd, Glencoe, MN to Redeemer, Ft. Collins, CO, September 20, 2014.
KIMBERLY C. POWERS HEDDING, St. John, Quincy, IL to Candidate Status, RMD, February 15, 2014.
KAREN KOEHLERT, Messiah, Chicago, IL to Immanuel, Albuquerque, NM, August 19, 2012.
ANNA JOHNSON, Candidate Status, Southeastern, to Candidate Status, RMD, October 3, 2013.
NATHAN JOHNSON, First, Chattanooga, TN to Candidate Status, RMD, July 26, 2012.
GLENN O. KRAFT, Emeritus, South Wisconsin District to Emeritus, RMD, March 11, 2014.
ANGELA KREBS, Beautiful Savior, Waukesha, WI to Immanuel, Albuquerque, NM, August 17, 2014.
GEORGE LEITNER, Christ the Redeemer, Phoenix, AZ to Emeritus, RMD, January 28, 2013.
AMANDA LOWE, Shepherd o/t Hills, Rancho Cucamonga, CA to Grace, Gypsum, CO, December 15, 2013.
COLLEEN MARTCHENKE, Calvary, San Lorenzo, CA to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, May 14, 2012.
WILLIAM MARTCHENKE, Calvary, San Lorenzo, CA to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, May 14, 2012.
ANDREW MASTIC, Faith, Bentonville, AR to St. John's, Denver, CO, April 7, 2013.
MEGAN MASTIC, Salem, Springdale, AR to Non-Candidate Status , RMD, June 27, 2013.
REBECCA MATSON, Non-Candidate Status, Northwest District to Grace, Sandy, Utah, August 10, 2014.
KARIN MEISSNER, Prince of Peace, Springfield, VA to Candidate Status, RMD, October 21, 2013.
BETTY MULHOLLAND, Emeritus, Indiana District to RMD, December 31, 2014.
ANGELA NELSON, Non-Candidate Status, Texas District to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, November 30, 2012.
KATIE A. NELSON, Non-Candidate Status, Missouri District to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, January 7, 2015.
SARAH NIXON, St. John, Alma, Kansas to Christ, Albuquerque, NM, August 11, 2013.
TIMOTHY NORTON, Candidate, Northwest District to Lutheran Indian Ministries, Shep/Navajo, Navajo, NM,
Sept. 8, 2013.
SARAH PHILLIPS, Bethesda, Hot Springs, SD to Redeemer, Salt Lake City, Utah, September 8, 2013.
JENNIFER QUINLAN, First Good Shepherd, Las Vegas, NV to Lutheran HS, Parker, CO, September 3, 2014.
DAVID P. ROBINSON, Holy Cross, Collinsville, IL to Peace With Christ, Aurora, CO, August 18, 2013.
ROBERT JACOB ROGERS, Our Shepherd, Painesville, OH to Grace, Sandy, Utah, August 19, 2012.
GLORIA ROGGOW, Concordia University, River Forest, IL to Candidate Status, RMD, July 3, 2013.
SARAH ROSS, Non-Candidate Status, Florida Georgia District to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, December 3, 2013.
REBECCA RUST, Non-Candidate Status, Missouri District to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, December 2, 2014.
ALICIA ANN SCOTT, St. Mark, Brunswick, OH to Candidate Status, RMD, April 30, 2012.
JESSICA VANDERHYDE, Valley Lutheran HS, Phoenix, AZ to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, September 1, 2012.
MATTHEW WALTON, Abiding Savior, Lake Forest, CA to St. John's, Denver, CO, August 19, 2012.
JESSE WISROTH, Non-Candidate Status, Nebraska District to Non-Candidate Status, RMD, July 15, 2014.
KATIE BARKER, Non-Candidate Status to California Nevada Hawaii District, February 25, 2014.
JANANE EBERT, Emeritus, Rockford, IA, RMD to Iowa East District, January 13, 2015.
KATHLEEN GARNER, St John's, Denver, CO to Non-Candidate Status, Pacific Southwest District, June 30, 2012.
DEBORAH GEBHARDT, Candidate Status to Candidate Status, Nebraska District, February 27, 2014.
LUCAS GERLACH, Concordia Intl School, Shanghai, China to Good Shepherd, Watertown, WI, June 18, 2012.
JUSTIN HOFFMAN, Immanuel, Albuquerque, NM to Zion, Denison, WA, July 31, 2012.
CYNTHIA HAMMONS, Grace, Sandy, Utah to Zion-Rockville/Prairie City, MO, August 1, 2012.
MICHAEL HINCKFOOT, Candidate Status to Candidate Status, Indiana District, November 30, 2014.
CHAD HUBER, Shepherd o/t Hills, Centennial, CO to Trinity, Tinley, IL, July 6, 2012.
DR. MARK JOYCE, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, Nebraska District, July 16, 2014.
BETH DAENZER LANDON, Messiah, Longmont, CO to Bethlehem, Fairborn, OH, July 28, 2012.
TRUDI LAPPE, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, Nebraska District, February 8, 2013.
GILBERT LIVO, Emeritus to Emeritus, Southeastern District, September 11, 2013.
SUZANNE LOZANO, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, Ohio District, January 4, 2013.
MATTHEW LUEVANO, Christ, Albuquerque, NM to Trinity, Spring, Texas, July 24, 2012.
MICHELLE LUEVANO, Christ, Albuquerque, NM to Candidate Status, Texas District, July 24, 2012.
KRISTINE MARLATT, Grace, Sandy, Utah to Candidate Status, Minnesota South District, July 29, 2013.
JENNY ERSLAND MYERS, Trinity, Greeley, CO to Holy Cross, Wichita, Kansas, June 18, 2012.
DR. CRAIG OLDENBURG, Immanuel, Loveland, CO to Camp Concordia, Gowen, MI, March 24, 2014.
MARY OLDENBURG, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, Michigan District, March 20, 2014.
ERIC OSWALD, Grace, Sandy, Utah to Bethlehem, Aloha, Oregon, August 18, 2012.
JOEL PALMREUTER, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, South Dakota District, November 30, 2014.
DR. KENNETH PALMREUTER, Emeritus to Emeritus, South Dakota District, July 1, 2014.
MARTHA PALMREUTER, Emeritus to Emeritus, South Dakota District, July 1, 2014.
LORI PICKERILL, St John's, Salt Lake City, Utah to Candidate Status, Northwest District, August 2, 2014.
KIMBERLY C. POWERS HEDDING, Couer D Alene, ID, Candidate Status, RMD to Northwest, January 12, 2015.
JEFFREY RICKORDS, Immanuel, Albuquerque, NM to Lincoln Lutheran School Assoc., Lincoln, NE, July 20,
JENNIFER ROETTJER, Candidate Status to Redeemer, Peoria, Illinois, August 15, 2014.
HEIDI SANDERS, Trinity, St George, Utah to Emmanuel, Catonsville, MD, August 1, 2012.
ELIZABETH SCHANBACHER, Immanuel, Roswell, NM to Trinity, Jefferson City, MO, June 10, 2012.
BELVA SCHINDLER, Non-Candidate Status to Emeritus, English District, March 03, 2014.
PAMELA STEFFENS, Grace, Sandy, Utah to St. Paul's, St. Joseph, Missouri, August 14, 2013.
LYN STENNETT, Grace, Sandy, Utah to St. John's, Seward, Nebraska, August 1, 2013.
PAUL VON RENTZELL, Non-Candidate Status to Concordia, Conover, NC, August 24, 2013.
JACOB ROGERS, Grace, Sandy, Utah to St. James, Lafayette, Indiana, June 10, 2014.
CHRISTINA VAUPEL, Candidate Status RMD to Candidate Status, Texas, November 30, 2014.
NIKOL SUMMER WENDT, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, South Dakota District, October 24,
2012. (Extension Granted NOV COP 2012)
LISA ANN WRIGHT, Non-Candidate Status to Salem, Black Jack, Missouri, July 16, 2013.
ALEX W. ALBERS, Concordia, Seward, NE, to Peace With Christ, Aurora, CO, commissioned and installed August
19, 2012, by Rev. Dr. Michael Hiller.
REBEKAH AMERELLER, Concordia, Seward, NE to St. John's, Denver, CO, commissioned and installed January
27, 2013, by Rev. Dr. Michael Eckelkamp.
ANDREW BRAUN, Concordia, Mequon, WI to CLHSA, Lutheran High School, Parker, CO, commissioned and installed October 1, 2012, by Rev. Juls Clausen.
MATTHEW BUCHHOLZ, Concordia, Seward, NE to CLHSA, Lutheran High School, Parker, CO, commissioned
and installed August 30, 2013, by Rev. Dr. Michael Eckelkamp.
MARLENE EICKMANN, Concordia, Seward, NE 1954 to Emeritus, May 23, 2014.
ELAINE FEILMEIER, Concordia, Seward, NE to Immanuel, Loveland, CO, commissioned and installed August 19,
2012, by Rev. Glen Schlecht.
KRISTA FREITAG, Concordia, Mequon, WI to Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO, commissioned and installed August 5,
2012 by Rev. David Langewisch.
JOHANNA HOOVER, Concordia, Seward, NE to Trinity, Ft Morgan, CO, commissioned July 15, 2012 by Rev.
Kenneth Hoover at Immanuel, Charleston, Ill., installed August 12, 2012 by Rev. Frank Frye, Trinity, Ft Morgan ,
JESSICA LYNN KAAZ, Concordia, Seward, NE to St. John's, Denver, CO, commissioned and installed August 17,
2014 by Rev. Dr. Michael Eckelkamp.
EMILY MCALLISTER, Concordia, Seward, NE to Peace With Christ, Aurora, CO, commissioned and installed
August 18, 2013 by Rev. Michael Hiller.
COURTNEY MUENCH, Concordia, Seward, NE to Grace, Sandy, Utah, commissioned and installed September 30,
2012 by Rev. Dana Brooks.
KATIE NIESCHE, Concordia, St. Paul, MN to Shepherd of the Hills, Centennial, CO, commissioned and installed
September 9, 2012 by Rev. Dr. Bradley Stoltenow.
MOLLY POPPE, Concordia, Chicago, IL to Shepherd of the Hills, Centennial, CO, commissioned and installed September 7, 2014 by Rev. Dr. Bradley Stoltenow.
NATHANAEL POPPE, Concordia, Chicago, IL to Shepherd of the Hills, Centennial, CO, commissioned and installed September 8, 2013, by Rev. Dr. Bradley Stoltenow.
KEVIN RHODE, Concordia Colloquy, Seward, NE to Trinity, Ft Morgan, CO, commissioned and installed August
12, 2012, by Rev. Frank Frye.
TANYA SAINZ, Concordia Colloquy, Irvine, CA to Christ, Albuquerque, NM, commissioned and installed August
11, 2013, by Rev. Neal Groeling.
JENAE SEIBARTH, Concordia, Seward, NE to St. John's, Denver, CO, commissioned and installed January 27,
2013, by Rev. Dr. Michael Eckelkamp.
JILL ELLEN SMITH, Concordia, Seward, NE to Mission, Las Cruces, NM, commissioned and installed January 12,
2014, by Rev. Robert Carabotta.
SARAH VAUGHN, Concordia, Seward, NE to Trinity, Franktown, CO, commissioned and installed November 11,
2012, by Rev. Terry Beltz.
MOLLY ANN WELLS, Concordia, Seward, NE to Zion, Brighton, CO, commissioned and installed August 17,
2014, by Rev. Christian Rasmussen.
TYLER JOHN MARIO ZANDER, Concordia, Seward, NE to Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO, commissioned and installed August 17, 2014, by Rev. David Langewisch.
NICOLE M. BARTON, Shepherd of the Hills, Centennial, CO to Candidate Status, 6.1.2013
MELISSA J. BRANDENBURGER, Concordia Preparatory School, Riverton, UT to Candidate Status, 6.16.2013
CONNIE L. CORDOVA, Emmaus, Denver, CO to Candidate Status, June 29, 2012.
JANET EASTON, Shepherd of the Hills, Centennial, CO to Candidate Status, May 31.2013
KRISTA K. FREITAG, Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO to Candidate Status, August 1, 2014.
JANET L. HOENER, Non-Candidate Status to Candidate Status, March 16, 2014.
JENNA LAWRENZ, Trinity, Pueblo, CO to Candidate Status, August 1, 2014.
ERINN K. MOUSLEY, Concordia Preparatory School, Riverton, UT to Candidate Status, August 15, 2014.
NANCY D. MANWEILER, Concordia Preparatory School, Riverton, UT to Candidate Status, May 13, 2014.
SARAH RUTH PEREZ, Non-Candidate Status to Candidate Status, February 7, 2015.
SUE ANN TARR, Trinity, St. George, Utah to Candidate Status, January 1, 2011.
BRIAN L. WRIGHT, Trinity, Franktown, CO to Candidate Status, January 1, 2013.
JOAN PAEZ YAMAGUCHI, Redeemer, Denver, CO to Candidate Status, June 30, 2014.
PAMELA JEAN ARGUTO, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, February 01, 2015.
DEANNA J. BIERBAUM, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, February 12, 2011. (Extension Granted
FEB COP 2015)
PAUL J. BOETTCHER, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, June 01, 2014.
RACHEL LYNN BREDOW, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, May 25, 2014.
KIMBERLY K. BURKE, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, June 1, 2013.
JENNY R. CARLSON, Immanuel, Loveland, CO to Non- Candidate Status, August 15, 2012.
SHELLY A. DAVIS, Concordia Preparatory School, Riverton, UT to Non-Candidate Status, June 30, 2013.
PAUL DUENSING, Lutheran High School, Parker, CO to Non- Candidate Status, March 30, 2013.
KELLY JEAN EBEL, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate, Status, September 17, 2012. (Extension Granted
NOV COP 2012)
CHRISTINE EGGERT, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, June 25, 2014.
JOHN M. ELMSHAUSER, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, March 29, 2014.
ELAINE B. ESKAM, Immanuel, Loveland, CO to Non-Candidate Status, June 1, 2014.
DEBORAH L. HAINER, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, July 22, 2014.
ELIZABETH HANFT, Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO to Non- Candidate Status, June 1, 2003.
BRANDI LEIGH HINTZMAN, Trinity, Greeley, CO to Non-Candidate Status, June 1, 2009.
KRYSTAL RAE MORRISON COCHRAN, Redeemer, Salt Lake City, Utah to Non- Candidate Status, June 15,
PHILIP EUKEN, Immanuel, Colorado Springs, CO to Non-Candidate Status, July 13, 2012.
BARBARA S. HELMKAMP, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, June 30, 2012.
SHERLYN J. HOLT, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, July 31, 2012.
JANET JOHNSON, Redeemer, Salt Lake City, CO to Non-Candidate Status, July 1, 2013.
PARLEY J. JOHNSON, Peace With Christ, Aurora, CO to Non-Candidate Status, July 1, 2012.
JOSHUA KAMMERLOHR, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, August 18, 2014. (Extension Granted
FEB COP 2015)
MELIA KERRINS, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, September 17, 2012. (Extension Granted NOV
COP 2012)
ALISE A. LINDEMAN, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, January 25, 2012. (Extension Granted NOV
COP 2012)
KERRY MARTIN, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, July 31, 2012.
LISA M. MATTHIS, Candidate Status to Non- Candidate Status, June 11, 2014.
GRETA A. MCCLENDON, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, June 5, 2012.
DAVID MEINEKE, Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, August 30, 2014.
DARREN D. MORRISON, Concordia Preparatory School, Riverton, UT to Non-Candidate Status, August 1, 2013.
JOANNE NIERMAN, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, October 28, 2012. (Extension Granted FEB
COP 2015)
ANNA C. POLSON, Gethsemane, Northglenn, CO to Non-Candidate Status, August 1, 2012.
JOSHUA REMPFER, St. Paul, Ogden, UT to Non-Candidate Status, August 1, 2010.
SARAH ANN ROSS, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, June 22, 2014. (Extension Granted FEB COP
SARAG D. SACCO, Rock of Ages, Colorado Springs, CO to Non-Candidate Status, October 2, 2014.
MELINDA SCHLUCKEBIER, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, Nov.21, 2013. (Extension Granted
FEB COP 2015)
NANCY A. SCHULER, Non-Candidate Status to Non-Candidate Status, September 17, 2012. (Extension Granted
NOV COP 2012)
CATHERINE FISCHER, reinstated to Candidate Status
DEBORAH GEBHARDT, reinstated to Candidate Status
MICHAEL HINCKFOOT, reinstated to Candidate Status
CHRISTINA VAUPEL, reinstated to Candidate Status
MARK VON DER LAGE reinstated to Candidate Status
DENNIS, BREIDERT, Bethlehem, Lakewood, CO, July 02, 2012.
GLENN BREITLING, Concordia Preparatory School, Riverton, UT, July 1, 2013.
EVEYLY DABERKOW, Trinity, Pueblo, CO, June 30, 2014.
MARGARET HINCHEY, Englewood, CO, Candidate Status to Emeritus, August 29, 2014.
TIMOTHY HUBACH, Zion, Brighton, CO, July 30, 2014.
LOUISE JACOBS, Christ, Murray, UT, June 30, 2013.
PARLEY JOHNSON, Aurora, CO, Non Candidate Status to Emeritus, February 1, 2014.
MARY LOU KAELBERER, St. John's, Denver, CO, July 1, 2007.
ROBERT LAMBETH, Ascension, El Paso, TX, October 1, 2012.
RAMON MONTANEZ, El Paso, TX, Non-Candidate Status to Emeritus, January 6, 2015.
HILARY MORSE, Colorado Springs, CO, Candidate to Emeritus, March 27, 2013.
DONNA NEWARD, Grace, Sandy, UT, July 14, 2012.
PATRICIA THURMOND, St. John's, Denver, CO, June 1, 2004.
BRUCE WIETING, Trinity, Greeley, CO, February 28, 2014.
STEVE BATTERMAN, Glenwood Springs, CO, January 22, 2015.
RICHARD BUETTNER, Dayton, WA, February 12, 2015.
JACOB DAHLKE, Non-Candidate Status, Omaha, NE, July 26, 2012.
ANASTASIA LYNN DODGE, Loveland, CO, August 2, 2013.
TINA DOLLASE, Colorado Springs, CO, July 29, 2013.
DIANA K. FIELDS, Ft. Collins, CO, February 28, 2013.
MOLLIE J. FISCHER, Denver, CO, July 16, 2012.
ANGELA FLICKER, Salt Lake City, UT, June 30, 2014.
KARI LYNN FOSTER, Ft Collins, CO, January 22, 2015.
BRADFORD HUESKE, Parker, CO, July 16, 2012.
CARRIE KROENKE, Washington, IL, July 16, 2012.
ADRIENNE OLSEN, Denver, CO, February 20, 2015.
RYAN PEARSE, Arvada, CO, July 16, 2012.
DONNA RICHMAN, Loveland, CO, January 30, 2014.
KRISTINE SCHNEIDER, Monument, CO, June 20, 2014.
DAVID SHARPE, Gypsum, CO, January 22, 2015.
CHRISTINA VAUPEL, Plano, TX, June 20, 2014.
PATRICIA WOLFF, Indianola, IA, July 16, 2012.
GEORGE SENECHAL, Emeritus, Parker, CO, May 29, 2013.
GEORGE SCHROEDER, Emeritus, Greeley, CO, August 4, 2012.
Grace, mercy, and peace to you from God the Father, and our risen Lord and Savior Jesus Christ.
The purpose of this Chairman’s report is to share with you the activities and accomplishments of the Board of Directors during the last triennium. We have faithfully attempted, to the best of our collective ability, to follow the resolutions that the last convention directed to us.
During our first organizational meeting, we adopted “Mercy, Witness, and Life Together” as the mission statement of
the Rocky Mountain District of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
During our term of office, we were often reminded of the effects of sin in this world by the pain and suffering in our
District, in our congregations, and too frequently in our professional church workers. Not only was our District afflicted with wildfires, flash floods and high-school shootings, but closer to home, we suffered church closings, parochial school closings, divisions and professional church workers suffering from physical, emotional and financial
stress. We attempted to address these issues by seeking the resources of Synod and directing the financial resources of
the District while recognizing, where known, the tremendous outpouring of love by the people and congregations of
the District.
We recognize the hard work performed by the RMD Disaster Response Team during the triennium in developing the
RMD Disaster Response Plan and carrying out those plans on numerous occasions. We also thank Mr. Charles Pierce,
District Disaster Response Team Coordinator, for presenting the plan to the Board at its regularly scheduled meeting
in August 2013, and for subsequently submitting regular written updates.
Due to the nature and significance of the financial resources granted to relief projects during the last triennium by the
Synod and District alike, we have designated that the Convention offering will be allocated equally between LCMS
Disaster Response and District Disaster Response. We pray that the congregations and delegates give generously toward these needs.
Over the last decade, we have seen an increase in the instances of physical, emotional, financial, marital and spiritual
stress with our professional church workers and their families and therefore with our congregations. A study conducted by a committee of the Board found that a large percentage of our workers have experienced sufficient stress
sometime during their careers to cause them to consider leaving their ministries. As such, the Board has put forth an
overture to the 2015 Convention for support of church worker health in the RMD. We ask that each delegate prayerfully consider this matter.
At each and every meeting of the Board we focused our attention on Witness by receiving an oral report from at least
one of the missions funded directly by the District, or one of the several Gospel Gap initiatives undertaken by our Circuits. These included presentations by Rev. George Naeem, Biblical Orthodox Lutheran Mission; Rev. Daniel Burhop, University Lutheran Chapel, Boulder, Colorado; Rev. Richard Schlak, Lutheran Hispanic Missionary Institute, El
Paso, Texas; Mr. Shakil Nizami, Pakistani Ministry; Rev. Larry McGurer, Denver Mission Northwest; Rev. Timothy
Lawson, Cross of Christ, Aurora, Colorado.
The 2012 Convention adopted two resolutions surrounding missions that required the Board’s action – Resolution
With respect to the Gospel Gap resolution, a committee comprised of all of the Vice Presidents initially developed an
assessment tool to assist circuits with identifying Gospel Gaps. After further Board deliberation aimed towards identifying priorities and requirements for future grants, a second committee of the Board developed a RMD Gospel Gap
Application for District Funding. The Gospel Gap Application form was formally adopted by the Board and was distributed to all circuits. To date, the Board has granted a total of $14,400 based upon the two Gospel Gap applications
submitted under the program, including the Southwest Albuquerque, New Mexico new church plant. We give thanks
for the many Gospel Gap initiatives currently being carried out by Circuits without the need for any District funding.
With respect to the Special Appeal to Support Missions resolution, a committee was appointed that resulted in “The
Harvest is Plentiful But the Laborers are Few” campaign. The initiative included prayers, promotional videos, bulletin
inserts, offering envelopes and other materials. Despite the best efforts by the committee and others, contributions
have been negligible.
Life Together
Where relationships with District congregations were found to be broken due to mistrust, hurt feelings and the sense
that we were not walking together with similar priorities and goals, we strived to mend relationships with these congregations and enhance our Life Together as Synod. Numerous meetings were held with congregational representatives and the Board, as well as additional discussions by the President and Vice Presidents. Efforts continue to build
meaningful relationships based upon trust and the desire to seek and save the lost.
During 2014, the Board adopted a Conflict of Interest policy for the District. We believe that this new policy will enhance the integrity of Board and Staff actions by fully disclosing all real and possible conflicts in decision making.
The policy was signed by all Board members and all District staff members.
Four Board members elected at the 2012 District Convention were unable to fulfill their three-year term – Fourth Vice
President Rev. Dr. Jeffrey Shearier accepted a call to Bethlehem Lutheran, Aloha, Oregon; Commissioned Minster
Ms. Cynthia Hammons accepted a call to Rockville, Missouri; Mr. Thomas Berrong resigned; and most recently Commissioned Minister Dr. Kenneth Palmreuter retired in Rapid City, South Dakota.
The Board appointed Rev. Dwight Hellmers, St. Lukes, Golden, Colorado to the position of Fourth Vice President to
represent the Central Area; Commissioned Minster Ms. Pamela Steffens (until her relocation to Zion Lutheran, Saint
Joseph, Missouri) and subsequently Commissioned Minister Mr. Duane Nyen, Trinity, Saint George, Utah to represent
the Western Area; and Mr. Jon Cody Dodson, Immanuel, Roswell, New Mexico to represent the Southern Area. The
Board did not appoint a replacement Commissioned Minster for the Central Area due to the briefness of the vacancy.
Ten Board members elected at the 2012 Convention served their full terms as directors – President Rev. Allen Anderson; First Vice President Rev. Gary Piepkorn; Second Vice President Rev. David Fischer; Third Vice President Rev.
Gary Rahe; Secretary Rev. Donal Widger; Mr. Rob Doughty; Mr. Travis Goeglein; Ms. Janelle Krueger; Mr. David
Ling; and Mr. James Tuell
I would like to personally thank all of the Board of Directors for their dedication and faithful service during the last
triennium. I extend my gratitude to Rev. Christian Rasmussen, Assistant Secretary; Vicar Paul Albers, Executive for
Congregational Services; Mr. Doug Ullmann, Treasurer and Executive Administrator; Monique Hjalmquist, Administrative Assistant; Mr. Kevin Grein, LCEF Vice President, and Laura Raben, LCEF Communications Coordinator for
their service to the District and to the Board of Directors.
In His Service,
J. A. Tuell
Chairman of the Board of Directors
Rocky Mountain District of The Lutheran Church Missouri Synod.
As of June, 2012 there were five congregations in the Pecos Circuit who were without a pastor. In August the duel
parish vacancy at Immanuel, Artesia, NM and Immanuel, Carlsbad, NM was filled by Rev. Andrew Dimit. In August
of 2013, the duel parish vacancy at Grace, Hobbs, NM and Our Savior, Lovington was filled by Rev. David Reber.
Immanuel, Roswell also called Rev. Robert Paul to be the Associate Pastor and Headmaster of Immanuel Lutheran
School. He was installed in June of 2013. The final vacancy in the circuit was filled in December of 2014 when Rev.
Jason Rust was installed at Shepherd of the Hills in Ruidoso, NM.
The first Pecos Circuit-wide event to be held in many years was held at Immanuel in Roswell with a Reformation Divine Service and German dinner on Reformation Sunday of 2013. We look forward to having more such gatherings in
the future.
Immanuel Lutheran School in Roswell has continued to grow over the past triennium, to the point the church and
school have needed more classroom space. On April 12, 2015, following the Divine Service, a groundbreaking ceremony was held to begin the construction of a new classroom building.
We give thanks and praise to our merciful and gracious God who continues to bless the Church in Eastern New Mexico and provide for faithful pastors and care for His people with Word and Sacrament. The message of Christ and
Him crucified is truly being proclaimed among us.
Rev. Daniel Praeuner
Pecos Circuit Visitor
Immanuel - Roswell, NM
Over the past three years the Denver Northwest circuit has been having a regular monthly meetings, which consisted
of a time for worship, lunch and fellowship, Bible Study, sharing and talking about the concerns and joys within our
lives, congregations, circuit and district, praying for the work and concerns going on in the lives of the pastors, congregations, circuit, district and synod along with special topics. As a circuit we have tried to be there for each other,
not just with our prayers but also with any form of help that we can give, with the realization that we all have our own
unique ministry that we have been called to be shepherd of. Mission Denver Northwest was started during the past
two years as a special ministry to the unchurched in the Denver Northwest region with the support of many of the congregations of the circuit and especially Peace Lutheran, Arvada leading the way. Through the past three years the circuit has welcomed seven new pastors into our circuit and each congregation has had to deal with the economy and
social problems of our ministries in many similar yet unique ways as we strive to proclaim the truth of God’s Word in
our various ministries.
Rev. Pete Scheele
Denver Northwest Circuit Visitor
Shepherd of the Rockies - Bailey, CO
Shepherd of the Hills, served by Head Pastor Brad Stoltenow, Associate Pastor Greg Zillinger, Assistant Pastors Maurice Goldhammer and George Naeem, celebrated its 50 year anniversary this triennium and continues to celebrate baptizing new members, young and old, while maturing disciples at church and school.
Holy Cross, served by Bruce Skelton, is strong in the Word of the Lord in worship and preaching; they celebrated a
new renovation of their fellowship and worship spaces.
Ascension, served by John Larson, also completed a sanctuary renovation and its members are faithful, active and
growing in service to their community.
Hosanna, served by Greg Peters, is blessed by the Lord with faithful members and opportunities to serve its community.
St. John, served by Head Pastor Michael Eckelkamp and Associate Pastors Steven Weems and A. J. Mastic, continues
to extend God's Grace in Jesus Christ to their community and beyond.
Immanuel, served by Brad Klein, has been blessed with a unifying love as well as a vision for their future as the Body
of Christ.
Redeemer, served by Vacancy Pastor Wayne Woolery, is currently Calling a new pastor and prays the Lord's blessing
on this process.
The Lord has been gracious to His children in bringing new people into His Kingdom, maturing the young in faith,
and giving opportunities for growth, service and evangelism to all the saints in our circuit. May Christ's name be
praised as we wait for His return!
Rev. Greg Zillinger
Denver Southwest Circuit Visitor
Shepherd of the Hills - Centennial, CO
Trinity, Greeley is the century old mother church of Northern Colorado. The church and school are working together
to build a strong relationship of support for each other and to reach out to the community and surrounding area with
the Good News of Jesus Christ! Trinity has been blessed to be heavily involved in disaster relief in our area by providing our facilities to relief teams. Shortly, the Church of the Brethren, will be setting up shop in their mission effort
to rebuild homes for families that lost them in the recent flood. We support a vibrant radio ministry, weekly, that
broadcasts the message shared at Trinity and then is followed up by the Lutheran Hour broadcast. We receive feedback and donations from listeners in Nebraska, Wyoming and Colorado. We are blessed with a strong core group of
young families with small children. They are a tremendous outreach to the area in support of other young families. The congregation continues to support many other mission efforts along with the school in both prayer support
and financial support. The school is continuing to rebuild and grow. At a recent 5 year long range planning meeting
the school board and other congregational members made plans for the future as they continue to focus on the mission
and ministry of the church and school "Sharing Christ, Serving Others" Through the past year Berlyn Clear has served
marvelously as preschool director and also principle of the elementary school. The preschool doubled in size this year.
The small number of students in K-8 are combined into several grades and ably taught by a staff of dedicated teachers.
Mrs. Clear will be leaving at the end of this school year to rejoin her family in Nebraska, where her husband was hired
as principal. Kari Way will come on board at Trinity to replace Berlyn Clear. Trinity is served by Pastor Greg Hafeman
Saint John, Fort Collins is also a century old church that has served as the “Place of Grace in the Heart of Fort
Collins.” During the past triennium a new pastor has come to serve this congregation. He is Pastor Shawn Nettleton.
They are experiencing a new spirit and they are eager to serve with all the great opportunities open to them. There is
Colorado State University and the chance to engage with students and faculty. They are in the heart of the city and can
engage with community leaders. They offer Open Arms Preschool.
Immanuel, Loveland is an eighty-plus year old congregation that has served the greater Loveland area with congregational services and also a Lutheran school. The school was organized fall of 1995 as a Christian preschool opportunity
for the community of Loveland. Since its start in 1977 as Immanuel Lutheran School it has continued to serve the
community as 85% of the students come from outside the congregation. A fine relationship works between the school
and church communities. This is surely one of Immanuel’s significant outreach and impact on the surrounding community. The congregation also is involved with KidsHope USA at the local public school and has outreach into a subsidized housing community nearby. Pastor Glen Schlecht is Senior Pastor, and Pastor Al Schroeder is Pastoral Assistant. William Busacker serves as School Principal. Kathy Schlecht serves as Director of Worship and Music Ministries. Sara Hlava is Director of Children’s Ministries. Tim Handrick recently joined the staff as Director of Youth Ministries.
Faith, Johnstown has received a new pastor in this triennium, in fact just a year ago. He is Pastor Brandon Ross, 2014
graduate from the Fort Wayne seminary. This church has outreach possibilities in the town that quickly grew from
1650 residents to more than 11,000.
Mount Calvary, Estes Park has been serving that town and tourists since 1944. Pastor Seth Clemmer came at the beginning of this triennium. In November 2014, the congregation celebrated its 70th anniversary, giving thanks for the
Lord’s sustaining it with His Word and Sacraments in all circumstances. The congregation continues to be involved
with disaster recovery efforts from the 2013 flood, confessing the mercy and comfort of Jesus to their friends and
neighbors in need.
Gloria Christi, Greeley, received a new pastor, Stephen Weiss, this past January. He leads a congregation that has declined in recent years. The leaders and members are eager to reclaim their mission in fast growing Greeley and the
University of Northern Colorado nearby.
Peace With Christ, Fort Collins was organized 1972 as a daughter congregation out of Saint John’s. They chose to
serve the southwest area of the city. PWC has in recent years also ministered to Colorado State University students.
Volunteers also provide once a week a noon meal for Rocky Mountain High School students next door, which gives
pastor and members opportunity to witness to our Lord Jesus Christ and answer students’ questions about faith. A preschool once again opened to the community in the summer of 2011. God’s Promises Lutheran Learning Place offers
classes for three to five year olds. After serving ten years, Pastor Ralph Patrick is leaving at the end of April. Leaders
are beginning to make arrangements for the interim.
Mount Olive, Loveland is forty. It began in 1975 as the New South Mission in this city. Pastor Mark Nierman has
served this congregation since 2010. Recently Mt. Olive has formed a Life Team within the congregation which seeks
to educate the members of the congregation and reach out in the community to on the important life issues in our day.
They have also strengthened their support and relationship with the ministry at the University Lutheran Chapel, desiring to encourage and reach out to students as they face the challenges of the University. Through the use of memorial
funds, they have recently installed ten new stained glass windows to the nave.
Redeemer, Fort Collins is 27. In July, Pastor Tim Runtsch will celebrate 25 years as Redeemer’s mission planter and,
now, Senior Pastor. Redeemer’s weekly worship attendance is now over 1,250. In 2010, Redeemer opened a second
site in northwest Greeley. In the past triennium, Redeemer has also renewed its focus on discipleship development. In
addition to Pastor Runtsch, Redeemer is served by three other pastors, Scott Coerber, Ryan Meyer and Gerry Harrow.
A D.C.E., Matt Harwell, joined Redeemer’s team as Director of Next Generation Ministries in the fall of 2014. Redeemer looks forward to more opportunity to reach the lost and equip the found for Christ in the next three years.
Rev. Al Schroeder
Long’s Peak Circuit Visitor
Immanuel - Loveland, CO
Who and where are we? We are 11 congregations (4 of which also provide early childhood [PS] and/or elementary
[EL] school programs) located in a 130 mile southwest-northeast orientation in north central New Mexico. In the
northeast quadrant of Albuquerque are Christ (Rev. Neal Groeling, PS-8), Faith in Christ (Rev. Eli Lietzau), and
Grace (Rev. Warren Graff, PS). Nearby to the east are Prince of Peace (Rev. Mike Feuer, PS-8) in Cedar Crest and
Good Shepherd (Rev. Philip Spomer) at Edgewood. Farther north are Immanuel, Santa Fe (Rev. Douglas Escue, PS);
Redeemer, Los Alamos (Rev. Brian Kachelmeier); Immanuel, Las Vegas (vacancy pastor Rev. Don Neidigk EM);
Christ Our Savior, Angel Fire and Sangre de Cristo, Taos (Rev. Phil Quarles PT) who also provides worship services
at Immanuel, Springer.
While each circuit has its own elected circuit visitor, our Sandia North Circuit continues to meet jointly with the Sandia South Circuit for other activities, including pastors’ meetings, circuit forums, and joint ministry efforts and events
in the combined area. Both circuits are also a joint electoral circuit for delegate representation at conventions of the
Synod. Pastors typically meet 9:00-3:00 seven times a year at various church locations for Bible and Lutheran Confessions studies, worship, lunch, and other presentations, discussions and sharing. In addition to the individual inreach
and outreach efforts of the congregations and their pastors to provide Word and Sacrament ministry and other related
activities for their members and communities, our two circuits participate jointly in two special projects in the Rocky
Mountain District’s “Gospel Gap” emphasis which encourages circuits to identify and provide for unmet outreach
needs in their respective regions.
One Gospel Gap effort in this regard is the “God Cares About You” ministry served by Sandia South part-time pastor,
the Rev. Mark Kluzek (Mount Calvary, Grants). This ministry is an evangelism and human care ministry in the International District of East Albuquerque. Now a ministry of nearby Christ Lutheran Church (Albuq) as its mother
church, this District-recognized effort focuses on an area typified by both Spanish and English-speaking people and
others who struggle with poverty, homelessness, alcohol and substance abuse, prostitution, mental illness, disability
and other challenges. Activities during the past 5 plus years include street evangelism, Bible studies, worship, food/
clothing distribution, a back-to-work program, some addictions recovery help, and English teaching for those needing
such. The combined Sandia Circuits encourage congregations of the Rocky Mountain District to support God Cares
About You with prayers for the mission and the community to which she ministers, volunteers who can serve with their
time and talents, and financial support including Gospel Gap funding and special offerings to help meet the ongoing
needs of those this ministry serves. (For more information, see
A second more recent Gospel Gap effort is a new church plant being pursued by Faith in Christ Lutheran Church
(Albuq) for the densely populated and expanding southwest quadrant of the city which has no LCMS or other orthodox Lutheran congregations. The project target area zip codes are the #1 and #4 highest population ranked zip codes
in New Mexico, and the #1 zip code is prime for much more expansion). With the assistance of Grace Lutheran
(Albuq), a series of door-to-door surveys identified a number of non-attending Lutherans and a substantial number of
unchurched in that area with the result that the joint circuit forums recognized the church plant as a second Gospel
Gap opportunity for our combined circuits. As of this writing, further activities include the beginning of a Bible study
group, leasing an initial location, submission of grant requests, development of a mailing list, and visitation of joint
circuit churches and pastors to provide progress updates and encourage prayers and support. (For further information,
visit or contact mission board chair
Individual efforts by Sandia North congregations include continuing education seminars for the benefit of pastors and
laity sponsored by Grace (Albuquerque), Immanuel (Santa Fe) and Prince of Peace (Cedar Crest). A major multiphased renovation and building project involving their sanctuary, fellowship and school facilities is in process at
Christ (Albuquerque) in order to better serve the present and future mission and ministry needs of the congregation
and its outreach to the community. Redeemer, Los Alamos offers two different weekly internet radio programs as
well as its pastor participating in the district’s Biblical Orthodox Lutheran Mission (BOLM) which uses the Internet to
teach the Christian faith worldwide in the Arabic language. Another effort is the renewal of Immanuel (Las Vegas),
one of the oldest LCMS congregations in New Mexico (begun in the 1920s). It has been served by Rev. Earnest
Hengst full time from the late 1980s to just a few years ago, and since then by Pastors Tom Barton, Al Kastens, Phil
Quarles, and most recently by Rev. Don Neidigk during the continuing vacancy. Current activities include worship
with Holy Communion twice a month plus other special services, Bible study on other Sundays, and a vacation Bible
school being planned for June 2015.
Circuit Visitor activity by the undersigned during the past triennium includes congregation and pastor visits for various types of involvement (call committee, church council, voters, elders, Winkels, Gospel Gap, circuit forums, hospital, church worker related funerals (Rev. Earnest Hengst, 3/1/2014, Immanuel, Las Vegas, and Grace Hagen,
8/30/2014, wife of Rev. Lee Hagen EM, Calvary, Rio Rancho), regional and district conferences and conventions,
installations (Rev. Mike Feuer 7/29/2012, Prince of Peace, Cedar Crest), Sunday worship and Bible class, times of
crisis and special events, all involving about 4000 miles of travel). It is also appropriate to give thanks to others who
serve the joint Sandia Circuits – Rev. Brian Kachelmeier as secretary, Damon Tobias as mission liason with the district, Skip Erikson as treasurer, and all the pastors and congregations who have hosted pastors meetings, circuit forums
and other events, and those who have prepared and led Bible and topical studies.
On a personal note, as I finish this present 5½ years in addition to an earlier 9¾ years of service as circuit counselor/
visitor, I want to thank the circuit and district for entrusting me with the privilege of serving the Lord in this capacity
here in New Mexico. It has also provided many personal blessings, including opportunities for growth and the many
relationships which have resulted from working with district and congregation leaders and members who have
enlarged the spiritual family with whom my wife and I enjoy fellowship and partnership in the cause of the Gospel.
For those times when my efforts were inadequate, I rest in the Lord’s forgiving love and give Him praise for what has
been used by Him for the extension of His Kingdom in and through God’s people. To God be the glory!
Rev. Edward Maas
Sandia North Circuit Visitor
Good Shepherd - Edgewood, NM
St. Peter’s, Monte Vista, continues well under the able leadership of Pastor Stultz. Their parochial school continues to
offer an excellent educational opportunity to members and the community.
Trinity, Alamosa, has just extended a call to the extended Vicar who has been serving in Lamar. He is being called to
serve as an assistant/worker priest. He other employment would be with a family business in the area.
St. Paul, Westcliffe, has recently crafted a new “mission statement” under the leadership of Pastor Von Steinmann.
They plan to continue to serve their community in this historic congregation as they have in their rich past.
St. John, Canon City, continues to grow under the leadership of Pastor Kletke (10% in the last year). There has been a
shortage of parking at times recently, and the congregation has contacted LCEF for advice on possible expansion.
There is a good possibility of needing to go to two services in the future.
Bethany, Pueblo, and Our Saviors, Pueblo West, entered a “dual parish” agreement in April of 2014. They are served
by Pastor Maanum. The congregations have had combined services on special occasions, such as midweek Lenten
services. Our Saviors has grown and has also had parking issues on some Sundays. Our Saviors is currently committed to developing a new constitution.
Trinity, Pueblo, continues to serve the community with Word and Sacrament services and the offerings of their parochial school. The school has recently received a new principle. Pastor Bolt has served them for over 18 years.
The church at Sugar City has closed it’s doors. However, it continues to hold membership in Synod. It seems some
members are attending in Rocky Ford or La Junta, but prefer not to join in membership there. The dual parish agreement between St. Peter, Rocky Ford, and Trinity, La Junta, has been dissolved. Pastor Miller has moved from Rocky
Ford to La Junta and is serving Trinity. St. Peter, Rocky Ford, is in vacancy being served by Pastor Ziegler.
There is a very small group that meets at the Veterans Home in Walsenberg every other Saturday evening. Pastor Bolt
has been serving.
There are four retired pastors in the area; Gordon Gross, Harold Bohlman, Steve Felten and Lyle Stuehrenberg.
Gordon, Steve and Lyle attend in Canon City and make themselves available to help pastor Kletke. Harold recently
returned from serving six months in Hawaii.
Rev. Lyle Stuehrenberg
Sange de Cristo Circuit Visitor
St. John - Canon City, CO
No report provided.
The past three years at St. Paul have seen the start of several projects and new directions. Our Child Development
Center and Preschool have moved into our former Day School facilities. This has made several adjustments to the facilities necessary. The number of families and children that we are able to help and support through this outreach is
amaz-ing. Carol Thompson, and the entire staff, are doing an outstanding job.
We have begun a major upgrade of our church organ. We have added a digital side to the pipe organ. We are blessed
with our organist Dr. Rulon Christiansen. The organ is now completely variable in volume, and is able to be used for a
soloist, small group, large choir, or raise the roof of the church. It is wonderful to hear all the different instruments that
the digital equipment can imitate.
Our adult choir has seen a growth in members. Several of the new members are coming from our youth! We have seen
our youth getting active and involved in their church in a number of ways — choir, ushering, reading of Scripture, and
even getting involved on various boards and committees. Several of our Youth attended the last Synodical Youth
Gathering and returned from that trip on fire for our Lord. Our Bell Choir has also seen a healthy addition of new
members, again several of our youth have joined this choir.
We have had to begin some major changes in a landscaping, due to water run-off and flooding issues. St. Paul is right
up against the “bench” here in Ogden. Rain can be rather heavy at times and it needs to go somewhere. A stream used
to go through the property where St. Paul resides. The shrubs along Harrison Blvd. are gone and have been replaced
with a berm and rock wall. Further steps are being taken to “encourage” water run-off to take different paths away
from the facilities.
We see visitors almost every Sunday. Ogden (and Hill Air Force Base) sees a number of people moving in and out of
the area. Adult Information Classes are being held at the rate of at least twice a year. Bible study classes are seeing a
good number of students. Classes have been added for women, men, and youth. We have updated and expanded our
web site. Reaching out to the members, community, nation, and world in this fashion is incredible. We are learning
how to use this even more.
On a personal note, the members of St. Paul have been very supportive of me and my family. We moved here in July
of 2011 and my wife was called to Glory on November 6, 2012. The members have been a great blessing to me and
my sons. I am thankful that our Lord has placed us here. The grace of the Lord Jesus be with you.
1 Corinthians 16:23 (ESV)
Pastor Mark Christ
With the arrival in February of a new pastor, Rev. Anthony Masinelli, after a long vacancy, immediate/emergency
pastoral care became a primary focus. Seeing many people a day, teaching an Information class and a “Prime Timers” (retirees) Bible study, the congregation is being refreshed in the Word of God.
The Youth are planning to go to the Higher Things conference in Las Vegas this July. A Young Adults ministry will
soon begin. The group will be oriented around the Word, with occasional/intentional fellowship and service opportunities.
Grace is going back to two Sunday services, 8:00 a.m. and 11:00 a.m., beginning the Sunday of the Resurrection of
Our Lord. Pastor Masinelli is sorting out the existing systems and structures to create a better atmosphere of communication.
Baptized membership stands at 840; school enrollment is up to 116. Reclaiming families and individuals who are infrequent in worship or who have faded away, has begun.
Rev. Masinelli is leading the church and school toward a goal of 100% called teachers. The school, as primary mission, needs missionaries who understand the Lutheran Confessions. Grace is in the process of extending calls to three
teachers to fill vacancies due to attrition.
The church/school budget is being cleaned up, and a slight staff downsizing may take place. 7th and 8th grade will
combine for one year.
After a long vacancy, Rev. Paul (Butch) Carlson accepted a call to shepherd the people of Provo and Richfield. Just
after getting underway, he was sidetracked by an emergency heart surgery. He is currently on the mend and area pastors are trying to help serve the two congregations.
Holy Trinity, under the leadership of Rev. Joshua Heimbuck, will be having a 50th anniversary celebration dinner
Saturday, June 20th. They will also have a celebratory worship service June 21 at 10:30am.
Redeemer has recently partnered with St. John’s Lutheran Church to expand St. John’s Daycare and Pre-school program within Redeemer’s facility. In doing so Redeemer underwent a retro-fit of a portion of it’s educational facility
along with putting in a toddler-preschool playground. This project is benefitting both St. John’s and Redeemer’s educational programs offered to their congregations and the wider community in Salt Lake City. The congregation actively supports the Rescue Mission of Salt Lake, the Utah Food Bank, Crossroads Urban Center, the Pregnancy Resource Center and the Lutheran Education Association. A highlight for the Redeemer School children was a visit from
Rudy Gobert of the Utah Jazz pro basketball Team in February. Redeemer’s pastor, Rev. David Fischer, serves as
Area Vice-President for the Rocky Mountain District. The congregation celebrated Pastor Fischer’s 40 th anniversary in
the ministry this past June.
St. John’s Worship and education programs include: Sunday Morning Bible Study at 9 a.m.; Lutheran English Liturgical Worship at 10 a.m.; Lutheran Nuer Liturgical Worship at 1 p.m.; Sudanese Community Praise Service in Arabic
and English at 3 p.m. Wednesday evenings include: Catechism Class for youths and adults beginning at 5 p.m. and
Adult Bible Study at 7 p.m. Men’s Bible Study is Thursday morning at 8 a.m. Monday through Friday the CCDC
teaches and cares for children-- infants through kindergarten youths-- from 7 a.m. to 6 p.m. June 15 th through August
we also run a summer day camp program for youths ages 6 through 11. One week of VBS is also held during the
summer months for youths ages 3 – 12years.
Our St. John’s CCDC with its staff of 37 is a vibrant mission outreach to the Salt Lake community. We began a partnership with Redeemer Lutheran Church, Salt Lake in the summer of 2014 by establishing a satellite preschool facility
at Redeemer and expanded our student body from 44 in 2012 to 85 at St. John’s and added an additional 40 students at
Redeemer by March 2015. We are full at both locations and have a year’s waiting list; praise the Lord! In this partnership we are intentionally working to act as a feeder to Redeemer Lutheran Elementary School through our joint activities and advertisements.
Our ministry to the South Sudan refugees in Salt Lake City begun in October 1997 and is ongoing. It is now focused
on forming the St. John’s Sudanese Lutheran Church as a separate entity, and also hosting the Sudanese Community
Church. The languages of English, Nuer and Arabic are utilized in these worship services. St. John’s is also engaging
in raising funds to aid in famine relief during the ongoing civil war in South Sudan. We have also began in March
2015 to be a part of the St. Louis Seminary’s EEIT ministry training Mr. Paul Chuol to become our ethnic Nuer Lutheran Pastor. Our Salt Lake ministry to the community includes hosting the local AA Group numbering around 100
individuals each Saturday evening.
St. John’s is in the midst of modernizing our facility. New windows are installed, and new signage and fellowship hall
remodel is partially complete. Plans are in progress to establish handicap access, heating and air conditioning upgrades, and a remodel of our kitchen. Our facilities are in heavy use and require these upgrades. Mission outreach to
the local community and to Utah University student body is in the early planning stages.
Still in a long vacancy, Christ continues to worship and operate their school due to dedicated staff and leaders. Christ
is actively calling a Pastor. The school at Christ is looking positive as most of the younger classes are advancing and
filling the upper grades, this is good news.
On Sunday, September 21, following the Divine Service, at the quarterly meeting of the Voters’ Assembly of Trinity
Lutheran, the voters present unanimously (with the abstentions of Pas…tor and Donna Hering) passed the
Church Council’s recommendation of a closure date of 31 October, 2014 for the dissolution of the congregation
known as Trinity Lutheran Church in Layton, Davis County, Utah.
The final worship service at Trinity was the Divine Service celebrating the Feast of the Reformation on Sunday, 26
October with the rite of closure preceding the final Benediction. The final disposition of property remaining was accomplished during the remaining days of the month of October.
The altar, Baptismal font, processional cross, lectern, portable sound system, and sundry liturgical accoutrement were
placed into storage at Grace-Sandy for shipment to East Africa for the mission of work of Rev. Micah Wildauer. The
communion rail was picked up by Rev. James Judson and installed in the chapel of the Wind River Reservation in
Having held the first worship service at the Fort Lane location on All Saints Day five years previously (in 2009) and
first incorporated on All Saints Day, 1948 under the pastoral leadership of Rev. Harold Brauer, it was fittingly bittersweet that the premises were finally vacated on Nov. 1, 2014.
After serving the saints at First Lutheran Church in Tooele, UT as vacancy pastor through January 31, 2015 Rev. Hering began serving the Call to serve the saints at the LC-MS congregations of Christ-Elkhart and Faith-Hugoton in the
southwest corner of Kansas.
Thank you all for your friendship, support, and prayers through the years.
The congregation is in celebration mode these days as the move into our permanent home is immanent! We intend to
dedicate the new facility on April 26. Church membership has continued to grow, even while we have been in temporary facilities, our baptized membership is now 155. Both the membership as well as the staff, students, and parents of
Concordia Learning Center are anticipating the move with great joy. Enrollment in the preschool and daycare has
grown from 17 students to more than 25 in the past year while in temporary facilities, we anticipate even more growth
in the permanent home. The cooperation between LCEF, Laborers for Christ, and Capital Funding Service was outstanding and it is our feeling that they have been truly allies during this amazing gift of God. We would be remiss also
if we didn’t say thank you to Hope Lutheran Church (ELS) who served as our temporary home for the past year.
Pastor Borcher was relieved of the service to the brothers and sisters of St. Mark’s Provo as prayers were answered in
receiving Rev. Paul Carlson to serve their congregation and their new sister congregation at Good Shepherd in Richfield, UT. But, on January 1, Pastor Borcher assumed the role of pastor to Christ Lutheran in Murray, UT, with the
“final” retirement of Merlyn Wagner who had been serving their needs as well as filling in at Grace Lutheran in
Sandy. Christ congregation is still in a calling mode, interviewing potential candidates to serve their needs. During
the past year increased cooperation between Grace Sandy and Christ Murray brought them closer together as they
shared the same vacancy Pastor and occasionally worshipped together and planned together. That cooperation is now
occurring between Christ and Holy Trinity as they share a pastor, albeit a different one.
The past triennium has seen the parish increasing its role in the community. In 2015, the members have begun to meet
to discuss enhancements to our facilities brought on by emphases in Sunday School, Nursery, Junior Confirmation,
and Kitchen expansion. Recent visits by families with children, a grant from LWML, and a contribution [by a friend
of the parish] at the end of 2014 that came with a suggestion that we dedicate it to evangelism have all fueled the discussions. Our membership, leadership, worship and Bible Study attendance have been consistent. The Lord continues
to send us visitors each week, and hosting them in worship and fellowship is one of our great joys.
After a short vacancy the congregation is in the process of calling a pastor. Rev. Bror Erickson, after years of ministry
took a call to New Mexico. Rev. Kurt Hering and now, Rev. Jason Krause have filled in wonderfully as vacancy pastors.
Trinity has continued to do outreach to the community and to become more aware of our missionaries abroad. A recent influx of 40 students into the school, doubling the pre-k to grade 8 student population, has created some reorganization and some interior re-construction of rooms and such. New staff additions have helped make things flow
easier between the congregation and their mission, the school. Trinity is nearing an accreditation visit. Pastor Manweiler continues to preach, teach and administer the sacraments. He also has been elected to the position of Circuit
Visitor. The congregation is patient with the extra time he spends on helping the Utah Circuit thrive.
Rev. John Manweiler
Utah Circuit Visitor
Trinity - St. George, UT
The Western Circuit consists of 12 congregations in western Colorado and northeastern Utah: Concordia Lutheran in
Steamboat Springs (Vacant); Faith Lutheran in Craig (Rev. John Turner); Our Savior Lutheran in Vernal, UT (Rev.
Jonathan Schultz); Gracious Savior Lutheran in Edwards (Rev. Jason Haynes); Grace Fellowship in Gypsum (Rev.
Dan Rowhling); Faith Lutheran in Carbondale (Rev. Tom Thierfelder); Immanuel Lutheran in Rifle (Rev. Ed
Schmidt); Messiah Lutheran in Grand Junction (Vacant); Immanuel Lutheran in Paonia (Rev. Duane Daeke); Redeemer Lutheran in Delta (Rev. Kurt Van Fossan); Mount Calvary Lutheran in Gunnison (Rev. Robert Stevens); and
Hope Lutheran in Montrose (Rev. Darryl Hannenberg).
During the past triennium, our Circuit has experienced a number of pastoral and congregational changes. Grace Lutheran Fellowship in Gypsum was incorporated in May of 2013, and celebrated their Organizational Sunday/
Constitutional Signing on October 13, 2013. In March of 2014, the congregation moved into a newly remodeled space
that was formerly part of a furniture store. Trinity Lutheran in Rangely, CO disbanded in July of 2014, with the remaining members transferring to Our Savior Lutheran in Vernal, UT. Holy Cross Lutheran in Glenwood Springs and
Messiah Lutheran in Aspen merged to form Faith Lutheran in Carbondale. The new congregation purchased a building in January of 2015.
We also mourned the loss of two pastors in this triennium. Rev. Jeff Ryan (Redeemer, Delta) entered the Church Triumphant in April of 2013, and Rev. Gary Buss (Messiah, Grand Junction) in August of 2014.
We have welcomed two new pastors in this triennium. Rev. Kurt Van Fossan was installed at Redeemer, Delta in
September 2014. Rev. Robert Stevens was installed at Mount Calvary, Gunnison, in June 2014. He replaced Rev. Karl
Bohmer, who is now serving in South Africa. Other changes in the circuit include: Rev. Scott Geminn, formerly serving Holy Cross, Glenwood Springs, accepted a Call to New Hampshire in January of 2013; Rev. Dave McKnight retired from Concordia, Steamboat in the summer of 2014; and Rev. Tim Storck accepted a Call to Trinity, Fort Morgan
in March of 2015
By the grace of God, the congregations of the Western Circuit continue to preach Christ crucified for the sins of the
world to a region ripe for the Gospel.
Rev. Jonathan G. Schultz
Western Circuit Visitor
Our Savior - Vernal, UT
San Pablo & Ysleta Lutheran Misssion Human Care, El Paso: Services are held in English and Spanish and bilingual.
There is a service after the Saturday food distribution with an average of 20-30 in services. Saturday afternoons there
is a Jail ministry at the local Customs & Border Patrol Detention Center and the Municipal Jail with and average of
100 participants. Bibles are handed out as available. Nine missions have been planted across the border. All started as
home bible study groups, with the help of Rev. Jose Ruiz, Rev. Federico Resendiz (Gone to be with the LORD), Rev.
Jaime Martinez, Rev. Martin Tovar and Rev. Jose Hernandez our missions across the border and Chihuahua the missions are now congregations, regular worship services are held, Sunday school activities, adult and youth bible studies
are held every week along with other ministries such as the Mesa de Reyes (King’s Table) and Iglesia de Los Niños
(Church of the Children) soup kitchens at two missions. The average attendance per week to all activities surpass the
500 persons per week. Mariachi San Pablo continues to perform at San Pablo once/month and at the jail. They continue to travel to various other venues throughout the nation telling of the love of our Savior through the music of the
Trinity continues to remain strong despite the downturn in the economy. Mission offerings continue to increase as the
Lord has blessed. Along with designated quarterly mission emphasis, a new weekly mission collection of a voluntary
$1/person is encouraged and the mission each Sunday is picked from a list by the 2 greeter/hosts for the day. Most
everyone in the congregation sign up to be greeters/hosts so almost everyone has a chance to choose where the mission money for the day goes. The last few years we have had a Concordia Student come and run a youth program over
the summer but this last year we hired/part time a youth director. It has strengthened our youth program and helped
them to grow closer together and in service to the Lord. The Lord has blessed this congregation and we look forward
to His directing us in the future.
CrossPoint Lutheran Church in El Paso, Texas is praising the Lord for having completed a new sanctuary building in
which we moved into beginning March of 2014. We also rejoice in the increased growth that God has given to CrossPoint and the new people who have come to Christ. We began this journey of raising funds 5 years ago and by His
grace, God has provided "exceedingly abundantly above all that we could have asked or thought according to His
power at work." Ephesians 3:20. We are also very grateful to LCEF for their wonderful partnership in this project.
CrossPoint has added new staff in the areas of Children, Worship, Drama and Youth Ministries. Two years ago CP
also made a decision to move away from conventional marketing to the use of social media which includes an interactive website, Facebook and online giving. We have opened our church facilities for a variety of community groups as
a means of outreach. And finally, this past Christmas we performed Bethelem Live (an interactive experience of the
birth of Christ with actors and live animals) and a Charlie Brown Christmas story for the community and the event
was attended by over 8,000 people from all over El Paso. We give all praise and glory to our Lord Jesus Christ for His
marvelous grace.
Ascension Lutheran Church has been blessed during the last 3 years with new Called servants, outreach opportunities,
and building improvements. While we said good- bye to Bob Lambeth, DCE, we welcomed Reverend Doctor Vernon
Schindler as our Intentional Interim Pastor in 2011 and our new Permanent Pastor, Reverend Brian Bestian in January,
2013. This congregation continues to “Connect the Community to Christ” through our preschool (pastor's relationship
building), New Life Festival (an Easter Celebration for the community and members alike), and serving several military families connected to Fort Bliss, TX. As a result of Mission/Vision Planning meetings, we continued to improve
our building as a place of worship and outreach by replacing our wind-damaged cross structure (visible across west El
Paso), purchase of a new Rodgers organ, sanctuary repair, and look forward to future remodeling projects and AV/
Screen installation. We thank the Lord for His provision and pray that we remain good stewards of His generosity and
Mission Lutheran Church and School continues to minister the Gospel in both the English and Spanish languages to
the people of Doña Ana County of New Mexico. Mission Lutheran School reaches families with the Gospel through
the education of children in both its preschool and elementary school. A particular blessing to the congregation has
begun with the establishment of its prayer ministry by which all aspects of the congregation’s ministry are prayed for
on a continuous basis with over forty-eight of its congregation’s members involved in such ongoing prayer. Joyfully,
Mission has seen the baptism of adults on a more regular basis in recent years. Outreach continues to our nation’s
military through sending quilts and the Bible on MP3 players to our overseas troops, which are received with many
Rev. Bill Heithold
Rio Grande Circuit Visitor
Trinity - Alamogordo, NM
The pastors and congregations of the Eastern High Plains thank and praise our Lord and Savior, Jesus Christ, that the
congregations have been served with the Lord's Word and Sacraments for the last three years. While economic problems perpetually plague the Eastern High Plains the Lord is faithful and continues to provide for both His people and
His called servants of the Word. The saints of the High Plains rejoice to receive the Lord's gifts of forgiveness, life and
salvation and the pastors are pleased to provide what the Lord offers. During this time we lost Pastor Duncan Sprague
from Lamar to IA and gained Vicar Jason Cody in his place.
There were no other changes within the Circuit.
The pastors of the Eastern High Plains enjoy remarkable communion and fellowship with one another gathering together monthly for Winkels and at many other times throughout the year to enjoy one another's company and families
in more social settings.
The Lord of the Church continues to bless our efforts in His kingdom.
Rev. Marin Davis
Eastern High Plains Circuit Visitor
Grace - Cheyenne Wells, CO
The four corners circuit retains the distinction of the only circuit with churches in four states. This has brought us challenges in maintaining a sense of unity as pastors and congregations, yet we have maintained a sense of community
with one another despite the very large travel distances from one end to the other. In addition to our eight congregations, we are blessed with several emeritus pastors within our area who attend and contribute to our winkel gatherings.
The past three years have truly been transitional in the character of our circuit. Four of our congregations have installed new pastors and a fifth is currently in the call process. We welcome these new brothers into the ministry of our
Lord as they preach the good news of the gospel and care for the souls of their people.
Church Reports
Shepherd of the Desert Lutheran Church (Page, AZ; Rev Peter Spallek, circuit visitor) – In the years 2012-2015 Shepherd of the Desert has seen stability in membership and worship attendance. It is marked most especially by its distance from any significant population center. As we see in many of our churches, this is an aging congregation – still
recovering in great part from the 2009 recession which resulted in the loss of many young families from our church
and community. We continue to trust in our Lord to provide for our needs as well as taking advantage of resources
available through LCEF and LHM to help better connect to our community. Shepherd preschool, a ministry of the
church, is the oldest church-sponsored preschool in the Page community and continues to thrive.
Trinity Lutheran Church (Cortez, CO; Rev Barr Chittick) – Trinity in Cortez continues to be served by Rev Barr despite the tragic passing of his wife Trudy since the last convention. Barr went through a serious illness last year but
thanks be to Rev Dave Dahl (emeritus from Trinity) for filling in during his absence. Barr is back in the pulpit now
preaching the gospel and ministering to God’s people at Trinity.
St. Paul Lutheran Church (Durango, CO; Rev. Ben Delin) – After a long pastorate, this last triennium saw the retirement of Rev. Monte Gusewelle and the subsequent ordination and installation of Rev. Ben Delin from Concordia
Seminary, St. Louis. St. Paul's Lutheran Church in Durango, Colorado is working on sharing the Christian faith and
confessional truths with the community. This has and will include the development of a logo, vision statement, new
website, building improvements and tangible goals for serving in Durango. Like many declining churches in the
LCMS, St. Paul's is taking intentional steps towards living out "Witness, Mercy and Life Together".
Our Savior Lutheran Church (Pagosa Springs, CO; Rev Andrew Packer) - Pastor Steve Sanderson served as the interim pastor at Our Savior for one and one half years and then retired in June 2012, when Pastor Andrew Packer from
Concordia Theological Seminary in Fr. Wayne, was ordained and installed as their pastor. Our Savior continues to
preach the Word purely and administer the sacraments rightly. Our Savior Lutheran School (Preschool - First Grade)
continues to offer the only full-time Christian school in the area.
Zion Lutheran Church (Farmington, NM; Rev Bror Ericson) – After a long pastorate, this last triennium saw the retirement of Rev. Gary Thur and the calling of Rev. Bror Ericson, who had previously served First Lutheran Church in
Toole, Utah. Zion Lutheran Church continues to proclaim the Word of God in pulpit and practice throughout the
Farmington community. Zion also graciously hosts our monthly winkels as it is the most centrally located within our
large geographical area.
Shepherd of the Valley Lutheran Church (Navajo, NM; Vicar Tim Norton) – Shepherd of the Valley is by the grace of
God a success within our circuit. All but dying out after many years of vacancy, we were blessed to install Tim Norton
(formerly a missionary to West Africa and now enrolled in the Ethnic Institute Program leading to ordination at Concordia, Irvine) as vicar. Tim leads worship weekly and Bible study and has involved himself in the culture of the Navajo people. It is a blessing to once again see an active and thriving ministry in our district to the Navajos.
Trinity Lutheran Church (Gallup, NM; Rev Gary Bickner, vacancy) – Trinity in Gallup is currently a church in transition. After a long pastorate, Rev. Gary Bickner has retired from full time ministry and is serving Trinity part time during their vacancy. Rev Dave Dahl serves Trinity in the intervening weeks. Trinity is an elderly congregation and is
using the call process and the district self-evaluation tool to help reinvigorate themselves and better serve the diverse
Gallup community.
Grace Lutheran Church (Moab, UT) - Grace is a small struggling church in the remote area of Eastern Utah. Ever
since the retirement of Rev. Dave Dahl they have not had the financial resources to call a full time pastor. They are a
small congregation supported by several churches in our circuit (Farmington, Durango, Cortez, and Gallup). The
bright spot for their future is the planned opening of a satellite campus of Utah State University in the Moab area.
Grace is served by a rotation of retired pastors and lay leaders from around the circuit. Mr. John Widner travels to
Moab from Pagosa Springs twice a month and Mr. Larry Gessner of Cortez one time a month to lead worship. Pastors
Gusewelle, Dahl, and Sanderson also rotate in traveling to Grace to provide communion for them once a month.
Thanks to all these servants of our Lord for providing Word and Sacrament ministry to this small out of the way congregation.
Rev. Peter Spallek
Four Corners Circuit Visitor
Shepherd of the Desert - Page, AZ
Like most circuits, the Pikes Peak Circuit of the Rocky Mountain District has experienced change in the last triennium. Rev. Douglas Brauner of Holy Cross Lutheran, Colorado Springs serves as the Circuit Visitor, having been
appointed after the retirement of Rev. Dr. Dennis Lucero of Immanuel Lutheran.
Holy Cross, Colorado Springs: Called Pastor Jeffrey Meinz to pastoral staff as Pastor, Director of Growth Ministry.
Pastor Doug Brauner, Sr. Pastor, Director of Service Ministries and Pastor David Hall Pastor, Director of Worship
Ministries, continue to also serve in the pastoral office.
Rock of Ages, Colorado Springs: After the retirement of Pastor Ron Baker, Rock of Ages called Rev. James Maxwell
as pastor.
Immanuel, Colorado Springs: Pastor Dennis F. Lucero retired in August of 2014 but remains as pastor emeritus while
Immanuel goes through the calling process.
Redeemer, Colorado Springs: Continues to be served by Pastor Donal Widger and now house a food pantry in their
former school.
Resurrection, Colorado Springs: After the resignation of Pastor Ron Andresen, Resurrection called Rev. Joel
Dieterichs. As of the last circuit report, the congregation is no longer seeking to sell their property.
Family of Faith, Falcon: Continues as a mission outreach in the Northeast quadrant of El Paso County. After a very
difficult period in their short history and the resignation of Vicar Mike Wnoroski, the congregation is now served by
interim pastor, Rev. Norm Barnett.
Shepherd of the Springs, Colorado Springs: Continues to be served by two retired pastors, Rev. Robert Schaibley and
Rev. Dr. Steve Hein. They continue to meet in a rented facility.
Family of Christ, Monument: Continues to be served by Pastor David L. Dyer and Pastor Doug Mauss. They celebrated their 20th Anniversary in 2014. They continue their mission of reaching out to the Lost and De-churched in the
Monument area. The congregation is experiencing rapid growth and is breaking ground this spring on Phase I of a two
phase building expansion to increase worship space to 1200 participants.
Faith, Woodland Park: Continues to be served by Pastor Mark Reiner and continues to reach out into their community
through their preschool.
First, Salida: Called Rev. William (Bill) Cate, who was installed as Pastor on December 1, 2013. A renewed sense of
community and purpose within the congregation has resulted in the return of several lapsed members and the addition
of new members as well. They are exploring the possibilities of early childhood ministry as a means of outreach to the
Faith, Buena Vista: Faith, Buena Vista: Congregation continues to serve the local community. Major maintenance
items have been performed to make the building more attractive and more usable. We have also begun to have the
building used by community members in support of community outreach. The congregation is financially stable.
Membership is holding steady and getting somewhat younger.
Rev. Doug Brauner
Pikes Peak Circuit Visitor
Holy Cross - Colorado Spring, CO
In the past three years the twelve congregations of the Denver South East Circuit have been blessed by the preaching
of the Gospel and the administration of the sacraments according to Christ our Lord’s institution for the forgiveness of
sins. As a circuit, we rejoice in the common confession we uphold as we teach God’s Word according to the doctrine
contained in the Book of Concord, 1580. Our twelve congregations are located in the cities of Denver (2), Aurora
(4), Centennial (1), Parker (1), Franktown (1), Castle Rock (2), and Elizabeth (1).
In the past three years there have been many changes among the pastors serving in the circuit. During this triennium,
the Lord called four new pastors to serve in our circuit. Rev. Scott Abel came from St. John in Oveido, FL to serve
as the senior pastor of Our Father in Centennial; Rev. Nate Peregoy came from Christ the King in Largo Florida to
Our Father in Littleton; Rev Brian Flamme came as a seminary graduate from Fort Wayne as Associate Pastor at
Hope, Aurora; Rev. David Vanderhyde first served as Vicar and was subsequently ordained and installed as pastor at
University Hills, Denver; Rev. Tim Lawson came from Divine Shepherd in Omaha Nebraska to Cross of Christ,
Aurora, replacing Rev Dustin Lappe, who accepted a call to Holy Cross in Kearney NE. Rev. Larry Ziegler retired
from Mount Zion, Castle Rock after serving there since 1983. Rev Jeff Shearier left Mt. Olive, Aurora when he accepted a call to Bethlehem in Aloha, oregano.
Our Circuit has tabled an earlier attempt to begin a campus ministry at the University of Denver but we continue to
look for ways to foster cooperation in reaching the lost and friendship between congregations while we seek new opportunities to proclaim the Gospel and live as salt and light for our circuit region and beyond.
Peace with Christ in Aurora has a new principal since the last convention. Mr. David Robinson began in the summer
of 2013 and just completed his second year of ministry at our school. Our DCE's Mrs. Donna Patton and Mr. John
Paulus are in their 25th year of service at PWC. They have been a blessing to our congregation for these many
years. We continue to offer a food ministry that feeds hundreds of people each month. As always we seek to proclaim
the Good News of Jesus to a lost and hurting world.
In this triennium, a major building project took place for Grace in Parker. Established in 2002, Grace had been renting space for worship at the Lutheran High School since 2003. The congregation was blessed with growth and generous members who have a deep concern for the mission of the Church. In 2013 they paid off their land mortgage and
immediately began a capital campaign through LCEF to build their first facility. The campaign resulted in $430,000
in pledges. This enabled the congregation to obtain a 2 million dollar construction loan with LCEF. The congregation began worshipping in their first building on Good Friday 2015!
We rejoice in the gifts and undeserved kindness the Lord has bestowed upon His congregations through the faithful
service of both His pastors and congregational members. All glory, laud, and honor to Thee, Redeemer, King!
Rev. Joseph Murphy
Denver Southeast Circuit Visitor
Grace - Parker, CO
The Denver Northeast Circuit consists of 11 congregations in various settings: from urban to suburban to small towns.
While there is diversity among congregation in these different settings, there is also a similarity in the challenge of
proclaiming the gospel in the constantly changing cultural scene of America.
A significant number of congregations are involved in serving their community in various ways such as: ministry to
children of prisoners, a food bank, prayer walking, serving coffee to parents at an elementary school one morning a
week, conducting after-school tutoring, offering pizza to high school students on lunch break, interviewing residents
and agencies to learn of specific needs in the community. Through these endeavors congregations are seeking to build
relationships with members of the community in anticipation of sharing the gospel of Jesus Christ not only through
works of mercy, but in word. Congregations have also shared events and study groups for members and non-members
Numerous congregations celebrated milestone anniversaries of Word and Sacrament during the triennium: Grace,
Hudson, and Resurrection in the City, Denver, celebrated 75 years; Our Saviour, Commerce City, celebrated 60 years;
St. Andrew’s, Montebello, celebrated 50 years; and Cordero de Dios, Denver, celebrated 25 years.
The Circuit adopted Mt. Calvary, Denver, beginning in 2012 as its gospel gap mission, the purpose of which was to
prevent a gospel gap from developing in the northeast part of urban Denver. On Easter Sunday, March 31, 2013, Mt.
Calvary changed its name and its mission, becoming Resurrection in the City. Circuit congregations have gathered
around this congregation by participating in servant events and by contributing financially to the rebirthing of this congregation.
Pastor Charles Westby resigned his position as Circuit Counselor, July, 2013. Pastor Roger Schlechte, Resurrection in
the City, was named Circuit Counselor to fill the position.
Rev. Roger Schlechte
Denver Northeast Circuit Visitor
Resurrection in the City - Denver, CO
The past three years the Rocky Flats circuit has continued to bring Christ’s Word and Sacrament to its communities.
We welcomed a fellow brother, Rev. Ted Groth, who was called to Beautiful Savior and soon will give our blessings
to a brother, Rev. Kent Schnegelberger, who has announced his retirement. As each of our churches gather around the
Word to receive our Lord’s gifts; the circuit does the same. It is a joy to gather with our fellow brothers and give encouragement as we continue in our callings and vocations.
Rev. Ryan Oakes
Rocky Flats Circuit Visitor
Risen Savior - Broomfield, CO
Sandia South makes up half the dual electoral circuit share with Sandia North. Between the two circuits, we meet
together and make most decisions together. We have two mission efforts underway: 1) South Valley which is mothered by a Sandia North congregation (Faith in Christ, Alb) while being planted in an area traditionally considered Sandia South area. 2. God Cares About You, a social ministry with potential church plant ramifications in the future
which is run by a Sandia South pastor, Mark Kluzek while being a part of a Sandia North congregation (Christ Lutheran, Alb).
Being comprised of an eclectic make-up of ministries and congregations, we do seek to share the responsibilities of
carrying on ministry responsibilities within our assigned area of New Mexico with a peaceful and respectful demeanor.
While you can expect to read more about what we are doing from the Sandia North Circuit Visitor (Ed Maas), below
you will find summaries from the congregations specific to Sandia South.
Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran Church, Rio Rancho, NM
In the last three years, SotH has seen changes in services and times. We moved from 8:30 a.m. Liturgical and 11:00
a.m. Contemporary with Bible Classes in between to 9 a.m. Liturgical with Bible Study following at 10:30 a.m. The
main contributing factor there has been economic as several families have had to relocate to find work. One other
military family transferred out due to change of orders. Many of those families moving comprised the majority of the
youth as well as the contemporary service attendance. A couple families moved further away, but still within the area
and have expressed their desire to stay members, although we don't see them as much now. We went down from an
average attendance of 50 to about 30 now. We now show 59 members on our books.
We do have a fair amount of visitors, and from those visitors we have gotten families who either join (8 people) or
who are frequent attenders (6 people). We have a couple families who travel over 1 hour to attended the service. We
thank God that our congregation has been very peaceful and loving through the changes and we look forward to welcoming more people into our community as the economy hopefully picks up.
We had a very active youth program before the membership changes, but since then we have had one lock-in at Shepherd with Calvary, Rio Rancho joining us for the night. 18 teens in attendance with 8 from Shepherd. We have three
high school aged boys who are scheduling confirmation classes at present.
Our pre-school is building back up since the state made a large expansion at their pre-school. We lost around 10 fulltime students because of that. Even though we still retain some of those students on a part-time basis, we find that we
have to rebuild non-the-less. We thank God that we do enjoy a good reputation in the community and some people do
choose to send their children to a private Christian pre-school. At present, our numbers of students stands in the mid
20's. Max number is 40.
In addition to regular pastoral duties, Pastor DeSoto is active doing Chapel services at the pre-school and also serves
as the lead Chaplain at the Sandoval County Sheriff's office. He is starting his second term as the Sandia South Circuit Visitor. Shepherd actively supports "God Cares About You" and a local Food Bank with non-perishables.
We wish to thank the District congregations for subsidizing Shepherd of the Hill's ministry. The majority of those
funds go to paying the pastor's Concordia Plans. We are working to become self-supporting in various ways from
restructuring the health plan to trading benefits with pastor DeSoto so that the congregation and the pastor are both
supported in a sharing and meaningful way.
Hope Lutheran Church, Socorro, NM
1. Each year during the Socorro County Fair (Labor Day) weekend at the Hope Lutheran Church fairgrounds booth, a
handful of members pitch in over $1000 (more than 5% of the congregation's annual budget) so that we can share the
Gospel by giving away hundreds of CPH Arch Books FOR FREE.
a) Among the many partakers of the free books, there is an impoverished branch of Native Americans who rarely
leave their reservation; but once each year at the County Fair from Hope's Christian book display racks, each child
selects a book of their own to take home with them.
b) Hope also gives away free New Testaments in English and in Spanish; and assorted Christian coloring books,
puzzle books, Gospel stickers, John 3:16 reminder pocket coins, and perhaps the "pièce de résistance" in our NM Tech
college town, the imprinted Hope Lutheran Church key ring -- a "church key" -- used to open capped beverage containers.
2. Each year Hope has a display table at the NM Tech community fair in the hallway outside their campus store, where
students, faculty, and staff are offered information about Hope Lutheran, a "church key" and/or a John 3:16 pocket
coin, and given information about Hope Lutheran's times for worship and bible study at the Epiphany church building
immediately across the road (Leroy Pl) from the NM Tech library. (We utilize -- pay rent for -- the Episcopal church
building sanctuary and adjacent hall/annex for worship and refreshments/bible study, respectively.)
3. Each month year around, Hope collects designated pocket change and coins, and sends these offerings to the local
Right to Life chapter.
4. Our organist, while not a member of the Lutheran church, continually publicizes our Lutheran presence at NM Tech
where she instructs musicians, and arranges for children from the community to sing together at the 4th Sunday in
Advent "Christmas" Lutheran worship service.
5. Hope's pastor goes weekly to the Lutheran Good Samaritan Village (care center/nursing home) to visit Hope's member. Actions are underway to investigate holding occasional brief worship services there certain Sunday mornings
Hope averages around 8-10 people in attendance for worship each Sunday morning, with the majority staying for refreshments and bible study.
Our Savior Lutheran Church, Albuquerque, NM
Baptisms 4
Funerals 4
Weddings 1
Estimated Baptized members 75 ~ 2 Services
Ministry Team Pastor Jay Mason, Vicar Craig Furry, Vicki Mason, DCE, Previn Hudetz, Music Ministry
Irene’s Impressions Preschool began on site March 2013, Our Savior Puppets continues to successful program for
Sunday School for children, youth & Adults
Outreach: Trunk or Treat, Seder Dinner, supported Operation Christmas child.
Baptisms 4
Funerals 0
Wedding 0
Estimated Baptized Members 75 ~ 2 Services
Ministry Team Pastor Jay Mason, Vicar Craig Furry (SMP student), Vicki Mason, DCE, Previn Hudetz, Music Ministry
Community Outreach: Trunk or Treat, Seder Dinner, supported Operation Christmas child.
Sunday School for Nursery, children, youth & Adults
Irene’s Impressions Preschool continues to grow and has reached capacity (with a waiting list)
2015 (Through April 25)
Funerals 2
Estimated Baptized Members 80 ~ 2 Services
Ministry Team Pastor Jay Mason, Vicar Craig Furry (SMP student), Vicki Mason, DCE, Previn Hudetz, Music Ministry
Sunday School for Nursery, children, youth & Adults
Preaching through the Bible in one year using “The Story” as a model.
Hosting LWML Event May 2, 2015
Community Outreach: Seder Dinner
Irene’s Impressions Preschool is at capacity.
Christ the King Lutheran Church, Los Lunas, NM
In August of 2013 we re-opened our school, offering a program for pre-school children. With deep regrets, it was
necessary to close the program three months later. The Congregation has since decided to pursue other ministry opportunities and cease pursuing a school for the time being. This is a change from our goal to have a school, which
drove our ministry plans since 1995.
God has been good to sustain us these past three years during times of considerable difficulty. Our pastor, and then
his wife, suffered through prolonged, debilitating illnesses. We were well served for five months by Pastor Rob Mueller, former Chaplain. The Congregation's members, especially the men of Board of Deacons, have demonstrated wonderful support for the pastor and his wife, making it possible for the pastor to return to, and continue in, his Call. They
are to be commended and thanked.
We are focusing our efforts on caring for our "seniors," which describes the vast majority of our Congregation. And,
we are redoubling our efforts to reach the children of our community with the word of God through Sunday School,
mid-week programs, youth gatherings and Confirmation instruction.
Mt. Calvary Lutheran Church in Grants continues to thrive in this small town in New Mexico. Additionally, we have
been reaching out to Native American children near our church for years and continue to have success sharing God's
Word with them through our Sunday School, VBS, and other special events for the children. Pastor Mark Kluzek
God Cares About You, a ministry of Christ Lutheran Church in Albuquerque continues to grow in sharing God's Word
and love to this needy area of New Mexico. We are on the streets evangelizing this transient population and also giving clothes, groceries, having Bible Studies with meals, serving with a Back To Work and Life Recovery program as
well working on homelessness. We have a volunteer team and support from many of the Lutheran Churches in our
Immanuel Lutheran Church and School, Albuquerque, NM
God has called together the members of Immanuel congregation to proclaim and to teach a changeless Christ to a
changing world. One goal of the congregation is to emphasize Christian education (for youth and adults). Strong support for this ministry is evident through the free gifts of time, talent, and treasure. One example of this strong support
in the past triennium was the overwhelming response of the entire Immanuel community to meet the need to replace
the gym floor and renovate the entire facility. Gifts totaling $100,000 were received over a six-month period in the
first half of 2014, enabling the congregation to install a new gym floor and renovate the gym during the summer of
A second goal of Immanuel is Christian outreach. This has been a goal of the church and school from their earliest
days. Christian outreach is needed both internationally and locally. The congregation actively supports seven mission
efforts as follows: two missionaries connected with Together in Mission, a LCMS missionary working through LCMS
missions, a missionary connected with Lutheran Bible Translators, the mission of People of the Book Lutheran Outreach, Ysleta Lutheran Mission, and Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran in Navajo, NM. The congregation is also making
plans this fall to staff a State Fair Booth at the New Mexico State Fair for the ninth consecutive year.
Calvary, Rio Rancho: Pr. Cundiff installed by Rev. Ken DeSoto in 2014. No report submitted.
Redeemer, Albuquerque: Pr. John Heffelfinger. No report submitted.
Rev. Ken DeSoto
Sandia South Circuit Visitor
Shepherd of the Hills - Rio Rancho, NM
Report of Activity and Accomplishments
In the past three years, YLM has worked closely with Rocky Mountain District
churches and many other contributors, volunteers, and local agencies to provide
help to people living with great economic hardship and often deep personal tragedy. Your funds, prayers, volunteer hours, and encouragement have enabled the
wonderful accomplishments listed below:
March 2012 to February 2015
Thousands of People Were Reached!
Help Amid Poverty and Loss - YLM distributed more than 14,000 food baskets to families and
served more than 50,000 hot meals, in addition to 100+ pallets of food given to orphanages and Lutheran missions
in Mexico. Additional help given to people in need includes: 4000+ blankets/quilts, 4,500+ Christmas toys,
3,000+ hygiene kits, and 3,500+ winter jackets. Clothing, household items, and various items such as school desks
and medical equipment was distributed by YLM’s churches, missions, and partner agencies in Mexico.
In 2014 a building on YLM’s El Paso campus was renovated to house a new RotaCare Clinic. Doctors and nurses
began providing free medical care at YLM twice a month with plans to eventually become a full time free clinic.
Also YLM helped Tarahumara Indian villages in northern Mexico survive winter and rebuild after droughts decimated crops and supplies of seed corn.
Servant Events - YLM hosted 70 servant event groups whose 983 participants devoted more than 39,000
volunteer hours building and repairing 78 homes, teaching the Bible to 1,308 children in VBS, and serving more
than 3,000 meals at Thanksgiving. Groups completed countless improvement projects at YLM’s campus and
Mexico mission sites. A dentist provided care to more than a hundred people.
Prison Ministry - YLM has always ministered in jails and detention centers in El Paso, TX, and Juarez,
Mexico. In 2013 YLM additionally adopted the ministry of the late Al Hanson called Lutheran Prison Ministry. In
2014 alone, YLM distributed 1,638 Bibles, 780 Devotion Books, and 1,493 bilingual songbooks.
Education and Evangelism -
YLM’s music education and evangelism program (which includes Mariachi San Pablo) provided more than 500 classes and rehearsals and engaged young musicians in 227 evangelism
and care performances. In Mexico, YLM provided Stay-In-School scholarships to more than 20 children and
youth and distributed 3,600 packages and backpacks filled with school supplies.
Missions, Worship, Pastoral Formation & Pastoral Care - YLM sustained word and
sacrament ministry at 16 sites in the U.S., Mexico, and provided for the maintenance of 27 buildings. In 2014,
Concordia Theological Seminary of Ft. Wayne established YLM as a satellite campus for its new distance program
for the formation of pastors and deaconesses in Spanish. In the past three years, YLM supporters have provided
for salary, education, and encouragement to seven pastors, a vicar, and a deaconess, enabling their ministry to as
many as 500 children and 450 adults each week.
Respectfully submitted,
Chairman of the Board – Timothy Eyerman
Pastor, President, and CEO – Rev. Dr. Karl P. Heimer
Ysleta Lutheran Mission Human Care, 301 S. Schutz Dr., El Paso, TX 79907, (915) 858-2588
Lutheran Women’s Missionary League is the official women’s auxiliary to the LCMS. Established in 1942, the
focus of the LWML has always been sharing the Gospel with the world far and near as we serve our Lord with gladness. The LWML has long been a leader in promoting Bible study, fellowship, and mentoring in organization and
leadership skills. There are two requirements to be a LWML Society: Bible Study and collecting “mites.” Patterned
after the story of the poor widow that gave her “mites,” LWML “mites” are offered with prayer. Contributions of
pennies, nickels, dimes, quarters and even dollars are donated to fund mission opportunities around the world.
When LWML was first established, the ladies were focused on helping the seminary students; while that is still happening in LWML today, we have spread that financial help to mission opportunities all over the world. The focus
when contributing mites is both prayer and coins; as the mite donation is placed in the mite box, a prayer is also said
asking God’s blessings and nourishment on a particular mission grant recipient. Every two years at the National
LWML Conventions, a new mite goal is set, and delegates to the convention select the mission opportunities (called
Mission Grants) to be funded. The Mission Grants paid out this past biennium (2013-2015) was more than 1.8 million dollars!
LWML is divided into 41 districts; the Rocky Mt. District consists of Colorado, New Mexico, Vernal, UT, Page,
AZ, and El Paso, TX. In each district, the circuits of churches are called “zones.” In the zones, the groups of
LWMLers in the churches are listed as “societies.” We have 11 Zones in the LWML-RMD with approximately 93
active societies and a membership of over 1390. Mites are collected on the society, zone and district levels; 25% of
the mites collected from these three areas are sent to National to fund the Mission Grants there. 75% of the mites
collected from the societies, zones, and district remain in the district to fund their mission grants. The mite goal for
LWML-RMD is $78,500.00 for the 2014-2016 biennium.
Conventions, Conventions, Conventions! The Time is Now to attend an LWML Convention!
The theme of the National LWML Convention is Bountiful: Sow-Nourish-Reap. The Convention verse is 2 Corinthians 9:8, and the date is June 25-28, 2015 in Des Moines, IA; the Time is Now to register and attend that convention – over 5000 are expected.
LWML-RMD is in the beginning stages of planning for its 2016 Convention which will be at the Antlers Hotel in
Colorado Springs, CO, June 10-12, 2016. The theme is God- Our Fortress & Refuge which is based on the serviceman’s psalm, Psalm 91:2. Last but not least will be the 2017 National LWML Convention in Salt Lake City, UT.
This convention will take place during the celebration of two mile stones in LCMS history; it’s the 75 th Anniversary
of the LWML and the 500th Anniversary of the Reformation! As if that weren’t exciting enough, LWML-RMD is
co-hosting this convention with the districts of UT-ID, Montana, and Wyoming. Attending a National LWML or
LWML-RMD Convention, is an opportunity to meet with other LCMS Lutheran women, families and pastors for
mountaintop experiences of Bible study, fellowship and fun! Our business is transacted in an orderly and precise
manner, with a little humor now and then to help keep us focused on the real mission of LWML, and it is where we
select the mission grant proposals that will be funded for the next biennium.
All Bible studies and other Biblical resources used in any LWML function from society level to National, goes
through LCMS doctrinal review, and for our meetings and functions on all the levels we ask for pastoral leadership.
LWML offers opportunities for women of all ages: teens, young women, single women, married, divorced, or widowed to be nurtured spiritually, emotionally, and even physically. Thus enabling them to strengthen their faith in
the Triune God and use their gifts and talents in ministry to the people of the world!
Sylvia Bean
LWML-RMD President
The past triennium was filled with an expansion of duties and transitions within this office as needs arose and opportunities afforded themselves under the leadership of President Anderson. Our staff’s intentional focus on “Mercy”,
with the support of our Board of Directors, expressed towards church workers, early childhood centers, schools, and
congregations has opened opportunities to share Christ’s love in new ways. We have provided financial assistance,
organizational guidance, and prayer support in many a various ways.
Christian education is a vital activity within the life of the Church. Our District’s congregations are blessed with
rich opportunities in formal and informal settings. While there may be countless reasons that parents decide to send
their children to a Lutheran Early Childhood Center, elementary school, or high school, our goal remains unchanged: To provide a Christ-centered place for the student to “grow in the grace and knowledge of our Lord and
Savior Jesus Christ” (2 Peter 3:18). By God’s grace and because of His blessings, the Rocky Mountain District and
our communities are served by 33 Early Childhood Centers, 28 elementary schools, and 2 high schools. Lutheran
schools remain a vital ministry through which the congregations accomplish their mission.
Also providing critical ministry leadership within our congregations and jointly for the District’s efforts are those
serving in capacities of Directors of Youth, Christian education, Family Ministry, Child Ministry, Music Ministry,
Adult Ministries, and Camp ministry. In all, more than 40 men and women faithfully serve the church in both general and specialized roles! Many of these people serve the District as well, including leadership roles in monthly
Affinity Group gatherings and in our District’s Youth Gathering. This year, for the first time, the Youth Gathering
will include a track designed for Junior High aged youth in addition to a High School track.
Work is being done in new ways to assist congregations during times of transition. This triennium saw congregations served by Intentional Interim Pastors and Intentional Vacancy Pastors. Each has specific purposes and design
to serve congregations depending on their needs. We’ve also expanded the Congregational Self Study process for
congregations seeking to Call a pastor. This new process allows congregations to consider needs and opportunities
that exist within both their congregation and their community. The whole congregation is given opportunity to meet
together in order for views and dreams to be expressed and common goals identified. In turn, the completed Self
Study informs the District President as he assembles Call lists.
Together with President Anderson, Mr. Ullmann, and Mrs. Hjalmquist, our team stands ready to assist and support
our church workers and our ministries and to do so by leading with mercy. We are thankful for the multitude of
ways you show God’s love to each other and within your contexts. We consider ourselves blessed to be in partnership with you. To God be the glory!
In Christ,
Paul A. Albers
The last triennium was consumed with a variety of matters related to property, finances, personnel and general operations.
Property related matters was perhaps the more dominant element of this past triennium. There was the unfortunate
closings of Trinity Lutheran Church in Rangely, Colorado and Trinity Lutheran Church in Layton, Utah. The district
is currently tasked with the disposition of the Trinity, Rangely site, however there were not disposition of property
from Trinity, Layton as this facility was storefront leased. Perhaps a larger property project is the renovations of the
University Lutheran Chapel in Boulder, Colorado. Our campus ministry sustained damage from the Colorado flooding events of 2013. The larger components of this renovation were the replacement of roofs over the chapel and student center. As a result of the flood damage, it was an opportune time to made renovations outside of what the flood
damage made. Some of the other renovations in the student center are new flooring, windows, lighting, kitchen and
bathrooms. It is expected that all renovations will be completed in early summer of 2015. We are grateful for the
financial support from several district congregations, individual donors, the district and LCMS Disaster Response
Funds which help support the renovation process.
Our financial state and the continued trend of declining receipts has put us into unfortunate positions of cutting ministry and personnel. This past triennium, we’ve had a reduction in force and continue to seek other means for funding to
sustain current and possible future ministry opportunities. A significant ministry growth area over the last triennium
has been the assistance to church workers and their families. This has created a new funding opportunity through the
district’s Church Worker Assistance Fund. This fund has already been put in action for example, aiding with a families health care costs, assisting in costs of funeral arrangements or providing a financial cushion for a struggling
worker. What a blessed opportunity to be the hands and feet of mercy to our church workers.
In spite of the financial or personnel struggles and challenges, God continues to bless our District with faithful congregations, individuals donors, volunteers and staff who diligently serve and support. We are blessed to have mission
opportunities that further the Gospel message.
In following pages, you will find various financial reports and data from this past triennium. Although this represents
numerical data, it does not fully cover the heart, commitment and sacrifice of those that make our district possible,
In Christ,
Doug Ullmann
Executive for Administration & Treasurer
Rocky Mountain District—LCMS
Below is a graph summary of congregational giving to District and Synod missions.
During the January 2015 Board of Directors meeting, the current fiscal year budget was adopted.
The chart below is a summary of the current fiscal year budget allocation. The percent breakdown
per budget category is an allocated percentage of congregational giving.
Rocky Mountain District of
The Lutheran Church—Missouri Synod
Statements of Financial Position
Fiscal Year Ending January 31
Cash and Cash Equivalents
Accounts Receivable
Prepaid Expenses
Contributions Receivable
Loan Receivable
Due from the Lutheran Church Extension Fund
Property Held for Sale
Land, Buildings, and Equipment - Net
Long-Term Investments
Funds Held by Third-Party Trustee
Total Assets
Accounts Payable and Accrued Expenses
Obligation Under Capital Lease
Deferred Revenue
Funds Held in Custody for Others
Grants Payable
Due to Investors in District Church Extension Fund
Loans Payable - Lutheran Church Extension Fund
Total Liabilities
Net Assets:
Net Investment in Land, Buildings, and Equipment
Total Unrestricted
Temporarily Restricted
Permanently Restricted
Total Net Assets
Total Liabilities and Net Assets
Denver Northeast Circuit
Gethsemane - Northglenn
Zion - Brighton
Our Savior - Commerce City
Cordero de Dios - Denver
Faith Lutheran - Denver
Resurrection in the City - Denver
Mt Zion - Denver
St Andrew - Denver
Grace - Hudson
Summit of Peace - Thornton
Christ Our Redeemer - Bennett
Denver Northeast Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Denver Southeast Circuit
FYE 2013
Hope - Aurora
Mt Olive - Aurora
Peace With Christ - Aurora
Epiphany - Castle Rock
Mt Zion - Castle Rock
Our Father - Centennial
Christ - Denver
University Hills - Denver
Elizabeth - Christ Our Saviour
Trinity - Franktown
Grace - Parker
Cross of Christ - Aurora
Denver Southeast Circuit Totals
Eastern High Plains Circuit
Immanuel - Arriba
Trinity - Burlington
Grace - Cheyenne Wells
Zion - Flagler
Trinity - Genoa
Holy Cross - Hugo
Trinity - Kit Carson
Grace - Lamar
Eastern High Plains Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Northeast Circuit
Trinity - Akron
St Paul - Amherst
Trinity - Ft. Morgan
Immanuel - Haxtun
Zion - Holyoke
St Paul's - Julesburg
First English - Sterling
Trinity - Sterling
St Paul - Venango
Calvary - Wray
St John's - Yuma
Zion Ev. - Big Springs
Northeast Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
Pikes Peak Circuit
Faith - Buena Vista
Family of Christ - Monument
Holy Cross - CO Sprgs
Immanuel - CO Sprgs
Redeemer - CO Sprgs
Resurrection - CO Sprgs
Rock of Ages - CO Sprgs
Family of Faith - Falcon
Good Shepherd - Leadville
First - Salida
Faith - Woodland Park
Pikes Peak Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2015
FYE 2015
Rocky Flats Circuit
Mt Hope - Boulder
Mt Zion - Boulder
Beautiful Savior -Broomfield
Risen Savior - Broomfield
Mt Calvary - Ft. Lupton
Eternal Savior - Lafayette
Christ Our Savior - Longmont
Messiah - Longmont
Rocky Flats Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Sandia South Circuit
Immanuel - Albuquerque
Our Savior - Albuquerque
Redeemer - Albuquerque
Mt Calvary - Grants
Christ the King - Los Lunas
Calvary - Rio Rancho
Shepherd of the Hills - Rio Rancho
Hope - Socorro
Sandia South Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
FYE 2014
Utah Circuit
Cross of Christ - Bountiful
Trinity - Cedar City
Trinity - Layton
Mt Zion - Kanab
Holy Trinity - Logan
Christ - Murray
St Paul - Odgen
St Mark's - Provo
Good Shepherd - Richfield
Redeemer - Salt Lake City
St John - Salt Lake City
Grace - Sandy
Trinity - St. George
First - Tooele
Grace - Moab
FYE 2013
FYE 2014
Holy Trinity - Riverton
Utah Circuit Totals
Denver Northwest Circuit
King of Kings - Arvada
Peace - Arvada
Risen Christ - Arvada
Shepherd of the Rockies - Bailey
Christ - Breckenridge
Emmaus - Denver
Mt Hope - Evergreen
St Luke's - Golden
Bethlehem - Lakewood
Concordia - Lakewood
Wheat Ridge - Wheat Ridge
Denver Northwest Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Denver Southwest Circuit
Shepherd of the Hills - Centennial
Redeemer - Denver
St John's - Denver
Trinity - Denver
Immanuel - Englewood
Holy Cross - Highlands Ranch
Ascension - Littleton
Hosanna -Littleton
Denver Southwest Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Four Corners Circuit
Trinity - Cortez
St Paul - Durango
Zion - Farmington
Trinity - Gallup
Shepherd of the Desert - Page
Our Savior- Pagosa Springs
Four Corners Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Long's Peak Circuit
Mt Calvary - Estes Park
Peace With Christ - Ft. Collins
Redeemer - Ft. Collins
St John's - Ft. Collins
Gloria Christi - Greeley
Trinity - Greeley
Faith - Johnstown
Immanuel - Loveland
Mt Olive - Loveland
Long's Peak Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Pecos Circuit
Immanuel - Carlsbad
Immanuel - Clovis
Immanuel - Artesia
Grace - Hobbs
Our Savior - Lovington
Faith in Christ - Portales
Immanuel - Roswell
Shepherd of the Hills - Ruidoso
Pecos Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
Rio Grande Circuit
Trinity - Alamogordo
Redeemer - Deming
Ascension - El Paso
Cross Point - El Paso
Grace - El Paso
San Pablo - El Paso
Zion - El Paso
Mission - Las Cruces
Messiah - Silver City
Faith - Las Cruces
Rio Grande Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Sandia North Circuit
Christ - Albuquerque
Faith in Christ - Albuquerque
Grace - Albuquerque
Christ Our Savior - Angel Fire
Prince of Peace - Cedar Crest
Good Shepherd - Edgewood
Immanuel - Las Vegas
Immanuel - Santa Fe
Immanuel - Springer
Sangre de Cristo - Taos
Redeemer - Los Alamos
Sandia North Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Sangre de Cristo Circuit
Trinity - Alamosa
St John - Canon City
Trinity - La Junta
St Peter - Monte Vista
Bethany - Pueblo
Trinity - Pueblo
Our Savior's - Pueblo West
St Peter's - Rocky Ford
Grace - Sugar City
Hope - Westcliffe
Sangre de Cristo Circuit Totals
FYE 2013
Western Circuit
Faith - Carbondale
Faith - Craig
Redeemer - Delta
Gracious Savior - Edwards
Messiah - Grand Junction
Mt Calvary -Gunnison
Hope - Montrose
Immanuel - Paonia
Emmanuel - Rifle
Concordia - Steamboat Springs
Our Saviour - Vernal
FYE 2013
Grace Fellowship - Eagle
Western Circuit Totals
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
FYE 2014
FYE 2015
For the 16 years ending December 2014, the Debt Assistance Program (DAP) has assisted District pastors with
their education debt repayment. Through the foresight of the District Board at the founding of program, an endowment fund was established and has grown to be a positive resource for our pastors’ financial peace of mind.
The fund corpus has increased to $404,800 ending December 2014, up from $378,300 ending December 2011.
We are most grateful to all District congregations and individual donors who have contributed mightily to the
success of the fund. Also, special recognition goes to the Rocky Mountain District LWML in support of our endowment funds by raising $7,500 over the last three years and for their $10,000 pledge approved at their last convention, of which $5,000 was received in April 2015 (the $5,000 not reflected in corpus amount above).
There were 57 grant applications received the past three years (2012-2014) down from 82 the three years prior.
The recent average applicant debt was $38,600 compared to $33,400 the three years prior. Even though average
applicant’s education debt has risen to $38,600, several pastors come into the District having debts ranging as
high as $75,000 to $100,000. The rise in applicant debt may well be that more of those with higher debt took the
opportunity to apply for relief. However, underlying concern is the accelerating cost of higher education. Also,
tuition subsidies from the seminaries and other grants used to be the major source for seminarians to cover their
education costs; today the ratio has reversed causing them to bear the preponderance of their education burden.
Combined annual grants awarded to pastors over each of the past three years were $17,200. This compares favorably with the $16,800 average annual total grants posted over the prior seven years (2005–2011). However, to
achieve the recent grant funding, we drew down $17,800 ($17,823.80) from the Board Designated Fund in the
Schueneman Estate gift, which now has a balance of $16,000 ($16,013.01). Had we not disbursed from this fund,
our recent three-year average grants would have been $11,300, decidedly lower than the prior seven-year average.
To address the issue of the reduced availability funds to disburse from core earnings, we are exploring additional
opportunities to increasing returns on investments and other possible sources of funding.
Please continue to pray for our pastors and commissioned workers. Also, please consider gifting from your personal and/or church budgets either for current-year grants or for investment in the DAP Endowment Fund.
In His Name,
Ed Kilgore
Committee Co-Chair, Debt Assistance Program
The Rocky Mountain District Scholarship committee receives and evaluates scholarship applications from undergraduate and seminary students within the district who are preparing for full-time church work. Serving on the committee during the past triennium were Rev. Mark Nierman (Mount Olive, Loveland, CO), Peter Gaide (Bethlehem,
Lakewood, CO), and Warren Kettner (Christ, Denver, CO).
During the 2012-13 academic years a total of $26,466.26 was awarded nine Concordia University Students and six
Seminary Students. During the 2013-14 academic year $33,873.23 was awarded to nine Concordia University Students and nine Seminary Students. During the 2014-15 Academic year $25,891.54 to thirteen Concordia University
Students and six Seminary Students.
All applicants submit a brief essay, two letters of recommendation and a current transcript.
It has been a joy to serve on this committee and encourage those within our district who desire to serve the Lord
through full time service in the Church.
Respectfully Submitted,
Rev. Mark Nierman
Chairman, Scholarship Committee
Mt. Olive Lutheran - Loveland, CO
In the last triennium there have been numerous and significant opportunities for the Rocky Mountain District - Disaster Response Team (RMD-DRT) to show God’s mercy within the Rocky Mountain District. I took over as the Disaster Response Coordinator after the last District Convention.
In October 2014, Rev. Michael Meyer, LCMS Disaster Response, lead a training class for Lutheran Emergency Response Team (LERT) members at Hope Lutheran Church in Aurora. We will be conducting more training classes in
the future with the hopes of creating regional disaster response coordinators. Below are some of the disaster response
occurrences within our district over the last triennium, the District's Disaster Response Team activity and financial
New Mexico Wildfires
The summer of 2012, New Mexico saw some of the most significant wildfire action in that states history. One such
area affected was across Lincoln County, New Mexico and surrounding areas in the Little Bear Fire. Shepherd of the
Hills, Ruidoso was not affected nor was the pastor or any members but they became the hands and feet of mercy in
their community by distributing $10,000 in aid to families affected.
Colorado - Waldo Canon Fire
The Waldo Canyon fire was a forest fire that started approximately 4 miles northwest of Colorado Springs, Colorado
on June 23, 2012 and was declared 100 percent contained on July 10, 2012. The fire burned in the Pike National Forest and adjoining areas, covering a total of 18,247 acres (29 square miles). The fire caused the evacuation of over
32,000 residents of Colorado Springs, Manitou Springs and Woodland Park, several small mountain communities
along the southwestern side of Highway 24, and partial evacuation of the United States Air Force Academy. There
were 346 homes destroyed by the fire. U.S. Highway 24, a major east-west road, was closed in both directions for over
two weeks. The Waldo Canyon Fire resulted in insurance claims totaling more than $453.7 million dollars making it
the most destructive fire in Colorado state history, as measured by the number of homes destroyed, until the Black
Forest Fire surpassed it almost a year later when it consumed 486 homes and damaged 28 others.
The following year severe thunderstorms resulted in mudslides and high runoff causing damage to US Highway 24,
closing the highway and flooding downstream in Manitou Springs and Colorado Springs’ Westside.
None of our Churches or Pastor’s homes were affected. However, member’s homes from several congregations were
damaged or destroyed. Our Synod and District approved grants helping people affected by the fire. Our Pastors help
with grief counselling, sifting ashes and helping emergency responders and persons affected by the fire in many ways.
Colorado - Black Forest Fire
The Black Forest Fire began near Highway 83 and Shoup Road in Black Forest, Colorado around 1:00 p.m. on June
11, 2013. As of June 20, 2013, the fire was 100 percent contained, 14,280 acres (22.31 square miles) were burned, at
least 509 homes were destroyed, and two people died. This became the most destructive fire in the state's history, surpassing the 2012 Waldo Canyon Fire which also began near Colorado Springs. Most of the Waldo Canyon blaze actually was in the city limits, while Black Forest is an unincorporated area of El Paso County north of the city. The
evacuation area covered 94,000 acres (147 square miles) acres, 13,000 homes and 38,000 people.
As of June 13, the Denver Post reported, 457 firefighters were working the fire line, including agencies from around
the fire, the Colorado Air National Guard, and select personnel from fire suppression teams on Fort Carson and the
nearby United States Air Force Academy. Army helicopters and Air Force tankers were instrumental in providing assistance in fighting the fires.
None of our Churches or Pastor’s homes were affected. LCMS and RMD Disaster Response approved emergency
grants totaling $175,750 helping people affected by the fire. Local congregations such as Family of Christ, Rock of
Ages, Holy Cross and Immanuel along with our pastors, helped in various and significant ways in distributing this aid
along with providing grief counseling, sifting ashes and helping emergency responders and persons affected by the
Our Pastors reached out to the NALC Black Forest Church and helped their members during the recovery period.
Colorado - Front Range Flooding
This was a natural disaster occurring in Colorado, starting on September 9, 2013, a slow-moving cold front stalled
over Colorado, clashing with warm humid monsoonal air from the south. This resulted in heavy rain and catastrophic
flooding along Colorado's Front Range from Colorado Springs north to Fort Collins. The situation intensified on September 11 and 12. Boulder County was worst hit, with 9.08 inches recorded September 12 and up to 17 inches of rain
recorded by September 15. This is comparable to Boulder County's average annual precipitation of 20.7 inches.
The flood waters spread across the Front Range of almost 200 miles from north to south, affecting 17 counties. Governor John Hickenlooper declared a disaster emergency on September 12, 2013, in 14 counties: Adams, Arapahoe,
Broomfield, Boulder, Denver, El Paso, Fremont, Jefferson, Larimer, Logan, Morgan, Pueblo, Washington and Weld.
By September 15, federal emergency declarations covered those 14 counties as well as Clear Creek County.
Nearly 19,000 homes have been damaged, and over 1,500 have been destroyed. The Colorado Department of Transportation estimates that at least 30 state highway bridges were destroyed and an additional 20 are seriously damaged.
Repairs for damaged bridges and roads expected to cost many millions of dollars.
Estimates are that the flooding caused at least 25,000 families to evacuate. Nearly 19,000 homes have been damaged,
and over 1,500 have been destroyed. The Colorado Department of Transportation estimates that at least 30 state highway bridges have been destroyed and an additional 20 are seriously damaged, with repairs for damaged bridges and
roads expected to cost many millions of dollars.
LCMS and RMD Disaster Response approved emergency grants in excess of $850,000.00 helping many families
bridge the gap between insurance coverage and costs to repair their homes. Numerous district congregations mobilized volunteers and resources provided by LCMS and RMD Disaster Response to help in relief efforts such as Mt.
Zion, Boulder, Mt. Hope, Boulder, Mt. Calvary, Estes Park, Eternal Savior, Lafayette, Trinity, Sterling, Trinity,
Greeley, Redeemer, Ft, Collins and Messiah, Longmont. In addition, our Pastors helped by distributing gift cards for
groceries and fuel to affected families at the Lyon’s FEMA Center. Eternal Savior in Lafayette set up a hosting area in
their Church’s basement capable of sleeping and serving meals for up to 30 volunteers on a weekly basis during the
summer months. We have worked extensively with several sub-committees of the Boulder County Long Term Flood
Recovery Group. We provided tools and supplies to the Town of Lyons for volunteers to use. Volunteers from our
congregations have helped in other Counties and communities as well. The recovery period from the flooding in
Boulder County alone is expected to exceed three more years.
There were two noted congregations that did sustain water damage from the flooding and rain episodes, Mt. Hope,
Golden and University Lutheran Chapel.
High School Shooting
On December 13, 2013, a shooting occurred at Arapahoe High School in Littleton, Colorado. The unfortunate events
saw the killing of two students, including the shooter. A site was established where school parents could reunite with
their child once the police conducted their searches, that site was Shepherd of the Hills Lutheran. God's people at
Shepherd of the Hills went into action creating safe zones for students to gather, providing comfort and support while
they waited for their parents to arrive. The District Disaster Response Team provided blankets and food for student
and parents as they were reunited with one another.
Southern Tier (El Paso, Texas) Flooding
In the weeks leading up to April 19, 2014 severe rain from thunderstorms caused moderate to severe flooding along
low lying area from Texas to Arizona. The most severe of these was in the City of El Paso, Texas. The worst hit area
was in the older, central portion of the City.
This time, one of our congregation’s Church, Zion Lutheran and a church worker’s home were severely damaged.
LCMS and RMD Disaster Response awarded $25,000 in emergency grants for repairs.
The Future of Disaster Response
Disasters will inevitably continue to occur in the future. With the brothers and sisters of the Rocky Mountain District,
the disaster response team of the district stands ready to assist those in their time of need, whether it be our sister congregations, church workers, church members or those within communities who are affected. Continued financial support of the disaster response fund makes it possible to be the hands and feet of mercy in times of need. The disaster
response team asks each congregation to make contributions to the district's disaster response fund so that financial
preparedness is accomplished and deployment of resources can immediately be made when the next disaster occurs.
By the Grace of God, can our resources provide the comfort and aid needed. Your past and future support is a blessing to those affected by disaster and the district disaster response team is grateful for that support.
Submitted by:
Mr. Chuck Pierce
Disaster Response Coordinator
Rocky Mountain District
In 2012, at our last District Convention, we resolved to commit ourselves “to make the fullest use of the Year 2017 to
celebrate God’s abiding gift of the Reformation…”, and that our District would “be at the forefront of these Celebrations, centered in every worthwhile opportunity possible to proclaim the Gospel of Jesus through its congregations and
circuits, locally, and through its three main population centers (i.e. Denver, Salt Lake City and Albuquerque), regionally…” Organizationally, we also resolved to have a “2017 District Outreach Coordinator” appointed by the District
President and a “2017 Circuit Outreach Coordinator” chosen at each of our seventeen circuit pastoral conferences.
Yours truly was then appointed by President Anderson. Thereafter, I was in communication with our circuits several
times, in order to encourage selection of Circuit Coordinators. When all was said and done, however, we only ended
up with seven such representatives. So, I have since needed to do my communicating, not only through the Coordinators, but also through our Circuit Visitors, all of whom are appreciated.
We also committed that “such Celebrations will involve Biblically-based and Anniversary Theme-related Concerts,
Plays, Movies, Festivals, Parades, Television and Radio Programming, Newspaper Articles, Seminars and Classes,
Special Worship Services, Youth Events, Brochures and Tracts, Various Internet Activities, and the like, all of exceptional quality, befitting their Foundation and Purpose…” To that end, I formulated a Survey for each of our congregations, in order to assist them in being mindful of the local resources which are available to them for fulfilling this commitment, as well as to help stimulate discussion and planning at the congregational and circuit levels. These Surveys
were sent three times to our circuit representatives. I have yet to receive confirmation from several, that they were
forwarded on to the churches. I presume I will just have to trust that such has been carried out, and that they are being
filled out, and that the grassroots discussing and planning for 2017 has begun.
At our own local level, over the past several years and even to the present, my congregations and I have been organizing and fulfilling Outreach activities such as concerts; plays; movie showings; festivals; parade floats; radio and newspaper talks, ads and articles; seminars; special worship services and the like, for both present-time ministry and for
experience on behalf of the 2017 Celebrations. And, a trustworthy Professor of History at the local Junior College has
promised to seriously consider leading at least a Day-Seminar about Martin Luther and the Reformation during that
We have also been involved with coordinating and cooperating at the circuit level, last year and this, for the sake of
ministry-for-the-moment, as well as for 2017 preparations. Such involvement included a week of circuit-wide Dr. Paul
Maier seminars and “Jesus Film” movie showings in 2014 (with several hundred attending and many more reached by
the publicity), while this year it includes a combined “Mariachi Pentecost” Worship Service and meal in centrallylocated Pueblo, with the assistance of our District’s own Mariachi San Pablo, as well as a long-weekend of circuitwide Genesis-Creation seminars, led by Colorado representatives of the Alpha-Omega Institute and Answers in Genesis.
Concerning regional matters, I have been in communication for several years with representatives of our Synod’s
twelve Concordia Colleges-Universities-Seminaries, in order to request and encourage as many of their choirs and
professors as possible to help us with our 2017 Reformation Celebrations. So far, I have received firm commitments
from the Choirs of Concordia Seminary – St. Louis, Concordia University – Portland and Concordia University – Chicago to tour in our District during that year. And, presently, 4 professors have committed to each leading 2-week
Seminar Tours among us. Besides these choirs and professors, we have some others that are still prayerfully considering participation in such activities, including the Jubilate Choir of our own Lutheran High School in Parker, CO. The
goal is to have as many such Choir and Seminar Tours as possible in 2017, coordinated between various host congregations and circuits in each of our three States, in order to provide the greatest amount of variety and accessibility. So,
I will continue my Concordia-communicating with vigilance. Oh, and as supplement to all of this, Dr. Paul Maier has
spoken to me of his plan to produce a DVD study-series on “Luther and the Reformation”, which would be filmed in
the Luther-lands of Europe.
I have also been moved to write a musical stage play, entitled “Seed of The Woman”. It is about Jesus as the Fulfiller
of Genesis 3:15, and also about ten of His female ancestors. These ancestors would need to be portrayed by a group of
ten professional singers. To that end, I contacted Celtic Woman, as well as a group in London with whom I have been
in communication for several years, but they are both unavailable for 2017. I then had opportunity to be in touch with
Eric Cunningham of Women of Ireland and he has shown interest in this Project. I spoke with him of the hope of having several performances in each of our three States, and he guesstimated a cost of around $200,000 for production.
So, we have a few options before us, including the possibility of submitting an Overture from the floor of our June
Convention to support this Project as a District, as well as to seek funds also from the outside (e.g. from other Districts
and from Synod). Or, if we could find a few well-resourced benefactors, such could be an alternate source of funding.
Either way, or any other, such a Project has the potential of being a major motivation-and-rally-point for all of our
other Celebration and Outreach activities in 2017.
If you have any ideas which would be helpful for this Project, or about how to expand upon our regional Concert and
Seminar Tours, or know of a good Martin Luther-related Stage Play that could be produced locally around the District,
or of a similarly-themed quality Vacation Bible School curriculum, or would be able to organize a District Reformation Youth Rally, or you want to help in any other way, please do feel free to contact me. Any such assistance; at the
local, regional and District levels; would be greatly appreciated.
We have an incredible and unique opportunity before us in 2017, and less than two years remaining to prepare for it!
By the grace of our Living and Reforming Lord Jesus may we, as walking-together members of the same Missouri
Synod and Rocky Mountain District, make the very most of His gift of the Reformation and its soon-coming 500th
Your Brother in Him,
Rev. Rick Miller
2017 Rocky Mountain District Outreach Coordinator
Trinity Lutheran Church - La Junta, CO
What is happening in the Rocky Mountain District and its ministries? That is the primary question we seek to answer
through our regular modes of communication. Peaks and Valleys is the district’s monthly 4-page, print newsletter that
is inserted into The Lutheran Witness and sent to approximately 2,000 subscribers and churches each month. Those
who do not subscribe to The Lutheran Witness can view a full-color version of Peaks and Valleys by visiting the district’s website at and looking under the “News and Events” tab.
The district is no longer publishing the online newsletter, The Messenger. All articles and information that would typically have been included in The Messenger are now posted on the district website at and can be
found under the “News and Events” tab. A monthly link is sent to approximately 1000 subscribers. If you would like
to receive this monthly link, please contact News and photos for Peaks and Valleys
and for posting on the website should be sent to
Who can submit news and photos? Anyone who is a member of the Rocky Mountain District! Lay leadership in congregations, school administrators, district committees, pastors, DCEs, teachers, Sunday schools, LWML groups, seniors ministries, mission committees and various service groups are some who have provided news and information.
Many of the new “Gospel Gap” circuit ministries, begun by resolution at the last district convention, have reported on
their new ministries, also. Your articles about mission trips, service projects, school accomplishments and upcoming
events serve as an encouragement and inspiration for others in the Rocky Mountain District.
The communications committee thanks all who have sent news, information and photos. If you know of an interesting
story but don’t believe you can write the article, please contact us. We’ll write it for you!
In His service,
Mrs. Jan Hoener
At the 2012 District Convention, the delegation voted to adopted resolution
GATIONS (RMD) RAISE SPECIAL APPEAL FUNDS TO SUPPORT NATIONAL AND INTERNATIONAL MISSIONS. The missions aimed to be funded through this resolution were, Lutheran Hispanic Missionary Institute, Biblical Orthodox Lutheran Mission, South Africa Seminary
and the new missions of the District.
A common thread throughout these missions were workers and missionaries
these missions aimed to raise for future work in the God’s Kingdom. From
this, the theme of Raising Up Workers was adopted by the Mission Funding
Committee. This theme came from Luke 10:2, “the harvest is plentiful, but the
laborers are few. Therefore pray earnestly to the Lord of the harvest to send
out laborers into his harvest.”
Publicizing this project began in early 2013 with the creation of brochures, bulletin inserts, prayer petitions and other
items. The committee organized to lead this effort set a fundraising goal of $400,000, with the aim that each of the
four missions were to receive an equal portion.
Unfortunately, the fundraising efforts did not meet the goal of $400,000. As of the date of this reports submissions,
below is a breakdown by year of the fundraising outcomes since the projects inception.
Total Raised
The total raised above came from 7 different congregations and 24 individual donors. We thank God for the generosity of these congregations and individuals and their support of these missions.
Respectfully Submitted,
Mission Funding Project Committee
Rev. Richard Schlak
Rev. Bryan Wolfmueller
Rev. Pete Scheele
Dr. Harry Krueckeberg
Mr. Doug Ullmann