A Week of Hope November 29, 2015 - St Dominic`s Catholic Church


A Week of Hope November 29, 2015 - St Dominic`s Catholic Church
A Week of Hope
November 29, 2015
Intentions for the Week
Mon 11/30 7:00AM
Tues 12/01 7:00AM
Wed 12/02 7:00AM
Thur 12/03 7:00AM
Fri 12/04 7:00AM
Sat 12/05 8:15AM
†Adela Capapas
†Praxedes Ortego Calipay
Lynn Zorrilla (H)
†Derwood Glen Stafford
†Luzviminda Arca Otico
†Richard Montgomery
The Vieira Family (T)
†Praxedes Ortego Calipay
†Delfin Brigino
†Jung Wha John Kang
†Hector Calixto
Intentions for next Sunday
Dominicans & Deacons
Fr. Jerome Cudden, O.P. Pastor
Fr. Corwin Low, O.P. Parochial Vicar
Fr. Victor Cavalli, O.P. (In Residence)
Fr. David Farrugia, O.P. (In Residence)
Br. Gregory Liu, O.P. (Residency Student)
Deacon Errol Kissinger
Deacon John Flanagan (Retired)
Schedule of Masses
December 6th, 2015
Sat 11/18 5:30PM
Sun 11/29 7:30AM
†Christine Block
Rose Ursua (T)
†Burt & Gwen Stricley
†Earl & Mary Rexroat
St. Jude (T)
For the People of Our Parish
Legend: († ) Memorial (H) Health
(A) Anniversary (B) Birthday (T) Thanksgiving
7:00AM, 8:15AM
8:15AM only
Vigil Mass 5:30PM
7:30AM, 9:00AM, 10:45AM,
12:30PM (English/Spanish),
5:30PM (Youth)
1st Sunday of Month:
3PM (Vietnamese Mass)
Last Saturday of the Month:
8:15AM (Special Needs Family Mass) with
fellowship in the parish hall to follow.
4:00-5:00PM in the church or
by appointment.
St. Dominic’s Catholic Church
475 East I Street - Benicia, CA 94510 (707) 747-7220
Pastor’s Corner
Dear Brothers and Sisters in Christ,
Another book I read while on my retreat was The Life of
Blessed Margaret of Castello by Fr. William Bonniwell
and Patrick Marrin. Blessed
Margaret was born of nobility who
eagerly wanted a son. When
Margaret, a daughter, was born
they were greatly
disappointed. The family’s
disappointment turned to horror
when they discovered that
Margaret was greatly
disfigured. As a result, the family
hid Margaret for years on the
family grounds. When she was
discovered, the family locked her in
a prison they built for her in the family castle. Although
nominally Catholic, the family turned to God for a
miraculous cure. When a cure was not granted,
Margaret’s family abandoned her in a city hundreds of
miles from home. Trusting in God, Margaret accepted
her life’s crosses and eventually brought many people
back into relationship with God by being an instrument of
God’s wisdom, love and miracles. If you are looking for a
spiritual read that will make you laugh and cry this is the
book for you!
The diocese has named St. Dominic’s a pilgrimage
Church for the Year of Mercy and our main doors inside
the Church will be designated as a holy door. A holy
door or porta sancta has been used since the fifteenth
century as a ritual expression of
conversion. Pilgrims and
penitents pass through it as a
gesture of leaving the past
behind and crossing the
threshold from sin to grace, from
slavery to freedom, and from
Are you interested
in joining
to light. Often
these the Catholic Church? The
Rite ofare
with for Adults, RCIA, is a program
prayer, pilgrimage, sacrifice, in exploring and possibly
joining the and
Adults wishing to enter the Catholic Church typically
the 5:30PM
of Baptism (unless baptized in
13th weand
another Christian faith), Confirmation,
Eucharist at Easter. Our new program has started.
this time.
Feel freetotojoin
at any
are welcome! RCIA
meets every Tuesday evening at 7PM in the Siena
and God
It is not necessary
to Bless,
sign up. Please contact
Fr. Jerome
Don’t forget next week’s liturgical color is violet
or purple.
SDS Christmas Tree Sale/Delivery
Dec. 2nd, Last Day to Place Orders
Dec. 5th, Local Tree Delivery All Day
Dec. 6th, Pick Up Trees & Wreaths
Church Parking Lot
SDS Presents Breakfast With Santa
Dec. 6th 8AM-1PM
In the Parish Hall
Br. Gregory Liu, O.P. Talk:
The History of the Dominican Order
Dec 7th, 7PM
In the Parish Hall
Solemnity of the Immaculate Conception
Holy Day of Obligation Mass Schedule
Dec. 8th, 7AM, 8:15AM, 9:15AM (School), & 7PM
Parish Reconciliation Service
Dec. 9th, 9AM or 7PM
In the Church
SDS 2nd Grade Christmas Play
Dec. 10th 7PM
In the Church
Guadalupana Feast Day Celebrations
Dec. 12th
6AM Mañanitas
2:30PM Procession followed by Celebration
In the Parish Hall
SDS Christmas Program (K-5)
Dec. 16th, 7PM
In the Church
See articles in this bulletin for more details
Teen Confirmation
YR II Confirmation
The YR II service project will take place on Saturday,
December 5th. Please refer to your calendar for
specific assignment times. Parents will receive a
reminder email in early December.
YR I Confirmation
There will be a small group gathering this Thursday,
December 3rd from 7:00-8:00 pm at the small group
locations. Thank you to the teens who assisted with set
up and serving at the Catholic Social Services
Luncheon on November 10th & 11th. Your generosity is
greatly appreciated.
Thank you to the teens and parents who delivered
Thanksgiving food boxes to those in need. Our
community is blessed by your kindness.
Questions? Please contact Lisa at 335-4697 or by
email at: ltoomey@stdombenicia.org
St. Dominic School Auction
Global Holiday Faire
Our Dancing with the Stars Auction was a huge success.
Thank you to all of our SDS families, parishioners, and
priests for generously supporting such an exciting event
and for raising much needed funds for our students.
18th Annual Global Holiday Faire
December 5th, 9AM-3PM
First Christian Church, Vallejo
We appreciate your continued dedication to Catholic
education. What a fun event to kick off our fundraising
efforts this school year!
Looking for gifts this season that
make you feel as good about them
as your recipients do? Come to the Global Holiday Faire,
on Saturday December 5th from 9AM-3PM. As part of
an ecumenical group of Catholic and Protestant
parishes, the Faire is created to encourage the practice
of alternative gift giving by making available donation
cards and merchandise made by third world artisans and
by non-profit social justice organizations. This year easyto-mail cards will show you bought a farm animal for a
hungry family, planted trees in the a U.S. National Park,
or floated a micro loan for an enterprising woman in poor
circumstances. If you need something to wrap up, there
are gift baskets, clothes, jewelry, books….
Any profits from the Faire will support the DePaul
Women’s Center run by our own Dominican Sisters
Claire and Lorraine and the food bank at Hope Center in
~Katie Perata, Principal kperata@sdbenicia.org
SDS Scrip Gift Card Sales
St. Dominic School sells SCRIP gift cards from over
50 retailers that each give
a percentage of sales back
to our parish school. Gift
cards are sold in the
school office now.
Scrip cards will be
available for last minute
gift options in the Parish Office on Dec. 22nd & 23rd
while supplies last. But don’t wait, shop early with scrip
and help with SDS fundraising efforts all year.
Shop Amazon.com?
AmazonSmile is a simple and
automatic way for you to support our
parish school every time you shop, at
no cost to you. When you shop at
smile.amazon.com, you’ll find the
exact same shopping experience with
the added bonus that Amazon will
donate a portion of the purchase price
to us.
You can help the Faire ahead of time by donating gift
baskets, baked goods, or lunch items. You could
volunteer your time as a table worker or as part of the
set-up or clean up crew. You can publicize the event to
your friends, groups, and contacts. Most especially,
COME sing along with the choirs, eat a fabulous
homemade lunch, bring home baked goods, get your
shopping done early, learn how these wonderful
organizations are working to create a better world.
Please call Angela Taylor at 745-0351
with questions or offers of help
Or visit
St. Vincent de Paul Holiday Giving
For those families that missed out on the dinner boxes a donation to St. Vincent de Paul will help
us offer assistance all season long. The Christmas Dinner Boxes will be available after each mass
the weekend of December 6th. Thank you in advance and God bless.
Please consider taking an ornament from our Giving Tree and supporting
families and organizations in our community. The wrapped gifts need to be
returned by Sunday, December 13th. Thank you and God bless. We will deliver the gifts and our
Christmas Dinner boxes on Saturday, December 19th beginning at 9am in the Parish Hall.
If you are personally in need of food or assistance with rent, temporary living arrangements, and/or
utilities please call the SVdP Food Pantry at 707-746-1773 and leave a message. God Bless You.
SDS 25th Annual
Christmas Tree &
Wreath Sale
Once again we are happy to announce the St. Dominic School Christmas Tree sale with fresh trees from Oregon.
Order early since most of the trees will be pre-sold. Deliveries are free within Benicia, Vallejo, Cordelia and occur on
Saturday, December 5th, 2015 (10AM-3PM). Pick-ups for all remaining orders of trees and wreaths are on Sunday
8AM-12PM in the St. Dominic Church Parking lot.
Orders due by Wednesday Dec. 2nd, 2015 to the School Office,
Checks payable to St. Dominic School
Tree Delivery: Included in price for Benicia, Vallejo & Cordelia. All others, including
wreath orders, must be picked up on Dec. 6th from St. Dominic’s.
SDS: Breakfast with Santa
RE Student Greeters
at Advent
On the Sundays of Advent this
year, students from various
religious education classes (Kinder7th grades) will greet you at various
Masses to offer you an Advent
prayer card they created in class –
just for you!
Come join St. Dominic School for Breakfast with
Santa at St. Dominic’s! Enjoy a hot breakfast, let
children make crafts and help the little ones catch a
Santa sighting.
Sunday, December 6th
8:00 AM to 1:00 PM
in the Parish Hall
Tickets are $5.00 per person and checks can be made
out to St. Dominic School. Tickets available in School
There will be a raffle with some great holiday gifts!
Tickets will be sold outside of Masses next weekend on
November 22nd.
Advent Penance All Around
Let every heart
In addition to our regular
Saturday Confessions or
personal appointments with
a priest, St. Dominic’s will
hold a Parish
Reconciliation Service on
December 9th, 9AM and 7PM in the Church.
If this date and time do not work for you, or the
members of your family, there are several other
churches offering the sacrament during Advent. Check
the schedule below and find one that works for you.
Dec. 2: St. Joseph’s, Rio Vista, 7PM
Dec. 9: St. Dominic’s, 9 AM, 7PM
Dec. 10: St. Basil’s, Vallejo 7:30PM
Dec. 11: St. Catherine’s, Vallejo 7PM
Dec. 14: Holy Spirit, Fairfield 7PM
Dec. 14: St. Vincent Ferrer’s, Vallejo 7PM
Dec. 15: St. Mary’s, Sacramento 7PM
Dec. 15: Our Lady of Mt. Carmel, Fairfield 7PM
Dec. 21: St. Joseph’s, Vacaville, 7PM
The simplicity of this activity promises to teach our
children that giving is better than receiving and that
their act of generosity introduces them to the liturgical
ministry of hospitality. God bless, Deacon Errol.
St. Dominic’s
Religious Education
Upcoming Class
Upcoming Classes:
December 1 Advent Prayer Service
December 2 Advent Prayer Service
December 8 Regular Curriculum
December 9 Regular Curriculum
It is not too late to register your children if you have
not done so already.
Please contact Joy Urbina by email at
jurbina@stdombenicia.org or call 707-747-7240.
Sacrament Prep
Reconciliation: Sat.
4-5PM or by
Adult Baptism,
Confirmation, Anointing of the Sick, Communion
Calls: Please call the Parish Office.
Marriage: Please call 12 months in advance; family
must be registered parishioners.
Children’s Sacraments: We encourage parents to
inquire about Baptism and attend two classes (offered
monthly) before the birth of a child.
For Baptism & First Eucharist scheduling contact Debi
Thurin at 707-335-4688 or
Recent Baptisms
Perpetual Eucharistic
Welcome to our newest St. Dominic’s Church members,
and their families, baptized into the Catholic faith this
month! What a blessing these children are to all of us!
Andrea Austria
Sofia Bugarini
Beya Bracelin
Caitlyn Caine,
Madison Caine
Everett Carlon
Carina Coppa
Catherine Gelula
Charlotte Gelula
Parker Haeni
Dominic Martellaro
Danica Pagtakhan
Scarlett Nitto-Moore
Lorenzo Rebaudengo
Itzel Trujillo
Citlalli Trujillo
Joaquin Wilson
For information on Children’s Sacraments email Debi
Thurin at dthurin@stdombenicia.org or
call 707-335-4688.
Moms’ Ministry
This is a ministry in formation, lead by moms just like
you. It’s not too late to get involved or share how this
ministry can help you grow in faith and friendship with
other women in our parish.
If you would still like to join us email Erin Jacobs at
ejacobs@stdombenicia.org and catch up with a study
guide at home, or one that can be done in small groups.
Books are still available for pick up in the Parish Office
for $5.
Discussions continue with 2 final events:
Final Walking With Purpose Discussion Dates:
 December 1 , 7PM (Part 3)
 December 4 , 9-10:30AM (Part 3)
To All Adorers, Co-Adorers, and Substitute Adorers:
Please mark your calendars for our annual retreat on
Saturday, December 12th from 9:00 AM – 12 PM at the
Mary Magdalene Room. Fr. David will be our guest
speaker. Snacks and refreshments will be provided.
Not an adorer yet but interested in Eucharistic adoration?
Come join us too.
Current adoration needs:
Monday 2 P.M. (Substitute or Co-Adorer)
Call Maggie Ruszel @ 707-747-0734
Monday 3 P.M. (Substitute or Co-Adorer)
Call Rori Basilio @ 707-748-1481
Thursday 7 P.M. (Substitute or Co-Adorer)
Call Colleen Haight @ 707-644-1337
Thursday 10 A.M.
Call Laura Batts @ 707-649-0603
1st week Saturday 8 A.M.
Call Sam Leonard @ 707-558-8563
A warm welcome to our new, substitute, and returning
adorers who have answered the call to spend a Holy
Hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament.
Linda Allen
Joe Galante
Kim Lewis
Katrina Cooper
Clint Holzwarth
John O’Connell
Rolando Cortez
Robyn Hu
Joseph Oquendo
Florence Cortez
Estela Kanade
Linda Daquioag
Norma Lavilla
Teresa Stone
Wilma Fronda
Elizabeth Lewis
Guadalupana Feast Day Celebrations
Come celebrate with La Asociación Guadalupana De Benicia
on December 12th in honor of our Lady of Guadalupe
AM: Our celebration starts early in the morning on Dec. 12th at 6:00AM in the church for the
mañanitas to our Senora De Guadalupe. We follow the singing with a gathering at the church hall
for Mexican hot chocolate and Mexican sweet bread. Everyone is welcome to attend.
PM: In the afternoon we gather at the hall for the procession around 2:30PM accompanied with the
Mariachi Band with a Mass in the Church. Afterwards we serve a meal in the Parish Hall, tickets are
$ 5.00/per person and we have a limited amount of tickets.
Tickets can be purchased through Patricia Chavez 642-4513 or Maria Arroyo 745-0982 the
Mariachi Band will continue to play in the Hall during our reception. We hope you can join us for the
this special day!
Please pray for the recovery of the sick
listed in our Book of Intentions and the
(707) 747-7220
Fr. Jerome Cudden, O.P
Parochial Vicar
Fr. Corwin Low, O.P.
Business Manager
Teresa Stone,
Erin Jacobs,
Lori Telepak-Compton,
Alisa Aquino,
Closed Mondays
9AM-12PM, 1PM-4PM
Glenys Hewitt
Nellie Morgado
Ramond Davena
Richard Miller
Dawn Altobell
Dorothy Szabo
Daniel Cooper
Charlie Gallagher
Amy Smith
Ann Hansen
Cyndi and Dan Wolke
Jennifer Figueira
Carolyn McKay
Susan Furey
Henderson Family
Leroy Howell
Bernice Clark
Marie Tscheekar
Aurora Bareng
Brian Smith
Fr. Kenneth Brown
Cristina O’Brien
Lisa Montgomery
Mark Silva
Branson David King
Jack Curran
Michelle Christle
Matthew Bidou
Charlie DeGrange
Monica Jaime
Tom Mitchell
Gladys Haddad
Al Rohleder
Jeff Mues
Mili McDermott
Scott Dziuban,
Mary Carbullido-Anderson
Charlie White
Pete Raine
Scott Reeder
James Werder
Lana Lagunera
(707) 747-7240
Director of RE
Deacon Errol Kissinger
Admin. Assistant
Joy Urbina
Teen Confirmation
& Special Liturgies
Lisa Toomey
Children’s Sacraments Debi Thurin
(707) 747-7220
Youth Minister
Joe Lucero
All Ministry Contact list is available in the
Parish Office.
(707) 745-1266
Katie Perata, kperata@sdbenicia.org
ST. DOMINIC PRESCHOOL (707) 745-4430
Janet Casarino & Tanya Sanchez
Please remember the following
recently deceased parishioners (and
their families) in your prayers:
Fr. Paul Scanlon, P.P.,
Fr. Felix Cassidy, O.P.,
Patricia Vogelpohl, Ray Chelone,
Peter Stewart, Pura Sison,
Teodorico Trias, Judy Unger,
Eunice Tavares, Francis Tortosa,
Bob Lerner, Concepcion Gutierrez ,
Beverly Ramblas, Eileen Brennan,
Frances Fiore Wieber, Rolito Iglesias, Patti Lewis,
Christine Block, Gino Martinucci, James Wallace,
Neil D’Ambrosi, Javier Quiroz, John Galvan,
Millicent Duvall, Maria Elena Perez, Emilia Sanchez
Aquillera, Rickey Henderson,
Michael Kennedy, Max Henry Schwarz, Tia Lorica,
Karen DeNatale, Cathy Lerner, John “Jack” Hayes,
Aurora Atinaja, Ricardo Santos, David Allen,
Antonio Quejado, Jr., and Dr. Rodger Petrie.
*sick and remembrances will be listed for a period of 3
months respectfully
Please patronize the following businesses owned by members of our parish community.
Their contributions each week underwrite our Parish Bulletin. Thank you!
All About Beauty Spa - Leonora
Organic Skin Care & Eyelash Extensions
(707) 747-1471 Call or Text
Kindred Spirits Pet/HouseSitting
Dorothy Doscher
Rick Brown Construction
All Phases Home Remodel
707-746-8596 707-246-9975
A & S Chem Dry 707-748-7726
Anthony & Shelly Trevino
Serving St. Dominic’s Parish for 18 years!
Kristine Passalacqua
Studio of Interior Design
StudioOfInteriorDesign.com 707-746-7123
Sac’s Tasty Hot Dogs
George & Karolyn Maichel
2445 Springs Rd, VJO 707-642-2442
ATS Tax & Financial Solutions Tax
Angels to your rescue! Returns/ QB
Law Offices of Randal M. Barnum
Employment, Personal Injury Litigation
Shutters and More
Bill Simpson, Parishioner
Affordable Quality Cabinets
Allan Lemone, Sales and Installation
Law Offices of Thomas R. Healy
Wills/Trusts/Estate Planning/
General Practice 707-553-7360
George Schandelmier Landscaping
Luxury Lease Returns, Tony & Rita Nino
Law Offices Robert A. Schroth
Wills, Trusts, Estate Planning
Smitten Flowers
Fresh flowers, free local delivery!
www.smittenflowers.com 707-722-7516
Buddahful Salon
Amy Pappas, Owner/Stylist
814 First St., 707-745-4409
Mr. Lawn Garden Service
Landscaping, Maintenance and Installation
Spiritual Direction, Katrina Cooper
707-748-7581 Parishioner
Trained at Bread of Life in Sacramento
Care Network, LLC
Home Care Services/Placement Referral
707-747-2720 / Carmen Haban
Napoli Pizza and Pasta
Chris & Lisa Guerrera- Owners
707-746-8906 www.napolibenicia.com
T&T Electric – Tim Wade
Residential & Commercial
Crane Station, Inc.
Rex Sevilla–Crane and Electrical Services
Old Capital Lockshop
Automotive Lock Specialist
707-746-Keys (5397)
Tuolumne Street Auto Repair
John McLaughlin, Parishioner
Eagle Vines Realty-American Canyon
Ron Banasik Broker/Owner (707) 373-3139
Lisa Guerrera Agent (707) 333-9656
Olson Realty, Inc.
Kathleen McInerney Olson/Broker
Up2Code Plumbing
Owner Mike Pitta - 24 hour service
Fregosi & Co. Paints– Mike Fregosi
Concord, CA
Passalacqua Funeral Chapel
Vincent R. Maher, Attorney at Law
724 Texas Street, Fairfield, CA 94533
Tel: 707-427-2800 / Fax: 707-427-2220
Furniture Service & Repair
Charlie H. White, Design/Shopworking
Piel Med. Aesthetics, INC.
Rita Wergowske, RNC, CWS, FACCWS
Medical Aesthetician 707-745-3040
Warring & Assoc. Realtors
Bill/Diane Brokers/Owners
829 First St. 707-746-6990
Gavin/Schreiner Insurance , Tom Gavin
Chartered Financial Consultant
Reyes Electric Co. & Design LIC#32877
Residential/ Commercial
Richard Joyce, O.D. Optometrist
Exams, Glasses, Contacts
874 Southampton Rd. 707-745-6266
Hamann Real Estate 513 First Street
Tim and Jeannie Hamann/Broker-Owners
Internet Marketing Management Svc LLC
Dennis Garvey– Owner
John Passalacqua/Greg Silva, Directors
For advertising opportunities here e-mail tstone@stdombenicia.org
If you are a ministry leader or organization that would like to promote a church
event or catholic charity in the bulletin please submit your request online at…
James M. McVeigh
Certified Public Accountant
Deadlines for submission are the Friday, one full week, before the Sunday you
would like a promotion to run. All submissions are pending Pastor Approval.
For questions email Ejacobs@stdombenicia.org
475 East I Street - Benicia, CA 94510 - Tel. (707) 747-7220 - Fax. (707) 745-5642 www.stdombenicia.org