St Joseph`s Catholic Primary School Bardon Parent Handbook 2016


St Joseph`s Catholic Primary School Bardon Parent Handbook 2016
St Joseph’s
Catholic Primary School
Parent Handbook 2016
On behalf of our school community, I would like to welcome you and thank you for
considering our school for your child’s education. We are looking forward to sharing with
you the journey your child will commence here at St Joseph’s Bardon. We hope that you
and your child will experience the warm welcome of our staff and parents and the
hospitality of our school community.
As the school has grown and changed, it has continued to build on the traditions
established by the Franciscan Missionary Sisters, who first began the school in 1938, and Saints Francis and Clare.
Their spirit of Care, Humility and Respect can be found within the school community and is further strengthened by
the positive interactions within our school community. Mutual respect is the cornerstone of interactions within the
school community.
St Joseph’s is a leading school in the community offering quality Catholic Education. The professional staff are
committed to achieving the goals set out in our School Renewal Plan, and model the values embedded in the Mission
of our school. They take their role as Christian educators seriously and they act with integrity and dedication.
Furthermore, they give freely of their time and talents in order to create an environment in which the growth of a
strong Christian faith and life-style will prosper in the children entrusted to their care. Hence, there is a real sense
of family and a presence of Christian values at St Joseph’s. Another factor which contributes to our status as a
leading school is the fine reputation we have gained in the community. So often we hear good comments passed
on by our civic and business leaders, members of the parish community and the wider community. Those comments
often relate to the behaviour, presentation and the open and friendly attitudes shown by the students of St Joseph’s.
Everyone at St Joseph’s can be proud of the great reputation that they have built up in the community over the
We believe strongly in the partnership that exists between home and the school and strive to establish open
communication. Parents are encouraged to become involved in our school in a variety of ways – P & F activities,
classroom assistance, tuckshop, library and committees formed to undertake particular projects. Positive,
supportive partnerships with parents is valued and fundamental in authentically living our Vision and Mission.
Welcome to the St Joseph’s community! I look forward to partnering with you in your child’s educational journey.
Fran Burke
As a Christ centred learning community,
inspired by the Franciscan values of Humility, Care and Respect,
St Joseph’s strives for equity and excellence in education.
At St Joseph’s we will bring our vision alive by working together as a welcoming learning
community reflective of Franciscan values and traditions.
We celebrate and value the gifts and talents of all students, parents and staff.
We strive to provide a rich learning environment for all students. We believe that God has
given us the responsibility of stewardship through respect and care of Creation.
We dare to live with love, joy and humility.
The Franciscan Sisters began the school in 1938 and since then St Joseph’s School has been
steeped in the Franciscan tradition and ethos. The Tau Cross is the way St Francis signed his
name, as did many poor uneducated people in his time (St Francis was educated, but signed
this way in solidarity with the poor). The Tau cross is an international Franciscan symbol and
worn by the Franciscan sisters.
The human figure represents all those members of our
school community:- our students, our parents, our
staff, other community members and the face of Jesus
The leaves represent our local area of Bardon (known
as the ‘leafy’ suburb of Brisbane), creation,
sustainability and stewardship.
The values of Humility, Care and Respect are the values
inspired by the Franciscans and highlighted in the
Vision Statement.
With respect, humility and care
With respect, humility and care
Wearing brown, gold and white
We will all shine our light
At St Joseph’s, together we are one
With caring hands and daring hearts
We live life to the full
We love like St Francis
We listen to God’s call
On the path of learning
We will always strive
To do our best and show our strength
Have Jesus in our lives
St Joseph’s is a Catholic co-educational primary school founded the Franciscan values of
Humility, Care and Respect. St Joseph’s caters for students from Prep to Year 6. The school
and its community are part of the Jubilee Catholic Parish.
St Joseph’s opened on January 24th, 1938, with its first class of 31 pupils. The Franciscan
sisters were in residence in Bardon House and conducted classes in what was then the Parish
Church, now used for Out of School Hours Care. Later that year a benefactor donated a
significant sum to the Parish for a new school. The original school building was then
constructed and classes commenced in 1939 in that building.
The school has seen rapid growth over the years, with new classrooms being constructed in
1956, 1971 and 2011. In 2004 the original school building was demolished and the present
administration block constructed – this contains the administration area, staff room, library,
and the STAR Room (Students Teachers And Representatives – a collaborative working space).
Later in 2011, with funding from the Federal Government, three more classrooms were added
along with the Fr Ray Lyons Hall.
After 70 years in residence in St Joseph’s Convent, Bardon (Bardon House), the Franciscan
Sisters moved from the building and handed the residence back to the Parish. It is now
occupied by the Verbum Day Missionary Sisters.
In 2016, the anticipated enrolment at St Joseph’s, Bardon is approximately 400 students from
Prep to Year 6.
St Joseph’s is committed to planning and providing a high quality, 21st century Catholic
education; an education focused on the development of the human person created whole in
the image and likeness of God, bringing faith, life and culture into our school life. Our
dedicated and professional staff deliver unique and authentic learning opportunities,
differentiating the curriculum to cater for all learners in their learning journey.
St Joseph’s strives for ‘equity and excellence in education’ by delivering:
Australian Curriculum: English, Mathematics, Science, Humanities and Social
Sciences, The Arts, Technologies, Health and Physical Education and Languages
Archdiocese of Brisbane: Religious Education Curriculum
In addition, a number of extra-curricular opportunities are available including:
Tennis lessons
Kilometre Club
Chess Class
Robotics: curriculum-based Years 1, 3 – 6 and extra-curricular Robotics Club
(Partnership with University of Queensland)
Private Piano, Violin and Guitar lessons (Years 1 – 6)
Choirs: Joey’s Junior Choir P – 2 and Senior Choir Years 3 – 6
Tournament of the Minds (Years 3 – 6)
Sporting Schools Grants - Sport Short Courses (in 2015 Basketball, Gymnastics)
Swimming lessons (Years 3 – 6 Term 1 and Prep – Year 2 Term 4)
Gala Sports – interschool competition (Years 4 – 6)
Instrumental Music Programme (Years 4 – 6)
School Band
Student Leadership opportunities (Year 6)
Educational School Camps – supporting the relevant curriculum (Years 4 – 5)
Dance Troupe (Years 4 – 6)
Student Council (Years 3 – 6)
Year 6 Canberra Trip
Applications for enrolment are welcome at any point in the year. Enrolment forms may be
downloaded from the school website and any enquiries should be directed to the school
St Joseph’s Enrolment Criteria
The Catholic Primary Schools in the Jubilee Parish, which include St Ambrose’s Newmarket, St
Finbarr’s Ashgrove and St Joseph’s Bardon, were established by parishioners to provide for
the educational needs of the children of parish families. The primary purpose of these schools
is to nurture and educate the whole child through and by the principles, traditions and
teachings of the Church and within a community of faith.
There is an expectation that parents enrol their child at the Parish School within the natural
catchment area of where they are residing. In recognition of the importance of the
relationship between the Catholic School and the Parish Community and with due reference
to Archdiocesan Policies and Practices, the following criteria will establish the priority for
accepting enrolment:
The child is baptised Catholic, whose family can demonstrate involvement in the life,
worship and service of the Jubilee Parish and those who currently have siblings enrolled.
The child is a baptised Catholic whose family can demonstrate involvement in the life,
worship and service of another Parish and now seeks to participate actively in the life,
worship and service of the Parish.
The child is baptised Catholic living outside the Jubilee Parish. Preference will be given to
children who live in a suburb without a Catholic school.
The child is a non-Catholic baptised child living in the Jubilee Parish. Preference will be
given to children where there is a commitment to a Christian faith.
The child is a non-Catholic baptised child living outside the Jubilee Parish. Preference will
be given to children where there is a commitment to a Christian faith.
The child is a non-Catholic and committed to the values of Catholic Education.
Preparatory year
To be eligible to enrol in Prep your child must turn 5 by 30 June in the year of attendance in
Prep. The preparatory year is not compulsory, however, it is anticipated that the majority of
children will enrol in a preparatory year.
Prep 2016 students are born between 1 July 2010 – 30 June 2011
Prep 2017 students are born between 1 July 2011 – 30 June 2012
Prep 2018 students are born between 1 July 2012 – 30 June 2013
The teaching staff of St Joseph’s place the learning of each student at the forefront of their
shared practices. Based on the characteristics and previous experiences of the students in
their care, teachers plan for quality learning and teaching. They seek to achieve the Goals for
Education as outlined in the Melbourne Declaration on Education Goals for young Australians:
Australian schooling promotes equity and excellence
All young Australians become:
• Successful learners
• Confident and creative individuals
• Active and informed citizens
At St Joseph’s our curriculum processes include planning across and within year levels
incorporating a team approach that involves key external stakeholders.
The school’s curriculum is planned directly from:
Australian Curriculum
Archdiocese of Brisbane Religion Curriculum
The Australian Curriculum sets out what all young people should be taught through the
specification of curriculum content and the learning expected at points in their schooling
through the specification of Achievement Standards. Assessment for, of and as learning,
occurs throughout the year both informally and formally with reference to these Achievement
Assessment and Reporting
Assessment occurs throughout the year in both formal and informal situations and allows
teachers to provide opportunities to foster the growth of the individual child by allowing them
to plan for educational activities to suit the needs of the students. Reporting is the formal
times (Parent, student teacher interviews and written reports) throughout the year when the
school communicates with parents about their child’s learning. An overview of our current
practice is as follows:
Term One
Optional “Meet and Greet” or written sharing of “My Learner”
Parent Information Evening – Tuesday 16 February 6pm and 7pm
Term 1 Curriculum Overview
Term 1 Celebration of Learning Day 11 March 2016
Term Two
Term 2 Curriculum Overview
Term 2 Celebration of Learning Day 27 May 2016
Student-led conference and Semester 2 Report
Term Three
Term 3 Curriculum Overview
Term 3 Celebration of Learning Day 26 August 2016
Term Four
Term 4 Curriculum Overview
Term 4 Celebration of Learning Day 18 November 2016
Student-led conference and Semester 2 Report
Parents who wish to discuss their child’s academic progress or behaviour are encouraged to
make an appointment in the first instance with the class teacher. A meeting with the class
teacher and Principal may be organised on the initiative of either of the people involved.
We believe that homework should reinforce the life-long learning. It is important that homework
should –
be a time for positive interaction between family members
be linked to the learning in the classroom
strengthen the partnership between home and school
be meaningful, well planned, age appropriate and provide meaningful opportunity
for learning enhancement or skill practice
encourage the development of independent study habits
vary in the time according to the ability and age of the student
The teacher’s role is to –
teach the necessary research and other skills to enable students to complete homework
provide tasks that are designed to support progression in learning
provide interesting and challenging homework appropriate for the varying abilities in the
adjust tasks to accommodate individuals as is necessary
be consistent in their approach to homework
give clear, explicit instructions and provide feedback
ensure all set work is corrected
We believe that the following are suitable formal activities –
Practice and consolidation of Numeracy and Literacy Skills
Seeking and recording parent responses and input
Guided research
We believe that the following are suitable informal activities –
Reading and being read to for enjoyment
Observation and discussion
Using the home environment e.g. measuring, creative tasks
Reading the paper, watching the news, cutting out of magazines
Open ended mathematics and problem solving which require discussion
Interaction with family members – games etc.
Helping with household tasks
Excursions and Camps
Class excursions are undertaken to support the current curriculum. Parents are advised of all
the pertinent details by letter and permission is sought prior to the excursion. Costs of these
are met through the services levy.
Students in Years 4 and 5 participate in short educational camps and Year 6 students
participate in a five-day educational trip to Canberra. These camps are invoiced separately.
Supporting all Learners
St Joseph’s accepts students with a wide range of abilities. Encouragement is given to
promote individual excellence and self-esteem by enabling students to achieve a level of
mastery commensurate with their own abilities and with their particular stage of
The Catholic Special Education Services provide specialised services and personnel to meet
the needs of the students and to support their teachers. These include: Support Teacher – Inclusive Education who offers support for individual/group tuition to
provide support, learning enrichment and guidance to the community.
Primary Leader of Learning who prides support to teachers in regards to planning and
pedagogy implementation to ensure all students are able to access the curriculum.
Education Officers Curriculum who provide teacher and program support for learning
enrichment and curriculum differentiation.
Advisory Visiting Teachers who support teachers with students who have special needs eg.
hearing and physical impairment.
Guidance Counsellor is appointed to help support and monitor behaviour, social, and
personal development programmes. The Guidance Counsellor works at St Joseph’s two days
a week.
School Officers are employed to support the work of the school. Their duties include
administration support, classroom support, library support. Specific numbers of School
Officer hours are allocated to schools by Brisbane Catholic Education Office depending on
Religious Education
The Vision for Religious Education, as stated in the Religious Education Curriculum of Brisbane
Catholic Education, gives voice to what our hopes for our students at St Joseph's Bardon in
terms of their religious literacy and faith formation.
“The schools and colleges of the Archdiocese of Brisbane aspire to educate and form students
who are challenged to live the gospel of Jesus Christ and who are literate in the Catholic and
broader Christian tradition so that they might participate critically and authentically in faith
contexts and wider society”
Religious Education consists of two distinct but complementary dimensions, namely an
educational dimension and a faith formation dimension.
The first dimension, most commonly referred to as the classroom teaching and learning of
religion, is focused on Religious Education as an educational activity. It utilises a range of
teaching and learning processes and resources.
The second dimension, faith formation, is reflected in the religious life of the school, family
and parish. The educational dimension and the faith formation dimension are inextricably
linked. The classroom teaching of religion is one element in a complex web of experiences
that have the potential to nurture the faith life of young people.
All classroom teachers are working from the Brisbane Catholic Education Religious Education
Syllabus and Curriculum documents. Religious Education aims to "develop students' religious
literacy in the light of the Catholic tradition, so that they may participate critically and
effectively in the light of their faith communities and wider society" (A Syllabus for Religious
Education for Catholic Schools).
The Religion Curriculum involves four strands.
Theses strands are interrelated and are taught in an
integrated approach which are appropriate to the
learning contexts of the class.
1. Sacred Texts
2. Beliefs
3. Church
4. Christian Life
At St Joseph's Bardon it is a requirement that a
minimum of 2.5 hours per week of religion teaching
is provided. This time is allocated in the way that
best meets the needs of our students.
The Religious Life of the School also
comprises four interrelated components:
1. Religious Identity & Culture
2. Evangelisation & Faith Formation
3. Prayer and Worship
4. Social Action & Justice
Each of these components, while mutually
reinforcing, provides a significant focus on a
distinctive aspect of the religious life of our
school and compliments the teaching of
religion within classroom. Of particular
interest for St Joseph’s students', staff,
parents and Parish community is the focus
placed on the life of St Francis and St Joseph. By sharing in their stories our students and their
families are encouraged to be people of Humility, Care and Respect. Our commitment to
responding to the Christian call defines our school, provides the framework for our responses
to what happens in the wider community and the way we go about being members of St
Joseph’s Catholic Primary School.
Support for Catholic Organisations and Charities
As part of our Catholic identity and ethos, we are called to be people of social action and
justice. As St Mary of the Cross MacKillop said, “Never see a need without doing something
about it”. At St Joseph’s we undertake a number of activities throughout the year, raising
awareness of social justice issues and raising funds to support agencies working for justice. As
a Brisbane Catholic Education school, our Archbishop asks us to support the work of:
Caritas Australia – The international aid and development organisation of Catholic
Church in Australia.
 Catholic Mission – The international mission agency of the Catholic Church in
 St Vincent de Paul – A lay Catholic organisation that aspires to live the gospel message
by serving Christ in the poor with love, respect, justice, hope and joy, and by working
to shape a more just and compassionate society.
At various other times, and at the discretion of the school principal, we also support other
organisations where it complements either curriculum, or the needs of our community, e.g.
Daniel Morcombe Foundation.
Sacramental Programme
The Archdiocese of Brisbane: Christian Initiation for Children Policy places the sacramental
program as parish-based. St Joseph’s School supports the Sacramental Programme offered by
the Jubilee Parish. All queries about the Sacramental Programme are to be directed to the
In 2016, children are eligible for First Reconciliation in Year Three and First
Eucharist and Confirmation in Year Four. They must be baptised Catholics
to enrol in the programme. Children outside these year levels who may
not have celebrated these sacraments can be enrolled in the Parish
programmes also.
Key Dates for 2016:
4 February
4 March
7 March
1 August
8 September
8 – 9 September
10 – 11 September
Reconciliation Parent Information Evening
Reconciliation Retreat for candidates
Sacrament of Reconciliation
Sacraments of Confirmation and Eucharist Parent Information Evening
Confirmation and First Eucharist Retreat for candidates
Sacrament of Confirmation
Sacrament of First Eucharist
At St Joseph’s School, all members of the school community will actively promote and
encourage caring interaction through Staying Safe, Taking Responsibility, Actively Learning
and Respecting Self and Others to build a Christian atmosphere where Gospel values are
upheld. This is supported by personal development education, personal safety, resilience and
anti-bullying measures.
As a school community, we follow these four STAR rules:
We celebrate and recognise students who have demonstrated STAR behaviour at our weekly
assemblies where STAR awards are presented.
At St Joseph’s we teach children in all year levels the
Feeling Safe Strategy. This is mandated by Brisbane
Catholic Education and is an integral part of our student
protection processes. Teachers use the “Be a Hero”
posters to discuss the following key ideas regarding
students’ personal safety:
We all have the right to feel safe all of the time
Nothing is so awful that we can’t talk about it
with someone
Students develop their own personal network
of adults they trust
Students are encouraged to talk to these people
if they feel unsafe at school or away from school
The concept of persistence is stressed i.e. students are encouraged to keep talking until
someone listens and something is done to help them feel safe again. All staff participate in
student protection training and professional learning to assist them to understand their legal,
policy and pastoral responsibilities and to respond appropriately to student protection
concerns. All volunteers are also required to complete student protection training.
The students of St Joseph’s, and their safety and well-being, are our priority. St Joseph’s is
committed to the protection of all our students from harm and abuse.
Reporting of Concerns – At St Joseph’s, any concerns or reasonable suspicions we have about
a student’s safety and wellbeing or the behaviour of a staff member or volunteer which a
student considers to be inappropriate, will be managed in accordance with Brisbane Catholic
Education Student Protection Processes.
Complaints Procedure – Brisbane Catholic Education has published a Complaints Procedure
for Non-Compliance with BCE Student Protection Processes. Parents or students may make a
complaint via the Record of Complaint about non-compliance with the Brisbane Catholic
Education Student Protection Processes.
Should you require further information or
assistance regarding the procedures you may contact the school or the Brisbane Catholic
Education Student Protection Team on 3033 7409.
Concerns or Further Information – Parents and students should talk to the Student Protection
Contact, the Principal or the class teacher if there are any concerns about the safety and
wellbeing of any student or concerns about the behaviour of a staff member or volunteer.
St Joseph’s Student Protection Contacts are:
Fran Burke
Amy Luscombe
Assistant Principal (Religious Education)
Keira Roffey-Mitchell Guidance Counsellor
Peter Stower
Area Supervisor
Mark Deegan
Further information and links about Student Protection at St Joseph’s can be located here:
Catholic schools are called to develop a sense of community where all people are treated
equally and included regardless of circumstance. A consistent uniform worn by all students
helps students to feel a part of the community and enables them to show pride and respect
for their school. A high standard of dress and grooming is essential for all students at St
Josephs’ School.
The day uniform should be worn on all school days except days allocated to physical education
activity when the sports uniform is appropriate.
St Joseph’s uniform is available from Ashgrove West Drapery, 467 Waterworks Road,
Ashgrove West.
Uniform regulations are as follows:
GIRLS - Years 1-6
Brown and white stripe, dropped waist, white collar, zip
Side pocket, brown trim on sleeves
Blouse &
Blouse: Brown and white stripe, button front (clear buttons), white collar,
gathered onto waist band, brown trim on sleeves.
Culottes: Dark brown, zip side pocket, pleats in front and back.
Shoes &
Brown or white ankle length socks (or dark brown tights for winter)
Brown leather school shoes, lace-up or buckle.
Must be tied up (if it reaches the collar) with brown or striped ribbon or scrunchie.
Extreme styles will not be tolerated.
Dark brown, wide-brimmed with School badge.
Brown V-neck Bonds fleecy-lined track top with School Badge. Brown track pants.
These may be purchased as a set or as individual items.
School Bag
Brown backpack with School badge. (Recommended but not compulsory.)
One set of ear studs or sleepers and a wrist watch are the only jewellery
permitted. Nail polish is not permitted.
Brown netball skirt with brown bike pants or black or brown runners,
OR Brown culottes from day uniform
OR Brown SJB sport shorts
Gold Polo shirt, school emblem stamped on front
OR (optional) Gold Polo shirt with blue and green inserts, school emblem stamped
on front
Predominantly white sport shoes and all white socks.
Gold hair ribbons.
Optional sun visor for netball/tennis/soccer (available from school office)
BOYS – Years 1-6
Brown and white stripe, dark brown trim on sleeves and pocket, clear buttons.
Dark brown long legged shorts (fly front or pull on)
Shoes &
Brown leather lace up school shoes.
Brown or white ankle length socks.
Extreme styles will not be tolerated.
Dark brown, wide-brimmed with School badge.
Brown V-necks Bonds fleecy-lined track top with School Badge. Brown track pants.
These may purchased as a set or as individual items.
School Bag
Brown backpack with School badge (recommended but not compulsory).
A wrist watch is the only jewellery permitted.
Dark brown ruggers, elastic waist
OR Brown SJB sport shorts
Gold polo shirt, school emblem stamped on front
OR (optional) Gold Polo shirt with blue and green inserts, school emblem stamped
on front
Predominantly white sports shoes and all white socks.
Optional sun visor for netball/tennis/soccer (available from school office.)
Prep polo shirt with red and blue sleeves
OR (optional) Gold Polo shirt with blue and green inserts, school emblem
stamped on front
Brown culottes
OR Brown SJB sport shorts
White socks
Predominantly white joggers
Hat - Dark brown, wide-brimmed with School badge
Prep polo shirt with red and blue sleeves
OR (optional) Gold Polo shirt with blue and green inserts, school emblem
stamped on front
Dark brown ruggers, elastic waist
OR Brown SJB sport shorts
White socks
Predominantly white joggers
Hat - Dark brown, wide-brimmed with School badge
The Principal should be informed if parents or guardians are experiencing difficulty in sending
their children dressed in the correct uniform.
School Dates 2016
Semester One
Term One …. Wednesday 27 January – Thursday 24 March
Term Two …. Monday 11 April - Friday 24 June
Semester Two
Term Three ... Monday 11 July – Friday 16 September
Term Four…. Tuesday 4 October – Friday 2 December
Daily Timetable
8.30 Warning Music
8.35 School Bell: Start of Session 1 of Learning
10.35 Eating time
10.50 Play time 20 minutes
11.08 Warning Music
11.10 Start of Session 2 of Learning
1.10 Eating time
1.20 Play time 20 minutes
1.38 Warning Music
1.40 Start of Session 3 of Learning
3.00 Dismissal
St Joseph’s School has a responsibility to record student attendance and respond to instances
of student absence. St Joseph’s School, and by virtue of their employment, our teachers, are
legally required to monitor and record attendance of students in their care on a daily basis,
whether absent or present in class, on excursion or at a school-based activity. Parents and
legal guardians of children have a legal obligation, as set out in the Education (General
Provisions) Act 2006, to ensure a child is enrolled at and attends school.
If your child/ren will be absent from school for any reason, please contact the school by
9:00am on the day of absence. Our preferred methods are:
Phone the Absentee Line: 3876 3701 and leave a message stating the child’s name,
class and brief reason for absence
Parent Portal: Use the Attendance Variation Tile (also available through the BCE
Connect App) to record details of absence.
Staff at St Joseph’s record attendance by 9:00am each morning and after 2:00pm each day.
Late Arrival
A student is considered to have arrived late to school any time after the 8:35am bell. All
students arriving late must be signed in by a parent or legal guardian at the School Office
and will be given a late slip. This slip needs to be presented to the teacher when arriving at
class. If they do not have a late slip, they will be sent to the School Office to sign in.
Early Departure
A student is considered to be leaving early any time before 3:00pm. All students departing
school early must be signed out at the School Office by a parent or legal guardian. The
parent or legal guardian will be given a Permission to Leave Early slip. This slip needs to be
presented to the teacher when collecting the child from class.
Visiting our school
On arrival at, and departure from the school, ALL visitors are required to sign the Visitors Book
which is located in the school office. All parents who volunteer to work in the classes are
required to read and sign the Volunteers Register before they commence in the classroom.
This information is available from the school office.
Morning Routines
Prep – Year 1
Morning Supervision begins at 8:15am. In Term 1, Mrs Burke will be on duty and a second
teacher will come on duty at 8:25am. Please do not leave your child unsupervised until a
staff member arrives for Supervision Duty.
 Upon arrival at school, Prep and Year 1 students are to move straight to the Hall with
their bag.
 Bags are to be placed in the allocated area in the Hall.
 Prep and Year 1 students may play in the Hall area only.
 No additional sports or play equipment is to be used in the Hall.
 When the Warning Music sounds (8:30am), Prep and Year 1 students are to get ready
for Assembly.
Tuesday – Friday
 Upon arrival at school, Prep and Year 1 students are to drop their bag at their port
rack and put on their school hat.
 Prep and Year 1 Students are to play in the Early Years playground, sandpit and oval
area only.
 No additional sports or play equipment is to be taken out during the morning.
 When the Warning Music sounds (8:30am), Prep and Year 1 students are to get ready
for the school day and line up outside their classroom.
Years 2 - 6
Morning Supervision begins at 8:15am. In Term 1, Mrs Luscombe will be on duty and a second
teacher will come on duty at 8:25am. Please do not leave your child unsupervised until a staff
member arrives for Supervision Duty.
 Upon arrival at school, students are to drop their bag at their port rack and put on
their school hat.
 At 8:15am, Mrs Luscombe will collect any students in Years 2 – 6 from the Undercroft
and move to the Hall / Oval. Supervision occurs in the Hall and Oval from this time.
 When the Warning Music sounds (8:30am), students in Years 2 – 6 are to get ready for
the school day. They are to move up to their class areas and line up in front of their
classrooms (Tuesday – Friday) or line up in allocated areas for Assembly (Monday).
 Years 2 & 3 will use the main stairs from the Hall, past Year 3 and tuckshop. Years 4, 5
& 6 will walk through the Hall and use the Church stairs.
Afternoon Routines
Teachers dismiss students at 3:00pm upon the bell. Students are expected to go
directly to their arranged pick-up area.
After school, the only supervised area is outside the Church at the roundabout where
staff are on duty until 3:20pm. After 3.20pm any children remaining need to be
collected from outside the office. If you cannot collect your child by 3.20pm please
phone the office.
When an after school activity (AusKick, GoSport etc.) is occurring on the oval/hall,
parents are responsible for the supervision of their children. No child should be left
unsupervised during this time.
Student Drop-Off and Pick-Up Areas
There are several methods of dropping off and picking your child/ren from St Joseph’s.
Roundabout – A drive-through set down / pick up option is available on Cecil Road and utilises
the St Mary Magdalene Church roundabout. Please only use this area if your child is able to
get in and out of the car unassisted.
This is an unsupervised morning drop off area. We ask for your cooperation for a quick drop
off. Please be mindful not to hold up traffic behind you.
This is supervised from 3:00 – 3:20pm. Please follow staff instructions to ensure the safety of
our students. It is left-turn only both in and out of the roundabout area to assist with flow of
traffic. Please have your family name displayed clearly on your visor for to assist the staff on
duty – these are available from the school office.
Please be aware of all line markings and signage along Cecil Road. This is regularly monitored
by Queensland Police.
Tennis Court Parking – entrance on Cecil Road – Please park rear end of vehicle to fence. From
here, students should be walked to and from the upper levels of the school via the stairs and
crossings in front of the Church.
Walking Entrances and Exits – 1. The Drive: near Staff Carpark, 2. Corner of Cecil Road and
The Drive: new walkway past Prep and Early Years, 3. Cecil Road: near crossing and 4.
Rosewood Street: enter via oval.
Walking School Bus (Active School Travel) – A walking school-bus departs from the Early Years
area at approx. 3:10pm and students are escorted to Bowman Park for pick up by
parents/caregivers. This service is run by volunteer parents. Days for 2016 are yet to be
confirmed and further information will follow.
The Drive Staff Car Park - This is a dedicated parking space for school staff and Verbum Dei
Missionary Sisters ONLY. There is one disabled park available here for community members.
Please note that this area will undergo redevelopment early this year so please do be careful
when walking through.
Supervision – Playground
During Eating Times (10.35-10.50am and 1.10-1.20pm) students are supervised by year level
teachers. During Play Times (10.50am – 11.10am and 1.20 – 1.40pm) students are supervised
by a range of classroom teachers. Every play area has at least one staff member on
supervision duty. Should any concerns or issues arise, including the need for First Aid,
students should immediately report to the teacher on duty for assistance.
Please note: our playgrounds should not be used unless under the supervision of a staff
School Office Hours
8.15am – 3.45pm Monday - Friday
Phone: 3369 3020
A weekly newsletter is published each Thursday and emailed to each family. It is also available
via the Parent Portal. The main purpose of the newsletter is to keep parents well informed
about school activities and developments. Parents are requested to keep their email details
up to date at the office.
Parent Portal
All families of St Joseph’s are provided with access to our secure Parent Portal. The portal
holds a range of information about happenings in the school, forms that need to be returned,
names and contact details of staff members, policy information and more.
The Parent Portal can be accessed via the school’s public website and using
the Community Access tab.
Contacting Staff
The staff of St Joseph’s are a team of highly dedicated professionals who work hard to prepare
and provide quality learning experiences for students. Parent partnership and open, honest,
respectful communication is highly valued and welcomed. Our staff have a Duty of Care to
students from 8:30am – 3:00pm and therefore cannot take calls, drop ins or answer emails
during these hours. Telephone or email messages can be left with office staff during the
school day and staff will respond at the earliest opportunity. At the Parent Information
evenings, staff will outline their preferred methods of communication.
Emergency SMS/APP contact
Should we need to send out a message to parents urgently we will do this through an
automated SMS service and the push notification function of the BCE Connect App. Parents
will receive a notification through their mobile devices.
It is important that school records be kept up to date. Please advise the office if you change
your place of address, your telephone number, email address, the place of employment of
either father or mother, or contact details in case of emergency.
Custody Arrangements
Please ensure that the Principal is kept informed of any child custody arrangements and that
copies of relevant documentation are supplied for school records.
Media Consent
On occasions, we may wish to publish photos of your child in Brisbane Catholic Education
publications, or local newspapers or The Catholic Leader. We do attempt to contact parents
if such an occasion arises.
A generic consent is included in the enrolment application for parents to sign. If you do not
wish photos of your child to be included in any publications, parents are requested to contact
the office.
Accidents and Sickness at School
In case of an accident or sickness at school, parents/caregivers will be notified and
arrangements will be made for the student to be collected. Sick children cannot be sent home
unaccompanied. If it is considered the child may require medical attention and parents
cannot be contacted, the Principal will decide whether the ambulance should be called.
St Joseph’s has a clear Anaphylaxis Policy and Procedure as some of our students have
severe allergies which may cause a potentially life threatening anaphylactic reaction.
To see the policy in full, please go to
Medication can only be dispensed at school when parents have completed a “Student
Medication Request Form”. These forms are available from the school office or you can
download from the school website.
To view our Medication Policy, please go to
Infectious Diseases
Children with infectious childhood diseases must be excluded from school according to the
Health Regulations. If your child contracts such a disease, please inform the school
immediately. For reference as to how long you should keep your child home from school
when he/she has contracted an infectious disease, please refer to the Queensland Health
“Time Out” guidelines which are included in this handbook.
Headlice spread rapidly and persistent carriers place all others at risk. If headlice are detected
in your child’s class a note or email will be sent home to inform and we ask that you check
and treat immediately.
At St Joseph’s we value greatly the incredible positive partnerships we have with our parent
community. Your role is so important as we journey with you in educating your child.
Throughout the year, we have many of you who generously volunteer to support our
school. This support is shown in numerous ways. Whether this be in the classroom; reading
one on one with a child, helping with an art and craft activity or going on an excursion as a
parent helper. Our incredible St Joseph’s Tuckshop exists due to the support and strength of
our generous Volunteers who are all parents or grandparents. Active School Travel Walking
School Bus, St Joey’s Netball and Athletics Club is lead and organised by our fabulous
parents. Our Parents & Friends Association organise and co-ordinate many, many fantastic
events throughout the year. Parents supporting our school in the role of Volunteer are
required by Brisbane Catholic Education to complete training associated with this role. In
2015, I lead Parent Volunteer Training in person.
In 2016, the Parent Volunteer Training information has been emailed to all current families
and is available on our Parent Portal. Parents are asked to read very carefully through the
following Brisbane Catholic Education Documentation:
Volunteer Student Protection Training Power Point (please note: states
“2015” as this resource is provided by BCEO and to date is the training they
Volunteer Student Protection Training Handbook
Volunteer Code of Conduct
After you have read through all this documentation, you are to complete and sign the
Volunteer Registration Form. This Volunteer Registration Form will be kept on file in our
school office as part of a compliance mandated Volunteer Register.
Further information for Volunteering at St Joseph’s can be accessed here:
The St Joseph’s Library plays an integral role in supporting
and implementing the vision of the school community to
develop independent, interdependent, lifelong learners
through creating both Library and ICT programs and by
providing Library and digital services.
The Library has an automated resource management system,
Oliver, which allows both staff and students to locate
resources quickly and efficiently either at school or from home using their unique individual
BCE login. A carefully selected non-fiction collection is carefully maintained and audited to
meet the needs of the curriculum and current classroom units of work. Junior Fiction and
Fiction collections are provided to suit the diverse teaching and learning needs of the school
community as well as assisting in the promotion and encouragement of an appreciation and
love of literature. Students are supported by the Teacher Librarian and their teachers in
selecting appropriate reading material for their age and reading level.
All students are encouraged to borrow through a timetabled weekly borrowing session as well
as before and after school and at lunchtime. The Library is open each lunch break for quiet
reading, structured games, homework help and computer use.
Student Voice and Leadership
St Joseph’s believe in a shared leadership model for providing all our students with
opportunities to shine as leaders.
From Years 3 to 6, students may be selected to represent their class on the Student
Representative Council. This forum provides an opportunity for students to share their
concerns and innovative ideas for the betterment of the St Joseph’s community. In 2015, the
Student Council led a highly-successful Daniel Morcombe Red Day, identified the need to
review uniform standards and represented St Joseph’s at Catholic Education Week and other
key events throughout the year.
Year 6 students have the opportunity to take on a number of leadership responsibilities
throughout the year (e.g. leading assembly, welcoming visitors, hospitality, representing the
school at special events, providing positive role-modelling to younger students, assisting in
the Early Years Playground – Peer Mediation). Students will receive their school leadership
badges at the commencement of the school year, explore skills of a great leader, and
throughout the year set a positive example for others as they participate in a variety of
leadership responsibilities.
Extra-Curricular Activities
At St Joseph’s we are truly blessed to offer a very rich and varied cultural, sporting and Arts
Senior Choir
The St Joseph’s Senior Choir is open to all students from Years 3 – 6. The student learn a
repertoire of songs that can be performed at key school events and the Queensland Catholic
Schools and Colleges Music Festival later in the year. The St Joseph’s Senior Choir will
rehearse weekly on Thursday mornings from 7:45 – 8:30am in the Arts classroom.
Joey’s Junior Choir
The Joey’s Junior Choir is open to all students in Prep – Year Two. This choir begins in Term
Two under the direction of Miss Jordan.
Dance Troupe
The St Joseph’s Dance Troup is open to all students from Years 4 – 6. The purpose of the
Dance Troupe is to allow students to explore creative movement through dance sequences,
build co-ordination, flexibility, confidence and self-esteem, and to provide opportunities for
students to perform for and compete against other primary schools the area of dance. The
St Joseph’s Dance Troupe rehearse weekly on Thursday afternoons from 3:15-4:15pm in the
school hall.
Instrumental Music Program
St Joseph’s have external Instrumental Music teachers offering private lessons in the area of
piano, strings, percussion and wind. At present, we are in the process of finalising a
replacement guitar teacher. If you are interested in your child participating in private
instrumental lessons, please contact the instrumental teacher directly.
Private Instrumental Music Teacher Contacts
Catherine Murphy (piano)
3300 4650 / 0422 868 075
Janice Oostenbroek (piano)
3371 4543 / 0407 767 613
Linda Pendrith (percussion, woodwind &
3374 1771 / 0410 408 586
Tara Versace (violin)
0408 459 399
Guitar teacher to be advised
At St Joseph’s, all Year 4 students have access to a subsidised Instrumental Music
program. A parent information session regarding this program will be held on Wednesday
10th February at 6.00pm in the Hall.
Senior Band
Students enrolled in the Instrumental Program from Years 5 & 6 also participate in Senior
Band. Senior Band rehearse on Monday mornings from 7:30-8:30am in the Arts classroom.
Sporting Schools Grants
Under the leadership and organisation of Mrs Lewis, St Joseph’s has been successful again in
receiving the Sporting Schools Grant in 2016. Through this grant, we are able to offer short
courses in various sports before or after school, at no expense to families. Mrs Lewis is also
able to access external coaches to work alongside her during PE lessons.
External Sports Providers
St Joseph’s also plan and organise external companies that offer sporting opportunities
throughout the year. In Term 1, we have both cricket and netball being offered by Go
Parent Partnerships
We value greatly our wonderful parent partnerships in running such initiatives as our St
Joey’s Netball Club and St Joey’s Athletic Club. These are two fabulous opportunities for our
students to participate in as they improve their fitness and sporting skills.
Enrolment Financial Details
An application fee of $50 will be charged on lodgement of the Enrolment Application Form.
This covers the cost of processing the paperwork and preparation prior to the first interview
with the Principal.
Payment details for internet transfer:
064 – 786
A confirmation fee of $300 is charged to all families, including siblings, on acceptance of a
place offered at St Joseph’s. This confirmation fee is made up of two components: $100 for
processing the enrolment confirmation and $200 pre-payment to be offset against first
term’s fees.
School Fees
School fee accounts are mailed out at the beginning of each term and are due for payment in
the third week of term. Payment may be made by BPay, credit card, internet transfer, BPay,
direct debit, cash or cheque. Those families wishing to pay by direct debit are requested to
contact the office for the appropriate forms.
Any family experiencing hardship or unable to pay school fees, is requested to make an
appointment to see the Principal.
According to the Privacy Policy across all Brisbane Catholic Education schools, it is appropriate
for schools to share important information with other Catholic schools within our system.
Non-payment of school fees is determined to be relevant and important information for
subsequent schooling.
If attempts are made to retrieve unpaid fees and the school has not been successful, it is the
school’s prerogative to engage professional debt collectors.
Student Stationery and Equipment
As part of our 2016 school fees we will be incorporating a stationery levy and as a school we
will bulk purchase student necessities for the school year. This levy will cover all stationery
Outside School Hours Care
St Joseph’s Bardon OSHC provides quality Before and After School Care in a safe, friendly and
caring environment. The service aims to provide children with an interesting and inclusive
program focussed on improving their motor skills, fitness, creativity, artistic and social skills.
The programme provides children with opportunities to explore themes in staff and selfdirected activities and to develop vital personal and social skills through free play with other
Children who arrive at school before 8.15am must attend Outside School Hours Care. (Please
note that registration with OSHC is compulsory before your child can attend). Children at
OSHC are supervised until after 8.15am at which time they walk over to the school supervised
Postal Address PO Box 845, Paddington 4064
Phone 3369 6163; Mob 0417 785 719
Fax 3368 2075
No Dogs Allowed
Dogs and other domestic animals are not permitted on the school
grounds. If you walk your dog to school at drop off or pick up time
please wait with your dog outside the school grounds and have your
children meet you at this point.
St Joseph’s Tuckshop aims to offer quality food choices that our children
enjoy while fuelling them for their school day. Our tuckshop is run by
volunteers with all money made going towards resources for St Joseph’s
Tuckshop is available each MONDAY. If Monday is a public holiday or a
pupil free day, tuckshop will open on Tuesday. Tuckshop lists with ordering
information are circulated at the beginning of each year.
Our Tuckshop uses an online ordering system – Flexischools. To read all the latest news about