grupo pestana sgps management report financial statements
grupo pestana sgps management report financial statements
2008 GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ENGLISH 2008 GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INDEX 06- Individual and Consolidate Management Report 07- Introdution 09-The Fiscal Year 2008 - General Enviroment 14-The Consolidated Universe of Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S. in 2008 21- Grupo Pestana - S.G.P.S., S.A., Individual Financial Statements 22- Profit Distribution Proposal - Liabilities to the State and Social Security 23-The Future 24-Relevant Facts already occurred in 2007 - Thanks 25- Consolidated Balance Sheet 26- Grupo Pestana SGPS, SA.- Consolidated Balance Sheet 28-Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement by Nature 29-Consolidated Profit and Loss Statement by Functions 30-Consolidated Cash-flows Statement 31- Notes to the Consolidated Financial Statements 32- Introduction 33-Basis of Consolidation -Consolidated Companies 35-Companies Excluded from the Consolidated Financial Statements -Other Financial Investements % of Owned Share Greater than 10% -Average Number of Employees -Appropriate and Fair Presentation 36-Consolidation Differences 37- Depreciation of Consolidation Differences -Guarantees Provided 41- Basis of Presentation and Accounting Principles - Movimento do Activo Imobilizado 42- Exchange Rates Used -Fixed Assets Movement 39-Movements in Adjustments 43-Debts to Third Parties (more than 5 years) GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS - Debts to Third Parties covered by Real Warrantees -Sales and Services Rendered by Bussiness Area and Geographical Market 44-Differences between the Accounting and Tax Results -Wages of Board Menbers 45-Fixed Revaluation of Tangible Assets 46-Consolidated Statement of Financial Results -Consolidated Statement of Extraordinary Results 47- Movements in ProvisionsFinancial Leases -Financial Leases 48- FinancialStatements 49-Balance Sheet 51- Profit and Loss Statement by Nature 52- Profit and Loss Statement by Functions 53-Cash-flows Statements 54- Notes to the Financial Statements 55-Introduction -Comparability with Previous Years 57- Taxation -Avarage Number of Employees 58-Fixed Asset Movements 59-Group and Associated Companies 60-Debts to Third Parties (more than 5 years) -Guarantees Provided -Increase in Share Capital -Companies Holding More than 20% of Share Capital -Movements in Shareholders Equity 61- Statement of Financial Results -Statement of Extraordinary Results 62 -Other Relevant Information 64- Report and Opinion of the Statutory Auditor 66- Auditor Report Consolidated Financial Statements 68- Auditor Report Individual Financial Statement GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INDIVIDUAL and Consolidated Management Report FISCAL YEAR 2008 In the terms of the Law, we have the honor to submit for your appreciation and approval the Board of Director’s Report and the individual and consolidated financial statements for the year ended as at 31 December 2008. 1. INTRODUCTION The “Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A.” completed in December 2008 its sixth full year of activity after having been created, under the restructuring process established for the companies owned by Pestana family, to be the Holding in Portugal to the investments of the Group. . GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The 2008 consolidated financial statements include the following companies: Pestana Management Pestana Saúde & Vida I I Hotéis do Atlântico Salvor I I Djebel Rio Prata I I EP Carvoeiro Golfe Carvoeiro Golfe Med .Imobiliária I I EP Amoreira Intervisa Lisboa Empreend. Turísticos Southern Escapes I Mundo Imaginação Carlton Palácio I Porto Carlton I I Guiatur I I I Energólica I SDM Argentur Inversiones Vistalparque I I Carlton Life SGPS I Grupo Pestana Pousadas I Enatur Convento do Carmo I Carlton Life Serviços Carlton Life Cuidados e Apoio Carlton Life residências e Serviços Natura XXI I Rolldown Golf I I I C Salvintur GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS I Herdade da Abrunheira I I Eira da Loba Pestana Inversiones Qta Beloura Eurogolfe Soc Agrícola Arcos I EP I Costa Brava I Cota 40 I Wildbreak Aplicações Múltiplas ITI CapeGreen Troia B3 Euro Atlantic Airways Ponta da Cruz I I EP I I Viquingue Albar I M&J Pestana I D. João II C I I Pestana Investimentos I I I I 2. THE FISCAL YEAR 2008 GENERAL ENVIROMENT The World Economy in 2008 had, as had been expected, a year of great turbulence. Indeed, the economic and financial crisis that one had been announced arrived in its fullness, with particular intensity after September, when a major Investment Bank, with American capital and global businesses, filed for bankruptcy. Thus, the economy, which wasn’t very healthy mainly in the more developed regions, has increasingly worsened its situation as the year was ending. In the U.S., Japan and Euro Zone, none of the more developed economies escaped from the financial turmoil witnessed in the last four-month period of the year, which caused a huge slowdown in economic growth and great concern as the alarm signs became worse as the year end was closer. The European economies, in general, including all those where the main flows of tourists come from, have been caught by the financial crisis which was later extended to developing countries especially the BRIC (Brazil, Russia, India and China) which, initially, supposed that it could pass them by. If we remember that the first semester was dominated by a general increase in the price of several raw materials, with emphasis on oil, and also of basic food products – cereals and meat - we can conclude that we had a very difficult environment over the whole year. For this scenario significantly contributed the oil prices boost, which price had climbed from 57.21 US$ to 93.89 US$ a Brent barrel in 2007, and reached in 2008, prices close to 150 US$. The Portuguese economy, which was having a positive trend, even though modest, also saw its performance drop down, being estimated that the annual change of GDP in 2008, while positive, is close to zero. Another negative signal was the significant slowdown in Investment that occurred particularly after the last fourmonth of the year. As a result of the deterioration of the whole economic environment, the unemployment rate beginning to rise in Portugal and throughout Europe. The problem of unemployment is probably the one that will be the biggest challenge for public policies in the near future, not only because its trend of growth, but also, because the social problem it represents for families, including the most unprotected. Finally, it is highlighted that the indebtedness levels were maintained in a higher rank, either by the government, either by the companies or households, indicating that Portugal and the Portuguese’s still live above its possibilities, which may be, in the long term, a big obstacle to a sustained trend of economic recovery. Perspectives The 2009 outlook seems to be even more turbulent. The tensions in the financial sector have been contaminating the whole economy, affecting companies that until a few months ago were seen as among the most robust in the world. The car industry and its entire supporting activi- GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ties are suffering in chain, and the construction and real estate sectors, important parts for the majority of the western economies, have suffered drastic reductions in its activity. In the present context, it is forecasted for the current year the maintenance of the world economy recession environment, although the most optimistic predict the appearance of positive signs, with some consistency, in the last fourmonth period of the year in some economies. The fight against the crisis has been guided by aggressive public policies - public investment and support to exporting companies or companies which have high levels of employment - are examples of some of these measures - and by Central Banks – through the reduction of interest rates and extraordinary measures, such as direct lending to companies or the massive injection of money to provide liquidity to financial systems - have had the merit to alleviate the drastic effects of the crisis, in the short term, but will require, in the medium term, no less extraordinary measures to combat tensions, including inflation, which will appear later on. As a result of this financial crisis is now a consensus that the populations of more developed economies need to change its behavior patterns. Indeed, or the productivity rate changes substantially, or it will be impossible to keep some of the social protections that were introduced in these economies over the years of economic growth, which, of course, will not be well accepted and will create an instability and conflict climate. In the other hand, these economies will have to increase the saving rates and reduce the consumption levels. Finally, it is expected, and desirable, in order to prevent future crisis of similar or greater severity, the opening of a path of sustained reduction of asymmetries between the economies (and people’s living standards) of developed countries and the rest of the World. Tourism Sector The Tourism sector, Grupo Pestana core business, had in 2008 a good year, yet. However, the sector was not immune to the economic crisis and there was, consequently, a reduction in demand at a global level with special intensity at the end of the year. This situation is, however, the result of two opposing trends. To the positive trend of the first half of the year opposed the reduction in demand that, gradually, was reaching various destinations in the second half of the year. On average, the pace of demand growth was lower than what had been happening in previous years (between 1995-2006 the world-wide tourism has grown an average of +5,0% per year), and also lower than what is foreseen for the next years (WTO – World Tourism Organization, expects an annual average growth of +4,0% per year, in the long term). This growth has not been similar in all segments, though. Indeed, if in the Leisure Tourism the reductions have been perfectly reasonable for a climate of economic slowdown, in the corporate segment – Meetings, Incentive, Conference, and Exhibitions (MICE) - has seen drastic GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS reductions in demand. For the lesser negative trend in leisure are not unrelated the socioeconomic changes that occurred in the living standards of the populations of most advanced economies: the creation of vacations period, the enlargement of the retired population, the information society that arises the people’s curiosity about the world around, are examples of factors that strongly contribute to turn almost essential the need of doing holidays. It is clearly that the economic environment influences the greater or lesser spending in holidays, but the need of doing holidays is no longer questioned for a large part of population in developed countries. People continue to travel, though less often, in shorter periods and spending less money. To maintain these levels of demand it has also contributed, significantly, the innovations that have occurred in this industry. First in the air transport, where the business model set up by the “Low Cost” companies, and the reaction that other operators were forced to take to improve their competitive position, made that the average price of the air tickets has fallen considerable. In fact, this was done boosted by the “Open Air” policy that most countries followed. Also in the distribution channels there have been significant changes. The traditional tour operators began a strategy of consolidation, which, in a first stage, consisted in the merger with other traditional players (at the end of 2006 the first four players on the European market were reduced to two through businesses combinations), and, in the second stage, passed by the acquisition of “Web Based” operators, some of them with close connections with airlines with a low cost operating concept or with mixed operating systems. At the level of “web” operators, technological advances and partnerships have making the market changing, intensifying the competition. This movement occurs not only in marketing models but also in the development of information services to the potential tourist / client, whether about destinations and its attractions or about others travelers opinions or product users. We are, thus, in the middle of the “Social Media” age, emerging, daily, new sites on the Internet and new “blogs” about various tourism products. Therefore, companies have to enter in this game, developing and giving visibility to its own “sites”, establishing partnerships and be constantly alert to the opinions that are made about its own products. In the Destinations management there is also an increased competition, because the bet that many countries, or regions, are doing in the creation and growth of new tourist destinations. Countries, or regions, until very recently regarded as non-existent or even ignored in the tourism sector, have emerged in the market with new products and very aggressive promotional campaigns supported by massive public investments. The crisis in industrial sectors has increased this phenomenon, as the countries seek alternatives in the tourism sector for its development plans. Companies are, thus, facing an unfavorable economic environment that reduces demand, GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS causing major changes in business models and intensifying competition. By this way, the sector became much more competitive, forcing companies to improve their efficiency and effectiveness levels. Nowadays, better business strategies are required in order to engage in more and better products and services offers at the same cost, providing greater value to the client. In other words, increasing the productivity levels through employees’ better qualifications, and obtaining bigger synergies and economies of scale has become an imperative for the companies’ survival, in addition to the rule of good management. This phenomenon explains, in part, the market players’ reduction, which being fewer, are bigger as they agglutinate the smaller or the more inefficient operators around them, that don’t keep up the market competitiveness. For a winning business strategy, it is also necessary a good management of tourist destinations where they are implemented. As already mentioned, the destinations are facing new challenges that will only be overcome through strategies to improve infrastructures that are essential to the products offered. By this way, it will be possible to have a quality and sustainable tourism and raise the level of the services offered. This will only be possible if it is developed a culture of tourism and if there is effectiveness in the promotion, which involves using the right channels and appropriate instruments to the strategy that was established. In order to achieve this goal, it is increasingly urgent to have a public/private partnership to manage the different variables of Tourism sup- ply and demand. Get comparative advantages against the competition, as the only way to win this battle, implies a consensus and a concerted action not only in the institutional promotion of the Tourist Destination and of the different supply components, but also in other traditional areas in the scope of the public intervention, which became central to the quality and international competitiveness of that destination. This means public policies for territory planning, environment, transportation and its infrastructures, health, public safety, entrance visas, management of the cultural places and of the historical and cultural patrimony, creative management and cross promotion of the tourist destination, among others specific for each region. Therefore, it is necessary an effective partnership between with the private economic agents, which are the main players of this sector. This public/private partnership is crucial not only for the definition of the destination strategy, but also for its achievement. As such, the integrated management of a tourist destination with shared responsibilities between the different sectors of the public policy, and between these and the private sector, is a key factor to reach, in the global market, good levels of competitiveness. In Portugal the performance of the tourism sector in 2008 followed the international trends. In the main touristic areas, the first half of the year registered a growth in demand. However, in the second half of the year the effects of the financial crisis have gradually arrived. The crisis was firstly felt in the Algarve, which already had a difficult summer in 2008, and after in the markets more dependent on the corporate seg- GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ments, such as the Lisbon area, and, finally, was spread out to the whole territory. In the Madeira island, which had a very good performance in the first nine months, it was seen a substantial reduction in demand in the last months of the year. However, the excellent performance of the initial three quarters made this year the best year ever of many hotels. Nevertheless, the Tourism sector in Portugal continues to suffer from serious structural problems, which debilitates it in conjunction with the aggressive international competition. demand. Also, belonging to the European Union requires respect for anti-dumping and anticompetitive EU laws that has prevented states from adopting policies to subsidize operators, airlines or hotels, which other countries have no problems to put into practice. Therefore, there are greater challenges for companies, as the Group Pestana, which have the majority of its operations in the Euro Zone. For 2009 there are clear signs of concern. Right away, the continuation of the current economic and financial crisis, and after the appreciation trend of the Euro against the British Pound and the U.S. Dollar. The continuation of the economic crisis, besides the reduction in demand, has another perverse effect, which stems from the reduction of liquidity in financial systems. Through this scarcity, many companies came into difficulties. There was, in some cases, uncompleted projects and, in others cases, units that were already operating and have to adopt very aggressive strategies. The adoption of such strategies, particularly when focused, exclusively, in pricing, first drag their businesses down and later the entire sector. The appreciation of Euro against other currencies, especially the British Pound and U.S. Dollar, make the tourist destinations of the Euro Zone more expensive compared to its competitors, increasing, by this way, the reduction in GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. THE CONSOLIDATED UNIVERSE OF GRUPO PESTANA SGPS IN 2008 Introduction In the operational activity of the Group companies, the following investments should be pointed out in relation to 2008: n The end of the first construction phase, structure, of the future “Pestana Chelsea Bridge”, in London and the launch of the second phase expected to be finished before the end of the current year; n Opening in March of the “Pestana Porto Santo”, which meant the arrival of Group Pestana to the second island of the Madeira archipelago, with a 5 stars unit and 275 rooms, more than half are suites; n The large renewal of the “Pestana D. João II”, in Algarve, which reopened in May after a closure of about seven months; n Opening in May of the “Pestana Caracas”, a new 5-star unit that quickly became one of the most wanted in Venezuelan Capital; n Renewal of the Madeira Casino, an intervention that aimed to modernize this animation structure of reference in Madeira Island, which was only possible because the concession extension, as it was done for other concessions in Portugal; n Opening of the “Pestana São Tome”, the first 5-star hotel and the newest and most modern unit of São Tome e Principe archipelago; n Renewal of the “Pestana Bazaruto”, 5-star unit located in the pearl of the Indian Ocean; n Acquisition of a majority stake in the management company of Alto Golf, allowing Pestana customers of the Alvor hotels to use a golf course right on the hotel door; n The continuation of the construction works of the future hotel “Pestana Promenade” in Funchal, with expected opening in the beginning of 2009; GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS n The remodeling of three “Pousadas” – Viana do Castelo, Sagres and Sousel, following the general effort to up-grade these physical structures under Group’s management. n The continuation of construction works in the new “Pousada” of Viseu and “Palácio do Freixo” in Oporto, which are expected to open to the public during 2009, together with the “Pousada de Estói”, which works are being managed by ENATUR; n The continuation of the modernization program of back-office systems, with connection to the operations central system in São Tomé and Cabo Verde and the launch of new software that allows the centralization of the payroll and administrative tasks of Human Resources; n The launch of the new integrated platform of reserves for all units of the Group in Portugal, with the integration to front-office system; n The completion of the new CRM project with the modernization of this important management tool; n The launch of the integrated project of sustainability which seeks to implement the best environmental and social practices throughout the Pestana operation’s; support the full development of young institutionalised. This project had in 2008 its first year of activity and had already worked with more than a hundred and a half of young people and almost ten institutions; n The acquisition in December 2008 of a company that owns three buildings in Miami, with the objective of opening a hotel with about 100 rooms in their joint space. Therefore, the Group continued to implement its strategy, which consisted mainly in organic growth, although having made some acquisitions focusing on the two brands under Group’s management: “Pestana Hotels & Resorts” and “Pousadas de Portugal.” This strategy aims to turn the Group Pestana into a worldwide player even more competitive in a highly global and aggressive environment, fulfilling our Vision – Growing with passion and strength in the five continents. This objective will only be achieved if we are able to consolidate our business and expand it in a sustainable way. In doing so, we will be constantly focused on improving the efficiency and the services provided to customers, we will be innovative n The completion of the project “Criamar” - Institution of Social Solidarity whose purpose is to GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Results obtained by Geographical Areas TURNOVER Amounts in Million Euros Amount ∆ 2008/2007 Geographical Area 2008 2007 Madeira 88,7 83,3 +6,5% Algarve 45,7 52,3 -12,6% Gr. Lisboa Porto 58,1 63,4 -8,4% Internacional 30,0 11,7 +156,4% 222,5 210,7 +5,6% The difficulties that 2008 encompassed are reflected on the evolution of the results. Thus, if the Madeira Island, as result of an excellent year to Tourism in the first nine months of the year, managed to increase its profitability comparing to 2007, and obtained its best year ever, other regions had their performances reduced. International area also had an increase in GOP (GOP - Gross Operating Profit), which is due to the good performance in Buenos Aires and Cabo Verde, and also due to activity increase because of the Hotel in Caracas, which from the beginning showed very positive results. It is also important to point out the resilience of the Group’s operations, which achieve very positive results in spite of great difficulties caused by the economic and financial crisis. first time in the recent years increased its weight in the total profitability of the Group, comparing with the previous year. The reversal of this trend is not unrelated with the effort to invest in this geographic area, which included the refurbishment of two of the most important and oldest units: “Pestana Carlton” and “Pestana Casino Park.” Another positive aspect that is important to highlight is the fact that in absolute terms, the reductions in turnover are rather higher than in the GOP. This fact, which is not easily achievable in sectors with very rigid cost structures (predominance of fixed costs), is demonstrative of the Group’s effort to make more flexible its Profit and Loss making it more adapted to market fluctuations. In consequence of these results, the most matured area of the group – Madeira Island – had for the GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Results by Business Area TURNOVER ∆ 2008/2007 Amount Business 2008 2007 Hotels 145,3 137,8 5,4% Timeshare & Tourist Real Estate 23,9 36,4 -34,3% Tourist Animation 20,6 20,8 -1,0% Tourist Distribution & others 32,7 15,7 108,3% 222,5 210,7 +5,6% Amounts in Million Euros Whether in absolute or relative terms, it is verified that the major increases occurred in the Group’s most important business - Hotels more 7,5 million Euros in turnover and more 3,2 million Euros in GOP, which represents a growth of 8% in relation to the previous year. It is also important to point out that the analysis to these growths in the Hotels business shows a “Flow Through” of 43%, demonstrating, therefore, a good costs’ management. Thus, it is clear that the real estate sector was the one that most suffered with the macroeconomic and financial crisis that occurred in 2008 and is expected to continue in 2009. We also stress that the increase in turnover does not imply higher results. There are sectors, such as tourism distribution, where increases in activity have little contribution, at least directly, for cash flow generation. With the exception of Timeshare and, especially, the Tourist Real Estate, all other business areas do not present significant negative changes. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Balance Sheet structure of Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A. Analyzing the Company’s Balance Sheet, it is possible to present the Group’s statement of origins and applications of capital, as follows: 2008 % TOTAL 2007 ∆ 08/07 Fixed Assets 592.925 85,4% 539.752 +9,9% Current Net Assets 59.485 8,6% 56.332 +5,6% Cash and banks 41.502 6,0% 39.805 +4,3% 693.912 100,0% 635.889 +9,1% CAPITAL APPLICATIONS Total Aplicações de Capital Amounts in Million Euros Capital Origins 2008 % TOTAL 2007 Shareholder’s Equity 268.417 38,7% 223.260 Minority Interests 39.369 5,7% 77.584 6.148 0,9% 6.663 313.934 45,2% 307.507 370 0,1% 408 Medium/long term Debt 237.887 34,3% 185.722 Total Permanent Capitals 552.191 79,6% 493.637 Short term Debt 96.811 13,9% 86.276 Accruals and Deferrals 44.910 6,5% 55.977 T otal Capital Origins 693.912 100,0% 635.889 Debts to Shareholders Shareholder’s Equity or Equivalent Provisions for risks and charges Amounts in Million Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS ∆ 08/07 +2,1% +11,9% + 9,1% The Capital Applications continue focused mainly in Fixed assets, representing more than 85% of the total. This fact derives from Hotels be the Company’s “core business” and, in opposition with the policy followed in the last years by other hotels chains, the Group’s option of being the owner of the units under operation. This option implies, on one hand, a slower growth in terms of units and number of beds operated by the Company, but, on the other hand, turns the Company’s Balance Sheet stronger giving sustainability to the growth achieved. The Balance Sheet strength can also be evaluated by the Total debt/Total fixed assets ratio, which is 56,4%, in spite of fixed assets being clearly understated, considering that the older units are accounted for by an amount lower than the its fair value. The valuation of fixed assets, by any market method (GOP multiples, multiples of the room value or discounted cash flows), or by the replacement value method, would lead to substantial capital gains that have always been verified when it was necessary to make an assessment to these units. Therefore, the securitization of part of the assets, mainly the fixed assets, keeping them under the Group’s management, a very common operation in tourism companies and already tested in the past in some Group units, would allow covering completely the debt liabilities. assets and the cash and banks is about 40% of the short term debt. Therefore, the Group is prepared to face the current financial crisis and liquidity scarcity, as had overcome other crisis that occurred in the last 37 years of the existence of the Group, which are typical in the Tourism sector. In 2008 the Group completed an intensive investment phase, either by opening new units or by the end of the remodeling process of the main hotel units. Indeed, the investment in the last year was around 80 million Euros, being predicted that will fall to about 20% of this amount in the current year. Just as an example, in 2008 were being built two new units in Madeira island, meanwhile concluded (Porto Santo and Promenade), and was also finished the renewal of two major hotels (Casino Park and Carlton) and of Casino Madeira, in addition to the payment of the financial contribution that allowed the renewal of the Gambling concession in Funchal area. Therefore, there was an investment that exceeded the 35 million Euros while in 2009 the investment planned, including the renewal of the “Pestana Palms,” will have a maximum cost of 1 million Euros. Any investments in progress, of which the main are “Pestana London” and the “Pousadas” of Viseu and Freixo, in Oporto, have assured their medium and long term financing needs. In the company’s balance sheet the weight of permanent capital is about 80% of total GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A. Cash-flows Statement 2008 2007 Var. 08/07 2006 Var. 07/06 + Operational profit 33.088,2 36.197,6 -8,6% 22.645,0 +59,9% + Depreciations 26.752,0 21.406,8 +24,7% 21.843,8 -2,0% 1.191,1 1.141,6 +4,3% 246,6 363,9% Operational cash-flow 61.031,3 58.746,0 +3,9% 44.735,4 +31,3% Annual cash-flow 51.946,7 49.134,5 +5,7% + Provisions Amounts in Million Euros The 2008 Operational cash-flow was slightly higher to the one obtained in 2007 and over 35% higher than the one obtained in 2006. This figure reflects the good performance achieved by the several business areas of Group Pestana in a year that, as already referred, had a second semester with a significant decrease in demand, and there were sectors, as Tourist real estate, where the effects of the financial crisis were already strongly felt. This figure represents about 19% of the total shareholder’s equity or equivalents, curiously the same profitability registered in 2007. The achievement of these positive results, in a hard context and where the Group’s organic growth was yet significant, in business areas like Hotels, which have long pay-back periods, reveals the Company’s good capacity to generate cash-flows, mainly in those divisions where the businesses are more matured and, therefore, the operational efficiency is more proficient. Conversely, the total Annual cash-flow was higher than the one obtained in 2008 (the higher amount obtained till this year), and represented about 3,27 times the amount of interests and similar expenses (Net interests) for the year. These amounts reflect the Grupo Pestana S.G.P.S., S.A. solid financial structure since its inception and are the outcome of a careful debt management that we aim to leave far below the Group maximum indebtedness capacity. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 4. GRUPO PESTANA S.G.P.S., S.A. INDIVIDUAL FINANCIAL STATEMENTS The Company’s individual activity was characterized for its Group holding function, where can be highlighted the following operations done during 2008: approximate amount of 108 million Euros, 51 million Euros are bank loans and 49 million Euros are cashpooling applications made by group companies in the holding. nIncrease up to 100% the share capital in M&J Pestana, S.A.; The net profit for the year was mainly due to the application of equity method to investments in affiliated companies, enhanced by goodwill depreciations, of acquisitions carried out in the past, and by interests charges related with the financing of these acquisitions. The great evolution of the net profit for the year derives from the good operational performance showed in 2008 by the different business units. nEnlargement in 2,11% the share capital in SALVOR, S.A.; nEnlargement in 0,08% the share capital in GP Pousadas, S.A.; nFollow-on the centralized treasury management policy, in order increase efficiency in the cash management within the Group. The Company’s individual financial statements present total assets of 343.765.391,91 Euros and shareholders’ equity of 235.295.256,59 Euros, including a net profit for the year of 17.922.022,10 Euros. From the Company’s liabilities in the total GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 5. PROFIT DISTRIBUTION PROPOSAL As a consequence of the previously mentioned facts and considering the Company’s economical and financial situation, we propose the following distribution of the 2008 net profit, amounting to 17.922.022,10 Euros: Legal reserve Retained earnings €900.000,00 €17.022.022,10 6. LIABILITIES TO THE STATE AND SOCIAL SECURITY The universe of the consolidated companies has its situation regularized with the State and with the Social Security. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 7. THE FUTURE The year of 2009, because the negative signals that hang over the economies of major tourism markets, is foreseen as a difficult year. The level of difficulty will, mostly, take place in the low seasons. The different players of the sector value chain are with defensive strategies and, thus, less willing to take risks. This involves reducing operations in times of greater uncertainty on the demand side. In addition, the corporate market, very dependent of the companies’ budgets, that at this stage is natural that are restrictive, will have a slowdown during the year. Also leisure destinations of the Euro Zone, where prevail the products Sun and Beach and also the Nature, might suffer a increased reductions of an important market as the English if the Euro continues the appreciation against other currencies. We have, therefore, a negative outlook throughout the all year and for all tourism segments. As a response, it is important outlining strategies that allow, first, to overcome the crisis minimizing its effects, and, second, to create conditions so that, after the worst phase, the Group is able to grab the good opportunities that the post-crisis periods usually offer. Consequently, it becomes even more important that business strategies incorporate the necessary measures to increase the levels of competitiveness, which can only be achieved by improving business efficiency. The Group Pestana will continue its strategy, conducting its business by the following guidelines: nContinue to improve operational flexibility, sharply reducing fixed costs and giving to the organization resources for quick responses to the different situations and challenges that the market will offer; nContinue to invest in change and innovation, as a way of, through new business models and new services or processes, increase creation of value to its customers, providing them greater satisfaction and, thereby, collect their loyalty; nIncrease the relation with the different “stakeholders”, including strengthening partnerships throughout the value chain of the sector, with tour operators or airlines and increasing the transparent dialogue with its financing partners; nRedouble the attention to the market, without losing long term vision – that means, an economy of war that allows to survive the crisis (the financial resilience is crucial) but, also, to prepare the Organization for new challenges and opportunities of the “post-crisis” period; nReinforcing its commitment to its more than six thousand employees, promoting an environment that allows everyone to overcome this time of difficulty with the hard work that will be needed but, also, with the awareness that everyone is making all efforts to do the right things, and, together, we can prepare a better future; nIncrease the support of the activities in the pillars of Sustainability (environmental, social and economical), assuming the commitment and promoting the implementation of best practices not only within the company but also in society in which it belongs. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. RELEVANT FACTS ALREADY OCCURRED IN 2009 Of the facts that have already occurred in 2009, the “Pestana Promenade” soft opening, in last February, deserves a special mention. 9. THANKS To conclude, the members of the Board of Directors of Grupo Pestana - S.G.P.S., S.A., as well as its colleagues who carry out administration functions in other Group companies, would like to express their deepest thanks to all the public and private entities that, directly and indirectly, have supported and worked with our Group. To our clients, suppliers and other business partners, namely financial institutions and other professional services providers, our recognition for all the trust showed in the development of our Group. The Board of Directors would like to emphasize the support and cooperation that the General Shareholders Meeting Chairman and the Supervisory Board Members showed in fulfilling their duties. Finally, we would like to enhance the great professional spirit and sense of duty of all the staff working for the Group Pestana. Its effort and devotion are the reason that turns possible the creation of value for which Group Pestana is responsible. Funchal, 9 April 2009 The board of directors Dionísio Fernandes Pestana - Chairman Pietro Luigi Valle - Member José Alexandre Lebre Theotónio – Member GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS CONSOLIDATED Balance Sheet Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2008 Assets 2008 Gross Assets FIXED ASSETS: Intangible Assets: 431 Start-up expenses 432 Research and development costs 433 Patents. brand names and other rights 434 Key money premiums 441/6 Intangible assets in progress 449 Advances paid on account of intangible assets Consolidation differences Tangible Assets: 421 Land and natural resources 422 Buildings and other constructions 423 Basic equipment 424 Transportation equipment 425 Tools 426 Administrative equipment 427 Containers 429 Other fixed assets 441/6 Fixed assets under construction 449 Advances paid on account of tangible assets Financial Investments: 4111 Shares in group companies 4121+4131 Loans to group companies 4112 Shares in associated companies 4122+4132 Loans to associated companies 4113 Shares in participated companies 4133 Loans to participated companies 4113+414+415 Other financial investments 4123+4133 Other loans granted 441/6 Investments in progress 447 Advances paid on account of financial investments CURRENT ASSETS: Inventories: 36 Raw and subsidiary materials and consumables 35 Work-in-process 34 By-products and wastage 33 Finished and intermediary products 32 Goods 37 Advances paid on account of goods in transit Receivables from third parties - long term: 211 Trade debtors 212 Trade debtors - bills receivable 218 Doubtful debts 24 Public entities 253+254 Other associated companies 251+255 Shareholders 2619 Advances to fixed assets suppliers 268 Other debtors Receivables from third parties - short term: 211 Trade debtors 212 Trade debtors - bills receivable 218 Doubtful debts 253+254 Other associeted companies 251+255 Shareholders 229 Advances to suppliers 2619 Advances to fixed assets suppliers 24 Public entities 262+266+267+268+221 Other debtors 264 Capital subscribed but not paid up Marketable securities and bonds: 1512 Shares in associated companies 1522 Bonds and other titles in associated companies 1513+1523+153/9 Other marketable securities 18 Other short term applications Cash and banks: 12+13+14 Bank deposits 11 Cash ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS: 271 Accrued income 272 Deferred costs 275 Deferred taxes asset Depreciations And Adjustments 3.712.019,35 14.947,90 19.499.223,49 1.801.346,81 4.377.216,41 0,00 56.876.307,68 86.281.061,64 61.492.177,61 426.549.393,16 178.302.055,49 3.195.255,24 708.654,10 16.110.809,04 0,00 601.801,96 80.300.790,81 514.100,69 767.775.038,10 0,00 0,00 13.524.154,72 6.000.000,00 7.270.834,71 2.983.819,99 10.595.641,16 0,00 1.840.183,61 0,00 42.214.634,19 1.929.111,78 24.383.815,32 0,00 10.225.586,21 3.221.939,84 0,00 39.760.453,15 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2.049.206,74 0,00 0,00 0,00 2.049.206,74 35.532.656,21 0,00 6.391.529,99 4.146.320,39 4.794,79 409.812,31 7.466.706,93 10.520.569,54 11.429.433,84 602.195,61 76.504.019,61 0,00 0,00 1.440.164,72 8.815.690,72 10.255.855,44 3.286.958,93 11.347,90 7.832.509,47 579.130,16 0,00 0,00 30.802.710,36 42.512.656,82 0,00 148.709.525,72 95.301.664,14 2.510.046,35 510.312,67 13.705.317,94 0,00 91.261,48 0,00 0,00 260.828.128,30 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 4.556,55 0,00 0,00 0,00 4.556,55 0,00 6.484.372,66 0,00 0,00 152.168,65 0,00 6.636.541,31 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.003.992,57 0,00 5.546.057,13 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 411.865,15 0,00 6.961.914,85 0,00 0,00 0,00 5.313,66 5.313,66 1.929.111,78 17.899.442,66 0,00 10.225.586,21 3.069.771,19 0,00 33.123.911,84 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2.049.206,74 0,00 0,00 0,00 2.049.206,74 34.528.663,64 0,00 845.472,86 4.146.320,39 4.794,79 409.812,31 7.466.706,93 10.520.569,54 11.017.568,69 602.195,61 69.542.104,76 0,00 0,00 1.440.164,72 8.810.377,06 10.250.541,78 30.522.711,04 728.661,62 31.251.372,66 2.068.995,25 8.640.057,21 4.777.216,05 2.068.995,25 8.640.057,21 4.777.216,05 Total Adjustments Total Assets 0,00 0,00 13.524.154,72 6.000.000,00 7.270.834,71 2.983.819,99 10.591.084,61 0,00 1.840.183,61 0,00 42.210.077,64 30.522.711,04 728.661,62 31.251.372,66 Total Depreciations 61.492.177,61 277.839.867,44 83.000.391,35 685.208,89 198.341,43 2.405.491,10 0,00 510.540,48 80.300.790,81 514.100,69 506.946.909,80 1.071.577.910,04 15.486.268,51 768.268,48 33.052,89 12.007.210,96 1.524.340,90 4.341.801,39 0,00 32.204.585,94 50.879.260,56 57.784.212,68 234.746.159,55 60.177.433,78 967.889,36 170.851,99 2.340.638,90 0,00 662.876,20 82.001.477,26 805.385,19 439.656.924,91 0,00 0,00 10.511.911,26 9.175.000,00 2.462.648,48 2.983.819,99 22.983.637,04 0,00 1.099.227,36 0,00 49.216.244,13 1.798.025,13 17.566.034,22 0,00 6.536.754,83 2.406.710,60 3.357.533,75 31.665.058,53 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2.051.803,32 0,00 0,00 0,00 2.051.803,32 29.353.220,72 0,00 573.462,56 4.146.320,39 3.312.450,59 1.889.749,80 6.877.780,24 8.938.973,60 8.595.244,79 0,00 63.687.202,69 0,00 0,00 1.249.847,38 5.626.544,89 6.876.392,27 31.371.534,42 1.557.029,77 32.928.564,19 1.881.957,01 6.813.684,45 5.765.915,98 14.461.557,44 303.345.341,67 13.603.769,82 316.949.111,49 754.628.798,55 691.423.008,04 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Net Assets 425.060,42 3.600,00 11.666.714,02 1.222.216,65 4.377.216,41 0,00 26.073.597,32 43.768.404,82 15.486.268,51 2007 Net Assets Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A. Consolidated Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2008 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY AND LIABILITIES 2008 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY: 80.000.000,00 51 Share capital 52 Own shares: 521 Par value 0,00 522 Premiums and discounts 0,00 53 Supplementary capital 56.000.000,00 33.690.973,24 54 Premiums on issuance of shares 55 Adjustments to investments in affiliated and associated companies -1.815.077,14 -175.665,12 56 Revaluation reserves Consolidation differences 26.856.154,68 -1.452.626,68 Conversion differences Reserves: 571 Legal reserves 965.928,14 572 Statutory reserves 0,00 573 Contractual reserves 0,00 574 to 579 Other reserves 18.686.949,23 59 Retained earnings 41.247.830,28 Sub total 254.004.466,63 88 Net profit/(loss) for the year 14.412.104,96 89 Anticipated dividends 0,00 Total Shareholders’ equity 268.416.571,59 Minority Interests 39.368.825,38 LIABILITIES: Provisions: 7.832,47 291 Provision for pensions 292 Provision for taxes 50.698,80 311.534,93 293/8 Other provisions 370.066,20 Debts to third parties - long term: 231+12 Bank loans 214.169.035,13 0,00 2612 Fixed assets suppliers - bills payable 251+255 Shareholders 5.774.519,54 12.653.162,19 239 Other loans 2611 Fixed assets suppliers 0,00 2613 Fixed assets suppliers - Leasing 11.065.026,83 24 Public entities 0,00 265+268 Other creditors 0,00 243.661.743,69 Debts to third parties - short term: Bonds: 2321 Convertible 0,00 2322 Non convertible 0,00 233 Other titled loans 0,00 231+12 Bank loans 95.272.377,30 269 Advances received on account of sales 0,00 221 Trade creditors 16.017.548,33 41.587,66 228 Trade creditors - outstanding invoices 222 Trade creditors - bills payable 0,00 2612 Fixed assets suppliers - bills payable 0,00 253+254 Other associated companies 0,00 251+255 Shareholders 373.396,97 219 Advances from trade debtors 11.154.853,08 239 Other loans 239.484,94 2611 Fixed assets suppliers 4.880.633,75 2613 Fixed assets suppliers - Leasing 1.299.250,27 3.842.182,13 24 Public entities 262+263+264+265+267+268+211 Other creditors 9.293.780,98 142.415.095,41 Accruals and deferrals: 20.325.361,80 273 Accrued costs 274 Deferred income 18.051.108,33 276 Deferred taxes liability 22.020.026,15 60.396.496,28 Total liabilities 446.843.401,58 Total Shareholders’ equity. Minority interests and Liabilities 754.628.798,55 2007 80.000.000,00 0,00 0,00 21.000.000,00 33.716.655,44 -829.663,76 0,00 28.535.809,89 -1.206.073,24 325.931,50 0,00 0,00 18.686.949,23 27.997.396,61 208.227.005,67 15.032.697,89 0,00 223.259.703,56 77.583.719,59 8.382,86 93.409,40 306.233,38 408.025,64 150.425.531,05 0,00 6.644.225,19 29.979.126,84 0,00 5.316.962,76 0,00 0,00 192.365.845,84 0,00 0,00 0,00 85.730.682,36 0,00 15.728.197,13 24.201,93 0,00 0,00 0,00 18.962,22 641.515,07 474.593,43 8.639.868,80 72.004,85 5.032.389,49 11.004.658,46 127.367.073,74 18.976.517,60 25.184.883,84 26.277.238,23 70.438.639,67 390.579.584,89 691.423.008,04 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A. Consolidated Income Statement by Natures for the year-ended 31 December 2008 COSTS AND LOSSES 2008 2007 61 Cost of goods sold and materials consumed: Goods 1.632.262,90 963.499,66 Raw and subsidiary materials and consumables 30.681.799,15 32.314.062,05 27.544.081,82 28.507.581,48 62 External services and supplies from third parties 69.827.214,06 67.387.826,70 64 Personnel costs: Wages (641+642) 50.892.596,45 48.846.273,37 Social charges: Pensions (643+644) 93.749,26 100.656,00 Others (645/8) 13.840.322,95 64.826.668,66 13.915.413,28 62.862.342,65 Amortizações Imobilizado Corpóreo e Incorpóreo (662+663) 26.751.990,42 21.406.752,72 Adjustments (666+667) 1.111.227,61 952.953,78 Provisions 79.906,82 27.943.124,85 188.689,09 22.548.395,59 Taxes 5.779.786,32 5.984.442,74 Other operational costs and losses 1.188.085,28 6.967.871,60 2.089.245,18 8.073.687,92 A) 201.878.941,22 189.379.834,34 Depreciations and adjustments for financial investments (683+684) 8.373.109,12 5.030.942,29 Interests and similar costs: Group Companies 438,48 0,00 Losses on Group Companies 13.623,15 162.337,86 Others (681+685+686+687+688) 24.037.347,49 32.424.518,24 17.353.232,90 22.546.513,05 C) 234.303.459,46 211.926.347,39 Extraordinary costs and losses 6.109.252,70 1.076.558,81 E) 86 Income tax for the year G) Profit attributable to minority interests 88 Net profit/(loss) for the year 240.412.712,16 1.468.336,99 241.881.049,15 1.218.437,39 14.412.104,96 213.002.906,20 4.247.364,16 217.250.270,36 6.522.476,69 15.032.697,89 257.511.591,50 238.805.444,94 PROFITS AND GAINS 2008 2007 71 Sales: Goods Products 5.006.375,35 3.085.187,43 3.751.002,32 5.201.542,29 72 Services rendered 213.745.050,30 222.502.427,97 202.391.785,72 210.678.515,44 Increase in stocks of finished products and work-in-process 111.665,27 266.962,30 75 Self constructed fixed assets 1.844.951,31 7.841.527,73 73 Supplementary revenue 4.998.141,00 5.300.282,71 74 Operational grants 420.497,62 231.416,71 76 Other operational profits and gains 800.008,20 13.483,02 77 Reversions of depreciations and adjustments 4.289.411,91 10.508.058,73 1.245.202,88 6.790.385,32 B) 234.967.103,28 225.577.390,79 782 Gains in group and associated companies: Group companies 2.855.668,13 2.717.191,34 Gains in marketable securities and other financial aplications: Group companies Others (7812+7815+78162+783) Outros Juros e Proveitos Similares: Relativos a Empresas Associadas Outros (7811+7813+7814+7818+785/788) 79 Extraordinary profits and gains D) F) 1.679.205,31 1.565.643,80 652.803,38 465.076,64 266.349,34 323.942,15 8.135.754,07 13.589.780,23 4.243.924,12 248.556.883,51 8.954.707,99 257.511.591,50 SUMMARY Operational profit/(loss): (B)-(A)= 33.088.162,06 Financial profit/(loss): (D-B)-(C-A)= -18.834.738,01 Current profit/(loss): (D)-(C)= 14.253.424,05 Profit/(Loss) before income tax: (F)-(E)= 17.098.879,34 Consolidated profit/(loss) for the year including minority interests (F)-(G)= 15.630.542,35 9.315.778,05 234.893.168,84 3.912.276,10 238.805.444,94 36.197.556,45 -13.230.735,00 22.966.821,45 25.802.538,74 21.555.174,58 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A. Consolidated Income Statement by Natures for the year-ended 31 December 2008 2008 2007 Sales and services rendered 222.502.427,97 210.678.515,44 Cost of sales and services rendered -141.690.191,50 -132.885.976,67 80.812.236,47 77.792.538,77 Other operational profits and gains 21.419.383,30 18.811.151,45 Distribution costs -7.185.677,11 -8.577.149,77 Administrative costs -25.059.947,76 -25.368.312,31 Other operational costs and losses -34.052.377,55 -23.624.954,40 35.933.617,35 39.033.273,74 Net Funding costs -15.901.593,42 -13.109.308,78 Gains/(Losses) in group and associated companies -3.585.947,97 -586.502,86 Gains/(Losses) in other investments 652.803,38 465.076,64 Unusual gains/(losses) 0,00 0,00 17.098.879,34 25.802.538,74 -1.468.336,99 -4.247.364,16 15.630.542,35 21.555.174,58 Gross margin Operational profit Current profit and loss Income tax over current profit and loss Current profit and loss after income tax Extraordinary profit and loss 0,00 0,00 Income tax over extraordinary profit and loss 0,00 0,00 Profit attributable to minority interests -1.218.437,39 -6.522.476,69 Net profit/(loss) for the year 14.412.104,96 15.032.697,89 Net profit/(loss) per share 0,180 0,188 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A. Consolidated Statement of Cash Flows for the year-ended 31 December 2008 2008 OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash receipts from trade debtors 259.041.005,48 Cash paid to trade creditors -126.363.976,78 Cash paid to employees -63.676.373,77 OPERATING ACTIVITIES 69.000.654,93 Income taxes received/(paid) -5.893.333,00 Other receipts/(payments) of operating activities -4.774.729,53 Cash-flow before extraordinary items 58.332.592,40 Cash received related to extraordinary items 0,00 Cash payments related to extraordinary items 0,00 Net cash-flow from operating activities 58.332.592,40 INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Receipts from: Financial investments 25.476.393,05 Tangible assets 950.824,59 Intangible assets 0,00 Government grants 3.886.006,13 Interests and similar profits 4.174.390,24 Dividends 423.720,00 Other receipts from investment activities 82.619,00 ..... Payments of: Financial investments -38.912.356,34 Tangible assets -71.810.896,43 Intangible assets -431.923,10 Other payments of investment activities -2.042.449,05 ..... Net cash-flow from investment activities -78.203.671,91 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Receipts from: Loans obtained 73.095.883,53 Capital increases. supplementary capital and premiums 1.115.755,68 Grants and donations 102.473,00 Sales of own shares 0,00 Coverage of previous years losses 0,00 Other receipts from financing activities 737.937,34 ..... 0,00 Payments of: Loans obtained -34.321.192,29 Capital amortization of leasing contracts -2.066.068,37 Interests and similar costs -18.944.350,63 Dividends -4.310.535,00 Capital reimbursement and supplementary capital 0,00 Acquisition of own shares 0,00 Other payments of financing activities -1.282.602,90 ..... 0,00 Net cash-flow from financing activities 14.127.300,36 Net increase/(decrease) in cash and cash equivalents -5.743.779,15 Cash of new consolidated companies 0,00 Exchange rate effect 565.335,15 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 36.890.668,16 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period 31.712.224,16 NOTES TO THE CASH-FLOW STATEMENT Cash Bank deposits - current accounts Other deposits until 3 months Other financial aplications until 3 months Bank overdrafts Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Other Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at Balance Sheet 2008 728.661,62 37.959.588,10 1.373.500,00 1.440.164,72 (9.789.690,28) 31.712.224,16 9.789.690,28 41.501.914,44 2007 232.111.451,02 -120.937.727,17 -61.407.240,82 49.766.483,02 -3.862.593,55 6.265.610,05 52.169.499,52 0,00 0,00 52.169.499,52 23.302.638,02 2.440.882,52 0,00 4.799.180,20 5.325.974,62 584.145,44 397.402,15 -21.171.759,87 -66.889.335,61 -1.087.078,20 -1.721.150,59 -54.019.101,32 61.573.310,49 2.046.336,94 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -48.714.555,37 -1.279.480,53 -18.240.989,91 -4.586.088,95 0,00 0,00 -324,35 0,00 -9.201.791,68 -11.051.393,47 0,00 8.349,00 47.933.712,63 36.890.668,16 2007 1.557.029,77 36.998.079,31 0,00 1.249.847,38 (2.914.288,30) 36.890.668,16 2.914.288,30 39.804.956,46 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS N O T E S to the Consolidated Financial Statements NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GRUPO PESTANA, S.G.P.S., S.A. Introduction Group Pestana comprises Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A. (Grupo Pestana SGPS or Company) and subsidiary companies (see Note 1), being Tourism its main activity. The Company began the preparation consolidated financial statements in 2003. Hotel Pestana Carlton Madeira Pestana Miramar Pestana Village Pestana Palms Pestana Atlantic Gardens Pestana Casino Park Hotel Pestana Bay Pestana Atalaia Pestana Grand Madeira Magic Casino da Madeira Centro Intern. Neg. Madeira Pestana Porto Santo Pestana Promenade a) Pestana Palace Pestana Porto Pestana Atlantic Gardens Pestana Sintra Golf Pestana Beloura Golf Resort of Location Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Madeira Lisboa Porto Cascais Sintra Sintra As at 31 December 2008, the Group Pestana includes 30 hotels (2 under construction), 5 golf courses, 1 casino, 1 thematic park, 41 lodginghouses, 1 travel agency and the management entity of Madeira’s International Business Center. Hotel Pestana Alvor Praia Pestana Alvor Park Pestana Delfim Pestana Dom João II Pestana Alvor Atlantico Pestana Levante Pestana Porches Praia Pestana Viking Pestana Gramacho Golf Resort Pestana Vale da Pinta Golf Resort Pestana Silves Golfe Resort Pestana Alto Golfe Resort Pousadas de Portugal (Rede) Pestana Convento Carmo Pestana Trópico Pestana Kruger Lodge Pestana Buenos Aires Pestana Caracas Pestana Londres b) Location Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Algarve Portugal Brasil Cabo Verde Africa Sul Argentina Venezuela Reino Unido a) = Inauguration in the first semester of 2009 b) = Inauguration in the second semester of 2009 Besides the traditional hotel management activity, the Group also explores resorts in the periodic tenancy system (timeshare), tourist real estate activity, tourist distribution and entertainment. The notes to the financial statements follow the sequential numbering defined in the Portuguese Official Plan of Accounts (POC). Standard notes not included are either not applicable to the Company or their presentation is not relevant to the reading of the referred financial statements. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Basis for consolidation The consolidated financial statements have been prepared in accordance with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal and with the consolidation rules defined in POC, with the changes introduced by the Decree-law 238/91, of 2 July, and with the accounting directives from “Comissão de Normalização Contabilística” (CNC). 1. CONSOLIDATED COMPANIES The companies included in the consolidated financial statements, their registered office, consolidation method and proportion of capital held, as at 31 December 2008, are as follows: Companys’ name / Registered Office % Capital held % of control Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A. Holding Holding Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal Pestana Investimentos -Projectos Industriais e Serviços S.A. 100,00% 100,00% Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal M. & J. Pestana -Sociedade de Turismo da Madeira, S.A. 100,00% 100,00% Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal ITI -Sociedade de Investimentos Turísticos na Ilha da Madeira, S.A. 100,00% 100,00% Rua Imperatriz D. Amélia, 55 -Funchal Hotéis Atlântico -Sociedade Imobiliária e de Gestão de Hotéis, S.A. 99,92% 99,92% Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal Ponta da Cruz -Sociedade Imobiliária e de Gestão de Hotéis, S.A. 51,65% 51,65% Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal Rio de Prata -Consultadoria e Participações, S.A. 99,90% 99,98% Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal CapeGreen -Consultadoria Económica e Participações, S.A. 54,88% 54,28% Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal Energólica -Produção de Energia Eléctrica, S.A. 63,00% 63,00% Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal Pestana Saúde e Vida, S.A. 100,00% 100,00% Largo António Nobre, 1 -Funchal Carlton Life, S.G.P.S., S.A. 65,00% 65,00% Av Visconde de Valmor, 66 -4o -Lisboa Carlton Life – Serviços de Consultoria, S.A. 65,00% 100,00% Av Visconde de Valmor, 66 -4o -Lisboa Carlton Life – Cuidados de Apoio, S.A. 65,00% 100,00% Av Visconde Valmor, 66 -4o -Lisboa Carlton Life Residências e Serv. 65,00% 100,00% Av Visconde de Valmor, 66 -4o -Lisboa Pestana Management 100,00% 100,00% Largo António Nobre, 1 - Funchal Mundo da Imaginação 78,34% 77,50% Largo António Nobre, 1 - Funchal Aplicações Múltiplas - Sociedade de Aplicações Financeiras, S.A. 83,00% 83,00% Rau Jau, 54 - Lisboa GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Consolidation Method Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full Full NOTES TO THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS GRUPO PESTANA, S.G.P.S., S.A. Companys’ name / Registered Office % Capital held % of control Consolidation Method Grupo Pestana Pousadas - Investimentos Turísticos, S.A. 59,88% 59,88% Full Rua Jau, 54, freguesia de Alcântara, Lisboa Carlton Palácio - Sociedade de Construção e Exploração Hoteleiras, S.A. 89,21% 100,00% Full Rua Tierno Galvan, Torre 3–6º - sala 601 - Lisboa Porto Carlton - Sociedade de Construção e Exploração Hoteleira, S.A. 49,80% 60,00% Full Praça da Ribeira, nº1, 4050-513 Porto Guiatur - Empreendimentos Turísticos da Guia Cascais, S.A. 87,22% 99,98% Full Av. Manuel Júlio Carvalho e Costa, 115 - Cascais Quinta da Beloura Golfe, S.A. 79,02% 87,81% Full Rua das Sesmarias, nº 3, Quinta da Beloura, Sintra Salvor, Sociedade de Investimento Hoteleiro, S.A. 94,52% 94,52% Full R. Rodrigo da Fonseca, 77 - 5º - Lisboa Carvoeiro Golfe, S.A. 94,52% 100,00% Full Ald. Turístico do Gramacho, Lt4 - Carvoeiro Amoreira - Aldeamento Turístico, Lda 94,52% 100,00% Full R. da Hortinha, 13 - 2A - Portimão Eurogolfe, S.A. 94,52% 100,00% Full Ald. Turístico do Gramacho, Lt4 - Carvoeiro Costa Brava, Construções, Lda 94,52% 100,00% Full Vale de Currais - Carvoeiro Sociedade Imobiliária Troia B3, S.A. 75,61% 80,00% Full R. da Prata, 10 - Lisboa Sociedade de Investimento Hoteleiro D. João II, S.A. 94,52% 100,00% Full Praia Srª da Rocha, Alporchinhos - Porches - Lagoa Viquingue, Sociedade Turística, S.A. 94,52% 100,00% Full Praia Srª da Rocha, Alporchinhos - Porches - Lagoa Sociedade Agrícola dos Arcos, Lda 75,61% 80,00% Full R. do Municipio Lt H 2ºA - Leiria Soc. Invest. Imob. Eira da Loba Lda. 89,79% 95,00% Full São Pedro e Poço dos Pardais - Lagoa Carvoeiro Golfe Soc Mediação Imob Lda. 94,52% 100,00% Full Ald. Turístico do Gramacho, Lt4 - Carvoeiro Rolldown Golfe, Lda. 51,04% 54,00% Full Rua da Hortinha, 13, 2º A, 8500-593 Portimão Natura XXI, Lda. 94,52% 100,00% Full Apartado 1011, 8401-908- Carvoeiro Empreendimentos Turísticos, Lda 54,88% 100,00% Full Cidade da Praia - Ilha de Santiago - Cabo Verde Argentur Inversiones Turisticas S.A. 99,96% 100,00% Full Buenos Aires - Argentina Cota Quarenta, S.A. 99,99% 99,99% Full Largo António Nobre 1 – Funchal SDM- Sociedade Desenvolvimento da Madeira, S.A. 15,00% 70,00% Full Rua da Mouraria 9, 1º andar, 9000-047 Funchal Convento do Carmo, S.A. 44,91% 75,00% Full Rua do Carmo, s/n Pelourinho, 40301-330 Salvador Wild Break 29 (PTY), Lda 56,24% 50,00% Full Malelane 1320 - South Africa Southern Escapes Travel And Tourism (PTY), Lda. 56,24% 50,00% Full 1 Hettie Street Cyrildene - 2198 Johannesburg Pestana Inversiones, S.L. 99,96% 99,96% Full Pradillo, 5 Bajo Ext. dcha. -28002 Madrid Inversiones VistalParque, S.A. 46,41% 76,44% Full Primera Avenida Urbanización Santa Eduvigis-1071 Caracas Herdade da Abrunheira, SA 66,67% 66,67% Full Heradade Abrunheira, Freguesia Urra-Portalegre Enatur - Empresa Nacional de Turismo, S.A. 29,34% 49,00% Equity Method Avenida Santa Joana Princesa , nº 10, 1700 Lisboa Albar - Sociedade Imobiliária do Barlavento, S.A. 49,81% 49,81% Equity Method Rua Tierno Galvan, Torre 3, sala 602, Amoreiras, 1070-274 Lisboa EuroAtlantic Airways, Transportes Aéreos S.A. 20,00% 20,00% Equity Method Rua das Sesmarias, 3 Quinta da Beloura 2710-692 Sintra Intervisa-Viagens e Turismo, S.A. 38,99% 38,99% Equity Method Av. Fontes Pereira de Melo, nº6-1050-121 Lisboa GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 2. COMPANIES EXCLUDED FROM THE CONSOLIDATED FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Companys’ name / Registered Office Djebel S.G.P.S, S.A. Largo António Nobre, 1, Funchal % Capital held % of control Consolidation Method 39,50% 39,50% Equity Method The share capital held in Djebel is booked at the acquisition cost, as the last share capital acquired of 20% is available for sale. 6. OTHER FINANCIAL INVESTMENTS (% OF OWNED SHARES GREATER THAN 10%) Companys’ name / Registered Office Salvintur, Sociedade de Investimentos Turísticos, S.A. Rua Jau, 54 -Lisboa % Capital held Shareholders’ Equity Last year net profit 17,96% 2.180.219,94 -566.938,38 7. AVERAGE NUMBER OF EMPLOYEES During 2007 and 2008, the average number of employees in the consolidated companies was 3.624 and 3.432, respectively. 8. APPROPRIATE AND FAIR PRESENTATION In order to allow the appropriate and fair presentation of the consolidated financial statements, all income and expenses related to Timeshare transactions in units managed by the consolidated companies are not deferred throughout the period of the related contract but fully recognized in the profit and loss for the year in which they occur. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 8. APPROPRIATE AND FAIR PRESENTATION The impact of this procedure in the consolidated financial statements can be analyzed as follows: Description 2008 Inventories Deferred costs Sub-Total -2.595.757,95 -42.124.229,54 -2.813.468,41 -36.612.493,46 -44.719.987,49 -39.425.961,87 66.292.913,49 3.596.279,93 13.171.853,09 849.828,10 50.214.673,03 3.037.281,81 10.018.912,55 17.025.589,43 83.910.874,60 80.296.456,82 -149.608.580,74 20.977.718,65 -143.034.293,26 23.311.874,56 -128.630.862,09 -119.722.418,69 6.574.287,48 10.524.492,36 6.574.287,48 10.524.492,36 -217.710,46 5.511.736,08 -2.334.155,91 18.137,85 -229.115,09 5.690.097,47 1.139.289,74 886.938,43 2.978.007,55 7.487.210,55 Consolidation differences Net results Retained earnings Minority interests Sub-Total Deferred income Deferred tax liabilities Sub-Total Services rendered Sub-Total Cost of goods sold Supplies and services from third parties Deferred tax assets Minority interests 2007 Sub-Total Euros The increase of the deferred income is explained by the huge success of the timesharing products sales. The decrease in deferred taxes is the result of a reduction occurred in the Portuguese the tax rate. 10. CONSOLIDATION DIFFERENCES a) Included in Shareholders’ Equity The balances presented in this caption arise from the first financial statements’ consolidation procedure and represent the difference between the acquisition cost and its shareholders’ equity proportional value as at 1 January 2003. The referred amount includes the net profits and reserves of affiliated companies, accumulated until the date of the first financial statements consolidation procedure. In some cases, with the implementation of the new consolidated system, these amounts were recalculated. The recalculation impact didn’t affect the equity, as the matching part was retained earnings and reserves. This account also includes differences identified during the intra-group balances reconciliation, the impact of these differences are immaterial in the consolidated financial statements. As at 31 December 2008, this caption can be analyzed as follows: Company 2008 2007 Financial investments 26.846.642,01 28.786.126,26 Balances and transactions reconciliation 9.512,67 -250.316,37 Exchange rate conversion Total -1.452.626,68 -1.206.073,24 25.403.528,00 27.329.736,65 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10. CONSOLIDATION DIFFERENCES b) Included in Intangible Assets This caption balance as at 31 December 2008 includes the differences between the acquisition cost and the proportional value of the shareholders’ equity of the subsidiaries at the acquisition date, for acquisitions after 1 January 2003 (after first consolidation), and can be presented as follows (net of accumulated depreciations): Company M&J Pestana Hoteis Atlantico Energólica Carlton Palacio Porto Carlton Quinta Beloura Guiatur Viquingue Enatur Eira da Loba Soc. Agricola dos Arcos Natura XXI. Lda. Empreend. Turisticos Argentur Inversiones Vistalparque Total 2008 Years 18.144.504,61 0,00 0,00 1.717.626,46 34.759,36 698.199,63 115.211,38 681.144,47 1.534.952,64 290.924,95 457.353,59 759.205,01 693.115,10 395.261,57 551.338,55 10 5 5 10 5 6 5 8 10 8 8 8 8 6 5 2007 Years 22.819.197,95 21.682,46 0,00 2.003.897,42 69.518,73 872.749,54 230.422,75 1.021.716,70 1.918.690,79 382.049,97 546.429,52 0,00 1.039.672,68 589.384,23 689.173,19 26.073.597,32 10 5 5 10 5 6 5 8 10 8 8 0 8 6 5 32.204.585,94 Euros 17. DEPRECIATION OF THE CONSOLIDATION DIFFERENCES The consolidation differences are depreciated over the estimated investments’ payback period that, in some cases, can exceed the five years term (see Note 10). 22. GUARANTEES PROVIDED As at 31 December 2008, the Group has assumed responsibilities with guarantees given to third parties as follows: Mortgages Mortgages over hotels buildings Mortgages over lands 2008 2007 107.094.818,18 56.501.077,37 107.094.818,18 16.989.181,00 163.595.895,55 124.083.999,18 Guarantees 2008 2007 Surety bonds and Liabilities coverage Bank guarantees Loans pledges 34.898.896,86 53.116.485,37 2.195,00 19.358.859,55 45.880.627,83 2.195,00 88.017.577,23 65.241.682,38 Euros The increase in mortgages and guarantees is mainly related to the hotel “Pestana Caracas” and its related debt, expressed in Bolivares Fuertes (Venezuela). GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 23. BASIS OF PRESENTATION AND ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES Basis of Presentation The accompanying consolidated financial statements have been prepared in a going concern basis and based on the accounting books and records of the companies included in the consolidation (see Note 1), maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Portugal (“PGAAP”). Consolidation Principles The consolidation of the subsidiaries stated on Note 1 was prepared according to the full consolidation method. The transactions and relevant balances between the companies were eliminated in the consolidation process. The amount related to third parties participation in subsidiaries’ capital is stated in the caption Minority interests. The goodwill was accounted for in intangible assets (consolidation differences) and depreciated over the estimated period for the investment payback period. The remaining consolidation differences, resulting from the difference between the acquisition cost and its shareholders’ equity proportional value, were accounted for in Shareholders’ equity of the consolidated balance sheet. Financial investments in associated companies referred in Note 1, are recorded in the consolidated balance sheet by its acquisition value or, if lower, by the estimated net realizable value. This amount is adjusted by the equity method usage. Financial investments corresponding to less than 20% of capital held are registered at acquisition cost or, if lower, at the estimated net realizable value. Main Accounting Principles The following is a summary of the most significant accounting principles followed in the preparation of the accompanying consolidated financial statements: a) Intangible Assets The patents, brand names and other rights relates to the amount paid for the “Pousadas de Portugal” concession and is being depreciated by the correspondent concession period. The consolidation differences are depreciated over the investments’ estimated payback period. The remaining intangible assets are accounted for at acquisition cost and depreciated on a straight line basis over a 6 years period. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS b) Tangible Assets d) Financial Investments Tangible assets acquired until 31 December 1997 are accounted at revaluated cost according to official decree-laws (see Note 41) based upon price-adjustment factors. The remaining tangible assets are valued at acquisition cost. Financial investments in associated companies are accounted for at its acquisition cost or, if lower, at the estimated net realizable value. This amount is adjusted by the equity method. Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis according to the following estimated useful lives: Years Buildings and other constructions Basic equipment Hotel furniture Clothes and Towels Dishes, Glasses and Cutlery Decoration Other Transportation equipment Bus vehicles Car vehicles Tools Administrative equipment Other tangible assets 40 16 4-10 6-8 8 14-20 7 4 8-10 4-8 4-8 Financial investments corresponding to participations less than 20% of the companies capital are registered at acquisition cost or, if lower, at the estimated net realizable value. e) Inventories Goods, raw and subsidiary materials and consumables are valued at the acquisition cost, which is lower than the market value (being the cost generally determined on the basis of the average purchase cost). Finished, semi-finished products and work in process are valued at production cost, which includes direct costs and expenditures. This valuation does not exceed the market value. Adjustments to stocks correspond to the difference between the cost value and the respective inventory net realizable value. c) Financial leases Financial leases are recorded in the financial statements as tangible assets at their equivalent capital value and are depreciated over their useful lives (see Note 23.b). The corresponding liability is recorded as a creditor balance and the interest element of the lease rental is charged against profit and loss account over the primary lease period. f) Adjustment for doubtful debts When the estimated recovering value of trade debtors’ balances is less than the accounted value, the estimated loss is covered with an adjustment for doubtful debts. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS g) Marketable securities and bonds Marketable securities and bonds are stated at the lower of cost or market value. h) Accrual basis Costs and revenues are recorded during the year to which they refer regardless of when they are paid or received, in accordance with the accrual basis principle. Differences between amounts received and paid and the corresponding revenue and expenditure are recorded under accruals and deferrals. i) Timeshare income and expenses All income and expenses related to Timeshare transactions in units managed by Grupo Pestana SGPS are not deferred throughout the period of the related contract but fully recognized in the profit and loss for the year in which they occur. j) Governmental grants The non refundable subsidies received to finance the acquisition of tangible assets are accounted for as deferred income and registered in the profit and loss account proportionally to its depreciation charge. l)Assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies All assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currency have been converted into Euros using the exchange rate ruling on the balance sheet date and published by Banco de Portugal. Favorable and unfavorable exchange rate differences are recorded in the profit and loss account for the year in which they arise. m) Deferred taxes Deferred taxes relates to temporary differences between the carrying value of assets and liabilities and the corresponding amounts for tax purposes. Deferred taxes assets and liabilities are calculated, and annually revalued, using the tax rates that are expected to be in force at the time of reversion of the respective temporary differences. A deferred taxes asset is registered only when there are reasonable expectations of sufficient future taxable profits. At the balance sheet date is made a revaluation of the temporary differences underlying deferred taxes asset, in order to register or adjust it according to current expectations. n) Financial statements expressed in foreign currencies The financial statements of Group and associated companies expressed in foreign currency were converted into Euros using the respective exchange rate ruling on at year end. The profit and loss accounts were converted into Euro at the average exchange rate of the year. The equity accounts were converted into Euros at historical exchange rates. Exchange rate differences have been included in Shareholders’ equity in the caption Conversion differences. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 24. EXCHANGE RATES USED Euros Assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies have been converted into Euro using the following exchange rates: 31|12|08 United States Dollar South African Rand Great Britain Pound Mozambique Metical (1.000.000) Cape Verde Escudo Argentine Peso Brazilian Real Bolivar Fuerte 1.3917 13.0667 0.9525 35.224.2000 110.265 4.8736 3.2436 3.0371 31|12|07 1.3193 9.2124 0.6733 34.470.0000 110.2650 4.0474 2.8118 - 27. FIXED ASSETS MOVEMENTS During 2008, the movements occurred in fixed assets, as well as in the related accumulated depreciations and adjustments, were as follows: GROSS AMOUNTS Opening Transfers and Closing Balance Increases Disposals write-off Balance Intangible assets: Start-up expenses 5.969.824,64 195.678,67 - (2.453.483,96) 3.712.019,35 Research and development costs 200.282,90 258.573,43 - (443.908,43) 14.947,90 Patents, brand names and other rights 19.182.734,82 316.488,67 - - 19.499.223,49 Key money premiums 1.904.255,26 150.000,00 - (252.908,45) 1.801.346,81 Intangible asstes in progress 4.341.801,39 108.340,41 - (72.925,39) 4.377.216,41 Advances paid on account of intangible fixed assets - - - - Consolidation differences 54.955.818,74 1.920.488,94 - - 56.876.307,68 86.554.717,75 2.949.570,12 - (3.223.226,23) 86.281.061,64 Tangible assets: Land and natural resources 57.784.212,68 4.071.057,86 (1.450.077,78) 1.086.984,85 61.492.177,61 Buildings and other constructions 368.019.539,08 16.495.324,05 (985.318,26) 43.019.848,29 426.549.393,16 Basic equipment 148.132.645,49 14.184.740,97 (839.893,96) 16.824.562,99 178.302.055,49 Transportation equipment 2.930.529,03 339.182,19 (31.080,98) (43.375,00) 3.195.255,24 Tools 637.558,35 70.943,66 (416,65) 568,74 708.654,10 Administrative equipment 14.285.343,85 648.839,08 (18.298,31) 1.194.924,42 16.110.809,04 Containers - - - - Other fixed assets 730.868,60 - - (129.066,64) 601.801,96 Fixed assets under construction 82.001.477,26 52.742.821,22 - (54.443.507,67) 80.300.790,81 Advances paid on account of tangible fixed assets 805.385,19 504.790,63 - (796.075,13) 514.100,69 675.327.559,53 89.057.699,66 (3.325.085,94) 6.714.864,85 767.775.038,10 Financial investments: Shares in group companies - - - - Loans to group companies - - - - Shares in associated companies 10.511.911,26 55.519,27 - 2.956.724,19 13.524.154,72 Loans to associated companies 9.175.000,00 - - (3.175.000,00) 6.000.000,00 Shares in participated companies 2.462.648,48 990.992,00 - 3.817.194,23 7.270.834,71 Loans to participated companies 2.983.819,99 - - (15.000,00) 2.968.819,99 Other financial investmens 23.933.054,10 273.656,75 (2.395.130,20) (11.215.939,49) 10.595.641,16 Other loans granted - - - - Investments in progress 1.099.227,36 1.540.033,36 (799.077,11) - 1.840.183,61 Advances paid on account of financial investments - - - - 50.165.661,19 2.860.201,38 (3.194.207,31) (7.632.021,07) 42.199.634,19 812.047.938,47 94.867.471,16 (6.519.293,25) (4.140.382,45) 896.255.733,93 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 27. FIXED ASSETS MOVEMENTS Opening Balance Accumulated depreciations and adjustments Charge for Retirement Closing the period Disposals Balance Intangible assets: Start-up expenses Research and development costs Patents. brand names and other rights Key money premiums 5.201.556,16 487.094,22 (2.401.691,45) 167.230,01 3.600,00 (159.482,11) 11.347,90 7.175.523,86 656.985,61 - 7.832.509,47 379.914,36 199.215,80 - 579.130,16 - - - - 22.751.232,80 8.051.477,56 - 30.802.710,36 35.675.457,19 9.398.373,19 (2.561.173,56) 42.512.656,82 Intangible asstes in progress Consolidation differences 3.286.958,93 Tangible assets: Land and natural resources - - - - 133.273.379,53 15.930.543,71 (494.397,52) 148.709.525,72 Basic equipment 87.955.211,71 8.657.232,96 (1.310.780,53) 95.301.664,14 Transportation equipment 1.962.639,67 595.015,60 (47.608,92) 2.510.046,35 466.706,36 44.025,99 (419,68) 510.312,67 11.944.704,95 1.800.538,06 (39.925,07) 13.705.317,94 Buildings and other constructions Tools Administrative equipment Containers - - - - 67.992,40 23.269,08 - 91.261,48 235.670.634,62 27.050.625,40 (1.893.131,72) 260.828.128,30 Other fixed assets Financial investments: Shares in group companies Other financial investments 949.417,06 170.418,55 (1.115.279,06) 949.417,06 272.295.508,87 170.418,55 36.619.417,14 (1.115.279,06) (5.569.584,34) 4.556,55 4.556,55 303.345.341,67 Euros 32. MOVEMENTS IN ADJUSTMENTS During 2008, the movements occurred in adjustments can be analyzed as follows: Opening Balance Inventories: Goods Products and work in progress Receivables from third parties - Short term: Trade debtors - third companies Doubtfull debts - third companies Other debtors - thrid companies Charge for the Period Transfers Retirements 0,00 6.484.372,66 6.484.372,66 152.168,65 0,00 152.168,65 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 4.373.045,72 5.435.355,52 411.865,15 10.220.266,39 0,00 110.701,61 0,00 110.701,61 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -3.369.053,15 0,00 0,00 -3.369.053,15 Closing Balance 152.168,65 6.484.372,66 6.636.541,31 1.003.992,57 5.546.057,13 411.865,15 6.961.914,85 Financial Investments Other financial investments 0,00 5.313,66 0,00 0,00 5.313,66 0,00 5.313,66 0,00 0,00 5.313,66 Euros The adjustment for receivables from trade-debtors was reduced in 2008, being registered as an extraordinary cost. The value cancelled this year was provided for in the past. This value was the result from exchange rates differences verified in the time-sharing contracts’ throughout the last 25 year period, however, the exact amount to be reduced was only accurately calculated with the implementation of a new software platform to oversee such contractual conditions. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 33. DEBTS TO THIRD PARTIES (MORE THAN 5 YEARS) As at 31 December 2008, there was the following debts payable beyond the next 5 years: 2008 Debts to credit institutions 2007 54.596.418 74.685.158 Euros 34. DEBTS TO THIRD PARTIES COVERED BY REAL WARRANTIES As at 31 December 2008, there were debts to third parties amounting to Euros 163.595.895,55, covered by mortgages over some of the Group’s hotels (see Note 22). 36. SALES AND SERVICES RENDERED BY BUSINESS AREA AND GEOGRAPHICAL MARKETS Description Sales Internal market External market Total (n) Goods 1.401.230,59 312.346,02 1.713.576,61 Allotments 1.333.512,91 5.710.288,15 7.043.801,06 2.734.743,50 6.022.634,17 8.757.377,67 Services Rendered Hotels Mercado interno Mercado externo Total (n) 108.851.883,72 54.292.006,87 163.143.890,59 Golf 3.970.497,02 6.860.148,00 10.830.645,02 Construction 4.455.857,37 10.873.072,36 15.328.929,73 Casino 11.688.707,50 881.254,92 12.569.962,42 Others 10.701.818,77 1.169.803,77 11.871.622,54 139.668.764,38 74.076.285,92 213.745.050,30 142.403.507,88 80.098.920,09 222.502.427,97 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 38. DIFFERENCES BETWEEN THE ACCOUNTING AND TAX RESULTS As a result of the fixed assets revaluations (see Notes 41 and 42), the depreciation from future years are increased comparing to the acquisition cost. According to the Portuguese tax law, 40% of this raise is not accepted as cost for fiscal purposes. The different tax systems of each Group company were also considered for the computation of the respective deferred taxes. can be deducted to tax profits generated in a six years period from its occurrence. As at 31 December 2008, the Group companies had tax losses carry forward that generate deferred tax assets of Euros 4.777.216,05. Deferred taxes concerning timeshare are the result of the adjustment referred in Note 8. According to Portuguese tax law, tax losses Total Description 2008 Movements in Profit and Losses Statements 2007 2008 2007 I Income tax for the year 1 Fixed assets revaluation 2 Fiscal reserve Investment 3 Depreciation rates effect 4 Timesharing 5 Tax losses carryforward 1.468.337 -1.923.056 0 0 -2.334.156 988.700 4.247.364 -196.019 0 0 1.139.289 -906.458 1.468.337 -1.923.056 0 0 -2.334.156 988.700 4.247.364 -196.019 0 -274.891 1.139.289 -906.458 IIDefered tax III Income tax (I-II) -3.268.512 4.736.849 -238.079 4.485.443 -3.268.512 4.736.849 -238.079 4.485.443 Euros Description 5 Taxes losses carryforward Defered tax assets 1 Fixed assets revaluation 2 Fiscal reserve Investment 3 Depreciation rates effect 4 Timesharing Defered tax liabilities Total 2008 2007 4.777.216 5.765.916 4.777.216 1.042.307 0 0 5.765.916 2.965.364 0 0 20.977.719 23.311.875 22.020.026 26.277.238 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 39. WAGES OF BOARD MEMBERS The wages of Group Pestana board members were as follows: 2008 2007 419.184 Board of Directors 150.864 Euros 41. REVALUATION OF TANGIBLE ASSETS In previous years the Group has revaluated its tangible assets according to applicable legislation, namely: n Decree-Law 126/77, of 2 April n Decree-Law 219/82, of 2 June n Decree-Law 49/91, of 25 January n Decree-Law 264/92, of 24 November n Decree-Law 31/98, of 11 February 42. TANGIBLE ASSETS HISTORICAL COSTS AND REVALUATIONS The breakdown of tangible assets historical costs, and the corresponding revaluations, net of accumulated depreciations, as at 31 December 2008, can be analyzed as follows (according to the amounts presented in the individual financial statements of each company): Historical Cost (a) revaluation (a) (b) Revaluate Book-Value (a) Land and natural resources 18.287.768,57 15.673.290,13 33.961.058,70 Buildings and other constructions 89.203.429,52 25.151.563,46 114.354.992,98 Basic equipment 27.536.530,30 425.590,24 27.962.120,54 266.499,65 0,00 266.499,65 35.926,15 0,00 35.926,15 483.041,53 10.596,58 493.638,11 1.635.362,41 0,00 1.635.362,41 137.448.558,13 41.261.040,41 178.709.598,54 Tangible Assets: Transportation equipment Tools Administrative equipment Other fixed assets (a) Net amounts (b) Include the successive revaluations GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Euros 44. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESULTS Costs and Losses YEAR-END 31|12|2008 YEAR-END 31|12|2007 Profits and Gains 31|12|2008 31|12|2007 Interests paid 17.614.449,79 13.403.885,79 Interests received 2.732.790,00 2.426.076,41 Losses from financial investments 0,00 0,00 Income from financial investment 2.855.668,13 2.717.191,34 Depreciation of investments 4.556,55 165.862,00 Income from investments 8.251,30 11.720,96 in fixed assets in fixed assets Losses in associated companies 43.412,55 162.337,86 Gains associated companies 765.960,35 768.259,84 Adjustments in financial investments 8.368.552,57 4.865.080,29 Gains in other group companies 913.244,96 797.383,96 Exchange rate losses 4.651.715,46 1.842.086,62 Exchange rate gains 6.188.896,97 2.354.519,74 Cash discounts granted 9.723,14 8.348,42 Cash discounts obtained 79.944,38 84.675,44 Losses on sale of short 0,00 0,00 Gains on sale of short 342,60 3.008,53 term applications term applications Other financial costs 1.732.108,18 2.098.912,07 Reversions and other 44.681,54 152.941,83 financial gains Financial results -18.834.738,01 -13.230.735,00 13.589.780,23 9.315.778,05 13.589.780,23 9.315.778,05 Euros 45. CONSOLIDATED STATEMENT OF EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS Costs and Losses YEAR-END YEAR-END 31|12|2008 31|12|2007 Donations 307.022,30 203.459,18 Taxes returned back by the State Bad debts 443,27 180.684,21 Losses on inventories 15.578,78 Losses on fixed assets Fines and penalties Increase of depreciation Prior year losses 31|12|2008 31|12|2007 0,00 0,00 Bad debts recovered 2.982,00 16.882,00 57.399,36 Gains on inventories 7.916,78 23.700,03 536.818,44 200.185,80 Gains in fixed assets 6.435.248,53 1.695.657,31 33.521,18 38.146,43 Gains from contractual penalties 201.625,25 26.925,87 0,00 0,00 Gains from reductions of provisions 275.780,37 341.294,89 121.068,17 85.888,29 Prior year gains 862.179,52 269.090,95 1.168.975,54 1.538.725,05 8.954.707,99 3.912.276,10 Other extraordinary costs and losses 5.094.800,56 310.795,54 Extraordinary results Profits and Gains 2.845.455,29 8.954.707,99 Other extraordinary profits and gains 2.835.717,29 3.912.276,10 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 46. MOVEMENTS IN PROVISIONS Opening Balance Increase Caption Provisions for pensions Decrease Closing Balance 8.382,86 0,00 550,39 7.832,47 Provisions for taxes 93.409,40 0,00 42.710,60 50.698,80 Provisions for judicial processes 59.639,55 14.549,70 26.000,00 48.189,25 Warranty provisions 21.383,77 0,00 1.747,12 19.636,65 Other provisions TOTAL 225.210,06 48.111,82 29.612,85 243.709,03 408.025,64 62.661,52 100.620,96 370.066,20 Euros 47. FINANCIAL LEASES As at 31 December 2008, the Group had accounted for the following amounts as financial leases: Caption Acquisition cost (+) Financial Investment in Buildings 8.005.765,07 Land and natural resources - Accumulated Payable to third parties depreciations Short term Medium / Long (-) term 1.115.279,06 - 410.381,37 - 3.918.102,99 - Total debts (n) 4.328.484,36 - Buildings and other constructions 7.012.664,04 1.937.709,53 71.442,48 5.240.625,00 5.312.067,48 Basic equipment 6.991.945,43 4.379.474,72 375.029,79 315.237,66 690.267,45 652.399,31 382.482,54 108.989,40 235.352,38 344.341,78 - - Transportation equipment Tools Administrative equipment Other fixed assets 2.740,00 516.403,78 1.680.796,39 24.862.714,02 1.027,52 486.062,98 - 8.302.036,35 - 26.686,83 12.816,97 306.720,40 1.342.891,83 1.649.612,23 39.503,80 1.299.250,27 11.065.026,83 12.364.277,10 Euros Funchal, 9 April 2009 The board of directors Dionísio Fernandes Pestana - Chairman Pietro Luigi Valle - Member José Alexandre Lebre Theotónio – Memberl The official accountant Jorge da Silva Figueira GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS FINANCIAL Statements GRUPO PESTANA, S.G.P.S., S.A. Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2008 Account code CEE (a) Year-end Assets POC GA 2008 D A 2007 NA NA C FIXED ASSETS: I Intangible Assets 1 431Start-up expenses 63.199,28 18.033,28 45.166,00 1 432Research and development costs 0,00 0,00 0,00 2 433Patents, brand names and other rights 426.792,87 355.391,87 71.401,00 489.992,15 373.425,15 116.567,00 II Tangible Assets 1 422Buildings and other constructions 0,00 0,00 0,00 2 424Transportation equipment 117.516,49 117.516,49 0,00 3 425Tools 0,00 0,00 0,00 3 426Administrative equipment 5.171,64 5.171,64 0,00 122.688,13 122.688,13 0,00 III Financial Investments 1 4111Shares in group companies 270.072.220,55 0,00 270.072.220,55 2 4121+4131Loans to group companies 58.587,57 0,00 58.587,57 3 4112Shares in associated companies 21.287.061,45 0,00 21.287.061,45 4 4122+4132Loans to associated companies 6.000.000,00 0,00 6.000.000,00 5 4113+414+415Other financial investments 5.000.000,00 107.985,00 4.892.015,00 6 4123+4133Other loans granted 0,00 0,00 0,00 6 441/6Investments in progress 150,25 0,00 150,25 6 447/448Advances paid on account of financial investments 0,00 0,00 0,00 302.418.019,82 107.985,00 302.310.034,82 303.030.700,10 604.098,28 302.426.601,82 Total fixed assets D CURRENT ASSETS: IInventories II Receivables from third parties -long term Public entities 0,00 0,00 0.00 0,00 0,00 44.174,00 44.174,00 0,00 29.378,99 0,00 0,00 29.378,99 216.287.187,26 1.359.927,87 17.346.760,21 9.175.000,00 5.008.480,91 0,00 0,00 0,00 249.177.356,25 249.250.909,24 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Other debtors 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.200.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.200.000,00 II Receivables from third parties -short term 1 211Trade debtors 5.583.826,06 0,00 5.583.826,06 826.089,43 1 218Doubtful debts 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2 252Group companies 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 4 24Public entities 428.118,82 0,00 428.118,82 202.989,33 4 262/6/7/8+221Other debtors 1.259.515,12 0,00 1.259.515,12 87.427,10 5 264Capital subscribed but not paid up 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 7.271.460,00 0,00 7.271.460,00 1.116.505,86 III Marketable securities and bonds 3 1513+1523+153/9Other marketable securities 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 3 18Other short term applications 32.736.261,04 0,00 32.736.261,04 29.822.848,47 32.736.261,04 0.00 32.736.261,04 29.822.848.47 IV Cash and banks 12+13+14Bank deposits 289.904,22 289.904,22 167.985,75 11Cash 0,00 0,00 0,00 289.904,22 289.904,22 167.985,75 40.297.625,26 0,00 40.297.625,26 31.107.340,08 Total current assets E ACCRUED INCOME AND DEFERRED COSTS: 271Accrued income 1.022.832,77 1.022.832,77 749.207,48 272Deferred costs 18.332,06 18.332,06 16.941,68 2761Deferred taxes asset 0,00 0,00 0,00 1.041.164,83 1.041.164,83 766.149,16 496.113,28 Total depreciations 107.985,00 Total adjustments 344.369.490,19 604.098,28 343.765.391,91 282.324.398,48 Total assets (a) According to the 9th article of the EU’s 4th directive Abbreviations: G A - Gross Assets | D A - Depreciations and Adjustments | N A - Net Assets GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Euros GRUPO PESTANA, S.G.P.S., S.A. Balance Sheet as at 31 December 2008 Account code CEE (a) A Shareholders’ equity and liabilities Year-end POC 2008 2007 SHAREHOLDERS’ EQUITY: I 51 Share capital 80.000.000,00 80.000.000,00 521 Own Shares -Par value 0,00 0,00 522 Own Shares -Premiums and discounts 0,00 0,00 53 Supplementary capital 56.000.000,00 21.000.000,00 II 54 Premiums on issuance of shares 33.742.337,64 33.716.655,44 III 55 Adjustments to investments in affiliated and associated companies 13.140.532,15 12.965.447,82 56 Revaluation reserves 0,00 0,00 IV Reserves 1/2 571 Legal reserves 965.928,14 325.928,14 3 572 Statutory reserves 0,00 0,00 4 573 Contractual reserves 0,00 0,00 4 12.661.276,43 12.661.276,43 574 a 579 Other reserves V 59 Retained earnings Sub-total 88 Net profit/(loss) for the year 89 Anticipated dividends 8.800.115,96 169.469.423,79 17.922.022,10 12.703.044,17 0,00 0,00 235.295.256,59 182.172.467,96 VI 20.863.160,13 217.373.234,49 LIABILITIES: Provisions B Total shareholders’ equity 1 291 Provision for pensions 0,00 0,00 2 292 Provision for taxes 0,00 0,00 3 293/8 Other provisions 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 parties -long term Debts to third C Bonds Security-based loans 0,00 0,00 36.250.000,00 37.500.000,00 Fixed assets suppliers -bills payable 0,00 0,00 252 Group companies 0,00 0,00 265 Other creditors 0,00 1.488.727,18 36.250.000,00 38.988.727,18 Bank loans C 1 parties -short term Debts to third Bond-based loans 2321 Convertible 0,00 0,00 2 231+12 Bank loans 15.669.060,47 5.997.075,42 4 221 Trade creditors 665.055,27 109.846,24 6 252 Group companies 8 8 8 234/239 Other loans 2611 Fixed assets suppliers 24 Public entities 8 262+263+264+265+ Other creditors +267+268+211 D 0,00 0,00 49.102.092,47 53.471.172,96 42.433,00 0,00 668.039,07 113.244,53 1.546.596,36 209.049,67 67.693.276,64 59.900.388,82 ACCRUED COSTS AND DEFERRED INCOME: 273 Accrued costs 1.326.858,68 1.262.814,52 274 Deferred income 3.200.000,00 0,00 2762 Deferred taxes liability 0,00 0,00 4.526.858,68 1.262.814,52 Total liabilities 108.470.135,32 100.151.930,52 Total shareholders’ equity and liabilities 343.765.391,91 282.324.398,48 (a) According to the 9th article of the EU’s 4th directive. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Euros INCOME STATEMENT BY NATURE GRUPO PESTANA, S.G.P.S., S.A. For the year-ended December 31st 2007 Account code CEE (a) A POC Euros Year-end 2008 2007 COSTS AND LOSSES 2.a) 61 Cost of goods sold and materials consumed Goods 0,00 0,00 Raw and subsidiary materials and consumables 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 External services and supplies from third parties 2.b) 62 237.225,68 344.500,77 Personnel costs 3 Wages 583.635,34 318.279,00 3.a) 641+642 Social Charges: 3.b) Pensions 643+644 0,00 0,00 Others 645/8 53.229,43 636.864,77 55.073,01 373.352,01 Depreciations and amortization 66 53.248,84 164.607,96 4.a) of tangible and intangible 4.b) 666 0,00 0,00 Doubtful debts adjustments 67 0,00 53.248,84 0,00 164.607,96 5 Provisions 5 63 10.537,98 15.352,50 Taxes 5 65 43.350,08 53.888,06 15.000,00 30.352,50 Other operational costs and losses 981.227,35 912.813,24 (A) ..................................... Losses in group and associated companies 6 682 58.133,97 1.058.550,45 Depreciations and adjustments for financial 6 683+684 460.010,43 488.773,80 investments 7 (2) Interests and similar costs: Group Companies 2.647.168,09 1.792.167,82 Others 2.494.584,43 5.659.896,92 2.529.092,00 5.868.584,07 (C) ..................................... 6.641.124,27 6.781.397,31 69 1.800,01 1.753,63 10 Extraordinary costs and losses 6.642.924,28 6.783.150,94 (E) ..................................... 8 + 11 86 3.562,40 4.018,92 Income tax for the year 6.646.486,68 6.787.169,86 (G) ..................................... 13 88 17.922.022,10 12.703.044,17 Net profit/(loss) for the year 24.568.508,78 19.490.214,03 B PROFITS AND GAINS 1 71 Sales 0,00 0,00 Goods 0,00 0,00 Products 1 72 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Services rendered Increase in stocks of finished products (3) 0,00 and work-in-process Self constructed fixed assets 3 75 0,00 Supplementary revenue 4 73 710.983,62 723.659,77 Grants received to operations 4 74 0,00 0,00 Other operational profits and gains 4 76 800.000,00 0,00 Reversions of depreciations and adjustments 4 77 0,00 1.510.983,62 0,00 (B) ..................................... 1.510.983,62 Gains in group and associated companies 5 782 20.595.598,16 16.596.847,05 Dividends received 5 784 0,00 4.487,14 Gains in marketable securities and other 6 (4) financial aplications: Group Companies 1.898.850,55 1.337.475,96 Others 0,00 0,00 Other interests and similar gains: 7 (5) Group Companies 254.128,37 240.236,01 Others 253.417,99 23.001.995,07 320.408,04 (D) ..................................... 24.512.978,69 Extraordinary profits and gains 9 79 55.530,09 (F) ..................................... 24.568.508,78 2 SUMMARY Operational profit/(loss): Current profit/(loss): Current profit/(loss): Profit/(loss) before income tax: Profit/(loss) before income tax: (B)-(A)= (D-B)-(C-A)= (D)-(C)= (F)-(E)= (F)-(G)= (1) According to the 24th article of the EU’s 4th directive (2) 681 + 685 + 686 + 687 + 688 (3) Difference between inventories at the beggining and at the end of the period of “Finished and intermediary products” (C/33), “By-products and wastage” 529.756,27 17.342.098,15 17.871.854,42 17.925.584,50 17.922.022,10 0,00 0,00 723.659,77 723.659,77 18.499.454,20 19.223.113,97 267.100,06 19.490.214,03 -189.153,47 12.630.870,13 12.441.716,66 12.707.063,09 12.703.044,17 (C/34) and “Work-in-process” (C/35), taking in consideration the amount registered in “Inventories regularization” (C/38) (4) 7812 + 7815 + 7816 + 783 GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS INCOME STATEMENT BY FUNCTIONS GRUPO PESTANA, S.G.P.S., S.A. For the year-ended 31 December 2008 Year-end Euros 2008 2007 Sales and services rendered 0,00 0,00 Cost of sales and services rendered 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Gross margin Other operational profits and gains 1.566.513,71 1.309.414,24 Distribution costs 0,00 0,00 Administrative costs -647.402,75 -388.704,51 Other operational costs and losses -398.057,81 -524.108,73 521.053,15 396.601,00 Net Funding costs -2.672.922,41 -2.529.092,00 Gains/(Losses) in group and associated companies 20.537.464,19 15.323.840,75 Gains/(Losses) in other investments -460.010,43 -484.286,66 0,00 0,00 17.925.584,50 12.707.063,09 Operational profit Unusual gains/(losses) Current profit and loss Income tax over current profit and loss Current profit and loss after income tax -4.018,92 17.922.022,10 12.703.044,17 Extraordinary profit and loss 0,00 0,00 Income tax over extraordinary profit and loss 0,00 0,00 Profit attributable to minority interests 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 Net profit/(loss) for the year Changes in accounting policies (net of tax) -3.562,40 Net profit/(loss) for the year 17.922.022,10 12.703.044,17 Net profit/(loss) per share 1,12 0,79 COMPUTATION OF NET PROFIT AND LOSS PER SHARE: Net profit/(loss) for the year Net profit/(loss) allocated to preference shares Net profit/(loss) allocated to shares entitled to ordinary dividends Number of shares entitled to dividends Net profit/(loss) per share 17.922.022,10 0,00 17.922.022,10 16.000.000,00 1,12 GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 12.703.044,17 0,00 12.703.044,17 16.000.000,00 0,79 STATEMENT OF CASH-FLOWS GRUPO PESTANA, S.G.P.S., S.A. For the year-ended 31 December 2008 Year-end Direct Method + - OPERATING ACTIVITIES Cash receipts from trade debtors (a) Cash paid to trade creditors (b) Cash paid to employees Cash-flow from operations 2008 ++- Income taxes received/(paid) (c) Other receipts/(payments) of operating activities (d) Cash-flow before extraordinary items + - Cash received related to extraordinary items Cash payments related to extraordinary items Net cash-flow from operating activities [1] 3.036.534,45 2.245.644,34 -3.358.380,63 -1.124.441,97 -595.138,62 -372.139,71 -916.984,81 749.062,66 -141.077,98 -114.046,99 -495.391,40 123.894,29 -1.553.454,19 758.909,96 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 -1.553.454,19 2007 758.909,96 INVESTMENT ACTIVITIES Receipts from: Financial investments (e) Tangible assets Intangible assets Government grants Interests and similar profits Dividends 5.112.889,67 10.639.444,68 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 2.314.396,55 0,00 0,00 7.427.286,22 0,00 Payments of: -36.587.664,68 -9.525.063,24 Financial investments 0,00 0,00 Tangible assets -96.262,84 -18.730,96 Intangible assets -150,25 -36.684.077,77 0,00 Assets under construction -29.256.791,55 Net cash-flow from investment activities [2] 10.639.444,68 -9.543.794,20 1.095.650,48 FINANCING ACTIVITIES Receipts from: Loans obtained Capital increases, supplementary capital and premiums Grants and donations Sales of own shares Anticipated dividends decrease Coverage of previous years losses 8.421.985,05 10.421.428,96 35.000.000,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 0,00 43.421.985,05 0,00 10.421.428,96 Payments of: -4.369.080,49 -3.464.440,23 Loans obtained 0,00 0,00 Capital amortization of leasing contracts -5.207.327,78 -4.115.264,27 Interests and similar costs 0,00 0,00 Dividends 0,00 0,00 Anticipated dividends increase 0,00 -473.978,02 Capital reimbursement and supplementary capital 0,00 0,00 Acquisition of own shares 0,00 0,00 Other payments of financing activities -9.576.408,27 0,00 -8.053.682,52 33.845.576,78 2.367.746,44 Net cash-flow from financing activities [3] 3.035.331,04 4.222.306,88 Net Increase/(Decrease) in cash and cash equivalents [4]=[1]+[2]+[3] 0,00 Exchange rate effect 29.990.834,22 25.768.527,34 Cash and cash equivalents at the beginning of the period 33.026.165,26 29.990.834,22 Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Notes to the Cash-Flow Statement Cash Bank deposits - current accounts Other Deposits until 3 months Other Financial Aplications until 3 months (Cashpooling) Bank Overdrafts Loans from other Group companies (Cashpooling) Cash and cash equivalents at the end of the period Other Cash and cash equivalents Cash and cash equivalents at Balance Sheet 0,00 289.904,22 0,00 32.736.261,04 0,00 -49.102.092,47 -16.075.927,21 49.102.092,47 33.026.165,26 0,00 167.985,75 0,00 29.822.848,47 0,00 -53.471.172,96 -23.480.338,74 53.471.172,96 29.990.834,22 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS N O T E to the Financial Statements as at 31 December 2007 INTRODUCTION Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A is a limited liability company, established in Largo António Nobre nº 1, Funchal, created in 5 December 2002. Its main activity is the management of financial investments on other companies. The notes to the financial statements follow the sequential numbering defined in the Portuguese Official Plan of Accounts (POC). Standard notes not included are either not applicable to the Company or their presentation is not relevant to the reading of the referred financial statements. 3. BASES DE PRESENTATION AND ACCOUNTING PRINCIPLES The accompanying financial statements have been prepared in a going concern basis from the books and accounting records of the Company, maintained in accordance with generally accepted accounting principles in Portugal (“PGAAP”). The most significant accounting principles used in the preparation of the accompanying financial statements were as follows: a) Intangible assets Intangible assets include mainly start-up expenses, which are accounted at acquisition cost and depreciated on a straight-line basis period between 3 to 6 years. b) Tangible assets Tangible assets are valued at acquisition cost. Depreciation is provided on a straight-line basis according to the estimated useful lives between 3 and 7 years. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS c) Financial investments Financial investments in subsidiaries and associated companies, on an individual basis, are recorded using the equity method. Initially, the financial investment is recorded at acquisition cost adjusted according to the proportional shareholder’s equity value, reported to the acquisition date or the first-time equity method’s adoption date. d) Cash-pooling One of the Company’s functions is to manage the Group’s centralized treasury. Therefore, it registers in Other short term applications and Other loans obtained the amounts granted and received, respectively, to other Group companies, according to the cash-pooling contract. e) Accrual basis The differences between acquisition cost of subsidiaries and associated companies and the proportional shareholder’s equity fair value on the acquisition date were registered in Financial Investments - shares in group companies, when positive, and depreciated during the current estimated payback period, and in Shareholders’ equity - adjustments to investments in affiliated and associated companies, when negative. Costs and revenues are recorded in the year to which they refer, regardless of when they are paid or received, in accordance with the accrual basis principle. Differences between amounts received and paid and the corresponding revenue and expenditure are recorded as accruals and deferrals. According to the equity method, the financial investments amounts are annually adjusted through the proportional share in the net results of participated companies and registered in the profit and loss account. Additionally, the dividends received are deducted from the respective financial investment asset value. All assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currency have been converted into Euro using the exchange rate ruling on the balance sheet date and published by Banco de Portugal. The remaining financial investments are accounted for at acquisition cost or, in case of loans to associated companies, at the nominal value. The estimated recovery losses on financial investments are registered in the caption Adjustments for financial investments. f) Assets and liabilities expressed in foreign currencies g) Taxation Income tax is calculated in accordance with the applicable legal requirements. Deferred taxes are, when applicable, recognised in the financial statements in accordance with Portuguese Accounting Directive nr. 28. The dividends received from these investments are recorded in the profit and loss account for the year when it is decided and communicated the distribution’s decision. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 6. TAXATION 7. AVERAGE NUMBER According with Portuguese tax law, income tax returns are subject to review and correction by Tax Authorities, for a period of four years subsequent to their filing (for Social Security returns is a ten years period until 2000 and five years period for returns after 2001). Thus, the Company’s tax returns for the years 2005 to 2008 are still subject to such review. OF EMPLOYEES During 2007 and 2008, the average number of employees was 3. The Board of Directors believes that any corrections that may arise from a tax review by the Tax Authorities shall not have a material effect on the financial statements as at 31 December 2008 and 2007. According t o article 81º of the Corporate Income Tax Code (“Código do Imposto sobre o Rendimento das Pessoas Colectivas”) the Company is subject to a flat tax rate over a set of expenses, which in the current period amounts to Euro 3.562,40. GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 10. FIXED ASSETS MOVEMENTS During 2008, the movements occurred in fixed assets, as well as in the related accumulated depreciations and adjustments were as follows: GROSS AMOUNTS Opening Balance Increases Disposals Intangible assets: Start-up expenses Patents, brand names and other rights Tangible assets: Transportation equipment Administrative equipment Financial investments: Shares in group companies Loans to group companies Shares in associated companies Loans to associated companies Other financial investmens Advances paid on account of financial investments Tranfers and write-off Closing Balance 8.999,28 384.730,03 393.729,31 54.200,00 42.062,84 96.262,84 - - - - - - 63.199,28 426.792,87 489.992,15 117.516,48 5.171,64 122,688.12 - - - - - - - - - 117.516,48 5.171,64 122,688.12 216.287.187,26 1.359.927,87 17.346.760,21 9.175.000,00 5.100.000,00 56.224.947,75 322.159,70 2.853.941,53 - - (2.789.914,46) - (3.462.140,29) - - 350.000,00 (1.623.500,00) 4.548.500,00 (3.175.000,00) (100.000,00) 270.072.220,55 58.587,57 21.287.061,45 6.000.000,00 5.000.000,00 - 249.268.875,34 249.785.292,77 150,25 59.401.199,23 59.497.462,07 - (6.252.054,75) (6.252.054,75) - - - 150,25 302.418.019,82 303.030.700,09 Euros Intangible assets: Start-up expenses Patents, brand names and other rights Tangible assets: Transportation equipment Administrative equipment Financial investments: Shares in group companies Other loans granted ACCUMULATED DEPRECIATIONS AND ADJUSTMENTS Opening Balance Charge for the period Retirements disposals Regularizations Tranfers and write-off Closing Balance 8.999,28 340.556,03 9.034,00 14.835,84 - - - - - - 18.033,28 355.391,87 349.555,31 23.869,84 - - - 373.425,15 88.137,49 5.171,64 93.309,13 29.379,00 - 29.379,00 - - - - - - - - 117.516,49 5.171,64 122.688,13 - 91.519,09 91.519,09 534.383,53 - 16.465,91 16.465,91 69.714,75 - - - - - - - - 107.985,00 107.985,00 604.098,28 - - - - Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 16. GROUP AND ASSOCIATED COMPANIES As at 31 December 2008, the subsidiaries and associated companies were as follows: Subsidiaries M&J Pestana . S A Hoteis Atlântico. SA Assets Equity in 2008 Total income Net profit in em 2008 % 2008 278.513.879,77 76.604.118,41 55.893.978,49 8.489.624,65 100,00 138.109.693,61 37.203.202,85 11.238.698,67 7.057.464,57 1.241.256,06 99,92 11.229.410,49 Amount Pestana Saúde e Vida. SA 7.132.909,05 395.432,39 380.480,64 -37.545,66 100,00 745.432,39 Aplicações Multiplas. SA 11.874.259,97 9.406.026,93 482.991,10 61.646,50 83,00 7.926.002,36 Salvor-Soc. Inv. Turisticos. SA 160.183.112,49 99.367.403,72 31.285.977,35 2.743.032,04 94,52 91.030.172,80 Pestana Management. SA 13.401.909,03 728.781,55 9.901.086,48 87.519,89 100,00 728.781,55 Pestana Investimentos. SA 12.660.635,98 11.271.910,15 5.843.966,67 5.324.771,64 100,00 11.271.910,15 Pestana Inversiones.Ltd 11.016.896,99 9.034.720,20 140.056,66 -13.621,53 99,96 9.030.817,20 Euros Assets Associated companies Albar-Soc. Imob. Barlavento. SA Equity in 2008 2.136.823,14 2.134.017,50 Total income Net profit in em 2008 3.354,26 -27.246,30 % 2008 Amount 49,81 1.589.664,07 Djebel S.G.P.S. SA 40.223.044,11 17.765.742,80 339.697,51 -606.929,44 39,50 8.826.103,50 Carlton Palácio -Soc. Const. Exp. Hot 27.953.802,68 9.845.546,32 13.014.245,44 -19.091,05 36,52 4.852.792,70 Guiatur - Empreend. Turísticos.S.A. 9.356.262,32 3.569.098,45 4.391.683,00 595.420,34 24,91 1.024.653,36 da Guia Cascais Intervisa. Travel Solutions.SA 5.750.004,87 336.652,85 28.167.127,28 297.029,43 38,99 72.775,95 GP Pousadas. S.A. 54.577.163,00 11.300.660,00 36.931.022,00 -2.647.787,00 1,08 247.829,33 EuroAtlantic Airways S.A. 89.000.772,64 23.366.212,70 91.714.172,79 12.727.406,31 20,00 4.673.242,54 Euros During 2008, the Company increased its financial investment in M. & J. Pestana, S.A., holding at year-end 100% of its share capital. This increased was done at the shareholders’ equity fair value of M. & J. Pestana, adjusted by the timeshare rights, which consists in recognizing in shareholders’ equity the total revenue and respective costs of sales, instead of deferring them through the period of the contract. Consequently, it was decided to maintain this fair value in the financial investments caption and, therefore, no goodwill exists regarding this subsidiary. After this acquisition it was recalculated, using the same method, the M. & J. Pestana total investment fair value (100%), having reached into the conclusion that it matches with the value registered in the accounts of Grupo Pestana, S.G.P.S., S.A.. n Increase of 0,08% in the share capital of GP Pousadas S.A.. Other changes occurred during 2008 in Company’s financial investments portfolio were as follows: n Increase of 3,10% in the share capital of Salvor S.A; GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 32. GUARANTEES PROVIDED As at 31 December 2008, the Group assumed the following responsibilities with guarantees given to third parties as follows: Guarantees 2008 Surety Bonds and Liabilities coverage 927.351 Bank guarantees 10.400.000 11.327.351 Euros 36. SHARE CAPITAL BREAKDOWN As at 31 December 2008, the Company’s share capital is represented by 80.000.000 shares of Euro 1 each, fully subscribed and realized. 37. COMPANIES HOLDING MORE THAN 20% OF THE SHARE CAPITAL Pestana Luxemburgo - 26,25% 40. MOVEMENTS IN SHAREHOLDERS EQUITY In 2008, the movements in shareholders equity captions were as follows: Net Profit Pening balance Increases Decreases distribution 51 Share capital 80.000.000,00 - - - 53 Supplementary capital 21.000.000,00 35.000.000,00 - - 54 Premiums on issuance of shares 33.716.655,44 - (25.682,20) - 55 Adjustments to investments in affiliated 12.965.447,82 226.448,73 - - and associated companies 57 Reserves - Legal reserves 325.928,14 - - - Other reserves 12.661.276,43 - - - 59 Retained earning 8.800.115,96 - - 12.063.044,17 88 Net profit/(loss) for the year 12.703.044,17 17.922.022,10 - (12.703.044,17) 182.172.467,96 53.148.470,83 (25.682,20) (640.00,00) Closing balance 80.000.000,00 56.000.000,00 33.690.973,24 13.191.896,55 325.928,14 12.661.276,43 20.863.160,13 17.922.022,10 234.655.256,59 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 45. STATEMENT OF FINANCIAL RESULTS The financial results can be analyzed as follows: Costs and losses 2008 Interests paid Losses in group and associated companies Financial investments adjustments 2007 5.079.319,32 4.252.728,19 58.133,97 1.058.550,45 460.010,43 Other financial costs Financial results 62.433,20 5.659.896,92 17.342.098,15 23.001.995,07 Profits and gains 2008 Interests received Gains in group and associated companies 68.531,63 5.868.584,07 12.630.870,13 18.499.454,20 2007 2.406.396,91 1.764.665,50 20.595.598,16 16.596.847,05 - 4.487,14 - 23.001.995,07 133.454,51 18.499.454,20 Income from financial investments Other financial gains 488.773,80 Euros 46. STATEMENT OF EXTRAORDINARY RESULTS The extraordinary results can be analyzed as follows: Costs and losses 2008 Prior year losses 2007 - 1.579,32 Other extraordinary cost and losses Extraordinary results 1.800,01 1.800,01 53.730,07 55.530,08 174,31 1.753,63 265.346,43 267.100,06 Profits and gains Gains in fixed assets Prior year gains Other extraordinary profits and gains 2008 2007 266.400,00 700,00 0,06 267.100,06 - 54.831,58 698,50 55.530,08 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS 48. OTHER RELEVANT INFORMATION: LOANS Short term 49.102.092,47 14.397.407,06 - 63.499.499,53 Internal loans External loans Commercial paper Medium and long term 6.250.000,00 30.000.000,00 36.250.000,00 Euros The external loans of medium and long term are payable as follows: Year Opening Balance 2010 2011 2012 2013 6.250.000 5.000.000 3.750.000 1.875.000 Payment Closing Balance 1.250.000 5.000.000 1.250.000 3.750.000 1.875.000 1.875.000 1.875.000 Euros PUBLIC ENTITIES As at 31 December 2008, the balances with public entities were as follows: DEBTOR BALANCES Social Security 85.083,47 Corporate Income Tax: Special Advance payment 16.402,98 Corporate income tax to be recovered 324.101,93 Personnel Income Tax: Withholding taxes 2.530,44 428.118,28 CREDITOR BALANCES: Personnel Income Tax: Withholding taxes 104.302,01 VAT 558.148,06 Social Security 5.584,00 Others 5,00 668.039,07 Euros GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS OTHER DEBTORS / CREDITORS As at 31 December 2008, the other debtors/creditors balances can be analyzed as follows: DEBTORS Debtors for Contract-CCV Others CREDITORS Capital subscribed but not paid up Consultants and advisors Personnel 1.200.000,00 59.515,12 1.259.515,12 27.226,71 1.488.717,18 30.652,47 1.546.596,36 Euros ACCRUALS AND DEFERRALS As at 31 December 2008, these captions breakdown can be analyzed as follows: ACCRUED INCOME Interests receivable 841.207,84 Others DEFERRED COSTS 181.624,93 1.022.832,77 Advanced insurances paid 18.332,06 Holiday and holiday pay Interests payable Insurance 3.731,17 Others 7.233,24 ACCRUED COSTS 67.426,07 1.248.468,20 DEFERRED INCOME Others - Brand cession 1.326.858,68 3.200.000,00 Euros The board of directors Dionísio Fernandes Pestana - Chairman Pietro Luigi Valle - Member José Alexandre Lebre Theotónio – Memberl The official accoun tant Jorge da Silva Figueira GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS REPORT and Opinion of the Satutory Auditor TO THE SHAREHOLDERS OF GRUPO PESTANA S.G.P.S., S.A. In accordance with the applicable legislation and the Company’s by-law, we herewith present the report on our supervisory activity over the Board of Directors of Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A. for the year ended 31 December, 2008. With the frequence considered adequate, in general, we have accompanied the company’s evolution through information supplied by the Board of Directors and the Financial Department and verifing the recording of most significant transactions, validated with respective supporting documentation. Our supervisory role comprised the verification of patrimonial values and was complemented by obtaining information and explanations on the important transactions and on the company’s business development perspectives, dully informed by the Company’s services and Board of Directors. The Board of Director’s Report, due to the quality and synthesized information contained regarding the company’s activity in 2008, deserves cared reading by the shareholders. the supervisory activity preformed, directed exclusively to the Board of Directors as usually. In conclusion, we believe that the mentioned documents, read together, permit a reasonable comprehension of the financial position – individual and consolidated – of Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A. as of December 31st 2008 and satisfy legal and statutory requirements. As result, the Statutory Auditor believes: 1º The shareholders should approve Board of Directors annual report and both individual and consolidated financial statements – disclosed by the Board of Directors. 2º The shareholders should result distribution proposed by Directors. approve the the Board of We verified the adequacy of financial statements – individual and consolidated – reported as of December 31st, 2008, subject to our approval by the Board of Directors and its consistency with the Board of Directors’ report, as well as the adequate disclose of accounting policies and criteria used, which we consider lead to an appropriate evaluation of the Company’s and Group’s patrimony. Funchal, April 22nd 2009 As it was our duty, as statutory auditor’s, we have issued today the Auditor’s Report on the company’s financial statements – individual and consolidated. Likewise and in the same quality, we have issued today our report on Represented by: Manuel António Neves da Silva (ROC 625) The Statutory Auditor Neves da Silva, Pão Alvo, Maria J. Pimenta e Velosa Ferreira, SROC GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDITOR’ REPORT Consolidated Financial Statements INTRODUCTION 1. We have examined the financial statements of Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A. which comprise: the Balance Sheet as at December 31st, 2008 (showing total assets of Euros 343.765.392 and shareholders’ equity of Euros 235.295.257, including a profit of Euros 17.922.022), the Statements of Income by nature and by function and the Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended and the corresponding Notes to the accounts. RESPONSABILITIES 2.The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of financial statements that present a true and fair view of the company’s financial position, results of its operations and cash flows, as well the adoption of adequate accounting policies and criteria and the maintenance of appropriate system of internal control. 3.Our responsibility is to issue a professional and independent opinion based on our work over such financial statements. application and their disclosure, taking into consideration the circumstances; n Verifying the applicability of the going concern concept; n Verifying the adequacy of the overall presentation of the financial statements. 5.An audit also includes verifying that the financial information included in the Board of Directors’ Report is consistent with the financial statements. 6.We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for expressing our opinion. OPINION 7. In our opinion, the referred financial statements, present fairly, in all material respects, the financial position of Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A. as of December 31st, 2008 and the results of its operations, its cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal. SCOPE 4. Our audit was performed in accordance with the Auditing Standards (“Normas Técnicas e as Directrizes de Revisão/Auditoria”) issued by the Portuguese Institute of Statutory Auditors (“Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas”), which require the audit to be planned and performed with the objective of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes: n Verifying, on a sample basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and assessing the significant estimates, based on judgments and criteria defined by the Board of Directors, used in their preparation; Funchal, April 22nd 2009 The Statutory Auditor Neves da Silva, Pão Alvo, Maria J. Pimenta and Velosa Ferreira, SROC Represented by: Manuel António Neves da Silva (ROC 625) n Assessing the adequacy of the accounting policies used, their uniform GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS AUDITOR’ REPORT Individual Financial Statement INTRODUCTION 1. We have examined the consolidated financial statements of Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A. which comprise: the Consolidated Balance Sheet as at December 31st, 2008 (showing total assets of Euros 754.628.799 and shareholders’ equity of Euros 268.416.572, including a profit of Euros 14.412.105), the Consolidated Statements of Income by nature and by function and the Consolidated Cash Flow Statement for the year then ended and the corresponding Notes to the accounts. RESPONSABILITIES 2. The Company’s Board of Directors is responsible for the preparation of consolidated financial statements that present a true and fair view of the financial position of the companies included in the consolidation, results of its’ operations and consolidated cash flows, as well the adoption of adequate accounting policies and criteria and the maintenance of appropriate system of internal control. 3. Our responsibility is to issue a professional and independent opinion based on our work over such financial statements. SCOPE 4. Our audit was performed in accordance with the Auditing Standards (“Normas Técnicas e as Directrizes de Revisão/Auditoria”) issued by the Portuguese Institute of Statutory Auditors (“Ordem dos Revisores Oficiais de Contas”), which require the audit to be planned and performed with the objective of obtaining reasonable assurance about whether the consolidated financial statements are free of material misstatement. An audit includes: n Verifying that the financial statements of the companies included in the consolidation have been appropriately audited and, for the significant case where that did not happen, verifying, on a sample basis, evidence supporting the amounts and disclosures in the financial statements and assessing the significant estimates, based on judgments and criteria defined by the Board of Directors, used in their preparation; n Verifying the consolidation operations; n Assessing the adequacy of the accounting policies used and disclosed, taking into consideration the circumstances; n Verifying the applicability of the going concern concept; n Verifying the adequacy of the overall presentation of the consolidated financial statements. 5. An audit also includes verifying that the financial information included in the Board of Directors’ Report is consistent with the financial statements. 6. We believe that our audit provides a reasonable basis for expressing our opinion. OPINION 7. In our opinion, the referred consolidated financial statements, present fairly, in all material respects, the consolidated financial position of Grupo Pestana – S.G.P.S., S.A. as of December 31st, 2008 and the consolidated results of its operations, its consolidated cash flows for the year then ended, in conformity with the accounting principles generally accepted in Portugal. Funchal, April 22nd 2009 The Statutory Auditor Neves da Silva, Pão Alvo, Maria J. Pimenta and Velosa Ferreira, SROC Represented by: Manuel António Neves da Silva (ROC 625) GRUPO PESTANA SGPS MANAGEMENT REPORT FINANCIAL STATEMENTS Largo António Nobre 9004-531 Funchal, Madeira
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