fellow congregants, 2013 was a year of


fellow congregants, 2013 was a year of
ellow congregants ,
2013 was a year of
B eth
tasked with re - en -
great challenges for all of us at
Sholom. W e
ergizing our board , clarifying our financial
situation and replacing key individuals in
our organization .
I took over as president in June 2013. Through
the graciousness and patience of my predecessors
Todd Strauss, Dara Nachmanoff and Adam Hertz, I
was given a strong introduction to the role of president. It was a lucky thing: The congregation was
soon faced with replacing our executive director,
financial personnel, the director of congregational
learning, and our senior rabbi.
All of this would have been totally impossible without the help of many. The executive
committee and board were invaluable. We welcomed a permanent executive director, Angel
Alvarez-Mapp, who has done a tremendous job
organizing the office, creating our new budget,
and recruiting a top-notch director of education — all while leading new program offerings,
from Jewish Heritage Night at the Ballpark to
a goodbye Kabbalat Shabbat dinner attended by
more than 200 congregants. We now have a
strong Governance Committee, which has put us on
track with our bylaws and recruited four new board members.
Under Lael Sturm, the Education Committee has made great advances. Development, under Lu Zilber; Community Outreach, under Stacy Ban; and Finance, under Todd Strauss, have all remained
strong. All along, we have been aided by a phenomenal Ritual
Committee, under the leadership of Scott Horowitz.
Recruiting a new rabbi is no trivial pursuit. Past presidents
Sandy Edwards, Sue Rushakoff and Sandy Goldstein contributed
monumental efforts, as did the many congregants on the Rabbi
Search Committee.
Most importantly, we were helped by all of you. Many of you participated in and hosted outreach events. You shared your opinions
in surveys and rabbi evaluation weekends. Thanks to you, we were
able to show the applicants our best side, and identify and attract
our wonderful new leader, Rabbi Aubrey Glazer.
Now, the exciting part. The structural changes we have made and
the issues we have resolved have positioned us to accomplish a great
deal in the year ahead. We are creating a new formalized strategic
plan, including a development effort to secure endowment for our
long-term future. Based on your feedback and the renewed energy
from our rabbi search, watch for great new programs internally as
well as increased community exposure through partner events. We
have refined our membership levels, and are planning significant
outreach for new members and to re-establish Beth Sholom as the
conservative synagogue in San Francisco. Finally, look for a redesigned website and increased communication to our community.
Fellow congregants, 2013 was a year of great challenges at
Beth Sholom — and subsequently, great growth. We will continue that growth in the months ahead. I can hardly wait for next
year’s annual report.
o back in our history — and I mean , all
M oses ,
to when we were living in tents ,
to when M oses came down from M ount S inai . N othing
happened to just one person , or to just a few people . I t
happened to an entire community . E verything we do reli giously is still about being together . W e mourn together ,
we celebrate together , we are able to continue this thou sands - year - old tradition because we are together . W ell , I
think it ’ s important to come together secularly , too .
the way back
E gypt ,
This was reinforced in May, when we held our first art show as a
congregation. It was one of my first big events as executive director,
and I remember feeling nervous that no one would show up. Well, 110
people did. And it was a great success. It was a chance to get together,
recognize the talent in our community, and really get to know each
other. There were so many people I’d seen for years and years whose
names I knew, but whose stories I’d never really heard until that day.
Others shared the same feedback with me. We crave these moments
of connection. In the year ahead, I’m looking forward to presenting
many more opportunities for us to come together and really connect.
We’re already planning on a film series and a music series, as well as
several lecture events.
This emphasis on community will be both fun
and fulfilling. I also think it’s the perfect complement to what Beth Sholom already does so well.
We have a history as a congregation where serious
Jews come to do serious Judaism, but we’re also a
place that accepts different approaches to practice.
We’re the home of Jewish meditation. We’re innovative. We’re forward-thinking.
I converted at Beth Sholom back in 2002 with
Rabbi Lew, a leader who helped shape that progressive identity. Today, during this time of transition, we are pausing to ask ourselves what our
identity will be in the years to come. Rabbi Aubrey
Glazer is an exciting part of our future. So is every
individual who participates in this community.
All of us together are this congregation; all of us
together are its future. This moment in history is
happening to our entire community. And that’s why
Beth Sholom will be here another five years, another 10 years, and another 107 years.
Beth Sholom By the Numbers
write this during the parsha of
report of the
telling .
Shelach Lecha , the
spies surveying the land of
God asks Moses to find leaders to scout
Is the land rich or dry, are the people
objective qualities :
large or small , does it flow with milk and honey or is it
simply a continuation of the present desert ?
But the scouts
thought they were meant to determine if they were able
to achieve this task .
Y ou know the story. T en admit to the
J oshua and
Caleb have the same metrics but celebrate the challenge ,
and lead the next generation to the P romised L and .
lush beauty but instill paranoia in the people .
An annual report is not only a status of the present, it is a guide to
the future. I leave Beth Sholom like a premature Moses; a bit before
my prime but still with all the passion and hope as when I arrived.
Our final Shabbat together crystallized all that I cherish about our
community: prayer, warmth, diversity and overflowing gratitude.
Erin and I will continue to value all that we shared together.
As we returned to the city to spackle the final holes of our former
home, I found my way to morning minyan. It was percolating with
new Torah readings, young and old, a special Kiddush and friendly
greetings all around. The report was most excellent. I was just number 12 that morning, a member of Israel celebrating a community
of Israel. That was and is a blessing that as a qualitative feel to the
metrics of a healthy shul.
I am grateful for our current leadership – the board, our executive director, our staff, our teachers and especially our members
who live and breathe the pages that follow. But that gratitude is to
a higher purpose that far exceeds any one individual, program or
even institution. When we focus on the horizon of the ineffable, all
of our actions will lead to a positive report. Joshua may have fought
the battle of Jericho, but it was a collective faith
that made the walls come tumbling down.
One thing this report cannot yet extol is your
future rabbi: a mensch in mind and heart. The
community led a vibrant process of discernment;
the community sang the virtues of Beth Sholom
and San Francisco; and Rabbi Glazer has emerged
to declare: Let us take our destiny! His success depends on trust, passion and vision. Let us succeed
not for his or your sake, but for the children of our
future, who may not know any of our names but
That is what makes this report more than a brochure: It is a prayer waiting to be read, davened,
meditated upon and fulfilled. Do not become the
generation that must fade away in cynicism for
a new generation to arrive. Be the present and
future! We can, we should and we must taste the
milk and honey from the Rock of the Divine.
very Saturday, when Gregg Novicoff and Dawne Bear
Novicoff drop off their son and daughter at Beth Sholom
Shabbat School, they catch a glimpse of the past. The
kids two, three, four years younger. Their son, just a toddler,
on his very first day of preschool. Now Arlo is 10 and Rayna is
8. This ritual, and this building, are woven into their earliest
“I love being there on Saturdays and seeing our kids run up the
stairs,” says Dawne. “I love seeing how connected and comfortable
they are in that space, with the teachers and clergy and congregants.
They are part of the community and completely at home.”
For Gregg, the feeling is summed up at Shabbat services, observing the b’nai mitzvah children reading Torah, leading prayers,
and delivering speeches. “I’m so proud of these kids — their poise;
how smart and funny they are,” he says. “I don’t
know all of them personally but they are part of
our extended community. And I think of our own
children, and how soon they will be standing in
that space, with our community.”
“It feels like our son’s bar mitzvah is just around
the corner,” Dawne agrees. “We’re headed into a
time of very intense connection to the synagogue.
We have a Jewish home and a lot of Jewish friends,
but Beth Sholom is a different piece to the puzzle
of our family’s Jewish identity. It’s the structure
and ritual and intergenerational piece. It’s an important part of the Jewish community that we’ve
built for ourselves in San Francisco.”
he’s lived in Texas, Japan, Israel, and Canada. Emerson
Yellen, 28, has never been one to sit still. And she’s never
been one to sit alone.
“I’m a social person,” she says. “I get in touch with who I am spiritually when I’m with a group and bouncing ideas off other people.”
Emerson reconnected with her Jewish upbringing some 1,500
miles north of here while living in Calgary, but never quite found
her place in a synagogue there. Then, about a year ago, she accepted
a job at the Jewish Community Center of San Francisco and moved
to the Bay Area. Soon after, a friend asked her to lifeguard at a Beth
Sholom family camp.
“I walked in thinking I was there to do a job,” she recalls. “But
parents came up and introduced themselves to me while I was lifeguarding. I stayed up late playing games and talking to everyone.
I thought, these are people I could be friends with. This is a really
positive, active community.”
Emerson joined Beth Sholom and immediately
sought out ways to be active in it, serving on the
community involvement committee last year and
currently co-chairing the young adults group.
“I love meeting people who are new and trying
to figure out where they fit in,” she says. “Beth
Sholom has always been so welcoming to my
ideas, and patient with who I am. It’s willing to
welcome you into the community in whatever
capacity you want.”
thought , these are people
could be friends with .
T his
is a
really positive , active community .”
ost weekends, you can find the
whole Ginsberg crew at Golden Gate
Park, lounging around Stow Lake or
in a ragtag parade of bicycles: 7-year-old Ava,
5-year-old Nathan, 2-year-old Ryan, and their
parents, Ellen and David.
“When we moved to San Francisco, we wanted to
explore everything,” says Ellen. “We’ve never lost
that attitude.”
During those early days, Congregation Beth
Sholom provided the family with an important
sense of community. In the five years since, it has
led Ellen and David to form lifelong friendships.
It’s influenced David to build a daily meditation
practice. It’s been a place for Ellen to share her
leadership skills – on the development committee
and education committee, and in planning the preschool’s carnival
fundraiser. And it’s been formative for the three smallest Ginsbergs:
Both Ava and Nathan attended the Beth Sholom preschool, and the
whole family is often at synagogue events.
“We like that we can bring our kids to events with people of all
backgrounds and ages, across generations,” says David. “At Beth
Sholom, we can go and have a religious experience, but also a community experience.”
The Ginsberg family’s sense of adventure extends to the congregation’s future.
“There’s this grassroots kind of energy right now,” says Ellen.
“Everybody’s willing to roll up their sleeves and do what they can
to help Beth Sholom thrive and succeed. There’s something special
about feeling like you’re building your own community. We’re excited to be a part of it.”
an Francisco is an ever-shifting landscape. For the past 86 years, Newman
Fisher has witnessed it firsthand. He was
born in this city. He grew up here. He went to
school here, and then he taught school here —
for 40 years, no less. He remembers when Beth
Sholom’s rabbi marched a Torah down Market
Street to protest the Vietnam War.
That rabbi, Rabbi White, was one of the figures that drew Newman and his wife, Neah, to
Congregation Beth Sholom in the first place. “He
was not afraid to take on tough things, and he
did it with a lot of class,” says Newman. “He set
a tone for the synagogue.” All these years later,
it’s still evident.
“For example, many religious institutions have struggled to accept
gay and lesbian communities. We’ve never encountered that. Beth
Sholom has been very accepting,” Newman says. “The synagogue
has championed social justice and the rights of other people for a
very long time, not just in word but in deed.”
Newman is proud to have served three terms as president of Beth
Sholom’s board of directors, 1989-1992. He remains active in the
synagogue, conducting the Tuesday evening minyan service and
regularly leading the Musaf service at Shabbat.
“People worship in public and share life cycle events in public —
bar and bat mitzvahs, somebody passing away, illness. When you
go to services, it creates a support system,” Newman says. “I think
that’s a very lovely thing.”
rowing up a few blocks apart in Queens, NY, Rachel and
Joseph shared not only a high school but the commute
to and from it every day. They met as teenagers on
the F train.
Now married and living on the other coast, they’re still sharing
a journey. Although Joseph is not Jewish, both have decided that
Beth Sholom is part of it – for the two of them and for their children,
Mia and Marc.
Mia, 2, starts at the Beth Sholom preschool this fall. Marc, 5,
has just graduated from it. To her delight, Rachel will sometimes
overhear Marc at play, contentedly singing the Four Questions
to himself.
“The preschool has nurtured our son, and helped turn him into
a confident, independent, happy person. Watching that process
has been a joy,” says Rachel. Last year she was the head of the
school’s Parents Committee and she and Joseph
worked on the carnival raffle. They participate
in many of the synagogue’s children’s holiday
“There’s this open, accepting atmosphere that
extends to everything at Beth Sholom,” she says.
“Before we moved to San Francisco, I sometimes
felt uncomfortable accompanying Rachel to synagogue events. I have never felt uncomfortable at
Beth Sholom,” agrees Joseph.
“It’s very important that our kids grow up
Jewish, but at the same time, I’ve always wondered if I would feel comfortable in all the
settings that that would entail,” he adds. “Beth
Sholom has allayed my fears.”
hirty-five years ago, Eva-Lynne and Owen Leibman’s
paths intersected here. They were each in their
mid-twenties. They were each new to San Francisco.
They each found Beth Sholom. And then, they found each other.
“Very early on,” declares Eva-Lynne, “I set my cap for Owen. We
were both very involved in the young adults group. I decided that
whatever the group activity, it would include Owen and me.”
Now they are in their third decade of marriage, with a daughter who is a twenty-something herself. In this new chapter, they
have found new ways to connect with the synagogue. Owen
is on the ritual committee, and oversees the assigning of Torah
readings for Shabbat and minyans. Eva-Lynne became a bat mitzvah this past June, an experience that she describes as “a gift.”
“The whole synagogue celebrating with me – it
was a huge hug,” she says. They are both regulars
at morning minyan – and, as of this summer, at
Beth Sholom baseball games. (Owen plays second
base; Eva-Lynne is, in their daughter’s words, “an
official groupie.”)
So, while much has changed at Beth Sholom
over the years, the important things remain intact.
“Back when we knew very few people in this
city, Beth Sholom gave us a place to go. It gave us
our first friends. Many of those people are still our
friends,” says Eva-Lynne. “This is our community.
This is our home.”
lizabeth Cedars is a resident physician.
Her husband, Christopher Orev Reiger,
is an artist and writer, as well as the cofounder of a nonprofit that integrates science
with art. Their schedules are packed. And that’s
one of the reasons they value Beth Sholom.
“It’s where I connect to a deep part of myself,”
says Elizabeth, “which I don’t always access with
the hectic nature of our lives.”
Elizabeth, 30, grew up in the Reform Jewish
movement in the East Bay, but drifted away as a
teenager. Christopher, 36, gravitated to Judaism as
an adult. He wanted to convert in a conservative
synagogue, and found Beth Sholom.
“It’s very valuable to have a spiritual center
to go to,” he says. “The conservative movement
demands that we wrestle with contemporary
Jewish identity, and that happens at Beth Sholom.”
In the four years that he and Elizabeth have been members, he’s
become a familiar face around the synagogue, serving on the community engagement committee and the rabbi search committee,
and cochairing the young adults group. In May, he led the visual
curation for the congregation’s first Annual Art Show.
As for Elizabeth, “Beth Sholom really felt like a warm place to
return to Judaism,” she says. “Growing up, there was a clear delineation between my Jewish life and the rest of my life. Beth Sholom
has shown me that the two can be integrated – that a synagogue can
be your community. That’s a really wonderful thing.”
“I t ’ s
connect to a deep
part of myself …”
have a child
is to create a new world.”
As I begin my
12th year as director of Congregation
Sholom Family Preschool, I feel blessed
to be part of the growth and development of so
many new worlds.
One of our goals as a school is to be a place
where children know that they matter. We want to
know what they think, feel and wonder. We want
them to feel unconditionally loved and respected.
Each child is our curriculum. They come to school
as individuals and together they become a community. Our Jewish and secular curriculum connects
these children and their families with the entire
Congregation Beth Sholom community. We are
committed to providing the highest quality Jewish and secular preschool experience.
For the past five years we have been a First 5 Model School, which
provides our Pre-K families with substantial financial support from
the state of California. This year we were also part of the San Francisco
Inclusion Network, and benefitted from its teacher workshops as well
as individualized support for children and teachers. We’ll continue to
work with their specialists this coming year. In addition, we welcome
Ellen Brosbe from Jewish Learning Works (formerly the Bureau of
Jewish Education) to assist in enriching our Jewish curriculum.
Every day, we are inspired by our students and families to do
more. Our teachers attended a workshop this year to learn new
techniques for teaching science to young children and enhancing
their experiences in nature. Under the guidance of Susan Dudley,
our lead Pre-K teacher, we created a muscle development program
using new state-of-the-art equipment.
We treasure the traditions that we’ve built with our families and
their children, and we try to fill all of them with a sense of warmth
and excitement. Every Friday, Michael Lederman, director of
Congregational Learning, and our new rabbi, Rabbi Aubrey Glazer,
will celebrate a frielich (lively) Kabbalat Shabbat with us. All are
welcome — please join! On the fourth Friday of every month, song
leader extraordinaire Jonathan Bayer accompanies our pajama-clad
preschoolers and their families in PJ Shabbat.
These are the kinds of moments that we cherish, and that we hope
our families do, too. Rabbi Abraham Joshua Heschel said, “The beginning of our happiness lies in the understanding that life without
wonder is not worth living. We must nurture in our children a will
to wonder.” At Congregation Beth Sholom Family Preschool, it is
our privilege to help nurture that will to wonder.
ewish tradition places a very high value
— and so do we at
Congregation Beth Sholom. Year-round,
we strive to provide rich and engaging opportunities for learning and Jewish engagement. We
strive to do this not only for our congregants,
but for the larger Bay Area Jewish community.
on lifelong learning
Over my many years of teaching Hebrew and
Judaic studies, I have witnessed how Jewish education builds Jewish community. I believe it ought
to be fun and enjoyable, as well as intellectually
stimulating and meaningful.
The Talmud says, “A town without schoolchildren is doomed to destruction.” At Congregation
Beth Sholom, we want to create an atmosphere of
learning and support. We begin with our youngest,
from our highly-regarded preschool program to our
K-through-6 Shabbat School to our music-filled
“PJ Shabbat” and Family Shabbat programs. For
younger students preparing to become Bar or Bat
Mitzvah, we offer a special B’nai Mitzvah program,
comprised of weekly Shabbat class meetings held
during the school year, along with one-on-one
tutoring sessions with experienced tutors and the rabbi.
For every age group, we offer educational experiences rich with
Jewish values, and filled with content that will help strengthen our
community. Preteens and teens are encouraged to participate in a
variety of special activities and programming throughout the year,
including the United Synagogue Youth group. During the school
year, teens are encouraged to participate in our very successful
Shabbat School Madrichim program, where they have the opportunity to learn and also to assist our younger students with their
Avot 2:7 reads, “The more schooling, the more wisdom.” Education
does not end with youth. That’s why we provide a rich selection of
adult learning opportunities for our members. During the past year,
this included weekly study programs in the Torah, the Talmud, and
the Pirkei Avot, as well as an all-night Leil Tikkun Shavuot study
and an adult B’nei Mitzvah class. We hosted a parents’ book group,
a Sunday morning book group and a womens’ book group. We held
three different Kevah study groups, a special Yom Kippur afternoon study session, and in conjunction with the Shalom Hartman
Institute, curricula for Israel educational. Additionally, throughout
the year, we hosted and learned from several different Scholars in
This is an exciting time of transition for our community, and
transition can bring about even more wonderful opportunities in
education. Along with welcoming Rabbi Glazer and his family to
our congregation, I also look forward to welcoming several new and
experienced teachers and song leaders to our Shabbat School faculty.
I am very glad to be at Congregation Beth Sholom, and I hope to
have the opportunity to study and learn with you in the coming year.
’ve been having a recurring dream. I’m driving down 101
in a ’76 C orvette done up like a T esla . I’ m listening to
the threefold lyrical landscape of R obert H unter ’ s
“Eyes of the World unfolding” on the radio as I make this
journey home – now for real – to S an F rancisco :
“…The heart has its beaches, its homeland and thoughts of its own…”
Just as in Hunter’s lyrical vision there are three places the heart
journeys toward, Rav Soleveitchik teaches that in Judaism there are
three distinct covenants that describe the journey we are on together:
A covenant of fate: the Judaism that you have been born into,
dwelling in “homelands of the heart”;
A covenant of destiny: the Jew that you can become, searching through the “beaches of the heart”;
A covenant of responsibility: the Jew that someone else can
become when his or her soul is nourished by your elevated
soul connection, guided by “thoughts of the heart.”
Each of these covenants is captured through the dynamism of what it
means to be part of the Congregation Beth Sholom community.
We have benefited immensely in our covenants of fate with
each of our esteemed rabbis White (z”l), Lew (z”l) and Hyman, who
have shown us a path to the Promised Land through their unique
approaches to Torah-learning, Tefilla-introspection, and Avodahdevotion. They have taught us what it means to be embedded in that
fateful connection to tradition, genetics and culture that make us
members of the Jewish people.
They have inspired many of us to grow in our covenant of destiny
by showing us the path toward the Promised Land as they saw it in the
offing. Sometimes in life, just as Moses does not make it all the way to
the Promised Land, our most beloved leaders are not able to take us all
the way there — but our hearts remain imprinted with their teachings.
I hope to build upon these openings and find new windows into
your covenant of destiny. Who you can become is a function of
how your soul, your mind and body can be nourished to grow your
Judaism, both within and beyond the walls of Beth Sholom. I will
dedicate time to teaching a fourfold model of doing, feeling, thinking
and being Jewish, so that “the overflowing cups of our souls” begin
to inspire that covenant of responsibility for
each other. Every Israelite, every Jew, every seeking soul, is responsible for the soul of each other!
This annual report celebrates all three covenants for Congregation Beth Sholom as we look
ahead to forging a new covenant of destiny. My
wife, Elyssa, my daughter, Thalia, and I are so
proud to be part of that covenant with you, and I
am honored to serve as your spiritual leader.
I hope to expand upon the three covenants, and
bring them more fully into our awareness as we
seek inspiration for our intellectual, ethical and
spiritual lives. As a community committed to its
covenants, we can make a difference for this new
chapter in our unfolding journey. That is how each
of us “wakes up to find out we are the eyes of the
world”! May we be so blessed — Amen!
M embers in 2013 – 420 families
N ew H ouseholds – 38
P arnas H ouseholds – 93
( as
J une 30, 2014)
N adiv
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Barnett
Joe and Julie Ratner Dr. Garry Rayant & Dr. Kathy Fields-Rayant N e ’ eman
Mr. Robert Feyer & Ms. Marsha Cohen
Mr. Mark Gunther & Dr. Anne Krantz Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Sollod A mit
Michael Bien & Jane Kahn
Myra Block Drs. Richard & Sandra Cohen Mr. & Mrs. James Frost Sandy Goldstein and Cathy Rabin Mr. & Mrs. David W. Gronowski Mr. Scott Horwitz &
Ms. Missy Sue Mastel Horwitz Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kahn Mrs. Lenore Levinson Mrs. Shirley Levy Mrs. Anne Meyer Holly & Max Perr Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poynter Dr. Gerald Roberts Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rushakoff Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Schall The Spitz Family K oach Gary Angel and Sharman Spector-Angel
Marsha & Stanton Glantz Dr. Thomas Huot and Ms. Stacy Feld Drs. Kolotkin & Miller David Malman & Ellen Shireman Mr. & Mrs. Burton Meyer Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller Josh M. Peckler Roger and Louisa Philipp Laura Shenkar Ms. Christine Smith Dr. & Mrs. David Soffa Mr. Harris Weinberg & Ms. Dana Corvin Mr. & Mrs. Richard Springwater
Sandy Zweifach & Nina Kjellson C haver
Anonymous Jim Abrams
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Ban Mr. Alex Bernstein & Ms. Sonia Daccarett Mark & Jenny Bernstein Mr. Kurt Billick & Ms. Melissa Raphaely Mr. Daniel Briskin Dr. Glenn Chertow & Dr. Dara Nachmanoff Mr. Benjamin Chinn & Ms. Wendy Cown Andy Coblentz & Shari Libicki Mr. Bruce Cohen Mr. & Mrs. Randall Dick Mr. & Mrs. Larry Edelman Dr. Sandra Edwards Dr. & Mrs. Steven Foreman Mr. & Mrs. Gary Frank Morton and Amy Friedkin Mr. Brian Geller Dr. Deborah Gold and
Mr. Michael Goldstein Dr. Herbert & Mrs. Tanya Goodman Mrs. Barbara Gronowski Milton & Sheila Hyman Mr. Ovid Jacob & Ms. Gitta Salomon Mr. David Kaplan Stephen Kellerman Ms. Carla Kozak Ms. Randy Berkowitz Lavinghouse Mr. & Mrs. David Leash Mr. Gary Levin Ira Levy Dr. & Mrs. Martin Liberman Mr. David Madfes Ms. Abigail Levinson Marks Mr. Don Marks & Ms. Gabrielle Marks Mr. & Mrs. Gerhard Neuhaus Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Newbrun Mrs. Betty Newman Dr. Daniel Raybin Mrs. Hilda Richards Barbara and Saul Rockman Irving & Rosemary Rothstein Sherry Sachar Mr. Sol Silver Gary Sokol & Paul Blanc Dr. Janet Sollod Ms. Susan Spiwak Todd Strauss & Tracey Thomas Willy Waks and Dr. Nancy Wiese Mrs. Carol Weitz Len & Ruth Yaffe Mr. Andrew Zacks & Ms. Denise Leadbetter Ms. Bobbie Zemansky Mr. & Mrs. Norman Zilber Mrs. Norma Zimmerman Mr. Murray Zisholz
Lucie Ramsey
In memory of Annette Klemow
Max Schleicher
In memory of Charles Ramsey and
Aaron A. Ramsey on the anniversary
of his Bar Mitzvah
Angel Alvarez-Mapp and Daniel Ewald
Mr. Daniel Briskin
In honor of Jonah Briskin’s Bar
Mrs. Marci Briskin
In honor of Jonah Briskin’s Bar
Mr. Scott Horwitz & Ms. Missy Sue
Mastel Horwitz
In honor of Sara Horwitz’s Bat
Mrs. Julie Jeremy
In honor of Ben Jeremy’s Bar Mitzvah
Drs. Marvin Kolotkin & Betty Miller
In celebration of her and Marvin
Pheffer’s birthday
In honor of the 19th anniversary
of the Adult B’not Mitzvah of Lisa
Malik’s Torah Trope class of 1994
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Pheffer
In celebration of his and Betty Miller’s
Nestor & Lorena Ramos
In honor of Rabbi Elana Zelony
Mr. and Mrs. Resnik
In honor of Margo Resnik’s Bat
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rushakoff
In honor of the Hyman Family
Jean Segal & Ruth Tepper
In memory of Melvin Segal on his
In memory of Charles Tepper’s
Linda & Vera Winkler
In memory of Miklos & Piroska
Jim Abrams
Mrs. Patricia Ackerman
Angel Alvarez-Mapp and Daniel Ewald
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Ban
Mr. and Mrs. Roger Barnett
Mr. Russell Berman
Mrs. Linda Bernstein
Mark & Tanya Bernstein
Michael Bien & Jane Kahn
Mr. Kurt Billick & Ms. Melissa Raphaely
Ms. Pat Blackburn
Mr. & Mrs. David Blatteis
Myra Block
Dr. Meryl Botkin
Mr. & Mrs. Neal Bram
Mr. Daniel Briskin
Larry Burgheimer & Eileen Auerbach
Samet-Canter Family
Mr. Howard Chabner
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chang
Dr. Glenn Chertow &
Dr. Dara Nachmanoff
Mr. Benjamin Chinn & Ms. Wendy Cown
Mr. Bruce Cohen
Drs. Richard & Sandra Cohen
Mr. Adam M. Cole
Lee and Brenda Derin
Betsy Eckstein and David Heller
Kerry Weiner & Andrew Elkind
M. Frank & Nicole Emanuel
Becky Engelberg
Kate Fast and Stuart Smith
Mr. Robert Feyer & Ms. Marsha Cohen
Richard Fiedotin
Norman Fischer
Dr. & Mrs. Newman Fisher
Durand & Ariel Ford
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Foreman
The Fox Family
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Frank
Mr. & Mrs. George Frankenstein
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Franklin
Mr. and Mrs. Friedland
Mr. & Mrs. James Frost
Mr. Jerome & Ms. Leah Garchik
Ms. Jerilyn Gelt
Dr. Shulamit Glaubach
Lisa Wolf and Yehuda Golani
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goldberg
Mr. David Goldenberg
Drs. Goldman & Weisberg
Dr. Deborah Gold and
Mr. Michael Goldstein
Sandy Goldstein and Cathy Rabin
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Goode
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Goodman
Mr. Howard Gordon
Mrs. Barbara Gronowski
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Gronowski
Elliott and Elayne Grossbard
Mr. Mark Gunther & Dr. Anne Krantz
Isac & Minette Gutfreund
Howard Haberman & Martha Lybarger
Paul & Corinne Hartman
Mr. Randall H. Heilbrunn
Robert Herman & Susie Coliver
Mr. Adam Hertz & Ms. Joan Gelfand
Dr. Mel & Mrs. Jody Heyman
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hoffman
Mr. Scott Horwitz &
Ms. Missy Sue Mastel Horwitz
Dr. Thomas Huot and Ms. Stacy Feld
Andrea Jacoby & Robert Brody
Mr. Ovid Jacob & Ms. Gitta Salomon
Mr. Ben Janofsky & Ms. Ann Lu
Mrs. Rosalind Jarvis
Jason Jungreis & Robyn Lipsky
Mr. David Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Kalbrosky
Stephen Kellerman
Mr. Jesse Kempf
Gina and Mike Khavul
Mr. & Ms. Cary Klafter
Scott Kogan and Elijah Selby
Drs. Marvin Kolotkin & Betty Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kornetsky
In memory of Sidney Numerof
Oleg and Andrea Korsunsky
Joshua Kosman and Nan Wiener
Ms. Carla Kozak
Rabbi Jay Krause
Mr. David Kulka
Ms. Randy Berkowitz Lavinghouse
Judy Leash
Mr. & Mrs. Marcos Lederman
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Leibman
Mr. Gary Levin
Mrs. Lenore Levinson
Allen Levy
Ira Levy
Mr. and Mrs. Ari Lewis
Ms. Jackie Lewis
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Liberman
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Lipsitz
Mr. David Madfes
David Malman & Ellen Shireman
Dave & Peggy Mangot
Ms. Abigail Levinson Marks
Mr. Don Marks &
Ms. Gabrielle Handler Marks
Mrs. Anne Meyer
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Meyer
Mr. Harry Meyer
Mrs. June Meyer
Mark Meyer
Mrs. Trude Meyer
Drs. Mickel & Zimmerman
Craig & Jacqueline Miller
Jesse & Katya Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller
Drs. Adrian Mirvish and Lissa Rechtin
Adam & Stacie Mishcon
Lorie Nachlis & Abby Abinanti
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Nathan
Mitchell Nemeth & Susan Stanger
Gerhard Neuhaus
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Newbrun
Mrs. Betty Newman
Joseph & Elissa Newman
Robert Shepard & Bob Numerof
Mrs. Frances Oplatka
Mr. Ronald S. Oremland
Natalie and Shai Oren
Miss Channa Orner
Josh M. Peckler
Ms. Saralie Pennington
Susan Percal
James & Debra Perloff
Holly & Max Perr
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Pheffer
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poynter
Amy Rassen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ratner
Gail Ravitz
Dr. Daniel Raybin
Mr. Christopher Reiger &
Dr. Elizabeth Cedars
Mark Reiss, M.D. and
Joan Reinhardt-Reiss
Mr. and Mrs. Resnik
Susanne and Yury Revutsky
Dr. Paul Riegelhaupt & Ms. Lauren
Dr. Gerald Roberts
Barbara and Saul Rockman
Mr. Bruce Rosen
Ms. Marilyn Rosner
Dane & Sophie Ross
Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Rothstein
Irving & Rosemary Rothstein
Dan and Anna Rubinsky
Dr. & Mrs. Robert Rushakoff
Mr. Steven Ruth
David & Renee Samson
Mrs. Maureen Samson
Mr. Jonathan & Ms. Jo Ann Schreiber
Jean Segal & RuthTepper
Laura Shenkar
David Silberman & Tina Eshaghpour
Mr. Sol Silver
Mr. and Mrs. Silver
Helen Sirkin
Christine Smith
Dr. & Mrs. David Soffa
David Sokolsky
Dr. Janet Sollod
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Sollod
Marc & Marcia Sosnick
Carol Spector
Ms. Susan Spiwak
Michael & Anat Stein
Robyn & Eric Stone
Todd Strauss & Tracey Thomas
Joel Streicker & Juliette Hirt
Ms. Rebecca Sugerman
Michael & Debra Sweet
Mr. Peter Tardos
Dr. Michael & Mrs. Libby Thaler
Don Topkis
Sidney & Nancy Unobskey
Willy Waks and Dr. Nancy Wiese
Dr. & Mrs. Eli Weil
Mr. Harris Weinberg & Ms. Dana Corvin
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Weinberg
Mrs. Carol Weitz
Ruth Donig-White
Leah Wolf & Lisa Ratte
Ms. Regina Wurst
Len & Ruth Yaffe
Mr. Andrew Zacks &
Ms. Denise Leadbetter
Ms. Linda Zaretsky
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Zilber
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Zimmerman
Mrs. Norma Zimmerman
Mr. Murray Zisholz
Sandy Zweifach & Nina Kjellson
Chicken Soupers Fund
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Abramowitz
Mrs. Patricia Ackerman
Maureen & Helen Adler
Mr. Gary Angel &
Mrs. Sharman Spector-Angel
Ms. Eileen Auerbach
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Ban
Mr. Daniel Benjamin
Mrs. Linda Bernstein
Michael Bien & Jane Kahn
Mr. Kurt Billick & Ms. Melissa Raphaely
Susan Cable
Mr. Bruce Cohen
Drs. Richard & Sandra Cohen
Dr. & Mrs. Stephen Cohen
Susan Coliver
Lee and Brenda Derin
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Dick
Stuart Dick & Joseph Sieger
In honor of the Chicken Soupers
Betsy Eckstein and David Heller
Dr. & Mrs. Newman Fisher
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Frank
Morton and Amy Friedkin
Mr. and Mrs. Friedland
Mr. Jerome & Ms. Leah Garchik
Ms. Jerilyn Gelt
Sandy Goldstein and Cathy Rabin
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Goode
Dr. Herbert & Mrs. Tanya Goodman
Elliott and Elayne Grossbard
Mr. Mark Gunther & Dr. Anne Krantz
Isac & Minette Gutfreund
Mr. Randall H. Heilbrunn
Andrea Jacoby & Robert Brody
Mr. Ovid Jacob & Ms. Gitta Salomon
Mrs. Ruth Jaffe
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kahn
Mrs. Emma Kahn
David Kaplan
Mrs. Carol A. Kare
Ms. Susan Kare
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Katznelson
Drs. Marvin Kolotkin & Betty Miller
Ms. Carla Kozak
Mrs. Rosalyn Langsam
Ms. Randy Berkowitz Lavinghouse
Judy Leash
In memory of Christine Smith
Mrs. Lenore Levinson
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Liberman
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Lipsitz
In honor of David Soffa’s birthday
In memory of David Leash
Mr. Steve Lipton &
Ms. Robbin Mashbein
Mr. Ephraim Margolin
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Mendelsohn
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Meyer
Mr. Harry Meyer
Mrs. Trude Meyer
Drs. Mickel & Zimmerman
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller
Mitchell Nemeth & Susan Stanger
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Newbrun
Mrs. Betty Newman
Dmitriy & Louella Neyman
In memory of Moshe Neyman
Robert Shepard & Bob Numerof
Mrs. Frances Oplatka
Miss Channa Orner
Ms. Saralie Pennington
Holly & Max Perr
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Pheffer
Roger and Louisa Philipp
Scott Porter & Laura Zander
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Rauchwerger
Mr. Christopher Reiger &
Dr. Elizabeth Cedars
Mr. and Mrs. Resnik
Mrs. Hilda Richards
Ms. Marilyn Rosner
In memory of David Leash
Irving & Rosemary Rothstein
Marvin Rous
Mrs. Maureen Samson
In memory of Christine Smith
In memory of David Leash
Max Schleicher
In memory of Dr. Ludwig Strauss
Miriam Schleicher
In memory of Sol Fateman
In memory of Anita Enchin
In memory of Ruth Sax
In memory of Annette Klemow
Dr. & Mrs. Edwin Shapiro
Mr. Sol Silver
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mrs. Betty Simon
Ms. Susan Spiwak
Ms. Judith Stein
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Robyn & Eric Stone
Joel Streicker & Juliette Hirt
Mr. Peter Tardos
Don Topkis
Willy Waks and Dr. Nancy Wiese
Dr. & Mrs. Eli Weil
Linda & Vera Winkler
Leah Wolf & Lisa Ratte
Ms. Bobbie Zemansky
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Zilber
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Zimmerman
Mrs. Norma Zimmerman
Mrs. Ruth Jaffe
Judy Leash
In memory of David Leash
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Abramowitz
In memory of Adele Rader
In memory of Philip Abramowitz
In memory of Anna Abramowitz
In honor of an Aliyah (4)
In memory of Sigmund Rader
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Bernice Weiss
In memory of David Leash
In memory of Jerome Kent
Jim Abrams
In memory of Macy Abrams
Andrew Adler
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Maureen & Helen Adler
In memory of Grete Adler
In memory of Hermann Adler
In memory of Hermann Meyer
In memory of Fanny Meyer
In memory of Lotte Goldschmidt
In memory of George Meyer
V. Adler
Jacob Aftergood
Mrs. Bella Allen
In memory of Anna Boxer
Harlene Appelman
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Dr. Edith Arrick
In memory of Necha Katznelson
Ms. Eileen Auerbach
In memory of David Zemansky
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Ronald & Suzanne Bachman
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Ronald Bachman & Margie Siegan
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Ban
Drs. Larry & Miriam Baskin
In memory of Samuel Gochin
Sheila & Murray Baumgarten
In honor of Rabbi Micah Hyman
In memory of Rabbi Alan Lew
In honor of Henry Hollander for his
service and leadership
In appreciation of the Aliyah on
Sheila’s birthday
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Ms. Linda Begen-Peltz
In memory of Milton Begen
Forrest Benjamin
In honor of minyan
Zachary Berger & Celeste Sollod
In memory of David Leash
Mr. Russell Berman
In memory of Evelyn Berman
Mrs. Linda Bernstein
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Ilse Bernstein
Mark & Jenny Bernstein
In memory of Elly Krause
In memory of Esther Kayman
Tina Bernstein
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Valeriy Bershodskiy
Congregation Beth Sholom
Michael Bien & Jane Kahn
In memory of Morris Bien
In memory of Ruth Fisch Bien
In memory of Shirlee Kahn
In memory of William Kahn
Robert & Elisa Bildner
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Cantor Julius Blackman
In memory of Phyllis Blackman
Mr. & Mrs. David Blatteis
In memory of Jane Oppenheimer
In memory of Arthur Oppenheimer
In memory of Samuel Adams Blatteis
In memory of Solomon David Blatteis
In memory of Dora Singer Blatteis
Barbara Blum
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Jennifer Blumenfeld
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Dr. Meryl Botkin
In memory of Jerome Botkin
Stephen & Constance Bram
In honor of Kelly Bram’s conversion
William & Lindsay Bressman
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Ralph & Claire Brindis
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. Arnold Brooks
In memory of Tania Madfes
Larry Burgheimer & Eileen Auerbach
In memory of Blanche and Joseph
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Genya Bykin
In memory of her loved one (2)
In memory of Leo Azarch
Susan Cable
In memory of Ben Cooper
In memory of Rosaline Cooper
Daniel & Nancy Cerri
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mr. Bernard Chaknova
In memory of Lena Chaknova
In memory of Morris Chaknova
Gail Chalew
In honor Betsy Eckstein and
David Heller’s hospitality
Sarosi-Kanter Char Foundation
In honor of Henry Hollander
Dr. Glenn Chertow &
Dr. Dara Nachmanoff
In honor of Anne Meyer’s Birthday
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In memory of Jean Soffa
In honor of Sara Horowitz’s
Bat Mitzvah
In honor of Joe Fox’s Bar Mitzvah
Daniel Chesir
Gabrielle Sirner-Cohen and
Morris Cohen
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Paul Cohen
In honor of Sandy Edwards’ birthday
Drs. Richard & Sandra Cohen
In memory of Jean Soffa
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In loving memory of Sidney Yaffe
In memory of Philip A. Cohen
In memory of Rhoda Cohen
Stanley & Roxanne Cohn
Covenant Foundation
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Ronald & Deanna Cowan
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Angela Dalfen & Liz Noteware
In honor of the Hyman Family
Lee and Brenda Derin
In memory of Jeanette Spicer Kelson
In memory of Richard Rafael
In memory of David Leash
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In memory of Max Rainglass
In memory of Luba Rainglass and
Manya Leibner
In memory of Isaac and Rosa Derin
Mr. & Mrs. Randall Dick
In honor of Adam Shmuel
Frankenstein’s birth
In memory of Zelda Dick
In memory of Jerome Dick
Shirin Djavaheri
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Daniel Dornbusch
Amy Draizen
In memory of Jean Soffa
Betsy Eckstein and David Heller
In honor of Sol Silver’s birthday
Lawrence and Helene Edelman
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Leslie & Chip Edelsberg
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Dr. Sandra Edwards
In memory of Willie Cherin
In memory of Richard Goldstein
In memory of Jean Soffa
Don & Marcia Ehrlich
In memory of David Leash
Polina Eilen
In memory of her mother, Esfir
In memory of Mordechai
Dr. Elliot Eisenberg
In honor of Henry Hollander
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Eisenberg
In memory of Michael Eisenberg
In memory of Morris Lee Eisenberg
In memory of Lottie Goldie Eisenberg
Kerry Weiner & Andrew Elkind
In memory of Irma Elkind
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In honor of Rosemary Rothstein’s Bat
Frank & Nicole Emanuel
In honor of the Pidyon Ha’Ben
service for their son
Barak Epstein
In honor of Ryan Ginsberg’s arrival
Carol Epstein
George & Rochelle Erickson
Mrs. Daveen Faier
In memory of Lena Cohen
In memory of Ethel Rest
Robert & Adrienne Feldstein
Drs. Feuerstein & Shalwitz
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. Robert Feyer & Ms. Marsha Cohen
In memory of George Feyer
In memory of Barry Cohen
In memory of Ida Cohen
In memory of David Leash
In honor of Rosemary Rothstein’s
Bat Mitzvah
Stephen L. Feyer
Norman Fischer
Dr. & Mrs. Newman Fisher
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In memory of David Leash
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Jerry Rosen
In honor of Anne Meyer’s 90th
In memory of Harry Jackson and
Stanley Gallagher
In memory of Max Schleicher’s
sisters, Ruth Schleicher Sax, and
Annette Klemow
In memory of the mother of
Lynn Krohn
In memory of Jean Soffa
Susan Flowers
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Koret Foundation
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Frank
In memory of David Leash
Jay Frankel
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. George Frankenstein
In memory of Jean Soffa
In memory of David Leash
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Franklin
Mr. Howard Freedman & Susan Lyon
Mrs. Vivienne Freeman
In memory of Bernard Blackfield
In memory of Bessie Blackfield
Ursula Friedeberg
In memory of Eva Jacob
Morton and Amy Friedkin
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Michele Friedman
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Stanley & Ilona Galant
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mrs. Bernice Garcia
In memory of Jack and Anne Posman
Laurence & Carolyn Garter
In memory of Donald Kalbrosky
Donald & Judith Gilson
In memory of David Leash
Ellen and David Ginsberg
In honor of Dawne Bear-Novicoff
In honor of Sonia Daccarett
In honor of Gabi Marks
In honor of Nili Poynter
In honor of Jacqueline Shelton-Miller
In honor of Lael Sturm
Aryeh Goldberg
Mr. David Goldenberg
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Arnold & Marjorie Goldman
In memory of David Leash
Steven & Diane Goldman
In honor of Congregation
Beth Sholom
Sandy Goldstein and Cathy Rabin
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Henry Rabin
In memory of Carl Goldstein
Judd Goodman
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Natan & Karen Goore
Israel Gordan & Eli Gordan-Uhrman
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Vadim Gorodetskiy
In memory of Sigmund Roytburg
In memory of Samuil Gorodetskiy
In memory of Emilia Glusman
Mrs. Hanne L. Grafenberg
Larry & Miriam Gregg
In memory of Jean Soffa
Glen Greilsheimer
In memory of Eugene Greilsheimer
Mrs. Barbara Gronowski
In memory of Florence Falk
In memory of Lee Falk
Mr. & Mrs. David W. Gronowski
In memory of Kurt Gronowski
In memory of Hans Gronowski
Elliott and Elayne Grossbard
In memory of David Leash
In honor of Joe Fox’s Bar Mitzvah
Mr. Mark Gunther & Dr. Anne Krantz
In memory of their loved one
In memory of Sylvan Goldberg
In memory of Robert &
Beatrice Krantz
Isac & Minette Gutfreund
In memory of Vic Trigger
In memory of Dora Gutfreund
In memory of Henry Gutfreund
Steven & Karin Hahn
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Robin Hall
In memory of Donald Kalbrosky
Steve & Lorraine Harris
In honor of Sandy Edwards’ birthday
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Ms. Laurel Heicher
Mr. Randall H. Heilbrunn
In honor of Henry Hollander for his
dedication to Torah
In memory of Gary Levinson
Mrs. Jeri Heiligman
In honor of a speedy recovery for
Gloria Mendelsohn
In honor of a speedy recovery for
Victor Mendelsohn
Marilyn Heiss & Ken Merrylees
In honor of Sol Silver and the
morning minyan
Carol Heler
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Andrew & Stephany Heller
Robert Herman & Susie Coliver
In memory of Eunice Herman
In memory of Edith Coliver
In memory of Hedwig and
Frederic Simon
Mrs. Sharon Herman
In memory of Max & Donald Herman
Mr. Adam Hertz & Ms. Joan Gelfand
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mrs. Jeanne Himy
Estate of Mrs. Helena Hochheimer
Fred & Ina Hoffman
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Rufina Hohloff
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hollander
In honor of Sol Silver’s birthday
Lorraine Honig
In memory of Victor Honig
Jeanne Hornung
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mr. Scott Horwitz & Ms. Missy Sue
Mastel Horwitz
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Charlotte & Jerry Hyman
In memory of David Leash
Blossom Levin and Arthur Inerfield
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Ms. Mania & Mr. Yosef Izbeshtsky
In honor of their loved one
In memory of H. David Shapochnek
Mr. Ovid Jacob & Ms. Gitta Salomon
In memory of Howard
Freedman’s father
Mr. Steve Jacob
In memory of Eva & Heinz Jacob
Mrs. Ruth Jaffe
In memory of Burton & Zella Jaffe
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Walter Simon
In memory of Marlene Jaffe
In memory of David Leash
In memory of Henny Simon
In honor of Anne Meyer’s Birthday
In honor of Trude Meyer’s birthday
In memory of Sidney Yaffe
Elisa Jensen
In honor of Chaya Simpson (Hansen)
and her naming
Paul and Shirley Kadden
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kahn
In memory of Anita H. Kahn
In memory of Zel Kahn
In memory of Philip Schwartz
Mrs. Emma Kahn
In memory of Katherine Kahn
In memory of Hyman Kahn
In memory of Paul Kahn and
Rose Heller
Thomas and Linda Kalinowski
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Leslie Kane
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mrs. Carol A. Kare & Susan Kare
Rabbi Glenn Karonsky
In memory of Sammy Karonsky
In memory of Marie Karonsky
Mr. Bernard Katzmann
In memory of Esther Katzmann
In memory of Ernst Katzmann
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Katznelson
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
In honor of Joe Sox’s Bar Mitzvah
In memory of Helen Quint
In memory of Necha Katznelson
Dana & David Kelman
In memory of David Leash
Alina Kerson
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Kesselman
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Harry Kiefer
In honor of Anne Meyer’s 90th
Elliot & Hinda Kimmel
In honor of Eva-Lynn Leibman’s
Bat Mitzvah
Philip Kivitz & Susan Marx
In honor of David Soffa
Mr. & Ms. Cary Klafter
In honor of Congregation Beth
Mosh & Evelyn Koch
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Drs. Marvin Kolotkin & Betty Miller
In honor of an Aliyah
In memory of Eva Kolotkin
In memory of Miriam Miller
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of David Leash
In memory of Jack Kolotkin
In memory of Aaron Miller
Beverly Konkoff
In memory of Martin Aizenberg
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Kornetsky
In memory of Ruby Mohr Pollock
Ms. Carla Kozak
In memory of Gertrude Kozak
In memory of Sidney Kozak
Dr. Ralph M. Kramer
In memory of Anna Dvorah Kramer
Rabbi Jay Krause
In memory of his loved one (2)
Edward Krugman
In honor of Aliyah
Mr. David Kulka
In memory of Emanuel Medak
In memory of Helen Kulka
Charley & Susie Lakatos
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mrs. Rosalyn Langsam
In memory of Herbert Langsam
In memory of Sandra Nelson
Lorinda Lasus
In honor of the marriage of
Gary Sokol & Paul Blanc
Ms. Randy Berkowitz Lavinghouse
In memory of Marilyn Berkowitz
Judy Leash
In honor of Sandy Edwards’ birthday
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In honor of David Soffa
In memory of Jean Soffa
Mr. & Mrs. Marcos Lederman
In memory of Donald Kalbrosky
Ella Leshchenko
In memory of her mother
Mr. Gary Levin
In memory of Jean Soffa
In honor of David Soffa’s birthday
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Victor & Ellen Levin
In memory of David Leash
Adam Levine
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Fred Levinson
In memory of Sarah Levinson
Allen Levy
In memory of Joseph
In memory of Sarah Levy
In memory of Amy Thoreau
Dr. Jay & Mrs. Sharon Levy
Mrs. Shirley Levy
In memory of Raymond Levy
In memory of David Wachsman
In memory of Zelda Wachsman
Ms. Gayle Leyton
In memory of her parents
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Liberman
In memory of Morris Joseph Kippnes
Jonathan Lieberman
Ms. Judith Lipman
In memory of Lipman Hirsch
Mr. Steve Lipton & Ms. Robbin
In memory of Annette Klemow
In memory of Willie Cherin
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of David Leash
Sharyn Loeb
In honor of Luca Perr’s Bar Mitzvah
In memory of Vicky Prager
Michael Loebs
Joseph & Elena Malta
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Dave & Peggy Mangot
In honor of an Aliyah
Mrs. Anita Markham
In memory of your husband,
David Markham
Gennadiy & Yelena Martynov
In memory of Yefim
Novofastovskiy (2)
Dr. Bruce Medoff & Ms. Miriam Gordon
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Victor Mendelsohn
In memory of Chaya Mendelsohn
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Meyer
In honor of Sol Silver’s birthday
In memory of Margaret Rutledge
In memory of their loved one
In memory of Dora Meyer
Mrs. Trude Meyer
In memory of Jenni Thompson
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Hermann Meyer
Craig & Jacqueline Miller
In honor of Sol Silver’s birthday
In memory of George G. Shelton
In honor of the Adult B’not
Mitzvah class
In memory of Ilse Shelton
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Dr. Stephen & Mrs. Marlene Miller
In memory of Vicky Prager
In memory of Lee Miller and
Grace Miller
Alan & Danice Morris
In memory of David Leash
Lorie Nachlis & Abby Abinanti
In memory of Marvin Nachlis
Avner Naggar
In memory of Jean Soffa
Randall & Shirlene Nakano
Roy & Easter Nassi
In honor of an Aliyah
Jacqueline Nejaime
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Sarah Nerenberg
Gerhard Neuhaus
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In memory of Flora & Max Neuhaus
Mrs. Betty Newman
In memory of Belle Marguleas
In memory of Lillian Nadler &
Harry Nadler
In memory of Harry Newman
In memory of Joseph Marguleas
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Ethel and Max Newman
Robert Shepard & Bob Numerof
In memory of Dr. Lawrence I.
Linda Olson
In honor of Betty Newman
Mrs. Frances Oplatka
In memory of Fred Oplatka
Miss Channa Orner
In memory of Nathan Rappaport
In honor of Rosemary Rothstein’s
Bat Mitzvah
In memory of Dora Rappaport
Tamara Orzhekhovsky
Thomas & Valerie Papastefan
In memory of Sidney Yaffe
Emiliya Pekker
Polina Pekker
In memory of Abraam Pekker
In memory of Ita Zusis
In memory of Rahil Zusis
In memory of Gersh Zusis
James Perloff & Debra Sukrin Perloff
Holly & Max Perr
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In honor of Joe Fox’s Bar Mitzvah
Mikhail Petrakovsky
Ms. Lory Pilchik
Ms. Luba Podvalnaya
Jeremy Polster
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Alan & Roselyn Posin
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mrs. Varda Rabin
In memory of Irving Rabin
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ratner
Dr. & Mrs. Joel Renbaum
In memory of Jean Soffa
Mrs. Hilda Richards
In memory of Paul Richards
Dr. Gerald Roberts
In memory of his loved one
Barbara and Saul Rockman
In honor of David Soffa
In memory of Jean Soffa
In memory of David Leash
Mr. Judah Rosen
In memory of Vicky Prager
Marco & Harriet Rosen
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rosenblatt
Yaakov & Arille Roth
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Irving & Rosemary Rothstein
In memory of Ruby Moses Jackson
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Sadie Dorothy
Marvin Rous
In memory of Jeanne Signe Rous
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Rubenstein
In honor of David Soffa’s birthday
Paul & Julie Rubin
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Bella & Yefim Rubin
In memory of Riva Boyko
Don Rubinstein
In honor of an Aliyah (2)
Mrs. Maureen Samson and
Mr. Michael Samson
In honor of David Soffa’s Birthday
In memory of Tillie Batten
In memory of Sarah Batten
In memory of Morris Steinberg
In memory of Rosetta Batten
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In honor of Anne Meyer’s Birthday
Max Schleicher
In memory of David Leash
Miriam Schleicher
In honor of the engagement of Mitzi
Schleicher and Justin Smith
Eric Schmier
In honor of Miriam Streicker–Hirt’s
Bat Mitzvah
Jean Segal & Ruth Tepper
Mr. Marc Seidenfeld
In memory of Rebecca Seidenfeld
Allen & Kim Shain
In memory of Bernard Shain
Rachel and Miriam Sheinbein
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Philip Silverman
In honor of Sol Silver
Mrs. Betty Simon
In memory of Allen Simon
Wendy Sinton
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mrs. Lidia M. Smelyanets
Christine Smith
In memory of Margaret Smith
Peter Smith & Debbi Goodman-Smith
In memory of Joseph Goodman and
Adeline Goodman Nelson
Steve & Darcie Smith
In memory of Jean Soffa
Dr. & Mrs. David Soffa
In memory of Willie Cherin
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Sollod
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Sol Silver
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Jerome and Margie Somers
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
David & Suzanne Spadden
In memory of David Leash
Harry Spatz & Laura Weisberg
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Carol Spector
Jane and Richard Springwater
Kaaren F. Staschower
In memory of Willie Cherin
Ms. Judith Stein
In memory of Toby Kellner Stein
In memory of Lou Stein
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Robyn & Eric Stone
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Laurie Stone
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur Storch
In memory of Eliot Storch
Todd Strauss & Tracey Thomas
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Joel Streicker & Juliette Hirt
Mr. & Mrs. Lael Sturm
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mr. Peter Tardos
Ingrid Tauber Philanthropic Fund
In honor of the Kevah Adult Jewish
Education program
Mrs. Gertrude Timpone
In memory of Rose Davidson
Ellen Tobe
In honor of minyan
Don Topkis
In memory of Abe W. Topkis
Stephen & Regi Topol
In memory of David Leash
Tsilina & Yehuda Vishneveskaya
Mr. Jerome Vitenson
In memory of Solomon
Alexander Vitenson
In memory of Ruth Vitenson
Stephanie Warshauer
In memory of David Leash
Michael Waxman
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Dr. & Mrs. Eli Weil
Mark Morris & Karen Weil
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Weinberg
In memory of Jean Soffa
Fred Weiner and Ellen Weinstein
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Neil & Jennifer Weinstock
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Katherine Weiss
In memory of Baron & Norene Weiss
In memory of William & Sadie Weiss
Lotte & Sidney Weiss
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Mrs. Carol Weitz
In loving memory of Frank Weitz and
Ernest M. Weitz
Lawrence & Caroline Werboff
In honor of Dana Corvin’s birthday
Mr. Max Wesman
Ruth Donig-White
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Loni Wilk
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Hal Wilner
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Carol Winetsky
In memory of David Leash
Linda & Vera Winkler
In memory of Miklos Winkler
In memory of Jean Soffa
In memory of Rabbi Alan Lew
In memory of Piroska Winkler
Leah Wolf & Lisa Ratte
In memory of Chana Yungelson
Robert Wolfe
In memory of David Leash
Ms. Regina Wurst
In honor of Fern Eisenberg
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
In honor of Rabbi Zelony
Len & Ruth Yaffe
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In memory of Peter Bernstein
Mr. & Mrs. Gennadiy Yankovskiy
Adiv & Rabbi Elana Zelony
Ms. Bobbie Zemansky
In memory of Ethyl W. Freeman
In memory of Maurice Freeman
In memory of Harry Friedman
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Zilber
In memory of Steven Abramson
In memory of Joseph George
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Zimmerman
Mrs. Sharon Zimmerman
In memory of Benjamin Zimmerman
In memory of Joseph Zimmerman
In memory of Russell Zimmerman
Victoria & Richard Zitrin
In memory of Malke Silverberg
Roberta & Murray Zucker
In memory of Jean Soffa
Jerry & Karen Benjamin
Dr. Glenn Chertow &
Dr. Dara Nachmanoff
Martha Edelson & Robert Madory
Mr. Robert Feyer & Ms. Marsha Cohen
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hollander
Mrs. Ruth Jaffe
Mrs. June Meyer
Miss Channa Orner
James & Debra Perloff
Pamela Reitman
Michael & Debra Sweet
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Ban
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
David Bauman
In honor of hospitality shown by
Juliette Hirt and Joel Streicker
Mr. Jerry & Ms. Karen Benjamin
In honor of Kenny Altman
Mrs. Linda Bernstein
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Mr. Daniel Briskin
In honor of Jonah Briskin’s
Bar Mitzvah
Mrs. Marci Briskin
In honor of Jonah Briskin’s
Bar Mitzvah
Dr. Glenn Chertow &
Dr. Dara Nachmanoff
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Drs. Richard & Sandra Cohen
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Betsy Eckstein and David Heller
In honor of Kenny Altman
Dr. Sandra Edwards
In honor of her birthday
Kerry Weiner & Andrew Elkind
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
The Fox Family
In honor of Joe Fox’s Bar Mitzvah
Marsha & Stanton Glantz
In honor of Kenny Altman
Mr. David Goldenberg
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
David & Keiko Golden
In honor of Kenny Altman
Sandy Goldstein and Cathy Rabin
In honor of Kenny Altman
Elliott and Elayne Grossbard
In honor of Kenny Altman
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
Marilyn Heiss & Ken Merrylees
In honor of Kenny Altman
Mr. Adam Hertz & Ms. Joan Gelfand
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Mr. & Mrs. Henry Hollander
In honor of Kenny Altman
Mr. Scott Horwitz & Ms. Missy Sue
Mastel Horwitz
In honor of Sara Horwitz’s Bat
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Mrs. Ruth Jaffe
In honor of Kenny Altman
Mrs. Julie Jeremy
In honor of Ben Jeremy’s Bar Mitzvah
Drs. Marvin Kolotkin & Betty Miller
In honor of Betty Miller’s and Marvin
Pheffer’s birthdays
Mr. & Mrs. Owen Leibman
Mr. Steve Lipton &
Ms. Robbin Mashbein
Mr. and Mrs. Lustbader
Dr. Bruce Medoff & Ms. Miriam Gordon
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Meyer
In honor of Kenny Altman
Mrs. Trude Meyer
In honor of Kenny Altman
Craig & Jacqueline Miller
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Pheffer
In honor of Betty Miller & Marvin
Pheffer’s birthdays
Nestor & Lorena Ramos
Dr. Garry Rayant &
Dr. Kathy Fields-Rayant
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Mark Reiss, M.D. and
Joan Reinhardt-Reiss
Mr. and Mrs. Resnik
In honor of Margo Resnik’s
Bat Mitzvah
Irving & Rosemary Rothstein
In honor of Kenny Altman
Mr. Sol Silver
Dr. & Mrs. David Soffa
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Todd Strauss & Tracey Thomas
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Joel Streicker & Juliette Hirt
In honor of Miriam Streicker–Hirt’s
Bat Mitzvah
Mr. & Mrs. Lael Sturm
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Ruth Donig-White
In honor of Kenny Altman
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Zilber
In honor of Rabbi Lew’s Yahrzeit
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Mr. & Mrs. Irving Abramowitz
Jim Abrams
Mrs. Patricia Ackerman
Maureen & Helen Adler
David Agger
Michael Aidane
Elizabeth Storz-Andrews and Bryan
Mr. Gary Angel & Mrs. Sharman
Joel Armstrong & Joan Gilbert
Millie Aronovsky (z”l)
Mr. & Mrs. Hubert Ban
Ms. Serena Bardell
Anna Bencuya
Mr. Daniel Benjamin
Dr. Natalie Berg
Michael Bergelson & Nancy Spector
Lisa Berkelhammer
Anthony Bernheim
Mr. Alex Bernstein &
Ms. Sonia Daccarett
Keith Bernstein
Mrs. Linda Bernstein
Mark & Jenny Bernstein
Mariam Bernstein
Mrs. Marion Bernstein
Michael Bien & Jane Kahn
Ms. Pat Blackburn
Stuart H. Blecher & Mitzi L. Dean
Jane Bloch
Larry Burgheimer & Eileen Auerbach
Genya Bykin
Susan Cable
Ms. Leslie Caplan
Mr. Howard Chabner
Dr. Glenn Chertow &
Dr. Dara Nachmanoff
Mr. Benjamin Chinn & Ms. Wendy Cown
Dani Climan
Mr. & Mrs. Ben Cohen
Elin & Craig Cohen
Drs. Richard & Sandra Cohen
Alan & Barbara Coleman
Jennah Craig
Angela Dalfen & Liz Noteware
Lee and Brenda Derin
Judith Dobry
Betsy Eckstein and David Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Edelman
Dr. Sandra Edwards
Kerry Weiner & Andrew Elkind
Mr. Harold Erdman
Mr. Robert Feyer & Ms. Marsha Cohen
In memory of Samuel S. Cohen and
George Feyer
Richard Fiedotin
Norman Fischer
Dr. & Mrs. Newman Fisher
Dr. & Mrs. Steve Foreman
Bruce Frager & Tina DiRienzo
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Frank
Mr. & Mrs. Michael Franklin
Morton and Amy Friedkin
Mr. and Mrs. Friedland
Mr. & Mrs. James Frost
Ms. Jerilyn Gelt
Ellen and David Ginsberg
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Goldberg
Mr. David Goldenberg
Drs. Goldman & Weisberg
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Goldman
Dr. Deborah Gold and
Mr. Michael Goldstein
Peter & Denise Goldstein
Sandy Goldstein and Cathy Rabin
Mr. & Mrs. Steven Goode
Dr. Herbert & Mrs. Tanya Goodman
Mr. & Mrs. Martin Goodman
Mr. Howard Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Vadim Gorodetskiy
Mrs. Hanne L. Grafenberg
Judith & Louis Green
Elliott and Elayne Grossbard
Mr. Mark Gunther & Dr. Anne Krantz
Mr. Randall H. Heilbrunn
Robert Herman & Susie Coliver
Mrs. Sharon Herman
Mr. Adam Hertz & Ms. Joan Gelfand
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas Herzfeld
Dr. Mel & Mrs. Jody Heyman
Ms. Elissa Horowitz
Mr. Scott Horwitz & Ms. Missy Sue
Mastel Horwitz
Mr. Ovid Jacob & Ms. Gitta Salomon
Mr. Steve Jacob
Susan E. Jaeger
Mrs. Ruth Jaffe
Mrs. Rosalind Jarvis
Mrs. Julie Jeremy
Jason Jungreis & Robyn Lipsky
Mr. & Mrs. Donald Kahn
Mrs. Carol A. Kare & Susan Kare
Ruth Katz
Stephen Kellerman
Mr. & Ms. Cary Klafter
Mr. Jerry Kler
Drs. Marvin Kolotkin & Betty Miller
Jack Korek & Rina Cohen
Joshua Kosman and Nan Wiener
Ms. Carla Kozak
Rabbi Jay Krause
Mrs. Rosalyn Langsam
Ms. Randy Berkowitz Lavinghouse
Judy Leash
Mr. Gary Levin
Allen Levy
Dr. Jay & Mrs. Sharon Levy
Mrs. Sherril Lew
Mr. and Mrs. Ari Lewis
Yves & Catherine Lewi
Dr. & Mrs. Martin Liberman
Jonathan Lieberman
Dr. & Mrs. Stanley Lipsitz
Mr. & Mrs. Ron Lissak
Mr. David Madfes
David Malman & Ellen Shireman
Mr. Don Marks &
Ms. Gabrielle Handler Marks
Dr. Bruce Medoff & Ms. Miriam Gordon
Mr. & Mrs. Burton Meyer
Mr. Harry Meyer
Mrs. Trude Meyer
Craig & Jacqueline Miller
Jesse & Katya Miller
Dr. and Mrs. Stephen Miller
Drs. Robert & Irene Minkowsky
Adam & Stacie Mishcon
Mr. Jeffrey M. Mishkin
Lorie Nachlis & Abby Abinanti
Mitchell Nemeth & Susan Stanger
Gerhard Neuhaus
Mr. Don Neuwirth
Dr. and Mrs. Ernest Newbrun
Mrs. Betty Newman
Joseph & Elissa Newman
Rachel Olstein
Mrs. Frances Oplatka
Mr. Ronald S. Oremland
Miss Channa Orner
Ms. Saralie Pennington
Susan Percal
Perman Family
Holly & Max Perr
Mr. & Mrs. Marvin Pheffer
Roger and Louisa Philipp
Mr. & Mrs. Robert Poynter
Stanley N Rabinowitz
Amy Rassen
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ratner
Mr. & Mrs. Jacob Rauchwerger
Gail Ravitz
Dr. Garry Rayant &
Dr. Kathy Fields-Rayant
Dr. Daniel Raybin
Mr. Christopher Reiger &
Dr. Elizabeth Cedars
Mark Reiss, M.D. and
Joan Reinhardt-Reiss
Susanne and Yury Revutsky
Mrs. Hilda Richards
Edward Richkind and
Joanna Callenbach
Dr. Gerald Roberts
Barbara and Saul Rockman
Dr. & Mrs. Andrew Rosenblatt
Ms. Marilyn Rosner
Dane & Sophie Ross
William Rostov
Irving & Rosemary Rothstein
Marvin Rous
David & Renee Samson
Dr. & Mrs. Gerald Schall
Miriam Schleicher
Mark Schulman & Rebecca Bowman
Mr. Jonathan Seagle
Jean Segal & RuthTepper
David Silberman & Tina Eshaghpour
Eric Silverman & Janie Kass
Mr. Sol Silver
Mrs. Betty Simon
Steven Sloan & Rhona Edelbaum Sloan
Christine Smith
Peter Smith & Debbi Goodman-Smith
Dr. & Mrs. David Soffa
Dr. Janet Sollod
Dr. & Mrs. Mitchell Sollod
Eve Solomon
Lucia & Peter Sommers
Ms. Susan Spiwak
Ms. Judith Stein
Robyn & Eric Stone
Todd Strauss & Tracey Thomas
Mr. & Mrs. Lael Sturm
Mr. Jeremy Sugerman &
Zindzi Kleinschmidt
Ms. Rebecca Sugerman
Michael & Debra Sweet
Maralyn Tabatsky & Ken Schwer
Mr. Peter Tardos
Mr. & Mrs. Sam Teitelbaum
Dr. Michael & Mrs. Libby Thaler
Mr. Joseph & Ms. Rachael Tobener
Don Topkis
Batshir Torchio
Willy Waks and Dr. Nancy Wiese
Dr. & Mrs. Eli Weil
Mr. Harris Weinberg & Ms. Dana Corvin
Mr. & Mrs. Joshua Weinberg
Mr. & Mrs. Matthew Weinberg
Daniel Weinstein
Mrs. Carol Weitz
Ruth Donig-White
Linda & Vera Winkler
Mr. Andrew Zacks &
Ms. Denise Leadbetter
Ms. Linda Zaretsky
Ms. Bobbie Zemansky
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Zilber
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Zimmerman
Mrs. Norma Zimmerman
Mr. Murray Zisholz
Victoria & Richard Zitrin
Steven Baruch & Rosalind
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Chang
Mr. Benjamin Chinn & Ms. Wendy Cown
Fern and Allan Eisenberg
In memory of Jean Soffa
In honor of welcoming
Angel Alvarez–Mapp to CBS
In memory of Willie Cherin
In memory of Renee Neuhaus
In honor of the birth of
Tamar Feintuch
In honor of Ryan Ginsberg’s arrival
In honor of Miriam Streicker–Hirt’s
Bat Mitzvah
In honor of Jonah Briskin’s
Bar Mitzvah
In honor of the birth of
Samuel Redpath
In honor of the birth of
Dries Vanholder
Carol Epstein
J. Gassman
James & Carolyn Hopkin
Rachel Klein
Ray & Gustav Ranis
Michael & Rachel Rosenblum
Fred Salan & Toni Barba-Salan
Mark Schulman & Rebecca Bowman
Ms. Regina Wurst
Gregory & Elizabeth Ulrich
Ms. Pat Blackburn
In memory of Icek Mozes
Ellen & Herb Brosbe
In honor of Rabbi Micah Hyman
In memory of Peter Bernstein
In memory of David Abraham
James and Nancy Brundy
Steven & Judith Goldstein
Mr. Randall H. Heilbrunn
In honor of Todd Strauss’ service to
the congregation
Dr. & Mrs. Gordon Katznelson
Fred & Marlene Levinson
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Sandra Nelson
Natalie and Shai Oren
In honor of the Pullen-Oren wedding
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Osher
Stacey Rivet
In honor of her conversion
Miriam Schleicher
In honor of Rabbi Hyman
Jeffrey Schneider
In memory of Jean Y. Schneider
Allan M. & Gayle G. Schwartz
Donna Dubinsky & Leonard Shustek
Dr. & Mrs. David Soffa
Gary Sokol & Paul Blanc
In honor of Rabbi Hyman officiating
at their wedding
Patricia Stanton
In honor of Rabbi Hyman for his help
with Arthur Stanton’s gravestone
Joel Streicker & Juliette Hirt
Andrew Wietstock
Mr. Barnaby Ugarte
Len and Ruth Yaffe
In memory of Hershel Oliff
David Bauman
In honor of Rabbi Zelony
Mr. Alex Bernstein & Ms. Sonia
Barry Cooper
In honor of Rabbi Zelony
Sarah Desaritz
Mr. Steve Lipton &
Ms. Robbin Mashbein
Gloria Obstfeld
In memory of Fredric Obstfeld
Dr. Gerald Roberts
In honor of Rabbi Zelony
Betsy Eckstein and David Heller
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Edelman
Mr. Randall H. Heilbrunn
Mr. & Mrs. Brian Hoffman
Gina and Mike Khavul
Craig & Jacqueline Miller
In honor of Miriam Streicker–Hirt’s
Bat Mitzvah
David Silberman & Tina Eshaghpour
Dr. & Mrs. David Soffa
Robyn & Eric Stone
Todd Strauss & Tracey Thomas
Adiv & Rabbi Elana Zelony
Mr. & Mrs. Norman Zilber
Mr. & Mrs. Bernard Zimmerman
In memory of Sam, Roza,
David, and Bylah Zimmerman
301 14 t h A v e n u e
S a n F ra n c is c o CA 94118