free mot with a full service mot`s £40
free mot with a full service mot`s £40
Issue 711 “Serving the Community” FUN ON THE BANDSTAND - See page 2 14th August 2015 STUDENT MEMBERSHIPS Short-term student memberships are available please call for details T.01245 329882 Issue IssBaron ue 711 711 Road, South Woodham Ferrers. CM3 5XQ !! Your flooring store in the centre of Town !""#$%&#'!$(%)## # CARPETS BUNDLES O OF F LAMINATES! # GALORE! ! Carpets ! Vinyls ! Laminates ! Woods ! Designer Flooring Tel: 01245 327 277 20 Heralds Way, South Woodham Ferrers CM3 5TQ !"##$%&'(%$#)*+,(*#)$$ STATION GARAGE M.O.T. & REPAIR CENTRE All servicing and repairs If you are experiencing any of these symptoms, call our clinic TODAY. The registered practitioners at the Spinal & Natural Healthcare Centre will help you get back on your feet. If you want to make the most of life & be at your best, Call Now on 01245 333900 .(,!* !,# !12/!* $!*1'"!/$ $,1/$ 01 *--/ -%%("$0 '!, '-/,1-, ""-2,1!,10 $/!*#0 !5 -3, $,1/$ -21' --#'!+ $//$/0 '$*+0%-/# 00$4 FREE MOT WITH A FULL SERVICE MOT’S £40 Unit 3, Woodham Halt (opp the station) Call: Perry or Maria TELEPHONE: (01245) 323002 tŚĂƚĂůŽƚŽĨĨƵŶǁĞŚĂĚůĂƐƚǁĞĞŬǁŝƚŚŽƵƌWƌŝŶĐĞƐƐĂŶĚWŝƌĂƚĞĂLJĂƚ ƚŚĞĂŶĚƐƚĂŶĚǁŝƚŚ^ĂŵdĂƐƟĐ͕>ŽƚƐŽĨĐŚŝůĚƌĞŶĐĂŵĞĂůŽŶŐƚŽŵĞĞƚ ^ĂŵĂŶĚŚŝƐĨƌŝĞŶĚZŽĐŬLJZĂĐŽŽŶǁŚŽĐƌĞĂƚĞĚĂůŽƚŽĨĨƵŶĂŶĚůĂƵŐŚƚĞƌ͘ 'ůĞŶŶƚŚĞĚĞƉƵƚLJŵĂŶĂŐĞƌĨƌŽŵƚŚĞƐĚĂƐƚŽƌĞ͕ĐĂŵĞƚŽǀŝƐŝƚƵƐĂŶĚ ĐŚŽƐĞƚǁŽǁŝŶŶĞƌƐWŝƌĂƚĞ:ĂĐŬĂŶĚWƌŝŶĐĞƐƐĞƚŚĂŶLJ͕ďŽƚŚǁĞƌĞŐŝǀĞŶĂ άϭϱŐŝŌǀŽƵĐŚĞƌĨƌŽŵƚŚĞdŽǁŶŽƵŶĐŝůĂƐĂƚŚĂŶŬLJŽƵĨŽƌĚƌĞƐƐŝŶŐƵƉ͘ dŚŝƐǁĞĞŬŽŶdŚƵƌƐĚĂLJϭϯƵŐƵƐƚďĞƚǁĞĞŶϭϭĂŵͶϭƉŵǁĞŚĂǀĞ^ŵŝůĞLJ ZŝůĞLJũŽŝŶŝŶŐƵƐĨŽƌŵŽƌĞDƵƐŝĐ͕DĂŐŝĐĂŶĚDŝƐĐŚŝĞĨ͘tĞǁŝůůŚĂǀĞĂ ĞĂĐŚWĂƌƚLJƚŚĞŵĞũƵƐƚĨŽƌĨƵŶ͕ůĞƚƐŚŽƉĞƚŚĞƐƵŶƐŚŝŶĞƐ͕ƐĞĞLJŽƵƚŚĞƌĞ͘ O n F r i d a y 4 th S e p t . 2 0 1 5 7pm for a 7:30pm Start @ St. Featuring M & M’s KIND OF BLUE In the church of St. Mary & Margaret, Church Lane, Stow Maries Tickets £10 each !"#$%&'()*)+$*((),-)./"')0,1)(,-2)&1/"34),")*11/5*$)*"&) *",26'1)./26)"/77$'()&%1/"+)26')/"2'15*$8) Ring 01621 829664 to purchase tickets ) 9')*1')':;'#2/"+)26/()2,)7')*);,;%$*1)'5'"2)(,);$'*(') ;%1#6*(')*)2/#3'2)/")*&5*"#'8) <,1)=,%1)#,>-,12),")26')'5'"/"+);$'*(')71/"+)*)#%(6/,"? ) ) ) ) ) !"#$%%&'()#(*)+(,-".(/(*)+(,-"0-"%)(123"$2(/(42%(*5.)2%(6-778(*)#9(,-":%'+ South Woodham Focus 3 3 14357&27 #*0*4-32* #*0*4-32* 81'*56 81'*56 14357&27 "387- %33)-&1 3(86 7;,4)97 2'<541+56+77 )42 "3877;,4)97 2'<541+56+77 )42 30.(*%33)-&1 "7&7.32 3433(86 +2+6-+3)/+7 46 30.(* "7&7.32 343 +2+6-+3)/+7 46 .5* "7&7.32 .5* "7&7.32 *.,-'385-33) %&7(! !# ! ! # *.,-'385-33) ! !# ! ! # #3:2 382(.0 %&7(#3:2 "387- 382(.0 %33)-&1 *55*56 86731*5 "*59.(* *275* .'3*1+67 %'< "387%33)-&1 *55*56 86731*5 .'3*1+67 %'< *.685* *275* #% #;/22/3!441"*59.(* *275* *.685* *275* #% #;/22/3- !441 $.00&,* &00 $.00&,* .'5&5< &00 .'5&5< $30827**5 *275* -*016+35) $30827**5 -*016+35) 31182.7<*275* #5&264357 = .&0 !.)*> '2 52 31182.7< '2 52 367 ++.(* #5&264357 = .&0 !.)*> 367 ++.(* -*1.676 -*1.676 39&2. -*1.67 39&2. 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Every care!*is *+)! taken + &in compiling $$ )! +* ) the ) * contents )()' , +!'& !& Woodham &0 ')% .!+Focus, ',+ (but )%!**!'& !* ()' ! !+ is assumed - )0 )for!* any + # &injury, 0 the '(0)! publishers of the South no responsibility $!* )*arising !& '%(!$!& + article '&+ &+*or'advertisement + ',+ '' % ' within ,* ,+the &' publication. ) *('&*! !$!+0The !* **,% ') &0 !&",)0 loss+ or(, damage from any contained views expressed within ') % do )!*!& )'% &0 reflect )+! $ ')the views - )+!* of% the &+ publishers. '&+ !& .!+ !& + (, $! +!'& -! .* /() ** .!+ !& this$'** publication not necessarily + !* (, $! +!'& ' &'+ & ** )!$0 ) $ + + -! .* ' + (, $!* )* n Minicab & Minibuses (up to 14 seats) n Theatres n Weddings n Airport Transfers n nights out CM3 Cars Require The Following ,#$+6#3&1 "*,, "1*3*.( /-0#.7 Taxi Drivers & PSV Minibus Drivers Of'/1Pay $/40,&2 8 *.(,& "*,, 8 Good 9 Rates *11/1 "*,,2 Owner Drivers also required Please Call 07860968639 Blackwater Will Writing Company Have your will prepared in the comfort of your own home. Single Will £49.99 — Mirror Wills (for couples) £79.98 01621 744984 Don’t put it off any longer !!!!!! Regulated by The Society of Will Writers EMAIL: SWFOCUS@MAypOLEprESS.COM TEL: 01245 426555 7 BLACkALL Ind EST, HAMBErTS rOAd SOUTH WOOdHAM FErrErS CM3 5UW 44 South Woodham Focus South SouthWoodham WoodhamFocus Focus 4 Trusted by local families since 1925 31 Hullbridge Road, South Woodham Ferrers 01245 328307 In memory of 44 5;/45;/4Belinda Willsher ,, +357> +357> 1959 ~2015 '7057/+ '7057/+#/298./7+ #/298./7+ Suddenly on the 27th while @@ 9. 9. 67/2 9.July 67/2 9. 5;+3(+7 5;+3(+7 on holiday in Turkey. #44'& #44'&2'#%'(6..9 2'#%'(6..910 10 5* 5* 17'/$'3 17'/$'3 Belinda will be so sadly missed by #(5'3 #(5'3##.10) .10)+..0'44 +..0'44 #3,13+' #3,13+'8+.. 8+..$' $'41 41 all her family and friends. 4#&.9 4#&.9/+44'& /+44'&$9 $9*'3 *'3 64$#0& 64$#0& 1*0 1*0 Funeral service will take place on 10 10 +%+%- #6)*5'34 #6)*5'34 11 #9 #9#0& #0& 00# 00# Wednesday 26th August at #0& #0&#.. #..*'3 *'3/#09 /#09.17+0) .17+0) 3#0&%*+.&3'0 3#0&%*+.&3'0#0& #0&%.14' %.14'(3+'0&4 (3+'0&4 Chelmsford Crematorium 60'3#. '37+%'51 515#-' 5#-'2.#%' 2.#%'10 10 10	 10	 5* 5* 17'/$'3 17'/$'3 at60'3#. 11.30am'37+%' #5 #/ #5 *'./4(13& *'./4(13& 3'/#513+6/ 3'/#513+6/#5 #5 #/ Flowers or donations if desired to the ‘Dogs Trust’. 10#5+104 10#5+104+(+(&'4+3'& &'4+3'&51 515*' 5*'< < .:*'+/'3=4 .:*'+/'3=4 1%+'59= 1%+'59= /#9 /#9$' $' /#&' %%11J King #6. +0) +3'%5134 /#&' #6. Funeral +0) 60'3#. 60'3#. +3'%5134 c/o Paul Directors 6+.& !#9 165* !11&*#/ '33'34 6+.&Way, !#9 South 165*Woodham !11&*#/Ferrers '33'34CM3 5TG 5 Guild 01245 321866 Or via the ‘Obituaries tab at " " LOST '94 '94 (160& (160& +0 +0 +)*(+'.& +)*(+'.& !#.!#.- 10 10 3+	 3+	 #(5'30110 #(5'30110 .'#4' .'#4' %105#%5 5*' 1%64 %105#%5 5*' Glasses 1%641((+% 1((+% '10 Lost Readig in'10 a black Crysler case. Lost on Saturday night between the China Kitchen and carparkt adjacent to the laundrette. If you have found contact Focus 01245 ((#0910' 816.& .+-' 8+.. $' ##on 5#$.' #0& #0910' 816.&them .+-'#please #45#.. 45#..5*' 5*'%145 %145the 8+.. $';; office 5#$.' #0& 426555 23+13 23+13$11-+0) $11-+0)51 515*' 5*''7'05 '7'05+4+4'44'05+#. '44'05+#. .'#4' .'#4'%#.. %#.. +/ +/13 13 #31. #31.10 10 $3'8 $3'8 '?''7 '?''7 Driving you anywhere ² including local runs Airport / Seaport transfer experts Journeys 07932 158006 Call 327701 ESSEX ESSEX PHYSIOTHERAPY PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC CLINIC 2/4/) 2/4/) 6+4/46+4/4-!/3+8 !/3+8 (' 22 )& (' -)& 22 )& )& !-* 22 )& !-* )& *"*" 22 )& )& !% !! !% !! '9:7+ '9:7+ 2'*> 2'*> /8 /8 2551/42551/4- ,57 ,57 67+,+7'(2> 67+,+7'(2> 54+ 54+ (+*7553+* (+*7553+* 6756+79> 6756+79> 95 95 7+49 7+49 </9. </9. '' 2'7-+ 2'7-+ -'7*+4 -'7*+4 <.+7+ <.+7+ 6+98 6+98 '7+ '7+ '))+69+* '))+69+* 54 54 8351+7 8351+7 .8;+ .8;+ (++4 (++4 '9 '9 67+8+49 67+8+49 6756+79> 6756+79> ,57 >+'78 ,57 5;+7 5;+7 >+'78 2+'8+ 2+'8+ 6.54+ 6.54+ 57 57 9+=9 9+=9 " " 645 645 $' $' %.'#0 %.'#0 #0& #0& 5+&9 5+&9 ;; 13 13 WHITE ELM GARDEN CENTRE BICKNACRE CM3 4LR AL FREE LOC Y 01245 223362 DELIVER Flowers for every occasion made to your personal requirements $ !! !! !! ! " # !! For an introductory period Debbie is offering a manicure with your choice of CND Shellac/Gel on fingers or toes for just £14 or both for just £24. 10% off ! 078 10 60 10 10 ! ! # !! 2'3 2'3 8''8''- FLAT FOr rEnT 77King KingEdwards EdwardsRoad, Road,South SouthWoodham WoodhamFerrers, Ferrers,Essex EssexCM3 CM35PQ 5PQ EDEN FLORISTS # " # !! " !! !! 44 5:8+ 5:8+ .'7+ .'7+ Self- contained, fully furnished, one double bedroom, open plan lounge & kitchen, lovely bathroom, just !! finished, private road & drive, electric gates to entrance, very quiet, £700 pcm + deposit, Tel: 07837976003 or 07860465692. TIDE NOVEMBER TIDE TABLES 2014 NOVEMBER 2014 TIDETABLES TABLES AUGUST 2015 12th Wed 8. 8.%+* %+* 13th Thu 8. 8.#.9 #.9 14th Fri 7878 6/6/ 15th Sat 3* 3*"'8 "'8 16th Sun 6* 6*"93 "93 17th Mon 8. 43 8. Tue 43 18th 8. 8.#9+ #9+ 19th Wed 8. 8.%+* %+* 20th Thu 21st Fri 8. 8.#.9 #.9 22nd Sat 8. 8. 6/ 6/ 23rd Sun 8. 8."'8 "'8 8. 8."93 "93 ""a.m. - ---00:39 01:26 02:06 02:42 03:16 03:48 04:19 04:48 05:17 05:49 06:30 mtrs -312 -312 --5.09 5.19 5.26 5.3 5.31 5.26 5.15 4.99 4.81 4.65 4.5 00-p.m. 12:15 13:07 13:49 14:26 14:59 15:31 16:01 16:29 16:57 17:27 18:02 18:48 Start Sailing at Eyott SC, Whitetree Court, CM3 7AL 01245 321986 01245 322282 "8'68 "'/1/3"" "8'68 "'/1/3-'8 '8 ;488 ;488 %./8+86++ %./8+86++ 4968 4968 ::: :::+;4887'/1/3-)19( +;4887'/1/3-)19(4646-90 90 mtrs -312 -312 4.97 5.13 5.23 5.31 5.36 5.38 5.32 5.21 5.05 4.89 4.72 4.53 5 South Woodham Focus ECFA LONG SERVICE AWARD At this years Essex County FA presentation evening, held at Channels Golf Club, Steve Newlyn, Secretary of Sporting Club Woodham FC, was presented with an Outstanding Service Award to recognise the 30+ plus years service he has given to grassroots football in South Woodham Ferrers making him the first South Woodham resident to receive this award serving local clubs. He was elected as Secretary of Woodham Radars FC in 1984 and has held the same position with South Woodham FC from 1997 before helping to set up his current club in 2007. Paul J King FUNERAL DIRECTORS A family-run firm, caring at your time of need Memorial Consultants Pre-payment Plans $ %+ * ! $ ! $" Chapel of Rest #$ " " "$# " ! ( $"( ## $ ! funerals !,,/ ! 2 )#,*0%)# .*!) %'- 2Horse-drawn *,)- 2 ''*/-!%' %-! -!- 2 /)# ' )"! .%*)- Home !)!, ' **. ,! Arrangements +*,.%)&/,%!% '%1!- %) /-.*( ( ! ,.$*.% 5 Guild Way, CM3+!5TG Bereavement Support %" "( $ ' ' "& *, ) ++*%).(!). .!'!+$*)! Green Funerals 01245 321866 (24 HRS) Steve Newlyn WOODHAM FENN COMMON Essex Wildlife Trust and South Woodham Ferrers Town Council has applied to the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs for consent under section 38 of the Commons Act 2006 to carry out restricted works on Woodham Fenn Common. The Planning Inspectorate will decide the application on behalf of the Secretary of State for Environment, Food and Rural Affairs. The proposed works are: (i) the installation of 632 meters of fencing to enclose 1.6 ha’s of Woodham Fenn Common Land to enable grazing on site using cattle or sheep (ii) the installation of two cattle troughs to provide water for livestock (iii) the installation of two kissing gates and a 12 foot field gate to allow access (iv) the construction of a 12m x 6m livestock corral covering an area of 72 square meters. The works and fencing will be located east of The Drive track, running south of the Railway Line, north-west of the Sewage Works. The centre of the works area will be at GB Grid Reference TQ 8000 9743. A copy of the application form and accompanying documents can be inspected at South Woodham Ferrers Town Council Offices during normal office hours until 20th September 2015. A copy of the application form and accompanying documents may be obtained by writing to Reserves Manager South, Essex Wildlife Trust, Abbotts Hall Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough, Colchester, Essex, CO5 7RZ. Any objections or representations should be sent in writing ON or BEFORE that date to the Planning Inspectorate at Room 3/25B, Hawk Wing, Temple Quay House, 2 The Square, Temple Quay, Bristol, BS1 6PN or Letters sent to the Planning Inspectorate cannot be treated as confidential. They will be copied to the applicant and possibly to other interested parties. M Outten Airport Transfer Specialists 2$)*% ,/6&23 7*,, #&Chauffeur-bus 0,&"3&% 4/ ,&"2. 4)"4 &"%/7 2/'4 24 Hour Carpets Direct n am d i dh se oo a b W rs &.42& .&"2 h u t rre &&+&.% /. So Fe - WHY PAY /54) //%)"- &22&23 *3 )/,%*.( *43 "..5", Established 20 years "452%"9 4) ".% 5.%"9 4) &04&-#&2 '&%')( -Guaranteed '* ( '# $ Lowest "( - *'%() ' ) ) %$(MORE ? Prices "2%&. 2$)*% &97/ Best direct FREE "4*/.", fitting 2$)*% FREE advice 2/50deal 0"24 /' 4)& 02&34*(*/53 /$*&49 )&9 7*,, #& <>= A 01245 328030 or 01621 828356 FREE home visits &8)*#*4*.( 3/-& /' 4)&*2 /7. -/2& 5.535", 30&$*&3 ".% *. "%%*4*/. 9::9<>? +++ * *' *( "#( %' % *! +++ * *' *(+ ! %' % *! 7*,, #& •(*6*.( "%6*$& /. 0,".4 $"2& ".% %&-/.342"4& 2&0/44*.("35/ ' Carpets Vinyls • Laminates • Wood flooring )& 7&&+&.% *3 #&*.( 3500/24&% #9 -&-#&23 /' 4)& 33&8 2$)*% 9/5 )"6&in". /2$)*% 0,".4 4)"4 *3 carpets :3*$+; /2 9/5 %/.;4 +./7 )/7 4/ ,//+ • Specialist 80% wool twist pile /8=/7, • No"'4&2 hard *4sell7)9 ./4 #2*.( *4 ",/.( ".% "3+ ". &80&24 )& 3/$*&49 -98.?-> • See our mobile the comfort of your -&-#&23 "2&showroom &.4)53*"34*$in +./7,&%(&"#,& ".% %&,*()4 *. 3)&"2*.( 38-6?.38 home / commercial premises 4)&*2 &.4)53*"3- '/2 4)&3& 7/.%&2'5, ".% &8/4*$ ',/7&23 ,"2(& %/@96>3 3&,&$4*/. /' 5.535", ".% ,&33 $/--/. /2$)*%3 7*,, ",3/ #& '/2 3",& We will move your furniture +89>2/< 4)& 7&&+&.% &6&.4 7*,,of#&your /0&. '2/"- 0and/6&2 FREE removal)& / uplift old ,carpets A29 1+ +<>= '2 @3=3> >23 38 +->39 >+5/= 98 PLEASE SUPPORT / 2 LOCAL $)MARKET *1YOUR $) *1- **,- *)- ,0 .*,$ - ,+ ).,2 and Saturday + $,- Thursday ,0$ 1 $) *1,*& ) '*1) ' -**,,0 .*,$ Pitches available FREE OF *)CHARGE ) ' - $)" - * &- , +' *)- ,0 .*,2 &! **,- %/-. Automatic Garage doors ! , Essex Wildlife Trust, Abbotts Hall Farm, Maldon Road, Great Wigborough, Colchester, Essex, CO5 7RZ , )" ,$ /++'$ !$.. +0 ) '/($)$/( Over 5 years experience -.$( !. 1$.# )* * '$" .$*) ! 2$)*%3 7&2& /.$& &8$,53*6&,9 '/2 4)& 2*$) ".% +./7,&%(&"#,& #54 ./4 ".9 -/2& /7 4)&9 "2& 4)& -/34 0/05,"2 ".% 2&7"2%*.( )/53&0,".4 54 -934*15& 34*,, 3522/5.%3 4)&- ".% -".9 0&/0,& "2& 5.352& )/7 #&34 4/ $"2& '/2 4)&- &,*()4 9/52 &9&3 ".% '*.% /54 -/2& "#/54 /2$)*%3 #9 6*3*4*.( &"%/7 2/'4 "2%&. &.42& /. 4)& 4) 4) ,/ 21$) *1- "( $' *( 10th August 2015 ACCOUNTANTS Accountancy & Taxation Services for all businesses -Startups welcome*First Consultation Absolutely Free 14-18 Heralds Way, Town Centre, South Woodham Ferrers 01245 328217 ESSEX PHYSIOTHERAPY CLINIC " $ "" ! & '2/ / 09< >2/ 7+8C >9 >2/ >2/3< >< =-2996 :/<09<7 >+5381 C<8/ + 900 +8 + A3>238 7+ A29 2+ 09<A+<. 9< 7 +1/. 6 Qualified POdiaTRiSTChiROPOdiST Manuela PiPe MSSCh dipPodMed MBCha Diploma in Podiatric Medicine Greater support to help Essex residents remain at home Essex County Council (ECC) announces a competitive tender process for a new ‘Reablement at Home’ service. Once awarded the new service will run for 5 years from April 2016 to 2021 and Verrucae – ingrowing toenails – Corns – Callouses will mean thousands of Essex residents could be helped to live nail diseases – fungal infections & General footcare more independently and remain at home. Sports injuries & Specializes in custom made Orthotics ECC are working with NHS colleagues in each of the county’s Surgery: 18, Middleton Row (off Benbow Drive), SWF Clinical Commissioning Groups (CCGs) to jointly commission a for an appointment telephone 01245 322 766 new service that would be the default pathway for all adults (except in exceptional cases). Once commissioned, all new customers, where appropriate, will go through a period of reablement before their longer term care needs are assessed. Instead of being reliant on care provision, every Essex adult who needed support could receive up to six weeks free help to regain the skills and confidence to stay in their own home and Cars, MpV’s and Minibuses live as independently as possible. • Airports • Cruise Terminals • Eurostar Stations Reablement services are delivered typically by occupational Airport Specialists since 1998 therapists, physiotherapists and home care support workers helping people to improve their confidence in managing their personal care, practical tasks and day-to-day living, perhaps following an illness, injury, disability or life-changing event. Cllr Dick Madden, Cabinet member at Essex County Council for Adults and Children said; “Importantly, this new service will mean many more of our residents will remain in their own homes, for CARPETS · VINYLS · LAMINATES · WOOD FLOORING longer, and with increased HEUGA TILES · KARNDEAN DESIGNER FLOORING skills and independence.” “Extending the service will lead to a reduction in hospital admissions, and will reduce or remove the need for long term care packages.” Registered Member of The British Chiropody & Podiatry Association & Hpc Airport Transfer Specialists 24 Hour Chauffeur-bus 01245 328030 or 01621 828356 Trading Standards warning on increased selling of counterfeit goods online 43 HULLBRIDGE ROAD · SOUTH WOODHAM FERRERS · CM3 5NG /00/3)4%4(%2!),7!934!4)/.s0!2+).'30!#%3!6!),!",% Largest showroom in South Woodham Ferrers 4%,%0(/.% 341/363 LONDON ROAD · HADLEIGH · ESSEX SS7 2BT 4%,%0(/.% OPENING TIMES MONDAY - SATURDAY 9AM - 5PM (HADLEIGH SHOWROOM OPEN SUNDAYS 10.30AM - 4.00PM) Trading Standards officers are issuing a warning about the online sale of counterfeit goods following the seizure of items at a property in Braintree. A warrant was carried out by Essex County Council’s Trading Standards and Essex Police last week resulting in the seizure of clothing, footwear, handbags, perfume, make-up, cigarettes and tobacco. Following an investigation, officers discovered that the goods were being sold through social networking site, Facebook. Essex County Council lead member for Trading Standards, Cllr Roger Walters, said: “Counterfeit goods will not have been tested to ensure safety and in the case of perfumes or cosmetics could cause severe allergic reactions. There are also dangers with electrical items such as electric shocks and house fires. I would urge anyone tempted into selling counterfeit goods online to think twice or risk a knock on the door that could result in a criminal record.” If you have information about sales of counterfeit goods please call the Citizens Advice Consumer Helpline who handle calls for Trading Standards on 03454 040506. 7 South Woodham Focus YO Y OUT TH HT TH HEA E AT TR RE ALAddIn pAnTOMIME - dAnCE CrEW AUdITIOnS SUndAy 6TH SEpTEMBEr Village Hall, South Woodham Ferrers Open to Dancers Aged 10-18yrs We’re looking for a talented group of dancers to support our Principle Cast in this year’s Pantomime Production. Dancers are required to prepare two full solo dance routines lasting no more than 2mins each in duration to perform to the Choreographer and Director. The two dances must be contrasting in style, genre and music choice. Performers will be given an allocated time slot during the day to perform their routines. ***rEGISTEr yOUr dAnCE AUdITIOn pLACE nOW – CALL 07960 372633*** • • • • • • • • All performers successful into the final cast after auditioning will be required for rehearsals on Sundays (generally in the mornings) starting from 13th September through to 13th December (excluding half term week) and must adhere to the rehearsal schedule by maintaining high attendance levels throughout the production period. There will be full day rehearsals on 6th & 13th December, a technical rehearsal on 15th December in the evening and finally a dress rehearsal in the evening on 18th December. All cast must be available for each of these rehearsals and the full duration. All performers must be available all day on Saturday 19th & Sunday 20th December for the production performances. Performances are held at the Village Hall, South Woodham Ferrers. All performers must have travel arrangements to rehearsals and the performances in South Woodham Ferrers. All performers must be within the age requirement on the day of audition. If successful into the dance crew, then each performer is required to pay a £60 fee to participate in the production. Performers will also need to provide costumes for the show (details of which will be advised nearer the time) and must meet the requirements as outlined. The decisions of the casting are made by the ‘Stars of Something New Youth Theatre’ Team and all decisions made are final. We reserve the right to refuse entry on reasonable grounds. SUNDAY 6TH SEPTEMBER Village Hall, South Woodham Ferrers Open to Dancers Aged 10-18yrs We ¶relooking for a talented group ofdancers to supportour P rin nc cipleC astin t his hisyear¶s P antomi mime me P roducti on on. i durati D ancers arerequired t o preparetw o f u ull llsolo dance routi ne nes lasti ng ng no more than 2mins each n ati on on to perform to t h he e C horeogr grap apherand Dir ector. The tw o dances mustbe contrast ing in st yle,genreand music choice.P erfo ormer or rmer mers s w illbe given an al located t ime slotdurin ng g the day to perf orm or m their routi nes. ***REG ISTE R YO UR D A N C E A U DI DIT TION PLA C E NOW ± C A LL 07960 372633*** ww w .star rs sofsom ething new x x x x x x x A llperformer mers s successfulint o the finalcastafteraudit i ion oningw il lbe req qu uire d forrehearsals on S undays (generall y inthe mor morn nings)startingfrom 13th S eptem berthrough to 13th D ecem ber(excludinghalfterm w eek)and m ustad dh here to the rehearsalscheduleby m aint aininghighattendance levels throughoutthe productionperiod.There w il lbe fullday rehearsalson 6th & 13th D ecem ber,a technicalrehearsalon 15th D ecem berinthe evening th and finall y a dress rehearsalinthe eveningon 18 D ecem ber.A llcastm ustbe avail ableforeach ofthese rehearsals and the fullduration. A llperformer mers s m ustbe avail ableallday on S aturday 19th & S unday 20th D ecem berforthe productionperform ances.P erform ances are heldatthe V il lage H all ,S outh W oodham Ferrers. A llperformer mers s m usthave travelarrangem ents to rehearsalsand the perform ances inS outh W oodham Ferrers. A llperforme rs m ustbe w it hinthe age req qu uire m enton the day ofaudit ion ion. Ifsuccessfulint o the dance crew ,then each perform erisreq qu uire d to pay a £60 fee to participate inthe production. P erform ers w il lalso need to providecostu um m es forthe show (detail s ofw hich w illbe advised nearerthe tim e)and m ustm eetthe require m ents as outli ned. 7KHGHFLVLRQVRIWKHFDVWLQJDUHPDGHE\WKHµ6WDUVRI6RPHWKLQJ1HZ<RXWK7KHDWUH¶Team and alldecisions m ade are final. A L A D D IN P A NT O M E -D A N CE CREW A U DITIONS S UND A Y 6TH S E P TE M BE R $ $ # $% ! "!! # LUXURY AS STANDARD " " " " ! ! ! YO Y OUT TH HT TH HEA EAT TR RE ## ' ! ! # $ !%" # !&"!! $ ! !%$ !! &&& ## ' $ #$% ! ! "" "# w d if y t h h d d. d e s 8 South Woodham Focus Millwood WI - The WI for Inspiring Women INVITES YOU TO AN EVENING OF CLAIRVOYANCE with CHRISSIE KING, on WEDNESDAY 19th AUGUST at CHAMPIONS MANOR HALL, HULLBRIDGE RD CM3 5LJ Doors open 7-45pm 8pm Start Admission £3.50 All Proceeds to Charity Tel: Jo 01702 322422 SSM uPVC HOME SERVICES FOR ALL YOUR HOME MAINTENANCE NEEDS • Fascias, soffits and bargeboards specialists • Guttering • Windows, doors & conservatories • Cladding • Carpentry & General Building • Exterior painting • NEW REPAIR SERVICE • Door & window adjustments • Locks/barrels • Handles, hinges & gaskets • Roof sheets & sealed glass units • Leak Troubleshooting Sheila Jenkins was our speaker for our July meeting which was titled "Flowers to Enjoy". Sheila explained how her first attempts at flower arranging was when she was asked to help with the flowers in the church. She then went on to do flowers for special occasions and weddings and has now added flower demonstrations to her repertoire. Sheila showed us how easy it is to make a beautiful table arrangement in a wine glass and also a cup and saucer. We were asked to bring some green foliage along to the meeting. Sheila supplied us with the flowers, a plastic container, oasis and scissors and with her guidance we all created a beautiful table arrangement to take home. The hall had never been so quiet as we all concentrated on our creations. For some of our members it was a busy day as we also had our outing to an Open Garden and afternoon tea at Harry Brickfields in Hockley, luckily the weather was kind to us. As we do not have a meeting in August we decided instead to have a fish and chip Supper at Scrimshaws on Wednesday 26th August. South So th Woodham Wood ham F Focus cujob s -tooWeekly Wsmall eekl*yNoMagazine Ma gazi ne *FREE nouobligation estimates *o No pushy salesmen* Over 25 experience Jan Jayears n 2015 20 15 Call Now on 07896 127 410 (day) or 01245 400 314 (eve) Best Best Friends Friends V Vets ets T: T: 01245 01245 3 321 21 7 717 17 Dental Dental Special Special Offer Offer Cats C ats fr from om D Dogs ogs fr from om £84.99 £98.00 Our next meeting is on Wednesday 23rd September 7.30 for 7.45 start. Our speaker is John Macefield talking about Sweetpeas - A Potted History Just Opened! RICHARD HUGHES HOLISTIC THERAPIES 59 Hullbridge Road South W Woodham oodham Ferr Ferrers, ers, CM3 5NH Mon - Fri 9am - 7pm & Sat 2 - 5pm is a healthcare clinic in Battlesbridge for all ages. I restore and maintain your health and wellbeing on the physical, mental and emotional levels using EAV Allergy Testing, Spinal Care, Homoeopathy and Homotoxicology. Treatments start from £30. **20% OFF WITH THIS ADVERT** CALL 07830 818916 or Email Forge Cottage Office,Woodham Road, Battlesbridge SS11 7QL 9 South Woodham Focus South Woodham Ferrers £315,000 South Woodham Ferrers £199,995 Ffour bedroom semi-detached family home, features a family room, a modern re-fitted kitchen/ diner, ground floor cloakroom and a good sized living room.Three good size bedrooms, a re-fitted family bathroom and stairs to the second floor Master suite which enjoys stunning views from a superb double opening Velux balcony and a modern En-suite. We offer for sale this two bedroom end of terrace house which benefits from lounge, refitted kitchen/diner, re-fitted bathroom, double glazing, 43ft rear garden, carport and no onward chain. Call to view 01245 323729 Call to view 01245 323729 South Woodham Ferrers £310,000 South Woodham Ferrers £349,995 Four double bedroom detached house with heated swimming pool. Benefitting from a ground floor extension adding a good size dining room to the already spacious accommodation which also includes a refitted kitchen, living room and cloakroom. Upstairs offers four double bedrooms and a good size family bathroom. Garage and off street parking. Call to view 01245 323729 Four bedroom detached house is well proportioned accommodation throughout. To the ground floor there is a nicely re-fitted kitchen, cloakroom, a good size lounge with separate dining room and a lovely conservatory. The first floor benefits from a spacious Master bedroom with en-suite, three further good sized bedrooms and a re-fitted family bathroom. Call to view 01245 323729 South Woodham Ferrers £625,000 Five bedroom detached house, features include a stunning living room with adjoining conservatory, a large dining room, study, and re-fitted kitchen with adjoining breakfast room. Upstairs boasts five good bedrooms with outstanding re-fitted bathroom and ensuite facilities.. Lovely rear garden with swimming pool and views over Fenn Creek. Call to view 01245 323729 Rettendon Common £699,950 Brand new four double bedroom detached house is set in a semi rural location, offering spacious accommodation including an impressive entrance hall with galleried landing, a contemporary kitchen diner with separate utility, two large receptions and a ground floor cloakroom. Upstairs offers four double bedrooms with two En-suites and a modern family bathroom. Call to view 01245 323729 me dium agency 10 Genesis Theatre Arts Drama & Dance School “MATILDA” WORKSHOP FUN GENESIS THEATRE ARTS SUMMER WORKSHOP! GENESIS THEATRE ARTS SUMMER TUESDAY 18TH AUGUST 15 WORKSHOP! 9am - 3.30pm PERFORM A SHOW IN A DAY! TUESDAY AUGUST 15 LEARN SCENES,18TH SONGS AND DANCES FROM THE MUSICAL "MATILDA"! 9am - 3.30pm Workshop held at: Champions Manor Hall, PERFORM A SHOW IN A DAY! Hullbridge Rd, South Woodham Ferrers, CM3 5LJ A Creative arts workshop for children aged 5-11 yrs. If you are looking for something fun to do over A day of non AND stop excitement and fun!THE Ending with a N SCENES, SONGS DANCES FROM MUSICAL "MATILDA"! Summer, Genesis have a workshop running on Tuesday short performance to parents at the end of the day! Workshop held at: Champions Manor Hall, 18th August from 9am - 3.30pm. Fee is £20.00 for the day and £17.00 for second or Children aged 5-11 yrs will learn scenes, songs and Hullbridge Rd, South Woodham Ferrers, CM3 5LJ subsequent siblings. dances from the musical and design their own costumes. Contact Natalie Mason (A.I.S.T.D) The day will end with a exciting performance to friends ve arts workshop for aged257 5-11 yrs. A day of non stop andexcitement family from 3pm-3.30pm. on children 07790 253 to enroll. Course fun! Ending All withteachers a short are performance to parents at the end of the day!held at Champions Manor Hall, Hullbridge Rd, qualified professionals and South Woodham Ferrers. hold CRB certificates. Only £20 for the whole day! £17 for siblings. If you’re s £20.00 for the day and £17.00 for second or subsequentinterested siblings. please phone Natalie Mason on 07790 253257 to enroll. Contact Natalie Mason (A.I.S.T.D) on 07790 253 257 to enroll. Term Time Classes All teachers are qualified professionals and hold CRB certificates. Genesis also have term time drama and dance classes for 3-16 year olds with fees starting at £3.50 per session. The 3-16 year groups run on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings at Champions manor hall. Children have performed shows at the Cramphorn Theatre, Chelmsford and Towngate theatre, Basildon and danced in summer fetes and Christmas shows. Spaces are available in these classes from September 2015. VIST OUR SHOWROOM OPEN 7 DAYS A WEEK Please phone Natalie on: 07790 253257 to enroll. All classes are held at Champions Manor Hall, S.W.F, CM3 5LJ. Please check out the website: for more information. Natalie has worked professionally in the theatre and is fully qualified. All teachers are CRB checked and have first aid training. 11 South Woodham Focus YOUNG READERS URGED TO JOIN RECORD BREAKERS SUMMER READING CHALLENGE Whether you’re head over heels for Harry Potter or crazy for Guinness World Records Editor in Chief, Craig Glenday, said: The Very Hungry Caterpillar, there’s still time to sign up for “It was fantastic to see so many people of all ages come together the Record Breakers Summer Reading Challenge. to launch the Record Breakers Summer Reading Challenge; to Thousands of children have already signed up to take part in see so many excited faces and so many new people going to the the Summer Reading Challenge at libraries across Essex – and library as a result. Books have always been at the heart of there’s still plenty of time to join in. everything we do, and we’re thrilled to be able to support an Essex libraries are offering children aged four to 11 years old initiative that gets kids into libraries and picking up books.” a chance to join in by borrowing and reading any six library Sue Wilkinson, CEO of The Reading Agency, said: “At The books over the summer up until September 5. The Challenge Reading Agency we believe that everything changes when we has a new theme each year: this year, it’s Record Breakers, read. For lots of families, the Summer Reading Challenge is the thanks to a partnership with Guinness World Records. highlight of their summer: it makes reading fun and improves Last year more than 42,800 children took part in Essex and children’s reading range, motivation and confidence. We hope this year all children need to do to get involved is sign up at more children than ever do sign up this year at their local their nearest library. As they read, children can collect stickers library.” to complete their free poster and discover fascinating facts about record breakers as they go. Older children will be able to take part in ImagiNation, a reading and arts programme that gives everyone a chance to find and read books they enjoy and develop their creativity. Councillor Roger Hirst, Essex County Council Price includes: Fully Installe Cabinet Member for q Choice of Blue, Red, Green or White d Customer Services, Inc.VA T q Chrome Effect Handle Libraries, Planning and q Chrome Effect Letter Box the Environment, said: “It is extremely important q Yale Magnum Lock with 3 Keys that we get as many q Full Technical Survey children as possible qFull made-to-measure service committing to the Record Breakers Summer Reading All of our doors are backed up with a 10 year guarantee Challenge. Children who read for pleasure during the summer holidays can 2015 2015 s maintain and improve Stylish r u o l their reading levels, Co Furnitu uck re keeping their confidence inc. D lue Range B high for the next school Egg term. Essex’s libraries offer children a free, fun and fulfilling way to spend their holiday time whilst expanding their knowledge and imagination.” Libraries across the country celebrated the start of the Challenge by encouraging local families q Choice of styles from modern to traditional q Different glazing options q Choice of chrome, graphite, black and gold door furniture to take part in a world record attempt, for the most pledges received for a reading campaign. An amazing 80,000 pledges Any size 2-Part were received over the uPVC Patio Doors weekend in special pledge centre libraries - a fraction Fully short of the number Installe Fully d required to set a record but Inc.VA Any size, up to 2.4m, 2 panel opening. Installe T a phenomenal number in d High quality stainless steel tracks to give Inc.VA just four days. Essex the maximum possible service life. T contributed 2,267 pledges Offers high security and large units are easily achieved. to the national total. In Striking design with low sight line gaskets Essex we also had a countywide pledge attempt obtaining 3,500 pledges to visit libraries, read and Lines open 9am-9pm 7 days a week share books with children over the summer. Composite Doors for just £699 ‘the contemporary range’ Your door your way Design your door online @ Electric Roller Garage Doors Only £999 Only £999 CALL 01245 835011 Happy 1st birthday to my little sister Summer, love you lots from your big sister River xxxxxx Kacey May Hammond - our beautiful granddaughter Happy 4th Birthday for 13 August. You grow more beautiful every day and more precious. You bring so much to our lives and make us laugh. How fast you are growing up. We are looking forward to spending the day with you and know we will have lots of fun and create many happy memories. Have a wonderful birthday and enjoy opening all your presents, of which there will be many and you so deserve them. All our love sweetest angel Grandma and Grandad xxxxxx Happy birthday to our wonderful son Jobyjack, you are an absolute treasure and me and daddy are so very proud of the man you are becoming. Love you loads mum and dad x Happy Birthday Matt for the 18th, love Tint.xxxxx Happy 1st birthday to our beautiful little girl Summer, for the 15th August. We love you lots and lots Mummy & Daddy xxxx Happy Birthday to our beautiful Mummy, we hope you have a great day. Welcome to the World Ralph Paul Dyer, born 4th August 2015 @ 02:54 weighing 8lbs2! Well done Mummy(Sophie Abigail Dyer), I'm so proud of you! Love Daddy Bear XX Lots & lots of love Alfie, Charlie & Harry Belated congratulations to Kerrie, Paul and big brother Bobby on the birth of Benjamin Thomas Harvey on 19th June 2015. Lots of love from both families xx Happy 4th birthday to my beautiful Kacey. Hope you have the most amazing day! Love you so much. Mummy and your little sister Lois xxxxx Happy birthday Harry. Hope you have a wonderful birthday. Lots of love Mummy, Daddy, James and Olivia xx Happy Birthday Matt for the 18th, love B man Happy 1st Birthday to our funny little Fenton. Lots of love & hugs Mummy, Daddy & Kitty xxx To the best son and big brother in the world! Happy 8th birthday Josh. Lots of love from Mummy, Daddy and Emma xxx "Welcome to the world Keira born 16th July our special daughter and baby sister. Love from Mummy, Daddy, Jenson & Happy 11th Birthday to our beautiful princess Millie! We love you millions and more, and are so proud of you. Mummy, Daddy, Joabs and Naiha XXXX Imogen would like to thank all her friends and family that helped her celebrate her 4th Birthday and for all your lovely cards and presents! Hope you all had lots of fun like me, see you all at big school in September!! Lots of love Imogen xxx To our gorgeous son Finley, happy 4th Birthday darling. All our love and kisses Mummy & Daddy. Xxxxx CONGRATULATIONS & BIRTHDAYS Wishing our gorgeous grandson Jude a happy 4th birthday love nanny and Martin xx Dear Jay, Happy 11th Birthday dude for the 14th. Have a fab day. Lots of love from Auntie Nic Nak, Uncle Lester, Annie Eddie & Finbubs xxxx Happy 7th birthday to our beautiful daughter & sister Jemma-Louise. Love you lots like chocolate drops. All our love Mummy, Daddy & TJ xxxx Please either email messages and photographs to or call in with them to the office at: 7 Blackall Industrial Estate, Hamberts Road, SWF, Essex, CM3 5UW. Messages must be with us by 5pm on the Friday before the issue you wish it to be published in. Pictures can be collected following publication. 14 South Woodham Focus Countdown to the Best Start to School Around 16,500 children will be starting reception this September in schools across Essex. It’s a time both children and parents alike will approach with a mixture of excitement and trepidation. Councillor Ray Gooding, Essex County Council’s Cabinet Member for Education and Lifelong Learning said: “We know that the start of your child’s first term can sometimes seem a little daunting and so we have compiled ten top tips to help make the move to ‘big school’ a happy one and to ensure your child is school ready.” 10 Sharing and enjoying books is the first step towards learning to read so visit your local library and sign up for the Record Breakers Summer Reading Challenge. You just need to read six books together to earn your Record Breakers certificate and medal and there are stinky stickers and other rewards to collect too. 9. Borrow a ‘Starting School Bag’ from your local Essex Library. Each bag contains specially chosen stories and information books exploring what it’s like to go to ‘big’ school. Call in to any Essex library or visit for more information. 8 Encourage your child’s independence over the summer holidays. Going to the toilet, dressing and undressing, blowing their own nose and putting shoes on are all skills that will help them settle into the school routine. Let your child practice by dressing up in their new uniform and PE kit. 7 Make independent dressing easier by choosing school uniform with elastic waistbands and shoes with velcro fastenings. Help your child to put their shoes on the right feet by marking the bottom of the pair with a smiley face J. Draw half the face on each shoe so they need to be matched correctly to make the picture. 6 Help your child to make friends before the big day by arranging to meet up during the summer break with other families who also have children starting school. The first day will be made easier by having a friend to share it with (for you and your child!). 5 Encourage your child to recognise their name, mark their uniform, shoes, bag etc. and show them where the labels are. Make sure you know what else they need to take each day (book bag, drink, sun hat etc.). 4 Get into a bedtime routine before starting school by having some early nights and practising getting ready and out of the door in the morning. Do a practice journey to school and time how long it will take to avoid rushing and help keep the mornings calm and manageable. 3 Spend time talking about what school will be like and reassuring them if they have any worries. Talk about playtime, school dinners, assembly and who to talk to if they need help. 2 Plan what will happen on the first week. Who will take and collect them and what you will be doing while they are there? It is likely that they will be tired after their new experience so prepare an early teatime and bedtime. Plan a treat to look forward to at the end of the week such as going to the park. 1 Your child will take their lead from you so embrace this next step and help them enjoy a positive start to their school days. If you have any concerns or worries about your child starting school speak to your health visitor or your local children’s centre. Search for your nearest centre at South Woodham Focus FOCUS ON HEALTH DON’T MISS OUT ON YOUR MENINGITIS JAB - or you may get meningitis. “Young teenagers, sixth formers and ‘fresher’ students going to university for the first time are now routinely offered a vaccination to prevent meningitis W disease”, says NHS Choices – adding that “The Men ACWY vaccine protects against four different causes of meningitis and septicaemia – meningococcal (Men) A, C, W and Y diseases.” Sister Katrina Fennessy reminds us of the Urgent Catch-up programme for Meningitis ACWY. She says: “Adolescents born between 01/09/1996 to 31/08/1997 (School year 13) are eligible to receive the Meningitis ACWY vaccine. It is STRONGLY advised that those in this age group make an appointment to have this vaccine. ALSO those who are first time university entrants up to the age of 25 years of age are also eligible to receive this vaccine. So please make an appointment with your practice to have this administered.” Thanks Katrina – anyone interested in the jab can Google NHS Choices Men ACWY vaccine for more details. This is important – so, as they said in the old John Hurt ads, ‘Don’t die of ignorance.’ Incidentally trials of the new Men vaccine (which it was hoped would protect you against men) have proved disappointing. It seems they’re not easily deterred! When I was a child I suffered from a condition that meant I had to eat soil 3 times a day. Lucky my older brother told me about it really. Milton Jones INSURANCE COMPANIES love taking your money – but they’re not quite so happy about giving any of it back. In the quest to find out everything there is to know about you (which presumably gives them more opportunity to push up your premiums or have an excuse not to pay out when you make a claim) they have been asking to see ALL your medical records when you apply for a policy for which they need only the details which are strictly relevant. An article by Sophie Borland for the Daily Mail informs us that GPs “are increasingly giving insurers the entire confidential files on request, prompting fears that the details are being used to increase premiums. The Information Commissioner last night launched a crackdown on the practice, warning that it was against the law and potentially breached patients’ privacy. It said that insurers have been increasingly exploiting a loophole to obtain patients’ entire medical files from GPs, including any past conditions and their family history.” Sophie B explains that the companies are “exploiting a tactic called a ‘subject access right’” … which was designed to assist patients. It was not intended to help big business. The Information Commissioner usually wilts in the face of pressure from the NHS or big business … but so far appears to be on the side of the patient when it comes to this abuse. The insurance companies will fight back, of course … so it’ll be interesting to see for how long the Information Commissioner holds his ground. At the present time the IC’s opinion is that the processing of a copy of an entire medical record by an insurance company is not relevant, is excessive, or is not necessary. So, while you wait to see how this plays out, the advice is (as ever) read the small print – don’t sign to say you give your agreement to companies taking your complete medical record or you may find that’s exactly what they do. As a kid I was made to walk the plank. We couldn’t afford a dog. Gary Delaney DETAILS OF GP APPOINTMENTS HANDED OVER. “A top health official has demanded confidential details of millions of GP appointments. Sparking yet another NHS privacy row, she has ordered the firm in charge of bookings at most English surgeries to hand over the sensitive data urgently.” This is an extract from a story by Gerri Peev and Jack Doyle in the Mail which signifies yet another assault on the tattered remains of the duty we supposedly have to keep your personal details confidential. Gerri and Jack go on to say: “The information includes the date, time and duration of appointments as well as the reason for the consultation. Most of the postcode of the patient is also asked for, as well as their date of birth, according to a letter seen by the Daily Mail.” This means that more than enough information is handed over for patients to be easily identified. So long confidentiality – it was nice knowing you! “I keep writing letters to myself. Dear me.” Mark Simmons 15 SHOULD WE BE TAKING VITAMIN D SUPPLEMENTS? The usual advice is that a healthy diet is all we need under most circumstances to obtain all the vitamins we need. Because of our gloomy weather, however, the Scientific Advisory Committee on Nutrition (SACN), an independent body of experts, has published draft recommendations on vitamin D which appear to stand this advice on its head. The draft report highlights the importance of vitamin D in protecting musculoskeletal health. The experts also looked at possible links between vitamin D and non-musculoskeletal health outcomes including cancer, type 1 diabetes, multiple sclerosis and heart disease but found insufficient evidence to draw any firm conclusions. Ready for some figures? In order to protect musculoskeletal health in the UK population, SACN is recommending that blood concentration of 25(OH)D1 should not fall below 25nmol/L at any time of year. To avoid this, they’re proposing a dietary intake of 10micrograms of vitamin D per day for every one aged above 1 year (and 8.5-10 micrograms/day for those under 1 year). Current government advice is that at-risk groups should take a daily vitamin D supplement. These groups are pregnant and breastfeeding women, babies and children aged 6 months to five years, adults aged 65 and over, people who do not expose their skin to sunlight or are confined indoors for long periods of time and people who have darker skin such as people of African, Afro-Caribbean and South Asian origin. This advice will remain until the committee has considered any consultation responses and then submitted its final recommendations to government. My guess is that the ‘at risk groups’ will be extended – and many more people will end up taking supplements. That’s the medical advice … and I’m reliably informed that the legal advice is that the committee’s findings do not constitute an excuse for walking round the town in the nude whenever the sun shows itself. “I am quite excited because the book I have been waiting for about mature male gorillas has just come out in silverback.” Zoe Lyons TESCO TO HAVE ACCESS TO YOUR MEDICAL RECORDS. “High street pharmacies such as Boots, Tesco and Superdrug will be given access to NHS medical records, under a national scheme which privacy campaigners fear could expose patients to ‘hard sell’ tactics” writes Laura Donnelly in The Telegraph. She goes on to say: “ Health officials have drawn up plans to send sensitive data from GP surgeries to pharmacies across the country, starting this autumn, without considering the views of patients. NHS England says the scheme will ease pressures on family doctors, and improve the care given to patients in the High Street. But campaigners fear major commercial chains will be able to exploit the valuable data, and use it to push the sales of their products.” The only barrier between your ‘confidential’ medical records and supermarkets such as Tesco is the GP … but the NHS is getting heavy with anyone who dares question the wisdom of allowing so many people access to information contained in your ‘notes.’ I recently received a letter from a Mr Richard Jefferson of NHS England. It says that the CQC (which surely should be defending patients’ rights, not attacking them) will put pressure on GPs who refuse to hand over patients ‘summary care records’ (the assumption being that this will happen even in those cases where the patients refuse their consent.) It adds that the GP contract states “GP practices are required to provide an automated upload of any changes to a patient’s summary information at least once every working day to the Summary Care Record (SCR.) The Tesco revelation is the latest in a series of worrying ‘confidentiality lapses’ by the NHS. Last November Ben Wilkinson wrote in the Mail: “NHS to carry on selling patients’ medical data to insurance firms despite history of blunders over illegal use of the information. Data includes personal details of diagnoses, dates of birth and postcodes.” As for the new twist to the story, for all the denials it’s not hard to see how Tesco and co could benefit from access to all this sensitive information. In the effort to regain it’s lost glory, this could prove to be a marketing boon. As they say in the trade: “Every little helps!” Dr John 16 South Woodham Focus OVER TO YOU MANY THANKS Many thanks to everyone who has attended Nursery Rhyme Academy, Baby Rhyme and Piano Starters and all my instrumental pupils too. Everyone has been great and we’ve had lots of fun. Thanks also to everyone at Creepy Crawlies and the Village Hall for their great venues. Look forward to seeing everyone in September. Ruth Poniatowska SWF LEVEL CROSSING I feel compelled to write to The Focus to express my concern at the recent malfunction of our level crossing. For the second time this month I have approached in my car to find the lights flashing, sirens going and barriers stuck halfway between up & down. Some of us have turned around and taken a different route but I have witnessed many cars/pedestrians and more worryingly children taking a chance on crossing. We don't have to look hard in the news to find there have been substantial fatalities on these types of crossings and I'm concerned that it won't be long before we have a serious accident here. What is the problem with it and why hasn't it been adequately resolved? I would like reassurance from whoever is responsible, that our crossing is functioning properly and that I won't have to read of a fatality in The Focus in the future. Concerned resident of Longfield Road. (who remembers when a man used to sit in a brick office beside the crossing and come out to open and close the gates safely for us, I don't recall him malfunctioning!) INTERESTING ARTICLE What an interesting article it was, in the latest edition of the Focus, about the two local men killed at Gallipoli. The Gallipoli campaign is often neglected in popular WW1 accounts, perhaps because it was geographically distant (and by no means the British government's greatest wartime achievement), but reference in the article to VCs won there thirty-nine in all by the end of the war - demonstrates that, as elsewhere, our soldiers were rarely found wanting. By this time next year we shall be Sommed out - this was, therefore, a timely reminder that in 1915 the Great War was being fought way beyond the Western Front, sometimes more successfully than others and by professionals, volunteers and conscripts alike from different parts of the Empire. Sam's excellent research into the backgrounds of the Woodham men gave his account of their battlefield deaths extra poignancy; hopefully, it may encourage others to take a closer look at the lives of those who died for our freedom, and whose names appear on our local memorials. Cartmanswf THANK YOU Can we say a really massive thanks to la belle fleur florist at 51 inchbonnie road ...Sian made our wedding day so special her flowers were amazing and such good value would recommend her work and friendly welcome to anyone many thanks again ....Tony and Julie xxxxx HAYES COUNTRY PARK BURNHAM RD, BATTLESBRIDGE TABLE TOP SALE SAT 22.8.15 AT 1PM FOOD AND REFRESHMENTS AVAILABLE AT THE WATERSIDE BAR AND GRILL FREE ENTRY BURNHAM ON CROUCH GOLF CLUB Lady Captain, Elaine Mason held her Captains Day on Thursday. She requested that every lady wear a pink flower to represent the team colours so it was a very colourful field of 44 players. The course was in excellent condition on a hot sunny day and the scoring had 7 ladies within 3 points of each other. Results: 18 hole stableford- Nearest pin (5th) - Debs Wolton. Longest drive - Barbara Church. Back 9 - Dee Wells 20pts. Front 9 – Linda Sinden 20 pts. 7th OCB Joyce Leach 37pts. 6th Liz Clark 37 pts. 5th Hilary Skeens 37pts. 4th Linda Stevens 38 pts 3rd Anne James 39 pts 2nd OCB Debs Wolton 40 pts. 1st Captains Day Shield Liz Tolhurst 40 pts. The afternoon event was a 9 hole Burnham scramble: Front 9 R/up Jae Bray, Liz Tolhurst, Linda Stevens , Anne James 32.6. Front 9 winners Heather Sullivan, Jeanette Wilson, Linda Stevens, Claire Brown 32.1. Back 9 R/up Jane Hull, Debs Wolton, Vera Oates, Chrissy West-Webbe 33.8. Back 9 winners Shelagh Edwards, Elaine Elphinstone, Denise Howat, Hilary Skeens 33. A fabulous day generously hosted by the Lady Captain and her family. Over the weekend the men played 36 holes of golf over 2 days for the Jacqueline Louise Trophy (scratch) and 36 hole stableford. There were 17 players in contention for the scratch competition and on Saturday there was some surprisingly scoring with no one below par but scores in the clubhouse were Tom Howard and Mickey Leonard on 72, Ryan Davies and Brian Roche on 74. On Sunday new names had good scores with Lewis Wilkin scoring an excellent 69 and Paul Hegarty and George Grimes on 73. Scoring on Sunday was crucial to the overall results. 1st Lewis Wilkin 147 grs 2nd George Grimes 149 grs 3rd Matt Hawksworth on 150 OCB from Brian Roche and Ryan Davies. In the Stableford competition with 21 players scoring was competitive with some high scores meaning handicap reductions. On the Saturday Jamie Gold was leader in the clubhouse having posted 43 pts with Fred Banfield on 39 and Roger Miles on 38. Sunday also saw some high scores with Michael Pratt on 42pts, Dan Munro on 37 and Jamie Gold with 38. This was enough for Jamie Gold to take the trophy with an excellent 81 pts. 2nd Michael Pratt with 72 pts and 3rd Roger Miles with 71pts. There were very few entries for the midweek medal but Gordon Rolph had a good round scoring 65 and cutting his handicap by 2. Early on last week the Veterans beat Stoke by Nayland 5 & 3 to avenge a 6 - 2 defeat at SBN earlier the year. 29 Veterans played their August medal competition this Monday . 1st Ron Nethaway 69 nett 2nd OCB Bob Willett 70 from Don Evans. 2 cadets, Sam Gorringe and Oliver Reardon played in the County Boys Foursomes at Gosfield Lakes. With many single figure golfers in the field they did well and have gained good experience for next year. Photo - On left Lady Captain Elaine Mason with Liz Tolhurst (lady Captans day winner) m s d y’s gs he ch nd al ly a he he o, me ns es Mr s, ty at of It ur ok en in he oo me nk a st rs’ o, an ng en d, ns we re nd nd Mr ly pe ed gs he he at at ly he he 17 South Woodham Focus Workshop Operative - East Hanningfield We have an entry level position available in our expanding workshop team. The successful candidate will be provided with full training and the opportunity to complete an NVQ. SITUATIONS VACANT All applicants must have a Full UK driving licence, as the position will involve driving. Please email your CV to G General eneGeneral ra l W Warehouse aWarehouse rehouseAssistant/driver Assistant/Driver A s s i s t a n t/ D r i v e r The above full time position is The above full time position is based in South Woodham Ferrers. based in South Woodham Ferrers. Applicants shouldshould have previous drivingdriving and warehouse experience. experience Applicants have previous and warehouse You will need to demonstrate when picki picking ng andto packing experience. Youattention will needtotodetail demonstrate attention detail deliveries an heavy lifting maybe involved involved. when pickingsome and packing deliveries and some heavy lifting A fork liftmaybe licenseinvolved. would beA an will be provided. forkadvantage lift licensehowever would betraining an advantage Based in South Woodham Ferrers Although all candidates willhowever be considered must hold a full UK driving licens trainingapplicants will be provided. We are supply company into the Construction industry rance cover. be over will 25 for insu Although alland candidates be insurance considered applicants must covering the whole of the UK & Europe. hold a full UK driving license Due to continuous growth we have the following vacancy for and of beyour overCV 25 to insurance cover. Please lease send a copy immediate start. Please send a copy of your CV to Internal Sales Executive This is an Excellent opportunity to build a carrier in sales. -BHG; 1BB7;4@ B6HF Full Training will be given Duties will include Developing new & Existing business & generating new enquiries Working closely within the existing sales team. 18 4E8 ?BB><A: 4 CEB98FF<BA4? 8AG;HF<4FG<6 ?8I8? Email 9BE CV to - DH4?<9<87 C8EFBA GB =B<A BHE G84@ B9 *E46G<G<BA8EF 4G sc B??<A:JBB7 *E8 F6;BB? &:* 8-* +4114;.3, :&(&3(= .3 496 498- $44)-&2 C 18 4E8 4 6B@@<GG88 EHA ABA CEB9<G @4><A: BE:4A<F4G<BA Have the following vacancy in our *66*67 4++.(* ce B998E<A: ;BHE F8FF<BA4? 64E8 4A7 @BE8 E868AG?L 4 ?HA6; South Woodham Ferrers office F 6?H5 9BE L84E B?7F EMAIL: SWFOCUS@MAypOLEprESS.COM TRAINEE IMPORT CLERK sc .;8 FH668FF9H? 64A7<74G8 JBH?7 <A<G<4??L 58 B998E87 BA8 IMpOrT CLErk F8FF<BA C8E J88> J<G;01245 G;8 BCG<BA B9 <A6E84F<A: 49G8E TEL: 426555 ex 911 86&.3.3, ;.11 '* 564:.)*) +46 8-.7 /93.46 641* ;E<FG@4F FH5=86G GB FH<G45<?<GL in We ;* are&6* looking for someone who.7is&a8*&2 team -4;*:*6 1440.3, +46 742*43* ;-4 EST, w *?84F8 9BEJ4E7 7 BLACkALL 0 4A7 4AL BG;8EInd E8?8I4AG <A9BE@4G<BA B9 player, has an excellent telephone manner 51&=*6 -&7 &3 *<(*11*38 8*1*5-43* 2&33*6 &7 ;*11 &7 as 8KC8E<8A68 GB $8AAL "BJ8?? B@@<GG88 ;4<EC8EFBA *<(*11*38 1.8*6&(= 392*6&(=literacy, &3) (42598*6 '&7*)and 70.117 well as excellent numeracy HAMBErTS rOAd B??<A:JBB7 SOUTH WOOdHAM ru B??<A:JBB7 *E8 F6;BB? ,B47 -BHG; &3) ;-4 .7 +911= (43:*67&38 ;.8- and $.3)4;7 981440 computer based skills who is fully C 1BB7;4@ 8EE8EF ' 3$ )E 6BAG46G $4A !E88A &3) <(*1with 56*&)7-**87 CM3 p 7@<A<FGE4GBE FErrErS BA BE 5UW 4EB?<A8 BH?GBA conversant Windows, Outlook a '4A4:8E BA 9BE @BE8 78G4<?F BE GB 4EE4A:8 and Excel Spreadsheets. w !-.7 .7 & +911 8.2* 641* -4967 5*6 ;**0 4 I<F<G GB G;8 *E8 F6;BB? b &1&6= 3*,48.&'1* This is a full time role 37.5 hours per week 22 (6620*(:0549 :5 ), 8,*,0<,+ )? h 80+(? 9: *:5),8 3 8-* +.678 .378&3(* 51*&7* 7*3) =496 # 84 Salary negotiable li 8*:* 1*8(-*6 .6*(846 R 8) w ln the first instance please send your C.V. to 498- $44)-&2 38*63&8.43&1 6*.,-8 !*62.3&1 a Steve Fletcher, Director GFC Ltd "3.8 &3(64+87 4&) South Woodham lnternational 498- $44)-&2 *66*67Freight Terminal S UnitA, Road th 77*< 6 Bancrofts " w 6 * Woodham 2&.1 97 &8 Ferrers South ::= -9A->>1=> '171/-9 #;1=-?:=> Safety Signs & Supplies Uk Ltd SITUATIONS VACANT 63315/>66, 9- #+0663 MALDON CONSTITUENCY IF YOU HAVE A PROBLEM JOHN WHITTINGDALE OBE MP Will be holding ADVICE BUREAUX FrIdAy 21st August - 5.00pm &-71> 0A5>:=> %1<@5=10 )85B5 A>;5B 1A5 >= 1 B5;6 5<?;>H54 ?1AC C9<5 21B9B ,9C8 6;5G9 8>DAB C> BD9C "DBC 25 3>=6945=C 9= C1;:9=7 C> 1=4 <55C9=7 CLUB WOOdHAM, 5 – 7 BArOn rOAd 3DBC><5AB 6135 C> 6135 ?A><>C9=7 >DA 8><5 9<?A>E5<5=C SOUTH WOOdHAM FErrErS, CM3 5XQ ?A>4D3CB 9=3;D49=7 F9=4>FB 4>>AB 1=4 3>=B5AE1C>A95B )85 %;1BC538 =1<5 9B F5;; :=>F= 1=4 A5B?53C54 9= C85 1A51 1=4 RING 01621 855663 FOR AN APPOINTMENT => ?DB8H B1;5B C13C93B 1A5 5<?;>H54 G?5A95=35 =>C A5@D9A54 1B CA19=9=7 9B 1E19;12;5 >=C13C "1; 5>A79>D >= 6*(69.82*38 ,+( CM3 ,64955UQ (4 90 Essex. Or e-mail us at Send your situations vacant to Focus Ferrers Rangers' training strategy pays dividends w 18 South Woodham Focus Professional Debut for Local Boxer Professional career at Light Heavy and will look to be boxing at York Hall later in the year. Unbeaten Sam Stokes currently 3-0 has now relocated at Winners in the town and will be fighting on November 5th 2015. Sam has been showcased on KOTV and Eurosport and will be looking to extend his winning start as he looks toward a Southern area title shot next year. On September 5th 2015, South Woodham Ferrers based boxer Jason Veares makes his Professional Boxing debut at the iconic York Hall, Bethnal green, London. Jason enters the Professional ranks with over 45 amateur bouts and an IBA international title to his name. The exciting welter-weight trains and helps with the coaching at Winners Boxing in South Woodham Ferrers. Jason is dropping to a welter-weight boxer which means he will have to lose 5kgs in weight so expect to see him running around the town. Winners Boxing currently trains 9 Professional Boxers amongst its members who will also be fighting at the end of the year. I would like to thank the town for its support and the sponsorship we have received so far this year. The sponsorship has allowed us to pay for the scans and medicals required and the great kit we use in the gym. The last time Jason boxed he sold 200 tickets in and around the town which is huge for us considering we have only been training here 12 months after moving here from Danbury. The success of the gym has led us to open a second gym in Colchester and we mix the training between South Woodham Ferrers and Colchester. We have decided to support Finley Ransps chosen Charity and donate some of Jason’s fight money to the Phoenix ward at Broomfield Hospital. Finley suffers from Eosinophilic Colitis, Inflammatory Bowel Disease and Ehlers Danlos Syndrome and we would urge anyone who is unable to make the fight to please make a small donation to his chosen charity via Finley’s Fund raising warriors. Former William De Ferrers pupil Chris Glibbery has also signed a 3 year deal with Goodwin Promotions to start his Ross Woolgrove BBBofC licensed Professional Boxing Coach 19 South Woodham Focus WOMAA (World Organisation of Martial Arts Athletes) The event was held at the international athletics stadium in Cardiff W/E of the 25th and 26th (Actually 3 day competition as started on the Friday). They teamed up with the Isle of Man Team, and competed against a number of countries including USA, Canada and Germany, Wales and Ireland. They belong to the EKA Karate Club, run by Steve Powell and his Wife Sam Powell. This is where my Daughter Mia-Louise aged 11, one 2 Golds. One in Kata and one in Kumite (fighting), and a Silver medal in Kumite and then went on to beat all the Gold &:@?3 *::/3,8 :.@> $ " ! # $! When replying to an "Advertiser: We suggest when telephoning - you 5H H<9 5FA -<CD )@8 & # -A5@@=G< !5@J5B=G98 ( ! " check,C58all 5HH@9G6F=8;9 details (description & 7CBG=89F price)CB9 ,C58 .F5=@9F 1CI@8 GH 1CC8<5A B998=B; 5HH9BH=CB CF =B ;CC8 -IB85M C: H<9 ACBH< 5A H=@@ of interest 7CB8=H=CB DA .9@ of vehicle/item(s) "$ # @=;<HK9=;<H $ G=N9 K<=H9Lead 7CHHCBCut A5H9F=5@ EDiNburgH Hand 6@57? ./2 CMG Never O Crystal Decanter. used ) still AlsoG<=FHheavy Glass H=9 F98 6CK K=H< K<=H9 GI=Hboxed. Decanter square with style CF D5FH=9G :CFcut ;F95Hleaf 5;9 5DDFCL (German) . Never used - still 8F9GG=B; ID O CB8gifts. $5A9GIdeal CF G=A=@5F boxed. ,95F GH9D HC :=H & 0 -ACCH< D=BGHF=D9 @57? like FrEE (1) large B9K off.CKof65Ffabric O bag 9; .F5BG=H Would £20 '$ each, but any cuts different sizes, braids, elastic, , GI=H <5H 5B8 (!-. F=A=B5@ ! offer accepted. (=GG5B reasonable :=HG 9@97HF=7G K=H< 7CAD@9H9 zips. (2) box of used cassette Telephone: 01245 321092 O '$ 6@57? H=9 5;9 5DDFCL -9H C: ;C@: CF G=A=@5F *F=A9F5 tapes to record over.O =@@=9 $95B GHM@9 " . K=H< G=@J9F 7@I6G Tel - 012457@I6G 426028 65@@G B=79 65; :5IL 6FCKB 897CF5H=CBbb.O for CMG =?9G ACGH@M ClAriNEt 5B8 GCA9 H99G O sale. Buffet :@9979 , >57?9H clarinet, )' student @95H<9F ClAy PigEONHCSHOOtiNg B12, popular O M95F C@8Gvest ;=F@G 6=?9G and cartridge Size 5 :9K KCFB @=B=B; with hardCB@M carry case. BuiltC775G=CBG to last, 9LH9F=CF A9H9F belt. @97HF=7 HC Oleather 'M'. £10. durable, perfect for young O 5G B9K 5;9 5A HC .9@ Bowling Ball. Ladies, O Pin Ten beginner, grades 1-6 and beyond. .9@ DA lightweight complete with carrying £50. Time for some other parent R 7 !( ACK9Fbronze ! #Winchester #! NEW brAND radiator valve and lockACIBH shield :=9@8 plus 9B;=B9 <D "CB85 two in chrome. ACK9F to R @97HF=7 Surplus CBC 0! O similar requirements. £25 CKB9F the lot. (9KCan @58M CB9 B9K 5G email photos. CBC O D@I; 5B8 @958 GIDD@M Tel 07971977506 SWF bag. Any reasonable accepted. ! "# " ! Telephone 01245 321092 offer " # 0# , .#(! *)1 , *& . HF5=B9F DFC 6C8= H9? J=6F5H=B; DCK9F D@5H9 K<=7< 75B 5=8 K9=;<H @CGG HCB9 5B8 69B9:=H MCIF <95@H< )() #B B9K 7CB8=H=CB O *<CB9 :CF 89H5=@G to suffer ! %( (" '# 977506. Tel 07971 SWF. medallist in a grand finale to become crowned the champion 6@57? ,98 5B8 (" ofK<99@G Champions. (Hence .9@ !CC8 7CB8=H=CB O the Huge Trophy). CF 9J9B=B;G Luke, pictured left and above 9),@95H<9F won 6FCKB ! "(aged MFG C@8 :FCA - <5G :=F9 H5;G Two Silvers, one KCFB CB G=HH=B; 5F95 6IHinC? =: MCI K=8H< in 7A L IG9 5 H<FCK Kata, and One AIGH 69 7C@@97H98 H9@ 89DH< Kumite, and then one a bronze in Kata, against (" LA5G .)3! " Children & 5FHG a few years O 8=GB9M 6CIB7=B; 95G9@ himself. 79BHF9than older H=;;9F O Martin Orchard 5B=A5@G >IB;@9 K=H< & KCC89B 5G B9K O A5;B9H=7 D@5M 79BHF9 F98 5B8 M9@@CK C@89F J9FG=CB 6CL K=H< 75FFM <5B8@9 5B8 @CHG C: A5;B9H=7 @9HH9F BIA69FG 5G?=B; O CH<9F =B & :CF O =B7 6F5HN 8C@@G 8=GB9M 8C@@G O 957< 'CL=9 ;=F@G CF5 5B8 D9DD5 D=; <5=F O =H9AG :FCA O 957< 0 H97< 5@D<569H H957<9F O H5@?=B; G<F9? O .5@?=B; &=;<HB=B; '7+I99B O ;C@89B 7C=B A5?9F O @CHG ACF9 H9@ K=H< ! 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"("# CF =*C8 (IA5F? = $&=J9 6F5B8 B9K IBK5BH98 6=FH<85M DF9G9BH 5@@ O " !# $ CBBC=GG9IFG 7C@@97HCF G =H9A "5B8 IH FMGH5@ /BCD9B98 -<=DG 975BH9F :=@@98 K=H< GD=F=H 20 EvErlASt Ev 7000 Treadmill exerciser as new being sold To raise money for charity £150 OVNO Buyer Collects Call 01245328128 or 07860788575 TO VEIW MOMO black alloys with KUMHO radial tubeless tyres 205/45ZR17 Ecstra Le Sport set of 4 £400 Tel 07974607425 WOrD PrOCESSEr Sharp Font Writer with its operating manual in top condition. Although many functions, it can be used for plain electric typewriting. £15 SLOW COOKER 6.5 liter 'Cookworks Signature' Slow Cooker has 2 heat/warm settings. The removable ceramic crock pot with clear tempered glass lid and can be placed straight onto your dinner table. In excellent condition and hardly used due to sudden downsizing. £15 o.n.o Electric potato peeler. Fast peeling up to 1 kg potatoes in 2/4 minutes. Ideal for those larger amounts of potato salad for your BBQ . 60 watt motor, non slip feet, safe and easy to use. £12.50 ono Tel 01245 426028 PAir OF WHEElED ladder hooks for roof ladder used but good condition New clamps fitted £28.00 ono 01245 329928 07711 477460 bElAvitiA bAtH liFt as new cond, little used, battery kept charged, current price £310, will accept £150 ono, tel: 01245 320431 EtErNity riNg - .50 diamond. 18 carat yellow gold. Size S. Still in box & in perfect condition as never been worn. Looking for £400 ovno (there is currently one exactly the same other than the ring size - in Alistair Blacks' window for £838). tiFFANy & CO 925 sterling silver key ring. Never been used & still in tiffany & co box. £65. 18 carat yellow gold twist ring. Blue sapphires & white cubic zirconia. Size I. £40. 07837 951732. FiSHEr PriCE JuMPErOO £45 / Ralph Lauren Mesh Teddy Bear (still in packaging) - £10 / John Lewis white baby changing table - £35 / Leapfrog Learn & Groove Activity Station - £25 / Leapfrog Activity Table (English/French) - £10 / Blue Bumbo Chair - £6 / tomee tipee bottle steamer (only used a couple of times) - £5 / Mamas & Papas Baby Bambino bath & bath support - £20 / Sit-in Walker £10 / Baby walker - £6 / Baby swing - £25 / toddler rocking horse (fabric fur) - £12 / outdoor South Woodham Focus 'my first slide' - £10 / babasling (cream) - £10 / small toddler seesaw rocker - £4 07837 951732 gArDEN CHiMNEA cast iron so heavy. Great for outdoor parties can be used as bar b q.. £35 phone 01245 425345 SEt OF tHrEE CASt irON Saucepans (16 & 18cms)and casserole (20cm) complete with lids. Unused and still boxed. £ 40 o.n.o. Telephone 01245 321092 COMPOSt biNS grEEN, 2, no access hatch solid construction with lid, vgc. £10 each. 01268 560871 HArD WOOD DOOrS 1960 X 760mm X 12. 1960 X 680mm X 2. 15 Panel glazed 1960 X 760mm X 1. £5.00. Each. Tel; 07968990116. SOliD DArk WOOD low level cabinet ideal for TV, cupboard either end with shelf in the middle. Width 52ins X depth 18ins height 21ins. £15.00. Tel; 07968990116. PHilliPS HOStESS trOllEy dark wood effect double doors opening onto warming space with shelf. Sliding top with slots for 4 oven proof dishes with lids, one dish is missing. £15.00. Tel; 07968990116 PiNE CAbiNEt with glass front door, shelf inside, top also lifts up. £15.00. Tel;07968990116 OFFiCE SWivEl CHAirS as new £10 each 01245 324555 FrEE - Prestige Saucepans – 2nd hand – set of 4 pans + frying pan with lid and 3 tier steamer. Now using induction hob so surplus to requirement. Tel: 01245 321657 CHilD StAir/SAFEty gAtE x 2, Mothercare/Lindam. Used at grandparents house, £10 each. MOTHERCARE top and tail bath set, cream, as new - £8. GRO EGG room thermometer £4. All items in excellent condition and from smoke/pet free home. Can email photo(s). Tel: 07799 061248. MANS DuAl shock yellow mountain bike 10 gears 26" wheel £20.00 Tel: 01245 429141 red and WArDrObE ikEA double wardrobe, oak effect, 2 internal drawers, 1 shelf and hanging rail, height 2 metres, Width 1 metre, excellent condition. £75.00 Tel 01245 425345 FurNiturE: 5Ft DivAN bED, Relyon Goodwood, with mattress; Ottoman; Corner Desk with drawers; Bookcase; Round dining table with 4 chairs; small bookcase/TV unit; Coffee table; Dresser. Buyer collects. Ian on 07525 428668 or 01245 325205. WANtED Old/vintage music and fashion magazines. Text or call Chloe 07907450012 bOWlS – Green Bowls: Set of 4 Wygreen size 4. Also Set of 4 Taylor Elite size 1. Both sets in excellent condition and both include holdall bags that would carry shoes etc. £50.00 each set. SWF – 07770 960968 MEtAl ACtiON cream sofa bed, hardly used, in very good condition. Cost £ 350.00 new. Will accept £ 100.00 ONO. Can deliver locally. Tel 07943167817 PC ExtErNAl HArD DrivES. Western Digital: 400GB, £18 – 1TB, £40 – 1.5TB £50. Portable Hard Drive. 149GB, £12. All ono, vgc, inc. cables. Tel: SWF 322191 FrEE tO A gOOD HOME Fridge/Freezer in good working condition, moved to new home and is no longer required,new owner to collect. Tel: 01245 329324. SHOP riDEr CAMEO Mobility scooter for sale very good condition. Breaks down for transportation for a car boot. £200.00 ono Contact 01621828452 ExErCiSE bikE - For sale, WER Exercise bike with onboard computer (operated by two AA batteries) with various functions. Immaculate condition, adjustable seat height, adjustable tension control. Buyer to collect from SWF area. £70 or near offer contact 07899 682892 WOODEN kitCHEN tAblE and 4 wooden chairs. Light coloured, round and can extend to accommodate 6 people. A few surface marks but generally in good condition. Same as Argos table, catalogue no. 603/5677, but the extending version. £50 07957 417303 (South woodham) HArO F3 bMx bikE: White, Exposure brake levers, used £55. Mindless Maverick Longboard: Yellow, original wheels and bearings, used £40 Telephone 01245 320164 CAr SOFt tOP ClEANEr and Ultra Waterproof top quality Renevo make. Brand new unopened cost over £30. Just want £25. Contact 07739316737. gArDEN FurNiturE 4 foot round Homebase frosted glass table and 6 silver/chrome garden chairs for sale, perfect for summer in good condition £50. Collect only. tel 01245325861 itAliAN WiNE rED, white and rose. £20 for a case of 6. Can deliver locally. 07943 167817 SylvANiAN FAMiliES viNtAgE HOuSE Good condition: Bit of wear on the roof and windows £10 BRAND NEW Next royal blue heels Size: 5 1/2 £10 BRAND NEW foot spa Hinari Body Soul £5 Tan brown and black accessorise ruck sack Barely used: great condition £25 Tel: 07808065004 tHOMAS tHE tANk ENgiNE Bean Bag (children’s) £10 Various Winter maternity clothes £5 - £10 2 x Eichhorn children wooden puzzles - £2 each 1 x Early Learning Centre wooden puzzles - £2 1 x Puzzle Patch Preschool Puzzle – age 1-3 - £2 Liza Wedding Tiara (picture available) - £10.00 Please call:- 07775531273 – photos available for all) DigitAl PiANO - Technica SX PR60 Black wood. Plus stool £150 CM3 8RW (please collect) 01245 320004 2 SEAtEr brOWN lEAtHEr settee & matching recliner armchair in good cond., from pet & smoke free home, buyer collects, £50. Tel: 01245 320561 or 07930032703 MAMMAS AND PAPAS Prima Papa adjustable high chair with instructions, vgc £20 Maxicosi Tobi childs car seat 918kg vgc £20 Brass headboard fits 4’6” Bed £25 Barlow Tyrie Capri ltra Tea/sun loungers (2) incl cushions over £1000 each new + cushions £550 each as new, buyer collects Tel: 01268 762216 SurPluS tO NEEDS: Attractive pair of wall/sidelights glass shades on metal twisted sconce £18 the pair. Mountfield 44cm SP454 lawn mower cost £300 3years ago. In good, clean condition £80; Pair of matching cane/chrome carvers. Cane backs & Seats. Very useful chairs £16 the pair Compact Oven/toaster for sacks or main meals. Ideal for a small kitchen area, student or person living on own, Roasts, grills, timer in VGC cost £45 will accept £18. Call Joan 07944415661 WANtED Any old or disused binoculars, being collected for an event to benefit Wildlife Charities. i will collect the binoculars free. Please contact Chris on 07546 224782. 21 South Woodham Focus OlyMPHONiC massage chair, for the full body massage, hardly used, leather chair, with wood arms still covered, listen to music while you get your massage, CD attachment still in box, over 40 programmes to choose from cost over £4,000 when new sell for £1000 only, bargain Leaf collector petrol driven collects heavy garden waste including acorns, huge bag, great for the larger garden or industrial use great condition £1000 Tel: 07860465692 HOrSE ACCESSOriES for sale brand new shires comfort bridle with tags cost £60 sell £45. Comfort bridle shires nearly new £30, rugs, 6’3” x 6’6” x 6’ 9”, turn out night rug, fleeces, dressage, squares, jodphurs, size 30 + 32 varies colours, brushing boots, neopree over reach boots, plain and patent, lots more available, phone for details 07837976003 PArrOt CAgE, with accessories, good condition with opening top, black £25 Numark and dynamic amplifier, graphic equalisers, six large speakers with all connections mixers, fade in and fade out, this is for professional use there’s all you need here, call for any more info 07860465692 lOCil SEtS (new) Black Tudor profile 5 pairs with Key Holes £3 per set £12 the lot 14 Tudor door hadles £3 per pair £30 the lot 12 x 12” Tudor Window stays £1.50 each £15 the lot; Ladies bike French Peugeot Parisienne Black/Whote 5 gears 27” wheels as new £65.00 AutOMAtiC kiA MAgENtiS 2002 Reg, Petrol 2.5cc, 40MPG, Silver, Lady owner, 112,000 miles, MOT’d 16/6/16 Air Con, Central Locking, Elec mirrors, drives well, £550 ono. Tel: 01245 323944 FOrD kA ZEtEC, Metallic Blue, 2007, 67,000 miles, Full Service History, MoT 12 months, Alloy Wheels, Electric Windows, Air Conditioning £2350. Tel: 01245 329007 rOOF rACk, bought new, never used, still in boxes, Thule roof system (fits on to roof slots); Thule 753 Rapid System +, Kit 3065 + 761 Load Bars, Fits Saab Combi 2005+, Fts Audi Q7 2006+, Fits BMW 6 Series 19962003, Fits Focus Estate 2011+, cost new £140, Sell £70. Stunt Scooter - Razorwing scooter, all metal welded, in black and red, folds flat, used very little, good condition, cost new £150, will sell £35 Tel: 07957 715774, eve & weekends WOODEN trAilEr in fair condition with electrics 150 x 90 x 45 £75.00 01245 322099 SPOrtS CAr for sale, Westfield S E, red, 1700 Ford Crossflow Kids bikes from £13 each Car set forward facing £16 2 table lamps cream shades £10 110 volt extesions cable heavy duty 1 sigle outlet, 1 double £15 each Strimmer petrol heavy duty 52cc egine c/w hedge cutter and lopping chain saw plus brushwood cutter £120 Tow bar ane electrics (ew) fit Nissan or similar £2Orion electric mopwer 17’ rotary with grass box serviced ew plug ad log cable £55 oo good cond Tel: 07714507777 7am - 10pm v FEStivAl Red Camping Tickets x 4. with Car park pass. Already received. Friends pulled out. £800.00 for them all. Tel 01245 324368. V Festival Saturday Ticket. Already received. £100.00. Tel 01245 324368. Hotpoint Future Freezer for undercounter in Kitchen Graphite colour. 6 years old. VGWO. Sterilised clean. Deep drawers for food and one for ice cubes. £100.00. Tel 01245 324368. FOur SOliD PiNE kitchen chairs, good condition £60. Dolls house - tudor style, two pieces, with furniture and accessories £35. Fibreglass Trailer - ideal for camping. Lockable lid, spare wheel. Excellent condition £250. Also large family tent- used only 3 times (this fits into the trailer) This has 3 bedroom compartments, Porch & sewn in ground sheet. £150. Tel: 07712597325 -00&3%5( -00&3%5( 3735-2+ %(9)576 %5) %2( <385 %(9)57 :-00 %44)%5 -2 7,) 2);7 %9%-0%&0) -668) ,373 %(9)576 '367 = 4086 " %2( :-00 %44)%5 -2 1%;-181 '326)'87-9) -668)6 820)66 45)9-3860< 630( %;-181 :35(6 0)%6) )-7,)5 )1%-0 %(9)576 73 .80-) 1%<430)45)66 '31 35 '%00 -2 :-7, 7,)1 73 7,) 3**-') %7 0%'/%00 2(8675-%0 67%7) %1&)576 3%( 387, #33(,%1 )55)56 66); !# 35 '%00 -2 :-7, 7,)1 73 7,) 31182-7< 2*351%7-32 )275) WE BUY TOYOTA CARS 3<37% %56 3<37% " 3<37% 67%7)6 3<37% 43576 3<37% "%26 SWF - 07775 998628 racing engine, 4 speed gearbox, 5 speed gearbox (spare), Wolfrace alloy wheels, full weather covers, wind deflectors, MoT til June 2016, £4875 ovno, tel: Ray 01245 426663 or email: 2004 vOlvO s60 d5 2.4 litre diesel, Metallic silver 109,000 miles Full Volvo service history from new 5 speed manual MoT till June 2016 New cambelt, water pump and engine belts fitted 4,000 miles ago 17" alloy wheels 3 almost new tyres New front discs and pads Full black leather upholstery Heated/ electric seats Dual zone climate control Maple wood trim 6 cd changer Beautifully kept car, private sale £2995.00 ono Please call on: 07875 233957 ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! 1. FOrD kA 2006 56 Reg black, full years MoT, 90,000 miles, 1 owner, been well maintained, good tyres, elec windows, CD radio, air bag, AC, Cheap to run, insure and tax, great for 1st car very nippy, 1400cc £1500 Tel: 07837976003 / 07860465692 !1"-/&." 3+0- +), *3 /+ +1",-+,"-/&". &* South Woodham Focus 29 South Woodham Focus 0
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