Events Insert - Big Brothers Big Sisters


Events Insert - Big Brothers Big Sisters
start something
BIG news
The latest information from Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
Think of the possibilities. What will you start?
Summer 2010 VOL. 01 ISSUE 08
July 2010
Message from
the CEO
Dear Friends of Big Brothers
Big Sisters,
In Memory of
Bill Walker
You’ll notice in this newsletter
issue, and with other Big
Brothers Big Sisters materials,
that we have a new look.
“Start Something” is our new
message—and we hope this
inspires both volunteers and
donors to help change the trajectory for vulnerable children.
Certainly, that was the case in the 1960s when a group of young
men decided to “start something.” One of them, Bill Walker, recently
passed away. His story is told in this issue. Just think of the difference
that small group of people made in starting Big Brothers, followed
by another small group of women and men who started Big Sisters.
And now we have hundreds of people who are helping Big Brothers
Big Sisters start something every day as we match children with
mentors and provide support to those matches. Thank you for your
continued support in helping children, and in turn, helping our
Each year, former board presidents meet for lunch and the chance
to catch up on all the latest Big Brothers Big Sisters news. Bill Walker
attend the lunch in 2007 and is pictured on the far right. Pictured with
Bill are (from left) Joe Barker, III, Phil Patterson, Monty Allgood, Erin
Murnan, JimRosenquist, and Red Thomas.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands mourns the passing of our
good friend Richard William “Bill” Walker Jr. on December 21, 2009.
Bill was one of the original members of the Board of Directors who
helped start the Big Brothers organization in Omaha in 1959. He
became the agency’s third Board President in 1964. Bill liked the
concept and mission of Big Brothers and thought it was a very
effective way to help kids in the community. He helped recruit
others to join the Board of Directors by expressing his passion for
Big Brothers to others in the community.
Nancy Thompson
Chief Executive Officer
Start Something
Coming Soon: A new look to our website.
Our new website will keep many
of the same features it currently
has as well as some new ones
including updates from social
networking sites and a place to
view the latest BBBS videos.
A new look to our billboards.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Bill’s passion for the mission of Big Brothers was so great that
it inspired him to make a personal sacrifice to keep the agency
viable during the early years. Using his own home as collateral,
he borrowed $5,000 to provide the agency with a badly needed
infusion of capital. “That was a lot of money in those days that
Bill gave to the Big Brothers that helped us pay our bills and keep
going,” said Jim Roseinquist, founding member of the Omaha Big
Brothers organization.
Bill stayed in contact with Big Brothers Big Sisters throughout
the years and was a great agency supporter. “Bill was one of the
people I met early on when I became the agency’s director,” stated
Nancy Thompson, CEO. “You couldn’t ask for a nicer person or a
better representative for Big Brothers than Bill. He was all about
the kids and cared so much for them and their futures.”
All of us at Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands would like to
express our deepest sympathy to Bill’s wife Beverly, and his family.
We also wish to express our sincere appreciation to Red and Jann
Thomas for their memorial gift designated for our program.
Start Something.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Meet our...
Board of Directors
Jan Madsen
CFO Consultant
Jacqueline White
Union Pacific
Dan Guinan
Fraser Stryker, Attorneys at Law
Doug Murray
Baird Holm Attorneys at Law
Jon Baker
Weitz Funds
James R. Bohan
Omaha Steaks
Scott Buchholz
Black Hills Energy
Barry Gideon
First National Bank
Susan Henricks
Arbor Capital
Lori Kastrick
First Data Resources
Bob Pelshaw
The Pelshaw Group
Carol Russell
Community Volunteer
Joe Seda
Cox Communications
Michelle Smithberg
First National Bank
Mary Kay Thalken
Jackson Healthcare
Theresa Thibodeau
Community Volunteer
David Treinen
West Corporation
Impact Circle
The Impact Circle continues its commitment of providing
significant and sustained funding support for Big Brothers Big
Sisters of the Midlands into 2010. To date, the Impact Circle has 44
members and has raised over $500,000 for mentoring relationships
at Big Brothers Big Sisters.
As the Impact Circle continues to grow, members are stepping up
into leadership roles to invite new members to the group. At the
annual Impact Circle event in 2009, Mike and Susan Lebens were
introduced as new members of the leadership team, stepping in
for Paul and Annette Smith. The Lebens join Todd and Betiana
Simon as the co-chairs and leaders of the Impact Circle. Big
Brothers Big Sisters would like to thank Paul and Annette Smith for
all their hard work and leadership in helping to start and grow the
Impact Circle. We truly appreciate your efforts.
The Impact Circle was launched in November of 2008. The funds
raised by the Impact Circle have given Big Brothers Big Sisters
the opportunity to increase volunteer recruitment efforts to help
more children in our community have a Big Brother, Big Sister or
Big Couple as well as support the growth of our Community-Based
program. The Impact Circle members are truly changing the way
children grow up in our community.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Start Something.
Cindy and Mogens Bay
James and Lyn Bohan
Esther and Daniel Brabec
Michael Cassling
Jerry and Ann Crouse
Tim and Linda Daugherty
David Day Associates
Henry A. Davis
Mike and Terri Dunlap
Friedland Family Foundation
Carol Gendler
Daniel and Jennifer Hamann
Deryl and Ramona Hamann
Howard and Rhonda Hawks
Scott and Cindy Heider
Susan L. and Gregor Henricks
Richard Holland
Fred and Teresa Hunzeker
Mike and Susan Lebens
Lozier Foundation
David and Jan Madsen
Mike and Nancy McCarthy
John and Anne Nelson
Omaha Steaks
Ray and Ann Pape
Precision Industries
Ron and Teri Quinn
Kim and Andy Reeves
Pete Ricketts and Susanne Shore
David Rogers and Teresa
The Phillip and Terri Schrager
Alan and Anne Simon
Bruce and Stacy Simon
Fred and Eve Simon
Todd and Betiana Simon
Martha and David Slosburg
Paul and Annette Smith
Stanley and Dorothy Truhlsen
Union Pacific Railroad
Jane Huerter Weekly
William and Ruth Scott Family
* Three Impact Circle members
wish to remain anonymous.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
One Special Big Brother
A Big Brother, father figure, friend, teacher – these are just a few of
the roles that Don Bend has fulfilled for his Little Brother.
Having suffered from developmental delays and multiple disabilities, Don’s Little Brother Alex was enrolled entirely in resource
classes that provided him with additional help and time to complete school work. His mother Debbie was very concerned about
how Alex would perform at the high school level. Don encouraged
Alex to excel in education and to always be thinking about his future. Don’s friendship and encouragement helped Alex move from
being enrolled in resource classes his freshman year to completely
mainstreamed, regular education classes during his junior and
senior years. He was inducted into the National Honor Society and
maintained a 3.6 GPA while also participating in both cross country
and track.
Alex has had the opportunity to share many unique experiences
with Don over the course of their relationship. Both Alex and
Don share a strong passion for golf and travel to different courses
during the summer months. They have attended several Husker
football games and the annual Berkshire Hathaway stockholder’s
meeting. Don has also taken Alex to ballroom dancing classes. He
told Alex that this would be a good skill to have in the future with
the girls.
Through their relationship they have become members of each
other’s families. Alex feels that they have developed a really special
friendship, one that will continue well beyond his school years.
A message from Don
Volunteering is what
being human is all about.
Supporting and nurturing
someone else, instead of just
thinking about what is best
for me. Family members
have mentioned how much
Big Brothers Big Sisters and
Alex has helped me to be
a better, more interesting
On May 19 Alex graduated from high school, as a member of
the National Honor Society, lettering in track and cross country,
and being accepted to college. When introducing Alex to other
people I say, “This is Alex, my little brother.” People look at me,
age 60 then at Alex. Some people, not knowing about Big
Brothers Big Sisters, stare in disbelief. Big Brothers began as
an organization to help give male friendship and guidance to
fatherless boys. Their slogan was, “No man stands as straight
as when he stoops to help a boy.” When I started with Alex I
was 18 inches taller than him. Today he stands taller than me,
and we look each other in the eye as friends that have so many
experiences in common. We both stand up straight.
Don Bend
Don pictured with the
national Gold Award
for Mentoring from the
MetLife Foundation’s 2010
Older Volunteers Enrich
America Program.
Awards & Recognition
• 2009 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands CommunityBased Big Brother of the Year.
• Big Brothers Big Sisters of America - Nebraska Big of the Year
• 2010 national Gold Award for Mentoring from the MetLife
Foundation’s 2010 Older Volunteers Enrich America Program.
• Finalist for the 2010 United Way of the Midlands Volunteer
of the Year - Youth/Adult category.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Start Something.
Don Bend with Little Brother Alex and Alex’s mother Debbie. “I
attribute a lot of Alex’s positive attitude, confidence, determination,
and resulting success to the time he spends and talks he has with
Don,” says Debbie.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
“My Guardian Angel” - Kim & Christine
Christine’s life wasn’t easy. Her mother and father divorced when
she was five years old. Her mother was very young, living on her
own with four little girls. Christine was the second youngest and
shared bedrooms with her sisters. Money was hard to come by and
circumstances made home life a very stressful environment.
While in the program, Kim and Christine did lots of activities together.
They enjoyed sewing, cooking, visiting museums, gardening, and
attending BBBS activities. Christine went along with Kim on vacations
to Arkansas and Minnesota to visit Kim’s family. Kim helped Christine
learn how to cook and wash clothes. The two of them got together
Christine (left) and Kim having lunch at the Upstream. The other picture once a week, sometimes even more.
shows Kim’s sister Kris (left), Christine, and Kim.
“Growing up I had little to no self-confidence - I had to fight for
everything,” remembers Christine. “Kim helped keep me off drugs
“A Sister - She is your witness, who sees you at your worst and out of trouble. She is my guardian angel.”
and best, and loves you anyway. She is someone who
knows when you are smiling, even in the dark. She is
your teacher, your defense attorney, your personal press
agent, even your shrink.”
Barbara Alpert
At 14, Christine started her first job as a waitress and Kim helped her
open her first bank account. Although things were going well with
Kim, life at home was still pretty stressful. Christine did not graduate
from high school and moved to St. Louis, after which Christine and
Kim did not communicate for several years. When things didn’t work
out in St. Louis, Christine moved back to Omaha and reconnected
with Kim. Christine had no place to live and no money, but her sister
found her a job at the bar where she worked. While there, the owner,
along with Kim and Christine’s mother, encouraged her to pursue her
GED and go to college.
Not everyone is lucky enough to have someone in their life to help
change it for the better. Someone to influence you, open up new
worlds and experiences, share joys and accomplishments, and be
there with a shoulder to cry on. That person for Christine Matousek
is former Big Sister Kim Coleman. Their strong bond has lasted 24 Christine earned high scores on her GED and received a scholarship
years. Kim and Christine’s relationship would not exist if not for Kim’s to Metro Community College. She received her associate’s degree
biological sister Kris.
and graduated with honors. Christine continued to waitress at
Kim’s sister, Kris, was Christine’s first Big Sister. Kris would often talk various Omaha restaurants, eventually finding a job as a server at
to Kim, who lived in another city at the time, about her Little Sister the Upstream Brewing Company. Management was so impressed
Christine and the fun they had together. But Kris had another calling with her customer service skills they asked if she would help train
in life - to study Theology and that meant leaving Omaha and the the other servers. After seeing how she was impacting her fellow
young girl who depended on her. It wasn’t long, though, before fate wait staff, Christine enlisted Kim’s help to write a job proposal to the
stepped in and Kim and her husband announced that they would management of the Upstream. The management really liked her
be moving to Omaha. Kris immediately suggested to Kim that she proposal and created a brand new position for her and she has been
the Executive Training Manager for three years.
become Christine’s new Big Sister.
Kim got directions and one afternoon, made the drive over to
Christine’s house. Kim introduced herself to Christine’s mother and
then to Christine. It was at that moment that Kim knew she needed
to be involved in Christine’s life. Over the next few weeks, they got
to know each other better and with the permission of Christine’s
mother, they made a visit to Big Brothers Big Sisters and explained
the situation. It was after this meeting that they officially became a
match with Big Brothers Big Sisters. Christine was 12 years old and
Kim was about the same age as Christine’s mother.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Start Something.
“Having job benefits: insurance, 401K, etc. – These are things I never
dreamed of having!” says Christine.
Kim and Christine’s relationship is as strong as it ever has been. They
know each other’s families and children. Both Kim and Christine see
the power and importance of the Big Brothers Big Sisters program
because it has had an impact on both of their lives.
“While you are in the program, you really don’t see the impact you
are having.” says Kim. “It is when your Little grows up or you take a
step back and really see what a difference you made”
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2010
BFKS 2010 Surpasses
for Kid
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands is proud to announce that
Bowl for Kids' Sake 2010 raised over $200,000! This is enough
to support 200 life-changing relationships. We could not have
achieved this without the support of the many participants,
donors, sponsors, area businesses, volunteers, and community
members! Thank you so very much for all your fundraising efforts.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake is Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midland’s
signature fundraising and awareness building event. Each spring,
teams of bowlers, made up of Bigs, donors, corporations, and other
community members raise money for Big Brothers Big Sisters
of the Midlands by asking family and friends for their financial
support. As a thank you, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
hosts a FREE 90-minute bowling session; which also includes FREE
pizza, FREE beer & soda, and the chance to win fun prizes.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2010 involved over 1,400 bowlers from area
companies, Big Brothers Big Sisters volunteers, and the general
community. Through their fundraising, these bowlers started
changing perspectives for children in our community.
Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2010 Sponsors
Presenting Sponsor - Cox Communications
Gold Sponsors
Borsheims, Fraser Stryker PC LLO, Quik Trip
Silver Sponsors
Baird Holm LLP, Brashear LLP, Runza Restaurants,
Westchester Capital Management, Inc.
30 businesses were involved in Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2010, including bowling
teams from PayPal (upper left), Omaha Steaks (left), and West Corporation
BFKS 2010 Pictures on Facebook - Official BFKS photos are
available on our Facebook page.
For a complete list of sponsors, see page 11.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Start Something.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Match Activities
Holiday Carnival
Big Brother Jake Gillen and Little
Brother Mason pose for a picture
with Star Wars stormtroopers
and R2-D2 at the Big Brothers Big
Sisters of the Midlands holiday
Big Sister Ireydisa Gomez-Hall and Little Sister Diana work on an art
project at the holiday carnival.
Big Brother Derrick Crayton and
Little Brother Dashawn play
each other in a game of billiards.
Over 200 guests attended the
Holiday Carnival, which featured
a variety of games and activities
for matches.
Laser Tag
Cinco de Mayo Parade
Pictured from left: Little
Sister Brianna and her
Big Sister Lynn Even, Big
Sister Shayla Addison
and her Little Sister DariAnn, and Little Sister
Adriana get ready for
the start of the Cinco de
Mayo parade in Omaha.
Before their turn at
Laser Tag, Little Brother
Alexander enjoys a game
of UNO with his Big Couple
Andrea and Joe Dorsey.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade
Approximately 65 people marched with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the
Midlands in the St. Patrick’s Day parade. Before the start of the parade,
everyone huddled close together for a picture.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Start Something.
Big Sister Leslie Fagan and Little
Sister Evangeline get ready for the
St. Patricks Day parade.
Big Sister Kaleena Mullen gets a
hug from her Little Sister DorothyJean before the St. Patricks Day
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Match Activities
The Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands Sand in the City team.
Sand in the City
A 16-member team comprised of Big Brothers Big Sisters staff,
Bigs, and Littles took third place in the Omaha Sand in the
City Competition. The team chose a bowling theme for their
sand sculpture. Special thanks goes out to Architect/Engineer
Darin Blair from Calvin L. Hinz Architects, P.C. for assisting the
team, planning the sculpture design and helping to create the
sculpting tools. The Sand in the City competition is a benefit for
the Nebraska Children’s Home Society and featured 350 tons of
sand and 17 local teams.
Summer Picnic
Pictured above: Little Sister
Briana and David Yoble work
on packing sand into a frame
that would later be carved
into a bowling pin. Pictured
upper right: A finished pair of
bowling pins that was included
in the Big Brothers Big Sisters
of the Midlands sand sculptor.
Pictured to the right: The
finished bowling ball featured in
the sand sculpture.
Bigs Honored
Pictured with each
award winner is
Brian Mastre from
WOWT Channel 6.
Pictured above: Several Littles
compete in a potato sack race.
Pictured to the right: Little
Sister Sage and her Big Sister
Bethany Steadman and Little
Brother Mekhi and his Big
Brother Jared Johnson enjoy the
summer picnic.
Bean Bags were flying and hot dogs were grilling at the Big
Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands Summer Picnic. Around 60
Bigs and Littles enjoyed food and activities at Elmwood Park. Bigs
and Littles competed in potato sack races, wheel barrel races, three
legged races, and a water balloon toss. Lunch was provided with
food donated from Omaha Steaks, US Foods, Frito Lay, Pepsi, and
Rotella’s Bakery.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Find additional pictures from Sand
in the City on our Facebook page.
Start Something.
The United Way of the Midlands recognized four BBBSM volunteers
at their 55th annual Volunteer Recognition Luncheon. Big Brother
Don Bend was chosen as a finalist for the Volunteer of the Year in
the Youth/Adult category in recognition of his volunteer service to
youth. Kory White was chosen as a finalist for the Volunteen of the
Year in the Youth/Youth category. This award is given to a youth who
has provided volunteer service to other youth. Big Couple Scott &
Jennifer McCoig were chosen as finalists for the Volunteer of the Year
award in the Couple/Adult category in recognition of their volunteer
service as a couple. Congratulations Don, Kory, Scott and Jennifer!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Short Stories Big Fun Contest
Earlier this year, Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
held a contest on our Facebook page for Bigs, inviting
them to post a brief anecdote or memory that gets at
the heart of mentoring.
We received many wonderful stories. The author of
our favorite short story, Big Brother William Chleborad, won dinner
and game cards at Dave and Buster’s for him and his Little Brother
Joelijah. Thank you to General Manager Paul McCrae and the Omaha
Dave and Buster’s for your willingness to support this contest.
Below are the entries from our Bigs for the Facebook contest.
Big Brother William Chleborad
“Static Mouse: A creative and humorous creation of a ten year old”
Over the nine months I’ve been
meeting with my Little Brother, I
have been updated on the ongoing
adventures of Static Mouse, a super
hero that is half man, half mouse,
and half electricity. Static Mouse
was conceived after my Little
found an old broken computer
mouse, in which he shoved two
orange crayons (rockets). Usually
while driving to or from our
destination, my Little will tell me of new powers, villains and events
of the epic and always entertaining hero. On one occasion, the story
of the evil Dr. Von Doomenhausenburger, whose deviousness is only
matched by the length of his name, was unfurled. The doctor wielded
a weapon called the “Super Sandwich Suit Suckinator,” a giant tube that
descends from the sky and sucks the sandwich shaped foam suits off
the roadside advertisers holding signs for a restaurant. He does this, of
course, because he is hungry.
Big Sister Crystal Rolfes - My little sister and I have been matched
for almost 6 years and our relationship is still very strong. I have had the
privilege to see her grow from a child into a young lady and am very proud
of her each and every day. She is currently a junior in high school and I
cannot wait to see her walk across that stage and accept her high school
Big Brother Pete Gutschenritter - One white out game is fun. But
two white out games? In the same day? That’s a white wash of fun times
and great memories for my Little Brother and I. Two weeks ago, my Little
Brother and I had the opportunity to go to a Creighton Bluejays men’s
basketball game in the afternoon for their annual “White out” game, and an
Omaha Lancers “White out” game in the evening. We’ve gone to several CU
and Lancers games this season, but never two in the same day. Could it be
done? One of our first encounters on the doubleheader day made it clear:
It was going to be a great day. While we were heading up to our seats at
the Qwest Center, a Bluejays fan approached us holding a hand-crafted, allballoon-made basketball hat. She asked us if we wanted it. My Little Brother
didn’t hesitate, exclaiming “Yeah!” With a series of blue balloons strung every
which way, and orange basketball balloons dotting the top, the hat was a
hit. My Little Brother received all kinds of compliments on the hat. “That’s a
great hat!” one woman said. The rest of the day was exactly that: Great.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Start Something.
Big Sister Michelle Kopecky - The first time my Little Sister and I hung
out, the first thing I noticed was how painfully shy she was. I knew it was
crucial that I let her come out of her shell on her own and throughout time
she showed progress. Because my little sister wasn't too outgoing, I always
questioned whether or not I was doing a good job at being a mentor. But
my doubts were soon erased when my little sister had the opportunity to
introduce me to her entire family (She lives with her grandmother). She was
so excited and seemed proud to have her family meet me which made me
feel really special. The best part, they knew all of the fun things we had
done together because they told me that my little sister would talk for days
about our outings.
Big Brother John McVay - My little brother and I have been together for
about 5 1/2 years. He is currently in a hospital recovering from a gunshot
wound. One could attribute a combination of factors as the cause of the
shooting. Family situation, area of town, racism, poverty, gangs, poor
decisions, maybe even not enough time dedicated by his Big Brother. But
now something has changed inside of him. He has a new outlook on his
life. He also tells people that I am his brother, and he tells me he loves me
every time we talk. I have not done anything super for him, or said anything
that made a big impact, or met with him frequently enough. But I believe
it is simply the fact that I have stuck with him, and all those occasions and
conversations have added up to something significant. And of course the
benefits have been mutual.
Big Brother Stuart Chittenden - My Little Brother usually jumps in the
car, immediately pulls a CD from his case and slides it straight into the stereo.
“You’ve gotta hear this. I love this song.” And he’s off - la la la” singing along,
loudly. But it’s not just singing; it’s his passion and even a potential future.
He’ll turn the music down, instruct me on what to listen for, then sing the
lyrics and ask for my feedback on how great his voice is. And it’s good. Most
of the time. So when he got in the car one day recently and made no move,
it was clear all was not well. He spoke of pain, blame, his heart breaking.
The tears flowed. After a while, we drove off silently to spend the evening
together. He returned home still saddened, but calm and reflective. I still
don’t know what happened. It doesn’t matter, though. What matters is that
he could share his turmoil. It also doesn’t matter what we did that evening.
It matters that I was there for him. It matters that he’s singing again.
Big Sister Sherri Harnisch
We’ve been matched for over 6 years! We are different people, but at the
end of the day, are kind-hearted, caring people with compassionate souls.
We both have strong core values. Our differences: I’m the youngest sibling.
She’s the oldest. I’m short (5’3”), she’s tall (5’6”) It’s strange to call her my
“little”! I have short, thin, blonde hair, she has long, thick, brown hair. I have
bright blue eyes, she has beautiful brown eyes! I grew up in a tiny town, she
grew up in the heart of the big ‘O’. Her Junior class has more kids in it, than
my ENTIRE hometown! Movies? I generally pick light-hearted comedies,
she prefers the deeper, more thought-provoking ones. She reads lots of
books, I watch lots of TV. She has a beautiful singing voice. I on the other
hand, can barely carry a tune. In the big scheme of things, all of these minor,
superficial differences do not even matter. When BBBS’s match all of “us”,
they look beyond these minor outward differences and match those with
similar hearts. My little and I both have similar hearts, the “kind” ones!
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Reflection Ball
Special Thanks to Mrs. Kowalewski's 3rd grade class at Belvedere
Elementary for donating their Winners Circle money to Big
Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands. The class wanted to use their
incentive money to help others instead of using it just for fun. They
talked about what organizations in their community are in need,
researched each organization, and decided on BBBSM. Thanks for
helping other kids in the community.
Pictured (from left) Leanne Sotak (Reflection Ball Event Chair),
Karla Rupiper (Midlands Foundation Board President), Nancy
Thompson (BBBSM Chief Executive Officer), Jan Madsen (BBBSM
Board of Directors President), and Tonee Gay (Midlands Community
Foundation Executive Director).
Earlier this year, the Midlands Community Foundation presented
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands with a check for $80,000,
the proceeds from the 2009 Reflection Ball. The annual event is
an important social and fundraising evening for the communities
of Sarpy and Cass counties. Some of the region’s most active
and influential business and community leaders and friends of
Midlands Community Foundation gather together to celebrate at
this elegant charity ball.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands would like to thank all the
volunteers and staff of the Midlands Community Foundation for
all the hard work that went into making the 2009 Reflection Ball a
2009 Midlands Reflection Ball Donors
Julie Bear
Andrew Bennett
Dr. Rick and Kyle Black
SAC Federal Credit Union
Brashear LLP
Dr. Jeff Carstens
Doug and Robin Clark
Charles and Linda Clatterbuck
Rene and Mimi Dreiling
Ron and Kathleen Flock
Tim and Tonee Gay
American Family Insurance Dan Grzywa
Kevin Hensel
William Kathol
Dave Madsen
Keith and Molly Molzer
Chuck and Marlo Monico
Dan and Kathleen Park
Lee Polikov and Terry Calek
Steve Ritzman
Karla Rupiper
Offutt Collision Repair
Rick and Rita Sanders
Greg and Terri Scholting
Fred and Nancy Schwartz
Norm's Door Service
Dr. Jeff and Lisa Strohmyer
American Family Insurance - Ken
Randy and Teresa Sump
Jim and Nancy Thompson
Kevin Thompson
Lynda Thorpe
Margaret White
Dr. Chuck and Donna Wilcox
Home State Bank
Egermier Builders, Inc.
Fullenkamp, Doyle & Jobeun
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Start Something.
Special Thanks to General Manager
Rick Huberty and the Buffalo Wild Wings
locations on 76th and Dodge and Shadow
Lake Towne Center in Papillion for hosting
benefit nights for Big Brothers Big Sisters of
the Midlands. Each night, 10% of the food sales were donated back
to BBBSM. A total of $400 was raised between the two nights.
Special Thanks to all Omaha and Council
Bluffs Rent-A-Center stores for "egging" their
customers to buy $1 colorful BBBS paper
eggs to help kids and families in their local
community during the spring. The nation-wide
promotion raised $250 for our local agency.
Special Thanks to all our supporters who shopped during the
March Give and Get promotion. Customers received 30% off while
shopping at the Gap, Banana Republic, or Old Navy. Five percent of
the total amount each customer spent was donated to Big Brothers
Big Sisters. We received $330.37 from our local shoppers. Thanks
for your support.
Special Thanks to Borsheims
and their “Gold for Kids’
Sake” promotion during
Bowl for Kids’ Sake. BBBSM
supporters could bring their
outdated, broken, or mismatched gold jewelry to the Papio Bowl
or to Borsheims and received cash on the spot. Borsheims then
donated 10% back to Big Brothers Big Sisters. Thanks to our many
supporters, Gold for Kids’ Sake brought in $325 to help support
children in our community.
Wanted: Tickets
Donate your tickets to a local sports contest, concert, play, or
any event to Big Brothers Big Sisters and know that you are
providing an opportunity for a Little to experience something
new! Contact Abby at 402-504-4880 or through email at to make a donation. All ticket
donations are tax deductible.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Thank you Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands Donors
Donors of $25 and above, November 2009 through June 2010
We strive to have an accurate and complete donor list and we sincerely apologize for any errors or omissions.
Is there is a correction, please call our office at 402.505.4132.
$25.00 - $99.00
Becki and Ivan Abdouch
David Ackerman
Barb and Brian Ackley
Acupuncture Center of Omaha
Jennifer Adams
George and Cheryl Adamson
Pat and Doug Adkins
Bill and Donna Ahern
Kim and Greg Ahlers
Mike and Sandy Albers
Steve and Erin Albers
Elizabeth Alejo
Jeremy Allen
Melissa and Danny Allen
Michael and Tamara Allen
Pam Allen
Alaine Alpoalani
Robert Altman
Robert and Diane Ames
Ken Andersen
Corey and Amy Anderson
Doug and Sandi Anderson
Lindsey Anderson
Lori Anderson
Bill Andrews
Samantha Anesi and Adam Payne
Norbert Angell
Anonymous (2)
Michael and Becky App
Barbara Applegate
Madeline Aquino
Chris Arku
Angie Arnold
Sarah Arnold
Greg Ashenfelter
Cassandra L. Astleford
Sharon L Atkinson
Annette and Willard Aughe
Lou Ayala
BTS Custom Floors LLC
Ami and Christopher Baas
Patty and Kevin Bain
Carmen Baker
Chris Baker
Heather Baker
Marilu and Robert Baker
Laura Bancke
Delorah Barber
Mary Barber
Jeffrey 'Shon' and Terri Barenklau
Theresa Barron-McKeagney and Don
Katie and Christopher Barton
Jack and Judy Basye
Ryan Basye
Kristi Batten
Shad and Beth Beam
Shane and Pam Beardslee
Jordan Beccard and Trisha Gysin
Mark and Kelly Beccard
Duane and Mary Beck
Brian Beebe
Mary and John Beerling
Bill Behen
Marc Behrens
Suzanne Bellinger
Tom Bellinger
Dale and Dominga Bellmyer
Dawn Bellmyer
Belvedere Elementary School
Jennifer Patten Benson and Tim Benson
Cristin and John Berkhausen
Brian and Marcy Berry
Ryan Berry
Kate and Mat Bertholf
Audrey Besse
David and Cindy Besse
Kate and Jeff Betsworth
Sujan Bhandari
Sabrina Biancalana
Nancy Bierman
Kelly Bigley
Molly Billings
Jayson Bisbee and Heidi Oettel
Jim Bishop
Rosemary Bishop
Denise and Christopher Blake
Amy Blubaugh
Louis Blyden
Teara Bobenmoyer
Kathy Boicourt
Brandon Bone
Arleen Bong
Heather Bong
Richard Bong
Brandon Borkowski
Susan and Lynn Bose
Linda Bowen
John and Nancy Bowsman
Janice Boyer
Kay Braasch
Dana and Patty Bradford
Thomas Bradford
Woody Bradford
Matt Bradwell
Steve Braesch
Kevin and Aimee Bratetic
Francis Braun
Todd Bray
Bryan and Trudy Bredthauer
Richard and Dorothy Brennan
Jessica Brenner
Andy Brewer
Aundrea and John Bricker
Donna Bright
Sue Brim
Sarah Broadhead
Janna Brock
Kylee Brock
Tod and Linda Brockley
Candice Bromley
Lisa and William Brookhouser
Aaron Brooks
Brown County United Way
Brent Brown
Brian Brown
Carlos Brown
Herb and Kandi Brown
Marla and Warren Brown
Patricia Brown
John and Rosemary Brownrigg
Sara Bruce
Bruening Chiropractic Clinic
Chris Bruner
Matthew Buggi
Corliss Bunas
Joe and Maura Burke
Susan Burkey
Lynn Burlingham
Brian Burns
Robert Busch
Kyle and Kim Buss
Rustin Buysse
Linda Cacioppo
Dick and Judy Campbell
Nick Caniglia
Douglas Cap
Eric Capron
Kathy Carey
Michael Carlson
Zach Carlson and Megan Beaman
Lori Carper
Jenny Carritt
David Carroll
James and Anne Carroll
Hubert J. Carter Jr
William Carter
Shannon Case
Carol Caster
Jason and Wendi Castillo
Chris Cattau
Myles Cavell
Alfred Chacon
Dhana and Joel Chandler
Cindy and Robert Charles
Michael W. Chase
Victor Chavez
JoAnn Checksfield
Lynn Cheney
Jessica Chizek
Dave Chleborad
Lorelee Chleborad
William Chleborad
Steven Christensen
Jennifer Christianson
Stephen Ciesielski
Cole Cippera
Frank Cisneros
Cary Clark
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Kerry Clark
Tami Clay
Mike Clemons
Patty Coco
Don Coil
Robyn Collier
Senesta Collier
Kenneth Cone
Lynn Corbeil and Buster Brown
Jeff Cordell
Tom Coss
Council Bluffs Nonpareil
John Crank
Sharon A. and James C. Cripe
Bob Crisp
Judge Elizabeth Green Crnkovich
David Crowell
Melinda Cummings
Erin Curran
Katie Czerwinski
Janis and Douglas D'Arcy
Mike and Jen Dammann
Brad Davis
Doug DeBolt
Janice DeLoof
Brian DeVeney
Julie DeWitt
Matthew Debolt
Mike and Tricia Decker
Ricardo Delgado
Bill Dempsey
Linda K Dennis
Ashley and Dave Dickes
Melanie and Andrew Dickinson
Larry and Bev Dietrich
Betty and John Dine
Courtney Dionne
Kimberly Doggett
Diana Doherty
Dwayne and Carly Donahoo
Mary Donovan
Debbie and Don Dotson
Tracy and Brendan Dotson
Krista Doty
Robert and Diana Doyle
Michelle and Bob Drake
Kelli and Scott Draper
Kevin Driscoll
Kathy DuVall
Ron Duce
Mike and Sarah Dukich
Danny Dunbar
Britta and Brian Durow
Luke Durr
Gary Dutton
George and Phyllis Dutton
Robert and Rowena Dutton
Shirley and Gerald Dutton
Eric Duwenhoegger
Jason Dvorak
Brad Eckhoff
Scott Edgar
Steven Edge
Luke and Dawn Ediger
Samantha and Christopher Edmisten
Mary Egger
David and Deborah Eggers
Tonya Eggspuehler
Katie Ehlers
Nancy Ehresman
Mark and Jeanne Eibes
Nicole Eisele
Kristen Eisenman
Ryan and Courtney Eklund
Alyssa Eledge
Dave Elsesser
Dan Emanuel
Jack Engdahl
Jeff and Holly Engdahl
Cynthia and Eric English
Julie and Neal Erickson
Mary Ervin
Azucena Escamilla and Juan Rivero
Sheila Estes
William and Mary Kay Estey
Josh Evans
Deb Everson
Robert Fairchild
Family & Juvenile Law Omaha
Thomas Fancher
Start Something.
Tony Fangman
Lorrie Farrell
Jonathan and Kara Fast
Pegeen Fast
Kathleen Fehrman
Catey Ferdinand
Mary and Whitney Ferer
Monique Fiala
Steve Ficek
Gretchen Finke Patras
Joe Finnegan
Jennifer Fisher
Jim and Marianne Fitzgibbon
Rebecca and Rick Fleming
Jerri Fletcher
Jean Flott
Dennis Fogland
Harland Fogle
Ted Fortezzo
John and Kimberly Francavilla
Jim and Jill Frederick
Leo and Janet Frederick
Pam and Mark Frerichs
Kasey Fry
Russell Fude
Dawn and Todd Fuelberth
Anthony and Patricia Fynn
Michael Gaddie
Mary Gaines
Mike and Susie Gallagher
Annetta and James Gallant
Alan and Terri Gangestad
Andrea Gansen and Frederick Hess
Mike and Kathie Garrean
Rashelle and Jim Garrett
Donna and Kurt Garst
Chris Gass
Jacquelyn Genchan
Larry Gendler and Tami Field
Bonnie Gerber
Brian Gerloff
Martha Gilchrist
Ed and Mary Gilmore
Ben and Nancy Glass
Bob Gonderinger
Deborah Goodkin
Kimberly and Stephen Goracke
Chad Gould
Shari Gouldsmith
Jill and Jeff Govier
Dan Graves
Bev J. Gray
Tom Greco
David Greenamyre
Judy Greenhagen
Michael and Michelle Greenwood
Mike Groesser
Linda Grohs
Steve Gruenhagen
Jeff Gude
Julie Guill
Bob and Mary Jo Guinan
Anthony Guliford
Joel Gunderson
Susan Gunderson
Russell and Sandra Guthridge
Julie Gutschenritter
Pete Gutschenritter
Karen Gysin
H&S Contracting
Kyle Haffey
Bill Hahn
Sommer Hahn
Chris Hallgren
Dean and Paula Hallgren
Stan Hallock
Daniel and Jennifer Hamann
Nathan Hamm
Bert Hancock
Amy Hannesson
Catherine Hanrahan
Jane Hansen
Katie Hardenbergh
Steve Harley
Brad Harper
Cristina Harris
Travis Harris
Bernard Harrison
Deb Harrison
Gina Hart
Karin Harvey
RyAnne Hastings
Colleen and Thomas Hawley
Christy and Russ Hayes
Janet Hayes
Abby Headley
Mydge and Christopher Heaney
Mary D. Hegarty
Connie Heitzman
Stacey Heldt
Bill and Mary Katherine Helget
Ben Hemmen
Kristen Hemmer
Kate Hemminghaus
Sandy Henley
Francis and Eva Hennessey
Ryan Henning
Debe Hennings
April and Christopher Henry
Allison Hepburn
Andrea R Hepfinger
Carolyn Herrald
Kim Hess
Josh Hill
Nancee Hill
Robert Hill
Bonnie Kent Hirschman
Kristy and Timothy Hoins
Emily Holden
Dennis Holland
Heather Hollis
Michelle Holm
Tricia Holmes
Kyley Holmstrom
James Holzapfel
George and Marjorie Honore
David and Mary Anne Hoover
Melissa Hoover
Shannon Hoover
Josh Hornbaker
Zsofia Horompoli
Linda Houser
Judy Hovinga
Chris Howard
Jackie and Michael Hrncirik
Richard and Linda Huddleston
Jamie and Tasha Hunt
Markle Hunt
Roderick Hunt
Ben Hunter and Rose Young
Daniel Hunter
Frances Hunter
Candi Hurlbert
Greg Hutteger
Khurshed Isamov
Sancho and Gemelina Israel
John Ivester
Abbey Jackson
Ashley Jacobson
Allison James
Michael James
Dale Janitscheck
Melissa Jefferson
Bernadette and Jere Jenkins
Jennifer and Shane Jensen
Lisa and Kim Jensen
Tim Jensen
Aaron Jepsen
Lindsey Jessen
Mary Jochim
Abby and Preston Johnson
Andrea Johnson
Craig Johnson
Gregory Johnson
Jeff Johnson
Julie and Wes Johnson
Leslie Johnson
Mary Johnson
Rachelle Johnson
Ryan Johnson
Thomas Johnson
Jef Johnston
Jones Insurance Agency, Inc
DiAnn and Lonnie Jones
Kay and Scott Jones
Loren Jorgenson
Jeff Jorth
Nancy and Allen Julius
Adrienne Justsen
Elise Kaczmarczyk
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Kevin Kalil
John S. Kampfe
Kathy Kampschneider
Kiki and Steve Kanne
Deborah Karls
Emily and Andrew Karmazin
Cindy Kastelic
Sally and Duane Katen
Kelly Kaufmann
Mike and LaVonne Kaup
Justyn Kearney
Jim and Ruth Keene
Lisa Keller
Mike and Emily Kelley
Shannon Kelly
Patty Kemler
Missy Kemp
Rod Kempkes
Daniel Kennedy
Laurance and Janet Kennedy
Eileen Kenney
Craig and Shannon Kenton
Steve and Jean Kessler
Glory Kibbel
Lisa Kiichler
Pamela Kilzer
Penny and Butch Kimball
Richard Kimball
Spencer and Cara Kimball
Shanay Kinds
Dave King
Thomas and Melissa King
Jason Kinney
Gary Kipp
JoAnne Kissel
Mike and Jean Kissler
Bob and Tonda Kizer
Chrystal Kjeldgaard
Lauren Kjeldgaard
Anthony Klaumann
Leah Kleager
Mike and Christi Klemme
Doug Kline
Chris and Whitney Klinefelter
Luke Klinker
Gerry Klug
Eric Knight
April Knott
Amy Kochsiek
Dale Koester
Tonya Kogel
Chris Kohout
Thomas Kollasch
Crystal Konecky
Lori and Scott Kortright
David Kratz
Wanda Kreitman
James F. Krejci
Jessie Kremer
Karen Kresnik
Virginia and Harold Krivohlavek
Mara Kronberg
Amanda and Scott Krumbholz
Mike Krumbholz and Joann Cooper
Francis and Pamela Kucirek
John Kuehl
Catie Kuester
Travis and Bridget Kuhlman
Jon Kuker
Nicole Kulper
Tiffaney Kuper
Rick Kutilek
Lance Lachney
Michelle Ladd
Katharine Lamarche-Baker
Mike and Jill Lane
Samantha Lane
Robert Lankford
Greg Lanning
Bob Lanphier
Connie Larson
Terry Lassek
Richard Laux
Lisa Laville
Mark Lavin
Kevin Leahy
Keri Lee
Phyllis and Larry Lee
Amy Leibman
Bob and Karen Lepp
Clayton and Bridget Lewis
Jim and Kelly Lewis
John and Bonnie Lewis
Kyra Lewonas
Stephanie and Stephen Lichtenberg
Boris and Lori Liffring
Lisa and Duane Limberg
Mike Lindau
Matt and Tina Lindberg
Michelle Lindee
Eldon Lindsay
Leigh Lindstrom
Richard and Cynthia Lipprand
Ryan Litherland
Molly Lloyd
Sarah and John Loeffler
Tig Loeffler
Vicki Longwell
Shane Lopez
Ryan Lossi
Laura Low
Gloria Lowder
Bobbie Lowry
Renae Lowther
Mike and Erin Loyd
Katie and Mark Lubbers
Glenn Lund Jr
Lindsay Lundholm
Sharon Lutz
Mark Lynch
Robert MacDonald
Vickie Macafee
Billie Mace
Aubrie Mack
F. William and Susanne B. Magnenat
Bruce Mahrt
Justin and Kim Mahrt
Linda Malfait
Martin and Pam Malley
Mark Malousek
Chris and Rick Mantz
Jordan Mapes
Swapna Marathe
Thomas Marfisi
Karen Markey
Daniel Marquis
Patricia Martin
Christopher Martinez
Ryan Martinson
Barney Marvin
Michael and Renee Masching
Kelsie Maslo
Mele Mason
Amy Mataya
Terri Mathews
Dean Matter
Janice Mattoon
Tim and Ann Mausbach
Lovella Mauseth
Colleen Mayfield
Patti McAtee
Phil and Lana McCallum
Tim and Pam McCallum
Joseph McCann
Kevin and Judy McCarthy
Jodi McClung
Amanda McDonald
Karen McDowell
Mike McFadden
Charles McGavren
Ronnetta and Kevin McGee
Christina and Randall McGeorge
Eric McGhee
Steve McGill
Adam McGinty
Lexi McIlnay
Amy McKay
Dean McKittrick
Connie McKown
Gary and Linda McMeekin
Shirley McNally
Joseph and Suzanne McNamara
Ruby McPhatter
Janette McQueen
Thomas McWethy
Jamie Meadows
Matt and Nancy Meduna
Annette Meheran
Scott Melton
Francie Menard
Paul and Patricia Mendlik
James Merchant
Darlene and Thomas Merritt
Wendy Merritt
Kari and Matthew Metschke
Kelly Metz
Phil and Jane Meyer
William Michael
Matt Michaelsen
Microsoft Matching Gifts Program
Marcia Mika
Mandy Mikulecky
Debbie and Thomas Miller
Jill Miller
Joel Miller
Michael and Rhonda Miller
Samantha and Wayne Miller
Shawn Miller
David Mills
Michael Mills
Jason and Lesha Miner
Margaret and David Mitchell
Monica Mitchell
Pamela Mitchell
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Sharon and David Mize
Beth Moberg
Melvin and Barbara Molzer
Kim Mommsen
Jim and Maureen Monen
Emily and Craig Moody
Brad Moore
Claude D. Moore III
Jeff Moore
Judy Moore
Karla and Charles Moore
Lisa and David Moore
Terry and Debbie Moore
Jeff and Betsy Moran
Caleb and Courtney Morehead
Joe Morehead
Heather Moreland
Sharon and Steven Morford
Matt Morgan
John Morin
James Morley
Scott Morris
Anthony Morrison
Pam Mortenson
Elisabeth Morton
Ruth Muchemore
Jeremy Mueller
Shari and Kevin Munro
Jacob and Kristina Murphree
Murray Drywall
Jerome Musel Jr
Curt 'Bud' Mushlitz
Derek Musselmann
Laura and David Mussman
Stacy Nading
Adrienne Nagle
Stephanie Nahas
Carlos Najera
Cassie Neary
Dee and Daphne Nedrow
Diane and Brian Nelsen
Randall Nelson
Rhonda Nelson
Trevor Nelson
Wendy and David Nelson
Lyndsey Netz
Cindee Nevins
Brandon Newman
Joanna Nguyen
Mai Nguyen
Ashley Nichols
Julie and James Nichols
Kari and Jim Nickman
Devin Nickol
LeAnne Nielsen
Barbara Joan and Terrence Nies
Alex Nigro
Stephanie and Mark Noonan
Kathleen Nosal
Mary Novak
Nancy Novak
Elizabeth Nybakken
Mike and Barb O'Malley
Kenneth and Mary O'Sullivan
Jill Ogg-Gress
Courtney Oles
Cynthia Ondracek
Janis Opperman
Rene Orosco
Lisa Orr
Kathi Ortmeier
Linda Marie and Timothy Ostronic
Andrea and Ryan Oswald
Jon Ott
Outdoor Living LLC
Judy Owens
Bruce Paitz
Denny Palma
Jim Palmer
Jay and Mary Palu
Chom Panyathong
Paul Parr
James J. Paschal
Steve and Regina Paschold
Rob and Amanda Passey
Denise Patocka
Chris Paul
Matt Payne
Clint Pella
Ron Pella
Steve and Jackie Pella
Pam and Terry Penke
Brian Penniall
Barbara and David Pentecost
Cheri Perdue
Joanna Perkens
Peter Kiewit Middle School
Mary E. Petersen
Tina Petersen
Kathryn Peterson
Matt Peterson
Fred Petito
Start Something.
Joey Petito
Janice Pew
Gina Peyton
Dan Pfeffer
Jane R. Phillips
Sammy and Patricia Phillips
Barbara Pickett
Nicole Pierson
Susan and James Pine
Lindsey Pinkham
Nerissa Pintner
Justin and Tamara Pittmann
David Pleiss
Justin Pogge
Pat and Rich Porter
Gayle Portera
Ryan Post
Scott Potter
Megan Potts
Bruce and Nancy Pratt
Moryssa M. Prichard
Tinamarie Probyn
Joe Pruch
Melodie Puffer
David Purcell
Richard Putnam
Christina and Brandon Quindt
Laura Ramirez
Amy Randall
Carly Rando
Mary Lee Ranheim
Lachelle Rankins
Tina Ransier
Karan Ranson-Pettway
Nancy and Mark Rase
Mindy Rath
Liz and Roger Rea
Dale Reckley
Ann Reece
Janet Reeves
Christian Regan
Renee and David Reiff
Mary Reilly
Tom Reilly
Linda Reinard
Creighton Reinhard
Mary Reiser
Walter Renshaw
Dillon Retzlaff
Eric and Laura Rice
Colin Richenbacher
Wayne Richenbacher
Laura Richling
Mary Rieschl
Bryce and Sue Riessland
Deb Righter
Rhonda Riha
Hendry Rilantono
Beth Riley
Dominic Ring
Robin Ringwald
Amos Ripple
Rachel Rittenbach
Michael Roach
Ben Robles
Kim Roecker
Suzanne M. Rogert
Eric Rogge
James Rood
Kimberly Roode
Irene Roseberry
Patrick Roseland
Richie Rosenthal
Lori Rowan-Hull and Brandon Hull
Phil Ruhlman
Rhonda Ryan
Brian Saathoff
Jean Saigh
Jeffrey and Kathryn Sailer
Josh Saltz
Joe and Patti Samson
Julie Samson
Adam Sanders
Anna F. Sanderson
Barbara Sanford
Jim and Liz Santoro
Timothy R. Sanwick
Kelly Sare
Linda Saron
Rivkah Sass
Shane Scales
Mary and William Scarborough
Corrine Scarpello
Steve and Esther Scarpello
Tyler Schaaf
Gretchen and Barton Schawe
Bob Schilling
William Schmelder
Randy Schmidt
Sarah Schmidt
Carolyn and Larry Schmitz
Teresa Schnitker
Susan Scholl
Roy Schroer
Kerri Schuette
Patricia Schultz
Sue Schumacher
Alice Schumaker
Wendy and Shad Schweiss
Kim Scott
Gary and Denise Scrutchfield
Kyle Sczepaniak
Matthew Seem
Steve Senft
Julie Severs and Steve Hall
Catherine Shada
John Shannon
John and Heidi Sharp
Alan and Janey Sharpee
Amy Shaw
Brian Shaw
Charles and Sarah Shaw
Jamason Shed
Molly Sherwin
Robert Shields
Karen Shirk
Peggy Shirley
Michael Sieler
Clare Sierawski
Kieth Simmons and Mary McNamee
Mark Simon
Teresa Simplot
Jolene Simpson
Roderick Sims
Skinner Baking Company
Rosemary Sledge
Bradley and Andrea Smith
Jon Smith
Lois and Anthony Smith
Mary Smith
Nicholas A Smith
Nick Smith
Shawna Smith
Kent Sona
Adam Sortino
Eileen and Rusk South
Vincent Spataro
Linda Speers
Chad Spink
Becky Splichal
Sue Spurlock
Richard and Joyce Stahla
Julie Standerford
William Stark
Desiree Stednitz
Nick and Kari Steinbach
Ryan Steinbach
Dondi Stender
Dave and Cheri Stevens
Spencer and Joy Stevens
Randy Stevenson
Maribeth Stock
George and Mary Stockdale
Chris and Holly Stockman
Kathy and David Stodola
Casey Nicholas Stohlman
Mary K. Stolinski
Jen Stonebraker and Paul Lenagh
Hubert Storer
Vernon and Lee Straw
Doralu and Douglas Streeter
Kenny and Toni Stuart
Jan Stukenholtz
Paul and Mary Stultz
Jane and Patrick Stutzman
Robert Stutzman
Joseph T. Sullivan
Rick Sulskis
Susie's Housecleaning
Roberta Sutton
John Swanger
Tina Swanson
Jennifer Talbot
Dianne Tamayo
Karen and Chris Tatten
Marcia and James Tauriella
Ashley Tegels
Nathan Tenopir
Roselyn Teslow
Amy Tesnohlidek
Thomas Thalken
Eugene and Jeanette Theer
Dale Thelen
Richard Thimgan
Melissa Thompson
Rick Thompson
Jane and Larry Thornton
Glen and Marsha Tiessen
Sara Tingelhoff
Tyree and Alecia Tolbert
Jamie Toledo
Brandon and Tanya Tomjack
Kevin and Dianne Towey
Karla and Joseph Townley
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Amy Townsend
Bob and Maureen Toy
Brenda and Alan Trask
Marshall Treat
Laurie True
Ronald Turner
Seung Yong Turner
Katie and TJ Twit
Jeremy Tworek
Fred Uhe
Tina Uhing-Sila and Nick Sila
David Ulch
Julia Ulrich
Adam Urkoski
Terry Vail
Robert Van Haute
Cristy VanCamp
Raschelle Vanburen
Sara and Ryan Vander Helm
Steve VanderHelm
Avon Vandewege
Sherry and Eldon Vanness
Kassie and Chris Vaughan
Ben Vazquez
Frank Velasco
Isaiah Velasquez
Scott VerBracken
Jennifer and Erin Vik
Tom and Beverly Vitamvas
Carissa Volentine
Katie Von Oldenburg
Michelle Vonderfecht
Tim and Char Vonderfecht
Judy and Kenneth Vonseggern
Rick Vroman
Paula Wachholtz
Carlee and Eric Wadell
Matt Wafer
John and Abbey Walker
Jianke Wang and Weiwei Zhao
Helen Ward
Kori and Greg Ward
Maryann Ward
Michaela and Timothy Ward
Kathy and Kirby Warren
Rick Warren
Chris Washburn
Allison Watson
Patrice Watson
Andre and Patricia Watts
Brenda and John Way
Cindy Weatherford
Bonnie Weaver
Tom Weinandt
Sara Weinmeister
Kevin and Sara Weiss
Elizabeth and Daniel Weist
Patty Weist
Andrew Welch
Pat Welch
Jill West
Nancy West
Todd West
Heather Westerman
Western Iowa Newspapers
Robin Westfall
Brian Weyant and Rebecca Kleeman
Doug White
Lydia L. and Steve White
Mark and Barb White
Rose and Michael White
Michael and Tara Whitmire
Peggy Whitsit
Gale and Judy Wickersham
Chad Wieseler
Mary Wilcox
Cheryl and Richard Wild
Leslie Wild
Zach Willard
Diane and Samuel Willcoxon
Kalia Williams
Veronica Williams
Kristin Williar
Christopher and Misty Wilson
Joe Wilson
Wayne Wilson
Susan Wimmer
Jeff Wingert
Katie Withrow
Al and Margaret Wittmann
Chip Wittrock
Tyler Wolford
Angela and John Wolken
Pete and Vicki Wood
Marsha Woodard
Jeanette and Lavern Work
Ann Workman
Steve and Stacy Wozniak
Heather and Scott Wright
Jesse Wright
Lauren Wright
Lowell and Elizabeth Wright
Tim and Janell Wyatt
Leanne Yarpe
Pam Yarpe
David Yoble
Loretto Young and Mark Winkler
Robyn Young
Keith Yungerberg
Zach Taylor Painting Plus Inc
Toni Zaiser
Martha and Bob Zajicek
Randy and Patti Zerzan
Jenny and Chris Zimmers
Teresa Zuehlke
Michelle Zych and Ian Waters
$100.00 - $249.99
A & M Appraisals
John and Lorie Abbott
David and Nancy Abboud
Rebecca J. Adams
Mark and Leesa Adamson
Greg and Kim Adel
Jerry and Michelle Altilio
Rod and Kim Anderson
Ryan J. Anderson
Anonymous (4)
Joe and Cheryl Arbona
Deanna Armstrong and Thad Woods
Dan Arntz
Andrea Auen
Dawn Baker
Toni Baker
Jack and Lynne Baldwin
Thomas and Jamie Barker
Joe Bateman
Daniel and Helene Baustian
Charissa Beard
Shelia and Gary Beck
Michael Behle, DDS
George and Nancy Behringer
Daniel Belostecinic
Cathy Bennett
Curt Bennett
Rod Bennett
Robert Benzel
Rick and Nancee Berger
Richard and Pam Berry
Sharon Beschorner
Best Trucking Co., Inc
Mary and Ben Bickels
Greg Bishop
Jesse Black
Rick and Kyle Black
Alicia Blackburn
Randell and Sharon Blackburn
William Blizek
Evan Blyden and Katherine Hunter-Blyden
Connie Boeka
David Boocker
Matt Bosch
John and Debra Bothof
Lauri and Kevin Bousema
Mark and Christina Braasch
Michael and Melainie Brandon
John Brennan and Maureen Tierney
James Brix
Broadmoor Development Co
Buffalo Wild Wings
Doug Buhrman
Fae Buller
Gerald Byers
CSG Systems
Ann Cannon
Tom Carney
Melanie Caster
Shelia and Chris Caubarrus
Linda and Francis Cavlovic
John Challas
Lily Chang
Kristi Cheloha
John and Tina Cherica
Curtis L. and Susan M. Christensen
Dennis Christiansen
Brian and Janet Clark
Jane and Abraham Colpitts
Melisa Comes
Mike Compton
Mark Cone
James Conway
Ben and Claire Copple
Matthew Couch
Jim Crampton
Jessica and Dylan Cruse
Cubby's Inc
Mike and Deb D'Alfonso
D-Bar Inc
Kelly Dahl
Rick Darrell
Sandy and Thomas Dasenbrock
Phil and Mary Davidson
Jan Davis
Dave and Margo DeBar
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. Lance Deal
Mary Deichert
Alison Dempsey
Susan Dennis
Susie Devney
Corey Dickmeyer
Nicholas and Agne Dizona
Nate and Meg Dodge
Sandy and Kate Dodge
Cindy Doerr
Jim Dondlinger
James and Sandra Donlon
Tony Dowling
Mark Dreiling
Charles and Linda Duckworth
Denise Duracinski
Debby Durham
Carol Ebdon
Lenora and Charlie Edge
Julie Edwards
Ronald and Mary Eggers
Marion and Christine Eisele
Jill and Steven Ell
Rachel and Christopher Engebretson
Shawn Engel
Paul Ernatt
Kelli Evans
Exclusive Repair, Inc
Amber and Brian Fahey
Bill and Deanne Fairfield
Jim Faylor
Michele Feichtinger
Frank Ferguson
Ranae Firchau
Lynn and Roy Fitzgibbon
Gayla Fletcher
Fraternal Order of Eagles 3943
Bob and Belinda Frederick
Mark and Kristi Frei
Mikki and Jim Frost
John and Cathie Fullenkamp
G S Electric
James and Irene Garbina
John and Becky Garlock
Carol and Edward Gates
Mary Gerant
Jessica Gerken
Ryan and Brady Gibson
Ron and Jean Gordon
Gary Gotsdiner
Trevor Gottula
Seth Graber
Kathy Grandsaert
Mark Grieb
Audrey Guill
Pat Guinan
Sue Hadnot
Vickie Hagen
Vickie and Paul Hagen
Donna Hagglund
Lisa and Kevin Hall
Linda and Paul Hammes Sr
Laura and Ramsey Hanson
Skip Hanson
Betty Harris
Virgil Harris
Jason Hartman
Robert Hasebroock
Brenda and Mark Hasenjager
Sharon Hatfield
David D. and Debra J. Hayes
Margaret Haynes
Bob Heeks
Blake Hembree
Michelle Hendricks
Jerome Heppelmann
Larry Heppelmann
Antonio and Rebecca Hernandez
Wanda Herrera
Charles and Shannon Herrick
Cyndi Hevi and Eric Hevi-Doglan
Dan Hicks
David Hilal
Mark Himler
Brad Hinton
Karen Hobbs
Paul and Diane Holubeck
Thomas Houghton
Jacqi Hrabik
Tim Huerter
Marty Huff
Steven and Ann Huff
Kristine Hull
Christy Hummel
Lauren and Michael Hupp
Milan Iricanin
Kay and Chris Jessen
Koley Jessen
Melissa Jewell
Nakia Jimerson
Genina Johnson
Nancy Johnson
Start Something.
Bryan and Joy Jones
Daniel Troy Jones
Jill and Charles Jones
Tammy Jones
Andy and Robin Kammerer
Matt and Lori Kardell
Mel Kaup
Michael Kearney
Kathy Kennedy and Bob Bertrand
Edwin Kindig
Lance Kirby
Pat Kiscoan
John Kissel
Joe Klein
Mary Knight
Robert and Julie Knight
Kim and John Koenig
Joe and Victoria Kohout
Christopher Kopiasz
David and Beth Kozal
David and Vicki Krecek
Sharon Kresha
Steve and Ruth Kros
Caroline Krueger
Lori Kuhlmann
Donna Kush
LBT, Inc
Jim and Diny Landen
Jon and Nora Langenfeld
Marie Larchick and Art Haney
Mark Laughlin and Theresa Graham
Bruce Lauritzen
Clark and Emily Lauritzen
Zach Leatherman
Ralph Lee
Brenda Leichtenberg
Charles and Kristin Lewis
Nancy and Jim Lichtenberg
Lift Solutions
Stephen and Amy Lindsay
David Lockard
Bob and Kathleen Lodes
Liliana Londono
Christine Lundgren
Katie Macaitis
Ryan Madigan
Natalie Magnuson
Maureen Mahoney
Ken and Lisa Mar
Samuel J. Marchese
Sasha Markovic
Timothy and Jennifer Matulka
Karen Mayfield
Chip McAullife
Warrenetta McDaniel
Lorne McFadden
Bethany McGhee
Sarah McGowan
Tyler McLeod
Christopher McMeekin
Joseph McNamara
Shari and Robert Mcintire
Aimee and Robert Melton
Ross Merten
Katie Messinger
Harlan and Cherie Metschke
David and Sue Meyers
Diane Michalski
Mile High United Way
Jennifer Miller
Gloria Dennise Mills
Mick Mines
MirMeg Cartage
Robert Mitchell
Andy and Allison Mixan
Tory and Jeanette Moeller
Troy and Melissa Molstad
Chuck and Marlo Monico
Scott and Wendy Moore
Gerry Morrow
Lynn Mortensen
Jeany and James Morton
Craig and Betty Moser
Rhonda and Roger Motz
Mark and Julie Mowat
Sigrid and Mike Moylan
Carol and Rudy Mudra
Matt Muehling
Karen Mulder
Sarah Murray
Brian Naffziger
John and Kathy Nahas
Josh Nelson
Larry and Wendy Neppl
Grant and Katherine Novak
Alison and Daniel O'Neill
Cindy Oelke
Brian Orme
Donald and Rita Otis
Dee Owen
Martha Paredes
Austin Park
Penny and Steve Parker
Sherry Pedersen
Jim and Lois Peery
Richard Pelshaw
Linda and James Perkins
Becky Perrett
Rick Pesek
Andre and Jennifer Pessini
Elishia Petersen
Troy and Raquel Pfannenstiel
Michael and Annika Phillips
Sarah Phillips
Tyson Phillips
Jeff Plaxton
Mary Porter
Jamie Posey
Jack and Karen Prewitt
R.J. Meier & Sons, Inc.
Jere Ramsey-Lester
Susan Randall
Virgil Rankin
Mary Reckmeyer
Cherry Regino
Tim and Cindy Reilly
Paul and Cheryl Reinsch
Wanda 'Gay' Rich
Don Ricketts
Greg and Victoria Rihanek
Cris and Mark Ringsdorf
Patrick Riordan
Susan Rippey
Kathy Ritonya
Rick Rivera
Gary Robbins
Troy Romero
Jim and Pat Rosenquist
Tim Rosenthal
Jeff Ross
Thomas Rossi
Peggy Rostan
Eugen and Darcee Rothe
Matthew Rudloff
Fred and Sarah Rusche
Mark Russell
Craig and Molly Sall
Theresa and John Sanley
Jon and Marilyn Saunders
Dan and Barb Scanlan
Joseph Schafer
Lisa Schellenberg
Angie Schendt
Schering Plough Workplace Giving
Tom Schildhauer
Laurie Schlender
Heidi Schlotzhauer
Tobin and Molly Schropp
Pamela Schwalb
Judy Schweikart
Amy Scott
Todd Sedlacek
Jessie Shannon
John and Sheila Sharp
Mandy and Matt Shelsta
Jeremy and Danielle Shultz
Sid Dillon Chevrolet-Oldsmobile-Pontiac Inc
Frank Sierawski
William and Lynette Singer
Shawna and Nicolas Singhoff
Rebecca Smart
Kelli Smith
Melissa Smith
Tom Smith
Jerelyn Snyder
Jim Speidel
Steven Stangl
Robert Stebbins
Michelle Steinbeck
Justin Steinhauser
Chuck and Christine Stevens
Stewart Airport Parking
Andy Stine
Steve and Rhonda Stratman
Jeff and Lisa Strohmyer
Dave Sturgeon
Mike Sturgeon
Jean and Mike Stutzman
Gerard Sullivan
Duane Surman
Dawn Sutter
Keith Swanson
Tate & Sons, Inc
The Home Depot Political Action
Mary and Frank Theiler
John Thomas
Matthew Thomas
Gary and Karen Thompson
Joseph and Michelle Thompson
Matt and Julie Thompson
Scot and Ellen Thompson
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Hal Thomsen
Roberta and Christopher Tiehen
Justin Tomlin
Emily Tonniges
Cody Townsley
Daren Trammell
Tim and Terri Traudt
Mark and Ursula Treinen
Mary Treinen
John and Ruth Tresemer
Joshua and Michelle Tresemer
Robert and Dawn Truax
Cuba Tucker
Jerry and Ann Turgeon
Cathie Turner
Shelly Uhing
Joseph and Karen Verdirame
Rene Volentine
Tim and Mary Wahl
Cindy Ward
Roger and Diane Warin
Gary Wasdin
Demetrius and Karen Watson
Craig Webster
Shawn Wederquist
Jeremiah Weichman
Arnold and Anne Weitz
David Welch
Jamie Welliver
Winifred Foxley Wells
Terry and Chris Wendlandt
Barbara West
Jeffrey West
Bob and Kim Whitehouse
Stacey Whittington
Sara Whitwer
Steve and Brigid Wilkening
Steven Willey
Alex Williams
Richard and Susan Williams
Ed and Linda Willis
John Wilmers
Drew Wilson
Carol Wisecarver
Diane and Bryon Witzel
Ryan and Staci Wolf
Tina Woodworth
L. James and Angie Wright
Lovell J. Wright
Dan Yax
Lisa and Jeff Yosten
Mary Kay Young
Kristi Ysusi
Ed and Sally Zachary
Richard and Janet Zehnacker
Wendy Zweifel
Mike deFreitas
$250.00 - $499.99
John Almeida
Rick and Ann Anderson
Anonymous (6)
Shari and Don Becher
Gloria A. Billingsley
Black Hills Corporation
Roger Blauwet
Kate Bradley
Buffalo Wild Wings
Christopher D. Campbell
Charleston Homes
Kresha and James Connolly
Cubby's Inc.
Mark Davis
Mitchell Davis
Dennis and Ruth Duffy
Mary Egr Edson
Ron and Shirley Eike
John W. Ewing Jr and Viv Ewing
Tom and Darlynn Fellman
Feltz WealthPLAN
Bill and Barb Fitzgerald
Mary Focht
Dave Garrison
Mimi Gleason and Jeffrey Post
Larry and Shirley Good
Dale and Mary Gubbels
Dan and Kaylie Guinan
Hair Technology, Inc
Robert Hancock
Sandra and Mike Hansen
John Hartigan
Scott Hazelrigg
Geof and Constance Heiden
Edward H. Hengemuehler
Tim Higgins and Patty Zieg
Jerry and Cookie Hoberman
Russell Horine
Ike & Roz Friedman Foundation
Denise Kellar
Katie Kelly
Bill and Linda Kenedy
Kohll's Pharmacy
Larry Kroeker
Melissa A. Kucks
Clarence and Mary Landen
Doug and Susan Lash
Leslie Salvage Inc
Felix Lopez Hernandez
Mike Macholan
Ann Mactier
Tim Maxwell
Kristina McCallum
Medical Solutions, Inc
Mick & Associates, P.C.
Steve and Jeanne Miller
Frank and Penny Mitchell
Don Moray and Beth Ryan
No Frills Supermarkets
Joe and Kathy O'Connor
One Source, The Background Check
Dean Peterson
Pfizer United Way Campaign
Sheri and Jim Pinegar
Karl and Arlene Porzelt
Jo Ann Quinif
Real Property Appraisals
Curtis and Jo Ann Reed
Rent-A-Center Corporate Headquarters
Benjamin Rouch
James and Donna Rouch
George Rozmarin
Gerry Sanderson
Mike Scherr
Diane and David Sczepaniak
Security Benefit
Jason and Michelle Smithberg
Ken Stoll
Drew Hallock and Kelli Sweet
Mary Kay Thalken
Kevin Thompson
U.S. Foodservice
US Foods
Union Bank and Trust
Erik and Susie Wagner
Elisa Weaver
Chad and Kristi Werner
Zachry Engineering Corporation
$500.00 - $999.99
Jeff and Jane Alseth
Mary Joy Anderson
Anonymous (1)
Arby's Foundation, Inc
The Ark Group, LLC
David and Lea Bailis
Jean Ann Ballinger and Ward Peters
Pat Bourne and Renee Fry
Robert Braun and Mary Heng Braun
Larry Breeden
Jean Douchey and Wade Pearson
Robert and Karen Duncan
Frank Fisher
Rhonda Gibler
Barry and Kristen Gideon
Jeff and Danielle Gordman
The Greenbrier Companies
Mark Herbst
Monty Horine
Jim and Joan Jensen
Lori E. Kastrick
Jack and Stephanie Koraleski
Robert and Nina Kotick
Sheryl Lindau
Millard Lumber
Loren Miller
Michael and Erin Murnan
Marcia and Patrick Murray
Nebraska Furniture Mart
Murray and Sharee Newman
Online Trucking
Mark Pace
John Rebrovic and Linda Burt Rebrovic
Michael and Elizabeth Rock
Richard and Carol Russell
Ronald and Barbara Schaefer
Sue and Steve Seline
Sharee and Murray Newman Fund
Michael and Lin Simmonds
Alfred and Patricia Suarez
Timothy Svoboda
Bob and Sharon Swartzbaugh
Nichole and Kevin Turgeon
Robert and Christy Turner
Watie White and Katie Weitz-White
Woodmen of the World
James and Shirley Young
eBay Foundation's Champion a Charity
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. $1,000.00 - $2,499.99
Aarhus Associates
Krista and Mickey Anderson
Anonymous (2)
Baird Holm LLP
Jon and Danielle Baker
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska
Brashear LLP
Frank Cristelli
Sid and Dawn Dinsdale
Mike and Kathy Gross
Jamie Gutierrez
Paul and Marge Hartnett
J. Michael Hemmer
Matt and Donna Johnson
William and Sharon Kellstrom
Steven and Kelly Kontz
Steve Lathrop
Bill and Jodie Mackintosh
Sam and Lynn Marchese
Mike and Nancy McCarthy
Jim McGill
Douglas and Joan Murray
Pinnacle Bank
Todd Strubbe
Jim and Deb Suttle
Jim and Nancy Thompson
David and Wendy Treinen
West Corporation
Westchester Capital Management, Inc.
Ed and Jackie White
$2,500.00 - $4,999.99
Armstrong McDonald Foundation
Bank of the West
Booz Allen Hamilton
Borsheim's Fine Jewelry and Gifts
First Data Corporation
Fraser Stryker PC LLO
Susan L. and Gregor Henricks
QuikTrip Corporation
Bruce and Stacy Simon
Joe and Theresa Thibodeau
Red and Jann Thomas
Union Pacific Railroad
Wally and Barbara Weitz
$5,000.00 - $9,999.99
Anonymous (2)
Jim and Lyn Bohan
Michael Cassling
Cox Communications
Jerry and Ann Crouse
Tim and Linda Daugherty
Henry A. Davis
Charles and Margaret Eisele
Friedland Family Foundation
Carol Gendler
Gilbert M. and Martha H. Hitchcock
Greenbriary Equity Group LLC
Scott and Cindy Heider
Fred and Teresa Hunzeker
Lincoln Financial Foundation
David and Jan Madsen
Omaha Steaks
Ray and Ann Pape
Peter Kiewit Sons', Inc.
Kim and Andy Reeves
David Rogers and Teresa Romanek
Martha and David Slosburg
Stanley and Dorothy Truhlsen
$10,000.00 - $24,999.99
Lozier Foundation
Mutual of Omaha
Nebraska Crime Commission
Nebraska Department of Health and
Human Services
Omaha Community Foundation
The Phillip and Terri Schrager Foundation
$25,000 +
Administration for Children and Families
Iowa West Foundation
Midlands Community Foundation
Todd and Betiana Simon
United Way of the Midlands
William and Ruth Scott Family Foundation
Start Something.
Special Thanks
InKind Donors
Amazing Pizza Machine
American Gramaphone
Anthony's Steakhouse
Armstrong Cleaners
Jon and Danielle Baker
Jeff Bizal
Boston Market
Carlos O'Kelly's
Mike Casper
City of Papillion
Julie Cobb
Cox Communications
Creighton University Athletic Department
Croker, Huck Kasher, DeWitt, Anderson &
Gonderinger, LLC
Katie and Gary Crump
Cupcake Island
Scott Dalton
Dave and Buster's
Larry and Bev Dietrich
Durham Museum
Eileen's Cookies
Embassy Suites Omaha-LaVista, Hotel &
Conference Center
Family Fun Center
Dave and Diane Flynn
Larry Gendler and Tami Field
Michael F. Gerdes
Kristen and Brian Gohr
Pete Gutschenritter
Hawks Foundation
Edward H. Hengemuehler
Chris Jacobsen
Tim Jensen
Melissa Jewell
Matt and Lori Kardell
Kathy Kennedy and Bob Bertrand
Deb and Ken Kraushaar
Judy Kudym
Lamar's Donuts
Dave Larson
Lauritzen Gardens
Bob Lausten
Scott Lausterer
Mike and Susan Lebens
David and Jan Madsen
Brenda Mainwaring
Matt Wayne Salon
Dave Neubauer
Darren and Sherri Obrecht
Omaha Community Playhouse
Omaha Royals
Omaha Symphony
One Source, The Background Check
Papio Fun Park
Physicians Mutual Insurance Company
Polina Poluektova
Qdoba Mexican Grill
Rave Motion Pictures
Tim and Cindy Reilly
James and Sara Rogers
Sgt. Peffer's Cafe Italian
Shadow Lake Town Center
Todd Sharpee
Paul and Annette Smith
Southwest Airlines Co.
State Beauty Supply
Ken Stills
Ted & Wally's
The Solas Distillery & Lucky Bucket Brewery
Jim and Nancy Thompson
Kevin Thompson
Larry Troudt
Jerry and Ann Turgeon
UNO - Athletic Department
Upstream Brewery
Village Pointe
Mike Vincent
Impact Circle
Cindy and Mogens Bay
James and Lyn Bohan
Esther and Daniel Brabec
Michael Cassling
Jerry and Ann Crouse
Tim and Linda Daugherty
David Day Associates
Henry A. Davis
Mike and Terri Dunlap
Friedland Family Foundation
Carol Gendler
Daniel and Jennifer Hamann
Deryl and Ramona Hamann
Howard and Rhonda Hawks
Scott and Cindy Heider
Susan L. and Gregor Henricks
Richard Holland
Fred and Teresa Hunzeker
Mike and Susan Lebens
Lozier Foundation
David and Jan Madsen
Mike and Nancy McCarthy
John and Anne Nelson
Omaha Steaks
Ray and Ann Pape
Precision Industries
Ron and Teri Quinn
Kim and Andy Reeves
Pete Ricketts and Susanne Shore
David Rogers and Teresa Romanek
The Phillip and Terri Schrager Foundation
Alan and Anne Simon
Bruce and Stacy Simon
Fred and Eve Simon
Todd and Betiana Simon
Martha and David Slosburg
Paul and Annette Smith
Stanley and Dorothy Truhlsen
Union Pacific Railroad
Jane Huerter Weekly
William and Ruth Scott Family Foundation
* Three Impact Circle members wish to
remain anonymous.
Gifts in Honor of:
Mark and Sue Adel
From: Greg and Kim Adel
Susan L. and Gregor Henricks
From: Security Benefit
Ray and Ann Pape
From: George and Marjorie Honore
Ed and Sally Zachary
Todd and Betiana Simon
From: Shari Gouldsmith
Deb Righter
Karen Shirk
Gifts in Memory of:
Jesse Cavanaugh
From: Jean Ann Ballinger and Ward Peters
Ruth Barrett
From: Christine Lundgren
William James Benham
From: John and Lori Berglund
Bill Kirk
From: Jennifer and Erin Vik
Chris Muller
From:Wanda Kreitman
Kenneth and Mary O’Sullivan
Jim and Pat Rosenquist
Richard and Joyce Stahla
Karen Rozmarin
From: George Rozmarin
Bill Walker
From: Red and Jann Thomas
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Special Thanks
Bowl for Kids’ Sake 2010 Sponsors
Little Moments Big Magic
Giving Society
Presenting Sponsor - Cox Communications
Gold Sponsors
Borsheims, Fraser Stryker PC LLO, QuikTrip
Match Maker
Anonymous, Pat Bourne and Renee Fry, Eric and Cynthia Butler, Mike and Kathy Gross,
Jamie Gutierrez, Paul and Marge Hartnett, Steven and Kelly Kontz , Steve and Ruth Kros,
Jim McGill, Michael and Erin Murnan, Douglas and Joan Murray, Marcia and Patrick
Murray, Omaha Standard, Inc, Mike and Anna Sortino, Todd Strubbe ,
James and Deborah Suttle, Jim and Nancy Thompson, and Ed and Jackie White
Friend Maker
Jeff and Jane Alseth, Anonymous, Jim and Joan Jensen, Bill and Jodie Mackintosh,
Timothy and Jan Pugh , Alfred and Patricia Suarez, and David and Wendy Treinen
Silver Sponsors
Baird Holm LLP, Brashear LLP, Runza Restaurants,
Westchester Capital Management, Inc.
Bronze Sponsors
Blue Cross Blue Shield of Nebraska, Millard Lumber, Nebraska Furniture Mart, PayPal, and Woodmen of the World
Lane Sponsors
Black Hills Energy, Cubby’s, Charleston Homes, Feltz WealthPlan, Kohll’s Pharmacy & Homecare, No Frills Supermarket,
Onesource - The Background Check Company, Real Property Appraisals, Union Bank and Trust Company, and Zachry Engineering.
InKind Sponsors
Duane Svec Advertising, LaMar’s Donuts, Lucky Bucket Brewing Company, KOZN 1620 AM Omaha’s ESPN Radio, Neely Manufacturing,
Oriental Trading Company, and Qdoba Mexican Grill.
Special Thanks - WOWT Channel 6
Special Thanks to WOWT Channel 6 for choosing Big
Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands as their featured local
non-profit for July-August 2010. For six months, WOWT will feature a BBBSM tile
on their home page that links to our own homepage. They are also producing
a PSA that will air on both WOWT and 62O for the six month period. Look for it
soon on Channel 6 and our webpage.
Follow us on
Facebook & Twitter
If you have accounts on Facebook or Twitter, please
like us on Facebook and become a Twitter follower
of Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands. We will
be sharing all sorts of information: updates, stories,
videos, and fundraising events.
To become a Facebook Fan of Big Brothers Big Sisters
of the Midlands, log into your Facebook account and
in the Search box type "Big Brothers Big Sisters of the
Midlands." Our logo should appear, and all you need
to do is click the "like" button. To view our Twitter
page, just go to
Start Something on Facebook and Twitter, get
connected with Big Brothers Big Sisters of the
Pictured are the matches that took part in the filming of the new Big Brothers Big
Sisters of the Midlands PSA. The filming took place at the Channel 6 studios. Pictured
are front row (from left) Little Brother Angel, Little Brother Antonio, and Little Brother
Ky’Antre. Pictured in the back row are Big Brother Mike Molacek, Big Couple Jerry
and Lisa Lopez, and Big Brother Stuart Chittenden. The new PSA also features several
donors, Bigs, and Littles.
Do you have questions about
becoming a BIG?
Attend an Informational Session Today!
Visit to view a schedule
or call Diane at 402-505-3075.
BIG News
Big Brother Stuart
Chittenden and Little
Brother Ky’Antre take part
in an interview for the web
with WOWT Channel 6
intern Jeff Packer.
Donate. Volunteer. Advocate. ©2010 Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands
Published two times annually
Design by Jim Frederick, Marketing/Events Coordinator
Start Something.
Big Brothers Big Sisters of the Midlands.
Our Little Guys Need Big
Guys Like You!
Start Something.
[Real Men Mentor]
10831 Old Mill Road, Suite 400 Omaha, NE 68154
Call 402.905.3335 or visit
to get your own Little Brother.