June - Studio City
Vol. VII No.9 & the Neighboring Communities of N. Hollywood, Valley Village & Tarzana June 2015 www.shermanoaksstudiocitynews.com TOM LABONGE BIDS CD4 “ADIOS” Saturday June 6 Get amazing book deals at the Friends of the ERMED UT Encino Tarzana Library two-day book sale on Friday, June 5th and Saturday, June 6th from 9:30 By Tom LaBonge A.M. to 5 P.M. The Encino-Tarzana Library is I always knew that my life’s located at 18231 Ventura Blvd. at Nestle Ave. work would be in service to the (818.343.1983) City of Los Angeles, but to have T Monday June 8 Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council meets second Monday of each month. 4-6:30pm. Sherman Oaks Elementary School Auditorium. 14755 Greenleaf St. 818-503-2399 Saturday June 13 Friends of the Sherman Oaks Library Book Sale. 9:30 am – 1:30pm 818-205-9716 for more details Wednesday June 17 SOHA monthly meeting presents City Hall Comes to Sherman Oaks. Representatives of City Departments will answer your questions. Other elected officials will also be represented, as well as the police department. Dinner is served. , 7:15 program starts, social hour starts at 6:15 pm. Notre Dame High School, Woodman @ Riverside. Www.ShermanOaks914.com Studio City Neighborhood Council Board of Directors open to the public. Light refreshments 6:30 pm. CBS Studio Center. 4024 Radford Ave. Studio City enter Gate A to be directed to the meeting. 818-655-5400 The San Fernando Valley Multiple Myeloma Support Group meets on Wednesday, June 17, Cont. pg. 16 What’s Inside served as Councilmember of the Fourth District for the past fourteen years has been more than I could have ever imagined. My role as Councilmember for the Fouth District of the City of Los Angeles is the culmination of a lifetime spent in service to my native city. I have worked in some capacity for the City of Los Angeles for almost four decades. My journey at City Hall started back when I was on Mayor Bradley’s Youth Council. I remember how rewarding it felt when I could help someone out. I just knew from the beginning that this was going to be my life’s work – serving the people of Los Angeles in any way I could. I first took office in 2001, in a special election to replace my dear friend and political mentor the late great John Ferraro. I was honored to be subsequently re-elected to four-year terms in 2003, 2007, and 2011. Nothing has been more fulfilling than representing the LaBonge holds City Council Proclamation At Griffith Park Observatory celebrating its 80th anniversary. people of Council District Four and being able to enact the changes that have improved the lives of all in this exceptional City. Los Angeles is truly a city without equal opportunity and its diversity can be seen within the Fourth District. Whether it is the vistas of Griffith Park, the Hollywood Bowl, cruising through the historic streets of Sherman Oaks, the museums and parks of the Miracle Mile, or the local shopping and dining of Larchmont Village, our district showcases the best of what our City has to offer. During my time as City Councilmember, I’ve fought hard to keep and enhance the features that make our district unique. I will always count the acquisition of Cahuenga Peak as open space for Griffith Park as one of my greatest achievements in office, and it would not have been possible without the immense support from local communities such as your own. The approval of new Historic Preservation Overlay Zones will maintain the signature character of many neighborhoods, and investments made in our streets with resurfacings, green medians and other beautification efforts districtwide have made all neighborhoods safer and more inviting to drivers and pedestrians alike. As my time as City Councilmember for the Fourth District comes to an end, I would like to thank each and every one of you for your love and support of the City of Los Angeles. More than any park, landmark, or business, it is the people of Los Angeles that make our City the best in the world in which to work and live. For now, this is not a goodbye but a mere “See you around” as Los Angeles is my home and I will in some capacity continue to work and Cont. Pg. 16 Los Angeles Youth Orchestra previews The Vienna/Prague tour. Shuman at Large..................... 5 Scoops....................................... 12 Galatzan................................... 6 Paul Krekorian........................... 5 Paul Koretz................................. 6 Tom LaBonge............................ 1 Gerald Silver.............................. 6 Bentley’s Beat.......................... 12 Anna Terra .............................. 8 Talk DVD................................... 15 Spirited Encounters..................... 8 Valley Curtain Call................... 15 Education Corner.......................... O VETERAN TAKES HIS LEAVE AS COUNCILMEMBER 7 The Los Angeles Youth Orchestra in the Spotlight By Elizabeth Kate Clear your calendar and make way for a marvelous display of local talent! On Sunday, June 21, 2015, at 3:00 pm you will have the ultimate privilege of witnessing a special preview of the Los Angeles Youth Orchestra’s Vienna and Prague tour, “Two Symphonies and the Stars”. The Los Angeles Youth Orchestra, led by artistic director and longtime Encino resident Russell Steinberg, has had the great honor of being invited to perform on the international stage in Vienna and Prague this summer as part of the 50th Anniversary of The Sound of Music motion picture. It will be their first international appearance. The orchestra will offer one single preview performance at the Encino Community Center before jet setting off to Europe to perform for the world. The Los Angeles Youth Orchestra is made up of 120 student musicians, between the ages of eight and eighteen, nineteen of whom hail from our very own San Fernando Valley. The orchestra is an “Emeritus Youth Orchestra Partner” of the Los Angeles Philharmonic Orchestra. An incredibly talented collection of young musicians, we are truly privileged to have the opportunity to see them perform in our own backyard. They have played to audiences all over the USA including New York’s Carnegie Hall, The Walt Disney Hall, and the Hollywood Bowl. Selections will include Haydn Symphony No. 3, Tchaikovsky Symphony No. 4, and Steinberg Cosmic Dust, among many others. Admission is free to this fabulous event so don’t miss it! 4935 Balboa Blvd., Encino, CA 91316. For more information call (310) 571-LAYO www.losangelesyouthorchestra.org . . Y Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 2 Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 3 Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 4 From the Publisher In this issue, we say a bittersweet farewell to three of our longtime columnists who are moving on. We are sad to see councilmember Tom LaBonge termed out of office, he embraced the community after redistricting placed Sherman Oaks in his district. The new councilmember for CD4 is David Ryu, who takes office on July 1. Meet the new council member next month. Jon Epstein has been our I Teen columnist for over six years while we watched him grow up, but now he has graduated from high school and is off to college. We wish him all the best in this new phase of his young life. White Sofas columnist Vicki Stern is losing the inspiration for her humorous pieces that made us laugh every month as her son is also going off to college. We ‘ll miss you, Vicki. If any of our readers feel up to the task of picking up the mantle of resident humorist or teen correspondent, send us an email bigvalleypublications@gmail.com. and Happy Father’s Day, Dad. BIG VALLEY PUBLICATIONS LLC ADDRESS: 11333 Moorpark Street. #139 Studio City, CA 91602 www.shermanoaksstudiocitynews.com PHONE: 818.982.5002 (advertising) E-MAIL: bigvalleynews@aol.com Staff Publisher / Editor-in-Chief : M. L. Marks Associate Publisher: Jim Kaplan jimkaplan@mac.com Managing Editor / Graphics / most Photos: Stephen Phenow sfp55@aol.com Website Manager: Brandan Scott magictreeproductions@yahoo.com Contributors: Paul Krekorian Tom LaBonge Paul Koretz Gerald A. Silver Tamar Galatzan Phil Shuman Lorenzo Marchessi Bill Bentley Anna Terra Vicki Stern Jon Epstein Stephen Phenow Glenn Bailey Mary Anne Skweres Elizabeth Kate Natalie Daniels Sam Kaplan SC SO ENC NEWS is published monthly, and delivered to homes in Sherman Oaks, Studio City, & Encino areas. Delivered by Great Western Adv. Dist. INC. Delivery problems? Call (213) 627-0539 All Contents Copyright 2015 BVP LLC All Rights Reserved. From the Desk of CD2 By Paul Krekorian Better budget, better city Phil.Shuman@foxtv.com @foxphil If you look back just a few years into our city’s history, you’ll see that our budget situation wasn’t too rosy. When I took office in 2010, the deficit project for this year was over $1 billion. Vital neighborhood services hung in the balance, layoffs loomed and some even warned of the possibility of municipal bankruptcy. That’s all in the distant past. I’m happy to report that LA’s finances are far healthier today than they were then. This week, the City Council gave final approval to the city’s $8.6 billion balanced budget for Fiscal Year 20152016 and, just a day later, Mayor Garcetti signed it. Gone are the days of gloom and doom. The outlook for the next few years is good—so good that I’m confident we will close our longnagging structural deficit in the next three years.It wasn’t easy getting here. We’ve made painful sacrifices that have been tough on our neighborhoods, impacted neighborhood services and shrunk the city workforce to the smallest it’s been since Tom Bradley was mayor. As the chair of the City Council’s Budget and Finance Committee, I know these realities all too well. But I’m also extremely proud of the work that the mayor and my committee has done to take our budget situation out of the darkness and bring it into the light.The budget we just passed covers spending for the next fiscal year, which begins on July 1, 2015. Without question, it’s the best budget Los Angeles has had in six years. It shows significant revenue growth, adds neighborhood services, and establishes the largest rainy day fund in recent city history. It was shaped by collaboration between the Mayor and the City Council, with invaluable input from city department leaders and staff, neighborhood council members and our labor partners who represent much of the city’s workforce. I believe it is a model of smart, responsible budgeting that will protect Los Angeles for years to come.With this budget, the city increases funding for public safety, including 10 percent more for the Fire Dept. to get more ambulances on the street and to update safety equipment and technology. There will also be five new classes of recruits, which means our communities will be served by 270 new firefighters to keep us safe. The budget funds 150 new squad cars and $4.5 million for LAPD body cameras.We also allotted money to repair 2,400 miles of LA’s streets, to trim 57,000 trees and to fill 350,000 potholes. The budget puts $20 million toward fixing sidewalks, $9 million to clean up bulky items illegally dumped in streets and alleys, and $3.8 million to remove graffiti and beautify medians throughout our neighborhoods.The importance of greater affordable Right versus Might If you live in the Valley you have no doubt heard about or been affected by McMansions, a clever term coined a while back to describe the phenomenon of over-sized homes being built or rebuilt, that are way out of proportion with the rest of the neighborhood. McMansionization has ruined views, tranquility, and in some extreme cases, people claim, their lives. The LA City Council, as is their custom, arrived a little too late to the party, starting way back in 2008 when they crafted an anti-McMansion ordinance that apparently had enough loopholes in it to drive bulldozers through, so the trend continued. To City Council’s credit, a mere seven years later, they have put a two year moratorium on McMansions in most areas until more specific rules can be drawn up, debated, and finalized. Of course, that doesn’t help you if your new neighbor has already built a huge multi-story house next to your modest 3 BR 2 BA ranch, but hey it’s their property and we all know bigger is better, right? And shouldn’t property owners be able to build what they want as long as they follow the rules? I was thinking about all of this as I took a drive to a spectacular neighborhood in Bel-Air, to report on a controvers for Fox 11 News. This McMansion, or rather actually a MegaMansion, is huge even by Bel-Air standards, a massive modern concrete and glass structure, about 30,000 square feet, in a canyon high up in the hills, at the end of an isolated street called Strada Vecchia that you would never drive on unless your parents already lived there, you won the lottery, or were going to a fundraiser for a Presidential candidate. People who are fortunate enough to call this area home certainly can’t complain about size, since almost everyone here lives in massive estates behind walls. The problem with this home, neighbors say, Cont. pg. 16 Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 5 is misdirection, misinformation, even illegal permits and construction by celebrity builder Mohammed Hadid in violation of Building and Safety Department rules. Now if you know that name, that means you might be a fan of the Housewives of Beverly Hills, he’s Yolanda Wallace’s ex, father of supermodels Gigi and Bella. Hadid‘s legal team and the residents who fear that the “Starship Enterprise,” as some call it, could come crashing down the hillside into them, squared off at the Department of Building and Safety hearing on June 2nd. There, residents complained, again, they’ve been fighting this for four years, and the lawyers for Hadid, including the well known Ben Reznik, said they’d fix everything, again. The City pointed out that they heard that before, they did issue an official city ‘’stop work order’’ earlier which Hadid violated, they told him no more delays, everything had to be brought up to code now and pass inspection or he could be prosecuted criminally. Neighbors, such as retired entertainment attorney Joe Horacek, tell me that Hadid can not be trusted, and ideally he would like to have the structure torn down. I understand his sentiment, because when you stand in his yard and look up, you see 30,000 feet of partially constructed concrete literally looming over your backyard and you think if the grading and retaining walls were not done properly, then what happens in a bad storm or earthquake? Yes, property owners have rights, but you have to play by the rules. When it comes to our homes, perhaps our most personable and valuable possessions, you have to follow the rules, no matter how much money you have, whether you are building in Valley Village or Bel-Air. The View from CD5 TAMAR GALATZAN’S LAST COLUMN Change is upon us — a time for recognizing graduates’ hard work, celebrating their achievements and providing inspiration to tackle the challenges that lie ahead. While the accomplishments of all graduates are noteworthy, the members of the Class of 2015 deserve the spotlight. These students entered middle school as the state began its spiral into the Great Recession. Los Angeles Unified lost more than $500 million in state revenue during those years, and the Class of 2015 bore the brunt of the financial crisis. There were fewer resources and supports, which meant that students and teachers often had to more with less, with sheer determination making up the difference. When you consider that nearly 80 percent of our students live in poverty and 20 percent are special-needs youngsters, you can understand the enormity of the challenges they face. Yet, graduation rates have climbed during the last several years, and in 2014 reached 82 percent for LAUSD’s comprehensive high schools. In Board District 3, nearly every school topped that rate. With the dedication of their families and teachers, I have every expectation that the Class of 2015 will do even better. For them, their diploma will not only be a symbol of the knowledge and skills they’ve learned but also their perseverance to succeed against stiff odds. And our schools and teachers have also endured, despite the challenges the budget crisis created for them. This year, the state introduced a Gold Ribbon Award as a way to recognize individual schools for their extraordinary effort to help students succeed. Of the 193 middle and high schools statewide to receive the honor, 18 are in LAUSD. And I’m very proud that the winners include Cleveland Charter High School in Reseda and the Valley Academy of Arts and in Granada Hills. The Award also recognizes schools that are creative and innovative, and the two West Valley schools are certainly that. An affiliated charter, Cleveland has a Humanities Magnet, as well as an awardwinning Media Academy. VAAS was the first school in LAUSD to receive districtissued iPads, a tool that has become part of its visual and performing arts curriculum. These are programs that keep our students engaged while preparing them for a seat in college or a place in the workforce. I’m also leaving with pride, proud that LAUSD led the nation for the second consecutive year in the number of teachers who qualified for National Board Certification – a mark of achievement in their profession. Four of the 128 LAUSD educators who received the prestigious credential teach in local schools – Michal Danin-Kreiselman from John F. Kennedy High; Liza Elcayam from Darby Elementary Charter; Karen Mullen from Northridge Academy; and Rachel Oh from Northridge Middle School. Finally, for her work in integrating technology in the classroom, Laura Park of Granada Elementary was honored this spring as one of 24 Inspirational Teachers by the United Way of Greater LA. This is Tamar Galatzan’s lost column as a member of LAUSD School Board DESALINATION? NO ANSWER! Los Angeles residents are threatened with massive increases in water rates while at the same time are being forced to cut back on their water consumption. There simply is not enough water to meet demand. For the moment let’s put aside California’s massive agricultural water demands and focus specifically on residential and urban water consumption. Development is forcing Los Angeles residents to give up green lawns, take shorter showers, save every drop of water to support growth. It is essential that the Planning Department and City officials place an immediate moratorium on all new building permits. Each new apartment or condo permitted makes the water crisis worse and increases all infrastructure demands. City planners and the City Council must accept the obvious – just say no to the moneyed developers who are driving the water shortage. Governor Brown has called for a voluntary 20 percent reduction in water use. If voluntary fails, the State Water Resources Control Board will impose heavy fines for violators. Some have suggested that the answer lies in desalination from the Pacific Ocean. It sounds like a simple solution, but unfortunately the cost of desalination greatly outweighs its benefits. The Metropolitan Water District is currently buying water for up to $850.00 per acre foot. Desalinated water costs about In late May of this year, the Los Angeles City Council approved, and the mayor signed, the $8.6 billion dollar budget for the 2015-16 fiscal year, which starts on July 1 of this year. This year’s budgetary process, which began with the mayor’s proposed budget, was rigorous and demanding but not as harrowing as it has been in recent years, when the city of Los Angeles, like most governmental jurisdictions, had to struggle mightily to cope with the national financial downturn. Efficiencies that have been introduced, along with increased revenues that come with the improving economy, have made a positive impact on the city’s financial condition. That has meant that the city was able, this year, to do some good things while still on a very tight budget. I want to salute all my colleague on the Council for their hard work, and especially Councilmember Paul Krekorian, Chair of the Budget and Finance Committee, and Mitchell Englander, Vice Chair – I can testify to the extraordinary work and leadership involved. Here are some of the things that I was able to help get added to the Mayor’s initial version: It’s important that the city have a plan in place to meet any financial criss such as the recession that the country suffered seven years ago, and from which we are still slowly recovering, and for that reason I will always seek to put funds aside into the city’s reserve fund. With this budget, the Cont. on Pg. 16 Real Estate Corner By Gerald Silver $2,200 or more per acre foot. Those who support desalination should expect to pay almost three times as much for each drop of water they use. But cost is not the only detriment. Desalination demands huge amounts of electricity, has significant greenhouse gas emissions and brine disposal problems. There are only a limited number of viable sites along the coast to build new plants. Those who call for building massive pipelines across the country to bring water to the Coast have little grasp of the energy requirements needed to push water across mountain ranges. Water flows down hill, not up hill. Re-of millions of gallons of highly treated wastewater from the Tillman Sewage Plant is possible. But this fix also has limits. So in the end there is no simple solution to make or bring more water to the region. It should be clear that Southern California’s water problems can only be controlled. A good step would be to take away the “No Significant Impact” rubber stamps from the Planning Department and City Council. Then they will not be able approve any more project EIRs with water that does not exist. Gerald A. Silver is President of Homeowners of Encino. He served on the Citizens Advisory Committee that helped craft the Ventura Blvd. Specific Plan. He can be reached at gsilver4@earthlink.net. Homeowners considering tearing out their green grassy yards have asked how this will affect the value of their house. Lush green, grassy yards, once the standard in and around Los Angeles, might be a thing of the past. This type of landscaping looks great but consumes too much water for the current drought conditions we are experiencing, so the DWP has been offering rebates to customers who remove their grass and install drought tolerant landscaping. The rebates motivated a lot of people to tear out their lawns, but a lot of people rushed into the process without looking at all the options. Many installed very inexpensive materials to replace the grass, and now these people are stuck with yards that are not as attractive as they used to be. When it comes time to sell, the consumer will not be thrilled as well, and it will affect the sales price. Some companies targeting homeowners claim to handle your rebate, install the landscaping job, and you pay nothing. It sounds easy, but you may not get the drought tolerant yard you had hoped for. One of my clients who hired one of these companies is now living with an eye sore. They have a large yard filled with gravel and a few small plants and a bunch of weeds that they will be dealing with in the maintenance of their property for as long as the gravel is there. There is not a one Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 6 By Paul Koretz council was able to add around 30 million to the amount set aside by the mayor, making it now around 6%, exceeding the city’s goal of 5%. I would like to see it at 10% eventually. For the first time, funding was allotted to match the city’s policy of spending 1% of the budget on capital improvements and infrastructure. That includes significant spending on sidewalk repair. We are providing funding for street services staffing for median island landscaping, a modest revival of the speed hump program, the blue curb program, and the permit parking program. We have included funding for two additional firefighter training classes to aid in recruitment and staffing, and an additional fire department engine company. Besides funding police overtime costs as part of the budget for the first time in recent years and expanding LAPD’ mental health training program, remedying the LAPD fingerprint analysis backlog, we are moving forward with body-worn cameras. We will be digitizing personnel files, staffing to alleviate personnel examining backlog (which is needed as we begin to hire again and also to deal with 40% of staff hitting retirement age in a few years), and there will be greater funding of information technology— much of our cost-saving measures require technology upgrades. We are funding sustainability and climate change efforts by creating by Matt Epstein size fits all when it comes to going drought tolerant. The design & materials should go with the style of your house as well as the style of the other landscaping. Websites like HOUZZ feature thousands of photos of drought tolerant yards. If you are going do it yourself, research and consult with your gardener, or hire an expert to do the entire job. I am in the middle of doing a complete drought tolerant makeover on my house. I hired a local company that specializes in this type of work. I was sad to see all the grass go but as the project is moving along I love the transformation. And I am looking forward to doing my part in water conservation and even more excited about getting lower DWP bills. By hiring an expert, the rebate does not cover the entire cost of the job and I figure that it will take one to two years of water savings to pay off the difference. However, I will have a beautiful new yard and when the time comes to sell, I will have an enhanced benefit that will add to the resale value of my home. Any questions of comments please contact Matt Epstein from Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at somatt@aol.com or (818) 789-7408. Matt Epstein is considered the expert for real estate sales in the South/East San Fernando Valley. The Education Corner Encino’s Crespi Carmelite High School’s Board of Directors has announced the selection of the next president of the esteemed Catholic boys’ high school. Dr. Ken Foersch succeeds Fr. Tom Batsis, who retires on June 30, 2015. It will be exciting to watch Dr. Foersch’s new vision of Crespi Carmelite unfold in the upcoming school year. The school year is coming to an end and parents all over the valley embrace this fact with a tiny grain of salt. The newborn worry of “What now?” resounds in their minds as they gaze at the great expanse of summer before them. The answer is clear. In a single word: Camp! The camps available in the San Fernando Valley are varied and wonderful, from all-day camps to sleepover camps to simple half-day day camps for the younger child. Many parents with full-time schedules and no at-home childcare need to book their kids into camps in order to have a safe place for them while they are working. Our children’s summer schedules are usually chock full of activities from June through August and some parents make their deposits to secure their children’s place at popular camps as early as February. On the other hand, some parents prefer to allow their children the unscheduled bliss of the lazy, dog days of summer, like those enjoyed by the generations of yesteryear before full-time camps became all the rage and simply took the place of school during the summer months. While Valley Leather. Over twenty years in the furniture business By Elizabeth Kate By Natalie Daniels I embrace the opportunity to indulge my children in their favorite artistic and creative pursuits such as dance and art, I like to be sure they have time to take a deep breath and do nothing. The art of relaxation is one we struggle to master throughout our lives as adults. Is it possible that those work dominated life habits are created from the time we are children? It would make perfect sense. In a world where life’s constant stress leads to cancer and other life-threatening diseases, we have lost the ability to unwind and do nothing. This is the legacy we leave to our children. But we don’t have to. Instead of passing our unhealthy habits on to our children, we need to consider allowing our children the ultimate luxury of doing nothing, to sleep, perchance to daydream. In a world where many parents strive to acquire the best gadgets money can buy for their children, maybe the ultimate gift we can give our kids is the gift of nothing. Allow them the precious moments to relax, revive, and wake up the creative side of their brains like we used to do as kids when summer meant endless days of endless days. You might want to give it a try. It takes a brave parent to pull the plug. Look inside yourself and try to remember your own summer daze, time spent staring at the sky and seeing faces in the clouds. Now take a deep breath, and set your children free! One day, they will thank you. The Perfect Fathers Day gift for the sports minded dad. A Rawlings glove chair with ball pillows. Valley Leather, located at 15609 Ventura Blvd in Encino, is a family run business that specializes in an extraordinary selection of exceptional quality leather furniture. Valley Leather ‘s spacious 5,000 square feet showroom offers the highest quality at the best price, created by highly skilled, knowledgeable craftsmen. Sal Allessandro and his wife Lorraine, the owners of Valley Leather, have over 20 years in the furniture business and work with the best local manufacturers and designers. With a full custom shop, you have the ability to choose the style, texture, and size with a selection of over 300 shades and colors, to meet your specific demands and needs. They have the capability and capacity to produce anything your heart may desire. At Valley Leather you can find unique accessories like the handmade leather Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 7 teddy bears, leather and suede pillows and exotic wood music boxes for the interior of your home, to complement your furniture. Lorraine and Sal are definitely putting the fun back into furniture by hosting events including live jazz concerts and art shows at the store. A party is planned to celebrate Frank th Sinatra’s 100 birthday. The evening will include live music, a silent auction, refreshments and feature his signature sofa. Lorraine and Sal are a great team and will make your experience a memorable and inspiring one. Their motto is “If You Can Dream It, We Can Build It!” Spirited Encounters June has arrived and with it comes the joy and frivolity of summer parties, picnics, and celebrations. Put away the heavy wines of the cooler months – kiss your Barolos goodbye! Time to break out the lighter, friendlier wines of summer! Summertime always means rose, and by that I don’t mean the sickly sweet white zinfandels that often wash over afternoon celebrations. Allow those sugar bombs to remain on the dusty back shelves of the supermarkets and instead opt for the light, fruity, and dry roses that are now so popular and easily found at most wine and spirit shops as well as grocery outlets. Fresh dry rose wine has been consumed in quantity in Europe for decades. Somehow we Americans were late to the rose party. We got caught up in the wave of wine coolers and cocktails in a bottle that invaded our shores for so long. American men seemed to think it wasn’t manly to consume a pink wine and American women thought anything with such glorious color must be full of unwanted calories. It turns out they both were wrong. There’s nothing intrinsically feminine about a refreshing glass of minerally rose as the sun beats down on tanned skin. And four ounces of a dry rose wine has no more calories than a glass of dry red or white wine – that’s to say, about 100 calories. Wine is lower in alcohol than spirits, so if consumed in moderation, it will refresh By Elizabeth Kate HOT Recipes with Anna Terra www.annaterra.com and revive your body and spirit with little danger of a hangover. My favorite roses hail from southern France, my ultimate favorite being Domaine Tempier Bandol Rose. It’s an incredible wine, well crafted and hailing from exquisite terroir that reflects in the glass. Of course it is pricy, but well worth seeking out, should the budget permit. The good news is that delicious rose wine can be found for $10$20 and that’s affordable for just about everyone. The rose wines of France and Italy are sublime, but now California winemakers are getting in the game and I’ve had many terrific Roses from Santa Barbara, Paso Robles and even our own Malibu. The possibilities are endless and the pleasure will be yours! Now for those of you who insist you are exclusively red wine drinkers and refuse to open the door to any other color, I have a summer solution for you. One word: Beaujolais! Beaujolais is the ultimate picnic wine It is meant to be served chilled and nothing is more refreshing on a warm day than a tangy, dry glass of Beaujolais paired with cheese, breads and cold cuts. Many fine valley restaurants serve wonderful roses and Beaujolais and you can easily seek them out in local wine shops. Here’s to the start of a fabulous summer! Cheers! GRILLED SALMON SALAD WITH FRESH MANGOS, RASPBERRIES AND GOAT CHEESE Delicious, health and crispy, this grilled salmon is topped with fresh mangos and raspberries for a delicious combination of seafood with fresh fruit. A great meal to kick off the Summer! Prep time: 25 minutes Cook Time: 10-12 minutes 1 pound fresh salmon filet 1 package European salad mix 1 ripe mango, sliced Raspberry or olive oil vinaigrette salad dressing ½ teaspoon garlic powder 2 tablespoons toasted pine nuts 3 tablespoons goat or crumbled feta cheese 3 tablespoons olive oil Salt and pepper Olive oil cooking spray Place salmon in a shallow dish. Sprinkle salmon with garlic powder, salt and pepper on both sides, add olive oil. Turn and coat both sides. Set aside for 10-12 minutes to marinate. Using a broiler or grill, spay with olive oil cooking spray to avoid salmon from sticking to grill. Place salmon onto hot grill. When using a closed grill, this cooks great as both side are cooking at the Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 8 same time and you do not have to turn salmon over, as it can separate or fall apart. Salmon should be cooked in 15 minutes or less. Do not overcook to avoid drying out the salmon. Salmon is cooked when separated with a fork and it is flaky. While cooking salmon, place salad mix into large bowl. Add raspberries, sliced mango, pine nuts and goat or feta cheese. Sprinkle desired amount of salad dressing onto salad and toss. You can also use both olive oil vinaigrette and raspberry dressings together. Toss well. Place on a large serving platter. Place cooked salmon directly on top of salad. Serve immediately. Serves: 2 Buon Appetito! Anna Terra See more HOT (Firehouse) Recipes in Anna’s book. Available at https://www.channelphotographics.com/ hot.php June has arrived which means wedding season is officially open! Anyone who has ever been involved with the intricacies of planning a wedding can tell you many headaches are involved, especially when planning bouquets and flower arrangements. Many a bride has known the disappointment of not being able to have just the flowers she wants because they are not in the season at the time of her wedding. Now, thanks to the stunning and ingenious silk floral creations at Aldik Home, those aggravations and frustrations are a thing of the past. Aldik Home custom designs flowers for weddings, from the bride’s bouquet to the groomsmen’s boutonnieres to the flower arrangements at the ceremony, the reception, and even the cake. Aldik Home does it all and does it well, with beauty and class. Aldik Home’s silk flowers are gorgeous and virtually indistinguishable from real blooms. Each one is custom crafted exactly as the bride desires. There are no limitations. No longer are you dependent on the season. You can have any flower you’d like in any color you can imagine. The sky’s the limit! The talented designers at Aldik Home will create flawless flower arrangements to exactly match the color theme of your event. You are not reliant on Mother Nature’s color palate. Remember Julia Roberts’ wedding color theme in “Steel Magnolias”? Just like in the movie, Aldik It’s Wedding Season at Aldik Home Home can create “blush and bashful”, two perfect shades of pink, especially for you. The bride and groom are able to see everything in advance and make changes, if necessary. There are no disappointments on the day of the wedding. Bouquets are made in advance and will be exactly as the bride envisions. Should the wedding day be unseasonably hot or cold, no longer will the wedding flowers droop and wilt. Aldik Home’s flowers are guaranteed to be as striking at the beginning of the day as they are at the end. If you are planning a destination wedding, you won’t be reliant on a possibly inefficient local florist. Why add that kind of stress to your special day? Aldik Home can design and prepare everything well in advance and ship it to the wedding site. How extraordinary it is to be able to capture all the beauty of natural flowers with out all the limitations! Wedding ceremonies and receptions can be set up early and look picture perfect Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 9 By Elizabeth Kate from sunrise to sunset. The bride can keep her bouquet as a magnificent keepsake of her special day and it will always retain its splendor. The bridesmaids may retain their lovely bouquets as mementos of the special day and guests can bring home impeccable floral table arrangements that will last forever. Aldik Home’s prices are equal to or less than what you might encounter at a florist. You pay only for the flowers; the expert advice and labor of Aldik Home’s designers are yours for the asking. With all the ease and advantages of using silk flowers, there is simply no reason to go anywhere else. Aldik Home’s designers will work directly with you or your wedding planner to create a picture perfect day. Of course after the wedding, don’t forget that Aldik Home is there to help you prepare for all of life’s great events! Sweet flower arrangements for baby showers and birthday parties, proms and graduations are all skillfully handled by Aldik Home. Come visit our beautiful store and experience it for yourself. Aldik Home can’t wait to help you create an exquisite future! Aldik Home is located at 7651 Sepulveda Boulevard, Van Nuys, CA 91405. You can also reach them at (818) 988-5970. www.aldikhome.com Advertorial Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 10 Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 11 Grillmeister working the Salmon Memorial D a y Monday was the annual kick off to summer at Bob and S e n j a Ricketts’ BBQ and Hootenany. For this gastronomic and musical feast this year, the Big Dude and I brought a nice piece of salmon on which our host worked his grill magic, and Groovy Rednecks guitarist Bob Ricketts and friends then picked up a guitar to lead the gathering that included bandmates Tex Troester from the Groovy Rednecks and Laura Smith and Tara Atkinson from Talking Treason. appearance of Mississippi bluesman, 82 year old Leo “Bud” Welch, who made his recording debut in 2013 and has quickly gained an international following with a unique distillation of folk, blues and gospel music, a revelation to the enthusiastic crowd. Groovy Rednecks lead singer Tex with Ricketts Memorial Day Weekend WAS a good time for music, starting with the 26th annual Simi Valley Blues and Cajun Festival on Saturday and Sunday, May 23rd and 24th. The area’s largest gathering of Cajun, Zydeco, Blues and Roots music performances featured two stages, a Mardi Gras parade and food and craft booths. Featured performers this year included Canned Heat, the Spencer Davis Group and my old friend and amazing blues singer Candye Kane, who delivered a powerhouse performance accompanied by Laura Chavez on guitar. Festival goers were also treated to the first California Fabulous Party Kane with Chavez Kicking out the jams: Andrianopolous & Belson Picking the Blues with Leo Welch Bentley’s Beat B.B. King Blues is King His blues changed the world, always for the better, and from the smallest ghetto bars to sprawling European palaces, King remained true to his heart and his guitar Lucille. This 1967 live album will always be the one to show who the late B.B. King really was, and its recent reissue is a cause for full-tilt celebration. The man from Berclair, Mississippi takes a boisterous and believing audience to the center of the blues cosmos. There are no overdone flourishes or offbeat song choices. King’s guitar solos are the kind played with the danger of a straight-edged razor, and like his voice, come from a place of such pure grace they sound downright otherworldly. This is blues for those who can’t pay their electric bill, buy gasoline two gallons at a time and are forever looking at the day’s mail as an endless succession of unpaid bills and bad news. Before he crossed over to a more mainstream audience with 1969’s “The Thrill is Gone” hit single, he was a man who endlessly eased the pain of his followers with a soul-rushing succession of songs and shows. Sometimes with large audiences and sometimes he’d hit a slow patch and play for only a few dozen people. It never mattered, because King was there for those who needed him. His blues ran as deep, his voice dealing in age-old wisdoms while his big black Gibson electric guitar delivered gifts from above. This isn’t just music. This is salvation given from a Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 12 On Friday, May 29, Remax Estates at 13425 Ventura Boulevard in Sherman Oaks threw a reopening party at their remodeled offices. Owners Roy Belson, Barbara Riddle and general manager Joseph Sergus put together a great time with food from Porto’s Cuban Bakery, always a crowd favorite, and flowing champagne. The highlight of the evening was Belson playing blues harp and agent George Andrianopolous on guitar, kicking out the jams before the large gathering of agents, friends and family. By Bill Bentley bandstand from way back in the alley. The songs he played for blues lovers will never be bettered and be ours forever. Graham Parker & the Rumour Mystery Glue In the mid-’70s rock music exploded again, much like it did during the mid-’60s psychedelic onslaught. Whether it was new wave, punk or whatever critics were calling it, a whole new ballgame was happening. The Ramones, Elvis Costello, the Clash, Talking Heads, Graham Parker & the Rumour: the list was nearly endless of those taking the basic structures of rock & roll and twisting them into an exciting new pretzel. That said, none had more promise than Parker and his unbeatable band the Rumour. Their first few albums were filled with blood-tickling bodaciousness. Live, the man slayed. Period. As the ’80s started it felt like his promise was starting to go unfulfilled. Sure, the music was good, but it no longer demanded our devotion as strongly. Today, Parker and the Rumour have retaken the fortress and even if the fire is turned down several notches, an undercurrent of all-time accomplishment prevails. His voice has that edge which soared 40 years ago, and song-wise the strut and sureness still thrive. Clearly Parker and band need each other; they spark what’s best in the other and have a unique way of tearing off on a song that will forever be their’s alone. The soul shoes are back on, and still fit just fine. Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 13 Not to be combined with any other offer Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 14 Stephen Phenow’s New Viewing for Summer An Interesting Lineup “Aquarius” (NBC) Thursday, May 28 at 9 p.m. Created By John McNamara Stars: David Duchovny, Grey Damon, Gethin Anthony | Set in the 1960s, “Aquarius” follows police officer Sam Hodiak (David Duchovny) as he goes to track down one of the biggest names in cult leaders – Charles Manson. Gethin Anthony stars as Manson in his early days, back when he was a wannabe rockstar beginning to recruit impressionable women. Even when the show tries to stay historically relevant, Manson is modelled after Heidi Fleiss, he has a little black book that scares the bejesus out of LA politicos, which is to explain LA law enforcement giving his antics a pass. Something that never happened. “The Whispers” (ABC) Monday, June 1 at 10 p.m. Creator: Soo Hugh Stars: Kristen Connolly, Tate Birchmore, Barry Sloane Finally, a scary show that relies on psychological terror rather than silly, onscreen antics. And, yes, those are much worse. Not seeing the object of your fear is more terrifying. FBI agent Connolly discovers children talking to thin air... These made-up friends aren’t made-up at all; they’re an entity telling innocent kids to do terrible things. “Stitchers” (ABC Family) Tuesday, June 2 at 9 p.m. Created by Jeff Schechter Stars: Emma Ishta, Kyle Harris, Allison Scagliotti, Salli Richards | This scientific, new-age version of “Ghost Whisperer” stars Emma Ishta as Kirsten, a young girl who is tasked with bearing the memories of the dead by stitching herself into their minds. Through the work of her and her team, headed by Richards (“Eureka”). Ishta helps to investigate murders that would otherwise go unsolved. Too derivative, with nothing new to offer. “Sense8” (Netflix) Friday, June 5 at 12 a.m. J. Michael Straczynski, Andy Wachowski, Lana Wachowski Stars: Jamie Clayton, Max Riemelt, Anupam Kher, Daryl Hannah | Created by Sci-Fi heavy hitters Straczynski (“Babylon-5”) and the Wachowskis (“Matrix”) “Sense8” is about eight total strangers from different parts of the world who find out they can infiltrate one another’s body. They feel each other’s pain, share skills and recognize when one is in danger. Why? That’s the story. “Sense8” is a bingewatch since Netflix releases all 12 episodes at once. Valley Curtain Call “Love Again” is Heartwarming Family Musical “True Detective” (HBO) Sunday, June 21 at 9 p.m. Created by Nic Pizzolatto Stars: Colin Farrell, Vince Vaughn Rachel McAdams, Taylor Kitsch Taylor Kitsch (“Twilight”) stars as a war veteran and motorcycle cop who comes across a bizarre crime scene in California and enlists detectives Velcoro (Colin Farrell) and Ani Bezzerides (Rachel McAdams) to help investigate. Vince Vaughn is Frank Semyon, an interesting criminal figure that complicates the three detectives’ lives. Pizzolatto promises season two to be even more of an actionpacked thriller. Still we miss Matthew McConaughey and Woody Harrelson At The Lonny Chapman Theatre in North Hollywood, The Group Rep company of performers presents a very clever, wonderfully written original musical where three separate stories are musically told with a touching charm and grace, called “Love Again”. With a book by Doug Haverty, music by Adryan Russ and lyrics written by both – this well choreographed, staged and designed show is masterfully directed by Kay Cole.This musical journey through a few lives of various people will absolutely move you. The fun and unique aspect of this production is the amazing song “One, Two, Three” that the entire company sings at the beginning and ending of each transitions between each story – and the song ends with the word “One”, “Two” or “Three” appropriately as the new story begins. A wonderful song that is very catchy and very clever! “In A Different Light” is anintriguing story of love’s lost and love’s found among college friends of long ago. The opening song ‘City of Light’ sets the perfect tone of a vacationing family in Paris. Janet Wood plays Jane a regular housewife with a regular husband and her energy and passion ring so true as she runs into her old college flame. Maxwell, Jane’s husband is played by Lloyd Pedersen who along with his amazing voice gives the uncertainty of his marriage a good deal of self-evaluation as he sees his wife ‘lights up’ next to her old flame. Paul Cady, Amy Gillette and Renee Gorsey round out the talented cast. “Two Lives” is a story of best friends and their experience through an accident and the aftermath of their family members coping with the incident. Debi Tinsley “Ballers” (HBO) Sunday, June 21 at 10 p.m. Stars: Dwayne Johnson, Jazmyn Simon, Donovan W. Carter With ”The Rock” Johnson (“Furious 7,” “San Andreas”) , starring as retired football player Spencer Strassmore, who is currently living the high life as a financial manager. The fast cars and fast money come at a considerable price, though, and being retired isn’t relaxing. “Entourage” style show but with athletes. “Mr. Robot” (USA) Wednesday, June 24 at 10 p.m. Created by Sam Esmail Rami Maleck. Christian Slater, Portia Doubleday This newcomer involves vigilante hacker Rami Malek (the psyscho killer Marine on “The Pacific”) who joins a network called F-Society headed by Mr. Robot (Slater) that is invested in taking down the one percent of the one percent. These elite people run the world behind closed doors and tech-savvy Maleck looks to end the reign. A perfect moment for Maleck to shine and he has that chance as the lead in “Mr. Robot.” By Lorenzo Marchessi one of the two besties that are together when a major accident affects their lives. So funny and charming is Debi as she plays her character with such honesty and innocents. Michele Bernath plays the other bestie with wit and humor. deal with their families own sadness of the accident. When she sings Tell Her, you will laugh through your tears. Lloyd Pedersen, Andrew Curtis Stark, Kathleen Chen all turn and Lauren Peterson are all wonderful. Peterson delivers a memorable song called One Life which really sums up all the stories in this play and should be the tag line for the whole production! I really loved this song! “Forget Me Not” is a moving piece about memories lost, memories remembered and the love of a husband and wife over decades. Janet Wood as the wife delivers a wonderfully light and enthusiastic performance. Her opening number ‘What Are We Gonna Do?” with her son and husband is very real and she has an amazing singing voice. Paul Cady, Elijah Tomlinson, Michele Bernath, Andrew Curtis Stark Lloyd Pederson, and Amy Gillette complete the musical ensemble perfection. My only criticism is that the show should have been titled “One Life, a song at the end of story two and at the end of the entire show. This fabulous musical number that perfectly sums up all three stories. Everyone was walking out and humming that tune after the show! Hats off to this The Group Rep’s original production. Heartfelt, loving and with lot’s very real funny life-like moments – there’s something for everyone here! Check them out at www.TheGroupRep.com. “Humans” (AMC) Sunday, June 28 at 9 p.m. Created by Lars Lundström Stars: Colin Morgan, Katherine Parkinson William Hurt, Gemma Chan Based on the award-winning Swedish scifi drama “Real Humans,” this is another attempt using AI powered workers as a story theme which started with Lang’s 1927 opus, “Metropolis.” In “Humans,” robots live among us as part of familes. They look human, but we all know every computer has bugs in the Operating System... “Zoo” (CBS) Tuesday, June 30 at 9 p.m. Created by James Patterson Stars: Nonso Anozie, Nora Arnezeder, Billy Burke, James Wolk, Kristen Connolly ”Mad Men” actor James Wolk grows out his facial hair for “Zoo.” And Connolly of “The Whisperers” double dips. Author James Patterson’s absurd novel comes to TV. Why are animals aggressively murdering humans? Probably they are angered by us making them extinct. Watch and root for the animals! Expires 06/17/15/ Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 15 Expires My Last “White Sofas” Cont. from pg. 1 from 7:00PM to 9:00PM, at Temple Judea, 5429 Lindley Avenue in Tarzana. This group is for caregivers and people with multiple myeloma. Visit: http:// sanfernandovalley.myeloma.org/wp/ for more information or call Malcolm at 818515-6060 or SFVMMGroup@gmail.com. Thursday June 18 The Burbank African Violet Society is having their next club at 10:00 A.M. The location is The Little White Chapel Christian Church, 1711 North Avon Street in Burbank. The guest speaker will be Paul Chan, will be giving the program on “All About Growing Bromeliads”. We will also be having the judging of our annual project plant. For more information please telephone our club president, Susan @ (818) 951-3597. www.burbankafricanviolets.weebly.com Wednesday June 24 Encino Neighborhood Council ENC General Board Meeting. Open to the public. 7-9pm. Encino Community Center Auditorium 4935 Balboa Blvd, Encino CA 91316 06/24/2015 7:00 PM ~ 06/24/2015 9:00 PM Encino Neighborhood Council ENC General Board Meeting Saturday June 27 SHOPPING WITH ADAT CHAVERM, THE CONGREGATION FOR HUMANISTIC JUDAISM- 8 am. Raising funds to benefit the Adat Chaverim Cultural School is the object of the Annual Garage Sale on Saturday, June 27th at 5116 Varna in Sherman Oaks from 8 am till 1 pm. Come and buy Women’s, Men’s and Children’s clothing, dishes, tools and other great items. Call 888-552-HJLA(4552) or email info@humanisticjudaism.org for more information As you probably know, last month my beautiful “baby” boy graduated high school and in a few short months he will be heading off to college and a life that no longer involves me. Which seems vastly unfair now that the kid can finally run errands, hold a decent conversation, eat sushi, and sit still in a museum. Really we should be sending them off to college when they’re babies and they’re absolutely no fun to be around. But he’s going to college, and it’s a great thing. I’m very excited for him. And for me. It’s a whole new chapter in my life. I’m told by friends of mine, who’ve gone through this “empty nest” thing, that I’m going to have a hard time adjusting. There’s the “not being needed” factor, the lack of being able to “dote” on someone, the emptiness and void my son’s departure will leave. Some women go back to work, others volunteer, and still others travel and cross exotic destinations off their “bucket” list. I’ve decided it might be a valuable and worthwhile experience to devote myself to extreme sports. If I put my life on the line every day kite surfing, moto crossing, or free style BMX-ing, I won’t have time to miss my kid. I will be too friggin scared to be bothered with what my kid has on his docket for the day. You had a By Vicki Stern Freshman English seminar today? I whitewater rafted down the Colorado using just my butt as a boat. Tomorrow I skateboard Mt. Shasta. Now, I realize you don’t just start at the top at “extreme” sports. You have to build up to that. You don’t just run a 10k out of the blue. That would be crazy. You start with a 5k. Or, if you’re me, and you’ve been a little remiss with your sports/exercise program for the last couple of decades, you have to start slow. Like with a 1/2k. Do they have 1/ 2k’s? I’m guessing that would be about the distance from my upstairs bedroom to the mailbox and back. Which sounds totally doable. I figure if I push myself I could be ready to “Parkour” by the time my son graduates…medical school. Since I’m going to be so busy dedicating myself to my new sports, I won’t be able to do any more “White Sofas” articles. With my kid off at college my inspiration for them is gone anyway. To those of you who have been faithful readers of this column, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. It’s been an honor to write for you. To those of you just reading this for the first time, your timing sucks. And for those Moms in the same position as me, with kids going off to college, feel free to grab your kite board and jet packs and meet me at my mailbox. Child Care Management. Managers Wanted Tutor Time is hiring experienced child care managers in Simi Valley and Woodland Hills! 12 ECE units w/ infant/ toddler & Admin courses req. Must have 1 yr. mgmt. exp. Send resumes to resumesWE@learningcaregroup.com EOE The Encino Oaks Republican Women’s Federated is pleased to announce Our 60th Anniversary HUMOR STAR PARKER IS OUR JUNE SPEAKER! Star Parker is one of the names on the short list mentioned of national black conservative leaders. She is a regular commentator on CNN, MSNBC and FOX News and a former co-host of the View. Bring your friends and family! Like Us on Facebook... Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News Sportsmen’s Lodge, 12833 Ventura Blvd. Studio City Wed. June 10th, Check-in begins at 10:30 Luncheon at 12:00 Cost: $35 per person (Tickets will NOT be available at the door) Editorial Submissions Editorial material of 400 words or less may be sent to Big Valley Publications, 11333 Moorpark St. #139 S t u d i o City CA 91602 or Deadline is second week of the month. We reserves the right to edit submissions for space considerations and do not return editorial material. E mail to bigvalleynews@aol.com. For reservations, please email res@eorwf.com or Contact Shirley Colvin at 661-755-5720 Food Selection: Chicken Picatta, Grilled Salmon, or Pasta Primavera Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 16 LaBonge Cont. from Pg 1. live in Los Angeles. From the first day I took office and this day forward, I will continue to live daily by my soft-spoken words: ”Let’s continue to enjoy and love the great City of Los Angeles.” Krekorian Cont. from pg. 1 housing and social services to our communities also received ample resources. There is now $10 million more for affordable housing, newly created programs to assist homeless veterans, and restored funding for domestic violence shelters, AIDS and disability programs, at-risk youth programs, family help centers, senior and caregiver programs and day laborer sites. Our work may be done for this budget season, but there is still much to do before we eliminate our structural deficit. With continued focus and resolve, I’m confident that we’ll be able to meet our goal, which will allow us to restore more neighborhood services, and give us the city residents both need and deserve. Councilmember Paul Krekorian represents L.A CD2. His website is cd2.lacity.org and you can find him on Facebook.com/PaulKrekorian and Twitter (@PaulKrekorian). Koretz Cont. from Pg 6. sustainability officers in several key departments, and setting aside $500k to support implementation of the mayor’s climate action plan. We are setting aside funds to increase the discretionary allocation to neighborhood councils and training for neighborhood councils, and funding additional planning staff for neighborhood conservation (HPOZs), targeted code amendments unit, general plan update, and anti-mansionization staff. There is funding for the AIDS prevention program, as well as for the senior programs that were funded at state and federal levels but unfortunately cut, to ensure the continuation of services for seniors. We are providing for wage theft prevention because Los Angeles is currently the “wage theft capital” of the nation, and wage theft hurts working people deprived of their fairly earned wages as well as the economy as a whole. We are also setting aside additional funding for programs and needs related to addressing homelessness. The budget that was approved and signed takes effect July 1, and thereafter, changes can occur. So it’s important to remember that the budget is a key road map to what we will and won’t end up spending, but nothing is written in granite. CD 5 Councilmember Paul Koretz can be reached at paul.koretz@lacity.org 213.473.7005 Letters to the Editor The Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News welcomes your letters. Letters to the Editor should be no more than 300 words, Hand written letters are acceptable only if they are legible. Letters must contain the writer’s telephone number and address for verification purposes only. E-MAIL: bigvalleynews@aol.com 12522 Ventura Blvd, Studio City 818.505.0086 Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 17 Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 18 Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News, June 2015 19 3901 Longridge Ave SO $5,995,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 S. of the blvd gated estate in this desired Longridge Estates neighborhood. Beautiful home on over 1/2 acre lot. Open & bright Kitchen. Master suite. Formal dining. 3 fireplaces. EnSuite BR’s. Pool & spa & grassy yards. 6Br+8Ba, 7,888 SqFt, 26,848 Lot 3652 Dixie Canyon Ave SO $2,160,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 South of the blvd gated Mediterranean home with views. All spacious rooms. Master suite w/ sitting area & amazing bathroom. Backyard w/ pool, spa, waterfall + bonus room/ cabana. 3Br+5Ba in 4,063 SqFt on a 6,219 Lot 14145 Greenleaf St SO $1,995,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 Gated & Updated S of the blvd w pool & guest house. Hardwood thru-out most of interior. Kit. w Granite & stainless Formal dining, living & family rooms Big master suite Grassy yards 4Br+3Ba 3576 SqFt 14225 Lot 4219 Van Nuys Blvd SO $1,399,999 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 S of the blvd gated Tudor. Living room w/ FP. Formal dining room. Huge family room. Master suite w/ sitting area & bath w steam shower & tub. Kit w/ Granite & Viking appl’s. Grassy back yard w/pool & spa. 5Br+3.75Ba in 4,050 SqFt on a 13,600 Lot 4612 Van Noord Ave SO $2,349,000 Kirk Hoffman 818-693-5475 17085 Rancho St ENC $4,995,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 Contemporary south bay style charm! Brand new construction, custom built home with 5bdrm, 6ba, 3 bay detached garage, pool/spa, fully landscaped yard for ultimate privacy, 4554 sf interior, over 9500 sf lot. Spectacular gated S. of the blvd colonial on over an acre of flat land. Built in 1912 but brought up to today’s standards. Formal living, dining & family rooms. Home theater & wine cellar. Huge Kit. Park like back yard w/ pool & spa. 6Br+6Ba. 6,236 Sqft, 67,058 Lot 4007 Ethel Ave SC $2,100,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 South of the Blvd Traditional in this desired Longridge Estates neighborhood! Living room w fireplace. Huge master suite w/ fireplace and walk in. Pool & Spa. 4Br+4Ba, 3,242 SqFt, 8,620 Lot 3660 Alomar Dr SO $1,999, 999 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 4651 Van Noord Ave SO $2,199,000 Kirk Hoffman 818-693-5475 Island style charm in the heart of Sherman Oaks! Brand new, custom built 6 bdrm, 5 ½ ba, w/separate office/sitting/workout room, fireplace, private outdoor deck & pool, 4607 sf interior & over 8,000 sf lot 14839 Valley Vista Blvd SO $1,999,999 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 S. of the blvd Mediterranean view home in the prestigious Longridge Estates. Panoramic mountain, valley & canyon views. Pool and Spa. Custom built 1999 home with quality living in mind. Grand scale rooms. 2 masters. 7Br+6.5Ba in 5,147 SqFt on a 17,000+ SqFt Lot South of the Blvd w/ views & privacy. Double door foyer entryway. Updated & upgraded. Living, family & dining rooms all w/ walls of glass and views. Kitchen w/ Granite. Master w views, walk-in & beautiful bath. Backyard w/ pool & spa + Outdoor Kitchen. 5Br+4Ba, 4572 SqFt 8329 SqFt Lot 12361 La Maida St. VVL $1,995,000 Kirk Hoffman 818-693-5475 13866 Valley Vista Blvd SO $1,750,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 4631 Longridge Ave SO $1,995,000 Kirk Hoffman 818-693-5475 Traditional Comfort with a modern flair! 2015 completed remodel with detached studio/office space, 5bdrm, 4ba, new salt water pool/spa, gas fire pit, open floor plan, 3790 sf interior, over 9100 sf lot Nantucket charmer! Brand new custom built 5br+5.5ba home. Exceptional craftsmanship. White oak floors, gourmet kitchen. Allen-suite bedrooms. Lavish master suite. Stylish pool with baja shelf, spa & built in fire pit. 12336 Rye St SC $1,199,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 18730 Paseo Nuevo Dr TAR $1,199,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 Beautiful trad. in quiet Cul-De-Sac area. Wood floors thruout most of interior. Large living room & Formal dine w FP. Family room w/ FP. Country style kitchen w stainless & eating area. Master suite. Large covered patio & pool. 3Br+2.5Ba, 2,547 SqFt, 6,985 lot S of the blvd traditional at a fabulous location. Open living & dining rooms both with see thru fireplace and back yard access. Updated kitchen w granite and stainless. 2 master suites. Pool & covered patio + lounging areas. 5Br+4Ba in 3482 SqFt, 12,536 lot Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News June 2015 20 South of the Blvd. with panoramic views. LR w/ 2 story ceilings & walls of glass. 4 Ensuite bedrooms including master suite w/ sauna, walk-in & large bathroom w/ spa tub & shower. Roof top deck. Pool & spa. Grassy yard 4Br+5Ba, 4317 SqFt, 9285 5176 Gloria Ave ENC $799,000 Matt Epstein 818-789-7408 Mid Century/Post & Beam. Grassy front & back yards. Living room w FP. Formal dining. Kitchen w/ eating area & wet bar. 4 beds inc. master suite. Bonus room. Pool & Spa.4Br+2.5Ba in 2,092 SqFt on a 9,843 Lot.
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