SCSOE News sept.P65 - Studio City


SCSOE News sept.P65 - Studio City
& the Neighboring Communities of N. Hollywood,
Valley Village
September 2014
Vol. VI No.12
Saturday Sept 6
Friends of the Encino Tarzana Public
Library book sale. 10am – 5pm. Encino
Tarzana Library 18231 Ventura Blvd. at
Nestle Ave. 818.343.1983
Monday Sept 8
Sherman Oaks Neighborhood Council.
Meets second Monday of each month.
6:30pm. Sherman Oaks Elementary School
Auditorium. 14755 Greenleaf St. 818-5032399
Studio City Neighborhood Council Special
Board Meeting with Save LA River Open
Space, CBS Studio Center, Building 8, 4024
Radford, Studio City 6:30pm
Tuesday Sept 9
Studio City Residents Association Meeting
at Beverly Garland Holiday Inn Theater.
4222 Vineland Ave. Validated Parking 7
p.m. Light Refreshments and Meet the
Board 7:30 p.m. Program Begins.
Announcements about current issues by
President Alan Dymond. Sr. LAPD Lead
Officer Mike Lewis provides an update on
local crime and guest speakers.
Saturday Sept 13
LIBRARY USED BOOK SALE 10:00am2:00pm at the Sherman Oaks Library, 14245
Moorpark St., (818)205-9716. Very good
selections of current cookbooks, children’s,
DVD’s, etc. Sales help fund library functions
and projects.
California State University, Northridge’s
Tseng College hosts a free presentation for
the public, “The Constitution and Political
Cont. Pg 20
What’s Inside
Shuman at Large.....................
Varsity Sports Page................. 17
Valley Curtain Call .................. 19
Tom LaBonge............................ 6
Silver.......................................... 7
Bentley’s Beat..........................
Real Estate................................
Anna Terra ..............................
Talk DVD................................... 18
I Teen......................................... 19
White Sofas................................. 19
The Last Open Space in Studio City is Under Direct Threat
of Development
By Alan Dymond
The recreational facilities and the open space at Weddington Golf &
Tennis, formerly known as Studio City Golf and Tennis, are under
threat of development. The proposed development would demolish
the existing 16 tennis courts and build 200 condominiums, which
consist of six buildings 45 feet high. Approximately 38,000 yards of
soil would be excavated for the underground garage. The developer
is proposing to divide the property into two parcels and up-zone one
parcel from Agricultural Open Space (A1-1XL) to Residential (R31). Up-zoning would require changes to the Community Plan that is
contradictory to the scope and intent of the Plan and especially
damaging by eliminating Recreational Open Space. Doing so will
pave the way for the remainder of the land to be up-zoned and
developed in the future.
The proposed development will hinge on whether the agricultural
zoning can be changed back to residential as it was before. However,
it was the Weddington family who readily agreed to change zoning
down to agricultural to get a reduction in the property tax in order to
assist their tenant, Studio City Golf and Tennis. The Weddingtons
also agreed to maintain this property as recreational open space.
According to Arthur E. Anderson, past president of Studio City Golf
and Tennis Inc., a huge property tax increase in the 70’s raised taxes
from $13,000 to $54,000 per year, which would have crippled the
Golf and Tennis entity. Therefore, again according to Anderson, Fred
and Milo Weddington, on behalf of the Weddington family, agreed
to have the property down zoned to agricultural Recreational Open
Space at no increase to the rate of $1,000 per month.
The impact of this proposed development is far reaching, with sixteen
acres removed from public use. All 16 tennis courts would be
demolished with impacts on countless schools, tournaments, summer
programs, and professional tennis teaching organizations.
There will be an increase in traffic and congestion on the intersection
of Ventura Blvd. and Whitsett Avenue.
This development would be a barrier to the best possible site for
regional public access to the Los Angeles River and river trails. It
Sunkist City?
By The SCSOE Staff
With Sunkist vacating their property on Riverside and Hazeltine
the developer IMT have swooped in proposing something called
the ICON/Sunkist Project, a 24 hour business, retail,
entertainment and high density housing on the old office
building site. The site is situated on land bordered on the south
by the LA River/101 freeway, and on the West by residential
single family houses, with only two streets for entry and exit,
To the East, Hazeltine is already overburdened from the Fashion
Square mall. This leaves only Riverside Drive, which appears
to be recipe for a traffic disaster.
The developer’s answer to access will be provided via
Riverside drive approximately 200 feet west of the traffic lights
of Hazeltine and Riverside Drive. If you walk this area on foot
you quickly realize that there is no effective way an additional
traffic signal could be added to accommodate large amount of
traffic. Anyone who commutes on Hazeltine knows that the
stop light allowing a left turn into the parking garage is already
ineffective at controlling traffic flow. It ends up being backed
up across Riverside Drive and blocks the entrance to Trader’s
Joe’s. What will an additional traffic light do exactly, except to
increase this back up? Based on observation of traffic patterns
especially during the holidays there is no effective way the
traffic burden of this massive development can be effectively
mitigated or controlled easily. In addition the project calls for
1245 parking spaces. The managers have depicted in the IR
that this parking will be some security protected parking for
the apartments and offices, and the rest parking for the retail
and restaurants. They plan charge for the patrons of the retail
shops and restaurants. Of course now in this sluggish economy
this raises an additional problem. People do not want to pay
and now want to park on the surrounding residential streets.
But these streets are already burdened by parking from the Van
Nuys Sherman Oaks park, the Trader Joe’s complex as well as
the Westfield Fashion Square Mall, particularly at the high
periods of retail traffic.
In addition where will the guests of the future apartments park?
Cont. pg. 20
Cont. pg. 13
Feliciano Gil 1936-2014
The founder of Great Western Distributing Service
in Los Angeles and Arcadia Addressing Co. in
Arcadia, organizations that touched millions of
Angelenos by attaching adverts to their front doors
and is still the distribution company of this paper,
died Monday, July 21, 2014 of causes stemming
from a lifetime of smoking at Providence St.
Joseph Medical Center in Burbank, family
members said. He was 77.
And chances are that anyone on Skid Row who lined up over the
decades for homemade Christmas dinners at the door of the doorto-door mail distributor probably knew and loved Feliciano V.
Gil. “He was giving, always giving. He was never a taker, ever,”
said his daughter Carrie Slakoff of Valencia before a funeral Mass
at St. Frances de Sales Catholic Church and burial at Forest Lawn
Memorial-Park in Hollywood Hills on Saturday. “If you needed
something and you asked for it, he’d give it to you.”
Like Us on Facebook...Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News
Cont. pg. 20
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
From the Publisher
As the Dylan song goes, you don’t need a
weatherman to know which way the wind
blows. And many local citizens don’t need
an environmental impact report on a
proposed massive development to know that
every zoning exception granted to
developers seeking to turn our valley into a
continuation of the West Side negatively
impacts most Studio City, Sherman Oaks and
Encino residents’ way of life.
How can our civic leaders tell us there is not
enough water for us to water our lawns
anymore, even if we can afford the ever
increasing water rates on our DWP bill, and
then can rush to approve massive
developments that will bring tens of
thousands of new residents who surely plan
to take daily showers and run dishwashers
even though they might be crammed into
high density developments that forever
change the character of peaceful suburban
Does the Mayor’s vision for a new LA include
hi rise buildings from downtown to Warner
Center? Only time will tell.
On a brighter note, at least there are a lot of
interesting new tv shows on the fall viewing
schedule, so read Couch Potatoes picks for
staying in and avoiding traffic gridlock. Or get
happy with a margarita on the outdoor patio
of Loteria Grill, the subject of our Taste review
this month. There is still a great sunset there
on the second floor patio at the intersection
of Laurel Canyon and Ventura Boulevards
ADDRESS: 11333 Moorpark Street. #139
Studio City, CA 91602
PHONE: 818.982.5002 (advertising)
Publisher / Editor-in-Chief : M. L. Marks
Associate Publisher: Jim Kaplan
Managing Editor / Graphics /
most Photos:
Stephen Phenow
Website Manager: Brandan Scott
Paul Krekorian
Tom LaBonge
Paul Koretz
Gerald A. Silver
Tamar Galatzan
Phil Shuman
Lorenzo Marchessi
Bill Bentley
Anna Terra
Vicki Stern
Jon Epstein
Stephen Phenow
Glenn Bailey
Mary Anne Skweres
Elizabeth Kate
Jake Kaplow
Sam Kaplan
SC SO ENC NEWS is published
monthly, and delivered to 30,000 homes
in Sherman Oaks, Studio City, &
Encino areas.
Delivered by Great Western Adv. Dist.
Delivery problems? Call (213) 6270539
All Contents Copyright 2013 BVP LLC
All Rights Reserved.
The Council
Speaks... @foxphil
By Paul
Transparent or Closer to Opaque?
Transparent. If you follow the news every
day, you are no doubt hearing this word a
lot. It’s one of my favorite new buzzwords
from our leaders.
The LAPD wants to be transparent in its
investigation of the shooting death of the
young unarmed black man named Ezell Ford.
The Sheriff’s Department has long promised
to be transparent in its probes of its own
deputies’ violence in the jails and other
alleged misdeeds. The LA County
Department of Children and Family Services’
latest examination of its failings will be
transparent. The DWP wants its look into
funding for specialized training programs to
be transparent.
The LAUSD says its examination of the
now cancelled billion dollar IPad purchase
program will be transparent. The CHP Chief,
visiting LA from Sacramento after one of his
officers pummeled a woman he was actually
trying to help by the side of the freeway (in
full view of someone’s cell phone video
camera), vows their investigation into the
incident will be transparent. The new
Controller has a comprehensive new website
up (( with a
treasure trove of data and reports and audits
so we can all see how ... come on now you
know.... how transparent the City’s
operations are.
Even President Obama
has said his administration will be the most
transparent in history. €
From Ferguson, Missouri, transparency is
the order of the day, from the local Police
investigation to the one by the U.S. Attorney
You know what? It all sounds good on
paper or on TV, but in reality, it is just one
step removed from business as usual. Merely
saying you want something to be transparent,
or that you have ordered your subordinates
to be transparent, or releasing a massive
written report six months down the road is a
far cry from the real thing. What are the
results of information revealed or exposed
by all this transparency? That is part of it.
Do you think the public is going to hear
On Aug. 26, the City Council took the
next step toward repairing our city’s
broken sidewalks by voting to approve
the recommendations that I made with
Councilmember Joe Buscaino. As chairs
of the Budget and Finance and Public
Works committees, respectively, we
have made it our mission to craft a
comprehensive solution to LA’s
sidewalk woes.
Here is a snapshot of what the city is
doing right away:
1. Creating a Sidewalk Repair Trust
Fund to hold funds for future sidewalk
2. Sending Neighborhood Councils a
questionnaire to get feedback on the
3. Developing a complaint-driven
mapping and prioritization system to
identify and coordinate repairs to the
city’s most dangerous sidewalks; and
4. Reporting back in 60 days on repair
program specifics, including a 50/50
cost sharing program for homeowners;
a revolving loan program to help pay
for repairs; a plan for fixing sidewalks
next to parks and community centers this
year; and much more.
After decades of attempts to tackle our
sidewalk problems, I think everyone on
the City Council believes that we must
address this issue in a comprehensive
way. This recent vote moved us in the
right direction, but it is just the
beginning of a long journey.
I can assure you that many of our
sidewalks will get fixed soon. In fact,
we are already repairing some. The City
Council allocated $27 million for
sidewalk repair this year. What I am
attempting to do with my colleagues is
create a program that will both allow us
to use that money on urgent sidewalk
repairs now and also methodically
continue the needed repairs in the years
to come.
Two months from now, when we receive
the reports we requested, the City
Council will use the information to
figure out the most efficient, cost
effective and sustainable approaches for
resolving the city’s sidewalk damage
backlog. I truly believe that we are going
about this in the right way. This is how
we’ll get our sidewalks repaired,
which is what Angelenos want and
It is a real opportunity to move beyond
piecemeal solutions and create a
complete program to make our
sidewalks better and safer across Los
the details of the LAPD’s shooting
investigation of Ford, what went wrong or
what didn’t go wrong? We may get the
ultimate results but we will get what the
powers that be want us to get, even if we in
the news media have the rare opportunity to
dig into meaningful stories while we chase
the latest Justin Bieber arrest.
Do you think the CHP or the Sheriff or the
School District will voluntarily share details
of what they find if the details are
embarrassing or humiliating to the
organization? That is why people have so
little faith in our Government and our leaders.
And what does transparency mean?
Regular public updates? Open hearings,
open disciplinary proceedings? Details of
who is doing what and on what timetable?
Consequences of action or inaction? It
means all of that and more. But it rarely if
ever happens the way we would like it or the
way it is promised.
Yes, several Sheriffs’ deputies and a couple
of higher ups were recently convicted of
obstruction of justice in connection with the
jail system, and that is a vindication of the
process, but that is such an exception to
business as usual and took years. Yes, that’s
a cynical attitude but we are in cynical times
where tax dollars are in short supply to say,
fix sidewalks, or help the homeless, but there
is always a 150 million dollar computer
software program that has to be scrapped and
redesigned when it does not work and there
is money for that.
So the next time you hear a promise of
transparency, ask precisely what that means
and who will be the judge of it. I will be
completely transparent when I say I am still
waiting. Waiting for a transformational
leader, locally, statewide or nationally.
Can he or she make people sit up and pay
Can they convince us that they are there to
help us, let the chips fall where they may,
and they are about more than just making
themselves and their organizations look as
good as possible?
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Letters to the Editor
The Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News welcomes your
Editorial Submissions
The Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News welcomes articles. Editorial material of 500 words
or less may be mailed to Big Valley Publications,
11333 Moorpark St. #139
Studio City CA
to Deadline is
second week of the month.
Councilmember Paul Krekorian represents L.A.’s CD2 . His
website and you can find him on Facebook
and Twitter (@PaulKrekorian).
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
letters. Letters to the Editor should be no more than 300
words, although the News reserves the right to make exceptions to this policy. Hand written letters are acceptable
only if they are legible. Letters must contain the writer’s
telephone number and address for verification purposes
only.The Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News reserves
the right to accept, reject or edit letters and other editorial
material. The News does not return letters, photos or other
editorial submissions.
Notes From CD4
I always say that you only need two things
in life: water and relationships. Let’s work
together, do our part, and conserve water!
The City of Los Angeles has a population
of almost four million people, using billions
of gallons of water each year. Water is
indispensable to the health and well-being
of our residents and our prospects for future
growth and prosperity. With growing
population and increasing demands, it is
crucial that we understand the impacts of
our water-use, and explore ways to use water
and natural resources more efficiently and
As California is currently suffering from
severe drought, we must not forget that part
of water conservation is in our own hands.
This summer, I’ve urged Angelenos to
spread the word on conserving water and
follow the Los Angeles Department of
Water and Power “Know Your Watering
Days.” If you have been doing your part and
following LADWP water conservation
ordinance, then I applaud you for helping
save the water our City needs. If you need a
refresher on what the ordinances entail,
This month I ask everyone to review these
ordinances, as LADWP recently released
that their Water Conservation Response
Unit (WCRU) is traveling to the streets to
curb water waste€ That’s right, additional
staff has already begun patrolling the City
of Los Angeles for water waste and
responding to tips provided by phone, email
and through social media. To learn more
about the WCRU, please read the Los
Angeles Department of Water and Power’s
By Tom
The View from CD5
On Thursday night, August 28, a tragic
event occurred in Encino, a fire raged in
which a mother, who was 98 years old, and
her son, who was 74 years old, lost their
lives. This was a horrible fire, but it didn’t
need to be a fatal one. The complex in
which the fire took place contained
privately owned condominiums, but there
were no smoke detectors in the hallways,
and while there were a small number of
detectors in some of the residencies, those
detectors weren’t in a functioning state.
If there had been working smoke detectors,
lives may well have been saved. Instead,
we lost two human lives, just like that. Six
other people including one firefighter were
injured, and one dog died from smoke
So while many of us already have smoke
alarms, they do not function if the detectors
are not in place and working, so please, if
you have any, make sure they are
functioning and that they have working
batteries! There is a marvelous program
called SAFE, which stands for Smoke
Alarm Field Education. It provides
detectors, after any significant incident
where life is lost or where lives might have
been at risk. Up to 25-30 smoke alarms
may be given out in the immediate
neighborhood of a given incident. At
various times, smoke alarms are available
for free at local fire stations until they run
out. This program is sponsored by First
Alert who gives LAFD 500 smoke alarms
a month. But that can only go so far, in a
great metropolis the size of Los Angeles.
Earlier this year, the Los Angeles City
Council approved a motion to do what we
educational and awareness
efforts to enforce and stop
wasteful water practices.
Awareness and Enforcement:
Educational awareness efforts, and
enforcement where applicable, are
conducted by the LADWP Water
Conservation Team, a group of trained
professionals whose sole mission is to spot
and stop wasteful water practices. Teams
patrol Los Angeles communities to help
inform customers of water waste they
observe in progress and learn about through
tips from neighbors and concerned citizens
who call 1-800-DIAL DWP or send e-mails
Additionally, LADWP Customer Service
Field Representatives are authorized and
trained to report violations of the
Ordinance. First offenses are given a
verbal warning in the form of water
conservation tips, water saving devices
where possible and printed educational
materials in order to raise customer
awareness. Repeat violators are subject
to monetary fines. Monetary citations,
when given, range from $100-$300 for
residential customers and $200-600 for
commercial customers. No monetary
citation is given without prior warning.
As Councilmember of the Fourth District,
I want to be certain that my constituents
are always up-to-date and informed about
regulations that impact your neighborhood
or the City of Los Angeles as a whole.
Continue your efforts to inspire your
neighbors to use water wisely, no matter
where you are or where you go.
CD4 Councilmember Tom LaBonge can be reached at
By Paul Koretz
can to provide more smoke
alarms, raise awareness
about fire safety, and better
identify missing or non-working smoke
alarms at multi-family residential buildings
(the same motion also addressed the issue
of carbon-monoxide poisoning “ the silent
killer“ and the importance of having
carbon-monoxide detectors). Hopefully,
there will come a time when the City is able
to help everyone have the detectors they
need, but I really do urge people not to wait,
but to make sure that you are wellprotected, today, with have working smoke
alarms in place.
I also want to mention that there were many
reports of the heroic efforts of our
firefighters quickly coming to the site of
the fire in Encino and striving mightily to
put out the flames, save lives and keep
people safe. There are high density
condominium buildings in that area, and it
could have been a lot worse, but LAFD
from different stations rushed there to help,
and went in and evacuated people in the
midst of the blaze. This is no surprise, for
the bravery of our fire fighters is one of the
great constants of life in our City. I want
to praise and thank our firefighters (as well
as the LAPD who were likewise quickly
on the scene), even while urging people to
make sure they have working smoke
detectors. It is one of the best thing you
can do to keep yourself and others alive
and safe.
CD 5 Councilmember Paul Koretz can be reached at 213.473.7005 213.485.3337
New Venue for
Beth Meier
Congregation Beth Meier, Studio City’s
oldest synagogue, is holding its High
Holy Days services this year at a new
location. Previously in a hotel ballroom,
the services for the upcoming Jewish
New Year of 5775, beginning the evening
of September 24, will be at First Christian
Church of North Hollywood. Although
the two congregations have been
neighbors for over 50 years, neither has
ever conducted its religious services at
the other’s location. “In the spirit of good
interfaith relations and pursuing common
goals, our congregations have had a
number of joint programs over the years.
We are elated and grateful that our
neighbors have opened their doors to us
for our services,” said Beth Meier’s
spiritual leader, Rabbi Richard Flom.
“This is fully in keeping with the
teachings of our founder, Rabbi Meier
Schimmel, who was committed to the
ideals of brotherhood and unity among
all peoples and religious beliefs. This
openness to all continues in our
congregation to this day. That’s why no
one gets turned away from our services.”
The High Holy Days of Rosh Hashanah
(New Year) and Yom Kippur (Day of
Atonement) are a time of both celebration
and introspection. The central theme of
Rabbi Flom
the holidays is “teshuvah”, a Hebrew
word meaning repentance and turning
oneself around. “I’ve barely begun
working on my sermons for the
holidays,” Rabbi Flom says with a
smile, “so if you want to find out what
I’m teaching this year, you’ll just have
to come to our services.”
The Encino Oaks Republican Women Federated Invites you to Attend
Our September 10th meeting will be a very patriotic and special time, honoring our veterans, active-duty
service members and first responders. Colonel Worley and his ROTC from La Cresenta High will present
the colors, and we will have wonderful patriotic musical presented by Rebecca Calix.
Join us in red, white and blue fashion for a wonderful celebration of American Exceptionalism!!
Speakers Colonel David Rabb, Charlene Stevens and Norbie Lara and their stories will make you even
prouder to be an American. Bring all your friends to this special event. THIS IS ONE YOU DON’T WANT
Information about Beth Meier and its
services, conducted by Rabbi Flom and
Cantor Kerry Katz, is available at: or by calling the
synagogue at (818) 769-0515.
Wednesday, September 10, 2014
The Sportsman’s Lodge – 12833 Ventura Blvd., Studio City
Check – in Begins: 10:30 a.m.
For Reservations call: Shirley Colvin (661) 255-7752 or email:
Cost Per Person: $30
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
If a
st You Don
att Fir
Don’’t Succeed...
New Rules for Traffic Study
Big changes are on the way that will
make traffic delays and gridlock worse. The
new rules will impact how developers and
traffic engineers assess traffic congestion
for new projects. These proposed changes
are not good for drivers or California
residents. They only benefit developers. On
September 27, 2013, Governor Brown
signed Senate Bill 743. It changed the way
developers and traffic engineers analyze
transportation impacts under the California
Environmental Quality Act (CEQA).
Currently, environmental review of
transportation impacts focus on the delay
that vehicles experience at intersections and
on roadways. Traffic delay is measured
using a metric known as ‘level of service’€
or LOS. Intersections and traffic are rated:
A free flow, B reasonably free flow, C stable
flow, D approaching unstable E unstable
flow and F: forced or breakdown flow.
To mitigate increased delays for a new
project, developers were required to expand
capacity by widening intersections, adding
lanes, re-striping, installing new signals,
adding curb cutouts, etc. The State now
claims that these measures actually increase
auto use and emissions and discourage
alternative forms of transportation.
Under SB 743, the focus of transportation
analysis will shift from driver delays to
reduction of greenhouse gas emissions,
increases in transit, pedestrian and bicycle
use and mix of land uses. Traffic studies
based on traffic flows require developers
to build bigger roads and intersections as
mitigation for traffic impacts. The impact
on pedestrians, bicyclists and transit was
over-looked. Improvement in conditions for
pedestrians, bicyclist and transit were not
Real Estate Corner
Can you trust your real estate agent?
Not too long ago I received a call from a
woman I have known for many years. She
was very upset because she had just
watched a local news report about an
Encino based real estate agent who had
been identified as the man who was
flashing at the Camarillo Outlet Malls. She
said people like that should not be allowed
to sell real estate She went on to say that
these types of people have access to our
homes and our families and that our
industry should be better regulated.
I explained to her that it is very easy for
anyone to check into a real estate agent’s
past behaviors and practices. In fact, about
ten years ago there were a couple of
prominent west side real estate agents who
were accused of fraudulent real estate
transactions and one of them ended up
being convicted, went to jail and lost his
real estate license. In order to practice
and conduct real estate transactions in the
state of California, a person must be
licensed by the by the Bureau of Real
Estate. If someone has a past conviction,
this agency will not issue a license. If it is
a minor offense they may issue a restricted
In addition to screening first time
applicants the Bureau of Real Estate also
monitors every agent on an ongoing basis.
If there has been a complaint against an
By Gerald Silver
SB 743 requires the Office of
Planning and Research (OPR)
to amend CEQA to provide an
alternative to level of service for evaluating
transportation impacts. The alternative
criteria must ‘...promote the reduction of
greenhouse gas emissions, the
development of multimodal transportation
networks, and a diversity of land uses.’€
Measurements of transportation impacts
may include vehicle miles traveled, vehicle
miles traveled per capita, automobile trip
generation rates, or automobile trips
What all this means is a developer of a
massive new project may use
improvements in transit, bicycle and
pedestrian usage, rather than gridlock,
traffic jams or delays as mitigations. The
LOS system will become history.
Much of what is behind these changes are
the developer’s pocketbooks. Requiring
mitigations for street dedications, widening
roads or new traffic lights, etc. meant
increased costs to developers. But what is
totally overlooked and ignored by the State
is the need to limit and control new
development so that traffic flow is not made
worse. Unfortunately this is the third rail
that politicians do not want to address.
The Office of Planning and Research
(OPR) is asking for comments by October
10, 2014 Go to
Gerald A. Silver is President of Homeowners of Encino. He
served on the Citizens Advisory Committee that helped craft
the Ventura Blvd. Specific Plan. He can be reached at
...try, try again.€
So the proverb goes, and with that in mind,
I have renewed my fight to restore federal
anti-poverty money to schools in Los
Angeles Unified that have large numbers
of low-income students but no longer
qualify for assistance. I want to undo the
action the board took in 2011 to raise the
eligibility threshold for Title I a federally
funded program that generates tens or even
hundreds of thousands of dollars for
schools in impoverished communities.
With the state launching a new system that
provides significantly more money to
support high-needs students, I hope to
convince my colleagues that they can share
just a tiny fraction of their federal dollars
without causing undue harm to their
To provide some background: Los Angeles
Unified and other high-poverty districts get
a per-pupil allocation of Title I money to
spend on tutoring, technology and other
programs that can help close the
achievement gap. For years, LAUSD
schools qualified for Title I money when
at least 40 percent of their students lived
in poverty; those with concentrations of 65
percent or higher got even more.
Then, three years ago, after the feds
reduced LAUSD’s Title 1 funding, the
school board raised the eligibility threshold
from 40 to 50 percent. I cast the sole
dissenting vote against the plan because of
its catastrophic effect on many schools in
Board District 3.
Under the formula, schools where 49.9
percent of the students live at or below the
poverty line don’t get a time. But those with
By Tamar Galatzan
just a few more students “pushing them
above the 50 percent threshold” got $470
this year for each of their students. At at
schools with concentrations of 65 percent
and above, the allocation jumped to $619.
To rectify this imbalance, I sponsored a
resolution in November 2013 that would
reallocate Title I money using a three-tiered
system — 40-49.9, 50-64.9 and 65 percent
and over. The board split 3-3, with one
abstention, on my plan, so the two-part Title
1 formula remains intact
But I’m not giving up. I introduced a
resolution in August that would whittle a
small amount of Title I funding from highpoverty schools and reallocate it to those
in the 40-49.9 percent range. Expanding
Educational Equity and Achievement for
Title I Students’ is set for a vote on Sept. 9.
What makes this effort different from 2013
is the state’s new system for funding public
education. Known as the Local Control
Funding Formula, it gives a significant
boost “ as much as $1,169 per student” to
schools with large concentrations of highneeds kids. Because this influx of state
money eases the reliance on Title I funding,
it offers the chance to be more flexible in
how federal dollars are allocated. And this
means we could return more federal money
intended for those living in poverty to more
of the kids who need it most.
Tamar Galaztan is a LAUSD School Board Member
by Matt Epstein
agent or if there has been a conviction
against a real estate agent then the agency
can restrict or cancel the agent’s license.
When I logged onto the Bureau of Real
Estate web site to look into this agent, I
saw that this person had many dispensary
actions before his arrest in Camarillo. This
agent’s license had been flagged and
suspended so it is not very likely that this
person would be practicing real estate
anytime soon.
It is easy to check into the real estate agent
that you are about to hire. To make sure
that their license is in good standing, go to Once you are on the
Bureau of Real Estate website the first
section that you will see is:
Verify a Licensee. Click on that section.
The next screen that you will see is Public
Licensee Information. On this section you
would just type in the agent’s last name.
There will be a list of every agent that has
that last name. Simply scroll the list until
you find the agent that you are looking for.
Once you have identified click on their
license number and then you will be able
to see how long they have been licensed,
and if they have any disciplinary actions.
If they do have actions against them you
can see what they are. If there are major
violations or convictions you will see a blue
Studio City House for Rent. On 1/4 acre of land.
Walk to Studio City Park Please call 818.216.4477
highlighted action number and if you click
on that number the entire case will be in
front of you for your review.
Just because someone is nice when you
meet them at an open house or see their
signs, or meet them at a social engagement
does not mean that you should trust them
with the sale or purchase of your home.
Make sure that you do a detailed check into
the person that you hire to assist you. There
are a lot of people that have real estate
licenses. Most of them are upstanding
people. Make sure that the person that you
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
are working with is a straight shooter and
someone who is to be trusted with the sale
of your home or the purchase of your new
Any questions of comments please contact Matt Epstein
from Berkshire Hathaway HomeServices at or (818) 789-7408. Matt Epstein is
considered the expert for real estate sales in the South/
East San Fernando Valley.
Mary Ann
Our meal at the Studio City Loteria Grill
surprised our party of four with an
astonishing array of authentic specialties
from many culinary regions of Mexico, not
the Cal-Mex or Tex-Mex versions often
served north of the border. All the salsas,
sauces, tortillas and guisos – traditional
regional stews – are homemade and some
of the dishes are original creations that will
change your expectations for the
traditional Mexican combination plate.
The restaurant offers a large selection of
Margaritas – time-honored Classico,
orange-flavored namesake Loteria, spicy
Jalapeno and Ginger, as well as fresh fruity
flavors such as Watermelon, Mango and
Strawberry. Our gracious host, manager
Luis Garcia, showed his “taste” by treating
us to Loteria Grill’s special Reserve,
Herradura Double Barrel Reposado. The
100% Agave Tequila is perfect for sipping.
The most surprising taste of our dining
experience, the Chicharrón de Queso,
consisted of griddle-toasted Oaxaca and
Jack cheeses. A delightful dish meant to
be eaten with guacamole and salsa verde
(green tomatillo) cruda rolled in fresh corn
tortillas, just munching on chunks of the
thin, crispy cheese really allowed the taste
and texture of the concoction stand out. A
house favorite.
Two specials made my must-come-backand-eat-this-again list. Full-sized Tacos de
Camaron al Agillo – pan-seared shrimp
flavored with garlic and serrano chili with
include Champiñones con Epazote,
mushrooms with epazote; Calabacitas, a
zucchini, roasted corn and red pepper
succotash; and Papa con Rajas, potatoes
with roasted poblano peppers – all three
served with salsa verde cruda, onion,
cilantro and queso fresco.
Chicken tacos include personal favorite
Mole Poblano con Pollo, made with
chicken cooked in a mole poblano sauce,
served with toasted sesame seeds, onion
and queso fresco. Also tasted was the
Tinga de Pollo, chicken stewed with
chipotle peppers and housemade chorizo
then spiced with salsa roja de chipotle and
Pollo en Pipían Rojo, chicken in an
unusual spicy pumpkin-seed, peanut and
chile guajillo sauce topped with finely
chopped white onion. Yum!
Pork tacos include Cochinita Pibil, achiote
and citrus-marinated pork, slowly roasted
in banana leaf topped with citrus-pickled
red onion and chile habanero; Chicharrón
en Salsa Verde, concocted of pork rinds
stewed in a spicy tomatillo sauce,
presented with onion, cilantro and queso
fresco; Carnitas en Salsa Morita, a
michoacán-style, carnitas in a very spicy
chile morita sauce garnished with avocado,
onion and cilantro; and Papa con Chorizo,
homemade chorizo with roasted potatoes,
salsa verde cruda, queso fresco, finely
chopped onion and cilantro.
Completing the sampler was a Carne
Deshebrada taco of shredded beef served
with fresh guacamole, salsa chipotle, onion
and cilantro. Despite the variety already
a hint of guajoillo, served with avocado, a
cilantro crème with a spicy kick, and pico
de gallo. Tacos los Tres Cochinitos,
(pictured) translated as three little pigs,
consisted of three types of pork – carnitas
mixed with bacon topped with pork rind
chips, onions, cilantro and red spicy morita
salsa. Juicy and succulent meat, a must
for pork lovers.
Trouble choosing from the extensive
menu? Try Probaditas, a mini-taco sampler
of twelve signature guisos.
Vegetable-based tacos include Nopalitos,
fresh cactus salad with salsa verde cruda
and queso fresco . Other vegetable tacos
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
eaten, we were not finished with tasting.
For seafood lovers, the full-sized
Huachinango Estilo Ensenada tacos
combined beer battered red snapper, green
and red shredded cabbage, zingy chipotleavocado aioli, and fresh pico de gallo.
Want steak? Try Carne Arrachera a la
Parrilla, a tender, grilled beer-marinated
skirt steak with sides of drunken pinto
beans, roasted fingerling potatoes spiced
with poblano peppers, and a zucchini and
roasted corn mini tostada. Sides, include
the “minty” Green Rice. Our attentive
server, Bobby, suggested Fried Plantains
served with Crema Mexicana, a rich,
savory cream, closer in flavor to sour
cream, than sweet cream.
Rounding out the meal, we shared two
desserts. The creamy Coconut Flan was
topped with caramel and served with sliced
strawberries. The Coffee Tres Leches was
a delicious spongy cake soaked with
flavor, drizzled with chocolate and
accompanied by strawberry slices and a
dollop of cream.
Loteria Grill 12050 Ventura Blvd.
Studio City, CA 91604 (818) 508-5300
Guests can dine indoors or outside on
the open patio, where dogs are allowed.
Offered For Sale at $1,595,000
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
HOT Recipes with Anna Terra
Hot Pastrami Dips
It’s NFL kick-off weekend. And no kickoff party is complete, without a yummy,
hot pastrami dip sandwich. Great while
watching or talking about football,.
Why not indulge in this great pastrami
sandwich? Many years ago, I created this
wonderful combination of paring Fontina
cheese and sauteed onions, with this
delicious meat. Fontina is noted for its
earthy, mushroomy, and woody taste, and
pairs exceedingly well with meats.
The dipping sauce is delicious and easy
to prepare.
Hot Pastrami Dips
Prep time: 10 minutes
Cook time: 20 minutes
1 1/2 pounds thinly sliced,
lean pastrami
1 1/2 tablespoons butter
1 large onion, thinly
1 cup grated Fontina cheese
1 cup beer
1/2 cup French Dip Au Jus
6 French or sourdough rolls
Slice French roll in
halves, not cutting all the
way through, so pastrami
will stay in place.
Melt butter in a large
skillet on medium heat. Add
onions and saute for about
15 minutes stirring
constantly until golden
brown. Add sliced pastrami
and heat for another 3 to
5 minutes. Stir in Fontina
cheese, melt and turn off
In a small saucepan,
combine beer and French dip
sauce until hot. Heat or
toast rolls if desired. Dip
pastrami into beer/dipping
sauce. Place pastrami on
roll and reserve extra
sauce for dipping.
Local Lemonade Stand is a Refreshing Summer Project
A young Sherman Oaks resident’
summer camp experience inspired her
to raise money for Camp del Corazon,
a place where kids with heart disease
can enjoy summer camp as well as
year round activities.
You might have seen a lemonade
stand on the corner of Dixie Canyon
and Valley Vista with the gregarious
Bailey, who is well known in the
neighborhood, always saying hi to
everyone and stopping to pet her
neighbor’s dogs. After hearing about
Camp del Corazon this summer,
Bailey enlisted her sister Zoe to help
make up flyers to take with her on the
family’s evening walk and she handed
Buon Appetito!
Buy Anna’s Book! HOT RECIPES
Like Us on Facebook...Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
one out to everyone she saw,
publicizing her goal of raising money
for the camp.
Mother Suzie and sister Zoe helped
the enterprising 6 year old make fresh
lemonade and home baked cookies
and set up her lemonade stand.
The neighbors were moved by her
efforts to help other children and
responded generously, some
neighbors walked down to the street
just to make a donation. Two Hundred
dollars was raised for the Camp del
Corazon, and those who know her say
the first grader has big plans to help
others and to make a big difference
Eddy James
12522 Ventura Blvd, Studio City
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
On Sunday, September 14, 2014,
the Ovarian Cancer Coalition of
Greater California (OCC), a 501c3
nonprofit organization, will hold its
16th annual Women’s Health Walk
& Run at CBS Studio Center in
Studio City. As in past years, we
expect several thousand participants
and a very meaningful event.
This year’s event will be held in
loving memory of our founder and
President, Gayle McKenna, who
passed away last year after a long
and valiant battle against ovarian
cancer. Gayle never lost sight of
OCC’s ultimate goal to find a cure
for ovarian cancer. Under the
leadership of our new President,
Chris Bledy (also a survivor), OCC
will continue Gayle McKenna’s
legacy and expand her vision.
Ovarian cancer is a silent and
deadly killer of women of all ages.
OCC’s mission is to save lives
through early detection, research
and education. At this time, there is
no conclusive screening measure to
diagnose ovarian cancer. Education
is a key to survival. Therefore, OCC
strives to raise awareness by
organizing and participating in
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
educational outreach programs to
inform women about symptoms
and how to be pro-active in their
OCC invites the public to
participate in this 10k Run/5k Walk
Run for awareness and hope. There
will be a Kiddie k, an opportunity
raffle drawing, a silent auction, and
health and fitness vendors. All
proceeds from this charity event
will benefit ovarian cancer
We thank our sponsors: Go
Country 105 FM Radio, Optimist
International, American Realty
Advisors, Casa Automotive Group,
RE/MAX Tri-City and
Bikram’s Yoga College of India,
For more information about the
Walk/Run or sponsorship: or
Cont. from Pg 1.
There is no provision for this in the IR.
Restricted parking will have a major
negative impact on the visitors to VNSO
park where currently there is not enough
parking to service the usage of this
wonderful resource in the community.
Previous examples throughout the US
indicates that conversion from a low
density office building adjacent to a low
density residential area to a 24 hour
business, retail, entertainment and high
density housing project will change the
neighborhood. Most neighboring
properties have significant landscaping,
mature trees and open space. The proposed
project has none of these and completely
eliminates the attractive looking open
space. The current neighborhood is largely
made up of single and 2 story mid 1950’s
construction. The proposed project looks
nothing like any other structures in the area.
The modern, metal, monolithic structure
is out of place.
Currently the mature
trees in and around the property soften the
impact of the corporate look.
These mature trees will need to be
replaced by substantial large trees, not with
mere saplings that will not have
appreciable softening effect until they have
matured in 15-20 years. The proposed
development creates numerous negative
influences. The combination of 300
residential units, 40,000 sq ft of retail,
7,000 squre feet of restaurants, and the
current 120,000 square feet of office space
creates the effect of a town operating 24
hours a day. This will place a major burden
on the community and infrastructure. The
study does not anticipate any significant
population increase. This just is not
possible when considering the full impact
of not just the residents but the office
workers and visitors to the retail
establishments. The population increase
has an exponential impact due to the mixed
use nature of this project. The initial study
does not realistically look at what all these
new people in such a small area will do to
the nature of the neighborhood.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
Considering the typical type of resident
in apartments, the new presence of alcohol,
as well as the limited access there is grave
concern for public safety as there have
been negative developments in similar
Finally, the proposed project will take
approximately 33 months to complete.
During this time the area will have a
massive amount of additional traffic,
which will be stopped for removal from
the site of dirt for the underground parking
by large trucks. This and other problems
associated with a mammoth construction
project of this type will negatively affect
all residents of Sherman Oaks. The
oversized scale will unduly burden
residents to allow IMT to make massive
changes to this property which are not
allowed with current zoning. Developers
must specifically lay out the best practices
for this construction process to impact the
neighbors the least way possible, without
regard to cost to the developer.
Should citizens be content that the LA
City Council who represents the citizens’
best interests is allowing this to continue?
Some facts to consider: The developer
pays the City for the Environmental Impact
Report and the City in turn pays the EIR
firm. Technically the EIR firm works for
the City and is selected by the City but the
developer has a say in what firm gets
chosen. So there is a built in basis for the
developer from the start.
The Sherman Oaks Homeowners
Association’s Committee who is
overseeing the ICON Sunkist project has
become so concerned that they distributed
a “Call to Action” flyer throughout
Sherman Oaks. It will be 7-9 months for
the EIR, Environmental Impact Study, to
be completed and released to the public.
Updates will be posted on the website
Photos courtesy of Lucis Gattuso
On Saturday August 30, during a Labor
Day Weekend when most people had BBQ
or beach on the agenda, my friend Paul
Michael Neuman presented a 50th
anniversary celebration of Frank O’Hara’s
Lunch Poems at Stories Books and Café
in Echo Park. The evening featured a
motley crew of creative types, each
reading a poem from the groundbreaking
collection, accompanied by live musicians.
When I was asked to read The Day Lady
Died, about the death of Billie Holliday, I
could not turn down an opportunity to
honor the legendary jazz and blues singer
who was influential in my early career and
whose recordings still influences so many
singers. For me, a trip to Echo Park is
almost as exotic as a trip to New York in
the 60s, which was O’Hara’s stomping
grounds, and it seemed like a good reason
to leave the valley on a hot night.
Members of the event’s backing musical
group, The Colour Out of Space, included
Dan Schwartz , Ken Berry, Debra Dobkin,
Eric Garcia and Lynn Coulter, who tastily
embellished the live readings with bluesy
jazzy accompaniment worthy of a
Greenwich Village coffee house. This fine
group of versatile pros play a monthly gig
at Bob’s Espresso Bar in North
Hollywood, a musician’s haven owned by
actor Robert Romanus, who is still
recognized for playing Mike Damone in
Fast Times at Ridgemont High. Over a cup
of coffee at Bob’s is where event producer
Neuman first heard the group play and
ascertained that they would be perfect for
the Frank O’Hara reading he was planning.
A lot of people showed up to read
that night and more showed up just
to listen, and some of us got to live
out our Greenwich Village beatnik
Garofalo and a talented ensemble cast, will
screen at the Burbank International Film
Festival this Saturday and at the NYC
Independent Film Festival in October. The
versatile Ghaffari also booked a
supporting role in Savage Cinema’s
hardcore horror/crime hybrid, Pond Scum,
directed by indie Aussie filmmaker Mark
Sherman Oaks based Vida Ghaffari,
an actress and voiceover artist,
recently voiced a couple of roles in
the animated film Lovesick Fool for
Dominic Polcino, a director of The
Simpsons, Family Guy, and King of
the Hill. The film, starring Fred
Willard, Lisa Kudrow, Janeane
Ghaffari plays the role of a pious woman
betrayed by her abusive husband. Savage
was so struck by her acting talent, that he
will also cast her in a major supporting
role in his upcoming thriller, Circus of
Pozniak and Lee
Health care reform specialist and longtime
Studio City resident Naama Pozniak was
one of a select group of agents recently
invited to meet with Peter V. Lee, the
Executive Director of Covered California,
at the California Endowment center
downtown to discuss the upcoming 2015
open enrollment that starts in November.
Longtime neighborhood Italian place
Mazzarino’s closed on July 21. Owner Liz
Versten told me she chose not to renew
the lease, but a new owner plans to re-open
in October with the same food. Miss you,
The Colour Out of Space, with MM
Bentley’s Beat
Paul Butterfield’s Better Days
Live at Winterland Ballroom (Wounded
Bird Records)
“Without Paul I don’t know if a lot of us
would be here tonight...” That’s the way
Bill Graham introduced Butterfield and his
then-new band Better Days at this 1973
concert in San Francisco. Truer words were
never spoken. When the Paul Butterfield
Blues Band first burst onto the scene in
1965, everything changed. Blues became
the property of both black and white
electric bands, and the world met a man
with an endless reservoir of feeling. Seven
years later Butterfield formed Better Days,
and handpicked a group that included
Geoff Muldaur, Ronnie Barron, Amos
Garrett, Billy Rich and Christopher Parker.
The aggregation didn’t last long, but the
music they made during that brief time still
stands as among the best ever played.
When the group pulled into Winterland for
this show, they were almost literally on fire.
Every single song here is a study in
greatness, whether they’re originals or
enticing covers. And Butterfield’s harp and
vocals are nothing short of treacherous. He
had a heaviness of soul that sounds like it
comes from a mountain, and he could
convey it endlessly. After Better Days
demise Paul Butterfield never quite found
an equal groove, but he still always
maintained his outright ability and style.
He couldn’t be anything less than amazing.
Listening to an American band at the very
By Bill Bentley
peak of their power like this is permanent
inspiration for us all.
you right.” The good Dr. will take care of
everything else.
Ruthie Foster
Promise of a Brand New Day (Blue Corn
Success has been predicted for over a
decade for Ruthie Foster. There has never
been a question about deserving it. That’s
a given. Through the years she’s won fans
show by show and song by song, so that
today she feels right on the edge of rising
up. With a new album produced by Meshell
Ndegeocello and a set list of new songs as
wonderful as anything Foster has written,
along with five dead-on covers, now is that
time. She has a way with delivering
messages through music that puts her in a
party of one. Listening to Ruthie Foster
sing the Staple Singers “The Ghetto” is to
see all the way down the line of oppression
and poverty. There is the sound of the Holy
Ghost lurking within as well, guiding those
in hearing distance to a higher place, one
where compassion and love line Paradise
Road. What’s maybe most impressive
about Ruthie Foster is how she gets to that
divine ground so consistently. This woman
really is blessed, and in sharing that
blessing with her audience she takes them
there too. The final song, “New” is written
by Toshi Reagon and features her vocals
as well, and sums up so much the ultimate
accomplishment of Foster’s new album. It
feels like a brand new day, one that lets the
lovelight shine on a woman who’s always
been there and is now ready to spread it
Dr. John
Ske-Dat-De-Dat: The Spirit of Satch
(Concord Music)
The holy trinity of New Orleans musical
ambassadors—Louie Armstrong, Fats
Domino and Dr. John—live in a rarefied
air of excellence, each one an artist who
became bigger than being just a musician.
Of the three, Dr. John is the one who
continually takes monster chances that
would no doubt scare off a lesser light. On
his latest opus, he loosely takes on the spirit
of Armstrong and does such an endlessly
inventive take on songs associated with
Satchmo that the head spins. Dr. John flips,
flops and flies from jazz to rhythm & blues
to hip-hop to gospel, all at the tip of a
colorful hat, a drop of a wrist on the piano
and some sweet pairings with people like
Nicholas Payton, Mike Ladd, Anthony
Hamilton and Bonnie Raitt, among many.
Like the coolest of all classic Dr. John
albums, it’s best to put expectations in the
bottom of a Popeye’s fried chicken bag and
let the good times roll. There is no way to
sit still during the festivities, nor curb the
desire to stroll down Decatur Street for
some jambalaya at Coop’s Place and
maybe a song or two uptown at the Maple
Leaf. Dr. John has always been the City
that Care Forgot’s best friend, and by
showing us yet another side of an endless
musical personality, all we can say is “yeah
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
everywhere. What a world.
Jesse Winchester
A Reasonable Amount of Trouble
(Appleseed Recordings)
For someone who never really scaled the
highest cliff of public awareness, no one
was ever better than Jesse Winchester. He
had a songwriting genius that never left
him, right up to this album made shortly
before he died recently. Winchester’s debut
in 1970 is one of the most moving and
downright devastating collections ever
recorded. On the short-lived Ampex
Records label and produced by Robbie
Robertson and engineered by Todd
Rundgren, it included songs like “Biloxi,”
“Brand New Tennessee Waltz,” “Yankee
Lady” and “Quiet About It,” earning him a
reputation among other songwriters as
someone with few equals. Even better,
Jesse Winchester kept at it for 45 years,
his distinctive way of looking at life turning
into powerful songs of love, loss, faith and,
always, an appreciation of life’s lovely
quirks. In a way, losing him now feels like
a huge chunk of the world has broken off
and drifted into outer space.
The wonder of it all is just how he kept
exploring his heart and what he learned
turning everything into songs that are
timeless reflections of infinite beauty. New
originals like “All That We Have is Now,”
“Ghosts” and “Just So Much” are as fine
as anything he did, and leave a legacy that
will last way beyond this world. That’s the
touch he likes, and we love.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
As of Sept 2014
New Season features Standout Crop of Players
Crespi’s free safety Marvell Tell III sat out some games last season
because of a broken collar bone but he is ready to realize his
potential this year. Tell had three open field tackles in the season
opener against Sylmar as the Celts destroyed the competition 42-0.
He is ranked among the best in the nation and is visiting Oregon and
Sherman Oaks Notre Dame Wide receiver C.J. Sanders has
committed to Notre Dame. Oaks Christian Offensive Lineman Reno
Rosene has committed to Duke.
Coach: Scot Ruggles
Record: 0-1
League: Angelus
State Rank: 309
Harvard-Westlake lost its opening
game against Loyola, a traditional
powerhouse, by a score of 48-6.
Coach Ruggles hopes to have his
team turned around by the time they
play their next game against Granada
Oaks Christian (Private)
Coach: Bill Redell
Record: 0-1
League: Marmonte
State Rank: 16
The Lions lost their opening game to
top-10 team Bakersfield by a score of
34-21. Oaks is still one of the best
teams in the state and can surely turn
their losing record around quickly.
Notre Dame
Sherman Oaks (Private)
Coach: Kevin Rooney
Record: 1-0
League: Mission
State Rank: 45
Coach Rooney and his team were
victorious in the first game of the
season, beating Mira Costa in a
shootout, 70-43. The team goes on the
road to play Birmingham next.
Coach: Jim Rose
Record: 0-1
League: West Valley
State Rank: 248
Birmingham got beaten badly in their
season opener against Newbury Park
by a score of 42-14. The team hosts
Notre Dame next.
Free safety Marvell Tell III
North Hollywood (Public)
Coach: Carlos Trujillo
Record: 0-1
League: East Valley
State Rank: 959
North Hollywood lost their first game
of the season to Franklin 35-6 but
hopefully the team can get a win on
the board against Contreras.
Grant Van Nuys (Public)
Coach: Rudy De La Torre
Record: 1-0
League: East Valley
State Rank: 712
The Lancers won their first game of
the season by edging out Van Nuys
42-41. The team hopes to stay
undefeated when they take on Bell
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
Crespi Encino (Private)
Coach: Troy Thomas
Record: 1-0
League: Mission
State Rank: 29
The Celts won their first game of the
season, destroying Sylmar 42-0. The
team hopes to start a win streak when
they take on Oak Hills in their next
Campbell Hall
Studio City (Private)
Record: 1-0
League: Alpha
State Rank: 1039
The Vikings won their first game of
the season by thumping Flintridge
Prep 36-0. The team plays Ribet
Academy next.
Stephen Phenow’s
The New Season
Space considerations allow only the
most interesting shows
The Mysteries of Laura Premieres: Wednesday,
Sep. 17 at 10
Messing again on NBC! This time “Will &
Grace” and “Smash” lead Debra Messing is
Laura Diamond, an NYPD homicide detective
who spends her days on the streets and the
rest of her time managing after twin sons and
soon-to-be ex-husband, Josh Lucas. Laz
Alonso is also cast.
No idea. Could go either way.
Bad Judge Premieres: Thursday, Oct. 2 at 9
Comedy with Kate Walsh (Private Practice,
Fargo) as Rebecca Wright, one of L.A.’s most
respected criminal court judges. But after
hours, ah that’s when the real story starts.
Walsh totally and completely has it together
in her work life, while her personal life is the
exact opposite. With cast John Ducey, Tone
Bell, and Theodore Barnes.
For Welsh fans only.
A to Z Premieres: Thursday, Oct. 2 at 9
Andrew to Zelda is a romantic comedy that
follows a relationship (500 Days of Summer).
Ben Feldman (Mad Man)is Andrew, a true
believer in destiny and romance, while
“Mothers” mother Cristin Milioti plays the
object of his affection, Zelda. Lenora
Crichlow, Henry Zebrowski, and Christina
Kirk round out the cast.
Eh. six episodes maybe.
Marry Me Premieres: Tuesday, Oct. 14 at 9
David Caspe (Happy Endings’) tries another
rom-com about a couple (Ken Marino and
Caspe’s real wife Casey Wilson) who are well
on their way to getting hitched. If they can
just get the marriage proposal right! So what
does this mean? Caspe is going to waste your
time finding out. With Sarah Wright and John
State of Affairs
Premieres: Monday, Nov. 17 at 10
Katherine Heigl (Grey’s Anatomy) is making
her grand return to television, whether you like
it or not. I don’t. This political drama, has
her playing a top CIA attache with one
impossible job: put together a daily briefing
for the president Alfre Woodard to assess the
greatest threats to national security. In her
down time she’s hunting down terrorists who
killed her fiancé, Believable? You bet.
Black-ish Premieres: Wednesday, Sep. 24 at
Anthony Anderson created and stars in.,
Black-ish is one man’s efforts to establish a
cultural identity for his family after he
discovers his children don’t have one.
Anderson is Dre, and Tracee Ellis Ross plays
his biracial wife Rainbow with kids Zoey,
Andre (who is still waiting for his bar mitzvah
but he is not Jewish), and twins Jack and
Diane. Laurence Fishburne is Dre’s father,
Pops, wearing tracksuits because he’s
Cristela Premieres: Friday, Oct. 10 at 8
Based on comedienne Cristela Alonzo’s standup routine, this sitcom has Alonzo starting her
entering her sixth year of law school and takes
an internship at a law firm where she’s
mistaken for the help. Of course during all this,
she typically she must also deal with her
traditional Mexican-American family, who
struggles to understand her modern women’s
ambitions. With Carlos Ponce, Terri Hoyos,
Andrew Leeds, Sam McMurray, and Jacob
Cute but flawed. Half season.
NCIS: New Orleans Premieres: Tuesday, Sep.
23 at 9
Washington, D.C., LA and now the Big Easy.
TV’s most-watched drama comes to Naw Orleans to keep the Navy boys on shore leave
under control. (I thought we closed all the
bases around there?) Anyway, with Scott
Bakula, Lucas Black, Zoe McLellan, and
C.C.H. Pounder solving crimes all the way to
Lake Poncheron.
Don’t argue with success.
Forever Premieres: Monday, Sep. 22 at 10
Ioan Gruffudd stars as New York City medical
examiner Henry Morgan, who can’t die. With
his partner, Det. Jo Martinez (Alana De La
Garza), Morgan studies dead people to
discover the reason for his own immortality.
However, when Morgan dies (which is a lot),
he always comes back naked. Finally
cheesecake that appeals to both sides of the
aisle. Judd Hirsch, Donnie Keshawarz, and
Joel David Moore round out the cast.
Intresting but flawed. Six episodes.
Premieres: Monday, Sep. 22 at 8
Fox joins the comic book race with this origin
story of future Gotham police commissioner
Jim Gordon, with The O.C. alum Ben
McKenzie starring as Gordon.,
The young police detective begins to change
when he and his partner, Harvey Bullock (an
apparently too expensive Donal Logue since
he is seen briefly), draw the assignment of
looking into the murder of two of Gotham’s
wealthiest people who are (you guessed it,)
none other than the parents of the future
Batman, Bruce Wayne (David Mazouz). This
noire styled crime drama studies Gordon’s rise
through the ranks of Gotham City’s PD; and
his encounters with the eventual enemies of
Batman, including Catwoman (Camren
Bicondova), the Penguin (Robin Lord Taylor),
and the Riddler (Cory Michael Smith).
Comics are hot right now. Even depressing
stories like “Batman.”
How to Get Away With Murder
Premieres: Thursday, Sep. 25 at 10
Viola Davis (The Help) is a serious law school
professor whose attractive students vie for her
approval and a desk at her prestigious law firm.
But their biggest law lessons are learned
outside the classroom, when they get caught
up in a murder plot and must figure out how
to get away with it. Don’t expect Davis to be
any help! Shonda Rhimes continues her ABC
run with this legal thriller.
People like Rhimes.
Madam Secretary Premieres: Sunday, Sep. 21
at 8
Tea Leoni plays a former CIA agent whose
former boss, the president of the United States
(Keith Carradine), requests her to become the
Secretary of State. Using the same nononsense, attitude toward politics she had as
an agent, she spices things up in Washington
(How they must hate her!) But, because she
is a “modern woman” she has a demanding
her home life as a wife and a mother. Tim Daly
and Bebe Neuwirth complete the cast.
If the people find Leoni believable, big hit. If
not...out of office.
Premieres: Thursday, Oct. 2 at 9
A young boy is found dead on an idyllic beach,
a major police investigation gets underway in
the small California seaside town. The case
sparks a media feeding frenzy, which shakes
up the dead boy’s complacent family and puts
the lives of all of the town’s residents in
turmoil. Everyone has secrets. Based on the
British series Broadchurch, stars David
Tennant from the British series (with shorter
hair) and Anna Gunn (Who is much better
looking than her British opposite number) as
the pair of cops investigating the case. With
Nick Nolte, Michael Pena, Jacki Weaver and
Kevin Rankin.
Not as good as the British one because English
laws of procedure/evidence are so much more
subtle then American. Tennant though shines.
US Dr. Who fans will tune in, will it be
enough? Time(lord) will tell.
Red Band Society
Premieres: Wednesday, Sep. 17 at 9
Red Band Society is Breakfast Club for the
modern age of social media. Set in the
children’s ward of a Los Angeles hospital (and
narrated by a kid who’s in a coma), patients
face life-threatening challenges. How do they
survive death sentences? With joy.
With Griffin Gluck, Zoe Levin, Charlie Rowe,
Astro, Ciara Bravo, and Nolan Sotillo as the
patients. Dave Annable, Rebecca Rittenhouse,
and Octavia Spencer are the doctors and nurses
who must advise and comfort them.
Uplifting feel good drama of the season. So
of course no one will tune in.
The CW
The Flash
Premieres: Tuesday, Oct. 7 at 8
This hyped, long awaited Arrow spin-off has
Grant Gustin as Barry Allen, aka The Flash.
Allen becomes the fastest man alive after an
explosion at the S.T.A.R. Labs particle
accelerator makes him very very fast (Don’t
blink!) This tale isn’t as grim as Arrow, yet
Cont. next Col.
Scorpion Premieres: Monday, Sep. 22 at 9
Based on the book of real-world genius Walter
O’Brien, Scorpion is about a bunch of nerds
who form a team to solve some of the world’s
most complex problems. But, this is CBS and
Big Bang rules so Smash star Katharine
McPhee plays the hot diner waitress who
completes them. Elyes Gabel, Robert Patrick,
and Eddie Kaye Thomas also star.
To close to call.
Premieres: Wednesday, Oct. 1 at 10/9c
Another thriller from The Following’s Kevin
Williamson this one has a division of the
LAPD that deals with stalkers, voyeurs, and
love-obsessed weirdos who target mostly
women, with bloody results. Maggie Q
(Nikita) and Dylan McDermott star. This show
has already recieved unfavorable attention by
womens’ groups since it gloryfies stalking.
Wow. Will life follow art? We hope not.
The McCarthys
Premieres: Thursday, Oct. 30 at 9c
A loudmouthed, sports-crazed Boston family
(which is not the siblings of people named
Rizzoli) is based on the life of series creator
Brian Gallivan. But what happens when the
dear old dad asks his gay, anti sports son to be
his assistant basketball coach? A mess. With
Tyler Ritter, Laurie Metcalf, Jack McGee,
Jimmy Dunn, and Joey McIntyre ( New Kids
on the Block).
A mess. 6 episodes.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
MISTAKES By Vicki Stern
By Jon Epstein age 17
What colleges are you applying to?•
Where do you want to go to school?•
What do you want to study?•
These are the questions that I encounter
everyday, in every conversation, with
When I was first warned about the
phenomena of this non-stop talk about
college I thought that it wouldn’t be that
bad, after all I am excited about going
off to college. Being excited though
could not save me from the dudgery of
having to explain my self one more time
to one more adult. Maybe this article
will help, maybe adults reading this will
not ask me anymore questions or talk
to me about college ever again (I hope
it has that effect) and I can on to more
joyful conversations such as war,
famine, and droughts.
While I do sound harsh, it really does
get extremely annoying to only talk
about college 24/7. I would like to tell
every adult where I dream of going to
school but at the same time I don’t want
to be embarrassed if I don’t get in. This
college application system is a very
scary and random world where schools
have more qualified applicants than
they have spots for. In a conversation
with one of my teachers, she said that
in her day, great students went to great
follows the typical CW formulae, Flash is set
in Central City, where Barry works as a
forensic investigator and uses his special
power to help fight crime. He’s aided in that
endeavor by Det. Joe West (Jesse L. Martin,
Law & Order), who serves as Barry’s surrogate
father; Barry’s real father and Dawson Leery’s
dad, (John Wesley Shipp) are in prison for
(allegedly) murdering Barry’s mother. What’s
a poor boy to do? Run around very quickly.
With Candice Patton as Iris, West’s daughter
and Barry’s BFF; Danielle Panabaker, Carlos
Valdes, Caitlin Snow and Cisco Ramon; Rick
Cosnett and Tom Cavanagh.
Once you get past some hiccups, another solid
offering from the CW. They “get” young
Jane The Virgin
Premieres: Monday, Oct. 13 at 9
Gina Rodriguez stars as a young woman named
Jane, and Jane is you guessed it! A virgin!
There’s your story right there.
Oh how did she get preggers? Well a funny
thing happened in the doctor’s office. It seems
while visiting her gynecologist she got
artificially inseminated. Uh huh. Well, now
Jane’s rich, right? Maybe the title should be:
Jane The Millionaire. Nope. No law suit. Is
she’s keeping it? Why? Well, Jane has to
decide whether or not to keep the baby after
discovering the specimen belonged to cancer
survivor Rafael (Justin Baldoni), who’s not
only a former crush of Jane’s, but also her new
boss. Could this be any more “Working Girl?”
Yeah, and looks like it will do just as well.
They replaced The Carrie Dairies with this?
Remember what I said about the CW how
they “get” young people?
schools but now great students might get
into great schools or they might not.
Asking not only me, but the millions of
teens that are in the middle of one of the
most nerve racking applications of their
life where we want to go to college might
sound like an easy way to start a
conversation is anything but. Not only
does it bring us back into the mindset of
questioning where we want to go or will
get in, but also puts us in a off mood for
the rest of the conversation. We are
already nervous as to where this daunting
college process will take us and only
having conversations about college only
adds to the stress of it.
So please, next time you are with me or
any teen going through the same college
process, try to take us out of it, not put us
into it.
Jon Epstein
If you would like to weigh in on the topics brought up in this
Syfy Network
Z Nation
Premieres: Friday, Sep. 12 at 10
We have another a group of survivors trying
to save humanity after a zombie apocalypse.
Syfy goes after the Walking Dead crowd with
a vengeance with this action-horror series
about ... The Z word.
But this show’s ragtag group with Southland’s
Tom Everett Scott, Lost’s Harold Perrineau,
and DJ Qualls (Road Trip) aren’t just surviving
in the Southern countryside. They are trying
to save humanity by getting the only person
unaffected by the zombie plague from New
York to California, where a viral lab hopes to
turn his blood into a vaccine. Let’s all hope
they make it. Otherwise, what will we do?
BBC America
Premieres: Saturday, Aug. 23 at 9
Michael Marshall Smith’s 2007 book The
Intruders, is BBC America’s newest series
which has Doctor Who’s John Simm as Jack
Whelan, former Los Angeles LEO who has
with his wife (Mira Sorvino) retired to the
Pacific Northwest.
But she suddenly vanishes —just as old friend
(Tory Kittles) appears on his doorstep asking
for help with a murder investigation.
As these disconnected events converge,
Whelen discovers a society known as the Qui
Reverti, who maintain immortality seeking
refuge in other bodies. With James Frain as
assassin Richard Shepherd and newcomer
Millie Brown as not-at-all innocent nine-yearold runaway with the mind of 50 year old.
So seems ambitious and sounds very
expensive, neither which BBC America does
well. We’ll see.
It happened fast. I was young. My eyes
closed for half a second. A blink.
Suddenly I was old. And yes, I’ve heard
the old adage you’re only as old as you
feel. I feel old, too. There’s no escaping
it. The evidence is in and it’s
Here’s how I know I’ve grown old. I
didn’t use to cry that much, when I was
younger. I didn’t even cry at Love Story.
Beautiful, young Ali McGraw dying.
Handsome Ryan O’Neal heartbroken.
Nobody saying they’re sorry. Young love
shattered. Soul mates lost forever. Not a
tear shed on my part. I went and made a
pig of myself at Farrell’s ice cream parlor
after the movie. Didn’t give another
thought to Ryan O’Neal’s tattered life.
Now I cry at everything. At the Cheerios
commercial on TV. Little girl putting
Cheerios on a sleeping Dad. Sniffle.
Bawl. At a video of sleeping baby
pandas, doing absolutely nothing. Sob.
Wail. I cry at weddings, baby showers,
the christening of a boat, the opening of
a Kmart. A definite sign, I’ve gotten old.
I eat at Denny’s now. Early. Around four
pm. A full meal. And I like it. And music
is always too loud, even if it’s only me
humming in the shower. My God, what
Vicki Stern used to be funny when she was a writer/producer of
sitcoms for TV. Now she’s a Mom and she’s not funny
anymore...just ask her kid.
Valley Curtain Call By Lorenzo Marchessi
“Eclect-a-Fest” is What Creative Theatre is All About.
One of the joys of reviewing theatre is the
opportunity to see fresh new talent and
pieces that surprise, entertain or once in
great while, inspire me. The Eclectic
Company Theatre in North Hollywood has
done it again with Eclect-A-Fest. Produced
by Justin T. Bowler, John Dickey, Kerr
Lordygan, Meghan McConnell, Erin
Treanor and Alexx Van Dyne, it is seven
individual short plays on various themes in
two parts or programs. I am reviewing the
evening known as “Program A”. Now I am
going to be a little obscure so in hopes it
teases you to see the show….here’s what you
will enjoy;
‘A Pill By Any Other Name’ is written by
Jeff Folschinsky and directed by Justin T.
Bowler. A father (Paul Messinger) who is
off his medication that his daughter-in-law
(Carissa Gipprich) was supposed to be
giving him, when, it’s not until his son (Paul
Duffy) comes home that everyone realizes
Dad is on some sort of drug ‘trip’ from
taking the wrong medication.
‘Snugglebunnies On My Face’ is written by
Caroline Marshall and directed by Madelyne
Heyman. This was a very funny piece about
meeting and dating online and the services
that are out there.
‘Touch’ is written by Justin T. Bowler and
directed by Madelyn Heyman. A caring
performance of Luke Wesley Baldridge as
Rick, a masseur with personal troubles.
Olivia Gadson as Sarah . Luke and Olivia
connect for very real moments.
‘Three Really Offensive Scenes About the
Founding Fathers’ written by Steven B.
Green and directed by Thomas Ashworth.
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
is that noise? Turn it down. More signs.
And there’s this: You know those
emergency signaling buttons your
grandparents wear around their necks for
when they fall? The medical alert jewelry. €
They used to advertise their services on
television with those awful commercials
using the slogan, “I’ve fallen and I can’t
get up.”€
We used to make fun of them. Now I want
one. Kind of seems like a great thing to
have. Even if I don’t fall, I could push it
when I want some company.
I’m pretty sure I’m feeling this way
because my son is heading off to college
in less than a year. He was a baby, now’s
he’s a man. I was young, now I want an
AARP card because it gets you a better
booth at Denny’s. I like to think I’ll handle
this aging thing with grace and aplomb.
That I’ll keep my head held high and my
dignity intact. But, if not, I can always take
it out on the medical alert people when I
call them 20 times a day. What are they
going to do about it? Scream at me? I am
Imagine a wild and crazy day of
writing the constitution with the
introduction of a hallucinogenic
into the mix. Kerr Lordygan plays John
Adams with such a marvelous snarkyness
that it literally drives Jon Mullich as Thomas
Jefferson mad! Paul Messinger as George
Washington is thrown into the mix as an offcentered mediator to what ends up being an
unsuccessful jaunt of playfulness,
promiscuousness and finally the
‘Tartine’ is written by KerrLordygan and
directed by Warren Davis. This piece is the
most esoteric of the bunch but strong
performances by Doug Mattingly, Jessicah
Neufeld and Susan Priver.
The Yo-Yo Pilgrimage, written by Taylor
Ashbrook and directed by Warren Davis, is
a nice fun fantasy piece about the future of
travel . Joy Darash plays Priscilla, Carissa
Gipprich plays Barbara and Ben Hensley is
the overzealous and somewhat colorful host
of the entire flight.
Private Conversations, written by Kerr
Lordygan and directed by Steven B. Green,
was a pleasant surprise. Jane Kim and Doug
Mattingly play two people who start by
talking on a phone – no spoilers here – but
what happens next, the dialogue and the
staging will pleasantly surprise you! This
was a nice refreshing piece!
“Eclect-A-Fest” is such a wonderful
theatrical experience. Check them out at and tell
them Lorenzo sent you from !
Parties,” in honor of U.S. Constitution Day,
8:30 a.m., at the CSUN University ClubOrange Grove Bistro, 18111 Nordhoff
Street, Northridge. For more information
and to attend:
Every Saturday
SOHA monthly meeting presents
Councilman Tom LaBonge discussing
upgrades to our freeways, Neighborhood
development and the Los Angeles River.
Other elected officials will also be
represented, as well as the police
department. Dinner is served. , 7:15
program starts, social hour starts at 6:15
pm. Notre Dame High School, Woodman
@ Riverside.
TreePeople offer a friendly hour-long
guided tour through beautiful Coldwater
Canyon Park that features water
conservation techniques, examples of
native plant landscaping, an introduction
to the many benefits of trees and provides
information on TreePeople’s history and
programs available to get involved in
improving the environment of LA, which
includes workshops and volunteer
opportunities. Space is limited and
registration is required. Reserve your
space at or,
for questions regarding the tour, call 818753-4600.
The Burbank African Violet Society is
having their club meeting at The Little
White Chapel Christian Church, 1711
North Avon Street in Burbank. The
presentation is on the “New Types of
African Violets Generated Through
NASA’S 25,000.00 Seeds in Space
Experiment With Radiation.” This will be
an interesting and informative program.
(818) 951-3597
Wednesday September 24
Encino Neighborhood Council General
Council Meeting is the fourth Wednesday
from 7-9pm Encino Community Center
4935 Balboa Blvd Encino 91316
Saturday September 27
Friends of Studio City Library Book Sale
the last Saturday of the month. Very
reasonable prices and helpful volunteers.
12511 Moorpark Street Open at10 AM for
the public. We are opened until 2 pm.
Donations of your books and media are
accepted all Saturdays from 10 to 1:30 pm.
Your donations and purchases go towards
Library programs, the very best recycling.
Sherman Oaks Friends of the Library free
movie at the Sherman Oaks Public Library.
2pm – 4pm. Please call 818-205-9716 for
further info
Tuesday September 30
Sherman Oaks Chamber of Commerce Mix
and Mingle at Epic Bar and Lounge, 14755
Ventura Bl., Sherman Oaks 91403. $15.
5:30-7:30 Call 818-906-1951 to RSVP.
Farmers Markets
Gil con
Cont.from Pg. 1
will impact the greenway presently funded
between Coldwater Canyon and Whitsett
Avenue that is slated to break ground on
November 1, 2014 and hinder the ability to
clean up the 200 acre polluted street run off
before it discharges into the Los Angeles
River at this site. Views and airflow will be
obscured and an increase urban heating will
Save LA River Open Space (SLAROS), a
sister organization of the Studio City
Residents Association, is reaching out to the
community for support against the
development and encouraging the public to
comment on the Draft Environmental
Impact Report (DEIR) before the
September 30, 2014 deadline. The
organization also continues to pursue an
alternate, long-term vision for the property:
the Los Angeles River Natural Park, which
would include tennis and golf facilities, river
access, educational elements, as well as
water recapture and cleaning. SLAROS is
also moving forward to obtain acquisition
funding to acquire the property for the
benefit of future generations as a publicly
owned park.
SLAROS and the SCRA have joined
together to keep this last 16 acres of space
along the Los Angeles River open for public
access and not lose it to 200 condominiums.
The full Draft Environmental Impact
to or You will also
find instructions on how to make your
concerns known to the Planning Department
by clicking on the “Sample letter” link.
Studio City. Every Sunday from 8am to
3pm the Studio City Farmers Market. On
Ventura Place.
Wednesday September 17
Thursday September 18
Golf & Tennis
Encino. ONEgeneration Encino Farmers
Market. Every Sunday from 8am – 1pm.
17400 Victory Blvd. (between White Oak
and Balboa) with plenty of convenient
free parking.
1st Saturday of the Month
Teen Knitting Program. Studio City
Branch Library – Knitting For Others.
Teens are welcome to come together and
knit scarves for those in need
Every Tuesday
LIFE STORY WRITING CLASS Record your special memories and family
history as a precious gift to yourself and
future generations. No writing experience
is necessary and you’ll learn step-by-step
techniques for remembering, reflecting
and writing about your life clearly and
vividly. Tuesdays, 1:15—4:15 p.m. and
Thursdays 1:15-3:15 at OneGeneration
Senior Center, 18255 Victory Blvd.,
Reseda 91335. Wednesdays, 2—4:30 pm
at the Simon Wiesenthal Center Library
& Archives 1399 South Roxbury Drive,
Los Angeles, 90035. (818) 702-8693 or
An Open Letter to the City from Tennis
Instructor Nicole Robbins
Subject: Weddington Golf and Tennis DEIR
Dear Mr. Villani:
Please evaluate the following comments for
inclusion in the EIR. I am a local business
in the area affected by the changed addressed
in the DEIR.
I am oppose the Proposed Project and the
zone change from A1-1XL to R3-1 for any
part of the property. I strongly support
Alternative A(Existing or Alternative D (LA
River Natural Park which includes 12 tennis
courts, driving range and golf practice area).
I have been a member of the Studio city
community for the past 35 years attending
Campbell Hall Elementary through high
school. I originally learned how to play
tennis at the Ambassador Hotel and The
Tennis Place. When we moved to the valley
35 years ago I started playing at the Racquet
Centre. All three are now gone.
For the past 25 years I have run Nikki’s
Tennis Crew a very successful tennis
program. In 1998 when the Racquet Centre
closed I relocated to Weddington Golf and
Tennis where I am currently running my
tennis program.
I have made a huge difference in many
children’s lives because of my policy no one
gets turned away because of financial
reasons. Children of the nannies/
housekeepers who wouldn’t have gotten the
opportunity to play tennis have grown up in
my program and several still play with me
as adults. I am even teaching their children
now. I gave these children summer and after
school jobs that taught them responsibility.
Ongoing Pet Adoptions
Save-A-Life Dog and Cat Adoption event
every 1st and 3rd Sunday. 11am-4pm at
Moorpark Park 12061 Moorpark Avenue
Studio City corner of Laurel Canyon and
Moorpark. For info call the East Valley
Animal Shelter at 213-485-8613
Chihuahuas and Other Dog Adoptions
every Saturday noon to 6pm at Book Star
12136 Ventura Blvd.
Every Saturday
North Hollywood Arts District Farmers
Market. Every Saturday from 8am-2pm.
5200 Bakman Ave Between Lankershim
and Tujunga.
Every Sunday
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
Cont.from Pg. 1
Gil, philanthropist and a legendary
supporter of Little League baseball in the
northeast San Fernando Valley, was born on
Sept. 21, 1936, in San Antonio, Texas.. At
17 newly married, he and his wife Gloria
fled the Lone Star for the Golden State in
search of a better life. They drove West with
the clothes on their backs, $5 in each of their
pockets and a trunk full of energy and hope.
After a few years in Echo Park, they would
discover their Shangri-La in Sun Valley,
where they would raise five children around
a sparkling pool and take in Dodger baseball
games, Disneyland, Saturday night Mass
and Sunday Easter egg hunts at Brace
Canyon Park. Gill founded an International
Little League Team in the early 1970s that
took young ball players throughout the U.S.
and Mexico. Forty years after they left the
field, a dozen of his former Little League
charges paid their respects at Forest Lawn
this week with long-held tales of their
beloved coach, Slakoff said.
Gil is survived by his wife Gloria Gil,
sisters Teresa Gil, Sister Feliz-Gil Jimenez
and Elia Kelley. Gil was preceded in death
by his parents Emmanuel and Feliz Gil, son
Raymond Gil, his sister Rita Zapata,
brothers Thomas and Fidel Gil, and
daughter- in-law Kathleen Gil. In lieu of
flowers, please make donations in his honor
to: Children’s Hospital, Los Angeles
(CHLA) (Pediatric Cancer Research Fund)
Los Angeles, CA 90027 - or - Soccer for
Hope - (Tax ID 33-0954457) 25255 Cabot
Rd, Suite 116, Laguna Hills, CA 92653
They were the first children in their families
to go to college. They have gone on to be
nurses, paralegals and outstanding citizens
of Los Angeles.
Currently I have several low income kids
participating in my classes on scholarships.
These kids have a place after school to do
their homework and learn a skill that might
even get them a chance to earn a
scholarship for college. It will keep them
away from gangs and drugs. I make sure
to teach them how to be productive
members of society.
My adult program is beneficial for the
health and life style of my adult students.
Many days moms who need to vent about
the challenges of their families come hit
tennis balls to release tension. Fathers who
work all day in high stress jobs come to
my evening practices and work off the
day’s challenges going home to their
families much happier.
The teams I run offer adults the chance play
competition at different levels. Not only
the super great players get to play but the
players who are of lower levels get to play
on a team. Weddington Golf and Tennis
isn’t only about tennis. It is a place for
children and adults to escape the stresses
of life. A place to bond over teams and
place for children to grow up in a safe
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
4030 Longridge Ave SO $7,500,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Stunning Sherman Oaks Italian Stone estate inspired by Tuscan
& Country French compounds is surrounded by olive trees,
courtyards, as well as a pool looks & seems like your own
private lake Como. 5Br+8Ba in 11,500 SqFt, 38,330 Lot
4333 Belingham SC $1,999,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Newer const. Cape Cod located in this much desired area of Studio
City. High ceilings, Wainscoting & wood floors throughout. All
bedrooms en suite. Huge master suite. Beautiful Kitchen Grassy
front yard & big back yard w/ Pool & Spa 5Br+5.5Ba, 3902
SqFt. 6,999 Lot
12239 Hartsook St VVL $1,119,000
Jill Krutchik 818-259-1512
Beautiful home in the coveted Colfax Charter district offering
4BD/3BA plus an office (possible 5th bedroom), updated baths
and upstairs family room. Open floor plan with gourmet kitchen,
enchanting gardens, spa and BBQ.
4821 Katherine Ave SO $999,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Newer construction traditional w/ grassy front & back yards.
Formal living w/ high ceilings & FP. Family room w/ FP and
wet bar. Kitchen w/ center island. 2 master suites. Grassy back
yard w/ pool & spa. Close to Fashion Sq Mall and Trader Joe’s
5Br+4Ba 3,641 Sqft
4013 Cody Road SO $2,750,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
14746 Valley Vista Blvd SO $2,650, 000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Private gated furnished estate south of Ventura boulevard.
Breathtaking panoramic canyon and valley views. Pool and
Spa. Perfect for the executive or celebrity clients. 3Bd +3Ba
in 3,073 sqft. on a 17,650 sqft. lot.
Updated S of the blvd gated cont w/ panoramic views. Formal
living & dining. Cooks kitchen w/ stainless Wolf appl’s, coffee
bar, wine fridge & walk in pantry. Huge master suite w/ sitting
area & awesome bath. Pool & spa. Guest unit. 5Br+4.75Ba,
4096 SqFt, 26155 Lot
14339 Valley Vista Bl SO $1,749,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
13158 Cheltenham Dr SO $1,850,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
S. of the blvd Mediterranean. Gated newer construction. Marble
flooring. High ceilings. Living room w/ wet bar & fireplace.
Formal dining. Family room. Gourmet kitchen w/ Granite &
Viking. 2 master suites. Pool & spa. 5Br+4.5Ba in 5922 SqFt,
8542 Lot
Built in 2005 this Longridge Estates home w/ amazing views
from almost every room. Wood floors, Open kitchen w/Granite
& Viking, Family room, Formal Dining, Master suite w/FP &
walk-in. Decks & grassy back yard 5Br+4.5Ba, 3,861 SqFt,
7,450 SqFt Lot
4251 Colbath Ave SO $1,095,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
3804 Woodcliff Rd SO $849,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Charming Mid-Century Modern located South of the blvd.
Elegant but cozy, open beam ceilings, Living room & Den w/
wood burning fireplaces. New wood floors throughout.
Updated bathrooms. Private back yard. 2-3Br+2Ba in 1,762
SqFt, 10,212 SqFt. Lot
Gated south of the boulevard updated and upgraded home. Wood
flooring throughout most of this home. Grassy front and back
yards. LR & Family room with high ceilings. Formal dine.
Beautifully redone kit w/ stainless and skylight. 3Br+2Ba in 1800
SqFt on a 7000 Lot
5400 Simpson Ave #12 VVL $449,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
14960 Dickens St #106 SO $485,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Amazing upscale S of the boulevard condo in the heart of
Sherman Oaks. Single level main floor unit. Large living room
w/ FP & patio. Formal dining. Kitchen w/ Granite. 2 bedrooms
inc., master suite. Beautifully maintained building. 2Br+2Ba
in 1,270 SqFt
Beautiful Valley Village Townhouse w/ 2 car garage. Light &
bright living room & dining. Updated kitchen w/ Granite counters
& stainless. Master Suite. Low HOA & close to metro station &
NOHO Arts 2Br+2.5Ba in 1,063 SqFt
Studio City Sherman Oaks Encino News September 2014
3660 Alomar Dr SO $2,249,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
S. of the blvd Mediterranean view home in the prestigious
Longridge Estates. Panoramic mountain, valley & canyon views.
Pool and Spa. Custom built 1999 home with quality living in
mind. Grand scale rooms. 2 masters. 7Br+6.5Ba in 5,147 SqFt
on a 17,000+ SqFt Lot
3844 Bobstone Dr SO $1,299,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Gated S. of the Blvd Mid-Century-Modern w/ amazing panoramic
views from almost every room. Grassy front yard. Formal double
door entry. Wood floors throughout most of the home. Living
room w FP & balcony. Master Suite & views 3Br+2.5Ba in 2016
SqFt on a 21000+Lot
4641 Lemona Ave SO $749,999
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Traditional on a quiet tree lined street in Sherman Oaks close
to Ventura Blvds shops, restaurants & fine dining yet far enough
away for that quiet neighborhood feeling. LR with FP & wood
floors. Updated kitchen. Huge back yard. 2B+2Ba in 1445 SqFt,
7425 Lot
10800 Peach Grove St #11 NHO $349,000
Matt Epstein 818-789-7408
Beautiful condo in a meticulously maintained building. Open
and bright Living and dining rooms with wood floors and
fireplace. Kit w/ Granite. Master suite w/ bath & private balcony.
2Br+2.25Ba in 927 SqFt

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