Budstikka - Friends of Norway


Budstikka - Friends of Norway
March 2010
Now, was I the only one getting
teary-eyed watching the closing
ceremony of the Vancouver Winter
Olympics, where our newest ski
champion Petter Northug received
his gold medal for having won
“femmila”, and our national anthem was
played? Never is it more fun to be a Norwegian
than during the Winter Olympics because we
usually do quite well, at least in the skiing
events. All of a sudden, I became very
interested in sports, I put a Norwegian flag on
my desk at work, and lamented the hot
weather which prevented me from parading
my lusekofte around. I also posted the medal
count on the side of my cubicle, trying to bask
in the glory of our sporting heroes.
South Africa, Portugal, China and Indonesia,
could not care less…
Of course, my colleagues, who hail from rather
non-skiing corners of the globe, such as
Australia, not being a huge wintersport
nation, also did an impressive job, with their
3 medals.
---We in the Friends of Norway committee have
now started planning for one of the highlights
of the year for the Norwegian community in
Victoria: the 17.mai celebrations which will
take place, as usual, at Toorak House. All the
traditional ingredients will be in the mix, and
we will present a detailed programme in our
next Budstikka, planned for early May.
There are also several other events on the
cards, so read on!
Petter Northug across the finish line at the Men’s 50 km Mass Start Classic cross-country event
The Royal Norwegian Consulate General in Melbourne, in cooperation with Eastern Bulk
Carriers (Australia) Pty Ltd, prints and distributes the “Budstikka” for us.
2010 Friends of Norway Committee contact details:
Committee member:
Tietse Stelma
Adelheid MacKenzie
M : 0418 921 886
M: 0431 123 800
Vice President:
Committee member:
Anecke Chapman Svensen
Unni Porthill
M: 0417 138 000
M: 0407 849 974
Committee member:
Øystein Berg
Merete Pettersen,
T: 03 9751 1277
M: 0407 683 361
Photos to come
Committee member:
Thormod Thorkildsen,
Ph : 9398 8115
Secretary: Still pending
Committee member:
Budstikka Editor:
Carol Berg,
Kristin Jakobsen
T: 03 9600 1628
M: 0400 882 307
Webmaster: webmaster@friendsofnorway.asn.au
Webpage: www.friendsofnorway.asn.au
(please refer to webpage for updated news and events info.)
The New Committee, Profile of a Member
Merete Pedersen
I grew up at a place called Klemetsrud, about 10 km
south-east of Oslo, which was then “in the
On 7 of February 1959, at the age of 14, I arrived in
Melbourne, by ship, together with my parents, two
brothers and a sister.
Our first stop, for the first eight weeks, was Bonnegilla,
up near Lake Hume, which is where I met my future
husband Egil, who arrived from Trøndelag four weeks
after us.
At Easter time that year, we moved on to Box Hill, and
I enrolled at Camberwell High, where I went for four years.
In 1963, Egil and I got married, and I soon became busy as a housewife and mother, to Irene and
Tony, who were born in 1963 and 1966. 10 years later, Sven came along. When he started school
in 1981, I decided to join the sewing group at the Swedish church. At the same time, we had
Norwegian classes there on Thursday nights, so Thursday nights became Norwegian nights at the
Swedish church. We had so much fun, with various activities, including folkdancing.
In 1983, I started my own business from home in Box Hill, importing food and giftware from
Norway. In 1986, the Friends of Norway club started, and I was involved from day one. In 1991 I
opened my shop, A Touch of Norway, in east Ivanhoe, where I stayed for seven years, before
moving up to Mt Dandenong in May 1999.
I retired two years ago, but still operate my business as a hobby. I host lunch for the Friends of
Norway club the first Tuesday of the month. At any other time, I ask people to ring me if they want
to call in to the shop, as I am usually not too far away.
I love the place up here, it is so peaceful. In January and February, I am busy picking blueberries
which I grow at Fish Creek, where Egil is now living.
Now that the blueberry season is over, I hope to get back to work in my garden up here, and
perhaps start knitting again.
My daughter Irene is a nurse and has two children,
Kristina, who goes to RMIT and Ben, who is doing
year 10 at Koonung Secondary College. Tony is a
tiler and has a daughter, Sarah, who now goes to
university in the city. Sven is working for a drilling
company and travels all over Australia.
Egil has just come back from a fishing trip to Lake
Awonga in Queensland. And this is what he caught,
a Barramundi,125 cm long, and weighing about
35kg! Not bad aye?
On 28 February, a big crowd showed up at Unni and Terje Porthill's house for the first Sunday
afternoon event. They had opened their back garden on this sunny Sunday afternoon. The table
was full of cakes, sandwiches and sweets, which was thoroughly enjoyed.
A big Thank you to Unni and Terje.
Our next get-together is Sunday 28 March, at Roger and Jill Hedin’s house, at 1/4 Blueberry Close,
Cranbourne North, VIC 3977. Phone no.: 5996 0669, from 1 to 4pm.
Bring a plate of food or snacks, and some drinks.
The next dates for the Norwegian Sunday afternoons for the next few months will be:
25 April: ANZAC Day and Norwegian Church service at the Swedish Church (see page
12 for details), so we will have a little get-together for coffee at Toorak House 1-2 hours
before, i.e. from 2pm. Please see webpage for confirmation details.
30 May
27 June.
Down in Somerville on the Mornington Peninsula, FON is lucky to have two lovely, lovely members
who, come spring, open their home and bend over backwards for the members of our club. A
yearly event which an appreciative group of us quickly jot onto our social calendar as an event not
to be missed. The blustery conditions might have put some members off, but Jayne and Oddvar’s
welcome more than made up for it. We had a great time, the BBQ area providing a popular spot,
before we all retreated indoors to sample the sweets, especially the “Hot Lips”! For those of us
who felt the need to stretch our legs to justify the indulgence, there is the beautiful walk around
the lake, carefully avoiding the birds nesting, and admiring the swans. Thank you, Jayne and
Oddvar and watch out, you leave us wanting more.
We hope to see you at the next Norsk Sunday Afternoon!
Sunday 14 March, 2010
The Enterprize is the first
square-rigged commercial sailing
ship built in Melbourne for over
120 years.
The excursion was a huge success!!!
Adelheid reports: we pre-booked 40 tickets, and they were all snapped up, although
“only” 38 managed to get to the dock in time for the departure at 12.30pm. There
was a bit of a traffic jam on the Westgate Bridge, resulting in some delay. Master
Collin Brooks took us out into the bay for a smooth and comfortable sail, with a soft
Eventually, the breeze completely died, so we had to use the motor to get back to
the Gem Pier. But, young and old had a great time in perfect sunny conditions, and
with lots of fresh sea air.
We have only had positive feedback, with requests for repetition, which should not
be too hard. Perhaps we will charter the entire boat next time, for a longer trip?
Watch this space!
Enjoy a journey through the traditional music
Scotland and Scandinavia
A once-only event
from Scotland
Sarah-Jane Summers (Highland and Norwegian fiddle)
from Australia and the USA
Catherine Fraser (fiddle) ~ Duncan Smith (piano)
Thursday, 8 April 2010
7:30pm – 9:30pm
The Swedish Church
21 St Georges Road, Toorak
(Melway Ref: 58K3)
Tickets $15 / $10 conc. (FoN members get concession)
at the door; artists’ CDs also available
SarahSarah-Jane Summers The fifth generation of her family on the same farm in the Scottish Highlands, Sarah-Jane was brought up steeped in the
local fiddle tradition. Add to this a love of Norwegian fiddling and you get a unique combination, described as “lush Highland fiddle music with
a Nordic edge.” “exquisitely performed ... soaring, sonorous, ringing and richly textured” (fRoots)
Catherine Fraser & Duncan Smith One of the world’s top fiddle and piano duos, Catherine and Duncan have just returned from their third tour of
the UK. Showing a rare level of emotional depth they have breathed fresh life into the traditional repertoire as well as composing many beautiful
original melodies, descriptive of the Australian Scots experience. In January 2010, Catherine was named best solo fiddler in Australasia at the
prestigious Golden Fiddle Awards. “This duo make a powerful team.” The Living Tradition Magazine, UK
RSVP: Tietse Stelma ~ ph: 0431 123 800 ~ email: info@friendsofnorway.asn.au
Enquiries: Duncan Smith ~ ph: 9756 7366 ~ email: dsmith@vicnet.net.au
Liv S. Grønlund, a Norwegian artist, studied art at Melbourne State College
and the Victorian College of Arts (1972-1976).
She held exhibitions in Australia in 1993, at the High Court Building in
Canberra, and at the Mornington Peninsula Art Centre in Victoria.
Grønlund has now been invited to the Hervey Bay Regional Gallery,
Queensland, with her exhibition ”Existence”, for the period 6 April to
3 May, 2010. The opening will take place on 9th April with the artist present.
The exhibition shows paintings and lithographies. The motifs are worked onto the canvas through
thin layers of acrylic. As a surrealist and symbolist, Grønlund uses archetypes connected to
existential and contemporary questions, where she refers to social and political structures, such as
in the paintings “Power” and “Whose Game?”. There are also titles referring to religious and
classical motifs, such as “The Annunciation”.
“Existence” has been reviewed, over 2-pages, in the Australian, international art magazine “Craft
Arts International” no.77.
The artist will also hold a separate exhibition at Toorak House/The Swedish Church in Melbourne,
with 10 lithographies and 6 silk prints, running from 17 April to 17 May, 2010
”Free World” painting, 2 x 2m
The planning for the celebrations, on 16 May at Toorak House, is well underway, and the full
programme will be published in our next issue of Budstikka, in early May.
There is much to organise, and we will need some generous, helpful hands, both before and during
the day.
We would be incredibly thankful for volunteers who can either:
Bake some cakes
Help out for a couple of hours on Saturday, to set everything up
Help on Sunday, before and during the event, from about 9.30am in the morning
Please call or email Anecke (0417 138 000, aneckes@hotmail.com) or Kristin (0400 882 307,
editor@friendsofnorway.asn.au) if you are able to assist with some, or all of the above.
In return, we promise to provide a fun-filled traditional 17 May celebration for the entire family,
with band, parade, hot dogs, kids games, bløtekake, brus and more.
ANSA, the Association of Norwegian Students Abroad, will also be organising a dinner and dance,
on the actual day, 17 May. All FoN members are invited, and details will follow in the next issue of
May 22-23, 2010
The inaugural Nordic Festival will be held in Warburton, about 1.5 hours’ drive east of Melbourne.
The township of Warburton is located by the Yarra River and is surrounded by mountains and tall
The Nordic Festival is a not-for-profit event organised by the Warburton Chamber of Commerce &
Industry in consultation with local Nordic communities. The aims of the festival are to introduce
Australians to the Nordic culture, celebrate multiculturalism and to offer an event for Australian
Nordic community to come together and have fun!
To celebrate the Nordic Festival, our town is becoming ‘Nordic’ for the weekend! Peter at the
Bakery will be offering mouthwatering Scandinavian treats; our Polish Jester cafe is turning into a
‘Nordic Jester’ - Beata & Kristoff will be offering Nordic Vodkas and special herring dishes; you can
hire Scandinavian DVDs from our Video Shop and I think our Postmaster will be wearing a Viking
Helmet for the whole week! A comprehensive list of what the local businesses will be offering will
be on this website soon.
As we want you to come and stay the weekend, we are offering special deals on tours and
accommodation. Our beautiful valley has a lot to offer! To make the most of the weekend, why not
join a winery tour or a tour to visit our natural attractions. More information under the ‘Tours’
To find out about the special deals for accommodation, please go to the ‘Accommodation’ section of
the website.
There is also going to be a golf tournament, on Saturday 22 May, and FoN is hoping to enter at
least one team. Please go to the festival webpage for more details, or contact Tietse (see page 2 for
contact details) if you are interested in joining. We will follow up with more information in the next
issue of Budstikka.
See you in Warburton in May 2010!
Please set aside Saturday 14 August, 1pm
For a special Members Only (with family) Luncheon at
the Harbour Room of the St Kilda Royal Yacht Club
The luncheon will be preceded by the AGM, starting at 12pm.
Come along to this beautiful venue, right on the beach, for a sumptuous feast, and for a chance to
catch up with other members and their families.
We will present the menu and more details in our next issue, but you can RSVP now to ensure
your place.
FoN will subsidise part of the price for our members, so the cost per member will be $40 (drinks are
(View from the Harbour Room).
Please reserve your space early by RSVP to:
info@friendsofnorway.asn.au, or call Tietse (0431 123 800)
Grunde and Betsy Skomedal are celebrating their 60th wedding anniversary
this year.
Hipp hipp hurra
The Norwegian community in Victoria is sad to farewell a cherished Norwegian, Erling Arthur
Sveberg, who passed away on the 8th of February 2010, 88 years old.
Erling was born in Hønefoss, Norway, on the 20th of November 1921. Like many of his fellow
countrymen, he joined the Norwegian Merchant Navy in 1939, 18 years old. In 1941, the ship he
was sailing on, was torpedoed and he spent the next 3 years in Changi Prison, Singapore, as a
prisoner of war.
After the war, he returned to Norway, but the lack of support and recognition from the government
left him disillusioned, and he found his way to Australia. In 1976 ,he married long time friend
Margareth and had an instant family that included Anna and John. They lived for a while at
Mount Evelyn, and later on at Ventnor, Philip Island. His wife Margareth passed away in 1998, but
Erling, or “Pappa”, as he was lovingly called, was surrounded by loving children and grandchildren
who enjoyed spending time with him. In 2007, he moved into a unit in Cowes. Erling went back to
Norway several times and as most of us, with families spread out, felt drawn between places.
Erling is survived by sister Nova and was very close to her family. His niece Sylvi and husband
Herman were visiting Erling at the time he fell ill and passed away .
RIP Erling,
Unni Porthill, committee member and friend
The Parents’ Group at Toorak House
The Parents’ Group is meeting at Toorak House every second and fourth Tuesday of the month.
We are on the look-out for a kindergarten teacher who can help us organise and bring some
educational stimuli to these sessions, in the Norwegian language.
Next term we will focus on Norwegian crafts, and hopefully this will increase the amount of talking
and interacting between the kids. We are hoping to attract some Norwegians in the community who
can assist us with some special skills. If you know of anyone, please let us know.
Also: we have an urgent need for Norwegian material suitable for children! If anyone has
any used children’s books that they do not need any more, we would be very pleased to add them
to the children’s library at Toorak House.
We would also be very happy for music/CDs or films/DVDs. If you are going back to Norway and
get a chance to bring music or literature back with you, we would be very interested. Please call
Anecke on 0417 138 000 if you have material to donate.
The next class will be on 20th April as we have Easter and holidays in between. The dates in May
will be the 11th and 25th May. We will do a little bit of a special 17th May party on the 25th even
though we will have had the 17th May event the week before.
ANZAC Day and Norwegian Church Service
At the Swedish Church, Toorak House, on Sunday 25 April, at 4pm. The priest from the Norwegian
Seamen’s Church in Sydney, Åse Louise Lindberg will be holding the service. This occasion also
offers an excellent opportunity to see Liv S. Grønlund’s art exhibition.
The following Norwegian Church services will be on 16 May at 11am (coincides with our National
Day celebrations), and on 20 June at 11am. Please come along!
The Luncheons at “A Touch of Norway” will
continue as before, on the first Tuesday of every
month, from 12pm.
For further information
call Merete Pettersen on: 9751 1277
If you wish to visit the shop, please call first
to make sure Merete is there to greet you.
Held at Toorak House/the Swedish Church Library on Thursday evenings.
Beginners, ‘Level 2’ from 6:00pm. to 7:30pm. Advanced, ‘Level 1’ from 7:30 p.m.
Pay a nominal fee, and join a class of about 10-12 students.
If you would like to join the class, please contact Kari Berri on (03) 9848 2897
Email: karik@alphalink.com.au
Advertise in Budstikka
Place and ad in Budstikka, and reach all of our members. Prices for 5 issues are:
Quarter page $25,
Half page $50
Full page $100.
Price for one issue is 25% of the full year (5 issues) price.
Rocco Sorace has just arrived back from a 2-year stint in Bergen, Norway, where he worked for the
fitness studio chain SATS. He is offering a 20% discount for Friends of Norway members.
If you go to the focussfitness webpage (www.focussfitness.com), and look under the “Media” tab,
there are links to articles about him, also from Norwegian newspapers.
Unique Natural Health Products!
What is happening to our health?
It is frightening and we see it in the papers every day:
Lack of nutrition in our fruits and vegetables
Colourings, flavourings, chemicals and additives in our foods
Obesity rates soaring with adults and children
Compromised immune systems
Stress overload – hormones out of balance
People sick and tired – no energy
Increased heart attacks, cancer, strokes and diabetes.
What can we do about it? Can we be proactive with our health? We all need
optimal energy and vitality, healthy immune systems, and healthy hormones to
stay younger and healthier for the rest of our lives.
Our company is the developer of natural health products for adults’ nutrition and
energy, children’s nutrition, sports nutrition, fat-loss, preservative free skin care,
anti-oxidants, and an amazing Omega 3 fish oil.
Let us help you and your family to get healthy and stay healthy at any age - the
natural way!
Please email or call me now for a chat, information or a home consultation.
Denise - email denisehillis@bigpond.com (M) 0417 124 640
You can order a range of Norwegian foods and goodies from the Norwegian Seamen’s Church in
Here is the latest information from the church’s website (20 March). You can call them, or send an
email with your order, and then call them to give a credit card number over the phone (as you
should never send this information in an email).
The list of food is updated regularly, so please go to the sjømannskirken website
www.sjomannskirken.no/sydney, to see the latest list. They add or remove items after what they
have available at any one time.
Vi har fremdeles en del varer igjen fra forrige innkjøp, bla
sjokolade og andre godterier. Vi får inn nye varer i mai .
Dessverre kommer det ingen fiskeboller i den bestillingen, da
vi ikke har fått importtillatelsen enda, men vi skal få inn
bernaise saus og noen av de andre tingene vi ikke fikk inn
forrige gang. Hvis du vil bestille varer fra butikken, så send en
email til kjersti.dahl@sjomannskirken.no. Vi sender ikke
pølser pr post og vi sender heller ikke ost før slutten av april.
Dette fordi den smelter og blir dårlig. Porto kommer i tillegg og også admin
gebyr, som er på $5 for 3 kilo og under, og $10 for over over 3 kilo. Bare send
Kjersti en email hvis du har noen spørsmål!!
Order by mail: minimum $60. Excl. handling fee: $5 below 3 kg, $10 over 3 kg. Prices
are subject to change without notice. Postage in addition. We do not send sausages
per post.
ROYAL NORWEGIAN EMBASSY: 17 Hunter Street, Yarralumla, A.C.T. 2600. Ph: (02) 6273
Email: emb.canberra@mfa.no Webpage:
Consul General:
Tomm Paulsen
Email: tomm@easternbulk.com.au
Consular Secretary:
Louise Smith
Email: louise@easternbulk.com.au
Consular Secretary:
Siobain Cornick
Email: siobain@easternbulk.com.au
Address: Suite 1/420 High Street, Kew, VIC. 3101 Ph: 9853 3122
NORWEGIAN RADIO can be heard on SBS at 1224 KHz Fridays from 3pm to 4pm.
Opening hours:
Tuesday to Thursday:
12 noon to 7:30pm.
Every Tuesday at 6pm:
Youth Evening for students, au pairs, backpackers etc.
12 noon to 6pm.
Saturday and Sunday:
2pm to 6pm.
Visit their webpage at:
http://skut.svenskakyrkan.se/melbourne for additional info.
Becoming a member of Friends of Norway means you can enjoy the following benefits:
Subscription to Budstikka, with information about Norway, as well as Norwegian
events and news in Australia (6 editions annually)
Invitation to special events
Access to Norwegian Parents’ Group 2nd and 4th Tuesday of the month at Toorak
Access to the Norwegian Library at Toorak House, which also has many children’s’
10% discount on Helly Hansen clothing
Invitation to join the ‘Helly Crew’ VIP program, which will entitle you to various other
Helly Hansen benefits and exclusive offers
5% discount on Peregrine Adventure’s High Arctic Small Ship Expedition Voyages
20% discount on personal training sessions at Focuss Fitness Personal Training
Voting rights at the Annual General Meeting (August each year).
($25 per person)
($40 per family incl. children under 18)
($20 per person)
($15 per person)
The above fees are per annum. A joining fee of $10 applies for new member applications.
(For family membership include details of lead member):
under 25
25 - 34
I would like to receive Budstikka:
35 - 49
in the mail
50 - 64
65 or over
by above e-mail
I hereby apply to become a member of Friends of Norway (the Norwegian club of Victoria), if approved, I will
accept and abide by its constitution.
Bank transfer
Money order
I hereby enclose payment /authorise deduction of the below amount for membership fees.
(membership fee + $10 joining fee for new members + donation)
Credit card number:
Card holder name:
Expiry date:
Cardholder signature:
Bank transfer details:
Account name: Friends of Norway
BSB number: 633-108
Account number: 1077-61959
Note: when using bank transfer, member name
must be on the bank transfer, not "membership fee"
Please mail / e-mail completed form to:
Treasurer – Friends of Norway, Øystein Berg
701/39 Caravel Lane, Docklands, 3008, VIC
e-mail: treasurer@friendsofnorway.asn.au

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Budstikka - Friends of Norway

Budstikka - Friends of Norway Pay a nominal fee, and join a class of about 10-12 students. If you would like to join the class, please contact Kari Berri on (03) 9848 2897 Email: karik@alphalink.com.au

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