11-2013 - My Greatwood
11-2013 - My Greatwood
Greatwood News The publication of the Greatwood Community Association, Inc. November 2013 Home Burglary Information By Constable A.J. Dorr - Precinct 1 T he current trend of today’s burglar(s) is to drive down a street and look for homes where there is no activity, no vehicles and the house appears dark and unoccupied during a weekday. The suspect(s) will exit the vehicle and knock on the front door. If no one responds within a moment the suspect(s) will go to the side gate or walk up the driveway and enter the back yard. Typically they will bring a tool or object to strike the latch area of a low window after removing the screen. They have also used a tool or screw driver that was left on the back porch. Occasionally they will even find a window that is unlocked. If an alarm has not started beeping as they enter they begin the search for small items, jewelry or electronics. They are fast and leave within a couple of minutes. The suspect(s) will drive to the nearest exit from the neighborhood then head to their favorite pawn shop or buyer to sell the stolen items. (Continued on page 4) Y What’s Inside Useful Info ........................................... 2 Safety and Security ......................... 4-7 Manager’s Corner ........................ 10-11 Group and Club News ....................... 14 Library News ..................................... 18 Community News ......................... 25-29 School News.................................. 30-38 Neighborhood Reps. ......................... 43 Calendar New E-Mail Blasts our HOA is encouraging Greatwood residents to sign up to receive e-mail alerts by registering on our community web site. This is an effort to provide our community with timely information. This is an information only service. There is no way to respond on this site. If you have any question about a post please feel free to contact our Management Company at 281-545-1134 or any HOA Board Member. To sign up for this service go to our community web site: 11/7........................................ ACC Meeting 11/12.....................Trails Annual Meeting 11/12...........Woodhaven Annual Meeting 11/14..................... Arbor Annual Meeting 11/14.....................Green Annual Meeting 11/26.................... Vistas Annual Meeting www.mygreatwood.com There is a box on the top of the home page for you to register for e-mail alerts. We are hoping that this will be a good way to keep our residents current on anything that can’t wait for the newsletter. ACC meets the first Thursday of the month at 6:30 p.m. at Rec Center #1. Board meetings are on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. At Rec. Center #1 GO TO OUR COMMUNITY WEB SITE: www.mygreatwood.com 1 Greatwood News Useful Information GO TO OUR COMMUNITY WEB SITE: www.mygreatwood.com Produced under the authority of the Greatwood Community Association by the Communications Committee. Community Board Committee Members: Judy Holy John Bowen Harold Symmonds Kate Brewer 281-937-0805 hourep81@gmail.com Published by Pamela Printing Co. Advertising: Pamela Printing Co. 550 Julie Rivers Dr, Ste. 310 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Greatwood@pamelaprinting.com 281.240.1313 • fax 281.240.1312 Please send inquiries about ads to Greatwood@pamelaprinting.com or call them at 281-240-1313. Editorial Policy: The purpose of “Greatwood News” is to inform residents of business affairs of the community, issues affecting residential and community property, useful information of general interest and reference information for community resources. No social, club, service organization news (unless directly connected to a Greatwood event), political advertising or church news will be accepted. Bob Hauck - President Judy Holy - Vice President 281-343-7097 judyholy@comcast.net Bob Farr - Treasurer Jack Molho - Secretary For any billing questions or concerns, contact 832.864.1200 or 800.568.6807 281-343-5819 j.molho@comcast.net Stuart Rimes - Director 281-343-5067 srimes@comcast.net Street Lights Out? If you notice street lights out, take note of the number on the pole, (should be 6 digits), and call Centerpoint Energy at 713.207.2222. www.centerpointenergy.com/outage All submissions to the Newsletter must be in WORD format. Community Website www.mygreatwood.com Article submissions and suggestions: Email only to gwcomm@yahoogroups.com Friendly Reminder visit January – December 1 February – January 1 March – February 1 April – March 1 May – April 1 June – May 1 July – June 1 August – July 1 September – August 1 October – September 1 November – October 1 December – November 1 Houston Community Management Services 17049 El Camino Real, Ste. 100 Houston, Texas 77058 All information and articles submitted to the Committee become the property of the Community Association, which publishes articles at its’ sole discretion. • • • • • • • • • • • • Greatwood Community Association Managed by 281-937-9107 bobfarr2@swbell.net To report lights out on the High Mast Lighting on the 59 feeder road take note of the number on the pole and report it to: Chris Cameron Traf ic Operations Manager 281-275-2490 Deadlines for newsletter submissions: Greatwood Ofϐice Hours: The Greatwood of ice, located at Rec Center #2 at 8802 Greatwood Parkway will be opened on Mon. and Wed. 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. and Tues. and Thurs. 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. www.mygreatwood.com for • Architectural Modiϐications Request Forms • Read Greatwood Board Meeting Minutes • Check out Greatwood’s Master Calendar • Rec Room Rental Form • Financials - and much more Other Useful Websites: sugarlandtx.gov lcisd.org FortBendCountyGov.com grandpky.com 2 For all other questions or concerns regarding the Association, including deed restrictions, contact our On Site of ice at 281 -545-1134 Nikkole Luna, Assn. Community Mgr. Phone: 281-545-1134 Fax: 281-545-1136 email: nluna@houcomm.com Maggie McKay, On Site Manager Phone: 281-545-1134 Fax: 281-545-1136 email: mmckay@houcomm.com For Recreation Room Rentals Phone: 281-545-1134 Fax: 281-545-1136 To rent the meeting room at Recreation Center One you can go to REC CENTER AGREEMENT on our new community web site: www.mygreatwood.com Pool Party Reservations A Beautiful Pools: 281-376-6510 Pool Card & Tennis Court Key If you have recently moved into Greatwood and have not received your Pool Card, or have lost your card, please contact the Greatwood Of ice at: 281-545-1134. nluna@houcomm.com There is a $25 replacement charge for lost cards. Please remember that no signage whatsoever may be placed on Association property which includes all common areas 3 Safety and Security News Home Burglary Information (Continued From Page 1) Alarm Systems If you have an alarm system, teach everyone how to use it and turn it on when you leave. If you don’t have an alarm shop for a reputable well established monitoring company. Learn how to use your alarm system properly to prevent false alarms. Fines can be assessed for excessive false alarms. Do not write your alarm code/password on or near the alarm keypad. Put a warning sign on windows and entrances. Make sure your alarm activation contact list is always up to date. PREVENTION Exterior and Landscape Make the residence appear occupied. The typical burglar does not want to meet you. Radios on or sounds inside can help. To discourage an intruder plant thorny hostile plants along fences and under or near windows. Rose bushes or holly bushes are popular. A good fence should not block visibility. Do not leave ladders or tools outside that they can use to gain entry. Gates on fenced yards should be locked with good quality padlocks. Install large reflective numbers (minimum 3 inches) on your house, or curb so police and other emergency personnel can find your home quickly. Additional Information: Acknowledge all callers through locked doors day or night to let them know someone is home. Keep doors, windows and garage doors closed and locked even when at home. Before moving into a new house, re-key or change the locks on all exterior doors, also change the code to your garage door opener. Draw all curtains or shades at night to prevent viewing from the street. Never leave a house key in an obvious place such as a mailbox, under plants or a doormat. Keep a current inventory of all your valuables. Include photos or video of jewelry, descriptions, and serial numbers of all electronic equipment. Engrave valuables with your Texas driver’s license number or other identifying number. It is not recommended to put your social security number on your valuables. In the event your home is burglarized, this will help police identify the property if it is recovered. Engraving property can also help with insurance claims. Secure cash and jewelry in bonded storage. Doors and Windows All exterior doors should be solid core or of metal construction. All entry doors should be equipped with a good quality deadbolt lock having a minimum of a one inch throw. A good quality double cylinder deadbolt lock should be used if there is glass within 40 inches of the lock. If using a double cylinder deadbolt lock make sure a key is in the lock in case of an emergency during the night. Remove the key when you leave the residence. Use a heavy duty strike plate secured with number 12 gauge three-inch wood screws. All exit doors with outside hinges should have their hinges pinned. Install a peephole with at least a 180 degree viewing area. Secure all sliding glass doors with an anti-lifting device and a secondary locking device. Windows have latches and not locks, therefore, install secondary locking devices on all windows. 4 Safety and Security News Scams Are Alive and Well By John Bowen B esides death and taxes, there appears to be other things you can guarantee will be part of your everyday living. One of those being the continued onslaught of scams directed toward various sectors of our society. There are at least three more scams that have recently reared their ugly heads. One current scam involves various companies who supply electricity to our residents and businesses, a second involves senior citizens studying and selecting their Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan beginning October 15th, and the third scam involves the Affordable Care Act, commonly referred to as The Obama Care Act enrollment beginning October 1st. The electric company scam has the same intentions found in any other identity theft operation you may have experienced, read about, or saw on one of the television news programs. The scam works like this: someone contacts a resident and informs him or her that they have defaulted on, or have a late payment status on their electric bill. The individual is further told that if they don’t respond to the call by providing certain personal information to confirm they are the person the representative is trying to contact, or refuse to get a money order, a cashier’s check, or supply credit card information, their electricity service will be terminated. This approach is especially effective with our more elderly folks, who may panic or display a higher level of trust. As always, the key here is that no one government or private enterprise will ever ask you to provide private information over the telephone. If you get a call from someone claiming to represent a certain entity, you should say that you will contact the office, agency or company and confirm that you do, in fact, have a payment issue. You most likely will not hear from them again. The Prescription Drug enrollment runs from October 15th through December 7th, can be a difficult or confusing process for those senior citizens who become eligible for the Medicare Part D Prescription Drug Plan, or wish to change their source for prescriptions during the enrollment period. Each year around the first part of October, senior citizens are usually inundated with mail or phone calls from companies or agencies offering them various programs from which they can chose initial coverage or make annual changes in companies currently supply their medications for the next year. Seniors may find themselves being contacted by a socalled advisor, the new term being used is Navigator, who gives the impression he is on line to help the senior select a program. The Navigator may take it so far as to offer an over the phone enrollment which will obviously require the senior to provide the individual all the personal data they claim is needed to complete that enrollment effort. The bottom line here is: companies providing prescription or medical device service or programs will not enroll you over the telephone. Enrollment will be accomplished normally by providing a phone number to call for a brochure and enrollment forms, or a brochure received in the mail for the individual to complete enrollment or request information or forms. Enrollment in the Affordable Care Act program is a first time nationwide effort that has been full of delays and glitches at the time this article was written. Being brand new, the process is new to both the entity trying to do the online enrollment as well as to the individual trying to gain information or enrollment online. The rule of thumb here is that the individual has the responsibility to contact the website to initiate the process. The government agency or private insurance companies will not, at least at this time, be actively seeking out insurable individuals to start the enrollment process. Given that the government has initiated programs through advertising, handing out pamphlets, or individuals or groups providing information on the street, you may come in contact with one of those media, however, the bottom line again is if you are contacted by someone claiming to be a government or insurance company representative, take the appropriate action or caution in dealing with that person and tell them you will contact the appropriate website or phone number to instigate that search or possible enrollment. As always, you need to stay focused on what is going on around you. As I have said before, don’t allow yourself to stay in the so called White Zone, either over the phone, through the mail or on the Internet. It only takes one bad judgment to cause you and your family a lot of problems or loss. Signaling at Stop Signs By W. E. Pinkston S ignaling at stop signs is simple and will help to move traffic SAFELY in our community. Please use your turn signals. Countless times four cars, at a four way stop, just sit there waiting for someone to make a move to indicate their intentions. That is exactly what the turn signal is for. It is also frustrating to sit and wait safely at a stop sign for an oncoming car to pass only to have them turn at the intersection without signaling. So, be neighborly and use your signals. 5 Saturday, November 23, 2013 6:00 pm George Ranch Arena For more information call 281-240-1313 6 Safety and Security News Neighborhood Incident Statistics - September 2013 SECTION Arbor Bend Brazos Bend Brooksmill Charleston Crossing Enclave Estates Exec. Towers Fairway Vista Fairview Forest Glen Green Knoll Highland Park Lakecrest Lakeside Landing Manor Shores Springϐield Stonebridge Terrace Trails Tuscany Village Vista of GW Woodcreek Woodhaven Rec Center #1 Rec Center #2 Rec Center #3 Visitor Center Campbell School Dickinson School Mont. School Primrose School Golf Club Realtor Ofϐice Grand Court Water Plant Total: Subtotal: Total From Worksheet: TOTAL ALL CALLS: CITATIONS WARNINGS ALARM PROWLER/SUSP ACT BURGLARY THEFT HOUSE WATCHES 70 19 9 40 1 1 2 1 4 1 14 74 1 2 5 2 4 3 4 3 2 1 2 1 1 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 8 3 4 1 145 48 27 18 29 59 35 16 7 7 37 138 46 28 46 62 51 20 1 53 37 35 1 1 3 13 1189 4 1184 2373 31 118 7 2 1117 8 To Buy or Sell Your Home Call BRAZOS BEND builders Greatwood Neighbors for over 10 years Lizz & Chris Additions Remodels Custom Homes Buyers Sellers Luxury Homes Farm & Ranch Commercial Property Short Sales Foreclosures Steve Caldwell, CGR Lizz Sansone, CDPE Chris Sansone, Broker Associate Cell: 281.630.8727 Fax: 281.520.4799 PO Box 16566 Sugar Land, TX 77496 steve@brazosbendbuilders.com direct: 281.753.0333 office: 281.265.5533 ext. 1175 www.teamsansone.com 4500 Highway 6 South Sugar Land, TX 77478 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 9 Manager’s Corner News Wood Fences & Driveways By Nikkole Luna A found on our website, www.mygreatwood.com. I have also noted there are many driveways that are in disrepair. As we know, replacing a driveway is a big task and expense. This also is an item that needs to be addressed to maintain the community-wide standards. If you are someone who needs to have your driveway replaced, you are not required to submit an ACC Application if you are replacing it with the exact same materials. If you plan to make any changes to the driveway and/or material used, you are then required to submit the ACC Application. Please refer to the Greatwood Deed Restrictions, page 4 and 5, Section 4, Owner Responsibilities of the Supplemental Declaration of Amendments to Declaration of Protective Covenants for Greatwood and First Amendment to By-Laws of Greatwood Community Association, Inc., which can be found on our website, www.mygreatwood.com. This will be a blanket notice to all homeowners. Please be aware that a two-month time frame will be given for those that need to make these repairs. In January, the deed restriction process will be put in place and notices will be sent to all who are not in compliance. s I have driven through Greatwood and its many neighborhoods, I have seen several items on properties that need to be addressed. Prior to sending out deed restriction letters on these items, I would like to give you all the opportunity to make the repairs. Now that fall is here and hopefully some cooler weather, this would be a great time to work on these… I have seen wood fences in disrepair. They either need to be totally replaced, re-stained (clear coat only) or have broken or missing fence pickets replaced. In order to maintain the integrity of the community and community-wide standards, we ask that you take a look at your fence to determine what needs to be accomplished to maintain our “community-wide standards.” If you find that your wood fence is in need of replacement, please remember you must complete the ACC Application and follow the ACC Guidelines for wood fences. Please refer to the Greatwood Deed Restrictions, page 4 and 5, Section 4, Owner Responsibilities of the Supplemental Declaration of Amendments to Declaration of Protective Covenants for Greatwood and First Amendment to By-Laws of Greatwood Community Association, Inc. which can be 10 Manager’s Corner News New Signs Holiday Lighting ome of you may have noticed we have installed new signs at the main entrances, Riverbrook, Greatwood Pkwy and Sansbury. These new signs take the place of the smaller signs that inform all residents that signs are not allowed in Greatwood on any common area property. The smaller signs that were in place were difficult to see and read. The rest of the existing smaller signs remain at other entrances to Greatwood. he holidays are just around the corner, and for many people, that means many residents will be preparing to decorate. This is a reminder; holiday lighting and/ or decorations may displayed no earlier than November 9 and must be removed no later than 1 week after New Year’s Day. By Nikkole Luna By Nikkole Luna S T +2:&$1:(+(/3" $SSRLQWPHQWV 2QOLQH6FKHGXOLQJ +RXVWRQ0HWKRGLVW6XJDU /DQG'RFWRUV 6HQGDQ(JUHHWLQJ QJ 9LVLWWKH:HE1XUVHU\ UVHU\ 0DSV'LUHFWLRQV QV 1HZV(YHQWV +2:&$1:(+(/3" $SSRLQWPHQWV 2QOLQH6FKHGXOLQJ +RXVWRQ0HWKRGLVW6XJDU /DQG'RFWRUV 6HQGDQ(JUHHWLQJ 9LVLWWKH:HE1XUVHU\ 0DSV'LUHFWLRQV 1HZV(YHQWV 11 +'*%&#" &''! Multi-Million Dollar Producers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utch Watterson, Realtor #"5@=<9>A@9><?>8! 5+':+'-*%&#"6#! ---6+'-*%&#"6#! % thankful#%/#+% +&"&&3%'-##6 $$/"&," %#!#+%#!&'#/#+%&1 12 # !#%!&$ 13 Group and Club News Greatwood Activity Directory Rosenberg BSA Troop 1630 holds Eagle Court of Honor for 7 Scouts If you would like to list your Greatwood group please send a notice in WORD to gwcomm@yahoogroups.com R Activity Coordinators osenberg Boy Scout Troop 1630 recently held an Eagle Court of Honor for 7 scouts that achieved the rank of Eagle from 2011 to 2013. The troop along with family and friends, gathered at Holy Cross Episcopal Church in Sugar Land to honor Tanner Feldhoff, Ryan Grissett, Troy Hausler, Mitchell Mercado, Taylor Penny, Tyler Richards and Jonathan Willis. Troop Leader Larry Grissett coordinated the event and former troop member and Eagle Scout, Rory Conley, lead the ceremony. As part of the Eagle requirement each scout was required to complete an Eagle project. The Eagle projects included building a butterfly garden for Hutchinson Elementary in Rosenberg (Jonathan Willis), paving a handicap walkway at Sutton Elementary in Houston (Mitchell Mercado), renovating the Harmony Baptist Church Cemetery in Navasota (Tyler Richards), erecting three crosses for Trinity Lutheran Church Cemetery (Troy Hausler), building a picnic area for the Gulf Coast Regional Blood Center in Houston (Ryan Grissett), building a shed for Lutherhill Camp in LaGrange (Tanner Feldhoff), and restoring a WWII era cannon for VFW Post 3903 in Rosenberg (Taylor Penny). Their trail to Eagle started as early as 2000 in Cub Scouts before moving on to Boy Scouts and involved numerous camping trips, merit badges, high adventure treks, leadership activities and service projects. The 7 Eagle Scouts worked on a total of 107 service projects in addition to their Eagle projects and represent more than 600 service hours donated to the community. Troop 1630 meets at First United Methodist Church in Rosenberg. Greatwood MOMS Club - West and East: East Chapter -zoned to Campbell Elementary …www.momsclubsugarland.org West Chapter - zoned to Dickinson Elementary …www.momsclubgreatwood.weebly.com Lunch Bunch We have fun getting to know one another better while having lunch in area restaurants. We meet the third Wednesday of each month. Call us and let us know you’ll be there! Angela Cowen ................... 832.606.4714 Karen Hopper ................... 281.343.7600 Jean Rich ............................. 281.343.8937 Greatwood Gators Swim Team: Join the Gators and make some wonderful summer memories for your family! For 21 years, the Gators have been competing within the Greatwood community in the Southwest Houston Recreational Swim League. To inquire about your child becoming a part of this a fun and exciting swim team, send an email to greatwoodgators@gmail.com or visit www.greatwoodgators.org or LIKE our Facebook page “Greatwood Gators Swim Team”. Christmas Light Decorating Contest Shelly Buechner ............... 281.650.4618 shelleybuechner2@hotmail.com Parent’s of UT Students: Rose Ford ............................ 281.343.7172 ..................................... rose@wjford.com Moms In Prayer: Sharon Boehm .................. 281.343.9280 ...............sugarboehms@earthlink.net Mahj Jong Looking for experienced Mahj Jong players to join a group of Greatwood women players. We usually play on Monday nights and sometimes a day game. Please contact: Trudi Esses......................... 713.443.9019 tsesses@comcast.net The following Scouts were honored (top row left to right): Ryan Grissett, Taylor Penny, Troy Hausler, (bottom row l to r) Tyler Richards, Mitchell Mercado, Tanner Feldhoff, Jonathan Willis 14 STILL haven’t filed your taxes? &DOO12:$VNIRUWKH3URFUDVWLQDWRU¶V6SHFLDO Greatwood’s Choice for Professional Tax Preparation Services ´,·PVRUHOLHYHGWRÀQGVRPHRQHFORVHE\ZKRNQRZVKHUVWXIIµ a5*UHDWZRRG/DNHFUHVW5HVLGHQW ´<RXDOORZPHWRIRFXVRQP\IDPLO\FDUHHU«µ a0*UHDWZRRG)DLUYLHZ5HVLGHQW Ć7D[3UHSDUDWLRQ Ć4XLFN%RRNV7UDLQLQJ Ć6PDOO%XVLQHVV6WDUWXS&RQVXOWV ,563UREOHPV" 'RQ¶WJRLWDORQH 3DPLV)HGHUDOO\ OLFHQVHGWRILJKWIRU <28LQGLVSXWHV ZLWK8QFOH6DP Your Sugar Land Tax Expert Britz Financial Group Pamela Britz, EA Pam with“Betsy Ross” In the neighborhood! Next to Greatwood Lake on Hwy. 59 feeder.. CALL NOW 281-937-0447 www.sugarlandtaxexpert.com $25 off* ILUVWVHUYLFHQHZFOLHQWV &DQQRWEHFRPELQHGZLWKDQ\ RWKHURIIHU([SLUHV 15 526(5,&+9(7(5,1$5<&/,1,&,1& 7KRPSVRQ5RDG 5LFKPRQG7; ID[ FOLQLF#URVHULFKYHWFRP ZZZURVHULFKYHWFRP &DULQJIRURXU&RPPXQLW\·V3HWVIRU<HDUV 6PDOO$QLPDO0HGLFLQHDQG6XUJHU\%RDUGLQJDQG*URRPLQJ • Wood Fencing • Ornamental Iron • Driveway Gates • Gate Operators • Emergency Service Ask about our 20 Year Warranty! “Quality with Affordability” 16 Gold Connection Jewelers Your Full Service Jewelry Store Custom Designs Are Our Specialty! Diamonds Engagement Rings Wedding Rings Jewelry Repair Done On Premises Watches & Watch Repair www.goldconnection.net (DVW+LJKZD\$5LFKPRQG7; 17 Library News University Branch Library Schedule: November 2013 Sunday Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday 1 Saturday 2 • 10:30 am - Rise & Shine Story Time 3 10 17 24 4 5 6 7 • 1:30 pm - Story Time • 10:30 am - Toddler Time • 7:00 PM - Pajama Night Story Time • 10:30 am - Mother Goose Time • 4:00 PM - Kinder Korner - “Fun with Measuring” • 10:30 am - Story Time • 4:00 pm - Tween Cafe - “Hungry? Let’s Cook!” 11 12 13 14 • LIBRARIES CLOSED for Veterans’ Day • No Story Time Today • No Middle School Scene Today • 10:30 am - Toddler Time • 7:00 PM - Pajama Night Story Time • 10:30 am - Mother Goose Time • 4:00 pm - After-School Break - “Shaving Cream Art” • 10:30 am - Story Time 8 9 • 10:30 am - Rise & Shine Story Time • If You Build It, They Will Come! 15 16 • 10:30 am - Rise & Shine Story Time • International Games Day @ Your Library 18 19 20 21 • 1:30 pm - Story Time • 10:30 am - Toddler Time • 7:00 PM - Pajama Night Story Time • 10:30 am - Mother Goose Time • 4:00 PM - Kinder Korner - “Healthy Body, Healthy Me” • 10:30 am - Story Time • 4:00 pm - Tween Cafe - “Animate This!” 22 23 25 26 27 28 29 30 • 1:30 pm - Story Time • 5:00 pm - Middle School Scene - “Fun with Foam!” • 6:00 pm - Middle School Advisory Council • 10:30 am - Toddler Time • 7:00 PM - Pajama Night Story Time • 10:30 AM - Mother Goose Time Today • 4:00 PM - After-School Break - “Game Time!” • LIBRARIES CLOSED for Thanksgiving • No Story Time Today • LIBRARIES CLOSED for Thanksgiving • LIBRARIES CLOSED for Thanksgiving • No Rise & Shine Story Time Today • 10:30 am - Rise & Shine Story Time University Branch Library 14010 University Blvd., Sugar Land Tx • (281) 633-5100 18 Energy Efficient Windows &OUSZ%PPSTt1BUJP%PPST 4JEJOHt3FNPEFMJOH Call Today to Upgrade Your Home ESTATE PLANNING • PROBATE • ELDER LAW • CIVIL APPEALS Located in the heart of Sugar Land! We offer the highest quality replacement windows and doors at the best price. Complimentary Estate Planning Consultation The Offices at Kensington 1650 Highway 6 South Suite 100 Sugar Land, TX 77478 281. 277. DEAN (3326) • www.juliadeanlaw.com Houston & Ft. Bend County’s Oldest Window & Door Company Top Attorney in Country & Texas t$BNCSJEHF%PPSTDPN 12999 Murphy Rd., D-1, Stafford, TX 19 We’re here when you need us. Custom Care Pet Sitters “Providing in-home pet care while your away” Showalter SHOWALTER Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, House Sitting Small Caged Animal Boarding Serving Fort Bend County 77406, 77469, 77478 & 77479 L A Law W Firm F I R M Wills • Probate • Personal Injury • General Practice www.customcarepetsitters.com Diane Honerkamp www. 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Please give us a call if you have any questions or would like to set up an interview. 713-467-1125 281-897-0001 We are Bonded and Insured thru Pet Sitters International poochpatrolpets@att.net www.poochpatrolpetsitting.com www.wiredes.com 4FSWJDFt4BNF3BUFT%BZTB8FFL 'BNJMZ0XOFE0QFSBUFE Financing Available LORI WARNICA - GREATWOOD RESIDENT /CUVGTŖ6'%. 20 'D\&RPSOHWLRQ <HDUVRI([SHULHQFH )LQDQFLQJ$YDLODEOH HS#ZLQGVWUHDPQHW Seven Time Award For Excellence Dulles Ave. (Across from Dulles High School) Business Hours 4:30am - 10:00pm Drive Thru Dulles Ave. (Across from Dulles High School) Business Hours 4:30am - 10:00pm Drive Thru is Recommended by: Southwest Freeway Animal Hospital, Greatwood Veterinary Hospital, and Lexington Blvd. Animal Hospital What does a Pet Sitter do? Book your interview, schedule appointments, or pay online via our website www.perfectpetsitting.net TODAY! Ask about our Weekly Dog Walking Service 21 WWW.WE-BUILD-CHAMPIONS.COM 832.473.5202 Barbie & Tom Perry www.refinishingdoor.com MILTON “GERALD” PAUL OPERATION MANAGER c: 713.384.2620 o: 281.303.3606 paulsexpress@yahoo.com YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR GUARANTEE www.paulsexpressautodetail.com 22 + 24 Day Challenge + Sports Performance + Weight Management OU JEF T F 3 E PP UX DF B SF 4JO ( Stephanie Nelson Realtor, ABR, GRI www.SugarLandLiving.com Stephanie@SugarLandLiving.com 832.752.3509 5-Star Satisfaction Rating W “View my testimonials online and see how I go above and beyond to serve my clients individual needs.” "The bitter taste of poor quality will long outlast the sweet taste from a cheap price" #VZt4FMMt-FBTF Good vision is a critical learning tool for children and can significantly contribute to a child’s success in school. A comprehensive eye exam is the best way to diagnose and treat vision problems before they interefere with a child’s abililty to learn. Dr. Cindy Tu, Therapeutic Optometrist 281-313-5595 636 Highway 6, Suite 800, Sugar Land, Tx 77498 Highway 6 @ University & Telfair Entrance, Bonaventure Plaza 23 24 Community News Lost/Found a Pet? Call Tracey If you lose or find a pet, please call Tracey Ranauro at 713-825-7014. I do not take in animals but act only as liaison to reunite pet with owner. I can provide shelter numbers if owners can not be located and lend out crates if needed. Happenings at Town Square www.sugarlandtownsquare.com Here is a list, available to us at the time of publication, of the upcoming events at Town Square for November. Check the web site above for updated information. Don’t forget your lawn chair. Friday November 1 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Music in the Plaza Bring your family and friends to the Plaza to enjoy live music by The Revelators. Saturday November 2 5:00 PM – 7:00 PM Taste of Town Square Benefiting The Fort Bend Junior Service League. Stroll through the Plaza and sample dishes from Town Square Restaurants, wine and beer while enjoying live music by The Brew Friday November 8 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Music in the Plaza Enjoy live music by The DarDans, one of Houston’s favorite Classic Rock and Country music cover bands. Saturday November 9 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Music in the Plaza Bring your family and friends to the Plaza to enjoy national saxophone recording artist Chris Mitchell! Ruth Galdamez Personal Stylist Stylist ID: 163032 Friday November 15 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Holidays in the Plaza Bring your family and friends to the Plaza to enjoy Holiday Entertainment and Festistive Activities. Phone: 713-410-9478 ruthgaldamez13@gmail.com www.stelladot.com/ sites/ruthgaldamez Please call or email me if you would like to host a Jewelry Trunk Show or if you would like to join my team as a Stylist. Saturday November 16 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Movie Under The Moon Bring your family, friends and lawn chairs to the Plaza to enjoy a free Movie Under the Moon. Friday November 22 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Holidays in the Plaza Bring your family and friends to the Plaza to enjoy Holiday Entertainment and Festistive Activities. Saturday November 23 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Holidays in the Plaza Bring your family and friends to the Plaza to enjoy Holiday Entertainment and Festistive Activities. WEEKLY EVENTS Every Friday - 9:00 AM – 11:00 AM Fitness in the Plaza Featuring FREE Boot Camp with Jon Hood from Rush Fitness and Zumba taught by a professional instructor! Boot Camp 9:00 am - 10:00 am • Zumba 10:00 am - 11:00 am 25 Community News 2013 Greatwood Holiday Lighting Contest G et ready to add holiday sparkle to your home for the Greatwood Annual Holiday Lighting Contest!! Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 10th for individual neighborhoods and Thursday, December 12th for the “Best of Greatwood” contest. If you would like to be considered for the contest, have your lights on by 6:30 pm. Tuesday, Decemer 10th Each individual neighborhood will be judged in the following categories: Best Decorated Home Honorable Mention Home Best Street *Winners will be awarded that night. Thursday, Decemer 12th Selected winners from Tuesday’s contest will be considered for the following categories: Best Decorated Most Elegant Most Creative Best Theme Kids Choice Award Best Decorated Street Best Decorated Neighborhood *Winners will be awarded Friday night The Greatwood Holiday Light Contest winners will be posted on www.mygreatwood.com Saturday, December 14th after 3:00pm. If you are interested in participating as a judge. Please contact shelleybuechner2@hotmail.com 26 27 28 Community News Thanksgiving Thoughts By Judy Holy F those that have left everything familiar behind to become an American citizen, the rewards are great for themselves and their families. rom the time we are small children, we are taught how the Pilgrims, escaping religious persecution, got into a small ship called the Mayflower and sailed from Plymouth, England in 1620 to America. So, when we gather around the table for our traditional Thanksgiving meal, let’s all take a moment to give thanks for all of our blessings. We have many. Unfortunately, they missed their original destination near the mouth of the Hudson River and after 66 days at sea, ended up off the coast of what is now Cape Cod, Massachusetts. They arrived in November. There were 102 passengers and a crew of about 30 who sailed on the Mayflower. The ship measured about 100 feet long and 25 feet across. It’s hard to imagine the conditions of that voyage. All but two survived the sea journey. To all our Greatwood Residents, Happy Thanksgiving! After landing off the shores of Massachusetts in the winter months, the Pilgrims were forced to stay on the ship until the weather warmed. At the end of winter, only 53 passengers and half of crew had survived. Except for our Native Americans, we are all “pilgrims.” Years ago many of our ancestors came to these shores seeking religious freedom, freedom of expression, freedom from political oppression, fleeing wars and starvation in their native lands, and seeking the opportunity to improve their lives. Every day modern day “pilgrims” are welcomed into this great country. The journey is still hard, the path to citizenship difficult, but to 29 School News Dickinson Elementary News DICKINSON TEACHER APPRECIATION Dickinson Teacher Appreciation Committee would like to invite our parents to help provide snacks for our wonderful teachers every Tuesday for their weekly team meetings. Please help us by providing a small, simple snack. Snacks can need to be dropped off to the front office by 9:30 a.m. Visit the PTO website and click on the “Volunteer” tab. There you find a link for each grade or specials group. Sign up for one group or all six! Let our teachers know just how much we love them all year long! “Planting Seeds for Success…Watch us Bloom” Congratulations!! We are Exemplary again!! About Dickinson Elementary Dickinson Elementary, opened in 1993, is an exemplary school in the Lamar Consolidated ISD. Dickinson is located in the Greatwood subdivision at 7110 Greatwood Parkway in Sugar Land, TX. For more information or to contact the PTO, please visit: RECYCLING AT DICKINSON You can help the school earn money and save the environment at the same time! In the parking lot at the back of the school, there are two green and yellow paper recycling receptacles. The school earns money based on how much paper is recycled. Instead of recycling your paper a the curb, make a weekly trip to the school and recycle there. You can recycle newspaper, junk mail, school paperwork and even bags of shredded documents. http://www.dickinsonpto.com/. JOIN THE PTO Our Dickinson Dolphins need your support! Our goal this year is to have 100% participation in our PTO. If that means a donation of just $15 or more or volunteering only an hour of your time you are appreciated! By donating $15 or more you are helping pat for things at our school like: a new poster maker, a Guided Reading Library, field trips, and new technology in the classroom. Past PTO funds have been used to provide promethean boards in the classrooms, a shaded cover for the playground, and to put in a new track. Please have your children bring empty glue sticks, glue bottles, plastic tape rolls, old cell phones, laser & inkjet cartridges, and small old electronics to school. All your efforts will help us earn money for our Dolphins! BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION Becoming a member of the PTO doesn’t mean you have to give hours and hours of your time volunteering, but we wouldn’t turn you away if you did! Every contribution helps. Donate today and support our Dickinson Dolphins! Cut out and save your box tops for education; every top turned in is money for our school! Turn them in at any time; the coordinator will save them for the next deadline. If you have time, bundle them in groups of 50 - keep bonus certificates separate, and throw away any that are expired. If not, our committee will do this work for you. BREAKFAST WITH SANTA! The 4th Annual Breakfast with Santa will be Saturday, December 14th from 8-10 a.m. Come and enjoy a delicious breakfast and take pictures with Santa with out fighting the mall crowds. Flyers for this event will be coming home with students early November and ticket sales will open November 18th. Tickets will be $10 per person. There is a limited number of tickets available so don’t delay getting your purchase turned in. There will also be a raffle with some great items available. Be sure to purchase your raffle tickets too! Raffle tickets will $5 for 6 raffle tickets. Place them in a small bag or envelope. Write your child’s name, teacher, and grade on the outside. If you counted them, write the total number of boxtops as well. Have your child turn them in to his/her teacher and she will place them in the PTO mailbox. If you have any questions please contact Chris Keenan at boxtops@ dickinsonpto.com. BOX TOPS FOR EDUCATION HELP FUNDRAISE FOR DICKINSON ELEMENTARY ǧ EASY! Cut out and save your box tops for education; every top turned in is money for our school! Turn them in at any time; the coordinator will save them for the next deadline. How can your shopping and dining out earn money for Dickinson Elementary? Find out how at www.dickinsonpto.com Spirit partners include Chick-Fil-A, Pepperoni’s, Kroger, Office Depot, Target…the list grows daily…And continue to save and turn in your BoxTops for Education! If you have time, bundle them in groups of 50 - keep bonus certificates separate, and throw away any that are expired. If not, our committee will do this work for you. TEACHER OF THE MONTH Do you know a teacher at Dickinson Elementary that goes above and beyond the call of duty for his or her students? Tell us why this amazing teacher your child succeed and nominate him or her for Teacher of the Month. Simply send an email to vp@dickinsonpto. com. Your nominated teacher could win a Japaneiro’s Gift Card for his or her hard work and dedication to educating our kids! Place them in a small bag or envelope. Write your child’s name, teacher, and grade on the outside. If you counted them, write the total number of boxtops as well. Have your child turn them in to his/her teacher and she will place them in the PTO mailbox. 30 School If you have any questions please contact Chris Keenan at boxtops@ dickinsonpto.com. News Newton Family Chiropractic Orthodontique - Quynh Tan, DDS, MS Pamela Printing Primrose School of Greatwood Ramzey Helal, DDS Unity Taekwondo A BIG MONSTER MASH THANK YOU! Dickinson PTO would like to thank all the parents and children who attended the 2013 Monster Mash at Dickinson Elementary on Oct. 26, 2013. Your attendance helped make Monster Mash a huge success. The money raised will benefit all Dickinson Elementary children and will be used to purchase new classroom technology and supplies, fund field trips and more! In Kind Donors El Vaquero Mexican Restaurant Lenny’s Sub Shop Pepperoni’s New York Style Pizza Raising Cane’s McAlister’s Deli Please Mr. Dj Entertainment A tremendous thank you to the many Dickinson parents, teachers, administrators & George Ranch High School students who helped by folding flyers, collecting silent auction items, decorating setting up and volunteering at Monster Mash—without your donation of time this event could not be possible. Monster Mash required the dedicated efforts of many fantastic committee chairs whose generosity, hard work & creativity in planning this fundraiser are greatly appreciated: Kim Brown, Terri Brown, Jill Carroll, Cyndi Cook, Jessie Corning, Marci Doss, Missy Finch, Melanie Hausmann, Chris Keenan, Heather Lovell, Jayson Mitchell, Karie Prevette, Jennifer Rsyz, Brenda Thompson, Rick Thompson, Jamie Wright and Shannon Woodruff. Thank you the more than 100 generous companies who donated to the Monster Mash Silent Auction (as of 9-30-13) 1710 Designs A.D. Players Alley Theater AMC Theatres APEX Cheer & Athletic Training Facility Baby’s & Kids 1st Furniture Baker’s Street Bella Spatique, Too! Benihana Brookstreet Bar-B0-Q Bombay Pizza Company Candace Byers Photography Carlino’s Photography Carmelo’s Ristorante Italiano Children’s Museum of Houston Chipotle Mexican Grill Chuck E Cheese Cinemark Theater Corelli’s Italian Cafe Critical Air Crowhop Camps Dave and Kim Brown Define Body and Mind Denbar’s Hallmark Dewberry Farm Disney on Ice Disneyland & Disney California Adventure Theme Parks Downtown Aquarium Eileen Koler Enchanted Forest Many Thanks to our Fantastic Monster Mash Sponsors (as of 9-30-2013) Title Sponsor Memorial Hermann Sugar Land Hospital Presenting - The Mash Sponsors FASTSIGNS-Houston Galleria Area Sugar Land Skeeters Team Sansone - RE/MAX Fine Properties Gold Sponsors The Butch Watterson Team - Keller Williams Southwest & Amcap Premier Mortgage David Taylor Cadillac Kids ‘R’ Kids of Greatwood Lemke Orthodontics Southwest Urgent Care Orange Sponsors Dr. Cindy Tu, Optometrist - Beyond 20/20 Eyecare Critical Air Gretchen Jetton, DDS - Dentistry for Children First Tire and Automotive, Greatwood Healthy Teeth Pediatric Dentistry - Shilpa Chandiwal, DDS Houston Community Bank Lee A Mahlmann, DDS, MS Inc. Michael J. Su, DDS, PA 31 School News Escalantes FADI’s Mediterranean Grill Fish City Grill Five Guys Burger and Fries Fred Astaire Dance Studio George Ranch Historical Park Gifts Galore/Staci Hartfiel Greatwood Auto Repair Great Play Gretchen Jetton—Dentistry for Children Grimaldi’s Gringos Rosenberg Hickman Ranch Houston Ballet Houston Grand Opera Houston Museum of Natural Science Houston Rockets Houston Symphony Hyatt Place of Sugar Land i9 Sports Iron Cross Gymnastics Jewel Kade-Dawn Ledgerwood Jumping Jacks Kids ‘R’ Kids Greatwood Kublai Khan Crazy Mongolian Stir Fry Kuk Sool Won of Richmond La Madeleine Lasagna House Magpies Main Event Main Street Theater Mark’s American Cuisine McDonalds-Janus 1 Unlimited Mia Bella Trattoria Michael Klein’s Fine Jewelry Museum of Fine Arts, Houston My Mélange – Melanie Schwank National Fusion Soccer Club Natural Bridge Caverns Nike, Inc Olive Garden P.F. Chang’s Panera Bread-Rosenberg Pine Cove Camps Pinot’s Palette Rajin Cajun Rebecca Cox Riverstone Gymboree Play & Music Rose-Rich Veterinary Clinic Ruggles Salt Grass Steakhouse Schlitterbahn Galveston SeaWorld San Antonio Sensory Solutions for Kids Set Them Up For Success Parent Coaching - Debbie Elder Skeeters Grill Sky Zone Indoor Trampoline Park Smashburger Sport Clips-Riverpark Sport Clips-Rosenberg Stacey Richards Photography Star Cinema Grill Sugar Land Skeeters Sunny Beach Tans Sweet and Sassy TanFastic Salon & Boutique Texas Renaissance Festival The Ehlen Family The Honey Baked Ham Company The Little Gym The Rouxpour The Swinging Door Toni & Guy Tracy Reed “Art from the Heart” Willie’s Grill & Icehouse You Only Younger Medspa Zoe’s Kitchen THANK YOU! Important Dates to Remember Nov. 4 PTO General Meeting, 3:00 p.m., in the library Nov. 7 Chick Fil A Spirit Night Nov. 7-8 Early Release, 11:30 a.m. Nov. 12 Lenny’s Spirit Day/Night Nov. 20 Pepperoni’s Spirit Night Nov. 27-29 Thanksgiving Holiday Dec. 2 PTO General Meeting, 3:00 p.m., in the science room Dec. 5 Chick Fil A Spirit Night Dec. 10 Lenny’s Spirit Day/Night Dec. 14 Breakfast with Santa Dec. 18 Pepperoni’s Spirit Night Dec. 21-Jan 6 32 Winter Break Want to get in shape and learn a new martial art? +HUH DW 7; UG &RDVW 00$ J\P ZH KDYH D FRPIRUWDEOH DQG IULHQGO\ WUDLQLQJ DWPRVSKHUH <RX GR QRW QHHG DQ\ SUHYLRXV PDUWLDO DUWV H[SHULHQFHWRWDNHRXUFODVVHV:HDUHFRPSHWLWLYHEXWKDYHDQHJRIUHH DWPRVSKHUHIRUSHRSOHRIDOOVKDSHVVL]HVDQGH[SHULHQFHWRWDNHRXU FODVVHV&RPHLQDQGWU\DOOWKHFODVVHVIRUDQHQWLUHZHHNFREE. Don’t get Gobbled up by high Insurance Premiums, call the Tallas Team for your complimentary quote. 713-271-2000 or email at jeff@tallasins.com 6XJDU/DQG7;v Happy Thanksgiving to all our Greatwood Neighbors and Clients! www.TX3rdCoastMMA.com 6RXWKZHVW)UHHZD\6WH$6XJDU/DQG7; 33 School News Campbell Elementary News 4TH GRADE PATRIOTIC PROGRAM On Thursday, November 14th, the fourth grade students will perform a program called “Freedom” in honor of veterans and irst responders (police, ire ighters, etc.). The performances take place at 8:30 a.m. and 6 p.m. Both performances are open to anyone who wishes to attend. The student body will attend the morning performance. We will be presenting an onscreen montage featuring veterans and irst responders who are related to Campbell Elementary staff members and students. In addition, all veterans and irst responders who are present at the performances will be invited to come forward and introduce their names and line of service. If they are related to a staff member or Campbell student, they may announce that as well. The program lasts approximately one hour. Campbell Elementary… “We Volunteer! What’s Your Super Power?” Need information about Campbell? Go to: www.campbellpta.org Remember to subscribe to receive our newsletter directly to your inbox every two weeks. THE CAMPBELL PTA IS PROUD TO PRESENT 5TH ANNUAL MEMORIAL HERMANN SUGAR LAND FUN RUN AND COUGAR CARNIVAL SATURDAY, FEBRUARY 22, 2014 Calling all Runners - Registration is now open! Online registration for individuals, families & teams is available on Active.com. 2013-14 Cougar Calendar Dates Events 11/1/2013 Health T-Shirt Day/Field Day To access our event, simply use the event or registration link or QR code below. 11/1/2013 Yearbook Memory Message Due 11/7/2013 Early Release Event Link: http://www.active.com/5k-race/sugar-land-tx/5th-annualmemorial-hermann-sugar-land-fun-run-and-cougarcarnival-2014 11/8/2013 Early Release 11/13/2013 Monthly PTA Board Meeting 11/14/2013 4th Grade Patriotic Program 11/15/2013 Parents and Pastries at 7:15am 11/11 thru 11/15/2013 Fall Book Fair 11/21/2013 Fall Picture Retakes 11/26/2013 Teacher Appreciation: Holiday Pies 11/26/2013 Yearbook Order Deadline 11/27 thru 11/29/2013 Thanksgiving Break 12/2/2013 Holiday Giving Tree Begins 12/6/2013 Health T-Shirt Day 12/11/2013 Monthly PTA Board Meeting 12/12/2013 PTA Holiday Teacher Luncheon 12/12/2013 3rd Grade Holiday Program 12/20/2013 Grade Level Holiday Parties 12/23 thru 01/06/14 Winter Break Registration Link: https://endurancecui.active.com/eventreg/select-race?e=5397854 How to volunteer for the event: 1. Go to www.signupgenius.com 2. Click on “Find a List” 3. Type springfundraising@campbellpta.org when prompted for an email 4. Select all the areas where you would like to help For sponsor information please contact us at: springfundraising@campbellpta.org The Campbell PTA organization and its activities are not related to or sponsored by Lamar CISD. FALL BOOK FAIR UPDATE The Southwest book fair will be at Campbell from Monday, November 11th through the Friday November 15th. This is a change from previous date publication. Monday and Tuesday will be preview days. Wednesday, Thursday, and Friday will be purchase days. The book fair will close at 11:30 am on Friday, November 15th. 34 Interested in Fostering? O 1/2 - 1 Acre Estate Lots Ready for Building O Developer Direct & Waterfront Lots Available O Luxury Location close to Grand Pkwy O Minutes from highly-acclaimed LCISD Schools O Central Water, Sewer Systems & All Underground Utilities O Community Park with Gazebo & Fishing Lakes O Buy a Lot Today, Build Your Home Later O Financing Available Family to Family Adoptions is now also a licensed Foster Care Agency! O Deed Restricted Community O No Levee, MUD or City Taxes If you are interested in learning more about foster parenting, contact us at (281)342-4092 or email casey@fam2fam.org At the corner of Holmes Rd & Brandt Rd Richmond, Texas www.fam2fam.org 281-762-6880 LakesofMissionGrove.com 35 School News Scarecrow, senior Sean Hardin, the Tin Woodman, junior Arnold Alaniz, and the Cowardly Lion, senior Shannon Paradine. Dorothy is frightened by senior Sarah May as the Wicked Witch of the West, while she is comforted by The Good Witch, Sorceress of the North, senior Abby Eschler. Major munchkins include, a Munchkin Farmer – freshman Emma Jobes, a Munchkin Barrister –senior Haley Nelson, a Munchkin Coroner - freshman Valentina Bilic, and the Mayor of the Munchkins – junior Cameron Hardee. The “little” Munchkins will be played by students from Dickinson, Campbell, Velasquez, Williams, and Thomas elementary schools. Other favorite characters from the WIZARD OF OZ include: Aunt Em – Sophomore Caroline Burden; Uncle Henry and Lord Growlie – Senior Bryan Kelly; Farm Hands - Freshman Tristin Collom and Sophomore Haig Moses; Private – Sophomore John Teinert; Foremost General – Junior Darion Rivers; Oz Lady – Sophomore Clare Bates; Gloria – Junior Cara Morton; The Wizard of Oz – Senior Trevor Martin; Visiting Witches – Senior Princess Johnson and Junior Sam Oesch, Tibia – freshman Emma Glose; Servant – freshman Georgeth Garay, and Ozmas – Tyler Richards. Rounding out the production are the Citizens of Oz: Ashley Adair, Chioma Aladume, Leann Anderson, Kaylah Ashley, Rachel Badger, Rachel Buchanan, Sofie Caruso, Lily Castillo, Andraya Cobige, Joe Cretsinger, Bailor Erdeljac, Chellcie Edmondson, Jack Greene, Peyton Heussner, Parker Hylton, Megan Lepovitz, Aspen Lovell, Denise Marin, Chisom Ottih, Hanna Redenius, Hannah Smith, Jenna Swift, Dani Torres, Gabby Torres, Meaghan Veazey, and Diana Vega. NEED INFORMATION ABOUT George Ranch High School GO TO: WWW.GRHSPTO.ORG GRHS Theatre George Ranch High School Fine Arts Department has begun the wonderful trek down the yellow brick road in preparation for its production of THE WIZARD OF OZ. The production will be mounted Thursday through Saturday, December 5, 6, and 7, 2013, at 7:30 PM and offers a matinee Sunday, December 8, 2013, at 2:00 PM. The ticket price is $10.00 for adults and $5.00 for students while admission for pre-school children is free. The directors for the production are theatre directors Rebecca C. Walters and L. Jay Meyer, vocal director Chris Cuellar assisted by student teacher Melanie Morris, choreographer Tashane O’Haver, and orchestral directors Daren Jordan and Lisa Stiles. The directors are so excited to venture down the yellow brick road to mount this classic tale, THE WIZARD OF OZ. Senior Haley Enns will perform the much loved role of Dorothy, a child who is literally caught up in a whirlwind that lands her in a confusing, frightening but beautiful world called Oz. In Oz, she encounters the 36 TACL A002487E 281-499-3511 v www.freshairinc.com AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING PROBLEMS? Same Day Response 94% of our calls are done the same day The #1 Air Conditioning Co. in Greatwood Lance Hatfield - Owner Serving *UHDWZRRG Since 2003 (713) 553-7335 (cell) (281) 491-3191 (office) LHatfield979@hotmail.com Preferred Lawn & Landscaping Professional and Reliable Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance 37 School News ARJH YEARBOOK The 2013-2014 Yearbook is on sale. Yearbooks can be ordered online at www.smart-pay.com or by calling 1-800-853-1337. Yearbooks start at $40 and options such as name stamping, keepsake sleeves and ribbon bookmarks are available for an additional cost (you can see them all online). SPRING FUNDRAISER PLANNING Want to help on just one event? Our Spring Fundraiser (The Amazing Longhorn Race) has begun planning, get in on the action and join our team! Please contact Tiffany at volunteers@readingpto.org to volunteer! Antoinette Reading Junior High News BOYS BASKETBALL TRYOUTS Boys Basketball Tryouts will be held the week of November 11-15. See the school website for details. WELCOME TO 2013 LONGHORNS IT’S GOING TO BE A GREAT YEAR! ON THE CALENDAR Nov. 11: Veteran’s Day Program Nov. 11-15: Boys Basketball Tryouts Nov. 27-29: Thanksgiving Holiday In business in the Houston metro area since 1939. List your home for 1%! 713-818-7193 RE/MAX Executives greatwoodproperties.com Different commission rates, fees and listing and marketing services may be offered by other RE/MAX RI¿FHVDQG5(0$;VDOHVDVVRFLDWHVLQWKLVPDUNHWDUHD Providing complete design, installation and service of lawn sprinkler and drainage systems. 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Better Homes and Gardens® is a registered trademark of Meredith Corporation licensed to Better Homes and Gardens Real Estate LLC. Equal Opportunity Company. Equal Housing Opportunity. Each Franchise is Independently Owned and Operated. If your property is currently listed with a real estate broker, please disregard. It is not our intention to solicit the offerings of other real estate brokers. 39 “Creating Healthy, Beautiful Smiles Every Day!” 'U.DWLD/HPNH'0' 2UWKRGRQWLF6SHFLDOLVW Ć)OH[LEOHDIWHUVFKRROKRXUV Ć%UDFHVIRU&KLOGUHQ$GXOWV Ć)UHH2UWKRGRQWLF([DP&RQVXOWDWLRQ Ć1HZ/RZGRVH',*,7$/;UD\ Ć,QVXUDQFH)OH[LEOH)LQDQFLQJ$YDLODEOH Ć$GYDQFHG2UWKRGRQWLF7UHDWPHQW ZLWK/LQJXDO%UDFHV 281.277.3555 6DQGKLOO'U6XLWH%Ć6XJDU/DQG7; ZZZVXJDUODQGRUWKRFRP ied Certif c Fen e alist Speci Ŗ&HGDU:RRG)HQFLQJ v:URXJKW,URQ v&KDLQ/LQN v%ULFN&ROXPQV v*DWH2SHQHUV v'ULYHZD\*DWHV Serving Fort Bend and the surrounding areas &RPPHUFLDO5HVLGHQWLDO 832-525-9959 VWDOOLRQIHQFH#JPDLOFRP Carpet Wood Floors Tile Bathroom & Kitchen Remodeling “Serving Fort Bend County since 1997” Showroom Hours: 0RQGD\)ULGD\6DWXUGD\ 4111 Greenbriar Drive in Stafford 281.494.9200 www.HamresRemodeling.com Members of BBB, Fort Bend Chamber of Commerce and Texas Residential Construction Commission 40 CELL: 713-628-1023 OFFICE: 281-207-5233 EMAIL: cecil@cecilsoldit.com Web Sites: www.mrgreatwood.com www.cecilpeschel.com PLEASE JOIN RE/MAX SOUTHWEST IN CONGRATULATING CECIL PESCHEL FOR 22 YEARS AS ONE OF ITS TOP PRODUCING AGENTS! HIS DEDICATION TO RE/MAX, FORT BEND COUNTY AND SERVICE TO THE RESIDENTS OF GREATWOOD HAS BEEN OUTSTANDING! HIS SALES ACCOMPLISHMENTS IN THE GREATWOOD SUBDIVISION ARE LEGENDARY! Lucky 625th Greatwood Seller, Jonna Patterson in Greatwood Terrace has her listing commission waived!! Call Cecil today for a no cost, no obligation Market Analysis of your home. It’s a seller’s market in Greatwood and he has buyer’s waiting for the right home!! Ask about his move-up & move-down plans that can save you $$Thousands$$ RE/MAX Southwest: 14905 Southwest Freeway, Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 41 Gulf Coast )5207+(*8/)&2$67)$0,/< +$33<+2/,'$<6 Dear Greatwood Residents, It’s been almost a year since I began my journey here with the Gulf Coast Auto family. I’ve made plenty of new friends, and seen many of my old friends. It’s at this time of year, that I am reminded of all that I have to be thankful for. I’ve been blessed to be part of a warm and friendly team here at Gulf Coast. And, on behalf of my family (Michelle, Madison,Canon, and Kendall) thanks to all the special people who have been loyal and true friends over the years. If you haven’t been out to Gulf Coast – Please accept my open invitation to come and visit Gulf Coast Auto Park. We have many special offers I know you will be excited about. And, while you’re here, please enjoy lunch on us in the same location at the Gulf Coast Grill. Wishing you and your family many blessings, happy holidays and a prosperous 2014. Sincerely, Craig DeSerf, General Manager - Chevy Buick GMC 979-849-24542I¿FH Direct Cell cdeserf@gulfcoast.net www.gulfcoast.net 42 Neighborhood Representatives T his list of Neighborhood Representatives is published for the sole purpose of providing Greatwood residents a means to contact their neighborhood representatives. This list is not to be used or published, for any reason, by any persons or organizations other than the Greatwood HOA. Arbor Bend Tim Ehlen Dave Brittain JoAnn Ardoin Brazos Bend Phill Bratton Phil Rummel (713) 478-0168 (281) 343-8406 (281) 343-8896 tim@theehlens.com dave.brittain@sbcglobal.net jjardoin@sbcglobal.net (281) 343-5807 (281) 343-5105 BrazosBend@Bratton-online.com prummel_houston1@comcast.net Brooks Mill Kelly Sullivan (281) 755-1736 Christina Donaldson (281) 685-7457 John Cahill Charleston Estates Stephanie Grote Cathy Iffergan (713) 898-9299 Crossing Patrick Ricci John Hancock Ken Head Enclave Joe Hovsepian Stephanie Gilbert Jamie Rozell Estates Susan Rozman Fairview John Hidore Melissa Gorman Fairway Vistas Jim Burns Phillip Butler Faye Brislan Forest Paul Turner Ron Meckler Chip Smith Glen Richard Boehck Patricia Matthews Green Terry Nash Charles Dulaney Ann Silver Highland Park Joel Stelling Delise Jung Charles Pearce Knoll Jen Gawrys Jill Abe Eric Viktorin Lakecrest Tony Mendes Lakeside Village Jill Harrell Rosemary Maloney Roseane Bernstein Landing Gary Crowell Lloyd Ellison Ken Tyrell Manor Harold Symmonds Janet Harper Anthony Lane Shores Paul Raymond Greg Saha Kevin Duncan Springfield Rodney Hamp Dana Capdau Bill Murray Stonebridge Robert Galloway Ben Swan Mike Wills Terrace Doug Foster Roy Neer Cindy Schiefen Trails Richard Vacek Cecil Williams John Bowen Tuscany Elizabeth Lorber Jeff Tallas Lupita Decal Village Tracey Thomas Zac Pittinger Jim LeMaire Vistas Janet Davis David Haack Gregory Schnell Woodcreek Linda Scott Carrie Surratt William Robinson Woodhaven Chris Legrand mainegirl23@gmail.com ckdonaldson@gmail.com stephaniegrote@comcast.net cathy@iffergan.net (281) 705-1038 (281) 343-5969 (979) 240-3367 patrick.ricci@comcast.net jb-tex@sbcglobal.net ken@datawarelabels.com (281) 343-7074 (713) 302-9035 (832) 454-4134 joseph.hovsepian@mustangeng.com gilbertsb@gmail.com palmerj716@gmail.com rozman2@icloud.com (281) 937-7259 (281) 937-7137 (832) 459-7563 (281) 937-1283 (281) 343-8280 (713) 504-5293 jhidore@chevron.com melissagorman@aol.com JSBurns@Hal-PC.org (832) 483-6516 fbrislan@comcast.net (281) 937-7021 PTurner13@msn.com rmeckler@swst.com Csmith@chipsmithlaw.com (281) 343-1966 (281) 343-8454 rboehck@boehckmortgage.com patty_matthews@hotmail.com (281) 299-5814 (281) 545-3939 (281) 545-8542 temanash@yahoo.com annied50@aol.com annsilver1103@gmail.com (713) 826-9603 joelstelling@hotmail.com Delise_Jung@bmc.com cpearce19@yahoo.com (281) 937-0460 43 (281) 545-2257 (281) 545-2949 (713) 417-0933 Jengawrys@yahoo.com Jillabe2@yahoo.com yourknollrep@gmail.com (281) 545-2922 omendes1934@hotmail.com (281) 343-0853 (281) 545-1813 (281) 343-8108 (281) 545-8545 (713) 914-6431 (713) 553-4503 (281) 755-4275 BamaBino@aol.com birdbabe10@yahoo.com keithneb@earthlink.net (281) 224-2793 gary.crowell@att.net LloydEllison@comcast.net ken_tyrrell@urscorp.com (281) 545-8446 harold@hsymmonds.com jghar@comcast.net anthony.lane99@gmail.com (832) 603-2111 (713) 705-7476 (281) 725-0859 Dr.raymond01@gmail.com gsaha@triten.com (832) 361-9291 (281)937-1412 (281) 343-9586 (713)419-6180 (281) 380-4456 (281) 343-0481 (713) 998-5251 rodney@hampteam.com danadc@aol.com bill.murray@oursite.cc macjanum@me.com benpswan@gmail.com mglwills@att.net (281) 937-7243 (281) 343-5121 (281) 343-5999 (713) 299-2101 dougfoster1706@yahoo.com (281) 545-9868 (281) 343-8900 (281) 343-0238 (713) 643-2157 cks4999@gmail.com (281) 382-6603 ravacek@sbcglobal.net cecil.williams@genesis315.com bowenjt5226@att.net (832) 641-0405 elorber@comcast.net jeff@tallasins.com lupitadecal@comast.net (713) 826-0593 (281) 343-7419 (281) 545-9231 tthomassell@yahoo.com zpittinger@gmail.com jrlemairejr@comcast.net (281) 302-6365 (281) 545-1126 (281) 545-8184 janetbdavis@yahoo.com dah@me.com schnellgl@yahoo.com (281) 546-2826 (281) 343-9690 (281) 343-1948 (281) 343-1058 Ljoyce@tbredtech.com Bartmans@aol.com wcrobinson1@comcast.net (281) 682-0597 clegrand@opportune.com Greatwood News Ofϔicial publication of Greatwood Community Association, Inc. 550 Julie Rivers Dr., Suite 310 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Each year about this time… GO TO OUR COMMUNITY WEB SITE: www.mygreatwood.com Important Numbers Management Company Houston Community Management Services........800.568.6807 or 832.864.1200 Nikkole Luna, Assoc. Community Mgr........... 281-545-1134 - Fax: 281-218-6973 Email .............................................................................................................. nluna@houcomm.com Maggie McKay, Greatwood On Site Mgr. ....... 281-545-1134 - Fax: 281-218-6973 Email ........................................................................................................ mmckay@houcomm.com Accounting ................................ 800.568.6807 or 832.864.1229 - Fax: 281.333.2054 I guess it’s normal to think about all the things we are thankful for. My new “baby” arrived this week. A state of the art printing press that will allow us to expand and serve the growing needs of our customers. In a sense, I’m grateful for the past 35+ years that have allowed us to reach this point. For Questions about Recreation Center Reservations, or to Obtain Tennis Court and Pool Keys Contact I ind myself thinking about Thanksgiving and all the related things of that holiday. I’m thankful for all the family, friends and food, but more importantly, I’m thankful for all the years that I’ve been healthy and blessed to enjoy this time of year. Newsletter - Pamela Printing Co. And inally, speaking of thankful… Nikkole Luna………………281-545-1134 ............................. Email:nluna@houcomm.com David Smith .....281.240.1313 - Fax 281.240.1312 - greatwood@pamelaprinting.com School District Thank you for letting us be a part of your neighborhood. Dickinson Elementary ............................................................................................ 832.223.1400 Lamar School Board Representative - Julie Thompson ....................... 281.343.1259 Campbell Elementary.............................................................................................. 832.223.1300 Antoinette Reading Junior High ........................................................................ 832-223-4400 George Ranch High School ................................................................................... 832-223-4200 - David Smith Texas Park & Wildlife.................................................................................... 281.931.6471 Ft. Bend Animal Control ............................................................................. 281.342.1512 Police • Ft Bend Sheriff Pamela Printing, the preferred printer of the Sugar Land Skeeters MUD and LID Directors & Meeting Times Emergency/Crimes in Progress .............................................................................................. 911 Non-Emergency.......................................................................................................... 281.341.4665 Information/General Info ..................................................................................... 281.341.4704 Crime Prevention Unit ............................................................................................ 281.341.4618 Constable Precinct 1 ................................................................................................ 281.341.4536 House Watch ................................................................................................................ 281.341.4536 Meeting dates and times listed in bold italics Below is the list of the men and women, in our community, who presently serve on the Boards of our MUD and LID. Fire Department, Sugar Land Emergency........................................................................................................................................... 911 Non-Emergency.......................................................................................................... 281.491.0852 Ambulance EMS-Emergency (Life Threatening) ..................................................................................... 911 Fort Bend Road and Bridge…………………………………………………281.491.0852 To report issues with street signs and roads call Fort Bend Road and Bridge SIEnvironmental (Water/Sewer) 24/7 Customer Care…832-490-1600....... 24/7 Emergency Repairs…832-490-1601 Storm Water Illegal Dumping Storm Water Solutions ......................................................................... www.cleanbayous.org Waste Management Best Trash ...................................................................................................................... 281.313.2378 HOLIDAYS: If your regular pick-up falls on a holiday (NEW YEAR’S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, JULY 4TH, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY), pick up will be made on the next regularly scheduled pick-up day. Post Ofϐice Sugar Land..................................................................................................................... 800.275.8777 Library George Memorial Library ..................................................................................... 281.342.4455 University Library ..................................................................................................... 281.633.5100 Golf Club ..................................................................................................................... 281.343.9999 FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 109: 4th Thursday of every month - 8:30am James A. Kidda, President David Brittain, Vice President Bobby E. Rich, Secretary Frank Dea, Assistant Secretary Jackie Lawrence, Assistant Vice President FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 106: 3rd Thursday of every month - 5:00pm Michael E. Stone, President Stanton J. Nowak, Vice President Larry Shultz, Assistant Vice President Jack Molho, Secretary Scott Richardson, Assistant Secretary FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 117: 1st Monday of every month - 4:30pm Jason Kelly, President Christina Vasquez, Vice President Terri Edwards, Assistant Vice President Michael T. O’Neal, Secretary Ann Cantu, Assistant Secretary FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 108: 4th Wednesday of every month - 5:00pm Roberta Terrell, President John Scarborough, Vice President Jennifer Dewey, Assistant Vice President Arthur W. Olson, Secretary Christopher B. Argo, Assistant Secretary All meetings are held at Professional Project Management Services 19875 Southwest Freeway, Suite 270 Sugar Land, TX 77479 Check the MUD website at: www.greatwooddistricts.com For meeting dates and times. Meeting Dates subject to change with holidays CenterPoint ............................................................................................................. 713.207.2222 To report a streetlight that is out call Center Point with the number of the pole. FORT BEND COUNTY LID No. 11: 3rd Tuesday of every month - 5:00pm Justin Ring, President Stuart Rimes, Secretary/ Assistant Vice President Jared Jameson, Vice President/ Assistant Secretary www.greatwooddistricts.com For Assistance with MUD Matters Contact SiEnvironmental, LLC For 24/7 Customer Care: 832-490-1600. For 24/7 Emergency Repair: 832-490-1601 44