12-2011 - My Greatwood
12-2011 - My Greatwood
Greatwood News The publication of the Greatwood Community Association, Inc. December 2011 Quarterly Representative Meeting - November 8, 2011 T he meeting was called to order at 7:00 PM by Board President Bob Hauck. CONSTABLE REPORT Chief Constable A.J. Dorr A.J. Dorr, Chief Constable, presented the October crime stats and answered questions from the floor about the recent burglaries in Greatwood. Chief Constable Dorr reported that the incidents of crime seem to have abated and he feels this has been due in part to the increased patrolling in the community. He also stated that there have been more traffic tickets and less warnings issued to violators in Greatwood. There were several questions asked about graffiti and unsavory behavior in some park areas. These areas will be investigated and action taken. The issue of an illegal tree house in the wetlands reserve was addressed. Recently the fire department had to be called to put out a fire by the tree house. The tree house will have to be removed. PRESIDENT’S REPORT Bob Hauck To keep up with the large increase in our surface water charges for landscape irrigation and pool operation, the HOA Board had no other choice but to raise the assessment for each household $45 for the coming year. Bob Hauck reminded the Reps that there is a Board election in March and two positions will be open. He encouraged any Reps who felt they could contribute their time and talents to the Board to run for these positions. He also stated that the Board had completed the lengthy review of the Greatwood contracts and have awarded contracts for the year 2012. HOUSTON COMMUNITY MANAGEMENT SERVICES LeJean Griffith NEW HOA LAWS There have been new mandated Texas State laws concerning the election of the Neighborhood Representatives. No longer can a representative remain in his/her position by default. Each neighborhood has to have a quorum made up of at least 10% of each neighborhood. This can be achieved by residents either showing up at their Annual Meeting, or by absentee ballot sent into the Management Company or by proxy brought to the meeting by one of your neighbors. If there aren’t enough votes to make up a quorum or no one runs, your neighborhood will remain unrepresented until such time as a quorum is achieved. CITY OF SUGAR LAND - WATER CONSERVATION Utilities Director - SuEllen Staggs Ms. Staggs gave a brief presentation about water conservation and some of the simple things everyone can do to conserve water, which has become a precious commodity. (Continued on page 21) 1 Merry Christmas & Happy Holidays! Your Board of Directors would like to take this opportunity to wish our Greatwood residents a joyous and blessed Christmas/Holiday season and to thank the many residents that have worked with us this past year to make Greatwood a wonderful community in which to live. What’s Inside Useful Info............................................ 2 Safety and Security.......................... 3-5 Group and Club News........................ 12 Library News................................. 16-17 Community News.......................... 21-27 School News.................................. 32-40 Neighborhood Reps........................... 43 Calendar 12/1........................................ ACC Meeting 12/8.................................... Board Meeting ACC meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 at Rec Center #2. Board meetings are on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. At Rec. Center #1 Greatwood News Produced under the authority of the Greatwood Community Association by the Communications Committee. Committee Members: Judy Holy John Bowen Harold Symmonds Kate Brewer Published by Pamela Printing Co. Advertising: Pamela Printing Co. 550 Julie Rivers Dr, Ste. 310 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Greatwood@pamelaprinting.com 281.240.1313 • fax 281.240.1312 Please send inquiries about ads to Greatwood@pamelaprinting.com or call them at 281-240-1313. Editorial Policy: The purpose of “Greatwood News” is to inform residents of business affairs of the community, issues affecting residential and community property, useful information of general interest and reference information for community resources. No social, club, service organization news (unless directly connected to a Greatwood event), political advertising or church news will be accepted. All information and articles submitted to the Committee become the property of the Community Association, which publishes articles at its’ sole discretion. All submissions to the Newsletter must be in WORD format. Article submissions and suggestions: Email only to gwcomm@yahoogroups.com Deadlines for newsletter submissions: • • • • • • • • • • • • January – November 25th February – December 25th March – January 25th April – February 25th May – March 25th June – April 25th July – May 25th August – June 25th September – July 25th October – August 25th November – September 25th December – October 25th Useful Information Community Board Bob Hauck - President 281.937.0805 hourep81@gmail.com Judy Holy - Secretary 281-343-7097 judyholy@comcast.net Robert Thompson - Director 713-402-8951 rthompson04@att.net New Greatwood Ofϐice Hours: The Greatwood of ice, located at Rec Center #2, will be opened on Mon. and Wed. 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. and Tues. and Thurs. 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Greatwood Community Association Houston Community Management Services For questions or concerns regarding the Association: 17049 El Camino Real, Ste. 100 Houston, Texas 77058 832.864.1200 or 800.568.6807 Fax: 281.218.6973 Jack Molho - Director 281-343-5819 j.molho@comcast.net LeJean Grifϐin, Property Mgr. Street Lights Out? Dana Ladd, Co-Property Mgr. If you notice street lights out, take note of the number on the pole, (should be 6 digits), and call Centerpoint Energy at 713.207.2222. www.centerpointenergy.com/outage To report lights out on the High Mast Lighting on the 59 feeder road take note of the number on the pole and report it to: Chris Cameron Traf ic Operations Manager 281-275-2490 Community Website www.mygreatwood.com Friendly Reminder visit www.mygreatwood.com for • Architectural Modiϐications Request Forms • Read Greatwood Board Meeting Minutes • Check out Greatwood’s Master Calendar • Rec Room Rental Form • Financials - and much more Other Useful Websites: sugarlandtx.gov lcisd.org FortBendCountyGov.com grandpky.com 2 Phone: 832.864.1228 Fax – 281-218-7018 email: lejean@houcomm.com Phone: 832.864.1277 Fax – 281-218-6973 email: danal@houcomm.com Rhonda Sundberg, Assistant Phone: 281-545-1134 Fax: 281.218.6973 email: rsundberg@houcomm.com For Recreation Room Rentals Jill Williams Phone: 281-545-1134 Fax: 281-218-6973 To rent the meeting room at Recreation Center One you can go to REC CENTER AGREEMENT on our new community web site: www.mygreatwood.com Pool Party Reservations Houston Recreation Management 713-932-7665 Pool Card & Tennis Court Key If you have recently moved into Greatwood and have not received your Pool Card, or have lost your card, please contact Jill Williams with the Management Company at 281-545-1134. jwilliams@houcomm.com. There is a $25 replacement charge for lost cards. Please remember that no signage whatsoever may be placed on Association property which includes all common areas Safety and Security News Constable’s Bulletin By Constable A.J. Dorr B y now everyone is anticipating the good times and gifts we will share with our families during the Christmas holidays. Our annual reminder is that we hope that a paper shredder is under the tree. Another gift under the tree may be a new cell phone, preferably an iPhone/smart phone with plenty of applications to choose from. The FBI has put together a free “app” for your phone if your child goes missing. For example, you are shopping at the mall with your children when one of them suddenly disappears. A quick search of the nearby area is unsuccessful. What do you do? This new tool from the FBI can help. It was recently launched and is called “Child ID.” This application provides a convenient place to electronically store photos and vital information about your children so that it’s literally right at hand if you need it. You can show the pictures and provide physical identifiers such as height and weight to security, or law enforcement officers, on the spot. Using a special tab on the app, you can also quickly and easily e-mail the information to authorities with just a few clicks. As I mentioned before, there is no charge for the app. The app also includes tips on keeping children safe as well as specific guidance on what to do in those first few critical hours after the child goes missing. It also explains what happens in the first 24 hours, and 48 hours, after the event. We encourage you to share the word about this app with family and friends. Right now the Child ID app is only available for use on iPhones and can only be downloaded for free from the App Store via iTunes. You will have to go to the App Store first, and then find the “FBI Child ID” icon. The FBI is planning to expand this tool to other types of mobile devices in the near future. Also, they are adding a new feature including the ability to upload other photos stored on your smart phone in the upcoming weeks and months. All your data resides solely on your mobile device until you need to send it to the authorities. The FBI and iTunes are not collecting or storing any of your information. Keep in mind our House Watch Program during the Holidays. As we have mentioned before, you may go online to sign up for the program at www.fortbendcountygov. com. If you have any questions or need help, give us a call. From our staff to you, have a safe and happy holiday season. 5)&)064&35&". %FOJTF)PVTFS (SFH)PVTFS 3FBMUPS0XOFS 3FBMUPS#SPLFS0XOFS .VMUJ.JMMJPO%PMMBS1SPEVDFS .PSUHBHF-PBO0Gm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iding Products 4 Safety and Security News Neighborhood Incident Statistics - October 2011 SECTION Arbor Bend Brazos Bend Brooksmill Charleston Crossing Enclave Estates Exec. Towers Fairway Vista Fairview Forest Glen Green Highland Park Knoll Lakecrest Lakeside Landing Manor Shores Springϐield Stonebridge Terrace Trails Tuscany Village Vistas of Greatwood Woodhaven Woodcreek Rec Center #1 Rec Center #2 Rec Center #3 Visitor Center Campbell School Dickinson School Mont. School Primrose School Golf Club Realtor Ofϐice Grand Court Total: Subtotal: Total From Worksheet: TOTAL ALL CALLS: CITATIONS WARNINGS ALARM PROWLER/SUSP ACT BURGLARY 2 1 2 3 2 3 1 THEFT HOUSE WATCHES 49 118 15 31 1 18 14 26 5 1 1 110 5 2 1 2 1 62 29 20 36 43 3 2 1 1 1 6 8 1 7 1 2 1 5 1 1 2 7 1 4 6 2 1 1 2 2 4 1 39 127 131 45 10 139 14 64 11 41 51 1 1 1 61 1 42 1353 1344 2697 128 113 5 2 1247 Ugly black ROOF streaks? Green algae on your home? We can clean it safely with NO PRESSURE WASHING Have You Seen Us Lately? Golf during December for Cart Fees Only! Like us on Facebook and be entered to win a drawing for Golf for 4 with Lunch. 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YARD WASTE GARAGE CLEANOUT FURNITURE DISPOSAL ELECTRONIC RECYCLING E *no hazardous waste 11.800.995.JUNK 800 995 JUNK (5865) www.JUNK-KING.com $25 OFF ANY JOB EXCEPT MINIMUM CHARGE A New Home for the Holidays 9 Renowned Custom Home Builders Guard Gated Estate Homes From the $600's to $2 million Easy Access to Highway 59 Waterfront home sites available Model Open 7 days a week 832.222.9010 LakesofWilliamsRanch.com 1219 Grand Estates 7 8 To Buy or Sell Your Home Call Greatwood Neighbors for over 10 years Lizz & Chris Buyers Sellers Luxury Homes Farm & Ranch Commercial Property Short Sales Foreclosures Lizz Sansone, CDPE Chris Sansone, Broker Associate direct: 281.753.0333 office: 281.265.5533 ext. 1175 www.teamsansone.com 4500 Highway 6 South Sugar Land, TX 77478 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 9 OneSource Concierge Giving You the Gift of Time Pet Sitting House Sitting Maid Service Lawn Maintenance Fence Repair Pressure Washing Grocery Shopping Laundry Pick Up/Drop Off Car Wash Junk Removal Insured & Bonded Credit Cards Accepted greatwoodconcierge.com 713-865-6768 5 Present this coupon for 5 Dollars off your total bill 6330 E Riverpark Dr. Sugar Land, TX 77479 (p)281-232-0680 (f)281-232-0688 www.bestwestern.com /sugarlandinn 5 5 *Free HOT Breakfast* *Free Internet* *Free Guest Laundry* *Business Center* *Fitness Center* *Free Weekday Happy Hour* Valid only at the Best Western Sugar Land Inn 5 6330 East Riverpark Drive - Sugar Land, Texas 77479 Nick Bhakta General Manager (office) 281-232-0680 (fax) 281-232-0688 BWSugarland@Yahoo.Com www.bestwestern.com/sugarlandinn Each Best Western Hotel is independently owned and operated. ©2010 Best Western® International, Inc. All rights reserved. 10 11 Group and Club News Internationl Social Group Greatwood Activity Directory If you would like to list your Greatwood group please send a notice in WORD to gwcomm@yahoogroups.com I n November, the group ventured to Trader’s Village to see the North American Indian tribal dancing contests and to visit the local vendors. In December, the group looks forward to its annual Christmas party where they will exchange gifts, enjoy harp music, dance and try foreign cuisines and beverages. Members can also demonstrate their performing skills and usually a star is born among the group! The International Social Group for Adults (ISGA) is for Americans as well as those from abroad and is a fun way to make new friends. If you would like to become a member of this dynamic group, contact the coordinator, Vicki Latham. “All who would win joy must share it. Happiness was born a twin!” Activity Coordinators Lunch Bunch We have fun getting to know one another better while having lunch in area restaurants. We meet the third Wednesday of each month. Call us and let us know you’ll be there! Sharyn Flower .....281.343.9353 Marsha Jackson ...281.343.5835 Curtie Giles............281.343.5355 The Ladybugs Scrapbooking R ecently, the Ladybugs visited the Caring People Society, the Richmond Health Care Center and Sugar Land Memorial Hospital. The Ladybugs bring joy to those in need and they do various activities with the residents such as playing games or performing songs, reciting poetry or playing instruments. They give plenty of hugs and prizes for games. The Ladybugs always need items such as chocolate kisses, warm gloves, fruit baskets, colorful socks and toiletries. The Ladybugs also hold fun events such as tea parties, sports events and mini-excursions. If you’d like to be a member of this fun group, or want to donate any of the aforementioned items, please contact the coordinator, Vicki Latham. “Here is a test to know if your mission on earth is finished. If you’re alive, it is not.” Renee Sinclair(c) 281.761.5695 ......................... (h) 281.545.1647 ............... rsiris63@hotmail.com Christmas Light Decorating Contest Shelly Buechner ..281.650.4618 shelleybuechner2@hotmail.com International Social Group for Adults: Vicki Latham .......281-384-4006 .............. vmlatham@yahoo.com The Ladybugs: Vicki Latham .......281-384-4006 .............. vmlatham@yahoo.com Parent’s of UT Students: Rose Ford ...............281.343.7172 ......................... rose@wjford.com Greatwood MOMS Club - West and East: www.momsclubsugarland.org Moms In Touch: Sharon Boehm ....281-343-9280 ...sugarboehms@earthlink.net Ladybugs Debbie Hulen and Vicki Latham (far right) visited the Caring People Society recently among others, and brought much cheer to share among all the patrons there recently. 12 13 “Creating Healthy, Beautiful Smiles Every Day!” 'U.DWLD/HPNH'0' 2UWKRGRQWLF6SHFLDOLVW Ć)OH[LEOHDIWHUVFKRROKRXUV Ć%UDFHVIRU&KLOGUHQ$GXOWV Ć)UHH2UWKRGRQWLF([DP&RQVXOWDWLRQ Ć1HZ/RZGRVH',*,7$/;UD\ Ć,QVXUDQFH)OH[LEOH)LQDQFLQJ$YDLODEOH Ć$GYDQFHG2UWKRGRQWLF7UHDWPHQW ZLWK/LQJXDO%UDFHV 6DQGKLOO'U6XLWH%Ć6XJDU/DQG7; 281.277.3555 ZZZVXJDUODQGRUWKRFRP t t • Wood Fencing • Ornamental Iron • Driveway Gates • Gate Operators • Emergency Service Ask about our 20 Year Warranty! “Quality with Affordability” 14 CELL: 713-628-1023 OFFICE: 281-207-5233 EMAIL: cecil@ airmail.net Web Sites: www.mrgreatwood .com www.cecilpeschel.com THE RESULTS ARE IN FOR 2010!! CECIL IS GREATWOOD’S #1 REALTOR FOR THE 16TH YEAR IN A ROW!!! Ask about his move-up & move-down plans that can save you $$Thousands$$ RE/MAX Southwest: 14905 Southwest Freeway, Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated Got That Sinking Feeling? Certified Foundation Specialist Contact Galli Cribbs 30 Years Fort Bend Resident Call for FREE Estimate 713.922.5151 15 Library News Children’s Program Schedule for December at George Memorial Library F • • • • ort Bend County Libraries’ George Memorial Library, 1001 Golfview in Richmond, presents a variety of free children’s programs -- Mother Goose Time, Toddler Time, Story Time, Pajama Night Story Time, and AfterSchool Breaks -- every month. These programs are free and open to the public. December 14 and 17 – Winter December 21 – NO PROGRAM December 24 – LIBRARY CLOSED December 28 and 31 – NO PROGRAM Kinder Korner -- a time for kindergartners to enjoy stories, movies, crafts and other activities -- takes place on the 1st Thursday, beginning at 4:00 pm. The Kinder Korner program on December 1 will be “Upside-Down Silly.” Mother Goose Time, which takes place on Tuesdays at 11:00 am, provides caregiver/infant activities and songs especially designed for the youngest book-lovers, from age 1 month to 12 months. The December schedule of Mother Goose Time activities is as follows: • December 6 – Finger Foods • December 13 – Cuddles • December 20 – NO PROGRAM • December 27 – NO PROGRAM Pajama Night Story Time -- which takes place on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30 pm -- gives families an evening option for some activities presented during the day time. The December schedule is as follows: • December 8 – Make Believe • December 22 – NO PROGRAM Toddler Time -- Thursdays at 10:00 am -- offers caregiver/child activities, stories and songs for older babies, from 12 to 36 months of age. The December schedule of Toddler Time activities is as follows: • December 1 – Upside-Down Silly • December 8 – Let’s Pretend • December 15 – Winter • December 22 – NO PROGRAM • December 29 – NO PROGRAM The After-School Break -- crafts, movies, stories, and more for school-aged children in grades 1 through 5 -- takes place on the 3rd Thursday, beginning at 4:00 pm. The program on December 15 will be “Gumball Reindeer.” Make a reindeer using prickly balls from the Sweet-Gum Tree, pinecones, and twigs The Teen Programs, which are designed for youth in grades 6-8, take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, beginning at 6:00 pm. The December schedule is as follows: • December 7 – Teen Karaoke • December 21 – NO PROGRAM Pre-school children, 3 to 6 years of age, will enjoy Story Time, where they hear stories, watch movies, and participate in age-appropriate craft activities, beginning at 10:00 am each Wednesday and Saturday. The December schedule is as follows: • December 3 – Upside-Down Silly • December 7 and 10 – Make Believe For more information, call the Library’s Public Information Of ice at 281-341-2677. YOUR COULD AD BE HERE MILTON “GERALD” PAUL OPERATION MANAGER c: 713.384.2620 o: 281.303.3606 paulsexpress@yahoo.com TO ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER, CALL DAVID SMITH AT PAMELA PRINTING DAVID@PAMELAPRINTING.COM 550 JULIE RIVERS DRIVE, STE 310 SUGAR LAND, TEXAS 77478 YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR GUARANTEE www.paulsexpressautodetail.com 16 Library News Fort Bend County Libraries Announces Grand Opening of University Branch Library F library/college partnership in the Fort Bend County library system,” says Library Director Clara Russell. “Part of our library mission is to provide an environment of lifelong learning and enrichment for the entire, diverse community, and this new venture just reinforces our commitment to providing a continuum of service for people of all ages. We hope the residents in the area will ind the new library a pleasant and enjoyable place where they can study or just relax with a good book.” The hours of operation for the new branch library will be as follows: Monday, 12:00 noon - 9:00 pm; Tuesday and Thursday, 10:00 am – 9:00 pm, Wednesday, 10:00 am - 6:00 pm; Friday, 12:00 noon - 5:00 pm; and Saturday, 10:00 am 5:00 pm. The library will be closed on Sundays. For more information, call the library’s Public Information Of ice at 281-341-2677. ort Bend County Libraries’ University Branch Library located at 14010 University Blvd. in Sugar Land is now open. The library is a joint project between Fort Bend County, the University of Houston System at Sugar Land, and Wharton County Junior College. The library sits on the University of Houston-System Sugar Land campus. The new library, designed by Baily Architects, Inc. of Houston, is a two-story building of 40,193 square feet, making it the third largest library in the system. A bond referendum approved by voters in May 2006 included funds for three county library construction projects: the University Branch Library in partnership with the University of Houston campus in Sugar Land and Wharton County Junior College; the Sienna Branch Library in partnership with Houston Community College; and renovations at George Memorial Library in Richmond. The University Branch is the second joint-use facility in the Fort Bend County library system. The library includes community meeting rooms, study rooms, a puppet theater, and a computer lab for technology classes and general public use. Additional computers will be available for public use outside of the computer lab. The library has free WiFi access for individuals wishing to bring their own laptop computers to the library. Beginning the week of November 14, the Youth Services department will have a full range of children’s programs, including Mother Goose Time for infants, Toddler Time for babies from 12 to 36 months of age, Story Time for 3 to 6-year-old children, school-aged programs for children in grades 1 through 5, and programs for tweens. The library will offer introductory computer classes for adults. Patrons may learn computer basics such as how to use a computer, how to search the Internet, and how to use Microsoft Of ice programs such as Microsoft Word, Excel, and PowerPoint. A wide variety of books for children and adults are available for recreational reading and research. Magazines, newspapers, and audio-visual materials are also on hand. The library offers audio books that can be downloaded from home, as well as a generous assortment of databases that patrons may access in the library or from home. The University Branch Library will utilize Radio Frequency Identi ication (RFID) technology in its check-out system. “The University Branch Library is the second county Learn How to Share Your Digital Pictures at George Memorial Library T he family is coming over, and you’re dying to show them your vacation pictures from your digital camera. The only problem is, you don’t know a megabyte from a mega-nibble. What do you do? Don’t panic! Fort Bend County Libraries’ George Memorial Library, 1001 Golfview in Richmond, will present a beginners’ program, “Digital Pictures 101,” on Thursday, December 8, beginning at 10:00 am, in the Computer Lab. Learn the basics of managing and sharing your digital pictures. In this class, you will learn about transferring pictures from a digital camera to a computer, saving them to a USB thumb drive, and sending pictures by email or posting on Facebook. You will also learn basic editing tips. Please bring your digital camera, a USB cable to connect the camera to the computer, and a USB thumb drive on which to save your pictures. The program is free and open to the public. Seating is limited, however, and reservations are required. To register online at the library’s website (www.fortbend.lib.tx.us), click on “Calendar,” select “George Memorial,” and find the program. Participants may also register by calling the library at 281-341-2604, or by visiting the library. 17 LOCAL BUSINESS REVIEWS & COUPONS The ONLY website 100% driven by Community Referrals. Where to find Quality? Where to find Value? Where to find the Best Service? Nearly 5 years ago we asked our Friends & Neighbors to share their “Best List” of Local Businesses and YOU continue to respond. Thank you Fort Bend County. www.SugarLandNetwork.com Auto Insurance Home Repairs & Maintenance College Prep Classes ...and more. Remodeling Lawn & Tree FIND THE HIDDEN TREASURE BOX ON OUR SITE & WIN $25. Locally owned & operated since 2005. For information contact Chris Berger at Chris@SugarLandNetwork.com BRAZOS BEND builders Additions Remodels Custom Homes Steve Caldwell, CGR Cell: 281.630.8727 Fax: 281.520.4799 PO Box 16566 Sugar Land, TX 77496 steve@brazosbendbuilders.com 18 ied Certif Fence alist Speci Ŗ&edar :ood FenFing v :roXgKt ,ron v Gate OSeners v $FFess &ontroO v 5eSairs v %riFN &oOXPns Serving Fort Bend and the surrounding areas &aOO For (stiPate v 1o -oE 7oo SPaOO 832-525-9959 Serving Greatwood For Over 8 Years staOOionIenFe#gPaiOFoP ABS Improvements, Inc. We are a custom painting company specializing in H[WHULRUDQGLQWHULRUDOO¿QLVKHVWH[WXUHVDQGVWDLQV Services Include: ,QWHULRU([WHULRU&XVWRP3DLQWLQJ :RRGZRUNLQJ:RRG5HSODFHPHQW &DELQHWVDQG%XLOW,QV &RPPHUFLDORU5HVLGHQWLDO &RXQWHU7RSV 6WXFFR6SHFLDOLVW )ORRULQJ +DUGLH6LGLQJ 281-265-3924 ZZZDEVLPSURYHFRPHPDLOLQIR#DEVLPSURYHFRP Serving Fort Bend for over 17 years 6DP+RXVWRQ'ULYH6XJDU/DQG7; Dulles Ave. (Across from Dulles High School) Business Hours 4:30am - 10:00pm Drive Thru Dulles Ave. (Across from Dulles High School) Business Hours 4:30am - 10:00pm Drive Thru 19 Book your interview, schedule appointments, or pay online via our website www.perfectpetsitting.net TODAY! 20 Community News Quarterly Representative Meeting - November 8, 2011 (Continued from page 1) After a study of the LID proposals, Mr. Bowen and his committee reported that the Board was meeting its fiduciary duty by making it clear that any improvements or projects made with monies provided by the LID and used in Greatwood would be open to the public. In response to a question by a Rep during Mr. Jameson’s report, Mr. Jameson confirmed that this would be the case. The HOA, through their yearly assessments to Greatwood residents, would have to assume the maintenance of these projects and carry extra insurance to protect the community from liability. Also, Greatwood residents would be paying for these projects through raised LID taxes. The LID has the ability to sell bonds but our residents would have to approve and pay for them. These include the following: make sure your toilets are not running continuously, try manually running your irrigation system instead of placing it on an automatic timer, and turn the water off while brushing your teeth. These are things that we’ve heard before but she said it’s all the little things that really help us conserve water. She then introduced representatives from W.I.S.E Guys (Water Irrigation System Evaluation), which is an organization that the City of Sugar Land has hired, at its own expense, to run a limited pilot program in Sugar Land and New Territory to evaluate how residents can conserve water. She also stated that they might be interested in doing a study of Greatwood’s common irrigation system. Your Board will pursue this idea. The community may be willing to vote to approve the LID proposals but they need to know that they will be paying for these amenities for years to come. Greatwood is a mature community and keeping up our present infrastructure by maintaining our tennis courts, pools, playgrounds and common areas, walls, landscaping and the ever-increasing cost of water, are what your assessments pay for at this time. This is what the service is about: The residential W.I.S.E. Guys service is available to cities, water districts, municipalities, or any other water supplier. The service evaluates existing residential irrigation systems and makes recommendations for improvement to the performance of the system and to the scheduling of the controller to eliminate any unnecessary waste of water. The water supplier contracts with the company to conduct evaluations. The commercial W.I.S.E. Guys program is a reporting service evaluation of existing commercial irrigation systems for Cities, MUD’s, HOA’s and more. The operator or owner of the irrigation system contracts with a licensed and approved contractor. The contractor evaluates the system and enters data gathered at the site into the computer. A complete printed report is generated indicating the types of problems found within the system and estimated percentage of waste and how to remedy the issues. LID-COMMUNITY PROJECTS COMMITTEE Jarred Jameson – Secretary of LID No. 11 Mr. Jameson reported on the recent survey that asked Greatwood residents to answer questions about their interest in using money the LID can raise with bonds to fund further amenities in and around Greatwood. According to Mr. Jameson, the top areas of interest were: walking trails alongside the levy and a footbridge across the Brazos from the Sugar Land Memorial Park on University Blvd. into Greatwood, a splash park and ball fields. Mr. Jameson said that they need the support of the HOA in order to proceed and he asked for volunteers to be on a planning committee. HOA SPECIAL PROJECTS COMMITTEE John Bowen Mr. Bowen was asked by the HOA Board of Directors to head up a Due Diligence study on the LID parks and recreation issue. 21 POOCH PATROL PROFESSIONAL PET-SITTING SERVICE 281-343-5777 We have been providing our clients, since 1994, with a full range of services tailored to meet your needs as well as maintain the routine and environment your pet is accustomed to. We welcome you to view our website to learn more about us and what we offer. Please give us a call if you have any questions or would like to set up an interview. We are Bonded and Insured thru Pet Sitters International poochpatrolpets@att.net www.poochpatrolpetsitting.com LORI WARNICA - GREATWOOD RESIDENT 832-595-2600 22 (S FB U 4JO XPP DF E3 FT JEF OU Stephanie Nelson Realtor, ABR, ASP, GRI www.SugarLandLiving.com Stephanie@SugarLandLiving.com 832.752.3509 5-Star Satisfaction Rating W “View my testimonials online and see how I go above and beyond to serve my clients individual needs.” "The bitter taste of poor quality will long outlast the sweet taste from a cheap price" #VZt4FMMt-FBTF 23 LARGE PEPPERONI OR CHEESE PIZZA ORIGINAL ROUND CARRY OUT • PLUS TAX GREAT FOR SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, COMMUNITY EVENTS AND PARTIES!!!! RICHMOND 1135 CRABB RIVER RD #120 24 Community News 2011 Greatwood Holiday Lighting Contest G et ready to add holiday sparkle to your home for the Greatwood Annual Holiday Lighting Contest!! Mark your calendar for Tuesday, December 13th for individual neighborhoods and Thursday, December 15th for the “Best of Greatwood” contest. If you would like to be considered for the contest, have your lights on by 6:30 pm. Tuesday, December 13th Each individual neighborhood will be judged in the following categories: Best Decorated Home Honorable Mention Home Best Street Winners will be awarded that night Tuesday, December 13th. All of the winners from Tuesday’s contest will be considered for the following categories: Best Decorated Most Elegant Most Creative Best Theme Kids Choice Award Best Decorated Street Best Decorated Neighborhood *Winners will be awarded Friday night Hall of Fame Awards We are pleased to announce the Hall of Fame awards! The Hall of Fame award is to honor the “Best of Greatwood” winners that have won consistently for past years. This is to honor hours of hard work and dedication!! If you are interested in touring Greatwood to see the “Greatwood Holiday Light Contest”, winners, maps and addresses of the winners will be available on Saturday, December 17th at Recreation Center Two. We are still in need of a few more judges. If you are interested, please contact shelleybuechner2@hotmail.com 25 Lance Hatfield - Owner Serving Greatwood Since 2003 (713) 553-7335 (cell) (281) 491-3191 (office) LHatfield979@hotmail.com Preferred Lawn & Landscaping TACL A002487E Professional and Reliable Landscaping and Lawn Maintenance 281-499-3511 v www.freshairinc.com AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING PROBLEMS? Same Day Response 94% of our calls are done the same day The #1 Air Conditioning Co. in Greatwood Bob Vaught /RFDOv7ROO)UHH ZZZWH[DVEHVWWDFWLFDOFRP 26 Community News Lost/Found a Pet? Call Tracey If you lose or find a pet, please call Tracey Ranauro at 713-825-7014. I do not take in animals but act only as liaison to reunite pet with owner. I can provide shelter numbers if owners can not be located and lend out crates if needed. Happenings at Town Square www.sugarlandtownsquare.com Here is a list, available to us at the time of publication, of the upcoming events at Town Square for December. Check the web site above for updated information. Don’t forget your lawn chair. Thursday December 1 5:00 PM – 8:00 PM City of Sugar Land’s 9th Annual Tree Lighting Ceremony Friday December 2 12:00 AM – 12:00 AM Holidays in the Plaza Saturday December 3 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Opry in the Square Come out and enjoy Country Now and Then, featuring Holiday favorites with a Country twist Sunday December 4 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Photos with Santa Thursday December 8 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Urban Harvest Farmers Market Meet your local farmers and vendors, and pick up locally grown fresh fruits and vegetables, eggs, cheese, honey, and much more! Friday December 9 12:00 AM – 12:00 AM Holiday’s in the Plaza Saturday December 10 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Movies Under The Moon Bring your family, friends & lawn chairs to the Plaza to enjoy a free Holiday Themed movie Sunday December 11 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Photos with Santa GRAND PARKWAY STORAGE CENTER Thursday December 15 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Urban Harvest Farmers Market Bob & Ann Krammes Facility Managers Friday December 16 12:00 AM – 12:00 AM Holidays in the Plaza Grand Parkway at New Territory Blvd. Rental Offices - 8421 Homeward Way Sugar Land, Texas 77479 gpscllp@gmail.com Saturday December 17 7:00 PM – 9:00 PM Movies Under The Moon Bring your family, friends & lawn chairs to the Plaza to enjoy a free Holiday Themed movie Sunday December 18 1:00 PM – 5:00 PM Photos with Santa Thursday December 22 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Urban Harvest Farmers Market Thursday December 29 4:00 PM – 7:00 PM Urban Harvest Farmers Market Saturday December 31 7:00 PM – 1:00 AM City of Sugar Land’s New Year’s Eve Celebration To make sure everyone has a chance to celebrate, the evening has been broken down into a Children’s Celebration: 7 pm - 9 pm & Adults’ Celebration: 9:30 pm - 1:00 am. 27 T: 281.240.7500 F: 281.240.7574 28 29 30 In business in the Houston metro area since 1939. 713-782-9818 Providing complete design, installation and service of lawn sprinkler and drainage systems. fax: 713-782-9841 5711 Schumacher Ln., Houston, TX 77057 31 School News Volunteers If you are interested in volunteering at George Ranch High School, please contact Lisa Watson at lisawith3@ comcast.net or www.grhspto.org. Calling All Golfers Mark your calendars for the GRHS PTO Golf Tournament. This year the tournament will be on March 23rd at Greatwood Golf Club. If you are interested in helping, or want more information please contact Julie Janer at taxdaytwins@gmail.com. NEED INFORMATION ABOUT George Ranch High School GO TO: WWW.GRHSPTO.ORG Ghost Town: Thank you everyone for all your help with Ghost Town. It was another successful event. Important Dates to Remember December 14 Semester Exams and Early Release December 15 Semester Exams and Early Release December 16 Semester Exams and Early Release Dec. 19 - Jan. 2 Holiday Break No School Drive One 4 UR School Thank you to everyone who came out to the Ranch to test drive a Ford vehicle. We would like to especially thank Legacy Ford for providing this event for George Ranch High School. Their support is greatly appreciated. We would also like to thank Bullritos for providing us with chips and salsa and other snacks for our test drivers. Please support these generous businesses. They help support the future of our children. January 3 Classes Resume March 23 Longhorn Golf Tournament May the warmth of family and friends ϔill your hearts with joy this holiday season! Happy Holidays ~GRHS PTO~ We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give ~ Winston Churchill The Computer Dude Miles McCaleb (281) 636-8901 miles@thecompdude.com Specializing in: Computer Diagnostics, Installation & Repair, Network Setups, Custom Computers, Virus Protection and Removal, Back-up Service 32 33 Custom Care Pet Sitters “Providing in-home pet care while your away” Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, House Sitting Small Caged Animal Boarding Serving Fort Bend County 77406, 77469, 77478 & 77479 www.customcarepetsitters.com Diane Honerkamp 25 Years experience Now Enrolling rs old a e y 5 o t s k e e w 6 Ask about our Specials! 748 Crabb River Rd. Richmond, Tx. 77469 Ph. 281-545-9470 / 281-545-8FUN 34 Cell 281 546-8656 Office 281 633-0696 Email diane@customcarepetsitters.com Veterinarian Recommended El Dorado Designs Custom Rhinestone Applique & Embroidery FORT BEND PC REPAIR All School Mascots Featured!! Show your school pride in “BLING”! Fundraiser discounts for groups - no problem. Website: eldoradodesigns.com Email: eldoradodesigns@aol.com Phone: 281-844-0680 • Hardware Support and Upgrades • Laptop and PC Repairs • Networking and Wireless Issues • Online Backup 713.429.1500 www.FortBendPCRepair.com 35 School News The cost of membership is $10 for a family or individual and $5 for ARJH teachers. This is a one-time payment that will go toward programs for the school. To become a member, go to www.readingpto.org and click on the Membership Drive link to join online or download the membership application. If you have a question, please contact Melanie Edwards at membership@readingpto.org. If you own a business or know of a business that’s interested in partnering with the ARJH PTO by offering PTO members discounts, you can also contact Melanie Edwards at membership@readingpto.org. Antoinette Reading Junior High News ARJH UPCOMING EVENT CALENDAR Please see the ARJH website calendar http://legacy.lcisd. org/schools/JuniorHighSchools/ReadingJuniorHighSchool/ for school holidays and related events. READING NEEDS VOLUNTEERS Reading Junior High needs your help! Volunteers are crucial in making a school year successful. An hour of your time can be a tremendous help to the PTO and the school. Best of all, you can often do things from home or in your free time. Some volunteer opportunities available include: Athletics/Sports, Beauti ication, Front Of ice, Fundraisers, Hospitality, Library, Membership, Programs/Cultural Arts, Public Relations/ Newsletter, Website, Work Room, Longhorn Gear. You can also check for updates on the PTO website at www. readingpto.org. Even if you don’t think you have time to volunteer, you can offer to become a corporate sponsor or donate a service or product for one of the PTO activities/fundraisers throughout the year. The PTO will soon need for volunteers to help with the Reading Round-up Carnival, set for October 8, 2011, and the Denim & Diamonds Casino Night on February 17, 2012. To see a full list of volunteer opportunities at Reading, go to www.readingpto.org and click on the Volunteer Information link. Contact So ia Sheikh at volunteer@readingpto.org for more information. JOIN READING PTO TODAY! The PTO at ARJH offers the opportunity for parents to make a difference. When parents get involved in their children’s education, test scores and individual grades go up, discipline problems decrease, children are less likely to use/abuse alcohol and drugs, and kids are more likely to graduate from high school and attend better post-secondary schools and universities. DENIM & DIAMONDS Friday, February 17, 2010 from 6:00 P.M. - 12:00 A.M. at Safari Texas Ranch. Being a member of the PTO does not necessarily mean you are a volunteer or that you will have to devote any extra time from your schedule. PTO membership means that you support ARJH and the PTO’s efforts to provide the school with funds, resources, programs, and services that will enrich the education of every child. Pre-Sale Tickets until December 31. $80/Couple or $50/ Single. Ticket includes dinner and $1,000 casino chips. Purchase tickets online at readingpto.org. 36 Your Sugar Land Tax Expert Britz Financial Group Pamela Britz, EA Pam &“Betsy Ross” $50 off* ILUVWVHUYLFHQHZFOLHQWV 4XLFN%RRNV 7UDLQLQJ 6PDOO %XVLQHVV 6WDUWXS CRQVXOWV 7D[ 3UHSDUDWLRQ In the neighborhood! Next to Greatwood Lake on Hwy. 59 feeder. CALL NOW 281-937-0447 www.sugarlandtaxexpert.com List your home for 1%! James Pressler REALTOR® • Greatwood Resident 713-253-2863 RE/MAX Executives www.greatwoodproperties.com Different commission rates, fees and listing and marketing services may be offered by other RE/MAX offices and RE/MAX sales associates in this market area. $#%-2#+0! 0'%-2#+0! The Spine Center at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital is the comprehensive, coordinated option for you in Fort Bend County. (QTDCEMCPFPGEMRCKPVJGTGŏUQPN[QPGRTGOKGTEJQKEGŌ/GVJQFKUV5WICT.CPF*QURKVCNŏU5RKPG%GPVGT 9JGVJGT[QWŏXGJCFRCKPHQTLWUVCHGYFC[UQTUGXGTCNNQPI[GCTU[QWŏNNſPFGXGT[VJKPI[QWPGGFVQ FKCIPQUGCPFVTGCV[QWTEQPFKVKQPKPCEQPXGPKGPVNQECVKQPYKVJCEEGUUVQRTGOKGTURKPGURGEKCNKUVU CPFCEQORNGVGTCPIGQHVTGCVOGPVQRVKQPU )GVVKPIUVCTVGFKUGCU[9GYKNNIWKFG[QWVJTQWIJCEWUVQOK\GFVTGCVOGPVRNCPYKVJGZRGFKVGF CEEGUUVQYQTNFENCUUPGWTQNQIKUVUPGWTQUWTIGQPUQTVJQRGFKEURKPGUWTIGQPUCPFKPVGTXGPVKQPCN RCKPURGEKCNKUVU2NWURJ[UKECNVJGTCR[QEEWRCVKQPCNVJGTCR[CPFVJGOQUVCFXCPEGFKOCIKPI CPFUWTIKECNVGEJPQNQIKGUKPVJGYQTNFCTGCXCKNCDNGQPUKVG Stop enduring pain. Call today and begin your personal treatment plan. 281-313-BACK (2225). 16655 Southwest Freeway • Sugar Land, Texas 77479 281-313-BACK (2225) • MethodistSugarLand.com 37 School News Dickinson Elementary News Science Olympiad Results 1st Place: Picture This: Aly Lopez, Molly Brannon, Alison Brown (coached by Bates) Circuit Wizardry: Savannah Wahlgren, Emily Linch (coached by Bertuglia) Reflection Relay: Cannon Pierce, Aayush Gaikwad, Catherine Dominic (Aayush is in Hopkins class) (coached by Poe-Thompson) Pentathlon: Cannon Pierce, Savannah Wahlgren, Catherine Dominic, Harrison Elliott (coached by Coach Rice and Zepeda) “Planting Seeds for Success…Watch us Bloom” Congratulations!! We are Exemplary again!! About Dickinson Elementary Dickinson Elementary, opened in 1993, is an exemplary school in the Lamar Consolidated ISD. Dickinson is located in the Greatwood subdivision at 7110 Greatwood Parkway in Sugar Land, TX. For more information or to contact the PTO, please visit: 2nd Place: Aerodynamics: Katie Owens, Riley Cargile (coached by Atkins) No Bones About It: Sandra Isiguzo, (Sandra is in 4th grade) Chloe Tran (coached by Joy Rosenbaum) http://www.dickinsonpto.com/. Dickinson Elementary to Hold “Breakfast with Santa” The Dickinson Elementary PTO has announced new details about Breakfast with Santa, to be held Saturday, December 10th from 8:0010:00AM at Dickinson Elementary. 4th Place: Estimania: Stephen Bertuglia, Nathan Pittinger (coached by Alvarado) Tickets will be $10/person. Breakfast will be catered by the famous Bob’s Tacos, with coffee provided by Starbucks. Sweet Tomatoes is generously providing muffins and fruit. Families will also have the opportunity to take their own photos with Santa, so everyone should bring a camera and some Christmas cheer. Guests can also enter to win great raffle prizes, including a Kindle and Vera Bradley large tote, and participate in other fun holiday crafts. 6th Place: Circuit Wizardry: Katie Owens, Kensly Landry 7th Place: Crime Busters: Cyrano Davis, Aly Lopez ( coached by Liz Harden) 9th Place: Ready, Aim, Fire: Ian Moczygmba, Ana Turkasz (coached by Missi Johnson) “This event will be a fun way for families to get into the holiday spirit,” said Jamie Wright, Dickinson PTO president. “It sure beats standing in line at the mall to see a Santa imitator. We have the real deal, direct from the North Pole. One of our PTO board members is Mrs. Claus’ third cousin by marriage, so we were able to work our connections. And with a delicious hot breakfast from Bob’s Tacos, this is the perfect way to spend a Saturday morning before doing some shopping or holiday decorating.” 10th Place: No Bones About it: Emily Linch, Molly Brannon Reflection Relay: Chloe Tran, Stephen Bertuglia, Nathan Pittinger More than 800 LCISD students participated this year! All of our students did well and we are so proud of them! All proceeds from Breakfast with Santa will go to the Dickinson PTO to raise funds for field trips and new technology for our classrooms. Tickets will be available online at www.dickinsonpto.com beginning November 15, and Breakfast with Santa is open to everyone, not just Dickinson families. So, bring your child, grandchild, neighbor, or small friend - this will be a special memory! PTO Funds Being Put to Good Use! Visit the “Helpful Links” tab on the Dickinson PTO website to place your order to receive the much anticipated 2011-2012 yearbook! Books can be purchased for a discounted price of $25 for a limited time, so get your orders in now! Don’t forget to purchase a Love Note for $10. Contact Lisa Watson at yearbook@dickinsonpto.com. Contact Carrie Richardson, Event Chairperson at breakfastwithsanta@ dickinsonpto.com with questions. Volunteers & Teachers of the Month Awards GT Program Nominations August - Devra Fohl & Mrs. Pam Heikkila, 4th grade September - Barbara Ott & Mrs. Jennifer Atkins, 4th grade October - Brenda Thompson & Mrs. Peggy Wissen, 2nd grade To nominate a student for the 2012-2013 G/T Program, you need to fill out a nomination form. The last date to turn in G/T Nomination forms is December 16, 2011. Kindergarten students do not need to be nominated, as every student is considered for the program. First through 4th grade students already identified as Gifted and Talented do not need to be reassessed. Fifth graders interested in participating in the 6th grade G/T Program DO need to be nominated. The G/T Program serves students who have an educational need for specialized services. The program includes placement with a classroom teacher trained in gifted education and pull-out classes with the G/T Facilitator. Nomination forms can be found in the front office or online under the G/T tab on the Dickinson website. If you have any questions, please contact Liz Harden, G/T Facilitator. eharden@lcisd.org Upcoming Events 38 December 1 1st Grade Chick-Fil-A Spirit Night December 6 Parent’s Night Out with Specials December 10 Breakfast With Santa – 8-10am December 13 Orchestra Concert December 15 Classroom Holiday Parties December 16 Early Release at 12:45 & AR Free Dress Day Dec. 16 - Jan. 2 Christmas Holiday - no school Mexican Diner Featuring Brandy’s Safe Harbor Cantina 7-Big Screen TVs / Sports Central / Breaking News x Budget /aily 7uncR Specials x Happy Hour v7ife is Good in tRe NeigRborRoodw x =eser`e tRe /iner or Cantina for your Special 0`ents and ;ri`ate ;arties x Very Affordable Catering v7arge or SWallw x F=00 4C0 C=0A8 witR e`ery Weal Breakfast is Back!!! Saturday and Sunday #% A8 - 12% ;8 Gloria, Wayne and Andrew are back as Owners of Zorro’s! Open 7 days for your con`enience F=00 W4-F4 Perfect Figure Gal Sugar Free Margaritas ! ! Greatwood ;ky - Sugar 7and, TC v4nside Greatwoodw 281-545-1861 39 Catering 713-449-0567 281-224-0203 School News Campbell Elementary News Important Dates to Remember You will ind a full list of dates on the Calendars page of the LCISD Website… http://www.lcisd.org/DistrictbrInformation/Calendars/ Click on “New! Of icial LCISD 2011-2012 District Calendar” Campbell Elementary… “Get In The Game!” Need information about Campbell? Go to: www.campbellpta.org Remember to subscribe to receive our newsletter directly to your inbox every two weeks. December 13 Teacher Appreciation Holiday Luncheon December 16 Items due for Giving Tree donations to Helping Hands Here are just a few of the highlights that are planned for the day: • 5K Chip Timed Run, Family & Kids 1 Mile Run and Toddler Dash • Health Fair with booths presenting products/services focused on Health and Fitness • Post Race Party with activities for the whole family • Event MC, Tim Tuttle with 93Q and music from our DJ • Silent Auction and Raf le • 5K Award Ceremony GIVING TREE Campbell PTA is responding to the call for help from Helping Hands. Their shelves are in need of several items ranging from toiletries to socks and underwear. Please bring new, unwrapped items and place them under the tree in the foyer at Campbell. You may place your items in a bag for easy transport. The Giving Tree will be in the usual spot in the foyer just inside the main school doors. If you would like ideas, there will be tags with needed items printed that you may come and get off of the tree. We will start collecting items after Thanksgiving through December 16th. If you have any questions please feel free to contact Sally Sue Harriss via info@campbellpta.org. THANK YOU!!! If your business is interested in partnering with us for this year’s Fun Run, please contact Gretchen Yax at springfundraising@campbellpta.org. Sponsors will receive many promotional bene its and marketing. IT’S TIME TO SKATE! Mark your calendars for the upcoming Family Fun Night sponsored by the Campbell PTA on January 19, 2012. Grab a quick bite to eat from one of several food vendors in the cafeteria starting at 5:30 p.m. At 6:00 p.m., there will be short PTA Membership meeting in the gymnasium followed by an informative program for both parents and students at 6:30 p.m. Our Silent Auction and Raf le Co-Chairs need help gathering donations for the silent auction baskets and items for the raf le. If you would like to help, or if your business would like to donate any merchandise or gift cards, please contact April Machock at aprilmachock@yahoo.com. Funds raised from this event will go toward repaving our track, updating materials and student programs with new STARR testing items as well as purchasing additional promethean boards for classrooms. Don’t miss out on this fun event bene itting the students of Campbell Elementary! This year, the PTA is presenting an abduction prevention program called SKATE. Most parents never talk to their children about the possibility of abduction. In an effort to help educate children and their parents, the Laura Recovery Center developed the Safe Kids Are Taught Early (SKATE) program. SKATE is a 45-minute fun illed, interactive, educational safety program that concentrates on the lures a predator might use and steps a child can take to identify and avoid abduction. It is designed for children in grades K-5. Don’t miss out on this important and informative program! TEACHER APPRECIATION A COUGAR THANK YOU... A huge Cougar thank you to all of the volunteers who helped with our Spooktacular Spaghetti Bar and Thanksgiving Pies. We appreciate you all more than you know! THE HOLIDAYS... The holidays are approaching and the New Year is near, We are hosting a holiday luncheon and spreading good cheer! For those of you who would like to give a helping hand, We sure could use your help with our “winter wonderland.” Just drop us an email right here: (teacherapp@campbellpta.org) Happy holidays Campbell Cougars and Happy New Year! VOLUNTEERS NEEDED It’s almost here! The 3rd Annual Bunny Hop Run or Walk at Campbell Elementary is scheduled for Saturday, February 25, 2012! ONLINE REGISTRATION IS NOW OPEN! Go to http://www.campbellpta.org to register online and for more details about the event. Register early to take advantage of discounted entry fees! 40 Good vision is a critical learning tool for children and can significantly contribute to a child’s success in school. A comprehensive eye exam is the best way to diagnose and treat vision problems before they interefere with a child’s abililty to learn. Dr. Cindy Tu, Therapeutic Optometrist 281-313-5595 636 Highway 6, Suite 800, Sugar Land, Tx 77498 Highway 6 @ University & Telfair Entrance, Bonaventure Plaza 41 A/C & Heating Since 1969 Think you’ve got a clunker in your home? If your Air Conditioner or Furnace is 12 years or older… You Do! CALL TODAY (281) 342-2512 and ¿nd out hoZ to receive $3,350 in savings! 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(281) A/C & Heating Since 1969 342-2512 $200 OFF Duct Cleaning for the Àrst 0 Cash is King Customers *Call for details www.CustomComfortAir.com © 2011 Custom Comfort LIC# TACLB27392E *11.99% A.P.R. on approved credit through GE MONEY. Offers subject to change. 42 Neighborhood Arbor Barry Nicholson Devoni Wardlow Cecil Peschel Bend David Nevotti Dave Brittain JoAnn Ardoin Brazos Bend Phill Bratton Phil Rummel Judy Rogers Brooks Mill Pamela Britz Debbie Page Steve Halligan (832) 444-4990 Knoll Jen Gawrys Michele Shirley Susan Hinz (281) 545-2257 (281) 343-1768 (281) 934-9544 Jengawrys@yahoo.com mshirley2@comcast.net susanhinz03@aol.com djnevotti@sbcglobal.net dave.brittain@sbcglobal.net jjardoin@sbcglobal.net Lakecrest Diane Lundell Robert Farr Tony Mendes (713) 781-0652 (832) 443-6040 (281) 545-2922 DianeLundell@sbcglobal.net bobfarr2@swbell.net omendes1934@hotmail.com BrazosBend@Bratton-online.com prummel_houston1@comcast.net rogersja62@gmail.com Lakeside Village Jill Harrell (281) 343-0853 (713) 553-4503 BamaBino@aol.com Buddy Gray (281) 343-9044 (281) 352-3222 bcgrayathome@comcast.net Rosemary Maloney (281) 545-1813 birdbabe10@yahoo.com bnicholson1@slb.com (281) 343-1729 (281) 491-1776 cecil@neosoft.com 281-343-8406 281-343-8896 (281) 343-5807 281-217-6751 (281) 343-5105 (281) 545-1687 (281) 937-1693 (281) 343-9956 (281) 545-1559 pjbritz@britzfinancial.com dpagetx@comcast.net sjhalligan@earthlink.net Charleston Estates Laura Leatherwood (281) 343-8171 Lleatherwood@comcast.net Stephanie Grote stephaniegrote@comcast.net Indu Jain (281) 545-1487 (832) 439-2001 Jainindu@gmail.com Crossing Patrick Ricci John Hancock Chip Smith Enclave Joe Hovsepian John Hernandez James Burger Estates Gayle Madonna Susan Rozman Rhonda Ulen Fairview Thomas Marino John Hidore Melissa Gorman Fairway Vistas Jim Burns Bernard Sugar Faye Brislan Forest Paul Turner Ron Meckler Marvin Eisenberg (281) 705-1038 (281) 343-5969 281-343-7074 (281) 343-5756 (281) 343-7180 (281) 343-5101 patrick.ricci@comcast.net jb-tex@sbcglobal.net csmith@chipsmithlaw.com joseph.hovsepian@mustangeng.com Johntxn@hotmail.com James.Burger@co.fort-bend.tx.us GrammyMad@aol.com susanrozman@juno.com rulen@aol.com medrep2066@hotmail.com (281) 937-7259 (832) 459-7563 jhidore@chevron.com (281) 937-7137 melissagorman@aol.com (281) 937-1283 JSBurns@Hal-PC.org (281) 343-0216 sammbern@att.net (281) 343-8280 (832) 483-6516 (713) 504-5293 281-343-1757 Representatives PTurner13@msn.com rmeckler@swst.com pblumster@yahoo.com Glen Richard Boehck (281) 343-1966 Alan Young (281) 343-5909 Patricia Matthews (281) 343-8454 rboehck@boehckmortgage.com ayoung@redicarpet.com patty_matthews@hotmail.com Green Charles Dulaney Ann Silver (281) 545-3939 (281) 545-8542 annied50@aol.com annsilver1103@gmail.com Highland Park Joey Moreland Kim Castillo Charles Pearce (832) 971-0296 (281) 733-5285 (281) 937-0460 Joey.Moreland@suezenergyna.com kcastillo620@gmail.com cpearce19@yahoo.com Landing Lloyd Ellison Ken Tyrell Kate Brewer (281) 545-8545 LloydEllison@comcast.net (713) 914-6431 (281) 224-2793 ken_tyrrell@urscorp.com (281)343-0440 kate@brewer.com Manor Tayo Iyiola (312) 399-0153 tmabs@hotmail.com Harold Symmonds (281) 545-8446 harold@hsymmonds.com Gary Walker (281) 937-0937 (281) 705-2324 g_l_walker@msn.com Shores Paul Raymond Stuart Rimes (832) 603-2111 (281) 343-5067 Springfield Bill Murray Thomas Barry Scott Schultz (281) 343-9586 (281) 380-4456 bill.murray@oursite.cc (832) 886-5274 Tbarry@cdbsoftware.com (281) 343-7205 sschultz76@gmail.com Stonebridge Robert Galloway James Pressler Mike Wills (281)343-0481 (713)253-2863 Dr.raymond01@gmail.com srimes@comcast.net macjanum@me.com jepressler@yahoo.com mglwills@att.net Terrace Doug Foster Roy Neer Cindy Schiefen (281) 937-7243 dougfoster1706@yahoo.com (281) 343-5121 (713) 299-2101 (281) 343-5999 CindySchiefen@comcast.net Trails Richard Vacek Cecil Williams Rocky Lane (281) 545-9868 ravacek@sbcglobal.net (281) 343-8900 (713) 643-2157 cecil.williams@genesis315.com (713) 822-8185 (281) 937-1698 RockyLane@RockyLane.com Tuscany Stephen Heard Robert Daigle Jack Molho (281) 343-9006 (713) 444-6137 stephen.heard@kbr.com info@daiglecs.com j.molho@comcast.net Village Jim LeMaire Zac Pittinger Erich Zenk (281) 545-9231 (281)343-7419 (281) 343-0242 jrlemairejr@comcast.net zpittinger@gmail.com evzenk525@att.net Vistas Bobby Bresky W. Jean Garrison (281) 702-7073 Bresky00@aol.com (281) 937-9558 (281) 536-4832 Jean4Golf@yahoo.com Woodcreek Linda Scott Carrie Surratt William Robinson (281) 343-9690 (281) 343-1948 (281) 343-1058 Ljoyce@tbredtech.com Bartmans@aol.com wcrobinson1@comcast.net Woodhaven Clint Gerrert Chris Legrand Doug Jasek (281) 343-7210 (281) 682-0597 (281) 545-1931 cgeffert@att.net clegrand@opportune.com d_jasek@sbcglobal.net 43 Greatwood News Presort Std. US Postage PAID Sugar Land, TX Permit #206 Ofϔicial publication of Greatwood Community Association, Inc. 550 Julie Rivers Dr., Suite 310 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Wishing you all the best this Holiday Season… Important Numbers Management Company Houston Community Management Services........800.568.6807 or 832.864.1200 LeJean Grif in, Property Manager ...................... 832-864-1228 - Fax: 281-218-7018 Email ............................................................................................................. lejean@houcomm.com Dana Ladd, Co-Property Mgr.……832-864-1228…..Email: danal@houcomm.com Rhonda Sundberg, Asst. Property Mgr. ........................................................281-545-1134 Email ................................................................................................... rsundberg@houcomm.com Accounting ................................ 800.568.6807 or 832.864.1229 - Fax: 281.333.2054 For Questions about Recreation Center Reservations, or to Obtain Tennis Court and Pool Keys Contact Rhonda Sundberg………………281-545-1134…..Email:rsundberg@houcomm.com Newsletter - Pamela Printing Co. David Smith .....281.240.1313 - Fax 281.240.1312 - greatwood@pamelaprinting.com School District How often can a person be so lucky as to get the opportunity to have “a do over” ? Honestly, “do overs” are rare. The old “if I only knew then what I know now” syndrome kicks in and you wish for that chance to do it differently. Normally the desire involves children, parents, friends or even a job and it is not necessarily your fault that things did not go in a direction that could have been better for all. With the holidays fast approaching, we should all have a renewed sense of purpose and drive just as if we had been given a “do over”. The beauty of this special season is that the holidays offer each of us the chance to start over- to hit the “reset” button and have a clean slate to look at the things we wish we could have done differently and change course. A second chance to end wishing you had a second chance. Hurry up and slow down so you have time to enjoy the holidays and your family before they pass again. Dickinson Elementary ............................................................................................ 832.223.1400 Lamar School Board Representative - Julie Thompson ....................... 281.343.1259 Campbell Elementary.............................................................................................. 832.223.1300 Antoinette Reading Junior High ........................................................................ 832-223-4400 George Ranch High School ................................................................................... 832-223-4200 Texas Park & Wildlife.................................................................................... 281.931.6471 Ft. Bend Animal Control ............................................................................. 281.342.1512 From our family to yours… Happy Holidays! And, thank you for letting us be a part of your neighborhood. Police • Ft Bend Sheriff Emergency/Crimes in Progress .............................................................................................. 911 Non-Emergency.......................................................................................................... 281.341.4665 Information/General Info ..................................................................................... 281.341.4704 Crime Prevention Unit ............................................................................................ 281.341.4618 Constable Precinct 1 ................................................................................................ 281.341.4536 House Watch ................................................................................................................ 281.341.4536 - David Smith MUD and LID Directors & Meeting Times Meeting dates and times listed in bold italics Below is the list of the men and women, in our community, who presently serve on the Boards of our MUD and LID. Fire Department, Sugar Land Emergency........................................................................................................................................... 911 Non-Emergency.......................................................................................................... 281.491.0852 Ambulance FORT BEND COUNTY LID No. 11: 4th Tuesday of every month - 2:30pm Ron McCann, President Jared Jameson, Secretary/ Assistant Vice President Michael E. Stone, Vice President/ Assistant Secretary EMS-Emergency (Life Threatening) ..................................................................................... 911 Southwest Water (Water/Sewer) Customer Service • Service & Emergency ................................................... 713.405.1750 Storm Water Illegal Dumping Storm Water Solutions ......................................................................... www.cleanbayous.org Waste Management Best Trash ...................................................................................................................... 281.313.2378 FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 106: 3rd Thursday of every month - 5:00pm Matthew Schulte, President Stanton Nowak, Vice President Larry Shultz, Assistant Vice President Justin Ring, Secretary Stuart Rimes, Assistant Secretary HOLIDAYS: If your regular pick-up falls on a holiday (NEW YEAR’S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, JULY 4TH, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY), pick up will be made on the next regularly scheduled pick-up day. Post Ofϐice Sugar Land..................................................................................................................... 800.275.8777 Library George Memorial Library ..................................................................................... 281.342.4455 CenterPoint ............................................................................................................. 713.207.2222 Reliant Energy...................................................................................................... 713.488.5800 (7:00am to 9:00pm Monday-Friday) FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 108: 4th Wednesday of every month - 5:00pm Roberta Terrell, President Bobbie L. Fontenot, Vice President Jennifer Dewey, Assistant Vice President Arthur W. Olson, Secretary Christopher B. Argo, Assistant Secretary CenterPoint Entergy/Entex (Natural Gas) .......................................... 713.659.2111 • 281.342.6665 Southwestern Bell Connect/Disconnect ................................................................................................ 800.464.7928 Comcast Cable FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 109: 4th Thursday of every month - 8:30am James A. Kidda, President Bobby E. Rich, Secretary Mark E. Johnson, Assistant Secretary David Brittain, Assistant Vice President FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 117: 1st Monday of every month - 4:30pm Jason Kelly, President Christina Vasquez, Vice President Terri Edwards, Assistant Vice President Michael T. O’Neal, Secretary Ann Cantu, Assistant Secretary All meetings are held at Professional Project Management Services 19875 Southwest Freeway, Suite 270 Sugar Land, TX 77479 Check the MUD website at: www.greatwooddistricts.com For meeting dates and times. Meeting Dates subject to change with holidays Billing, Sales and Trouble calls .........................................................................713-462-9000 ATT Sales/Billing/Repair (ATT Uverse) .............................. 1-800-286-8313 Golf Club ..................................................................................................................... 281.343.9999 www.greatwooddistricts.com For Assistance with MUD/LID Matters Contact Southwest Water – 713-405-1750 44
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