01-2012 - My Greatwood
01-2012 - My Greatwood
Greatwood News The publication of the Greatwood Community Association, Inc. January 2012 On the Board’s Agenda... 2011 has been a busy but productive year for your Board of Directors. Our new landscape company has done a stellar job of getting our common areas cleaned up and maintained to a high level. They have managed our irrigation system to provide the best and most water efficient coverage. We have continued the replacement of brick wall panels. This is a budgeted expense that we plan to continue in 2012, however because of the age of Greatwood, we can expect this replacement process to continue at a rate of 100 – 200 panels per year. All the white fences, which belong to the homeowners association, have been scraped and painted to a specification that we anticipate will weather better. Our major program to refurbish our travertine signs and monuments by cleaning, caulking, color enhancing and sealing is continuing. Without this program we could lose these markers. Weathering, age and neglect have dictated the necessity for this program. There is much more to do, but Greatwood is on its way to again having a sound infrastructure. This will ensure that Greatwood will be a place that residents can be proud of and prospective buyers want to live in. This year has seen the formation of a Playground Committee which has been working diligently to improve the play areas in our community. We Campbell Elementary’s 3rd Annual Bunny Hop Fun Run or Walk Saturday, February 25, 2012 I t’s that time of year again, and if you’ve made a resolution to live healthier in 2012, we have an event for you. Be sure to mark your calendars for Saturday, February 25, 2012, because it is just around the corner! Our event will feature a certified 5k Run or Walk, as well as a Kids 1k Run and a Toddler Dash – all right in the Greatwood Neighborhood. This event is open to the entire community, so be certain to tell your friends and family so that they can participate as well. In addition to the race, the PTA will be hosting a Health and Fitness Fair, a Silent Auction and Raffle, as well as a Post Race Party with great food, great music, and great people. Some of the incredible items up for bid in the Silent Auction include a hot air balloon ride, and much more, so come ready to bid! (Continued on page 19) 1 have nine playgrounds throughout Greatwood and many of them need attention. This committee is assessing all of the play areas and will bring their findings to the Board for review. We anticipate that this improvement and modernization will be a separate line item in future budgets. Our major amenities, the pools and tennis courts, are also on the list for updating and improvement. (Continued on page 19) What’s Inside Useful Info............................................ 2 Safety and Security.......................... 3-5 Group and Club News................... 10-11 Library News................................. 16-17 Community News.......................... 19-25 School News.................................. 32-36 Neighborhood Reps........................... 39 Calendar 1/5.......................................... ACC Meeting 1/19..............Lackecrest Annual Meeting 1/19..................Fairview Annual Meeting 1/26.................................... Board Meeting ACC meets the first Thursday of the month at 7:30 at Rec Center #2. Board meetings are on the fourth Thursday of the month at 7:00 p.m. At Rec. Center #1 Greatwood News Produced under the authority of the Greatwood Community Association by the Communications Committee. Committee Members: Judy Holy John Bowen Harold Symmonds Kate Brewer Published by Pamela Printing Co. Advertising: Pamela Printing Co. 550 Julie Rivers Dr, Ste. 310 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Greatwood@pamelaprinting.com 281.240.1313 • fax 281.240.1312 Please send inquiries about ads to Greatwood@pamelaprinting.com or call them at 281-240-1313. Editorial Policy: The purpose of “Greatwood News” is to inform residents of business affairs of the community, issues affecting residential and community property, useful information of general interest and reference information for community resources. No social, club, service organization news (unless directly connected to a Greatwood event), political advertising or church news will be accepted. All information and articles submitted to the Committee become the property of the Community Association, which publishes articles at its’ sole discretion. All submissions to the Newsletter must be in WORD format. Article submissions and suggestions: Email only to gwcomm@yahoogroups.com Deadlines for newsletter submissions: • • • • • • • • • • • • January – November 25th February – December 25th March – January 25th April – February 25th May – March 25th June – April 25th July – May 25th August – June 25th September – July 25th October – August 25th November – September 25th December – October 25th Useful Information Community Board Bob Hauck - President 281.937.0805 hourep81@gmail.com Judy Holy - Secretary 281-343-7097 judyholy@comcast.net Robert Thompson - Director 713-402-8951 rthompson04@att.net New Greatwood Ofϐice Hours: The Greatwood of ice, located at Rec Center #2, will be opened on Mon. and Wed. 9 a.m. - 11 a.m. and Tues. and Thurs. 1 p.m. - 3 p.m. Greatwood Community Association Houston Community Management Services For questions or concerns regarding the Association: 17049 El Camino Real, Ste. 100 Houston, Texas 77058 832.864.1200 or 800.568.6807 Fax: 281.218.6973 Jack Molho - Director 281-343-5819 j.molho@comcast.net LeJean Grifϐin, Property Mgr. Street Lights Out? Dana Ladd, Co-Property Mgr. If you notice street lights out, take note of the number on the pole, (should be 6 digits), and call Centerpoint Energy at 713.207.2222. www.centerpointenergy.com/outage To report lights out on the High Mast Lighting on the 59 feeder road take note of the number on the pole and report it to: Chris Cameron Traf ic Operations Manager 281-275-2490 Community Website www.mygreatwood.com Friendly Reminder visit www.mygreatwood.com for • Architectural Modiϐications Request Forms • Read Greatwood Board Meeting Minutes • Check out Greatwood’s Master Calendar • Rec Room Rental Form • Financials - and much more Other Useful Websites: sugarlandtx.gov lcisd.org FortBendCountyGov.com grandpky.com 2 Phone: 832.864.1228 Fax – 281-218-7018 email: lejean@houcomm.com Phone: 832.864.1277 Fax – 281-218-6973 email: danal@houcomm.com Rhonda Sundberg, Assistant Phone: 281-545-1134 Fax: 281.218.6973 email: rsundberg@houcomm.com For Recreation Room Rentals Jill Williams Phone: 281-545-1134 Fax: 281-218-6973 To rent the meeting room at Recreation Center One you can go to REC CENTER AGREEMENT on our new community web site: www.mygreatwood.com Pool Party Reservations Houston Recreation Management 713-932-7665 Pool Card & Tennis Court Key If you have recently moved into Greatwood and have not received your Pool Card, or have lost your card, please contact Jill Williams with the Management Company at 281-545-1134. jwilliams@houcomm.com. There is a $25 replacement charge for lost cards. Please remember that no signage whatsoever may be placed on Association property which includes all common areas Safety and Security News Constable’s Bulletin By Constable A.J. Dorr N ow that the holidays are over, we can look forward to a better New Year. We should take all that we have learned over the years to improve our safety and crime prevention efforts. If crime prevention efforts were not a part of your New Year’s resolution, it’s not too late to add that to your “things to do” list. I’m sure many of us have received an iPod type of gift in the past. We have a few safety tips with regard to those entertainment devices with which we listen to music, or to the radio, with ear buds, while walking, riding a bike or jogging. If your volume is too loud, it could prevent you from hearing anyone driving or walking up to you from behind. Another bad habit is keeping your head looking downward. We suggest that you keep your head up and shoulders back. This increases your alertness of what is going on around you, and makes you more aware of any danger that may be lurking ahead. To start the New Year, you may want to make a call to our office to set up a Home Inspection and take advantage of a reduced premium on your insurance. You will also be given additional tips on how to make your home safer. This inspection covers both alarm and non-alarm situations. School bells will be ringing soon and children will be riding their new bikes to and from school. Keep in mind that scooters that have an engine displacement of 40 cc must be driven only on your property and nowhere else. Under the law, scooters must be ridden as if you were riding a bike, since the same rules apply. Additional new drivers on the roadway will be teens driving their new vehicles. Teen driving is a shared responsibility between citizens and parents. Remember, any bad habits they picked up are usually what they learned from watching how their parents drove while growing up. Looking back at 2011, it appears that you did a great job keeping an eye out for suspicious persons and vehicles in the neighborhood. Let’s keep 2012 even better, and keep saying “no” to solicitors. If you are missing a bicycle, there may be a chance that we have it here in our lost and found department. Give us a call at the phone number below. Remember to give us a call regarding any concerns you may have. Also, you may go on line to register for the House Watch Program for your vacations, and the like. Our online site is www.fortbendcounty.com. If you have any problems with that service, you are always welcome to give our office a call. We are open 8am-5pm Mon-Fri and closed holidays. Our number is still the same: 281342-4536. Our staff wishes each and every one of you a safe and happy New Year!! 5)&)064&35&". %FOJTF)PVTFS (SFH)PVTFS 3FBMUPS0XOFS 3FBMUPS#SPLFS0XOFS .VMUJ.JMMJPO%PMMBS1SPEVDFS .PSUHBHF-PBO0Gm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iding Products 4 Safety and Security News Neighborhood Incident Statistics - October 2011 SECTION Arbor Bend Brazos Bend Brooksmill Charleston Crossing Enclave Estates Exec. Towers Fairway Vista Fairview Forest Glen Green Knoll Highland Park Lakecrest Lakeside Landing Manor Shores Springϐield Stonebridge Terrace Trails Tuscany Vista of GW Village Woodcreek Woodhaven Rec Center #1 Rec Center #2 Rec Center #3 Visitor Center Campbell School Dickinson School Mont. School Primrose School Golf Club Realtor Ofϐice Grand Court Total: Subtotal: Total From Worksheet: TOTAL ALL CALLS: CITATIONS WARNINGS ALARM PROWLER/SUSP ACT BURGLARY 3 2 1 THEFT 2 38 34 4 71 5 4 19 1 2 HOUSE WATCHES 1 1 1 1 4 1 1 2 2 2 69 23 30 23 37 52 22 16 4 135 63 50 23 32 81 32 1 1 1 1 1 4 3 2 2 2 1 4 1 1 6 1 1 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 38 34 1119 1 1169 2288 138 118 5 66 54 59 0 1046 Ugly black ROOF streaks? Green algae on your home? We can clean it safely with NO PRESSURE WASHING 6 7 To Buy or Sell Your Home Call Greatwood Neighbors for over 10 years Lizz & Chris Buyers Sellers Luxury Homes Farm & Ranch Commercial Property Short Sales Foreclosures Lizz Sansone, CDPE Chris Sansone, Broker Associate direct: 281.753.0333 office: 281.265.5533 ext. 1175 www.teamsansone.com 4500 Highway 6 South Sugar Land, TX 77478 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 8 “Creating Healthy, Beautiful Smiles Every Day!” 'U.DWLD/HPNH'0' 2UWKRGRQWLF6SHFLDOLVW Ć)OH[LEOHDIWHUVFKRROKRXUV Ć%UDFHVIRU&KLOGUHQ$GXOWV Ć)UHH2UWKRGRQWLF([DP&RQVXOWDWLRQ Ć1HZ/RZGRVH',*,7$/;UD\ Ć,QVXUDQFH)OH[LEOH)LQDQFLQJ$YDLODEOH Ć$GYDQFHG2UWKRGRQWLF7UHDWPHQW ZLWK/LQJXDO%UDFHV 6DQGKLOO'U6XLWH%Ć6XJDU/DQG7; 281.277.3555 ZZZVXJDUODQGRUWKRFRP t t • Wood Fencing • Ornamental Iron • Driveway Gates • Gate Operators • Emergency Service Ask about our 20 Year Warranty! “Quality with Affordability” 9 Group and Club News International Social Group Greatwood Activity Directory If you would like to list your Greatwood group please send a notice in WORD to gwcomm@yahoogroups.com R ecently, the International Social Group for Adults (ISGA) enjoyed a delightful play by Charles Dickens at the Alley Theater and a visit to a local museum. After each event, members dined at a local restaurant. During the Christmas holidays, members enjoyed an elegant dinner party and gift exchange, including several types of entertainment. The ISGA has members of different ages from various countries, as well as from the US. If you’d like to become a member of this fun and dynamic group, contact the coordinator/founder, Vicki Latham. “The best way to predict your future is to create it.” Activity Coordinators Lunch Bunch We have fun getting to know one another better while having lunch in area restaurants. We meet the third Wednesday of each month. Call us and let us know you’ll be there! Sharyn Flower .....281.343.9353 Marsha Jackson ...281.343.5835 Curtie Giles............281.343.5355 The Ladybugs Scrapbooking D uring the holidays, the Ladybugs visited a local facility to cheer up the elderly. They not only came bearing gifts and prizes that were quite useful to the residents in their every day lives, but they also played games, sang songs and handed out sweets to them. The Ladybugs are a cheerful group of women of all ages who like to flutter about doing good deeds in the community! The members also enjoy teas, luncheons, mini-excursions and charity events every month. If you’re interested in becoming a Ladybug and giving back with some of your time or if you’d just like to come make new friends, contact the coordinator/founder, Vicki Latham. “Never look down on anyone unless you are helping them up.” Renee Sinclair(c) 281.761.5695 ......................... (h) 281.545.1647 ............... rsiris63@hotmail.com Christmas Light Decorating Contest Shelly Buechner ..281.650.4618 shelleybuechner2@hotmail.com International Social Group for Adults: Vicki Latham .......281-384-4006 .............. vmlatham@yahoo.com The Ladybugs: Vicki Latham .......281-384-4006 .............. vmlatham@yahoo.com Parent’s of UT Students: Rose Ford ...............281.343.7172 ......................... rose@wjford.com Greatwood MOMS Club - West and East: www.momsclubsugarland.org Moms In Touch: Sharon Boehm ....281-343-9280 ...sugarboehms@earthlink.net Left to right: Ladybugs Marianne Gonzales, Pat Smith, Debbie Hulen, and Vicki Latham with patrons Jan Wiltz, and sisters Corrie and Dorine Rodriguez, were on hand to cheer up the elderly at a local facility in Fort Bend recently during the holidays. 10 Group and Club News Daisy Troop 29086 Brownies to Host a SPCA Wish List Drive D aisy Troop 29086 held a six hour food drive at the Kroger Brazos Town Center in early November. The girls collected 2 truck loads of food and $404. These items were donated to the East Fort Bend Human Needs ministry and will feed about 20 families, of 6-8 members each, a Holiday Dinner with all the trimmings! The girls did a great job! G reatwood Brownie Girl Scout Troop # 29171 will host a Houston SPCA Wish List Drive on Sunday, January 8, 2012 from 1:00 - 4:00 pm at the Greatwood Rec. Center at Greatwood Parkway and Greatwood Glen. The girls will deliver the donated items to the SPCA on January 21st, where they will also take a tour of the facility and learn about “Respecting Our Animal Friends”. Requested items to be donated are: • Cat Litter (Non-clumping) • Fabric Toilet Seat Covers (for cat beds) • Fresh Greens and Lettuce (not iceberg) for rabbits Hamster, Mice, Ferret, Gerbil, Rabbit, and Guinea Pig Food • Pet Grooming Supplies • Pet Toys - Cats and Dogs • Rabbit Litter (Yesterday’s News) • Halters, Horse Blankets & Lead Ropes • Cat Toys • Digital Cameras • Small, medium & large food trays (Like Nacho Trays) • Old Newspapers • Can Openers • Hand Sanitizers • Towels and Blankets • Bleach • Batteries (AA, AAA, C, D, 9V) • Cotton Swabs and Cotton Balls • Disposable Rubber Gloves • 8 ½ “ X 11” copy paper, white and any color • Office supplies (scissors, tape, pens, black & red sharpies, etc.) • Large plastic watering cans • Paper Towels • Gallon Sized Ziplocked Bags • Play Pens/Dog & Cat Beds/Baby Gates Pictured left to right: Back row: Alyssa Willis, Bella Cantone, Alexina Verona, Stefani Ayoteϔio, Rachel Scott, Gabby Champion, Summer Schulte. Front row: Ally Neal, Ella Ngo, Lauren Martin, Elaina Ingelmo, Audrey Ring and Edith Garrison. Got That Sinking Feeling? Certified Foundation Specialist Contact Galli Cribbs 30 Years Fort Bend Resident Call for FREE Estimate The Computer Dude Miles McCaleb (281) 636-8901 miles@thecompdude.com 713.922.5151 Specializing in: Computer Diagnostics, Installation & Repair, Network Setups, Custom Computers, Virus Protection and Removal, Back-up Service 11 Dental Care For Your Lifestyle! Dr. Dr Dr. r. BBria Brian Br rriiian iaan Johnson JJohns Joh Jo ohhns hhnnson nsosonon Dr. Dr r. Ty r. TTyso Tyson ysosonon Harrell Harrrrreellll Ha Dr. Dr r. Mary r. Mary Ma ry Ha Harrell arr rrreellll The second you walk into our office, you’ll know you’re in the right place. Professional, quality dentistry is most superior when coupled with a caring, courteous staff. Before After Please visit us for your next dental experience: 281-937-1671 www.HarrellDentistry.com 12 13 Custom Care Pet Sitters “Providing in-home pet care while your away” Pet Sitting, Dog Walking, House Sitting Small Caged Animal Boarding Serving Fort Bend County 77406, 77469, 77478 & 77479 www.customcarepetsitters.com Diane Honerkamp 25 Years experience Cell 281 546-8656 Office 281 633-0696 Email diane@customcarepetsitters.com Veterinarian Recommended OneSource Concierge Giving You the Gift of Time Pet Sitting House Sitting Maid Service Lawn Maintenance Fence Repair Pressure Washing Grocery Shopping Laundry Pick Up/Drop Off Car Wash Junk Removal Insured & Bonded Credit Cards Accepted greatwoodconcierge.com 713-865-6768 5 Present this coupon for 5 Dollars off your total bill 6330 E Riverpark Dr. Sugar Land, TX 77479 (p)281-232-0680 (f)281-232-0688 5 5 *Free HOT Breakfast* *Free Internet* *Free Guest Laundry* *Business Center* *Fitness Center* *Free Weekday Happy Hour* www.BESTWESTERNsugarland.com Valid only at the BEST WESTERN Sugar Land Inn 5 BEST WESTERN Sugar Land Inn 6330 East Riverpark Drive - Sugar Land, Texas 77479 Nick Bhakta General Manager (office) 281-232-0680 (fax) 281-232-0688 BWSugarland@Yahoo.Com Please visit our new website at www.BESTWESTERNsugarland.com Each Best Western Branded Hotel is Idenpendently Owned and Operated. ©2010 Best Western® International, Inc. All rights reserved. 14 *5220,1*63(&,$/ FREE RIIZLWKWKLVFRXSRQ New Experienced Groomer! electric toothbrush* *5$1'3$5.:$<$1,0$/+263,7$/ 5818 New Territory Blvd. by Randall’s in the New Territory Center P (832) 595-2600 F (832) 595-0830 19976 Southwest Freeway Sugar Land, TX 77479 www.MyKidsDentistOnline.com 9(76 *Upon completion of Exam, Digital X-Rays and Cleaning FREE ESTIMATES! WE DO ALL THE WORK! WE RECYCLE! * AN ANYTHING & EVERYTHING! YARD WASTE GARAGE CLEANOUT FURNITURE DISPOSAL ELECTRONIC RECYCLING E *no hazardous waste 11.800.995.JUNK 800 995 JUNK (5865) www.JUNK-KING.com $25 OFF ANY JOB EXCEPT MINIMUM CHARGE Fort Bends Best Kept Secret 9 Renowned Custom Home Builders Guard Gated Estate Homes From the $600's to $2 million Easy Access to Highway 59 Waterfront home sites available Model Open 7 days a week 832.222.9010 LakesofWilliamsRanch.com 1219 Grand Estates 15 Library News Children’s Program Schedule for January at George Memorial Library F evening option for some activities presented during the day time. The January schedule is as follows: • January 12 – Nap Time • January 26 – Toy Time ort Bend County Libraries’ George Memorial Library, 1001 Golfview in Richmond, presents a variety of free children’s programs -- Mother Goose Time, Toddler Time, Story Time, Pajama Night Story Time, and AfterSchool Breaks -- every month. These programs are free and open to the public. The After-School Break -- crafts, movies, stories, and more for school-aged children in grades 1 through 5 -takes place on the 3rd Thursday, beginning at 4:00 pm. The program on January 19 will be “Cool Crafts.” Enjoy a winter-themed craft activity. Mother Goose Time, which takes place on Tuesdays at 11:00 am, provides caregiver/infant activities and songs especially designed for the youngest book-lovers, from age 1 month to 12 months. The January schedule of Mother Goose Time activities is as follows: • January 3 – New Year • January 10 – Nap Time • January 17 – Balance • January 24 – Stack Them Up • January 31 – Oh, How Pretty The Teen Programs, which are designed for youth in grades 6-8, take place on the 1st and 3rd Wednesdays, beginning at 6:00 pm. The January schedule is as follows: • January 4 – Movie Night • January 18 – Karaoke Night For more information, call the Library’s Public Information Of ice at 281-341-2677. Toddler Time -- Thursdays at 10:00 am -- offers caregiver/child activities, stories and songs for older babies, from 12 to 36 months of age. The January schedule of Toddler Time activities is as follows: • January 5 – Celebrate the New Year • January 12 – Nap Time • January 19 – Penguins • January 26 – Toy Time Pre-school children, 3 to 6 years of age, will enjoy Story Time, where they hear stories, watch movies, and participate in age-appropriate craft activities, beginning at 10:00 am each Wednesday and Saturday. The January schedule is as follows: • January 4 and 7 – Celebrate the New Year • January 11 and 14 – Nap Time • January 18 and 21 – Penguins • January 25 and 28 – Toy Time Kinder Korner -- a time for kindergartners to enjoy stories, movies, crafts and other activities -- takes place on the 1st Thursday, beginning at 4:00 pm. The Kinder Korner program on January 5 will be “Celebrate the New Year.” Pajama Night Story Time -- which takes place on the 2nd and 4th Thursdays at 6:30 pm -- gives families an 16 Library Libraries Announce Addition of Family Reading Club This Winter Free “ACT” Practice Test at George Memorial Library R T epresentatives from the Kaplan Test Prep and Admissions will conduct a free practice ACT® test at Fort Bend County Libraries’ George Memorial Library, on Saturday, January 7, from 10:00 am to 2:15 pm, in Room 2B of the library, which is located at 1001 Golfview in Richmond. A follow-up strategy session will take place on Saturday, January 14, from 10:00 -11:00 am, in Room 2B. Students will take the practice test during the first session, and will review their scores and learn strategy tips to increase their future scores at the second session. The test takes just over 4 hours, including administration instructions and breaks. Actual testing time is 2 hours and 55 minutes. Students are encouraged to bring #2 pencils; calculators are allowed as long as they are not TI-89s. Used by U.S. colleges to determine admissions and to award scholarships and grants, the ACT® test assesses high school students’ general educational development and their ability to complete college-level work. The multiplechoice test covers five skill areas: English, mathematics, reading, science, and writing. The sessions are free, but seating is limited and reservations are required. To register online at the library’s website (www.fortbend.lib.tx.us), click on “Calendar,” select “George Memorial Library,” and find the program. Participants may also register by calling the library at 281341-2604, or by visiting the library. he popularity of Fort Bend County Libraries’ Summer Reading Clubs for children, teens, and adults has inspired the library system to add a similar program for families during the winter season. The Family Reading Club will begin on Saturday, January 21, and will continue for six weeks through March 3, at all branches in the Fort Bend County library system. This six-week program is designed to encourage families to read, learn, and have fun together. All Fort Bend County families are eligible to participate. “The best way to help children learn new words and to build a larger vocabulary is to talk and read with them,” says Susan King, Coordinator of Youth Services for the library system. “Children hear more new words when you read books to them.” Families who read 36 books or 6 hours – 6 books per week or 60 minutes per week – will be entered into a drawing for a $50 dining gift card, donated by the Friends of the Library. Each branch library will have a drawing for the gift card on March 5. A single registration is required for each participating family. An adult (parent or guardian) is asked to register the family online by going to the library’s website (http://www.fortbend.lib.tx.us) and clicking on the “Family Reading Club Sign-Up” image, which will become available January 20. Families may also register at one of the libraries in the Fort Bend County library system. Upon registering, families will then have their own online page on which to record their books or reading time. There is no charge to join the Family Reading Club. The program is sponsored by Fort Bend County Libraries and the Friends of the Library organizations that support the county library system. For more information, call the library’s Public Information Office at 281-341-2677, or the library branch nearest you. . RE BATH 409.938.3771 1-800-BATHTUB R www texasbayarearebath com www.texasbayarearebath.com Full Service Bathroom Remodeler VISIT OUR DISPLAYS: $500 off COMPLETE SYSTEM Mention Great News to receive this offer. **Not Valid with any other offer.** News Sugarland H & G Show @ the Stafford Centre January 21 & 22, 2012 Katy Home & Garden Show @ the Merrill Center January 28 & 29, 2012 17 BRAZOS BEND YOUR COULD AD BE HERE builders TO ADVERTISE IN THIS NEWSLETTER, CALL DAVID SMITH AT PAMELA PRINTING Additions Remodels Custom Homes DAVID@PAMELAPRINTING.COM Steve Caldwell, CGR 550 JULIE RIVERS DRIVE, STE 310 SUGAR LAND, TEXAS 77478 Cell: 281.630.8727 Fax: 281.520.4799 PO Box 16566 Sugar Land, TX 77496 steve@brazosbendbuilders.com 18 Community News On the Board’s Agenda... Campbell Elementary’s 3rd Annual Bunny Hop (Continued from page 1) Pool #1 is already in the process of being re-plastered and the pump/filtering capacity has already been upgraded. Pool #2, which has been operating at marginal capacity to accept a large number of swimmers, is being upgraded and the addition of an amenity at that pool is under consideration. With the addition of a new pool contractor, the chemical treatment of all pools is being revised to provide us with a more reliable and acceptable water quality. The tennis courts at Recreation Center #1 are being resurfaced and all the courts are receiving improvements in fencing and gates. Some of our residents may have noticed that there was a change in our Christmas lighting this year: the absence of the hanging tree lights at the entrances of Greatwood Parkway and of Sansbury. Although very attractive, we saved about $20,000 by doing away with these lights. Next year we will have a new look at our entrances for the holidays at half the cost paid in previous years. Many of our residents remember when each neighborhood had decorations at their entrance. We would like to bring that back again next year. In July, we will be asking any resident who is interested to join a Decorations Committee to see how best to make Greatwood more festive for the holiday season. The major increase in our surface water rates has not only made it necessary to increase our yearly assessments but has forced reconsideration of many improvements and amenities that were tentatively planned. Overall, your Board of Directors and community volunteers, including your neighborhood Representatives, are proud of the way that they are maintaining Greatwood. There is always room for more help and we welcome constructive criticism as well as positive feedback from our residents. (Continued from page 1) The last two events have been so much fun, and we hope to continue the tradition with you! Just hop on over to www.signmeup.com and register today. The registration fee includes entry to the race and a race shirt designed by one of our own inspired Campbell students! Please visit www. campbellpta.org for more details. Even if you aren’t up for the run, be sure to come out and cheer on your neighbors and friends and hang out at the post race festivities. There is something for everyone. Would your company, or any business you know, be interested in becoming a sponsor or making a donation? Are you interested in finding out how contributions can benefit your company? Think you can volunteer a little time to help make this event a success? If you said yes to any of the questions above, please contact Gretchen Yax at springfunraising@campbellpta.org. We look forward to seeing you there in your race wear! Happy New Year to all from the Board! MILTON “GERALD” PAUL OPERATION MANAGER c: 713.384.2620 o: 281.303.3606 paulsexpress@yahoo.com YOUR SATISFACTION IS OUR GUARANTEE www.paulsexpressautodetail.com 19 ied Certif Fence alist Speci Ŗ&HGDU:RRG)HQFLQJ v:URXJKW,URQ v*DWH2SHQHUV v$FFHVV&RQWURO v5HSDLUV v%ULFN&ROXPQV Serving Fort Bend and the surrounding areas &DOO)RU(VWLPDWHv1R-RE7RR6PDOO 832-525-9959 VWDOOLRQIHQFH#JPDLOFRP ABS Improvements, Inc. We are a custom painting company specializing in H[WHULRUDQGLQWHULRUDOO¿QLVKHVWH[WXUHVDQGVWDLQV Services Include: ,QWHULRU([WHULRU&XVWRP3DLQWLQJ :RRGZRUNLQJ:RRG5HSODFHPHQW &DELQHWVDQG%XLOW,QV &RPPHUFLDORU5HVLGHQWLDO &RXQWHU7RSV 6WXFFR6SHFLDOLVW )ORRULQJ +DUGLH6LGLQJ 281-265-3924 ZZZDEVLPSURYHFRPHPDLOLQIR#DEVLPSURYHFRP Serving Fort Bend for over 17 years 6DP+RXVWRQ'ULYH6XJDU/DQG7; Dulles Ave. (Across from Dulles High School) Business Hours 4:30am - 10:00pm Drive Thru Dulles Ave. (Across from Dulles High School) Business Hours 4:30am - 10:00pm Drive Thru 20 (S FB U 4JO XPP DF E3 FT JEF OU Stephanie Nelson Realtor, ABR, ASP, GRI www.SugarLandLiving.com Stephanie@SugarLandLiving.com 832.752.3509 5-Star Satisfaction Rating W “View my testimonials online and see how I go above and beyond to serve my clients individual needs.” "The bitter taste of poor quality will long outlast the sweet taste from a cheap price" #VZt4FMMt-FBTF 21 CELL: 713-628-1023 OFFICE: 281-207-5233 EMAIL: cecil@airmail.net Web Sites: www.mrgreatwood.com www.cecilpeschel.com Another Greatwood Home Sales Milestone!! CECIL IS ON TARGET TO SELL HIS 625TH GREATWOOD HOME IN 2012. In celebration he will waive the listing commission or rebate the selling commission up to $10,000 for the 625TH Greatwood Buyer or Seller! It could happen any time!!! Call Cecil today for a no cost, no obligation Market Analysis of your home or start searching for your Greatwood dream home! Ask about his move-up & move-down plans that can save you $$Thousands$$ RE/MAX Southwest: 14905 Southwest Freeway, Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Each Office Independently Owned and Operated 22 Book your interview, schedule appointments, or pay online via our website www.perfectpetsitting.net TODAY! 23 Mexican Food With Love From our Hearts... Honoring our family traditions we strive to serve the best quality & freshest ingredients. New Years resolutions to come and taste “Carlos Tacos #1” Try our New Salads Buy three tacos and get one taco of equal or lesser value FREE exp: 1/31/12 281-937-7541 1270 Crab River Rd, Ste. 200 Richmond, Texas 77469 %HKLQG&KHYURQ$FURVVIURPWKHÀUHGHSDUWPHQW in the Greatwood Country Shops next to subway.) Mon-Sat. 9:00 am - 8:00 pm, Sunday-Closed *No Trans fat or Hydrogenated oils. Homemade food from scratch. 24 Community News Lost/Found a Pet? Call Tracey If you lose or find a pet, please call Tracey Ranauro at 713-825-7014. I do not take in animals but act only as liaison to reunite pet with owner. I can provide shelter numbers if owners can not be located and lend out crates if needed. Happenings at Town Square www.sugarlandtownsquare.com Check the web site above for updated information. Don’t forget your lawn chair! GRAND PARKWAY STORAGE CENTER Bob & Ann Krammes Facility Managers Grand Parkway at New Territory Blvd. Rental Offices - 8421 Homeward Way Sugar Land, Texas 77479 gpscllp@gmail.com T: 281.240.7500 F: 281.240.7574 Bob Vaught /RFDOv7ROO)UHH ZZZWH[DVEHVWWDFWLFDOFRP 25 Mexican Diner Featuring Brandy’s Safe Harbor Cantina 7-%ig Screen T9s Sports Central Daily Lunch Specials: Mon.-Fri. 11AM-3PM Happy Hour “Life is Good in the 1eighborhood” Finest Margarita’s in Texas 9ery Affordable Catering “Large or Small” We Do Them All! Reserve the Diner or Cantina for your Special Events or Private Parties %onus - One Free Ice Cream per Customer With Every Dine-In Meal Breakfast is Back!!! Saturday and Sunday 8:00 AM - 12:00 PM 6560 Greatwood Pky. - Sugar Land, TX “Inside Greatwood” Ph: 281-545-1861 Fax: 281-545-2171 www.zorrosmexicandiner.com 26 Gloria, Wayne and Andrew are back as Owners of Zorro’s! Happy Hour Mon.-Fri. 3PM-7PM Open 7 days for your convenience FREE WI-FI Delicious Skinny Margarita’s “Sugar Free” Catering 713-449-0567 281-224-0203 Call Gloria LARGE PEPPERONI OR CHEESE PIZZA ORIGINAL ROUND CARRY OUT • PLUS TAX GREAT FOR SCHOOLS, CHURCHES, COMMUNITY EVENTS AND PARTIES!!!! RICHMOND 1135 CRABB RIVER RD #120 27 El Dorado Designs TACL A002487E 281-499-3511 v www.freshairinc.com AIR CONDITIONING OR HEATING PROBLEMS? Same Day Response 94% of our calls are done the same day Custom Rhinestone Applique & Embroidery The #1 Air Conditioning Co. in Greatwood All School Mascots Featured!! Show your school pride in “BLING”! Fundraiser discounts for groups - no problem. Website: eldoradodesigns.com Email: eldoradodesigns@aol.com Phone: 281-844-0680 POOCH PATROL PROFESSIONAL PET-SITTING SERVICE 281-343-5777 We have been providing our clients, since 1994, with a full range of services tailored to meet your needs as well as maintain the routine and environment your pet is accustomed to. We welcome you to view our website to learn more about us and what we offer. Please give us a call if you have any questions or would like to set up an interview. We are Bonded and Insured thru Pet Sitters International poochpatrolpets@att.net www.poochpatrolpetsitting.com LORI WARNICA - GREATWOOD RESIDENT 28 29 In business in the Houston metro area since 1939. 713-782-9818 Providing complete design, installation and service of lawn sprinkler and drainage systems. fax: 713-782-9841 5711 Schumacher Ln., Houston, TX 77057 30 Now Enrolling rs old 6 weeks to 5 yea Ask about our Specials! 748 Crabb River Rd. Richmond, Tx. 77469 Ph. 281-545-9470 / 281-545-8FUN 31 School News Toy Drive: GRHS Advisory Holiday Service Project: Thank you, Longhorns!! The Santa Exchange Toys for Kids program was a great success! Students donated toys to their advisory classes PAC representative in December. Your generosity gave a wonderful holiday to children in our area. Longhorns truly do have big hearts! Volunteers: If you are interested in volunteering at George Ranch High School, please contact Lisa Watson at lisawith3@comcast. net or www.grhspto.org Important Dates to Remember January 3 Classes Resume January 16 Dr. Martin Luther King Day - No School February 7 Math LRA Grades 9-11 February 8 Science LRA Grades 9-11 February 9 Social Studies LRA Grades 9-11 February 20 No School March 7 TAKS ELA Grades 10th and 11th March 12-16 Spring Break March 23 Longhorn Golf Tournament March 26 STAAR Eng 1 Writing EOC Day 1 9th grade March 27 STAAR Eng 1 Reading EOC Day 2 9th grade NEED INFORMATION ABOUT George Ranch High School GO TO: WWW.GRHSPTO.ORG Happy New Year! Welcome back Longhorns! We hope you all had a restful Holiday. The GRHS PTO is busy planning events for 2012. GRHS PTO Golf Tournament: Mark your calendars. The 2nd annual Longhorn Golf Tournament is March 23rd. Gather a group of friends and sign up for a fun day at Greatwood Golf Club. For more information please contact Julie Janer - taxdaytwins@gmail.com or visit www.grhspto.org and look under the events tab. ATTENTION George Ranch High School Parents Fort Bend Young Life Common Threads Clothing Drive: GRHS PTO was proud to sponsor a two-day clothing drive to benefit our fellow LCISD teens in need. The Lamar CISD clothing recycling program’s supply was extremely low, so Longhorns helped out before the colder temps set in. would like to start a new George Ranch Young Life Club. If interested please call/email: Items were dropped off at the main entrance of the school between the hours of 7:30am-8:30am on Thursday, November 10 and Friday, November 11. Norma 713.894.6065 nnjc123@yahoo.com or the Young Life office at: 281.313.7636 32 FORT BEND PC REPAIR • Hardware Support and Upgrades • Laptop and PC Repairs • Networking and Wireless Issues • Online Backup 713.429.1500 www.FortBendPCRepair.com 33 School News Antoinette Reading Junior High News ARJH UPCOMING EVENT CALENDAR Please see the ARJH website calendar http://legacy.lcisd. org/schools/JuniorHighSchools/ReadingJuniorHighSchool/ for school holidays and related events. You can also check for updates on the PTO website at www. readingpto.org. DENIM & DIAMONDS Friday, February 17, 2012 from 6:00 P.M. - 12:00 A.M. at Safari Texas Ranch. Purchase tickets online at readingpto.org. 34 Your Sugar Land Tax Expert Britz Financial Group Pamela Britz, EA Pam &“Betsy Ross” $50 off* ILUVWVHUYLFHQHZFOLHQWV 4XLFN%RRNV 7UDLQLQJ 6PDOO %XVLQHVV 6WDUWXS CRQVXOWV 7D[ 3UHSDUDWLRQ In the neighborhood! Next to Greatwood Lake on Hwy. 59 feeder. CALL NOW 281-937-0447 www.sugarlandtaxexpert.com Proven and Trusted Experts in Painting™ Interior & Exterior Painting • Sheetrock Repair • Texturing List your home for References • 2-Year Warranty • Fully Insured Wallpaper Removal • Light Carpentry • Deck Staining Call CertaPro Painters® today to schedule your FREE estimate 1%! 281-937-7460 http://fort-bend-central.certapro.com James Pressler REALTOR® • Greatwood Resident 713-253-2863 RE/MAX Executives www.greatwoodproperties.com Different commission rates, fees and listing and marketing services may be offered by other RE/MAX offices and RE/MAX sales associates in this market area. $#%-2#+0! 0'%-2#+0! The Spine Center at Methodist Sugar Land Hospital is the comprehensive, coordinated option for you in Fort Bend County. (QTDCEMCPFPGEMRCKPVJGTGŏUQPN[QPGRTGOKGTEJQKEGŌ/GVJQFKUV5WICT.CPF*QURKVCNŏU5RKPG%GPVGT 9JGVJGT[QWŏXGJCFRCKPHQTLWUVCHGYFC[UQTUGXGTCNNQPI[GCTU[QWŏNNſPFGXGT[VJKPI[QWPGGFVQ FKCIPQUGCPFVTGCV[QWTEQPFKVKQPKPCEQPXGPKGPVNQECVKQPYKVJCEEGUUVQRTGOKGTURKPGURGEKCNKUVU CPFCEQORNGVGTCPIGQHVTGCVOGPVQRVKQPU )GVVKPIUVCTVGFKUGCU[9GYKNNIWKFG[QWVJTQWIJCEWUVQOK\GFVTGCVOGPVRNCPYKVJGZRGFKVGF CEEGUUVQYQTNFENCUUPGWTQNQIKUVUPGWTQUWTIGQPUQTVJQRGFKEURKPGUWTIGQPUCPFKPVGTXGPVKQPCN RCKPURGEKCNKUVU2NWURJ[UKECNVJGTCR[QEEWRCVKQPCNJCPFVJGTCR[CPFVJGOQUVCFXCPEGF KOCIKPICPFUWTIKECNVGEJPQNQIKGUKPVJGYQTNFCTGCXCKNCDNGQPUKVG Stop enduring pain. Call or email today and begin your personal treatment plan. 281-313-BACK (2225) or SpineCenter@tmhs.org. 16655 Southwest Freeway • Sugar Land, Texas 77479 281-313-BACK (2225) • MethodistSugarLand.com Connect with us. 35 School News Campbell Elementary News Important Dates to Remember Campbell Elementary… You will ind a full list of dates on the Calendars page of the LCISD Website… “Get In The Game!” http://www.lcisd.org/DistrictbrInformation/Calendars/ Click on “New! Of icial LCISD 2011-2012 District Calendar” Need information about Campbell? Go to: www.campbellpta.org Remember to subscribe to receive our newsletter directly to your inbox every two weeks. WELCOME BACK COUGARS! We hope everyone had a wonderful and relaxing winter break. Students are recharged and parents are ready for everything to get back to normal! There are many exciting things happening at Campbell this semester, so be on the lookout for announcements and updates. It is never too late to subscribe to the Campbell PTA’s electronic newsletter which goes out every two weeks straight into your inbox. Simply go to www.campbellpta.org <http://www.campbellpta.org> and click on the “Subscribe” tab. January 16 Student / Staff Holiday January 19 PTA Membership Meeting / Family Fun Night: SKATE Program February 20 Student Holiday / Staff Development February 25 3rd Annual Bunny Hop Fun Run IT’S TIME TO SKATE! Don’t miss out on Family Fun Night sponsored by the Campbell PTA on Thursday, January 19, 2012. Grab a quick bite to eat from one of several food vendors in the cafeteria starting at 5:30 p.m. At 6:00 p.m., join the PTA for a brief Membership meeting in the gymnasium followed by an informative program for both parents and students at 6:30 p.m. CAMPBELL ELEMENTARY KIDS FOR KINDNESS Campbell Elementary Kids for Kindness donates $225.00 to the Snow Drop Foundation. Snowdrop Foundation is dedicated to assisting patients and families at Texas Children’s Cancer Center through funding for continued research to eliminate childhood cancer and scholarships for college bound pediatric cancer patients and survivors. Thank you, Kevin and Trish Klein, for all you do to help children ight cancer. This month, the PTA is presenting an abduction prevention program called SKATE. Most parents never talk to their children about the possibility of an abuduction. In an effort to help educate children and their parents, the Laura Recovery Center developed the Safe Kids Are Taught Early (SKATE) program. SKATE is a 45 minute fun illed, interactive, educational, safety program that concentrates on the lures a predator might use and steps a child can take to identify and avoid an abduction. It is designed for children in grades K-5. Don’t miss out on this important and informative program! Front Row: Erica Silva, Mimi Chen, Mariah Flores, Janean Silva, Maylon Adams, Max Van Swol, Matthew Eichelburger, & Liam Boyle. Middle Row: Audrey Tuttle, Kevin Klein, President of Snow Drop; Michelle Koerth, Campbell Elementary Principal; Trish Klein, Executive Director of Snow Drop; Sophie Van Swol, & Landon Light. Back Row: Kyle Ramirez, Nicholas Heard, Hyatt Hogan, Helen Watson, Jayden Fagbola, Emma Watson, Gabby Ayiteyϔio, Jacob Wheat, & Seamus McCloud. 36 Good vision is a critical learning tool for children and can significantly contribute to a child’s success in school. A comprehensive eye exam is the best way to diagnose and treat vision problems before they interefere with a child’s abililty to learn. Dr. Cindy Tu, Therapeutic Optometrist 281-313-5595 636 Highway 6, Suite 800, Sugar Land, Tx 77498 Highway 6 @ University & Telfair Entrance, Bonaventure Plaza 37 A/C & Heating Since 1969 Think you’ve got a clunker in your home? If your Air Conditioner or Furnace is 12 years or older… You Do! CALL TODAY (281) 342-2512 and ¿nd out hoZ to receive $3,350 in savings! Richard Hogan Local Business Owner +LJK(I¿FLHQF\3UHPLXPA&+HDWLQJ6\VWHP 80% Furnace, 18 + Seer A/C & Heating Complete System $2,500 Clunker Instant Discount from Custom Comfort Air $350 Federal Tax Credit for Clunkers $$$$$ &A6+%2186VLVD3UH3DLG'HELW&DUG)RUA/LPLWHGTLPH 0LG(I¿FLHQF\3UHPLXP$&+HDWLQJ6\VWHP 80% Furnace + 16 Seer A/C & Heating Complete System $2,200 Clunker Instant Discount from Custom Comfort Air $350 Federal Tax Credit for Clunkers $$$ &$6+%2186VLVD3UH3DLG'HELW&DUG)RUA/LPLWHGTLPH 6XSHU&DVK6DYHUA&+HDWLQJ6\VWHP 80% Furnace + 14 Seer A/C & Heating Complete System $750 Clunker Instant Discount from Custom Comfort Air $ &A6+%2186VLVD3UH3DLG'HELW&DUG)RUA/LPLWHGTLPH Select Systems qualify for Federal Tax Credit $3,350s Cash I King gs! avin Total S $2,850 King gs! avin Total S ly Monthnts e m y Pa As As LoZ00 . $60 (QMR\DFRPSOHWHQHZA&+HDWLQJV\VWHPQRZVDYHIURP RQ\RXUHQHUJ\ELOOSD\PHQWVDVORZDVSHUZHHN &DOOXVWRGD\DQGVFKHGXOH\RXU)UHH+RPH&RPIRUWAQDO\VLV TKH&DVKLV.LQJSURJUDPLVHQGLQJVRRQ CALL TODAY! (281) A/C & Heating Since 1969 342-2512 $200 OFF Duct Cleaning for the Àrst 0 Cash is King Customers *Call for details www.CustomComfortAir.com © 2011 Custom Comfort LIC# TACLB27392E *11.99% A.P.R. on approved credit through GE MONEY. Offers subject to change. 38 Neighborhood Arbor Barry Nicholson Devoni Wardlow Cecil Peschel Bend David Nevotti Dave Brittain JoAnn Ardoin Brazos Bend Phill Bratton Phil Rummel Judy Rogers Brooks Mill Pamela Britz Debbie Page Steve Halligan (832) 444-4990 Knoll Jen Gawrys Michele Shirley Susan Hinz (281) 545-2257 (281) 343-1768 (281) 934-9544 Jengawrys@yahoo.com mshirley2@comcast.net susanhinz03@aol.com djnevotti@sbcglobal.net dave.brittain@sbcglobal.net jjardoin@sbcglobal.net Lakecrest Diane Lundell Robert Farr Tony Mendes (713) 781-0652 (832) 443-6040 (281) 545-2922 DianeLundell@sbcglobal.net bobfarr2@swbell.net omendes1934@hotmail.com BrazosBend@Bratton-online.com prummel_houston1@comcast.net rogersja62@gmail.com Lakeside Village Jill Harrell (281) 343-0853 (713) 553-4503 BamaBino@aol.com Buddy Gray (281) 343-9044 (281) 352-3222 bcgrayathome@comcast.net Rosemary Maloney (281) 545-1813 birdbabe10@yahoo.com bnicholson1@slb.com (281) 343-1729 (281) 491-1776 cecil@neosoft.com 281-343-8406 281-343-8896 (281) 343-5807 281-217-6751 (281) 343-5105 (281) 545-1687 (281) 937-1693 (281) 343-9956 (281) 545-1559 pjbritz@britzfinancial.com dpagetx@comcast.net sjhalligan@earthlink.net Charleston Estates Laura Leatherwood (281) 343-8171 Lleatherwood@comcast.net Stephanie Grote stephaniegrote@comcast.net Indu Jain (281) 545-1487 (832) 439-2001 Jainindu@gmail.com Crossing Patrick Ricci John Hancock Chip Smith Enclave Joe Hovsepian John Hernandez James Burger Estates Gayle Madonna Susan Rozman Rhonda Ulen Fairview Thomas Marino John Hidore Melissa Gorman Fairway Vistas Jim Burns Bernard Sugar Faye Brislan Forest Paul Turner Ron Meckler Marvin Eisenberg (281) 705-1038 (281) 343-5969 281-343-7074 (281) 343-5756 (281) 343-7180 (281) 343-5101 patrick.ricci@comcast.net jb-tex@sbcglobal.net csmith@chipsmithlaw.com joseph.hovsepian@mustangeng.com Johntxn@hotmail.com James.Burger@co.fort-bend.tx.us GrammyMad@aol.com susanrozman@juno.com rulen@aol.com medrep2066@hotmail.com (281) 937-7259 (832) 459-7563 jhidore@chevron.com (281) 937-7137 melissagorman@aol.com (281) 937-1283 JSBurns@Hal-PC.org (281) 343-0216 sammbern@att.net (281) 343-8280 (832) 483-6516 (713) 504-5293 281-343-1757 Representatives PTurner13@msn.com rmeckler@swst.com pblumster@yahoo.com Glen Richard Boehck (281) 343-1966 Alan Young (281) 343-5909 Patricia Matthews (281) 343-8454 rboehck@boehckmortgage.com ayoung@redicarpet.com patty_matthews@hotmail.com Green Shirley Cooke Charles Dulaney Ann Silver (281) 343-0988 (281) 545-3939 (281) 545-8542 annied50@aol.com annsilver1103@gmail.com Highland Park Joey Moreland Kim Castillo Charles Pearce (832) 971-0296 (281) 733-5285 (281) 937-0460 Joey.Moreland@suezenergyna.com kcastillo620@gmail.com cpearce19@yahoo.com Landing Lloyd Ellison Ken Tyrell Kate Brewer (281) 545-8545 LloydEllison@comcast.net (713) 914-6431 (281) 224-2793 ken_tyrrell@urscorp.com (281)343-0440 kate@brewer.com Manor Tayo Iyiola (312) 399-0153 tmabs@hotmail.com Harold Symmonds (281) 545-8446 harold@hsymmonds.com Gary Walker (281) 937-0937 (281) 705-2324 g_l_walker@msn.com Shores Paul Raymond Stuart Rimes (832) 603-2111 (281) 343-5067 Springfield Bill Murray Thomas Barry Scott Schultz (281) 343-9586 (281) 380-4456 bill.murray@oursite.cc (832) 886-5274 Tbarry@cdbsoftware.com (281) 343-7205 sschultz76@gmail.com Stonebridge Robert Galloway James Pressler Mike Wills (281)343-0481 (713)253-2863 Dr.raymond01@gmail.com srimes@comcast.net macjanum@me.com jepressler@yahoo.com mglwills@att.net Terrace Doug Foster Roy Neer Cindy Schiefen (281) 937-7243 dougfoster1706@yahoo.com (281) 343-5121 (713) 299-2101 (281) 343-5999 CindySchiefen@comcast.net Trails Richard Vacek Cecil Williams Rocky Lane (281) 545-9868 ravacek@sbcglobal.net (281) 343-8900 (713) 643-2157 cecil.williams@genesis315.com (713) 822-8185 (281) 937-1698 RockyLane@RockyLane.com Tuscany Jeff Tallas Robert Daigle Donna Molho (713) 444-6137 info@daiglecs.com j.molho@comcast.net Village Jim LeMaire Zac Pittinger Erich Zenk (281) 545-9231 (281)343-7419 (281) 343-0242 jrlemairejr@comcast.net zpittinger@gmail.com evzenk525@att.net Vistas Bobby Bresky W. Jean Garrison (281) 702-7073 Bresky00@aol.com (281) 937-9558 (281) 536-4832 Jean4Golf@yahoo.com Woodcreek Linda Scott Carrie Surratt William Robinson (281) 343-9690 (281) 343-1948 (281) 343-1058 Ljoyce@tbredtech.com Bartmans@aol.com wcrobinson1@comcast.net Woodhaven Chris Legrand Doug Jasek (281) 682-0597 (281) 545-1931 clegrand@opportune.com d_jasek@sbcglobal.net 39 Greatwood News Presort Std. US Postage PAID Sugar Land, TX Permit #206 Ofϔicial publication of Greatwood Community Association, Inc. 550 Julie Rivers Dr., Suite 310 Sugar Land, Texas 77478 Happy 2012! Important Numbers I seem to always start the year wondering what happened to the last year, and this year seems to be no exception. Management Company Houston Community Management Services........800.568.6807 or 832.864.1200 LeJean Grif in, Property Manager ...................... 832-864-1228 - Fax: 281-218-7018 Email ............................................................................................................. lejean@houcomm.com Dana Ladd, Co-Property Mgr.……832-864-1228…..Email: danal@houcomm.com Rhonda Sundberg, Asst. Property Mgr. ........................................................281-545-1134 Email ................................................................................................... rsundberg@houcomm.com Accounting ................................ 800.568.6807 or 832.864.1229 - Fax: 281.333.2054 I count my blessings for all the things that came my way last year…and am looking forward to this year with great expectations. Rhonda Sundberg………………281-545-1134…..Email:rsundberg@houcomm.com David Smith .....281.240.1313 - Fax 281.240.1312 - greatwood@pamelaprinting.com I hope that this new year will ind all of you counting your blessings and full of hope and bright things for the future! Dickinson Elementary ............................................................................................ 832.223.1400 Lamar School Board Representative - Julie Thompson ....................... 281.343.1259 Campbell Elementary.............................................................................................. 832.223.1300 Antoinette Reading Junior High ........................................................................ 832-223-4400 George Ranch High School ................................................................................... 832-223-4200 Texas Park & Wildlife.................................................................................... 281.931.6471 Ft. Bend Animal Control ............................................................................. 281.342.1512 And, thank you for letting us be a part of your neighborhood. Emergency/Crimes in Progress .............................................................................................. 911 Non-Emergency.......................................................................................................... 281.341.4665 Information/General Info ..................................................................................... 281.341.4704 Crime Prevention Unit ............................................................................................ 281.341.4618 Constable Precinct 1 ................................................................................................ 281.341.4536 House Watch ................................................................................................................ 281.341.4536 - David Smith For Questions about Recreation Center Reservations, or to Obtain Tennis Court and Pool Keys Contact Newsletter - Pamela Printing Co. 2012 will mark two milestones in my life. My oldest son is graduating from High School and will be college bound, and my youngest son will turn 16 and be driving. School District Police • Ft Bend Sheriff MUD and LID Directors & Meeting Times Meeting dates and times listed in bold italics Below is the list of the men and women, in our community, who presently serve on the Boards of our MUD and LID. Fire Department, Sugar Land Emergency........................................................................................................................................... 911 Non-Emergency.......................................................................................................... 281.491.0852 Ambulance EMS-Emergency (Life Threatening) ..................................................................................... 911 Southwest Water (Water/Sewer) Customer Service • Service & Emergency ................................................... 713.405.1750 Storm Water Illegal Dumping Storm Water Solutions ......................................................................... www.cleanbayous.org Waste Management Best Trash ...................................................................................................................... 281.313.2378 HOLIDAYS: If your regular pick-up falls on a holiday (NEW YEAR’S DAY, MEMORIAL DAY, JULY 4TH, LABOR DAY, THANKSGIVING DAY AND CHRISTMAS DAY), pick up will be made on the next regularly scheduled pick-up day. Post Ofϐice Sugar Land..................................................................................................................... 800.275.8777 Library George Memorial Library ..................................................................................... 281.342.4455 CenterPoint ............................................................................................................. 713.207.2222 Reliant Energy...................................................................................................... 713.488.5800 (7:00am to 9:00pm Monday-Friday) CenterPoint Entergy/Entex (Natural Gas) .......................................... 713.659.2111 • 281.342.6665 Southwestern Bell Connect/Disconnect ................................................................................................ 800.464.7928 Comcast Cable FORT BEND COUNTY LID No. 11: 4th Tuesday of every month - 2:30pm Ron McCann, President Jared Jameson, Secretary/ Assistant Vice President Michael E. Stone, Vice President/ Assistant Secretary FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 109: 4th Thursday of every month - 8:30am James A. Kidda, President David Brittain, Vice President Bobby E. Rich, Secretary Mark E. Johnson, Assistant Secretary Jackie Lawrence, Assistant Vice President FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 106: 3rd Thursday of every month - 5:00pm Matthew Schulte, President Stanton Nowak, Vice President Larry Shultz, Assistant Vice President Justin Ring, Secretary Stuart Rimes, Assistant Secretary FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 117: 1st Monday of every month - 4:30pm Jason Kelly, President Christina Vasquez, Vice President Terri Edwards, Assistant Vice President Michael T. O’Neal, Secretary Ann Cantu, Assistant Secretary FORT BEND COUNTY MUD NO. 108: 4th Wednesday of every month - 5:00pm Roberta Terrell, President Bobbie L. Fontenot, Vice President Jennifer Dewey, Assistant Vice President Arthur W. Olson, Secretary Christopher B. Argo, Assistant Secretary All meetings are held at Professional Project Management Services 19875 Southwest Freeway, Suite 270 Sugar Land, TX 77479 Check the MUD website at: www.greatwooddistricts.com For meeting dates and times. Meeting Dates subject to change with holidays Billing, Sales and Trouble calls .........................................................................713-462-9000 ATT Sales/Billing/Repair (ATT Uverse) .............................. 1-800-286-8313 Golf Club ..................................................................................................................... 281.343.9999 www.greatwooddistricts.com For Assistance with MUD/LID Matters Contact Southwest Water – 713-405-1750 40 41 42
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