Jul. 1
Jul. 1
For sale, by the Barrel, Carcw rmclft nbow to the General, nml wnfh froir it3 pages. 'But ttuftflg this on his men in silence to the (Itendftll d e l i r i u m of the \varring powers, the Q'ICp A P P L E BRANDY, near oVean h a v i n g become n nVld'of lawless DAWN. 'poll. He tlu-re Hood w i t h an u n d a u n t e d violence, a suspension'of our navigation two years old ; which, from .its ,. and .-.having called to tine of T H E R E i* Rsoft mul ' fragrant hour, drength and flavour, is prrtnounced, by Vis soldiers for a draui\iit of >yine, for a tiinc was equally necessary to avoid good judges, to be the.bell spirit that can Sweet, ireOi,' reviving in its p o w e r ; 1 " ,'I.-;e," said he ."" I d r i n k to all those i-onted, or enter it w i t h advantage.— be any where had at the price. 'Tis when,- a.' ray . This -measure will indeed produce some Steals from thVva'lc of p-trting night, / who bravely,fall in the batilc." Form- temporary inconvenience ; but promises , F. F A I R F A X . naieely, al that indant, Tortona capita- , lading good, by promoting umong.purAnd by'its mild prelusive light Shannon-hill, 30th May, 1808. 4 lateM!, and Cart:w escaped, after display- selves the eduhlilhment of manufactures Foretells the day. . ing a rare indance of determined inhitherto sought abroad, at the risk of 'Tis when Gome ling'riiig ftars" scarce uvpidity. collisions no longer regulated by the •*n Hu-d laws pf reason or morality. Indian Superstition—The Indians 1 Over the mifty mountain's head A valUftfrte negro woman, It ij; to be lamented that any of our cifirmly believe in witchcraft. An Indi, Their fairy beam ; tizens, not thinking with the mass of about twenty two years of age, and. her an of the Seneca tribe, called Big Ben, When one by one retiring fhroudj__ the nation as to the principles of our goson about three years old. Any person unfortunately lod his wife and soon afDim glittering through a fleecy cloud, vernment, or of its adminidrat'ion, and wanting such a servant would do well to ter his daughter ; another Indian, at the 'Their laft faint gleam. seeing nil its proceedings with a prejupurchase this woman; ahe is honest didiince of at lead two Hundred miles, diced eye, fhould so nviscoTicfive and faithful and healthy; -understands' home' bonded he had 'df droved them by witch'Tis when juft .wak'd from transient craft. , Ben heard and believed i t ; he misrepresent our situation us to encour- worl, and in an excellent hand in the death quitted his homeland on judge Hun- age aggression from foreign nations.— Jicld. Slie is not sold for any fault; an (By some frail zephyr's balmy breath) tingdon's ellate met and killed the boad- Our expectation is that their clidempered tmperiouH demand for money compt-lls the The unfolding rose, er. Ben was advised to fly, or other- "views will be urinerdood by others, as measure. For the cash a bargain can he Sheds on the air its rich perfume, wise he would, as being within the States they are by ourselves. But fliould war had. Application may-be made to Grorp-e While every hud with deeper bloom line, be-apprehended and h a n g e d : in a be the consequence of thrs-o delusions, and John Humphreys, in Charier '/own, And beauty glows. voice of thunder he exclaimed, u If it be and the errors of our dissatisfied citizens J,ffir.\on vMKifi Virginia, or to the subthe t'afhjnn of Long Knife* to kill an In- find attoncmcntonly in the blood of their scriber residing near .said place. 'Tis when fond nature (genial power) Rounder brethren, we mud meet it as an SAMUEL WASHING TOM Weeps o'er each drooping night clos'd dian for deft-roving the .murderer of his evil necessarily flowing from that liberty wife and child, Ben will submit to his May 17, 1808. flower, fate ; but if Ben regain his camp no.t all of speaking and writing which guards . While softly fly Those doubtful, miffs that leave to view the white men, nor all the Indians, fliall our other liberties: and I have-entire five Dollars Reward. compel Btn to- surrender." Six white confidence in the assurances that your Each glowing scene of various hue TRA Y ED from .Hager\s- Town, on men were fixed upon to seize Ben ; they ardor will be animated, in the conflicts That charms the eye. theHith ultimo^ a small Roan Horse, brought on, by: considerations of the nesa\y him laying upon the ground, calmly about 14 hand* high, fox^d-arid nic£d) 1 cessity, honor and judice of our cause."-'Tis when the sea-girt turret's brow,. . smoking,;.' hisi tonitihawk, wTttrlTis hand paces, trots and canters ; aboutjive yecrs I sincerely thank you, fellow citizens, so placed as to be indantly able to use i t ; Receives the End's firft kindly glow, old. The above-reward and reuonable and by his side lay his loaded rifle ready for the concern you so kindly express 1 And the dark wave, 'expences will be paid to any person cocked ; his pursuers did not dare to at- for my future happiness. It is a high "| S\velllng!to meet the Orient gleam, anti-abundant reward for-endeavors to be -j 'KeHectsTilhe wFrrnTyTlrength'ning beam. ITaclfrlifn, and ous to his murder a "deadly hatred exill- useful; and I supplicate the care of Pro- of^Haget^s-Town, to Mr. ThomasF/figg, •It seems to lave. ed between his brother and himself; but vidence over the well , being of your« at Charlestown, or to the subscriber near „ • • -it'.,.. * Berryville. J. HOLKER. as "soon as the former heard of it he prais- selves and pur beloved country. 'Tis when the reftless child of sorrow, May dj 1808. TH^ JEFFERSON, Watching the wish'd for rising morrow, ed the heroism which dictated the murMay_2.4,_l_8.08< der. Not content, he sought for -.Ben,-. His couch 1 foregoes,, . journeyman Weaver. gave him his right had and declared that And seek* mid (I scenes so sweet, so SALEM,. (Ma*.J June I.-\T7ANTED 'mmediatel.V, aTsob-er, inhe had often (hot at the deceased, but he mild, At the supreme court, lately holden at • duftrious journe) man toTlie COUNTo soothe those "pangs so keen, so wild, had ever been guarded by chets (evil GePortlandr-a-Mp. Smithf-and JobNorTER? AWE-we-av-ingr-or-a-good plain weav. .... OfTTopdess woes; " ton, were convicted under the datute of 'er; a person of the latter description * So the Indians call the inhabitants of. counterfeiting bank bills. - Norton is would~b~c~in"dT"trcted"in the Counterpane iN'oTclay, nor night, this'hour can claim, the U. States. sentenced to one ofjthe solitary cells for weaving, and receive liberal wages. ' Nor moonlight ray, nor noontide beam SO.days, ,and to hardlabor for 18 months. WILLIAM MQRROW. Does it betray; More,Beer and less Rum.—-On a fair Joseph. Drew wa»found guilty of murBut frefli, reviving, downy 'sweety computation, one third of the earnings der, and the' sentence of death has been A boy about 13 years of age, is also It hades the glowing hours to meet, of daily laborers is-ercpended .for spirit- passed upon him. wanted as an apprentice to the Coverlet, Of rising day. ous liquors / consequently, if a man laCounterpane & Blue* Dying businesses. •(Miss'OwcnsQn.j bors three hundred days in a year, at 75 Not a nation of Europe, that has any W.MOKROWv cents per day, he spends 75 dollars for knowledge of our commercial affairs, has Charleftown, April 29, 180s. v Anecdote of Murat, Grand Duke of Berg. ^spirits, which do him no good, but a- refused an open teitimony from some of After his elevation to the rank .of •deal of harm. If 50 dollars a year of its beft .informed subjects, of "the pruA Stray Hog. Prince of the French empire, he halted -,ttiis expenditure were saved, every la- dence ctf our embargo. This teftimony' A K E N up a stray hog, marked in about the close of the laft war at a small borer would-in four years;be able to build has not been artfully given to lessen our both ears with a crop and slope.—* town -in Germany, '.where he Raid for a snug house, worth 200 dollars, and value for our commerce, or to seize .uptwo or three days. Happening to find buy Him n farm of new land, of 100 acres* • on it, ~Bu~lTuhder the conviction of its Appraised to 'three dollars and seventy, five cents. the bread provided for| his table of an in- He could, at the same time, with the higheft value, and-of our greatdft^ suf- ', Jive cents. The owner may have it on proving property and paying charges. ferior kind, .he dispatched one of his suit •remaining 25 dollars, purchase and ferings. ._:--^^ ~-Z^^H'AlUAH^{}cr^-^^^^to order the bed baker irTthe town to at-_ drink 100 gallons of drong beer annually, And fliall we not liften to the voice of May 10, 1808. tend him j to receive from him indruc-" which would do him a great deal of good, the world ?—and fliall we impute to a. tions with regard to that necessary of and no harm. narrow policy, or a proud speculation, life. A baker, who had long been es"I^hc free, use of rum enervates the bp- what has reasons sufficient to juftify it, tahlifhed in the place, was selected for d\, ihortens life, and deftroys reputa- with all its grt-ated evils to the world? this purpose ; and, upon the aid-de-camp tion and credit; antfwhat is worse, nay The present date of the world' imperibrderinghim to waitTon the prince he ob- cruel," prevents thousands of innocent, ously demands the embargo. Hear served, to the no Uttle surprise of the helpless children", the enjoyment of such what an Engliflimah . says of neutral officer^ " It is useless my going: the food as nauire requires. As a subditute, commerce—"The reciprocity of deadly prince will-never employ me.'- On being malt ale orbeer answers a—double pur- rancor-which exifts between the courts pressed to assign his reason, he declined pose ; its use cherilhcs the spirits with- of G. Britain and of France, has indu Lots and Houses. flat ing any : but as -the order of the out intoxication ; drengthens.the body, gated them to" impo'se one reftriction on HE subscriber would dispose of hit — messenger was pert mptoiy, he fallow- and corrects the juices. the trade of neutrals after another, to leases for two separate tenements, ed him, and was immediately admitted Doaors Cullenand M'Bride say that harras..them by successive vexations, in Charledown, lately occupied by him. to Murat,. with whom he itai'd~about ten hops will preser<^frefli meat from pu- and to load them with repeated indigni- They are in good repair, and may be had - minutes, and then retired. As he quit- trefaction. Beer prevents many dis- ties ; till every neutral power, that might by any respectable person .or .persons, ted the house,, he observed,to the aid-de- eases which arise from inflamed blood, mitigate the evils of war, seems likely who are sufficiently responsible for the cam,). " I told you the prince would not and, "in the warm seasons, acts as a pow- to be precipitated into that abyss of de- annual rents, which are quite reasonable. —^employ me ; he has dismissed me-with erful antiputrescent. Its free use- pre-. ftruction, which is prepared by/.he unreOne of these" houses' would, sail any this,'' displaying a purse of ducats. gravelly concretions,, and is always 4enting-fury_r>f the. bellicrerents." "In -person nf considerable business; arid —j -. .v. ~0n~bemgprcsseoto explain the reason antidote to u r n a r y suppressions, and such ao date of things,TTeutrals are redu- lias been formerly used as a tavern ; the of this singular conduct,—he replied scurvy at sea. It is food, and drink of ced to what may be called a dilemma of other would suit a,tradesman 1 : and-they *'Prince Murat,'when a boy, was ap the mod wholesome kind ; and its use deftruction. Whatever course they a- are equal.to any tenements in thattawn, preTiticed to a biscuit baker inr.the south renders it mure palatable than ardent dopt, spoliation and captivity ft are them for pleasantness of situation, extent of iof France, at the time I was journeyman liquors. in the face. Under the conflicting pro- ground, and "convenient accommoda• to him, and I have often thraftu-d the hibitions of England and France, the tion. Tprince fpr 'being idle ^ the moment he F. FAIRFAX". c'o'mm'erCS^Lf those powers who are in a 1 saw me jud-rmw , he indantly recollected The following is the. answer of the Presi' ftate of-amity with the belligerents, is Shannon Bill, April 22, 1808. dent of the U. S. to an address of the placed under an interdict of extermina, me, .and without entering into the subdelegates > of the Di-mocralic" Republiject of our old acquaintance, or of that tion."—i— If Englifhmen speak this lanCAUTION. cans of t ha city of^P/iiladelphiaj in gewhich lecTme to his'pri-sence, he haftily guage, is our own government not u . neral ward committee assembled. A LL persons are hereby fcrcwnr•>\cd took th/ispurae of ducats, from the drawer guard againft our perdition ? ..f*..from fishing,-. fowling, pa^'.•.V//U of the table where he sat, gave it to me, The epoch, fellow citizens, into which and ordered-me to retire. our lots has fallen, has indeed been fruit- True strength of partift in Massachu- through, or 'trespassing in any inuriw on my farm, or that of Thomas FuirfaXt ful of eveius~~which require vigilance, setts. Undaunted Courage.—-Wr. Boswell, and embarrass deliberation. That durThe votes for Governor in April lad, ,<7.v / am determined to-proxtwi '''*'' •in his tour to Corsica, relates;* reuftirk- ingsuch u period of difficulty, and amidd as finally ascertained, give ojfenders. ab'e anecdote, which general.Paoli told the .perils surrounding us, the public JOHN Mr. Sullivan, republican, 43,07^! llim. At the siege of Tortona, the measures which have been pursued Bloomery, Muy 16, .BOB. Mr. Gore, federalift, • 40,455 co;nmander of the .sirmy ordered captain fliould meetyour approbation, is a source An Apprentice vvahiet Cirew, an Irifh officer in the service of of great satisfaction. Republican majority 2,621 -.N iples, to advance with, a detachment It was not expected, in this age, that naLaft year Gov. Sullivan had a majoS.MAKT BOY, about th-yv. to u particular poU. Having his orders, tiori.'i, so honorably diitinguifhed by rity of 2,730. So thar the embargo mav 14, of refpc-ctablv conn;-y.i-r,.-.,.; . he whispered to Carew, "Sir, I know their advances in science arid civilizati- be considered having changed lOy.votcs-, lie taken as an »pprcmic'.- io dv : py." you to be agaVhtit man, I have therefore on, would suddenly cad away the efteem out of-83,000. • . , i)u(i:ifla. Apply to the fulff««^' put you or. tlri., du-.y v/hich "j tcilyou, in they hud merited from „the world, and Charleftown. confidence, is c<-.rtair. d c ,uh 10 yo;i and revolting from the empire of morality, A A R O N CHAMBhH' B L A N K DEE'DS your men ; I p'.uce you '.Here to make "assttmcTrchnracter-in hiitory, which all April C, For autt at this Gjjict. the eueiuy spr.-ag a u/inc u c luw you." the tears of their poftcrhy will never Sale, S T lip m. m T ^ * " * A.' t ository _LJ J No. 14. T W O D O L L A R S PKR A N N U M J U L Y 1, 1808. ONE HALF IN ADVANCE'. WILL BE PUttLKHED In apMijihlet, at the; office of the Alexandria- Daily Advertiser, in a short time, - T H E MONITOR From the MoxiTOJii. nienciie-s, it is acknowledged. But what I? a newspaper now publilhed at the are those, in comparison to the evils I City of Wulh'ington, every Tuesday, DTA.LOGUE AN ADDRESS have averted? Had itnojbeen for me,.G. Thursday, and Saturday. I t - i s devoBetween n Farmer and the Erttbargo. TO - T H R Britain and France would. v before thin ted to News, Politico, Art-t, ManitfctcPEOPLE OF THE U. STA TES; Embargo.' O I't'ul ! Oh! O lud ! Jiaveseized nearly all the fliips and sealitres, and Agriculture. Diiring the On thf inipOi'tance of encouraging /'tfr;;/r/V<Hey-dcy ! what have we men of your country, and indead of, besession of Congress, it will furniih the here ? What's your name ? ing in your own ftorehouses, your proA G R I C U L T U R E '&?. DOMESTIC public with a correct, and (when neces. Embargo. 1 am the Embargo.' MANUFACTURES: perty would have been in those of yout sary) a copious account of the'proceedenemies. x Farmer. What! that oppressive felTending to (hew that by a due encour- ings and debates of the N.ational Legislow ? Ah ! you villain. But where are Farmer, Hut mine might have gone lative body. Atrall times, i.t will comagcment.'of these essential intert-ds, safe. you going, and what mAkr'sv/ow cry out ? municate to its readers the earliest and the nation will be rendered more Embargo. Do not flatter yourself. mo.st authentic intelligence, on all sub_- . Embargo. I am juft ftretching myself respectablc-abroad & more into the country a little to talk to the FarBesides^ you are a member 6f a large jedts of which it professes-to be the vehiprosperous at home. mers arid planters, and an outrageous community, and every man muft bear cle. The patronage" of the public is res' Together with an account of dog of u' speculator ran over my finger at small privations when ne.cessary fpr the pectfully solicited in aid of its eilubliihPassamaquod, which occasioned me to general godoU And) moreover, think THE I M I ' K O V K M K N T S I N S H E E P A T A R ment. . - • -.-,•cry out. Oh !— ohh ! ofpofterity. 7x^ LINGTON,^. TERMS. Farmer. Ha! another .finger hurt, Farmer. General good, indeed ! The native Sheep of Smith's Island, and The price of subscription will be five I suppose. I wish every bone in your s L e t.w^mak^^ajh^iid^lhe-dcyce-ta ke-th e -the plans proposed of cx'u-mling this dollars p e-r a n n lint,—piiy-ahl-e-i n-ad v a nee;— ^ o T 3 ^ v ~ ~ " ? , , r"elt^ "WHaFis pofterity to me\ I may valuable race of animals, for the beneThe paper will be transmitted ahVays Embargo. O no : not another finger ; be dead, perhaps, before any good agreeably to direction by mail, or left by fit of the country at large-: a small twitch of the toe a rogue at St. comes of your interference. a carrier according to orders. "-• -•; BY GEO.-W.- P. CUSTIS, Esq. EV- » *-• __Adye_rt.is_craents_-wilI. be received and Mary^s jult now gave me. But what _ _ _ - - r -f i e! You renders you so unfriendly to me ? rOf'ATlnTglcili House, in the District of inserted at t_he usual priceshatTKave got^seven_firLe, plump, rosy Columbia. -Farmer r~ "r^oToifasirTRat queftipn ? bpys"and"girls growing up, to say you Essays decently and concisely written,AT a time wAi:ii the-energies of the on subjects . i n t e r e d i n g to .the general iHave-you not ruined us all?. Will not care nothing about poderity. iv.ilion seem awakened to the. date of our welfare, will be cheerfully inserted with- my granaries fhorlly be burding with surFarmer. Why, true; I did not plus produce ? V\'ill not my smoke house think of that. , fnp-i^n and rMmeUii 5 concerns, we con- out any charge. be overdocked with hams ? and njy ccive ihat tlirf important intercds of AEmbargo. And, ^then, reflect for a J. B...CQLVIN. meat barrels' crammed with more pork moment what would ha\-e been your gn'ctiltureand Mariufaclirreslhould meet 'Washington City, Mny SO, 1K08. and beef than I can eat? And yet you own situation, if the brave' men ; who viih a considerable fliare of the public presume to ask me why I am out of tem- Tought for our revolution had argued_gjL c) i •; (-UP si on. C e r t ain it is, thaT a t n o pe-per-w-ith-ytrin — -ytm-dtj; fnlTead'ot having a farm of ri::d of our polrtirariii dory-"could thVse -7 " • Embargo. Ha ! ha ! ha ! ^national siibj(j"Ct5~excile more intered or your own, with your wife and family farmer.- .Laugh in my face too? and plenty around, you might ftill have ~be more propi:Hy~urged to the notice of •Now by all theproduce of my farm, that been the subject of a king, who would the puMic miiul. The unsettled and imLANE, is too much. , ^ of ./. our - .M i foreign iwi L I ^ I I iiiuurs, have taxed you to the. amount of'half affairs, Has just received a very, handsome asf . and,tin- present didurbed date of the EuEmbargo.. I am merely laughing to your labor, refused you the rights ofLa sortment of well bought . rbpean.world," renders it clq^il)ly neceshear you complain, when you have got freeman, and have made you miserable sary for the cU.i3i.-ils of America to che- SpringeJr Summer Goods, so many good things.to eat, and -such a all the days of your life. •. quantity of them. " ri/lf auf!: proniutt; tlicir dom- die policy, Farmer. But do we not ask too much . W h i c h he now offers to his friends and wli'.:i'L-b\ !.the\*-m-ay-cferivf flipse'Tfcsources Farmer. Complain! Have I not rea-" from those great foreign powers ? Could the public, at reduced prices for CASH ; which «re nou'.obtained frc*m'abroad and son _to complain 1 I cannot make money we not get off with a little more subc'rt-a'tc \veiilth nn'd:inuuflry w i t h i n them- . he solicits those persons who have a w i l l i as usual—I— mission I selves. Too long have th-.-st imporraiit t'p obtain great bargains to give him a Embargo. Money ! Pray how much Embargo. What do you call too ft.'id patriotic inu-n-fls .been neglected. call, us he is convinced that his goods money do yon suppose you. would have 1 The adminidration requires requres .. -..JIT ..,,..».:-'.., v.u- T I I I . ,,. .1 — ::_____ _____..— — only •• '''•' c Tli't: TV i ti on now feels (heir want, and we will..please both as to price and qualitv ; _m»t\*'\f .1 .. i., ., —exemption '' •• '•'Irr' uU.,,1 c Jitubce ; that .-, —i " «-^**V.» U.U \ JT i is, from captivithx: whole of his purchases having been had suffered you to export ,' ,_ -^--— — i = ~ tniiUwii! ( i n l y pro'viile fbT t'neir support.. ,, , ' . i ty f o r o u r s e " — your produce as formerly ? ce lormerl Govenuiirnr, h i t h e r t o engaged in other", , made, so asTo enable hinri.tCLScll fhem as farmer. Thousands of dollnrs --"""."vuo A.I iiuunrs to be o<: for bur honeft, lawful trade. And as to 'concerns,- will umv cherilh those domes- .cheap as any'gppds can, or -vvjll be sold sure —bee what'fine prices for flour and ty ^^^^^^1^^^: submiaayon^ did you never observe Far._ by any perspuun^tfiiir.j>arUj£-the-c<wHrt-r}v tic jiiILLUl£J2LasT^^ -aH^&rts-ofprovl^ioTTs-irTthe VV'c/l Indies , Tn^7-aim,ng your own acquaintance"" ^MeTaily expects a 'further supply of natioiis's dignity and proiijiote the , peo-' and yet you will not let us send our pro- • t < a t i U man gives way too much, he is goods from i j hiladtlptiia, which when duce pl»-'s -wtil fa re. there. sure to be more imposed-upon. O'f the iiK'rjf.s of the lit;le work \ve are received, will make his assortment very Embargo.* But do y not know that ou Farmer, I have. Really, you are . flbo-i't .to iv.ii'.- to the pi'.bljr, -ii. is not our compjj^e^ He has on hand, as usuafy a -myself that occasions the High priquantity of nice Bar and mar, reasonable fellow t h a n - I thought .,. ...^ /juj JUKI Mi^qi.JLcaa, prrivincc i'i (JvciiJe, but of the a d v a n t a : ' I f 1 were to leave you they would T-oiu. But, then, as I cannot sell so ^;. s iolx- (Icrni'd irom its suit- we \vould j Biiilered Steel, Cabonifl Tobacco, Spin- fall directly. much produce as heretofore, Ifeelidle; in-y.h:n\\- to.my e v e r y tl.ui.g v\ hi; h a'dis- I ning Cotton, .Teas, ,_Cofiec'^ Loaf and Farmer. Why that's true ; I never /";,.t:>i'lli'il towi'i-iio'n iii theS^ni'sV of Do- J Brown Sugars, French and Peach Bran- thought of that before. But then we ( i have nothing to do. i - . , Etnbargo. Nothing to do? Go t o iv,i-!tic ?']anui:u.i.iire julil.y><lemantis-— i dy, . WiiKs, &c. Als<j a large qtumtity could.[i i t our old profits. j g? to^^Are.alL^ou^iences-in -repaii-?ar.d a.s the prpjjts.. of ,thiswork,- after j of old Rye Whiskey, d i U i U f d in JVtinEmbargo, - ''J'-l.c-re, again you are mis- • Are your barns in good order ?- Don't {sylvania, all ol"which he offers for ca'flt "Tlff'Texpenccs of p n i j l i c a r i o n , are paid, taken. I q i m e ( o y o u r a s s i n ' a n c e i n the : your dwelling house w a n t . mendin K I on terms that will be pleasing to the pur will be soli:ly devoted to the purposes of chaser. very nick oi time to save you iVo m ruin ' Wave you no -new land to cl«ar ? t ' - j A i l i n j r - i o n • Inditiuion, .we may hope J he tJruilh and French, with their orl Charledown, May 20, 18_08._ Farfne^ Why, "sure enough", I mijjht mi.l conlidently expect a liberal patronic't* 'f l?i';rr^r^: — ®~ sigr Iroin a discerning and patriotic com-- Embar'go, Might? Yes! and ought your property, the merchants you sold inunity. ' . EDITOR. NOTICE. to vvould have become'bankrupts, and to do so. ••AK-x-uidna, June 18, 1808. WHEREAS my wife Ann you might have, whittled for yoMr ^0. Farmer. But the tale goes;"tharyour _my_bed _and. board wi u nv never intend to leave us. Deed of Trust. cause, this is to give no e ha I Farn^ ^ Bankrupts ! Vefc.. you may Embargo. Absurd ! As soon aa__i;Di»-.— f Trud from rHcrurHiTnTkTTrptls j you, 'wfib have alr carry on'your— trade safely, I fliall, Andrew. Parks to the subscriber, made so many, take myself off. Oh — O — uhhh !-*«r the purpose cd. securing -a^debt due ^"•So- ''Me ! Ah • How much am ••• Fanner. What—what's the matter, from the said Parks to Wm. -A. Wufh! II, a profligate young fellow I &-&&ai$til .«**•• ^ ( Abused; will be cxposc-d to sale, for rea-' Has spent a paternal in., debau- I| iL Embargo. *scHffellow: Well, —. lortune W..1V. iw-.-ue-oati, i ,r*. iiru n i come. Three Dollars Reward. lid rcVL'h'V. Jln/-l, /-.".. -.•• <•( ? , ! . • ' tKaf'c , and •, clever. Why you muft ' I0", thc I )reniistis ' on Monsnes revelry, and cannot satisiy his i that'sr ^l«,v,A. -n • /^ \* •know /ti. a TOLEN or drayed from the subscri- :.rechtors, J, am••mftantly t h d n y o f July n ^ v C i f i a i r , n i blamed « i lor /• it. • been .,setor,villainous .. Canadians , ., have . ^ , Jmil,-. o I enme on theAext fair day fa tn.c ber living in Martinsburg, Berkeley itr r a roDue wants to .- cheat -..,.,.,, iiujnt: , v those , ..io, wnom , thumb-screwing to whom t> i -,• • me on r Lake v Champlatn:t indfchtHfi nnri . the rogues, ' ...and make by But the militia are after f ie is "indebted - i i . . i and „,! ^.^i ihis • fortune •• land m the county of Jen-ers^i, date county, Virginia, on -Wednesday night he tainin lad, adark brown Mare, 144 hands high, the villainy^—he secrets his property, they -will not attemp't it again speedily.' acres ^'xT-a nCO " g ' ^ghty-eight ° o t h t r trad, adjoining the se ven years old, w.ith the top_pff her left takes the bene'fit of an insolvent law, But you seem to have grown very kind. oued, containing'two luii- ear. Whoever takes Up the said -mare and curses the Embargo for his liretendy - Fanner. Why, I really—begin--to; n eilt v two ti ! ? ; - acres, three roods and thief, and secures them so that the i^l misfortune. Ifa^man has been tra- think _^_._»--v you..-T-/T.-.II are not • 8o_badas yoj^say •; "'"* and tlurty-iour perchrs. owner gets his mare, and the thief be d i n g u p o n a f i a i o u s c u p i t t i l and fajls, (as hereafter! .,»"V «— your flmH take part. .And, U brought to judice; lhall reeeive-the above such persons muff fail at some period)'he . d')'e ht ' ar > W r - Einbs»rgo, - _ i f y p u fhould. reward, ant' all -reasonable .charges if immediately fu1minatcs-£</—;/ -_...._....-wo-ar«.7— H the II1C Em£.m- .-ftretch yonrs.'lf along IK re-again before the mare be brought home. barg<... knaves you leave the country, I fliall be.glad to bargi,. -Then -Then there there is is aa pack pack of of tn....-An Apprentice wantedr M'ho s«'t up a howl ngainft me for no talk with you.. JOHN M'INTIRE. A B Y about Martinaburg,_J-urie 1> 1808. - ?^ r ° ' the age of reason Whatever. 'Hard times,' they _ _ ? , v .. r ivcn ; i .inall Embargo.. O, very Mr. well Farmer. ! I fliall not ' ° ref l^'ctuble connexions, will say—' all thenfattlt-of'the Embargo !'--farlyou. Sp'gbpclbye, A" ! M;P ren tice to the Taylor's CAUTION. And yet the scurvy fellows have money -• ..-•_' : .-' •cMiotigh, live comfortably at home, eat- r—-------"~" LL pewons are hereby forewarned ' pan,ef jVlakinP". from ji-'iff ing,' fowling, pining ing and drhiking daintily and plentifully L x everyday. ; * .»* ; through, or tre-ipunaing in any manner farmer. O dear ! what an jnnocent I. Four or five boys, about 13 or 14 yean on my farm, or that of Thomax -Fairfax,o.v / Urn 'determined (o prosecute ail somebody ygu are ! According to your ' of age", are wunt.i-d as ajjprentices^to the offenders. own dory, you do'no harm at all. abovementioned business, at the Papor jmnoflor. F,on -WO«-^... -« Embargo. I am no jmpodor, Far-.' Mill, MilU>» M-rH-Creok'riibuut JOHN D mer ; aiulido notVvaiit to pass for b e t t e r ^ »'oin Charlellown. Bloomery, 'May 1G, 1808. than I am. I occasion yen aome jnconvc- ! June 23, ItiOS. J l S wlSgg^^^i -V *» specvilation, 'and jud ready to proceed visiting England, under pain of certain not only, in ft condition to undertake the over the province line : her cargo coninvasion- ofSwedcn, hut that it was not forfeiiure of the Vessel, and imprisoneven in a. Hate to defend Zealand from si f\e,d of- 157 barrels of aflies and 92 NEWrYORK, June 2-t. ment of the crew. the Englilh and Swedes ; and indeed so barrels of pork—which, with the vessels Another London paper says, ' are in possession of Mr. Penniman at (by after the arrival of Mr. Lewis, at Convinced was General Bcrnadotte of W i n d m i l l Point, and the cargo landed Paris, gen. Armflrong requeued an au- this fact, that he made a mod precipitate, and safely flored. That on the 20th of retreat from Zealand, upon the fir 11 apThtjfhip Hantonia, captain Dolan, ar- tlimce with the French mimder, ami pearance of a Biitifh force. That Ge- May, about midnight, a batteau was . rived nt this port lull evening, in o(3 days- gave'him to underdid, that he had re- neral, it'js dated,, lately represented in discovered passing the 'cuflom-house j from-Cork. She left there oil the 17i.ll ceived important dispatches fi om hisftothe llronged terms to Bonaparte the "im- captain. Hopkins turned out with all of May, and-bringfi papers to the 14ih, vernment, who anxious to preserve with practicability of invading Sweden from hands, considing of nine—and three containing London dates to the. 9th, the belligerent Hates a perkct neutrality, Zealand ; but his Corsican mailer re- dischaigcs were made before the t,welve days hiter. than any liuropean in- had indrucVd him to- propose to tltv plied, that he desired to have no more batteau, would ^urn' to the office—the telligence heretofore received. . They French government, the revocation ot dispatches from him on that subject, un- laft ball passed .between two of her men : give us the opportunity, of announcing the decrees againft Bruilh commerce, U'.i.s they were dated from Stockholm. —they were from Plattshurgh, were to thp readers of the Mercantile Adver- as far as it related' to America, adding, The king of Denmark has already re- six in all, mid were delivered over to tiser the arrival in E n g l a n d - o f the-lhi.p that England would be required to make judge Hicks and by. him conducted unOsagc with the American messengers the same,xexception in. her favor—the ceived a specimen of then treatment hr is der an '-armed guard to Cumberland to expeeVfrom his imperial ally. The (Messrs. No'urse wml LewiV) on hoard. a n i w e r it appears to this judiand equithead: 25.bbls. of allies were taken itt Mr. Lymany the American consul at able-proposal, was v " t h a t in ihe present SpanilU troopi which were lately quar- the b a i t t a u , belonging to Levi-Phut, London, has notified the merchants', that situation of aiFuirs no term* 01 compro- tered .in :Haiuburgh, received,orders to who was among the prisoners. Thatthe Englifh government had.edablilhrd mise could he liftened to, that the Ame- inarch to Ajton'a, and quarter themselves on the night of the 30th, lieut. Whittftthe moil rigorous blockade of the p'Tt ricati-government was already in full pos- thfii'e-. This order, it appears, was given more took a boat with 9 barrels on board, of Copenhagen, aiul all other, ports in ses sion of the. M n id t e r abl e de1e1 mi n a t i o n w i t h o u t any previous notification to the butas no authority could be found in of I1 ranee, who wouldnot.permit a neu- Daniih government, for the conwnand- Grand Isle county ,iu whom confidence the island of Zealand. , A fleet o f f o u r sail of the line had sail-, tral Mate—and from which resolution ant at Altona decilaVed that he ,had re- could be safely .placed, and as it was ccl from the Down?, supposed to block- (he would ort BO account recede—aucl ceived no direcuons upon the subject. deemed improper to keep them under the French miniller further observed, The Spanifh troops, ^however, entered ade sooie p'ortpn the Dutch coall. guard till process could be had, the colThe Swedes were sufUiniiig import- that unless the American .ports ihould Altona by force, and btlletted themselves leclor libera'ed the prisoners, and t\*. ant defeats.' Our luted accounts repre- be closed aguin'd Great Britain, until a Upon the •inhabitants. A Swedith llvip which made her escape Jained only the property: the people sent them-as having- cdablilhfd their maritime peace , Ihoul'd be obtained, iVona Kl Muros in Spain, is a r r i v e d - a t ,-^nd bout [Belonged to Canada, and were head quarters at a small town almod at France and America mutt be considered proceeding direclly thither from St. the extremity of t'he'Gulph ofiBothriia. to be at war with each other-" It ap- Plymouth—She d.Ues that the Prince of Peace remained in a dungeon at .Ma- Albans bay: they were fired "at twice The Russiane." with the exception of pears .that several interviews took place and then boarded by force: lieut. Sweaborg, have ov*-x-run Finland, along this, but the Fferjclrrgovefmneni drid,'but that it was supposed he^Would Whitteinore informs, he underftandt —the coitft-o^U\<r€itlf>h-o4--B<4t-li!riii, ahtuJthe people ave collt6ling a little over the to the frontiers orSwedilh L,;tplant)-,'.the Was no.t able to obtain the lead alteration 1 uifhment. line, to rescue the property from us !— mod important places^in F : inland.being in their determination ; and consequentthis looks-serious, for such an attack situufef) on the Gulph." ly in the contemplation of an immediate would be considered as a commenceCHARLES TOWN> July 1, The island'of Gothland, from Usfc.om- rupture between the two countries, he ment of war. 'TOaiHliiig situation usually-Called the Eye demanded passports for such o£-the citi- TKe detachment of militia from Rut. of the Baltic, is rcportedrto /have been' zens ot ihr-U-r-Sr-\vii<>---ii>ight-elwo6e-tw—|- ~"CbNTftA.T>iCTlox.--It appears from land, commanded by major C.has. • K... taken possession of by a detachment of return to their own country; and this j persons, direct from 'the neighborhood Williams, .passed through . Middlebury ten thousand French and Russians. demand'iiepealcdly madcy was ^also re- | of WoodRock, that the Murder,,oi the for the frontiers the 3d-iuil. Gov. Smith A Russian ukase is Said to have been jocted. Tin Pedlar, as related in d'Urjpaper a few has also'ordered from Addifion county * issued, prohibiting all intercourse beAbout .12 o'clock yedmlay his excel- weeks buck, turns out to be aj'dle rc a detachment on the same expedition, tween Russia and all countries not l lency lord Strangford, the ambassador, .^ (Stnunt\n to march this day. •' and sir James Gambier, consul general t, alliance. . •rrmrt t n t h n t - n r the Brazils, had Norfolk, JnnK-ldr^ -We.ii'ntlci'Ka'nd that the T)ey _of ;,, LONDON, TVfay 3.final—audience of -Mr. secretarygiers has lately given grounds to d-iftrull were received on WedTh e Osnge is at length arrived with ..Canning. They then visited his excel- his peaceable ^dispositions tbwards the nesday lall by Commodore Decatur,. to Mr. Nrmrse" Mr. Lewis'and Mr. M or- ^ncy the chevalier de Souza Continho United States. After having settled day, the sailing of the frigate Chesapeake ,gan. They left L'Orient .on' the i26th, : < * ( t h e Portuguese ambassador-at our with the American consul there the dif- until further orders; in consequence of and.arrived at FalmouUi laft Saturday. j > c o u r t ) ; and at two o'clock lord_Strang- ferences which arose, in December laft, : which Ihe returned to Hampton R^oads, Mr. Lewis is the-bearer of dispatches'toj -ford, together with Mr. Byng, his secre- including the case of the Algerine sea- .'where Ihc^nuw rides at anchor. France : Mr. "Nolirse of the dispatches ''taiy, -and several attendants, left town men who perifhed in the rescue .of the to this country.''. They arrived both at j •for.Portsmouth, where the -Euryalus frir American vessel captured by one ,of the •P/iiladeJj)hfat June 17. Mr.JPinckneyVlad ni^ht. 1 he Osage, ; gate-is in -readiness, to convey them to Dey's cruizers, he suddenly set up a deThe Philadelphia Gazette and True American, hnving dated, apparently upafter her arrival at- L'Orient on the 22d Portuguese South America. . Sir James mand about the middle of March for two ; I~iambitr and" his attendants left town thousand dollars a man, threaten!ng__toon the authority- of captain Girdon, of of March, wns seized because, it hud about ahe same time. A n u m b e r of put Mr. Lear in chaTiis if not paid in 24 the lliip Ocean, from Rotterdam, that .transpired that Die had been spoken by a hours. This was resilled. He" then merchants who are sending out-goods to the American vessels in rhe ports of Hoi. Britilh cruizer off that port. It was ona v a i l amount to the .Brazils, together gave notice, that two frigates and other land had"been condemned; we are au» ly ia consequence of the re-pealed reprethoriseLi by that, gentleman, to date that sent a t i o n s^iif jCJene^raJ. jVhttdj^gj_that£ with their supercargoes, and,.nrarly 200 cruizers ju(l on the point ofjsaiUrig, had orders to capture American vessels, ~i"nTigraiitsTrom Lisbon, -willl>e carried" he "gave no authority for such an asser{he was finally released and permitted to proceed to England. Mr, N purse was out in transports and merchantTvessels, which would infallibly go into execution tion-—that none of the American vessel* unless Uit* money_[houild be, immediately Jb^d_.been condemned \. but,_..that, being -i not-suffered in" the fird indance to land, under convoy at ihe lame time. The force, naval and military, that has paid. To obtain a recairof~the oTders, Detained by the general•emhaTgolhai exbut after remaining on .board the Usage !\Ir. Lear thought it bed to comply ; ided in Holland, the iriallcrs of ten of . for about a'wee IB* and it being dated that for some weeks been collecting in the signifj'ing to t|ie D-ey that he;fll_oiild com- the American- vessels agreed to send : Downs, sailed yeilcrday for itsdeftinaIlis health was greatly impaired bylhe' municate it to%i* government as" the re- their mates and crews home, to save extioo. voyage, he was_suffered to go on (hare, sult of the force put on him. The. day penses ; for which purpose captain GirAs the expedition has now tailed, and reside in the towri^.of^JL/Orifent, but .before Mr. Lear was threatened, the Da- don had received special permission there is no longer any necessity for conOH no account was he permitted to: visitniih consul, on the pretext that arrears- from the king of Holland, to depart ior cealing its deuiniitiou.'The general Paris. Mr. Lewis, who wns. the bearer, due from his government, had been the United Statt». opinion in the military circles, & among were. ,._ -...,_ of dispatchers to the American miuiUer. seized by order oi the Dey, and actually ' there, could not procure leave to proceed the officers employed in this service is, set to work, among the slaves, with an -th-at-the-fird object-is to nttempt._to deCOURT _ P -tot Paris until after;• four.days. Yeflerday the..Court of Enquirj'.gave iron cn1un~ef"40Vb3. fattened to-him. The intelligence brought by these gen- droy the means which the enemy is Mr. Lear had circulated through the. audience to General Wilkinson; in vintlemen is said to be drongly indicative known to have 'been for some time en of a wMar betw.een America and France. giiged in"preparing at Flufhing, for t.he consuls at different" ports, this date of dication—of his character againd the charge&^qf Messrs. Clark and others.— Some of the_jb|tlAiT[Bricanpapers had annoyance of this country. All uncer- jhin^s^wjth.the Algerine Regency ColonelTiurrjeckTpresidT'd; Tupported^— informed us that Donauaxte had declared* tainty__as to the real primary object ofth'e' by colonels Williams and Cufhing. The -his-delermination to Tiave no neutrals -t: •expedition will be removed before, maJohn Smith, a senator in the United judge advocate, W. Jones, ""Esq. was that the only conditions..;on ..which he ri'y days pass over ; as to its nltinvate obStates.'senate, from the "state of Ohio, present. Between-twelve and one Geject there is but one opmion, nor has any vrould continue at peace willy the United' has resigned his seat in that honorable neral Wilkinson entered, in full uniform, secrecy been affected -respecting it. The States were, that they thould-_uUil_ail addressed the.court.in a very^ntejreding body, and-has addr-efised_a_lciiglJiy.i^tier their ports agaiivd Brililh—-(hipping.of force yoes. to .Sweden, • — * exordium, and proceeded in a calto and to the afting governor of Ohio, jutlificaMay 5. eve.ry description, and suspend all interargumentative manner to inveftigate the At the cjose of'Change yederday, a .tory of fus~p"ub'Uc condu6l. course with England j for that, in fact, several allegations, tracing with precisihe would have no neutrals, Mr. Lewis report obtained circulation, thait BonaOn Wednesday the 25th ult. the U. S. on the conduct ol Messrs. Clark, Powwas sent in the Osage with an answer to parte has issued a decree at Bayonne, thu declaration, and with a demand, ac- direjptrng an immediate embargo to be gun-boat No. 21", captain. Owings, was er, Harper, Keene, &c. and suppprj* ing his hurrutive with various depositicording to report, of the- abandonment laid on all American vessels in the ports {truck by lightning whilfl laying ptfin the ons, original letters, &c. The court was. of the decree of the 21 d of November, :'•' of Spain, the immediate seizure arid dream opposite the city of New Orleans, occupied till between three and four t8 )7T "Bonaparte refused this demand ' confiscation of all American property in and hud two men killed and two severely o'clock, when they adjourned to meet in, the mod'positive manner, and gen. "France, and the imprisonment of Ame- wounded. The two former were aloft Ann drong was in formed', thT»rrlfe~tleTtlI=' rican citizens. We could not, however, when the maft was 11 ruck. The boat sus- at ii o'clock thjs day, at which time the General wilt conclude his defence." ration made to the American govern- trace this rumor 16 any authentic -source. tained, but little injury The Court was attended by a number of This date of things between America nv-nt might be considered as theultimaWe .are assured from-the-mouv_respec|-respeclable persons. t and France, excited expectations in _. turn from which France would not dt> Our readers may expect in our next table sources of informatiorT, that in the London, that America, being obliged to . In consequence of the -probability of a decide in attaching herself to either Eng? date of Kentucky the universal-senti- papeT~an outline, as'correcl; as we can 'i'jd r n ; ) ' u r e , many, of th'' Americans land or France, would adopt the former- nient is in favor of the measures of the- procure it, of this vindication. It fheds i m me nselight" upon the current of. our administrathnr,—and of the election of The,* presumption in France Ir.tcl applied to the French go- for ... -.her - alliance. " ~ "I" • |""~" Jjoinwellern concerns in general, "and gives ve' ninent for pa's'sporl's'tC'leaVeThe coun- ™ed to a great influx of money tn the'^gjkar- Mr. Madison to t^he Presidency. On r both of these points we~Ha\ e reposedim- to the world some precio.us evidences of try, -to every 'one of -whom therequeft ket, created a considerable elev.ation i' plicit confidence in the patriotism of the thel intrigues of .men who have been \v »•? refused. Mr. Morgan, the geiitle- the funds on Wednesday, in London. vapouring at the General's expence for Nat. Lit; niijiJiffjbre nami d. made his escape on V The accounts from Denmark are of a whole weftern.country.: some time pad. ' Jttvnit'arbrrml the Osi)^'.'. 'i'lie conduct or' the curious and intereding nature : BonaBcnnington, June 13. French g&verniULnt towards American parte, has, it appears, already begun to manifrd some symptoms of displeasure From the N A T I O N A L INTELLIGENCE** . Ihs M'ing'is bcvcreln the extreme. • We are c6rrec~lly informed, that goThe Osage s'iokr the Admiral of the • againd his zealous ally the king of Den- "vernment has taken on Lake ChamThe period is probably not didant, B -fl fleet on her way from L'Orient. — mark. General Bernadotte has had fre- plain the sloop Essex, having on 'board quent conferences with his. Daniih muwhen we Ihi 11 be enabled to form som« t.'evioua to her departure from L'Oria cargo for a Mr. Page of IMiddlebury : judgment of the effect produced on the ent, the captain was informed that he jelly,- in which he,complained very bit- flic was laying at Clumplaiufor further mull aot r;.-uiru to a French putt after terly thut the Danifh military force was Late and Important. O.' , * , W- by I year's rr.ider us equally independent.—,• more, the man who owned and had com- the Bntifh rrown, or of an efla of foreign governments he ' Our abilitv to cultivate this resource to : mand of the Ijoat when it was fired on of a'Royal Government, of our dwn, be It is manifell, ln»m the e x t i u g u i l h e d forever. * and «o as to afford the heft by the'Indiaus : Mr. Monimore is in3ure , ^ ^ ,am,^ t j iat telligeut, and I t l i i n k a man of veracity ; . Ij..T!iiise he is a favorite with the pert* red in that and fined.wonl,'is unequivocally edtlbhe dated thut on the third of April, ten pie, nnd as " t h e people* nre their own lilhed. All then that is wanting is the miles above tire mouth of Duck river the word enemies," 'hpnn- whom tiiey'ap-» gent-rill cdabliihment of manufactories ; ving the.mSelvea frequently and. these an: progressing with incon-. attack .was/made by the Indians'from' prove: ought to be elected. r i I 10 a similar measure from mothe north side of Tennessee { seven men. Because nearly an hundred RcpuMi•tcftflJiy 'different from tho^e which ceivable rapidity. At no period of our were in the boat, but of which number • . can TMnnbt'-rs of Congress, after a ton* evidence have, such n u m e r o u s and united this c o u n l r >'' 'IlV nce j\vo were killed and three u o u n d e d , the sultation together, agreed tn recomefforts been made ; arid all that have .allv Kivcn it both as. to itn nature ° been made on a liberal scale have been thjrd man, who i,t was said died of the •mend him to the public—which proves anon a like character with their crowned w i t h success. . * wounds he, received, is now on the reco- that he i-s as great a favoriie with Conembargoes They do 'not apvery aud out pf danger. The Indians gresses with the lieople., /-^In the New England dates, thousands ilto have reidWed the probabi- ctflr.es pec table manufactories are in ac- kepi, up a coiidant fire until the boat was Because he is in the lull vigor of life out of rench. They then manned a perand enjoys the perfection of his intelleclity, mi-il period w i t h their own or- tive operation. tn an The rise of Congress, W i t h the tual faculties ;'and would therefore b« In Philadelphia, besides a respectable rogue and pursued about two miles, but more likely to outwit and defeat the ene. tiers. of the enforcing supplementary public r d a b l i l h m e n t , a great number of discovering they could not overtake the bo.U, hauled in :"Mr. Mprtimore further mies of his country. the act veiling ni the Fr-eiident private Hourilliing. manufactures of cotdates, that on the twenty third of April, acts, Because if we mud have a Democratic remove it, will alone pre- ton have been edahTfMird. In Baltimore a company with a mil- Levi'Colbert cairu: down the Tennessee President, we would prefer one whose the p thcir minds in its the measure to to carry up the boat, and informed him, body, was debilitated and mind impaired •S'T-C ,s rose on the" 26th lion, is organized. In Petersburg twenty-five thousand that .10 or 40 miles above the mouth of by age—^whOin we^might have a chance Duck river,_he sjiw the party of Creeks, of 'governing by our usual aits of flattery, reached F.ng- dollars have been subscribed in a day. 0 "thirlieen in nuinTjei^ who had made the decrption, caresses, persuasion, and In R i c h m o n d , u n d e r the mod intelliAllowing a gent an.l patriotic auspices, a capital of attack on the boat, and told them he was the likfe—and who, whvle he is too old going for the boat they had fired on ; to do much good to the United States, ,.-,M6^ across the ocean, we may half a'million~ijLJto, b^ engaged in this they at fird denied it, but a Cherokee, it also too old to do m u c h harm to their •-upon obtaining some interfil- objtM^._ enemies. , In fhort the patriotic flame appears to one of the party, acknowledged it. They ing infpnnution about the beginning of then confessed, observing they had not AN OLD TORY. be fed throughout the whole union by an Aiigult." been satisfied, that one w h i t e man and June 15, 1808. 'v> Will this information be such as we , inexhaudiblc fuel. two-Indians had been killed, they had Already it is computed that at lead wim ? Will i t r e d o r e l h e amicable relaFrom the Mercantile Advrrt'mcr. five millions of dollars have been de- n o w k i l k d o u e too many, but were not tions of the United Sfatea with foreign voted to manufactures i n , t h e lad' six ye.i satisfied. Colbert \yas lately in the "It happens frequently in spring fnd powers? months ; a capital competent to the fur- Creek nation, the. chief said he wifticd summer, after rainy weather, .that cattle We confess that we are not sanguine niihing nruiuiV-tured articles to the peace, and would not goto war, with the fegjlinjg_oj_gre.eu 7clov"cr > s-\v^-ll—to-att01.1 this pohijt. We h:ivo hopes th^fcii rW-hite people^—unleis DuuupUTlte amazing size, and die in a Jhort "time. may be so 5" but our d i s a p p o i n t m e n t wilt" that the party who made the attack on the That-dise.ase is occasioned bv-a dilatir>it Brit.iin, seeing w h a t is already^done, if a different effect not be excessive, will a n t i c i p a t e w h a t will happen if Ihe boat had not lived in the nation for ten in their domach of th« acid and mephitiihi.ll be produced. years, and the attack was.unauthorised cal gaz contained in the clover. Th'? That the ultimate sense of th« Britifli pers'fft in h e r - i n j u ' d u - r ; il;e will see that, by the nation. From Richland crrek cure is a neutralization of that gaz, and nation, provided we do not llirink from live years h^ncrt, we Hi >ll not need a directed my course to the mouth of Duck is effV.6led by the means of alkali; which, tenth p.irt'of the manulactured goods we the duties im])osed upon us, will overriver, and proceeded up that river to the is'uniyers'ally used in France, as follows: . turn the prevailing;s> stem, and will do now receive from iv(,r. settlement, about-twelve miles above —Dissolve an ounce of potafh in a quart us^ulVir.f, we-eniert'flin no d o u b t ; but it the mouth, and was enabled to ascertatofc of water; take one tumbler full of that • Is absolutely impossible to decide whr-n oy information received from Lnbon dissolution,; mix it with a pint of water,-.tills wnTu'-;e place. Such" in the extreme Combes, that the datements made-by and give it to the ox or cow "at two dif. Ot thP . M e t h i x i i d cunnection for the .pressure ol the enemies of Britain upon William Meadows, upbn.which the or- ferenttim^s, one half at a time ; it .will her, S(3i_sjngulaT and unprecfderiti-d ib United States, closed thrir siltings in ders of the major general of the 2Qth ult. cure them in one hour. . her_sitiiation, and SD-'unavailing have all Baltimore on V hnrsday the 2Gth ult.— are predicated, -are utterly o| W-e have htrrn favor t _One quart of drorig ley given to an -nrr-rivgi.-'rn^ ri'.s'Hwn' .in prc ox will cure him in three or four hours. benefits calciilated from them a sketch of their proceedings, which no From the TRUE AHERICAX. doubt will be pleasing ;o a number of our Twelve or < fifteen drops o f - a l k a l i that we. ought not to be surprised at the subscribers. volatil fluor, mixtd in a glas* of water, : -fjctiLement of a spirit -of desperate.inhiREASONS Preachers admitted on trial this are also a sure remedy, tuation in that country., a spirit rrsolvt d Why I-wont vote for .JAMES MADIyear, . 81 N. B. .One half of the above doses i* on trying u completely new plan, and on SON as President. remaining on do. 91 sufficient for-ilieep. dretching vigor to its" utmod extent-— admitted into full connection, 59 The printers in th.e United States are Who knuws, says the advocate lor this Because he was an early, and-has been -. ;- Deacons, 105 "syftem, what may turn, up ?: Despair invited to publifh the above. elected and ordained elders, 55 an uniform iriend to the independence may throw the die, but fortune mav located this year, . 29 and liberties of this country. crown it wii.h victrny. TJiere is good DIED, at his plantation on Horse Because he was*one of the firft proporeason to !)elievf, from recent, advices supernumerary, 7 Creek, in Scriven county,'(Geo.) Mr. sers and mod ardent advocates of the i'rom liiiglanJ, that the orders are thrre s u p e r a n n u a t e d &• worn out, G MlCHjtyx DOUGHERTY, agedjjjS^ears, -withdrawn, ratljer popular. Expt-rieiVre only will 2 present Federal ConRitution ;.and has and was one of the fird settlers, rf that f a i t h f u l l y observed and supported it, in remov.e -this delusion. The Vv'efV Inexpelled from' the connection date. The day before he died he walked letter and spirit, ever since its adoption. dia planters, the enemies of American this. .year, viz. Baltimore two miles—the day on which he Because he would not join with HamilirilHtutions, and the merchants gene-ralconfc re nce^Sampson.Tramton, in d r i v i n g to introduce a momjrchi- he eat a hearty dinner, smoked ly who are jealous of our commercial rimel. 'f • ' . • ; • a"nd~irrtwo-hours aflE^r—expired, cal Gt)vernm"eht, formed after the model valry, are probubly prepared .to .make died this yearT" viz. j- . 4 was OQ the 29th of May, 1808. great siicrTffces;~fhcre can be as"; lit tie.* 1. "George Dcujjherly,. a1*. native... of -of the Brilifh'.BecaUse he w,ns opposed to the Funddoubfof the insensibility uf avarice and South ''Carolnm. -•! . _.•>• '.-—A—qiiak;-r, a fiw-day*ing Sy i t e m ; bylvhrclvsyfFem a few unpowtir to the consequent wide-spread ca2. lie-nnet Kendrick, a native o.( since, having been cited "* an f v i d r n c e principled SpeculTrrors were enabled to lamities of the lower orders oi society. Mecklenburg couniy, Va. at a quarter session, one of the magis« Exclusively consulting their own intcr3. Henry 'Willis, a native of JSrtfns- reap all the .s'tajity rewards .of the toils trates.who had been a bluckmith desired and sufferings of the poor Soldiers— t-ds, it will be only ivhcn .the (\,idresses w i c k county, Va. Because he wilhed-to introduce a sys- to know why he would nOt take (.tf his - of the.lourer classes (hnll materially in4. Uichard Swairi, a native of New tem in lieu of the. present, by which the hat: "• It is a.privilege," said the wit. jure them, that th y will n-lax.. Jersey. Speculators fhoiilci be reimbursed what ness, " that the laws and liberality of my Under this.uncertainty w i t h regard to in the connection taken by the they actually paid for the Soldier's Cer- country indulge people of our religious the future, we are rejoiced to perceive different conferences, viz. - mode of thinking ins" Ii I had it in.my o'.ir frilow.-citizens generitlly throughout {•' White. Colo r. //. tificates, and even intereft thereon ; power, said the angry judice, : J would while the re.sklue.ihould be paid to .the tlie union pursuing a course of conduct, Wedern conference, ?95 Soldiers who rendered the service and have your hat nailed.tQ your head. "I which will equally promote their -solid Southern do....~ . 5,111 14,419 underwent the suffer ings, for which they thought" said Obadiah, " that thou do. in.tereds, .whether our foreign relations" Vivginna 1B,1C'3- ~£)-834 h-add "given over the trade of driving -Ag^r^-intended-aa-a-com}iensatioh.iirr —become more troubled^or fliall.be reBui ti -m-«we do;— ~. -Loii. pap. Because he was opposed to the Britifli J (lored. to 26,074 . .their . . usual trahquility. * . It . is• Philadelphia do. sydem of measures which Hamilton and cvi'tsith .that it we are permanently ,de<-— - e w York d o ; 18,008 Pickering led JOHN AI>AMS into, and privet! of thai, commerce \\ hich can alone New.England do. 8,701 whic'b, could they.have been effectuated _/rn;\blc us to part w i t h our surplus prowould have raised America almod loan And immediate potntttbion given. ducts in a foreign market, "we m u d find 121,687 30,308 -equal-height in glory and happiness with -HPHE now d corner House and lot a'succedaneum in manufat tares niid inOld England herself! A property of Captain Black ford, on~T __u-rnal improvements ; and it is equally Whites, 121,687 —Because he drew the famous Resoluthe main dreet, Shepherds-To.wn, and~ flcar, that even on the return ol an un- People of^olor, 30,308 tions which the legislature of Virginia lately in the occupancy of Mrs/ Baylor. didurbed trade, this progress, in the ctilTotal, tivation of our internal rtrbuurce.s would, 1-51,995 passed'againd the Alien and Sedition" This.hpuse is well calculated for any kind Total lad .year, notwiihllanding. be of V n d benefit. "144,590 Lawsjjvhich ihook'the Adams-Admini- of public busint-is and a private family « 10 to dration to the foundation, and led to the there are sundry necessary builcTi'bgs, a W' i °j will say whether the zeal demolition of the -Hamilton and Picker- good garden ^and ji weJl of excellent ft'ith which, under the present pvesKun^.. Increase this year, 7,405 > ing sydem of measures. water on the premises. For term* apply During the sitting, WiUi<im~^f JK.i'nTOjirufacturSs are pursued, may note be Because he accepted a'n appointment to Mr. -James Brown, who will fhow the tlie mod effectual means of nio'vi.ng Kng,- dree, of the wellern conference, was under that unchangeable, friend 10 liberty property, oi r to the subscriber, liiiul to a-sense of her own. intereds, by cltTcled bifhop : at the time of the electiD A N I E L MORGAN. , • convincing her that we can not only do on there were 128 members.present: and- foe to Tyranny, JEFFERSON—und has aided him in-all his schemes of .Eco- July!, 18C8. without Her £abrics, but that we (hall the voles Hood thus: William M'Kt-ndrec, " 95 nomy,- ofl*eace,~of Jullice, &c. finds) greater profit in our manufacturing . Because he bus dared tn meet the mod J o u r n ey ni a n *W caver. Ezekiel Cooper, Si£ clUiblilitments than in the trade-that enacelebrated politicians of the Britilh Thoinns Wave, 3" bles us to part w i t h our surplus ugriculN T E D unmediatelyV a sober, in» Jesse Lee, 3 school in the Diplomatic field, and has Wfiil products ?'"'" dullriousjourne)manto the COUNDaniel Hit, 2 completely vanquifhed, disarmed and T E R P A N E weaving, or a good plain weav• % an official datement of the exports disgraced them. «*—p fron. Great Britain to the. U. S. of Aer; a person—oi the latter description Because he has firmly resided the "icrica, it appears that they amount to Extrnct of a report made by a person apwould be inilrucied in the Counterpane of liberties whichl pointed lo enquire- into t/it Jacdt rela- usurpations •I'le annual sum of forty-eight millions ,. , . . of Britain , , . - -, I weaving, and receive liberal wac- s. did.not.belong to her,, and vigorously reW I L L I A M MORROW. tive to the late aggregate UN and hostile of dollars, of which thirty.six"' millions pelled her aggresrsirms upon ftojse iMghts Qsseqibiage of Indians on tlie frontiers consill of wqllens and cotton goods., which were essential to our natioaul inOi cotton we have the mod abundant - of Tennessee;, A boy about,13 years of age, is also supply within ourselves ; and if there be On Monday the 2d indarit, I proceed- dependence. wanted as aivapprenticc to the Coverlet, "ota sufficiency of wool, the zealous at- ed on my rout from Dover to th.e mouth Because he would probably pursue the Counter-pane & Blue Dying businesses, VV.MORROVV, tention-paid to the raising artel improve- of-Ouck river, and at RLhland creek same sydem which JEFFERSON has ftruck { ment of fhcep will in the course of a few had u conversation with Famous Morii- out i_and aUo'ur hopesofa-u^ioiuiion 10 i Charlcdown,'April 29, I FOR RENT, \ .•IV' i J room—flic at firfl refused, but on his tel- has firfYbeen spread t then take the cloth ling Imr that he had a piece 'of writing containing the charcoal'by the folir corFrom the BOSTON DKMOCRAT. there which he wanted her to read, and ners,--and lay it upon the spot. Lift it which was .of a private nature, (he con- up and (iut it down again on the spot ten SONG sented to go.. As soon as they were in * or twelve times successively, pressing Of .spunky J O N A T H A N , who from of Lexington ruad fired <nvay all his .the room, he locked the door and put the lightly upon it, and the spot will entirely price in Cash, for tin te key in his p o c k e t ; the windows were disappear. When, the apbt is Considera- made Blankets, if ck..,., u ammunition, and then thr:ew.\tcne.s. already fattened—he bade her sit down. ble, it sometimes goes through the i\\.ifi\ ftore in Charles town," an'v^tj ,-,. . <f. A plague on those snivelling coxcombs She sat dow n on the foot of the bed. He and the grease or nil is imbibed by the «;,,,,,. .... .u:. . n i s:vy I, t h e n took her knees between his, and napkin. But whether this is the caseW Who would sell for a sixpence then drawing a razor which he had concealed, twt, when vou lav the charcoal on the GEO. & J . HUMPHREYS. J freedom ; Charles town Jefferson County 1 attempted by :« sudden and violent ftroke spot, ,a thick vapor rises froih it, which . About poverty, ruin and hardfliip they to cut her throat—believing he had ac- 'has the smell of the subftance that caused Virginia, June 1ft, 1808. j cry, complimed his purpose, he inftantly cut it. HenCt; it is to be presumed, that the, And t h i n k that the people will heed his own throat from ear to ear, as he sat heat diffused by the burning charcoal .vo'em. on her knees. liy her cringing howCHOICE APPLE HRANDY If they say we regard our own pockets _ei'er, fh.e had received the weight of the latilizes the water of thi; cloth in which they are wrapped, and thus decomposes two vears old-y: alone, flroke upon her chin, ami although the the grease and oil, which it reduces to 'Tis quite on wrong ground that the) !'. Hi mi tlu: one side of that was laid open . w vapors. So much, however, is certain, es, to be the hellspjru that c J argue, to the brnc, and round her neck on the that no spot of the above-mentioned na- be any where had at the price. We reckon the/w£//'o ad vantage nurow'n. other side her,windpipe and veins were ture has ever resifti-d the-process. 1 - F; F A I R p A Y " Not si;lfilhly curse tin Embargo* l a i d b.uv, he h;u! scarcely given himself 'Shannon-hill, 30th May, 1808. '4 the f.ital g.ilh \vht-n he pjerceiyetl that her Process for-rttsforinsr its 'Original luster To paint our starvation the knaves seize wound-was -probably not mortal. WitH . to IVood pointed with oil. the pen, / W SMART^OYT^ belliIh perseverance in his murderous _.To clean wood work, or any other obAixd paper d. file by th.e acre, "-•• Of the age oM 5 or 16 years, will be purpose, he repeated his ftrokes with the. aken as an . apprentice to the They'll whin-.", fill their purpose is' an- razor tu;icr—'mt as Ihe retained her ject puint'.'d with oil colors, a brufli dipbusiness. ,m'rr'<//.-and thenf l f e n g t h and his began to fail, (lie parried ped in frclh urine is used with -success. We may llarve1 and be hang'd for what the r.iz.v from htr throat and received By this method the disagreeable smell of JOHN LEMON. r, ' ' " Uhark-ftnwn, May 20, 1808.' th.'V ran. : tjie wounds on her chin, and at .length a.new coat of paint- is a'voidvd. After To save ?/.s- from ftarving, and hanging wre-fted the razor.from.him and threw it the o.p-.-ration,, walh with,clear w^ter, to to boot, on.the floor. Still bent on her- death -he take away the smell of the urine. I'm mifhtki n if they would so far go ; pressed his hand upon her mouth to smoHE subscriber' having at various Number one as I guess, is the principal ther her and continued in that- position Manner ofclarifiiing Writing §^ulls._ times lent out books, some nf ,:i i(lie i j . fell i ii back i » upon" ~~'-' the .1 bed i 7~^and• ...his -• FOOt— —: -^— until both in. whole sets, and in odd The'•** bird which affords the create ft r • • - i i '• i Of this clamor about the^mbargo. volumes (in some inftanceS of Very valoss of blood loosened-his hand. Her quantity oi writing quills is the goose; - . . • \ luable books), have never been returned screams now alarmed the neighbours a single one may yield them o f t e n differJi When hungry I've fought,.and when the door was broken open—-and'the hor- ent'qualities': but there always remains to h i m ; respectfully requefts thos,- to naked I've toil'd rid spectacle presented itself to view! upon their surfaci- a Catty matter, from whom h.e has lent any to return them 1'pr Freedom, the greatefl of trea- Both weltering in blood on the bed he which they mutt be f.-eed, in order to without delay: requeuing his friends sures { in the la ft agonies of death—and (he co- render the.m pure, transparent, fliining, generally to give him-information of any, No hardfhips could move me when li- vered with gore and ga.fhes ! He expired and clean ; inji word, to give them the book they may have met with, having •Jberty smil'd, almo'ft inftantly-—but surgical aid being quali Jes \-Isi'-li they, ought to possess, written in it the name^of ,t I laugh'd at effeminate pleasures. speedily procured, and her wound's im- 'rhis preparation is principally performF. FAIRFAX. Shall I, who sio often, 'mid'ft danger mediately closed and dressed, hopes'of ed by the Dutch. Hence the expression April 22, 1808. and want, her recovery arc entertained.-^Read in French, hollander- les plumes, to de-r .„•„; Havej^nu', lar,as any man dare go, Five Collars Reward. had borneV respectable character—and note the operation- whjch the quills are "Beneath lighter bm-dXns now grumble Hatrrtotes and checks to .the amount of iriade to undergo.. I availed myselt ot tlie 'TRAYED^/row •jrfag er^s _„.., „„ T on. and pant," more than one thousand dollars in his I circum'ftance of the war, when several the 27th ultimo, a small Roan Horse, And Iliriuk i'rqm the. ills of Embargo ? pocket at the time he committed the apothecaries, inftructed in the arts arid about 14 hands high., fox^d and nkPdt _ dreadful deed. Further particulars we sciences, »were employed in Holland,..to. paces, trots andcanter* ; aboutjive years When no pay I could get,~to be sure I have not learnt, and possibly some of solicitthem to collect some information old. The above retvnrd and reasonable-. did flare, th.-'sa'niay not be perfectly correc\, but respecting this .process, hitherto u'n- expences will be paid to tiny person deli* 'Twas hard-^but we were indepen- we believe they are subftantially so. known^ -I'he following is what they verihg said hort,e to SamUel Hughes, esq, dent— have communicated to me. I wifb...that- of Hdge,r^s-Town, to Mr. Thomas Flagg, All s»fF<;r'd—rso~7cheerfully. I bore my by-repeating., them., a satisfactory result at Charlcxtown, or to the subscriber near fhjjre— may be obtained. ' BcrrifvilU. y. HOLKER. 'Twas'w.f// !o.>;t—and so there was an From P-otfl.von's Anit-rictm Dully AdverMay 6, 1808. The process consifts in plunging the end on't. tiser, and iniendedfor all the.—other quill, as drawn from the w i n g n f t b e fowl, In those times', when lories appeal'd to into water nearly boiling, letting it soften Ner-jx papers in the- United St _.-___our warns-,-;th^re .suilici -nth--, compressing it, turnD I R E C T I O N S FOR L E T T E R - W R I T I N G . •„ We soon did for/fathers and tar go ; ing it on its axis with the back of the blade - 1. Always-mention the ftate in which of a knife. This k i n d " of friction, as .l!m-the old-so'ldi'e'r Itill, whom no sufftrA valuable negro 'woman y the town or county is situated, from well as.the immersion's in the water, hav- about twenty two ijeurs^vfage-, and her' ing"daunts, \Vhence youf'letter is dated—-This is lie- ing been repeated till theicylinder of the .:.<ion aboitt three, tyears old. Any per.ton Not even the pinching Embargo. cessary iu-all countries, but more espe- ••quill is. perfectly transparent, and the waiiting-such a servant would do well to I Ijold, that when florms that we can- cially in the United-States, in* which so membrane as well us the kind of greasy purchase this woman ; -she is honest, ..many tovvjis and coujnties^ar-e-called by mutter which^cover it ontirely"reTn%vlFrl ; -fatl-hful-andliZTilthi^r tinder stands home —not control. the same names, it will be ft ill more ne-. it is iirimersed for the la 11 time, in order ^vork, and is an excellent hand in the Sweep wj th tjir r i bl e. f u ry the oce.an ; 'Tis be'tter iat port to make" sure of the. cressary when a letter is-dated frolrru gen- to render it perfectly cylindrical^ which Jield. She is not sold for any fault j an . tleman's country-seat. , whole, , is effected by means—of the fore finger imperious demand for money coinpells the 2. Subscribe your firft and second and thumb. It is then put to dry in a measure. For the cabh a bargain can be Though we lose,, for a while, a pro.-' -portion. names in a plain legible f l i l e , w i t h o u t a n y moderate temper'ature; Parmentier. had. -Application* may be-nwde to George I like, when my country is thriving, the flou.rilh above or> brlow i t — M a n y letters and -Joiin Humphreys, in Charles Town, cufh, ..have 'rem:iined- 'unansw<ire,d, in conse- New Process for obtaining Sugar from y^'er.^on county, Virginia, or-to the sub- . . For -money ('tis said) makes the marc quence of the numrs of the writers of ~scfiber res/ dint* near said place. the Bt-Kt Root. . go; ' them being illegible.---Names thus writ—SAMUEL WASHINGTON. ' But, in base competition w<jith freedom, - ten are-moll easily counterfeited, a fact ^ M. Achard'si.-process, for extracting 'May 17, 1808. which.is not generally known. [ Affecta- sugar from the beet-root was so e'xpen'tis traftir— So, huzza for the prudent Embargo-! tion therefore in subscribing them, sive that no advantage could be expedted fromtit for ordinary uses. M. Hermbfliould i n be.i avoided — . upun this account as ftadt, « celebrated chemift Q£ Berlin, ^ANECDOTE. 3. ._Take care to leave a vacant space fias discovered a method more easily A lady lately married (says a London papjjr) on coming "to thatpart of the mar- in that part of your letter in which the executed, and by means of which it 'is riage-service, *.' To obey until death do seal or wafer is to be fixed — By neglect- expected that sugar will be produced at us part," -hesitated to repeat the words, ing this caution, very_ltr pjjjrkant words a rate considerably cheaper than that of the Weft-Indies. It is as follows : AfLots, and Houses. - a n d would have passed them over, but in a letter have ofterTbe en effaced. ter pounding the jbeet-roots in a mortar, 4; In direclitig a letter, mention the on being.urged to it by thie mlnifter, ,nV HE subscriber would dispose of his atlength w"ft'h[-reluctance complied. At ftate in which the person resides to whom subject" them "to The press, to extricate -leaae.3;fcjr,,t,wo separate tenements, ii , excep-t ' , lives , , Llhe^iauxe^-w-hich dinrier_th£_miniftcr said to the young it is addressed, he in a larpirt i - t - r i • Lis\-then put 1-1 into u vessels, c\ in Charleftown, lately occupied by him. b ,„ „„:„ .,.' .. . rr. , ;: , I and clarified with lime, like that of the v lady's father, '• Sir, your daughter was town, or in the capital of a-ftate. tFrom They are ingood repair, and maj bt: had very unwilling to promise obedience to a neglect of this caution many letters sugar-cane. This operation being com- by any respectable person or persons, her husband." " Indeed, sir, .said the have been delayed or perifhed in a. poll pleted, evaporate it to the consilience of who are sufficiently responsible for the syrup ; leave the liquor to become cold, annual rents, which are quite reasonable''. lady, " I was loth to tell you a lie in oihce. church." 5. Never fail to pay the- poftage of when you obtain raw sugar of a-dark coOne of these houses would suit any your letters, ' w h e n you write upon your lour, and the syrup^ which is left at the person of .considerable business; and A horrid transaction took place-at Mid- own business. -Be assured your busi£ bottom of the vessel, may be "applied'to has been formerly used as a tavern ; the •dletown Academy (Moiunouth count}') ness willbe done the'better for attend- various purposes of domeftic economy. other would suit a tradesman : atfd they New Jersey, on the 4lh inflant, the fol- ing.to this diredion.' The contrary From lOOlbs. .of raw sugar youqbtain by are equal to any tenements in that town, lowing particulars of which have been practice is presuming, indelicate and the firft refining SOlbs. of a well-chryllal- for. pleasantness of situation, extent of ized sugar,'inferior, neither in quality ground, and convenient accommodarelated-.to us. '1 he teacher in:the Aca- unjuft. _n.ox.whiteness lo that.of the W. Indies.- tion. • demy., a Mr. Ready had -for-some'timc•' Two days are sufficient for accomplifhpail paid bis addresses to a Mrs, ConoMethod of removing spots_of Grease. F.FAIRFAX. ing the whole operation. ve.r, <•( 'Jut place, a widow of about forty Shannon Hill, April 22," 1803. -" M. Lenormand has discovered a new .yeari of age, and of a respectable_char_. and easy method of inlhmtly removing ra:U-r. His suit had not been success-, spots of oil, grease an d tallow, from any A Stray Hog. £uu On the day above mentioned, he kind at ftuff whatever, without changing '"pAKEN 1/p a 'stray hog, marked in requc-fled a womari who lived in one part its color. Take five'or six pieces of •*• both tars ivilh a crop and slope.. — of he building, to invite Mrs.' Goriover lighted charcoal, about the size .of a walAppraised $ three dollars and "siventyto see her that afternoon. This {he did. nut ; wrap thrm in a pir-ce of white and Jive cents. The owner nciy have it on M s. Conover, not knowing at whose very clean linen, which has b<- en Wviing property and paying charge*. su ;g< Uion the invitation was giv«n, pusly dipped In water, and jjqiuu-ied in ' cu ne. - Mr. Rea'd-took occasion of the the hund to press out the supu.ilmndmit May 10, 1808. absence of the landlady, to ask Mrs. Co- water. E x t e n d ' t h e f t u f r t l K H is .spotted 110. c;- to go up iLiijp uhh him to his on a jiible,- on which a very clean uwpLJu J u u e 10, For sale at this Office. Encouragement for Do. mestic Manufacturers. ers VOL. i. r^1 -.T-W '- ' • - •** •*' " T Books mislaid. S - ?-^-!!i ry* J .1 .'. n - • 1 T ' 4P '• To be harvested on shares, the whole or part of a large field of wheat, in the neighborhood of CharJestowiv Inquire of the printers. For -Sale, FRIDAY, JULY «, iy08. "NE 1IAL-K IN A D V A N C E . For sale, by the Barrel I No. 1,5. T W O D O L L A R S PER A N N U M . FOR RENT WILL 'BE PUBLISHED In a pamphlet, at the. office of the AlexanAnd irritn eiiiate possession-given. HE noted corner House and lot, the dria ^Daily.Advertiser, in a short time, AN A D D R E S S A property of Captain Blackford, on' TO T H E . the main- (Areet, Shepherds-Town, and PEOPLE OF THE U. STATES, hulv rs. Bayor. ' in ' the theoccupancy oof Mrs. Baylor • '...'..n -..!„..1.,*...i P-._ . ..i.:_. On the importance of encouraging This hoiise is well calculated for any kind A G R I C U L T U R E & DOMESTIC of public business and a privat private family ; M A N U F A C T U R E S : '& there are sundry necessary buildings, b u i , a Tending to Ihew that by a due "encourgood garden • and a well of excellent agement of these essential r-nterefts-, water-on the premises. For terms apply the nation willbe rendered more to Mr. JIUTVCS Brown, who will lliow the respectable abroad & more property, or to the subscriber, prosperous at home. DANIEL MORGAN. Tog-ether -with an account of J'ulyl, 1808. _ _ | T THE I M P R O V E M E N T S IN S H E E P AT AR- THE MONITOR LINGTON, from the MONITOR. A MODEST WhercMis it appears, uy various gazettespubl,lh,d indifferent quarters bf the United States,,that the good people of this country have no.t sufficient virtue to maintain a frt^e government, as is clearly manifelled by, the refllessness some of thcmjiave exhibited at the few privations they have had to'b.ear under the present embargo ; and as'money appears to b'ejjrlth them the grand object « t life, a n d liberty, happiness,'and m> dependence of no value ; it is hereby proposed, for the alleviation of their infirmity, a.nd the.gratification of-their desires, ''"----L economy, inasmuch as there'will be inn u m e r a b l e living models (particularly of diftress) citlK-r single or in groupes, for the chisel of the i i r t i f t ; and the induftribus labors.of thi! real economift w i l l ' b e frefhly- excited, . in order to discover some mode by which the widows and orphans may live without eating." However, if any difficulty Ihould occur on this head, the fhorteft and heft way will be to kill them up aod-dispose of them as alreay recommended. Fifthly : As the people muft sell them'selves by this plan, to some of the Euv ropean powers, they will have the immenst; satisfaction of being concerned in 4uTthe wars of that rjortiorrnfTK"^ world ; IS a newspaper now publifhed at the The native Sheep of Smith's. Island, and the pjajjs_iirjliio^erLo-flcxt^nding-tW*^ c ity'-of~~Walliington, every Tuesday, ~7'lnirsday, ^y . „ . • . . . . . . . , . .... _ - - _ . . . w . i w i t ut. U l 5 i > U l V ( J U , ' valuable race of animals, for the benereflect how very simple it is to and Saturday. It is devo' and that the nation be set up to sale .in fit of the country at latge : aking on, while in Europe the ted to News, Politics, Arts, Manufacone ^aiul lot, be 1UUCIC ftruck ott off toto lh the suh ectsof 1 to DC Br GEO. W. P. CUSTIS., Es<*. •h£hVr'ir ' T <= i J Different governments are tures, and Agriculture. During the highe ft bulder; the ftwney arising there- j spilling one another's blSod, and break! •ession of Congress, it will furnilh the Of Arlington House, in the District of from to be divided,, among the citizens zens i ing each other's bbrjes Columbia. public \vith a correct, and (when necesin due proportions, according to their in due proportions, according to their i Sixthlv the m« in, --.f. .: The - ..^ peopl'e i^^.yjvtt will win have nave t,ne sary) a copious account of t.he proceedAT. a time when the energies of the cravings. l,j:._u t _ n ' - i expressible delight ofhelonging-all to one ings and debates of the National Legis- nation seem awakened to the ftate of oiif As, however, there may be afezv perlative body. At all times, .it will com- foreign and domeftic concerns, we con- sons in the U n i t e d States, who would church : the ridiculous cant about liberty municate to its readers the earliest and ceive that the important interiefts of A- be.opposcd to such a glorious and patri- of conscience would cease : we^fhould moat authentic intelligence, on all sub- j gricultureand Manufiich«rfsfhould meet otic plan, it is suggcllcd that they might have fine, fat plump priefts to direct our ji'dls of which it professes to be the vchi- i ...with a considerable (hare o.f the public be killed up for 'use, salted, packed pro- souls to Heaven in the beft manner ima« cle. The: patronage of the public is res discussion. Certain it is, that at no pe- perly inljarrels, and be sent to the Weft ginablc. The expence would be trifling, considering it at only one tenth of what 11 kn4t<.4-if'Uj»fi-t-n-j-w.l r+t ;i- ..n..i.i-ju. riod-crf-auT-rmttdeal~hiilory could these Indies", , ^where provisions are in very ~AVe~make7'on pjjr....larms^-&-e.-7-And7-inincut. national subjects ex^Lte.more intereft or great demand : they will, if the requisite addition, we fhoukl gain the reputation :TERMS. be more properly brged to the notice of care be. taken in the curing, no doubt The price o'f subscription will be five the public mitjd. The unsettled and im- bringa handsomeprice ; the profits of the J of having pur minifters better fed, and dollars per annum, payable in advance. I pending appearance of our foreign affair s, sales to be duly accounted for & as already more pordy in the,jr carriage; for it .muft be confessed that the parsons in this The paper will-be transmitted always | and the present difturbed flate of the Eu1 7 agreeably to direction by mail, or left by ! ropcan world, renders it doubly neces- mentioned, divided among the people. cbuniK at present are a poor set, as well As it is "uncertain .whether pofterity in fle'fh as in spirit, eating little and a carrier according to orders. sary for the citizens of America to cht> would approve of the proceeding, it will ftuclying too much. Archbifhops, hi•••*.. AdverTisements will-be received and rifh and promote their do'mi-ftic:.policy, be well to k i l l all the little boys and girls fhops, &c. ,&c. . we fliould'have, oCinserted at.the usual prices; wliercbythey may derive those resources under a certain age, and offer them for course, to honor us by doing nothing. Essays dectntly and concisely written, which ars now obtained from abroad and sale in our markets, in order that there . ««wHiiny : The i ne people will have a on subjects i n t e r f i l i n g to the general Seventhly create wealth and iriduflrv w i t h i n them- may be, no rufteritv to complain about court lurt and anfl kin Itinw »»l-»!««l-« to *— say nothing welfare, will be cheerfully inserted with g • • which, selves. Too_ long have thtse important the matter. o u t a n v charge-. ot their Utility, would be a great novelty;/ an j , ,. ^-.%. u^ n yi cMinovcity ^.pa.tXi.P-tlc inttrrtfts been neglertecl.' anfl 1f Jc It being a general observation, that and it is"'*""• ' of any sort is clear^"* that """ jio'vflty J. B,_COLVIN. The nation now feels t h e i r w.ant, anxd we little minds do not readily enter into very entertaining, as maybe learntfrQjv Washington City, Hfcy 30,J 808. truft wiirduly provide for'their -support. great undertakings, and this "being one 1 Government, hitherto engaged in other undoubtedly for the; public benefit;., it the"old song , which says that " Variety is charming!" _ui^i_ II1 ;1 _v_n *-~*" ;LL person* arte hsrrby fornvarned concerns, will now cherilli those domes- ma v notr\tJ**»-n-•»» be am i'•^s to e xpla' i n i TV a sum ma ry Eighthly : ^The people will have a tic inftitutions, which will preserve the • w a y ' t h e advantaged niofl likely to-accrue k from jishing, fowling, passing gri-at -navyj a t h i n g which some have.. natjons's dignity and. promote the p"eo^. .fronr.it. !ff.?7j, or trespassing in any 'manner plr's , been, long crying for.—By this means welfare. i be .. °"r } ^<™, bothers, ^ and children n i h e - f i r f t . place,, the people will on'mi/farm, or that of Thomas Fairfax, -.Of the merits of the little work we are t-f.r«/i ,.«'..n ,.._..ui . and.-•-'-care of the - would b^ seized and carried off without of all trouble us I..am determined to prosecute all about to issue to the public, it is not our deprived vj'ende'rs. concerns of the country, and not eveii be our knowledge, 4ind we fhould have the province to decide, but o.f the advanta- called upon, for t h d r .opinion in 'an/ JOHN DOWNET. ges to be derived ffdm its sale we 'would case whatever ; for which great benefit supreme felicity of crying after -them ; Bloomtry, May 16, 1808. beg leave to-sa'y every thing which a dis- they will be -merely required to pay about which,, considering the few occasions intL-refted exertion in the cause pf Do- one half their income to persons of dis- we have at present for fheddingi tears, ,-.. would he a great imJulgen.ce, and a pre^ meftic Manufacture juftly demands—' WHEREAS my wife Ann haselopt-d and as the profits of this work, after tinction, as compensation for the trouble cious cVuisblatioh'. of looking.affj.j-'t!)cir affairs. from my bed and board without any Ninthly : The payment of taxei the e*pences of publication are paid, -jtift cause^-this is to" give notice that I See«ndJ>-r They wiliiie reSvived from would be—another advantage^ n therer* being hfinnmm* ~f great • icrti•- mnuence '-Tnflfuence'an'd" will not pay any Debts of her contracting, will be solely devoted'to the purposes of the IVcedorii of speech.; which, consider- therers ---ii, .-.«w. and mea of v e the Arlington Inftitution, we may hop< after this date. ing what an idle practice- it is to be talk- authority, wouldlje very beneficial in d oe ve; and confidently expe'ct' a liberal patron in about overnment as ii it> we any t ^ i r v r s u s t o - o u r families, keeping our , E D W A R D BREEN. _ age from a discerning and patriot icj-om. « t . c ^.uy 'June 14th, 1808., —,—,— o-ov-cr-nment—-Cn i in i:ui.m^w-<5-y-ai>^-tf-trrey-flToi' munity,— --n. TTDTTOH.' ,,....-. . u W lbea ilef l uabicibl sin v. !! "; , .'' ^ g- ; '.-P^ to leave us a .little bare of mon. Alexandria,-June 18, 1808. 1 i n i r d l y : I iTe liberty of the presr -«" much the'bftter y we fhould have Vwnich every body cojnplainsfof) will be live « link- more savingly ; too much Irel yeinovccl,.nsomuch that nothing. . ing and drinking, the'dolors say, C TOLEN or flrayed from the subscri- ^| will it-mam o< that detcllable priviltgr, i not •>' not good. •^ ber living in Martinsburg, Berkeley 'n hii vor of which a small rrainber oflbols There are a great many other reasorts, just received a .very-handsome as- county, Virginia, on \Vednesduynip-rit a »d knaves have so'-long" prated. This equally subftantialj which I could- offer laft, adark brown Mare, t^fmnilji high, when duly considered, "will |, f . ' sortment:of well bought Omu i J.'J injRupport of my project; but, as the seven years old, with.the top off her Idt g | - fateft 'bencrir-fmagin^ble: e for what forcgcjjng muft be jntirely satisfactory, ; ear. Whoever takes up the said mare wn be more absurd t h a n that tlvetpeonle •I'dt'irline int.rocluciivg'them-here.^ h i c h h e n o w offers to his friends and and thief, and secures them so that the <houm be pt-flered w i i l f essays about I.''th is propcsnl i,s acceded to (and I tB« public, at reduced prices for CASH • owner gets his mare, and the thief be they do not understand ?. By rc. -nirtkf it w i t h great modefty) I would bebrought to jufticc, lhall receive the above 2s I' °"?t» those persons who have a wifti moving this .grievance, another evil gin b-y burning the declaration of indereward, and all reasonable charges if „,, tain Sr.eat bargains to give him a the mare be brought home. pendence, hanging Gen. Wafhington'i will n? VS c o n v i n "dthat his goods likrness in chains, and sending couriers JOHN M'INTIRE. Ji 1 please both as to price,and quality; to .all the "nations nf F.n<•«'«-. ~cc--"Martinsburg,. June 1, 1808. ^ whob of his purchases having been JgSi so as to enable him to sell them as ta P as a,,y goo;ds can, or willbe sold V virtue of a Deed of Truft from •'enu-nough, I fhould bc for selling, ourl jurthly : All the" fine ftout 3'Oting , selve^ .. any person-in this part of the country. to the Grand Turk, as there 'are Andrew Parks to the subscriber, y \V'-s in the;country, w i l l have the- plea- •wtaln advantage, in being his subj a Koodt'1 r0m '^^iPhil018dea rurther supply of for the purpose of securing a debt-due e s of becoming soldiers w i t h o u t their | ^ t t o > c obtumcd from any other por t , 1 f 'P''ia, whicli P4en from the said Parks to Wm. A. U'lifhDts' or their own inclin:ifi*oiis bciig cb2S WIiim*k* h l s assortment very ingljon, w.ilLbe exposed to sale, for rea'tfd ; wiiich is a molt delu-ious He has on hand, as usual, a dy money, on the premises, on Mon_ to t h i n k upon, particularly f o r mce Bar and Strap Iron, day the llth day of July next, (if fair, -ther flie_vr,,! Lecomea'purchi'scTT marriagcablcigirls, who will t h u s ' h i v e S|ecl, Cabonift Tobacco, Spin- otherwise on the next fair day,) a trnct <nv once already• had us i» n i d'••"••'- •— —* fnt-i T'x>«. r-.nr •..' •Having • *••* under uituCt suboLllj— sweathearts in P K-nty, dressed in lection nn/l tV.ii.-..I ..-.-_ i —. ' u. I ject.on and _ found '-^^?. us y*""»y, unruly, ana and now of land in the county of Jefferson, ftate :; u Freuch aild t i l u l u n . i o r m s . To which we in;, seeing us cH.ingc buck again, flic might of Virginia, containing eighty-eight; Ui heiglHMi the advantage, that u ,!d Alsoalarge acfes. Also anothertmcl, adjoining.!he and orphans will be mure rife— . rv be induced to think that we w.ould not u v ^-' d i r i »'^ in be satisfied under an)- government.— aboyementioncd, containing two h u n - graying con%ftierat-ib.n to all.'humVe l c h he offcn for C1>111 However, as G n a t Britain seems to dred'iiiid twenty-twoacres, three rood.s M, ' persons, w l . o l r c l a pt-tulinr and inter- have plenty of money, and that appears ^ leasing to the and thirty-fqtir perches. -ft.ng scnsatjoo- in gaziijg upon ferule H E N R Y S. TURNER.'" ;tnd i n f a n t i n e m i s r r i . s . - , A'. £. T h i » v i l l to be what our unquiet citizens want , May 20, 1«08. it 'is possible, if" (he were well June I, 180«. tend to i m p j o v e the ^iu of Uatujiry IK • might buy us ; particularly A '-qAm^QN. ring Goods. Three Dollars Reward. W. W. LANE, Spring & Summer Goods, B Deed of Trust. ;
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