S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L
S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L
S T . F R A N C I S C H A P E L “AN OASIS OF SILENCE, AN OASIS OF PRAYER” THIRD SUNDAY OF LENT - SUNDAY, MARCH 15, 2009 800 Boylston Street, Suite 1001, Boston, MA 02199 617-437-7117 www.stfrancischapel.org Weekend Masses Saturday 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM, 7:00 PM en español Sunday 8:00 AM, 9:15 AM, 10:30 AM, 11:45 AM , 1:15 PM en español 4:00 PM, 5:30 PM Weekday Masses Monday - Friday 8:00 AM, 12:05 PM, 12:35 PM, 4:45 PM Saturday 9:00 AM, 12 Noon Devotions Tuesday after Mass: Memorare Thursday after Mass: St. Jude Mon-Fri after 4:45 p.m. Mass: Rosary Confessions Monday - Friday 8:30 - 11:50 AM*, 1:10 - 4:15 PM *Wed 11:15 - 11:50 Saturday 9:45 - 11:45 AM, 12:45-3:30 PM Exposition of the Blessed Sacrament Monday - Friday 8:30-11:45 AM, 1:00-4:30 PM Saturday 9:30—11:30 AM 12:30—3:30 PM Sunday 2:30-3:30 PM CHAPEL STAFF Fr. John Wykes, OMV (director@stfrancischapel.org), Fr. Dennis Brown, OMV (evangelization@aol.com) Fr. Robert Lowrey, OMV, Fr. Craig MacMahon, OMV, Fr. Greg Staab, OMV, Fr. Dave Yankauskas, OMV Sacristan: Mary Inoue Webmaster: Terry Wong Translator: Mercedes Villalba Music Ministry: Elisabeth Pifer, Kim Araiza, Rebecca Martin, Joanna Vasquez, Glenda Landavazo STATIONS OF THE CROSS 5:15 P.M. On Fridays of Lent Bible Study Groups “Let the Word of Christ dwell in you with all its richness.” (Col. 3:16) Italian: Tues. 6:30 - 7:30 p.m. English: Wednesdays 6 -7 p.m. Spanish: Thur. 6:00 - 8:00 p.m. Page 2 St. Francis Chapel Lanteri’s Corner Spiritual thoughts from Ven. Bruno Lanteri, Founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Excuses Offered by the Sad (continued) Part II As for true and real tribulations and adversities, observe first of all that if they are not taken with a superiority of soul, with a joyful abandonment to God (which is truly substantial joyfulness), they will become much heavier. They will damage the spirit. Hence impatience, lack of charity, murmuring against God, and even against one’s body. Hence, afflictions of the soul, desolations, desperation — and behold how they foster more sadness. But how do we accept them with joy? (continued next week) - From “On Spiritual Joy” by Fr. Pio Bruno Lanteri Young Adult Lenten Retreat “By His Wounds, We Are Healed” April 3-5, 2009 Biddeford, Maine Retreat Directors: Fr. Bill Brown, OMV Fr. Dave Nicgorski, OMV Prudential Center, Boston St. Francis Chapel Bookstore Item of the Week... We have a number of pamphlets available. For just 50 cents each, you can get a pamphlet on Confession, on what the Church teaches about pornography, on immigration, on the Catholic position on the morality of war, on various end of life issues, and so much more. These small yet very substantive and informative pamphlets are available for just 50 cents each at our bookstore! Featuring The Boston Community Gospel Choir to support Seminarians of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary For more information, please contact: Fr. Bill Brown, OMV St. Clement’s Eucharistic Shrine 1105 Boylston Street Phone: 617-266-5999 ext. 203 E-Mail: WBrownomv@aol.com Bulletin Sponsor of the Week Without the generosity of our sponsors, we would not be able to provide you with this bulletin! Please support our sponsors. This week’s Sponsor of the Week is: Beacon Hospice. Compassionate care when it’s needed most, the hospice is run by a team to care, comfort and support terminally-ill patients and their families. Call 1-800-HOSPICE today or visit www.beaconhospice.com Sunday, March 29, 2009 12:00 p.m. - 2:00 p.m. St. Clement Eucharistic Shrine Lower Room - 1105 Boylston Street, Boston, MA Tickets are $20 (free for children five and under, $10 for children six to twelve years old) with proceeds to benefit the Seminarian Scholarship Fund. FOOD! FELLOWSHIP! MUSIC! FUN! Page 3 Oblates of the Virgin Mary MASS INTENTIONS THIS WEEK MASS INTENTIONS THAT DO NOT APPEAR HERE WERE SCHEDULED AFTER THIS BULLETIN WAS FINALIZED. Sunday, March 15 8:00 AM +James, Bridget, and John Dermody 9:15 AM 10:30 AM +Priscilla Cook 11:45 AM 1:15 PM +Feliza Gaytán 4:00 PM Mary & Rich Shertenlieb (wed. anniv.) 5:30 PM +Joseph Uy, Sr. Monday, March 16 8:00 AM 12:05 PM Teresa Catherin Tambunan (b-day) 12:35 PM +Theodore Schipani 4:45 PM +Cipriano & Marciana Vasquez Tuesday, March 17 8:00 AM Catherine and Evelyn 12:05 PM +Blanche Raswad 12:35 PM +Thelma Holland 4:45 PM +James Browne Wednesday, March 18 8:00 AM Hector Luis Casio 12:05 PM 12:35 PM 4:45 PM +Donna Puglisi +Margaret Wellings Thursday, March 19 8:00 AM Special Intention 12:05 AM Fr. Ed Broom, OMV 12:35 PM +Celia & Philip McDevitt & Sr. M. Dolorata, C.S.J. 4:45 PM +Frank Ricciardi Friday, March 20 8:00 AM +Barbara McKiernan 12:05 AM +Michael Brady 12:35 AM James and family 4:45 PM +Filomeno & Irenea Barcenas Saturday, March 21 9:00 AM 12:00 PM +Linbania DeVasquez 4:00 PM +Helen Tivnan 5:30 PM +Dorothy Mik Cook 7:00 PM +Luis Alvaro Gracia Page 4 St. Francis Chapel Prudential Center, Boston Tear Down This Temple... disciplinary measures in order to put things back into place. The dramatic episode of the Lord clearing out the temple merchants gives us a stern warning about the seriousness of worldly corruption that is tainting our faith in these times. If Jesus were to come to us today, who would be the first and foremost corruptors that he would expel from our midst, from the temple of our heart? Lent is this special time of the Lord’s visitation, in which through the discipline of fasting and prayer and works of charity, he helps us to clean our houses. I will never forget the time in Rome, while I was teaching catechism to a group of eightyear-olds in preparation for their first Holy Communion. One day during class a child made a startling observation. He said, “Jesus had to go to Confession once, because he got really mad.” Of course, I clarified the fact that Jesus is not mean. But rather, that out of his great love for his heavenly Father, and for us as his beloved children, he watches out for us. He is concerned about letting us know when we let things get out of hand. And so therefore at times it is necessary to take convincing The change we need is in the heart. A mainstream belief in today’s atheistic intellectual sector of society is that God is only an invention of religious people, who are weaklings. According to this prospering doctrine, especially in the scientific field, God is merely a crutch for those who are incapable of thinking out their own problems. Moreover, many say that if God exists, he is a cruel tyrant, because he interferes with our human freedom. We all know that there (continued on page 6) Intentions of Pope Benedict XVI for the Month of March General: That the role of women may be more appreciated and used to good advantage in every country in the world. Mission: That in the light of the letter addressed to them by Pope Benedict XVI, the Bishops, priests, consecrated persons, and lay faithful of the Catholic Church in the Popular Republic of China may commit themselves to being the sign and instrument of unity, communion and peace. are Ten Page 5 Oblates of the Virgin Mary Derriben este Templo... Si Jesús viniera a nosotros el día de hoy, ¿quienes serían los primeros corruptos a quienes Él expulsaría de nuestro alrededor, del templo de nuestro corazón? La Cuaresma es un tiempo especial de visita del Señor, en el cual a través de la disciplina del ayuno y oración y obras de caridad, Él nos ayuda a limpiar nuestras casas. El cambio que necesitamos esta dentro de nuestros corazones. Nunca olvide el tiempo en Roma, mientras ensenaba catecismo a un grupo de niños de ocho anos en preparación para la Primera Comunión. Un día durante la clase un niño hizo una observación alarmante. El dijo: “Jesús tuvo que ir a Confesión una vez porque se enojó mucho.” Por supuesto, hice aclaración que Jesús no es malo. Pero mejor dicho, que por gran amor por su Padre divino, y por nosotros sus amados hijos, nos cuida. Él se preocupa con hacernos saber cuando hacemos que las cosas se descontrolen. Y por lo tanto a veces es necesario tomar medidas disciplinarias convincentes de manera de poner las cosas en su lugar. La creencia dominante en el sector actual de la sociedad ateísta, es que Dios es solamente un invento de las personas religiosas, quienes son débiles. De acuerdo con esta doctrina que prospera, especialmente en el campo científico, Dios es simplemente una muleta para aquellos incapaces de solucionar sus propios problemas. Más aún, muchos dicen que si Dios existe, él es un tirano cruel, porque interfiere con nuestra libertad humana. Todos sabemos que existen los Diez Mandamientos de Dios. Todavía, ¿o acaso no? Por lo menos eso era lo que (continued on page 7) “No hay nada más hermoso, que encontrar a Cristo y comunicarlo a todos” ( Benedicto XVI) GRUPO DE STUDIO BIBLICO EN LENGUA ESPAÑOL — para todos — El dramático episodio del Señor limpiando a los comerciantes del templo nos da una advertencia severa sobre la gravedad de la corrupción mundana que esta manchando nuestra fe en estos tiempos. Capilla San Francisco todos los jueves, de 6:00 a 8:00 p.m. P. Gregorio OMV Page 6 St. Francis Chapel Prudential Center, Boston Tear Down This Temple…. (continued) Commandments from God. Still, are there not? At least that is what was generally believed here in our country, before some of those unfortunate, incredulous groups of people toiled fiercely to have them removed from the courthouse doors. Who would imagine seeing the day here in America, that their atheism becomes an absolute, inalienable right? In reality, as recent world history has shown us, eventually this personal right becomes the imposed norm for all to observe, in a materialistic socialist system. The ignorance of God and of his Law of Love leads to an inevitable return to the ancient law of slavery to sin. According to Jesus, the Ten Commandments given by God are summarized into one command, which is the Law of Love. A nation or society that rescinds this Law, which is an objective law ordered to the common good, strips and deprives itself of all transcendent purpose. A culture as such is ultimately one headed for self-destruction. Adam and Eve surely would tell us where it all went wrong. They would let us know that they were deceived into believing that their absolute freedom consisted in making themselves God, in deciding for themselves what is right and what is wrong. It is time for us to wake up, Catholic Church in America. Do we understand where are we headed, when we buy into the freedom of choice? Let us never give in to compromising God’s Eternal Divine Law in exchange for some mortals’ corrupt laws that are only destined to change. Come, Lord Jesus, and save us. We ask you, Lord, to make us aware of the corruption that closes in upon your Church today. Deliver us from all attachment to what offends and wounds your Divine Love. Fill us with holy zeal for your Father’s House. Fr. Dave Page 7 Oblates of the Virgin Mary Derriban este Templo... (continued) generalmente se creía aquí en nuestro país, antes que algunos de esos desafortunados e incrédulos grupos de personas hayan trabajado duro esforzándose para removerlos de las puertas del palacio de justicia. ¿Quién se imaginaría ver el día aquí en Estados Unidos, cuando el ateísmo se hace un derecho inalienable absoluto? De hecho, como la reciente historia mundial nos ha mostrado, este derecho personal se convierte en una norma impuesta a seguir para todos, en un sistema socialista materialista. La ignorancia sobre Dios y su Ley de Amor nos lleva a un retorno inevitable a la antigua ley de esclavitud al pecado. De acuerdo a Jesús, los Diez Mandamientos dados por Dios están abreviados en un mandamiento, el cual es la Ley del Amor. Una nación o sociedad que anula esta ley, la cual es un objeto de ley ordenada para el bienestar común, se despoja y priva a si misma de su propósito trascendente. Una cultura como tal en última instancia es una a camino de su propia destrucción. Adán y Eva seguramente nos dirían donde es que todo comenzó a ir mal. Ellos nos harían saber que fueron engañados a creer que su libertad absoluta consistía en hacerse ellos mismos Dios, en decidir por ellos mismos lo que está bien y lo que está mal. Iglesia Católica de Estados Unidos, es hora de despertarnos. ¿Entendemos hacia donde estamos yendo, cuando creemos en la libertad de elegir? No nos rindamos nunca a comprometer la Eterna Ley Divina de Dios a cambio de algunas leyes corruptas de algunos mortales que se destinan simplemente a cambiar. Ven, Señor Jesús y sálvanos. Te lo pedimos, Señor, que nos hagas conscientes de la corrupción que se acerca sobre tu Iglesia el día de hoy. Líbranos de todo apego a lo que ofende y lastima tu Amor Divino. Llénanos de un santo entusiasmo por la Casa de tu Padre. Padre David Page 8 St. Francis Chapel Prudential Center, Boston Oblates of the Virgin Mary—USA Fr. Bruno Lanteri (1759-1830) The Founder of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary. Declared “Venerable” the first step to Sainthood. The Oblates of the Virgin Mary is an international religious community of priests and brothers serving in Italy, France, Austria, Argentina, Brazil, Canada, Nigeria, the United States and the Philippines. The Oblates are involved in retreat and parish missions, spiritual direction, parish work, the mass media, clergy formation, and the foreign missions. The US Province of the Oblates of the Virgin Mary is dedicated to St. Ignatius of Loyola, and includes communities in Massachusetts, Illinois, Colorado, California and the Philippines. ST. CLEMENT EUCHARISTIC SHRINE & ST FRANCIS CHAPEL, Boston. MA ST. JOSEPH HOUSE, Milton, MA ST. PETER CHANEL PARISH Hawaiian Gardens, CA HOLY GHOST PARISH & LANTERI CENTER FOR IGNATIAN SPIRITUALITY Denver, CO ST. MARY PARISH Alton, IL The OMV motto, OMV FORMATION CENTER Cebu City, Philippines “MARIAM COGITA, MARIAM INVOCA” “THINK OF MARY, CALL ON MARY” is taken from a homily by St. Bernard on the Blessed Virgin .
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