School Night - Holy Redeemer School


School Night - Holy Redeemer School
Holy Rede
Important Dates
Oct. 1– HSA Dues Due, School
Mass, Gr 1 & 6 Buddy Class Mass,
8:20 a.m., School Advisory Board
Oct. 2– Fire Department Visit, Gr
PK-2, 8:30-9:20 a.m., Gr 8 Field
Trip to Gettysburg National Park
8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m., Choir 3:004:00 p.m.
Oct. 5– Confirmation Gathering
Oct. 6– Birthday Prayer Service,
8:20 a.m., Holy Redeemer Restaurant Night at Ledo’s Pizza
Oct. 7– Vision and Hearing testing
8:00 a.m.-3:00 p.m.
Oct. 8– School Mass, 8:20 a.m.,
Natural History Museum Field Trip,
Gr 1 & 2 10:45 a.m.– 1:00 p.m.
Oct. 9– Choir 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Oct 10-- Grandparents’ Day from
9:00-11:00am in the Four Seasons
Room, Scout Uniform Day
Oct. 13– NO SCHOOL
Oct. 14– Winter Uniform Begins
Padre’s and Principal’s Beer and
Brats 6:00-7:00 p.m., Parking Lot
Oct. 15– School Mass at 8:20am,
HRS Day/Walk-a-thon, 12:30pm
Oct. 16– Choir 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Oct. 17– Anti-Bullying Program, Art
Club 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Oct. 18– First Reconciliation Day of
Reflection 9:00 a.m.-12:00 p.m.
Oct. 20– Prayer Service 8:20 a.m.,
Liturgy Club 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Oct. 21– Pumpkin Bread Cooking
Project, Gr 1, 8:30-9:15 a.m., Chess
Club, 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Oct. 22– School Mass, 8:20 a.m.,
Chef’s Club, 3:00-4:30 p.m., Virtus
Training Session at HRS 6:30-9:30
Oct. 23– Choir 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Oct. 24– Art Club 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Oct. 27– RSR Prayer Service, 8:20
a.m., Liturgy Club, 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Oct. 28– End of 1st Quarter, Chess
Club, 3:00-3:45 p.m.
Oct. 29– Clarks Elioak Farm, Fr PK
& K, 8:45 a.m.-1:00 p.m.
Oct. 30– Choir 3:00-4:00 p.m.
Oct. 31– All Saints Day Mass, 8:20
a.m., Halloween Class Parties 1:20
p.m. Parade 2:10 p.m.
October 2014
Dear Parents and Students,
Back to School Night serves us well in bringing our parents, teachers, and administration together in support of our children and their education. I appreciate all of
the positive comments and affirmation received from so many parents concerning our
teachers, curriculum standards, discipline and the new improvements to our school
building. Thank you to our HSA for facilitating the meeting and welcoming our new
families into the Holy Redeemer community. Ms. Weiss’ First Grade class won the
CAT (Coveted Attendance Trophy) Award for the highest percentage of parents in attendance. They soon will enjoy an ice cream party for their win!
Family Fun Night was, once again, a wonderful success. I love seeing the children, parents, alumni, friends and faculty come together for a night of fun and entertainment. A special thank you goes to Mrs. Leigh Ann Hess for organizing, setting-up
and coordinating all of the volunteers for the event. The CYO took charge of the food
tent, the Scouts fed us with their delicious popcorn and home-made baked goods, Mr.
Garvin and Ms. McLoughlin provided the face painting, and all attendees felt safe and
secure under the watchful eye of P.G. County Police Officer and HRS parent, Mr. Rick
Serrano. Thank you to all of the parents, faculty and staff who minded the rides and
helped with clean up after the event. This was a time for the Holy Redeemer community to come together and share the fun.
Our Catholic theme for this school year is The Catholic Impact through
Service. Our first mission in September benefited St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital. Each day our students prayed for the children suffering from long term illness,
and we raised over $460 to send to St. Jude Children’s Research Hospital.
Please be on the lookout for our new Parish/School webpage, which will launch
Wednesday, October 1st. We believe it will be easy to maneuver, and will communicate
pertinent information concerning both our day to day events and overall information
concerning the school and its mission.
In looking ahead, please join us for Grandparents’/Very Special Persons’ Day
on Friday, October 10th. This is a special day for our loved ones as they tour our school,
sit in on classes, see samples of the children’s work and be entertained by the little
ones in music and song.
Holy Redeemer Day will be celebrated on Wednesday, October 15th. We begin
with Mass at 8:20 am, followed by our 2nd Annual Walk-A-Thon, culminating with
games and outdoor activities. The older students will partner with the younger students and our 8th graders will lead us in the games.
Our motto at Holy Redeemer School is Excellence in Education with the
Power of Faith. Our high academic standards and expectations, coupled with our
strong focus on Catholic identity, help us to live as Christ lived and realize that true
success can be found in many different ways. As you read the list of students who received an RSR (Respect, Spirituality, Responsibility) this month, please remember that
all of our students strive for this recognition and most will receive it before the end of
the school year. The administration, teachers and staff work together to help the students learn to discover and develop their gifts, whether it is in sports, academics, or
May God bless you this new school year.
With God’s peace,
Maria Bovich
September RSRs
(Respect, Spirituality
and Responsibility)
Grade 8:
Clayton Strathman
Eleasa Woodson
Katrina Hresko
Grade 7:
Nneka Okoro
Brianna Canaval
Grade 6:
Philip Omo-Taiga
Lila Nalezyty
Andrew Wagner
Colin Horton
Grade 5:
Jen-Yu Chan
Callie Cooper
Josh Young
Grade 4:
Caleb Altizer
Neha Jain
Kyleigh Keane
Nathan Keen
Grade 3:
Cicely Kirages
Emma Walsh
Sophia Ramos
Liam Garvin
Grade 2:
Brendan Hille
Ciara Cullinane
Grade 1:
Malaya Gage
Sophia Kim
Tara McCormick
Christopher Beavers
Samuel Brewer
Abbi Reese
Matthew Omo-Taiga
Andrew Zhang
Catherine Oyebanjo
Marie McAndrew
George Sullivan
Erik Machado
Michael Douglas Jr.
Tuition: Tuition is due the first of the month. Please enclose tuition payment in the white tuition envelope and
return to school. There is a $25 late fee for payments received after the 15th of the month. There is a $25 fee for
returned checks.
HRS Interpreter: Any school, parish or School of Religion
function for which an interpreter is required, should be
arranged with 2 weeks notice. Please contact Mary Chute
O’Meara @
Report Cards: 1st quarter report cards will be distributed
on November 6.
Baby, it’s cold outside.
14. Please check the
Parent/Student Handbook for more details.
St. Jude Dress Down Day
Thank you to all who donated to St. Jude’s Children’s
Research Hospital as part of the Dress Down Day,
which was our September service project. We raised
$464.02 that will go to St. Jude’s Children’s Hospital,
where patients are never billed for treatment, travel,
housing or food. The money donated is also used for
clinical research.
St. Jude, we ask you to fill our hearts with hope, so that we are
inspired to give this gift of hope to others.
Coveted Attendance Award
The Coveted Attendance Award (CAT Award) is
presented to the homeroom that has the most parents who attend the Home and School Association
meeting. The award comes with an Ice Cream
party for the class. The first CAT Award of the year
goes to the FIRST GRADE! Also of note, the parent who attends all of the Home and School Association meeting has their name entered in a drawing to win a tuition payment for a month. We hope
to see you at the next Home and School Association meeting!
Back to School Night
Thank you to all the parents who attended Back
to School Night. We
were so excited to
meet all of you and to
share such important
information with you
all. The class sessions
were helpful for both
parents and teachers.
Students in Grades 6-8 participated in an action-packed day of team building and problem solving at
Terrapin Adventures. Teachers and students alike strapped on harnesses to ride the scream-inducing
three-man swing and take the 30- foot plunge on a zip line. The day also included activities and games
that challenged everyone to effectively communicate.
Tuition Assistance
The application deadline to apply for tuition assistance for the
2015 – 2016 school year is Friday, December 5, 2014. Applications will be available online at beginning
Monday, September 29, 2014. The Archdiocese of Washington strives to make a Catholic education affordable for all students. The Archdiocesan Tuition Assistance Program is a resource for those students and families who have demonstrated
financial need to help pay tuition.
Instrumental Music
Instrumental music lessons are underway,
but it is not too late to sign up. The music
office will continue to accept registrations.
Students are still welcome to join after the
second and third lesson. Submit your registration to enroll in
the band and rent an
instrument from a muSibling Grant
sic store for the
All families who wish to be considered for the HRS Sibling
school year. RegistraGrant must fill out the TADS application form with the ADW at
tion forms can be
cessed in the Thursday Folder or by contacting Mr. Varrone at
301-828-7348 and
The National Junior Honor Society (NJHS) has started off the school
year by electing its offices. The officers for this year are Martha Philipos
as President, Louise Marzolf-Miller as Vice President, Caitlin Cullinane
as Secretary and Christian Rindal as Treasurer. On September 22 at
Prayer Service, the officers were installed. They pledged to lead the other
members and students and to listen to their ideas and plan events. This
year, we will hopefully run more bake sales, participate in Operation
Welcome Home or Arlington Cemetery Wreath Laying Ceremony and
other volunteer opportunities. In addition to these ideas, we will be continuing to sell ice cream and tutor in school. NJHS’s goal for the year is
to strive to guide others in the basis of leadership, scholarship, service,
character and citizenship.
Written by Caitlin Cullinane
My Favorite Teacher
The Gazette is looking to honor the
best teachers in the county and we
want to hear from you! Visit
and submit a short essay telling us why this
teacher deserves to be
recognized. Deadline for submissions is Monday, October 6th!
September 11 Memorial
On September 8, the entire school community gathered outside on the parish lawn
around the flag pole as part of the Monday
morning prayer service to remember the
victims of the September 11, 2001 attacks.
The service was also to honor all service
members, police, firefighters and first responders.
Various branches of service were represented by parents and friends of Holy Redeemer School who attended the service. This was a chance for the students of Holy Redeemer School to honor those who serve our community. Three 8th
graders were responsible for raising the flag and placing the wreath at the base of the flag pole. Three small flags
were placed around the wreath to represent the three sites of the September 11th attacks. The Prayer of Peace was
read and prayers were offered to the Blessed Mother, as September 8 was the Feast of the Nativity of Mary.
Buddy Class Masses
The first School Mass of the month
led by our buddy
classes. Parents are
welcome at every
Mass, but we encourage the family and
friends of the students of
each buddy class to attend. On October 1, the
School Mass at 8:20 a.m. will be led
by the students of Grades 1 and 6.
November 1, the School Mass will
be led by Grades 3 and 7.
Colonial Farm Field Trip
The 1st and 2nd Graders
took a trip back in time to
the National Colonial Farm
in Accokeek. The students
were able to experience
Maryland agriculture, housing, transportation, commerce and dress
during the 18th
century. The students were assigned tasks on
the farm to experience what it
is was like to be a
child in the
Holy Redeemer School Walk-a-thon
The Race is On! The Holy Redeemer School Walk-a-thon is
coming soon. Your donations are being tallied and wonderful
prizes are in store. We are well on our way to our goal of raising $13,000. This is an easy
goal with your help! Please tell your family and friends that there is still time to send in their
donations. Consider asking local businesses that you patronize for a donation as well! The
walkers will lace up their shoes and walk around the parking lot on October 15. If you are interested in volunteering at the Walk-a-thon, please contact Ms. Hall at
Student Council
The students have cast
their ballots and the votes
have been tallied. The
Student Council members
for the 2014-2015 school
year are:
President: Beverly
Vice President: Thomas
Secretary: Joshua John
Treasurer: Joe Harrington
6th grade Commissioner of Activities:
Phoebe Caracofe
7th grade Commissioner of Activities:
Natalia Rincon
8th grade Commissioner of Activities:
Alyssa Heintzelman
Coordinator of Representatives:
Eleasa Woodson
The students in 5th
Grade learned about
the Paschal candle
from our "resident
expert," Fr. Mark
Smith. Meanwhile,
the 2nd Grade is
learning about
the sacraments,
including Baptism. They were able to participate in
a mock Baptism in the church to learn
more about the sacrament.
Thank you to all the
wonderful volunteers:
Leigh Ann and Steve
Hess, Meridith and Matthew Phillips, Valerie
and Gary Morris, Harold Batacan, MarMar and Richard Heath, Tara and Nett
Missick, Sergio and Elena Lainez, Barbara
Asbury, Roma Strathmore, Dawn Ramos,
Ricky Serrano, Patti Magill, Monica Horton, Ellen Bastio and Steven Stuart, Bill
Trone, Brie Hall, Franca Onunkwo, Janet
Carter, Gloria Rayburn, Donna Loveless,
Megan Suhr, Gene Gibbs, James Garvin,
Tara McLoughlin, students and teachers.
Ways to Help Our School
Box Tops for Education
Giant A+ Bonus Bucks
ID#: 00458
Color Cycle
We are excited to tell you about a
new program at Holy Redeemer. It's
called Crayola ColorCycle: an amazing new program devised to turn
used markers into energy! Holy Redeemer School, students and teachers will be collecting markers that
are ready to be discarded. The markers will be sent to a facility where
they will be converted into clean fuel! Please help our
efforts and send in your old markers!
Emergency Closings
Information regarding late opening, early dismissal or
no school due to inclement weather will be anID# 149190335
nounced over the local radio and television stations
and is also available on the Internet at: Holy
deemer follows the decision of
School ID# 17903
Prince George’s County Public
School System.
United Way
# 8733
If Prince George’s County Public
Schools are delayed or have no
school, then there is a delay or no
school for Holy Redeemer students. If Holy Redeemer is scheduled for a 12:30 p.m. dismissal and the county has a
two-hour delayed opening, then all students will have
school and dismiss at 2:50 p.m.
Campaign NOTE: If Prince George’s County
ID# 2903 Public School System is already
scheduled to be closed, listen for
the “Archdiocese of Washington
Catholic Schools, Prince George’s
Holy Redeemer School is working to make the Giving Tree
County School” announcement for
easier for our parents. Many of the items for the Holy
Redeemer School Giving Tree are available through Ama- closings or delays. and We have created a
Wish List. A link will also be added to the school website.
The Giving Tree is also still available outside the School
Thank you:
The Kirages Family
The Popil Family
The Battiste Family
The James Family
The More-Hudson Family
After Care Closings
Remember, when an emergency
closing has been called by Prince
George’s County Public Schools or Holy Redeemer
School, THERE IS NO AFTER CARE. Please listen
to local radio or television stations when there is a
prediction of inclement weather.