DOSB I Network Project - Integration durch Sport
DOSB I Network Project - Integration durch Sport
The Network Project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ was promoted thanks to the financial support by the Federal Ministry for Public Health in the period from September 2008 to February 2011. This documentation is presented to you by: Deutscher Olympischer SportBund I Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12 I D-60528 Frankfurt am Main Tel. +49 (0) 69 / 67 00 0 I Fax +49 (0) 69 / 67 00 140 I I E-Mail DOSB I Network Project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ Network Project: “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ DOSB I Women W in! DOSB I Network Project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ Project documentation and more DOSB I Network Project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ The German Olympic Sports Confederation is the independent umbrella organization of all sport associations in Germany and represents over 91.000 sport clubs and more than 27.6 Million members. DOSB supports Competitive Sport and Sports for All. I2 Contents I Greeting of the Federal Minister Dr. Philipp Rösler ...................................................7 I Introduction of the Network Project by DOSB Vice-President Ilse Ridder-Melchers ..................................................................8 I Network Project: “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ . ..................................................................................... 11 Promoting the sporting engagement of girls and women with a migratory background (Prof. Dr. Christa Kleindienst-Cachay and Katrin Neumann).. .............. 12 The role of sports clubs as catalyzers of the intercultural opening of our society (Prof. Dr. Heather Cameron)............................................................................................... 18 What is our understanding of “integration“? (Verena Zschippang).. ....................................... 22 I Promotion of Health for and of Female Migrants .................................................... 25 A way towards an integrating attendance (Ramazan Salman)................................................ 26 The significance of sport for femininity (Dr. med. Gisela Gille)............................................... 30 I Sport, Women and Religion ........................................................................................ 35 I Examples of Good Practice – German Life Saving Association e. V. (DLRG).............. 71 Local Group Grömitz, Local Group Wolfsburg, Local Group Waldshut-Tiengen I Examples of Good Practice – German Gymnastics Federation e. V. (DTB) ............. 79 Gymnastics Club Kesselstadt 1860, Gymnastics Club Hanau 1837, Gymnastics and Sports Club 1860 Hanau, SKG Sprendlingen I Examples of Good Practice – Regional Sports Confederation Baden-Wuerttemberg, e. V. (LSV BW). ......................................................................... 89 MTV Stuttgart, TB Cannstatt, TV 89 Zuffenhausen, TB Untertürkheim, SKG Gablenberg I Examples of Good Practice – Sports Youth (SJB) in the Regional Sports Confederation Berlin , e. V.......................................................................................... 101 Erster Berliner Judo Club, Grupo “Menino do Curuzu“, “Seitenwechsel“ (Changing Sides), “No Style Combat“ I The Federal Program “Integration Through Sport“ .................................................. 111 I Examples of Good Practice – “Integration Through Sport“ The power of glances cast at the female body (Prof. Dr. Birgit Krawietz)................................ 36 of the Federal-State Coordination Centers ................................................................ 115 The role of sport in Islam (Bekir Alboga).............................................................................. 40 Hamburg Sports Confederation e. V., Regional Sports Confederation Lower-Saxony e. V., Sport overcomes religious and cultural borders (Sidar Demirdögen).. ...................................... 42 Regional Sports Confederation for the Saarland e. V., Sports Youth Hesse e. V. I Networking I Conclusions and City District Work ............................................................................ 45 Powerful network, powerful sport, powerful community (Verena Zschippang).. ....................... 46 I The Qualification of Specialists and Managers . ....................................................... 49 “Sport in an intercultural context“ (Verena Zschippang).. ...................................................... 50 Intercultural learning in sport (Andreas Schmitz and Anno Kluß)............................................ 52 I Ready – Steady – Go! . ................................................................................................. 57 Jointly Heading for New strength: Interview with Thomas Ritter............................................ 58 I Examples of Good-Practice – German Jujutsu Federation e. V. (DJJV) . .................. 61 Berlin Jujutsu Federation/Budo Club Berlin, Kodokan Hamburg, Todtglüsinger Sports Club of 1930, TV 1868 Burghausen/SV Gendorf Burgkirchen and Recommendations for Action ...................................................... 133 How and where to reach female migrants?........................................................................ 134 What do we need to consider when working out the program?........................................... 136 What did we learn about female migrants?.. ...................................................................... 140 How do we make our clubs fit for the future?.. .................................................................. 141 How can clubs be supported in their integration work?.. ..................................................... 145 (Verena Zschippang) Intercultural opening in sport – practice-oriented and bearing good prospects (Andreas Schmitz and Anno Kluß)..................................................................................... 146 Tool of the German Sports Youth for “Intercultural Opening“ ............................................ 150 I Words of Thanks . ....................................................................................................... 158 Advisory Council of the Project, Evaluation I Imprint ......................................................................................................................... 162 4I I5 Greeting of the Federal Minister Dr. Philipp Rösler Federal Ministry of Public Health Dear readers, Physical activity is good for health. Everybody knows it, and the over 91,000 sports clubs in Germany illustrate that many people use their free time to practice sports. The importance of sport for our health is not only a subject of lots of talk and written reports, but many people are enthusiastic about sports and actively take part in it. We rightly not only attribute health-promoting functions to sport but also qualities which unite peoples and foster international understanding, since sporting activities promote tolerance and team spirit. In particular, sports clubs can be of great help for our male and female citizens with a migratory background in order to integrate themselves more quickly in our society and to develop a sense of belonging. However, up to now, especially girls and women were rather hesitant in using the programs offered by the sports clubs. To also enthuse them for sport and to break down and to reduce inhibition thresholds, the German Olympic Sports Confederation started the network project „Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ in 2008, in cooperation with the Federal Ministry of Public Health. In this project, which was implemented in five selected sport federations and more than 20 clubs, women and girls not only got to know what club sport is about, but they were also familiarized with our public health system and could even participate in a language course, for example. The network project „Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ was intended to specifically address women with a migratory background to clarify that integration does not necessarily mean to deny one‘s own cultural roots , but to enrich them with additional experience. After all, even Winston Churchill managed to do the balancing act from “no sports“ to “an hour in sport is never time lost“. The findings which all participating parties gained in the course of this important project are laid down in this brochure. Dr. Philipp Rösler Federal Minister 6I I7 Introduction of the network project by DOSB Vice-President Ilse Ridder-Melchers Sport Is the Door-Opener for Sustainable Integration activity. They often just lack the knowledge where and swimming badge, while the municipal girls‘ meeting respect, we owe very special thanks to all sports instruc- term which, at the first glance, has little to do with our how to get what they want, in a country which most point organized an accompanying counseling for the tors and exercise leaders. Moreover, time was scarce to own life. ‚Globalization‘ is such a term. It takes place of them are not familiar with. This is exactly the point young female swimmers on questions of job application. coordinate sport programs, develop additional course somewhere in the world. But we also feel in which way where our network project “Physical Activity and Health In this way, sports clubs and communal partners mutually parts and to get suitable facilities. the world becomes narrower and the globe gets tangibly – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ comes opened new doors for creative ideas and feasible forms The work bore fruit, not only for sport but also for the co- smaller. We experience this phenomenon in our eve- in. We focused on the aim to try many different varia- of additional help – integration, as a pack of two! In the operation partners outside sport: it resulted in the creation ryday life: there is the Turkish greengrocer‘s shop, just tions in order to find out which kind of approach was DOSB we were particularly interested in finding out the of networks, trying out ways of cooperation that can be round the corner, the Spanish ‚tapas‘ bar in the hip part needed and which were the obstacles that kept female most promising factors for successful programs to make used in the future and go beyond the range of the project. of town, the Thai massage next to the super-market, the migrants from participating in club sports. our clubs fit(er) for the integration of female migrants. In short: The network project was a raving success. “Integration“- that‘s another vogue term. Globalization A Magic Formula: Sport + X = Integration, as a Pack of Two Innovative Project Experiments with a Long-Term Added Value Globalization in the Sports Club? Female Migrants Make it Possible! seems to be piggybacking it. Because there are not only Our network project acted upon the basic maxim to The program had a duration of 2.5 years and was fi- All federations and clubs should benefit from the valua- the Turkish greengrocer and the Spanish waitress, their think out of the “sporting box“. For this purpose, we nanced by the Federal Ministry of Public Health. Accord- ble experience gained by this network project, and – last children and parents are living in the middle of our so- needed communal partners who were experienced in ing to the decision of a jury, we selected the German but not the least – the girls and women whom we won ciety, too. Or this does not apply, in case they have not intercultural work and would be able to develop specific Jujutsu Federation, the German Life Saving Association, over in favor of sport. Now, a matter of special interest become an inherent part of our town or community, due programs for female migrants. We named our effective the German Gymnastics Federation, the Regional Sports to us is the question: How can we make sports clubs to language difficulties, cultural differences, or just be- formula of approach “Sport + X“. This means that the Confederation of Baden-Wuerttemberg and the Sports more attractive for girls and women, in general, and for cause of their lack of knowledge of their opportunities clubs would organize the sports program, while educa- Youth in the Regional Sports Confederation of Berlin those with a migratory background, in particular? How in our society which confronts them with almost insur- tional institutions and counseling centers, schools and for participation in the project. An advisory council, can we raise the interest of people in matters of pre- mountable obstacles. At the same time, integration can adult education centers, public health service centers, composed of high caliber members (please see page vention and, thus, in the German public health system, only be successful if we are also willing to meet people offices for women‘s issues and welfare organizations 158) accompanied and advised the network project. who were brought up with a totally different notion of in an open-minded manner and without prejudices. As a would add, for example, language courses, occupational The sport associations had the task to launch actions in health? We must not forget that tailor-made programs matter of fact, there are numerous factors that influence guidance, job application advice, nutritional counseling. favor of female migrants in a minimum of three clubs are not only to the benefit of the girls and women the possibilities of access for participation in the society. The “X“ stood for all the different additional offers. The within a period of 18 months. Each club was expected concerned, but that the clubs also benefit from the This mainly applies to the origin, education and age of a preventive and health-oriented measures were intended to try three different programs of integration within 12 related experience and a new person; furthermore, gender is also a real and important to achieve a targeted improvement of the living condi- weeks, in each case, and to report on the experience diversity. What about globali- issue. Along these lines, sport is also a door-opener for tions of the participating girls and women. For instance, gained thereby. Fondness of experimenting and innova- zation, being at the doorstep? in a combined course of three months, the girls could tive thinking were in demand. For sure, it works in the sports participate in a training in order to be awarded the Our gratitude goes to all participating parties: the club, too. Try yourself! In the mass media you can find one or the other vogue Italian colleague at work. And there it is - globalization, at our doorstep! sustainable integration. Motivating Female Migrants for Sports According to the Federal Office of Statistics, the number of people with a migratory background amounts to 15.3 million persons in Germany. Almost half of them are girls and women. Female migrants are unfortunately hard to find in sports clubs, although it is sport, in particular, that offers manifold ways of access to our society. Many immigrants explicitly wish to be more active in terms of physical 8I Federal Ministry of Public Health, the partner organizations and all participating clubs which, by sharing their Examples: know-how and providing the input of engaged employ- Course 1 particular sport + public health office (swimming + nutrition/diet) Course 2 particular sport + adult education center (swimming for beginners + language instruction) Course 3 particular sport + girls‘ meeting point (swimming badge + job application advice) ees and volunteers, contributed to the success of the project. It was a matter of recruiting male and female project leaders, of further developing projects, organizing the network between the DOSB and the interested parties in sport, finding network partners outside sport Author: Ilse Ridder-Melchers DOSB Vice-President, responsible for Womens‘ Issues and Gender Equality and personally approaching the female migrants. In this I9 I Network Project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ An approach to the theme “getting female migrants into sport“ means for organized sport to ask a few questions: Who are the women we want to address? How do female migrants find the best approach with respect to a healthy and active lifestyle? Is there a correlation between the different aspects of sporting activities of female migrants and those of women with a migratory background? How significant are female migrants for sports clubs? How can the sports clubs reach migrant women? And finally, what is our understanding of “integration“? The network project deals with these and other questions. The following contributions shall illustrate the different approaches we made to tackle the topics of “integration“, “girls and women“, “health“ and “physical activity and sport“. By showing examples of good practice of our project partners, we present especially successful results of local club activities. Due to the fact that there are no patent remedies, we want to provide an insight in the kinds of inspiration that worked well to achieve that female migrants got an interest in issues of “physical education and health“, and to show which barriers of access exist, what is required to bring them down and, finally, what may be an effective support to the sports clubs in this respect. The present brochure mainly aims at raising your interest and curiosity to learn something about the manifold facets of an open-minded intercultural cooperation, in particular with female migrants and girls and women with a migratory background. The examples of good practice are intended to serve as an orientation guide and an encouragement to reproduce the work. Our network project addressed female migrants as well as girls and women with a migratory background. For the sake of better readability, we apply the two terms alternately in this brochure. At the same time, we want to point out that the two terms have a different meaning (as defined in the information box on page 19). 10 I I 11 Promoting the Sporting Engagement of Girls and Women with a Migratory Background Causes of little engagement in sport Girls and women with a migratory background – a “no-sports“ group? Scientific research has provided only few provable data In organized sport, girls and women with a migratory groups naturally uses to be substantially higher than in background continue to be highly under-represented. the case of adult women, including female migrants, Neither the mass media reports on prominent sports- who are rather faraway from sports. According to the women with a migratory background, such as Lira Ba- figures of the German Youth Institute, 21 % girls with jramaj who plays football in the national team, can hide a migratory background, aged six to eight years, are this fact, nor can it be denied by the increasing public involved in organized sport, including also programs appreciation of top-level performance achieved by some offered by youth centers and cultural associations (see highly motivated sportswomen with a migratory back- Deutsches Jugendinstitut 2000, page 27 f.). However, ground, who are successful in high performance sports. this percentage turns out to be essentially relativized in Such a group is group is particularly lacking in non- the context of the total amount of 58 % of girls without competitive sports, i.e. mass sports. The rate of organi- a migratory background of the same age group, who zation of adult female migrants amounts to estimated take part in sports. If we look at the figures related to 1 % – 4 % (see Landessportbund Nordrhein Westfalen sport involvement at youth age, we even find a slightly 2004, page 15, Halm 2007, page 105). In comparison, higher percentage of young female migrants who play with regard to all female persons of the concerned age group who play sports, it amounts to approximately 20% (see DOSB 2008/09). The participation of younger age 12 I sports in an organized form, i.e. 28 %. Nevertheless, the difference remains still quite considerable as compared with the rate of 47 % in German girls (see Mutz 2009, page 108). What are the reasons? so far. Mutz (2009) presented some of the few empirical inquiries on this subject, basing himself on the data of the Pisa study (concerning female and male pupils aged 15 years), and pointing out the mutual correlation of an engagement in club sports, gender and economic or, respectively, cultural ‘capital’ of the families. His findings confirm that a low participation of young girls with a migratory background in organized sports - as compared with the German population – does not generally apply to the entire group of female migrants to the same extent, but rather strongly correlates with social economic variables. Average figures on a percentage basis, such as indicated above, will rather conceal the strong heterogeneousness of the group of female migrants with regard to their different countries of origin and differing cultures, social economic situation, level of education and normative or cultural background of the families. Gender, country of origin and engagement in sport In the group of 15-year-old youngsters with a migra- into account, we can see that female migrants from the tory background, both male and female, a total of 43 % “typical“ countries of origin of the migrant population practice sports in a club. Surprisingly, this figure is just in Germany, namely Turkey, on the one hand, and Rus- 4 % lower than the percentage of the group of young sia/Kasakhstan (female ethnic German late repatriates), people without a migratory background. However, if we on the other hand, show the lowest rate of representa- look more closely at the group of male and female young tion in sports clubs, namely just 20.5 % (Turkey) and persons with a migratory background and differentiate 20.2 % (Russia/Kasakhstan). In contrast, the amount the results according to gender, we find that 57 % of the of female migrants of other countries of origin is much male youngsters with a migratory background practice higher, for example, Italy (34.3 %), Greece (28.9 %) and sports in a club, while the rate of female youngsters Poland (30.3 %) (see Mutz 2009, page 110). This clearly with a migratory background only amounts to 28.2 %. illustrates that religion (e.g. the Muslim religion) cannot In contrast, among young people without a migratory be the only reason for the low degree of participation in background, the different gender by far does not play sport on the part of female migrants, since the female such a distinct role: 53.8 % of the male and 42,1 % ethnic German late repatriates have another religious of the female young persons without a migratory belief. Most often they belong to a non-conformist background are organized in a sports club. The ‘gender Mennonite church or a Baptist free church. However, issue’ seems to be a very decisive factor of participation we cannot exclude that certain sociocultural values in sport, particularly when it comes to migrant young and norms which regulate the behavior of women and people. Taking the factor ‘country of origin’ additionally young girls of the two I 13 Promoting the Sporting Engagement of Girls and Women with a Migratory Background groups of origin, mentioned above, and hamper the tory background (see Cachay/Thiel 2008). As to the its part – is considerably influenced by the intensity of engagement in sport, are suggested by a specific kind underlying meaning of this statement, it refers to the religious practice, independently of the respective reli- and way of practicing religion. amount of personally available economic and cultural gious belief (see Kleindienst-Cachay 2009). We should capital. There are substantial differences among young not ignore the fact that the intensity of influence by the migrants, in particular, when we take the respective traditions of the country of origin closely correlates with gender once again into consideration: In the group of the affiliation to a specific social class. Gesemann points young persons of a migratory background who have out that the adherence to standards and values of the a high level of access to socioeconomic resources, we country of origin is the more rigid, the lower the social find that 62 % of the male and, after all, 47 % of the status of an immigrant family is (see Gesemann 2006, female youngsters are organized in a sports club. (In page 10). For many female migrants of Turkish-Muslim comparison: male youngsters without a migratory back- background, the need to comply with the woman-spe- ground account for 59 % while the ration of females cific commands of their cultural environment represents amounts to 55 %). a substantial barrier of access to sport (separation of The background of mother-tongue speaking, socioeconomic conditions and engagement in sport According to the findings of Mutz, besides the respective country of origin, a frequent practice of the German language and the adoption of patterns of everyday behavior of the host society are factors of major influence for opportunities to take part in club sports. This means: if German is spoken in the family and – as the sexes, supervision of the daughters by adult family a side-effect – the cultural habits of the society of the This means that the sporting engagement of female majority are shared, it becomes more probable that migrants of a privileged social background reaches a the daughters are integrated in a sports club (see Mutz considerably high percentage, independently of their 2009, page 110). In contrast, the chances of participa- respective country of origin! In contrast, the rate of tion decrease in the case of female migrants, whose affiliation to a sports club strongly decreases among families do not speak German and – as a side-effect – socially disadvantaged young persons with a migratory cultivate mainly traditional standards of values and role background, and to a particularly alarming extent in the orientations. Only 20 % of that group are members of group of female youngsters. In terms of percentages, a sports club (independently of their respective country among young people of little socioeconomic capital, of origin), while the group of German mother-tongue there are still 51 % of the male young migrants who speakers account for 36 % (see ibid., page 112). How- have joined a sports club, compared with only 18 % ever, since 80 % of the male and female pupils with a of the female migrants, independently of their respec- Turkish migratory background come from families who tive country of origin (see Mutz 2009, page 115). This do not speak German at home, we are really dealing shows that we must not consider the country of origin with a problematic group. It is interesting to observe or the religious belief to be the causative factors of that the kind of language used by male youngsters with the low level of sporting engagement, although in and adolescents, who are quite similar to girls of Ger- a migratory background does not affect their engage- everyday theory this is often assumed, when we speak man origin in terms of their respective attitude towards ment in sport. Up to a rate of 68 % they are affiliated of the “problematic group“ of the Turkish female sport, represent just a very small minority. effects which playing and practicing sports have on the members of sports clubs, thus achieving the highest migrants. Access to sport hampered by effects of addition strangeness concerning the very “German“ institution and young women seems to be particularly problematic To clarify the low level of sporting engagement of girls the majority in a population class of low financial means with regard to their chances of participation in sports. and women with a migratory background in a truly and low-level education, will most probably not send rate of organization among all groups of adolescents. This leads to the conclusion that the standards of behavior that apply to girls and women in the families, are at least partly responsible for the low degree of the engagement in sport of the same. However, due to the economic situation of the majority of the families of Turkish origin, the situation of girls members, command of veiling, taboo of nakedness). Theses commands lead to requirements of acting which hamper – or even may impede – an active involvement in organized everyday sporting activities in Germany. The difficulties which Muslim girls and young women have to face, due to the mentioned regulations, do not correspond with the religion, as such, but rather with the way of practicing the religion – and to a large extent also with the willingness of the individual family to compromise -, by which the compliance with religion-related educational standards is moderated (see Boos-Nünning / Karakasoglu 2005, page 21 f.) Scarce participation of girls and women in sport might also result from the lack of knowledge in the families concerning sporting activities and the organizational structures of sport, as well as from a lacking understanding of the positive development of children and adolescents. A feeling of called sports club may also have contributed to this situation. Parents with a migratory background, who are Over 80 % of the group of Turkish immigrants belong differentiated way, we need to jointly consider differ- their daughters to a sports club without any encourage- Furthermore, the socioeconomic conditions of living of to the two lowest economic strata (see Alt 2006, page ent factors, namely the following features: country of ment from the outside; and for a majority of the girls, young people very considerably influence the sporting 10 f.; Mutz 2009, page 110). As a consequence, the origin, socioeconomic situation, level of education, their parents are no role models with regard to sporting engagement of youngsters with or without a migra- socially privileged among Turkish immigrant children background in terms of norms and values, which – on activities, either. 14 I I 15 Promoting the Sporting Engagement of Girls and Women with a Migratory Background When it comes to boys with a migratory background, problem. As a consequence, we have to develop sport The individual projects of the sports clubs, which were Information box: the situation is completely different, due to the fact that, programs which are aimed at specific target groups, in supported in the framework of the project “Physical firstly, they are not submitted to the same restrictive particular at girls and women who come from socially Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants I In the year 2009, about 15.7 million people with a educational standards and, secondly, sport – particularly and educationally disadvantaged families, if we want for Sports“, are specially committed to said programmatic playing soccer – serves as a projection screen of masculin- to promote sport of female migrants on a broad basis. approach. The detailed concept of the programs takes ity. This notion is also widely accepted in migrant families. These sport courses must be designed in a way which criteria into account which were developed on the basis Last, but not the least, the lack of financial resources accommodates the sporting activities with the specific of findings from an analysis of the sporting attitude of might also play a part, when families do not register their system of values of the girls and women concerned. In the female target groups (see Kleindienst-Cachay 2007). immigration, naturalization and nationality as well daughters in a sports club, because what is seen as finan- other words, when organizing sports, we should make it The sports courses are therefore designed for mass sports as the corresponding features of the parents. cially still acceptable in the case of the son of the family possible to comply with woman-specific rules and norms. activities and orientated to the wishes of the target group does not automatically apply to a daughter. Moreover, the contents of the courses offered must concerned. Among others, the special wishes include be structured in a way which enables girls and women swimming courses which take place in a swimming hall to experience that sports and games contribute to the that is inaccessible to public view. Everywhere, the sports IIf the observed low engagement in sport on the part of well-being, to the establishment of social contacts and to courses are combined with additional program parts of broad circles of the female migrant population rather the achievement of personal success and, finally, to the counseling and education, in order to improve the knowl- corresponds to a social and education-specific problem understanding that they are part of an everyday culture, edge of the female participants with regard to the health- of very specific social groups, we are not only dealing in practice, which also “goes with“ the perception of the promoting effects of physical activity and to encourage • ethnic German late repatriates with a sport-political but mainly with a sociopolitical role of a woman who has a history of migration. the girls and women to take up activities of personal • naturalized immigrated foreigners further education. The programs offered include nutrition • persons of at least one immigrated counseling, questions related to the German public health parent or, respectively, parent of system and educational advice, even providing German foreign nationality Possibilities of Intervention migratory background were living in Germany, out of them 7.8 million were women.1 I The migratory status of a person is determined on the basis of personal characteristics related to I Persons with a migratory background are differentiated, as follows: • immigrated foreigners (1st generation) • foreigners who were born in Germany (2nd and 3rd generation) language instruction. All sports courses are intentionally designed as low-threshold programs, i.e. there is no need to become an official member of a sports club, although source: 1 Federal Office of Statistics, 2010, club membership is certainly the long-term aim in view of sustainability. It is especially important that the courses offered are free of charge, i.e. socially disadvantaged persons have access to them, as well. In the light of integration, it is also understood that the courses are also open to girls and women without a migratory background. The programs are related to urban quarters. Links of cooperation with educational institutions and organizations of migrants serve to establish contacts with the target group. In this way, we reach mothers and children likewise and are in a position to offer, for example, mother-and child swimming courses which are suitable to connect both Female authors: target groups to further programs of sport-for-all of the Prof. Dr. Christa Kleindienst-Cachay Katrin Neumann, B.A. club in view of developing a longer-term linkage to sport. Department of Sports Science, Department of Sports Science, In summary: We achieved an important step towards the University of Bielefeld University of Bielefeld integration of female migrants in sport-for-all activities, and the different projects may serve other sports clubs as examples of successful integration work. 16 I I 17 The Role of Sports Clubs as Catalyzers of the Intercultural Opening of our Society Germany benefits from the great variety of people and cultures, which are enriching for our quality of life. We can benefit from the cultural enrichment and live more intensely if we incessantly discover and try new ways of living together. In this context, it is vital to question non-transparent structures of power which result in privileges, and to find out how to dissolve these structures and to overcome negative prejudices with respect to other persons. Sports clubs which already for a long time have advocated the teaching and living of democratic and participatory values, demonstrate a promising approach to the mission of shaping a better, more equitable and more integrative Germany. The consequences of demographic change Intercultural knowledge becomes a social competence Intercultural versus gender mainstreaming In the last years, social transformations have increas- numbers of elderly people who have a more distinct Growing demands related to intercultural competence Intercultural opening does not only refer to the integra- ingly turned implicit tasks into explicit exigencies. Social need to be offered sports programs that are suitable for represent an additional challenge. Growing globaliza- tion of those who are “different“ in an existing system, change does not stop at the doorstep of the clubs. Even their age. On the other hand, there are less children in tion as well as the history of migration of individuals in but rather to the efforts of all participating parties to the genuine core business of sport requires adaptations our society. Notwithstanding, they need more assistance Germany, the export world champion, also contribute conceptualize and implement necessary social trans- and care of a higher quality than in past decades, due to to a situation where intercultural knowledge is more formations, in cooperation with one another, in order alterations in family structures and the transformation of and more considered as a part of social core skills. To to jointly change the system in this way. In this regard, the social sector. convey these skills becomes increasingly relevant for change has to be understood as a permanent process to a changing environment. On the one hand, demographic change results in rising social-educative work. A part of this core competence that includes development, growth and opening as im- A recent example of these developments is the introduc- consists in the awareness, taken as granted in Germany manent parts of it. tion of all-day schools which organize their afternoon pro- but not shared everywhere in the world, that there grams in cooperation with the regional sports confedera- exist differing individual views and attitudes. Young The principle of intercultural opening must not be ac- tions. The pedagogical approach of all-day schools opens people, who want to master their lives successfully, cepted uncritically. You cannot reduce a person’s life new possibilities of interaction between the institutions can benefit from an early experience of self-reflection experience to the fact that she is a woman. Along the of school and club, offering sports clubs the chance to and the consciousness of their own impact on others, same lines, it is not justified to look at a person’s ex- reach more children and young people than ever before, as well as an understanding of the kind of society they perience of the environment solely on the basis of the just at the location ‘school’. Thanks to more frequent would prefer to live in, instead of considering tradi- social attribute “migrant“ nor in the light of the fact contacts, on the one hand, the clubs are in a position to tional ways as unchangeable. that the person concerned is a female migrant. Con- realize more ambitious pedagogical concepts and aims; on 18 I sequently, “intercultural mainstreaming“ can only be the other hand, more complex concepts are also essential The projects illustrated in this brochure have already considered to be one step in the right direction towards prerequisites to make the new collaboration a success. faced these new challenges successfully. a more comprehensive approach of understanding and I 19 The Role of Sports Clubs as Catalyzers of the Intercultural Opening of our Society Information Box: I In the German language the notion of “intercul- of challenging the existing social structures of power. An intercultural team naturally adds to a lively culture tural opening“ is used as a synonym of the En- It is not possible to mentally grasp the complexity of of dialogue. In pragmatical terms, in a club intercultural glish term “intercultural mainstreaming“, which an individual by simply adding up the different social, opening means that it provides possibilities to not only because of its parallelism to the term of “gender cultural or biological features of the same. attract new members but also to find competent per- mainstreaming“ already refers to the theories and concepts which the first is based upon. sons for a team of trainers, the board and for adminis- We have to find cooperative ways of living together trative positions, appointing these persons in the most which take the complexity and individuality of any and I As to “gender mainstreaming“, it deals with differentiated way possible. every person into account. It might not be the best solu- a gender-specific impact assessment with a tion to look at assumed discrepancies within differing Such a policy of participation may lead to more discus- view to improving the social and institutional concepts, such as “gender“ and “intercultural main- sions on issues related to the social responsibilities of structures, and with a strategy to ensure the streaming“, and to wish to integrate groups of persons, institutions and individuals. The club may become a equality of rights in general, after all. who had firstly been defined as “others“, in an equally catalyzer in order to promote the pursuit of more social alleged “normality“ by means of an action plan. In con- responsibility. If somebody experiences in the club that trast, the notion that there are no “normal“ club mem- he/she is able to change something, including existing bers and no “normal club“, either, and the fact that we structures of power, he/she will transfer this experi- therefore have to deal rather with a matter of inclusion ence to everyday life. A person who acts in the club than of integration, is an approach that any club is able in a trend-setting way will also do so in or outside his/ to put into practice. herr own environment. The consciousness of one’s self- I The concept of “intercultural mainstreaming“ aims at the same objectives, however, it looks at structures from a different angle, i.e. basing itself on a cultural, ethnic, national and/ or religious background. In this context, the German term refers to persons with a migratory background. I The concept of “intercultural opening“ emphasizes the aspect of participation – as does the “gender mainstreaming“ model – , thus going beyond the idea of “integration“. The term of “integration“ implies that something which has been outside an existing system is integrated in that system. “club“: As social institutions of a low-threshold nature, able us to deliberate on our similarities and differences citizen-centered, participatory and democratic with re- and help us to become aware of the circumstance that spect to their legal structures, as well as naturally devel- power materializes through special privileges which are oped in their history, the clubs already meet all demands attributed to some positions and not to others. And we to face the challenges of social change. must learn to recognize these privileges as such, when they favor some people and discriminate others on the grounds of the respective social positions. Scrutinizing one’ own position and critically questioning one’s own practice is always a difficult task, especially should it challenge ideas which seemingly are generally accepted. The sense of community in club life offers room for Qualification as a chance ferences and similarities. This happens at the club house, The process initiated in this way may be confronted with instruction, when important multipliers, such as male resistance. Many a club might be surprised and run the risk of giving up too early. However, this kind of confrontation with and the overcoming of obstacles, in the 20 I efficacy is already rooted in the organizational construct This requires a development of strategies which en- reflection and the exchange of experience regarding difat the regular’s table, during active training lessons and and female coaches of the club, cultivate and stimulate a culture of dialogue. Author: spirit of a sporting and friendly competition, not only In this context, examples of training circumstances in generates better athletes but also better concepts. Fac- different environments additionally contribute to a Prof. Dr. Heather Cameron ing different approaches and viewpoints always enables growing awareness of one’s own privileges and opens Junior Professor of Pedagogics of Integration us to examine our own positions; and this is an impor- an appropriate access to the need to critically review at the Free University of Berlin tant precondition for successful inclusion. one’s own position. I 21 What is our Understanding of “Integration“? Our work in the network project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Information box: Female Migrants for Sports“ is founded on the basic understanding of integra- I See page 111 of the brochure and visit the website to get more tion that was developed in the program “Integration Through Sport“, a program information on the Federal program “Integration through Sport“ sponsored by the Federation (the German government). The understanding of integration, as illustrated in the present brochure, is an important step in order to get the idea of our project work. The notion of integration in the Federal program “Integration Through Sport“ Diversity means Chances – Diversity is Enrichment An ongoing task for everyone We understand integration as the possibility of all In our program “Integration through Sport“ we under- Integration is a long-term, continuing process which is as of mainly immigrant members to start opening the people who live in Germany to participate in social life, stand immigration as an enrichment for the German defined, time and again, on the foundation of an ongo- sports clubs for female and male participants of different also in the sports clubs, on grounds of equal rights. sports movement. We do not consider the diversity ing agreement on common bases of social interaction origins and to establish intercultural structures based on Persons of differing biographies of origin belong to and specificity of different cultures as contrasts but as and cooperation. Against this background, integration is partnership. our country, it is therefore our aim to create an atmos- important complements and, thus, as a benefit for all an ongoing task for everyone; it is not only aimed at ad- phere in our sports clubs where they feel encouraged to of us. This requires that we acknowledge – and also use dressing immigrants but the native population, as well. develop themselves and to actively take part in sports for common aims - the plurality of our society and the programs or to work as volunteers. This requires mutual resulting potentials, kinds of experience and competenc- respect and the recognition of cultural diversity. The es (e.g. with regard to the way in which we deal with setting needed for successful integration is linked to an different languages, systems, cultures) that immigrants adherence to basic positions of the rule of law and to bring in, due to their history of migration. democratic values. Dialogue and Interaction Dialogue and interaction are determining factors of integration. Mutual approach and communication are basic conditions for successful integration work. The program Sport gives room for participation Shared responsibility Integration is a process which involves the whole society. Each and everybody is required to bring in his/her Organized sport has a manifold potential and social pos- individual skills to make a living space possible where sibilities to provide an important field of action in order people meet one another, interacting with mutual to help persons with a migratory background meet the respect, acknowledging the differences of other persons home-grown population. The process of integration in and, thus, working together in favor of equal rights and through sport needs to be actively shaped . Target- of participation of all people. Such a commitment and ed measures intentionally encourage and promote the cooperation of people, immigrants and natives, as well potentials of integration of sport (organized in clubs). as institutions of the public and the private sector, shape the process of integration and essentially determine its Sports clubs of migrants success. Organized sport has a special role to play in dialogue of male and female migrants with the native Sports clubs of migrants may give a part of the female Author: and male migrants a social home, and they address supporting and encouraging the process of integration population, within sports groups, clubs and organized Verena Zschippang sport, in general, as well as in networks at communal persons who, otherwise, would perhaps not have found and supra-regional levels. In this way, the program also access to a sports club. These clubs not only enrich DOSB Project Leader, serves as an important encouragement for immigrants to the world of sports but also have an important bridge- “Physical Activity and Health – practice the German language in reality and to further building function. To fully utilize the integrating poten- Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ improve their German language skills. tial of sport, which promotes mutual understanding, “Integration through Sport“ supports and promotes the too, it is equally important for clubs of German as well 22 I this context and assumes responsibility by systematically in and through sport. 1 When using the term of ‚sports clubs of migrants‘, the DOSB refers to sports clubs which were founded by male and female migrants or, respectively, are organized by them, the members of which are mainly migrants and which, with regard to their selfperception and the perception from the outside, are linked to the migratory background of their members. I 23 I The Promotion of Health for and of Female Migrants Although the subject of “health“ is an important matter for female migrants, their specific knowledge of health-related issues and the significance of healthpromoting physical activity and sport is not as sufficient as desired. At this point, the DOSB network project comes into play. Health, sport and integration are reciprocally linked with one another in two respects: On the one hand, it is particularly club sport that gives broad and open social space. It facilitates the establishment of contacts and helps to assume collective responsibility and to try personal limits on one’s own or jointly with others. These are ways to strengthen self-confidence and to broaden one’s horizon in view of action. On the other hand, the network project pursued an approach which explicitly underlined the structures, regulations and possibilities of the German public health system. Consequently, information and awareness-building, concerning patient care locations and topics like hygiene, prevention and sexuality, were integral parts of the project. The following presentations may be regarded as a preventive measure or an elementary contribution to a healthy lifestyle, in any case, they will show that organized sport is an important partner and stakeholder of civil society in the area of the German public health system, also from the viewpoint of integration policy. 24 I I 25 The Promotion of Health for and of Female Migrants A way towards an integrating attendance Although there are 15.7 million people with a migratory background meanwhile, of migrants with the help of mother-tongue speaking male and female migrants in Germany can only benefit from the good German mediators. A variety of subject-matters cover, for ex- public health system inadequately. In many cases, this leads to considerably re- prevention, nutrition and physical activity as well as ample, topics of mother-and-child health, breast cancer emotional health. duced chances to stay healthy. Unfortunately, the necessary orientation to everyday life in a foreign country quite often makes health prevention a secondary concern on the part of migrants. Nowadays, research on health and integration belongs to the center’s main fields of activities, as well. In our research work we cooperate with the Medical College of Hanover, the University Ludwig-Maximilian of Munich, the University Clinics of Ulm, the College of Villingen-Schwennigen, the College of Applied Sciences at Hamburg and the Department of Public Health of the University of Bielefeld. The (German) Federal Ministry Health and Migration as a Chance of Education and Research and the Ministry of Public Beside the system of education and the work place, the in a helpful way, to give support in a resource-oriented public health system is the third column in view of the manner and to contribute its part to integration. On promotion of integration. Medical care is an issue that this background, the Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum e.V. hits, more than the other two mentioned elements, the (registered association) was founded in Hanover more Until 2002, the EMZ served as a regional center of the vulnerable points of the people in their personal envi- than 20 years ago. In Germany and throughout Europe Federal State of Lower Saxony and was institutionally ronment, making them dependent on contacts with the it is considered to be the leading competence center and supported by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Family and doctor, the nurse and the system. Health and migration an example of good practice with regard to migration, Health of Lower Saxony as well as the city and region The largest and most successful project of the EMZ is are therefore important areas of responsibility of the health and access to the public health system. of Hanover. From 2003 onwards, the financial support called ‘’MiMi – Intercultural Health with Migrants for by the company health insurance funds BBK (Berieb- Migrants in Germany“. Nowadays, it is acknowledged skrankenkassen) helped to try a supra-regional project as the key technology of integration. Our organiza- idea (MiMi), Today, we are active in ten Federal States tion targeted the project as a means to counteract the with our country-wide programs for migrants, which are disadvantage of migrants regarding health concerns financed by the European Union as well as the compe- and to include them in a process of awareness-building tent ministries of Schleswig-Holstein, Hamburg, Lower education and intercultural opening. social and the public health systems. A healthy population is economically more successful, has more chances of education and generates less social costs. It is a basic question which processes become relevant in migration and are detrimental or beneficial to health, and what are the possibilities of the German public health system to intervene The Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum in Germany The Ethno-Medizinisches Zentrum, e.V. (EMZ) is a non-profit association, which promotes the social and health-related integration of migrants in Germany and Europe. It has the task to create trust, determine responsibilities and to serve as a “bridge“ between Health are among the sponsor of the above-mentioned research work. Saxony, Hesse, North-Rhine-Westphalia and Bavaria. In addition to our headquarters in Hanover, we established regional locations in Bavaria and North-Rhine-West- MiMi – with migrants for migrants phalia, where we have regional project coordinators. To win migrants over for the promotion and prevention rights of access to the programs of the systems of public EMZ projects were repeatedly awarded distinctions: in a healthy way, is a promising way towards success, health, social support and education for the group of Prophylaxis Prize of the German Society for Dental if it is linked to the education of mediators and health citizens mentioned above. Prophylaxis in 2001, Jansen Cilag Future Prize in 2006, workers as well as the provision of mother-tongue Qulity Prize of the Academy of Public Health in 2004, information on the living environments of the migrants Our main fields of activities include interpretation serv- Health Prize of North-Rhine-Westphalia in 2006, Sus- (“approach of intercultural setting“). The MiMi health ices for the social and public health systems, advanced tainability Prize of the German Sustainability Council in project of the EMZ, called “With Migrants For Migrants Social Scientist, Managing Director of the training of employees in health-related occupations and 2008 and the distinction ‘Social Entrepreneur of the Year – Intercultural Health in Germany“, is the largest and Ethno-Medical-Center e. V. (EMZ) multilingual action campaigns for the health education 2009’ (Schwab Foundation). also most successful project in this respect the institutions of public health and male and female migrants. Its work is mainly aimed at providing equal Author: Ramazan Salman 26 I of health, to inform them and to inspire them to live I 27 The Promotion of Health for and of Female Migrants A way towards an integrating attendance Information box: I Concerning the MiMi project, the EMZ cooperates with more than 180 cooperation partners in 53 ci- companies and community centers of the migrant ties and communities throughout the whole country. groups (“life-environment-related approach“). I For many migrants the community is a place where guidelines and brochures provide relevant information health-promoting activities, including health care, is on the public health system and important issues of pre- guaranteed. (Salman/Ngassa Djomo 2009). vention, which are made available in up to 15 different languages. established cooperation partner at several locations 4. Public relations and networking: The female and of project implementation. male mediators, who were trained so far, organize themselves in a local network. Press releases, meetings I The EMZ targeted the project MiMi as a means to counteract the disadvantage of migrants regarding health concerns and to include them in a process Module I Module II Module III Training of mediators and health workers Multilingual campaigns Health Directory Communities 3. Health directory: A “health directory“ or health trust is built and the quality of counseling and I In the framework of the DOSB project, MiMI was an Module IV Public Relations tilingual events take place in clubs, mosques, schools, Module V Evaluation Networks “More Health For All“ Research and project conferences as well as an internet presence are integral parts of the project. of awareness-building education and intercultural 5. Evaluation: The multilingual campaigns are evalu- opening. ated, using inquiry forms based on interviews, and on reproductive health, dental health, calendars of vaccina- of copies downloaded via the internet has amounted to the basis of the results of periodical project conferences. tions, HIV/AIDS, substance abuse problems, children’s 150,000. You can order them, nationally or internation- health, early breast cancer diagnosis. ally, in German, Turkish and Russian as well as in 15 ad- 6. Research: In projects of cooperation with universities and research institutes, important subjects and questions are analyzed and investigated. With the help of the respective findings, we can develop new solutions and build up more sustainable structures. The MiMi project is especially successful with the Turkish community. In the course of the MiMI project, more than 3000 events of mother-tongue information on health issues were held and documented. The topics of “nutrition and physical activity“, “children’s health and the preven- ditional languages via internet or download them (www. or www.bkk-promig. de). These directories illustrate the German public health system and its programs offered, also describing diseases and how to protect oneself to avoid them. tion of accidents“ as well as “emotional health“ were in The World Health Organization (WHO) appreciated The six modules of the MiMI project The project MiMi: concept and modules, 2009 highest demand up to now. Most of the mediators and the MiMi project 2009 as a leading example of good 1. Training of health mediators and health workers: Mediators and health workers are very committed and health workers are women (about three quarters), which practice and dignified it with an international case study In a training of 50 hours migrants achieve good lan- successfully integrated female and male migrants. This also applies to the participants in the events. ( guage skills and get high-quality instruction by medical means, they are persons who are loyal in two direc- Since 2008 the MiMi approach has been financially doctors, psychologists and educationalists to become tions. They speak both languages well, German and supported by the European Union within the framework intercultural health mediators (“Halk Saglik Elemanlari“). the language of their origin, they are familiar with the of the project “Aids and Mobility Europe“ and been Nowadays both, the public health system and the The subject-matters of the training include the structure situation of life of their compatriots and serve migrants introduced by the Ethno-Medical center, together with migrants are more reliant than ever before on concepts of and programs offered by the German public health as key persons for a positive identification. They take “associated partners“, in Istanbul, London, Copenha- and approaches of an integrating care. Consequently, system, important issues of prevention as well as nutri- part in a qualification by experts on the structures of the gen, Brussels, Tallin and Rome. This shows that Mimi is health protection and promotion are at the same time tion and physical activity, children’s health and methods German public health system. Moreover, they learn how exported as a technology of social integration, and in elements of the promotion of integration. of adult education. to convey this knowledge to their compatriots by means many places it gains imitators. 2. Multilingual health campaigns: The trained female keting/20070403_2 ). As a consequence, the question arises whether the MiMi concept is transferable. Intercultural approaches and concepts of prevention, of health campaigns in their mother-tongue. As to the multilingual directories, which were developed counseling, therapy and care have proven themselves and male mediators impart the newly achieved know- Among many other topics, the campaigns include is- in the course of the MiMi project, over 280,000 copies in the public health system. They will have to be further how to their compatriots. As a special feature, the mul- sues, such as infectious diseases, accidents at work, have already been ordered up to now, and the number developed and implemented in the future. 28 I I 29 The Promotion of Health for and of Female Migrants The significance of sport for femininity The typical female migrant, the typical woman with a migratory background, the typical national of a third country does not exist. But all these women have something in common: they often have less knowledge of their own body than the wom- The significance of menstruation Sometimes the women even do not know any term in The influence on or even endangerment of fertility is of their respective language of origin to denominate the specific importance for women throughout the whole female sexual organs, because “it is not appropriate to Muslim culture and reflects the significance of fertility in en of the receiving society. speak about these things“. the light of the role and the value of women in society. Individual, cultural or religion-related ideas of aetiology (cause and reason) concern- General and personal ideas of hygiene and sanitation Thus, a monthly cycle in regular intervals is of vital im- ing health and disease influence the personal opportunities of these women and their daughters, too, to practice some health-promoting sporting activities. This holds particularly true for women from a Muslim cultural environment where spe- portance for the definition of femininity. are differing. We often encounter the perception that water is somehow harmful during menstruation, at least Notwithstanding, the menstruation is frequently associ- on the days when the bleeding is strong. Once and ated with negative elements (sickness, impureness). This again, women say that they abstain from washing on is why a strong menstruation is considered to be the fe- the first days of their menses. The tip to take a warm male body’s need of purification. We have to underline, cial traditional commandments demand for the separation of the sexes, supervision bath in case of menstrual cramps is a surprise to most once and again, that the menstruation is an indicator of and veiling, thus not only impeding sporting activities of girls and women but also Muslim women. For a period of three years, a young a healthy, agile and feminine functioning of the female self-esteem and other positive effects of physical activity and sport which lead to an women had been afraid to be unfertile because she had body. Consequently, this process should be a reason for had a long bath in the sea on the day of her menarche pride, in principle, and not for shame. (“I just did not know that I would get my period“). invigoration of the social network. Information box: Sport and physicality – a taboo (or not)? I ÄGFF is an association of at present 90 female This mainly refers to the concern of a negative impact physicians country-wide. I For many years, the holistic prevention concept of of sport on menstruation, the symbol of female fertility, and also to the notion of an eventual injury of the hymen due to sporting activities. Sensibility to different the ÄGFF has pursued the approach to inspire girls cultures is a must in teaching processes, however, is not in favor of a health-promoting attitude and, conse- difficult to achieve, due to the fact that, not too long quently, of practicing some sporting activity. ago, many of the mythical ideas concerning the cyclic I By means of preventive talk rounds at schools, the functions of the female body were not unfamiliar in girls receive help to understand, appreciate and our society, either, and the commandment of virginity protect their bodies . and arranged marriages were an unchallenged everyday I The ÄGFF is not only a network partner of the German Olympic Sports Confederation regarding the project “Physical Activity and Health – Moti- practice in our cultural environment, as well. Other countries, other conditions vating more Female Migrants for Sports“ but it also Basic knowledge of andranatomy and the anatomy of worked as an actual DOSB cooperation partner in the woman is most often lacking on the part of girls and the local projects. women with a migratory background. The need of information and the interest in more knowledge are overwhelming. The respective know-how is easy to convey by means of medical information events. “If I not have my period every month. This means that I have it in one and not in other month. Is this normal? And why it happens? Why I have pains in my breasts and in my belly?” 30 I I 31 The Promotion of Health for and of Female Migrants The significance of sport for femininity Women’s Health is a huge issue To practice sports on days of menstruation is most often General questions on the health of women are always different culture, but medical information for awareness- considered to be harmful, as it is said to affect the raised spontaneously: e.g.. on consulting a gynecologist, building is mandatory for achieving that women do not blood flow. This also applies to bathing, carrying heavy preventive medical examinations, the right moment for perceive sporting activities as an endangerment of their items or lifting weights. It is also said that a hot-water the daughters to see a gynecologist for the first time, own generative potential and, thus, also that of their bottle to alleviate dysmenorrhea is never allowed to medical check-ups by doctors of child and adolescent daughters. In our capacity as female physicians of the be placed directly on the tummy but, if at all, on the medicine. Furthermore, there are questions concerning “culture of the majority“, we enjoy full confidence on feet. This is why the counseling on contraception must sexuality and the way we deal with it in our culture, sex the part of our patients, thanks to our professional com- explicitly make reference to the fact that hormonal education classes at schools, reasons of childlessness petence and also thanks to our medical confidentiality. contraception (e.g. the pill) reduces the intensity of the (chlamydia or impediments of procreation on the part of Girls and women accept our information, in our capacity menstruation without affecting the female body or the the man), vaccinations (topical: HPV vaccination), con- as their female physicians, about the positive effects of female fertility in any way. traception and sexually transmitted diseases, gyneco- sports on health. The women always explicitly thank us logical disorders (myoma, incontinence, breast cancer). for the talks, often even asking us for a continuation. Sport and virginity The ÄGGF as a mediator Virginity is another issue of special interest. It is as- In this way, we contribute to the “empowerment“ of women with a migratory background in terms of integra- sociated with an “intact“ hymen which, according When teaching health-promoting issues which are relat- tion by means of education as well as along the lines of to tradition, during the wedding night cracks with a ed to the health of women, this is not only a matter of integration in the sporting activities offered by schools following bleeding; in other words: the honor of the conveying the information in a way that is sensible to a and sports clubs. family depends on the physical condition of the hymen. For this reason, nothing is supposed to endanger this Andrea Mais, Female Physician of the ÄGGF hymen, neither the use of sanitary tampons nor sporting activities nor any other incident (“I should have got my period, but I did not get it. On Thursday I went cycling and fell down, and then I was bleeding. Am I still a virgin ?“). An elementary message to all women, which reaches and influences the families, as well, consists in building awareness of the fact that after puberty and under the influence of the female hormones, as a rule the hymen becomes a kind of soft and elastic border, which is placed around the introitus vaginae, and that the use of tampons is unoffensive and even of great help in sports, particularly swimming, with a view to mobility and safety/control. Even on the occasion of the “first time“, provided that Author: the mutual treatment is respectful and considerate, Dr. med. Gisela Gille which, once and again, causes reason for reflective- the majority of the girls do not get a bleeding, a fact Chairwoman of the Medical Society ness and, consequently, also allows for a correction of for the Promotion of Women‘s Health the notion that the hymen might “crack“ as a result of sporting activities. 32 I The Female Physicians of the ÄGGF I 33 I Sport, Women and Religion Sport is good for everyone, also for female migrants and, in particular, for women from Islamic countries. Wearing a Muslim headscarf, walking always ten steps behind the man, dependent – this kind of image is still rooted in many people’s minds, often attributing an abstinence from sports to female Muslims, per se. Nowadays, however, this is far from holding true for all female migrants! “Sport, women and religion“ are terms that are not mutually exclusive. Knowledge ensures hindsight and opens chances of a mutual approach of female migrants and sports clubs. The following articles will provide a deeper insight in the interrelation of these concepts. 34 I I 35 Sport, Women and Religion The power of glances cast at the female body Islam is not a person and, thus, does not speak with one voice. It has more than 1.5 thousand millions of followers and represents the second largest religion in the world, owing its success, in particular, to its transformation ability and its adaptability to variable local environments. However, the mass media often ignore the enormous spectrum of realities that range from inner-Islamic pluralism to various kinds of ‘transculturality’. somatic orientation of this religion and the lifestyle Regarding the aspects of war, usually women were not propagated thereby which emphasize well-being and actively involved in the jihad, which may have also been health. As a matter of fact, the prophet Muhammad due to the fact that in past times captured women had (dead in 623 AD) was not a homo sedens. He was a been distributed as pieces of booty, in accordance with former caravan leader and more mobile than most of old arabic conventions. But Aischa did not comply with his contemporaries. He is said to not only have ridden her role and directed the fighters from her camel in the camels and horses but also to have practiced archery, so-called battle of camels. Nevertheless, the permanent hunting, running and even wrestling. retrospective reference to the early Islamic community of The role Aischa played with respect to sport Images of the Orient shape our perception and his companions are not the pivotal concern, but rather all what 1400 years of endless discussions, writ- Muhammad is supposed to have repeatedly raced ten explanations and ascertained practice, including against his favorite wife Aischa; on one occasion she infringements and toleration, have made of them. won against him, on another the result was vice versa. However, as some authors use to underline, he did not Since the beginning of orientalism, particularly the body The western spectator shivers once more with TV and compete against her in front of male observers but had of the woman has served the Occident as a means to other pictures of jihad activism in archaic holy warri- previously sent the men on. devise a completely different construct of perception. In ors’ camps in Afghanistan or Pakistan where people of this context, the segregation and lethargy of the oriental tattered aspect show a kind of mimicry military circle woman – be it in the harem or due to her hermetical training. isolation under her Muslim veil – were considered to be the 7th century AD, to Koran and Sunna of the prophet specific characteristics in this respect. In contrast, the Sport in Islam notion of the Occident regarding its own image was that As is generally known, sport and its characteristics of of being active, methodical and mostly moving in a tar- formal equality, standardization, rationalization and get-oriented way; in short: all features that are usually specialization are regarded as an invention of the 18th associated with the modern spirit of the West and with and 19th century, in the course of industrialization or, sports. Painters like Ingres allow us to throw a voyeur’s respectively, as a counterbalance to it, which spread out glance at the body of “The Oriental“ – a body which is from England to the whole world and, for the first time, timelessly passive or in an elegiac way indulged in pleas- generated something like a clearly noticeable leisure ure, in any case, without any tension of the muscles. To time. In contrast, earlier relevant activities in history a great extent, the perception of Muslim women, which were dedicated to action fields such as martial arts, associates them with segregation and passiveness, has hunt, dance, festivities with acrobatics, etc. In accord- lasted to date. ance with the all-encompassing Islamic Law or normative Islam (“Fiqh“), as well as the respective regionally In contrast, the perception of the Orient has always at- differing implementation of the same, the participation tributed to Muslim men two basic ways of being: they of women in that kind of events was only envisaged on were either characterized as pipe smoking and relaxing a very limited scale . in a hedonistic way or, respectively, as wild, martial, irascible, on horseback. Such a kind of ideas of a manly However, many Muslim erudites refer to the fact that Muslim belligerence were strongly encouraged by the praying five times a day, which is also compulsory for crusades and the Turkish wars, having persisted to the women, and the pilgrimage to Mecca as well as Ram- times we live in. adan, the month of fasting, already indicate the strong 36 I I 37 Sport, Women and Religion The power of glances cast at the female body Physical activity extends norms The importance of clothing Strict segregation is rather an urban phenomenon; Particular sports, which prescribe a far-going disrobe- indicator of national modernization, meanwhile the pen- among nomads and in areas of a distinct agricultural den modalities of competition. But generally speaking, ment of the women, such as beach volleyball with dulum is swinging back the other way and is utilized by nature, the range of action of women has always been Islam can be considered to be body-friendly and, above regard to scanty bikinis, rhythmic sports gymnastics many circles to express their own views and to formulate broader. There is hardly any Muslim author nowadays all, body-conscious. Expert opinions on legal issues of with close-fitting jerseys, or tennis, generate special the corresponding demands. who would question the physical and also emotional religion, which laconically attest sport-interested women uneasiness. In this context, Islamic jurisprudence (not to be mistaken benefits of sport for a healthy, well-balanced life. However, at the same time, each athletic discipline is subject Male spectators and, even more so, the transmission of for the statutory law of Islamic countries) is cited in a to an individual deliberation and a specific assessment. sports events by the mass media confront women with selective way by these circles and primarily targeted to to already have sufficient physical activity with household work and childcare, have nowadays become more and more seldom. severe criticism and personal feelings of guilt. The code their opinions on feminine shame, although their critical The main objections, which are raised against certain requires that women have to keep their honor and In the meantime, it would be nice if not only confession- evaluation of different sports is altogether based on particular sports, deal with the concept that the control dignity by ensuring that only their hands, feet and faces free research on Islam but also Islamic Jurisprudence a much broader foundation, including, for example, of human drives is not internalized nor individualized, are visible (the code for men only refers to the covering critically reflected upon the many occasions on which reservations concerning special brutality, gradual blur- but rather achieved by the segregation of the sexes, of the area from the navel to the knees, which – just the female body was improperly made a zone of symbol- ring of gender boundaries, waste of money, admonition above all. In this respect, the diverse regulations of the starting with soccer – they studiously overlook), to take ic disputes and redefined as a visible sign of the Islamic regarding the neglect of one’s duties or certain forbid- normative Islam generate a different awareness of the care of their virginity. These requirements considerably lsystem of life. body. Non-Muslims experience situations and spaces limit the number of favored sports. At the same time, that are utilized by both sexes (corresponding to the we observe a startling phenomenon: the passion of modern working world), as unproblematic, such as many Muslim girls for martial arts. These sports allow public swimming pools. In contrast, Muslims experience them to wear a sport outfit that is not subject to the them as spheres of a culpable violation of the God-given general suspicion of being obscene. Breathable clothing roles of the two genders. Furthermore, sport activities for sport activities, such as the ‘Capster’, allow for a like cycling and competing in supra-regional events en- growing participation. large the range of action that is traditionally attributed to the woman, and therefore arouse suspicion. Several sportswomen, such as the princess Haya of Jordania (now wife of the sovereign of Dubai and Prime Minister of the United Arab Emirates, and female president of the International Riding Federation /FEI ) who does horseback riding without wearing a Muslim scarf, cause quite a stir and polarize opinions. Clearly visible female athletes bring diverse opinions on to the scene, in particular, the demand for closed sport spaces exclusively for women. However, statements on female sports often do not refer to the real facts only, but rather serve as a substitutional outlet of concealed social or political criticism. Author: Prof. Dr. Birgit Krawietz Two steps forward, one backwards Researcher on Islam. While in the 20th century the state-approved feminism Focus of Research: Islamic law of countries like Iran, Turkey, Egypt, Tunesia, etc., was and culture history, FU of Berlin too hastily freed from taboos and had given female sports a platform, making it a seemingly unmistakable 38 I I 39 Sport, Women and Religion The role of sport in Islam To answer the question of “Islam and Sport?“, a look in the Qur’an (English: point of the enhancement of collective solidarity and the Islamic community, occasionally they even take Koran) and the Sunna will shed light on this concern. While Allah’s message in global friendship, peace promotion, reconciliation and place at the Mosque. the Koran is rather concise and proverbial, the Sunna of the Prophet Muhammed itly recommends sport, provided that universal ethics explains how to interpret the wording of the Koran. and the framework of the above-mentioned limits are As far as sport is concerned, there is not any veto in the Koran. In accordance “We created you from a single (pair) of a male and a with the basic method applied by Islamic jurisprudence, this means that as long ‘siblinghood’ among human beings, Islam even explic- I Horseback riding: Horseback riding is permitted if the rights of animals are respected. I Hunting: Hunting and killing animate beings is forbid- complied with. female, and made you into nations and tribes, that ye may know each other” – the wording of the Koran is 1 den unless due to discernible need or indigence. I Wrestling: To prevent unpredictable combats, it is allowed to exercise wrestling. as something is not explicitly forbidden, it is permissible, in principle. In its gen- clear without ambiguity here. eral recommendations the Koran dictates that one should eat healthy food and Translated into the time we are living in, this means: if foot racing is practiced as a game of chance, this Sport, above all international sports events like the permission ceases to exist. stay healthy. The Sunna teaches that health is also a gift of Allah, which has to be taken care of in a responsible and preventive manner. If sport is a means of promoting and maintaining health, according to the Koran and the Sunna, it is a Olympic Games, create an atmosphere of cross-border opportunities to get to know one another, promoting the encounter of international athletes, organizers, employed back staff and volunteers, visitors and spectators I Foot racing:The same apples to foot racing. However, I Swimming: It has been passed down that the Prophet already learned swimming when he was still a young man. Therefore, swimming is a sport which Islam recommends, too. good and recommendable activity. Some annotators of the Koran even go beyond of different national, cultural and religious backgrounds. this view by stating that healthy nutrition requires the consumption of organic Being acquainted with each other is a means of mendations, as well. They made sports grounds available products. strengthening respectfulness, tolerance and mutual for training and competition, also providing financial esteem as well as the condemnation of apartheid, rac- support to the athletes. The successors of the Prophet acted on these recom- ism and intolerance. On the occasion of joint sporting Maintaining the vitality of body and mind This is why vitality and health are the main effects which avoided that have a negative influence on the nature of sport needs to take into account. The religion demands man, animals and plants or on sanity and reason. This a humane treatment of sportswomen and sportsmen. general message not only applies to food but also to A high pressure to succeed is as undesirable as going sport. Particular sports which impair the integrity and beyond ones limits or particular sports are, which may health of the human body or, respectively, lead to ir- lead to severe and incurable impairments. Islamic ethics remediable damages, shall be avoided. do not admit this kind of manifestations of sport; they vitality of body and mind; and a glance at two examples of worship in Islam demonstrates that, in the broader Nowadays we can state: As long as female and male men) get to now one another in a better way, but this Muslims comply with the dress code for their respective also holds true for the nations. body, they shall be allowed to practice any sport that is in accordance with their char- The Koran also states: All behavioral patterns shall be The Sunna also underlines the need to maintain the events, not only the people (sportswomen and sports- therefore have to be avoided. Sport enhances the community sense, the practice of praying is also a physical train- The global community is a multi-ethnic, multi-religious ing, and the pilgrimage to Mecca requires that you walk and multi-cultural undertaking. In view of a substantial a distance of a considerable number of kilometers. In basis of ‘siblinghood’ among human beings, the Koran other words: both religious services do not only keep the clearly expects the different nations and ethnic groups mind vital and healthy but also the body. to become acquainted with one another. From the view- The “classical“ sports of Islam There are no explicit wordings in the Koran which would and their nature. deal with physical activity, but a look at the Sunna helps in this respect. The Prophet Muhammed encourages his followers to practice several sports. His statements focus on sports that serve recreation purposes. However, he also positively mentions particular sports which require physical exercise and training for unavoidable combats. I Archery: In these competitions with bow and arrow it is forbidden to use animate beings as targets for exercise. The rights of human beings and also those of all kinds of animals must be protected. I Javelin games: To learn to handle a javelin in a cau- Autor: Bekir Alboga, M.A. Researcher on Islam, Federal commissioner for dialogue and head of department of interreligious and intercultural cooperation of DITIB (Turkish-Islamic Union of the Institute of Religion, e. V.) tious and safe way, javelin performances are held in 1 40 I acter, capacity of performance Koran, 49:13 I 41 Sport, Women and Religion Sport overcomes religious and cultural borders There are numerous writings and successful practical examples concerning the which we specially underline the health-related aspects of sporting activities. The core message is clear: health significance of sport for integration policy. Sport is able to connect people, to is a universal value which men and women are entitled overcome barriers and to facilitate encounters of persons of the most different to, likewise. This access to sport, concerning contents, in the first instance enables us to overcome religious, origin and social background. However, sport does not only bring people to- traditional or gender-specific lines of argumentation or gether, but it can also strengthen the feeling of solidarity. This is exactly where all perceptions that keep women from practicing sports. stakeholders of integration, sport and the media will have to face pivotal chal- A (traditional) role pattern is in flux lenges. Along these lines, the FIFA World Cup 2010 was a good example. On the The life situation of female migrants is not statical nor occasion of the Soccer World Championship in South Africa, Germans and per- fixed. The same applies to their participation in sports which we may characterize as ‘being on the move’, sons of Turkish origin jointly celebrated “their“ Mesut Özil and defied the verbal facing conflicts, envisaging new ways of orientation and exchange of the German and the Turkish media, which had been quite emotional as a potential of emancipation on the part of female migrants. The growing number of sportswomen with in many respects. a migratory background plays an important pioneering role in this context. As a result, we are facing significant challenges for sport, in terms of integration and Sport idols as role models women’s politics. The growing number of successful sportswomen with to free themselves from traditionally roles ascribed to a migratory background has reinforced two significant them and to break open popular clichés – in many cases tendencies on the part of male and female migrants with the help of their parents. There still exists the habit of Turkish origin. On the one hand, it has resulted in a to suggest that migrant parents want to direct their stronger motivation to participate in organized sport daughters towards sports that are considered to be and evoked the dream to become as successful as typical girls’ sports or, respectively, oppose the idea that Mesut Özil, some day in the future, or as “Susi“ Kenti- their daughters may wish to choose a typical “mas- kian & co. On the other hand, it has generated consid- culine“ sport. This kind of understanding contradicts erable dynamics with regard to the attitude of young social reality and conceals the dynamic process, which a Health is universal female migrants to sports, which is of high relevance, great part of the migrants find themselves in, with all its We have experienced religion-related misgivings or especially from the point of view of women’s politics. chances and challenges. even prohibitions. We know cases where young female More and more young female migrants dare taking up migrants were not allowed to take part in physical Between tradition and modern lifestyle education or swimming lessons. This relates to a core Female migrants are not a homogeneous group but of women. The more important is it to support the wish rather distinguish themselves by complex ways of life. In of female migrants to act in a self-determined manner this context, we find even constellations of both, “tradi- regarding their bodies and the path of life they choose. tion“ and “modern lifestyle“ which they live simultane- This holds true for both, mothers and daughters, As a consequence, the visibility of successful sports- ously, in other words, they meet the demands of their likewise. And this is exactly the starting point of our women with a migratory background has not only families and also use their chance to move freely and in- association which has the following strategy concerning Chairwoman of the Federal Association resulted in a higher number of participants in sports on dependently in society. This balancing act is often linked the participation of female migrants in sports: We or- of Female Migrants and Board member of the part of migrants, but also contributed an important to conflicts which, in many cases, the female migrants ganize a great number of information events on “Health the German Women‘s Council part to encourage particularly young female migrants are left alone with. and Sport“ for adult and young female migrants, in particular sports which are characterized as typically “masculine“, such as soccer. But even in boxing, young female migrants increasingly enter the boxing ring, or they play handball in the team of Gummersbach, striving to be like their famous role models. 42 I question, namely the right of physical self-determination Author: Sidar Demirdögen I 43 I Networking and City District Work Sports clubs are important partners and integral parts of the communal infrastructure. They make independent and indispensable contributions to many areas of public life, such as health, education, youth work and urban development. Moreover, the variety of their sports programs contributes to the attractiveness of the communities and has a share in the construction of identity in the light of the cohesion of the community. In this respect, sports clubs frequently cooperate with neighboring institutions. The collaboration develops power and vitality if all cooperation partners agree upon joint aims and, thus, gain strength all together. The better the networking, the easier is it to assemble the many small, individual gear wheels to make a reliable, well-functioning clockwork. 44 I I 45 Networking and City District Work Strong network, strong sport, strong community Teamwork is in demand Information box: The cooperation of communities and sports clubs will I Also see the interview with Thomas Ritter, Head also be of vital importance in the future because, to of the Department of Sport of the city of Hanau, great extent, sport and sports clubs contribute to the on page 58. quality of life. Sport makes places where people live worth-while living in. It builds relationships, it stands I For additional information, please read the In the DOSB network project, many different gear wheels were actually interlocking well and … documentation of the DOSB conference for identification and social cohesion. In other words, “Strong Sport – Strong Communities“ and the a strong sport makes the communities strong, too. DOSB brochure “Networking“. Numerous workshops and meetings deal with the basic question of the future of sport and communities. Concepts that help to think outside the box are in demand. We have to ask ourselves, for example, how sports clubs will manage to shape their future in the light of the financial bottleneck which the communities suffer from. A possible answer might be the following: by finding suitable local institutions as partners and working together Active networking opens perspectives with them to develop new forms of cooperation, thus The DOSB network project “Physical Activity and accomplishing objectives of mutual interest. Health -Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ is a good example. It shows ways how local sports club can improve their part of the networking activities and intensify their relations of cooperation with local institutions. A broad network of reliable forms of cooperation enlarges the clubs’ scope of action, opens new perspectives for their work, enriches the spectrum of programs offered and makes new target groups accessible to sport. Author: Verena Zschippang DOSB Project Leader, “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating … provided for a sustainable cooperation. more Female Migrants for Sports“ 46 I I 47 I The Qualification of Specialists and Managers The increasing cultural and social heterogeneity of our society confronts our sports clubs with great challenges with respect to their capacity to act, today and in future. On this background, intercultural competencies, also in sport, belong to the core qualifications of the times we live in. Cooperating with people of the most different cultural backgrounds and, thus, most differing patterns of thought and behavior requires specific kinds of knowledge and skills. In this context, we need to pay special attention to the different backgrounds related to the life culture and traditions of women and men. The following reports shall inform on approaches which were aimed at imparting intercultural competencies in and through sport, and point out the underlying potentials. Furthermore, we introduce a practical program of qualification which was targeted to male and female exercise instructors and managers in sport. An adequate handling of intercultural differences will continue to be an important precondition to encourage persons with a migratory background to discover and make use of sports clubs as healthy and social living spaces. Gender-sensitive integrating work therefore lays the basis of the future capacity to act on the part of sports clubs and federations. 48 I I 49 The Qualification of Specialists and Managers Sport in an intercultural context The module “Sport interkulturell“ (sport in an intercultural context) has existed since 2004 as a qualification course within the framework of the Federal program “Integration through Sport“ of the German Olympic Sports Confederation. It is time for cultural sensitizing “Sport interkulturell“ is a concept of further training The course is intended to sensitize exercise leaders with which is based on three columns: process orientation respect to cultural differences, and it work out new ide- and participant-related orientation, experiential learn- as concerning the interaction with multicultural sports ing and intercultural learning. The qualification course groups. It gives the participants an impression of how pursues four goals which were formulated by the DOSB, their own culture influences their thoughts and actions namely, the sensitizing of the participants with regard and what the chances and also the risks of intercultural to culture-related differences, the enlargement of their work in sport are. To convey this approach, the trainers spectrum of action concerning their social relations, the orientate themselves on so-called “playing fields“ of in- transfer of intercultural learning to the clubs and the in- tercultural learning in sport which are related to“feeling/ tegration of members of the society of the majority and irritation/foreignness“, “cultural resources“, “percep- of persons with a migratory background in sport. tion and communication“, “values and conflicts“ and “cultural diversity in sport“. A new understanding of culture The seminars are based on four core theses concerning culture: human behavior and human apperception are linked to culture; the major part of culture is unconscious; culture is a system of orientation, and culture changes or is changeable. Please note that in this context the term of “culture“ is explicitly not limited to nationality and/or an ethnic group but rather means the manifestations, behavioral patterns and institutions which emerge as a result of a cultural imprint by effective norms and values of a society. “Sport interkulturell“ in practice The seminars are implemented by trainers of the educational agency “context“ and, since 2008, specially qualified staff members of the program “Integration through Sport“ have also been involved in the course. In the run-up to a seminar, the latter take part in a “train the trainer“ program which is organized by the DOSB in cooperation with “context“. Author: Verena Zschippang Have a look at our website for further info0rmation:. DOSB Project Leader, or contact the regional “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating coordinators who are associated to the Regional Sports more Female Migrants for Sports“ Confederations. 50 I I 51 The Qualification of Specialists and Managers Intercultural learning in sport In the current social debate on migration and integration numerous didactic approaches are developed and discussed, while some them are played off against others (starting with “anti-bias“, via “managing diversity“ and “intercultural learning“ up to “trans-culture“). These approaches differ according to the respective prospects of social developments or, respectively, in terms of the target group focus or the understanding of culture and communication. Nevertheless, there is a common denominator: all of them are aimed at alleviating the social life of mankind, independent of origin and other characteristics, and at shaping it in a more equitable and just way. “Sport interkulturell“ The prerequisites of IKL Since 2005, the DOSB has pursued a detailed concept of a matter of acquiring new knowledge about the perspec- from your childhood on, the first step towards sporting 1. The concept of culture is open and covers a wide intercultural learning by offering its qualification course tives of one’s own person and of the world. We can state activities consists in overcoming your own sluggish- range. Each and every human being has his own cultural “Sport interkulturell“ (main aims: sensitizing with respect quite soon an “aha effect“, the participants begin to ness and the feeling not to make “it“ (whatever that background which molds his identity and which he partly to cultural differences as well as development / strength- understand how (intercultural) communication functions, means). The same holds true for IKL. The issues are shares with other human beings. A one-dimensional ening of cultural competencies). This qualification, jointly how misunderstandings, irritations and also conflicts come apparently too complex, the concerns of integration, reduction to national (“the Russians“, “the Germans“), with process and participant-oriented didactic approach- up and how they, the participants, can find a method of which the media often tackle in a problem-expounding ethical (“the Kurds“, “the Arabs“), or even religious (“the es, implemented consistently, and an open and flexible solution for situations/questions of their everyday life, be it way, seem to be unresolvable. Fear, uncertainty and Muslims“, “the Christians“) cultures is harmful. concept of culture, has achieved extraordinary results. 1 in sports or at work. At the end of the qualification course (anticipated) frustration do not generate desire for of 15 hours of duration, the participants become aware IKL. But even then, as experience tells, you just start, 2. The more multifarious the target group is, so much the of the fact that they have to further exercise all what effortless, and after a while you realize that you have better. In our “Sport interkulturell“ training courses we they have learned, to replenish it with their own insights already learned quite a lot, that communication, also see young and old people, women and men, university and experience and to reflect it, once and again.2 In this communication with others, can be trained. Progress is graduates and unskilled workers, boxers and basketball respect, we already find the first affinity to sport, and this easy to ascertain and, finally, you do not want to stop players, adherents of the political left and conservatives, is why we also speak of intercultural training. anymore. Such as sport improves the well-being of exercise instructors and board members of clubs and, as a body and mind, doing justice to health, in IKL a sense matter of fact, also Egyptians, female Kasakhs and people Sport and IKL: both are fun, once you have started of well-being and satisfaction comes about, due to from the region of Baden. Excellent ! We just need some the beginning of interesting contacts, better mutual well-structured space and time to achieve a beneficial understanding, new opportunities to do something in exchange. In an instant, the cultural knowledge of the have to do with different cultural backgrounds. Per defini- The second interesting affinity refers to the motiva- favor of integration and social peace in our society. IKL participating parties increases enormously! tionem, intercultural learning is a pedagogical approach. tion, preconditions and first impetus. The most im- arouses curiosity, enhances the ability to communicate It is targeted to a gain of knowledge and a change of be- portant reason to actively take part in organized sport easily with people, the wish to broaden one’s perspec- 3. Participants in intercultural learning processes bring in havior, and it needs to be constantly exercised and trained/ may be the desire for physical activity and competi- tives and horizon and – in the true sense of the word their own experience, their skills and resources and learn instructed. In our training courses “Sport interkulturell“ tion, combined with the wish for contact and com- – to “see more of the world“. IKL, such as sport, too, to acknowledge and esteem themselves as experts of we start with a first sensitizing for the subject matter . It is munication (“sociability“). If you are not used to this, is fun and puts you in a good mood! their own (intercultural) way of acting (“empowerment“). In the following, we shall relate the concept of intercultural learning (IKL) with basics of sport in order to firstly explain why IKL and sport go so well together and, secondly, describe what is the actual meaning of IKL. Sport and IKL: both need to be exercised IKL tries to achieve mutual understanding across (seemingly) existing limits of communication, which somehow 52 I I 53 The Qualification of Specialists and Managers Intercultural learning in sport However, in intercultural training courses, this demands basis of equality of rights. It is about learning from one systems competent and adequately, culture-wise. This ing stands for the equality of rights of all partners in- to pursue a stringent line of action which has to be another about the others. IKL offers,for example, the does not only refer to the level of behavior (e.g. the volved in the learning process. Should there be substan- participant-oriented and experience-based. following opportunities for learning:5 handling of time, punctuality, hygiene, tial economic and legal differences, the equality of rights “Sport interkulturell“ demonstrates that the programs, the access ways and the structures of organized sport Reflection of the cultural backgrounds elements of order, gender roles) but also entire systems. This is why a glance at, or even better, an exchange of is called into question. Intercultural educational work must always draw our attention to all what may impede this kind of learning at a sociopolitical level. Only then offer good possibilities to implement IKL. People of all Your reflect on your own cultural background. This is a experience on differing sport systems in the countries of kinds of origin, of different gender, age and professional prerequisite to identify the differences and the com- origin of the migrants is worth-while, in order to detect groups, etc., are associated to the DOSB, ensuring per se mon denominators of different cultures and to start a misunderstandings regarding expectations of perform- a quickly achievable diversity. The corresponding docu- dialogue with persons of other cultures. Furthermore, ir- ance/achievement, the amount of commitment of the ments are also based on an open concept of culture.3 ritations that may occur in situations of intercultural en- parents or the authority of the training staff, to at least IKL is a process However, some of the different stakeholders still have an counters are easier to understand. Participants in courses make a discussion possible. Not everything that is not Finally, we wish to state that intercultural learning is a essential need for further development. After all, dealing of “Sport interkulturell” are invited, for example, to at understood or strange will be understood in the end, term of multifarious facets, which indicates a form of with one’s own understanding of culture is an original first individually study their respective biography (what nor even become acceptable; notwithstanding, surprises didactics that enable people to achieve genuine (inter- part of IKL! We can also state an affinity of didactics, kind of influences have substantially marked me, which and fascination are given enough space, after all. cultural) understanding in groups which are character- in this respect. Sporting performance of the individual values were conveyed to me, what part do/did religion, will be actually achieved when the person is able to go nation, sport, etc., play in my life?). In a subsequent Relativizing the lack of understanding beyond recognition from the outside and develops con- exchange of experience about these topics in (small) het- The lack of understanding and the uncertainty become keeping it awake, once and again, instead of being sat- fidence in his/her competences, as major driving forces erogeneous groups, there is the possibility to curiously more acceptable. Under certain circumstances, IKL isfied with global assurances. IKL does not happen, just and means of motivation. listen to one another, to give an empathic feedback and means that you have to leave habits back, to run risks like that, such as integration through sport is nothing to begin a dialogue on irritations already experienced and to keep up with uncertainties. Since we frequently that just happens. It rather requires that people work earlier (in the sports hall, during club meetings, in other find ourselves in a situation which generates a lack of with their own perspectives and behavior and “train” situations of life). We use suitable ways and methods, orientation and understanding. In the courses “Sport them. In order to shape this training in an effective which place the variety of cultural prospects in the fore- interkulturell”, we talk, once and again, about the manner and simultaneously avoid “social accidents”, it ground, to break up rigid stereotypes and prejudices in feelings and reflexes that come up when you adopt should be implemented by sensitized and qualified team order to make them discussable. This requires to speak the viewpoints of a different culture. But if we do so, instructors, as this is being done in sport, too. with one another (not about each other) and to mutu- without prematurely assessing the new perceptions and ally respect the ‘peculiarities’ of the respective other experience on the basis of our own cultural patterns, person. In this kind of situation, sport offers an excel- these are exactly the kind of situations that generate lent platform because common experience and common new potentials of development and change which, on aims are existent, anyway, and the necessary spaces for their part, will set energies free in order to find solutions communication can be provided and monitored by the for seemingly unsolvable problems. Intercultural learning in sport 4 IKL is a form of social learning which is simultaneously targeted to the area of cultural difference and successful communication of all individuals and groups on the male or female trainer/exercise instructor. Naturally, this requires awareness and knowledge of IKL. Understanding other cultures Taking up topics of sociopolitical relevance come into sight. ized by diversity. Intercultural understanding, on its turn, means arousing curiosity with respect to “the others”, 1 See programm/sport-interkulturell . 2 For this reason, some participants even register a second or third time for the same training course or, respectively, wish to continue in a build-up training module. 3 Also see the DOSB basic paper “Sport und Zuwanderung “ (sport and immigration) and the “Charta der Vielfalt” (charter of diversity), signed by the DOSB, by clicking on 4 This a citation of the content and partly a literally quotation of the explanations given in the DOSB paper “Sport interkulturell – Fortbildungskonzept zur kulturellen Vielfalt im sportlichen Alltag” (sport intercultural – a concept of further education on cultural diversity in sporting everyday life), Frankfurt/M. 2009, page 20 ff. 5 In the following, individual aspects of IKL will be underlined. For a more detailed presentation, please see the document mentioned under point 4. We tackle sociopolitical aspects. IKL takes place within a Authors: Other, strange cultures will be a little better understood. sociopolitical framework which is marked by economic, Andreas Schmitz, Anno Kluß In situations of intercultural contact we are confronted political and social imbalances of power (e.g. in many with different systems of cultural orientation, which are sports groups of children and young people you find Educationalists, M.A., ‘context – strange to us. We have to decipher the meanings and that there are differences in their status of residence, a intercultural communication and education‘ rules of these systems if we want to move within these problem which has to be dealt with. Intercultural learn- 54 I will the discrimination of members of different cultures I 55 I Ready–Steady–Go! The network project was aimed at bringing down the mutual barriers between female migrants and sports clubs in order to try new ways of access towards each other. The project was implemented throughout the whole country, in cooperation with the German Jujutsu Federation, the German Life Saving Federation, the German Gymnastics Federation, the Regional Sports Confederation of Baden-Wuerttemberg and the German Sports Youth of the Regional Sports Confederation of Berlin, together with more than 20 sports clubs and local groups. The core of the project, named “Sports + X“, served to establish new kinds of collaboration with local partners at municipal levels and to further develop already existing links of cooperation. The following pages shall illustrate the way individual sports clubs approached that aim, what lessons they have learned and what kind of recommendations could be derived from their experience. Information box: I The brochure illustrates selected examples of good practice. All partner organizations of the network Definitionofterms: I Cooperation partners are partners who directly project will be most happy to make detailed reports participated in the provision of the „Sport + X“ pro- on their experience available, on request. grams. I The recommendations for action, which you find in I Network partners are partners, who were involved this chapter, are based on the good practice examp- in the project environment, e.g. helping to establish les presented therein. Further recommendations for contacts. action are made available in the evaluation report. 56 I I 57 Ready – Steady – Go! JointlyHeadingforNewStrength The city of Hanau actively participated in the network program ‘‘Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“, thus providing a positive example of successful networking with the city. An interview with Thomas Ritter. Mr. Ritter, what did you expect of this network project? Which part oft the project idea did you find most convincing? The initiative of the German Olympic Sports Confedera- The core idea: a network of sports clubs with external tion (DOSB) just perfectly matched our own approach. partners of sport in order to develop combined pro- The city of Hanau has a sports development plan which grams of sports and additional offers. attributes an important role to the networking of sports clubs with external partners of sport, in view of addressing new user groups. Until now, under the key word of networking, we had mainly taken schools and similar insti- What was your task as a network partner? tutions into consideration. The network project placed the Our Sports Section had the task to further advance the focus of attention on networking with city district centers, networking activities. For this purpose, we made facili- the integration office, the office for women’s issues, the ties available, established contacts, organized events and city of Hanau, where not only the starting shot of the hearsay. In our case, it was also unfortunate private sector, etc.. It was clear for us that our participa- provided advertising material, such as project T-Shirts. project but also final press conference on the participa- that the start of the courses had to be postponed tion in the project took place. due to the Ramadan. But, as we say, experience tells tion in the project could provide an additional impetus for the implementation of the recommendations for action How did the project develop from the municipal point of view? you something. The female project assistant of the German Gymnastics What went well, what did not work out so well? Federation (DTB) and a female representative of the Fed- The cooperation with all participating parties was very eration introduced the project to us. In the first place, satisfying. I did not learn about any problems regarding Do you think that integration work which combines sports with additional programs has a future? it was a matter of finding partners in the city districts the project implementation. I liked very much the way I consider it very reasonable to continue these or similar where many persons with a migratory background are how individual clubs “helped out” other clubs by provid- programs. On the one hand, they help female migrants living. Thus, we checked which sports clubs worked ing female exercise instructors. Sports clubs which are to get access to sports and physical activity programs in those areas and what kind of social infrastructure normally used to look at each other as competitors, sud- and, on the other hand, they support the integration existed on the local level. Thereafter, we organized a denly established links of cooperation – a model which, of the participating women. There is a great need for Roundtable of all relevant stakeholders of the area, i.e. for sure, will be relevant for the future, too, in the light sports and physical activity programs. If the sports clubs the integration office, the city districts, the clubs, etc., to of the tight financial situation and decreasing human manage to open themselves even more to these target introduce the project. We were pleased that all invited resources. Naturally, there were also some critical points, groups, not only the female migrants and the clubs will partners came and immediately agreed to take part in which are certainly easy to overcome in the future. The benefit from this approach. Our city strives for integra- the project. In this way, we had found the network part- running period of the courses was too short. Six to tion at all social levels. Thus, the social interaction of ners. Individual talks with the respective partners served twelve months of net running time of the courses would female citizens and citizens with or without a migra- Director of the Sports Section us to plan the appropriate access to the target group have been more appropriate. If word-of-mouth advertis- tory background means for the city of Hanau, but also of the Municipality of Hanau of female migrants in detail. Thereafter, the DTB took ing is really so important, the courses should take place, for the clubs, to be on the winning side. The network up the activities of public relations, with a focus on the once the course program has become known from project contributes to this aim. of our own sports development plan. At the same time, the network project motivated us to further increase our efforts to encourage female migrants to try our programs, hoping that subsequently they would also recommend them to other persons. Interview partner: Thomas Ritter 58 I I 59 I G ermanJujutsuFederatione.V.(DJJV) The German Jujutsu Federation aims at strengthening female migrants by means of self-defense and self-assertion courses, and at raising their enthusiasm for sports. Besides the sporting aspect, information on measures of prevention, behavior in situations of conflict and the legal framework of self-defense are integral parts of all courses. Furthermore, by offering additional program parts, they are given the possibility to discover personal abilities and to develop and intensify their own trust in these skills. Dietrich Brandhorst DJJV Honorary President, “I welcome the project 'Physical Activity and Health – motivating more female migrants to be involved in Sports’. In my view, especially this target group is strongly restricted in our society, due to the conservative attitude of their families, etc. In this case, sport is an ideal help for the persons concerned and, moreover, it is the best for their health.“ Roland Köhler DJJV Vice-President responsible for competitive sports “A sport association is always targeted to get more people involved in sports. This particularly applies to persons with migratory background, in whose case it is substantially more difficult to integrate them in the club. For this reason, the German Jujutsu Federation gives projects like this one the highest priority, supporting them with the help oft he entire executive committee. ’Motivating female migrants for sports’ is a vision, which must be translated into reality in our multicultural society and is pushed one step further ahead by this project. Along these lines, I wish all participating parties that Motivating more female migrants for sports’ will find the necessary recognition and support everywhere, from the national sport-governing bodies to the clubs and down to the male and female athletes.“ * Nearly all sport-federations and sport-clubs in Germany are so-called “registered associations” in terms of §§ 21 pp. BGB (German Civil Code). In this documentation all signed names complemented with “e. V.” are registered associations. 60 I I 61 Project of the German Jujutsu Federation e. V. (DJJV) Self-defense–andClownery “The test to get the jujutsu belt and the clownery theater performance at the BudoClub Berlin end of the project were real highlights. Both kinds of activities were a challenge for the girls, requiring courage and the ability to have their “exam nerves“ under Jujutsu Federation of Berlin e. V. control. It was just great to see how the girls mastered these tasks in such a brave Detlev Krause and, above all, self-confident way.“ Minzeweg 11 12357 Berlin Girls' Sports Center „Wilde Hütte“ Jujutsu Federation of Berlin Janusz-Korczak Elementary School Annika Brückner, Representative of the Berlin Jujutsu Federation, responsible for integration Budo-Club Berlin e. V. Düsterhauptstraße 17 13469 Berlin GSJ The Course Offered Female exercise instructor : In the sporting part the focus was placed on exercises of The age group of the girls turned out to be ideal for Annika Brückner self-defense and self-assertion as well as the training of the project: At the age of ten or eleven they are used technical skills required by the program for the jujutsu to sports, since they take part in physical education at test. schools and do not (yet) have concerns regarding physi- Network partner: I Society of Sport and Social Youth Work (GSJ) Cooperation partners: I Girls’ Sports center “Wilde Hütte“ (Wild Hut) I Elementary School Janusz-Korczak cal contact during the training. The Preparation The additional offer to play ''clownery theater“ supported It was an advantage for the start of the joint program the topics of the self-defense course with a view to Since this project had started so successfully, the two that the representative of the Berlin Jujutsu Federation, enhancing self-confidence, developing strategies to avoid course leaders also offered it at the Hugo-Heimann El- responsible for integration, had already good experi- situations of stress and testing different roles and options. ementary School. Numerous girls of the fifth grade (aged ence in cooperating with the Girls' Sports Center “Wilde Sport course offered: Hütte“ of Berlin-Neukölln. Due to the good cooperation Self-defense in the past, the Girls’ Sports Center quickly declared itself ready to make its facilities available, free of charge, Additional offer: and supported the project with the help of its experts in Course on theater performance and clownery social pedagogics on many occasions . Girls’ Sports Center “Wilde Hütte“ Age of (female) participants: 10 –11 Years of friends and family members took place. The test to receive the belt and the theater performance were organized for both courses together and finished What was remarkable? with a barbecue – and a trial course in rock climbing - , as a 'grand finale'. The GSJ (Society of Sport and Social Youth Work) rep- of the partners was optimal and resulted in a good The partners already plan to hold subsequent courses, resented the supreme level of interface with all other cooperation. The sporting part of self-defense as well using a similar concept. partners. In its capacity as the responsible institution as the theater part of clownery were well accepted. behind the Girls' Sports Center, it established the con- The girls had a lot of fun and actively participated in all tacts with the project leader of the clownery course as activities. well with the Janusz-Korczak Elementary School, which 62 I enthusiasm, as well. (white-yellow belt) and the theater performance in front The network functioned in an excellent way. The choice Venue: ! 11 years) took part in the course offered there, full of At the end of the course, a test to achieve the jujutsu belt was immediately inspired to participate in the project of The Summary the jujutsu clubs of Berlin. After the course leader had The girls showed great engagement and had a lot of personally introduced the project to the (female) pupils fun during their courses of self-defense and clownery of the fourth and the fifth grade of the Janusz-Korczak theater. They were proud of their achievements and Elementary schools provide a good access Elementary School, the (female) students could immedi- appreciated very much the certificates of participation in to the target group of ''young girls“. ately register for the course offered. the course, which had been issued by the DOSB. Tip I 63 Project of the German Jujutsu Federation e. V. (DJJV) ConsultinginSafetyandSecurity CombinedwithGymnastics “Why did the course find such a good acceptance? Because it was offered as a i MiM Ham g bur 'Safety and Security Consulting together with Gymnastics’. In this way, the women did not have any problems to tell their people at home about their sporting acti- Kodokan Hamburg e. V. vities and were able to give their children useful tips concerning safety and securi- Weg am Denkmal 11 ty. Thanks to this 'preventive measure', the male members of the families did not 22844 Norderstedt hesitate to agree to their wives' participation in the course.“ Kodokan Hamburg Female exercise instructor : Network partner: I Center for Children and Families Schnelsen I Equal Opportunities Commissioner Norderstedt Fa Ch Cen m ild te ili r r f es en o Sc an r hn d el se n Fatma Keckstein Equ al O Com pport un m Nor ission ities der e sted r t Cooperation partners: I MiMi Hamburg Sport course offered: The Preparation Morasah Mazloumsaki-Schütt, MiMi-Referentin questions, such as how to handle medicaments, what breakfast meeting and, thereafter, the self-defense unit – to do for good teeth or what kind of first aid measures were also very well accepted by the women. were appropriate for a child, issues that were of impor- Since the subject matter of the self-defense course was tance to the women and their children. devised as a low-threshold approach and the course The course was divided in two parts. The units of the had an open structure, the women took part in the MiMi course took place during breakfast, subsequently ''training'', showing high interest. It was helpful for the the women were trained in self-defense. participants that the MiMi representative, whom they had become familiar with, accompanied them during To mitigate the fear of contact and of the unknown and The course was not announced as a ''Training of Self-De- the course. Furthermore, the sensitive approach by the to develop a sensitive, gradual approach for the women, fense“ but offered as ''Safety and Security Counseling with instructor of the self-defense course, who used punch Additional offer: the sports course and the additional program part of- Gymnastics'“. The idea behind this title was the following: pads and other auxiliary devices for the exercises in order Health, Care, First Aid in Case of a Child fered were planned at a very low threshold level. All Women should be well advised and made fit in order to to slowly mitigate the women's fear of contact, deci- women were able to participate in all exercises very well. sively contributed to make the network project a success. What was remarkable? As already mentioned, the MiMi representative perfectly Most of the women only spoke very little German and background. She was the key person in this course project. Self-defense Venue: Center for Children and Families Schnelsen enable them to also give their children tips regarding safety and security. This ''added value“ produced a very positive attitude of the husbands of the women with regard to the Age of (female) participants: participation of their wives in the course, too. 20 –70 Years The women were directly approached on the occasion the women originated from the same language area of the breakfast meeting of the Center for Children and as the MiMi desk officer, there was hardly any major Families Schnelsen. The representative of MiMi person- problem. The MiMi representative also accompanied the ally introduced the project and, from the very beginning, women when they took part in the self-defense courses, served as an interpreter, thus avoiding language-related where she served as an interpreter and lent a ready ear problems of understanding. to all kinds of questions. The Course Offered The sporting part of the program was a self-defense and self-assertion course, according to the country-wide uniform concept of the German Jujutsu Federation. 64 I had problems of understanding. Since the majority of The Summary In principle, planning in so much time in the program and providing so many opportunities for talking were worthwhile. During the breakfast, having a cup of tea or cof- fee, the women could take their time for an exchange of experience. In that framework, they took very attentively notice of the theoretical elements of the additional part of the program, which were integrated in the given space of time. The linkage of the sport course to an established fixed event – such as, in this case, the breakfast meeting – was the basis of a successful implementation. On this occa- ! matched the course participants, due to her own cultural The additional course program offered by the MiMi repre- sion, the participants became acquainted with one an- Tip sentative served as a means to inform the women about other, they enjoyed the welcome change and participated A sport course which is implemented in familiar important aspects of the German public health system. from the very beginning, having a lot of fun. The division facilities reduces the fear of the unknown. The topics treated in this context were mainly related to of the course in two parts – first the MiMi unit during the I 65 Project of the German Jujutsu Federation e. V. (DJJV) Self-DefenseforWomenwithaDisability “Courses for women with a disability are like a 'kinder egg' surprise, you never “The Roundtable“ know how each single day of the course will run. After all, the wishes and the attitude of women with a migratory background did not distinguish themselves Sports Club Todtglüsing of 1930 e. V. from those of the German participants. On the contrary: in spite of different nationalities and differing kinds of disabilities, we were able to find a great common Tostedter Straße 20 21255 Todtglüsingen denominator.“ Network village community Todtglüsinger SV Organization for disabled persons Female exercise instructors: Anke von Berg / Anne Eichenauer Network partner: Police Tostedt I Equal Opportunities Commissioner I The own network of the club, Anne Eichenauer, Todtglüsinger SV What was remarkable? The Lebenshilfe had directly approached the participants To facilitate the participation in the self-defense course, to invite them to the course. It turned out to be an the course leader personally picked up some of the advantage that the course leader could systematically women at their homes and took them back, too. This target the women who worked or were taken care of in was a matter of a great deal of personal commitment. the Lebenshilfe to interest them in the course offered. integrated in the village community The Course Offered The participants of the course felt very much at ease and The sporting part of the program was a self-defense learned a lot, due to the caring and competent instruc- The Preparation and self-assertion course, according to the country-wide tion of the course leaders. They were encouraged and There is one essential aspect that distinguishes this uniform concept of the German Jujutsu Federation. challenged in a way that all parties involved were very Cooperation partners: I “The Roundtable“ I Police Tostedt I Lebenshilfe (organization for disabled persons) DJJV project from the other DJJV projects: It is meant for women with a disability, with or without migratory Sport course offered: Self-defense The Summary background. content with the way the course had been run. The additional program part was orientated to the needs of the course participants. Important information referred to questions of a healthy body posture, The lecturer of the police was very positively accepted ! and proved that also male speakers are welcome. How- ever, it is important that male lecturers are aware of the From the very beginning, the sports club Todtglüsinger exercises of relaxation as well as issues related to the Additional offer: SV was very open-minded towards cooperating with the legal basis of social welfare benefit payments, in order Back exercise program, Lebenshilfe. The club was highly interested in winning to help the women to achieve more self-reliance and emergency aid, social welfare enthusiasts of sports among special groups of girls and autonomy. Information on travel possibilities for persons The course for women with disabilities was also highly women, and to promote the integration of the same. with a disability was intended to encourage the women accepted due to the fact that the course leaders were A broad range of sports programs and differing strate- and to show them the kinds of possible help in this con- well trained for handling disability matters. In view of gies are utilized to involve the members in the manifold text. Information by the police on acting in self-defense, not over-stressing anybody's personal commitment, a activities of the club, such as in the case of one of the assisting in an emergency, on contact points in case of transfer shuttle service for the participants should be two female course leaders, who actively works in both, emergency and domestic violence supported and com- provided and already be included the club and the Lebenshilfe. plemented the self-defense units. in the planning. Due to her activities in the Lebenshilfe, the course leader The challenge of this course project was related to the had many years of experience in working with persons differing disabilities of the women: All women had with a disability. As she personally knew the women mental and learning disabilities. Two women suffered and their special needs, the course contents could be from high-grade depression. One participant had spastic Tip adapted to the specific target group from the outset and paralysis and used a wheel chair; however, with special Jointly coordinating and agreeing the be implemented as a very low-threshold approach. support, she could manage to walk short distances. contents generates confidence and trust. Venue: Dojo Sporthaus Todtglüsinger SV (Sport), Meeting room of the Sporthaus (additional offer) Age of (female) participants: 17– 41 Years 66 I problems and concerns of the women with respect to their respective cultural background. I 67 Project of the German Jujutsu Federation e. V. (DJJV) Self-Defense&Co. “In spite of a binding registration, some girls did not turn up. It became apparent that their mothers had allowed them to participate, however, their fathers had not n ria ss va ro Ba d C Re TV 1868 Burghausen e. V. In te g Cl rat ub io n Police Kanzelmüllerstraße 94 SV Gendorf Burgkirchen e. V. made telephone calls to remind all girls of the course who were registered but had not appeared on the starting day. So, the second time the courses were complete.“ 84489 Burghausen approved of a participation. Other girls had just forgotten the starting day. We Liaison Office for Immigrants TV 1868 Burghausen & SV GendorfBurgkirchen Org. 'Women help Women' Andrea Ordner, Project Coordinator, TV 1868 Burghausen Due to the fact that the course leader also accompa- tion, which offered the women and girls an age- appro- nied the participants during the additional part of the priate training of self-defense and self-assertion. program, she became a constant factor in the course Ca Female project coordinator: A nc ltö er C tt lin in ic g wide uniform concept of the German Jujutsu Federa- 84508 Burgkirchen Andrea Ordner The White Ring y ar n nd io co at ls Se duc oo e sch Kastanienweg 8 The additional part took up the interests of the course system, as a person of trust. participants, underlining and extending on the topics of If courses for female migrants are offered, which are the self-defense course (Police: civil courage; Women not closely linked to an existing institution or already help Women: non-verbal communication, panic reac- established groups – such as this was the case in our tions). The first aid course broadened the everyday project – the personal approach, care and assistance are competence of the women and girls, developing their particularly important in view of reducing the fear of the Three almost identical course projects were planned to self-confidence and self-assurance. unknown and achieving the acceptance of the course take place in parallel. For that purpose, the two neigh- We consciously opened the course for non-migrants, boring sports clubs took up cooperation. It turned out too, in order to promote the mutual understanding and, How well the network functioned is illustrated by the Cooperation partners: to be beneficial that both clubs had already cultivated I Bavarian Red Cross I The White Ring (e. V. which helps victims of thus, the process of integration of all participants by fact that the participating partners wanted to present good relations and were easily won for a collaboration. means of joint training lessons. their additional program parts during the self-defense Male and female exercise instructors: Ramona Brandl/Thomas Rogger/Andrea Ordner Network partners: I Secondary education schools of Burghausen I Equal Opportunities Commissioner I Integration Club and Liaison Office for Immigrants crime and violence) I Police Burghausen I 'Women help Women' e. V. I District hospitals Altötting/Burghausen Sport course offered: Self-defense Additional offer: Victim assistance, civil courage, first aid, non-verbal communication Venue: Competitive Sports Center South (Bavaria) Age of (female) participants: 11– 44 Years The Preparation In the first instance the (female) project coordinator informed all partners about the project in personal talks. Then, on their turn, the male and female counterparts took over a multiplier function. For the teaching units not related to sports, the project leader had been able to get the support of institutions which were familiar to her, a circumstance which was to the benefit of a positive and sustainable cooperation. ! women with a migratory background did not take an On request, detailed experience reports can be made interest in the course at first, because they did not con- available by Ms Keckstein, contact address: sider themselves to be “migrants”, according to their own words. Something similar happened to the German target group which did not find the course offered appealing to them, either. However, personal talks and higher secondary education, personally introduced the explanations solved that problem of understanding. ers and registration forms. range of the network project of the DOSB. ing. As a result of our inquiry we found that girls and the project leader visited the schools of lower and of project in the respective class rooms and distributed fly- courses of the local two clubs – thus going beyond the Many course participants were hesitant in register- To systematically address girls of the desired age group, The Course Offered 68 I What was remarkable? on the part of the participants. The Summary Tip Right from the outset, the course participants highly If the female participants are quite young, it is enjoyed the activities. The women and girls had no recommended to also inform the parents of the The sporting part of the program was a self-defense and problems in accepting the male co-trainer and tried the girls about the course offered. self-assertion course, in accordance with the country- technical exercises of self-defense together with him. I 69 I GermanLifeSavingAssociatione.V.(DLRG) The German Life Saving Association (DLRG) wanted to achieve that, by means of the network project, girls and women with a migratory background would learn how to swim. Furthermore, the association aimed at making the participants more familiar with the German language by offering them additional program parts and courses, and at acquainting them with the German public health system and the related diverse services, using different methods for this purpose. Ute Vogt DLRG Vice-President, Member of the German Parliament “Integration must be lived in practice. It is not limited to friendly appeals. We have to make substantial contributions that are related to the reality of life. From the DLRG's point of view, the network project of the German Olympic Sports Confederation ' Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports' was a project approach which was based on a promising conception because of the combination of a sports program with qualifying and educating additional parts offered. In the course of the project it became apparent that swimming was increasingly attractive for girls and women – independently of their ethnic origin. The swimming courses turned out to be a real hit. At the end of the project, we had a long waiting list of female migrants who wanted to register for a course: this was a positive and very promising result.“ 70 I I 71 Project of the German Life Saving Association e. V. (DLRG) SwimmingandLanguageTuition DLRG Grömitz e. V. Fahrenhorst 8 23738 Lensahn “There is a small 'oasis' of support, recognition and attention for girls in Neu- stadt, where they have fun and can enjoy learning, where there are empowered Female exercise instructor: in terms of their mental, spiritual and physical development. This is an achievement which we are specially proud of.“ Elif Basarin Network partner: I Migration counseling German Association for the Protection of Children DLRG Grömitz Migration counseling Elif Basarin, Female Project Leader DLRG, Grömitz/Neustadt Cooperation partner: I German Association for the Protection of Children (DKSB) The swimming course took place in the indoor pool migrants. At the same time, at first, there was uncer- “Grömitzer Welle“. Since the pool was closed during tainty regarding the way the girls should be addressed Swimming the school holidays, we organized the double amount of and how to interest them in club membership. In this swimming lessons on three evenings. The day after, the respect, we need to gain more experience in other, Additional offer: girls met for their German language lesson provided by similar courses. German language tuition the German Association for the Protection of Children. Sport course offered: Age of (female) participants: 9–12 Years In summary, the youth group program of the DLRG The Preparation What was remarkable? Grömitz is an excellent platform and a perfect tool for From the outset, this project was characterized by the It was nice to see that the collaborators of the German good partnership between the DLRG Grömitz and the Association for the Protection of Children supported young people and adolescents can meet there for an German Association for the Protection of Children the girls, much beyond a mere language teaching. The (DKSB) Ost-Holstein (Neustadt) as well as the Migration systematic assistance as well as integration courses and Counselor. Because of the fact that in Neustadt there are The course was followed up by an extension course in advisory talks helped to sustainably strengthen the eve- only few foreign citizens (6,78 %) and that traditional swimming, combined with a modified additional part. ryday competence of the girls. integration purposes. German and foreign children, exchange of views and mutual approach. prejudices are part of the small city's everyday life, the “female migrant-friendly” network project could be launched successfully, with a great deal of commitment and persuasive power. The Summary On the very first day of the project the girls created a common motto titled 'Pink is Great, Swimming is Cool”, The Course Offered The combined project of the DLRG and the DKSB gave which is an illustration of how much fun they had during the course. Surprisingly, the group did not express any wishes nor ners' course and to improve their knowledge of the Ger- expectations related to religious motives, as far as the man language by way of a tuition offered by the German pool facilities or the general conditions were concerned. Tip It was the declared aim of the DLRG to encourage the Let all participants choose jointly the participants to join the club in order to keep them as title of the course; this strengthens their permanent members of the club, if possible. The DRLG identification. Association for the Protection of Children. members were very open-minded towards the female 72 I ! the girls an opportunity to learn swimming in a begin- I 73 Project of the German Life Saving Association e. V. (DLRG) SwimmingforBeginnersandWomen'sBreakfast DLRG-Ortsgruppe Wolfsburg e. V. Education Center Schleusenpfad 1 38440 Wolfsburg “Not only the swimming but also the breakfast,which took regularly place, were well received. On that occasion the women could hold discussions and exchange Project leader: views. Our network partner supported us in a special way, by deepening the to- Werner Jacobs pic of 'integration' in talk rounds and working groups. We also learned a lot in Female exercise instructor: Petra Brosig Office for Equal Opportunities DLRG Local Group Wolfsburg Charitable Service this context.“ Petra Brosig, Female Exercise Instructor, DLRG Local Group Wolfsburg Network partner: I Education Center Wolfsburg, Ltd. I Office for Equal Opportunities of the City of Wolfsburg Assisted Living Center The Course Offered The Summary I Diakonie (Charitable Service) I Lebenshilfe (Assisted Living Center) During the first lesson a regular teaching of the subject- The club management looked after the organization, matter of the course was absolutely impossible. The the establishment of contacts and the financing, advo- women just joyfully plunged into the water, romping Sport course offered: cating the project everywhere with a lot of persuasive around, with lots of laughter and noise. All of them had Swimming for female beginners activities. These efforts met with great approval. an elemental need to enjoy some freedom of action, to Koordinationspartner: Additional offer: The Preparation try something out and test oneself, and to experience As a follow-up of the project, the swimming course for Right from the start, the DLRG had tried to also find fe- the water, as such. The exercise instructor included that women was continued. Besides breast stroke swim- Women's Breakfast male participants for the network project via news- pa- perception in her individual shaping of the course. ming, the women got to know and master the crawl Age of (female) participants: per advertisements. A female employee of the Diakonie girls and women Outside the water, besides the blocked events, such as responded together with a group of female migrants were acquainted with some elements of life-saving. At the first aid course, once a month a women's breakfast whose dream was to know how to swim. After first first, only the participants of the first course took part took regularly place and met with great approval and contact talks the project was introduced. The migrants in the continuation course, but meanwhile completely response. Since the course leader was supported by two wished to have a pool for women, only, which the DLRG different women joined in. German women are most females who were serving their 'FSJ' (1 year of voluntary found on the premises of the Lebenshilfe. The facilities welcome, as well. social work, in sport), it was possible to offer child-care were optimal: relatively small windows with frosted glass services during the swimming hours. sheets did not allow any view into the room, and the additional installation of colored light made it possible to utilize findings from color therapy. The course was immediately booked out because of the positive conditions offered by the network partners and the swimming pool manager. What was remarkable? At the end of each lesson, the participants could use a relaxation phase to unwind and let go. This was very important to them. Thereafter, however, the women would have loved to stay more time in the water, even when the next group arrived. To find a solution, it was Tip agreed to keep an interval of 15 minutes between the A women's breakfast, as an accompanying element two group appointments as a “bathing ban” period of the course offered, eases the atmosphere, offers which could be perfectly utilized for talks concerning new types of insight and creates trust. the coming events and activities. 74 I ! stroke. Moreover, they learned to jump and dive and I 75 From the German Life Saving Association e. V. (DLRG) SwimmingforWomenandPalaver DLRG Waldshut-Tiengen e. V. Maueräcker 1 79771 Klettgau ”In my view, integration means mutual respect. The project made us practice it every day together, us being the women who had looked for a new home in this Female exercise instructor : country and partly found it, as well as the exercise instructors who had to patiently Elke Lehr learn the art of understanding on the basis of little language knowledge and much Cooperation partners: I Family Center Hochrhein (FaZ) I Hochrhein Vocational Training Hochrhein Vocational Training and Education Center DLRG WaldshutTiengen Family Center Hochrhein empathy.“ Elke Lehr, Female Exercise Instructor, DLRG Waldshut-Tiengen and Education Center (HBBZ) Sport course offered: Swimming Additional offer: Women's discussion group and language teaching The combination of women's palaver with a language external experts, resulted in an outstanding networking. course opened a good opportunity for the women To recognize and to become acquainted with informal to exchange experience also beyond issues related to networks of the female migrants has opened new ways swimming. Because of the high number of participants of approach and led to the establishment of a first con- and the difference in their swimming skills, the women tact – a good basis for future cooperation. who attended the course twice a week, had to be di- The Preparation Group dynamics which work well in an already functioning group (due to the language course in the HBBZ) are the best prerequisite to be successful in addressing as many women as possible. vided in two groups. As the local group of the DLRG is not in a position to of- What was remarkable? a contribution to the costs of the course, to be paid as a The local work regarding PR was excellent. The local newspapers informed about the project at regular intervals, and even the ZDF (2nd German TV station under In the informal network of the women, word about the public law) televised two documentations. The women course offered got around very quickly and became a were very proud of the great feed-back. As a memory real insider's tip. of the project, they received a CD with photos and, upon approval by the ZDF, a recording of the televised The Course Offered reportage. The swimming did not only make the women physically The Summary stronger. Since the door to the indoor swimming pool was not kept open in the absence of a supervisor, the women had to stick to precise rules and time schedules. fer courses free of charge in the long run, there will be participation fee in future. The role of financial support will have to be checked to make the participation of the women in the swimming course possible. by e-mailing to The DLRG was very positively surprised by the great interest in swimming. In this way, the participation in the swimming course Thanks to the project, many new contacts were estab- automatically also resulted in more social competence lished and existing links were consolidated. An open and self-assurance, because each women was personally communication and the exchange of views regarding Tip responsible for her own time management. all project levels, in cooperation with male and female Inform the local press about the course offered and invite press representatives for an interview 76 I ! Detailed experience reports are available free of charge, I 77 IGermanGymnasticsFederatione.V.(DTB) The German Gymnastics Federation has just under 5 million members, out of whom 3.5 million are girls and women. 80 % of the members are active in the area of the GYMWELT (which stands for physical activity and sports for fitness and health, gymnastics, dancing, presentations and outdoor sports. In the light of the figures above, it can be stated that the range of programs offered by the DTB appeals to girls and women, above all, and is directed to their interests and needs. Thus, the DTB is also attractive to girls and women with a migratory background. PD Dr. Maike Tietjens DTB Vice-President, responsible for Human Resources Development, Gender Equality and Women “It was a pleasant experience to see that the personal needs and interests of the women were very similar – although they originated from different cultural backgrounds.“ Prof. Dr. Walter Brehm DTB Vice-President GYMWELT “A first step has been achieved, we could gain experience and formulate recommendations for the clubs. Now, it is our turn to enlarge these ideas and to take care of sustainability.“ 78 I I 79 Project of the German Gymnastics Federation e. V. (DTB) MotherandChildontheMove “Integration means tedious efforts with a lot of home work. At the beginning, we thought that we would not achieve any results concerning the women. i MiMen s Hes Nothing seemed to really advance - until, on the occasion of a block party, I was Turnverein Kesselstadt 1860 e. V. so warmly welcomed and hugged by 'my' course participants that I got the fee- Kastanienallee 144 ling: Yes, I am a person familiar to them. That was a very good feeling.“ 63452 Hanau Female exercise instructor : City Di Offi strict ce I Weststadtbüro (city district office) Cooperation partners: W Of om fi en ce f 's or Iss ue s Katja Simon Network partner: Petra Heckmann, Department of Gymnastics, TV Kesselstadt TV Kesselstadt I Office for Women's Issues of the City of Hanau I MiMi Hessen (project with migrants) physical activity and diet Venue: Club house TV Kesselstadt gymnastics, they just believed that all gymnastics were the tic course. It was designed as a very low-threshold ap- same. The course leaders were gladly willing to adapt their proach because many women had never practiced sports training lessons correspondingly and offered those women before in their lives. fitness gymnastics instead of mother-and-child gymnastics. The additional part offered took up the special wishes of The Summary the circumstances under which a woman uses to live in Once the room problems were solved, the project started Germany. Furthermore, the women received useful hints, to run smoothly. The networking between the club and not only for their daily life in Hanau but also related to the Weststadtbüro functioned perfectly, and the two The Preparation the subject of physical activity and diet. partners decided to continue their cooperation. The activities of the gymnastics club TV Kesselstadt were The sports course was in the foreground, while the addi- It became apparent that integration work also means hav- supported by the Weststadtbüro, a meeting place of tional part was dealt with in three separately organized ing a long staying power, always starting with rapproche- the citizens of the west town district of Hanau. A city course units. ment, as a first step, and going on to be active. Only at the Mother-and-Child Gymnastics Help for women in Hanau, The sports program covered a mother-and-child gymnas- the women. Upon request of information, we clarified Sport course offered: Additional offer: The Course Offered like Hanau offers many programs for female migrants; ! end of the course began it to show that the women really as a consequence, the coordination of the dates of the What was remarkable? acted in a more independent and self-determined way. Age of (female) participants: courses was the first task to be solved. In this way, we The Weststadtbüro is very small. For that reason, the In the run-up it is not always clear if female migrants 20 – 40 Years, preschool children avoided an overlapping of the course program of the sport courses could not be held there. Since the club have already been in contact with sports in their own club with other courses. house of the TV Kesselstadt, which is not accessible to cultural environment and, if so, in which way. Thus, it is public view, was at walking distance, the women and recommendable to keep the ambitions of the sports pro- their exercise instructor met at the known Weststadt- gram rather low at the beginning. Gymnastics can serve büro and walked together to the rooms of the club as an appropriate start, for example. The mothers were directly invited with the help of the Weststadtbüro. Many of them already knew the gymnastics club because of its program and were immediately interested in participating in the course. It was also possible to motivate the children, with the help of their mothers, to take part in the course. Furthermore, flyers were displayed everywhere in the Weststadt 80 I house. Originally, accompanying them had been a stopgap measure, but that changed quickly: The women got to know one another much better during the walk, they built up trust and had a lot of fun. district, in shops and kindergartens, day-nurseries, It repeatedly happened that women turned up to take Tip schools, youth centers and early education institutions. part in the mother-and-child gymnastics course without Trustful cooperation is more important As a result, the rush for the first training was very bringing children. Upon request, they told us that they than an elaborate training concept. strong; later on, about half of the women took part in wanted to do something for themselves. As in their own This holds especially true for the start. the course regularly . cultural environment there was no mother-and-child I 81 Project of the German Gymnastics Federation e. V. (DTB) Women'sGymnastics,DirectlyontheSpot ce s Offi men' Wo s for Issue Turngemeinde Hanau 1837 e. V. “Training lessons for female migrants are a bit different. This holds true, not because the aims of this specific target group would differ from ours. Not at all Jahnstraße 3 – they have the same problem areas and want to slim down. It is just that they 63450 Hanau need more time to understand the exercises. All together, everything goes a bit TG Hanau 1837 Female exercise instructor: more slowly – and this is absolutely all right. It is just a question of taking more City Di O stric Sou ffice t th-E ast Saskia Rust, Female Exercise Instructor, TG Hanau ”C is om a p su me ete pp an nc or s o e t“ f Saskia Rust time for them.“ Network partner: I City District Office South-East Cooperation partners: I Office for Women's Issues of the city of Hanau I ”Competence is a means of support“ What was remarkable? From the start, it was apparent that it was better to ad- All together, the fact that the exercise instructor immedi- Sport course offered: dress the participants in an environment that is familiar ately responded to the wish to show understanding for Women's Gymnastics to them. For that reason, the sports course offered by the 'hijab” (the commandment of veiling of the Islamic the TG Hanau was shifted, directly on the spot, to the religion) and left the decision to the women themselves, City District South-East. Fortunately, the center had a turned out to be a most confidence-building measure. room available, and we could spare ourselves the search The city of Hanau has a high percentage of persons with for a free indoor hall. a migratory background. The integration of this target Additional offer: Women in Germany, assistance for women in Hanau, mobile phone contracts, how to conclude contracts correctly Age of (female) participants: 20 – 60 Years The Preparation Once again this project showed that good networking may lead to quickly booked out courses. The women were directly invited by the City District Office to take part in this course. Simple flyers were handed out, too. The efforts were crowned by success: Right from the outset, a large group joined and regularly participated in the course. The Summary portance for the future of the clubs. The municipal partners provided access to the target groups by utilizing existing contacts and made the exercise room available. In a “normal“ sports hall, it would not have been pos- The Course Offered The sports program included a training of gymnastics which focused on keeping oneself fit, preventing back 82 I ! group in the everyday activities of a club is of high im- sible to run the project, due to the limited number of available exercise rooms or other major difficulties to overcome. pains and other disorders. The additional part took up Talks before and after the lessons, explanations about the special wishes of the women. It dealt with expla- the structures and the activities of a sports club facili- nations concerning the question what it meant for a tated the approach and aroused curiosity on the part of women to live in Germany, in general, and in Hanau, in the female migrants. Later on, some women dared to Tip particular. Mastering the handling of mobile phones and take part in training sessions of the club. They had no Check whether the sport course offered other useful hints regarding the conclusion of contracts problems to wear training clothes, and even took off can also be implemented in facilities provi- were also treated in the respective additional part of the their headscarves, once it was clear that there would not ded by cooperation partners. course. be any male participants in the course. I 83 Project of the German Gymnastics Federation e. V. (DTB) Women'sGymnasticswithInformationInterface ”I specially liked that the network project in Hanau provided the opportunity to also get acquainted with the responsible persons of the other clubs of Hanau. We i MiM n se s e H had many interesting and informative talks with different organizations and re- Turn- und Sportverein 1860 Hanau e. V. sponsible persons who gave us new ideas and opened up different viewpoints.“ Ursula Schindzielorz, Gymnastics Department, TSV 1860 Hanau Philipp-August-Schleißner-Weg 2a 63452 Hanau TSV 1860 Hanau Saskia Rust Network partner: I Neighborhood Center Lamboy/Tümpelgarten W Of om fic en e f 's or Iss ue s Female exercise instructor: Nei Cen ghbor h t Tüm er Lam ood b pel gar oy/ ten The female migrants also received important hints and as needed to make all women fully understand them. It assistance for their everyday activities and on the subject would have been desirable to achieve a more intensive of health and diet. Child-care services were made avail- networking with other social institutions which were able during the women's gymnastics course. also working at the local level, e.g. the neighborhood What was remarkable? Cooperation partners: I Office for Women's Issues of the city of Hanau I MiMi Hessen Sport course offered: center. In this way, it would be possible to advertise the sports courses of the clubs in the program index of other Unfortunately, the neighborhood center had no rooms social institutions, as well, and vice versa. On very cold available. However, the club house was situated very days, on Muslim holidays (there are many others besides close-by. It was agreed with the interested women to the Ramadan – please provide the respective informa- meet at the neighborhood center on the first three days tion!) and during the run-up to the school holiday, of the course to cross the street and walk to the club the female migrants were strongly involved in family Women's gymnastics The Preparation Additional offer: In cooperation with the neighborhood center the house together. First of all, the participants looked at matters. This should be taken into consideration when Women in Germany, exercise instructor of the future group and the head of the sports hall in the basement of the club house, which planning the dates of the courses. Thus, the course Assistance to women in Germany, the gymnastics section of the TSV 1860 Hanau visited had a changing room of its own and a separate door- should be scheduled to take place in the period from Physical activity and diet several women's discussion rounds. They invited the way, with access through the garden. The women were mid-September to women of the Neighborhood Center and demonstrated delighted and also relieved when they realized that the December and from February until the summer holidays. Age of (female) participants: short exercise sequences to show them what was to be sports hall was not accessible to public view. 20 – 60 Years expected during the course. A handout which was disseminated in schools, day care centers for children and The Summary in shops, illustrated the activities offered by the club. After initial room problems, the project began to run very well. The differing working hours of volunteers and The Course Offered The sporting program offered a gymnastics training which above all focused on keeping oneself fit to prevent back pains and disorders. The women had a lot of fun, right from the beginning – and MUSCLE ACHE, Often it was difficult to bring all people together. When women take part in training lessons they just feel positive and want to continue. Such a possibility of continuation should be offered to them – either in the club or ! by organizing a new course. Tip them. The additional part took up the special wishes of The exercises could be put into practice in a good way, Use the cooperation with the partners the women. They were informed, for example, what it above all, thanks to the sport instructor. She explained perhaps also for the planning of venues/ meant for a woman to live in Germany. the exercises with a lot of patience and as much time facilities or staff. a sensation that, so far, had been totally unknown to 84 I employees were a topic which was discussed repeatedly. I 85 Project of the German Gymnastics Federation e. V. (DTB) MusicGardenforBabies&Co. te Cen th ls You or Gir f time, to take care of the wishes of the migrants. However, in the long run, you will r Association for Sport and Culture Sprendlingen 1886 e. V. “Sometimes it means a great deal of work to cultivate the network and, at the same also get back a lot. This is why I was very happy about the word-of-mouth recommendation thanks to which two new participants joined the course. It was also felt Seilerstraße 9 –13 SKG Sprendlingen 1886 63303 Dreieich Kathrin Dante / Ilona Höttinger Network partner: I Integration Office of the city of Dreieich Cooperation partners: I Day-Care Center for Children of the Versöhnungsgemeinde (parish) I Youth Center for Girls Sport course offered: windows of the gymnastics room.“ Kathrin Dante, Female Exercise Instructor, SKG Sprendlingen 1886 I O nt cit ffi egr y ce ati of o o Dr f th n ei e ec h Female exercise instructors: good to get the support by the parish/municipality concerning the covering of the Day -C for are Ce of t Childr nter e he Par n ish The Preparation is important 'food' for body, soul and mind, a good because the right work-and-life balance was a concern opportunity for the mothers to accompany and experi- which the participants had to handle, as well. The col- ence the development of their children on an occasion laboration with all interested parties (network partners outside family life. as well as female migrants) was based on a gradual mutual approach. The more familiar they became with The parish Versöhnungsgemeinde is an institution which What was remarkable? is familiar to the migrants and which they put trust in, Additional offer: This project placed strong emphasis on team work. Both because it has always delivered good work. To interest Early musical education for babies cooperation partners were sure that mother-and-child mothers with a migratory background in the course, gymnastics in combination with a “Music Garden“, or they were directly approached in the kindergarten of the even alone, would raise strong interest in the neigh- parish and invited to take part. Before the course start- borhood, and therefore agreed to jointly organize the For detailed experience reports, please contact the DTB ed, a trial lesson was held which also served to distribute course, once a suitable female exercise instructor was by e-mailing to Maria Irala, contact address: flyers. Within one week's time, we had already received available. Mother- and-Child Gymnastics Age of (female) participants: Mothers with toddlers each other, the greater the confidence they achieved and the more continuously will be the common work to be developed in future. a good number of registrations for the course. The Course Offered The Summary Right from the start, there was an excellent cooperation All beginnings are difficult: The course had actually between the Versöhnungsgemeinde and the club SKG been planned as genuine mother-and-child gymnastics. Sprendlingen. Therefore, the club could utilize the good However, since there was no female exercise instruc- contacts of the Versöhnungsgemeinde to find partici- tor available for that subject, the club gladly accepted pants and was also actively supported in shaping the the offer by the cooperation partner and organized a program of the course. “Music Garden”, instead. For this purpose, babies up to 86 I ! 18 months of age and their mothers were invited to play Besides the search for the female exercise instructor Tip games combined with music. During this early stage, for the mother-and-child gymnastics, the coordination Meet your network partners periodically playing music together and listening to music together of the course schedule was a problem, time and again, in order to quickly react on new challenges. I 87 I R egionalSportsConfederation Baden-Wuerttemberge.V.(LSV) About 230,000 people with a migratory background live in the city of Stuttgart. Girls and women are clearly under-represented in the sports clubs and among the participants of sport courses. The LSV started the network project in cooperation with the Sport District of Stuttgart and the program “Experiencing Sports Together“ in order to specifically address girls and women with a migratory background. “We want to increasingly get this target group to sign up for physical activity and sports courses“, LSV President Dieter Schmidt-Volkmar commented. Rainer Hipp LSV Managing Director ”The Regional Sports Confederation Baden-Wuerttemberg has been active in integration work for more than 20 years by means of implementing its program 'Integration Through Sport'. Numerous position papers concerning sport and immigration, which we developed in cooperation with the German Olympic Sports Confederation, serve as an essential foundation of our work in the key area of integration. In the light of social and political developments we advocate a pluralistic approach to integration in this respect. Basing itself on diverse action concepts regarding networking activities, active participation and qualification, sport serves as a medium to adapt sports programs to the respective local situation in order to achieve successful integration. In this context, it became apparent that in many cases we need to provide specific conditions to encourage women with a migratory background to practice sports. The DOSB network project in the city of Stuttgart tried new ways out to give girls and women with a migratory background access to sports, physical activity and health, making the results also available to club sports. 88 I I 89 From the Regional Sports Confederation Baden-Wuerttemberg e. V. (LSV) FitforDancing,FitforPCWork b wa Sch ool Sch “At the beginning of the first lesson I was afraid that the women had only come to sign up because of the computer course. While I made them register on the MTV Stuttgart e. V. Am Kräherwald 190a list of participants, some of them had already disappeared. I was positively sur- 70193 Stuttgart prised when I went to the sports hall and realized that the women had already MTV Stuttgart Female exercise instructor: ”Ex per i Sp encing Tog orts eth er” Katharina Krell, Female Exercise Instructor, MTV Stuttgart r“ Katharina Krell The Summary ro Pa rt ne Network partner: I ”Experiencing Sports Together” changed their clothes and were waiting for the gymnastics program to start.“ The announcement of the PC program produced a an overview of software products and concrete addition- genuine run on the course seats. The project leader was I „Mikro Partner“ I Schwab School al information of specific benefit to the female migrants. quite astonished to see that the women participated in Sport course offered: the remaining parts of the body were trained. The Fitness Dancing course started with a small combination of aerobics for „M ik eration as well as a topic called “Me and the Internet”, Cooperation partners: Following some exercises for the head and the hands, warming up. The subsequent training of strength (circle Additional offer: Computer course The Preparation Right from the outset, there was high interest in taking training and training of 'bums, legs and tums') aimed at building up fitness for the choreographic dance of the final part. Venue: part in the computer course which was quickly booked Sports hall of the Schwab School out. The flyers, which were distributed in courses named Both, the sporting part and the additional part of the and facilities of “Micro Partner“ “Mummy learns German” in the surrounding area, and program took place in the west of the city of Stuttgart. during the courses of the seminar for parents on educa- For the sport course the project ”Experiencing Sports Age of (female) participants: tion counseling, were well received by the target group. Together” (GES) made periods of use of the sports hall 14 –57 Years By means of word-of-mouth propaganda the informa- of the Schwab School available. It was an advantage tion on the course offered went quickly around in the that the school gymnasium was well equipped and not Parent-and-Child Center. At the Schwab School the accessible to public view from the outside. handouts were welcomed with great interest, too. The announcement of the course in the local newspapers What was remarkable? was also beneficial. The magazine “Impuls”, which is When the first lesson started, we were surprised be- published in Russian language, as well as the Stuttgart cause some mothers had brought their children. We weekly “Wochenblatt” informed about the course. therefore had to find a quick response in organizing a The Course Offered 90 I child-care service for eight children up to six years of the fitness dancing course very enthusiastically, as well. Moreover, many women expressed their wish to take part in a continuation of the sport course, even if the financing of the computer course would not be continued. The large number of participants in both courses was also favored by the fact that the two venues (PC room and sports hall) were situated close together, at a distance of 500 meters only. ! It was a pleasant experience that the “Micro Partner“ showed much understanding regarding the issue of child-care services and immediately made play things and facilities available. In the course of the program, the matter of child-care services did not turn out to be a major problem, since an acquaintance of one of the course participants came forward and offered to take over this task as a volunteer. This was naturally an ideal solution. age. This turned out to be necessary, in particular during Tip Fitness – for the PC?! During the instruction course the computer course where many PC units, cables and You should also discuss the issue of child- which was held once a week, the participants not only sockets had to be operated. In contrast, the sports hall care services in the course. Perhaps there is learned to operate the mouse and the keyboard. The had sufficient space and material to run the course for a solution by asking a volunteer. subjects of instruction also included the basics of PC op- the women and their children, too. I 91 Project of the Regional Sports Confederation Baden-Wuerttemberg e. V. (LSV) GymMixandMummylearnsGerman “The nationality and religious belief of the participants are important for the – en om n the “ i ”W ive trict Act n Dis a Urb scheduling of the courses. We did not take into consideration that Ramadan and TB Bad Cannstatt e. V. school holidays coincided with the dates of our course. Otherwise, some of the many Turkish participants would certainly have taken part in our program more Emil-Kiemlen-Weg 51 regularly and more often.“ 70376 Stuttgart TB Bad Cannstatt Female exercise instructor : I ”Women – Active in the Urban District“ I Administration department for Integration Policy Adm de inist Inte partm ration gra ent tion for Pol icy Co Network partner: m m Ha uni lls ty ch Ce la nt g er Birgit Wiede-Renz Birgit Wiede-Renz, Female Exercise Instructor, TB Bad Cannstatt Cooperation partners: I Nachbarschaftstreff (community center) Hallschlag Sport course offered: Gymix (mix of gymnastic exercises) The Preparation Networking par excellence: Getting into contact with Additional offer: the Nachbarschaftstreff Hallschlag was a full success. “Mummy learns German” The gymnasium had already been made available for Ort: Gymnasium of the Community Center of Hallschlag Age of (female) participants: 25 – 50 Years the sport program in the forefront of the course. The club TB Bad Cannstatt only needed to recruit a female casions, up to four children, aged up to three years, were about possibilities of school education and vocational present during the lesson. Thus, it would have made training, received assistance and contact addresses, were sense to offer child-care service for this period. acquainted with the variety of programs offered in the urban quarter, and told how to make use of them. The Summary The gymnastics and language courses were held The networking was excellent and helped to quickly consecutively and took place in the gymnasium of the organize the courses. As the gym was already available Nachbarschaftstreff Hallschlag. The gym which had been in the run-up to the course, the club only had to provide made available free of charge for the whole time of the female exercise instructor. the course, was not accessible to public view from the In principle, the time pressure on the women is very outside. It was equipped with exercise material such as high, due to their household work and child care. For Pezzi balance balls for gymnastics, mats, weights etc. this reason, they could not regularly keep the appointed What was remarkable? exercise instructor. To adapt the contents of the course At the beginning, women of different nationalities par- to the needs of the target group, on the occasion of a ticipated in the course. However, little by little, more and neighborhood meeting, the migrants were asked about more Turkish women joined the group who had learned their wishes regarding the course program and schedule. about the program by word-of-mouth recommendation. Once the summer holidays had started, the situation The network project was introduced during the al- changed, since many women went on a trip to Turkey. ready established courses of “Mummy learns Ger- An advertisement of the magazine “Impuls“ had drawn man“. Furthermore, the monthly circular letter of the the attention of some women of Russian origin on the Nachbarschaftstreff and a monthly magazine in Russian courses who increasingly participated during the summer language published information on the project. holidays. This year, the Muslim month of fasting Ram- The Course Offered 92 I language communication. Moreover, they were informed disapproved of our offer to disentangle the schedule of the course. In case many Turkish women participate in the courses offered, it should be avoided to organize the programs during the summer holidays because trips to their respective country of origin will have priority. A collision with the Muslim month of fasting Ramadan, should also be prevented. adan unfortunately started directly after the end of the summer holidays. As a consequence, there were only one ! dates of the lessons. On the other hand, the participants And one - and two - and three - and four: Gymmix to two women left to take part in the last two lessons. All Tip mixes exercises of aerobics, BOP ('Bums, Legs and in all, a stable group did not come about. Each woman When you offer courses for young women, Tums'), stretching and relaxation. The “Mummy learns participated on five dates, on an average. There is also consider the possibility to provide child-care German” course trained the participants in German another issue which needs to be optimized: on some oc- services. I 93 From the Regional Sports Confederation Baden-Wuerttemberg e. V. (LSV) AerobicsandWomen'sIssues pro familia “We were particularly surprised that not a single girl had a hobby outside school. Some hobby experience would certainly have been desirable, especially TV 89 Zuffenhausen e. V. in view of a rather training-intensive choreography.“ Fleiner Straße 76a 70437 Stuttgart Female exercise instructor : School of Home Economic Zuffenhausen TV 89 Zuffenhausen Administration department for Integration Policy Katharina Krell, Female Exercise Instructor TV 89 Zuffenhausen Katharina Krell The Summary Network partner: I Administration department for Integration Policy Youth Center Zuffenhausen Cooperation partners: I Youth Center Zuffenhausen I pro familia I School of Home Economics Zuffenhausen Sport course offered: Aerobics and Dancing Additional offer: The cooperation with the strongly committed teacher of the girls could gather information at pro familia with Home Economics functioned very smoothly. In particular, regard to issues such as female role models, methods of pro familia relieved the project leader from a part of her contraception, sexually transmitted diseases, gynecolo- workload regarding marketing, looking for facilities, and gist, friendship, love and partnership, etc. coordinating the additional part of the program. The dates were directly agreed and fixed by pro familia On the one hand, it was a great challenge for the girls and the teacher of the School of Home Economics, who to experience that dancing was not so easy, that you accompanied her pupils to the additional part of the had to exercise and repeat the dancing steps, once course. and again, and to stick to the art of dancing. The girls What was remarkable? Education on 'the facts of life' which are relevant to women finished, on three fixed dates of 4 teaching units each, The Preparation needed to be re-motivated and stimulated again to collaborate and to stay synchronized. On the other hand, The search for suitable rooms took a long time. The this was exactly the right kind of work to really bond the School of Home Economics itself had hardly any opportu- group together in the course of the program. ! Venue: To know with whom you work means to know how you nities to accommodate the course, and the neighboring Youth Center Zuffenhausen work! The responsible person of the administration de- The three boys of the school class complained that sports halls were already occupied. Just shortly before the partment for Integration Policy recommended to take up there was only a course for girls and nothing was of- Age of (female) participants: starting date we received a positive answer of the Youth contact with the School of Home Economics at Zuffen- fered to them. As a consequence, the Youth Center 15 –18 Years Center Zuffenhausen (situated at a distance of about 300 hausen, which had already be looking for a sport course where the dancing course for girls took place, spon- meters from the school) which would provide a room, for the girls of a school class for a long time. During taneously started to win the boys over for a boxing free of charge, for a period of twelve weeks. The motiva- joint planning talks they clarified how to cooperate: The project organized by the Youth Center itself. tion of the girls started at a high level but decreased after TV 89 Zuffenhausen would work out the contents of some time. The girls were often tired or complained of a sport course to be held after the end of the autumn abdominal pain, for which reasons they could not partici- holidays, the teacher of home economics would take pate. In some cases they lacked concentration and had care of the girls' registration and the organization of the to repeat the different steps frequently. It also happened venues for the course. that the choreography was already forgotten when the The Course Offered 94 I next lesson was due. At the same time, it quickly became apparent that somewhat better dancers were under- Tip “Let’s dance“: After a first warming-up, some stretching challenged. In order to motivate all girls alike, the good Jointly take up all topics and ideas, and short strengthening exercises, a Hip-Hop choreog- dancers brought their dancing steps to more perfection cooperation helps to be successful. raphy was on the agenda. When the sport lessons were and helped the somehow weaker dancers thereafter. I 95 Project of the Regional Sports Confederation Baden-Wuerttemberg e. V. (LSV) SwimmingontheHealthWave ”Sports facilities – in our case the swimming hall – should not be accessible to public view from the outside. Even if the women did not pay attention to this circumstance ÄGGF after the first training lesson, banks of windows might be the reason for a lack of in- TB Untertürkheim e. V. Augsburger Straße 371 70372 Stuttgart terest in the course. Some talent of spontaneity and improvisation will help to build Integ ratio Polic n y n patio ccu ew O N TB Untertürkheim up a good visual protection, e.g. by using big cloths or sheets of paper.“ Julia Eitler, Female Exercise Instructor, TB Untertürkheim The course met with enthusiastic approval of all partici- second swimming period – unfortunately without success. Julia Eitler / Katharina Krell pants. The additional part, which offered health advice Nevertheless, in order to satisfy the great demand, finally and a computer course was also highly welcomed. It a second swimming course was offered. Cooperation partners: G d W orl W ird I Administration department of Integration Policy Th Network partner: D ev Po ci elo ol ati pm U on en nt I t er nd A tü o ss rk or ohe im Female exercise instructors: I Development Association Indoor Pool Untertürkheim I ÄGGF (Medical Society for the Promotion of Women's Health) I “Neue Arbeit“ (new occupation) I WG Third World Sport course offered: The Preparation Sport for female migrants was nothing new in Untertürkheim. A predecessor project already existed, named “Getting Girls and Women into Sport“ . It had been initiated by the Sports District of Stuttgart and the movement was of practical value that the health counseling, which took up topics, such as 'Menstruation Hygiene in Sport”, The Summary “Preventive Medical Check-Ups”, “Diet and Over- The fact that a sport course had already existed in Un- weight”, etc., was directly held in the reception area of tertürkheim in the run-up of the project contributed to the swimming hall. There was also a vivid participation the enormously short time in which the course was fully in the computer courses which were intended to make booked out. Thanks to the good networking, it was not the women familiar with PC work and the possibilities of only possible to find the two female exercise instructors communication by e-mail and via the internet. but also the venues for the course, which facilitated a What was remarkable? “Jointly Experiencing Sport“. The TB Untertürkheim built The swimming courses were held in the indoor pool up the network project on that foundation. It kept the Untertürkheim, a former public swimming hall. It has basic idea and developed the contents of the program in numerous changing rooms (even individual changing close cooperation with the Working Group Third World cubicles) and, towards the street, it is not open to public (AGDW) and the Administration department of Integra- view. However, towards the rear it has an extensively tion Policy. Due to the existence of the preceding project glazed facade, which means that the pool area can be Venue: and to the good networking, word got quickly around overlooked from the club restaurant of the rowing club, Indoor swimming pool Untertürkheim, that in Untertürkheim there was another sport course which is situated there. During the first four lessons, the instruction rooms of “Neue Arbeit“ to be offered for female migrants – this time within the women covered the windows with sheets of paper and (computer course) framework of the DOSB network project. Already one placed swimming boards in front of them, thereafter, hour later, all 60 (in succeeding courses even 70) seats visual protection had stopped to be an issue. Age of (female) participants: were booked out, and a waiting list had to be drawn up. 16 –57 Years The number of participants amounted to about 60 to From the outset, the minimum age of participation had 70 and turned out to be on the borderline. Although, been determined to be 16, which made the provision of throughout the whole time, two female exercise instruc- child-care services unnecessary. tors were working – one as a supervisor, the other as the Swimming, 'aquarobics' Additional offer: Health counseling (ÄGGF), Computer course (“Neue Arbeit“) A similar development like the one concerning visual ! protection became apparent with regard to swimwear. To start with, the women wore long T-shirts and leggins which became soaked with water in the swimming pool. The women rapidly noticed that it was much better to swim when wearing a swimming suit. Some women wore cycling shorts or a tight top on top of their swimming suit or bikini. None of them was willing to swim in a Burkini (swimwear which covers the whole body) although 70 % of them were Muslim women. leader of the instruction course –, it was not possible to Tip give more individual assistance to the participants. Since Leave it to the women to choose their Swimming is fun, lots of fun, from the beginners course many women asked for a different schedule of the course, swimwear themselves, in accordance to courses for advanced swimmers, and up to aquaro- e.g. in the mornings or in the evenings, as well as for ad- with the valid safety regulations. bics with balls and boards and pool noodles. ditional swimming times, we repeatedly tried to organize a The Course Offered 96 I smooth functioning. I 97 Project of the Regional Sports Confederation Baden-Wuerttemberg e. V. (LSV) FitforGymnastics&Co. Youth Welfare Office “At the beginning I almost felt as if I were in Turkey. All the women spoke Turkish with each other and with me, too. This led to a situation where the two German SKG Gablenberg 1884 e. V. Lenninger Straße 8 70186 Stuttgart Ger m Red an Cros s rten erga Kind rch Chu d eilan of H SKG Gablenberg participants in the course got problems of understanding. We discussed this matter and then agreed to use German as the language of the course.“ Canan Güneri, Female Exercise Instructor, SKG Gablenberg 1884 Female exercise instructor: bl i O cH ffi ea ce lt Pu I Common Weal Work Stöckach I Youth Welfare Office al We h on kac mm töc Co rk S Wo Network partners: h Canan Güneri Cooperation partners: I Public Health Office I Kindergarten Church of Heiland I German Red Cross The Course Offered The Summary The gymnastics course always started with a light warm- It turned out to be a good idea to hold the course in the up training. The individual lessons focused on exercises mornings. The facilities were well accessible. The Turkish to strengthen the back, the pelvic floor and also arms speaking exercise instructor managed to quite quickly The Preparation and legs. Small games and relaxation exercises allowed gain the trust of the participants, most of whom were Additional offer: Due to the good contacts of the network partner for fun and diversion, time and again. The additional of Turkish origin. The linkage to a well-known organi- Education of children, Common Weal Work Stöckach with the Kindergarten program, one part of which took place in the facilities zation as well as the offer of child-care services, with Healthy Eating – Better Learning Heilandskirche, we were allowed to use the church hall of the network partner Common Weal Work Stöckach the help of the kindergarten, substantially contributed Sport course offered: Gymnastics ! of the Heilandskirche, free of charge. The room was very and the other part on the occasion of parents' evenings to the good response on the course offered. It clearly Ort: large and bright, situated directly next to the kinder- of the kindergarten, focused on subject-matters such showed the importance of good networking for the suc- Church hall Heilandskirche garten and very well accessible for the participants. The as child education and the connection between eating cess of a project. Directly after, the club and the church organization of the venue was certainly favored by the good food and successful learning results. Many women Heilandskirche organized two more courses together. fact that most of the women who participated in the brought their children to the gymnastics lesson. For the gymnastics course had registered their children in the children who were too young to attend the kindergar- kindergarten of the Heilandskirche. ten, we organized child-care services with the help of Age of (female) participants: 37– 47 Years the network partner. The club and the network partner used a first meeting to determine the sport course and the additional part of the program, as well as the general conditions. It started with a trial lesson, which had been advertised by Common Weal Work Stöckach among the migrants with As for the period, when the church hall was available, the club could not provide for a female exercise instructor, the German Red Cross helped by making a female Tip exercise instructor and some sport material available. It The question of language should be tackled The trial lesson and the subsequent course were very was even allowed to store the material in the church hall straight forward; most of the course partici- well attended from the very beginning. throughout the whole duration of the course. pants would like to learn German whom contacts were already existing. 98 I What was remarkable? I 99 I S portsYouth(SJB)intheRegional SportsConfederationBerline.V. The Sports Youth Berlin has directed its fields of action to specific target groups and set priorities, according to social and youth-political needs. The social work aims at supporting the social integration and promotion of disadvantaged children and young people by means of a sports youth network which is Berlin-wide. Prevention and intervention in socially highly stressed city quarters and difficult social environments are in the foreground. Tobias Dollase Chairman of the Sports Youth Berlin “Integration in and through sport is a permanent social task of manifold facets. Sport offers differing population groups a wide range of possibilities to meet other people, to get social recognition and to care for one's health. Moreover, it promotes the cohesion of our society in an unusual way. In spite of a rather positive result concerning their quota of integration in organized sport and in the sports clubs of Berlin, girls and women with a migratory background still belong to the most underrepresented group in organized sport. This fact was, among others, decisive for the Sports Youth Berlin to participate in the implementation of the network project 'Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports'. The results of the network project and the strategic steps of implementation that can be derived, will change the work concept of organized sport in Berlin in view of future activities for the integration of girls and women with a migratory background in order to overcome existing deficits.” 100 I I 101 Project of the Sports Youth (SJB) in the Regional Sports Confederation Berlin e. V. FromtheMatontheStage KarlWeise School “When we were asked to cooperate in the network project, we mainly wanted to make more people enthusiastic about our club. However, the project work Erster Berliner Judo Club e. V. has added another factor: the acceptance of this kind of project work has es- c/o Barbara Westphal sentially grown on the part of our club members.“ Pintschallee 10b 12347 Berlin htt:// Equal Opportunities Commissioner Neukölln Erster Berliner Judo Club Migration Commissioner Neukölln Barbara Westphal, Board Member, Erster Berliner Judo Club Female exercise instructor: Lea Folkerts Network partner: Youth Migration Service I Migration Commissioner of the District Berlin-Neukölln I Equal Opportunities Commissioner of the District Berlin-Neukölln I Youth Migration Service Cooperation partner: I Karl-Weise School Sport course offered: Judo Additional offer: Playing theater on the subject “Healthy Nutrition” The Preparation To have won the Karl-Weise School as a partner was a huge piece of luck for the network project. In this way it was possible to approach the girls directly in their school Age of (female) participants: and day-care facility. The project was personally intro- girls of the third school grade duced at school. Interested participants subsequently registered on the list, which the coordinator had made available for course registration. The additional part of the course dealt with the subject Beyond its performance at their own school, the theater “Healthy Nutrition”. In order to play theater, creative- group managed to perform in the neighborhood and ness on the part of our participants was sought after. As within the range of the network project. The good col- a first step, we had to develop the tasks of the actors in laboration of the cooperation partners resulted in the the theater play, as a further step, the girls wrote down fact that performing theater plays was an interesting their ideas of the plot. Naturally the theater play was and, for the target group, highly motivating means of also performed on stage, in the end. And all participat- promoting language skills and, as such, quickly became ing persons had visibly a lot of fun. a role model for other stakeholders of social youth work. What was remarkable? The club is very satisfied with the results of the network The strong network built the basis of further joint projects. project. The existing cooperation with the school was The combination of sporting activities with an additional further consolidated. With the help of strong network part was so well accepted that the theater project was partners, the club was able to make its courses better extended from the performance at the Karl-Weise School known among the stakeholders in the neighborhood. to other performances in the district of Berlin-Neukölln as well as within the framework of the network. The Summary The girls greatly enjoyed their participation in the course programs. 102 I ! The Course Offered The support by and cooperation with the Karl-Weise The project course of Judo did not only consist of sport- School were excellent. Together with the school direc- ing activities. Naturally, there were also physical activity tion, we are already making new plans for other joint games, exercises and simple technical judo skills high projects in future. The sport course will be continued on the agenda of the course. Furthermore, conveying as a working group on sports during the coming school Tip the values of judo and strengthening social skills were year. This WG will aim at preparing the girls for the first Links of cooperation with schools important “accessory parts” that enthused the girls as belt examination - and at winning their interest in con- make it easier to find (female) partici- much as the initiators. tinuing their sporting activities in the club. pants and sports halls. I 103 Project of the Sports Youth (SJB) in the Regional Sports Confederation Berlin e. V. StreetDanceandNutrition A SOJ Grupo Menino do Curuzu e. V. c/o Brigitta Bremme Warschauer Straße 66 Grupo Menino do Curuzu 10243 Berlin Female exercise instructor: Network partner: I Recreation Center for Senior Citizens I SOJA – Sport-Oriented Youth Work B You BC th C lub R fo ecre Fa r Se ati lk ni on en or C st C en ei iti t ne ze er r S ns tr. Liliana Bremme “At first I was very surprised: the girls of the youth club were much younger than between 12 and 16 years (as expected). We were very keen to see whether Street Dance was appealing to them, at all. It did, for sure. The girls took part, giving their best, not only during Cooperation partners: the training but also during the dancing audition thereafter. They also showed I BBC Youth Club a lot of enthusiasm at cooking.“ Sport course offered: Liliana Bremme, Female Exercise Instructor Grupo Menino de Curuzu Streetdance Additional offer: Health and Education counseling ”Probier mal, wie das schmeckt!“ (Try how – good – this tastes) Age of (female) participants: 8 –10 Years The Summary The Preparation Actually, the concept of the course was intended to Besides actively studying the dancing steps, the girls The participating girls enjoyed dancing very much and address girls of 12 to 14 years of age. However, in were taught theoretical knowledge of the origin of had a lot of fun. The training of dancing was a means spring this year, the customers of the BBC Youth Club the individual dancing styles, with the aim to jointly for the female coach to successfully stimulate the girls had changed, and the courses had to be adapted to the work out a short choreography. The additional part to enjoy physical activity. At the same time, the girls needs of girls between eight and ten years of age. A di- offered was dedicated to the slogan “Probier mal, wie were strengthened in terms of self-confidence and self- rect and personal approach to the girls at the BBC Youth das schmeckt!“ (Try how -good – this tastes). The talks assurance. Club made it possible to compose a group, quickly and with the girls were intended to jointly clarify what was without major advertising efforts. healthy food, why it was healthy and how to cook healthy food. The Youth Club representative explained, The Course Offered In times of TV shows such as (in Germany) DSDS, Popstars, Supertalent etc., many girls dream to be able to dance like their stars. Thus, the course of “Street 104 I in a child-appropriate way, vitamins, different nutrients and the importance of the same. What was remarkable? Dance“ matched perfectly with the modern times - and One of the highlights of the course was the joint cook- the target group. The girls had the opportunity to learn ing. Recipes were handed out to the girls, which they Tip steps and combinations taken from the dancing styles could try to cook at home later on. The practical link A strong motto creates curiosity: Street Dance, Hip-Hop, Latin, Crumping, Popping and with the theory of the additional part was highly ap- „Probier mal, wie das schmeckt!“ Jump Style. preciated. (Try how – good – this tastes) ! I 105 Project of the Sports Youth (SJB) in the Regional Sports Confederation Berlin e. V. Health-OrientedFitnessTraining “It was really great to experience that the course participants really grew togeArk ther as a genuine team. Their motivation went far beyond sports. They had many asu important talks with us and their own group members, as well. It was a tangible Seitenwechsel e. V. ('changing sides') fact that their self-assurance was growing from one week to the next, and this Gneisenaustraße 2a was a great feeling for us, too.“ 10961 Berlin Seitenwechsel Female exercise instructor : Silvana Bosso The two additional program parts aimed at promoting the focus of attention. In order to find out what the information, motivation and competence, thus support- participants were most inclined to do, we integrated ing the willingness of the participants to take initiatives elements of motion as well as more relaxing elements in of their own and to assume responsibility for taking care the program. of their own body. The Preparation A counseling on health issues took place in parallel. Prior In order to really reach the target group – in this case The network project was initiated for the mothers of to the start of the additional part of the program, the a majority of Turkish course participants – it is recom- those girls who played basketball in the club. As the women had expressed their wish to receive a counseling mended to choose a female exercise instructor of Turkish mothers used to sit on the terraces during the training on education, which we fulfilled by offering additional origin, if possible. hours of their daughters, anyway, the fitness course teaching units on education in the additional program. ile Ha nication. Trying out the individual possibilities was in He I E.-O. Plauen Elementary School I Arkasu I HeileHaus E.-O Ele . Plau me en Sch ntary ool us Cooperation partners: Silvana Bosso, Trainer, Association 'Seitenwechsel' Sport course offered: Fitness Additional offer: Health and education counseling Age of (female) participants: 25– 40 Years offered them health and education counseling, as an alternative to just waiting. The potential interests of the group of mothers were identified on the basis of a questionnaire. In that way, the women were able to co-determine the contents of the course before it started. They were most interested in fitness and health/aerobic programs. part of the course is a perfect possibility to campaign The summer holidays and Ramadan resulted in long environment. The participating women use the op- interruptions of the program. The course participants were all Turkish women, except the course leader. This did not cause any problem for this course, but it might lead to linguistic communication problems in the case of other courses. To find a solution, it might be suitable to qualify a women of the group of participants to work as an advantage that the participants of the course were an exercise instructor. activities. Consequently, the course could quickly start The Summary with a constant number of participants. The group was very vivid, the women highly enjoyed The Course Offered 106 I What was remarkable? With regard to the approach to the participants, it was mothers of girls who were already involved in training In summary, we can state the following: The additional playing sports games together and showed a very strong ! for one's own course plan and program in a different portunity to find their specific, personally most favored course within the sport and health network, to take part in the respective program and to recommend it to other women. motivation. This was certainly one reason why the learn- Tip The course was organized in parallel with the basketball ing atmosphere was so relaxed and open-minded. The Please make sure that you consider training of the children. For a period of ten weeks the participants also used the course to exchange views and Ramadan and annual holidays in the women were offered to participate in a health-oriented to discuss topics of individual concern. However, this planning of your course. fitness training, combined with elements of commu- was partly interfering with the exercise teaching process. I 107 Project of the Sports Youth (SJB) in the Regional Sports Confederation Berlin e. V. Self-DefenseHasaStakeintheFuture “Regarding the participants we came to the following conclusion: In this age group, sport is not able to really prevail over already existing or parallel pro- Fischer Foundation No Style Combat e. V. cesses of socialization. Good links of cooperation and networking with other structures are important to achieve a genuinely sustainable impact of the Grünberger Straße 73 positive values of sport.“ 10245 Berlin Susanne Diemer, Chaiwoman, No Style Combat Female exercise instructor: Ines Strobel Migration Commissioner Neukölln No Style Combat MartaHara Network partner: I Migration Commissioner of the Neukölln District Cooperation partners: Rütli School I MartaHara I Fischer Foundation I Rütli School The additional part was organized by our coopera- However, during the course, an experience of long tion partner Marta-Hara. It offered a workshop named years of training practice in this field proved to be true: 'Future' to take up the question “What do we need to Culture-related notions and standards become a “move- be strong?”, thus, dealing with issues related to social ment barrier“ for girls, if they consider these notions competence (soft skills) in detail. and standards to be part of their identity. The course The self-defense course took place during school hours. Sport course offered: The Workshop 'Future' was also implemented on the Self-defense and self-assertion spot, i.e. at the school. Additional offer: The Preparation demonstrated that you are even less successful in using curiosity and the desire for moving in the development of self-assured personalities of adolescents than in the case of children. “No Style Combat“ is a small sports club which has What was remarkable? The experience concerning a similar course, which specialized in martial arts and is very open-minded to Although the girls were very curious in the beginning “No Style Combat“ had organized for girls, within the Ort: integrative projects. The course leader introduced the and had a lot of fun when they tried the exercises of network project and in cooperation with another school, Sports hall of the Rütli School network project during PE lessons at the Rütli School falling, quite soon the desire to frolic and move collided turned out to be completely different: In that case, the and announced it as a project which would be imple- with the self-perception of the girls. Along the lines of sport teaching units of self-defense were the 'dynamo' Age of (female) participants: mented on schooldays (remark: the course was not held their future image as a woman. Many of them felt that because children, at the age of seven to eleven years, 12–16 Years during the regular hours of physical education but as an physical strain was “unfeminine“ and explained that “at still have an enormous physical need to burn off all their additional offer, which took place during the first two home” it was not customary to do sports. In the light excess kinetic energy and are therefore open to the teaching blocks in the mornings).The Rütli School has of this lack of exercise, the majority of the participants contents of such a course. become known country-wide as a problem school which showed deficits in terms of sport and motor skills. The faces manifold social conflicts. exercise instructor responded to this situation by re- Workshop 'Future' – Social Responsibility The Course Offered The training program was specifically devised for schools 108 I shaping the sport course accordingly, as a low-threshold program. ! of high migration rates. It aims at implementing physical The Summary activity programs for girls, which meet the needs and The Rütli School turned out to be a good partner for a Tip pretensions of the girls and expand their sphere of activ- sport course designed for young female migrants. The Cultural notions and standards should be ity. The course is based on self-defense of girls and is in- sports club, on its part, prepared an optimal program by taken into consideration when devising tended to create a learning atmosphere which enhances offering a training course which was specifically de- courses for young women. conflict handling skills, mutual recognition and respect. signed for schools of high migration rates. I 109 I T heNationalProgram “IntegrationthroughSport“ The national program “Integration through Sport“ is sponsored by the German Ministry of the Interior (BMI), on the basis of the resolution of the German Bundestag (national parliament), and by the Federal Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF). It considers immigration as an enrichment of the German sports movement. The variety and specific expressions of differing cultures are not seen as a contrast but a mutual complement and, therefore, a gain for everyone. This also means that we must recognize the complexity of our society and promote the potentials which are reflected in the experience and competences of persons with a migratory background, in view of creating a common space to shape the future. Walter Schneeloch Vice-President, responsible for Sport for All, German Olympic Sports Confederation “By launching the program 'Integration through Sport‘, our sports organizations built a solid foundation and produced many well functioning examples of good practice. It is imperative now to further expand and enforce the program in order to live up to our growing responsibility.“ 110 I I 111 TheNationalProgram“IntegrationthroughSport“ Our activities in the network project “Physical Activity and Health - Motivating more Female Mi- The program helps the 'support point' clubs, making avail- grants for Sports“ are founded on a basic concept of integration which was developed in the pro- able material and financial funds or helping in an idealistic gram, sponsored by the Federation (federal government). This concept of integration, as illustrated way, e.g. by advising and supporting them with regard to in this brochure, is another important step forward towards the understanding of the project work. velopment I Attracting new cooperation partners (especially by ad- the development of a concept. Financial funds for 'sup- dressing organizations of migrants), as well as building port point' clubs, which are normally granted as a start-up up and cultivating networks financing and limited to a period of five years, have to meet the conditions laid down in the respective regulations for The structure of the program sports in view of their sporting, personal and social de- I Conveying information on the program and the integration work of organized sport. financial support (available at the competent federal-state An advanced training course, which is specially designed coordinating center). for the program and implemented in a variable and scientific findings, as well as documentation, network- Sports clubs which have an apparent need of integration, need-oriented way in order to qualify volunteers for the or female coordinators of the federal states and male or ing and multiplication of experience and findings derived due to the structure of their social environment (e.g. higher program, covers the development and advancement of female regional coordinators implement it, on their own from the program activities, transfer of federal grants to percentage of the target group in the club or in the neigh- the necessary sport-technical, pedagogical and social skills responsibility, and locally support the integration work the federal-state coordinating centers, acquisition of third borhood of the club than on an average), or which want to as well as intercultural competencies. This is to guarantee of the sports clubs, network partners and volunteers at party funds to extend the program activities, as well as receive help for their integrative engagement, may turn to a qualified assistance and integration work by the volun- grass-root level with respect to the concepts, the planning communication and presentation of the program to inter- the competent federal-state coordinating center for support. teers in the program. and organization. nal and external stakeholders. I Volunteers I Networks The Federal Ministry of the Interior (BMI) and the Federal I Federal-state and regional coordinating centers The program “Integration through Sport“ works on the Networks are an important part of the program structure basis of voluntary commitment, which also applies to and a necessary precondition of comprehensive integra- organized sport in Germany, in general. To work with vol- tion work. They concentrate resources, offer possibilities unteers is an important prerequisite in view of a successful of exchange of experience and information among the and continuous implementation of integrative activities at network partners and help to develop new common ideas grass-root level. (e.g. in form of cooperation projects). Systematic links conditions. They offer advice and help local sports clubs, There are manifold job assignments and fields of activity of cooperation with partners within and outside sport networks and project initiatives to develop and implement for volunteers in the program "Integration through Sport". are useful for disseminating sport and physical activity sport-related integration concepts. They offer financial They may work as exercise instructors or persons in charge programs; moreover they allow for the organization of support, activate, take care of and coordinate the great of operating a “Sportmobil” (motorcar equipped with target-group-specific additional program parts and sup- number of volunteers at grass-root level. They contribute diverse material, devices, implements for sports and games, port services to be offered by other network partners. to the establishment and cultivation of networks and are to offer physical activities on the spot, in socially disadvan- Among the network partners there are sports organiza- also responsible for the development and implementation taged areas or for special target groups, etc.). They may tions, public authorities (e.g. police, social assistance of qualification courses, within the framework of a proc- also serve as contact persons in the clubs, network coordi- office, sports office), educational institutions (e.g. school, ess of intercultural opening, as well as for public relations nators, multipliers or integration commissioners. Thus, the kindergarten) and social service institutions (e.g. welfare of the individual programs at federal state level. range of tasks of volunteers is quite diversified and covers organizations, the churches), etc.. sport-practical and/or organizational activities, depending In the future it will be imperative to involve organizations on the kind of assignment, for example: of migrants in the network structures of the program, in I Implementing periodical or mobile programs of sports and a growing and more systematical way than before. They At the federal (national) level, the program “Integration the project concept, continuous up-dates of the project through Sport“ is linked with the German Olympic Sports work, based on new social and political developments or Confederation. At regional levels, the respective male Office for Migration and Refugees (BAMF) accompany the program, in their capacity as sponsors and partners, helping to achieve a process of program optimization. Federal coordinating center The federal coordination system is integrated in the German Olympic Sports Confederation and in charge of the control, monitoring and overall coordination of the program. This allows for a uniform orientation of the 16 programs at federal state levels, taking into account federal-state-specific circumstances and needs. The central tasks of the federal coordinating center include: counseling and assistance to the coordinating centers at federal state level with regard to the implementation of BMI / BAMF* Federal coordinating center (DOSB) Federal-state coordinating centers (LSB/LSJ) Regional coordinating centers In the different Federal States, the Federal-state and regional coordinating centers are linked with the competent Regional Sports Confederations (LSB) or, respectively, the Regional Sports Youths (LSJ) and implement the program at regional levels, on the basis of federal-state specific I 'Support point' clubs The structure of the program provides for so-called 'support point' clubs which are sports clubs that engage in 112 I are in contact with the target groups and know the needs I Inspiring the target groups to do sports and transferring of those groups. This is important for the implementation through Sport'. They have a central importance for the the same to the structures of organized sport (recruiting of the program work. Close cooperation with clubs of the implementation of the program because they guarantee new club members) migrants (e.g. sports clubs, culture-related clubs, religious a regular, long-term and continuous local work, creat'Support Point' Clubs / Municipal Sports Confederations/ District Sports Confederations, Sport Districts / Networks / Volunteers physical activity integration activities, based on the program 'Integration ing and developing integration structures which include organized sport. *BMI = Federal Ministry of the Interior, BAMF = Federal Office of Migration and Refugees I Planning and implementing non-sporting club activities as well as support services for the target groups I Guiding, counseling and attending the persons who do associations, etc.) increase the possibilities to get access to male and female migrants and to win them over for participation in the program. I 113 I " IntegrationthroughSport"implementedbythe federal-statecoordinatingcenters The federal (national) program is mainly directed to persons with a migratory background. The male and female coordinators at federal state level play an active role with regard to the process of integration in and through sport. Their 'support point' clubs are of central importance for the integration work, because they are the ones to guarantee a regular, long-term and continuous work in the field and facilitate structures of integration that involve sport. With a focus on local empowerment, the program initiates and develops network-oriented overall concepts which are adapted to local needs. Some of these projects will be illustrated in the following. 114 I I 115 Hamburg Sports Confederation e. V. (HSB) GymnasticsforWomenandKids Hamburg Sports Confederation e. V. “Our aim to build bridges by means of social intercourse did not only work out Haus des Sports for the female migrants. The cooperation between the regional coordinator and Schäferkampsallee 1 'support point' clubs led to new possibilities of collaboration, as well. On this 20357 Hamburg foundation, the bridge towards a successful common future can be built much easier now and, above all, in a very stable manner.“ Female coordinator at federal state level: Kristjana Krawinkel Cooperation partners: City district facilities/ institutions I 'Support point' clubs, Hamburg Sports Confederation (HSB) Kristjana Krawinkel, Regional Coordinator, Sports Confederation of Hamburg 'Support point' clubs e.g. SV Nettelnburg / Allermöhe of 1930 The Course Offered FTSV Lorbeer-Rothenburgsort of 1896 I City district facilities/institutions, The gymnastics courses were held in the mornings The courses were very successful. The women were e.g. Center for Children and Families Lohbrügge, when the children were at school. Smaller children motivated for their participation in the physical activ- Parents' School Rothenburgsort could be taken to the course because child-care services ity programs, which became increasingly popular. The had been offered as an integral part of the course. child-care service made it possible for the mothers to be Rounds of talks took place after the end of each course active in sports, in spite of bringing their children. The appointment which offered the women an opportunity rounds of talks, held after the course appointments, to exchange views, to learn the German language and enabled the women to establish new social contacts and to make friends. to intensify existing relations. Sport course offered: Gymnastics Additional offer: Child-care service Age of (female) participants: Young mothers The Preparation A total number of three courses of “Gymnastics for To give an example of promising network activities: the Women“ were offered in several city districts of Ham- What was remarkable? burg. As a rule, the courses took place in close coop- The close cooperation with the 'support point' clubs, the FTSV Lorbeer under its own responsibility and is con- eration with a sports club in the urban district and a such as the SV Nettelnburg/Allermöhe, and the city tinued jointly with the Parents' School Rothenburgsort. city district institution, such as the Center for Children district institutions, such as the Center for Children and and Families Lohbrügge or the Parents' School Rothen- Families Lohbrügge, which could make an excellent local burgsort. network available, turned our to be specially beneficial. gymnastics course in Rothenburgsort was taken over by The Summary The overall assistance and counseling by the female exercise instructor motivated the participants for constant sporting activities in the neighboring sports clubs and The sponsors of the program “Integration through Sport” in Hamburg are: integrated them in the regular club work. Tip ! Pooling your resources with others will make your stronger to showcase your activities. All projects were sponsored on the basis of the program "Integration through Sport". 116 I I 117 Hamburg Sports Confederation e. V. (HSB) InternationalWomen'sSportGroup E. S. V. Grün-Weiß Hamburg e. V. Julius-Vosseler-Straße 195 22527 Hamburg Female project coordinator: Ilse Stephan Cooperation partner: E. S. V. Grün-Weiß Hamburg I City district office Lenz Hamburg Sports Confederation (HSB) City district office Lenz Sport course offered: Apparatus training/gymnastics Age of (female) participants: “From the very beginning, we had the feeling that this course respon- Women of all age groups ded to the wish of women, some of whom had already become acquainted The Preparation After the end of the project “Eating and Moving – international, beneficial/low-priced and healthy“, some participants of the Lenz district expressed their wish for with one another in the project 'Eating and Moving'. There was a strong feeling of togetherness in the group and, consequently, the women participated in the program in an active and self-confident manner.“ Ilse Stephan, Female Project Coordinator, E. S. V. Grün-Weiß Hamburg a continuation course on physical activity. The Course Offered Regarding the physiological aspects, the exercises Throughout the entire course the participants had a Women's Sport Group“ a diversified training course focused on enhancing coordination and mobilization, lot of fun in practicing physical activity. Moreover, the was offered to women with hip, knee or back pains and improving motor skills, strengthening endurance and reduction of pains, social cooperation and participation, problems of overweight, in which varied small sports the muscular apparatus. They were carried out alone, in the integration in club structures and a lasting associa- implements were utilized. pairs or together with the group. What was remarkable? tion to the sports club were results of the program, which highly satisfied all parties involved: the regional coordinators, the sports clubs and the female migrants. The combination of knowledge imparted on healthy nutrition and sporting activities motivated the participants The sponsors of the program “Integration through Sport” in Hamburg are: to adopt personal responsibility and strengthened their self-confidence. The Summary All projects were sponsored on the basis of the program "Integration through Sport". 118 I ! Within In the framework of the program “International The course facilitated the acquaintance with the subject Tip of “health-promoting physical activity”, thus opening a Take up the wishes of the women and, on steady access to the target group. this basis, develop new programs for them. I 119 Hamburg Sports Confederation e. V. (HSB) EatingandMoving Hamburg Sports Confederation e. V. Haus des Sports Schäferkampsallee 1 20357 Hamburg “In 2008 the HSB had already launched a project on 'Eating and Moving', based p'Su t por ' nt poi s club on the enhancement of the integration of persons with a migratory backgro , and extended it further more in the following years because of its continuous popularity. The existing contacts were highly beneficial for us with a view to the recruitment of the female participants. We had hardly looked out for them, Female regional coordinator: Hamburg Sports Confederation (HSB) Kristjana Krawinkel I Center for Nutritional Advice I City District Institutions, e.g. Parents' School and Citizens' Initiatives I (support point) clubs, e.g. E. S. V. Grün-Weiß Hamburg Kristjana Krawinkel, Female Regional Coordinator, Hamburg Sports Confederation City Inst Distric t itut ion s C Nu ent t e Ad ritio r fo vi na r ce l Cooperation partners: when our courses were already fully booked.“ SC Vorwärts Wacker of 1904 Altonaer Turnverband of 1845 SV Eidelstedt of 1880 Bramfelder SV of 1945 TC Wilhelmsburg of 1909 The Preparation Harburger Turnerbund of 1865 The project was initiated by the HSB and devised in Sport course offered: Physical activity cooperation with the Center for Nutritional Advice. The networking of the different city district institutions, such as the Parents' School and Citizens' Initiatives, and the The Course Offered The Summary The course combined teaching units of nutritional This course was a tool to train the awareness of the advice (joint and healthy cooking by persons of different participants with regard to a healthy diet and physical nationalities) and physical activity teaching units, which activity. Above all, the women were highly enthused by were coordinated with each other and tailor-made for the offer to cook together. each target group. The concept, which had concentrated on the nutritional ! What was remarkable? teaching units, was followed by an extension concept The subject of nutrition offered a good opportunity to The project stood out due to a low threshold access: we By gradually increasing the motivation of the women to find an access to the female migrants outside sport. Age of (female) participants: came for the participants at the places where they used get involved in sporting physical activity, we were able to This is an advantage because nutrition is linked to the Adult women to meet regularly. From the outset, the participants were reach our aim in a very good way. tradition of the target group. It was nice to observe a involved in the conceptual design of the course and growing mutual understanding among the participants jointly determined the key aspects of the program. in the course of the program. Additional offer: Healthy Diet sports club of the urban district proved to be beneficial. with a stronger focus on the parts of physical activity. The sponsors of the program “Integration through Sport” in Hamburg are: Tip The subject of nutrition is linked to the traditions of many female migrants and is a door-opener! All projects were sponsored on the basis of the program "Integration through Sport". 120 I I 121 Regional Sports Confederation of Lower Saxony e. V. (LSB-Niedersachsen) GymnasticsforWomenfromallPartsoftheWorld SV Vorwärts Nordhorn e. V. (sports club) “NiKo“ Immenweg 93 48531 Nordhorn Female exercise instructor / consultant: Anke Moorweßel Network partner: Equal Opportunities Commissioner Regional Sports Confed. Lower Saxony SV Vorwärts Nordhorn I Equal Opportunities Commissioner of Nordhorn City Cooperation partners: Elementary School Altendorf I Elementary School “Altendorfer Schule“ Nordhorn I Lower Saxony Project of Cooperation Sport course offered: The Preparation Gymnastics for Women from all Parts of the World In 2007 and 2008, the program of the government of Computer training course, healthy breakfast, First aid (urgent measures), dealing with authorities Age of (female) participants: 20 – 62 Years us that our efforts, which sometime seemed to exceed our capacity, were really Anke Moorweßel, Female Exercise Instructor, SV Vorwärts Nordhorn the federal state “Lower Saxony Project of Cooperation It was conceived as a low threshold approach because the World” has become well-known country-wide, with and Education“ (NiKo) offered, among others, a Parents' many participants had never done sports before in their the help of the media such as the press media and the Café for mothers at two elementary schools. Based on lives. internet, and also due to the fact that it was awarded this offer, the women and mothers repeatedly expressed their wish to practice sports together. The additional part offered the women an opportunity to get informed about topics of key importance to Thus, with financial support by the Regional Sports them. This could apply to handling a computer, pre- Confederation of Lower Saxony, the club SV Vorwärts paring a healthy breakfast or dealing with authorities, Nordhorn initiated the course “Gymnastics for Women which is much easier to do together. from all Parts of the World”. Sport became a first contact point. Meanwhile, further leader. Furthermore, handouts were displayed at shops, extension projects were developed, such as cooking kindergartens and elementary schools. From the outset, courses, joint biking events, city tours and German the program was very well received. language courses, which the female migrants are highly pleased to take part in. ! the prize “Stars of Sport”. Moreover, the group presented itself in public at the Gymnastics Festival of Lower Saxony and on the occasion of an event organized by the Ministry of Social Affairs, Family, Public Health and Integration of the Federal State of Lower Saxony. What was remarkable? The women were personally invited by the female course The Course Offered 122 I not only during the course itself. After all, the very positive feedback shows worthwhile.“ and Education (“NiKo“) Additional offer: “We were quite surprised by the significant response from all sides – Tip Once a week participants of the most different countries The Summary of origin met to do some physical exercise together, with The gymnastics group has existed for two years now cipants is a basic condition for the conceptual high spirits and a lot of fun. The sporting offer included and is continuously growing in membership. Meanwhile, development of the sports course and the a comprehensive training of physical activity. the group “Gymnastics for Women from all parts of additional parts of the program. Taking into account the interest of the parti- I 123 Regional Sports Confederation of Lower Saxony e. V. (LSB-Niedersachsen) GymnasticsforFemaleBeginners SV Gehrden of 1900 e. V. Lange-Feld-Straße 17 30989 Gehrden “The sporting experience of the women was practically null. We had to start from the beginning and in a very cautious way. I had explicitly allowed the wo- Female exercise instructor: men to wear a Muslim headscarf or Petra Dobiasch tunic, because clothing should not play a role. I actually wanted to know the Network partner: I Adult Education Center “Calenberger Land“ Adult Education Center “Calenberger Land“ Regional Sports Confed. Lower Saxony SV Gehrden of 1900 Age of (female) participants: women, and they should feel at ease. After the end of the trial course, factually all women decided to go on.” Petra Dobiasch, Female Exercise Instructor, SV Gehrden 20 –50 Years The Course Offered The trial course, which was devised as a low threshold Following the trial course, a start-up financing by the approach, concentrated on exercises to train posture Regional Sports Confederation of Lower Saxony, with and physical activity. We played oriental music for warm- a high-publicity effect, made it possible to establish a ing up, which was highly appreciated and helped to permanent, new sport program in the club, specifically leave the initial uncertainty expeditiously behind. devised for female migrants. Within the course of one The trial course was devised for a two-month duration. The Preparation What was remarkable? In the past, the sports club SV Gehrden had not explic- Once the participants had heard the explanations regard- itly dealt with the topic of integration and, at first, it did ing the whole purpose of a club membership, most of the not see any need to devise a specific sports course for women became members – and still are, by the way. female migrants. Notwithstanding, the female exercise membership. After the women had become members of the club, they were increasingly interested in making use of a ! second course appointment per week. In this context, it was an advantage that the female exercise instructor was already holding a course on “Posture and Physical instructor who was very interested in the way of living The mutual approach among the women also happened Activity” for women, which allowed the female migrants of female migrants at local level, wanted to develop a very cautiously. The language barrier turned out to be to get immediately involved. gymnastics course particularly for this target group. For the biggest obstacle to overcome in view of interper- this purpose, she took contact with the Adult Education sonal relationships and communication. Center “Calenberger Land“. 124 I year, most of the participants had registered for full club The Summary They jointly devised a low-budget trial course specifically The understanding, which the female exercise instruc- for Muslim women, which was advertised at the Adult tor showed for the customs and traditions of the female Education Center. The first lessons took place on the migrants, was an essential condition for the success premises of the Adult Education Center. Consecutively, of the course, in particular, the open-minded handling the SV Gehrden made its sports hall available. Unfor- of the question of clothing provided a solid basis for a tunately, the first course failed because of the begin- trustful cooperation. It was also highly appreciated that Tip ning of Ramadan, while a second trial course was very the female exercise instructor took enough time for the A trial course is a good general rehearsal. well received by the women. The younger women even women and also for her own experience gained in the First “mistakes” can still be corrected. brought along their mothers to the training. course (key word: Ramadan). I 125 Sports Confederation for the Federal State of Saarland e. V. (LSVS) TaiBo,BodyPumping,PreventiveBackPain TrainingandMusicDancefor60+Agers Sports Confederation for the Federal State of Saarland e. V. (LSVS) RhythmicSportGymnasticsforAllGirls Recreational Sports Club Spartakus e. V. Women's Sport SB 07, e. V. Hauptstraße 91 66128 Saarbrücken Female exercise instructor / consultant: Female exercise instructor : Irina Makhina Olga Viktorova Sport course offered: Tai-Bo, Body Pumping, Preventive Back Pain Training, Recreational Sports Club Spartakus Sports Confederation for the F. State of Saarland Sports Confederation for the F. State of Saarland Sport course offered: Women's Sport SB 07 Music Dance Rhythmic sports gymnastics for all girls Age of (female) participants: Girls and young women Age of (female) participants: Women of 60+ The Preparation The Preparation The women's sports group “The Grey Roses“ was isolation due to old age, in particular, by combining the launched in order to give consideration to the demo- exercise afternoons with a social activity part and by graphic development. Since the group was integrated in organizing open-door daytime events of integration. the Recreational Sports Club Spartakus, it was possible to utilize existing contacts. Many club members who The Summary had reached “the age” took part in the program, and The creation of this sport initiative gave women, aged the course was quickly well booked. over 60 years, with or without a migratory background, The Course Offered The female participants had two training lessons per week, from the beginning. The course included very diversified kinds of exercise: Tai Bo, Body Pumping, Preventive Back Pain Training and Music Dance. The participants themselves were given the opportunity to codetermine the course contents individually. The female exercise instructor was highly experienced and adjusted herself to the respective wishes. the opportunity to exercise Tai Bo (meanwhile also aerobics and jazz dance), under experienced guidance and with expert support. The voluntary character of the course and the focus on the personal motivation of the participants achieved that the “Grey Roses” increasingly engaged themselves in the club and got more intensely involved in the different activities. “Already put on the scrap heap – as if! The participants took part in the training very actively. It The sporting program was complemented by open-door was a surprise for many spectators to watch the daytime events of integration and joint undertakings. great fun and also the high sporting ambitions of the female “sport oldies” when they had their The club's gymnastics program called “Libelle“ (drag- the girls, who were very proactive, helped to mitigate onfly) was mainly directed to young girls. From the very concerns and the fear of contact as well as to strength- beginning, it was able to benefit from its involvement en their self-assurance. in the successful and active club Women's Sports SB 07. The competence and the personal migratory background of the female exercise instructor of the club were a strong factor, too. As a result, the course was fully booked within a short time. The Course Offered The sport group “Libelle“ was founded in 2008 as a sub- The Summary ! The active and convincing work of the female exercise instructor contributed an essential part to the success of the course. Time and again, it turned out that the participants were strongly fixated on the female exercise instructor - a circumstance that needs to be implicitly taken into account in case of a change of personnel. section of the integration club Women's Sport SB 07. Through this new sport group, the club offered all girls, who were interested in and took a shine to rhythmic sport gymnastics, an opportunity to learn to do this particular sport under the competent guidance of experts and to take part in competitions. Tip first public appearance as “The Grey Roses” on What was remarkable? The sports course not only increased the physical the occasion of the Day of Integration celebrated Since the girls could get involved in a sport which they the training should be peppered with public achievement potential of the female senior citizens in the city of Saarbrücken. Respect!“ really enjoyed, the degree of satisfaction was corre- appearances. but also contributed to actively counteract the social Olga Viktorova, Female Exercise Instructor, Recreational Sports spondingly high. In particular, the public appearances of What was remarkable? Club Spartakus 126 I To strengthen the self-assurance of the girls, I 127 Sports Youth of Hesse e. V. (SJH) RhythmicSportsGymnastics Dorfallee 3 36039 Fulda for ce s Offi men' Wo sues Is Competitive Dancing Sport Club Fulda e. V. “Our program was not only aimed at sport-related results. We also wanted to offer girls and women from different countries of origin a possibility to commu- nicate in the German language. It is a welcome side-effect that the course also Female exercise instructor : contributed to making new friends.“ Jutta Schultz Sports Youth of Hesse Network partners: Sport course offered: Rhythmic gymnastics Dan cin Clu g Spo rt b Fu lda s Ad fo viso r F ry or Co ei gn unc er il s I Advisory Council for Foreigners I Office for Women's Issues Franz Mahr, Chairman, Dancing Sports Club Fulda Age of (female) participants: Women with or without a migratory background aged 41–71 years The Preparation What was remarkable? The momentum of togetherness and cooperation was The highest obstacle of joining the sports club as a of an essential significance for the women. They were member, after a trial period of one month, continues highly interested in learning the “German way” of danc- to be the membership fee. Although it is devised as a ing and in learning something about the other course socially acceptable contribution (8 Euro per month) the participants. participants interested in a membership still consid- The information and leaflets of the network partners re- ered the fee to be too high or, in some cases, alleg- ! ferred to the programs offered by the TSC Fulda and the The husbands of the women had a strong – positive as edly impossible to finance. The sports club can only possibilities of a club membership. Most contacts were well as negative – influence on the attendance of the compensate this situation in part by means of financial established as a result of word-of-mouth recommenda- course. Once the partners were convinced of a commit- support granted by the municipality, political parties and tion and targeted notifications in the press media. ment of their wives to the club, the women enjoyed to sponsors. play a fruitful part in the activities of the club. The Course Offered The club presented rhythmic sport gymnastics as a mass sports course. The sport program was intended to not only generate a sense of community but to also achieve an understanding of the circumstances and conditions of living in the new home country of Germany. The Summary The women were pleased about the possibility to follow The involvement of women of the most different back- grounds in the multifarious club activities has proven to be very enriching for all fields of work of the sports club. their sporting preference in a pure women's group. Since the group participants communicated with one another exclusively in German, they additionally achieved to overcome language barriers. Several times a year they met for an exchange on a personal level, they invited each other for dinner and were involved in shaping the culinary set-up on the occasion of club festivities. Tip Coordinate the scheduling of the program with the participants, already in the run-up to the course. This helps to avoid misunderstandings. 128 I I 129 Sports Youth of Hesse e. V. (SJH) KickitlikeNiaKünzer* Sports Youth of Hesse e. V. August Bebel Comprehensive School Otto-Fleck-Schneise 4 60528 Frankfurt am Main “At the beginning, there was the wish of the girls to strive to be like their role model Nia Künzer. Naturally, the federation also wanted the course to achieve a Female/male exercise instructor: lasting integration of the girls' group in the organizational structure of the local Marion Weber soccer club. It is still too early to tell whether this aim has definitely been rea- Thomas Künzer Network partners: Quarters Management ”Social City“ Sports Youth of Hesse Geschwister Scholl Elementary School I Quarters Management ”Social City“ I 'Support point' and sports clubs Cooperation partners: 'Support Point' and sports clubs I Geschwister Scholl Elementary School I August Bebel Comprehensive School (US: high school) Age of (female) participants: 6 –10 Years ched. However, we are on a good way towards this goal.” Marion Weber, Female Exercise Instructor The Course Offered Girls and women and particularly those with a migra- Both exercise instructors had passed a soccer-specific tory background are still under-represented in sport. This advanced training, showing as great deal of voluntary holds especially true for the city district of Niedergirmes. commitment, and enthusiastically passed the newly To counteract this situation, a program of sports and received recommendations on to the girls. The Preparation physical activity, specially designed for girls with or with- The visit of the female soccer player and World Cup out a migratory background, was to be launched and, in The first matches and tournaments took place in 2010. champion Nia Künzer, on the occasion of an event of the the light of the positive reactions on Nia Künzer's visit, The girls were eager to eventually try their skills in a Elementary School at Niedergirmes in spring 2010, was intended to distinctly focus on soccer playing. competition. Moreover, it was possible to establish first a great chance for the network project: The girls were so much enthused by the former national player that the What was remarkable? school direction and the physical education teacher took The negligible rate of absenteeism indicates that the contact with well-known network partners to organ- girls had lots of fun during the course – even though a ize joint talks. In cooperation with the (male) exercise similar course had fallen through in the city district just instructor of “Integration through Sport" (by the way, two years earlier. city districts in order to give talented and highly motivated girls a prospect of future in the sports club. the father of Nia Künzer) the PE teacher started the girls' soccer project in Niedergirmes, involving girls of the first up to the fourth grade of the elementary school as well as girls of the fifth grade of the neighboring August Bebel Comprehensive School. ! contacts with soccer teams of clubs in the neighboring The Summary The strongly committed female sports instructor was of vital importance for the success of the program. She inspired confidence and made the access to the girls much easier for the second (male) exercise instructor. Tip A well-known person of the particular * Nia Kunzer is a female German soccer-star since she scored the golden goal in the Women’s World Cup final 2003 beating Sweden. 130 I sport is an ideal disseminator and key communicator. I 131 I ConclusionsandRecommendationsforAction The examples of good practice, illustrated in this brochure, describe central findings, from which we can derive recommendations for action. They are intended to serve as a help for orientation and as a practical guide for advice. 21 clubs participated in the network project. It developed and implemented more than 70 combined courses of sports and additional program parts. The project work in our sports clubs has demonstrated, above all, that trying new approaches, being open-minded and having patience is really worthwhile. He who keeps the ball will be in a position to celebrate successes, together with others, in the end. In addition to the recommendations for action, which resulted from the examples of good practice, the following contribution on the topic “Intercultural Opening in Sport – Practice-Oriented and Promising” is specifically addressed to the management of sports clubs and federations. It outlines approaches to show how federations and clubs can be effectively supported in a sustainable integration work by means of an orientation towards intercultural opening. Subsequently, we shall introduce a work tool of the German Sports Youth (dsj). It is an important instrument of the organizational and human resources development of the dsj. The most significant part of it is related to an intercultural self-check which may help (youth) organizations in sport and outside sport to analyze and assess themselves on their way towards an intercultural opening. The tool for the intercultural self-check can be adapted to the situation of the respective organization concerned. 132 I I 133 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action WhereDoWeReachFemaleMigrants? Approach female migrants in their own environment A personal approach opens the doors Young people with (or without) a migratory background tools to raise the interest of female migrants for courses. can be reached in the best way by approaching them at However, a personal approach has turned out to be even children’s day-care facilities (e.g. also day-care centers with more promising and target-oriented. To approach the sporting activities) and schools, while their parents may be women and to address them at the places where they addressed at the parents’ days which are held there. are already organized, to offer them courses with de- Handouts and newspaper adds are useful and supportive tailed explanations, to enthuse them for sport, physical Language schools and adult education centers, on their activity and other programs proved to be the best way turn, offer good access to adults. Female migrants who to win the women over. Many female migrants were were registered there for further education, almost in all already enthusiastic by the mere fact that somebody had cases enthused themselves for the sports courses offered. approached them and was willing to develop programs During their leisure time, many girls and women with for them. This helped to open the doors. a migratory background organize themselves, among others, in neighborhood meetings, in citizen and family Friendliness and respect build confidence centers, intercultural offices, urban district institutions One can assume that many women have never seen a and clubs which offer the women courses of needle- sports club from the inside, that many particular sports work, painting and cooking and on others subjects. are largely unknown to them and sport-related terms These courses take up activities which the women had need to be quite cautiously conveyed to them. This also liked to do in their countries of origin. For this rea- means that friendliness, combined with patience and son, we recommend an exact analysis of the area where respect of the different cultures and, thus, the necessary the target group can be found: Who lives there, which background of experience are in demand. are the languages spoken and which clubs, organizations, municipal and communal specialized departments This will help the women to feel duly esteemed as indi- the unknown and build confidence. Trust plays a major already existing communal coordination offices which, etc. are already working with female migrants? vidual persons, it will decrease the fear of contact or of role because, above all, you have to make the women on their part, already have a broad network and could familiar with so far unknown circumstances (such as help sports clubs to get involved in the fastest possible sports halls, changing rooms, different sports, sports manner. Thus, sports clubs and their programs could implements, the sports club, etc.). Thus, confidence be integrated in the discussions of the so-called com- strongly influences the question whether or not female munal “Roundtables”, become a part of the work of migrants decide to join a sports club and will feel at Integration Departments, Offices for Women's Issues ease. These are prerequisites of an active participation and Equality, District Offices, Urban Quarter Manage- and cooperation of the women concerned. ment Sections, local Alliances, multi-generation houses, Building networks 134 I etc., and above all, they could become widely known. Consecutively, the concepts of the sports clubs were dis- Be it in a small community, town, city or metropolis, seminated to the municipal institutions in the respective everywhere you will find already existing forms of co- urban districts where female migrants used to pass their operation and partnerships which are worth joining in. leisure time or to participate in courses of further train- This may happen either on a bilateral level where sports ing. The female directors or employees of these institu- clubs approach partners in their respective environ- tions at first informed the women about the concepts of ment and develop several forms of cooperation, or – as the sports clubs and, in a second step, when enthusiasm a very successfully utilized option within our network had risen, the female exercise instructor could introduce project - by means of an association of the clubs with herself and the sports course offered for the women. I 135 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Tailor-MadeCourses–WhatDoWeHavetoConsider? Before you devise the program you should always consider for whom it is intended. The better you define the target group in the preparation phase, the easier and, above all, the more appropriate will be the final shaping of the course. Devising the course contents in a demand-oriented manner In this brochure we repeatedly pointed out that there The courses offered to young mothers and elderly fe- are no such things as THE female migrants, The Ger- male migrants speak for themselves. Since many female Providing for short journeys to make it easier for the women to accept the program Familiarizing the women with additional program parts in the framework of the sports courses Ideally the course should be held in an environment that The additional program parts were well received in the is familiar to the female migrants. For families where the network project. However, the incentive was most often mothers are the only persons responsible for child edu- rather the sports course. It was only somewhat later dur- cation and household management, but also increasingly ing the development of the course, when the participants for single mothers, a sport course becomes the more had become more acquainted with one another and had attractive, the shorter the journey and the more familiar the heart to express some wishes, that the additional program parts became, to a greater extent, the focus of mans, nor The Bavarians. Hence, it is of fundamental migrants are strongly involved in family activities in the the environment are. importance to seek the dialogue with the potential par- afternoons and evenings, it is necessary to jointly agree ticipants and to work out a program for these women upon the scheduling of the course, in order to ensure a that is accurately fitting. For this purpose, you need to regular attendance. Including an adaptation phase in the planning of the course accurately define the target group before you prepare the course to be offered. Prospective participants should be asked, for example, what are their options in terms of dates and time-schedule, duration of journey and wishes concerning the contents of the course. It is essential that you select the contents and shape the program to be offered in a cautious way in order to be as flexible as possible in responding to the needs of the participants. The lower the threshold and the more accurately fitting the program is, the greater the likelihood of all participants to identify with the program and actively take part in it. Allowing for child-care services during the sport program A sport program will be specially attractive to young mothers and even grandmothers if it is ensured that their family commitment, namely looking after the children / grandchildren is covered by a child-care service during the sport lessons. The examples of our network project illustrate good approaches in this respect: grandmothers, sisters or cousins of the children took over the child-care (painting pictures in a neighboring room, for example), in another case, the cooperation with “Children's Worlds of Physical Activity” proved to be very helpful as well as the the assignment of child-care to the female representatives of FSJ. bination of sports courses and additional program parts. For this purpose you have to clarify during the courses, in Since many female migrants have never done sports active joint talks and coordination with the participants, wheth- and regularly nor might have exercised in a sports club, er there will be enough time for additional program parts. it is recommended to plan in an adaptation phase at the The participants of the courses of the network program beginning of the course. During this phase the exercise were more than satisfied with the additional offers, how- instructor and the participants get to know each other as ever, the scheduling played a major role in this context. well as the participants one another. In view of the de- The challenge consists in the requirement to also shape velopment and shape of the program, this phase already the additional programs in way that meets the needs, is provides important insights: you should find out whether attractive and consistent with the sports course. sport-related terms mean anything to the women, and Additional program parts, such as courses on health is- talk about them with the women. What is the meaning sues, language training, computer handling, first aid or of “body tension”, what about “ breathing out under- nutritional advice, are always dependent on the avail- water”, what are “hitting pads”, what kind of rules need ability of the partners. In this connection, fixed structures to be explained? It already starts with the name of the of administration and organization use to collide with courses: instead of “Body Fit” the course may as well be the necessity to offer courses that have to be devised in a called “Abs, Legs and Buns”. These are cross-border and flexible manner. This is why, in such a case, the dialogue trans-cultural terms. The individual exercises should be with all stakeholders involved is the prerequisite of a frequently repeated, explained and demonstrated at the successful program. Sport has a competitive advantage in beginning, until the women get used to the course of this respect, because many a sport course can be flexibly motions. It is also helpful to show variations which make held in the venues of the cooperation partner (for exam- the exercise easier or more demanding. ple, gymnastics, yoga, etc.), and the women do not have Hint: You should also speak about the fulfillment of to make additional journeys to reach the sports clubs. duties, such as punctuality, the mounting and dismountcupboard and similar topics, explaining details and trying Developing new ideas for the courses offered the different tasks, in order to achieve, step-by-step, that In addition to sport and health-related incentives, girls they become integral parts of the course and, hence, and women with a migratory background are, in the become second nature to the women as elements of the first instance, interested in having fun and doing some- constitution of sports club. thing together. With due respect to ambition, during ing of sports equipment, responsibility for the supply 136 I attention. It is necessary to pay special regard to the com- I 137 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Tailor-MadeCourses–WhatDoWeHavetoConsider? Choosing the clothing for sports – leave it to the women themselves Especially for women who have not yet become famil- the contents of the courses. In particular, when it comes As long as safety regulations are not affected and it is not in Germany, this kind of sports programs might signify to nutrition, it is reasonable to spice theory up – perhaps opposed to sport-specific rules, the participants should be the first step towards self-determination. These women with a cooking course. The cooking of simple dishes is allowed to decide themselves which kind of clothing they have a great interest in sport and health, too. However, appreciated and ensures sustainability, because the par- wear when exercising sports. There was no swimming according to their perception, there is no space for them ticipants get recipes which makes it very easy for them course where the women would have liked to wear a in sport, either. The network project showed them that to cook the dishes once more at home. For instance, pu- 'Burkini'. Even the name was not familiar to them. Dur- they were most welcome. Muslim women, in particular, pils of Turkish origin were delighted to learn something ing the swimming courses the women wore leggins and gladly accepted the offer. The practice of sports takes about the different types of whole-grain bread and to another shirt. Nobody expressed any disapproval in this place under the same conditions. At first, they learn to take different breads home. respect. It is a basic and confidence-building measure to be more open-minded in the social intercourse among leave the decision on their clothing during sporting activi- the group members and with the exercise instructor. The sense of community was further strengthened ties to the women themselves. Nevertheless, the function Consecutively, the small successes experienced during by joint breakfast meetings or a get-together for the of sports wear should be clarified. the exercises, which they learned and carried our cor- the courses you should keep enough space for talking, laughing and asking questions. A walk through the quarter, for example, might be a good way to sharpen afternoon snacks (“Women's Palaver”) which took place iar with our society and live very seclusively, in a less secular environment together with like-minded people rectly, as well as a feeling of well-being are the factors before or after the course appointments. A joint partici- In particular, girls with a migratory background were that invigorate the women. In some courses, the women pation in club events is effective for integration, as well. often not aware of the need to wear sport shoes when started while still wearing their headscarves which, they practiced sports. In this case, safety regulations are however, they took off in the course of time, provided taking effect. that the general conditions were fulfilled: no men and The sports club does not only provide a very ample social space but, at the same time, it is a field of informal learning. If there are venues available in the clubs, it parts can be organized in the clubs, such as homework Taking holidays into consideration when scheduling the course help, handicraft work or painting for children, perhaps Ramadan, the month of fasting, is one of the most is worthwhile to consider whether additional program also interesting workshops where specific topics of eve- important for the women in order to get the support of well-known Islamic holiday periods. Koran stipulates ryday importance to the women are dealt with and are their families for their sporting activities. There may be that during Ramadan all Muslims should fast. Apart linked with counseling and information. The network some exceptions as far as martial arts are concerned. In from the circumstance that doing sports on an empty project also served as a means to increasingly provide a self-defense course it is essential to learn whether you stomach might not give much pleasure and would not information concerning the different aspects of the Ger- defend yourself against a women or a man. However, be beneficial to health, especially women are bound to man public health system and to communicate essential this issue should be discussed during the preparations meet family commitments. This should be taken into knowledge about counseling and drop-in centers. for the course. consideration in the planning of dates, duration and Ensuring that men are not present at courses Women with a migratory background, in particular those coming from Muslim culture, are bound to comply with the order of sex segregation. The effort needed to offer sports programs that take this fact into account, is not necessarily very high. Corresponding signs at the Darkening/shading the venue, as needed A venue with blinds should be provided for the women, in case it can be viewed through big windows from the outside. In this respect, in particular Muslim women require a darkening. Draperies or other means that can be used for this purpose may be provided by cooperation partners or be borrowed from them. likeliness that, in a medium term, they may participate in mixed-ethnic courses will be given if they are not obliged to make the second step before the first. the scheduling of the course. Moreover, there are other holidays to be taken into account, too. Offering courses for mono-ethnic groups, as well A central issue to be clarified when devising the program relates to the question whether courses which are exclusively designed for female migrants or women with door of the changing room and the sports hall state that The majority of the women favored rooms, which could a migratory background, have something to do with men have no access to the exercise lesson. This is also not be viewed, as well as courses exclusively for women. integration. The answer is: YES! 138 I no rooms which were viewable from the outside. The I 139 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Whatdidwelearnaboutfemalemigrants? Howdowemakeourclubsfitforthefuture? In the network project we were able to break down many prejudices concerning Times have changed. The demographic change is already noticeable in the female migrants. Summarizing the essential insights which we achieved from and clubs, too. For the sports clubs, developments such as the decreasing number with the women ith a migratory background in our courses, we can state that. of children and adolescents in Germany and the growing proportion of female and male migrants and persons with a migratory background, compared I There is not such a thing as THE female migrant. I In our project, the majority of the female migrants perceived themselves as women and did not consider themselves to be female migrants or women with a migratory background. I The women were very open-minded with regard to sports of women (of different origins) and additional program parts. I Muslim women needed protected spaces during the time of exercise and, in the course of the program, took off their headscarves. I The courses changed the attitude of the women positively, not only in terms of sporting and coordination conglomeration, there are some districts where the quota of persons with a skills but also regarding competencies of action and migratory background has meanwhile grown to 60 – 80 percent. social skills. I Changes need time. The participants were open to mutual learning processes and proud of what they had achieved in the end. I Confidence is built by means of friendliness and re- Our sports clubs will be able to face the social challenges if they welcome, promote and provide for a culture of diversity. Consequently, if we want to keep fit for the future we have to further open up. spect; it is a prerequisite of a successful cooperation. I The motives to take an interest in sports programs are, among others: • to do something for one's health (for example losing weight) • to get to know something new (e.g. so far unknown particular sports and sport programs • to become acquainted with nice people I For the majority of the women their participation in the course resulted, among others, in: •a stronger self-assurance • an •a improvement of health-related disorders decrease of everyday strains I The wish 'no men in the courses!' applied to the majority of the participants. No males, above all, no swimming pool supervisor, no exercise instructor (except in self-defense courses), nor a facility manager who might The nature of clubs I Female exercise leaders play a specific role. In the network project, a key role was ascribed to the this process understandingly and to avoid calling one's female exercise instructors. The (female) participants own person into question, because a course with considered them as female migrants has other characteristics compared to • Persons of trust (due to an adequate social intercourse) • Persons of respect (due to their expertise in sports) and • Contact persons (also for non-sport-related concerns). a usual exercise lesson (also see page 51 of the present brochure). The transfer of intercultural competencies is also meant for the management level of clubs and associations. An awareness-building of the leadership level supports and facilitates the work of the exercise instructors and In this respect, the exercise instructors are often con- provides for a more open-minded social intercourse of fronted with differing kinds of understanding of the the entire club life with migrants. roles, expectations and attitudes. To that effect, the I Support by the club and its environment qualifying seminar “Sport interkulturell“ is an appropriate measure to help exercise instructors to put them- is in demand selves in the place of other persons and to look at situ- Representatives of the club who deal with courses ations from a different viewpoint. This means to allow for female migrants are confronted with partly strong for a learning process that may take time but will be prejudices in their own club environment. Since female worthwhile at the end. To change attitudes and points exercise instructors and other committed members are at the combined programs, and above all the sports of view on both sides in view of a mutual approach persons who take up important and challenging tasks, courses, that they were able to enthuse other family is something that needs time. The qualifying seminar to the benefit of the participant, they really need broad members (even the men in their families) for sports. provides assistance and advice in order to accompany support from their own ranks. accidentally enter the course room or the area of the changing rooms. I Many women had such a great deal of fun and joy 140 I to the total population, become increasingly important. In centers of urban I 141 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Howdowemakeourclubsfitforthefuture? In some clubs of the network project, the leadership network projects had not yet thought of the possibility A language school, for instance, changed its study Due to the high percentage of girls with a migratory level and the female exercise instructors worked hand to involve the local sports club and, thus, to offer also plan in a way that mainly sport-related terms, experi- background in the schools, headmasters are often inter- in hand, thus providing for a smooth development of sports courses for female migrants – to the effect that ences in sports and the sports club were brought up as ested in separate sports courses for girls and boys. They the course. Sensitizing the general environment requires they were quite happy about the idea to complement central themes. Sports clubs opened their doors for new also recognize the need of gender segregation. tangible and sustainable measures, as well. their own range of programs in this way. approaches. In a local group, the warming-up training The membership in a club took place under the leadership of female migrants who offered oriental belly dance as an introduction to the I Establishing partnerships with organizations of migrants I New forms of club membership are in demand training unit. So, all women had a lot of fun. First forms of cooperation with organizations of mi- The step towards an unlimited club membership is Sports clubs, which up to then had hardly any mutual grants in the framework of our project have shown: It is sometimes too big. Growing mobility and flexibility lead relations or even had been competitors, can help each important to involve them, though their way of working to the general wish to experience new sports courses other in many respects by mutually providing for sports may be completely different from what we are used to. that are manageable in terms of time. This is also related halls and exercise instructors or by exchanging experi- However, their aim to use creative ideas as an input to to the question of financing. The network project has ence on a sustainable acquisition and retention of female common interests has great potential. Furthermore, they shown that it was helpful to offer female migrants migrants in sport and in the sports club. To exchange suc- are building bridges between different cultures and are sports lessons free of charge, by means of a “trial cessful concepts and to discuss problems jointly is a help able to enhance mutual understanding. course”. Other persons seem to think that something is for all parties and interested persons involved. An early involvement in the concept of the project also not worthwhile if offered free of charge, along the lines of “you get what you pay for“. Hence, it is reasonable to also develop and test new forms of club membership and possibilities of financing . Networking – using chances I Using contacts, building regional (sports) networks Establishing sustainable and reliable partnerships is an Central contact points of sport, such as the sports confederations at district and municipal levels are also in a position to convey their experience. They already know many potential cooperation partners and support sports clubs by providing contacts and know-how. This constellation should be further improved. I The cooperation between day-care center / school and sports club allows for a common work process, during which different approaches are gradually developed in cooperation and lead to the best possible scenario of success, generating a mutual learning process of and among all. Unknown circumstances that may produce a failure of a project idea, can be detected in this way and transformed into new promising notions. But once again: learning from one another and mentally growing together with and because of others require time and patience. investment in the future. It needs time and care. The Day-care centers and schools offer the best access for closer the cooperation of network and cooperation part- gaining young staff for the sports club. Teachers and ners is, the less work individuals have to shoulder, and headmasters are important partners; at the same time, Enhancing voluntary commitment the greater the success jointly achieved will be. Clearly they have a multiplier effect with a view to providing Volunteerism is said to be the most important resource structured responsibilities and a partnership at eye level, rooms for physical activity inside and outside schools of the club. However, less and less people are ready to accompanied by an exchange of views at regular inter- and to convince parents of the sporting and health-pro- commit themselves in and for a club permanently. This vals, are the basis of sustainability and reliability. Even moting activities of the children. Moreover, the gymna- trend may generate existential worries in a club. In open- when this needs time, looking for competent partner- siums of the schools can be made available for sports ing sport offers to female migrants and women with a ships pays off in the end. A shift glance about the imme- courses. If the programs offered meet with the interests migratory background for participation and coopera- diate environment will show that circles and networks of the children and adolescents, it can be included in tion, the clubs cannot only get potential new members, are already existing which would be pleased to get new the full-time education offer of the school. If courses of female exercise instructors and social integration work- allies. Sports clubs may associate with others in many sports clubs are integrated in the full-time education, ers; but welcoming them, also giving them a chance of places and contribute to designing attractive recreational this will not only result in a transfer of more sporting active collaboration and co-determination in the club programs for women. Very helpful and interested con- competence to day-to-day school life but also in an en- will reveal the real, great potential of such an approach, tact partners can also be found at the level of the com- hancement of the psycho-social resources of the young after all. However, this requires new, modern forms of munity and in municipal entities. Many partners of the people (social skills, team spirit, etc.). participation and collaboration. They are subject to a 142 I I 143 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Howdowemakeourclubsfitforthefuture? Howcanwesupportclubsintheirintegrationwork? development process that starts with winning the way, a culture of mutual solidarity can be enhanced that women over for sporting activities and is targeted to helps the members of the club to grow together, in spite The network project exemplifies the intercultural opening of sport. This means: an empowerment for their personal development. This of all given diversity. These are the best prerequisites for a The federation should commit itself to a targeted and consistent intercultural process can be continued, step by step, by means of a person to commit itself voluntarily and with pleasure. cooperation, as well. successive handover of responsibility to the women. Today, it has become a solid, ever more important tool There are many possibilities of volunteering in the club, of the development of human resources and organiza- which go beyond the activities of a mere exercise instruc- tion to also pave the way for girls and women with a tor. In particular, women of cultural backgrounds with migratory background to get positions of responsibil- close family ties can make a valuable contribution to gen- ity, and to accompany them on their way. Educational erate a stronger sense of community in the clubs. In this potential belongs to the resources of the future. Intercultural awareness-building as an integral part of educational work In this respect, the regional coordinators of the federal Beside the sports clubs, which are closely linked to the re- adjacent themes with interested persons of responsibil- quirements of intercultural cooperation, mainly due to the interaction of the female exercise instructors, the activities of the federations should also increasingly be opened to program “Integration through Sport” play an essential part. The mutual exchange on integration matters and ity in sport helps to achieve the fastest and best possible support to the clubs. intercultural concerns. In the partner organizations of the By way of good examples, the German Gymnastics network project, this approach was implemented, above Federation closely cooperates with the Sports Youth of all, by establishing workshops and working groups on Hesse in qualifying female exercise instructors on the activities of integration as well as by developing educa- basis of the program “Sport interkulturell“, the German tion modules on intercultural sensitizing which are inte- Life Saving Society cooperates with the Regional Sports grated in the basic teaching work of sport federations, for Confederation of Lower Saxony in this matter. example. In these cases, experts of education cooperate with those of the fields of health, integration and gender equality, using an interdisciplinary approach. It is essential that the interdisciplinary approaches are consolidated and Intensifying public relations The publication of articles in regional and supra-regional implemented on an ongoing basis. press media, federation magazines and in the internet Supporting sports clubs in matters of integration work of the sports clubs in this respect. This leads to a If clubs want to be successful in their dedication to successful examples of participation and cooperation integration also in the future, a constant exchange of also, and in particular, of female migrants reaches the information and experience is indispensable. This is a general public, as well. on activities of integration also serves as a tribute to the positive recognition of the integration work in and by sport. Besides promoting tolerance, the information on very complex theme. For this reason, sports clubs which want to approach the subject-matter, need the greatest possible support, such as information on how to become a sponsored 'support point' club of the federal program “Integration through Sport”, what kind of qualification possibilities (training courses, seminars, etc.) are offered, what are the first steps to approach Autorin: a target group when you are planning a project, which Verena Zschippang programs offered by partners are suitable for combin- DOSB Project Leader, ing ones own course with them, etc. These and other “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating questions require an intensive work of information and more Female Migrants for Sports“ awareness training. 144 I I 145 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Interculturalopeninginsport– practice-orientedandbearinggoodprospects In the first instance, in the field of sport, too, Intercultural Opening (ICO) is nothing else than another buzzword for the attempt to master social integration. However, it is based on the recognition that all the different measures taken in individual areas (e.g. integration through sport, female migrants in sport, antidiscrimination or canvassing for new members, club management) may achieve I ... it goes into structures, processes and results of organization. I ... it is most likely to be found in public administration, since it is appreciated in this area, and can be linked to it. I ... it comes from the non-profit sector and therefore turn up, time and again, it is beneficial for successful integration to support the group and to take cultural specifics into account. Hence, intercultural sensitization is in the focus of attention, the prerequisite of any process of opening. The participants learn to perceive intercultural situations in a sensitive way and to analyze them, does not place the total assets in the foreground but instead of looking upon “the others” aloof. The cultural reasonable results and success, but especially on the structural level sustainable concentrates on a felicitous social interaction, which is part of communication and conflict is identified. Contact and understanding are recurrent themes in all kinds of effects are hardly visible in the club or the federation. In many places there is a measured against the sense of well-being of all persons involved, likewise. questions related to intercultural opening in sport: How feeling that good approaches have been in vain and that one has to make a new start, time and again. The approach of ICO opens a chance to achieve sustainable I ... it generates sustainability because it revises the attitude of the main stakeholders. do we get in contact with potential new members? How much body contact is allowed (also in sport)? What are the characteristics of social contact in different cultural changes by embedding suitable measures in stringent control, planning and cross- The following concept of the modular course of continu- systems. Is our sports club attractive to the most differing groups? What are the reasons for misunderstand- sectional work. ing education ”Interkulturelle Öffnung im Sport“ ('intercultural opening in sport') builds upon the contents of ing? How to set the record straight? Awareness of these the education plan for exercise instructors (“ÜL-C”) and aspects is built in the situation of the seminar, using the simultaneously adheres to the principles of intercultural example of the seminar group which, with regard to cul- didactics . The four topic areas / modules constitute dif- ture, is multifarious. Having also identified these aspects ferent ways of access to the greater, interlinked range of in club life, the group works out approaches for action themes. In this way, the pressure of “having to take part concerning the handling of this sociocultural diversity. How can we implement intercultural opening effectively and with practical implications? The following statements outline a methodical-didactic The aim of integration and participation/cooperation of from the beginning” is taken away and, at the same concept which was developed by “context – interkul- all people in the activities of sport (in particular, focus- time, there is the incentive to continue the qualification turelle kommunikation und bildung“ ('context – inter- ing on persons with a history of immigration) is, in process, no matter where the starting point was. Not- Module II: Sport practice and intercultural projects cultural communication and education') in cooperation principle, achievable by the concept of ICO because ... withstanding, the modules are built upon one another, In the course of the training program, every day there also in terms of sequence, and have a high added value are some odds and ends to be organized which, in the for the participants who take part in the whole series. context of migration and differing cultural notions, may with the Regional Sports Confederation of North-RhineWestphalia. It is structured in a modular way and seizes the suggestion by the Federal Ministry for Family, Senior Citizens, Women and Youth (BMFSFJ) of 2005 concerning the steps of implementation of ICO: I “Processing of the range of topics related to 'inter- I ... it is directed towards the individual level as well as the organization as a whole. I ... it gives the resources and potential of all parties concerned prominence instead of centering problems. I ... it already indicates the target course in its title: Module I: Intercultural contact and understanding quickly become an apple of discord or even lead to an exclusion of potential members – be it the discussion concerning showering after sports, the handling of When a 'variegated' group comes together, it is ben- religious rules of nutrition (e.g. pork-free food), dress cultural opening' in the organization with the aim to change by an opening of the existing organization and eficial to take particularly care of mutual contacts and regulations (headscarves, swimming suits, short trou- develop and test progressive approaches the individual. If integration is a mutual process of host understanding. Children and adolescents who go to the sers), a seemingly ethnic-oriented building of cliques, or society and immigrants, ICO is the precondition of the sports club are of different origins, in terms of language be it the recruiting of new members or the work with success of this process. and culture, they may have an experience of migration parents. It is beneficial to exchange experiences related with the family or they are native Germans, they come to “tips and tricks” of everyday life of the club, which from different social classes or they may be just different organized sport has developed throughout decades with I Qualification of communicators with multiplier functions in the field of intercultural competence I Topic-oriented prioritization aimed at an increasing offer of courses which deal with possibilities of participation of persons with a migratory background I Increasing involvement of persons with migratory background in the existing measures 146 I 1 I ... it considers Intercultural Sensitizing of all parties concerned as a condition sine qua non. In this respect, emphasis is placed on 'all' (addressing especially the with regard to their physical, mental and social skills. executive committees and boards of the clubs, because In the sports club, these aspects should not play a part ICO is a matter of a process of development of organi- anymore in the long run – that is a great chance. Espe- zation, human resources and quality assurance!) cially at the beginning, or when new group members 1 see BMFSFJ, Children and Youth Plan of the Federal Government (KJP), Measures for Children and Adolescents with a Migratory Background. Letter to the the beneficiaries of KJP grants, dated Bonn, 9 February 2005. ( I 147 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Interculturalopeninginsport– practice-orientedandbearinggoodprospects a view to integration in order to exercise sports. Taking sportswomen of the club with or without a migratory for sports clubs that strive for a win-win situation. The As to the participants of the training course for club the “examples of good practice” as a guideline, with background, are utilized. First insights motivate partici- one side is proficient in sport, as a method to make managers with license C, subject-matters like “analysis reference to processes of club development, intercultural pants who have rather worked as exercise instructors unexplored personal talents visible, to enhance the fun and development of the club” or “planning club activi- opening of a club, a successful cooperation with the so far, to seize possibilities of cooperation at manage- of team work, cooperation and shared experiences; the ties” generate a new kind of contact and cooperation neighboring Muslim or Christian parish, for instance, ment level to shape the future of the club, while club other side has access to the most different groups of so- between management representatives and experts of may lead us to many new ideas. Sport in a club is some- managers are given the possibility to correctly read the ciety who might take an interest in sports and represent integration and group work as well as people with our thing more than practicing a particular sport individu- “sings of the times”, such as demographic change, the a pool of potential new members and young staff of the without a history of migration. ally or with the group. The participants are familiarized structure and development of the society of immigra- clubs, with the ability to contribute to integration in a with typical situations, obstacles and ways of overcom- tion, the chances of diversity in the club, and to make society of immigration in terms of a social participation ing them in favor of a multicultural everyday life of the use of them to the benefit of their club. of all groups of the population. I A modular, licensed training /advanced training has great potential for the inclusion of previous outsiders. At present, in a situation of demographic change, the sports club. It is a matter of sport practice on the field Module IV: Training system and connectivity theme of migration / intercultural learning is a subject leadership are vital when you have to deal with conflicts Changing clubs (jointly) As already repeatedly mentioned, the structures of the many fields. For this reason, advanced training courses and to utilize the potential of multifarious groups. The fourth and final module concentrates on measures federations and clubs are the point where the concept may also be offered to interested persons who, so far, of intercultural opening mainly starts to become effec- have not yet been active in organized sport, such as tive. It is a cross-sectional task which has to be organ- group leaders who are involved in open-door activi- ized as a top-down approach in order to achieve sustain- ties of all-day schools where they deal with cultural / ability. This means that the executive bodies must know migratory diversity, day-to-day. The added value of the what it is all about and give their support. qualification, which goes beyond the sporting activ- and social life in its environment. Key qualifications in communication, conflict analysis, participative group Module III: Thinking outside the box – social trends and club development to further develop the club with regard to intercultural opening. The participants are acquainted with the concept of intercultural opening and adapt it to their respective club. Basing themselves on the analysis of the club and its environment, as exercised in the third mod- of relevance for the future, which is connectable in ity, as such, is of specific significance to them. At the Organized sport plays an important role in the society of ule, they begin to plan changes. They become aware The didactic concept, as described above, tackles the the Federal Republic of Germany. Social trends have an of what they want to achieve with their work and plan overcoming of structural and organizational obstacles impact on the successful development of the club. Immi- the first steps of practical implementation. They develop from the pedagogical point of view. For this purpose, it gration and, on a long-term basis, an increasingly aging an image of the “exercise instructor with intercultural needs a good embedding in already existing structures society are at present topics of heated discussion. No competencies” and/or the “intercultural social worker”, of training and advanced training: sports club can only exist “for itself” or just go on with based on the principle of self-perception, thus, under- “business as usual”. It has to face the need to open standing their own persons as specialized stakehold- I It is conceivable, for example, to acknowledge the itself to topical trends, such as fashion sports, gender ers. Along the lines of this kind of self-assurance, they qualification system for staff members of sports clubs equality, the integration of diverse groups of immigra- identify who are the essential persons whom they have for the prolongation of their C or B exercise instructor tion, changes by new forms of volunteerism, leisure time to “bring on board” next and in what a way this should licenses (ÜL-C, ÜL-B), respectively. activities of young persons, the necessary networking be done, in order to get upcoming changes started. and cooperation with other stakeholder in the commu- Particular emphasis is placed on illustrating the success nity / urban district. This module deals with questions of factor “cooperation among different organizations”. is recognized, in the framework of specializing qualifi- interaction between social issues, the organization (the According to the experience of many practitioners and cations, e.g. as a ÜL-B, in order to allow for a distinc- club) and one's own person. The specificity of this mod- the results of the respective analysis, sport and integra- tion of particularly committed and motivated persons. ule consists in inviting particularly club manager who are tion go specially well together when sports clubs co- With a view to club management, it would be possible interested in the theme of “intercultural opening”, to operate with schools, kindergartens, charity and social to raise the interest of participants, who usually “get take part in the seminar. Regarding the function held by youth work, churches and mosques as well a organiza- stuck” at the level of exercise group leaders, to become the participants (exercise instructors, club managers) the tions of migrants. In particular, the institutions where actively involved in matters of club development. At group is intentionally shaped in an even more hetero- very different groups of the population use to meet the same time, new potential would be utilized, for Educationalists, M.A., ‘context – intercultural geneous manner. In this context, differing viewpoints “per se”, such as schools and child-day-care centers, instance that of members with a migratory background communication and education' concerning the same subject, namely sportsmen and as well as organizations of migrants are very suitable who commit themselves to the shaping of the club. 148 I individual modules as potential parts of the multilevel same time, they become acquainted with the structures of sport clubs and associations and establish personal and organization-related links in the group, due to joint learning experiences. This also constitutes great potential in view of reaching persons with a history of immigration. I In addition, it is imaginable that the series of modules Authors: Andreas Schmitz, Anno Kluß I 149 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Tool“InterculturalOpening“ oftheGermanSportsYouth In the following, we shall introduce a work tool of the Intercultural self-check: the procedure 5. Measuring success In case of differing answers by different persons, it is German Sports Youth (dsj). The dsj and its member The intercultural self-check inquires the kinds of access What is the impact of the measures/actions taken? helpful to clarify whether the answers were based on organizations consider it as a significant instrument of and possibilities of participation and cooperation of peo- a divergent comprehension of the questions. Divergent the development of human resources and organizational I Assess successful results on the basis of targets to be ple with a migratory background at different structural structures. An important integral part of this tool is an levels of youth organizations in sport. It facilitates the intercultural self-check that can help (youth) organiza- conduction of an As-Is analysis, on the basis of which it tions to analyze and assess themselves, on their way to is possible to develop aims and activities to advance the an intercultural opening. intercultural opening of youth organizations in sport. This tool enables all member organizations of sport as Consequently, the present intercultural self-check has al- well as institutions outside sport, organizations and ways to be seen in the context of a more comprehensive clubs which are involved in strong networks of coopera- program of intervention. On the lines of the method of tion with sport, to adapt the intercultural self-check to five or, respectively, six steps used in the fields of gender their own structures. It is intended to encourage them mainstreaming and diversity management, five steps to identify toe-holds of intercultural opening in their were identified for the implementation of intercultural respective organization. The enhancement of diversity opening. The intercultural self-check is the first step of and the recognition of differences is the main goal of the procedure, as described in the following. this concept. Intercultural opening is aimed at mutual acknowledgment and appreciation, the understanding 1. Identifying the current state of cultural diversity as an enrichment and a possibility of What is the intercultural situation of the organization? structural participation and cooperation, too. I Carry out an intercultural self-check Intercultural self-check – an instrument of an As-Is analysis I Look for explanations of the results I Identify existing measures and assess them achieved and time schedule to be adhered to ancies in the perception of the theme. In such a case, it The questions of the intercultural self-check may serve gets. The following questions regarding ratings may be answered by individuals or by a group of persons. Intercultural self-check: the implementation Structures of the youth organization in sport 1 cultural opening? How can the organization contribute a template of the intercultural self-check of children and to the strategy of the society as a whole to achieve youth work in sport. The dsj working group on equal intercultural opening? Bodies of the organization opportunities adapted the template to the specific condi- I Find new target groups I Describe starting points I Formulate targets 4. People with a migratory background cooperate in the different bodies. and initiate measures to reach intercultural opening. How can we enhance cultural diversity? How can we The dsj brochure on “Intercultural Opening in Organized translate the plan into individual measures? Sport of Children and Young People” can be downloaded free of charge from the dsj website ( by clicking on the button “Publication“. You I Develop measures and assess them I Determine the time schedule may also order it directly at the dsj. 4. Implementing the measures The following explanations are com- How significant are the measures in relation to pletely extracted from the above- the overall concept of intercultural opening? mentioned brochure. I Keep track of the aims and targets 150 I does not apply no opinion 2. The members of the executive committee are of different national and/or cultural backgrounds. Rhine-Westphalia) (see: served as 3. Preparing a plan partly applies Executive Committee In which way does the organization benefit from inter- opening, by means of which it is possible to define aims largely applies 1. The youth organization reaches many participants with a migratory background in its events. 2 (regional confederation of youth organizations of North- in a method consisting of 5 steps to achieve intercultural fully applies Participants / Volunteers 2. Defining aims Additionally, the intercultural self-check was embedded might be interesting to go on debating the matter. as a means of orientation when you formulate your tar- The intercultural self-check of the Landesjugendring NRW tions of organized sport of children and young people. interpretations of the questions are also hints of discrep- 3. There are concepts to systematically promote the work, at executive committee level, of persons with a migratory background. 5. When meetings and other events are scheduled, the cultural and religion-related requirements (such as religious or cultural holidays, food) of persons with a migratory background are taken into consideration. Optional: Full-time employees 3 6. Persons with a migratory background are represented among the staff members who work as volunteers. I 151 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Tool“InterculturalOpening“ oftheGermanSportsYouth Structures of the youth organization in sport fully applies largely applies partly applies does not apply no opinion Optional: Full-time employees 3 Policy of the youth organization in sport with respect to the development of associations fully applies largely applies partly applies does not apply no opinion Political key objective 1. The theme of intercultural opening is discussed in the organization. 7. Persons with a migratory background are represented among the staff members who work full-time or part-time. 2. The concept of intercultural opening is taken into account when important decisions are made. 8. Persons with migratory background are represented in executive positions. 9. At regular intervals, the staff member provide an input of intercultural topics for the organization. 3. Intercultural opening is firmly positioned in the organization (key objective, statutes and articles, self-conception. Forms of cooperation and networks at organizational level 4. The personal responsibility for the subject of intercultural opening is clearly determined. 10. There exist contacts with self-organizations of migrants. 5. A body of the organization gets involved in the theme of intercultural opening. 11. There already exist selective forms of cooperation or, respectively, projects with self-organizations of migrants. 6. Sufficient budgetary funds are made available for intercultural work. Personnel policy 12. There are forms of cooperation (e.g. projects, working teams) with self-organizations of migrants on a sustained basis. 7. In job descriptions the request for intercultural competence is clearly pointed out. Member organizations 8. In job descriptions the wish to increase the rate of male and female staff members with a migratory background is clearly pointed out. 13. Sports clubs which are organized on the basis of multicultural and/or ethnic origin, are member organizations of the association. Quality management 14. There are coordinated concepts to promote the membership of sports clubs which are organized on the basis of multicultural and/or ethnic origin. 9. Intercultural opening and intercultural competence are quality features. Structure of results concerning the youth organization in sport (please add up figures) 1 Youth organizations of the national federations, youth organizations of the associations with special tasks and the youth organizations of the regional sports confederations. 2 The following figures may be interesting, by way of comparison: In Germany, 18.6 % of the population are of a migratory background, among children, adolescents and young adults below 25 years of age the corresponding rate amounts to one in four (see BMFSFJ 152 I 2008: page. 22). At the same time, the rate of persons with a migratory background is very divergent on the regional level. In this respect, on page 36, the publication of the BMFSFJ of 2008 gives a survey of the urban municipalities and counties, illustrating quite well the respective rates in the individual German federal states. 3 10. There are well-defined targets for the implementation of intercultural opening at the organizational level (e.g. by way of inclusion in the key objective of the organization). Youth organizations without full-time and/or part-time staff members are requested to leave the respective spaces blank. I 153 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Tool“InterculturalOpening“ oftheGermanSportsYouth Policy of the youth organization in sport with respect to the development of associations 11. There are well-defined targets for the implementation of intercultural opening at the level of human resources development (e.g. recruitment and retention of volunteers and full-time staff members with a migratory background). 12. There are well-defined targets for the implementation of intercultural opening at the technicalfunctional level of programs and projects (e.g. in concepts and offers). 13. There are well-defined targets for the implementation of intercultural opening at the level of sports clubs. 14. There is a system of aim-achievement control which assesses the results in the field of intercultural opening (target-performance comparison) Training and Advanced Training fully applies largely applies partly applies does not apply no opinion Public relations of the youth organization in sport fully applies largely applies partly applies does not apply no opinion Information material / self-portrayal 1. The organization intentionally portrays itself in public as intercultural. 2. The information material on the organization (key objective, statutes and articles, etc.) are published in a number of different languages. 3. The visual presentation of the organization underlines the diversity of the target groups. 4. In public relations, the organization specially addresses people with a migratory background, as well. The results of public relations of the youth organization in sport (please add up figures) 15. The subject of intercultural opening is regularly addressed in the events. 16. The youth organization holds training courses and seminars on intercultural issues at regular intervals. 17. Intercultural opening is firmly established in the concepts of training and advanced training (e.g. training of youth instructors according to the general guidelines of education). 18. The participation of staff members in advanced training courses on intercultural topics (e.g. intercultural opening, anti-racism, anti-discrimination, etc.) is explicitly desired and promoted. The results of the policy of the youth organization in sport with respect to the development of associations (please add up figures) 154 I I 155 Conclusions and Recommendations for Action Tool“InterculturalOpening“ oftheGermanSportsYouth Offers and activities of the youth organization in sport: recreation, training and group courses, holiday camps Planning and conceptual design 1. In the planning of programs, cultural and/or religion-related differences are taken into consideration (food, accommodation, program development, scheduling, timetable, etc.). fully applies largely applies partly applies does not apply no opinion Total results (please enter the score achieved) fully applies largely applies partly applies does not apply no opinion The results related to the structures of the youth organization in sport The results related to the policy of the youth organization in sport with respect to the development of associations 2. Intercultural issues play an important role in conceptual and pedagogical considerations. The results related to public relations of the youth organization in sport 3. Programs are devised in a way that makes it easy for children and young people to participate (program formats, participation fees). The results related to the offers and activities of the youth organization in sport Participation and advertising Total result of all areas (please add up the respective figures) 4. Many children and young people with a migratory background participate in the programs offered. 5. The announcement and invitation to participate in the program is also addressed to children and young people with a migratory background. Intercultural self-check: the evaluation Once the evaluation of an intercultural self-check and As many people as possible should be taken along the subsequent discussion of the results have been on the way to intercultural opening. It is desirable to concluded, the first step of an As-Is analysis is accom- get persons with or without a migratory background plished. Thereafter, it is essential to identify existing involved in the process in order to include multifarious measures of the youth organization which already con- perspectives. In this way, intercultural opening makes tribute to intercultural opening. Starting from this basis, a contribution to achieve that organized children and we need to identify targets, assess existing measures youth sport utilizes its potential much better than be- and, as the case may be, modify them, devise and imple- fore, opens new possibilities of access to its structures ment new approaches and, finally, to measure the suc- and promotes the participation and cooperation of all cess, evaluating the results achieved in comparison with people even more vigorously. The dsj supports an inter- The results of public relations in the youth organization of sport the aims previously defined (see intercultural self-check: cultural opening of its member organizations by means the procedure). of making publications, counseling and networking (please add up figures) Intercultural opening is a process that requires curiosity, Direction of the courses 6. The composition of the team of project leaders is intercultural. 7. Persons with a migratory background work as course instructors. open-mindedness and persistence. Intercultural instruction courses represent a possibility to raise more inter- offers available and by organizing, at regular intervals, advanced training courses and events to deal with important partial aspects of the overall theme. est and to give new impulses. They impart intercultural competencies and may strengthen the willingness to look into the subject of diversity in one's own organization. 156 I I 157 I WordsofThanks Advisory council of the project I Ilse Ridder-Melchers (DOSB Vice-President, responsible for women and gender equality; direction) I Dr. Petra Drohsel (Federal Ministry of Public Health) I Romy Bartels (Federal Office for Migration and Refugees) I Walter Schneeloch (DOSB Vice-President, in charge of integration) I Ingo-Rolf Weiss (Chairman of the German Sports Youth) I Prof. Dr. Christa Kleindienst-Cachay (Scientist, University Evaluation I Prof. Dr. Heather Cameron (Scientist, Free University of Berlin) The evaluation of the entire project was accomplished by the Institute for Social Infrastructure at Frankfurt am Main (, with kind support by the Federal Ministry for Public Health. I Representative of the Regional Sports Confederations: Martina Spindler (LSB Lower Saxony) I Representative of the National Federations: Cornelia Straub (German Sport Dancing Federation) I Representative of the Federations with Particular Tasks: Elsbeth Beha (DJK Sport Federation) I Verena Zschippang (Project leader, network project) of Bielefeld) The German Olympic Sports Confederation expresses its gratitude to all persons involved in the project. Special The advisory council of the project met in the Selimiye Mosque at Niederkassel-Lüllsdorf on June 29, 2009. DITIB thanks go to the participating federations, clubs and local groups and, in particular, to the female exercise instruc- representatives organized a visit of the members present of the advisory council to the premises of the Mosque. tors. They showed a tremendous commitment which went much beyond the implementation of the sports courses. From left to right: Nevzat Cosgun (DITIB Head of Sport and Youth Department), Elsbeth Beha, Dr. Petra Drohsel, Gratitude is also owed to all network and cooperation partners who were very active and contributed, together with Prof. Dr. Heather Cameron (back row), Ilse Ridder-Melchers, Bekir Alboga (DITIB Head of Department), us and our partner organizations, to the success of the network project throughout the whole federal territory. Prof. Dr. Christa Kleindienst-Cachay (back row), Recep Acikgöz (Imam), Cornelia Straub, Martina Spindler, Ramazan Elmas (Chairman of the DITIB Mosque at Niederkassel-Lüllsdorf) We extend our thanks to the representatives of the advisory council of the project for their accompanying assistance. Our gratitude equally goes to the Federal Ministry for Public Health for its financial support. 158 I I 159 I 161 Imprint Title: DOSB network project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ Editor: German Olympic Sports Confederation I Central Department of Sport Development I Department of Equal Chances & Diversity I Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12 I 60528 Frankfurt am Main I Tel. +49 (0) 69 / 67 00 361 I Fax. +49 (0) 69 / 67 00 1361 E-Mail: I Download: Editorial office: Verena Zschippang I 1st circulation: 5,000 copies Translation: Marlis Rydzy-Götz, Dipl.-Dolmetscher The texts of the examples of good practice are subject to the responsibility of the respective associations concerned. Picture credit: © LSB NRW: Erik Hinz / Andrea Bowinkelmann I DJJV, DLRG, DTB, LSV BW, SJ Berlin I HSB, LSB Niedersachsen, LSVS, Sportjugend Hessen I Layout and production: B2 Design I Nordring 82 a I 63067 Offenbach I “Trimmy, the well-known icon of the successful Trimm Dich-Kampagne (trim-your-fitness campaign) of the seventies, has become (once again) the official DOSB mascot. The process of reactivation of this special mascot is in full swing and shall be continuously expanded. On his current face-book site, Trimmy already provides information on topical issues related to the most diverse fields of sport. Moreover, he is on the road throughout the whole country as a 'walking act' in order to support the activities of the DOSB and - with his likable air - to lend sport a face“. I 162 I Supported by: The Network Project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ was promoted thanks to the financial support by the Federal Ministry for Public Health in the period from September 2008 to February 2011. Translation supported by: This documentation is submitted by: Deutscher Olympischer SportBund I Otto-Fleck-Schneise 12 I D-60528 Frankfurt am Main Tel. +49 (0) 69 / 67 00 0 I Fax +49 (0) 69 / 67 00 140 I I E-Mail DOSB I Network Project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ Network Project: “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ DOSB I Women W in! DOSB I Network Project “Physical Activity and Health – Motivating more Female Migrants for Sports“ Project documentation and more