Oct Comp, - Bent County Extension


Oct Comp, - Bent County Extension
Southeast Area
4-H Newsletter
Southeast Area Office
411 North 10th Street
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
County Extension Offices
Baca County
700 Colorado Street
Springfield, CO 81073
Bent County
1499 Ambassador Thompson
Las Animas, CO 81054
Cheyenne County
Box 395
Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810
October 2015
Thank You Newsletter Sponsors
We’d like to express our gratitude to the businesses that have sponsored the Southeast Area
4-H newsletters for 2015. Your support of the 4-H program and the area youth demonstrates your dedication in helping to guide today’s youth in learning life skills and becoming
tomorrow’s leaders. We truly hope you have benefited in some way from the sponsorship.
4-Hers, please be sure to stop by these businesses and thank them for their support. They
have made it possible for you to continue receiving newsletters through the United States
Postal Service.
National 4-H Week
National 4-H week is October 4-10, 2015. This is a great week to promote the 4-H program in your community, as well as thank the many individuals and businesses that support the local 4-Hers throughout the year. The theme for this year’s National 4-H Week is
“4-H Grows Here.” Check your county newsletter for specific county activities.
Crowley County
613 Main Street
Courthouse Annex
Ordway, CO 81063
Kiowa County
Box 97
Eads, CO 81036
Otero County
Box 190
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
coopext_ otero@mail.colostate.edu
Prowers County
1001 South Main
Lamar, CO 81052
District VI Fall Meeting
The District VI Fall meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 22nd, 2015 at 1:00 p.m.
and will be held at the Bent County Extension Office in Las Animas. We will be discussing
LDC, camp scholarships, reviewing by-laws, and planning yearly District activities. Each
county should be sending their newly elected 2015/2016 Senators.
Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. Extension
programs are available to all without discrimination. The information given herein is supplied with the
understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Colorado State University is implied.
4-H Calendar
4th-10th - National 4-H Week
9th-12th - All Extension Agents Gone
13th-15th - Colorado Leadership Camp
20th-22nd - Dare to Be You 4-H Camp
22nd - District VI Fall Meeting
If you wish to participate in any of these
events/activities and need special accommodation, please notify the Extension Office of
your need at least 5 business days prior to the
4H Online – Email Blasts
From time to time the State office will be
sending emails directly to the 4-H members. It is the easiest and most effective
way to communicate important State
events and requirements. We know that
not everyone particularly enjoys the extra
emails and there have been requests to be
unsubscribed. It is important to know that
if you do that, you would not receive any
re-enrollment emails or information the
County office sends directly to you. Please
do not “unsubscribe.”
Dare to Be You 4-H Camp
The 2015 Dare to Be You 4-H Camp is November 20th through 22nd at the Colorado
State Fairgrounds in Pueblo. The camp is
open to 4-H members that will be 11 to 13
by December 31st, 2015. The cost to attend
is $45. Registration is through 4-H Online.
Registration will reopen when enrollment
opens again in 4-H Online (tentatively October 16th) and closes again on October
30th. For more information contact your
county extension office.
Colorado Leadership Camp
The 2015 Colorado Leadership Camp
“Growing Your Clover” is November 13th
through 15th at the Ramada Inn in Glenwood Springs. The camp is open to 4-H
members that are in 6th through 9th grades
this school year. The cost to attend is $120.
Registration is through 4-H Online. Registration will reopen when enrollment opens
again in 4-H Online (tentatively October
16th). For more information contact your
county extension office.
Daniels Fund
The Daniels Fund is excited to announce
that the online application for the Daniels Scholarship Program will be open
from September 14 to November 13, 2015
at 4:00 PM MST.
Comprehensive information about the Daniels Scholarship Program including eligibility
requirements, selection criteria, selection
Leaders Forum
timeline, and how to apply can also be
The 2016 Western Regional Leaders Fo- found on their website http://
rum is scheduled for March 2nd through www.danielsfund.org/Scholarships/
4th in Fairbanks, Alaska! The theme for Scholars/Index.asp.
WRLF is “Northern Delights.” The Alaska
bunch has been busy planning on exciting
The Daniels Fund has established partnerworkshops, fun tours, and awesome speakships with several colleges and universities
ers. You can find more information at
which essentially allow the Daniels Scholarwww.alaska2016.com or visit their Faceship to function as a full-ride scholarship at
book page “WRLF 2016 Alaska.”
those schools. All partner schools are in our
four-state region (CO, NM, UT, and WY).
All applicants will be required to submit
supporting documentation with their application that will be used to verify their eligibility, such as official ACT/SAT scores,
citizenship and residency documentation,
and prior year tax returns.
2016 Western Regional
Catch-A-Calf Contest
National Western Stock Show time is fast
approaching, and with that, it is time to
apply for the Catch-A-Calf program sponsored by the National Western Stock
Show. We are inviting applicants for this
upcoming National Western Stock Show.
The National Western Stock Show CatchA-Calf Program is a great program designed to promote youth development and
understanding of the cattle feeding industry. This program can provide youth with
an opportunity to be part of one of the
best programs at the National Western
Stock Show. Youth are encouraged to
manage their projects from the mindset of
commercial cattle feeding.
Applicants must be between the ages of 12
and 18 as of December 31, 2015, to apply,
and also enrolled in 4-H at the time of application. Successful catchers must have
adequate facilities available to house their
steer as they are responsible for the care,
feeding, and handling of their animal. Two
individuals will advance into the Junior
Livestock Auction. For more details regarding the requirements to advance on,
please refer to the website.
Applications are due to Erin Post, Adams
County Extension 4-H/ Youth Development Agent, 9755 Henderson, Brighton,
CO 80601 postmarked no later than December 1, 2015. This year’s application is
available through your local extension office or on the National Western Stock
Show Catch-A-Calf website at: http://
If you have any
questions regarding the program, don’t
hesitate to contact Erin at 303-637-8109.
Bent County 4-H
Bent County 4-H
October 2015
Volume 6, Issue 10, October 2015
State 4-H News
Project Resources
What to Look For:
1. Achievement Program
2. 2016 Council Officers
3. Opportunities & Deadlines
County News
2015 4-H Achievement Program
October 18 4:00 p.m.
Mc Clave School Cafeteria
Come help us celebrate a great 4-H year and our outstanding youth and volunteers! Awards will be given to Cloverbuds, first, fifth and tenth year members and leaders. We’ll also present fair awards, and other special recognition.
Please bring an appetizer or dessert to share. Drinks and paper goods will be furnished by 4-H.
4-H Council will invite the Bent County Commissioners and Fair Board. Please feel free to invite others who helped
you with 4-H projects and activities this year, like grandparents, or the neighbor or friend who gave lots of help. All 4H supporters are welcome.
Congratulations to the 2016 4-H Council officer team!
President: Dom Cardinelli
Vice President: Cassidy Jagers
Secretary: Kylie Miller
Treasurer: Doug Miller
Reporter: Cutter Nichols
Parliamentarian: Ken Cox
Senators: Sam Cox and Sara Reyher
Leader Advisors: Shawn Cardinelli, Richard Cox,
Teresa Garcia, Linda Smith
Opportunities & Deadlines:
Oct. 16-31 Dare To Be You Camp registration
Oct. 18 Achievement Program, 4 p.m., MHS
Nov. 20-22 Dare To Be You Camp, Pueblo
Nov. 22 District VI fall meeting, Las Animas, 1 p.m.
Dec. 1 Catch-A-Calf applications due
2015 Newsletter Sponsors
Richard T. Leone DVM
Erin Epperly DVM
Nick Mannan DVM
Emma Timmerman DVM
Place your business ad here.
Contact your local CSU Extension office for more
CSU Extension, Bent County
1499 Amb Thompson Blvd
Las Animas CO 81054