November Complete


November Complete
Southeast Area
4-H Newsletter
Southeast Area Office
411 North 10th Street
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
County Extension Offices
Baca County
700 Colorado Street
Springfield, CO 81073
Bent County
1499 Ambassador Thompson
Las Animas, CO 81054
Cheyenne County
Box 395
Cheyenne Wells, CO 80810
Crowley County
613 Main Street
Courthouse Annex
Ordway, CO 81063
Kiowa County
Box 97
Eads, CO 81036
November 2015
District VI Fall Meeting
The District VI Fall meeting is scheduled for Sunday, November 22nd, 2015 at 1:00 p.m.
and will be held at the Bent County Extension Office in Las Animas. We will be discussing
LDC, camp scholarships, reviewing by-laws, and planning yearly District activities. Each
county should be sending their newly elected 2015/2016 Senators.
Project Updates
As you begin to enroll for the 2015/2016 4-H year you will notice changes to the 4-H project list.
There are now three units of Cats. This will be a display board project, not a cat show.
Shooting sports has added .22 Pistol and Western Heritage. There is also new literature
available for first year shooting sports members.
4-H Filmmaking is a project by itself.
Foods & Nutrition is now Cooking 101, Cooking 201, Cooking 301 and Cooking 401. This
replaces all Foods & Nutrition, Breads & Specialty Foods EXCEPT Outdoor Cooking and
the two Foreign Foods units. A member may stay up to three years in each unit or until the
skills and techniques have been mastered. The exhibit requirements are new so please be
sure to check them out. In the exhibit requirements for these units there are several exhibits
available for each unit.
The Clothing Construction projects are now STEAM Clothing 1, STEAM Clothing 2, and
STEAM Clothing 3. STEAM Clothing 1 is for all ages and is a combination of previous
units 1 and 2. STEAM Clothing 2 is for all ages and is a combination of previous units 3
and 4. STEAM Clothing 3 is for intermediate and senior members and is for more advanced
sewers. This unit will also have textile experiments.
The State Fair Exhibit Requirements will be available December 1st and will have more information.
Otero County
Box 190
Rocky Ford, CO 81067
Prowers County
1001 South Main
Lamar, CO 81052
Colorado State University, U.S. Department of Agriculture and Colorado counties cooperating. Extension
programs are available to all without discrimination. The information given herein is supplied with the
understanding that no discrimination is intended and no endorsement by Colorado State University is implied.
4-H Calendar
9th-12th - All Extension Agents Gone
13th-15th - Colorado Leadership Camp
20th-22nd - Dare to Be You 4-H Camp
22nd - District VI Fall Meeting
26th & 27th - Extension Offices Closed
If you wish to participate in any of these
events/activities and need special accommodation, please notify the Extension Office of
your need at least 5 business days prior to the
4H Online – Email Blasts
From time to time the State office will be
sending emails directly to the 4-H members. It is the easiest and most effective
way to communicate important State
events and requirements. We know that
not everyone particularly enjoys the extra
emails and there have been requests to be
unsubscribed. It is important to know that
if you do that, you would not receive any
re-enrollment emails or information the
County office sends directly to you. Please
do not “unsubscribe.”
2016 Western Regional
Leaders Forum
The 2016 Western Regional Leaders Forum is scheduled for March 2nd through
4th in Fairbanks, Alaska! The theme for
WRLF is “Northern Delights.” The Alaska
bunch has been busy planning on exciting
workshops, fun tours, and awesome speakers. You can find more information at or visit their Facebook page “WRLF 2016 Alaska.”
4-H Enrollment
Catch-A-Calf Contest
National Western Stock Show time is fast
Again for 2015/2016 we will be using the 4approaching, and with that, it is time to
H Online program to enroll members. 4-H
apply for the Catch-A-Calf program sponOnline is a secure database that has been in
sored by the National Western Stock
use for quite a few years now in Colorado.
Show. We are inviting applicants for this
Families will need to login to the 4-H
upcoming National Western Stock Show.
Online site and complete the enrollment
The National Western Stock Show Catchprocess. All counties will be providing very
A-Calf Program is a great program despecific instructions, but don’t hesitate to
signed to promote youth development and
ask for help. Also, if you do not have access
understanding of the cattle feeding industo a computer or would like to have our
try. This program can provide youth with
help we can schedule a time to help you
an opportunity to be part of one of the
enroll at your Extension office.
best programs at the National Western
Stock Show. Youth are encouraged to
Members and volunteer leaders need to
manage their projects from the mindset of
complete all parts of the online enrollment
commercial cattle feeding.
process, including adding online signatures
Applicants must be between the ages of 12
 Animal Care and Housing Form (if ap- and 18 as of December 31, 2015, to apply,
and also enrolled in 4-H at the time of ap Permission to Participate
plication. Successful catchers must have
 Photo Denial (only check & sign if you adequate facilities available to house their
steer as they are responsible for the care,
don’t want to allow photos)
feeding, and handling of their animal. Two
 Code of Conduct
individuals will advance into the Junior
 Health Form.
Livestock Auction. For more details regarding the requirements to advance on,
You will not have to print anything off UNplease refer to the website.
LESS you are not housing your animals at
your home in which case you will need to
Applications are due to Erin Post, Adams
download and fill out the animal housing
County Extension 4-H/ Youth Developform and return to the Extension Office by
ment Agent, 9755 Henderson, Brighton,
the enrollment deadline.
CO 80601 postmarked no later than DeCounties may have county specific forms cember 1, 2015. This year’s application is
available through your local extension ofthat you still must sign and turn in.
fice or on the National Western Stock
To complete your enrollment, you must pay
Show Catch-A-Calf website at: http://
club fees as set by your county following
the county process. Enrollment deadline is
If you have any
February 1 in Cheyenne County, March 1 in
questions regarding the program, don’t
Baca, Bent, Crowley, Kiowa, Otero and
hesitate to contact Erin at 303-637-8109.
Prowers Counties.
The Colorado State University 4-H Office
has put together some excellent resources
4-H Online. The link to these resources is
Bent County 4-H
Bent County 4-H
November/December 2015 Newsletter
Volume 6, Issue 10, November 2015
State 4-H News
Project Resources
What to Look For:
1. Council Officers
2. Opportunities & Deadlines
3. Office Hours
We’re on Facebook, look for Bent County
Extension updates.
County News
4-H Council
Congratulations to the 2015-16 officer team:
President: Dominique Cardinelli
Vice President: Cassidy Jagers
Secretary: Kylie Miller
Treasurer: Doug Miller
Reporter: Cutter Nichols
Parliamentarian: Ken Cox
Senators: Sam Cox and Sara Reyher
Leader Advisors: Shawn Cardinelli, Richard Cox,
Teresa Garcia, Linda Smith
Opportunities and Deadlines
Nov 20
Bent 4-H Council Officer Fun Day
Nov 20-22 Dare to Be You Camp, Pueblo
Nov 22
District VI fall meeting, Las Animas, 1 pm
Dec 1
Catch-A-Calf applications due
Jan 23-24 Leadership Development Conference
Jan 25
4-H Day at the Capital
Office Hours:
Check our website for weekly office
hours. Alyssa is posting them on our
website: Morning
is usually the best time to contact the
Extension Office. Administrative Assistant Alyssa Shiba is in the office
from 8-12 noon each day. Any afternoons that Kaye is out of the office
teaching classes or attending meetings,
the office is closed. We hate to miss
you, but those activities are an important part of the job. It’s always a
good idea to call and make sure we are
Note: Kaye is traveling a lot in November, and the office will only be
open in the morning at those times.
2015 Newsletter Sponsors
Richard T. Leone DVM
Erin Epperly DVM
Nick Mannan DVM
Emma Timmerman DVM
Place your business ad here.
Contact your local CSU Extension office for more
Bent County November 2015
I pledge
My Head to clear thinking,
My Heart to greater loyalty,
My Hands to larger service, and
My Health to better living, for
My Club, my Community, my Country and my
Bent County Extension
1499 Ambassador Thompson Blvd.
Las Animas, Colorado 81054