at Iowa Street School 400 W. Elder Street • Fallbrook • CA • 92028 Office (760) 731-5440 • FAX (760) 723-2763 http://www.fuesd.k12.ca.us/Domain/434 Bill Billingsley, Principal Katy Jenssen Tobler, Lead Teacher FEBRUARY 2014 FALLBROOK HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY 2ND ANNUAL HELPING STUDENTS Learn about the importance of the heart Learn how the heart works Learn how to take care of their hearts Help kids with special hearts Feel good for making a difference in people’s lives! We are exited to share that the students at Fallbrook Homeschool Academy are jumping at the chance to fight heart disease and stroke, our nations #1 and #4 killers. On Thursday, February 20th, our fundraising campaign will begin with an all-school assembly. Please help our students help others by making a donation. Our jump rope marathon will take place Thursday, March 6th at 2:00 p.m. Join us that afternoon and support our students in this important experience! FALLBROOK HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY invites you to attend Kindergarten Roundup February 26, 2014, 9:00 AM We encourage you to attend if you are interested in our Classic or Core Kindergarten Program for the 2014-2015 school year. All students entering kindergarten for the 2014-2015 school year must be 5 years old on or before September 1. LEADER IN ME FOCUS FOR THE MONTH HABIT #6 “Synergize” ALL 4TH- 6TH GRADE STUDENTS ALL GATE STUDENTS & YOUR PARENTS Come experience a day in the courtroom! The “On My Honor” program is a simulation or mock trial created for the Vista Branch of the Superior Court of the County of San Diego. VISTA COUNTY COURT HOUSE 325 S Melrose Dr. Vista Friday, March 14th, 8:45 a.m. Limited to 35 people On March 14th, our school will have an opportunity to participate in the Youth in Court program at the Vista County Court House. You are asked to meet in front of the court house at 8:45 a.m. Ms. Tobler will be leading the group. We will go into the court house as a group and be finished after 10:30 a.m. This is a free opportunity, but you must sign-up in the office . **Parents must attend with students. Younger students & siblings are not permitted in the courtroom. PARENTS & STUDENTS Don't miss out on reserving a copy of our school YEARBOOK! We are busy collecting and organizing all the photos from our events so you can remember what a terrific year we had! Yearbooks are only $25.00. Order form is attached to this newsletter and also available in the office. Turn in your order form and check made out to Iowa Street School PTA and guarantee yourself a little piece of your child’s history here at FHA. Our last presenters were all outside, with students learning from our local fire department and paramedics complete with truck and ambulance on site. Our very own FHA father Sean Daley, a California Highway Patrolman, razzle-dazzled the students as well with his law enforcement equipment and even learning about the inside of a patrol car! February is also packed full of exciting events including a spirit day for celebrating your family's heritage, whale watching, Jump Rope For Heart, Reading and Math Assemblies and of course, our popular Friday Clubs! If you haven't participated in our clubs, I highly encourage you to come try them out! We are so pleased to be offering Mandarin with a guest teacher instructing this year. Also for you chess players, come and challenge our reigning chess champions. Then, for those needing their physical fitness (yes, you can put this on your PE chart), Martial Arts! Please keep in mind we have Conference Week February 10th-12th, and our teachers will be in Leadership Training so you will be dropping off your work in the front office. As always, my heartfelt thanks for your conscientious partnership in educating your child along side us. It is my privilege to be your lead teacher at the wonderful Fallbrook Homeschool Academy. Please know my door is always open and I look forward to hearing from you. Take care, Katy EMT Next we had our very own FHA family, the McMullens sharing their family business of beekeeping. Students were mesmerized as they handled real honeycomb from the hive, saw real beekeeping equipment and learned about the different roles the various bees play in the colony. CHP We started off hearing an animal trainer from the Safari Animal Park telling about his exciting career as the bird showman at the Park. He encouraged our students to stay focused on their education and goals, following through to get a college degree to keep doors open in the future. He explained the importance of following your interests and passions to find a satisfying and rewarding career. As well, he brought a beautiful American Kestrel as his 'falcon animal ambassador' to help create an appreciation for wildlife. BEEKEEPER This new year is off to a flying start, with College Week and Career Day being the highlights! Throughout College Week our teachers each showcased colleges and created posters for their classrooms to inspire interest. Our students wrote and presented about their goals and desires for future. Our week culminated with Career Day on Thursday. ANIMAL TRAINER Hello Fallbrook Homeschool Academy Families! FRIDAY CLUBS 10:30-12:00 Mandarin Club 10:30-11:15 (CANCELED FEBRUARY 7TH ONLY) “Beginning Mandarin” - Grades 2-8 Grades K-1 (Parent must attend) February 21th—May 9th “Martial Arts” - Grades K-8 February 21st & 28th “Chess” - Grades 3-8 February 21st & 28th PLEASE SIGN-UP IN THE OFFICE IF YOU ARE INTERESTED teachers available 8:00 - 3:00 p.m. Monday & Friday RESOURCE ROOM Our Resource/Library Room houses enrichment & teaching support, as well as a photo copy machine for your use. Open 8:00-3:00 p.m. Monday—Friday. SCHOLASTIC BOOKS The Scholastic Book Club is an inexpensive way to order books that support your curriculum, or are just for fun! Order forms are sent home with your student each month. You may return your order form to your teacher or order on-line. Orders are sent out on the last day of the month. MAILBOXES “Classic” Parents & Students Only—Be sure to check your mailbox each time you come in. Mailboxes are located in our library/resource room. PARENTS...PLEASE REVISE YOUR CALENDER CONFERENCE WEEK MARCH 24-27 GRADES K-8 PARENT TEACHER TRAINING Making Learning Come Alive Using Foldables Friday, February 7th, 10:30-11:30 Make It/Take Foldable Workshop! Foldables are a great venue to make your studies come alive! Foldables can be used for outlining material in social studies, creating book reports, and formatting science reports. This “hands-on” note taking can be as creative as you like. Teach students to summarize material while covering the standards in a fun, colorful and mathematical way! All materials are provided for you! Students may attend “Tech Lab” during PTT. Monday, February 10th, and Tuesday, February 11th teachers will be attending a district conference and will not be available. The office will be open to drop off student work samples. JUST A REMINDER...PARKING & DROP-OFF FOR THE SAFETY OF OUR CHILDREN When picking up, please DO NOT make a left turn into the parking lot from Elder Street. Street. This is a safety hazard for our students using the crosswalk. crosswalk. When coming from Mission Rd., turn onto Fig Street or Alvarado. You will then make a left on Wisconsin and then left on Elder, which will allow you to make a right hand turn into our parking lot. This path will help streamline the traffic coming into the parking lot and make for a safer environment for students. Early arrivers, before 2:25 PM, may turn left to park in the parking lot, however, no cars will be permitted to park once school is dismissed. If you are waiting for your student in our traffic lane, please do not leave your car unattended and remember to pull all the way forward for drop off and pick up. PARENtS…PARENtS...PARENtS Due to the change in schedule for state testing, we will NOT have any classes on campus during this conference week. Teachers will be available for individual conferences. Please revise your Instructional Calendar to reflect this change. CONFERENCE WEEK FEBRUARY 10TH—12TH WORK PERIOD JANUARY 6TH—FEBRUARY 7TH NO CLASSES ON CAMPUS THIS WEEK ****Thank you for your cooperation.**** FHA PtA… FHA PtA… FHA Pta sponsored events COMING in February February 4th ............................................................................................ After School Art February 5th ..................................................................... Yogurt After School Fundraiser February 20th ................................................................... Jump Rope for Heart Assembly February 20th ........................................................... AR & First in Math Awards Ceremony February 24th ........................................................................................ Whale Watching February 27th ................................................. AR & First in Math Winners Ice Cream Party AFTER SCHOOL ART—March 4 & March 11th, 2:45pm-4pm Who are the heroes of your future? ...Why, you are of course! Join us as we explore our goals, then use wire and paper clay to turn our dreams into “Action Heroes” that will inspire generations to come! Cost is $10.00. Sign-up sheet attached or available in the office. Deadline February 20th. Parent/guardian MUST attend entire class with your child. Class limited to 25 students. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES PARENTS...Educational Opportunities are provided for all students and their parents. All Educational Opportunities are PTA sponsored and may require a sign-up fee. PTA sign-ups and payment box is located in our school office. Some of our opportunities welcome siblings, friends, etc. who are not enrolled in our program! Payment is due at the time of sign-up. Watch for sign-up deadlines. Payments are non-refundable. Families must provide their own transportation and a parent is required for supervision. February 24th WHALE WATCHING February 28th SAN DIEGO ZOO March 31st RILEY’S FARM February ‘14 QUESTIONS ??? EMAIL OR PHONE YOUR TEACHER. Jenssen Tobler, Katy Buntin, Darryl Chaffin, Celeste Kaeser, Vickie Leonard, Kathy Turley, Sandy Sun 760.731.4327 760.731.4329 760.731.4312 760.731.4320 760.731.4319 760.731.4311 Mon Office (760) 731-5440 • FAX (760) 723-2763 http://www.fuesd.k12.ca.us/Domain/434 Bill Billingsley, Principal, bbillingsley@fuesd.org ktobler@fuesd.org dbuntin@fuesd.org cchaffin@fuesd.org vkaeser@fuesd.org kleonard@fuesd.org sturley@fuesd.org Tue 400 W. Elder Street • Fallbrook • CA • 92028 Katy Jenssen Tobler, Lead Teacher ktobler@fuesd.org (760)731-4327 Kate Lovelady, Administrative School Secretary klovelady@fuesd.org (760)731-5440 Wed Thu Fri Sat 1 2 3 4 5 CORE CLASSES 6 7 “FIRST IN MATH” 2nd Trimester Cut-off Day CORE CLASSES GRADES K-6, 8:30-1:15 GRADES K-6, 8:30-2:30 AFTER SCHOOL ART Parent Teacher Training K-8 “Making Foldables” 10:30-11:30 PTA AFTER SCHOOL YOGURT FUNDRAISER $2.50 2:40-4:00 PTA MTG 2:30 UPPER PLAYGROUND Mandarin Class CANCELED Technology Lab 10:30-11:30 (For those students with parents attending PTT) NO OTHER CLUBS TODAY CORE CLASSES GRADES K-6, 8:30-2:30 9 Teachers off campus today District Conference 11 Teachers off campus today District Conference SCHOOL OFFICE OPEN 12 8 13 14 CALIFORNIA ADMISSIONS DAY OBSERVED SCHOOL OFFICE OPEN WHALE WATCHING SIGN-UP DEADLINE 15 LINCOLN’S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED SCHOOL HOLIDAY SCHOOL HOLIDAY HAPPY VALENTINE’S DAY 16 17 18 WASHINGTON’S BIRTHDAY OBSERVED 19 CORE CLASSES GRADES K-6, 8:30-2:30 SCHOOL HOLIDAY 20 CORE CLASSES GRADES K-6, 8:30-1:15 21 END OF 2ND TRIMESTER GRADES K-6, 8:30-2:30 GATE Science Fair Class 9:00-10:30 “JUMP ROPE FOR HEART” ASSEMBLY & “ACCELERATED READER & FIRST IN MATH” AWARDS CEREMONY 1:45—2:20 GATE MTG 2:45 STAFF LOUNGE 22 CORE CLASSES Mandarin Class 10:30—11:15 CLUB TIME 10:30-12:00 Chess Gr. 2-8 Martial Arts Gr. K-8 23 24 WHALE WATCHING HELGREN’S SPORTSFISHING Check-in 9:45 AM Boat leaves @ 9:55 AM Sharp! Returns @ 12:00 PM 25 26 27 CORE CLASSES GRADES K-6, 8:30-2:30 28 CORE CLASSES KINDERGARTEN ROUND-UP 9:00 a.m. GRADES K-6, 8:30-2:30 AR & FIRST IN MATH WINNERS ICE CREAM PARTY CORE CLASSES GRADES K-6, 8:30-1:15 GATE Science Fair Class 9:00-10:30 EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITY “SAN DIEGO ZOO” 9:30 Mandarin Class 10:30—11:15 CLUB TIME 10:30-12:00 Chess Gr. 2-8 Martial Arts Gr. K-8 Old Joe Homestead Tour Riley’s Farm Monday, March 31, 2014, 9:45 a.m. 12261 South Oak Glen Road Oak Glen, CA 92399 909-797-7534 Cost: $9.00 per person (children under 2 are free) Come explore life in the past on an old homestead farm. This tour will put your students into the shoes of early life on a farm in a fun and interactive way. Meets CA Social Science content standards for Grades K-4 Some activities that the tour might include are: -cabin chores -games from the past -story telling -farm animal care -hayride Refreshments (cold drinks and snacks) are available for purchase on-site. Please bring a sack lunch to eat after the tour. -----------------------------------MONDAY, MARCH 10TH—DEADLINE FOR SIGN-UPS Riley’s Farm Order Form The _____________________________ family will be ordering: Cost: $9.00 each Paying by: Cash ___ Number of People Attending: Check Number Total (# of People x $9.00) $ Total Amount Included: Check ___ $ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ISS PTA Payments are nonrefundable. Please enclose this order form and a check in an envelope with your family’s name and “Riley’s Farm” written on the outside. Return the envelope to the PTA box located in the office. Thank you!! HELGREN’S WHALE WATCHING 315 Harbor Drive S. Oceanside, CA 92054 Monday, February 24th Check-in 9:45 AM Boat leaves @ 9:55 AM Sharp! Returns @ 12:00 PM Spend 2 hours on a whale watching expedition. Whales are not guaranteed but we usually see wildlife. Snacks are sold on the ship or you may bring your own! Bathrooms available on the ship. Sign up deadline is February 10th. Family members welcome, but the trip may be a bit much for 5 years and under. Cost is $10.50 per person. For check-in: Mrs. Chaffin will be standing between JOE’S CRAB SHACK RESTAURANT and HELGRENS’S office. Wear comfortable, warm, layered clothes. Tennis shoes suggested. Mark all backpacks! *Be sure and park in free parking…they do ticket. This trip is nonrefundable & will be canceled only if the “Harbor Master” declares the weather unsafe. *If weather conditions are questionable… Please call the harbor the morning of the trip to confirm weather conditions * 760-722-2133 -----------------------------------FEBRUARY 10TH—DEADLINE FOR SIGN-UPS HELGREN’S WHALE WATCHING Order Form The _____________________________ family will be ordering: Cost: $10.50 each Paying by: Cash ___ Number of People Attending: Check Number Total (# of People x $10.50) $ Total Amount Included: Check ___ $ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ISS PTA Payments are nonrefundable. Please enclose this order form and a check in an envelope with your family’s name and “Whale Watching” written on the outside. Return the envelope to the PTA box located in the office. Thank you!! FALLBROOK HOMESCHOOL ACADEMY Cost is $25.00 each Fallbrook Homeschool Academy PTA is offering ALL parents the opportunity to “personalize” the yearbook in a very special way with a Recognition Ad for their student. Space is available to tell your student how proud you are! Regardless of the occasion, your ad provides a great way to recognize a student or event in a special and unique way. To reserve your space complete the box below. Cost is $10 per ad. Please include a stamped, self-addressed envelope for the return of your photo(s). If you have an irreplaceable photo, please contact us to make arrangements to scan. (The yearbook staff reserves the right to reject photos or text, or ask the customer to make changes to conform to the staff’s standards.) = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = == = = = = YEARBOOK Order Form Parent Name: ______________________________________ Phone: _____________________________________________ Student Name: ____________________________________ Grade: ____ Teacher: __________________________ Student Name: _____________________________________ Grade: ____ Teacher: __________________________ Student Name: _____________________________________ Grade: ____ Teacher: __________________________ Size: 1/8” page—Cost: $10 per ad Message (25 words or less): ______________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________________________________________ Yearbook Cost: $25.00 each Paying by: Cash ___ Total (# of Yearbooks _____ x $25.00) $ Recognition Ad (# of Ads _____ x $10.00) $ Check ___ Check Number Total Amount Included: $ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ISS PTA Payments are nonrefundable. Please enclose this order form and a check in an envelope with your family’s name and “Yearbook” written on the outside. Return the envelope to the PTA box located in the office. Thank you!! PTA AFTER SCHOOL ART TUESDAY, March 4 & March 11th, 2:45pm-4pm Who are the heroes of your future? Why, you are of course! Cost is $10.00. Sign-Up deadline February 20th. Join us as we explore our goals, then use wire and paper clay to turn our dreams into “Action Heroes” that will inspire generations to come! Class limited to 25 students. PARENTS MUST ACCOMPANY STUDENTS DURING AFTER SCHOOL ART SESSIONS, OR PRE-DESIGNATE AN ALTERNATE ADULT TO SUPERVISE YOUR STUDENT DURING EACH ART CLASS. -----------------------------------Please enclose this order form and a check in an envelope with your family’s name and “March After School Art” written on the outside. Return the envelope to the PTA box located in the office. Thank you!! PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ISS PTA, Payments are nonrefundable. FAMILY NAME: _________________________________________________________________________ STUDENT: ____________________ GRADE: ______ STUDENT: ____________________ GRADE: ______ STUDENT: ____________________ GRADE: ______ STUDENT: ____________________ GRADE: ______ PARENT/GUARDIAN NAME: ______________________________________________________________ PHONE NUMBER: _____________________ EMAIL: ___________________________________________ PERSON SUPERVISING MY CHILD(REN): SELF/OTHER (NAME): ___________________________________ PARENT SIGNATURE: _____________________________________________ DATE: _________________ Cost: $10.00 each Paying by: Cash ___ Number of People Attending: Check Number Total (# of People x $10.00) $ Total Amount Included: Check ___ $ SAN DIEGO ZOO Friday, February 28th All San Diego County Students are FREE!!! Check-in 9:30 AM at the Front Gate Adults—$10.00 or Zoo Pass Children Preschool age 3-5—Regular Child Admission Price (pay at the gate) or Zoo Pass Children under 3—FREE If you have Zoo passes please indicate below. -----------------------------------FEBRUARY 18TH—DEADLINE FOR SIGN-UPS SAN DIEGO ZOO Order Form The _____________________________ family will be attending. Cost: Adults w/o zoo pass $10.00 each # Adults: ________ (Preschoolers pay at the gate) Total adults/preschoolers attending with zoo passes: ____ Total free students grades K-12: ____ Total adults paying: Paying by: Cash ___ Total Amount Included (# of Adults x $10.00) $ Check #: Check ___ Check #: _________ PLEASE MAKE CHECKS PAYABLE TO: ISS PTA Payments are nonrefundable. Please enclose this order form and a check in an envelope with your family’s name and “San Diego Zoo” written on the outside. Return the envelope to the PTA box located in the office. Thank you!! ====================================================================== SPECIAL PROGRAM FOR SECOND GRADE STUDENTS ONLY! Free guided visit—Second grade students in San Diego County are invited to participate in a FREE guided tour of the “LIFE CYCLES PROGRAM”. Dr. Harry Wegeforth, the founder of the San Diego Zoo, dedicated the Zoo to the children of San Diego. In honor of this dedication, the free second grade program has been a long-standing tradition at the Zoo. The program includes a bus tour and an animal presentation. Length: 1.5 hours Fee: FREE. Mrs. Turley will be joining our second grade students on this tour. In addition, we are in need of 2-3 chaperones to assist our second grade students during this tour. If you are interested in chaperoning, please be advised that other siblings are not allowed to attend this special tour. Parents must make other arrangements for their supervision while they are chaperoning the tour. (We need a minimum of 15 students to participate in this tour.) My second grade child _______________________________________ will be attending the “Life Cycles Program”.. Parent signature: _______________________________ Emergency Phone #: ______________________________ I will not be chaperoning the second grade tour. I would like to chaperone the second grade tour. I understand that my other children may not attend this tour and I have made arrangements for their supervision while I am in the tour. You may contact me at ... Parent Name: _____________________ Phone # : _______________ Email: ______________________________
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Kate Lovelady, Administrative School Secretary
klovelady@fuesd.org (760)731-5440