Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications
Technical Specifications AUGUST 2014 I NEW ZEALAND Contents 1 APPLICATION AND SCOPE 3 5 FIXING MONOTEK SHEET 6 1.1Application 3 5.1 General 6 1.2 Scope 3 5.2 Fastener Durability 6 1.3 Details 3 5.3 Fastener — Size and Layout 6 1.4 Specific Design 3 5.4 Gun Nailing 6 5.5 Sheet Layout 7 2 DESIGN 3 2.1 Compliance 3 6 JOINTING 7 2.2 Responsibility 3 6.1 General 7 2.3 Site and Foundation 3 6.2 Flush Joints 7 2.4 Clearances 3 6.3 Control Joints 7 2.5 Moisture Management 4 6.3.1 Vertical Control Joint 7 2.6 Structure 4 6.3.2 Horizontal Control Joint 7 2.7 Wind Loading 4 6.3.3 Gable Ends 7 2.8 Structural Bracing 4 6.4 7 2.9 Fire Rated Walls 4 6.5Openings 7 2.10 Energy Efficiency 4 7 FINISHING 8 Expansion Joint 3FRAMING 5 7.1 Preparation 8 3.1 General 5 7.2 Sealants 8 3.2 Dimensions 5 7.3 Jointing and Texture Coating 8 3.3 Timber Grade 5 3.4 Durability 5 8 STORAGE AND HANDLING 8 3.5 Frame Construction 5 3.6 Tolerances 5 3.7 Curved Walls 4 9MAINTENANCE 8 5 10 PRODUCT INFORMATION 8 PREPARATION 5 10.1 Manufacturing and Classification 8 4.1 Building Underlay or James Hardie Rigid Air Barrier 5 10.2 Product Mass 8 4.2 Rigid Air Barrier 5 10.3 Sheet Sizes 8 4.3 Vent Strip 5 10.4Durability 8 4.4 Cavity Battens 5 10.4.1 Resistance to Moisture/Rotting 9 4.5 Flashings 6 10.4.2 Resistance to Fire 9 10.4.3 Alpine Regions 9 11 SAFE WORKING PRACTICES 9 WE VALUE YOUR FEEDBACK To continue with the development of our products and systems, we value your input. Please send any suggestions, including your name, contact details, and relevant sketches to: Ask James Hardie™ Fax 0800 808 988 12ACCESSORIES 11 13DETAILS 12 35 PRODUCT WARRANTY 1 Application and scope 2 Design 1.1 APPLICATION 2.1 COMPLIANCE Monotek Sheets are manufactured in New Zealand by James Hardie from fibre cement which is a composition of Portland cement, ground sand, cellulose fibre and water. Monotek Sheet is a suitable cladding material to achieve monolithic looks on external walls. Monotek Sheets are readily identified by its terracotta colour and the name printed on the reverse face of sheet. Monotek Sheets are manufactured in 7.5mm and 9mm thicknesses. Monotek (9mm) Sheet is more suitable for high impact areas. Monotek Sheet is face and edge sealed. ® If you are a specifier Or other responsible party for a project ensure that the information in this document is appropriate for the application you are planning and that you undertake specific design and detailing for areas which fall outside the scope of these specifications. If you are an installer Ensure that you follow the design, moisture management and associated details and material selection provided by the designer. All the details provided in this document must be read in conjunction with the specifier’s specification. Make sure your information is up to date When specifying or installing James Hardie products, ensure you have the current manual. If you’re not sure you do, or you need more information, visit or Ask James Hardie on 0800 808 868. 1.2 SCOPE The scope of this specification is for the use of Monotek Sheets for buildings which fall within the scope of the New Zealand Building Code (NZBC) Acceptable Solution ‘E2/AS1’. Refer to ‘E2/AS1’ for further information. Monotek Sheet complies with section 9.7.2 of ‘E2/AS1’. Information contained in this document is aligned with the requirements of NZBC Acceptable Solution ‘E2/AS1’. Monotek Sheet cavity construction has also been BRANZ appraised. The BRANZ Appraisal No is 466 (2005) and can be viewed at or All design and construction must comply with the requirements of the NZBC regulations and standards. 2.2 RESPONSIBILITY The specifier or other party responsible for the project must run through a risk matrix analysis to determine which construction method is to be used. The designer must also ensure that the information and details published in this specification are appropriate for the intended application and that additional detailing is performed for specific design or any areas that fall outside the scope of this specification. The designers should ensure that the intent of their design meets the requirements of the NZBC. All dimensions shown are in millimeters unless noted otherwise. All New Zealand Standards referenced in this document are current edition and must be complied with. James Hardie conducts stringent quality checks to ensure that any product manufactured falls within our quality spectrum. It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure that the product meets aesthetic requirements before installation. James Hardie will not be responsible for rectifying obvious aesthetic surface variations following installation. 2.3 SITE AND FOUNDATION This specification also covers the use of Monotek Sheets in cavity construction when buildings subject to specific design wind pressure of 2.5kPa (ULS). This document is intended for use by architects, designers and specifiers who are involved in specifying Monotek Sheet cladding. The site on which the building is situated must comply with NZBC Acceptable Solution E1/AS1 ‘Surface Water’. Foundation design must comply with the requirements of NZS 3604 ‘Timber Framed Buildings’ or be as per specific engineering design. The grade of adjacent finished ground must slope away from the building to avoid any possibility of water accumulation in accordance with NZBC requirements. 1.3 DETAILS 2.4 CLEARANCES Various Monotek Sheet details are provided in the Details section of this document. This specification and details in CAD file are also available to download from our website at www. The clearance between the bottom edge of cladding and paved/ unpaved ground must comply with NZBC Acceptable Solution ‘E2 /AS1’, paragraph 9.1.3. 1.4 SPECIFIC DESIGN For use of Monotek Sheets outside the scope of this document, the architect, designer or engineer must undertake specific design. For advice on designs outside the scope of this specification, Ask James Hardie on 0800 808 868. The finished floor level must also comply with these requirements. These clearances must be maintained throughout the life of the building. Monotek Sheets must overhang the bottom plate on a concrete slab by a minimum of 50mm as required by NZS 3604. Monotek Sheets must have a minimum clearance of 100mm from paved ground and 175mm from unpaved ground. On the roofs and decks the minimum clearance must be 50mm. Do not install external cladding such that it may remain in contact with water or ground. Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 3 2.5 MOISTURE MANAGEMENT 2.9 FIRE RATED WALLS It is the responsibility of the specifier to identify moisture related risks associated with any particular building design. Monotek Sheet clad walls using a cavity construction method can achieve fire ratings up to 60/60/60 when the walls are constructed in accordance with this literature and include the fire rated system requirements as specified in James Hardie Fire and Acoustic Design Manual. Refer to fire and acoustic literature for further information on fire rated systems Wall construction design must effectively manage moisture, considering both the interior and exterior environments of the building, particularly in buildings that have a higher risk of wind driven rain penetration or that are artificially heated or cooled. Walls shall include those provisions as required by NZBC Acceptable Solution ‘E2/AS1’ ‘External Moisture’. In addition all wall openings, penetrations, junctions, connections, window sills, heads and jambs must incorporate appropriate flashings for waterproofing. The other materials, components and installation methods used to manage moisture in external walls, must comply with the requirements of relevant standards and the NZBC. For further information in relation to designing for weathertightness, refer to BRANZ Ltd and the Department of Building and Housing (DBH) updates on the following websites, respectively and 2.6 STRUCTURE Timber framing must comply with NZS 3604 for buildings or parts of buildings within the scope limitations of NZS 3604. Buildings or parts of buildings outside the scope of NZS 3604 must be as per specific design in accordance with NZS 3603 and AS/NZS 1170. Where specific design is required, the framing must be of at least equivalent stiffness to the framing provisions of NZS 3604. In all cases studs must be at maximum 600mm centres for buildings designed to NZS 3604 and at maximum 400mm centres for specifically designed buildings. External walls constructed using Monotek Sheet, bulk insulation, where the area of glazing is 30% or less of the total wall area and constructed as per this technical specification complies with the requirements for walls in NZBC Acceptable Solution H1/AS1 (NZBC Clause H1 Energy Efficiency), Replacement Table 1. To meet thermal insulation requirements for the construction, the bulk insulation as specified in Table 1 must be used. This insulation may be substituted with insulations having higher R-values. The thermal insulation of a wall gets affected when the depth of the timber framing is increased or decreased. The calculation used in Table 1 is based on a timber framing size 90 x 45mm and using an internal lining material such as James Hardie Villaboard® Lining or a 10mm plasterboard. Table 1 Insulation capability Climate Zone Construction R‑Value Requirement Minimum R-Value of Insulation Required 1 and 2 1.9 m2 ºC/W #R2.0 3 2.0 m2 ºC/W #R2.2 Monotek Sheet is suitable for use in all New Zealand wind zones up to and including EH as defined in NZS 3604. Total construction R-Value depends on the insulation material used and the framing ratio. The insulation material R-Values specified in this table are for studs spaced at 600mm c/c and nogs spaced at 800mm c/c. Monotek Sheet (9mm) is suitable for use in specific engineering design (SED) projects subject to maximum wind pressure of up to 2.5kPa (uls). # To achieve higher R-Values of construction the wall insulation must be replaced with an insulation material having higher R‑Values to suit the requirements. 2.8 STRUCTURAL BRACING For further guidance on insulation requirement refer to the current edition of ‘House Insulation Guide’ published by BRANZ. 2.7 WIND LOADING Monotek Sheets can be used to achieve structural bracing required for timber framed buildings designed and constructed in accordance with NZS 3604. The Monotek Sheet must be installed as per specific bracing system details that are available separately. Monotek Sheet bracing systems have been independently tested and assessed by BRANZ. Refer to the James Hardie Bracing Design Manual for details. 4 2.10 ENERGY EFFICIENCY Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 3 Framing 4 Preparation 3.1 GENERAL 4.1 B UILDING UNDERLAY OR JAMES HARDIE RIGID AIR BARRIER This Monotek Sheet technical specification is only suitable for timber-framed buildings. Other framing materials are outside the scope of this specification. 3.2 DIMENSIONS A 45mm (nominal) minimum stud width is required. 3.3 TIMBER GRADE Minimum timber grade requirements are No. 1 framing grade as per NZS 3631 ‘New Zealand Timber Grading Rules’ or equivalent. 3.4 DURABILITY To comply with NZBC requirements the external framing must be treated to a minimum H1.2 treatment. Refer to the NZBC Acceptable Solution B2/AS1 ‘Durability’ for further information about the durability requirements. For timber treatment and allowable moisture content information refer to NZS 3602 (Timber and Wood-Based Products for use in Buildings) and NZS 3640 (Chemical Preservation of Round and Sawn Timber) for minimum timber treatment selection and treatment requirements. Also refer to framing manufacturer’s literature for further guidance on timber selection. Framing must be protected from moisture at sites in accordance with the recommendations of framing manufacturers. Note: Refer to NZS 3602 for information about the allowable moisture content in timber. Building underlay or James Hardie Rigid Air Barrier must be provided as per the requirements of the NZBC Acceptable Solution ‘E2/AS1’ ‘External Moisture’ and NZS 3604. The building underlays must comply with Table 23 of ‘E2/AS1’. The building underlay must be fixed in accordance with ‘E2/AS1’, NZS 3604 and the underlay manufacturer’s recommendations. Walls which are not lined on the inside face e.g. garage walls or gable ends must include a rigid sheathing or an air barrier behind the cladding which complies with the requirements of NZBC Acceptable Solution ‘E2/AS1’. James Hardie Rigid Air Barriers are suitable for use in these applications. It must be installed in accordance with James Hardie Rigid Air Barrier installation manual. 4.2 RIGID AIR BARRIER For EH wind zone and specific engineering design (SED) projects where the wind pressures are higher than 1.5kPa (uls), RAB Board (6mm) must be used. Refer to James Hardie Rigid Air Barrier installation manual for information regarding its installation. 4.3 VENT STRIP The James Hardie uPVC cavity vent strip must be installed at the bottom of all walls constructed using the drained and ventilated cavity construction method. It is important that the openings in the vent strip are kept clear and unobstructed to allow free drainage and ventilation of cavities. James Hardie uPVC vent strip has an opening area of 1000mm2/m length. 3.5 FRAME CONSTRUCTION The framing must fully support all sheet edges. The framing must be rigid and not rely on the cladding sheet for stability. All timber framing sizes and set-out must comply with NZS 3604 and as specified in this specification. Use of timber framing must be in accordance with framing manufacturer’s specifications. • W hen studs are spaced at 600mm centres maximum then the nogs / dwangs must be provided at 800mm centres maximum. • When studs are spaced at 400mm centres then the nogs / dwangs may be provided at 1200mm centres. • An extra stud is required in internal corners. • For EH wind zone, specific engineering design projects or wind pressures above 1.5kPa, studs must be spaced at 400mm centres maximum. • For SED projects framing is to be designed/verified by project structural engineer. 3.6 TOLERANCES In order to achieve an acceptable wall finish, it is imperative that framing is straight and true. Framing tolerances must comply with the requirements of NZS 3604. All framing shall be madex flush. 3.7 CURVED WALLS Monotek Sheet can be used in a curved application. For further information Ask James Hardie on 0800 808 868. 4.4 CAVITY BATTENS In accordance with NZBC Acceptable Solution ‘E2/AS1’ Table 2, Monotek Sheets to be installed on a cavity. The cavity battens provide airspace between the frame and the sheet and are considered a ‘packer’ only in this specification. The timber battens must be minimum H3.1 treated in accordance with NZS 3640 (Chemical preservation of rough and sawn timber) to comply with the durability requirements of B2/ AS1. Cavity battens must comply with following requirements • b e minimum 18mm thick. • be minimum as wide as the width of studs. • w hen studs are at 600mm centres battens to be provided at 300mm centres. • b e fixed by the cladding fixings to the main framing through the building underlay. • u ntil claddings are fixed the battens only need to be tacked to the framing. Note: Batten fixing is required temporarily to keep them straight on the wall during construction. Battens should be fixed with 40 x 2.8mm nails at 800mm centres maximum. Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 5 4.5 INTERMEDIATE SUPPORT 5.2 FASTENER DURABILITY Where studs are at 600mm centres an intermediate means of restraining the building underlay and insulation from bulging into the cavity shall be installed. An acceptable method to achieve this is using one of the following: • intermediate cavity batten between the studs. • 75mm galvanised mesh. • polypropylene tape at 300mm centres fixed horizontally and drawn taut. Fasteners must meet the minimum durability requirements of the NZBC. NZS 3604 specifies the requirements for fixing material to be used in relation to the exposure conditions and are summarised in Table 2. No intermediate supports are required: NAIL MATERIAL • where studs are at maximum 400mm centres; or, • when rigid sheathings instead of building underlays are used. Table 2 Exposure conditions and nail selection prescribed by NZS 3604 D Zone * Note: 100mm long cavity packers must be used where required to support fixings in this circumstance. 4.6 FLASHINGS Grade 316 Stainless Zone C outside sea spray zone and Zone B and Geothermal hot spots Hot-dipped galvanised or 316 stainless Bracing — All zones Grade 316 Stainless All wall openings, penetrations, intersections, connections, window sills, heads and jambs must be flashed prior to sheet installation. Please refer to moisture management requirements in Clause 2.5. * (Zone C areas where local knowledge dictates that increased durability is required, appropriate selection shall be made). Microclimate conditions as detailed in NZS 3604, paragraph 4.2.4 require SED. The building underlay must be appropriately incorporated with penetration and junction flashings. Materials must be lapped in such a way that water tracks down to the exterior on the face of building underlay. James Hardie will assume no responsibility for water infiltration within the wall due to poor installation of flashing or building underlay. The selected flashing materials must comply with the durability requirements of Table 20 of the NZBC Acceptable Solution ‘E2/AS1’. Also refer to the NZBC Acceptable Solution ‘E2/AS1’ Table 20 and 21 for information regarding the selection of suitable fixing materials and their compatibility with other materials. 4.7 JUNCTIONS AND PENETRATIONS Refer to Clause 2.5 of this specification for moisture management requirements. All windows and doors must be detailed as per the requirements of this specification. James Hardie has developed the window details for Monotek Sheet which meet the requirements of E2 ‘External Moisture’, an approved document of the NZBC. Refer to Figures 11 to 13. 5.3 FASTENER — SIZE AND LAYOUT Monotek Sheets must be fixed to framing using the fixings as specified in Table 3 and in accordance with the following requirements: • Nails must have a minimum clearance of 12mm from sheet edges and a minimum of 75mm vertically and 150mm horizontally from sheet corners. • The sheets must have a gap of 1-2mm at all flush finished joints. • Nails must finish flush with the sheet surface. Table 3 5 Fixing Monotek Sheet 5.1 GENERAL Monotek Sheets must be kept dry and under cover whilst in storage or during the installation. Framing moisture contents must not exceed the maximum limit specified in NZS 3602 prior to sheet installation. Every endeavour must be made to keep framing dry once sheet fixing commences. Site cut sheet edges must be sealed prior to installation. The site cut sheets edges around window / door openings and other penetrations, e.g. meter boxes etc. are also required to be sealed. Use acyrlic sealers such as Dulux acraprime 501/1 or Dulux primercryl or similar. Check compatibility with texture coat systems. 6 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Sheet fixing Cavity construction up to and including VH wind zones 60 x 3.15mm HardieFlex nails Fix sheet @ 200mm centres at all studs. Fix sheet @ 150mm centres at top plate and bottom plate. Cavity construction on buildings with EH wind zone or with uls design wind pressure of up to 2.5kPa 60 x 3.15mm HardieFlex nails Fix sheet @ 150mm centres at all sheet edges as well as all intermediate framing. When using rigid air barrier like HomeRAB PreClad Lining or RAB Board, the cladding fixing nails must be increased in length equal to the thickness of the rigid air barrier. Note: Special fixing arrangements are required for bracing and fireresistance rated wall systems. For more information Ask James Hardie on 0800 808 868. 5.4 GUN NAILING 6.3.1 Vertical Control Joint Monotek Sheets can be fixed using nail guns. The gun nails used must have a full round head to provide the required holding power. The length and gauge of nails must be a minimum as specified in this document. Check with nail gun manufacturer for more information. Vertical control joints must be provided at a maximum spacing of 5.4m from other control joints, the edge of the cladding, expansion joints or internal and external corners. Note: Do not use D Head nails. Do not use gun nailing for bracing applications. 5.5 SHEET LAYOUT The framing layout must be checked to facilitate the construction of control joints prior to sheet installation. • All sheet edges must be supported by the framing. • All sheets must be fixed vertically. 6 Jointing 6.1 GENERAL The Monotek Sheets are supplied with 2 recessed edges. When the sheets are cut on site to suit the site requirements then the sheet edge cut on site must be recessed for flush jointing. The control joints are formed with square sheet edges. 6.2 FLUSH JOINTS Monotek Sheets must have a gap of 1 – 2mm when joining them together for the flush joints. Refer Figure 6. • Monotek Sheets must be flush jointed with a proprietary flush jointing plaster system. • Where a flush horizontal joint and a vertical control joint coincide on the wall, the vertical control joint must extend to full height of the wall. • Flush joints must never be located on the corners of openings or at other high stress locations. Flush joint must be off set from the corners of opening by 200mm minimum. • Flush joints must not be located along floor joists. 6.3 CONTROL JOINTS Control joints are required as described in Table 4. Flush–finish joints are not control joints. Control joints are necessary to accommodate the minimal differential movements between framing and sheets due to normal cyclic changes in the environment and structural behaviour. Vertical control joints may occur at the edge of window or door openings. Vertical control joints may be staggered across horizontal control joints. 6.3.2 Horizontal Control Joint At floor joist level, in addition to the movements outlined above, horizontal control joints are required to accommodate the movement resulting from timber joist shrinkage and deflection. Horizontal control joints must be provided at all floor joists and wall frame to truss connections. Elsewhere horizontal control joints are required at a maximum spacing of 5.4m where the studs are running continuous to full height. 6.3.3 Gable Ends Where the truss is sitting over the wall frame a horizontal control joint must be provided above the top plate. Additional framing may need to be provided in the gable frame to support Monotek Sheet installation as required under Section 3 ‘Framing’. Where a single stud continues from bottom plate to the underside of roof framing, no horizontal control joint is required where the stud height is equal to or less than 5400mm. In this case flush horizontal joints can be formed similar to the vertical flush joints. Refer Figure 18. 6.4 EXPANSION JOINT Expansion joints are provided to accommodate structural movement. They are generally only required for larger commercial buildings, and such buildings are outside the scope of this literature. Appropriate joint design shall be undertaken for the application. 6.5 OPENINGS All openings in the cladding must be adequately flashed to prevent moisture ingress in to the wall. Horizontal and vertical flush joints must not be located along the sides of windows and doors. These must be located a minimum of 200mm from the corner of an opening or change in the height of the wall when required. Table 4 Control joints Vertical Horizontal 5400mm centres max and at all internal corners (standard detail is a control joint) At all floor joist locations (Standard details are control joints) and 5400mm centres max. (Full height,continuous studs nogged at flush joint) Refer Figure 3 for further information on control joint locations. Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 7 7 Finishing 10 P roduct information 7.1 PREPARATION 10.1 MANUFACTURING AND CLASSIFICATION Protective texture coating of Monotek Sheet is required in order to meet the durability requirements of the NZBC. All sealants must meet the relevant requirements of the NZBC. The Monotek Sheets must be dry and free from dirt before jointing and texture coating. Monotek Sheets must be texture coated within 90 days of installation. 7.2 SEALANTS All sealants must meet the relevant requirements of the NZBC. Application and use of sealants must comply with manufacturer’s instructions and be compatible with texture coating. Check with sealant manufacturer prior to coating over sealants. Some sealant manufacturers do not recommend coating over their product. Monotek Sheets are manufactured to AS/NZS 2908.2 ‘CelluloseCement Products Part 2: Flat Sheets’ (ISO 8336 ’Fibre Cement Flat Sheets’) in New Zealand. James Hardie New Zealand is an ISO 9001 ‘Telarc’ certified manufacturer. Monotek Sheets are classified Type A, Category 3 in accordance with AS/NZS 2908.2 ‘Cellulose-Cement Products’. 7.3 JOINTING AND TEXTURE COATING For Safety Data Sheets (SDS) visit or Ask James Hardie on 0800 808 868. The Light Reflectance Value (LRV) for coatings to be used with Monotek Sheet cladding must be minimum 40% or higher. Jointing and coating systems must comply with EM4 and meet the requirements of the NZBC Acceptable Solutions ‘E2/AS1’. 10.2 PRODUCT MASS 8 Storage and handling Monotek Sheets must be laid flat on a smooth level surface. Edges and corners must be protected from chipping. To ensure optimum performance, store panels under cover and keep dry prior to fixing. If the sheets should become wet, allow to dry thoroughly before fixing. Do not carry Monotek Sheets on the flat, carry in the vertical position to avoid excessive bending. 9 Maintenance It is the responsibility of the specifier to determine normal maintenance requirements to comply with NZBC Acceptable Solution B2/AS1. The extent and nature of maintenance will depend on the geographical location and exposure of the building. As a guide, it is recommended that basic normal maintenance tasks shall include but not be limited to: • Washing down exterior surfaces every 6-12 months* • Re-application of exterior protective finishes if necessary** • Maintaining the exterior envelope and connections including joints, penetrations, flashings and sealants that may provide a means of moisture entry beyond the exterior cladding • Cleaning out gutters, blocked pipes and overflows as required • Pruning back vegetation that is close to or touching the building. * Do not use a water blaster to wash down the cladding. **Refer to your texture coating manufacturer for washing down and recoating requirements. 8 Monotek Sheets are a cellulose fibre reinforced cement building product. The basic composition is Portland cement, ground sand, cellulose fibre and water. The sheets are easily identified by the name ‘Monotek®‘ or ‘Monotek® 9mm’ printed at regular intervals on the back face of sheet. Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Monotek Sheets are 7.5mm and 9mm thick and have a mass of 10.7kg/m2 and 12.84kg/m2 respectively at EMC. Monotek Sheets are classified as a Light Weight Wall Cladding (not exceeding 30kg/m2) in accordance with NZS 3604. 10.3 SHEET SIZES Nominal sizes of Monotek Sheets are specified in Table 5. Table 5 Monotek Sheet sizes — 7.5mm and 9mm Two edges step recessed (2 long edges) Length (mm) Width (mm) 2450 1200 2700 1200 3000 1200 10.4 DURABILITY Monotek Sheets, when installed and maintained as per the technical specification, will meet the durability requirements for claddings as required in the NZBC Approved Document B2 ‘Durability’. 10.4.1 Resistance to moisture/rotting Monotek Sheet demonstrates resistance to permanent moisture induced deterioration (rotting) and has passed the following tests in accordance with AS/NZS 2908.2: • Water Permeability (Clause 8.2.2) • Warm Water (Clause 8.2.4) • Heat Rain (Clause 6.5) • Soak Dry (Clause 8.2.5) 10.4.2 Resistance to fire James Hardie recommended safe working practices Monotek Sheet is classified as ‘Non-Combustible Material’ which is suitable for use as external cladding and complies with Performance C3.7 of the NZBC Clause C3 Fire Affecting Areas Beyond the Fire Source. CUTTING OUTDOORS 10.4.3 Alpine regions BEST In regions subject to freeze/thaw conditions, Monotek Sheet must not be in direct contact with snow or ice build up for extended periods, e.g. external walls in alpine regions must be protected where snow drifts over winter is expected. • Score and snap • Hand guillotine The Monotek Sheet has been tested in accordance with AS/NZS 2908.2 Clause 8.2.3. 11 Safe working practices DO NOT BREATHE DUST AND CUT ONLY IN WELL VENTILATED AREA James Hardie products contain respirable crystalline silica which is considered by some international authorities to be a cause of cancer from some occupational sources. Breathing excessive amounts of respirable silica dust can also cause a disabling and potentially fatal lung disease called silicosis, and has been linked with other diseases. Some studies suggest smoking may increase these risks. During installation or handling: (1) work in outdoor areas with ample ventilation; (2) minimise dust when cutting by using either ‘Score and Snap’ knife, fibre cement shears or, where not feasible, use a HardieBlade™ Saw Blade and dust-reducing circular saw attached to a HEPA vacuum; (3) warn others in the immediate area to avoid breathing dust; (4) wear a properly-fitted, approved dust mask or respirator (e.g. P1 or P2) in accordance with applicable government regulations and manufacturer instructions to further limit respirable silica exposures. During clean-up, use HEPA vacuums or wet cleanup methods - never dry sweep. For further information, refer to our installation instructions and Safety Data Sheets available at www. FAILURE TO ADHERE TO OUR WARNINGS, SAFETY DATA SHEETS, AND INSTALLATION INSTRUCTIONS MAY LEAD TO SERIOUS PERSONAL INJURY OR DEATH. Position cutting station so that wind will blow dust away from user or others in working area. Use one of the following methods based on the required cutting rate: • Fibreshear GOOD • D ust reducing circular saw equipped with HardieBlade™ Saw Blade and HEPA vacuum extraction. CUTTING INDOORS • C ut only using score and snap, hand guillotine or fibreshears (manual, electric or pneumatic). • Position cutting station in well-ventilated area REBATING/DRILLING/OTHER MACHINING When rebating, drilling or machining you should always wear a P1 or P2 dust mask and warn others in the immediate area. 1. F or maximum protection (lowest respirable dust production), James Hardie recommends always using “Best” — level cutting methods where feasible 2. NEVER use a power saw indoors 3. N EVER use a circular saw blade that does not carry the HardieBlade™ logo 4. N EVER dry sweep — Use wet suppression or HEPA Vacuum 5. NEVER use grinders 6. A LWAYS follow tool manufacturer’s safety recommendations P1 or P2 respirators can be used in conjunction with above cutting practices to further reduce dust exposures. Additional exposure information is available at to help you determine the most appropriate cutting method for your job requirements. If concern still exists about exposure levels or you do not comply with the above practices, you should always consult a qualified industrial hygienist or contact James Hardie for further information. Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 9 Working instructions Storage and handling Refer to recommended Safe Working Practices before starting any cutting or machining of product. All James Hardie building products should be stored to avoid damage, with edges and corners of the sheets protected from chipping. Score and snap Score and Snap is a fast and efficient method of cutting the product using special tungsten tipped Score and Snap knife. Preferably score on the face side of the product. Score against a straight edge and repeat the action to obtain adequate depth for clean break – normally 1/3 of sheet thickness. Snap upwards to achieve break. Smooth any rough edges with a rasp. Hand guillotine Make guillotine cut on the off-cut side of line to allow for the thickness of the blade. Fibreshear heavy duty An electrically powered, fast, clean and effortless way of cutting James Hardie building products, especially around curves such as archways. Make Fibreshear cut on the “off-cut” side of the line to allow for the thickness of the shear. HardieBlade™ Saw Blade The HardieBlade™ Saw Blade used with a dust-reducing saw connected to a HEPA vacuum is ideal for fast, clean cutting of James Hardie fibre cement products. A dust-reducing saw uses a dust deflector or a dust collector connected to a vacuum system. When sawing, clamp a straight-edge to the sheet as a guide and run the saw base plate along the straight edge when making the cut. Hole-forming For smooth clean cut circular holes: Mark the centre of the hole on the sheet. Pre-drill a ‘pilot’ hole. Using the pilot hole as a guide, cut the hole to the appropriate diameter with a hole saw fitted to a heavy duty electric drill. For irregular holes: Small rectangular or circular holes can be cut by drilling a series of small holes around the perimeter of the hole then tapping out the waste piece from the sheet face. Tap carefully to avoid damage to sheets, ensuring that the sheet edges are properly supported. 10 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand James Hardie building products must be installed in a dry state and be protected from rain during transport and storage. The product must be laid flat under cover on a smooth level surface clear of the ground to avoid exposure to water or moisture, etc. Quality James Hardie conducts stringent quality checks to ensure that any product manufactured falls within our quality spectrum. It is the responsibility of the builder to ensure that the product meets aesthetic requirements before installation. James Hardie will not be responsible for rectifying obvious aesthetic surface variations following installation. 12 Accessories Accessories supplied by James Hardie Accessory Size (mm) Material/appearance Code Black compressible foam Inseal 3259 1.5mm thick 300767 50mm 50m roll 80mm 50m roll HardieFlex™ nail — 5kg 60 x 3.15 ø 316 Stainless Steel 302782 HardieFlex™ nail — 5kg 60 x 3.15 ø Hot Dip Galvanised 302784 7.5mm Horizontal Flashing 3000 long uPVC/Bone colour 302256 9mm Horizontal Flashing 3000 long uPVC/Bone colour 302257 Horizontal 180º 100 long uPVC/Bone colour 301921 50 x 50 uPVC/Bone colour 301920 Vent Strip 3000 long uPVC 302490 Corner Underflashing 50 x 50mm 3000 long uPVC/Bone colour 303745 HardieBlade™ Saw Blade 4 tooth - 184mm Diamond Tipped 300660 300769 Flashing Jointer Corner 90º Flashing Jointer Accessories not supplied by James Hardie James Hardie recommends the following products for use in conjunction with its Monotek® Sheet. James Hardie does not supply these products. Please contact component manufacturer for information on their warranties and further information on their products. SEALANT Accessory Size (mm) Material/appearance HardieFlex™ nail 40 x 2.8mm ø 316 Stainless Steel HardieFlex™ nail 40 x 2.8mm ø Hot Dip Galvanised Flexible sealant e.g. Sikaflex AT Facade or similar Tube Cured Ruberised compound PEF rod or expandable foam Polyethylene foam Plastic/foam Flashing tape Tyvek, Protecto wrap or similar Proprietary tape to adhere to building underlay Synthetic paper Flashing to Table 20 ‘E2/AS1’ Refer Figure 14 Inseal 3109 Sealing Strip 19 x 10 Black compressible foam Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 11 13 Details Various details outlined in the following table are available on pages 13 to 34. Table 6 Details DESCRIPTION 12 FIGURE PAGE Cavity framing and batten setout Figure 1 13 Cavity batten fixing Figure 2 14 Cavity sheet fixing setout Figure 3 15 Control joint setout Figure 4 16 Cavity concrete footing Figure 5 17 Cavity vertical flush joint setout Figure 6 17 Cavity vertical control joint setout Figure 7 18 Cavity external corner Figure 8 18 Cavity internal corner Figure 9 19 Cavity soffit detail Figure 10 19 Cavity window sill Figure 11 20 Cavity window head Figure 12 20 Cavity window jamb Figure 13 21 Cavity head flashing termination Figure 14 22 Cavity horizontal control joint Figure 15 23 Cavity ‘h’ mould joiner and corner Figure 16 24 Cavity flush stopped horizontal joint Figure 17 25 Cavity one piece apron flashing joint Figure 18 26 Cavity enclosed balustrade to wall Figure 19 27 Cavity one piece gutter/wall junction Figure 20 28 Cavity parapet flashing Figure 21 29 Cavity deck junction Figure 22 29 Cavity pipe penetration Figure 23 30 Cavity meter box at head Figure 24 30 Cavity meter box at sill Figure 25 31 Cavity meter box at jamb Figure 26 31 Cavity at enclosed deck Figure 27 32 Cavity balustrade to wall junction Figure 28 32 Cavity enclosed balustrade to wall Figure 29 33 Cavity drained flashing joint Figure 30 34 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 1: Cavity framing and batten setout Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 13 Figure 2: Cavity batten fixing 14 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 3: Cavity sheet fixing setout Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 15 Figure 4: Control joint setout 16 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 5: Cavity concrete footing Figure 6: Cavity vertical flush joint setout Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 17 Figure 7: Cavity vertical control joint setout Figure 8: Cavity external corner 18 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 9: Cavity internal corner Figure 10: Cavity soffit detail Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 19 Figure 11: Cavity window sill Figure 12: Cavity window head 20 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 13: Cavity window jamb Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 21 Figure 14: Cavity head flashing termination 22 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 15: Cavity horizontal control joint Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 23 Figure 16: Cavity ‘h’ mould joiner and corner 24 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 17: Cavity flush stopped horizontal joint Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 25 Figure 18: Cavity one piece apron flashing joint 26 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 19: Cavity enclosed balustrade to wall Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 27 Figure 20: Cavity one piece gutter/wall junction 28 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 21: Cavity parapet flashing Figure 22: Cavity deck junction Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 29 Figure 23: Cavity pipe penetration Figure 24: Cavity meter box at head 30 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 25: Cavity meter box at sill Figure 26: Cavity meter box at jamb Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 31 Figure 27: Cavity at enclosed deck Figure 28: Cavity balustrade to wall junction 32 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Figure 29: Cavity enclosed balustrade to wall Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand 33 Figure 30: Cavity drained flashing joint 34 Monotek® Sheet Technical Specification August 2014 New Zealand Product Warranty August 2014 Warranty: James Hardie New Zealand (“James Hardie”) warrants for a period of 15 years from the date of purchase that the Monotek® Sheet (the “Product”), will be free from defects due to defective factory workmanship or materials and, subject to compliance with the conditions below, will be resistant to cracking, rotting, fire and damage from termite attacks to the extent set out in James Hardie’s relevant published literature current at the time of installation. James Hardie warrants for a period of 15 years from the date of purchase that the accessories supplied by James Hardie will be free from defects due to defective factory workmanship or materials. Nothing in this document shall exclude or modify any legal rights a customer may have under the Consumer Guarantees Act or otherwise which cannot be excluded or modified at law. CONDITIONS OF WARRANTY: The warranty is strictly subject to the following conditions: a)James Hardie will not be liable for breach of warranty unless the claimant provides proof of purchase and makes a written claim either within 30 days after the defect would have become reasonably apparent or, if the defect was reasonably apparent prior to installation, then the claim must be made prior to installation. b) This warranty is not transferable. c)The Product must be installed and maintained strictly in accordance with the relevant James Hardie literature current at the time of installation and must be installed in conjunction with the components or products specified in the literature. Further, all other products, including coating and jointing systems, applied to or used in conjunction with the Product must be applied or installed and maintained strictly in accordance with the relevant manufacturer’s instructions and good trade practice. d)The project must be designed and constructed in strict compliance with all relevant provisions of the current New Zealand Building Code (“NZBC”), regulations and standards. e)The claimant’s sole remedy for breach of warranty is (at James Hardie’s option) that James Hardie will either supply replacement product, rectify the affected product or pay for the cost of the replacement or rectification of the affected product. f)James Hardie will not be liable for any losses or damages (whether direct or indirect) including property damage or personal injury, consequential loss, economic loss or loss of profits, arising in contract or negligence or howsoever arising. Without limiting the foregoing James Hardie will not be liable for any claims, damages or defects arising from or in any way attributable to poor workmanship, poor design or detailing, settlement or structural movement and/or movement of materials to which the Product is attached, incorrect design of the structure, acts of God including but not limited to earthquakes, cyclones, floods or other severe weather conditions or unusual climatic conditions, efflorescence or performance of paint/coatings applied to the Product, normal wear and tear, growth of mould, mildew, fungi, bacteria, or any organism on any Product surface or Product (whether on the exposed or unexposed surfaces). g)All warranties, conditions, liabilities and obligations other than those specified in this warranty are excluded to the fullest extent allowed by law. h)If meeting a claim under this warranty involves re-coating of Products, there may be slight colour differences between the original and replacement Products due to the effects of weathering and variations in materials over time. Disclaimer: The recommendations in James Hardie’s literature are based on good building practice, but are not an exhaustive statement of all relevant information and are subject to conditions (c), (d), (f) and (g) above. James Hardie has tested the performance of the Monotek Sheet when installed in accordance with the Monotek Sheet technical specification, in accordance with the standards and verification methods required by the NZBC and those test results demonstrate the product complies with the performance criteria established by the NZBC. However, as the successful performance of the relevant system depends on numerous factors outside the control of James Hardie (e.g. quality of workmanship and design) James Hardie shall not be liable for the recommendations made in its literature and the performance of the relevant system, including its suitability for any purpose or ability to satisfy the relevant provisions of the NZBC, regulations and standards as it is the responsibility of the building designer to ensure that the details and recommendations provided in the relevant James Hardie installation manual are suitable for the intended project and that specific design is conducted where appropriate. Copyright August 2014. © James Hardie New Zealand. TM and ® denote a trademark or registered mark owned by James Hardie Technology Limited. Ask James HardieTM I Call 0800 808 868 I Copyright August 2014. © James Hardie New Zealand. TM and ® denotes a Trademark or Registered Mark owned by James Hardie Technology Limited.
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