September 2016
September 2016
South County Senior Center News September 2016 67 North Main Street, South Deerfield, MA 01373 Senior Center is open Monday, Wednesday, and Friday from 9:00 am - 2:00 pm. Director Marlene Johnson Phone: 413-665-2141 Sue Corey, Program Coordinator Phone: 413-665-9508 Elaine Culver: LifePath Dining Center Manager Phone:413-665-5063. For lunch reservations call before 10:45 am two days prior, or sign up by the first Monday of the week by 10:30 AM. Menu and more information is on Dining Center welcomes those who are 60 years and above with their spouses of any age. A donation of $2.50 per meal is suggested. For Meals on Wheels call LifePath Inc at 773-5555 x 2216. The mission of the South County Senior Center is to identify and meet the nutritional, social, intellectual, health, and safety needs of elders from Deerfield, Sunderland, and Whately through the presentation of activities and services in a safe and comfortable environment. Discover a world of possibilities at South County Senior Center. A Note from the Director I can not believe how hot August was, I understand that August is supposed to be a hot month but this was ridiculous. Moving onto September will probably be a little cooler and the breeze crisper. On Monday, September 5th, the center will be closed in observance of Labor Day and to help celebrate Labor Day the Whately Congregational Church on 177 Chestnut Plain Rd will be having their 24th Annual Chicken BBQ. Tickets avaialbe at LaSalle Florist 665-2653 or Whately Cong. Church (adults 12.00 & child 5.00). Walk-ins are welcome. The Friends of Franklin County Regional Dog Shelter are looking for donations. For complete list please call Marlene at 665-2141 or Sue at 665-9508. All donations can be brought to the center or drop off at 10 Sandy Lane, Turners Falls MA From September 7th through October 26th, LifePath will be offering a interactive workshop series designed to help adults reduce their fear of falling and learn how to be safer. For more information or to register please contact Marcus Chiaretto, at LifePath 773-5555 ext 2304 Tuesday September 13th, Franklin County Sheriff’s Office TRIAD Division will be having their Fall Picnic at Schuetzen Verein Grounds in Gill. Picnic starts at 11:00 with Fire Safety Presentation, followed by Lunch at 12:00 and “Singing Trooper” Dan Clark at 1:00. Tickets are $6.00 and available through your TRIAD Officers. I hope that everyone will join us for our 2nd annual Murder Mystery Luncheon “Trial and Error” presented by Comedy for the Ages, written by Steve Henderson, Thursday, Sept 22nd beginning at 11:30. Tickets are free through our wonderful sponsors and supported in part by grants from the Local Cultural Councils of Deerfield, Sunderland and Whately, local agencies which are supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. NO TICKETS AT DOOR. Must sign up by September16th Board of Oversight Jonathan Edwards Whately Tom Fydenkevez Sunderland Trevor McDaniel Deerfield Starting on September 26th and continuing every other Monday after that, John Berkowitz will be conducting “Living Fully, Aging Gracefully” support group from 6:30 pm-9:00 pm here at SCSC. For more information please call 665-2141 or 6659508 Please remember that if you have any questions, or concerns my door is always open. Marlene TRANSPORTATION INFORMATION Deerfield & Whately: Franklin Regional Transit Authority (FRTA) “Demand Response” Van available for seniors 60+ on Monday, Wednesday and Friday between 9-4 for pick up/drop off to your home address. Reserve ride for your destination by calling 413774-2262 at least 48 hours in advance. Weekly van trips to Big Y are available on Monday mornings. Cost start at $1.50. Franklin Cty Home Care clients ride for free anywhere. Rides to South County Senior Center are 1/2 fare. Fixed Routes (large bus) have designated stops in Franklin and Hampshire County. Seniors show ID and pay 1/2 fare. Brochures available at Senior Center. Sunderland: Provided by Pioneer Valley Transit Authority (PVTA) and Hulmes Transportation. Call 413-739-7436 preferably 2 days in advance or more. Services for seniors are Mon-Fri. 8:30-4:30. More days and times available with approval through Call Springfield for information at 413-732-6248 ext. 214. Fee $2.50$3.50. American’s with Disability Act (ADA) The FRTA's ADA Paratransit Services are for disabled individuals who are live within 3/4 mile of our fixed route and cannot navigate or access our fixed route service due to their disability. Transportation is provided from your point of origin to your destination point and is available only during regular operating hours. ADA service is available on a "next day basis", but costs twice the fare amount of our regular fixed route service. Please contact our office at (413) 774-2262 if you would like an application sent to you. Med-Ride Program: Available to medical apt. outside the county for ambulatory elders 60+ who reside in Franklin County (not Sunderland). Volunteer drivers provide transportation using their own vehicles. Available Mon-Fri. 8am-5pm. For more information and to schedule ride, please call 413-774-2262 or 1-888-3012262. Dial “0” for customer service. Many thanks for recent donations from: Atlas farm, Bars Farm, Pat Blakeslee, Jeff & Jane Upton, Walter Kurtyka, Richard Petrauskas, Dutch & Betty Turner, Walter & Ruth Sadowsky, Tri-County Beach Committee, Helen Stone, Maryann Sadoski, & Henrietta Kocot South County Senior Center receives funding from Life Path Inc. through a Title III Grant provided by Executive Office of Elder Affairs for the Tai Chi program. While there is no set fee, donations are encouraged to assist in funding these classes. *** Health Information *** NURSE is available at the Deerfield Town Hall on Wednesdays from 10-2. No appointment needed. SHINE “Serving Health Care Information for Everyone” counselor from LifePath is available for appointments in Turner’s Falls Please call 7735555 or SCSC 413- 655-2141. Free Collection of Drugs: Safely dispose unwanted medications at the Police Stations in Deerfield and Sunderland. No questions asked. Amherst Survival Center Free Health Clinic, 138 Sunderland Rd (just off 116) is open to everyone on Mon. 12:30 - 1:30 pm and on Thurs. from 5- 6 pm. Ph.: 549-3968. Many more programs too! AEIOU Urgent Medical Care for minor illness and injury. Most insurances accepted and self-pay fee starts at $135. Located at 170 University Dr. in Amherst, Phone 461-3530 and 489 Bernardston Rd. in Greenfield, Phone 773-1394 Triad of Franklin County has many assistive programs for seniors including: 911 emergency cell phones, medical equipment loans, house identification numbers, smoke and carbon monoxide detectors, food and pet food needs, File of Life information cards, wellbeing checks and patrol stops to your home, and more. Call 774-4726. Community Health Care of Franklin County offers medical and dental care to all ages, regardless of insurance status or income. Located in Turners Falls, Orange, and Greenfield. Call: 413-325-8500 LifePath Inc. offers assistance through the Benefits Counseling program for income eligible seniors age 60 and up. Also, they can help file applications for fuel assistance and find additional ways to save you money. Call 413-773-5555 or email: info@ Interested in volunteering? Join RSVP (the Retired and Senior Volunteer Program) and help to support nonprofits in your community. If you are over 55 and have a few hours each week or month to volunteer your time, experience, interests and talents, we have dozens of opportunities with area organizations that need you. RSVP is a federal Senior Corps program, sponsored locally by the Hampshire Council of Governments, working with 58 non-profits and over 600 volunteers I Hampshire and Franklin Counties. Contact Pat Sicard, or call 413584-1300 x183 . RSVP offers free liability insurance to all volunteers, mileage reimbursement if needed and other benefits Workshops 9/28/16 On Wednesday September 28th, at 12:30 Avada Hearing will be here at the center to provide free hearing test, if interest please call the center at 665-2141. September Events 9/1/16 Brown Bag at the Deerfield Town Hall 12:30-1:30 9/7/16 Hooks & Needles at 10:45 and 9/21/16 at 1:00-3:00 9/8/16 Cribbage Tourney at 9:30 9/14/16 Sewing Group from 1:003:00 & 9/28/16 at 1:00-3:00 9/12, 9/19 & 9/26/16 Water Painting with Nancy Howell 9/19/16 We will be sharing our favorite recipes for our new cook book. Please come by and share your favorite recipe at 10:45 9/21/16 Author Zane Kotker will join us on 9/21/16 at 11:00 to read from her new novella “Goodnight Ladies” 9/22/16 Murder Mystery luncheon see Director Notes & Highlights section for more information 9/27/16 Big-E Trip. Leaving the center at 8:30 approximately arriving back by 3:00 Veterans Agent Hours The towns of Deerfield, Whately, & Sunderland have outreach hours at the senior center. An agent will be available at the South County Senior Center on the 3rd Wednesday of every month from 12:30pm-2pm. They will provide information on veterans benefits for veterans and their dependents and schedule one on one appointment with folks as needed. Please call the Department of Veterans Services at 772-1571 or center at 665-2141 . Farm Stand Fridays Every Friday from 11-1pm we have free vegetables available at the center for seniors donated by Atlas Farm Stand in South Deerfield . August Cribbage Tourney Winner Walter “Gator” Sadowsky Travel Club: 9/20/16 “Foxwoods” with Travel Kuz Meet at red Roof Inn at 7:40 AM/Return 7:00 PM 9/27/16 Trip to the Big E. Leaving the center at 8:30. If interested please see Sue or Marlene or call the center at 665-2141 or 665-9508 Rene & Dottie Fifield Celebrate 60th Anniversary Before the season ends, I want to take this opportunity to thank both Atlas Farms and Bars Farm for all their vegetable donations to the center. September 2016 Monday 29) Tuesday 30) 9:00 Card Games 10:00 Exercise 10:45 LRC Tourney 12:00 Gr. Chicken 1:00 Water Painting w/Nancy Howell 5) Wednesday 31) Movie “Contact” w/ Matthew McConaughey Thursday 1) 9:00 Card Games 10:00 Exercise 10:45 Favorite Photo 12:00 Shepherd’s Pie 1:00 Social Hour Brown Bag 12:30-1:30 Town Hall 10:45– Seated Yoga Nurse– Town Hall 10-2 6) 7) Labor Day 9) 15) 10:45– Seated Yoga 16) 9:00 Card Games 9:30 Bingo 9:30 Tai Chi 10:30 Healthy Bones and Balance (Osteo) 12:00 Sliced BBQ Pork 12:00 Birthday Celebration 1:00 Social hour 22) 23) Nurse– Town Hall 10-2 12) 13) FCSO 9:00 Card Games 10:00 Exercise TRIAD 10:45 Pokeno 12:00 S & S MeatFall Picnic balls 1:00 Water Painting Schuetzen Verens w/Nancy Howell in Gill 14) 9:00 Card Games 10:00 Exercise 11:00 Singing w/ Sara 12:00 Potato Fish Filet 1-3 Sewing Group Nurse- Town Hall 10-2 Tickets $ 6. 19) 20) 9:00 Card Games Foxwoods Trip 10:00 Exercise 10:45 Recipe Sharing Meet at Red Roof 12:00 Mac & Cheese Inn at 7:40 am 1:00 Water Painting Approx. return 7pm w/Nancy Howell $30 21) 9:00 Card Games 10:00 Exercise 11:00 Author Zane Kotker-Good Night Ladies 12:00 Gr. Chicken 1-3 Hook & Needle 9:00 Card Games 10:00 Exercise 10:45 Senior Medicare Patrol 12:00 Sloppy Joes 1:00 Water Painting w/Nancy Howell 27) Trip to Big E Leave center at 8:30 approx. return 3pm 9:00 Card Games 9:30 Bingo 9:30 Tai Chi 10:30 Healthy Bones and Balance (Osteo) 12:00 Marinated Beef Tips 1:00 Social hour Murder Mystery 9:00 Card Games Luncheon 9:30 Bingo See Director’s Notes for more info. Veteran’s Hours 12:30-2:00 pm 9:30 Tai Chi 10:30 Healthy Bones and Balance (Osteo) 10:45– Seated Yoga 12:00 Chicken & Rice Foot Doctor at Town Casserole 1:00 Social hour Hall Call 665-9508 For appointment 28) 29) Nurse– Town Hall 10-2 26) 2) 9:00 Card Games 9:30 Bingo 9:30 Tai Chi 10:30 Healthy Bones and Balance (Osteo) 12:00 Chicken Ala King 1:00 Social hour 8) 10:45– Seated Yoga 9:00 Card Games 10:00 Exercise 9:30 Cribbage 10:45 Hook & Needle Tourney 12:00 Gr. Chicken 1:00 Social Hour Closed Friday 9:00 Card Games 10:00 Exercise 10:45 Name that Tune with Fuzzy 12:00 Roast Turkey 12:30 Avada HearingFree hearing tests 1:00 Sewing Group Nurse– Town Hall 10-2 30) 10:45– Seated Yoga 9:00 Card Games 9:30 Bingo 9:30 Tai Chi 10:30 Healthy Bones and Balance (Osteo) 12:00 Meatloaf 1:00 Social hour September 2016 Highlights The Town Nurse is available at the Town Hall from 10am -2pm every Wed. for all residents of Deerfield. Seated Yoga with Marcia Gobeil for seniors is held at the Center on Thurs. from 10:45-11:45. $8 walk in or $36 for six weeks. Call 665-2141 for more info. Brown Bag will be Thurs, September 1st. Pick up from 12:30-1:30 at the Deerfield Town Hall. Bingo every Friday starting at 9:30. All seniors welcome. Tai Chi (9:30) and Healthy Bones and Balance (10:30) classes on Fridays, with Marcia Gobeil. Open to adults 55+ at no charge. (Donations accepted). We will be CLOSED on Monday September 5th for Labor Day. Water Color painting Classes on Mondays starting September 12th, 1-3 pm for the Month of September and October with Nancy Howell. $15 for the 8 week course or $3 per class. Wednesday, September 7th at 10:45 and 21st from 1-3pm , our Hook and Needles Group meets. Anyone who enjoys knitting or crocheting is invited to meet and share their project ideas . Cribbage Tournament, Thursday, September 8th at 9:30. “Wally Gator” Sadowsky won the crown from Richard Petrauskas, who had held the crown for the last two months. Everyone plays each person once. The person with the most wins takes the crown and monthly prize. Come join the fun. All Welcome. Monday, September 12th at 10:45 is Pokeno . It is a Bingo game played with a deck of cards. Tuesday, September 13th at 11:00am, the Franklin County Sheriff’s Office TRIAD Picnic at Schuetzen Verein Ground in Gill. Tickets at $6 and available through TRIAD officers. Wednesday, September 14th at 11:00, Sara Snyder will be at the center for Singing with Sara. Sara has a MA in music and specializes in vintage tunes. This program is made possible through generous grants from the Deerfield, Whately and Sunderland Cultural Councils. Wednesday, September 14th and 28th from 1-3 pm., our Sewing Group will be meeting. Carol Steele will lead and assist with sewing projects. All levels of ability are welcome. A Birthday Celebration for all September Birthdays will be on Friday, September 16th. Birthday cake provided by NE Health Center, ice cream donated by Poet Seat Care Center and piano music by Jay Stryker. Monday, September 19th at 10:45 we would like everyone to bring in their favorite recipes that have been handed down for generations. We would like to gather enough recipes AND their stories to create a book to sell and raise money for the Senior Center. Tuesday, September 20th, a group from our center is going to Foxwoods with Travel Kuz. $30 for bonus package ride plus money to play. Bingo is 10:30-2pm. Leave Red Roof Inn at 7:50am and approx. return, 7pm. Call Sue at 665-9508 to sign up or have questions.. Author Zane Kotker will join us Wed., Sept. 21st at 11:00 am to read from her new novella, Goodnight, Ladies, being published Sept. 7th by Off the Common Press of Amherst. Her novella is about three women who have turned 70 and don’t know what to do about it. All welcome. Veterans Agent Hours every third Wednesday from 12:30-2pm. A veteran service officer will be available Wednesday, September 21st for all veterans and beneficiaries. No appointment necessary. Murder Mystery Luncheon “Trial and Error” presented by Comedy for the Ages, written by Steve Henderson, Thursday, Sept 22nd beginning at 11:30. Tickets are free through our wonderful sponsors and supported in part by grants from the Local Cultural Councils of Deerfield, Sunderland and Whately, local agencies which are supported by the Massachusetts Cultural Council. NO TICKETS AT DOOR. Must sign up by September16th. Dr. Coby will be in the town nurse’s office for the Foot Clinic on Thursday., September 22nd. Please call the senior center at 665-9508 in advance for appointment. Senior Medicare Patrol will provide an informational program on Medicare on Mon. Sept. 26th at 10:45 am. Please sing up with Sue at 665-9508. Tuesday, September 27th we will be taking a trip to the BIG E. Space limited. Leaving center at 8:30 am. Please sign up at center or call Marlene or Sue at 665-2141. Wednesday, September 28th at 10:45 we will be having “Name That Tune” with Fuzzy. Jon Persson will sing/play tunes for people to guess at the name and artist. Wednesday, September 28th, beginning at 12:30 pm, Avada Hearing will be available for FREE hearing tests. South County Senior Center Photos It looks like Betty Turner, is enjoying the music by Jay Striker while hugging hubby Dutch Turner On 8/9/16 Steven Helgerson, enjoyed an impromptu visit to Fish Tails in Hatfield
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