Acuren`s Vision - Saskatchewan Mining Association


Acuren`s Vision - Saskatchewan Mining Association
Acuren’s Vision:
“To be a Trusted Partner by Providing Programs that clearly reduce our
client’s cost to operate.”
• Acuren is a leader in inspection and asset evaluation with non-destructive
evaluation (NDE, API), condition-based monitoring and reliability services,
materials engineering & rope access solutions.
• We’ve been extending client asset life for 30+ years with a strong regional
presence in Canada and the US.
• Acuren employs over 3800 employees (over 1500 in Canada) equipped to
effectively support and execute your asset management programs.
• Acuren/Tacten have 100 full time employees in Saskatchewan working out of two
offices, Saskatoon and Regina.
• Acuren Group, Inc and Tacten Industrial, Inc are part of the Rockwood Group of
Companies which is the largest and fastest growing inspection firm in the world.
Materials Engineering & Failure Analysis
Conditions detected by NDE
API 579 – remain, repair or replace
Vibration and PdM condition monitoring services
Advanced diagnostics of equipment and structures
PM evaluation, asset criticality, failure modes and effects
analysis, RCFA, RCM, SCORE™ gap assessment, etc.
Design, asset management, remediation
Structural assessment, severity, repair & work flow.
Assess Damage, determine cause & responsibility
Expert Witness
Rope Access Inspection
NDE/API/CWB inspection
Maintenance solutions & trades work
Insulation, Asbestos, Heat Treat, Welding, Electrical, etc.
Field or laboratory
Rockwell, Brinell, Vickers, Microdur
Crane/Monorail Inspection & Certification
Field or laboratory spectrometers
PMI for alloy identification
Hardness Testing
Microscopic examination in field or by replica
Thermal degradation
Tensile, bend, Charpy impact
Chemical Analysis
Apply strain gauges on structures, pipes, etc.
Rotating torsional assessments
In-Situ Metallography & Mechanical Testing
Legal/Insurance & Fire Investigation
Materials, welding, coatings
At manufacturing plants & in the field
Stress Analysis and Strain Measurement
Structural Eng & Integrity Programs
Write & test weld procedures -- ASME, CSA, AWS
Field repair procedures
Reliability Engineering Services
Fracture surfaces, particulate, elemental X-ray analysis
Quality Assurance & Quality Control
Fitness for Service
Welding Engineering
SCC & HIC tests
Corrosion labs, field evaluations
Scanning Electron Microscopy
Corrosion Engineering
Alloy selection, write specifications
Field or laboratory services
Rope Inspection of Monorails
Engineering Certifications
Laser Scan Services
API 653 Tank inspection survey
Reverse Engineering
In-plant redlines and CAD support
What is Condition Based Monitoring (CBM)
Condition Based Monitoring is the process of continually monitoring equipment
health using predictive maintenance technologies and programs. It is a predictive
approach which allows for component deterioration to be recognized before
unexpected failure occurs.
Acuren’s objective is to
detect failures and
communicate to the
maintenance team for
providing an effective
maintenance strategy for
successful work flow and
virtually eliminating plant
Condition-Based Monitoring – The Journey to Excellence!
Fix it &
improve it
Fix it before
it breaks
Fix it after
it breaks
Fix it!
“One good thing, descending
should take less time and effort
than climbing.”
Condition-Based Monitoring – The Journey to Excellence!
• A solid reliability program and condition-based monitoring program requires
management leadership and buy in from EVERYONE. It’s a real team effort and
philosophy change!
• Management
• Operations
• Maintenance
• Quality Control
• Purchasing
• Rebuilders
• Procurement
• Engineering
• Even helpers!
CBM is the root of reliability success, companies are learning to be more
reliable because:
 Poor Plant Reliability = Low Safety!
 Low Plant Reliability = Low Quality
 Reactive Maintenance is “frustrating” and costs at least double to achieve 
erratic overtime, can’t find parts, no maintenance plan, total disruption.
 Unwanted downtime = Lost sales/revenue $$  Poor investor buy in,
decreased stock value, lost jobs, higher insurance, lower capital investments,
high employee turnover rate, smaller bonus, etc.
Reliable Equipment Will Save Money!
• Studies show moving towards predictive maintenance strategies can save
upwards of $9/HP.
• In a mine environment this can easily equate to $500,000 in direct annual
maintenance savings contributed to predictive maintenance.
• This is not accounting for plant downtime costs.
Reliability = SAFETY!
DuPont reported that the most likely person to be injured is:*
• A maintenance technician, with less than two years experience doing
reactive work.
Exxon-Mobil reported that accidents are:
• Five (5) times more likely in maintenance when doing breakdown
work than when planned and scheduled work**
In 66% of companies, greater than 60% of injuries occur while doing
reactive maintenance***
Pulp and Paper industry concluded you’re 28% more likely to have an
accident when maintenance work is reactive versus planned ***
…Rotating Equipment Randomly Fails by up to 89%
Vibration Analysis
Mechanical & Electrical Infrared
Acoustic Ultrasound
(Mech & Elec)
Oil Analysis
Motor Current Analysis
What is Vibration?
Vibration is the result of a random or periodic excitation force that results in motion
relative to a reference position.
Only a 20% decrease in overall
vibration will increase the life of
a ball bearing by 100%
Vibration Analysis – The
of Condition Monitoring
Narrow band Alarming
Full spectrum and time wave analysis
History Trending
Acoustical Ultrasound
Acoustical ultrasound (airborne & structure-borne) is used for several applications
such as electrical defects (corona, tracking & arcing), air/gas leak detection, bearing
health condition and of course lubrication condition as seen below…
Bearing Needs Grease!
Looking at Bearing in the Time
Domain as it is Lubricated.
UESystems Spectralyzer
Bearing got Fresh Grease!
Hear More…..
See More…..
Infrared thermography can be used for literally 1001 different inspections but in
heavy industry it’s renowned for electrical inspections on loose connections,
contactors, fuses, phase imbalance, heater coils, breakers, etc. In mechanical
applications; motor casings, pillow block bearings, gearbox casings, etc.
Special Applications: Steam Generator
inspection, GasFindIR, Furnace Scanning,
Operations Checks, Tank Levels, etc.
Oil Analysis and Lubrication Best Practices:
Oil analysis is an integral part to help confirm the asset health of several
components. Before good oil data can be sampled from the field a considerable
effort towards lubrication best practices should be achieved. Good lubrication
practices is a foundational element to a solid reliability program.
Good sampling techniques
Lubrication Assessment & Strategy
Good Data
Motor Current Analysis (MCA):
Often electrical defects are the root cause
of failure, even if the apparent cause is
mechanical. Critical motors should be
tested upon shipping/receiving, while in
service and after rebuild.
MCA can help detect:
• Stator condition
• Power Quality
• Rotor Condition
• Power Circuit Integrity
• Air gap concerns
• Insulation condition
• Bearing Defects
COMMUNICATIONS! You need a common place for common data…
Using several PdM technologies, software programs & department interaction requires
a common place or system for reporting and recording asset health status. Most
current CMMS systems are not designed to accommodate a reliability program with
the proper key performance indicators, asset health dashboards or the details &
history required to fix recommendations correctly the first time. Communication is
Key Performance Indicators:
Having a CMMS that can automatically provide KPI’s and program measurements is an
integral part to a reliability CBM program. You can’t improve what you don’t measure!
Advanced Vibration Diagnostic requirements are triggered from CBM history:
Fixed (Stationary) Assets – Structural Integrity…Another Reliability Incentive
Acuren has extensive knowledge and a competitive advantage of inspecting any type
of stationary equipment in the field from accessible entries or from rope access
(Tacten). As part of your risk based inspection program for structural steel, a strategy
is needed for:
PLAN: Follow a RBI strategy, issue the right
type of NDE/visual method for the least
cost and max pay back.
DO: A safety walk-down, inspect the
components using a certified crew &
calibrated equipment. Issue a report and
supply quantitative data if possible.
CHECK: verify conditions using quantitative
measurements (UT thickness or other) and a structural engineer to assess severity.
ACT: Issue repair sketches, redline drawings, client interaction and discussion,
implement maintenance workflow for repair.
Structural Inspection - Determine Severity:
Structural Integrity Crews Consists of:
Team lead Coordinator(s)
Data entry/document control
CAD technicians
Rope Access Crew, Scaffolding or Man-lift
NDE/API/CWB Inspectors
Structural Engineer support
There are severe consequences and business risks involved if you forget
structural integrity is also a part of a reliable facility!
• Safety may be jeopardized!
• Huge downtime consequences
• Lost revenues & increased insurances
• Large maintenance costs.
• Struggle for spare materials/parts.
• Lost revenues & increased insurances.
It Pays to Inspect!
CASE STUDY: Failed Pinion Bearing for a Rotary Dryer
• Structure-borne ultrasound readings detected a problem.
• Vibration analysis measurements also detected a problem.
• Thermography detected a slight temperature change.
Bearing 8 – Good bearing
Bearing 6 – defective bearing
Temperature Difference of only 5.7°C
• Visual damage was seen after removing the pillow block cap.
Spherical Roller
Bearing was
pushed out of the
outer race due to
high axial thrust
Bearing outer
race defect
• After further investigation it was found to be a successful finding.
• The true value of Condition-Based Monitoring!
Spherical Roller Bearing
Bearing Outer Race
Cost Avoidance for this Case Study:
Labour: 9 hours x 3 persons
Materials: one pillow block ass’y
Downtime: 13 hours @ $50,000/hr
TOTAL: $654,000
Labour: 336 hours x 3 persons
Labour OT: 168 hours x 3 persons
Materials: two pillow block ass’y
one machined/hardened shaft
one pinion
Sub-contracted services:
Alignment of rotary drum
Grinding of support ring (misaligned).
Downtime: 14 days @ $50,000/hr
TOTAL: $17,000,000
CBM can Save Money!
ACUREN Condition Monitoring Services
Hughes Arseneau, Dean Stephens, Andrew Costain
November 6th, 2014