2013 Directory - Mississippi Entrepreneur Resource Networks
2013 Directory - Mississippi Entrepreneur Resource Networks
Mississippi’s Planning and Development Districts 2013 Directory Mississippi Association of Planning and Development Districts www.mspdds.com Mississippi’s Planning and Development Districts 2013 Directory Mississippi Association of Planning and Development Districts Post Office Box 4935 - Jackson, MS 39296-4935 www.mspdds.com The Directory of Mississippi’s Planning and Development Districts is a publication of the Mississippi Association of Planning and Development Districts. This document may contain material to which the Mississippi Association of Planning and Development Districts maintains copyright protection. No part of this document shall be copied without the advance written permission of this Association. Planning & Development Districts Central MS PDD North Delta PDD F. Clarke Holmes Chief Executive Officer PO Box 4935 Jackson, MS 39296-4935 Tel: (601) 981-1511 Fax: (601 981-1515 cholmes@cmpdd.org James Curcio Executive Director PO Box 1488 Batesville, MS 38606 Tel: (662) 561- 4100 Fax: (662) 561- 4112 jcurcio@ndpdd.com no Interim photo available Executive Director 9229 Hwy. 49 Gulfport, MS 39503 Tel: (228) 868-2311 Fax: (228) 868-7094 www.smpdd.com East Central PDD Northeast MS PDD Southwest MS PDD Bill Richardson Executive Director PO Box 499 Newton, MS 39345 Tel: (601) 683-2007 Fax: (601) 683-7873 mail@ecpdd.org Sharon Gardner Executive Director PO Box 600 Booneville, MS 38829 Tel: (662) 728-6248 Fax: (662) 728-2417 sgardner@nempdd.com Wirt L. Peterson Executive Director 100 S. Wall St. Natchez, MS 39120 Tel: (601) 446-6044 Fax: (601) 446-6071 wpeterson1@bellsouth.net Golden Triangle PDD South Delta PDD Three Rivers PDD Rupert “Rudy” Johnson Executive Director PO Box 828 Starkville, MS 39760-0828 Tel: (662) 324-7860 Fax: (662) 324-7328 rjohnson@gtpdd.com William B. “Billy” Haney, Jr. Executive Director PO Box 1776 Greenville, MS 38702 Tel: (662) 378-3831 Fax: (662) 378-3834 sdpdd@bellsouth.net Vernon R. “Randy” Kelley Executive Director PO Box 690 Pontotoc, MS 38863 Tel: (662) 489-2415 Fax: (662) 489-6815 vrk@trpdd.com North Central PDD Steve Russell Executive Director 28 Industrial Park Boulevard Winona, MS 38967-8709 Tel: (662) 283-2675 Fax: (662) 283-5875 srussell@ncpdd.org Southern MS PDD 2013 DISTRICT DIRECTORY Narrative ............................................................. 2 Services ............................................................... 6 Central Mississippi PDD ...................................... 8 East Central PDD ................................................ 12 Golden Triangle PDD .......................................... 15 North Central PDD ............................................. 19 North Delta PDD ................................................ 22 Northeast Mississippi PDD ................................ 26 South Delta PDD ............................................... 29 Southern Mississippi PDD ................................ 32 Southwest Mississippi PDD .............................. 36 Three Rivers PDD .............................................. 39 OVER 40 YEARS OF SERVICE TO LOCAL GOVERNMENTS Organization The ten Planning and Development Districts in Mississippi were created by local governments in the late 1960s in an attempt to address problems and issues on a multi-jurisdictional basis. In creating these organizations, technical assistance was provided by the then Office of Federal State Programs under the administration of Governor John Bell Williams. There also were federal matching grant incentives to the Districts, as well as to the local governments, if they met and maintained certain eligibility criteria, especially in the area of economic development. In 1971, in an attempt to standardize regional economic development and planning boundaries, Governor Williams issued Executive Order 81 designating the Planning and Development Districts as Mississippi’s official sub-state regions. This order also designated the Districts as the agencies to provide project notification and review under the U.S. Office of Management and Budget Circular A-95, thus insuring that federally funded projects were in accord with local plans and did not produce duplication. The Planning and Development Districts still play the same basic role, but they are governed by Federal Executive Order 12371 rather than Budget Circular A-95. Each Planning and Development District is an independent organization governed by a Board of Directors appointed by local government officials. The Governing Board of the District is composed of members from each county who are appointed by the respective county boards of supervisors, elected county officials, business or industrial leaders, and representatives of the minority community. Other members may be mayors or other local elected officials. Most Districts operate through an active committee system which may involve many other persons, not necessarily members of the Board of Directors. The Districts are managed by an Executive Director who is responsible to the Board of Directors, and the Districts are staffed not only by administrative and clerical personnel, but also by specialists in such areas as planning, economic development, community development, job training, social services, transportation, data processing, and gerontology. Programs and Services Since each District represents a distinctly different region of the state, its activities, projects, and programs are somewhat different. There are, however, many common functions provided in a very similar manner by each District. ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT One of the principal functions of each Planning and Development District is economic development. Each District is designated by either the Economic Development Administration of the Department of Commerce or the Appalachian Regional Commission as the federally recognized organization to perform economic develop- Auto Assembly Line -2- Water/Sewer System Project ment, planning, and other related functions. The USDA Rural Development Administration is another major source of economic development assistance and most recently, the Delta Regional Authority was created using the same sub-state structure. Unlike some organizations which view economic development in a limited or specific manner, the Districts attempt to promote long-term job creation in the broadest sense. Each District develops annually a Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy which not only is required by state law (see the Statewide Economic Development and Planning Act of 1987), but is essential in maintaining eligibility for various federally funded programs. These programs primarily aid local communities with such public facilities as streets, water and sewer systems, and other infrastructure necessary to promote business and industrial growth. The vast majority of industrial parks in this state were developed with some form of federal assistance provided through Planning and Development Districts. Maintaining eligibility for funding also provides an opportunity to receive technical assistance grants and various types of loan programs. While they may vary from region to region, there are numerous other economic development activities provided by the Districts. For example, the Districts provide statistical and economic information and analysis to potential business and industrial -3- ventures. They also furnish information and assistance to cities and counties to aid them in being competitive and in building capacity so that they can assist with economic growth. The Planning and Development Districts were the first organizations in Mississippi to integrate geographic information systems into their routine data management and mapping procedures. LOAN PROGRAMS All Districts have an active Revolving Loan Program. This program consists of grants, made to the Districts through a variety of federal agencies, to be loaned (usually in conjunction with other public or private financing) to businesses and industries to help in start ups or expansions. These loans are made at very attractive rates and when they are repaid, the funds are reloaned to other businesses for commercial and/or industrial development activities. The money, therefore, stays in the area and continues to be a very viable economic development tool. Another loan program available to the Planning and Development Districts is the Small Business Administration 504 Loan Program. Each district, acting as a Certified Development Company or acting through another Certified Development Company, is authorized to make loans (for a period of time not to exceed 20 years) to small businesses for land, building, and other fixed assets. These loans also are designed to create jobs and to stimulate business growth and are made in conjunction with private lending institutions which assume responsibility for approximately half the amount loaned. These loans have fixed and attractive rates, and the District’s portion is guaranteed by the Small Business Administration in the event of default. Other loan programs available through the State of Mississippi include the Mississippi Minority Business Enterprise Loan Program and the Mississippi Small Business Assistance Loan Program. The former is specifically for minority owned businesses, including females, and the latter is for any Mississippi owned small business. COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT Community development is an additional area in which most Districts are very involved. The Community Development Block Grant Program is funded through the Department of Housing and Urban Development and administered by the Mississippi Development Authority. This is a very competitive program that funds various types of public facilities, economic development, and housing activities. Most Districts provide technical assistance to their cities and counties to help them select projects, prepare applications, and further document needs. Many Districts also are active at varying levels in actually administering projects and programs once they are funded. Moreover, the Districts sometimes assist communities with loans and grants through the USDA Rural Develoment Administration, with the development of parks through the Department of Interior and with small grants to rural volunteer fire departments. TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE In addition to providing federal and state financial aid for community development, the Districts offer varying types of technical assistance to help governments provide better management. Aid is available in such areas as personnel administration, financial management, budgeting, capital improvements, and codification of ordinances. Many Districts have extensive computer capabilities which they use to assist with the redistricting of political subdivisions. Also, -4- computer mapping and geographic information systems are provided in some areas. Certain Districts have extensive involvement with technology communication systems, which further expand computer networks. If a District does not have the specific expertise on staff, it can link its local community with the proper person in state or federal government, or the District might possibly work with another District in a joint venture. GIS Map PLANNING ASSISTANCE In varying capacities, the Districts provide communities with local and regional planning assistance. Maintenance of a regional planning process is a federal requirement for some programs, and the Districts maintain this process to insure eligibility for their local areas. Certain areas of the state are more active in planning and growth management than other areas, and the Districts normally reflect the feelings of their communities regarding District involvement in these activities. For example, in metropolitan areas which receive large amounts of federal funding for transportation, a metropolitan planning process is required. In these areas, the District administers this process and requires that all state and federal construction dollars are expended in accordance with the plans developed by the District and approved by the local governments representing the area. Another example of a District’s involvement in local planning is the preparation of land use plans for cities and counties. Many districts prepare and administer zoning ordinances and subdivision regulations for their various communities. In addition, they assist with street naming and property numbering. HUMAN RESOURCE DEVELOPMENT Another area in which the Districts are increasingly involved is human resource development. It is generally felt that improving physical resources is of little value if it does not benefit human development. One of the major aspects of human resource development which has significant economic development implications is job training. Multi-county regions, as required as part of the Workforce Investment Act, include the Planning and Development Districts. The Districts are active in assessing the needs of their respective areas, developing annual training plans, and assisting in funding activities to carry out these plans. This program is funded through the Department of Labor and administered through the Mississippi Department of Employment Security. The business and industrial community provides significant input into the local planning process. Another major program in this area relates to the elderly. Acting as the Area Agencies on Aging, the Districts provide an annual areawide plan which directs where federal dollars for the elderly are to be spent for the upcoming year. This plan is based upon needs assessment, demographics, national priorities, and input from the public. Once the plan is adopted, it directs the comprehensive aging activities in its service area for the next year. Traditional activities funded under this plan include congregate and home delivered meals, information and referral services, long-term care programs, and elder abuse prevention services. In recent years, major efforts have been made to keep the elderly active in their own homes. As a result, there are various support programs available to assist with this endeavor. These include homemaker and care service programs, adult day care, -5- employment opportunities, transportation programs and case management, as well as other long-term community based activities. One of the most important aspects is the use of the federal Medicaid Waiver program for long-term community based care, which allows patients to stay in their homes versus entering a nursing home. Medicaid payments are used to secure these services for the home-bound patient while saving money and providing a higher quality of life. Recognizing that it is not possible for all the elderly to remain in their homes, all Districts have ombudsman programs providing trained professionals who call on patients in nursing homes. The Future Activities of the Districts have changed significantly over the past four decades and these changes are expected to continue as Districts reflect the needs and issues of their respective regions. The future of the PDDs appears bright, for they possess both flexibility and diversity. The Districts use business practices in providing regional, governmental functions. This makes them very diverse organizations responsible for programs ranging from adult literacy to regional solid waste. Planning & Development District Services LOAN PROGRAMS Appalachian Regional Commission Economic Development Administration Capital Improvements Community Development Block Grant Minority Business Enterprise USDA Rural Development Small Business Assistance GRANT PROGRAMS Appalachian Regional Commission Community Development Block Grant Delta Regional Authority Department of Justice Department of Environmental Quality Department of Public Safety Department of Wildlife Fisheries & Parks Economic Development Administration Federal Emergency Management Agency Home Investment Partnership Program USDA Rural Development ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT Empowerment Zone Enterprise Zone Job Creation Tourism Development Census Training Workshop at Ole Miss TECHNICAL ASSISTANCE Census Data Affiliate Clearinghouse Coordinator Data Center Grant Writing Housing Redistricting Survey Assistance PLANNING ASSISTANCE Community Facilities Comprehensive Planning Economic Development Hazard Mitigation Homeland Security Solid Waste Management Strategic Planning Subdivision Regulations Tourism Development Transportation Planning Zoning Ordinances MAPPING SERVICES Geographic Information Systems Industrial Parks Land Use Redistricting Zoning -6- COMPUTER SERVICES Automation E-mailing Fiscal Management Imaging Internet Access Networking Solid Waste Billing Web Page Hosting and Design Congregate Meals Site WORKFORCE DEVELOPMENT ABE/GED Preparation Counseling Employment Preparation Job Creation Job Placement Job Search Skills Training Job Training Literacy Training Youth Programs Senior Employment Services WIN Job Centers AREA AGENCY ON AGING Adult Day Care Aging and Disability Resource Center Congregate and Home Delivered Meals Elder Abuse Prevention Emergency Services Homemaker Services Information, Referral and Outreach Insurance Counceling Legal Assistance Ombudsman Program Respite Services Senior Employment Services Transportation Services WIN Center MEDICAID WAIVER PROGRAM Bridge to Independence Case Management Community Navigators Home and Community Based Services Not all services are offered by all Districts. Services vary from District to District. -7- CENTRAL MISSISSIPPI Planning and Development District Copiah County Beauregard Crystal Springs Georgetown Hazlehurst Wesson Hinds County Bolton Byram Clinton Edwards Jackson Learned Raymond Terry Utica CHIEF EXECUTIVE OFFICER F. Clarke Holmes 1170 Lakeland Drive Post Office Box 4935 Jackson,MS 39296-4935 Phone: (601) 981-1511 Established: 1968 Area: 6,102 square miles 2010 Population: 615,895 Fax: (601) 981-1515 Website: www.cmpdd.org Madison County Canton Flora Madison Ridgeland Rankin County Brandon Florence Flowood Pearl Pelahatchie Puckett Richland Simpson County Braxton D’Lo Magee Mendenhall Warren County Vicksburg Yazoo County Bentonia Eden Satartia Yazoo City NEWSLETTERS Central Update, quarterly PUBLICATIONS Annual Report Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy 2035 Jackson Urbanized Area Tansportation Plan Transportation Improvement Program Unified Transportation Work Program Work Program Mid-Year Report -8- CMPDD Board of Directors TERM OF OFFICE: Two Years Regular meetings are held quarterly in March, June, September, and December. STEERING COMMITTEE Knox Ross, Jr. President James Archer Vice-President Cobie Collins Secretary-Treasurer Arthur Evans, Jr. Immediate Past President Rosemary Aultman Wanda Cowart Walter Redd OTHER BOARD MEMBERS William Banks Michael Mayfield David Berry Charlie McLemore, Jr. Jay Bishop Jared Morrison Patrick Brown David Pharr Otha Burton, Jr. Daisy Price Mary Hawkins Butler John Pulley Jimmy Clyde Alton Shaw Earl Dixon, Jr. Curtis Skiffer Phil Fisher Mildred Smith Jerry Hall McArthur Straughter Dan Hart Wendell Stringer Derrick Johnson Quentin Whitwell Harvey Johnson, Jr. James Wilson Ronny Lott COMMITTEES Board of Directors Steering Committee South Central MS Works Local Workforce Investment Board South Central MS Works Youth Council Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee Aging Advisory Committee Metropolitan Planning Organization Intermodal Technical Committee Central MS Development Company MS Small Business Loan Review Board Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee Central MS Mayors Association -9- CMPDD Staff F. Clarke Holmes Chief Executive Officer Maureen Dickerson Secretary III Dondria Palmer-Jones, RN Case Manager Autry Akins Planning Technician Jason Duff Technical Specialist Sandra Knight Administrative Assistant Mary Allen Workforce Coordinator Katie Evans Social Worker/Case Manager Brenda Knott Program Coordinator Thelman Larry Anderson Dir. of Human Resources Karen Gates Project Manager Jason Larry Counselor Sonya Banes District Accountant Lashunda Grant, RN Case Manager Clarissa Leflore Social Worker/Case Manager Linda Beatty, RN Case Manager Katherine Hardy Social Worker/Case Manager Shay Lipe Director of Finance Cocetha Belton, RN Case Manager Angela Harris Social Worker/Case Manager Nancy Magee, RN Case Manager Cyndy Berg, RN Case Manager Delores Harris Social Worker/Case Manager Cathy McCoy Accounts Payable Coordinator Mary Broadway, RN Case Manager Karen Harris Social Worker/Case Manager James McGuffee Job Training Director Scott Burge Transportation Analyst Sue Haynes P/T Graphics Artist Shane McIntyre Senior Auditor Lesley Callender Regional Projects Coordinator Lynn Head Administrative Accountant Kathy McKeithen Counselor Chuck Carr GIS Director Erika Hill, RN Case Manager Tracy McKenny Social Worker/Case Manager Gwen Clark, RN Case Manager Fenicia Hill Social Worker/Case Manager Martha McPhail Office Manager Janice Coleman Medicaid Waiver Supervisor Terry Hodges MCOT Project Manager Michelle McVey Social Worker/Case Manager Karla Craine Claims Processing Clerk Angel Idowu Social Worker/Case Manager Thomas Meek Workforce System Coord. II Chelsea Crittle Aging Program Director Candace Johnson, RN Case Manager Sirrenthia Davis Data Entry Clerk Debbie Johnson Secretary III/Receptionist Mike Monk Director of Community & Economic Development -10- CMPDD Staff Portia Moore Social Worker/Case Manager Cynthia Rucker Social Worker/Case Manager Darlene Morton Social Worker/Case Manager Michelle Rutledge, RN Case Manager Janice Neal Social Worker/Case Manager Trennie Sanders Social Worker, Case Manager Jessica Nichols Workforce Manager Teresa Shoto, RN Case Management Director Gray Ouzts Community & Economic Development Planner Shirlean Smith P/T Counselor Joyce Paris MIS Specialist/Adm. Asst. Steve Smith Planning Assistant David Wade Principal Planner Tiffany Walker, RN Case Manager Karen Weathersby Social Worker/Case Manager Anne Welch GIS Data Analyst Susan Welch, RN Case Manager Mattie White P/T Resource Center Asst. William Peacock Principal Planner Mitzi Stubbs Community & Economic Development Coordinator Dwayne Perkins Loan Specialist Ebony Thomas Social Worker, Case Manager Tony Wonch GIS Planner Patty Porter, RN Case Manager Charlotte Thompson Secretary III Trisha Worthy Social Worker/Case Manager Robert Presley GIS Analyst Angela Travis Social Worker/Case Manager Kristen Younger, RN Case Manager Casandra Rankin ADR Specialist II Jeani Tullos, RN Case Manager Charlotte Richardson, RN Case Manager Lindsay Unland Economic Development Specialist -11- Temekia Williams, RN Case Manager EAST CENTRAL Planning and Development District Clarke County Enterprise Pachuta Quitman Shubuta Stonewall Jasper County Bay Springs Heidelberg Louin Montrose Established: 1968 Area: 5,822 square miles 2010 Population: 244,467 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Bill Richardson 280 Commercial Drive Post Office Box 499 Newton, MS 39345 Phone: (601) 683-2007 Fax: (601) 683-7873 Website: www.ecpdd.org Kemper County DeKalb Scooba Lauderdale County Marion Meridian Leake County Carthage Lena Walnut Grove Neshoba County Philadelphia Mississippi Band of Choctaw Indians Newton County Chunky Decatur Hickory Newton Union Scott County Forest Lake Morton Sebastopol Smith County Mize Polkville Raleigh Sylvarena Taylorsville "Assisting local units of government" PUBLICATIONS Annual Report Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy -12- ECPDD Board of Directors TERM OF OFFICE: One Year Regular meetings are held quarterly and OTHER BOARD MEMBERS on-called basis. An Annual Meeting is held the 2nd Tuesday Billy Frank Alford Joe Norwood Cindy Austin Annie H. Owens Benjie Coats Lola Parkerson James Granger Dorothy Redeemer Wilson Hallman Vice President Robert Miles J.E. Smith Curtis Gray, Sr. Treasurer Paul Mosley Lonnie Thigpen in March. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J. W. Thrash President Dot Merchant Secretary Perry E. Duckworth Troy Chickaway COMMITTEES Board of Directors Executive Committee ECPDD County Committees Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee Aging Advisory Council Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee -13- ECPDD Staff Bill Richardson Executive Director Cynthia Ellis, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Maeree Overstreet Title V Clerical Jo Ann Adams I&R/SHIP Coordinator Malithia Ford, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr Susie Parker, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Alice Beal Medicaid Waiver Supervisor Damien Franklin Program Coordinator Julia Patton, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Paula Blackledge Bookkeeper Clarrissa Gill, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Josie Robinson Nutrition Coordinator Patsy Blalock, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Estella Hare Bookkeeper/Secretary Jo Anna Tucker Stewart, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Mike Blount Fiscal Officer Stephanie Harris, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Latorria Towner, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Christine Boose Program Assistant Minnie Brown Janitorial Michael Howse GIS Specialist Louise Wallace, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. April Ivy, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Charlotte Wash Supportive Services Coord. Jenifer Buford Community Dev. Director Lisa Jones, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Earnestine Watkins, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Diannae Campbell Program Aide Stephanie Jones, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Sarah Williams, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Levera Chapman Executive Secretary Billie Lay, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Brenda Wragg Program Specialist Rosie Coleman Aging Director Betty McGowan,LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Mary Zettler, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Lynnetta Cooksey Project Developer Emma Moore Medicaid Waiver Secretary Kim Culbreth, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Terri Morland, RN Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Dianna Eaton Project Developer/Loan Officer Jennifer Morgan, LSW Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Doris Edwards District Ombudsman Kawana McCary Administrative Assistant -14- GOLDEN TRIANGLE Planning and Development District EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Rupert L. “Rudy” Johnson 106 Miley Road Post Office Box 828 Starkville, MS 39760 Established: 1970 Area: 3,543 square miles 2010 Population: 177,627 Phone: (662) 324-7860 Choctaw County Ackerman French Camp Weir Clay County West Point Lowndes County Artesia Caledonia Columbus Crawford Fax: (662) 324-7328 Website: www.gtpdd.com Noxubee County Brooksville Macon Shuqualak Oktibbeha County Maben Starkville Sturgis Webster County Eupora Mantee Mathiston Walthall Winston County Louisville Noxapater -15- GTPDD Board of Directors TERM OF OFFICE: Four Years Regular Meetings are held quarterly in March, June, September, and December. An Annual Meeting is held in July. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Cecil Hamilton President OTHER BOARD MEMBERS David Carter Ralph McLain Paul Crowley Luke Parkes Shelton Deanes Sherman Patterson John Holliman Don Posey Thomas Higgins Michael Peterson Marvell Howard Jeff Smith Ernie Jones Milton Sundbeck Chris McIntire Russ Turner Floyd McKee Gloria Turnipseed Robert “Bob” Boykin Vice President Jimmy Oliver Secretary/Treasurer Carl Clardy Lance Crowley COMMITTEES Area Agency on Aging Executive Committee Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee Revolving Loan Committee R. B. Davis Frank Ferguson William Oliver PUBLICATIONS Marvell Spencer Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy GTPDD Newsletter Ann Wood -16- GTPDD Staff Rupert L. “Rudy” Johnson Executive Director Ashley Davis Nurse Practioner Willer Ree Glenn Homemaker Supervisor Dave Alexander GIS Analyst Lena Davis Transportation Ethel Goss Homemaker Supervisor Beverly Baker Social Worker/Case Mgr. Robert Dill GIS Technician Jenny Grantham Social Worker/Case Mgr. Alicia Barry Homemaker Supervisor Lisa Doane Homemaker Clerk Carla Guyton Sr. Activity Ctr. Coordinator Phylis W. Benson Project Analyst Charlotte Dowd Nurse/Case Manager Emilie Hamilton Social Worker/Case Mgr. Melody Bensend Nutrition Coordinator Sharon Duke SHIP Coordinator Britney Harpole Case Management Scanner Christeen Bingham Social Worker/Case Mgr. Stacy Elkins Nurse/Case Manager Michelle Harris Medicaid Waiver Supervisor Jennifer Bridges Social Worker/Case Manager Rachel Embry Social Worker/Case Mgr. Tim Heard, Jr. Computer Systems Analyst Spencer Broocks District Planner/Housing Specialist Stephanie Fenton Homemaker Supervisor Lynn Herndon Social Worker/Case Mgr. Phyllis Flake County Director Dixie Higginbotham Homemaker Director Sherri Fowler Receptionist/Trans. Coord. Tricia Jones Administrative Assistant Bobby Gann Director AAA Mamie Kosko Nurse Practitioner Felicia Gant MW Respite Coordinator Mitzi Lawrence WIA Program Director Martie Gibson Ombudsman Lindsey Marsh Nurse/Case Mgr. Tina Gill Nurse/Case Manager Christy Massey Nurse/Case Manager Cindy Brown Clerk Stephanie Cannon Social Worker/Case Mgr. Tammy Castle Nurse/Case Manager Angel Coggins Solid Waste Billing Clerk Jimmy C. Cole Loan Officer G.H. Crawford, III District Planner -17- GTPDD Staff (continued) Tonia McLendon Clerk Angela Reed Scanning Coordinator Glenda Thompson Nutrition Clerk Tina McWhorter Nurse/Case Manager Cindy Reese Nurse/Case Mgr. Judy Tranum Solid Waste Billing Clerk Janice Miller Social Worker/Case Mgr. Jennifer Riley Patient Care Coordinator Pamela Triplett Social Worker/Case Mgr. Kim Mills Nurse/Case Manager Carol Rowe CM Records Coordinator Pamela Turner Clerk Michele Milner Homemaker Clerk Toby Sanford GIS Manager Libby Wansley Nurse/Case Manager Jennifer Odom WIA Case Mgr. Angelia Sansing Social Worker/Case Mgr. Wendy Williams Staff Accountant Kenny Orr Certified Public Accountant Amy Shake Aging Program Coordinator Lesa Wilson Social Worker/Case Mgr. Jana Peterson Nurse/Case Manager Teresa Shumaker WIA Case Manager Suzanne Winstead Social Worker/Case Manager Joanne Peterson Assistant Fiscal Officer Helen Smith Nurse/Case Manager Elizabeth Wyatt Clerk Mitzi Phelps Nurse/Case Manager Lauren Smith Social Worker/Case Mgr. Elberta Phillips Fiscal Officer Mary Smith Nurse Practitioner Director Lillie Pittman Homemaker Clerk Lisa Stallings Human Resources Rhonda Prisock E-911 Coordinator Scott Stewart Networking Specialist Lisa Rast Homemaker Clerk Cindi Thompson MW Support Staff -18- NORTH CENTRAL Planning and Development District Attala County Ethel Kosciusko McCool Sallis EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Steve Russell 28 Industrial Park Boulevard Winona, MS 38967-8709 Carroll County Carrollton North Carrollton Vaiden Phone: (662) 283-2675 Fax: (662) 283-5875 Website: www.ncpdd.org Holmes County Cruger Durant Goodman Lexington Pickens Tchula West Grenada County Grenada Leflore County Greenwood Itta Bena Morgan City Schlater Sidon Montgomery County Duck Hill Kilmichael Winona Established: 1969 Yalobusha County Coffeeville Oakland Water Valley Area: 4,042 square miles 2010 Population: 127,185 -19- NCPDD Board of Directors OTHER BOARD MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE: One Year Sam Abraham Michael Lott Jimmy Cockroft Keith McGee Robert Collins Lee McMinn Rickie Corley Stanley “Sugar” Mullins Marvin Coward Tim Pinkard Angela Curry Lindsay Roberts, Jr. Larry Davis Wayne Self Charles Fancher Amos Sims Talmadge “Tee” Golding George Suggs Chad Gray Gerry Taylor Joseph Guess Earline Townes Johnny Hayward Willie Townsend Henry Luckett George Johnson Jimmy Willis Eddie Womble Charlie Lee James H. Young Regular meetings are held quarterly. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Ron Wood President Darrell Robinson Vice-President Anjuan Brown Larry Hart Terry Herbert COMMITTEES Revolving Loan Fund Committee Area Agency on Aging Executive Committee Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee PUBLICATIONS NCPDD Newsletter - Quarterly Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy -20- NCPDD Staff Steve Russell Executive Director Tony Green Governmental Specialist Mary Smith Ombudsman Darlena Allen Aging Director Carla Hedgepeth, RN Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Flora Stigler Nutrition Coordinator Dawn Blakely, RN Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Susan Herod, LSW Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Eddie Mae Tate Ombudsman Angie Branch Program Coordinator II Janice Howard Administrative Assistant for Fiscal Affairs Julie Mullen Taylor, LSW Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Freda Butts Program Coordinator IV LaRisa Campbell, LSW Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Barbara Chambley Assistant Fiscal Officer/ Office Manager Cynthia Collins, LSW Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Cherie Cotten Assistant Fiscal Officer Lynn Crow, RN Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Gwen Davis Secretary/Receptionist Mildred R. Davis, LSW Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Rachelle Deaton, RN Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Ebony Dodd Case Manager Beth Estes, RN Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Terry Jones, RN Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Christopher Weathers Admin.Asst./Information Technology Mgr. Shirley McLaurin Programs Coordinator Sandra Welch, RN Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Clay Morgan Loan Officer La’Keylah White Planner LaDonna Moss, LSW Case Manager Supervisor/ Medicaid Waiver Crystal Noel Case Management/ Community Navigator Cynthia Perkins Program Coordinator III Jeanette B. Ringo WIA STEP Coordinator Tammy Sanders, LSW Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Andrea Scaife, RN Case Mgr./Medicaid Waiver Johnny Shell Planner/Loan Officer -21- John Wiggers Planner NORTH DELTA Planning and Development District Coahoma County Clarksdale Coahoma Friars Point Jonestown Lula Lyon Desoto County Hernando Horn Lake Olive Branch Southaven Walls EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR James Curcio N 220 Power Drive Post Office Box 1488 Batesville, MS 38606-1488 Phone: (662) 561-4100 Fax: (662) 561-4112 Established: 1967 Area: 3,657 square miles Website: www.ndpdd.com 2010 Population: 285,375 Panola County Batesville Como Courtland Crenshaw Pope Sardis Quitman County Crowder Falcon Lambert Marks Sledge Tallahatchie County Charleston Glendora Sumner Tutwiler Webb Tate County Coldwater Senatobia PUBLICATIONS NDPDD Resource Directory NDPDD Data Handbook Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Tunica County Tunica -22- NDPDD Board of Directors OTHER BOARD MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE: One Year James Birge Regular meetings are held in January, March, May, July, September, and November. Lee Caldwell Mike Campbell Michael Cathey Charles Crouther EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE McKinley Daley Jimmy Edwards James B. Sowell President Jesse Ellis Timothy Burrel Vice President Bob Gann Lorine Cady Secretary/Treasurer Mark Hudson Vernice Avant Vanessa Lynchard Cedric Burnett Kelly Morris Anita Greenwood Eddie Nabors Manuel Killebrew Johnny Newson Paul Pearson COMMITTEES Charlie Reese AAA Advisory Council Robert Rowe Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee Diane Shipp Revolving Loan Review Committee Bernard White Catherine Wilson -23- NDPDD Staff James Curcio Executive Director Elgalene Close Ombudsman Cicely Allen, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Coahoma County Bertha Collins Secretary/Receptionist Kris Atkinson Aging Outreach Coordinator Alicia Danley, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver DeSoto County Mamie Avery Information & Referral/Admin. Assistant Cheryl Davis DeSoto County Homemaker Violet Bass, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tunica County Sarah Davis DeSoto County Homemaker Janet Flint, LSW B2I Mary Beck DeSoto County Homemaker Francine Glass, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tallahatchie County Elizabeth Blevins, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tallahatchie County Roderick Gordon Director, Area Agency on Aging Arnetta Brown, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Coahoma County Trey Hamby Assistant Executive Director Rosemary Bumpus, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver DeSoto County Delois Hardiman Director, Medicaid Waiver Misty Burrows, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Panola County Kristie Hunt, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tate County Meg Busby, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Coahoma County Cheryl James Aging Assistant, Nutrition Coordinator Cynthia Johnson, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver DeSoto County Linda Clark, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Panola County -24- NDPDD Staff Debra Jones, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Quitman County Granville Sherman Program Specialist Bill Singuefield DeSoto County Transportation Driver Romona Jones, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tallahatchie County Marilyn Smith, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tate County Julie Ledbetter, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Quitman County Vera Spight Tunica County Homemaker Meg Lewis, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Coahoma County Vivian Thomas Tunica County Homemaker Sonya Lishman, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Panola County Gale Verner, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver DeSoto County Jay Lloyd GIS/Computer Tech Jeff Walters Planning Director Lillian Morris Program Specialist Don Wilkerson, CPA Chief Fiscal Officer Phillip Needham DeSoto County Transportation Driver Kathy Williams, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tate County Mary Parks Assistant Comptroller Kristi Williamson, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver DeSoto County Emily Purdy, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tallahatchie County Cynthia Rayborn, RN Nurse Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver DeSoto County Bridget Riley, LSW Case Manager, Medicaid Waiver Tate County -25- NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI Planning and Development District Alcorn County Corinth Farmington Glen Kossuth Rienzi Benton County Ashland Hickory Flat Snow Lake Shores EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Sharon Gardner 619 East Parker Drive Established: 1970 Post Office Box 600 Area: 2,827 square miles Booneville, MS 38829 2010 Population: 150,031 Phone: (662) 728-6248 Fax: (662) 728-2417 Website: www.nempdd.com Marshall County Byhalia Holly Springs Potts Camp Prentiss County Baldwyn Booneville Jumpertown Marietta Tippah County Blue Mountain Dumas Falkner Ripley Walnut NORTHEAST MISSISSIPPI PLANNING & DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT Tishomingo County Belmont Burnsville Golden Iuka Paden Tishomingo PUBLICATIONS NEMPDD Resource Directory Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Area Agency on Aging Plan Update Newsletter -26- NEMPDD Board of Directors TERM OF OFFICE: One to Four Years Regular meetings are held on the first Monday night of alternate months, beginning in February. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Thomas M. Coleman President R. C. Anderson 1st Vice President Bryant Elliott 2nd Vice President James “Bubba” Griffin 3rd Vice President Wendell Southward 4th Vice President OTHER BOARD MEMBERS J.M. “Flick” Ash Bobby Martin Rex Coggins Nicky McRae Eddie Dixon Dal Nelms Dennis Grisham Melvin Oatis Brandon Grissom Mark Ormon Jimmy Gunn Ricky Pipkin J.C. Hill Danny Ryan Mike Huddleston Keith Taylor Larry Lambert Jimmy Tate Waldon Joe Wayne Garner Secretary-Treasurer COMMITTEES Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee Management Committee Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee Revolving Loan Fund Committee NEMPDD Foundation, Inc. -27- NEMPDD Staff Sharon Gardner Executive Director Martha Hall Fiscal Officer Connie Alberson, RN Medicaid Waiver Sadie Hardin Assistant Director Kathy Brinkley GIS/Planning Technician Dana Harrell, RN Medicaid Waiver Teresa Carpenter LSW/Medicaid Waiver Rick Hargett Computer Services Wanda Christian Economic & Community Development Coordinator Lisa Henry, RN Medicaid Waiver Brenda Cossitt, RN Medicaid Waiver Leah DePriest LSW/Medicaid Waiver Charlotte Derrick LSW/Medicaid Waiver Supervisor Janet Dixon LSW/Medicaid Waiver Rebecca Dodson. RN Medicaid Waiver Orber Dye AAA Assistant Dian Gray, RN Medicaid Waiver Bessie Greer Ombudsman/EEOC Officer Ginger Green Loan Officer Donna Hester Loan Officer Amy Ivy Administrative Assistant Teresa Jordan, RN Medicaid Waiver Jessica Kebodeaux LSW/Medicaid Waiver Irene Keller Medicaid Waiver Assistant Anna Lee LSW/Medicaid Waiver Jowynn Lollar, RN Medicaid Waiver Becky Mays LSW/Medicaid Waiver Jamie McCoy Economic & Community Development Coordinator Darlene Grimes Small Grants Administrator -28- Celita Miller Community Navigator Bridge to Independence Lisa Mitchell Assistant Fiscal Officer Lori Murry LSW/Medicaid Waiver Carla Newman LSW/Medicaid Waiver Marsha O’Neal, RN Medicaid Waiver Angie Payne Administrative Assistant Jane Perrigo, RN Medicaid Waiver Linda Presley Director, Area Agency on Aging Jessica Rowan Aging Services Coordinator Paula Tice LSW/Medicaid Waiver Diana Wall, RN Medicaid Waiver Cathy Wilbanks LSW/Medicaid Waiver Monica Wildmon Administrative Assistant SOUTH DELTA Planning and Development District EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR William B. Haney, Jr. 124 South Broadway Post Office Box 1776 Greenville, MS 38702 Established: 1967 Area: 3,602 square miles 2010 Population: 130,429 Phone: (662) 378-3831 Fax: (662) 378-3834 Website: southdeltapdd.com Bolivar County Alligator Benoit Beulah Boyle Cleveland Duncan Gunnison Merigold Mound Bayou Pace Renova Rosedale Shaw Shelby Winstonville Humphreys County Belzoni Isola Louise Silver City Issaquena County Mayersville Sharkey County Anguilla Cary Rolling Fork Sunflower County Doddsville Drew Indianola Inverness Moorhead Ruleville Sunflower PLANNING AND DEVELOPMENT DISTRICT, INC. -29- Washington County Arcola Greenville Hollandale Leland Metcalfe SDPDD Board of Directors TERM OF OFFICE: Three Years Regular meetings are held quarterly as needed. The Executive Committee meets monthly. OTHER BOARD MEMBERS Clanton Beamon Bern Prewitt EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Barry W. Bryant Henry Reed, Jr. Dr. J. Y. Trice President Annie Cartlidge Edgar Donahoe Vice President Willie F. Brown Secretary/Treasurer Mike Gordon Michael Parker, Sr. Steve Shurden James Denson Willie Simmons Helen Johnson Richard D. Stevens Shelly Newell Russell Stewart Michael Parker, Sr. Judson Thigpen Henry Phillips, Jr. Paul W. Watson, Jr. Marilyn Hansell William Howard Billy Nowell Merlin Richardson SDPDD COMMITTEES PUBLICATIONS Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Com. Business Plans Regional Aging Advisory Committee Comprehensive Plans Revolving Loan Fund Committee Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Development Task Force Regional Waste Plans Citizen’s Advisory - Housing Committee Workforce Plans Small Business Assistance Loan Review Rural Development Plans Delta Workforce Investment Board (WIA) Water & Wastewater Plans Local Elected Officials Board (LEO) -30- SDPDD Staff William B. Haney, Jr. Executive Director Barbara Humphrey WIA Youth Coordinator Georgia Pitchford MICAP Coordinator JoAnn Adams, LSW Case Manager Elisa Houston, RN Case Manager Patricia Plummer, RN Case Manager Cheryl Beck, LSW Case Manager Kimberly Jackson LSW Case Manager Irene Pope LSW Case Managaer Nikesha Benson Ombudsman Sylvia Jackson, Director Area Agency on Aging Donna Powell, RN Case Manager Betty Caldwell, LSW Case Manager Sharon Johnson WIA Executive Secretary Jacquelyn Redmond Fiscal/Program Developer Angie Carter, LSW Long Term Care Ralph Jones MIS/Evaluation Specialist Michele Reed LSW Case Manager Renika Conley, RN Case Manager Sharon Kent, RN Case Manager Rose Reed Fiscal Officer Penne Davis, LSW Case Manager Randall Lauderdale Senior Housing Manager Pat Resiner Loan Officer Allyson Denson, Director Community Development Pearlene Love Secretary Jackie Roberts DWIA Monitor/Trainer Cathy Dickerson, RN Case Manager Thressa Love LSW Case Manager Vescia Smith, RN Case Manager Jane Frith Accounting Clerk Tracy Malone Case Manager Supervisor Brittany Stone, LSW Case Manager Tommy Goodwin Special Projects Coordinator Wanda Marquis, RN Case Manager Jennifer Taylor LSW Case Manager Eddie Hall, RN Case Manager Clara Martin LSW Case Manager Karmen Thomas, LSW Case Manager Blythe Hamburg LSW Case Manager Jane McCarty, RN Case Manager Jonathan L. Troyka Grants Administrator Ellen Harbin, RN Case Manager Jana Meyor LSW Case Manager Nelda Weaver, RN Case Manager Mavis Hollins-Harris, RN Case Manager Gail Mevers Program Development Coordinator Ann Williamson Assistant Executive Director Chuck Herring SBC Consultant -31- Mitzi Woods WIA Coordinator SOUTHERN MISSISSIPPI Planning and Development District Covington County Collins Mt. Olive Seminary Forrest County Hattiesburg Petal George County Lucedale Greene County Leakesville McLain Hancock County Bay St. Louis Waveland Diamondhead Harrison County Biloxi D’Iberville Gulfport Long Beach Pass Christian Jackson County Gautier Moss Point Ocean Springs Pascagoula Jefferson Davis County Bassfield Prentiss Jones County Ellisville Laurel Sandersville Soso Lamar County Lumberton Purvis Sumrall Marion County Columbia Pearl River County Picayune Poplarville Perry County Beaumont New Augusta Richton Stone County Wiggins Wayne County State Line Waynesboro EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Interim Director 9229 Highway 49 Gulfport, MS 39503 Phone: (228) 868-2311 Fax: (228) 868-7094 Website: www.smpdd.com Established: 1967 Area: 8,818 square miles 2010 Population: 771,793 HATTIESBURG OFFICE 700 Hardy Street Hattiesburg, MS 39401 Phone: (601) 545-2137 Fax: (601) 545-2164 Gulfport Office Hattiesburg Office PUBLICATIONS Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Governor’s Workforce Annual Report Local Workforce Plan WOW - Wonders of Workforce TDWA E-Newsletter -32- SMPDD Board of Directors OTHER BOARD MEMBERS Regular meetings are held quarterly. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Lynn Cartlidge President Frances Fredericks First Vice President Johnny Burnett Second Vice President Leonard Bentz, Sr. Secretary Henry McCullum Treasurer Samuel Alsgood, Jr. Mike Mangum Bobby Bolton Charles Marshall Larry Bolton Larry McDonald Todd Broome Calvin Newsom Edward Ray Breakfield Chris H. Odom Phillip Carlisle Gerolene Rayborn Joyce Culpepper Connie Rockco Joseph Davenport Richard Santiago Tommy Dews George Schloegel Gerald Dykes Steve Seymour Guy Easterling Scott Strickland Morris Hill John H. Thompson David Hogan Tim Waldrup Jerry Hutto Ray Wesson William Lewis COMMITTEES Board of Directors Twin Districts Local Elected Officials Board Executive Committee Twin Districts Local Workforce Investment Board Revolving Loan Fund Committee Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee -33- SMPDD Staff Interim Executive Director Rosemary Buckley Teacher Assistant Shekela Shonta Duncan Program Specialist Sonya Allen Program Specialist Freda Byrd Case Manager Teresa E. Dunlap Case Manager Thania Averett Quality Assurance Specialist Diane F. Carlisle Administrative Assistant Angela Dunn Case Manager Meagan L. Barnes Program Specialist Maggie Chapman Case Manager Jennifer Evans Case Manager Carolyn Bates Case Manager Jacqulin D. Clark Case Manager Deffnie D. Franks Case Manager Allison L. Beasley Planning Director Karen Michelle Clark GIS Analyst Laura L. Gillissie Case Manager Kara W. Benefield Accounting Clerk Jared Clay Project Manager Janice A. Hale SCSEP Program Coordinator Danyella Berry Case Manager Brenda D. Coker Ombudsman Diane McCrory Hartley Case Manager Mary Sims Berryhill Case Manager Clyde E. Collins Project Coordinator Pat Harvey Case Aide Bobbie Black Outreach Worker Lisa Counts Case Manager Betsy Holmes Deputy Director Charlotte Blom GED Teacher 1 Elsie Cranford Case Manager Linda S. Hubbard Case Manager Margaret A. Boykin Case Manager Jennifer Creason Case Manager Katrina Hyde Case Manager Elleecia Brand Case Manager Linda Kay Creel Case Manager Laurie L. Hyde Fiscal Officer Larry Vincent Brantley Case Manager Rebecca Crotwell Case Manager Kenneth W. Jett Program Support Specialist Erna C. Brewer Case Manager Sandra K. Cutler Workforce Program Liason Jaquilla Jones Case Manager Sandra Brock Workforce Youth Admin. Lydia C. Davis Information & Referral Coord. Jon T. Jones Case Manager Celeste Brown FGP Project Manager Andrea C. Dexter Case Manager Paige Kennedy Medicaid Waiver Director Mattie R. Brown Case Manager Ralph Leo Diaz, III Vocational Instructor Dawn Keys Case Manager Rebecca Brown Workforce Dev. Director Sharline D. Dixon Case Manager -34- Pamela King Case Manager SMPDD Staff Janet L. Kittinger Ombudsman Marilyn Minor One Stop Administrator Tonya Summers Case Manager Elizabeth C. Ladner Human Resources Director Tekisha Mitchell Case Manager Marsha B. Taylor WIA Grant Researcher Linda J. Langham GED Teacher II Robert P. Moore Area Agency on Aging Dir. Camellia Thompson Case Manager Susanne Langston Case Manager Tina F. Mozingo Outreach Worker Claire Hilliard Trudell Case Manager Shirley Leggett Case Manager Supervisor Ronda M. Mullins Nutrition Coordinator Denise V. Virgil Case Manager Elizabeth A. Loree Monitor Ken Mustered MS-SHIP Coordinator Anecia Walker Case Manager Jon C. Lukes IT Director Shirley Napier Teacher Assistant Monica C. Walker Business Dev. Director Tina J. Magee Case Manager Beth Ousley Senior Project Manager Dorothy R. Walley Case Manager Supervisor David J. Manasco Administrative Assistant Gregory Payne Job Developer Marla R. Walters Case Manager Leisa Matulich Receptionist Erin Riddle Program Coordinator Charlotte Watson Program Specialist Terry C. Mayfield Case Manager Patti Rogers Case Manager Shari H. White Finance Director Tee McCovey Deputy Director Victoria L. Sanford Case Manager Christina Wilburn Case Manager Melanie C. McCready Program Specialist Kimberly Scott Case Manager Annette M. Wiley Ombudsman Ethel B. McDonald Case Manager Mary M. Shelton Case Manager Joan P. Williams Case Manager Katherine H. McLendon Case Manager Misty Smith Case Manager Tokikie Williamson Case Manager Regina W. Melton Project Manager Patricia C. Smith Case Manager LaHope Woullard Teacher Assistant Michelle Freeck-Miller Program Specialist Brenda S. Spencer GED Teacher II Amy Zeeck Case Manager Jennifer Millsap Case Manager Felicia Spikes Receptionist Nichelle Zion Case Manager Linda Millsap Case Manager James E. Stewart Case Manager -35- SOUTHWEST MISSISSIPPI Planning and Development District Adams County Natchez EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Wirt Peterson Amite County Crosby Gloster Liberty 100 South Wall Street Natchez, MS 39120 Phone: (601) 446-6044 Claiborne County Port Gibson Fax: (601) 446-6071 Website: www.swmpdd.com Franklin County Bude Meadville Roxie Jefferson County Fayette Lawrence County Monticello New Hebron Silver Creek Lincoln County Brookhaven Pike County Magnolia McComb Osyka Summit Walthall County Tylertown Established: 1975 Area: 5,284 square miles 2010 Population: 184,399 Wilkinson County Centreville Woodville -36- SWMPDD Board of Directors TERM OF OFFICE: Four Years OTHER BOARD MEMBERS Amile Ashley Mike Lazarus Gloria Bonds Warren Leake Tazwell Bowsky Robert Morgan the second Tuesday Eddie Brown Larry Montgomery of the last month David Carter Amos Newman Robert Collier Dave Nichols Diana Gillard Rev. Rickey O’Quinn Mack Haynes Ray Perryman Britt Herrin Daniel Porter James Hill Webster Sias Richard Hollins Bob Smira Trent Hudson Samuel White Johnny Hughes Jackie Whittington Angela Hutchins Jerry Wilson Robert Jones Nolan Williamson Avis King Woodrow Wilson Regular meetings are held quarterly on in the quarter. An Annual Meeting is held on the third Tuesday in September. EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE Willis Rushing President Helen Hunter Vice President Clifton Terrell Sec./Treasurer Chuck Lambert George Collins Darryl Grennell COMMITTEES Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee PUBLICATIONS Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy -37- SWMPDD Staff Wirt Peterson Executive Director Safronia James Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Catherine O’Quinn Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Chelsea Anderson Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Sheri Kammerdeiner Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. LaQuanda Pittman Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Tammy Anderson Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Allen Laird Planner Luke Pounders GIS Specialist Jeannie Ballew Program Coordinator Ginger Lambert Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Ashlea Rand Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Yolanda Campbell Aging Director Rhonda Love Medicaid Waiver Nurse Christina Seydell Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Mary Crittenden Receptionist Bessie Lovett Administrative Assistant Michell Singleton Program Coordinator MeKeal Cusic Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Melissa Lowery Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Casey Smith Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Mary Davis Program Specialist Cynthia Magee Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Ruthie Stampley Case Manager Pat Domin Service Coordinator Jim Mangum Planner Dwayne Steele Bus Driver Manfred Eidt Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Zenobia Marshall Bus Driver Allison Sutton Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Ashton Farr MCW Billing Clerk B2ICN Carla McLemore Receptionist Sandy Terrell Receptionist Jason Ford Ombudsman Rebecca McManus Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Chad Thomas Case Manager Dana Fortinberry Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. LeeAnn Milligan Loan Officer Martha Tomlinson MCW Support B2ICN LaShandra Grady Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Tracy Moak Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Cynthia Williams Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Allison Hoeniges Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Patricia Moore Service Coordinator Courtney Young Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Sophronia Hughes Fiscal Officer Connie Nations Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Judy Wilson Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Stephanie Jenkins Medicaid Waiver Case Mgr. Missy Newman Service Coordinator Nova York Medicaid Waiver Supervisor Betty Jones Bookkeeper Debbie O’Neal ADC Coordinator Bobbi Young Accountant -38- THREE RIVERS Planning and Development District Calhoun County Big Creek Bruce Calhoun City Derma Pittsboro Slate Springs Vardaman EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR Vernon R. Kelley, III 75 South Main Street Post Office Drawer 690 Chickasaw County Houston New Houlka Okolona Woodland Pontotoc, MS 38863 Phone: (662) 489-2415 Fax: (662) 489-6815 Website: www.trpdd.com Established: 1971 Area: 4,379 square miles 2010 Population: 261,880 Itawamba County Fulton Mantachie Tremont Lafayette County Abbeville Oxford Taylor Lee County Baldwyn Guntown Nettleton Plantersville Saltillo Shannon Tupelo Verona PUBLICATIONS Three Rivers PDD Annual Report WIA Local Plan Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Regional Hazard Mitigation Plan Regional Solid Waste Plan NEWSLETTERS TRPDD Board of Directors Quarterly Newsletter TRPDD Staff Quarterly Newsletter WIA Quarterly Newsletter -39- Monroe County Aberdeen Amory Gattman Hatley Smithville Pontotoc County Algoma Ecru Pontotoc Sherman Thaxton Toccopola Union County Blue Springs Myrtle New Albany TRPDD Board of Directors OTHER BOARD MEMBERS TERM OF OFFICE: Five Years Roosevelt Blackmon Regular meetings are held on the third Monday of each month. Samuel Buchanan Lena Chewe John Darden EXECUTIVE COMMITTEE J.R. Denton Tom Todd Chairman Cliff Easley Carolyn Estes Robert Blackmon Jerry Hall Howard Boozer Sherwin Haynie Earnest Fox Eric Hughes John Herrod, Jr. Larry Johnson Danny Holley Ricky Johnson Tommie Lee Ivy Chad McLarty Danny Jordan Tony Morgan Tim Kent Nan Nanney Billy Kirkpatrick E.O. Oliver Anderson McFarland Jim Owen Early McKinney Stacey Parker Benny Rakestraw Phil Morgan Mike Roberts Mike Pickens Cleavon Smith Duane Tutor Wayne Stokes Barney Wade Robert Tomey Paul Walker Fulton Ware TRPDD COMMITTEES TRPDD Board of Directors TRPDD Investment Corp. Board of Directors Local Development Co. Board of Directors Revolving Loan Fund Review Committee MS Small Business Assist. Loan Review Comm. P.U.L. Alliance Board of Directors MS Partnership Workforce Investment Board Three Rivers Solid Waste Mgmt. Authority CDE Board of Directors -40- CDE Advisory Committee Hazard Mitigation Steering Commmittee TRPDD Court System Mgmt. Committee Area Agency on Aging Advisory Council Ombudsman Advisory Committee Comprehensive Economic Development Strategy Committee G.M.& O. Rails to Trails Board CARE Transition Committee TRPDD Staff Vernon R. Kelley, III Executive Director Donna Cruse, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Wade Holland Sr. Medicare Patrol Coord. Shelley Adams Project Administrator Yolanda Davis, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Kim Holmes, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Doris Ard Receptionist/AGE-MED Coordinator Susan Easterling Fee Billing Clerk Mary Howard Project Administrator Gordon Easterling System Analyst Kerrie Hutcheson, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Jeremy Epting Assistant Fiscal Officer Bobbie Jaggers, RN, C. BSN MW Nurse Case Manager Deloise Ford, RN MW Nurse Case Mgr. Patricia Jenkins Nutrition Coordinator Jill Foster IT Project Manager Mike Johnson Network Administrator Casey Franks Project Specialist Jessica Jordan WIA Assistant Div. Director Glenda Frye, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Cleveland Joseph Aging Division Director Gary Golden WIA Adult Programs Coord. Bonnie J. Kelley Office Manager Administrative Assistant Kay Bain Respite Coordinator Ronnie Bell Div. Director Gov. Functions Rebecca Brantley Admin. Asst. Economic Dev. Margaret Brim LTCA/MW Division Director Bridget Brown Aging Fiscal Officer Roger Browning NEG Program Coordinator Kelly Brummett, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Kurt Brummett Research & Dev. Director John Byers Technical Assistance Director Jean Courson Fee Billing Clerk Lisa Cowart, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Dawn Crawford WIA Fiscal Officer Bridgett Crawley, RN MW Nurse Case Mgr. Minnie Croft, RN, C. BSN MW Nurse Case Manager Cynthia Griffin, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Debbie Griggs, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Frieda Harrison Loans Administrative Asst. Mattox Koon Loan Officer Kristi Lyles, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Tracy Matthews Fiscal Director Michael Harmon Computer Systems Technician Courtney Maxey Solid Waste Accountant Sandra Heatherly, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Meghann McCarver Payroll Manager Karen Heintze Fringe Benefits Coordinator Project Administrator Judy McCoy Patricia Henry Receptionist Ombudsman -41- TRPDD Staff (continued) Jana Montgomery, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Senaca Shumpert Outreach Coordinator Lisa Swords, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Mitch Montgomery Loan Division Director Dana Shaw, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Banji Taylor, LSW MW Soial Worker Case Mgr. Demetric Osborn, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Tonya Shirley Fee Billing Division Director Lynn Tutor Project Administrator Beth Payne, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Bobby Smith WIA Monitor Angela Vaughn Fee Billing Clerk Courtney Rackley WIA MIS Coordinator Sapphina Sparrow, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Shelly Walters Accounts Payable Clerk Dan Reese Solid Waste Specialist Dana Spears, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Josh West Economic Developer Regina Russell, RN MW Nurse Case Manager Miranda Starks Preventive Health Coord. Secretary, Aging Division Lisa White Fee Billing Clerk Bill Renick WIA Division Director Don Sanderson, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr. Josh Sullivan IT Technician -42- Emily Wiggins, LSW MW Social Worker Case Mgr.
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