Winter 2016 - Makindu Children`s Program


Winter 2016 - Makindu Children`s Program
Sofia & Wambua Grace
Sofia is a 4 year old girl
and the youngest in her
Wambua is 7 years old.
They live with their grandmother and two other
They both attend Salama
Primary school. Sofia
loves her Teacher Lilian because she teaches her
well. She is now able to draw neat pictures of
things and name them orally. It is a big step! Next
year she will be in the same class to perfect her
art before she proceeds to the next class. Wambua says he so loves his new school since he
joined earlier in the year. This term he was position 9 in his class. He is so happy because next
year he will be going to a new class.
During winter break, Sofia and Wambua came to
the Centre daily for a hot meal. Sofia played with
tins by filling them with sand, then pouring them.
She loves it! Wambua played marbles with his
friends. He is a people person and every child in
the Centre knows him.
Like many other boys,
he is mischievous at
times. Sofia also gets
along well with her
peers and
has a
contagious smile.
Makindu town, walking distance from the Centre. The
grandmother is very hard
working and responsible for
their basic needs. To cater to
these needs, she sells
cereals and fruits. Wambua
helps with house chores,
especially fetching water.
They are all relatively
healthy, though Wambua is
HIV positive. He has been
adhering well to his drugs
and living positively with the
Shida is in the 5th grade and attends school at Makindu A Primary
School. He is so happy! He was position 26 in his class out of 72. He
works hard in school and scored 70% in mathematics this past term.
This was a great achievement for him. He received congratulations
from his teacher and hopes to do even better in his next class. Shida
lives with his mother and brother. His mother is the bread winner of the
house. She runs a small vegetable
business to meet the family needs.
Despite being HIV+, Shida is very
healthy and adheres well to his antiretroviral medication. His mother
ensures he gets a balanced diet to
boost his immunity and so he is doing
well. Shida has a nice smile and is a
very focused boy.
“These kids have nothing, yet the joy in their eyes is amazing!”
I was fortunate enough to visit the Makindu
Children’s Centre this past November. I am the
newest board member and wanted to see the
operation for myself. I have been fortunate in the
past to volunteer at orphanages in Guatemala,
Belarus and Mexico. I was very surprised at
what I found. These kids in Makindu have nothing, yet the joy in their eyes is amazing. How
could kids with nothing still be happy? I couldn’t
help but be amazed!
-Board Member Deb Bean
this is the first time many of them have seen their
reflection before. They would stand in a line and
sing and dance for me while I videoed them.
Children circle around Deb’s phone to see their reflection.
The Centre is open six days a week and
provides breakfast and lunch to the kids.
Interacting was a bit difficult for me because of
the language barrier, but we managed. The staff
was wonderful, helping me to communicate. The
girls taught me a game which I failed at epically!
They were shy at first but most came around
quickly. I broke the ice by using my phone to
video them and then show them what I had
done. They were amazed. I am guessing that
The playground consisted of a metal swingset
with three swings, a slide and several tires. I was
shocked how much fun they could have with an
old tire! I brought candy and balloons for the kids.
The balloons were a big hit. I couldn't help but
look at how happy there were with a single
balloon. I went to market one day and bought
several balls for them to play with. They didn’t
have any jump ropes so we made some out of
rope. It was wonderful to see them all playing. I
was surprised that within two days the balls all
popped. The quality of items from there is very
Continued next page
$35 a month sponsors one child
$50 a month sponsors one child with HIV
$50 a month sponsors a sibling pair
Reports, photos, notes and occasional artwork are sent to sponsors 3 times a year.
Watch the child(ren) grow and mature
and see exactly how your donations directly benefit your sponsored child.
The Stallings family began supporting Makindu
Children’s Program when their youngest child,
Brooke, was in middle school.
"My connection to Makindu began in 2002,
when I was a 7th-grader at St. Michael's Episcopal
School. One of our big assignments that year was
a project in which we explored possible careers by
interviewing people who were involved in our
areas of interest.
During my research on charitable
organizations, one of the people I met
with was Michael Farley. He was very
enthusiastic about sharing the story of
his time in the Peace Corps and his
commitment to MCP, and, during the
next few years, my parents and I
attended local showings of his
slideshows from the Proper Walks.
Even after I went off to college and
then graduate school, my mother
continued to follow and support the
work of Makindu.”
The Stallings read a
Makindu article about a girl
with electirical engineering
Makindu to see how they
could help. Now that girl,
Juliet, is headed to university
with her tuition paid for by
the Stallings.
Juliet Mutisya
“Since my father is an electrical engineer, they
wanted to give Juliet the
opportunity to pursue
her dream - like they've done for me and my older
I was happy to see some photos of Juliet
recently, and I wish her all the best in her
upcoming studies!"
Brooke Stallings
Makindu Children celebrate at the Centre.
A Visit to Makindu, continued
I went on a couple of home visits with the Centre
Director and a social worker. These are places too
far for the kids to come to the Centre. One place in
particular I will never forget. It was a mud and stick
shelter made on top of lava-type ground with two
beds made of sticks. This home was about 8x10
feet. An elderly grandfather houses his three grandkids here. There was nothing there...nothing! I saw
three bags that probably contained a change of
clothes and that was it. There was a hole in the
ground with sheet metal around it for a bathroom.
No electricity, plumbing or running water. I asked
myself how do these people take this day in and
day out? The only answer I could find is that this is
all they know.
Makindu Children’s Program is helping so many
kids and guardians. I couldn’t help but think how
amazing founder Winnie Barron is. Here is a person
that saw a need and did something about it. She
has dedicated her life to this and she is my personal
hero! Your donations go so far. If you skipped one
latte a week you could feed a child for that week. I
encourage all of you to help these kids. I feel
blessed to have been able to visit Makindu and will
be back in July to participate in our fundraiser
Proper Safari. I encourage you to join us—it will
change your life!
Deb Bean
Makindu Board of Directors
Sandra Abbett
Anne & Kevin Abts
Lisa Adam
Jen Aguilar
Nikki Aguilar
Richard & Renee Alley
Gabriel Alves
Sandra Amberg
George Ambrosini
Jim Anderson
Pat Anderson
Lloyd Anderson
Sandy Anderson
Cynthia & Bob Anderson
Bryan & Pamela Andresen
Donald Andrews
John M & Lee Ann Armitage
Scott Arnold
Carolyn Arnold
David Bailey
Steven Baisden
Michael Baranowski
& Kathleen Murphy
Sherri Barker
Bill X. Barron
Dr. Jim Barron
Diana Barron
Winnie Barron
Reginald Barry
Kevin Barry
Joyce & Marilyn Bausman
Diane & Paul Baxter
Debra Bean
Jeanne P. Beeghley
Kenneth Beeson
& Beth Eldridge
Marylou Bembe
Rosemary Bennett
David Bolduc
Amanda Booker
Thomas Boyd
& Joanie Rawlings-Boyd
Rozalind Brack
Stephen Bradley
Charles Bradshaw
Andreas Brendle
Harold & Dorothea Brink
David Brooks
R.H. & Esther Bunzl
Margaret G. Callaghan
Jean B Campbell
Loring & Jeanette Cannon
Sue Carey
Jewelry resale show
Friday, June 3, 2016
and Saturday, June 4, 2016
Commerce Building Lobby
Broadway @ Willamette
Eugene, Oregon
Cathy Carlson
Maggie & Scott Carlson
Patricia & Todd Carmack
Robert & Kathleen Carolan
Sidney & Faris Cassell
Krista Charles
Barbara Cherekjian
Kaiara Christensen
Marge Cieri
Jay & Carolyn Clark
Stephen C Clark, Jr
William Clark
Judy Clement
Mandy Cole
Fayedra & Brian Cole
Marsha Collins
Penelope & Vincent Combs
Brian Corrigan
David & Jean Corrigan
Ann Criswell
Patricia Cullen Spensley
Annette Cutsforth
Kary & Barbara Daniels
Betsy Datri
Susan Davenport
& Patricia Walker
Paula Dorney
Barbara Down
Rich Driessnack
Katie Duggan
Mark Duncan
Gretchen Duncan
Karen & Andy Duncan
Linda Dunning
John Durham
Tim Dwyer
John & Laura Easter
Nancy K Eberhardt
JoAnne & John Eggink
Thomas Eilerson
Paula Elissondoberry
Howard William Ellis
Marie Lou Enge
Susan & Derek Erb
Margaret Essenberg
Chuck Everard
Cheryl & Mark Falb
Lee & Michael Farley
Sherilyn & Michael Farris
Ann & David Fidanque
In loving memory of
Lois Farley
In loving memory of
Lennie Mazel
In loving memory of
John DeLong
In loving memory of
Sally Lowe
In loving memory of
Peter Henning
In loving memory of
Mike Pickett
In loving memory of
Tom Norris
In loving memory of
Josephine Bembe
Amy Davie
Michael Davis
Thomas Davis
Karen & Gary Davis
Nancy & Clarence Davis
John De Jong
Catherine DeLong
Ronald Detwiler
Nicole DeVito
Sue & Thomas DeVito
Mary Dickey
Linda Dodge
Mark Donnelly
Luke & Catherine Fleischman
Charles & Linda Fletcher
Thomas & Amanda Freitag
Hal & Mattie Fuller
Patricia L Gabrielson
Howard G Garner
A Joseph & Carol Garrison
Brenda Gaunt
Debra George
& Steve Johnson
Deborah Getty
Faith Goddard
Steven Goode
Janice Goodman
Jennifer & Jeff Goodrich
Katherine Gorham
Jane & Ken Grant
Holley Greenstein
Maxine Griep
Mittie Grigsby
Samuel Grossinger
Nancy Grove
Janice Gurkowski
Tracy Habecker
Barbara L. Hackbarth
Marion Hackett
Joy & John Haines
Jean Halloran
Marcia & Phillip Halpern
Rebecca Hamilton
Sarah Hamrick
Gerald Hanlon
Paola & Richard Hardt
Frederick M Harris
Cindy & Cassie Harrison
Trish Hart
Cheryl Haworth
Lois Heinlein
& Thomas Mathews
John & Leslie Hendricks
Archna & Douglas Hendricks
Michael D Henry
Amy Hibel
Kevin Higgins
David Hill
James & Marcia Hoffmeister
Penelope Holladay
Iris Holliday
Henry Holmes
Jill Holmes
Thomas & Carolyn Homan
Billie Houghton
Pam & David Hovis
Robert Howell
Lorna Hudson
Ellen Humphries
Mary Humphries
& Harold Plasterer
Greg Hunt
Corinne C Hunt
Michael & Carol Huntington
Jeffrey & Hillary James
Robin & John Jane
Barbara Janssen
We are thrilled to announce that our next ReJEWEL show will
be a Special Event on the First Friday ArtWalk in Eugene on
June 3, and open as well during Saturday Market, June 4,
2016. Makindu Children’s Program has begun collecting
jewelry again to clean, repair and resell at the ReJEWEL
show. This year we plan on collecting and reselling scarves as
well so clean out your closets and boxes, and bring or send
your accessories to us at 1216 Lincoln Street, Eugene, Oregon
97405, Full City Coffee on Pearl Street in Eugene, or Oakway
Fitness, 170 Oakway Road in Eugene. Last year’s inaugural
event was a huge success, easily surpassing our goal, and all
patrons and donors expressed interest in continuing this
fundraiser. Look for more details on our website
We want to make sure we get it right. If we have inadvertently omitted your name or have an incorrect detail,
please contact us at
Gloria Jarvis
Pamela & Robert Jiranek
Tanya Johnson
Janice & Martin Johnson
Frank & Kathleen Johnston
Bess Keller
Toshio Kimura
Cynthia Kirk
Rebecca Kithi
Joshua Kittel
Rebekah Klinkebiel
Mary Knight
Woodeene Koenigbricker
Lynn Kosanovic
Cristyn Kostol & John Marble
Mary Ann Kouvelis
Kim Kraemaer
Chris & Stephanie Kuwasaki
Peter La Raus
John & Teri Ann LaChapelle
Lynda & Roger La Raus
Mary Laubacher
Susan Lax
Donald D. Lederhos
Judy Lee
Deborah Lee
Carol F Lee & David Seipp
Randal & Judy Lemke
Cornelia Leser
Scarlet Leverett
Judith Anne Levin
Janet Lichenstein
Jerry Lidz
Andrea Lillo
Helen Liu
Maxfield Lloyd
Louis L Logan
Christopher Long
Allen Lowe
Judith A Lurvey
Denise Lyon
Lisa MacAdam
Kellie Martin
John & Lisa Mason
Susan Matthews
Eleanor May
Mary Mayfield
Heide McAlister-Bates
Maureen McCauley
& Laura Fischrup
Patrick & Kathy McCoy
Roger McCracken
John McCray
& Patricia Jones
Patricia McDearmon
Richard Mckenzie
Kimberly McKinley Taylor
Fernando Mendes
Pamela & Richard Mertz
Rick Meyer
Susie Milette
Deborah & John Miller
Jeanie & Melvin Miner
John & Susan Minor
Sandra Mitchell
Dona Mittasch
Jayne Mondello
Tracey & Anthony Monteleone
Shawn Lee Mooney
Marcia & Casey Moore
L R. Moran
Robert & Melody Morrell
Michael Morrell
Gregory F Morse
Anita Muldoon
Steven Mustoe
& Rhonda Stoltz
Marilyn Nagy
Joni Nelson
James Newcomb
Matt & Megan Newell-Ching
John Nolan
Maude N Nysten
Helen & Stephen Oldfield
Garry Oldham
Megan Omel
Rosemary Orchard
Elvin Ortiz
Tim O'Shea
Amy Ostman
Louis & Joan Ostrom
Eliza Roaring Springs
Owen Nelson Robinson
Tom Rose
Bonnie Rosenstein
Daniel Roth
John Roupe
Elizabeth Rowley
Nancy Rush-Yates
Rina Saito
Robert Schaeffer
Rebecca Schmidt
Janet L Schmitz
Phyllis & Howard Schwartz
Delbert & Alice Scott
Janet Scott
Susan Bailey
& Sidney Buford Scott
Thomas & Barbara Scripps
Karen Sequeira
Sasha Qian'er Sha
Jerry Sheridan
Grant R. & Beth L. Sherk
Jeanne Sherwood
Happy Birthday
Steve Randolph
Merry Christmas
Paul & Diane Baxter
Happy Birthday
Jan Johnson
In honor of
Esther & Randy Bunzl
Happy Anniversary
Phil & Carolyn Virden
In honor of
Carol Lee
Merry Christmas
Plews Family
In honor of
Marti Goddard
Laura Ouellette
Madgil & Jack Overley
Christine Paige
Edwin Goodell Park
Hatie Parmeter
Sondra Peccia
Linda Pinsker
Leslie & Nancy Pliskin
Constance & William Prime
Ellen Prokopow
Marsha Pryor
Paul & Noreen Pusey
Rowena Ralstin
Kymberly Randolph
& Larry Clemenson
Amy Randolph
& John Ostman
Steven Randolph
& Carol Sue Omel
Jeffery & Elisabeth Randolph
Ann RandolphBivins
Vibha Raniga
Gary Raze
Lisa & John Reid
Richard Revesz & Vicki Been
Ian & Diana Richardson
William & Patricia Richardson
Dale Riehart
Lisa Riley
Kevin & Paige Riley
Florence Shimano
Jerry Silbert
Claire Silverman
Chris Singer
Ellie & Greg Smith
Jennifer Sommerdyke
Robert & Kazuko Spear
Ronald & Linda Spears
Janice Sprow
Jacqueline Stallings
John Stark
Liz Stasieczko
Bo Stefanovska
& Pete Barron
Donald Steinman
Holly & Greg Stine
J Randall Street
April & Royce Stricklan
Alexander Sullivan
Shirley & John Sutton
Sherrie Swain
Kim Swenson
Bernard Tadda
& Cornelia Dowsett
David Taylor
Nelson & Christina Teague
Darrel & Linda Tedisch
Thomas M Terry
Barbara Thomas
Terrill Thompson
Edward Thompson
Everett Thorpe
Melissa Tiffany
Meg & Tim Tyree
Carol Ueland
Fred Ueland
Rick Ukena
Richard Ukena
Phillip & Carolyn Virden
Peter & Josephine Von Hippel
Richard Von Reyn
Mark Walbert
& Divina Ungson-Walbert
John & Catherine Walsh
Sherry R. Wanner
Bruce & Nancy Waring
Kevin & Kristin Waters
Ann & Jeff Weeks
Stephen & Sharon Wendell
Barbara S. Went
Karl & Jeana Werwath
Willie & Priscilla West
Donna Wheeler
David & Lina White
Sam & Jaton Whitney
Pat & Stephen Whitney-Wise
Patty Wieland
Lisa Willis
Mildred Wilson
David & Ruth Wininger
Dennis Wininger
& Allyson Clark
Ed & Barb Wintergalen
Jack P. Wolfe
Connie Wonham
Carolyn & Fred Wood
Vicki Woodbridge
Nancy Woolfson & Will Levin
Keith Wright
Stephanie & David Wyman
Jane Young
Frank Yraguen
Ronald & Jackie Zaneveld
Jo Ann Zebrowski
William & Ann Zeman
Amazon Smile Foundation
The GE Foundation
Johnson & Johnson
Schwab Charitable Fund
Benevity Community Fund
Doris Scharpf Trust
Spain Family Fund
Duffy Family Fund
Eleanor May Trust
Plymouth Presbyterian
Susan Rhomberg Trust
Jewish Community Fund
Buford Scott Endowment
Rotary Club Lebanon, OR
Wonder Chicks
July 14—24, 2016
Start the adventure flying into Nairobi and driving to Kiboko Springs.
Walk up Mt. Mielu for view of Mt. Kilimanjaro.
Visit Makindu Children’s Centre and be greeted with a festive welcome ceremony.
Engage in a work/service project like building school desks, painting, or farm work at the Centre.
Travel to Tsavo West Game Park for a game drive..
Travel to Laikipia for a 3-day camel safari.
Upon completion, return to Nairobi.
We ask you to cover all your expenses as well as contribute $2,000 to Makindu Children’s Program
for the privilege of participating in such an intimate experience.
Contact for more details.
August 10—24, 2016
Makindu’s signature fundraiser and Adventure for a Cause.
We are currently accepting applications for this 10-day hike
Through the Laikipia Plateau of Kenya’s Great Rift Valley
to benefit the hundreds of orphaned and vulnerable children
served at Makindu Children’s Centre.
This will be our 8th Proper Walk.
Each Proper Walker is expected to raise at least $10,000 as well as pay all travel expenses.
Proper Walkers have raised over $600,000 to benefit Makindu. or for details.
A Case of Child Abuse in Makindu Sub- County
By Thomas Mwanzia, MCC Director
Any case of child abuse is not pleasing at all. A case of child abuse in Makindu is not a new thing. Many cases are
handled day in day out in the local Makindu law courts. As an advocate for children, MCC is at the forefront in
reporting child abuse cases, advocating for children rights, and counseling the affected
children. Cases range from sexual abuse (defilement) to physical abuse and neglect. The
culprits are usually people very close and well known to the child victims, and are far too often
family members.
Makindu Sub County has high cases of child sexual abuse. This is partly due to ignorance,
illiteracy and idleness. MCC, in collaboration with the Children’s Department, is key in spearheading Child Rights education to caregivers and forming area advisory councils at location
level to address child abuse cases. This is because most cases go unmentioned and some are
solved in local kangaroo courts where the local administrators are bribed, and the children’s
rights and best interest are not served.
A number of challenges are faced when speaking out for the rights of the victims. In most
cases the culprits are related to the victim so most times they want to silence the children to
avoid humiliating their families. Despite all these obstacles, all reported cases do face full force of the law. The MCC
staff go against all odds to ensure the children get their rights. To date, 2 cases have been successfully prosecuted
at the law courts with the culprits facing life imprisonments. Two other cases are ongoing, both of defilement. At the
location level, the area advisory councils address child protection issues and over 5 cases are handled monthly.
Guidance and counseling is continuously given to the victim of child abuse. The cases cannot be eliminated
completely, but with the intervention of MCC in being THE VOICE TO THE VOICELESS, there has been a positive
change in addressing the child abuse cases. Your donations are crucial to ensuring that these child victims get the
counseling and support they need to recover from such a scary, confusing and traumatic crime.
Bank Of The Cascades
Opes Advisors, Inc.
RE/Max Integrity
IPLink Telecom
Ninkasi Brewing Company
Gleaves Swearingen, Attorneys At Law
Shebeen Restaurant
Swahili Imports
Boulder Bookstore
Bonwell Capital Management
Ark Construction & Development
Joseph and Handy
Oakshire Brewing Company
Harman, Claytor, Corrigan & Wellman, P.C.
Full City Coffee Roasters
Summit Funding
Global Delights Coffee
Oakway Fitness
Bernadette Center
Holiday Inn Springfield
Christie’s Fine Gardening
Mountaineer Theater
Makindu supporters in the Eugene/Springfield area of
Oregon gathered on a crisp clear fall day to enjoy a
stroll through one of the
orchards, Dorris Ranch.
The Proper Stroll was held
to raise awareness of
World AIDS Day on
December 1, and remind
the community that the
AIDS pandemic continues
to wreak havoc and create
orphans in Kenya every
everyone who participated!
P.O. Box 51556
Eugene, OR 97405
We need your financial support to continue Makindu
Children’s Centre operations. MCC provides food, education, medical care and love for the Makindu orphans and
their guardian families. Your donations help sustain a
grassroots organization that improves the lives of these
children every day. Here are some ways your donations
I am making a one-time donation of $ _________________
$15 provides food for one child for one month.
 Please send additional information about sponsorship.
$30 provides a mattress, blanket and treated mosquito
net for one child.
$100 provides a year’s supply of milk for one child.
$250 provides bulk
food (maize, beans, oil,
etc.) for a guardian
family of 6 for three
I care and I want to share!
I am making a monthly pledge of $ ___________________
Makindu Children’s Program is a 501(c)(3) organization
Tax ID#93-1153131
Contributions are tax deductible to the extent allowed by law.
*No fees to MCP. Withdrawals made 1st of each month
Name on Card___________________________________
Name ___________________________________________
Billing Address __________________________________
$450 provides a high
school education
(tuition, boarding,
books and supplies) for
one student for one
Address _________________________________________
City & State_____________________________________
City, State & Zip __________________________________
Zip ___________ Phone __________________________
Email _________________ Phone ____________________
 Visa  MasterCard Exp. Date __________________
Financial Institution ________________________________
Card #______________________________ CSC_______
Please consider
becoming a
monthly donor by
joining our
Village Circle or
Account Number __________________________________
Routing Number __________________________________
Signature ________________________________________
Please make checks payable to:
I acknowledge that the origination of ACH transactions to my account must comply with
the provisions of US law. This authority will remain in effect until I have cancelled it in
P. O. BOX 51556, EUGENE, OR 97405