Survey the Text
Survey the Text
Survey the Text Survey the Text Step 1: Look at the pictures, charts, or graphs in the article. What do you think the pictures are trying to tell us about the article? Survey the Text Step 1: Look at the pictures, charts, or graphs in the article. What do you think the pictures are trying to tell us about the article? Survey the Text Survey the Text Step 2: Look at the bold text and captions. What do you think the article is about based on the bold text and captions? Loving: Black and white twin sisters Kian (left) and Remee (right), seven years after they came into the world Survey the Text Survey the Text Loving: Black and white twin sisters Kian (left) and Remee (right), seven years after they came into the world Survey the Text Step 3: Read the first and last sentence of each paragraph What do you think the article is about now after doing this step? Exit Slip Based on the reading strategy introduced in class, what do you think the reading is about before actually reading it? Survey the Text