Curriculum_files/Beech 1A - Bedlington Station Primary School
Curriculum_files/Beech 1A - Bedlington Station Primary School
Number We will plot numbers on a number line and count forwards and backwards to at least 20. Addition and Subtraction We will add and subtract numbers for wages in the our finance department using a number line. ! Dance ! In dance, we will listen to and freely respond to a range of music. We will then make up our own ! dance movements and put them together to form a routine. ! GENERAL ! PHYSICAL Shape We will name and sort a box of 2D and 3D shapes sent in by Crankpot according to their properties. ! CREATIVE ! Music We will explore music through the exciting world of Charanga, which uses songs, games and quizzes to help us learn lots of different styles of music and a wide range of songs and tunes. DT We will create an invention for Crankpot to help him solve his problem. Explore and design the invention using different joining techniques. Geography We will learn about the 4 seasons and create a class display that will change with each season. Computing We will upload pictures from a camera and save them. We will type into a word document when writing labels and captions for materials. French We will learn range of French words and phrases linking to a topic to be taught through songs and games. We will look at a range of circle time activities and topics taught through puppets and games. ! ! MATHS Stories with familiar setting We will talk about what a familiar setting is and read a range of stories with a familiar setting. We will use this to re-write part of a story with a familiar setting. Science We will investigate properties of materials for Commissioner Fox – describing them according to how they feel and look and then sort them according to natural and man-made. Olive to send a range of materials to experiment with heating a cooling for us to experiment with. PSHE Recount We will take photos of our day as detectives and sequence them correctly. We will then write a recount of our day using time connectives. UNDERSTANDING THE WORLD ! ENGLISH Labels lists and captions We will label materials and list what we will need to make an invention for Crankpot. We will write captions for different materials eg. Where we will find them and what they are used for. RE We will learn about Christianity and why Christians have their beliefs. P.E will be every Wednesday and Friday. Please remember to remove jewellery/cover earrings. Water is important to your child’s learning and ability to concentrate. Please bring your child’s water bottle to school each day (filled with still water only) and we will encourage them to drink it. If you need to speak to Miss Curry please do so at the end of the school day unless urgent. Please send your child to school with their book bag everyday as they are used throughout the week. Please encourage your child to change their reading books. Homework will be given out on a Friday and must be handed in by the following Wednesday. If there is any aspect of the homework your child is unsure of please encourage them to seek extra support or encourage them to attend Homework club on a Monday at lunchtime.