GSM phones
GSM phones
5FMFDPN1SPEVDUT (4.QIPOFT 7P*11#9T /FXQSPEVDUT /PWFNCFS (4.QIPOFT 5PVDITDSFFOIBOETFUT MFBEPVUQVU 7P*11#9T )ZCSJENPEFMTESJWFZPVOHMJOF QBHF 0OMJOF/PX (MPCBM4PVSDFTNFUSJDT 5SBDLCVZFSBOETVQQMJFSUSFOET GPSIJHIEFNBOEQSPEVDUT Choose from 16 industry-specific titles: (14 5PQQSPEVDUQSP¾MFT GET PRODUCT ALERTS (14WFIJDMF USBDLJOHTZTUFNT (14QFSTPOBM USBDLFST (14BOUFOOBT /PWFNCFS Get Product Alert e-mail updates, and know when new products (in categories you select) go online. 1PSUBCMF(14 (14NPVOUT IPMEFST .PSFEFNBOETVQQMZUSFOETJOTJEF XXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPN Supplying T-Mobile, Case-mate and Walmart Wireless universal charging The most convenient way to charge mobile phones is wirelessly – and we have the device you need. The wireless charging pad, charging skins and universal adapter featured here allow for simultaneous charging of multiple mobile phones and devices without the clutter of wires and bulky adapters. This product offers convenience that is bound to cause a stir in your market. In fact, International CES awarded this item a Best of Innovations award in 2008, 2009 and 2010, and it has been featured in Wired and Time magazines. For more information, contact us today. Cases suitable for Apple’s iPhone 3G/3Gs and iPhone 4 *\Z[VTPaPUNWYVK\J[ZMVYV]LY`LHYZ ;4VIPSL*HZLTH[L>HSTHY[;LZZJV)@+)\ZOULSSHUK V[OLYJSPLU[ZHSSJV\U[VUV\YL_WLYPLUJL>LOH]LILLU J\Z[VTPaPUNHJJLZZVYPLZMVYTVIPSLWOVULZHUKJVTW\[LYZMVY TVYL[OHU`LHYZ>LJHUZ\JJLZZM\SS`JVTWSL[L`V\Y 6,46+4WYVQLJ[Z[VV :HTWSLZPU[VKH`Z >LOH]LV\YV^UTVSKPUNKLWHY[TLU[[OH[OLSWZZWLLK\W ZHTWSLJYLH[PVU>LJHUOH]LVULYLHK`MVY`V\PUQ\Z[Ä]L[V ZL]LUKH`Z,HJOTVU[O`V\SSÄUK\W[VUL^P[LTZHKKLK [VV\YJH[HSVNHSSVM[OLTH]HPSHISLPUKPMMLYLU[JVSVYZ>L VMMLYTVIPSLWOVULJHZLZZJYLLUWYV[LJ[VYZHUKTVIPSLWOVUL HUKJVTW\[LYRL`WHKZ +LSP]LY`PUKH`Z 6YKLYZMVYWPLJLZ^PSSILYLHK`[VZOPWPUQ\Z[Ä]LKH`Z ;HSR[V\ZPU,UNSPZOVY1HWHULZL[VKH`VY]PZP[V\Y.SVIHS :V\YJLZ6USPULZOV^YVVT[VSLHYUTVYLHIV\[V\YWYVK\J[Z Cases suitable for Apple’s iPhone and RIM’s Blackberry Shenzhen Wei Jia Mei Silicone Mould and Products Mfy 7PUNKVUN0UK\Z[YPHSAVUL7PUNKP3VUNNHUN :OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'^QZPSPJVULJVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT^QZPSPJVULJV ^^^^QZPSPJVULJVT ,62 CNC cutting machine Molding machine Charging pad • Swing arm adapter • Skin for smart phones • Keychain charger for mobile phones and game devices available All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (‘Marks’) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. O'cellus Company Limited Suite 9B, 17/F, Tower 1, China Hong Kong City, 33 Canton Rd., Tsim Sha Tsui, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2375 4800 • Fax: (852) 2375 4900 E-mail: Website: • All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (‘Marks’) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. *OVVZLMYVTV]LY [LSLJVTT\UPJH[PVUJVTWVULU[Z All designed and manufactured in Taiwan *OVVZLMYVTV]LYKPMMLYLU[[LSLJVTT\UPJH[PVUJVTWVULU[Z PUV\YWYVK\J[SPUL>LVMMLY`V\.7:.:4.HUK>3(5 >P4(?HU[LUUHZ9-JVH_PHSJVUULJ[VYZHU[LUUHHKHW[LYJHISLZ HUKJHISLHZZLTISPLZ:V^OL[OLY`V\ULLKWYVK\J[ZMVY\ZLPU [LSL]PZPVUIYVHKJHZ[PUNZH[LSSP[LJVTT\UPJH[PVUVYV[OLYÄLSKZ ^LOH]L^OH[`V\HYLSVVRPUNMVY 6\Y1HWHU[YHPULK9+LUNPULLYZ\ZL[OLPYH]LYHNLVM`LHYZ» L_WLYPLUJLPUKL]LSVWPUNUL^JVTWVULU[Z;OL`\[PSPaL=;=4Z VZJPSSVZJVWLZHUKZWLJ[Y\THUHS`aLYZ[VTH_PTPaLWLYMVYTHUJL VMKL]LSVWPUNWYVK\J[Z>LTHU\MHJ[\YLV\YP[LTZPUV\Y 0:6 !HUK0:6JLY[PÄLKMHJ[VY`(UK[VLUZ\YL [OH[VUS`[VWX\HSP[`WYVK\J[ZYLHJO`V\V\Y8*[LHT\ZLZ WYLJPZPVUPUZWLJ[PVULX\PWTLU[PUV\YX\HSP[`JVU[YVSWYVJLZZ -YVTKLZPNU[VWYVK\J[PVUHSSWYVJLZZLZHYLJHYYPLKV\[PUOV\ZL PU;HP^HU;OPZLUHISLZ\Z[VJSVZLS`TVUP[VY[OLX\HSP[`VMHSS V\YWYVK\J[Z¶JVTWHYLK[VV\YJVTWL[P[VYZ^OVV\[ZV\YJL[OLPY WYVK\J[PVUHUKOH]LSLZZJVU[YVSV]LY8*-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` Mini RF connectors and cable assemblies DVB-T antenna with in-car patch High-power 802.11b/g/n USB adapter GPS/GSM/PCS/CDMA antennas Omni/Yagi/car antennas for GSM/CDMA/ W-CDMA/UMTS and WLAN/WiMAX GSM/CDMA/UMTS antennas Car booster for GSM/ CDMA/UMPS Chinmore Industry Co. Ltd 5V(SSL`3HUL 1\UNO\H9VHK:O\SPU*P[` ;HPWLP*V\U[`;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!JOPUTVYL'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTZLY]PJL'JOPUTVYLJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTJOPUTVYLJV^^^JOPUTVYLJVT RoHS COMPLIANT ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001 Panel antenna for GSM/CDMA/ UMTS and WLAN/WiMAX Personal indoor repeater for GSM/CDMA/UMTS XM/GPS antenna and antenna cables V LGR-35 Throat-activated microphone with elastic strap for optimal mic positioning BTD-523 Bluetooth® dongle for radio operation in almost any environment GPSBox With embedded automatic/ manual location reporting features for real-time tracking .7:)V_HUK.7:4PJMVY7YVMLZZPVUHSZ ,HZPS`0U[LNYH[LK^P[O,_PZ[PUN9HKPV :`Z[LTZHUK.0:(WWSPJH[PVUZ High level of quality control VGPSMic Compatible with most two-way radios, manually/automatically sends GPS reports over the radio network LGM-12 Speaker microphone front-mounted/ traditional side PTT for various applications, wireless PTT available 7LYMLJ[HKKVUMVYUL^HUKL_PZ[PUNYHKPVZ`Z[LTZHZ.7:[YHJRPUNZ`Z[LT 6\YMLH[\YLK.7:)V_HUK.7:4PJMVYWYVMLZZPVUHSZJHULHZPS`IL PU[LNYH[LK^P[OL_PZ[PUNYHKPVZ`Z[LTZHUK.0:HWWSPJH[PVUZ(ZWHY[VM HJVTWSL[LSVJH[PVUYLWVY[PUNZ`Z[LT[OLZLKL]PJLZJHUKL[LYTPUL[OL WYLJPZLSVJH[PVUVMHU`[LHTTLTILYZ]LOPJSLZVYV[OLYHZZL[Z[V^OPJO [OL`HYLH[[HJOLK)V[O[OL.7:)V_HUK.7:4PJHYLHJJ\YH[LHUKYLSPHISL ^OLUZLUKPUNYLWVY[ZVU\ZLYZ»WVZP[PVUZ^OL[OLYH[H\[VTH[PJPU[LY]HSZVY ^OLUTHU\HSS`YLX\LZ[LK E01 Soft earplug, fits both left and right ear comfortably (K]HUJLKHUK^PYLSLZZWYVK\J[Z (ZWHY[VMV\YWYVK\J[SPUL^LHSZVVMMLYLHZ`[V\ZL)S\L[VV[OKVUNSLZMVY YHKPVZHUKHM\SSYHUNLVM7;;ZWLHRLYTPJYVWOVULZ:OV^UHSZVHYL[OL [YHKP[PVUHSHUK[OYVH[HJ[P]H[LK7;;Z ,_JLSSLU[WYVK\J[HJJLW[HUJL^P[OYPNVYV\Z8*WYVJLK\YLZ >LLUZ\YL`V\[OLOPNOLZ[JVTTP[TLU[[VX\HSP[`6\YWYVK\J[ZIVHZ[ ULHYWLYMLJ[HJJLW[HUJL^P[OV\YYPNVYV\Z8*WYVJLK\YLZJVUK\J[LKVU L]LY`\UP[[OYV\NOV\[P[ZWYVK\J[PVU0UHKKP[PVUMVYV]LY`LHYZV\Y TLTILY9+[LHTOHZYLN\SHYS`KL]LSVWLKUL^WYVK\J[ZHUKJVTWSL[LK U\TLYV\Z6,46+4WYVQLJ[ZMVYYLTV[L[HJ[PJHSTPJYVWOVULZLHYWOVULZ HUKZ\Y]LPSSHUJLRP[Z-PUKV\[TVYLHIV\[V\YWYVK\J[ZHUKZLY]PJLZI` JVU[HJ[PUN\Z[VKH` Legion RF Ltd -5V*OLUNKL9K:LJ:OPO3PU;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!HUUH'SLNPVUYMJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTSLNPVUJV^^^SLNPVUYMJVT[^ All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (“Marks”) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. E24 Adjustable swiveling ear loop, fits both left and right ear E25 Adjustable ear loop and tube, fits both left and right ear RoHS COMPLIANT GPS antennas and modules mean a total solution O]mk])-(9_ad]flf]logjcYfYdqr]jk\mjaf_hjg\m[lagf We take R&D seriously Every year, we reinvest $950,000 in R&D. This has given us the ability to develop our own ceramic materials in-house, using ingredients that our competitors don’t. We also develop modules and GPS devices by ourselves. Our R&D team is composed of 145 members, and we cooperate with Zhejiang University and the Nanjing University of Science and Technology. We were asked to work on the Torch Program of China’s Ministry of Science and Technology. Our 1,120 production staff members are ready to get started on your order, using 150 Agilent network analyzers to ensure accuracy. Every month, we produce 550,000 GPS antennas, 1 million microwave dielectric antennas, 3 million filters, 40,000 diplexers, 5 million LTCC components and 120,000 GPS modules and receivers. Our quality center is composed of 64 members, performs its tests independently and provides excellent protection for our top-quality products. For more information on GPS devices like the ones shown here, contact us today. Production power supported by imported equipment When it comes to production, we’ve got things covered. Diplexers and DRs Filters LTCC components Jiaxing Jiali Electronics Co. Ltd Zhejiang Zhengyuan Electric Co. Ltd Our SiRFstarIV GPS module and IP-67 rated waterproof GPS antenna 1 Zhengyuan Rd., Tanghui Industrial Zone, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314003, China Tel: (86-573) 8365 2313, 8365 1016, 8365 1853, 8365 1805 Fax: (86-573) 8365 1858, 8365 2131 • • 5R+6 ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004 OHSAS 18001 Our 82,000m2 factories and office buildings :HSURYLGHRQVLWH DQWHQQDVROXWLRQV 6\YSPUL\WPUJS\KLZ.:4*+4(.3;,>3(5 >P-P>P4(?HUK=/-</-TVKLSZ 2LUIV[VUN2);PZHSLHKPUNZ\WWSPLYVM^PYLSLZZ JVTT\UPJH[PVUZHU[LUUHZHUKZVS\[PVUZPUTHPUSHUK *OPUH6ULYLHZVUMVYV\YZ\JJLZZPZV\YJSPLU[MVJ\ZLK HWWYVHJO¶^LWYV]PKLVUZP[LZVS\[PVUZ]PHV\YWYVK\J[ THUHNLYZ[VOLSW`V\ÄUK[OLWLYMLJ[TVKLSMVY`V\Y ZWLJPÄJHWWSPJH[PVU>LJHUHSZVVMMLYJVTWYLOLUZP]L [LJOUPJHSZ\WWVY[ 6\YSPUL\WPUJS\KLZHU[LUUHZMVY^PYLSLZZHJJLZZPUKVVY JV]LYHNL.3;,HUK44+:IHZLZ[H[PVUZ`Z[LTZ HZ^LSSHZ.:4>3(5>P-P>P4(?*+4(.7: HUK=/-</-PUIHUKZYHUNPUNMYVT4/a[V./a 7S\ZLHJOWYVK\J[^HZKL]LSVWLKPUOV\ZLI`V\Y9+ ZWLJPHSPZ[ZZV`V\^PSSILOHYKWYLZZLK[VÄUKZPTPSHY TVKLSZLSZL^OLYL WYVK\J[PVUHUK[LZ[PUNLX\PWTLU[;OPZTLHUZ^L JHUÄSS`V\Y]VS\TLVYKLYZ^P[OLHZLQ\Z[HZ^LKVMVY *OPUH4VIPSL*OPUH;LSLJVT*OPUH<UPJVT/\H^LP ;LJOUVSVNPLZA;,HUK4V[VYVSH >LOH]LIYHUJOLZPU[OL<:HUK/VUN2VUNHZ^LSS HZHNLU[ZPU0ZYHLS(\Z[YHSPH0UKVULZPH:WHPUHUK[OL <UP[LK(YHI,TPYH[LZ[VMHJPSP[H[L`V\YZV\YJPUNWYVJLZZ -PUKV\[^O`I\`LYZPUV]LYJV\U[YPLZYLS`VU \Z0UX\PYL[VKH` :PUJL ^LOH]LILLUHYLSPHISLZ\WWSPLYVMHU[LUUHZ ^P[OH^PKLYHUNLVMHWWSPJH[PVUZ@V\JHUJV\U[VU\Z[V J\Z[VTPaLHZ\P[HISLTVKLSMVY`V\>P[OV\YT [LJOUVSVN`WHYR^L»YLL_WLJ[PUNV\YJHWHJP[`[VPUJYLHZL I`WLYJLU[[OPZ`LHY>LHSZVYLJLU[S`\WNYHKLKV\Y 3.5GHz parabolic antenna 2LUIV[VUN*VTT\UPJH[PVU3[K 800-2,500MHz indoor ceiling-mount decorative antenna 2.4GHz fiberglass omni antenna Combined GPS and WiMAX antenna 2LUIV[VUN;LJOUVSVN`7HYR*OHU_P\9K-VZOHU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!RI['RLUIV[VUNJVTMZRI['NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT /VUN2VUN 6J[ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTMZRI[JV^^^RLUIV[VUNJVT )VV[O5V; 2);*VTT\UPJH[PVUZ0UJ<::HSLZ)YHUJO ,THPS!ZHSLZ'RI[\ZHJVT>LIZP[L!^^^RI[\ZHJVT GSM/CDMA/3G variable electrical downtilt antenna Source from an established antenna supplier >LJHUÄSS`V\YVYKLYZPUVUS`KH`Z 6\YJSPLU[ZJVUZPZ[LU[S`ZV\YJLMYVT\Z¶VULVM[OL SLHKPUNHU[LUUHTHU\MHJ[\YLYZPUTHPUSHUK*OPUH¶ ILJH\ZLV\YSPNO[UPUNMHZ[ZLY]PJLZOLSW[OLTRLLW JVZ[ZSV^HUKWYVÄ[THYNPUZOPNO>LJHUÄUPZO 6+4HU[LUUHZHTWSLZPUVUS`VUL^LLRTPUPTPaPUN SHN[PTLILMVYL`V\YUL^Z`Z[LTZJHUNVVUSPUL(UK IL[[LY`L[^OLUWSHJPUNNLULYHSVYKLYZV\YJSPLU[Z ILULÄ[MYVTSLHK[PTLZHZZOVY[HZ[^VKH`Z (U[LUUH^OVSLZHSLYZZ`Z[LTTHU\MHJ[\YLYZHUK ZLY]PJLWYV]PKLYZPUWS\ZJV\U[YPLZOH]LILLU TVYL[OHUZH[PZÄLK^P[OV\YLMÄJPLU[6,46+4 ZLY]PJLZ/V^T\JOZV&5PUL[`Ä]LWLYJLU[VM[OLT OH]LYLUL^LK[OLPYJVU[YHJ[Z^P[O\ZT\S[PWSL[PTLZ (UKUVULVMV\YJ\Z[VTLYZOH]LL]LYYL[\YULKH ZPUNSLWYVK\J[ (STVZ[HKLJHKLHNV^LYLSLHZLKV\YÄYZ[>3(5 HU[LUUH5V^^LVMMLY`V\TVYL[OHUTVKLSZ ^PKLS`\ZLKPU>P-P.:4HUK*+4(HWWSPJH[PVUZ ;V[\ULPU[VSV^LYHU[LUUHJVZ[ZHUKOPNOLYWYVÄ[ THYNPUZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` 3HUIV^HU/23[K <UP[-*H\ZL^H`)H`*VTTLYJPHS)\PSKPUN :\NHY:[*H\ZL^H`)H`/VUN2VUN ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!PUMV'SHUIV^HUJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTSHUIV^HUJV ^^^SHUIV^HUJVT^^^YMJVT 4:5!3HUIV^HU'OV[THPSJVT 4HPUSHUK*OPUHMHJ[VY`! -VZOHU3HUIV^HU*VTT\UPJH[PVUZ3[K :PaOP9K-VZOHU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS!-H_! Integrated WLAN antenna with enclosure MIMO sector antenna 2.4GHz grid antenna (15/19/24dBi) Patch antenna with enclosure 5GHz solid dish antenna Omni antenna Dish antenna 5GHz sector antenna 5GHz grid antenna (24/27/30dBi) ;LSLJVTWYVK\J[Z[OH[ TLL[TPSP[HY`Z[HUKHYKZ &RPSRQHQWVIURP7RVKLEDDQG0LWVXELVKL 7SLU[`VMV[OLYTHRLYZWYVK\JLHJJLW[HISL ^PYLSLZZ[LSLJVTKL]PJLZ>LNVVULZ[LW M\Y[OLYI`LUZ\YPUNV\YZTLL[[OL403:;+ ,Z[HUKHYK0UMHJ[^LOH]LJVTWSL[LK 6+4WYVQLJ[ZMVY;HP^HU»ZTPSP[HY`(UK V\YJVTWVULU[ZJVTLMYVTOPNOWYVÄSL JVTWHUPLZSPRL;VZOPIH4P[Z\IPZOPHUK 4\YH[H:VPM`V\^V\SKSPRL`V\YWYVK\J[Z [VILHZZVJPH[LK^P[OSVUNSHZ[PUNK\YHIPSP[` ^L»YL[OLWLYMLJ[Z\WWSPLYJOVPJL 6\Y9+[LHTTLTILYZOH]LHUH]LYHNLVM `LHYZ»L_WLYPLUJLHUK[OL`JYLH[L-9: LUHISPUNJOPWZL[ZMVY[^V^H`YHKPVZPUOV\ZL ;OPZL_WLY[PZLHSVUN^P[OKLMLJ[YH[LZHM\SS WLYJLU[ILSV^[OLPUK\Z[Y`H]LYHNLOHZ OLSWLKLHYU\Z[OLI\ZPULZZVMSLHKPUN JLSSWOVULJVTWHUPLZ*VU[HJ[\Z[VKH` 155BT Handheld VHF two-way radio • Frequency range: 5W in 136-174MHz • High battery capacity: 3,000mAH Li-ion battery • IP65-rated (IP67 and Bluetooth® dongle are optional) XHT-155/XHT-440 VHF/UHF data radio module CTE-409 FRS chipset with antenna *OPLM;LR,SLJ[YVUPJZ*V3[K -5V(SSL`3HUL)HV_PUN9K ?PUKPHU*P[`;HPWLP*V\U[`;HP^HU ;LS! L_[-H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'JOPLM[LRJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTJOPLM[LRJV 4HPUSHUK*OPUHJVU[HJ[!4Y*OHYSLZ2\V ;LS! L_[ -H_! 5R+6&0,, 5XVVLDQ337$SSURYDO :R`WL!JOHYSLZ %OXHWRRWKDQGWKH%OXHWRRWKORJRDUHUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRIWKH%OXHWRRWK6,* 12 Telecom Products November 2010 1VCMJTIFS "TTPDJBUF1VCMJTIFS 4QFOTFS"V -JWJB:JQ &%*503*"-0''*$&4 4IBOHIBJ 5FM 'BY 4IBOUPV 5FM 'BY 4IBPYJOH 5FM 'BY 4IFO[IFO 5FM 'BY 4IVOEF 5FM 'BY 4V[IPV 5FM 'BY 5BJ[IPV 5FM 'BY 5JBOKJO 'BY 5FM 8FJIBJ 5FM 'BY 8FO[IPV 5FM 'BY 8VIBO 5FM 'BY 8VYJ 5FM 'BY 9JBNFO 5FM 'BY 9Jµ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specialists implementing strict testing procedures A 4-step QC regimen We have 90 personnel who strictly implement a four-step QC regimen so that we can meet your requirements. They utilize our suite of HP 8922 and HP 8960 testing machines to help ensure that our GSM phones are ready for your market. Accordingly, our products have a repair rate of as low as 0.5 percent. Up to 5 new items per month You can count on our 20 R&D engineers to keep your selection up-to-date. They each have more than five years of experience and can develop up to five new mobile phones every month. We use chipsets from MediaTek for reliability. Big buyers bring us their ODM projects, and you can too. For more details, call us today. Shenzhen Anlip Digital Technology Co. Ltd Rm. 1005, Bldg. B, Stars Plaza, Huaqiang North Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031, China Tel: (86-755) 3306 8860 • Fax: (86-755) 3306 8861 Factory: 4/F, Bldg. B, No. 10, East District, Shangxue Industrial Park, Jihua Rd., Buji, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518112, China E-mail: • Website: One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. (AP-F1) Dual SIM GSM mobile phone • Two LED flashlights • 8GB of memory $6450.&34&37*$& 4JOHBQPSF 5FM 'BY 6OJUFE4UBUFT 5FM 'BY TFSWJDF!HMPCBMTPVSDFTDPN "MMQVCMJTIJOHSJHIUTBOEDPQZSJHIUTBSFIFMECZ 5SBEF.FEJB-UE(SBOE$BZNBO$BZNBO*TMBOET #SJUJTI8FTU*OEJFT$/1*&$OVNCFS *44/ /PWFNCFS7PMVNF/VNCFS 1SJOUFECZ$$0GGTFU1SJOUJOH$P-UE '$$#VJMEJOH5JOH-BJ3PBE5BJ1P /FX5FSSJUPSJFT)POH,POH 5FM 'BY $PQZSJHIUCZ5SBEF.FEJB-UE"MMSJHIUTSFTFSWFE /"4%"2(4(40- - Choose verified suppliers (AP2968) Dual SIM GSM mobile phone with a 1,080mAh battery (AP888) Dual SIM flip mobile phone with flashlight (AP-F6) Dual SIM flip mobile phone • 2.6” screen • Available in black or white (AP919) Dual SIM slide mobile phone • 2.6” touch screen • Available in black, silver and gold (MPCBM4PVSDFTPOMJOFNFUSJDT 5SBDLCVZFSBOETVQQMJFSUSFOET GPSIJHIEFNBOEQSPEVDUT 0OMJOFNFUSJDTBSFUBLFOGSPNCVZFSBOE TVQQMJFSBDUJWJUZJOIVOESFETPGIJHIEFNBOE QSPEVDUHSPVQTPOXXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPN *OUIJTJTTVF (14 $07&34503: (4.QIPOFT 5PVDITDSFFOIBOETFUTBEPQUJOHSFTJTUJWF UFDIOPMPHZESJWFNPCJMFQIPOFQSPEVDUJPO 4PVSDJOH.BHB[JOFT *OTJHIUTJOUPUIFMBUFTUTVQQMZNBSLFUUSFOET /FXQSPEVDUJOGPSNBUJPOJODMVEJOHGVMMDPMPSQIPUPT $POUBDUEFUBJMTGPSRVBMJ¾FEBEWFSUJTFSTGSPN(SFBUFS$IJOB 7P*11#9T $IJOBNBLFSTQSFQBSFUPNFFUSJTJOHEFNBOEXJUIIZCSJE*11#9T $PODJTFQSP¾MFTPGGFBUVSFETVQQMJFST 5PTVCTDSJCFHPUP XXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPNTVCTDSJCFOPX 0OUIFDPWFS(4.QIPOFTGSPN 2*(*'VUVSF5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UE QBHF7P*11#9GSPN"UDPN 5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UEQBHF CPUIPG$IJOB /FXQSPEVDUT .PCJMFQIPOFBOE(14QSPEVDUTJODMVEJOH °J1IPOFQPXFSQBDLTFOBCMJOHISUBMLUJNF °1PSUBCMF(14USBDLFSTGPSWFIJDMFTQFPQMFBOEQFUT °.PCJMFQIPOFTJHOBMBNQMJ¾FSTGPS(4.OFUXPSLT $IJOB4PVSDJOH3FQPSUT 7FSJ¾FE$IJOBNBOVGBDUVSFSTµQSP¾MFT 1SPEVDUBOEQSJDJOHGPSFDBTUT *OGPSNBUJPOPOTVQQMZDFOUFSTBOENBSLFUUSFOET "EWFSUJTFS*OEFYCZ1SPEVDU "EWFSUJTFS*OEFY 5PTFFBDPNQMFUFMJTUPGBMMPVS$IJOB4PVSDJOH3FQPSUTHPUP XXX$IJOB4PVSDJOH3FQPSUTDPN 0OMJOF/PX(FUUIFMBUFTUQSPEVDUJOGPSNBUJPO±VQEBUFEFWFSZEBZ '*/%130%6$54'JOEUIPVTBOETPGUPQRVBMJUZQSPEVDUT±JOZPVSNBSLFUPOZPVS1$ $0/5"$54611-*&34$POOFDUXJUIMFBEJOHTVQQMJFSTGSPN$IJOBBOEPUIFSFYQPSUIVCT JO"TJBBOEBSPVOEUIFXPSME 130%6$5"-&3544PVSDFEJSFDUGSPNZPVSEFTLUPQXJUIGSFFQFSTPOBMJ[FEFNBJM VQEBUFTPOOFXQSPEVDUTBOETVQQMJFST 53"%&4)08$&/5&34VQQMJFSTQSPEVDUTQSFWJFXTBOEEFUBJMFEHVJEFTUPIVOESFET PGTIPXT XXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPNUFMFDPNQSPEVDUT /05&503&"%&34"MMQSJDFTRVPUFEJOUIJTNBHB[JOFBSFJO64EPMMBSTVOMFTTPUIFSXJTFTQFDJ¾FE'0#QSJDFTXFSFQSPWJEFECZUIFDPNQBOJFTJOUFSWJFXFEPOMZBTSFGFSFODFQSJDFT BUUIFUJNFPGUIFJOUFSWJFXBOENBZIBWFDIBOHFE3FBEFSTTFFLJOH¾SNRVPUFTPOQSPEVDUTNFOUJPOFEJOUIJTNBHB[JOFTIPVMEDPOUBDUUIFNBOVGBDUVSFSTUSBEFSTEJSFDUMZ"MM QSPEVDUJNBHFTBSFQSPWJEFECZUIFDPNQBOJFTJOUFSWJFXFEBOEBSFGPSSFGFSFODFQVSQPTFTPOMZ5IPTFQSPEVDUJNBHFTGFBUVSJOHQSPEVDUTXJUIUSBEFNBSLTCSBOEOBNFTPSMPHPTBSF OPUJOUFOEFEGPSTBMF1SPEVDUTUIBUBSFOPUUIFTQFDJ¾DUPQJDTPGFEJUPSJBMBSUJDMFTBSFTIPXOGPSJMMVTUSBUJWFBOEPSEFNPOTUSBUJWFQVSQPTFTPOMZ8FPVSBG¾MJBUFTBOEPVSBG¾MJBUFTµ SFTQFDUJWFEJSFDUPSTPG¾DFSTFNQMPZFFTSFQSFTFOUBUJWFTBHFOUTPSDPOUSBDUPSTEPOPUBDDFQUBOEXJMMOPUIBWFBOZSFTQPOTJCJMJUZPSMJBCJMJUZGPSQSPEVDUJNBHFTPSBOZQBSUUIFSFPG XIJDIJOGSJOHFPOBOZJOUFMMFDUVBMQSPQFSUZPSPUIFSSJHIUTPGBUIJSEQBSUZ "MMQVCMJTIJOHSJHIUTBOEDPQZSJHIUTBSFIFMECZ5SBEF.FEJB-UE 14 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 15 Motorola, Nokia, Audi and Volkswagen find their way to us 4&HTXLSPHQWIURP+3HQVXUHVTXDOLW\ GPS+GSM+Wi-Fi antenna GPS and GSM combination car antenna 1HDUO\GHFDGHVRIGHGLFDWLRQ :H·YHEHHQHQJDJHGLQWKH5'RI*36DQG*60DQWHQQDVIRU \HDUV,W·VWKLVH[SHUWLVHWKDW1RNLD0RWRUROD$XGL9RONVZDJHQDQG &RFD&RODKDYHFRPHWRUHO\RQDVKDYHRWKHUFOLHQWVLQ(XURSHDQG WKH86²WKHUHFLSLHQWVRISHUFHQWRIRXUJRRGV:HKDYHSDWHQWV IRURXUSURGXFWVLQPDLQODQG&KLQD HQJLQHHUVUHDG\IRU\RXU2(0RUGHUV &RPHWRXVIRU*36*60DQG:L)LDQWHQQDVDVZHOODV** '9%'$%DQGRWKHUFRPELQDWLRQDQWHQQDVFRQQHFWRUVDQGLQWHUIDFH FDEOHV2XUPRUHWKDQHQJLQHHUVKDYHKHOSHGXVGHYHORSRXUFXUUHQW VHOHFWLRQDQGZHOFRPH\RXUFXVWRPVSHFLÀFDWLRQV 8SWRXQLWVGDLO\ 2XUHLJKWSURGXFWLRQOLQHVDQGHPSOR\HHVWXUQRXWXSWR XQLWVSHUGD\²RQHRIWKHODUJHVWFDSDFLWLHVLQWKHLQGXVWU\'HOLYHU\ WDNHVRQHWRWZRZHHNV$OORIRXU4&HTXLSPHQWLVIURP+3LQFOXGLQJ QHWZRUNDQDO\]HUVQRLVHÀJXUHPHWHUVDQGVSHFWUXPDQDO\]HUV:H DOVRKDYHDPLFURZDYHDQHFKRLFFKDPEHU&DOOXVWRGD\ GPS active antennas and GPS active internal antennas Wi-Fi antennas GSM antennas GPS and GSM combination car antennas Interface cables for telecom applications Various RF connectors GPS antenna .MEWLER.MRGLERK)PIGXVSR'S0XH GSM antenna 2IÀFH$GGUHVV)&HQWXU\6TXDUH:HVW=KRQJVKDQ5G -LD[LQJ=KHMLDQJ&KLQD 7HO)D[ (PDLOMFJSV#YLSFRP ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPMVMLQFKDQJFRZZZMLQFKDQJJSVFRP 6N\SHPD\PD\061MFJSVYLS#KRWPDLOFRP )DFWRU\-LDVKDQ+LJKZD\-LDVKDQ-LD[LQJ=KHMLDQJ&KLQD ISO 9001:2000 RoHS 7KH&KLQD6RXUFLQJ)DLUVH[SDQGWR 6RXWK$IULFDIRUWKH¿UVWWLPH /DUJHVW&KLQDSURGXFWVH[KLELWLRQHYHULQ6RXWK$IULFD &KLQD6RXUFLQJ)DLU(OHFWURQLFV H[SDQGVWR6RXWK$IULFDIRUWKH¿UVW WLPHLQ'HFHPEHU7KHHYHQWLV GHVLJQHGWRVHUYHLPSRUWHUVDQG YROXPHEX\HUVZKRDUHDOUHDG\ LPSRUWLQJSURGXFWVIURP&KLQDRUZKR DUHLQWHUHVWHGLQEHJLQQLQJWRGRVR 7KHQHZ&KLQD6RXUFLQJ)DLULV SHUIHFWO\WLPHGWRPHHW$IULFD¶V JURZLQJGHPDQGIRU&KLQDPDGH SURGXFWV&KLQD¶VH[SRUWVWR$IULFD JUHZLQWKH¿UVWPRQWKVRI WRWDOLQJ86ELOOLRQ Handheld two-way radios 7KH&KLQD 6RXUFLQJ )DLUZLOOIHDWXUHH[SRUW TXDOLW\PDQXIDFWXUHUVIURP *UHDWHU&KLQDPDUNHWV RIPDLQODQG&KLQD +RQJ.RQJDQG7DLZDQ ,WZLOOEHWKHODUJHVWEXVLQHVV WREXVLQHVVH[KLELWLRQRI &KLQDSURGXFWVHYHUWRFRPH WR$IULFD CB radio &RVWHIIHFWLYHWZRZD\UDGLRVWKDQNV WRLQKRXVHSURGXFWLRQ With 18-month warranties Our two-way radios are comparable to those made by Kenwood, Icom and HYT. However, ours are more cost-effective. Apart from electronic components, which we source from Japan, our products are assembled in-house, resulting in more competitive prices. And for quality assurance, our 30 inspectors use HP, Marconi and Motorola machines to check each unit that we ship. We're so confident in our products' performance that we offer 18-month warranties. You won't have to wait until the next day for a reply when inquiring about our vehicle and marine radios, CB radios, handheld transceivers and 900MHz radios. We have a sales team that works 24 hours a day, seven days a week. This quick response also applies to our other offerings, including RF modules, GSM/CDMA/DCS/PCS/WCDMA mobile phone repeaters and signal jammers. Contact us today – at any hour – to learn more about what we offer. Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co. Ltd Qixiang Building, Tangxi Industrial Zone, Luojiang, Quanzhou, Fujian 362011, China Tel: (86-595) 2265 6925/6926 • Fax: (86-595) 2265 6927, 2257 0046 E-mail: • Website: • • 0RUHGHWDLOVDERXWWKH&KLQD6RXUFLQJ)DLUV LQ6RXWK$IULFDDUHDYDLODEOHDW KWWSZZZFKLQDVRXUFLQJIDLUFRPVRXWKDIULFD 5IF&MFDUSPOJDTFWFOUXJMMGFBUVSFFYIJCJUPSTPG QSPEVDUTMJLFUIFTF Mobile radio with scrambler and compander system $POTVNFSFMFDUSPOJDT $PNQVUFSOFUXPSLJOH 5FMFDPNQSPEVDUT WCDMA/3G repeater /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V8 All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. 18 Telecom Products November 2010 7KHHYHQWZLOOEHKHOGLQ'HFHPEHUDWWKH *DOODJKHU&RQYHQWLRQ&HQWUHLQ-RKDQQHVEXUJ 6RXWK$IULFD4XDOL¿HGEX\HUVDUHHQFRXUDJHGWR SUHUHJLVWHUIRUWKH)DLU %FDFNCFS (BMMBHIFS$POWFOUJPO$FOUSF (BMMBHIFS&TUBUF.JESBOE +PIBOOFTCVSH4PVUI"GSJDB &MFDUSPOJDBDDFTTPSJFT )PNFBQQMJBODFT 4FDVSJUZQSPEVDUT 0UIFSIBMMTXJMMGFBUVSFFYIJCJUPSTPGIBSEXBSFCVJMEJOHNBUFSJBMT GBTIJPOBDDFTTPSJFTHBSNFOUTUFYUJMFTIPNFQSPEVDUTBOEHJGUT QSFNJVNT 90$IULFD(/1RYHPEHUDGYHWRULDO - Choose verified suppliers More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 19 5HOLDEOHSURGXFHURI0+] WR*+]DQWHQQDV :HDOVRRIIHURYHU NLQGVRI&3(DQWHQQDV <RX¶OOILQGQRVKRUWDJHRI:/$1DQWHQQDVXSSOLHUVLQPDLQODQG&KLQD WRGD\%XWKRZVWDEOHDUHWKH\"7KDQNVWRRXU4&WHDPZH¶UH FRQILGHQWLQWKHTXDOLW\DQGUHOLDELOLW\RIRXUSURGXFWV7KDW¶VZK\ZH FDQRIIHUWZR\HDUZDUUDQWLHV:HSURYLGHPRUHWKDQPRGHOVRI DQWHQQDVDQGLQWHJUDWHGHQFORVXUHVZKLFKLVPRUHWKDQRWKHUVXSSOLHUV FDQJLYH\RX :HVXEMHFWDOORIRXUSURGXFWVWR $PLFURZDYHDQHFKRLFFKDPEHU $XWRPDWLFQHDUDQGIDUILHOGWHVWV $YHFWRUQHWZRUNDQDO\]HU 6DOWIRJFRUURVLRQDQGWHPSHUDWXUHKXPLGLW\FKDPEHUV /'YLEUDWLRQWHVWV 89IORRGOLJKWWHVWV :DWHUSURRILQJWHVWV 2.4GHz 120-degree sector antenna 2.4GHz/5GHz plastic enclosure antenna 5GHz dual polar antenna 2XUPRQWKO\FDSDFLW\LVXQLWV&RPHWRXVIRUDQWHQQDVZLWK IUHTXHQFLHVUDQJLQJIURP0+]WR*+]:HDOVRKDYHDZLGH VHOHFWLRQRIPRUHWKDQW\SHVRI&3(DQWHQQDVZKLFKZHGHYHORS DFFRUGLQJWRPDUNHWQHHGV7KDW¶VZK\EX\HUVLQWKH86DQG(XURSH KDYHFRQVLVWHQWO\FRPHWRXVIRURYHUILYH\HDUV:H¶UHUHDG\WRKDQGOH \RXU2(02'0SURMHFWVDVZHOO7ROHDUQPRUHDERXWRXUSURGXFWVDQG VHUYLFHVYLVLWRXU*OREDO6RXUFHV2QOLQHVKRZURRPWRGD\ 5GHz CPE antenna with RJ45 cable port +DLQLQJ6XQSDUO,QIRUPDWLRQ7HFKQRORJ\&R/WG ;LQ[LQJ5G+DLQLQJ)RUHLJQ2ULHQWHG$JULFXOWXUDO&RPSUHKHQVLYH 'HYHORSPHQW=RQH+DLQLQJ=KHMLDQJ&KLQD 7HO)D[ (PDLOVXQSDUO#VXQSDUOFRP ZZZVXQSDUOFRPZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPVXQSDUOFR 5GHz dish antenna 2.4GHz/5GHz sector antenna Coupler, splitter and filter 2.4GHz grid parabolic antenna 800-2,500MHz antenna ISO 9001:2000 'BJSFBSOTHMPCBMCVZFSTµ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µTGBTUFTUHSPXJOHUSBEFFWFOUJOUIFJOEVTUSZ4PVSDFUIFTFJOOPWBUJPOT BU$IJOB4PVSDJOH'BJS&MFDUSPOJDT$PNQPOFOUTBU)POH,POHµT"TJB8PSME&YQP PO"QSJMUP (JWJOHZPVNPSFQSPEVDUVQEBUFJEFBTBSFUIFDPMPDBUFE,PSFB4PVSDJOH'BJS &MFDUSPOJDT$PNQPOFOUT$IJOB4PVSDJOH'BJS4FDVSJUZ1SPEVDUTBOEUIFOFX $IJOB4PVSDJOH'BJS4PMBS&OFSHZ4BWJOH1SPEVDUT 3FHJTUFS/PXBU 22 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers 2VBMJ¾FEUSVTUFETVQQMJFST $IJOFTFNBOVGBDUVSFSTIBWFFYIJCJUFEDPNQFUFODF JOQSPEVDUJOOPWBUJPOBOERVBMJUZBUUSBDUJOH MFBEJOHCVZFSTJOUIFJOEVTUSZ(FUUIFNPTUPVUPG ZPVSJOWFTUNFOUSFUVSOTCZQBSUOFSJOHXJUIUIFTF DPNQFUJUJWFTVQQMJFSTXIPPGGFS¿FYJCMFEFMJWFSZUFSNT BOEUIFMPXFTUQSJDFQPJOUTJOUIFNBSLFU 5JNFTBWJOHTPVSDJOHWJTJUBUXPSMEDMBTTWFOVF -PDBUFEOFBSUIF)POH,POH*OUµM"JSQPSU"TJB8PSME &YQPJTBDPOWFOJFOUTPVSDJOHWFOVFGPSCVZFST ¿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© $PMPDBUFEXJUI ,PSFB4PVSDJOH'BJS&MFDUSPOJDT$PNQPOFOUT $IJOB4PVSDJOH'BJS 4PMBS&OFSHZ4BWJOH1SPEVDUT "%.*44*0/ 5SBEFPOMZ'SFFXJUIQSFSFHJTUSBUJPOBU XXXDIJOBTPVSDJOHGBJSDPN DBOBMTPUBLFUIFGSFF(MPCBM4PVSDFTTIVUUMFCVT USBOTQPSUGSPNNVMUJQMFDJUZMPDBUJPOTUPUIFWFOVF EVSJOHUIFGPVSEBZTIPX &BSOHSFBUFSCPUUPNMJOFQSP¾UGSPNZPVSFMFDUSPOJDT DPNQPOFOUTCVTJOFTT°TPVSDFBUUIF$IJOB4PVSDJOH 'BJS5PHFUZPVSGSFFFOUSZCBEHFUPUIF'BJSTJHOVQ OPXBUXXXDIJOBTPVSDJOHGBJSDPNQ XXXDIJOBTPVSDJOHGBJSDPN More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 23 Distribute our OBM accessories for Apple iPhones, iPads and iPods 6\YWYVK\J[ZMLH[\YL[YLUK`KLZPNUZ HUK[OLSH[LZ[M\UJ[PVUZ .J-JVOJWFSTBMDIBSHFS)$6 r7%$DBSDIBSHFS r5SBWFMDIBSHFS7)[ r64#7%$""$POMZ r64#7%$N" r'PS"QQMFhTJ1BETJ1IPOFTJ1PET mobile phones and more .J-JDIBSHJOHTUBUJPO)$) r'PS"QQMFTJ1BETJ1IPOFTJ1PET mobile phones, PMPs and more r$IBSHFTVQUPEFWJDFTTJNVMUBOFPVTMZ r64#QPSUT .J-J1PXFS$SZTUBM)#" Portable power bank r'PS"QQMFhTJ1IPOFTJ1PET mobile phones and more rN"I r.BYJNVNPVUQVU7" .J-J1PXFS1JDPQSPKFDUPS)1" r'PS"QQMFTJ1IPOFTJ1PETJ1BETMBQUPQT mobile phones, DVD players, PMPs and more r#VJMUJO7N"ICBUUFSZ r#SJHIUOFTTMN r-$P4EJTQMBZ3(#-&%T 6MMLYPUN9+HUKTHYRL[PUNZLY]PJLZ (YL`V\SVVRPUN[VKPZ[YPI\[LIYHUKLKWYVK\J[ZMYVT THPUSHUK*OPUH&;OLUWHY[ULY^P[O\Z,Z[HISPZOLKPU ^LHYLHSPJLUZLLVM4HKLMVYP7VKHJJLZZVYPLZHUK HTHU\MHJ[\YLYVMV\Y4P3PWV^LYWYVQLJ[VYZIH[[LYPLZ HUKJOHYNLYZMVY(WWSL»ZP7VKZP7OVULZP7HKZHUKV[OLY LSLJ[YVUPJKL]PJLZ>LKL]LSVW\W[V[OYLLUL^WYVK\J[Z TVU[OS`HUKJHUWYV]PKL`V\^P[OKL[HPSLKZHSLZHUK THYRL[PUNZ\WWVY[ 7YVK\J[Z^P[O]HS\LHKKLKMLH[\YLZ (SSVMV\YP[LTZIVHZ[[YLUK`KLZPNUZHUKH^PKLHYYH`VM ]HS\LHKKLKMLH[\YLZ-VYPUZ[HUJL[OLL_[LYUHSIH[[LYPLZ ZOV^UOLYLHYLHTVUN[OL[OPUULZ[TVKLSZVU[OLTHYRL[ ;OLZLP[LTZLUHISLHZ[HUKI`[PTLVM\W[VOV\YZ (UHUU\HSJHWHJP[`VMTPSSPVU\UP[Z 7YVK\J[PVU[HRLZWSHJLH[V\YTMHJPSP[`^OLYL ZRPSSLK^VYRLYZJHU[\YUV\[TPSSPVU\UP[ZHUU\HSS` ;VWYV]PKL`V\^P[OHOHZZSLMYLLZV\YJPUNL_WLYPLUJL ^LOH]LVMÄJLZPU[OL<:HUK5VY^H`^OLYL^L Z[VJRPU]LU[VY`HUKVWLYH[LYLWHPYJLU[LYZ>LHSZV .J-J1PXFS,JOH)#1 Portable power bank r'PSMBQUPQT"QQMFTJ1BETJ1IPOFTJ1PETNPCJMF phones, digital cameras and personal DVD players rN"I .J-J1PXFS.BHJD)$8 Wireless charging station r$BSDIBSHFS77%$ rN"ICBUUFSZ r5SBWFMDIBSHFS7"$ r)[ r64#PVUQVU7%$N" r8JSFMFTT7N" OH]LHNLU[ZZ[H[PVULK^VYSK^PKL6UL`LHYWYVK\J[ ^HYYHU[PLZHYLH]HPSHISL-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[V\Y YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ[VKH` :OLUaOLU/HSPWV^LY0UK\Z[YPHS*V3[K )SKN,+HRHU:JPLUJL;LJOUVSVN`7HYR?PSP5HUZOHU :OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!OHSPWV^LY'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTZHSLZ'OHSPWV^LYJVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTOHSPWV^LYJV ^^^PWOVULTPSPJVT All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V( MiLi Power Spring 4 (HI-C23) External battery for Apple's iPhone 4 r0OFPGUIFIJHIFTUFYUFSOBMCBUUFSZDBQBDJUJFTN"I rNNUIJDL Shape your competitive edge with our innovative products and award-winning designs )S\L[VV[OJOPWZMYVT*:9HUK)YVHKJVT >LHZZ\YL`V\[OH[^OLU`V\WHY[ULY^P[O\Z`V\^PSSIL ZV\YJPUNWYVK\J[ZVMVUS`OPNOX\HSP[`;OH[»ZILJH\ZL^L ZV\YJL)S\L[VV[OJOPWZMYVT*:9HUK)YVHKJVTHUK OH]LPU]LZ[LKHSHYNLZ\TPU]HYPV\Z[LZ[PUNKL]PJLZ[V LUZ\YL[OLHJJ\YHJ`VML]LY`WYVK\J[ZWLJPÄJH[PVU 0UUV]H[PVU`V\»SSHWWYLJPH[L )\[[OH[»ZUV[HSS@V\»SSHSZVILNL[[PUNVULVMHRPUK P[LTZMYVT\Z6\YYLW\[H[PVUHZHNYV\UKIYLHRPUN )S\L[VV[OWYVK\J[ZZ\WWSPLY^HZZLJ\YLKPU ^OLUVULVMV\YKLZPNUZTHKL-VYILZ»>VYSK»Z*VVSLZ[ .HKNL[ZSPZ[(UKH[[OL0U[LYUH[PVUHS*,:PU^L [VVROVTLHU0UUV]H[PVUZ(^HYK0M`V\[HRLHK]HU[HNL VMV\Y6+4ZLY]PJLZ[OLUL_[H^HYKJV\SKILSVUN[V`V\ =HYPL[`[VTLL[`V\YYLX\LZ[ >LJYLH[L\W[VUL^WYVK\J[ZMVYV\YJH[HSVN HUU\HSS`)`ZV\YJPUNMYVT\Z`V\»SSNL[[OL]HYPL[``V\ ULLK[VTLL[[OLKLTHUKZVMH^PKLYHUNLVMJVUZ\TLY WYLMLYLUJLZ 3HYNLWYVK\J[PVUJHWHJP[` >P[OWYVK\J[PVUSPULZPUV\YTMHJ[VY`^L THU\MHJ[\YL\W[VTPSSPVU\UP[ZLHJOTVU[O¶TLHUPUN [OH[ÄSSPUN`V\Y]VS\TLVYKLYZPZUV[HWYVISLT:LUK\Z HUPUX\PY`HUK^L»SS[LSS`V\TVYLHIV\[V\YPUUV]H[P]L KLZPNUZ^PKL]HYPL[`HUKTHU\MHJ[\YPUNZ[YLUN[O AOVUNZOHU2TH[L.LULYHS,SLJ[YVUPJZ*V3[K BTC007 Bluetooth car kit with caller ID and detachable solar battery -\^HU0UKAVUL:\U^LU,HZ[9KAOVUNZOHU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!RTH[L'W\IaOVUNZOHUNKJU >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTRTH[LJV^^^RTH[LJVT One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG. BTC003 Bluetooth car kit with caller ID and solar battery BTS002 Mini Bluetooth stereo speaker with microphone BTE018 Bluetooth V2.1 mono headset BTH010 Foldable Bluetooth V2.1 stereo headset BTH004 Bluetooth V2.1 stereo headset, easily attaches to clothing BTC010/BTC011 Bluetooth handsfree kit with echo cancelling technology BTS001 Bluetooth stereo speaker with microphone BTC005 Mini Bluetooth handsfree kit, 90 x 47 x 15 mm BTC008 Bluetooth FM transmitter Creative antenna solutions for Including Huawei, ZTE, China Mobile, leading telecommunications providers China Unicom, China Telecom, Reliance, Hyperlink and Siae (ZVULVM[OLSLHKPUNHU[LUUHWYV]PKLYZPUTHPUSHUK*OPUH^L»]L ^VYRLK^P[OZVTLVM[OLIPNNLZ[UHTLZPU[OL[LSLJVTT\UPJH[PVUZ PUK\Z[Y`PUJS\KPUN/\H^LPA;,*OPUH4VIPSL*OPUH<UPJVT*OPUH ;LSLJVT9LSPHUJL/`WLYSPURHUK:PHL0UMHJ[^L»]LOLSWLKJVTWHUPLZ SPRL[OLZLKLZPNUPUUV]H[P]LHU[LUUHZ[OH[OH]LSV^LYLK[OLPYJVZ[ZHUK PUJYLHZLKZHSLZ:PUJL ^L»]LZWLJPHSPaLKPUHU[LUUHZ9-HJ[P]L HUKWHZZP]LJVTWVULU[ZHZ^LSSHZTPJYV^H]LHU[LUUHZ^P[O[V TKPHTL[LYZHUK[V.IHUKZ >LILNHUTHU\MHJ[\YPUNTPJYV^H]LHU[LUUHZMVYVULVM[OL^VYSK»Z SLHKPUN0U[LYUL[ZVS\[PVUZWYV]PKLYZPU[OLLHYS`»Z¶PU]LZ[PUNOLH]PS` PU[OL9+HUKLX\PWTLU[ULJLZZHY`[VWYVK\JL[OLZLP[LTZ;OPZ JVTWHU`OHZZLLUZPNUPÄJHU[JVZ[ZH]PUNZI`\ZPUNV\YKLZPNUZHZ^LSS HZHUPUJYLHZLPU[OLPYTHYRL[ZOHYL>OLU`V\JVTL[V\Z^P[O`V\Y VYKLYZ^L»SSUV[VUS`THU\MHJ[\YL`V\YNVVKZI\[^L»SSHSZVOLSW`V\ KL]LSVW[OLILZ[ZVS\[PVU[VTLL[`V\Y\UPX\LULLKZ >LVMMLYV]LYTVKLSZHUKOVSK\[PSP[`WH[LU[ZPUTHPUSHUK *OPUH(SSVMV\YNVVKZHYLTHU\MHJ[\YLKH[V\YTMHJPSP[PLZ THUULKI`LTWSV`LLZ>LZLSS[VJSPLU[Z^VYSK^PKLHUKPU L_WVY[LKTPSSPVU^VY[OVMNVVKZ6,46+4VYKLYZHYL^LSJVTL;V ÄUKV\[TVYLHIV\[^OH[^LJHUKVMVY`V\YI\ZPULZZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` %DVHVWDWLRQDQWHQQD 7HUPLQDODQWHQQD ,QGRRUDQWHQQD :OLUNS\;LSLJVT UK 0LFURZDYHDQWHQQDV 1PU`L 9K:HUZO\P-VZOHU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ZS[LSLJVT'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTZOLUNS\'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT THYRL[PUN'ZOLUNS\JVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTZS[LSLJVTJV^^^ZOLUNS\JVT 2IÀFHEXLOGLQJ $QHFKRLFFKDPEHU 8*6 /:4:0 ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004 SZSE Stock Code: 002446 #-'#&8#06#)'1(174%1/2'6+6+8'24+%+0) 6\Y[^V^H`YHKPVZHYLIHJRLKI`[^V`LHY^HYYHU[PLZ Portable FM transceiver (HC-V80) • VHF (136-174MHz), UHF (403-470MHz) • Built in QT/DQT groups • 16 channels • Channel scanning and power-saving functions • 60 x 125 x 37mm Portable FM transceiver (HC-V60) • VHF (136-174MHz/350-390MHz), UHF (400-470MHz) • 199 channels • Scrambler • Built-in QT/DQT groups • Busy channel lockout function • Power-saving and low-voltage alarms • 58 x 119 x 37mm 1/2/4/5W portable FM transceiver (HC-V88) • VHF (136-174MHz), UHF (403-470MHz) • 16 channels • 50 QT and 106 DQT groups built-in • Scrambler • 57 x 120 x 31mm Portable transceiver (HC-F58) • VHF (136-174MHz), UHF (400-440MHz/440-480MHz) • 50 CTCSS and 105 DCS tones • 8- to 15-hour battery life span • 5-10km range • Scan function • 56 x 125 x 32mm 3W portable FM transceiver (HC-V70) • VHF (136-174MHz), UHF (403-470MHz) • 16 semi-duplex channels • Power-saving and low-voltage alarms • Anti-interference capabilities • PC programmable • 58 x 124 x 31mm In-house design and manufacturing Take advantage of the competitive prices we offer by becoming our agent or distributor. We can offer some of the lowest prices in the industry because our two-way radios, accessories and more are designed and manufactured in-house. However, our price advantage doesn't come at the expense of quality – each item is made using trusted components from Japan. Plus, we operate according to ISO 9001:2000-certified guidelines, and our products bear FCC, RoHS and CE marks. Responses to inquiries within 12 hours and fast deliveries Because we operate two factories and employ 300-plus workers, we can easily complete your volume orders of up to 30,000 units per month. Plus, we can have them delivered within two weeks. And because we are so confident in the quality of our products, we back each unit with a two-year warranty – our competitors can only guarantee their two-way radios for one year. Contact our multilingual sales staff today – they will respond to your inquiries within 12 hours. Reliable OEM services and no minimum order quantity Our eight engineers, some of whom have previously worked at Motorola, will ensure your OEM orders are taken care of, with no details left out. Plus, they speak English, Russian and Japanese – further assurance that your requirements will be understood. Utilizing our in-house molding department, they can design a completely new product for you within three months – services you can rely on. We have no minimum order requirements and welcome mixed orders. Velong Group (HK) Co., Ltd Rm. C, 25/F, Cheuk Nang Plaza, 250 Hennessey Rd., Wanchai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2575 7788 • Fax: (852) 2575 7890 Factory: Phase II, Jiangnan Hi-tech Park, Licheng, Quanzhou, Fujian, China Tel: (86-10) 5128 9510 • Mobile: (86) 139 1059 1801 Fax: (86-10) 6214 3417 • E-mail: Website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²)PXUP4PVSDF GSPN$IJOB³ 'PS5SBEF0OMZ°/PPOFVOEFSBENJUUFE /PDIJMESFO:PVSCVTJOFTTDBSEJTSFRVJSFE UPFOUFSUIFFWFOUT "UUFOEUIF²)PXUP4PVSDFGSPN$IJOB³ DPOGFSFODFQSPHSBN°'3&&GPSSFHJTUFSFE CVZFST4FFEFUBJMTPOPVSXFCTJUF 1SFSFHJTUFSPOMJOFGPS'3&&BENJTTJPOBU XXXDIJOBTPVSDJOHGBJSDPNTPVUIBGSJDBBTIB $PMPDBUFEXJUI 6HHWKHZRUOGZLGH&KLQD6RXUFLQJ)DLUHYHQW VFKHGXOHDWZZZFKLQDVRXUFLQJIDLUFRP XXXDIJOBTPVSDJOHGBJSDPNTPVUIBGSJDB - Choose verified suppliers 34 Telecom Products November 2010 .BTUPOFµT1 NPEFMVTFTB JOUPVDITDSFFO .1DBNFSBBOE 5SBOT'MBTITUPSBHF 7RXFKVFUHHQKDQGVHWVDUHGULYLQJSURGXFWLRQRIPRELOHSKRQHV LQ&KLQD0RUHVXSSOLHUVDUHIRFXVLQJRQWKLVW\SHWDNLQJ DGYDQWDJHRIWKHVWURQJPDUNHWSHQHWUDWLRQRIWKHL3KRQHDQG WKHJURZLQJDGRSWLRQRIWRXFKWHFKQRORJ\LQPDQ\FRQVXPHU HOHFWURQLFGHYLFHV1HDUO\SHUFHQWRIWKHFRXQWU\·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·VSRVLWLRQLQWKHJOREDOPRELOHSKRQHPDUNHW+DOIRI $IJOBµTNPCJMFQIPOFJOEVTUSZ.BLFSTDPODFOUSBUJOH WKHZRUOG·VVXSSO\FRPHVIURPWKHFRXQWU\$OWKRXJKH[SRUW POUPVDITDSFFOVOJUTBOETNBSUQIPOFTPQUJNJ[F SULFHVGURSSHGSHUFHQWLQUHFHQWPRQWKV&KLQD·VVKLSPHQW UIFUFDIOJDBMDBQBCJMJUZPGTVDIEFTJHODPNQBOJFT UHYHQXHUHFRUGHGDSHUFHQW<R<LQFUHDVHLQ+*XDQJGRQJ UPEFWFMPQVQTDBMFNPEFMTBOEBWPJEUIFQSJDF SURYLQFHDORQHH[SHULHQFHGDSHUFHQWMXPSGXULQJWKHSHULRG DPNQFUJUJPOJOUIFMPXFOE 5IFTFFOUFSQSJTFTBSFTFNJ¾OJTIFEQSPEVDU 0HDQZKLOHZRUOGZLGHH[SRUWVRIVXFKKDQGVHWVDUHIRUHFDVW TVQQMJFST5IFZVTVBMMZTFMMNPUIFSCPBSETQBDLFEXJUI WRH[FHHGPLOOLRQE\\HDUHQGXSSHUFHQWIURP BMMUIFFTTFOUJBMGVODUJPOTUPXIJDIUFSNJOBMEFWJDF PLOOLRQLQDFFRUGLQJWR*DUWQHU%\WKHOLQHZLOO NBLFSTUIFOBEEUIFPUIFSQBSUTBOEDPNQPOFOUT DFFRXQWIRUSHUFHQWRIWKHHQWLUHPRELOHSKRQHPDUNHWZLWK OFFEFEUPBTTFNCMFB¾OJTIFENPCJMFQIPOF 1RUWK$PHULFD:HVW(XURSHDQGRWKHUGHYHORSHGUHJLRQVWDNLQJ 5IJTQSPEVDUEFWFMPQNFOUBOENBOVGBDUVSJOH DPDUNHWVKDUHRISHUFHQW$VRI4SHUFHQWRIJOREDO BQQSPBDIIBTIFMQFETNBSUQIPOFQSPWJEFSTSFMFBTF VPDUWSKRQHVKDGWRXFKVFUHHQV VOJUTDPNQBSBCMFUPGPSFJHOCSBOET5IFTMJNNFTU BNPOH2JHJ'VUVSF5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UEµTMBUFTUCBUDI 3FTJTUJWFUPVDITDSFFOTXJEFMZVTFE PGTNBSUQIPOFTCPBTUTBJOUPVDITDSFFO*UTNPEFM 7KHPDMRULW\RIWRXFKVFUHHQSKRQHVZRUOGZLGHLQFOXGLQJWKRVH 7&7%0IBOETFUIBTBJOUPVDITDSFFO.# IURPPDLQODQG&KLQDDGRSWUHVLVWLYHSDQHOV7KHVHERDVWD 3".BOE.#30. KLJKUHVROXWLRQDQGIDVWUHVSRQVH7KH\KDYHDVPRRWKRUPDWWH 4NBMU5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UEµTQIPOFTBSFCBTFE PO0."1,BOE19"TPMVUJPOT5IFNBLFSJTBMTP DPOTJEFSJOHSPMMJOHPVUNPEFMTBEPQUJOH.FEJB5FLµT 3FMBUFEBSUJDMF .5BOE'V[IPV3PDLDIJQµT3,NVMUJNFEJB (TNBSUQIPOFTBOEGFBUVSFQIPOFT QBHF QSPDFTTPST SPCVTUJO5BJXBO W +$B90-%(/ .PEFMTBEPQUSFTJTUJWFUPVDI UFDIOPMPHZXJSFMFTTDBQBCJMJUZ (14BOEEVBM4*.TVQQPSU 1SFSFHJTUFSGPSGSFFBENJTTJPOUPUIFMBSHFTU$IJOBQSPEVDUT FYIJCJUJPOFWFSUPDPNFUP"GSJDB View Products Online More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 35 Supplying clients 5.5 million units *HWUHDG\WRUHDGVRPHWUXO\LPSUHVVLYHVWDWLVWLFV :HVKLSPRUHWKDQPLOOLRQPRELOHSKRQHFDVHV PLOOLRQFKDUJHUVDQGPLOOLRQEDWWHULHV ZRUOGZLGHLQDVLQJOHPRQWK$ERXWSHUFHQWRI WKHVHSURGXFWVJRWREX\HUVLQ(XURSHDQGWKH $PHULFDV$VDUHVXOWRXUDQQXDOWXUQRYHUH[FHHGV PLOOLRQ:HUHLQYHVWPRUHWKDQPLOOLRQLQ 5'HYHU\\HDU7KHVHIDFWVGHPRQVWUDWHWKDW ZH UHUHDG\WRVXSSRUW\RXUPDUNHWJURZWK worldwide with monthly RXU5'GHSDUWPHQWFUHDWHXSWRIRXUXQLTXH SURGXFWVDPSOHVPRQWKO\DQGWKH\FDQFRPSOHWH QHZGHVLJQVLQDVLQJOHZHHN7KH\ UHUHDG\ WRJLYH\RXU2'0SURMHFWVWKHVDPHDWWHQWLRQ DQGHI¿FLHQF\ 2XUODWHVWSURGXFWVDUHRQGLVSOD\DWRXU*OREDO 6RXUFHV2QOLQHVKRZURRP/RJRQWRGD\WR¿QG RXWPRUH ,I\RX UHDQ2'0EX\HUZHKDYHHYHQPRUH DGYDQWDJHVIRU\RX±QDPHO\WKHDELOLW\WR¿QLVK VDPSOHVLQRQO\VHYHQGD\V7KHHQJLQHHUVLQ 6ZLYHOLQFDUFKDUJHUZLWK86%SRUW 2XWSXWYROWDJHWR9 &KDUJLQJUDWH$ 86%FKDUJHUNLWIRUPRELOHSKRQHV ,62 , 8QLYHUVDOVPDUWFKDUJHU %HVW:LVGRP6KHQ]KHQ,QGXVWULDO/WG 5P%ORFN&+XDOLDQID%XLOGLQJ+XDTLDQJ1RUWK5G )XWLDQ6KHQ]KHQ*XDQJGRQJ&KLQD 7HO)D[ (PDLOEHVWZLVGRP#JOREDOVRXUFHVFRP /VUN2VUN 6J[ SRVWPDVWHU#EHVWZLVGRPFRP )VV[O5V8 ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPEHVWZLVGRPFR ZZZEHVWZLVGRPFRP All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (“Marks”) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. 0LQLLQFDUPRELOHSKRQH FKDUJHUZLWK86%SRUW 9RXWSXW $FKDUJLQJUDWH /LLRQEDWWHU\SDFNVZLWK GRXEOHSURWHFWLRQ,&V 5BJXBO ,QQRYDWLYH *36WUDFNLQJDQG ORJJLQJGHYLFHV (TNBSUQIPOFTGFBUVSFQIPOFTSPCVTU UPVDITDSFFODBQBCJMJUZXJUIUIFNBKPSJUZPGNPEFMT BEPQUJOHSFTJTUJWFUFDIOPMPHZ$BQBDJUJWFWBSJBOUT IPXFWFSBSFFYQFDUFEUPCFDPNFNPSFQPQVMBSJOUIFOFYU GFXZFBST )JHIWBMVFQSPEVDUTBMTPQBDLNPCJMF57QSPKFDUPS BOE¿BTIMJHIU'PSFYBNQMF.PCJM."9PGGFSTBVOJUGPSUIF FMEFSMZBOEDIJMESFOUIBUJOUFHSBUFTB¿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µTUPUBMIBOETFUTIJQNFOUUIJT ZFBSJTFYQFDUFEUPSFBDINJMMJPOEFDMJOJOHQFSDFOU GSPNNJMMJPOMBTUZFBS DPOUJOVFEPOQBHF :V\YJL./:7(,=+6 >P-P9V\[LYZ^P[O =VPJL:\WWVY[ :5 :LUHOHVVURXWHU 8076EDQG* +683$0'/ 6XSSRUWV:L)L/$1 :$1DQG5- SKRQHSRUW 931IXQFWLRQZLWK IDLORYHUEDFNXS Li-ion mobile phone battery, available in various models Select from 3,300 battery models With 3,000 battery models for mobile phones and 300 more for digital cameras, we offer you variety. In fact, our collection covers 98 percent of the mobile phones on the market. If you need a battery customized, simply send us your requirements. We’ll have a sample made from scratch – free of charge – in only three days. For facilitated distribution, all of our products are UL-, CE- and RoHS-marked. We also offer 14-month warranties. For more information, inquire now. Travel charger In-car charger E-Link Technology Co. Ltd 5/F, Block E, Shifeng Technology Park, Longhua, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518109, China Tel: (86-755) 3323 2871 ext. 801 • Fax: (86-755) 3323 0758 E-mail: • Website: • 38 Telecom Products November 2010 Newly released tracking system with built-in ignition control R-35 Extremely compact mini GPS tracker • 15.4 x 39 x 105mm • Standby time up to three years (deep-sleep mode) • Stop-motion or movement alert/buzzer • Panic button and input • One digital input, one analog input • Optional waterproof box and I/O power cable set W 5BJXBONBLFSTBSFVOEFSTDPSJOH(QIPOFTPGGFSJOH TNBSUQIPOFTBOEGFBUVSFQIPOFTCBTFEPO$%."BOE )41"TZTUFNT5BLJOHBEWBOUBHFPGTUSPOHEFNBOEGPSUIF ¾STUCFDBVTFPGEFDMJOJOHQSJDFTTVQQMJFSTBSFSFMFBTJOH NPEFMTGPSUIFFOUJSFQSJDFTQFDUSVN'PSGFBUVSFQIPOFT NBOZBSFFYQMPSJOHUIFFOUSZMFWFMTFDUPSFTQFDJBMMZJO OFXNBSLFUT 4PNFDPNQBOJFTJODMVEJOH.PCJM.BYBEPQU"OESPJE QMBUGPSNGPSJUTMPXDPTUTUSVDUVSFBOEPQFOQMBUGPSN UIFMBTUQSPWJEJOH¿FYJCJMJUZJOEFTJHO)5$$PSQMJLFXJTF TVQQPSUT"OESPJE*UT)5$%FTJSFBOE"SJBVTFUIF "OESPJE .PTUTNBSUQIPOFTGSPN5BJXBOFNQMPZ8JOEPXT .PCJMF04)5$DBOPGGFSVOJUTCBTFEPOCPUI(PPHMFµT BOE.JDSPTPGUµTTPMVUJPOT5IFNBLFSQMBOTUPMBVODIB 8JOEPXT1IPOF TFSJFTJO DPNJOH NPOUIT5IF IBOETFUT XJMMTVQQPSU;VOFBVEJP BOEWJEFPBOE9CPY-JWF POMJOFHBNJOHTFSWJDFT 4VQQMJFSTBSFVOEFSTDPSJOH 2XU*+63$(9'2:L)LURXWHUVDUH FRPSDWLEOHZLWK+683$+6'3$:&'0$ DQGPRUH7KH\DOVRVXSSRUWYRLFHIXQFWLRQDOLW\IRU 9R,3DSSOLFDWLRQV$GKHULQJWR,(((QZLUHOHVVVWDQGDUGVWKLV LWHPZDVFUHDWHGE\5'WHDPPHPEHUVZLWKDQDYHUDJHRI\HDUV¶ H[SHULHQFH:LWKDXQLWPRQWKO\FDSDFLW\DQGÀH[LEOHPLQLPXPRUGHU UHTXLUHPHQWVZHDUHDEOHWRKDQGOHRUGHUVRIDOOVL]HV6HHZK\OHDGLQJ FRPSDQLHVOLNH7HOHIyQLFDDQG9RGDIRQHVRXUFHIURPXV&RQWDFWXVWRGD\ 0D[&RPP'S0XH )1R&RXQW\%OYG6HF%DQ&KLDR&LW\7DLZDQ 7HO)D[ (PDLOLQIR#PD[FRPPFRPWZ ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPPD[FRPPFR *+683$ :L)LURXWHU ZZZPD[FRPPFRPWZ - Choose verified suppliers (K]HUJLKÅLL[THUHNLTLU[.7:Z`Z[LT 6\YUL^S`YLSLHZLK0=* [YHJRPUNZ`Z[LTPU[LNYH[LZHWV^LYM\S?Z`Z[LT ^P[O.7:.:4[YHJRPUNMLH[\YLZ;OLKL]PJLPZLX\PWWLK^P[OHU0U[LS([VT WYVJLZZVYHUKHK]HUJLKWV^LYTHUHNLTLU[[VTVUP[VY[OLZ`Z[LTL]LU^OLU PNUP[PVUPZVMM(SSZ`Z[LT06M\UJ[PVUZJHUILJ\Z[VTPaLK-LH[\YPUNHOPNOLUK VWLYH[PUNZ`Z[LTMVYÅLL[Z[OH[YLX\PYLL_WHUKHISLM\UJ[PVUHSP[`[OL0=* L_JLLKZ[OLYLX\PYLTLU[ZMVYZ`Z[LTPU[LNYH[VYZ .7:[YHJRLY^P[OI\PS[PUTV[PVUZLUZVY 6\YL_[YLTLS`JVTWHJ[9.7:[YHJRLYMLH[\YLZHI\PS[PUTV[PVUZLUZVYHUK PZPKLHSMVYTV]LTLU[KL[LJ[PVUVYHU[P[OLM[HWWSPJH[PVUZ^P[O]LOPJSLZVYV[OLY HZZL[Z0[PZZVSPNO[^LPNO[HUKJVTWHJ[[OH[P[JHUL]LUIL\ZLKHZHZ[VWTV[PVU KL[LJ[PVUKL]PJLMVY[OLLSKLYS`¶^P[OHSLY[Z^OLUZ\IQLJ[ZHYLUV[TV]PUN (UKV\Y[YHJRLYJHUILOV\ZLKPUHUVW[PVUHSTHNUL[PJ^H[LYWYVVMIV_^P[O LP[OLYHSHYNLYLJOHYNLHISLIH[[LY`VYL_[LYUHS06WV^LYJHISLZMVYLHZ` H[[HJOTLU[[V]LOPJSLZ .7:]LOPJSL[YHJRLYKLZPNULK[VT\S[P[HZR ;OL9PZV\YUL^S`KL]LSVWLK(=3[YHJRLYHUKPZKLZPNULK[VT\S[P[HZR HUK^P[OZ[HUK]VS[HNLZWPRLZHZ^LSSHZOHYZOLU]PYVUTLU[Z0[ZT\S[PWSL06 JHUTVUP[VYTHU`WHY[ZVMH]LOPJSL6\Y9+[LHTZ[HUKZI`P[ZZ[HIPSP[`HUK YLSPHIPSP[`;OL9OHZ[OLÅL_PIPSP[`[VILTVKPÄLKIHZLKVU`V\YWYVQLJ[ YLX\PYLTLU[Z*VU[HJ[\Z[VKH` ARKNAV International Inc. -5V1\UNZOHU9K:LJ:O\SPU*P[`;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'HYRUH]NWZJVT[^ ^^^HYRUH]NWZJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTHYRUH]JV 5R+6 (0DUN %OXHWRRWKDQGWKH%OXHWRRWKORJRDUHUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRIWKH%OXHWRRWK6,* R-10 Vehicle tracker • Power input detection with ISO 7637 • Configurable I/O • Up to 5 roaming partners, configurable • Angle/distance based tracking • Accurate distance measurement using GPS data • Multi-tasking allows sending/ receiving GPS/GSM data while monitoring the I/O • Three-axis G-sensor with collision detection • Temperature, fuel, and air pressure sensor R-9 Vehicle tracker Web-based AVL tracking system with 7 inputs and 4 outputs, available with the following optional accessories: • Speakers and microphones • Temperature sensors • ID readers • Bluetooth® dongles • Relay boxes • GPS/GSM antennas • G-force recorder • Fuel-level sensors R-35W Compact waterproof GPS tracker • IP67-rated casing • Panic input for emergency/anti-theft • Standby time up to 2 years • SMS remote control for engine on/off K-18U GPS offline tracker • Easy-to-use, no software installation required • Unlimited data storage capacity • Save complete GPS data • Supports mass storage • Configurable settings • Built-in motion sensor for power saving • Includes data log management software %HJLQQLQJPRUHKDQGVHWVDUHH[SHFWHGWRVKLIWWR FDSDFLWLYHWRXFKSDQHOV0RELOHSKRQHVZLWKDLQRUVPDOOHU GLVSOD\ZLOOOLNHO\FRQWLQXHWRXVHUHVLVWLYHLQSXWVEXWWKRVH ZLWKODUJHUVFUHHQVZLOOVZLWFKWRFDSDFLWLYH7KHWHFKQRORJ\LV OLNHZLVHIRUHFDVWWREHZLGHO\DSSOLHGLQSRUWDEOHPHGLDSOD\HUV &DSDFLWLYHWRXFKVFUHHQVXWLOL]HDFRVWHIIHFWLYHJODVVRUÀ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ontact Suppliers "TVT5FL$PNQVUFS*OD )5$$PSQ .BTUPOF$PNNVOJDBUJPO &MFDUSJDBM%FWFMPQNFOU$P-UE 2JHJ'VUVSF5FDIOPMPHZ$P -UE 4NBMU5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UE GXDO6,0ZLWKVWDQGE\VXSSRUWEXLOWLQ)0UDGLRDQG*356 :$30DQ\FRPELQH*VHQVRUVDQG*367KHQH[WWKUHHKRW DSSOLFDWLRQVDUHGLJLWDO790(06DQGRSWLFDOÀQJHUQDYLJDWLRQ /RZHQGSKRQHVZKLFKDUHSULFHGIURPWRKDYHD WRLQ7)7SDQHOZLWK4&,)[SL[HOUHVROXWLRQ6RPH LQWHJUDWH03FDPHUDV 0LGUDQJHSURGXFWVOLVWEHWZHHQDQG7KHVHDGRSW WRLQ7)7WRXFKVFUHHQVGHOLYHULQJ[SL[HOUHVROXWLRQ DW49*$6XFKXQLWVKDYHDRU03FDPHUDDQGDQDORJ79 FDSDELOLW\ +LJKHQGUHOHDVHVTXRWHGIURPWRDUHÀWWHGZLWK DWRLQ7)7GLVSOD\WKDWVXSSRUWV49*$[SL[HO UHVROXWLRQ%HVLGHVDQDORJ79WKH\FRPELQHDRU03FDPHUD 6PDUWSKRQHPRGHOVZLWKD*VHQVRU:L)L*36RSWLFDO ÀQJHUQDYLJDWLRQDQGD[SL[HO:9*$VFUHHQDUH DYDLODEOHIRUWR 1SPEVDUHBMMFSZQBHF .PSFTPVSDJOHPQQPSUVOJUJFTPOMJOF 4BWFUJNFTFBSDIJOH 0OFTFBSDIQSPWJEFTZPVXJUIRVBMJUZSFTVMUTGSPN (MPCBM4PVSDFTWFSJ¾FETVQQMJFST±QMVTIVOESFETPG PUIFSTVQQMJFSTGSPNUIFFOUJSF8FC 4JHOVQGPS1SPEVDU"MFSU 4PVSDFGSPNZPVSEFTLUPQXJUIFNBJMVQEBUFTPOOFX QSPEVDUTBOETVQQMJFST XXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPNUFMFDPNQSPEVDUT 2UGHUWR XQLWVSHUPRQWK External battery for Apple’s iPhone Become one of our many repeat buyers of earphones, adapters and accessories for Apple’s iPhones and iPads, and benefit from our 300,000-unit monthly capacity. Our latest success story comes from one of our clients in Japan. This buyer placed an order with us for 500 units – our minimum order requirement – and our products sold so well that they now return to us every month to purchase 100,000 units. And we are confident you will have a similar experience. Our English- and Japanese-speaking sales representatives are awaiting your inquiries. Contact us now. Dongguan Jingfeng Electronic Technology Co.Ltd 57 Eleven Rd., Longyan Industrial Park, Humen, Dongguan, Guangdong 523900, China Tel: (86-769) 8903 0055 • Fax: (86-769) 8903 0011 E-mail: Website: Car charger for Apple’s iPhone and iPod All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. 40 Telecom Products November 2010 Power bank for Apple’s iPhone • 2,500mAh battery • Compatible with Apple’s iPhone 3G/3Gs, iPhone 4 and iPad, as well as mobile phones and Sony’s PSP Leather energy case for Apple’s iPhone, with 1,800mAh Li-polymer battery Start with an order for just 200 units Test your market with an order for just 200 chargers, energy cases and other, mobile phone accessories. We offer items for Apple, Nokia, Motorola, Samsung, Sony Ericsson and HTC mobile phones. Each week, we release at least one new product, so you can continually offer your customers the latest accessories. And if you need a custom product, we’ll have charger prototypes ready in 20 days, or other accessories within one week. Choose between our standard packaging and having us design custom packaging for you. Contact our English- and French-speaking staff today. Hyper Industry Development Co. Ltd 6/F, Dadongyu Commercial Building, 5 Boai Rd., East District, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528400, China Tel: (86-760) 8836 6186 • Fax: (86-760) 8836 6189 E-mail: • Website: • All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. - Choose verified suppliers ;OLTVZ[Z[HISLHUKMLH[\YLYPJO .7:]LOPJSL[YHJRLYZPU[OLPYJSHZZ Now available in both mainstream and professional models 0UOV\ZLKLZPNU -\SS`KLZPNULKHUKKL]LSVWLKPUOV\ZL[OLMLH[\YLK.7: [YHJRLYZHYLPKLHSMVYVW[PTPaPUNÅLL[THUHNLTLU[HUKJHY ZLJ\YP[`Z`Z[LTZ(UKUV^JOVVZLIL[^LLUV\YWYVMLZZPVUHS >PYLTVKLSHUK[OLTVYLZ[YLHTSPULKJVUZ\TLYLKP[PVU )V[OWYVK\J[ZIVHZ[[OLTVZ[Z[HISLWSH[MVYTZPU[OLPUK\Z[Y` ^P[O]HYPLKMLH[\YLZ[VZH[PZM``V\YKP]LYZLULLKZ ,_WLY[THU\MHJ[\YPUN ;OLTHU\MHJ[\YPUNX\HSP[`PZIHJRLKI`V\YZOHYLOVSKLY (IV*VT:`Z[LT0UJ^^^HIVJVTJVT[^HT\S[PTPSSPVU KVSSHYSPZ[LKJVTWHU`^P[OZ[H[LVM[OLHY[0:6HUKNYLLU WYVK\J[ZJLY[PÄLKTHU\MHJ[\YPUNMHJPSP[PLZ-VYHKKLKHZZ\YHUJL (IV*VTOHZ[OVYV\NOS`[LZ[LKLHJOKL]PJL[VJVTWS`^P[O[OL OPNOLZ[PUK\Z[Y`Z[HUKHYKZ +LKPJH[LK[LJOUPJHSZ\WWVY[[LHT >LOH]LHKLKPJH[LK[LJOUPJHSZ\WWVY[[LHT^P[OV]LYLPNO[ `LHYZL_WLYPLUJL[OH[JHUHUZ^LY`V\YX\LYPLZ^P[OPUOV\YZ >LHS^H`Z^LSJVTLKPZ[YPI\[VYZHUK6,46+4PUX\PYPLZZV JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH`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`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` ;HP^HU ;LS! 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VH-1226S: VHF band (6M/2M dual band) communication antenna b. VH-1226: VHF band (6M/2M dual band) communication antenna c. VH-1201: VHF band mobile communication antenna d. VU-1506: VHF/UHF dual band mobile communication antenna e. VU-1504: VHF/UHF dual band mobile communication antenna f. VU-1502A: VHF/UHF dual band mobile communication antenna g. VU-1502B: VHF/UHF dual band mobile communication antenna h. MHR-10BM: Flexible marine antenna for handheld transceiver, with BNC or TNC male connector i. VH-3210: VHF band marine antenna j. MFV-100: 144 to 165MHz super wideband marine VHF antenna SWR-6/6L: HF/VHF SWR & Power Meter SWR-6L: with LED illumination :OLUN@PO;LJOUVSVNPLZ*V3[K 'ULYLQJUHFRUGHU 5),'UHDGHU Helioversal Technology Co. Ltd 6QDSVKRWV\VWHP -5V2LLS\UN9K:LJ /ZPU@P+PZ[YPJ[;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'OLSPV]LYZHSJVT :R`WL0+!/LSPV]LYZHS ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTOLSPV]LYZHSJV^^^OLSPV]LYZHSJVT 5HJLRQDOGLVWULEXWRUVZDQWHG 42 Telecom Products November 2010 -5V>\*O\HUZ[9K/ZPU*O\HUN*P[`;HP^HU *VU[HJ[!+H]PK>HUN;LS! -H_! ,THPS!HZOLUN`P'TZOPUL[UL[ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTZOLUN`PO[LJOJV ^^^ZOLUN`POJVT[^ 9-(U[LUUH+LW[!,]LU@HUN ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'THZ[LY^H]LJVT[^ 3,++LW[!,KP[O/Z\ ;LS! L_[ -H_! ,THPS!LKP[O'ZOLUN`POJVT[^ - Choose verified suppliers a 5V5HUZOHU9K:LJ3\JO\/ZPHUN;HV`\HU;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!H\[V[LR'TZOPUL[UL[ ^^^VWLRJVT[^^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTH\[V[LRJV b c d e f g h i j *HWXSGDWHGZLWKWZRQHZ GHYLFHVPRQWKO\ We carry MIDs, PNDs, DVRs and trackers 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQGXDO*60 FDUGVDQGVXSHUORQJ VWDQGE\PRELOHSKRQHV 6]LYHU[LUUHZ [Y\Z[LKI`+PZUL` Made in Taiwan by a 23-year supplier LUNPULLYZYLHK`[VTLL[ `V\YWYVQLJ[ULLKZ Mobile Internet device with 7'' TFT screen • Google's Android 2.1 OS • Supports WCDMA • Telechips 8902 chipset, 720 MHz • Wi-Fi connectivity 7HY[ULY^P[O\Z[VNHPUHJJLZZ[VHJVSSLJ[PVU[OH[PZ \WKH[LK^P[O[^VUL^TVKLSZTVU[OS`6\YWYVK\J[YHUNL PUJS\KLZ40+Z^P[O4PJYVZVM[Z>PUKV^Z*,VY.VVNSLZ (UKYVPKVWLYH[PUNZ`Z[LTZHUKWVY[HISLUH]PNH[PVUKL]PJLZ [OH[Z\WWVY[.:4.79:*+4(HUKVY.UL[^VYRZ HZ^LSSHZ[LSLTH[PJZ>LHSZVJHYY`JVUULJ[LKPUKHZO UH]PNH[VYZ.7:[YHJRLYZHUKKPNP[HS]PKLVYLJVYKLYZ(UK ^LWYV]PKLSVJH[PVUIHZLKZLY]PJLZMVY]LOPJSLTVUP[VYPUN KPZWH[JOPUNHUKTVYL 7YVK\J[PVUPZJHYYPLKV\[\[PSPaPUN:4;SPULZMYVT[OL<:HUK 1HWHU(ZHYLZ\S[^LTHRL\W[V\UP[ZTVU[OS` >LHYL0:6 !JLY[PÄLKHUKL_WVY[[VTHYRL[Z ^VYSK^PKL6,4HUK6+4VYKLYZHYL^LSJVTLK-VYTVYL PUMVYTH[PVUPUX\PYL[VKH` D15 0RELOHDQWHQQDVZLWKFXVWRPL]DEOHGHVLJQV COSUN 2288 • 900/1800MHz GSM phone, 1900MHz optional • 1.77”TFT LCD • 0.1MP camera • PMP and video recorder • Super-long standby E0)%*9 *36DQG9+)FRPERPDULQHDQWHQQD *360+]G%L 9+)0+]G%L F09 7ZRZD\UDGLRDQWHQQD DQG0+]YHUVLRQVDYDLODEOH *DLQUDWLQJDQG G%LUHVSHFWLYHO\ D E F Cosun366 900/1800/1900MHz GSM phone • 1.77” CSTN LCD • 750mAh battery • Camera 0M`V\»YLSVVRPUNMVY.:4HUK*+4(WOVULZ[\YU[VH Z\WWSPLY[OH[OHZ[OLYLZV\YJLZ[VOHUKSL`V\YZWLJPÄJKLZPNU YLX\PYLTLU[Z6\YLUNPULLYZOH]LZWLU[[OLSHZ[Ä]L`LHYZ KL]LSVWPUN[LJOUVSVNPLZMVY.:4 HUK 4/aHUK *+4(HUK4/aWOVULZ;OLWOVULMLH[\YLKOLYLOHZ H[HSR[PTLVMHWWYV_PTH[LS`ZL]LUOV\YZHUKZ\WLYSVUNZ[HUKI` [PTLVMTVYL[OHUOV\YZKLWLUKPUNVU[OLUL[^VYR@V\JHU JOVVZLMYVTV\YSHYNLJVSSLJ[PVUVMKLZPNUZVYSL[\ZKL]LSVWH UL^WYVK\J[[V`V\YZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ 6\YWYVK\J[YHUNLPUJS\KLZV]LY9V/:+PYLJ[P]L JVTWSPHU[HU[LUUHZMVYH^PKL]HYPL[`VMHWWSPJH[PVUZ>L THRLJVTIVJHYTHYPUL[^V^H`YHKPV>3(5HUK+=); HU[LUUHZ;VLUZ\YL[OLOPNOX\HSP[`VMV\YWYVK\J[Z^L \[PSPaL/7UL[^VYRHUHS`aLYZMVYPUOV\ZL[LZ[PUN>LHSZV LTWSV`[LZ[PUNZLY]PJLZMYVT0JVT;OPZKP]LYZLYHUNLVM WYVK\J[ZHUKH[[LU[PVU[VKL[HPSOHZNHPULK[OL[Y\Z[VM T\S[PUH[PVUHSZSPRL+PZUL` Mobile Internet device with 5'' TFT screen • Google's Android 2.1 OS, Microsoft's Windows CE 6.0 OS also available • Bluetooth® available • WCDMA/Wi-Fi connectivity • GPS available */05(.7:*V3[K:OLUaOLU 0:6 ! -)SKN;)/PNO[LJO0UK\Z[YPHS7HYR 5HUZOHU:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'JOPUHNWZJJJOPUHNWZPT'JOPUHNWZJJ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTJOPUHNWZJV^^^JOPUHNWZJJ >LHSZVTHU\MHJ[\YLJLYHTPJ HU[LUUHZ^P[OYHUNLZULHYS` [PTLZ[OH[VMZ[HUKHYKJVWWLY ]LYZPVUZ7SHJL`V\YVYKLYZ^P[O H`LHYHU[LUUHTHU\MHJ[\YLY :LUK\Z`V\YYLX\PYLTLU[Z[VKH` Cosun8809 900/1800MHz GSM phone • 2.4”TFT LCD • FM radio, PMP • 0.3MP camera ')*% 0XOWLEDQGFDUDQWHQQD ;HP+PNP[LYZ,U[LYWYPZL*V3[K 5V+PUNW\9K/ZPUJO\*P[`;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS![HPKPNP[LY'TZHOPUL[UL[ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT[HPKPNP[LYZJV^^^[HP^LIJVT[^ All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. 44 Telecom Products November 2010 Cosun2199 900/1800MHz GSM phone • 1.77”TFT LCD • Dual-SIM, dual-standby • Supports T-flash cards - Choose verified suppliers Cosun TC-800A CDMA phone • 450/800/1900MHz • Air interface IS-2000 (IS-95A/B, J-STD-008 backward compatible) • Vocoder: IS-127, IS-73, RF: IS-98D 6\YWYVK\J[ZHSZVPUJS\KLIHZPJ[LSLWOVULZ=V07WOVULZ(+:3 TVKLTZ^PYLSLZZ[LYTPUHSZHUKTVYL>LL_WVY[V]LYTPSSPVU \UP[ZHUU\HSS`[VTVYL[OHUJV\U[YPLZ6\YTMHJPSP[` JHUWYVK\JL\UP[ZTVU[OS`*VU[HJ[\Z[VKH`HUKNL[\Z Z[HY[LKVU`V\YWYVQLJ[ /\PaOV\8PHV_PUN-HTV\Z:JPLUJL ;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K -2PUN»Z9K5VY[O7VPU[/VUN2VUN ;LS! -H_! /LHKX\HY[LYZ!8PHV_PUN:JPLUJL ;LJOUVSVN`0UK\Z[YPHS7HYR ;HUNX\HU/\PaOV\.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!PLK'XPHV_PUNJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTOaXPHV_PUNJV ^^^XPHV_PUNUL[ One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. ^H`*)YHKPVHU[LUUHZ MVYTHYPULHUK^PYLSLZZ HWWSPJH[PVUZ QHZPRELOHSKRQH /&'VFUHHQVZHHNO\ >L»YL[OLSHYNLZ[THU\MHJ[\YLYVM [^V^H`YHKPVHJJLZZVYPLZPU;HP^HU ;HP^HUIHZLK9+TVSKPUN HUKWYVK\J[PVUMHJPSP[PLZ ,3UDWHGIRUDOOZHDWKHUFRQGLWLRQV LCD screens, flex cables and housing for mobile phones :PUJL ^LOH]LILLUTHRPUN ZWLJPHSPaLKJVTT\UPJH[PVUZ WYVK\J[ZZ\JOHZV\YMLH[\YLK [^V^H`*)YHKPVHU[LUUH;OPZ TVKLSPZZWLJPHSS`KLZPNULKMVY THYPULHUK^PYLSLZZHWWSPJH[PVUZ 5LLKHUV[OLY[`WLVMHU[LUUH& :V\YJLMYVT\ZHUK`V\JHUJOVVZL MYVTV]LYTVKLSZ;OLZL PUJS\KL*)[^V^H`YHKPVTVIPSL WOVUL.7:>3(5HUKT\S[PIHUK [`WLZHSSVM^OPJOHYLKLZPNULKHUK WYVK\JLKPU;HP^HU6\YTVU[OS` JHWHJP[`VM\UP[ZTLHUZ`V\Y ]VS\TLVYKLYULLKZ^PSSHS^H`ZIL JV]LYLK(UKLHJOWYVK\J[PZ[LZ[LK \ZPUNHK]HUJLKLX\PWTLU[PUJS\KPUN H]LJ[VYUL[^VYRHUHS`aLYHUKHU VUZP[LHULJOVPJJOHTILY;VNL[\Z Z[HY[LKVU`V\Y6,46+4VYKLY JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` E'&2* 6EHMSERXIRREH&M F'&94 6EHMSERXIRREH&M G'&24 6EHMSERXIRREH&M E F G +&6 1EVMRIFEWI WXEXMSR[E] '&VEHMSERXIRRE ,]LYJVT*VTT\UPJH[PVU ;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K 5V1PLZPU:[ ;HV`\HU*P[`;HP^HU ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!L]LYJVT'TZOPUL[UL[ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTL]LYJVT[LJOJV ^^^L]LYJVT[LJOJVT <:)YHUJO6MÄJL!.LULYPJ(U[LUUHZ*VYPU[O 4:,THPS!QPT'NLULYPJHU[LUUHZJVT ,62 &KRRVHXVDV\RXUPDQXIDFWXUHURIPRELOHSKRQHFRPSRQHQWV LQFOXGLQJ/&'VFUHHQVWRXFKVFUHHQVÀH[FDEOHVDQGKRXVLQJV IRUYDULRXVEUDQGV:HKDYH5'HQJLQHHUVHDFKZLWK HLJKW\HDUV¶H[SHULHQFHZKRGHYHORSXSWR¿YHQHZSURGXFWV ZHHNO\4XDOLW\LVHQVXUHGE\RXU4&WHFKQLFLDQVZKR XWLOL]HPDFKLQHVIURP6LHPHQVDWRXUWZRIDFWRULHV%HJLQZLWK DQRUGHUIRUMXVWXQLWVDQGZH¶OOKDYHLWVKLSSHG¿YHGD\V DIWHU\RXUSD\PHQWFRQ¿UPDWLRQ,QTXLUHQRZ New Technology Holdings Co. Ltd 0:6 ! 0:6! 5P,QWHUQDWLRQDO7HFKQRORJ\%XLOGLQJ6KHQQDQ &HQWUDO5G)XWLDQ6KHQ]KHQ*XDQJGRQJ&KLQD 7HO)D[ (PDLOVDOHV#QHZWHFKQRORJ\FRPKN ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPQHZWHFKQRORJ\FRZZZMHQQ\VKRSFRP All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. 2QHSRZHUEDQNIRUDYDULHW\ RIHOHFWURQLFV Power bank • Built-in LED flashlight • TF/microSD card reader For power banks that are compatible with nearly any personal electronic device, such as MP3 players and mobile phones, source from us. Our featured product has a convenient storage container for changeable adapter tips. Plus, this model boasts a TF/microSD card reader, an LED flashlight and a one-touch button control. With the help of our 550-member team, we’re able to manufacture 800,000 units each month. Customization requests and third-party audits are welcomed. Inquire now. ,62 Fab-Chain Service Co. Ltd Rm. 4B-2, Bldg. 8, Nanyou Tian'an Industrial Zone, Dengliang Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518054, China Tel: (86-755) 2640 9987 • Fax: (86-755) 2640 2325 E-mail: • • &203/,$17 (& 46 Telecom Products November 2010 )RUDYLDWLRQ UHTXLUHPHQWV All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. - Choose verified suppliers )RU0RWRWUER )RU%.5DGLRDQG5HOP 9DULRXVFRQQHFWRUVIRUWZRZD\UDGLRHTXLSPHQW FXVWRPL]DEOHGHVLJQDQGSDFNDJLQJ >P[OV]LY`LHYZVML_WLYPLUJL^LKL]LSVWHUKTHU\MHJ[\YL H^PKL]HYPL[`VM[^V^H`YHKPVHJJLZZVYPLZ.YLH[JHYLPZ[HRLU PU[OLKLZPNUVMV\YWYVK\J[Z[VLUZ\YLY\NNLKULZZLHZLVM\ZL HUKM\UJ[PVUHSP[`@V\JHUJVTL[V\ZMVYZWLHRLYTPJYVWOVULZ JSPWTPJYVWOVULZJVUULJ[VYZHUKTVYL0M`V\YLX\PYL OLYTL[PJHSS`ZLHSLK07YH[LK\UP[Z[OH[WLYMVYTPU^L[ JVUKP[PVUZ^LOH]LTVKLSZ[OH[HYL\W[V[OL[HZR -'6%-''0-'; /DQGPRELOH&%UDGLRDFFHVVRULHVDYDLODEOHIRU &%UDGLRVPRELOHUDGLRVDQGEDVHVWDWLRQV 0U[OLWHZ[`LHY^LL_WVY[LKTVYL[^V^H`YHKPVHJJLZZVYPLZ [OHUHU`V[OLYTHU\MHJ[\YLYPU;HP^HU·V]LYTPSSPVU\UP[Z (UK[OLYLPZHNYLH[KLTHUKMVYV\Y6,4ZLY]PJLZ0UMHJ[V]LY WLYJLU[VM[OLNVVKZ^LZOPWHYLJ\Z[VT\UP[Z 6\Y9+[LHTTLTILYZOH]L`LHYZVML_WLYPLUJLKL]LSVWPUN 6+4WYVK\J[Z[VV;VÄUKV\[TVYLHIV\[^O`PUK\Z[Y` SLHKLYZZ\JOHZ0JVT(SPUJV4H_VUHUK=LY[L_:[HUKHYK ZV\YJLV\YWYVK\J[ZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` 1+01PUN+LUN0UK\Z[YPHS*V3[K -5V3HUL*O\UN/ZPU9K:LJ >\R\/ZPHUN;HPWLP/ZPLU;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!QKP'TZOPUL[UL[ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTQKPJV^^^QKPJVJVT 5R+6 $OOLWHPVVKRZQKHUHZLWKYDULRXVWUDGHPDUNVEUDQGQDPHVDQGORJRV´0DUNVµDUHIRUUHIHUHQFH SXUSRVHVRQO\DQGDUHQRWIRUVDOH7KH0DUNVDUHWKHSURSHUW\RIWKHUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUVDQGZH DUHQRWDXWKRUL]HGWRPDQXIDFWXUHRUVHOODQ\LWHPVEHDULQJVXFK0DUNVWRDQ\WKLUGSDUW\ -';-'; ,36SHDNHUPLFURSKRQHV 3DWHQWHGGHVLJQZLWKPHWDO FOLSSURIHVVLRQDOJUDGH &DQEHXVHGLQDOOZHDWKHU FRQGLWLRQV -';-'; 6PDUWHDUSKRQHV 'HVLJQFDQEHPRGLILHG WRPHHW\RXUVSHFV ,3VWDQGDUGOHYHO ,3VWDQGDUGDOVRDYDLODEOH +LJKWDFWLOHODUJH377EXWWRQ DOORZVIRUHDV\FRQWUROHYHQ ZLWKJORYHVRUZHWKDQGV ATAs priced as low as $23 per unit for 3 months Interoperability-approved by well-known companies For economical prices, take advantage of our three-month sales promotion for our popular VoIP phones and ATAs. When ordering more than 1,000 units, prices will only be $23 per unit for our ATAs (Unicorn 2002), and $27 per unit for our VoIP phones (Unicorn 5001). Orders for less than 1,000 units are also welcome with prices open for discussion. RF cable assemblies Our CE- and FCC-approved products go to many major companies, including Gotalk of Australia, Depaepe of France, Gulfsip of Kuwait, Voispeed of Italy, and NTT of Japan. Our products have passed interoperability tests by Asterisk, 3CX, Philips, Cisco, Huawei and more. Orders are ready for shipping within 40 days. Contact us today. Hanlong Technology Co. Ltd Rm. 2402,West Tower Building, Fuxin International Building, 359 Hongwu Rd., Baixia, Nanjing, Jiangsu 210002, China Tel: (86-25) 8465 8050, 8660 2690 Fax: (86-25) 8465 8319 E-mail: ATA 2002 Analog telephone adapter • Price: $23 per unit for orders over 1,000 • 2 FXS ports, 1 WAN, 1 LAN • TI DSP to ensure superb audio quality • Supports T.38, QOS, TLS and TR069 • Expiry date for promotion: Jan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elecom Products November 2010 ,5/9 ,5/8 5R+6 Unicorn 5001 VoIP phone • Price: $27 per unit for orders over 1,000 • TI DSP to ensure superb audio quality • 80 x 39mm LCD, supports 4 lines with • 16 characters on each line • 6 speed dial keys • Supports QOS,TLS and TR069 • Expiry date for promotion: Jan. 30, 2011 Walmart and France Telecom choose us for Bluetooth headsets Recordable Bluetooth headset with 10-minute recording time When it comes to sourcing Bluetooth® headsets, big corporations such as Walmart and France Telecom have the leverage to choose any supplier. Yet, they picked us. That's because we've been able to offer quality devices that boast trendy, in-demand features. Simply send us your OEM/ODM requirements, and our 20 R&D engineers will have a sample completed for you in 25 days. Production is carried out using Yamaha SMT machines from Japan. Our monthly capacity is 300,000 units, and our lead time is just seven days. Inquire now. Sky Wing Communication Electronics Co. Ltd 63 Tenth Rd., Longyan, Humen, Dongguan, Guangdong 523000, China Tel: (86-769) 8523 8768 • Fax: (86-769) 8523 9248 E-mail: Website: • >P-PHU[LUUHZHUK9- JVUULJ[VYZ^P[OUVTPUPT\T VYKLYYLX\PYLTLU[Z 07YH[LKHUK9V/:+PYLJ[P]LJVTWSPHU[WYVK\J[Z )HZLKPU;HP^HU^LTHRLH^PKLYHUNLVM>P-PHU[LUUHZ9- JVUULJ[VYZHUKJHISLHZZLTISPLZ>LOH]LPU]LZ[LKOLH]PS`PU[V V\Y9+[LHT[VLUZ\YL[OH[V\YWYVK\J[ZHYLPUUV]H[P]LHUK YLSL]HU[[V^OH[`V\YJ\Z[VTLYZULLK6\YHU[LUUHZZ\JOHZV\Y MLH[\YLK4\[LUUHIYHUKLKTVKLSHYL9V/:+PYLJ[P]L-**HUK *,JLY[PÄLKHSVUN^P[OILPUN07^H[LYWYVVM;OLZL[YHP[ZOH]L H[[YHJ[LKIPNUHTLI\`LYZSPRLVULVM[OLIPNNLZ[VUSPUL>P-P HJJLZZVYPLZYL[HPSLYZPU[OL<: ,]LY`[OPUNMYVTTH[LYPHSZV\YJPUN[VÄUHSWHJRHNPUNPZJVUK\J[LK PU;HP^HU)LMVYL`V\YP[LTZHYLZOPWWLKLHJOVULVM[OLTPZ PUZWLJ[LK^P[OUL[^VYRHUHS`aLYZHUKOPWV[[LZ[LK[VHZZ\YLVM PUKP]PK\HSX\HSP[`>LOH]LUVTPUPT\TVYKLYYLX\PYLTLU[ZVU JHISLHZZLTISPLZ6,46+4VYKLYZHYL^LSJVTLK.P]L\ZH JHSS[VKH` - Choose verified suppliers Mutenna Generation I antenna 9-*HZ[SL,SLJ[YVUPJZ*V3[K 5V/HPKPHU9K:LJ(UUHU+PZ[YPJ[ ;HPUHU*P[` ;HP^HU ;LS!L_[-H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'YMJHZ[SLJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTYMJHZ[SLJV ^^^YMJHZ[SLJVT RoHS compliant Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG. Pro-base with Omni II Lightning protectors RF connectors ,TLYNLUJ`WOVULZ^P[O ^YPZ[^H[JOWHUPJI\[[VUZ 3 > >PYLSLZZLTLYNLUJ` ^H[JOH\[VKPHSLY \HDUV·H[SHULHQFH DQGLQKRXVHSURGXFWLRQ (]HPSHISL^P[OVW[PVUHSIPN^PYLSLZZLTLYNLUJ`I\[[VUKL]PJL 6\YMLH[\YLKWOVULPZWLYMLJ[MVYZLUPVYZOVZWP[HS WH[PLU[ZHUKWLVWSL^OVSP]LHSVUL0[MLH[\YLZSHYNL I\[[VUZMVYLHZ`]PL^PUNI`]PZPVUPTWHPYLK\ZLYZ(UK [OLPUJS\KLK^YPZ[^H[JOWHUPJI\[[VULUHISLZSV]LKVULZ HUKJHYLNP]LYZ[VILLHZPS`JVU[HJ[LKPULTLYNLUJPLZ 3 ) >PYLSLZZLTLYNLUJ` IV_^P[OI\[[VU 3 3 >PYLK^PYLSLZZIPNI\[[VULTLYNLUJ`WOVUL 6LQFH -VY[OLSH[LZ[PU[^V^H`YHKPVZ >LJHYY`V\[[OL0*KLZPNUTVSKTHRPUNHZZLTIS` HUKWYVK\J[PVUVMV\Y[LSLJVTKL]PJLZPUOV\ZL(UK V\Y9+[LHTOHZJYLH[LKV]LY );* WH[LU[LKWYVK\J[ZK\YPUN )S\L[VV[O[LSLWOVUL ^P[OVW[PVUHS V\Y`LHYOPZ[VY` )S\L[VV[OOLHKZL[ *VU[HJ[\Z[VKH` ;LSL^LSS,SLJ[YPJ*V3[K -5V :LJ*O\UN/ZPUN9K/ZPU;PLU;HPWLP;HP^HU 5R+6 ;LS! SPULZ SPULZ ,62 -H_! %OXHWRRWKDQGWKH%OXHWRRWKORJR ,THPS![LSL^LSS'TZOPUL[UL[^^^[LSL^LSSJVT[^ DUHUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRIWKH %OXHWRRWK6,* 2/</ :R`WLJVTWH[PISLWOVULZ Since 1991, we’ve specialized in radio communication products. Our expertise has led us to develop our latest items – the two-way radios shown here – which feature built-in Bluetooth connectivity and GPS functions. And each month, our 20 R&D engineers add at least one new model to our range of UHF/VHF, CB, handheld and two-way radios. Communication solutions for everyday business purposes PSTN INTERNET Enterprise IP-keyline PABX systems (KTS-100) • Expandable to 7 CO lines • Supports up to 100 users • VoIP, PSTN and fax functions • Auto-provisioning CB radio (CB-268) • AM/FM signals • RF gain control • ANL-OFF selector • LOC-DX selector • ASQ function • Emergency channel 9/19 We produce up to 30,000 radios each month in our 10,000m2 facility. All production processes are completed in-house, including design, molding, surface mounting, silkscreening, assembly and QC. VHF/UHF receiver and transmitter with 1,500mAh Li-ion battery (NF-669) VoIP phone, available in standard or deluxe models ,3NH\OLQH3$%;V\VWHPVZLWK DXWRSURYLVLRQVXSSRUW For nearly 30 years, we’ve been specializing in the design and production of telecommunication products. With our industry knowledge, we bring you cost-effective and reliable IP-keyline PABX systems with auto-provision support, as well as standard and deluxe VoIP phones. All OEM/ODM projects are welcomed. Whether you need customized designs, software or PCBs, we can accommodate your specifications. Contact us now. Avantec Mfg Ltd Unit L, 7/F, Camelpaint Building, Block 3, 60 Hoi Yuen Rd., Kwun Tong, Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2763 0203 • Fax: (852) 2797 8643 E-mail: 0:6 ! 50 Telecom Products November 2010 PSTN and VoIP conference phone Desktop conference phone Looking for conferencing systems fit for your market? Then take a look at our DECT, PSTN and VoIP conference phones which are made particularly for your customers’ daily business operations. Our selection also includes IP communicators, USB speakerphones and Bluetooth® communicators. We also offer solutions for all of your USB and wireless needs. And using our voice protocol devices, your customers can connect to their desktops, meeting rooms, classrooms and wireless electronics with ease. Our minimum order quantity is negotiable. Contact us today. Eacom Electronics (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd Suite 3007, Tianxia Tower, Yiyuan Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518052, China Tel: (86-755) 8622 3352/3372 Mobile: (86) 139 2283 2151 • Fax: (86-755) 8622 3522 E-mail: • Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG. - Choose verified suppliers PC-programmable full-range dual-band transceiver, supports PMR/LPD/FRS/ GMRS frequencies (NF-368) With $10 million in annual export sales revenue and long-term clients in Europe, the Americas and the Middle East, we are experienced in selling our products overseas. Let us work with you on your next order. Contact us today. Handheld two-way radio with 1.5” color display (NF-800) • Supports GMRS, MURS and UHF formats • GPS function • Bluetooth connectivity Nanfone Electronic Co. Ltd Quanzhou Wan'an Tangxi Industrial Area, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China Tel: (86-595) 2289 5157 • Fax: (86-595) 2288 5157 E-mail: Website: • Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG. /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V9 $PWFS4UPSZ 4PVSDFJOOPWBUJWFUFMFDPNQSPEVDUT GSPN(SFBUFS$IJOBQMVT,PSFB (4.1)0/&4 View Products Online Contact Suppliers 130%6$5("--&3: "TFMFDUJPOPG(4.QIPOFTGSPNNBJOMBOE$IJOB5BJXBO "TVT5FL$PNQVUFS*OD5BJXBO .PEFM.& %FTDSJQUJPO(QIPOF.)[2VBMDPNN $16JO-$%.#3"..# 30.(#F..$.1DBNFSB(14 2JHJ'VUVSF5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UE NBJOMBOE$IJOB .PEFMW %FTDSJQUJPO.)[19"$16.# 3"..#30.JOUPVDITDSFFO 4."-55FDIOPMPHZ$P-UENBJOMBOE$IJOB .PEFM$#. %FTDSJQUJPO(4..)[ JOUPVDITDSFFOEVBM4*.TUBOECZ.1 DBNFSB.1.1QMBZFS#MVFUPPUI OEM/ODM services for discerning brands and operators .BKPSFYIJCJUT "TJB8PSME&YQP )POH,POH 7*)(ZOHYK^HYLHUKZVM[^HYLKL]LSVWLKPUOV\ZL We are not your run-of-the-mill mobile phone manufacturer. Our clients, including operators and several popular brands, appreciate the superior OEM/ODM services we provide. We offer ID and MD services for hardware and software, and all of our IDs are original designs. Plus, unlike most of our competitors, we produce all of our PCBAs in-house. HA_VM101208_EC KSF_TS_Nov10 "QSJM $PNQVUFSQFSJQIFSBMT $PNQVUFSUFSNJOBMT /FUXPSLJOHQSPEVDUT 1FSTPOBMEJHJUBMFMFDUSPOJDT $POTVNFSFMFDUSPOJDTBDDFTTPSJFT &MFDUSPOJDDPNQPOFOUT -&%EJTQMBZTPQUPFMFDUSPOJDT *OUFSDPOOFDUJPOUFDIOPMPHZ 1PXFSTVQQMJFT *ODBSFMFDUSPOJDT (14 5FMFDPNXJSFMFTTQSPEVDUT .PCJMFQIPOFT J1SPEVDUTBDDFTTPSJFT #BHTDBTFTBOENPSF To ensure quality, our raw materials are sourced from reliable suppliers, and we are equipped with more than 20 years’ experience in materials procurement. We also conduct extensive testing during the product development and production stages. Our phones comply with CE and RoHS standards for hassle-free distribution. Contact us today. JSR Limited Flat F, 14/F, On Fook Industrial Bldg., 41- 45 Kwai Fung Rd., Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3163 2349 / (86-755) 2967 2166 Fax: (852) 3741 0248 E-mail: • $PMPDBUFEXJUI 3FHJTUFSOPXGPSGSFFBENJTTJPO $IJOB4PVSDJOH'BJSXXXDIJOBTPVSDJOHGBJSDPNDXES ,PSFB4PVSDJOH'BJSXXXLPSFBTPVSDJOHGBJSDPNDXLF 0G¾DJBMIPUFMQBSUOFS 5SBEFPOMZOPPOFVOEFSBENJUUFE4USJDUMZOPTBNQMFPSSFUBJMTBMFT In-house PCB design and MD services Quad band dual SIM phone (Q96) More new products - Ultra-slim GSM phone with optional TV functions (T20) Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. November 2010 Telecom Products 53 .7:.:4+;4-HUK.79:^H[LYWYVVM[YHJRPUNKL]PJLZ :LWKEXLOWLQPRWLRQVHQVRUVDQGKLJKFDSDFLW\EDWWHU\SDFNV Order our GPS, GSM, DTMF and GPRS waterproof tracker, and expect delivery within 10 days. Users can insert any regular or prepaid SIM card into the unit and easily transmit information to the mapping software of their choice with no additional fees. This customizable item — part of our range of trackers and car mounts — operates using a built-in motion sensor, along with a high-capacity battery pack for extended operation time. This product also boasts free, web-based GPRS tracking software that allows users to see objects in real-time on Google Maps, avoiding third-party intermediaries. We have no minimum order requirement, so contact us today. 6]LY\UP[ZWYVK\JLKTVU[OS` +, *356ZDWHUSURRIWUDFNHU ,3UDWHG %XLOWLQPRWLRQVHQVRUIRU H[WHQGHGRSHUDWLRQ /DUJHEDWWHU\SDFN ODVWVXSWR\HDUV 3F-11, No. 130 Jian-Kang Rd., Chung Ho, Taiwan Tel: (886-2) 3234 9610 ,62 Fax: (886-2) 8221 1522 5R+6 E-mail: &XVWRPL]HG*356VRIWZDUH \RXUORJRDQGEUDQGLQJKHUH $OOWUDGHPDUNVVKRZQKHUHDUHIRUUHIHUHQFHSXUSRVHVRQO\7KH\DUHWKHSURSHUW\RI WKHLUUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUVDQGZHDUHQRWDXWKRUL]HGWRVHOOLWHPVEHDULQJVXFKWUDGHPDUNV &DUDQWHQQDV*60 *60*60 6\[KVVY>P-P YLWLH[LYZ[OH[JVZ[ SLZZ[OHU >P-P6+<Z 75 :DONLHWDONLHWUDFNHU (YL`V\ZLLRPUNHVULZ[VWZOVW MVY.7:ZVS\[PVUZ&:V\YJLMYVT\Z HUKV\Y9+[LHT^PSSWYV]PKL IV[OOHYK^HYLHUKZVM[^HYL KL]LSVWTLU[[VZ\P[`V\YTHYRL[;V ZH[PZM`V\YPU[LYUH[PVUHSJSPLU[LSLHSSVM V\YP[LTZ·PUJS\KPUNUH]PNH[PVUKL]PJLZ[YHJRLYZHUKZWVY[Z WYVK\J[Z·JVTL^P[O0,,,7;*9)-***,HUKV[OLY JLY[PÄJH[PVUZ[OH[LUZ\YLLHZ`PTWVY[H[PVU>LJVUK\J[V\Y I\ZPULZZWYVMLZZPVUHSS`HUKJVUZ[Y\J[LHJOP[LTTL[PJ\SV\ZS` [VL_JLLKJSPLU[Z»L_WLJ[H[PVUZ*VU[HJ[\Z[VKH` .SVIHS:H[;LJOUVSVN`*VYWVYH[PVU -5V1PHU@P9VHK*O\UN/V*P[`;HPWLP/ZPLU;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZLY]PJL'NSVIHSZH[JVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZH[JVT[^^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTNSZH[JV ^^^NZZWVY[JVT^^^NZ[YHXJVT ,OOXVWUDWLRQVVKRZQKHUHDUHGUDZLQJVRURWKHUUHSUHVHQWDWLRQVRISURGXFWV 7KH\DUHQRWDFWXDOSKRWRJUDSKVRIWKHSURGXFWV 5R+6,62 >L[OVYV\NOS`[LZ[LHJOP[LT\ZPUNUL[^VYRHUHS`aLYZHUKHULJOVPJJOHTILYZ[V THPU[HPUHKLMLJ[YH[LILSV^WLYJLU[(SSVMV\YWYVK\J[ZJVTL^P[OVUL`LHY N\HYHU[LLZHUKHYLH]HPSHISL^P[OUVTPUPT\TVYKLYYLX\PYLTLU[-VYVYKLYZZOPWWLK PUQ\Z[[^V^LLRZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` .7:ZVS\[PVUZ[OH[ L_JLLKL_WLJ[H[PVUZ ,((( )HZLKPU;HP^HU^LTHU\MHJ[\YLV]LY9V/:+PYLJ[P]LJVTWSPHU[HU[LUUHZ HUKJVUULJ[VYZTVU[OS`>LWYVK\JLHSSVM[OLZLP[LTZPUOV\ZLTHPU[HPUJSVZL[PLZ ^P[OTH[LYPHSZ\WWSPLYZHUKKVU»[OH]LH[YHKP[PVUHSZHSLZZ[HMM;OLZLMHJ[VYZLUHISL\Z [VIYPUN`V\JVTWL[P[P]LS`WYPJLKWYVK\J[Z@V\JHUJOVVZLMYVTV]LYHU[LUUHZ JVUULJ[VYZHUKH]HYPL[`VMHZZLTISPLZ[VZ\P[`V\YULLKZ /HPJVT,SLJ[YVUPJZ*VYW +, &RPSDFW*36 *60DQG*356 UHDOWLPHWUDFNHU +, 9HKLFOHUHPRWH FRQWUROWUDFNHU >LJHUKL]LSVW`V\Y J\Z[VTPaLK.HU[LUUHZ &HLOLQJPRXQWDQG URRIWRSDQWHQQD %DVHVWDWLRQ DQWHQQD &DEOHDVVHPEO\ 5)FRQQHFWRUV :LUHOHVV86% DGDSWHU WR-2527A Outdoor Wi-Fi repeater ,_[LUK`V\YPUKVVY>P-P)YPKNL9V\[LY^P[OV\Y>9( V\[KVVY(.*[`WLYLWLH[LY;OLZLKL]PJLZV\[WLYMVYT[YHKP[PVUHS V\[KVVY>P-PV\[KVVY\UP[Z6+<ZI`WYV]PKPUNKPZ[VY[PVUMYLL 4IWZJVTT\UPJH[PVU^P[OOPNO WR-2427 WV^LYV\[W\[*VUULJ[\W[VTVM 9.<*(;=JHISLHUKTHPU[HPU WR-2427M [OLZHTLOPNOX\HSP[`ZPNUHS)LZ[VM WRHSSPUHKKP[PVU[V[OPZZ\WLYPVYZ[HISL 2427S WLYMVYTHUJL[OLZLKL]PJLZJVZ[VUS` WLYJLU[JVTWHYLK[VZ[HUKHYK6+<Z *OVVZL[OLJSLHYLZ[VW[PVU*HSS\Z[VKH` Wi-Fi indoor repeaters 9VTHUJLSS;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K -5V*OPUN2\V9K;HV`\HU;HP^HU ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!QLUZLU'JSLHYJHZ[IPa ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTJSLHYJHZ[JV^^^JSLHYJHZ[IPa 3&67\SH&HUWLÀFDWLRQ5HYLHZ%RDUG 54 Telecom Products November 2010 *36DQGFRPER DQWHQQD - Choose verified suppliers &KDQJ+RQJ7HFKQRORJ\&R/WG 5V3HUL2HPHU9K(UUHU+PZ[YPJ[;HPUHU ;HP^HU ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!SPUKH'JOHUNOVUNJVT[^ ^^^JOHUNOVUNJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTJOHUNOVUN[LJOJV *60G%LG%L G%LRPQLDQWHQQDV 2QO\GD\VXQWLO\RXURUGHUVVKLS Leather cases for Apple's iPads 8QLYHUVDOFUDGOHIRU$SSOH VL3RG )LWV$SSOH VL3RG1DQRL3RG7RXFK L3KRQH*DQGRWKHUL3RGXQLWV &RPHVZLWKSLQFRQQHFWRUV SRZHUDGDSWHUDQGFRPSXWHUFDEOH Leather case for Apple's iPhones We complete orders in seven days – two days faster than the industry norm – because we have our own factories for leather, PU and silicone case production. And that's in addition to our network of 300 suppliers and suite of sewing, hot-press and molding equipment from Mitsubishi and Seiko. With such resources at our disposal, we can guarantee a monthly capacity of over 700,000 cases. We're also fast when it comes to handling your customization requirements. Our R&D team can create a sample based on your specifications in only two days. Or for faster time-to-market, choose from our catalog of over 1,300 mobile phone and MP3 player cases, as well as 1,000 mobile phone novelties. Ninety percent of our clients in Europe and the Americas place repeat orders. Join them in benefiting from our services by inquiring today. 2XUHQJLQHHUVUHOHDVH ÀYHQHZPRGHOVPRQWKO\ Caller ID phones with FSK/DTMF systems Our product offerings keep getting better thanks to our 60 engineers who develop five new models monthly. Our lineup includes standard telephones, caller ID phones and more, with various user-friendly features. We can customize a model for you within 15 days, completing everything in-house – from ID/MD and hardware development to PCB layout and molding. This ensures that each one of our products is an original design. Our monthly capacity is 300,000 units. Inquire today. 6KHQ]KHQ.HZDQJ&RPPXQLFDWLRQ&R/WG Rm. 1B, 3/F, Dongfangming Industrial City, 83 Dabao Rd., District 33, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518133, China Tel: (86-755) 2964 6799/6017 • Fax: (86-755) 2964 6513 Contact person: Daisy Zhang E-mail: Website: Leather cases for Apple's iPads 7D]HF(OHFWURQLF&R/WG Rm. 9F, Caihong Building, Caitian South Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518026, China Tel: (86-755) 8292 6558 • Fax: (86-755) 8292 6551 E-mail: • iPhone and iPad are trademarka of Apple Inc. ,JVUVTPJHSWOVULZ`Z[LTZ^P[O 7:;5SPULZHUK .:4JOHUULSZ (**603$%; ;OLMLH[\YLK,]LY^PZLIYHUK WOVULZ`Z[LTZUV[VUS`WYV]PKL MV\Y7:;5SPULZ[OL`JHUHSZVPUJS\KLMV\Y.:4JOHUULSZ MVYHKKLK]LYZH[PSP[`0UYLTV[LHYLHZTVIPSLVMÄJLZVYTV]PUN ]LOPJSLZ^OLYL7:;5SPULZHYLUV[YLHKPS`H]HPSHISL[OLZLKL]PJLZ WYV]PKLHULJVUVTPJHS.:4WV^LYLKZVS\[PVU,HJO\UP[JVTLZ LX\PWWLK^P[OJHSSLY0+HUKHI\PS[PUH\[VH[[LUKHU[:V\YJL [OLZLP[LTZHUKOLSW`V\YJ\Z[VTLYZPUJYLHZL[OLPYTHYRL[ZOHYL I`HKKPUN.:4M\UJ[PVUHSP[`[V[OLPY[LSLWOVULUL[^VYRZ;VQVPU I\`LYZPUV]LYJV\U[YPLZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` Arista Systems Corporation -5V.\HUN-\9K:LJ:HUJO\UN*P[`;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!HYPZ[LS'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTHYPZ[LS'HYPZ[LSJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTHYPZ[LSJV^^^HYPZ[LSJVT[^ One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. 56 Telecom Products November 2010 -YLLWYV[V[`WPUNMYVTHSLHKPUNKLZPNULYVM (WWSLZP7OVULP7VKHUK7+(HJJLZZVYPLZ - Choose verified suppliers -VYULHYS`HKLJHKL^L»]LTHU\MHJ[\YLKHJJLZZVYPLZMVYLSLJ[YVUPJ WYVK\J[ZSPRL7+(ZTVIPSLWOVULZHUK.7:KL]PJLZ0UMHJ[V\Y L_WLYPLUJL^HZVULJVTWVULU[VM(WWSL»ZKLJPZPVU[VNYHU[ \ZHSPJLUZL[VTHU\MHJ[\YLHJJLZZVYPLZMVY[OLPYP7VKKL]PJLZ >LWYVK\JLJHZLZPUSLH[OLYTL[HSVYZPSPJVUL>LHSZVVMMLYYLN\SHY HUKPUJHYJOHYNLYZZ`UJJHISLZJYHKSLZHUKKVJRPUNZ[H[PVUZMVYH ^OVSLOVZ[VMKL]PJLZ>LNSHKS`[HPSVYHU`VMV\YWYVK\J[Z[V`V\Y ZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ0UMHJ[^LVMMLYMYLLWYV[V[`WPUNMVY`V\Y6+4VYKLYZ 6UJL^LOH]L[OLL_HJ[KLZPNU`V\^HU[^L»SSZ[HY[WYVK\J[PVUPU V\YJVZ[LMÄJPLU[.\HUNaOV\MHJ[VY`^OLYL8*[LZ[ZHYLWLYMVYTLK HJJVYKPUN[V`V\YZ[HUKHYKZ 8QLYHUVDOFUDGOH )RUWKH+7&'LDPRQG 'LDPRQG7RXFK +'DQGRWKHU +7&PRGHOV :LWKEDWWHU\ SDFNFKDUJHU &UDGOHIRUWKH+7& 7RXFK'LDPRQG3 0XVLFVWDWLRQDQGKDQGVIUHH NLWIXQFWLRQDOLW\ $XGLRRXWEXLOWLQPLFURSKRQH >LOH]L`LHYZVML_WLYPLUJLOHUKSPUN6,4HUK6+4VYKLYZMVY PU[LYUH[PVUHSI\`LYZSPRL`V\ZVJVU[HJ[\ZUV^^P[O`V\YZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ *OPUN>LP;LSJVT*V3[K 5V+VUN:O`O3PU+VUN:O`O3P 7PUN1LUU*P[`;HV@\HU/ZPLU;HP^HU ;LS! 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,THPS!WPHVZOHU'TZOPUL[UL[^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTWPHVZOHUNJV In-car USB charger <:JVU[HJ[! • 800mA output ;LS!,THPS!WPHVZOHUN'HVSJVT • Universal mounting Adjustable mount for Apple’s iPhone 4 with RoHS, WEEE and CE marks 0UOV\ZLHUK[OPYKWHY[`8*[LZ[PUN (SSVMV\YTVIPSLWOVULHJJLZZVYPLZHUKOVSKLYZHYLPUZWLJ[LK PUOV\ZLI`V\YZ[HMMHZ^LSSHZ[OPYKWHY[`[LJOUPJPHUZ;OLZL P[LTZPUJS\KLV\YSH[LZ[JHYTV\U[ZMVY(WWSL»ZP7HKHUKP7OVUL .:HUK.;OLZLMLH[\YLKTVKLSZVMMLYOVYPaVU[HSHUK]LY[PJHS HKQ\Z[HIPSP[`HZ^LSSHZÄYTOHZZSLMYLLH[[HJOTLU[ L3DGLVDWUDGHPDUNRI$SSOH,QF 0UUV]H[P]LSV^JVZ[ ^PYLSLZZZVS\[PVUZ >LWYV]PKLOPNOS`YLSPHISLSV^ JVZ[^PYLSLZZUL[^VYRWYVK\J[Z MVYV\[KVVY(7;+44,:/ IYPKNLHU[LUUHHUK>:6* HWWSPJH[PVUZ(SSVM[OLZLP[LTZ MLH[\YL07JVTWSPHU[LUJSVZ\YLZ ^P[OL_JLSSLU[OLH[YLZPZ[HUJL¶ MYVT[VKLNYLLZ*LSZP\Z ;OL`Z\WWVY[77747OV[ZWV[ HUKTVIPSLJVUULJ[P]P[`6\YP[LTZ HYLL]LU\ZLKPUOPNOZLJ\YP[` NV]LYUTLU[I\PSKPUNZPUTHPUSHUK *OPUHHUK;HP^HU;VYLTHPU PUUV]H[P]L^LKL]LSVW\W [VMV\YUL^P[LTZ`LHYS` -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` Desktop holder for Apple’s iPhone 4 Unique holder and bike mount for Apple’s iPhone, other models available 0U[LNYH[LKMLH[\YLZHUKM\UJ[PVUHSP[` >P[O`LHYZ»L_WLYPLUJLV\Y9+[LHTL_JLSZH[JVTIPUPUN\UPX\LTVIPSL WOVULOVSKLYZHUK]HYPV\ZTV\U[Z[VJYLH[LZWHJLZH]PUNHSSPUVULKLZPNUZ @V\YJ\Z[VTLYZ^PSS]HS\LV\YJHYRP[Z»HIPSP[`[VYLK\JLPUJHYJS\[[LY 7YVK\J[PVUWV^LYHUK[PTLS`KLSP]LY` >LWYVK\JLULHYS`TPSSPVUKL]PJLZTVU[OS`MVYI\`LYZPU[OL<:,\YVWLHUK V[OLYTHYRL[Z^VYSK^PKL:HTWSLZJHUILKLSP]LYLKPUQ\Z[[^VKH`ZHUKJVTWSL[L VYKLYZZOPWWLK^P[OPUKH`Z¶KH`ZMHZ[LY[OHUTVZ[JVTWL[P[VYZ;V]PL^TVYL TV\U[ZOVSKLYZHUKV[OLYWYVK\J[Z]PZP[\ZVUSPUL[VKH` Mobile Internet device • Google's Android 2.2 OS ;MVIPIWWLMKLTS[IV SYXHSSV%4EFK 3YXHSSVTERIP ERXIRRE ;73';M*MWLEVMRK SZIVGEFPI )1R-LDQNDQJ5G=KRQJKH&LW\7DLSHL&RXQW\7DLZDQ 7HO)D[ (PDLOJORULD#FRPWHFFRPWZ ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPFRPWHFDSFRZZZFRPWHFFRPWZ *VT[LJ*V3[K 58 Telecom Products November 2010 Desktop holder for Apple’s iPad with adjustable angle • 3G/WCDMA • 800MHz CPU • Handsfree and tablet PC functions OEM projects completed in 2 weeks Let our 10 R&D engineers put their experience to work for you. Give them just two to four weeks to complete your OEM and ODM projects. Samples can be finished within six weeks. If you need even faster service, choose from our collection of mobile Internet devices, UMPCs, GPS smartphones, notebook computers and more, all of which are ready for immediate shipment. Every item we offer comes with FCC, CE and RoHS marks. To source from a supplier trusted by leading international retailers, contact us now. 4H[JO;LJO0UK\Z[YPHS*V3[K Unit A603, Wuhan University, Keyuan South Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China Tel: (86-755) 8272 0900 • Fax: (86 755) 8272 0080 Mobile: (86) 139 2458 4680 • • - Choose verified suppliers Adjustable holder and car mount for Apple’s iPhone 3GS, compatible with our unique protective jacket 4HU\MHJ[\YLY,_WVY[LY -HU1L[,U[LYWYPZL*V3[K Desktop holder for Apple’s iPhone 3GS with both horizontal and vertical orientation Innovative jacket allows Apple’s Apple’s iPhone 3GS unique jacket iPhone to be conveniently and holder, with leather-like surface attached to holder treatment for added protection -5V4\QH9K:LJ;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZHUK`'MHUQL[JVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTMHUQL[JV 4HPUSHUK*OPUHMHJ[VY`!+VUNN\HU*P[`.\HUNKVUN ;LS! -H_! ( ,62 $OOLWHPVVKRZQKHUHZLWKYDULRXVWUDGHPDUNVEUDQGQDPHVDQGORJRV¶0DUNV·DUHIRUUHIHUHQFHSXUSRVHVRQO\DQGDUHQRWIRUVDOH7KH0DUNV DUHWKHSURSHUW\RIWKHUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUVDQGZHDUHQRWDXWKRUL]HGWRPDQXIDFWXUHRUVHOODQ\LWHPVEHDULQJVXFK0DUNVWRDQ\WKLUGSDUW\ L3KRQHLVDWUDGHPDUNRI$SSOH,QFL3DGLVDWUDGHPDUNRI$SSOH,QF RoHS FRPSOLDQW Over 200 headsets that perform optimally in extreme conditions Helmet headset speakers and microphones (PTE-119D) • Noise canceling function • IP57-rated • Durable housings • 3.5mm audio accessory jacks • Connectors available for all radios • Fireman, military and police helmets available Our 200-plus models of headsets and speaker microphones undergo strict quality inspections to ensure they perform optimally in extreme conditions, such as in the rain, snow and within close proximity to fire. We incorporate the knowledge that we’ve gained from conducting research since 1999 to develop items that are trusted by emergency response teams. We’re so confident in the quality of our goods that we offer one-year warranties and 30-day money-back guarantees, if you’re not satisfied. Our team of engineers has over 11 years of industry experience. They can custom-design a product for you in three to five weeks. We have our own molding workshop to better control quality, costs and lead times. Clients from Europe, the US and Southeast Asia source from us. Visit our Global Sources Online showroom and call us today. GPCOMM Technology Ltd Power-Time Group Ltd Factory: 2/F, Bldg. 3, West District, Shangxue Industrial Park, Jihua Rd., Buji, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518112, China Office: Rm. 511, Haoyue Garden, Longhua St., Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518109, China Tel: (86-755) 2819 3910 • Fax: (86-755) 2819 7765 E-mail: • Skype: xie16888 • OEM experience with BMW CB microphone, suitable for CB radios, mobile radios and HF radios (7311) 26-28MHz CB antenna, various materials available (S9) We have been working with BMW for over two years, a testament to our advanced OEM skills. Source from us and you too can benefit from our 15 R&D engineers' expertise. Plus, our 20 percent allocation of annual sales revenue toward R&D ventures means we offer you up to three new models every month. And for your assurance, we provide one-year warranties for our range of CB antennas, microphones and more. We operate according to ISO 9001:2000-certified guidelines, and our monthly capacity is 400,000 units. Inquire now. Transcend Electronic Co. Ltd Shenzhen Jin Yuan Sheng Tech. Co. Ltd 7/F, Bldg. 430, Bagualing Industrial Area, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518029, China Tel: (86-755) 8243 1860 • Fax: (86-755) 8243 9980 E-mail: • • 60 Telecom Products November 2010 A specialist in GSM phones for the elderly Utilizing 6 years' OEM expertise to integrate the features you demand >L»SSHSZVJ\Z[VTPaLVYKLYZ [VÄ[`V\YI\KNL[ Mobile phones are old news, but the features we incorporate with ours are a different story. With six years of OEM experience, we specialize in manufacturing GSM mobile phones and release six new models monthly. These devices boast push-to-talk, E-map, TV, MP3/MP4 player, camera and GPS functions, as well as Microsoft’ s Office software and Bluetooth® connectivity. We even design phones specifically for the elderly. These innovations are made possible thanks in part to our two R&D centers that employ engineers who’ve trained at Nokia, Hisense and Bird. At our 65,000m2 factory, we have six production lines that turn out over 250,000 feature-packed mobile phones each month – enough to keep top buyers in the industry coming back. We can also customize orders to fit your price range. You can rest assured of the quality of our products, too. Production begins with top-grade raw materials that comply with GB and AKL standards, and ends with our 80 QC officers conducting pre-shipment tests by utilzing machines from Agilent, Hewlett-Packard and Testcom. Inquire now for more information. Q688 Dual SIM quad band mobile phones • 2 x 1,000mAh batteries • 700+ hours of standby time • 2,000 free game downloads GSM phone for the elderly (Care300) • Color LCD • One-touch SOS button • Large keypad and font • Loud ring tone and speakerphone • SOS number changeable by SMS We are a subsidiary of Victorwood Holdings Ltd, an established telecom enterprise for 15 years, with distributor ties in Europe. Our mission is to provide our clients with innovative technology in VoIP, standard, networking and GSM phones. In fact, we have the required resources to realize any OEM/ODM project, thanks to our experienced R&D specialists. One of our latest releases is the featured GSM model made particularly for senior citizens. To find out more about this product, or the others that we offer, contact us today. VEE Concept Industrial Ltd Unit 15, 8/F, Block B, Sun Fung Centre, 88 Kwok Shui Rd., Kwai Chung, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2423 4823 • Fax: (852) 2423 4838 E-mail: • - Choose verified suppliers A8 Tablet PC with mobile phone functions • Google’s Android OS • 7" SVGA screen E20 Triple SIM mobile phones • 3MP camera • 2” LCD QCIF touch screen (optional) Mastone Communication & Electrical Development Co. Ltd 14/F, Zhongke Building, South District, Shenzhen Hi-Tech Industrial Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057, China Tel: (86-755) 3302 2077 • Fax: (86-755) 3330 1458 • • L98 Dual SIM mobile phone 4\TIHP :LW[ )VV[O5V5 W200 3G GSM phone • Wi-Fi connectivity • 2.4” screen • 3MP camera Oct. 3-16, 2010 Booth No. 7M12 All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. )LQGWKHULJKWEDWWHU\ DPRQJRXUPRGHOV UL^KLZPNUZLHJOTVU[O Variety that Apple, Nokia and HTC appreciate When it comes to accessories that complement their products, Apple, Nokia and HTC come to us. They value our extensive selection. Each month, our 23-member R&D team, including designers and pattern makers, creates 600 new styles to choose from. They can also customize any of our cases and pouches for mobile phones, e-book readers, Apple's iPads and other electronics, as well as bags for laptops. Samples can be ready in three to four days. Our monthly capacity of 5 million units will keep you stocked To uphold your quality standards, we have 20 inspectors who oversee each stage of production. And as an added assurance, we source raw materials from our network of 38 suppliers, many of whom we’ve worked with for seven years. Our monthly output is 400,000 laptop bags and 300,000 cases. However, we welcome orders starting at 3,000 pieces. Contact us now for more information. -PULULZZ*VTT\UPJH[PVU (JJLZZVYPLZ*V3[K 3 Huaiya Rd., Xiamiao Industrial Park, Humen, Dongguan, Guangdong 523926, China Tel: (86-769) 8511 6636/6676 • Fax: (86-769) 8511 6776 E-mail: • Leather mobile phone case iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc. 3.6V, 900mAh Li-ion battery for mobile phones >P-PZ[VYHNL5(:HUKYV\[LYZ ^P[OI\PS[PUHWWSPJH[PVUZ 7KHIHDWXUHGSURGXFWVDUH SRUWDEOHVWRUDJHURXWHUV ZLWKZLUHOHVVEJQ IXQFWLRQDOLW\DQGDQLQWHJUDWHG 6$7$+'',WVXSSRUWVIDVW %LW7RUUHQWGRZQORDGLQJ(QDEOLQJXVHUVWR GRZQORDGVWUHDPDQGDFFHVV¿OHVUHPRWHO\± ZRUOGZLGH±IURPWKH:L'5,9(WKLVHDV\WRXVH GHYLFHLVWKHLGHDOVROXWLRQIRUEXVLQHVVWUDYHOHUV DQGKRPHXVHUV)RUHQWHUWDLQPHQWXVDJHZH KDYHGHYHORSHGYLGHRVWUHDPLQJIRU$SSOH¶V L7XQHVVHUYHUDQGPHGLDFHQWHU:HKDYHEHHQ FRRSHUDWLQJZLWK7RVKLEDDQG+LWDFKLUHTXLULQJ XVWREHÀH[LEOHDQGUHVSRQGTXLFNO\WRWKHLU FKDQJHV&RQWDFWXVWRGD\ Cases for Apple's iPads and iPhones, various designs available >LVMMLYTHKLPU;HP^HU ^PYLSLZZ*7,ZVS\[PVUZ 3.7V, 710mAh Li-ion battery for digital cameras One of the largest selections of accessories you will find Whether it’s for mobile phones, PDAs, digital cameras, media players, RC toys or laptops, our range is sure to have the accessory for the application you have in mind. With over 3,000 Li-polymer and Li-ion batteries and battery packs, plus 40 new additions monthly, you won’t have trouble keeping up with the latest electronics releases. Plus, we have recently included mobile phones and chargers to our lineup to save you time from going to multiple suppliers for the items you need. &3( $3EULGJH:'6DQGJDWHZD\ EJQ&3( 750ESVGDWDWUDQVPLVVLRQ WiDRIVE • 3-in-1 external hard drive, router and NAS • Any Wi-Fi device can control, play and stream wirelessly from WiDRIVE • Upload and download through web interface • Integrated Apple iTunes server and BitTorrent client ,+:3();LJOUVSVNPLZ0UJ )1R1DQNLQJ(5G6HF7DLSHL&LW\7DLZDQ 7HO)D[ (PDLONZDQ#HGVODEFRP ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPHGVODEFRZZZHGVODEFRP >L»YLH;HP^HUIHZLKTHU\MHJ[\YLY MV\UKLKPUHUK^LMVJ\ZVUKL]LSVWPUN ^PYLSLZZ3(5WYVK\J[Z6\YWYVK\J[Z HYLTVYLWV^LYM\SHUKVMMLYIL[[LY9-ZPNUHS NHPUZ6\YYHUNLPUJS\KLZ<:)*7,Z<:) HKHW[LYZ^PYLSLZZZPNUHSIVVZ[LYZHUK^PYLSLZZ *7,Z>LVMMLYV\YV^UIYHUKVMZOLSMYLHK` P[LTZVY^LJHUJ\Z[VTPaL[OLWYVK\J[[V `V\YZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ-VYJ\Z[VTVYKLYZ JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` Delivery in as few as 10 days When you place an order for up to 30,000 batteries or battery packs, we will ship them in 10 to 15 days – ensuring they will be ready for retail in no time. And with up to 5 million items made each month, we have the production power to keep you stocked. USB travel and car chargers &3( $3EULGJH:'6 DQGJDWHZD\ 5H[SRZHU,QGXVWULDO'HYHORSPHQW&R/WG Rm. 207, Bldg. 2, Animation Park, Yuehai Rd., Nanhai St., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518054, China Tel: (86-755) 8628 4232/4312 • Fax: (86-755) 8628 4261 E-mail: Website: • • • ARGtek Communication Inc. - 5V3HUL *O\UN/ZPU9K:LJ &3( :HU*O\UN*P[`;HPWLP;HP^HU $3EULGJH:'6 ;LS! -H_! DQGJDWHZD\ ,THPS!ZLSLUHFHYN[LR'HYN[LRJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTHYN[LRJV^^^HYN[LRJVT Rechargeable laptop batteries 62 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers 100 percent QC for total reliability All of our batteries are made using components from Japan and the US to ensure stability. And not a single unit leaves our factory without going through multiple checks under an ISO 9001:2000-certified quality system. Join more than 200 buyers in Europe and North America in sourcing our batteries by inquiring today. All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. 4PVSDJOH6QEBUF 7P*11#9T View Products Online )ZCSJENPEFMTESJWF ZPVOHMJOF #VZFSTµUSBEFTFDSFUTSFWFBMFE :PVµWFCFFOUIFSF4QFOUIPVSTTFBSDIJOHFWFSZXIFSFPOUIF8FCCVUTUJMMDBOµU GJOEBTVJUBCMFTVQQMJFS )FSFµTBOJOTJEFSµTUJQPOGJOEJOHUIFSJHIUTVQQMJFSTGBTU°(MPCBM4PVSDFT0OMJOF XXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPN 8FIBWFCSPVHIUUPHFUIFSBMMFYQPSUFSTUIBUBEWFSUJTFPOUIF8FCJOUPBTJOHMF DPNQSFIFOTJWFEJSFDUPSZBMMPXJOHZPVUPGJOEUIFNPTUBQQSPQSJBUFTFBSDI SFTVMUTJOUIFTIPSUFTUUJNFQPTTJCMF 0ODFZPVµSFPO(MPCBM4PVSDFT0OMJOFZPVµMMBQQSFDJBUFPVSJOIPVTF QSFTDSFFOJOHQSPDFTTBOEUIJSEQBSUZWFSJGJDBUJPOTFSWJDFT°UIJTMFUTZPVRVJDLMZ TIPSUMJTUSFMJBCMFTVQQMJFST 5IFTFDSFUJTPVU.BYJNJ[FZPVSTPVSDJOHXJUI(MPCBM4PVSDFTUPEBZ 6XSSOLHUVRI9R,33%;VLQ&KLQDDUHLQFUHDVLQJRXWSXWLQ SUHSDUDWLRQIRUULVLQJGHPDQG3URGXFWLRQRIK\EULG,33%;V LQSDUWLFXODULVLQDQXSZDUGWUHQGDVPDNHUVGHYHORSPRGHOV WKDWDOORZXVHUVWREHQHÀWIURPQH[WJHQHUDWLRQ,3VROXWLRQV ZLWKRXWUHSODFLQJOHJDF\V\VWHPV0DQXIDFWXUHUVVXFKDV $WFRP7HFKQRORJ\&R/WGUROORXWPRUHWKDQXQLWVD PRQWKXSWRSHUFHQW<R<(VFHQH&RPPXQLFDWLRQ 7HFKQRORJ\&R/WGH[SHFWVWRWRSLWVJURZWKUDWHRI SHUFHQWLQWKHQH[WIHZ\HDUV $OWKRXJKWKHLQGXVWU\LQ&KLQDLVVWLOOLQLWVLQIDQF\ VXSSOLHUVDUHFRQÀGHQWWKHWHFKQRORJ\·VLQKHUHQWDGYDQWDJHV RYHUWUDGLWLRQDO3%;VZLOOVSHHGXSPDUNHWSHQHWUDWLRQ7KH JURZLQJQXPEHURIEXVLQHVVHVDGRSWLQJ,3FRPPXQLFDWLRQ WRFXWFRVWVDQGLQFUHDVHUHYHQXHUHÁHFWVWKLV:LWKIXWXUH H[FKDQJHVRILQIRUPDWLRQJRLQJWKHQHWZRUNHGURXWH,33%; LVWKHREYLRXVFKRLFHIRUPRVWHQWHUSULVHV 7KHSURGXFWLVGLVSODFLQJ7'0YDULDQWVLQJRYHUQPHQW ÀQDQFLDODQGPHGLFDOLQVWLWXWLRQVFDOOFHQWHUDJHQFLHVDQGD KRVWRIRWKHUÀUPVWKDWFDQEHQHÀWIURPDQ,33%;RUKRVWHG 3%;)RUHFDVWVIURP,Q6WDWHVWLPDWHWKDW9R,3SHQHWUDWLRQ DPRQJ86EXVLQHVVHVZLOOLQFUHDVHUDSLGO\RYHUWKHQH[WIHZ \HDUVUHDFKLQJSHUFHQWLQIURPMXVWSHUFHQWLQHQG 7KLVLQFOXGHVFRPSDQLHVZLWKD9R,3VROXWLRQGHSOR\HG LQDWOHDVWRQHORFDWLRQ /DUJHHQWHUSULVHVZHUHWKHÀUVWWRUHDOL]HWKHEHQHÀWVRI,3 WHOHSKRQ\OHDGLQJWKHZD\LQLWVGHSOR\PHQWDQGQRZVPDOO DQGPLGVL]HSOD\HUVDUHIROORZLQJVXLW7KHJOREDO,33%; PDUNHWZLOOUHDFKELOOLRQE\DFFRUGLQJWRUHVHDUFK ÀUP*,$%LJFRPPHUFLDOFRUSRUDWLRQVWRSWKHHQGXVHUOLVW IRUSXUHV\VWHPV 7KHSXEOLFVHFWRUZKLFKXWLOL]HVDSUHH[LVWLQJGLJLWDODQG 3FMBUFEBSUJDMF $PTUTBWJOHTJODSFBTFEFGGJDJFODZ TVTUBJOHSPXUIJO)POH,POH More new products - QBHF "UDPNµT*1(NPEFMVTFTB.)[#MBDL¾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ÀQLWLYHVWDQGDUGVLVVORZLQJ GRZQWHFKQRORJ\DQGSURGXFWGHYHORSPHQWDQGFRQVHTXHQWO\ DSSOLFDWLRQV$GGHGWRWKHVHGLIÀFXOWLHVDUHH[LVWLQJ UHVWULFWLRQVLQWKHXVHRI,33%;VLQVRPHFRXQWULHV7KH PDMRUPDUNHWVIRUQRZDUHOLPLWHGWRWKH(81RUWK$PHULFD DQG-DSDQ )ZCSJETEPNJOBUFTVQQMZ &KLQDPDNHUVFRQFHQWUDWHRQGHYLFHVWKDWDOORZHQWHUSULVHVWR PLJUDWHWR9R,3ZLWKRXWUHSODFLQJH[LVWLQJV\VWHPVWKHUHE\ HOLPLQDWLQJWKHQHHGWRLQYHVWLQQHZHTXLSPHQW6XFKK\EULG DPOUJOVFEPOQBHF W +$B%ODFNEHUU\B*67-B .BLFSTUBSHFUJODSFBTJOHPVUQVU BUUIFFOUSZMFWFMBOENJESBOHF NBSLFUT November 2010 Telecom Products 65 GSM, PBX and VoIP Products +LJKHQGKDQGKHOGWZRZD\ UDGLRVIRUPDUNHWVLQ (XURSHDQGWKH$PHULFDV Supplying to more than 30 countries Source our high-end handheld two-way radios. These, along with our other products, are specially designed for markets in Europe and the Americas, and come with CE, RoHS and FCC logos. If you’re looking to place an OEM or ODM order, we welcome it. We have 18 engineers – each with 15 years’ experience – on-hand to complete a sample for you in as fast as one week. Raw materials are sourced from Taiwan, and we have 18 specialists who enforce a stringent QC regimen. And for volume orders, we utilize seven production lines. For more information, contact our representatives today. Handheld two-way radio (TC-T8) • Battery save function • English voice guide • Reverse frequency • LCD channel display • Emergency alarm • FM radio • Multiplexing capability Matrix DKP Handheld two-way radio (TC-H5) • FM radio • Mini-USB programming jack • No-contact switch • Extra-large wheel channel knob • Extra-large speaker Handheld two-way radio (TC-H6) • Whisper function • High-quality voice transmission • FM radio • English voice guide Handheld two-way radio (TC-H8) • High/Low power options • English voice guide • FM radio • QT/DQT settings Quanzhou Truest Communication Co. Ltd Office: 144 Wenling South Rd., Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China Tel: (86-595) 2261 1378 • Fax: (86-595) 2251 7069 E-mail: Website: One of the most cost-effective VoIP and SIM server systems on the market 3-in-1 charger for Apple’s iPods and 3G/3GS iPhones SIM server 256/512 3U SIM servers 192 1U Eurotech Communication is a leader in gateway solutions and offers some of the smallest, most efficient and cost-effective SIM servers in the industry. We keep prices low thanks to in-house R&D of both hardware and software. We also design our items with smaller dimensions to cut down on your shipping and shelf space costs. All units are compatible with existing GSM, CDMA and UMTS cellular networks. We also provide gateway solutions for analog and digital connectivity to both GSM and CDMA cellular networks. Our devices are used in countries worldwide. Inquire today. Eurotech Communication Ltd 32%R[=+5,QGXVWULDO3DUN5RVK3LQD1RUWKHUQ,VUDHO,VUDHO 7HOH[W)D[ (PDLOVDOHV#HXURWHFKFRPPXQLFDWLRQFRP ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPHXURWHFKFRZZZHXURWHFKFRPPXQLFDWLRQFRP &KDUJHUVFXVWRPL]HGWR\RXUPDUNHW VQHHGV With a crew of 20 R&D engineers, we can provide comprehensive customization support. Simply send us your specifications, and we’ll develop chargers, adapters and switching power supplies that match your requirements. We can even customize packaging for you. To ensure precise manufacturing, we use equipment from Casio and Samsung. And since we have our own logistics agent, we can offer flexible delivery services. To get your projects underway, send us your inquiries today. GSM Gateways • GSM to POTS (FXS-FXO) • GSM to ISDN-BRI • GSM to VoIP • IMEI numbers • Multiport configuration • Universal routing • Quad-band support VoIP ATA and Gateways • VoIP-FXS, VoIP-FXO-FXS • WAN and LAN ports • Multiple SIP accounts • Peer-to-peer calling • Fax over IP GSM FCTs • Voice, fax, SMS and GPRS • GSM-FXO bridge • Least cost routing (LCR) • IMEI numbers • GSM quad-band support • 3G tri-band support Universal Gateways • Multiport, scalable • GSM/3G/CDMA • ISDN BRI/PRI, T1/E1, FXS-FXO • Universal routing with least cost • Auto-attendant, CDR • Third-party PBX compatibility Business PBX-KTS • In-skin VoIP, GSM and VMS • QSIG/VoIP/E&M networking • Web-based programming • Universal routing with least cost • Flexible configuration • 15-participant conference • Winner of more than 10 quality awards • 24/7 technical assistance • Independent production facility • ISO 9001:2000, FCC, CE and RoHS marks 3 Foison Electron Co. Ltd Rm. 618, 6/F, New Asia International Electronics and Digital City, Xidi 2nd Rd., Guangzhou, Guangdong 510000, China Tel: (86-20) 2803 8251 • Fax: (86-20) 2803 8252 E-mail: Website: L3RGDQGL3KRQHDUHWUDGHPDUNVRI$SSOH,QF 66 Telecom Products November 2010 Matrix at a glance: • Over 40 telecom products • 200+ man-years of R&D experience IP PBX • IP, digital or analog station • Mobile trunks and extensions • Conference bridge • Presence server • Instant messaging • Voicemail system • Hospitality module - Choose verified suppliers We welcome OEM and ODM orders 4(;90?*64:,*7=;3;+ 4HRHYW\YH.0+*=HKVKHYH 0UKPH ;LS! ,THPS!0U[:HSLZ'4H[YP_*VT:LJJVT >LIZP[L!^^^4H[YP_*VT:LJJVT^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTTH[YP_JVTZLJJV )POH,POH $PTUTBWJOHTJODSFBTFEFG¾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¾DFQSPEVDUJWJUZBOE FG¾DJFODZ#FTJEFTFOIBODFEGVODUJPOBMJUZEFDSFBTJOH QSJDFTBSFCPPTUJOHTBMFTGVSUIFS"HSPXJOHOVNCFSPG FRVJQNFOUBSFUIFSFGPSFOFBSJOHUSBEJUJPOBM1#9RVPUF MFWFMTXIJDIJTTQFFEJOHVQBEPQUJPOPGUIFGPSNFS 4PNFVOJUTBSFJOUFOEFEUPDPNQMFNFOUMFHBDZTZTUFNT CZFOBCMJOH*1FYUFOTJPOTXIJDIGBDJMJUBUF7P*11#9 BEPQUJPOFWFOUVBMMZ4*1USVOLJOHJOTUBMMBUJPOTDPOUJOVF UPHSPXXPSMEXJEFFTQFDJBMMZJOUIF4.&TFDUPSFWFOBT USBEJUJPOBM1#9GFBUVSFTTVDIBTDBMMGPSXBSEJOHXBJUJOH BOEDPOGFSFODJOHBSF¾UUFEJOUP*11#9TZTUFNT 'PSXJSFMFTTTFUVQTTVJUBCMFGPS40)0BQQMJDBUJPOT )POH,POHTVQQMJFSTPGGFS()[BOE%&$5WFSTJPOT 5IFIBOETFUTDPNFJOCBTJDNVMUJGFBUVSFEEFTLUPQBOE DPSEMFTTNPEFMTXJUIDPMPS-$%T4*1)3514FDVSF 35153*1&/6.BOEPUIFSQSPUPDPMTBSFTVQQPSUFE7P*1 DMJFOUTPGUXBSFTVDIBT4LZQFDBOCFFNCFEEFEJOTPNF WBSJBOUT %&$5SFMFBTFTJODPSQPSBUFTUBOEBSEGVODUJPOT TVDIBTDBMMUJNFSTQFFEEJBMDPO¾HVSBCMFSJOHUPOFT TQFBLFSQIPOFBOENVUF5IFCBTFVOJUEPVCMFTBTB7P*1 SPVUFSBOEXPSLTXJUINVMUJQMFIBOETFUT Fiber-optic splitter with low insertion loss and polarization sensitivity We manufacture hundreds of telecommunications products And supply to China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile :HVSHFLDOL]HLQ WKHGHVLJQRI* PRELOHSKRQHVDQG VPDUWSKRQHV 3G smartphone • HSPA /WCDMA or EVDO • Google's Android 2.1 OS • 3.6" WVGA touch screen • GPS, Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi capabilities HSDPA + GSM mobile phone As a licensed partner of Qualcomm, we focus on 3G mobile phones and smartphones with Google's Android 2.1 OS. Our core design team has more than 10 years of experience in the mobile phone industry, and is highly praised by over 150 suppliers and 15 famous brands worldwide. Reach Tech. has the capabilities to supply you with quality products that feature the latest designs and technologies. In fact, we can provide you with professional OEM/ODM services that are tailored to your target market. For more details, inquire now. Reach Tech. (Xiamen) Co. Ltd 18 Guanri Rd., 2nd Software Park, Xiamen, Fujian, China Tel: (86-592) 509 8319 ext. 827 Fax: (86-592) 509 8316 • • All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. 68 Telecom Products November 2010 2YHUHQJLQHHUVWRFXVWRPL]HVRIWZDUH DQGKDUGZDUH Dual SIM GSM phones • MTK6225 chipsets • Transparent screens Dual SIM mobile phone Your custom GSM phone projects are in good hands with our crew of over 50 engineers. Using their vast industry experience, they can customize software and hardware based on your technical parameters. And supported by our in-house module team, we can offer you as many as 50 models each month. To ensure proper functionality, we use chipsets sourced from MTK, Samsung and Toshiba. Plus, we enforce a TQM system throughout the production process – from R&D and raw material procurement to production and QC. Our monthly capacity is 500,000 units. Inquire now. 5HVWDU,QWO&R/WG 12/F, Wealth Square, Shennan Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-755) 3398 3588 • Fax: (86-755) 3335 6188 E-mail: Website: One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. - Choose verified suppliers A variety of product options For the exact optical splitters and patch cords you seek, partner with us. We offer hundreds of telecommunications products, all of which have been well-received by some of the largest service providers in mainland China. In fact, we have been a trusted supplier to China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile for many years. Besides the items shown here, we offer digital audio wiring, cooling products, sheet metal cabinets and more. Quality production you can rely on To ensure the high quality that our big buyers have come to expect, we utilize raw materials from Germany and the US, as well as adhere to an ERP management system. Plus, our 50,000m2 ISO 9001:2000-certified factory houses an array of testing equipment, including 3-D and network analyzers. Compact optical splitter Fiber-optic patch cord with optical connectors and operating temperature ranging from -40 to 80ºC Fiber-optic connectors Fiber-optic cross connection cabinet Sales specialists with 8 years of experience each Each month, we supply nearly 10,000 optical splitters to buyers worldwide. If you have special requirements, our sales specialists – each with more than eight years of experience – are ready to accommodate them. For more details, visit our Global Sources Online showroom and contact us today. Zhongxing Xindi Telecom Equipment Ltd 1 Xindi Rd., Gangtou, Bantian St., Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China Tel: (86-755) 2880 1766 • Fax: (86-755) 2880 1999 Skype: spring_onward • E-mail: • ;VYPUV0[HS`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ontact Suppliers "UDPN5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UE "WBOUFD.GH-UE &TDFOF $PNNVOJDBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UE (MPCBM$POOFDU&MFDUSPOJDT -UE 3JDIDPN5FDIOPMPHJFT$P-UE 4IFO[IFO-PDLUFM/FUXPSL $PNNVOJDBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UE $WFRPSUHGLFWHG9R,3*60FRPELQDWLRQYDULDQWVZLOO JDWKHUPRPHQWXPLQWKHQH[WIHZ\HDUV7KHFRPSDQ\KDV UHFHQWO\UHOHDVHGVHYHUDOPRGHOVRIWKLVW\SH6XFKGHYLFHV OHWEXVLQHVVHVFRQVROLGDWHWKHLUEUDQFKRIÀFHVLQWRDYLUWXDO VLQJOHXQLWYLDWKH,QWHUQHWDQGWKH*60QHWZRUN $QRWKHUWUHQGSRLQWVWR´DOOLQRQHµSURGXFWVWKDWFDQ VXSSRUW,33%;PXOWLXVHUFRQIHUHQFLQJFDOOFHQWHUYRLFH PDLOQHWZRUNID[ELOOLQJDQGQHWZRUNPDQDJHPHQW2QO\D KDQGIXORIODUJHSOD\HUVDUHFXUUHQWO\FDSDEOHRISURYLGLQJ WKHVHVROXWLRQVIRUQRZEXWPRUHDUHH[SHFWHGWRIROORZVXLW &KLQD,33%;VXSSOLHUVDOVRRIIHU9R,3SKRQHVDQG JDWHZD\VDQDORJWHOHSKRQHDGDSWHUVDQGFRQIHUHQFHEULGJHV 0RVWFDWHUWRWKHORZHQGDQGPLGUDQJH0DQ\RIIVHWZHDN 5'FDSDELOLW\ZLWKXVHRIRSHQVRXUFHVRIWZDUHVXFKDV $VWHULVN)UHH3%;DQG(ODVWL[WRERRVWDGRSWLRQRI,33%; V\VWHPVDPRQJ62+2VDQG60(V 'LVQH\DQG:DUQHU%URV VRXUFHIURPXV DQG\RXFDQWRR 1SPEVDUHBMMFSZQBHF .PSFTPVSDJOHPQQPSUVOJUJFTPOMJOF 4BWFUJNFTFBSDIJOH 0OFTFBSDIQSPWJEFTZPVXJUIRVBMJUZSFTVMUTGSPN (MPCBM4PVSDFTWFSJ¾FETVQQMJFST±QMVTIVOESFETPG PUIFSTVQQMJFSTGSPNUIFFOUJSF8FC 4JHOVQGPS1SPEVDU"MFSU 4PVSDFGSPNZPVSEFTLUPQXJUIFNBJMVQEBUFTPOOFX QSPEVDUTBOETVQQMJFST 46)6WOVULJHZLZ XXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPNUFMFDPNQSPEVDUT +LZPNUZLY]PJL[OH[PTWYLZZLZ[OLX\HSP[`JVUZJPV\Z ([V\Y9+JLU[LYPU/VUN2VUNV\YKLZPNULYZ[HRLHK]HU[HNLVM[OLSH[LZ[ (\[V*(+HUK(\[V*(4ZVM[^HYL[VKL]LSVWTVIPSLWOVULHJJLZZVYPLZZ\JOHZ WV\JOLZOV\ZPUNWYV[LJ[VYZZ[YHWZHUKWLUKHU[Z6\YX\HSP[`KLZPNU^VYROHZ H[[YHJ[LKHUPU[LYUH[PVUHSJSPLU[LSL[OH[PUJS\KLZ+PZUL`HUK>HYULY)YVZ A decade of R&D expertise behind our terminals 0U[LNYH[LKWYVK\J[PVU[OH[ZH]LZ`V\[PTL 6\YKH`SLHK[PTLPZHUV[OLYYLHZVU[OH[THQVYIYHUKZRLLWJVTPUNIHJR[V \Z>OPSLVWLYH[PUN[OYLL^OVSS`V^ULKTHU\MHJ[\YPUNMHJPSP[PLZ^LHSZVOH]L WHY[ULYZOPWZ^P[OV]LYMHJ[VYPLZPUTHPUSHUK*OPUH;OPZHSSV^Z\Z[VVMMLY `V\TVYLWYVK\J[PVUVW[PVUZIL[[LYTH[JO`V\YI\KNL[YLX\PYLTLU[ZHUK LUZ\YLX\PJRKLSP]LYPLZ GSM phones 16-port wireless terminal As a tech-savvy manufacturer, we have a crew of engineers who have up to 10 years of R&D experience each. With such technical backing, we develop GSM/CDMA modems, wireless terminals and modem pools that suit your market needs. Our devices feature quad bands and are universal, making them immediately usable in markets worldwide. All of our processes take place at our two factories for better quality control. Major telecom operators and systems integrators across mainland China have already benefited from our products and services. You can too, by 32-port GSM/CDMA modem pool inquiring today. Shenzhen Bailingjia Technology Co. Ltd Yongfu Bldg. A, Guoqi Dasha, Shangbu South Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-755) 2823 3610 ext. 809 • Fax: (86-755) 2823 3610 ext. 806 E-mail: • 70 Telecom Products November 2010 74GNn'0)+0''45&'8'.12 7261G0'9/1&'.5/106*.; 6,4WLUKHU[ZHUKWOVULJV]LYZ Put our 30 engineers, each with six years' experience, to work on your orders. Utilizing industry knowledge obtained from working at Flextronics and Huawei, our R&D team develops up to three new GSM phones monthly. And, we maintain a return rate below 0.5 percent by utilizing machinery sourced from Agilent. Plus, we can deliver as many as 1,000 products within three days. Our English-speaking representatives are available 24 hours a day, seven days a week. Inquire now. ;VÄUKV\[TVYLHIV\[V\Y46)6WYVK\J[ZVYV\Y6+46,4ZLY]PJLZ JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` KKL (Hong Kong) Ltd MOBO (H.K.) Ltd Shenzhen Xinlongda Electronics Technology Co. Ltd Rm. 3001, Block B, Qunxing Square, Huaqiang North Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031, China Tel: (86-755) 8326 4510 • Fax: (86-755) 3391 8620 Mobile: (86) 137 1397 3915 E-mail: • - Choose verified suppliers 5L^P[LTZ[VLUYPJO`V\YJVSSLJ[PVU >LHSZVWYV]PKLTVIPSLWOVULHJJLZZVYPLZ\UKLYV\Y46)6IYHUK^P[OZHSLZ HUKTHYRL[PUNVMÄJLZPU[OL<:HUK4L_PJV@V\JHUJOVVZLMYVTTVYL[OHU Z[`SLZYHUNPUNMYVTJHZ\HS[VS\_\YPV\Z;VLUZ\YL\ZLYZH[PZMHJ[PVUTVZ[ 46)6P[LTZJVTL^P[OHZP_TVU[O^HYYHU[` 6,4TVIPSLWOVULJHZLZ 5P')/HJHQG7RZHU6KLQJ<LS6W .ZXQ7RQJ.RZORRQ+RQJ.RQJ 7HO)D[ (PDLOPDUNHWLQJ#NNOFRPKN ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPNNOKNFRZZZNNOFRPKN /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V(( All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (‘Marks’) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. All batteries made with Japanese cells Up to 3 new solar charger models each month 2L`JVTWVULU[ZMYVT,YZVSHUK;L_HZ0UZ[Y\TLU[Z By keeping our design and molding processes in-house, we’re able to offer you up to three new portable solar chargers each month, or retool an existing model at your request within 20 days. We complement our speedy R&D by investing in quality components. We work with long-term suppliers to procure silicon wafers from Ersol for our solar panels, lithium batteries from mainland China’s second largest maker, and ICs from Texas Instruments. We operate under an ERP management system, raising our efficiency by 40 percent while cutting costs by 15 percent. We already have solar chargers for Apple's iPhone 4 and can release new chargers in one month. Share with us your requirements, or visit our Global Sources Online showroom today. Shenzhen Letsolar Tech. Co. Ltd 4/F, Block 4, Wangtang Industrial Park, Xili, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China Tel: (86-755) 8255 6336 • Fax: (86-755) 8255 6337 • • Solar and hand crank-powered mobile phone charger with flashlight, FM radio and alarm All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. Solar charger for Apple's iPhone 4 ,QKRXVHSURGXFWLRQIRUFRPSHWLWLYH SULFHVDQGVXSHULRUTXDOLW\ 7ZRZD\UDGLRVWHVWHG RQ+3DQG7HNWURQL[ PDFKLQHV We ensure that our radios are top-notch by using components from Motorola, Hitachi, Toshiba and TDK. Once finished products roll off our SMT lines, we put them through multistage QC testing using machinery from HP and Tektronix – leaders in test, measurement and monitoring systems. Our PG-UV8 product range includes UHF/VHF two-way radio handheld two-way radios with dual band, display PG-A380 and accessories. We can and standby Two-way radio ship as many as 15,000 units each month to markets worldwide. Learn more about our products by inquiring today. ISO 9001:2008 Guangyuan Electronic Co. Ltd Haibin Industrial Zone, Xinhua Rd., Quanzhou, Fujian, China Tel: (86-595) 2238 0588 • Fax: (86-595) 2238 0688 • • Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. 72 Telecom Products November 2010 2-way radio battery packs • Made with Japanese cells • Short circuit protection • Over-temperature protection Unlike our competitors in mainland China who source cheap locally made battery cells, we source cells from Japan, which offer better reliability and performance. And because we source in volume from long-term partners, we can get these high-quality cells at a much lower price than anyone else. AB5000 AB3000 Portable battery chargers AB10000 As a power supply specialist, we set ourselves apart from our competitors by offering competitive prices. We do this by carrying out all of our processes in-house, including product design, assembly and packaging. In addition to the portable battery chargers featured here, We also offer models for Apple’s iPhone and iPad, as well as for PMPs, DVRs, GPS devices and more. All of our items carry CE and FCC marks for hassle-free distribution, and can be ready for shipment in as fast as two weeks. Inquire today. Anypower Ltd /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V9 2/F, 151-1, Naedong, Ojeonggu, Bucheonsi, Gyeonggido, South Korea Tel: (82-32) 675 0587 • Fax: (82-32) 675 0577 E-mail: - Choose verified suppliers To ensure our products meet your standards of quality, our products must pass a battery of tests as part of our quality guarantee. These include the drop test, a test not performed by many of our competitors who are more concerned with price than product quality. Our factory in Hong Kong produces a wide range of batteries as well as telecom-related products such as battery chargers, speaker microphones and leather cases. Monthly capacity is 50,000 units, and orders can be delivered in as few as 14 days. Call today for details. 1-way battery charger Union China International Ltd Unit 1019, 10/F, Block B, Focal Industrial Centre, 21 Man Lok St., Hung Hom, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2951 9151 Fax: (852) 2951 9192 E-mail: Website: & 6-way battery charger • Charges NI-CD, NiMH and Li-ion batteries • Pods can be customized to suit different models Nokia, Samsung and Samsonite choose us )RURXUZLGHVHOHFWLRQ DQGWLPHO\VHUYLFHV Buyers such as Nokia, Samsung and Samsonite come to us for variety and speed. Our team of 20 R&D engineers, each with over 15 years of experience, can develop a sample in just three days. Plus, they add up to five new designs to our catalog each month. We'll help you stay abreast with the latest trends with our cases for mobile phones, cameras, GPS devices and Apple iPods, as well as laptop bags. Leather cases for Apple's iPhone, various designs and colors are available To ensure quality and keep costs low, we source our materials from 500 trusted suppliers. We also enlist the help of 30 QC technicians to monitor each production line. As a result, our products are RoHS Directivecompliant. We also welcome third-party testing. Give us one week, and we'll deliver volume orders of 50,000 pieces. Contact us today. 'RQJJXDQ&LW\7LDQOX/HDWKHU&R/WG Zhenhua Industrial District, Tie Lu Keng, Qishi, /VUN2VUN Dongguan, Guangdong 523500, China 6J[ Tel: (86-769) 8672 6585 • Fax: (86-769) 8672 6583 )VV[O5V: Mobile: (86) 135 0984 7019 Contact person: Alan Chen E-mail: • • Source our TV mobile phones with 144-LED faceplates <ZLYZJHUYLSH_^P[OV\Y KPNP[HS9-*HY-PUKLYZ *+]5)&DU)LQGHU Q30 GSM phones with 144-LED faceplates • MTK6225 chipsets • TV functions Partner with us to source mobile phones that boast the most up-to-date features on the market. Our latest selection is the GSM units shown here. These phones have faceplates with 144 LEDs and are equipped with MTK6225 chipsets. They also boast TV functions. The manufacturing process is carried out on 10 production lines. And we conduct a stringent QC regimen, including warm stamp, cross-cut, high- and low-temperature, drop, pH content, abrasion and ESD tests. For more information, inquire now. Ocean Faith Intl Ent. Ltd Rm. 2706B, Block A, Electronic Technology Building, Huaqiang North Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China Tel: (86-755) 8378 3435 • Fax: (86-755) 8374 3103 E-mail: Website: ;OPZWYVK\J[VWLYH[LZ \ZPUNTHZ[LYHUKZSH]L KL]PJLZ[VTVUP[VY]LOPJSLZ ^P[OPUHTL[LYYHUNL0U HKKP[PVU[VOLSWPUN`V\ÄUKH ]LOPJSL[OLTHZ[LYKL]PJL»ZHSHYTPZ HJ[P]H[LKPMJHYKVVYZHYLVWLULKVY[OL JHYTV]LZPUMVYTPUN\ZLYZVMHU`[OLM[H[[LTW[Z6\Y9+ TLTILYZHYLHSS[YHPULKPU[OL<:HUKH]LYHNLV]LY`LHYZ» L_WLYPLUJL@V\JHUYLS`VU\ZMVY[OLWYVMLZZPVUHSKLZPNUHUK THU\MHJ[\YLVMZ[HISLWYVK\J[Z[OH[JVTL^P[O*,HUK-** HWWYV]HSZ;VPTWYV]L`V\YI\ZPULZZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` $UGL7HFKQRORJ\&RUS /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V4 -5V3P+L:[YLL[*O\UNOV*P[`;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!PUMV'HYKP[LJOJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTHYKPJV^^^HYKP[LJOJVT[^ The illustration shown here is a drawing or other representation of the product. It is not an actual photograph of the product. 74 Telecom Products November 2010 7V^LYIHURZKL]LSVWLK\ZPUN `LHYZ6,46+4L_WLYPLUJL - Choose verified suppliers Power banks for smartphones, digital cameras and PMPs • 1,000mAh, 5V • Overcharge and overheat protection • LED power indicators Throughout our six years of providing OEM/ODM services, we've been using our own technology – a capability few suppliers have. As a result, we can offer you power banks for a wide range of applications. Our models ensure charging efficiency through a Li-polymer core with a 2,000mAh capacity. But that's not the only benefit you'll gain by sourcing from us. You'll also get: • Global liability insurance for our products • One-week customization service, inclusive of molding • Monthly capacity of 3 million units • 10 new products to choose from each week • Fast, accurate shipment via FedEx and UPS • Preparation of inventory at any time for rapid delivery Battery for use with Apple iPhones 3.7V battery pack Laptop battery Li-polymer battery pack To top it off, all of our 4,000 CE-, UL- and RoHS-marked items are applicable to a range of applications, including mobile phones, PDAs, digital cameras, camcorders, laptops, PMPs, DVBs, portable DVD players, GPS receivers, game machines and POS terminals. To learn more about our products and services, inquire today. Shenzhen Jingyou Energy Tech. Co. Ltd Bldg. A5-5, Tongfuyu Industrial Park, Buchong, Shajing St., Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518104, China Tel: (86-755) 2721 1778, 3391 9888 • Fax: (86-755) 2720 3980 E-mail: • • P7OVULPZH[YHKLTHYRVM(WWSL0UJ ,62 ,62 /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V2 &%UDGLRVZLWKFU\VWDOFOHDUDXGLR DQGHPHUJHQF\FDOOFKDQQHOV Mobile phone cases from a manufacturer with 10 years of OEM/ODM experience Suitable for vehicles and other applications ;OLYLHYLTHU`YLHZVUZ^O`YLUV^ULKJVTWHUPLZZ\JO HZ6S`TW\ZHUK(;;WHY[ULY^P[O\Z>P[O`LHYZVM L_WLYPLUJLPUWYV]PKPUN6,46+4ZLY]PJLZ^LOH]L[OL RUV^SLKNLHUKJHWHIPSP[PLZYLX\PYLK[VTHU\MHJ[\YLJHZLZ MVYH^PKLYHUNLVMLSLJ[YVUPJWYVK\J[Z0UMHJ[HSS`V\ULLK [VKVPZZLUK\Z`V\YZWLJPÄJH[PVUZHUKV\Y9+LUNPULLYZ ^PSSJVTWSL[LHZHTWSLMVY`V\PUHZMHZ[HZZL]LUKH`Z ,PNO[`WLYJLU[VMV\YJSPLU[ZVYKLYHNHPU\WVUZLLPUNOV^ MHZ[^LJHUNL[[OLPYWYVQLJ[ZZ[HY[LK6\YJH[HSVNPUJS\KLZ TVYL[OHUZOLSMYLHK`P[LTZ^OPJO^LJHUZOPW^P[OPU HKH`,THPS\Z[VKH`[VÄUKV\[TVYLHIV\[V\YZLY]PJLZ >L_\U*V3[K 9T)SVJR7)\ZPULZZ*LU[LY:V\[O*OPUH*P[` 7PUNO\:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!^L_\U'^L_\ULJVT^L_\U'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT^L_\UJV ^^^^L_\ULJVT Cases for Apple's iPhones /VUN2VUN (WYPS )VV[O5V: iPod and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc. One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. $QWHQQDVEDFNHGE\ \HDUZDUUDQWLHV 3.7V/1,000mAh mobile phone battery (BL-4D) 3.7V/1,350mAh mobile phone battery (BL-5J) 6,46+4I\ZPULZZTVIPSL WOVULIH[[LYPLZHUKJOHYNLYZ Our company has been a leading manufacturer of batteries, chargers and other accessories for the last 10 years. We are ISO 9001:2008-certified and all of our electronic products are CE- and FCC-marked. Plus, we have a solid team of 30 R&D engineers that introduces over 100 new items annually and caters to your OEM/ODM needs. We now offer a new series of mobile phone batteries, and are looking for agents worldwide. For more details, inquire today. Shenzhen Wanshuntong Science & Technology Co. Ltd ISO 9001:2008 Rm. 1620, 16/F, New Asia Intl Electronic & Digital City, 55 Xidi 2nd Rd., Liwan, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510130, China Tel: (86-20) 2803 9018/9038 • Fax: (86-20) 2803 9068 /VUN2VUN 6J[ E-mail: )VV[O5V: Smoke detector-style Electrical downtilt decorative antenna antenna For 18 years, we’ve been providing antenna solutions to markets worldwide. We not only help our clients choose the most suitable products, but also send technicians to troubleshoot problems on-site. Plus, our products are backed by five-year warranties for your piece of mind. We release three new models monthly and can complete custom items in two weeks. Production is handled at our ISO 9001:2008- certified factory, where we make up to 150,000 units a month. Inquire now. 5.8GHz parabolic antenna (DKLVRQ&RPPXQLFDWLRQ&R/WG 25 Kouan Rd., Xi'nan, Sanshui, Foshan, Guangdong 528000, China Tel: (86-757) 8876 5803 • Fax: (86-757) 8876 5809 • • All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. 76 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers 0RELOH&%UDGLR/HJHQG,, *OREDOVWDQGDUGIRUSURIHVVLRQDOEX\HUV 6HOHFWDEOH$0)0PXOWLSOHEDQGV $XWRPDWLF$1/ (PHUJHQF\FDOOFK )UHTXHQF\UDQJHWR0+] $0)0FKDQQHOV [[PP :HLJKWNJ M-tech Legend II mobile CB radios are just what your customers need. Crystal-clear sound quality, automatic ANL and emergency call channels are some of our core competencies that are suitable for a wide range of vehicles and other communication applications. Just like your companion on the road. Nowadays, customers are looking for products of high quality, with inexpensive prices and speedy fulfillment services. M-Tech’s CEand RoHS-approved product series meet international standards and are reliable. Our extensive logistics network and warehouse management ensure a stable supply of merchandise for expedited delivery services. Contact our professional and experienced salespeople to experience our superb services now. Maxima Communication Ltd Unit 5, 17/F, Grandtech Center, 8 On Ping St., Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2721 2238 Fax: (852) 2312 7283 E-mail: • /`IYPK07JVTT\UPJH[PVUZ Z`Z[LTZ^P[O\W[VWVY[Z 0KLHSMVY:6/6JSPLU[ZOV[LSZHUKJVYWVYH[PVUZV\YO`IYPK 07JVTT\UPJH[PVUZZ`Z[LTZKLSP]LYZPNUPÄJHU[JVZ[ZH]PUNZ HUKLMÄJPLUJ`PTWYV]LTLU[Z;OLZLKL]PJLZHYLL_WHUKHISL \W[VWVY[ZHUKJVTWH[PISL^P[OTHU`L_[LYUHS PU[LYMHJLZ,ZZLU[PHSM\UJ[PVUZZ\JOHZJVUMLYLUJLJHSS YLJVYKPUNHUK]VPJLTHPSHYLZ\WWVY[LK GDS Enterprise-class communications system • Supports PSTN, ISDN (BRI and PRI), E1/T1, DID, E&M, VoIP and GSM trunk • Micros Opera and Fidelio PMS interface • Future-proof: expandable from 40 to 1,280 ports • Works with digital key telephones, IP telephones and traditional handsets 6\Y/`IYL_IYHUKWYVK\J[ZHYLYLHK`MVYPTTLKPH[L KLSP]LY`;OYV\NOZP_HMÄSPH[LJVTWHUPLZPU[OL<:(\Z[YHSPH 5L^ALHSHUK;HP^HUTHPUSHUK*OPUHHUK0UKVULZPH^L WYV]PKLZHSLZHUK[LJOUPJHSZ\WWVY[*VU[HJ[\Z[VKH`^P[O `V\YPUX\PYPLZ 2XUZDUUDQWLHV FRYHURQH\HDU ORQJHUWKDQRWKHUV ;HRLHK]HU[HNLVMV\YUV TPUPT\TVYKLYX\HU[P[` (\[V;LSLJVT*VTWHU`3[K -5V3HUL:PJO\HU9K:LJ)HUXPHV*P[`;HPWLP ;HP^HU;LS! -H_! ,THPS!PUX\PY`'O`IYL_JVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTH\[V[LSLJV^^^O`IYL_JVT :HXVHUDZPDWHULDOVWHVWHG WRDQ$4/RI G1-KT (3 CO x 8 ext. to 6 x 16) Small-business total telephony solution G1E 40-port hybrid IP communications system 3URIHVVLRQDO**GDWDWUDQVPLVVLRQ WHUPLQDOSURYLGHU Dual SIM mobile phone with camera and 3.2" TFT touchscreen (I9-4G) Standby dual SIM quad band mobile phone with Wi-Fi connectivity (H168) Industrial GPRS IP modem 11,000mAh universal mobile Universal external Li-polymer phone charger (TY1000) battery pack (TY500) Our 10 years of experience has proven that quality products begin with top grade raw materials. That's why our OEM/ODM external and laptop battery packs are made of first-class IC chips, as well as Li-polymer and Li-ion cells from Japan. We produce 150,000 units monthly for well-known clients worldwide. And we keep you updated by collaborating with top-tier universities in mainland China, which are renowned for their sciences, to create up to three new products each month. ,62 Contact us today. ;LJ`LH,SLJ[YVUPJZ3[K ,62 3/F, Block B, Bai'an Center, The First International Plaza, 200 Hongfu Rd., Nancheng, Dongguan, Guangdong 523073, China Tel: (86-769) 2168 6211 • Fax: (86-769) 2168 6200 • • 3G/WCDMA/HSDPA gateway Looking for wireless terminals or other communications equipment? If so, partner with us. In addition to the products shown here, our collection includes 3G gateways, Wi-Fi routers, industrial cellular modems and other industrial-level communication processors. And if you’re looking for custom services, we can help, as we have years of experience providing these. For more information, inquire now. Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co. Ltd /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V ( Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. 78 Telecom Products November 2010 Industrial 3G/WCDMA/ HSDPA router Rm. J1-J3, 3/F, 44 Guanri Rd., Software Park, Xiamen, Fujian 361008, China Tel: (86-592) 630 0329 • Fax: (86-592) 591 2735 • • - Choose verified suppliers We have taken the industry standard warranty and doubled it, so that you are provided with mobile phones backed by two-year warranties. That’s because at IMC Digital Technology, quality and service are paramount. And although we have a monthly capacity of 200,000 units, we accept orders of any size. Mobile phone with GPS and Wi-Fi connectivity (A3) • With Google's Android OS • E-mail functions • HVGA screen • 528MB CPU • Supports handwriting input Dual SIM quad band mobile phone (N97WT) • 3.5" screen • MP3/MP4 player • Antenna for analog TV • With Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® capabilities • 128MB storage and supports microSD memory expansion up to 4GB We have 20 R&D engineers who create up to 10 new models every month. And, they can efficiently handle your OEM/ODM requirements, integrating the latest technologies and features into your products. Plus, we have 20 quality control specialists who ensure each item is up to your high standards. Other services we provide include logistics and packaging design. With seven years of experience, our industry experts can render a design according to your requirements, utilizing our state-of-the-art precision machinery. Most of our 60-plus clients are located in the Americas and Europe. For more information, contact our English-speaking trade staff – they will respond within 10 hours. IMC Digital Technology Co. Ltd 9I Weipeng Garden, Zhenzhong Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031, China Tel: (86-755) 8398 7434 • Fax: (86-755) 8398 5531 E-mail: • Website: All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. +DQGVIUHHGHYLFHVWUXVWHGE\9HUL]RQ *(6DQ\RDQG:DO0DUW 6RXUFHDOO\RXUUDGLR DFFHVVRULHVIURPD VLQJOHPDQXIDFWXUHU If you’re looking for Bluetooth® devices to offer your tech-savvy customers, take a look through our catalog. We offer items such as the DSP Bluetooth speakerphone and A2DP stereo speaker featured here. Our innovations have attracted some of the world’s largest retailers and telecom industry leaders such as Verizon, GE/Sanyo, Wal-Mart, Target, Best Buy and Aldi. A monthly capacity of 150,000 handsfree kits means that we can easily handle your volume orders too. A wide selection of connectors and accessories We implement a stringent QC program that allows us to maintain a low defect level of less than 0.05 percent. In addition, we perform all manufacturing processes in-house to better control product quality, and perform rigorous tests on all our materials and components. All products bear CE, BQB, FCC and RoHS marks for easy distribution. OEM/ODM orders are welcome. Inquire today for details. &DURQ$XWRVRXQG/WG Rms. 1610-1611, Metropole Square, 2 On Yiu St., Siu Lek Yuen, Shatin, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2646 7880 Fax: (852) 2637 6990 E-mail: Website: • Mainland China factory: Grand Union Electronics Co. Ltd (Shenzhen, Guangdong, China) Bluetooth A2DP stereo music player • Output power: 2 x 2W RMS (BTS-10) • DSP handsfree • Compatible with Apple's iPhone 3GS All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. Visor Bluetooth car kit (BT-1100) • Digital Signal Processor (DSP) • Talk time: up to 10 hours • Noise and echo cancellation • Standby: 230 hours • Supports voice dialing and TTS • 110 x 65 x 21mm • Announces/displays caller ID )ODPHUHWDUGDQWSDOPVL]H377ZLWK DGDSWDEOHVRFNHWIRUYDULRXVKHDGVHWV :DONLHWDONLH*60SKRQH KUVRIWDONLQJWLPH YLDZDONLHWDONLH 7UDQVFHLYHUUDQJH RIXSWRNP 99.8 percent qualification rate and samples in seven days +HDY\GXW\,3,3 PLFURSKRQHZLWKIODPH UHWDUGDQWFDEOHDQG ORQJFOLS USB travel charger and in-car charger for mobile phones and other devices 174%'1742*10'59+6* 9#.-+'g6#.-+'(70%6+105 APS is one of the leading mainland China suppliers that offer GSM phones with walkie-talkie functions and models for the elderly. Our 80 R&D engineers, who average 10 years' experience, enable us to offer a variety of other devices, such as DVB-T/ISDB-T digital TV mobile phones and units designed for children. For more information, contact us today. )RU6HSXUD 673 )RU($'66PDUW DQG(DV\0DWUD 3* )RU($'6 7+5L /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V* - Choose verified suppliers $GGYDQWHFK/LPLWHG $97&RPPXQLFDWLRQV <UP[-5L^;LJO7SHaH;HP@H\:[YLL[:HU7V2VUN 2V^SVVU/VUN2VUN ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'HKK]HU[LJOJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTH][JVTT\UPJH[PVUZJV^^^H][JVTT\UPJH[PVUZJVT 4HPUSHUK*OPUHMHJ[VY`! +H.HUN0UK\Z[YPHSAVUL@H@HV;V^U/L:OHU*P[`.\HUNKVUN APS Digitech Holdings Ltd Unit C, 12/F, North Tower, Guangye Mansion, 110 Fuhua Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518048, China Tel: (86-755) 3306 3505 • Fax: (86-755) 3306 3501 E-mail: • Website: >L»YLHSSHIV\[X\HSP[` >LHYL^LSSYLJVNUPaLK^VYSK^PKLMVYPUUV]H[P]LWYVK\J[Z^P[OZ\WLYPVY WLYMVYTHUJL>LRLLWHJSVZLL`LVUX\HSP[`¶MYVTPUP[PHSKLZPNU[V ÄUPZOLKWYVK\J[·^P[OJYP[PJHSWYVJLZZJVU[YVSH[L]LY`Z[HNLVMWYVK\J[PVU 0U[LYUH[PVUHSJSPLU[ZHWWYLJPH[LV\YX\HSP[`J\Z[VTLYZLY]PJLHUKL_WHUKPUN JH[HSVN·^P[OTVYL[OHUUL^P[LTZHKKLKLHJO`LHY -SL_PISLVYKLYX\HU[P[PLZHUK[HPSVYTHKLZVS\[PVUZ >P[OUVTPUPT\TVYKLYYLX\PYLTLU[^LWYV]PKLL]LY`J\Z[VTLY^P[O[OL VWWVY[\UP[`[V[Y`V\YWYVK\J[ZPU[OLPYTHYRL[6\YSHYNLZ[VJRVMYH^TH[LYPHSZ HUKÄUPZOLKNVVKZTLHUZZOVY[LYSLHK[PTLZHUKSLZZMY\Z[YH[PVU*HU»[ÄUKHU HJJLZZVY`[OH[TLL[ZHSSVM`V\YYLX\PYLTLU[Z&>L»SSI\PSKHJJLZZVYPLZMYVT `V\YZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ[VZ\P[`V\YPUKP]PK\HSULLKZ*HSS\Z[VKH` *36SKRQHIRUWKHHOGHUO\SRVLWLRQLQJDFFXUDF\RIP Zhongshan Jungang Electronics Co. Ltd 80 Telecom Products November 2010 7KURDWDFWLYDWHG PLFURSKRQHZLWK DGMXVWDEOHPHWDOEDQG &RQQHFWRUV Our 99.8 percent product qualification rate is a step above the industry average. That’s one reason why 99 percent of our first-time buyers place repeat orders with us. Other reasons include: • We conduct careful inspections at every stage of production • We produce 2 million chargers monthly • Our products come with CE, E-Mark, UL, FCC and KETI logos and are RoHS Directive-compliant • Our 40- member R&D team creates ODM samples in seven days For details, inquire now. L 312 Baoyuan Rd., Zhuyuan, Xiaolan, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528415, China Tel: (86-760) 2212 8666/7666 • Fax: (86-760) 2212 8222 E-mail: • • 6ULZ[VWZV\YJPUN (KK]HU[LJOVMMLYZHNYLH[]HYPL[`VMHJJLZZVYPLZ^P[OH^PKLZLSLJ[PVUVM JVUULJ[VYZ[OH[Z\WWVY[TVZ[VM[VKH`»Z[^V^H`YHKPVZ(ZUL^YHKPVZ HYLYLSLHZLKV\Y9+[LHTZWYPUNZPU[VHJ[PVUKLZPNUPUNHUKKL]LSVWPUN JVTWH[PISLWYVK\J[Z@V\^PSSÄUKHJJLZZVYPLZPUV\YYHUNL[OH[Z\P[[OL^VYR LU]PYVUTLU[ZHUKVWLYH[PVUHSULLKZVMTVZ[YHKPV\ZLYZ*VTL[V\ZMVY[Y\L VULZ[VWZOVWWPUNPUZ[LHKVMZV\YJPUNMYVTT\S[PWSLZ\WWSPLYZ )RU0RWRUROD 073 )RU0RWRUROD 0RWRWUER'3 ;L53 )RU($'6-XSLWHU 73+ $OOLWHPVVKRZQKHUHZLWKYDULRXVWUDGHPDUNVEUDQGQDPHVDQGORJRV¶0DUNV·DUHIRUUHIHUHQFH SXUSRVHVRQO\DQGDUHQRWIRUVDOH7KH0DUNVDUHWKHSURSHUW\RIWKHUHVSHFWLYHRZQHUVDQGZH DUHQRWDXWKRUL]HGWRPDQXIDFWXUHRUVHOODQ\LWHPVEHDULQJVXFK0DUNVWRDQ\WKLUGSDUW\ 5R+6 6TFUIJSEQBSUZWFSJGJFEUPPMTGPSNPSFDPOGJEFODF BOEQFBDFPGNJOEXIFOGJOEJOHTVQQMJFST 4PVSDJOH6QEBUF 7P*11#9T View Products Online Contact Suppliers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µTTUBUVTBTBMFHBMMZSFHJTUFSFECVTJOFTT $PWFSTVQUPLFZGJOBODJBMBOEMFHBMNFUSJDT±NPSFUIBOBOZPOF JOUIFJOEVTUSZ "MMGBDUTBOEGJHVSFTBSFHBUIFSFEGSPNHPWFSONFOUBHFODJFTCZ 4JOPUSVTUBOE'JSTU"EWBOUBHF±UXPPG"TJBµTNPTUUSVTUFECVTJOFTT DSFEJUSFQPSUJOHQSPWJEFST 4VQQMJFS$BQBCJMJUZ"TTFTTNFOU $POGJSNTEFUBJMTBCPVUBTVQQMJFSµTPQFSBUJPOTQSPEVDUJPODBQBCJMJUJFT 2$QSPDFTTFTBOENBOBHFNFOUUISPVHIGBDUPSZUPVSTNBOBHFNFOU JOUFSWJFXTBOEEPDVNFOUBUJPOSFWJFXT $SFEJU$IFDL 0GGFSFEUISPVHI#VSFBV7FSJUBTUIFXPSMEµTMFBEJOHDPOGPSNJUZ 1MVTSFRVFTUZPVSDVTUPNDPNQBOZBOEQSPEVDUJOTQFDUJPOT BTTFTTNFOUBOEDFSUJGJDBUJPOTFSWJDFTQSPWJEFS 8FLOPXZPVXBOUUPTPVSDFGSPNTVQQMJFSTUIBUIBWFCFFOWFSJGJFECZUIJSEQBSUJFT BOEXFIBWFNBEFJUFBTJFSGPSZPVUPGJOEUIFN7JTJUXXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPNUPMFBSO NPSFUPEBZ 82 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 83 +PNP[HS9HKPV;Y\URPUN:`Z[LTHUK =PIYH[PVU(JV\Z[PJ/LHKZL[:WLJPHSPZ[ 2YHUEDWWHULHVDQG FKDUJHUVIRU \RXUVHOHFWLRQ >P[OV]LY`LHYZL_WLYPLUJLPUSHUKTVIPSLYHKPVTHU\MHJ[\YPUN9LNHS.YV\WUV^VMMLYZUL^[Y\URPUN VW[PVUIVHYKZ;OLZLHYLWLYJLU[JVTWH[PISL^P[O[OL:THY;Y\UR00KPNP[HS[Y\URPUNWYV[VJVS(UK[OL` \ZL[OLZHTLWYV]LUHUKYLSPHISL[LJOUVSVN`[OH[OHZILLU\ZLKPU[OLZL[Y\URPUNZ`Z[LTZ^VYSK^PKLMVY TVYL[OHU`LHYZ*VU[HJ[\ZUV^ :THY;Y\UR00 ;Y\URPUNIHZLJVU[YVSSLY PDA battery • Sony battery cell • OEM orders are welcome Mobile phone battery • LG battery cell • OEM orders are welcome Trunking systems available for Vertex, Icom, Kenwood, Motorola and other models; new features include: • Text messaging • AVL-GPS • Group scan • Busy-channel lockout • Conventional scan • Emergency call • Man-down and top-emergency call • Auto-searching non-busy channels Multi-channel SmarTrunk controller After 14 years in the industry, we have developed a collection of over 1,000 battery and 100 charger models. That means we offer products that are suitable for over 1,000 models of mobile phones from 50 different brands. Our volume capabilities are unmatched. We operate a 12-building 60,000m2 facility that houses 26 production lines – eight of which are dedicated to chargers and two of which turn out PCBs. Each month, our 1,200 skilled workers produce 5 million batteries and 1 million chargers. Every item undergoes a five-stage QC regimen, ensuring our repair rate remains at 1 percent. For volume orders, contact us now. 'RQJJXDQ+LJK7HFK (OHFWURQLF,QGXVWULDO&R/WG Suites 1905-07, Block A, Jiahe Huaqiang Building, Huaqiang North Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518028, China Tel: (86-755) 8353 6429 • Fax: (86-755) 8366 5235 E-mail: /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V= RG-450 Trunking radios (SmarTrunk system compatible) SmarTrunk II® radio trunking system For radio dispatching and fleet management All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. Trunking option boards Offering integrated touch-screen GPS tracking systems with MDT and navigation functions Our 26 R&D specialists develop 15 new models monthly RG-117/RG-117-R For Icom radios RG-380 For Motorola professional radios RSM-kit with emergency key RG-860 For Kenwood radios VT-80 For Vertex radios Vigilant Pro Integrated touch-screen GPS tracking system with MDT and navigation functions Are your customers looking for a way to manage two-way calls, travel routes and more? If so, then partner with us. Our featured touch-screen GPS device boasts mobile data terminal and navigation functions, including GSM calling and GPRS tracking. To offer you uniform quality, we take care of all processes in-house, including hardware and software development. Materials are sourced from suppliers in Germany, and we integrate Siemens GSM and U-blox GPS modules in our devices for assured functionality. We also provide an easy-to-access online platform for end-users. Our monthly capacity is 50,000 units and we export worldwide. Don’t wait, inquire now. 84 Telecom Products November 2010 Waterproof bone-vibration kit QWERTY mobile phone Mobile phone with loud speaker Low-end mobile phone Our 26 R&D specialists work around the clock to provide you with phones that boast some of the latest features and designs on the market. Every month, they develop 15 new models for your selection using their 10-plus years of industry experience. Our latest offerings include over 33 TV, QWERTY and CDMA mobile phone models. Manufacturing is carried out at our 120,000m2 factory equipped with 15 production lines manned by more than 600 workers. We produce up to 500,000 units monthly, which are inspected by 36 QC staff members for quality your market expects. Inquire today. Shenzhen Hongfai Digital Technology Co. Ltd Gosafe Co. Ltd Rms. B301-306, 69 Guangpu West Rd., Guangzhou Science Town, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510663, China Tel: (86-20) 3837 3445/3446 • Fax: (86-20) 3828 8394 E-mail: /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V. Boomless duck-type bone-vibration headset RG-180 For Motorola commercial radios 18B, Block A, Modern Windows, Huaqiang North Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518100, China Tel: (86-755) 8327 7833 • Fax: (86-755) 8364 8175 E-mail: Website: Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. - Choose verified suppliers Speak Listen Armada-OTH-Flex-boom Headset BTH-41 Rubber-coated headset 9LNHS.YV\W /VUN2VUNVMÄJL!9LNHS+PZ[YPI\[VYZ 9T -)SR)>HO3\LUN0UK*[Y>VUN*O\R@L\UN:[-V;HU:OH;PU5;/VUN2VUN ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!ZaYN'JOPUHJVTZaYN'ZaYNJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTYLNHSNYV\WJV^^^ZaYNJVT All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos (‘Marks’) are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. Our 80 expert R&D engineers specialize in 3G terminals and software 6LOLFRQHFDVHVUHDG\LQRQO\GD\V Speed that attracts Walmart and Carrefour As a specialist in 3G mobile communication terminals and software, we have 80 expert engineers who make up one of the strongest 3G R&D teams in mainland China. They designed the products shown here, which integrate the latest technologies and features. Our R&D capabilities have enabled us to secure cash investments from Sequoia Capital – the same company that invested in Google, Yahoo and Cisco. Plus, we have cooperated with Vodafone, Orange, AT&T and other major service providers. For quality products and services trusted by major industry players, contact us today. 3G/Wi-Fi router with portable power bank .VaVUL*VTT\UPJH[PVU;LJO*V3[K Rm. 605, 30 Guanri Rd., 2nd Software Park, Siming, Xiamen, Fujian 361008, China Tel: (86-592) 332 1777 • Fax: (86-592) 330 0750 • Website: 3G mobile phones with 3.5” screens • WCDMA + GSM, dual network and standby • 3.6Mbps HSDPA • 3G video calling capabilities All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. +DVVOHIUHHERRVWHUVDQG DQWHQQDVVXLWHGWRWRGD\ҋV ZLUHOHVVDSSOLFDWLRQV )\`LYZ^VYSK^PKLJVTL[V\ZMVYOPNOX\HSP[`IVVZ[LYZHUK HU[LUUHZILJH\ZL[OL`»YLOHZZSLMYLLHUKZ\P[LK[VHSSVM [VKH`»Z^PYLSLZZHWWSPJH[PVUZ0UMHJ[V\YWYVK\J[YHUNL HSZVPUJS\KLZOHYK^HYLMVY>P-PHUK+=);HU[LUUHZ 6\YMHJPSP[PLZPU;HP^HUHUKTHPUSHUK*OPUH\ZLH\[VTH[PJ WYVK\J[PVUTHJOPULZHUK9+LX\PWTLU[MYVT[OL<: HUK1HWHU:PUJL^LOH]LHTVU[OS`JHWHJP[`VM \UP[ZSHYNLVYKLYZHYLLHZPS`ÄSSLK-VY6,46+4ZHTWSLZ ^P[OPU[OYLL^LLRZ JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` %RRVWHUZLWK *+]P:EJQDQGSRZHUDGDSWHU 8QL/LQN7HFKQRORJ\&R/WG -5V5HU2HU9K:LJ :L)L86%DGDSWHUZLWK 3\*O\/ZPHUN;HV`\HU;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! *+]P:DQG EJQ ,THPS!ZLY]PJL'\UPSPURJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT\UPSPURJV^^^\UPSPURJVT[^ 4HPUSHUK*OPUHMHJ[VY`!+VUNN\HU.\HUNKVUN ,62 86 Telecom Products November 2010 Metal and PC cases for Apple's iPad 20 R&D engineers, a stringent QC process and quality Silicon and TPU case for Apple's iPhone 4G ,I\RXҋUHLQQHHGIRUDTXLFNWXUQDURXQGRQFDVHVIRU HOHFWURQLFGHYLFHVWKHQZRUNZLWKXV2XUSURGXFWLRQOHDG WLPHIRUVLOLFRQHFDVHVLVRQO\HLJKWGD\VIRXUGD\VIRU OHDWKHUFDVHVDQGGD\VIRUSODVWLFFDVHV:HҋUHDEOHWR RIIHUWKLVNLQGRIVSHHGEHFDXVHZHGHVLJQDQGGHYHORSRXU RZQPROGVDQGDOVRSDUWQHUZLWKÀYHORQJWHUPPROGLQJ IDFWRULHVWRIDFLOLWDWHSURGXFWLRQ Wrist watch GPS tracker GPS vehicle tracker for children (T80C) with camera (T80A) As a manufacturer with more than 20 R&D engineers on staff, a strict QC regimen and first-rate aftersales services, we ultimately become your preferred solution for GPS products. Plus, we’re innovative. In fact, our latest releases include one of the world’s smallest watch GPS trackers designed for children. They feature two-way communication functions, waterproof housings and data logging capabilities. Our other new selection is a GPS vehicle tracker with a camera. To take benefit from our products and services, inquire today. VICZONE Co. Ltd 8/F, Bldg. 2, Jia'an Science & Technology Industry Zone, Liuxian 1st Rd., Zone 67, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518101, China Tel: (86-755) 2917 5500 • Fax: (86-755) 2917 9223 E-mail: • Website: • One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. - Choose verified suppliers 0DMRUUHWDLOHUVVXFKDV:DOPDUWDQG&DUUHIRXUDSSUHFLDWH RXUDELOLW\WRJHWWKHLUSURGXFWVWRPDUNHWIDVW3OXVZH FDQPHHWWKHLUYROXPHRUGHUVZLWKRXUPRQWKO\FDSDFLW\RI XQLWV:HKDYHFDVHVDYDLODEOHWKHODWHVWGHYLFHV RQWKHPDUNHW 2XUSURGXFWVDUHH[SRUWHGWRPDUNHWVLQ1RUWK$PHULFD :HVWHUQ(XURSH$XVWUDOLDDQG$VLD7RHQVXUHKDVVOHIUHH GLVWULEXWLRQZHSURFXUHPDWHULDOVWKDWDUH5R+6'LUHFWLYH FRPSOLDQWDVZHOODV6*6/)*%DQG)'$DSSURYHG2XU PLQLPXPRUGHUTXDQWLW\LVSLHFHV,QTXLUHQRZ Silicone armband for Apple's iPod nano 5 6KHQ]KHQ/DL\L6LOLFRQH5XEEHU(OHFWURQLFV3URGXFWV0I\ Two-tone silicone case for RIM's BlackBerry’s Storm 9530 phone Silicon case for RIM's BlackBerry Storm 8520 phone Rubberized PC case for Apple's iPhone 3GS :HVW6W%HLWRX1DQVKDQ6KHQ]KHQ *XDQJGRQJ&KLQD 7HO )D[ (PDLOHO\Q#JFDVHFRP ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPJKVFR ZZZJFDVHFRP iPod and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc. %DVHVWDWLRQDQWHQQDV GHYHORSHGXVLQJ DGYDQFHG5'HTXLSPHQW 6ULZ[VWZVS\[PVUZMVY>0:7 >P-PHUK>P4H_HWWSPJH[PVUZ (Z.UL[^VYRZJVU[PU\L[VL_WLYPLUJLJVUNLZ[PVU\ZLYZKLTHUK OPNOZWLLKZ6\Y[\YURL`ZVS\[PVUZMVY>0:7ZHUKUVU36:>P-P HUK>P4H_HWWSPJH[PVUZ^PSSTLL[[OLZLKLTHUKZ;OLMLH[\YLK WYVMLZZPVUHS-++KL]PJLWYV]PKLZHTWSL;?9?IHUK^PK[O¶\W[V 4IWZ0[VMMLYZHUHMMVYKHISLTPJYV^H]L7+/ZVS\[PVUMVY THQVY>0:7ZHUK[LSLJVTVWLYH[VYZ -VY./a.>3(5 >P-PHUK>P4(?HWWSPJH[PVUZ >LWYVK\JLH^PKLYHUNLVMWYVK\J[ZKLZPNULK[VJVTWSLTLU[=V07 [LJOUVSVNPLZ3(5L_WHUZPVUZ^LIJHTZLY]LYZHUKV[OLY^PYLSLZZ WYVK\J[Z-YVTV\Y)\KNL[)\Z[LY*7,[V[OLWYVMLZZPVUHS;+4( IHJROH\S^LOH]LHZVS\[PVU[V`V\Y\UPX\LJOHSSLUNLZ;VLUZ\YL V\YWYVK\J[ZSVUNL]P[`THU`P[LTZHYL07YH[LK^OPJOTLHUZ [OL`JHU^P[OZ[HUKL_[YLTLJVUKP[PVUZ;VSLHYUTVYL JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` ;Y\Z[PUV\YIHZLZ[H[PVUHU[LUUHZZ\P[HISLMVY./a.>3(5>P -PHUK>P4(?HWWSPJH[PVUZ>L\ZLHK]HUJLK[LJOUPJHSLX\PWTLU[[VWYVK\JL V\YHU[LUUHZPUJS\KPUNMHYÄLSK[LZ[PUNZ`Z[LTZHUKTPJYV^H]LHULJOVPJ JOHTILYZHZ^LSSHZ/L^SL[[7HJRHYKZPNUHSNLULYH[VYZUL[^VYRHUHS`aLYZ HUKZ`Z[LTHUHS`aLYZ(UK^LWHY[ULY^P[OL_WLY[ZMYVT*OPUH»Z+LWHY[TLU[ VM+LMLUZLHUKSLHKPUN\UP]LYZP[PLZPUTHPUSHUK*OPUH[VILULÄ[MYVT[OLSH[LZ[ [LJOUVSVNPJHSPUUV]H[PVUZ;OLZLHK]HU[HNLZJVTIPULK^P[O[OLZRPSSZVM V\YLUNPULLYZ¶^OVH]LYHNL`LHYZVML_WLYPLUJL¶LUZ\YL^LZ\WWS``V\ ^P[OZ\WLYPVYX\HSP[`HU[LUUHZ7S\Z^L»YLL_WLYPLUJLKPUKLZPNUPUNJ\Z[VT WYVK\J[ZHUK^LSJVTL`V\Y6,46+4VYKLYZ ;/,1.;)'' $IIRUGDEOH)''VROXWLRQ 6LPXOWDQHRXV7;5; %DQGZLGWK0ESV /V[^HYL>PYLSLZZ*V3[K 0HVKVPDUWFRVWHIIHFWLYH *+]EDFNKDXODQG$3 FRPERZLWKHDV\ GHSOR\PHQW ;352 ;281*% 0+]ZLUHOHVV/$1 %XGJHW%XVWHURXWGRRU 86%&3(LVQRQ/26 DOLJQPHQWIUHH 5R+6,62 >L»]LHSZVNV[`V\Y]VS\TLVYKLYZJV]LYLK6\Y[^VMHJ[VYPLZOH]LH JVTIPULKTVU[OS`JHWHJP[`VM\UP[Z(UKILJH\ZL^LZV\YJLV\Y YH^TH[LYPHSZMYVT[Y\Z[LKZ\WWSPLYZ`V\JHUILHZZ\YLK^L»SSOH]L[OL TH[LYPHSZULJLZZHY`[VJVTWSL[L`V\YVYKLYZVU[PTL (SSVYKLYZHYLZ\IQLJ[LK[VZ[YPJ[8*[LZ[PUNHUK^LPUZWLJ[WLYJLU[VM V\YWYVK\J[ZILMVYL[OL`HYLZOPWWLK>L»YLJVUÄKLU[PU[OLX\HSP[`VM[OL WYVK\J[Z^LKLSP]LYHUKIHJR[OPZ^P[O`LHY^HYYHU[PLZ;VÄUKV\[TVYL HIV\[^OH[THRLZ\Z[OLHU[LUUHZ\WWSPLYVMJOVPJLJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` :HRIIHURQHVWRSVROXWLRQV IRU*36WUDFNHUV Source our high-capacity mobile phone batteries We offer: • 1,150mAh • 920mAh • 1,510mAh -5V3HUL*O\HUN*OPUN9K *O\UN3P*P[`;HV`\HU;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!I\ZPULZZ'OV[^HYLJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTOV[^HYLJV^^^OV[^HYLJVT[^ To replace: • BL-5C • BL-4C • BP-4C • And other batteries When it comes to sourcing mobile phone batteries, renowned buyers worldwide work with us. They know we offer models with high capacities – even higher than original branded mobile phone batteries. We also provide extensive OEM/ODM services and prices that are hard to beat. Samples can be finished in as fast as two days thanks to our 30 experienced R&D engineers. And with 18 production lines, we turn out up to 3 million units monthly – which are exported to markets worldwide. For more information, e-mail us today. Shenzhen Vip-tek Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Blocks D and D1, Shuangjinhui Industrial Park, Yonghe Rd., Fuyong, Bao’an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518103, China Tel: (86-755) 2970 7381 • Fax: (86-755) 2992 3123 Mobile: (86) 130 0516 8284 E-mail: Website: All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. 88 Telecom Products November 2010 0+]<DJL DQWHQQDZLWKUDGRPH 0+]SDUDEROLF JULGDQWHQQD Car GPS trackers • Built-in SimCom GSM/GPS modules • SiRFstarIII GPS chipsets • Real-time vehicle tracking capability For anything related to GPS trackers, we are your one-stop supplier. Our catalog features products ranging from entry-level and mid-range to high-end models, which are compatible with cameras, card readers and LCD devices. And unlike most of our competitors, we develop our own tracking software. Each tracker that we ship undergoes high-temperature, aging, power supply and wireless signal tests for optimal performance. Our monthly capacity is 20,000 units, and we cater to buyers in over 80 countries. Inquire today. Tzone Digital Technology Co. Ltd /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V9 0+]0ESV ZLUHOHVVDFFHVVSRLQW DQWHQQD Rm. 16D, Haiying Building, Caihongxindu, Caitian South Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518033, China Tel: (86-755) 8284 0647 Fax: (86-755) 8284 0648 E-mail: Website: L - Choose verified suppliers 5HUOHP4PJYV^H]L*VTT\UPJH[PVUZ ,X\PWTLU[*V3[K :OPSPUN0UK\Z[YPHSAVUL?PHV[HUN5HUOHP -VZOHU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! UHUOHP'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT UHUOHP'UOTPJYV^H]LJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTUOTPJYV^H]LJV ^^^UOTPJYV^H]LJVT 0+]EDVH VWDWLRQDQWHQQD :HKDYH\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHPDNLQJDQWHQQDV 6\Y;HP^HUTHKLHU[LUUHZWLYMVYTIL[[LY[OHU[OLH]LYHNLWYVK\J[Z`V\ÄUKZH[\YH[PUN[OL THYRL[;OPZPZILJH\ZL^L»]LILLUPU[OLI\ZPULZZMVY`LHYZHUK^L]LYPM`HSS[OLM\UJ[PVUHSP[PLZ VMV\YHU[LUUHZPUV\YV^U[LZ[PUNJOHTILY·V\YJVTWL[P[VYZVUS`\ZLUL[^VYRHUHS`aLYZ^P[O SPTP[LK[LZ[PUNJHWHIPSP[PLZ(ZHYLZ\S[V\YWYVK\J[ZOH]LH WLYJLU[HJJLW[HUJLYH[L >OL[OLY`V\ULLKHU[LUUHZMVY[LSLJVT^PYLSLZZ3(5.7:VYZLJ\YP[`KL]PJLZ^L OH]L[OLTPUV\YL_[LUZP]LWYVK\J[SPUL0M`V\Z[PSSJHU»[ÄUK[OLTVKLS`V\HYL SVVRPUNMVYHSSV^V\Y9+[LHTTLTILYZ^OVH]LYHNL`LHYZVMPUK\Z[Y` L_WLYPLUJL[VKL]LSVWHUHU[LUUHMVY`V\YZWLJPÄJULLKZ;VZV\YJLYLSPHISL HU[LUUHZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` $QWHQQDWHVWLQJFKDPEHU (PEHGGHG3&%DQWHQQD <DJLGELGLUHFWLRQDO IRU*36TXDGEDQGV 0+]DQGWR LQGRRUDQWHQQDIRU DQG*WR*+] *+]DQWHQQDV ERRVWLQJ$3UHFHSWLRQ ;LRM\U*V3[K -5V2\UTPUN:[1OVUNSP*P[`;HV`\HU/ZPLU ;HP^HU ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!PUMV'[LRM\UJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT[LRM\UJV^^^[LRM\UJVT[^ ,QYHKLFOHWZRZD\UDGLRDQWHQQDV9+)8+) Screen protectors for nearly any device Mobile phone charger • 1,900mAh capacity • Size: 80 x 58 x 13mm Product design resulting in 25 patents Screen protector Protective sticker We specialize in manufacturing screen protectors and protective stickers for nearly any device on the market. Our collection includes high transparency, anti-glare, mirrored and privacy screen protectors, as well as vinyl, dome resin, stone jewelry and metallic stickers. We utilize Heidelberg offset printers from Germany and precision diecutting machinery from Japan, and enforce a strict quality control and monitoring system. That’s why Walmart and Verizon choose us for all of their OEM/ODM needs. For more details, inquire now. Shenzhen Kangchengtai Industrial Co. Ltd Bldg. 1, Huafeng Science & Technology Park, Gonghe Industry Rd., Xixiang, Bao’an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518102, China Tel: (86-755) 2792 6011 • Fax: (86-755) 2792 6723 E-mail: • Website: Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. 90 Telecom Products November 2010 Backed by a strong product development team led by 40 engineers, we’ve earned 25 exterior design patents in mainland China for our portable chargers and other items. The team is responsible for the solar charger, mobile phone charger and laptop charger featured here. Every year we release 20 products like these to help you attract more customers. Contact us now. Solar charger Wireless video phone • WCDMA, Wi-Fi, LAN and 3G connectivity • 7”TFT-LCD • 667MHz, S3C6410 CPU • 1GB flash memory • Built-in CMOS digital camera 6SDUNLQWHUHVWLQ\RXUWDUJHWPDUNHW >P[OV\YHSSPUVUL^PYLSLZZ]PKLVWOVULZ Portable charger for use with UMPCs and mobile phones Shenzhen Anytone Technology Co. Ltd 5/F, Bldg. 51, Qiongyu Rd., Keyuan North, High-Tech Industrial Park, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057, China Tel: (86-755) 2650 0790 • Fax: (86-755) 2661 3959 E-mail: • All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. - Choose verified suppliers 6\YSH[LZ[HSSPUVUL^PYLSLZZ]PKLVWOVULZHYLZ\YL[VZWHYR PU[LYLZ[PU`V\Y[HYNL[THYRL[;OLZLP[LTZJHUILJVUULJ[LK ]PH>*+4(>P-PVY3(5HZ^LSSHZ.UL[^VYRZ;OL MLH[\YLKWYVK\J[M\UJ[PVUZHZH^PYLSLZZWOVUL]PKLV WOVULLTHPSKL]PJLWLYZVUHSKH[HTHUHNLYHUKTVYL >P[OHSSVM[OLZLMLH[\YLZV\Y]PKLVWOVULZHYLWLYMLJ[MVY OVTLZTHSSVMÄJLHUKI\ZPULZZHWWSPJH[PVUZ-VYTVYL PUMVYTH[PVUYLNHYKPUN[OPZVYHU`VMV\YV[OLYWYVK\J[Z]PZP[ V\Y.SVIHS:V\YJLZ6USPULZOV^YVVTHUKJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` ,HJOP[LTIVHZ[ZHZL]LUPUJO;-;3*+ZJYLLUTPJYV:+ JHYKYLHKLYI\PS[PU*46:KPNP[HSJHTLYHL_[LYUHSHUK PU[LYUHSHU[LUUHZTPUP<:)QHJRHUK8>,9;@RL`WHKHZ ^LSSHZHZSV[MVYLP[OLYH<:04VY:04JHYK(ZMVYOHYK^HYL V\YKL]PJLZPUJS\KL\W[V.)VMÅHZOTLTVY`HUKH :*4/a*7<HUKY\UVU4PJYVZVM[»Z>PUKV^Z 4VIPSL6: :OLUaOLU)HVHU*OHUNOL,SLJ[YVUPJZ*V3[K -:LJ[PVU)+HQPHOHV7SHaH+PZ[YPJ[@\HU:LJVUK9K )HV»HU:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!XZaOV\'JOHUN[LSJVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTJOHUNOLLJV &RPSUHKHQVLYHVHUYLFHVDQGVDOHVVXSSRUWIRURXUDJHQWV Reap the benefits of our comprehensive services and sales support by becoming our next big buyer or sales agent. From marketing support and materials to training, we ensure all of your bases are covered. We offer a variety of mobile phones, including the items shown here. Plus, we offer mobiles ranging from low-end versions to high-end smartphones. And when you source our products, we track the status of your orders from the moment they leave our factory. All of our items were developed by our 100-plus skilled engineers. Production is carried out on our 30 advanced lines at our two factories spanning a total of 11,000m2. There, our 500 skilled staff members carry out a stringent six-stage QC process to ensure each item is fit to bear RoHS marks. We can also meet various other requirements of your target market. For more details regarding our products and services, contact us today. $VORQJDV\RXUFRPPXQLFDWLRQGHYLFHLVODUJHU WKDQ[PPZHFDQPDNHLWKDSSHQ 0RWRURODDQG=7(FRPHWRXVIRU2(02'0SURMHFWV Electronic menu available soon GSM phone (H795) • 2.6" TFT LCD • QCIF touch screen 2W/5W handheld two-way radios +DQJ6KXQ7HFKQRORJ\/WG Rm. 11C, Block C, Electron Technology Building, Huaqiang North Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-755) 8357 8083 • Fax: (86-755) 8303 5576 Mobile: (86) 136 315 02550 E-mail: • • MP4 player with push-to-talk function Temperature monitors TV mobile phones (H701) • Dual SIM card slots and cameras • Wi-Fi connectivity 44 Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. :V\YJLV\Y+=);HUK0:+); KPNP[HS;=TVIPSL WOVULZ^P[O>P-P 6\YSH[LZ[OPNOLUKTVIPSL WOVULMLH[\YLKOLYLIVHZ[Z +=);0:+);HUKKPNP[HS ;=Z\WWVY[HZ^LSSHZ 1H]HJHWHIPSP[PLZHUK>P-P JVUULJ[P]P[`0[PZK\HS:04 Z[HUKI`HUKJVTLZ^P[OK\HS JHTLYHZHUKOHZHUVW[PVUHS M\SSVYWHY[PHS[V\JOZJYLLU ;OPZTVIPSLWOVULJVU[HPUZH 4;2JOPWZL[HUKJHU ILJ\Z[VTPaLKIHZLKVU`V\Y L_HJ[ZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ0UMHJ[ V\Y[LHTVMLUNPULLYZJHU WYV]PKL`V\^P[OHZHTWSL ^P[OPUZL]LU^VYRPUNKH`Z -VYTVYLKL[HPSZPUX\PYL[VKH` DVB-T and ISDB-T digital TV mobile phone with Wi-Fi • Dual SIM, dual standby • 2.8” high-definition screen • Built-in MTK 6235 chipset • GSM quad-band 850/900/1,800/1,900MHz OTEDA Industrial Co. Ltd 26G, Block A, Jinmao Lidu Building, Huaqiang North Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China Tel: (86-755) 8281 0108 • Fax: (86-755) 8281 0735 E-mail: Website: One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. 92 Telecom Products November 2010 44 Walkie-talkie designed for Motorola and walkie-talkie wristwatch Your idea ADSL modem GSM fixed wireless terminal • G3 fax • Traditonal POS connection GSM mobile phone and 3G mobile phone with PTT function Work with an ODM powerhouse Whether you need a simple modification to an existing model or want an entirely new telecom product, you can count on us to get the job done. With six R&D centers and 1,200 engineers, we can ensure efficiency in both your modification requests and bulk orders. Our SMT machines at our 20,000m2 factory can produce over five million fixed wireless terminals, ADSL routers and gateways, GSM and CDMA phones, as well as VoIP products annually. For more information, simply send us your requirements or contact us today. ,62 Fujian Star-net Communication Co. Ltd Bldgs. 19-22, Star-net Science Plaza, Juyuanzhou, 618 Jinshan Rd., Fuzhou, Fujian 350002, China Tel: (86-591) 8305 7798/7332 • Fax: (86-591) 8305 7368 • Website: The illustration shown here is a drawing or other representation of the product. It is not an actual photograph of the product. - Choose verified suppliers 18 x 35mm interphone chipset • Frequency: 100-500MHz • PLL time: 0.1ms • Signal-to-noise: 55dB • Supports CTCSS/CDCSS • Digital sound baseband disposal >L»YLYPNO[ILOPUK`V\HSS[OL^H` 4V[VYVSHA;,HUK3LUV]VYLS`VU\ZMVY[OLPYLSLJ[YVUPJWYVK\J[ ULLKZ(ZHKLZPNUOV\ZL^LWYV]PKL6,46+4PU[LYWOVUL HUKKH[H[YHUZMLYZVS\[PVUZPUJVSSHIVYH[PVU^P[O=PHZ`Z[LTZ .YV\W6\YZLY]PJLZJV]LYKLZPNU0*HUKTVK\SLKL]LSVWTLU[ HUKWYVK\J[HZZLTIS`([WYLZLU[V\YPUK\Z[Y`JV]LYHNLPUJS\KLZ JVTT\UPJH[PVUZJVUZ\TLYLSLJ[YVUPJZHUKPUK\Z[YPHSZLJ\YP[` )\[^L^LSJVTLWYVK\J[PKLHZPUV[OLYÄLSKZHUK^PSSOLSW`V\ [\YU[OLTPU[VYLHSP[` <ZPUNV\YWYVWYPL[HY`JOPWZL[[LJOUVSVN` >L\[PSPaLV\YWYVWYPL[HY`JOPWZL[[LJOUVSVN`[VKL]LSVWV\Y9-0*Z HUKPU[LYWOVULTVK\SLZ;OPZKLZPNUZVS\[PVUZPNUPÄJHU[S`YLK\JLZ WYVK\J[ZPaL[VWLYJLU[¶[YHKP[PVUHSPU[LYWOVULZYLX\PYL I`TT7*)Z^OLYLHZV\YZVUS`ULLKI`TTIVHYKZ TPSSPVUPU]LZ[LKPUV\YSHIZ >L»]LPU]LZ[LKTPSSPVU[VI\PSK[OLÄYZ[YHKPVMYLX\LUJ` More new products - SHIVYH[VY`HUKTPJYV^H]L\UYLÅLJ[LKJOHTILYPUZV\[OLYU*OPUH (ZZ\JO^LOH]LUVWYVISLTOHUKSPUNL]LU`V\YTVZ[JVTWSL_ WYVQLJ[Z,HJOTVU[O^LYLSLHZLUL^WYVK\J[ZHUKJHUJYLH[L J\Z[VT^HSRPL[HSRPLZHUKV[OLYP[LTZPUQ\Z[KH`Z;VILULÄ[ MYVTV\YZLY]PJLZPUX\PYL[VKH` 3PZ[LUPUN;LJOUVSVNPLZ0U[LYUH[PVUHS3[K 9TZ( )AOVUNRL)\PSKPUN*OPUH(JHKLT`VM :JPLUJL;LJO+L]LSVWTLU[:V\[OZ[9K5HUZOHU :OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS!L_[ -H_! ,THPS!SPZ[LUPUN'H\J[\ZJU >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTSPZ[LUPUNJV^^^H\J[\ZJU All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. November 2010 Telecom Products 93 All the quality products and suppliers you need – Over 1,200 ‘winter hats’ online More than 1,500 ‘sunglasses’ manufacturers 0OMJOFNFUSJDT (14 View Products Online 0OMJOFNFUSJDTBSFUBLFOGSPNCVZFSBOETVQQMJFSBDUJWJUZJOUIFGFBUVSFEQSPEVDUHSPVQPOXXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPN JOUIFNPOUIQSFDFEJOHQVCMJDBUJPOPGUIJTNBHB[JOF #VZFSSFRVFTUTUSBDLUPUBMJORVJSJFTGSPNPVSJOEFQFOEFOUMZWFSJGJFEXPSMEXJEFDPNNVOJUZPGNPSFUIBOCVZFST 1SPEVDUQSPGJMFTSFQSFTFOUUIFUPUBMOVNCFSPGVOJRVFQSPEVDUTBWBJMBCMFGSPNFYQPSUSFBEZTVQQMJFSTJOPVSFBTJMZ TFBSDIBCMFDBUBMPHT /FXQSPEVDUQPTUJOHTJOEJDBUFUIFOVNCFSPGOFXQSPEVDUQSPGJMFTBEEFEUPPVSXFCTJUFCZTVQQMJFSTEVSJOHUIFQFSJPE 'PSUIFTFBOEUIPVTBOETPGPUIFSDBUFHPSJFTWJTJU(MPCBM4PVSDFTPOMJOFBOETJHOVQGPS1SPEVDU"MFSUUPSFDFJWFUIFMBUFTU TVQQMJFSQPTUJOHT6TFUIFXFCTJUFµT1SPEVDU4FBSDIGVODUJPOUPGJOEIVOESFETPGQSPEVDUTBOETFOEJORVJSJFTEJSFDUMZUP WFSJGJFEFYQPSUFST 5PQQSPEVDUQSP¾MFT 5PQCVZFSSFRVFTUT (14WFIJDMF USBDLJOHTZTUFNT (14QFSTPOBMUSBDLFST Over 120 verified suppliers of‘sweaters’ 1PSUBCMF(14 More than 390 ‘dinnerware’ from India, Taiwan, Hong Kong and Vietnam Over 200 six-star suppliers of ‘CCTV cameras’ 66 ‘promotional products’ categories Over 53 ‘pliers’ from export-ready suppliers Over 2,000 products related to ‘multimedia players’ More than 5,000 ‘mobile phones’ from China suppliers 1PSUBCMF(14 (14QFSTPOBMUSBDLFST (14WFIJDMF USBDLJOHTZTUFNT 1PSUBCMF(14 (14QFSTPOBMUSBDLFST (14NPEVMFT (14BOUFOOBT (14XBUDIUSBDLFST (14NPVOUTIPMEFST (14EBUBMPHHFST (14BDDFTTPSJFT (14NPVOUTIPMEFST (14NPEVMFT (14WFIJDMF USBDLJOHTZTUFNT (14BOUFOOBT (14NPVOUTIPMEFST (14XBUDIUSBDLFST (14EBUBMPHHFST (14XBUDIUSBDLFST 1$1%"(14 SFDFJWFST 1$1%"(14 SFDFJWFST 1$1%"(14 SFDFJWFST (14DBTFT (14BOUFOOBT (14EBUBMPHHFST (14NPEVMFT (14BDDFTTPSJFT Over 1,000 ‘USB flash drives’ posted monthly 5PQOFXQSPEVDUQPTUJOHT 1FSDFOUPGBMMPOMJOFBDUJWJUZGPSUIJTQSPEVDUHSPVQ #VZFSJORVJSJFTCZSFHJPO ;IFKJBOH 0UIFS )POH,POH 5BJXBO Source with more confidence at Global Sources Online ✓ Stay ahead of your competitors with our comprehensive range of new products ✓ Pinpoint qualified suppliers in your industry by finding those products that meet your specialized needs ✓ Save time sourcing with just one search that includes Global Sources verified suppliers and search results from other sourcing websites (VBOHEPOH HA_AAU_242 Swift and confident sourcing is just a mouse click away! 94 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 95 0.;L&#;5616740;174 +&'#5+061(70%6+10#. 219'456#6+105 We have case models for the following mobile phone manufacturers: Motorola, Nokia, Samsung, LG, HTC, RIM, Casio, Pantech, Kyocera, Sony Ericsson, Palm, Sharp, HP, Apple, Sanyo, ZTE, Cricket, Huawei, Garmin, Meizu and others We offer mobile phone cases for nearly every model on the market – more than 3,500 items and counting. And whenever a new phone is released, we quickly create new molds to keep you updated with the latest trends. Our 30 R&D specialists are on-hand to provide design support for your customizations. Production is carried out at our ISO 9001:2008-certified factory, and quality is further assured by our 15 QC members. Plus, we welcome third-party audits and inspections. For more information, visit our factory or contact us today. &XVWRPL]LQJRYHU PRELOHSKRQHFDVHVIRU PXOWLSOHEUDQGV Win2000 Telecom Co. Ltd 3-201 Mulianheng Rd., Tianxin Industrial Park, Tangxia, Dongguan, Guangdong 523718, China Tel: (86-769) 8200 1999 • Fax: (86-769) 8200 1996 Mobile: (86) 138 2528 7091 • Website: /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V, 6RXUFHRXUXQLTXHPRELOHSKRQHV Quran mobile phone • Color Tajweed and Uthmanic calligraphy • Multilanguage dictionary and translator Stackable auto dialers • Programmable to prepaid cards • Reduce calling time GPS mobile phone • Web server and SMS tracking features • Security feature Traveler’s mobile phone • 14-language translation feature • 8-language dictionary With over 15 years of experience each, our 40 software and 15 hardware engineers have the ability to efficiently handle all your mobile phone needs. They have helped develop unique products that have gained us 120-plus functional and design patents. We have provided our services to world-renowned brands from Japan, and have sold our devices to more than 200 retail stores in Europe and North America. Utilizing advanced equipment, we test each item for functionality, as well as back them with one-year warranties. ODM orders are welcomed. Inquire now. Zhongshan Highyes Electronics Co. Ltd No. 4, 3rd Industrial Zone, Baozhu Central Rd., Shaxi, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528471, China Tel: (86-760) 8622 6183 • Fax: (86-760) 8733 6335 E-mail: • • :H·UH\RXU2(0DXWRGLDOHUVROXWLRQ Portable power stations for Apple's iPhones Here at Shenzhen Jingkewang, we specialize in OEM auto dialers. Our product development capability is wide-ranging, including our latest release, the featured stackable auto dialers. We also make IP phones, call-back dialers, gateways, USB phones, switching power supplies and more. Production takes place at our 2,000m2 facility manned by 150 skilled workers. Accordingly, we turn out up to 100,000 units monthly. For more information, inquire now. 6KHQ]KHQ-LQJNHZDQJ7HFKQRORJ\&R/WG 3/F, Bldg. 73, Shenzhu Rd., Shengheng Industrial Zone, Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518173, China Tel: (86-755) 2863 8859 Fax: (86-755) 2863 9151 MSN: E-mail: • 6KHQ]KHQ:LQNHHQ(OHFWURQLFV&R/WG 0DUNHWLQJ&WU5P&DL\XH%XLOGLQJ 0HLORQJ5G0LQJ]KL6KHQ]KHQ*XDQJGRQJ&KLQD 7HO)D[ (PDLOZLQNHHQ#JOREDOVRXUFHVFRPVDOHV#ZLQNHHQFRP ZZZJOREDOVRXUFHVFRPZLQNHHQFRZZZZLQNHHQFRP iPhone is a trademark of Apple Inc. 96 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers <RXGRQ¶WKDYHWRZDLWIRUWKHLQGXVWU\ VDYHUDJHRIGD\V IRU\RXU2'0LGHDVWRPDWHULDOL]H2XUVHYHQHQJLQHHUVZKR KDYH¿YH\HDUVRIH[SHULHQFHHDFKFDQKDYHSRUWDEOHSRZHU VWDWLRQSURWRW\SHV±LQFOXGLQJRQHVIRU$SSOH VL3KRQHV±PDGH LQMXVWHLJKWGD\V2UIRUIDVWHUWLPHWRPDUNHW\RXFDQFKRRVH IURPWKHSOXVPRGHOVZHDOUHDG\KDYHGHYHORSHG2XUUDSLG 2'0VHUYLFHLVDPDMRUUHDVRQZK\3URPDWHRQHRIWKHOHDGLQJ ZKROHVDOHUVLQ'XEDLVRXUFHVIURPXV :HFDQPHHW\RXUYROXPHRUGHUVZLWKDPRQWKO\SURGXFWLRQ FDSDFLW\RIPLOOLRQ&(DQG5R+6PDUNHGXQLWV+RZHYHU ZLWKDPLQLPXPRUGHUUHTXLUHPHQWRIMXVWRQHXQLWZH UHDOVRDQ LGHDOSDUWQHUIRUVWDUWXSVRUVPDOOVFDOHFRPSDQLHV:HFDQKDYH RUGHUVUHDG\WRVKLSLQMXVW¿YHGD\VWRHQVXUH\RX¶OOQHYHUODJ EHKLQGRQ\RXUVDOHV7REHQH¿WIURPRXUIDVWVHUYLFHFRQWDFWXV ZLWK\RXUUHTXLUHPHQWVWRGD\ 6SHFLDOL]LQJLQ*60&'0$ :&'0$DQG6,0FDUGV One-stop services for your portable electronics Prices 7% lower than our competitors’ Get smart with a specialized manufacturer. We have an R&D center and factory for making GSM SIM, CDMA UIM and WCDMA SIM cards, according to our customers’ requests. More than 20 operators across Asia, Europe, the Americas, Africa and the Middle East use our SIM cards to support their customers’ voice and data service. And at least 50 mobile phone factories use our SIM cards to test their products. We manufacture COS and IC card readers in-house to save on outsourcing costs. This helps us control quality and streamline production, allowing us to offer prices 7 percent lower than our competitors’. We also have contact and contact-less IC cards, as well as scratch and magnetic-strip cards. We can produce 5 million IC cards each month. Call us today. Green Card (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 5/F, West Bldg. B2, Anle Industrial, Hangcheng Rd., Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518102, China Tel: (86-755) 2908 3019 ext. 8003 • Fax: (86-755) 2908 3036 E-mail: Website: ISO 9001:2008 Major telecom companies come to us for volume support JH-BM868-1 2.4GHz wireless speaker and microphone for two-way radios When it comes to telecom accessories, we’re the supplier Kenwood, Motorola, Icom and Texas Instruments turn to. With a monthly capacity of 2 million units, we have room to accommodate their volume orders and your projects as well. Our catalog features a wide range of 2.4GHz wireless devices, earphones, headphones, microphones and speakers. And we enhance our products with functions that add versatility and appeal such as PTT switches and radio connectivity. Call us today so we can start work on your OEM/ODM orders. Best Talent Industrial Ltd SIM cards .7'6116**'#&5'65 9+6*J/106*51( 56#0&$;6+/' Stereo/mono Bluetooth headset (GBH-S200) Through many years of developing devices for partners such as Samsung, our R&D engineers have created our MobiFren product line of Bluetooth® headsets. These models boast distinctive features including up to six months of standby time, call lock to prevent unintended outgoing calls and built-in MP3 players. Our designs are so innovative that the iF International Forum Design granted us their prestigious international award. We also offer complete ODM services. For more information, call us now. GT Telecom Co. Ltd 3/F, Bldg. 3, Jiyiyuan Industrial Zone, Xinwei, Dalang, Longhua, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518109, China Tel: (86-755) 8372 6299/6399 Fax: (86-755) 8372 6199 E-mail: Website: 848-16, Gupyeong-dong, Gumi City, Gyeongbuk 730-300, South Korea Tel: (82-54) 474 2220 • Fax: (82-54) 474 2274 E-mail: • All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG. 98 Telecom Products November 2010 Mobile Internet devices with GPS, mobile phone, Wi-Fi, 3G and Z Gravity-sensor capabilities Stereo Bluetooth headset with MP3 player and portable hard disk functions (GBH-S300) - Choose verified suppliers >LJVTWSL[LHSSZ[HNLZVMWYVK\J[PVU¶MYVTKLZPNU HUKTHU\MHJ[\YPUN[VWHJRHNPUN¶PUOV\ZLZV`V\ JHUILHZZ\YLKVMJVUZPZ[LU[X\HSP[`>LVMMLYH JVSSLJ[PVUVMTVIPSL0U[LYUL[KL]PJLZHUK[LYTPUHSZ JHY.7:Z`Z[LTZHUKJVUULJ[LK75+Z[V^OPJO V\Y9+LUNPULLYZHKKHUL^WYVK\J[L]LY` [^VTVU[OZ >L[\YUV\[V]LY\UP[ZLHJOKH`H[V\Y 0:6!JLY[PÄLKMHJ[VY`[OHURZ[V[OL ^VYRVMV\YZRPSSLKLTWSV`LLZ>LZV\YJL JOPWZMYVT:P9-PU[OL<:HUKV\YL_WLYPLUJLK8* [LJOUPJPHUZJVUK\J[[OVYV\NOL]HS\H[PVUZVUV\Y WYVK\J[Z;OLZLTLHZ\YLZOLSW[VLUZ\YLHYLWHPY YH[LVMSLZZ[OHUWLYJLU[-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH`¶^L»SSYLWS`^P[OPUOV\YZ Longlat Toptech (China) Co. Ltd Bldg. A2, Honghualing Industry Park, Liuxian Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China 4ELs&AX Mobile: (86) 136 3264 6370 E-mail: Website: /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V, HQJLQHHUVWRZRUNRQ\RXU WUDFNLQJGHYLFHSURMHFWV Licensed CDMA technology from Qualcomm @V\RUV^`V\Y.7:[YHJRPUNKL]PJLWYVQLJ[ZHYLPUNVVKOHUKZ ^OLU`V\OH]L9+LUNPULLYZH[`V\YILJRHUKJHSS;OLPY Z[PU[ZH[(SJH[LSA;,/\H^LP;*3HUK.PU^H]LLUZ\YL[OL`JHU OHUKSLL]LU[OLTVZ[JVTWSL_YLX\PYLTLU[Z(UKWHY[ULYPUN^P[O [OL*OLUNK\<UP]LYZP[`VM,SLJ[YVUPJ:JPLUJLHUK;LJOUVSVN`^L KL]LSVW\W[VUL^TVKLSZLHJOTVU[O >LHYLVULVM[OLML^*+4(TVIPSLWOVUL THU\MHJ[\YLYZPUTHPUSHUK*OPUHSPJLUZLKI` 8\HSJVTT6\YTLTILY9+[LHT[HRLZM\SS HK]HU[HNLVMP[ZPUK\Z[Y`L_WLYPLUJL[VWYV]PKL `V\^P[O[OLILZ[KLZPNUHUKZVS\[PVU[V`V\Y THYRL[ULLKZ -VYYLSPHISLWYVK\J[WLYMVYTHUJL^LZV\YJLJOPWZL[ZMYVT.LYTHU` HUKWYVJ\YL[OLYLZ[VM[OLJVTWVULU[ZMYVTV\YUL[^VYRVM Z\WWSPLYZ7YVK\J[PVUPZJHYYPLKV\[H[V\Y0:6 !JLY[PÄLK MHJ[VY`\[PSPaPUNLX\PWTLU[MYVT-\QPHUK(NPSLU[(SSVMV\Y[YHJRPUN Z`Z[LTZHYL9V/:+PYLJ[P]LJVTWSPHU[MVYZTVV[OKPZ[YPI\[PVU ;VNL[V\Y9+[LHT^VYRPUNVU`V\YVYKLYZLUK\Z`V\Y ZWLJPÄJH[PVUZ[VKH` *OVVZLMYVTV\Y^PKLZLSLJ[PVUYHUNPUNMYVT \S[YHSV^JVZ[TVIPSLWOVULZHUKT\S[PTLKPH WOVULZ[VK\HSTVKLHUKK\HSZ[HUKI`*+4( HUK.:4WOVULZHUKZTHY[WOVULZ-VYV\Y \S[YHSV^JVZ[TVIPSLWOVULZ^L\ZL;-;3*+Z MVYHKKLK]HS\LHUKKYH^PUJ\Z[VTLYZ>LJHU HSZVJ\Z[VTPaLTVKLSZMVY`V\YTHYRL[ 3HUVRQDOKDQGKHOGWUDFNHUV :OLUaOLU.\PKL^H`;LJO3[K -)SKN9(/PNO[LJO0UK\Z[YPHS7HYR:OLUaOLU .\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!N\PKL^H`'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTN\PKL^H`JV *36YHKLFOHWUDFNHU 31'*60QDYLJDWRU 3URIHVVLRQDO2%0+HDGVHWVIRU&DOO &HQWHUVDQG2IÀFHV (UL_WLYPLUJLK]VS\TLWYVK\JLY^LOH]L[OL ÅL_PIPSP[`[VOHUKSLIV[OSHYNLHUKZTHSSVYKLYZ >LHKOLYL[VHZ[YPJ[8*Z[HUKHYKHUKJHYY`V\[ U\TLYV\ZPUZWLJ[PVUZMYVT[OL[PTL^LZV\YJL YH^TH[LYPHSZ\U[PS^LZOPW`V\YTLYJOHUKPZL;V RUV^TVYLHIV\[\ZHUKÄUKV\[OV^`V\JHU LUQV`V\YZLY]PJLZHZV\YJSPLU[ZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` 2QHRUPRUHRIWKHLOOXVWUDWLRQVVKRZQKHUHLVDGUDZLQJRURWKHUUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRIDSURGXFW DQGQRWDQDFWXDOSKRWRJUDSKRIWKHSURGXFW >LZV\YJLJVTWVULU[ZMYVT5VRPH 7OPSPWZ4V[VYVSHHUK;Y\S` Smart CDMA mobile phones (L800) • Microsoft Windows Mobile OS • Optional GPS receivers • Touch screens, handwriting functions • Qualcomm QSC 6020 chipsets Quad band mobile phones with dual SIM cards slots With over 15 years of experience in headset and acoustic technology development, XENEXX designs and produces high-quality professional headsets with superior sound performance specifically for call centers and offices. Together with our own R&D team and more than 200 skilled workers, we commit ourselves to the service and support of our distributors, resellers and end-users worldwide. For more information, e-mail us today. XENEXX Corp. Ltd ,62 ,62 Unit 1407, Two Grand Tower, 625 Nathan Rd., Kowloon, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3526 0188 Fax: (852) 3913 7116 E-mail: Website: • To ensure high-quality phones, we source LCD screens from Truly, batteries from Nokia, track balls from Philips and battery covers from Motorola. And our minimum order quantity is just 100 units. We can ship your orders within one day and Quad band mobile phones custom orders within one week. Our • QWERTY keypads 20 R&D engineers, with an average of • TV and Java capabilities seven years of experience each, release up to four new phone models monthly. They can customize a sample for you, as well as offer logo printing and packaging services. Inquire now. ?PU-LPKH;LJOUVSVN`3[K /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V5 Rm. 3603, SEG Plaza, Huaqiang North Rd., Huaqiang, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518026, China Tel: (86) 136 9985 5027, 136 8689 0336 • Fax: (86-755) 8378 8899 E-mail: • Skype: kimflymobile Website: All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. 100 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers 3PUR[VW;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K ?PHUNOVUN9K?PHUNHU;VYJO/P;LJOAVUL ?PHUNHU?PHTLU-\QPHU*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!SPUR[VW'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT ZHSLZ'SPUR[VWJVTJU >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTSPUR[VWJV ^^^SPUR[VWJVTJU All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. CDMA phones (L101) • 800MHz (450/1,900MHz optional) • 1.44”, 65K-color TFT screens • Alarm clocks, voice recorders, calendars and games CDMA phones (L201) • 1.8”, 65K-color TFT screens • Alarm clocks, voice recorders, calendars and games Be the first to sell our OBM accessories in your market Wireless intercom and paging system for oil rig operations From an experienced cordless phone and GPS maker (NLU[ZHUKKPZ[YPI\[VYZHYL^LSJVTLK ;OLMLH[\YLK^PYLSLZZPU[LYJVTHUKWHNPUNZ`Z[LT PZPKLHSMVYVPSYPNVWLYH[PVUZ6WLYH[PUNH[ 4/a[OL Z`Z[LT»ZYLTV[LZ[H[PVUZJHUYLJLP]LZPNUHSZH[HKPZ[HUJLVM\W [VRT*VUULJ[LK[V^LH[OLYWYVVMSV\KZWLHRLYZ[OLZLZ[H[PVUZJHU IL\ZLKMVYWHNPUNVY]LYIHSJVTT\UPJH[PVUPUUVPZ`HYLHZ+PNP[HS ]VPJLZJYHTISPUNM\UJ[PVUHSP[`^P[OV]LYTPSSPVUZLJ\YP[`JVKLZOLSWZ WYV[LJ[`V\Y]HS\HISLPUMVYTH[PVU -V\UKLKPU ^LHYLHUL_WLYPLUJLKTHU\MHJ[\YLYZWLJPHSPaPUNPU .7:KL]PJLZYLZPKLU[PHSHUK:6/6JVYKSLZZWOVULZHUK^PYLSLZZ7)?Z -VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` Remote Station If you’re looking to sell accessories to high-end markets, then choose from our Yoobao collection. It features leather cases, batteries, chargers, screen protectors and other peripherals for brands such as Apple, Dopod, HP, Asus and Nokia. All of our products are available at competitive prices. Plus, they come with security labels, so you can check their authenticity via SMS. Even better, you can eliminate the need for agents by making your purchases directly online. Cordless Handset Wireless Door Phone • Multi-door control and multi-subscriber • Opens doors wirelessly and detects if door’s open • Ideal for home, workshops and community security GSM Door Phone *HRUJH7DQJ ,QGXVWULDO&RUSRUDWLRQ 92<$*(5 7HOHFRP'LYLVLRQ Need OEM/ODM services? That’s not a problem, either. With an in-house molding facility, we can render custom requirements to the last detail. And with three factories, we can efficiently accommodate large-scale projects. To become an agent or distributor of our Yoobao-branded accessories and the first to introduce our line to your market, contact us today. TM-2200 Wireless Base Station • Supports up to 9 remote stations • Works with PBX systems or PSTN lines -5V*OHU*OPHU4PHVSP*P[`;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!]V`HNLY'TZOPUL[UL[]V`HNLY'N[PJVJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT]V`HNLYJV^^^]V`HNLY[^ RoHS FRPSOLDQW Lower costs with our in-house molding department Handsfree earphones for various mobile phones 8SWRQHZ PRELOHSKRQH HDUSKRQHVPRQWKO\ Two-piece phone with big buttons and 10 two-touch memory functions Unlike competitors, we utilize our very own molds to minimize production costs – savings that we then pass on to you. Partner with us and choose from over 100 models of caller ID, classical and slim phones, as well as caller ID boxes – all of which are made with the latest integrated circuit technology. Plus, we add up to eight new designs to our selection monthly. We customize items for repeat buyers worldwide. Send your OEM requests today. Shenzhen Shenkinhao Electronics Co. Ltd 4/F, No. 28, Liantangwei Industrial Zone, He’ao, Henggang, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518112, China Tel: (86-755) 2871 3303 • Fax: (86-755) 8996 2115 E-mail: Website: • 102 Telecom Products November 2010 We specialize in manufacturing earphones made specifically for mobile phones. Every month, we utilize our nine engineers – each with six years’ experience – to offer you up to 20 new models. For assured quality, we strictly operate under ISO 9001:2000-certified guidelines. Our daily capacity is 40,000 units. Contact our representatives today and schedule a factory visit. Shenzhen Willong Technology Co. Ltd 5/F, Block 4, Yunantong Industrial Park, Huarong Rd., Longhua, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518109, China Tel: (86-755) 3325 5325/5326 • Fax: (86-755) 3325 5327 E-mail: • - Choose verified suppliers Yoobao AAA battery charger kit Yoobao Li-ion battery charger kit Yoobao power bank Yoobao in-car charger for Apple’s iPhone 3G :OLUaOLU@66)(6;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K Yoobao genuine leather case for Apple’s iPad /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V) 14/F, Rm. 1428, International Human Resources Building, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031, China Tel: (86-755) 8398 5157 • Fax: (86-755) 2848 2426 MSN/E-mail: E-mail: Mobile: (86) 137 6016 2588 • All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. Intelligent GPS Vehicle Tracking Solutions GV100 Car GPS tracker with 8 to 32V input voltage • Built-in MTK chipset with -165dBm tracking sensitivity • 3G motion sensor GL100 Real-time GPS tracker • Pet tracking • Fleet management • Location-based service • Mobile asset tracking • Waterproof and dustproof :HSXPSRXWFKDUJHUV DQGEDWWHULHVGDLO\ Source our intelligent GPS trackers and benefit from these advantages: • Engineers with more than five years' experience in telecommunications • Full customization capabilities: logo, software, hardware • Complete in-house quality testing: from initial design to finished product, including software, hardware and reliability tests • Every step of production controlled in-house Contact us now for custom GPS trackers. Shenzhen Popular Communication Technology Co. Ltd 4/F, Bldg. 13, Shenzhen Software Park, 2 Keji Middle Rd., Shenzhen High-tech Zone, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057, China Tel: (86-755) 8633 6228 • Fax: (86-755) 8633 6557 E-mail: Website: • PRELOHSKRQHFDVH GHVLJQVWRFKRRVHIURP 4HRPUN\W[VTPSSPVUOPNOLUK HU[LUUHZL]LY``LHY RF cable and connector accessory Cases for Apple's iPhone 4 Cases for Apple's iPads With 10,000 mobile phone case designs to select from, we’re confident that we have just the model you’re looking for. If not, we’ll create a sample from scratch for you in only two days. Nokia, Siemens and Disney regularly source from us, and now, you can too. Our monthly capacity is 2 million units, and we can have 10,000 pieces ready for shipment in seven to 10 days. We export to markets in the Americas, Europe and Australia. For more information, inquire now. Shenzhen Bohong Industry Co. Ltd Bldgs. 130-131, Pinghuan Industrial Park, Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518100, China Tel: (86-755) 8375 2552/4242 • Fax: (86-755) 8375 4240 • • iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc. 104 Telecom Products November 2010 /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V7 Universal mobile phone battery chargers with LCDs • Input voltage: 110-220V • Output voltage: 4.2-4.5V • Output currency: 250-300mAh • Various colors available Mobile phone battery GSM and GPS antennas At our factory in Zhejiang, we produce up to 1.5 million antennas every month. This allows us to deliver orders within one or two weeks. Whether you need antennas for GPS, Glonass, GSM, 3G, TMC, Wi-Fi, XM Satellite Radio or other products like RF cables and connector accessories, we’ve got a product that will meet your needs. And our R&D team is ready to take on a custom order. After years in business, we’ve become one of the largest antenna suppliers in mainland China. Take advantage of our dedication to product quality and durability. Contact us today. +ERH;M*M ERXIRREW Jiaxing Beyondoor Electronics Co. Ltd 101 West Weiyi Rd., Dongzha Economic Zone, Jiaxing, Zhejiang 314000, China Tel: (86-573) 8212 7009 • Fax: (86-573) 8205 2070 E-mail: • ISO 9001:2000 RoHS - Choose verified suppliers Car charger USB travel charger with 5V output voltage (UV\[W\[[OH[»ZOHYK[VTH[JO >LOH]L[OLWYVK\J[PVUWV^LY[VTHPU[HPU`V\YPU]LU[VYPLZ([ V\YTMHJ[VY`^LOH]L^VYRLYZHUKHZ\P[LVM THJOPULY`MYVT;HP^HUHUK1HWHU>P[OZ\JOYLZV\YJLZ^L [\YUV\[TVIPSLWOVULJOHYNLYZHUKIH[[LYPLZ L]LY`ZPUNSLKH`;OH[»ZHUV\[W\[[OH[PZZPTWS`\UYP]HSLKPU V\YPUK\Z[Y` *VZ[ILULÄ[Z[OYV\NOPUOV\ZLWYVK\J[PVU ;VVMMLY`V\JVTWL[P[P]LWYPJLZ^LWYVK\JL WLYJLU[VMV\Y JVTWVULU[ZZ\JOHZ7*)ZOV\ZPUNZHUKJHISLZV\YZLS]LZ >LHSZVWLYMVYTIH[[LY`[LZ[PUNPUOV\ZL[VIL[[LYJVU[YVS X\HSP[`0UMHJ[^LZWLU[VU)=09PU[LYUHSYLZPZ[HUJL [LZ[LYZIH[[LY`ZVY[LYZHUKIH[[LY`LSLJ[YVKL[LZ[LYZ :LSLJ[PVUI`[OL[OV\ZHUKZ 6\YJVSSLJ[PVUVMIH[[LYPLZMLH[\YLZWS\ZTVKLSZ>P[OH [LHTVM9+LUNPULLYZ^LOH]LUVWYVISLTJ\Z[VTPaPUN HU`VMV\YWYVK\J[Z[VZ\P[`V\YHWWSPJH[PVUZ1VPUI\`LYZ PU5VY[OHUK*LU[YHS(TLYPJH>LZ[LYU,\YVWLHUK(ZPH ^OVILULÄ[MYVTV\YWYVK\J[PVUWV^LY0UX\PYLUV^ ,62 6KHQ]KHQ$UXQ(OHFWURQLF&R/WG )SKN(-\aOVUN0UK\Z[YPHS7HYR-\`VUN)HVHU :OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!HSSYV\UKZa'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTHSSYV\UKZaJV /VUN2VUN ^^^HSSYV\UKJVTJU 6J[ All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. )VV[O5V2 &6&6=0DJ76 ,VVXH 6WDWXV%3&6L]H3 &RORU)& $UWLVW=RH &RS\ZULWHU.ULVWRI&62)DQQLH$'3FRGH0RELOHSKRQHFKDUJHUV Choose verified suppliers China Sourcing Reports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ou’ll find page after page of details on verified manufacturers of specific products. Plus, benchmark your suppliers against these factories’ capabilities and prices. Choose from the following list of titles: • • • • • Access Control Products Batteries CCTV & Surveillance Products Computer Input Devices Display Parts & Components • • • • • GPS Portable Digital Devices Home Entertainment Mobile Phone Accessories Mobile Phones To experience the difference that working with verified suppliers can make to your business, select your China Sourcing Reports today. To see all titles, go to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ore new products - W To buy direct from verified China manufacturers, we invite you to step inside China factories with Global Sources China Sourcing Reports. November 2010 Telecom Products 107 Our branded accessories sell well in Europe \HDUVRIH[SHULHQFH ;OHURZ[VV\YZ[LW8*WYVNYHT $OOSURGXFWVPDGHLQKRXVH To maintain our qualification rate of 98 percent – in an industry where 96 percent is the norm – we check every single charger three times. This is after the eight other inspections we conduct, including checks on incoming Sharp and NEC components and PCBs, as well as short-circuit, voltage, current and age testing. This quality assurance is a major reason why our VKN-brand products are selling well in Europe. We can manufacture 200,000 units in just 20 days. To achieve this efficiency, we cut out middlemen by making most parts and carrying out all assembly and packaging in-house. Choose from one of the 100 models we offer, or take advantage of our one-week ODM service. Either way, you'll enjoy the benefits that have turned 90 percent of our clients into repeat buyers. Contact us now. European-standard travel mobile phone charger with short-circuit protection ViewKuan Electronic Products Mfg Lianfeng Industrial Zone, Xiaolan, Zhongshan, Guangdong 528416, China Tel: (86-760) 2224 9088 • Mobile: (86) 138 2390 2758 Fax: (86-760) 2224 8038 E-mail: • • iPod is a trademark of Apple Inc. Offering 20 items monthly thanks to our 15 R&D engineers TPU cases for Apple’s iPhone 4 Cases for Apple’s iPad We know you will be impressed by our selection of mobile phone cases, Bluetooth® headsets, chargers, cables and more. That’s because our 15 R&D engineers add 20 new items every month to our extensive line of 300-plus products. Or, we can create a new sample for you within a week. We source environment-friendly raw materials from Germany and Japan to ensure quality and durability. Plus we operate according to ISO 9001:2000-certified guidelines. Join over 500 of our buyers by sourcing from us today. 1PM\,SLJ[YVUPJ*V3[K 3 Changsheng Rd., Ludong, Humen, Dongguan, Guangdong 523936, China Tel: (86-769) 8288 2259 • Fax: (86-769) 8526 0486 E-mail: • All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. 108 Telecom Products November 2010 In-vehicle two-way radio (AT-808) Wall power sockets with USB ports for charging mobile phones, PMPs and Apple's iPods >LHYLHUL_WLYPLUJLKTHU\MHJ[\YLYVMIV[OHUHSVNHUK KPNP[HS[^V^H`YHKPVZ0UMHJ[^LOH]LILLUWYVK\JPUN HUHSVN[^V^H`YHKPVZZPUJL TLHUPUN^LRUV^ HUK\UKLYZ[HUKI\`LYZZV\YJPUNOHIP[ZHUKTHYRL[ [YLUKZ6\YL_WLY[PZLOHZHSSV^LK\Z[VKL]LSVWP[LTZ JH[LYLK[V`V\YTHYRL[YLX\PYLTLU[Z Car charger ;V[HS^PYLSLZZZVS\[PVUZMVY LU[LYWYPZLHUKPUK\Z[Y` <USPRLV\YJVTWL[P[VYZ^LTHU\MHJ[\YLHSSVMV\YNVVKZ PUOV\ZL[VLUZ\YLX\HSP[`;VWWLYMVYTHUJLPZM\Y[OLY N\HYHU[LLK^P[OV\Y:4;THJOPULZZWLJ[Y\THUHS`aLYZ HUKUL[^VYRHUHS`aLYZMYVT1HWHU(UK^LZV\YJLRL` JVTWVULU[ZMYVTYLW\[HISLJVTWHUPLZZ\JOHZ;VZOPIH ;V`V[HHUK5,* >LVMMLYJVTWSL[LV\[KVVY SVUNYHUNL(7K\HSYHKPVYLWLH[LYZ ^P[O 4./a536:HUK ./aMYLX\LUJPLZHUK ZVSHYWV^LYZ\WWVY[MVYSVJH[PVUZ ^P[OV\[LSLJ[YPJWV^LY>LHSZVVMMLY >P-P>>IVVZ[LYZSVUNYHUNL PUKVVY(7ZOV[ZWV[NH[L^H`ZHUK K\HS>(5SVHKIHSHUJPUN./a YV\[LYZ-VYJVTWSL[LKVYKLYZPU [^V^LLRZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` Dual-band two-way radiao (LS-28H) 2XWGRRU ERRVWHU ,:($72XWGRRUORQJUDQJH $3GXDOUDGLRUHSHDWHU 6RODUSRZHUVXSSRUW )UHTXHQF\0+] 1/26*+] ,3DSSURYHG DEJQFRPSOLDQW 6\YTVU[OS`JHWHJP[`PZ\UP[ZZVTLL[PUN`V\Y ]VS\TLULLKZPZLHZ`>LHSZVHJJLW[VYKLYZMVYHZML^ HZ\UP[Z;OLZLHYLQ\Z[ZVTLVM[OLYLHZVUZ^O` I\`LYZPU,\YVWL [OL(TLYPJHZ(MYPJH:V\[OLHZ[ (ZPHHUK[OL4PKKSL,HZ[ZV\YJL[OLPYWYVK\J[ZMYVT \Z>LHSZVWYV]PKL6,4ZLY]PJLZ;VILULÄ[MYVTV\Y L_WLYPLUJLJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` ISO 9001:2008 Two-way radio with voice dialing feature (LS-V95) ,:($Q EJQ KLJKSRZHUPHVK 3R($3 ,:(5QS QKLJKSRZHU :$1ORDGEDODQFH *URXWHU 0U[LYLWVJO;LJOUVSVN`0UJ -5V3HUL7HV*OPHV9K/ZPU;PLU*P[`;HPWLP/ZPLU;HP^HU ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!KH]PK['PU[LYLWVJOJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTPU[LYLWVJOJV^^^PU[LYLWVJOJVT[^ ,62 - Choose verified suppliers /VUN2VUN,SLJ[YVUPJZ-HPY /2*VU]LU[PVUHUK,_OPIP[PVU*LU[YL 6J[ )VV[O5V*) /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V< Lisheng Industrial Zone, 5 Chongxiang St., Econ & Tech Area, Quanzhou, Fujian 362000, China Tel: (86-595) 2247 1179 • Fax: (86-595) 2248 1909 E-mail: • Website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`KH`Z 8JSFMFTTDPNNVOJDBUJPOTZTUFNUSBOTNJUTVQUPN &QJB5FDI$P-UE 4PVUI,PSFB .PEFM4NBSU8JSFMFTT7JTJPO#BTJD DPOUJOVFEPOQBHF Trusted supplier to China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile. W %FTDSJQUJPO8JSFMFTTDPNNVOJDBUJPOTZTUFNUPNUSBOTNJTTJPOSBOHFTFBNMFTT WJEFPTUSFBNJOHVQUPLQI8-"/#MVFUPPUI;JH#FFEBUBFODSZQUJPO.1&( 1HZPRGHOVRI*36WUDFNHUV *36YHKLFOHWUDFNLQJV\VWHPV DQGFDUEODFNER[HVLQGD\V TPU cases for Apple's iPhone 4 GPS tracker SFP SDH system We’re a trusted supplier to several major companies in mainland China, including China Telecom, China Unicom and China Mobile. They come to us for superior quality products and service. We source our raw materials from overseas to ensure the quality of our finished products. Our factory is RoHS Directive-compliant and ISO 9001:2008-certified. These factors all contribute to a repair rate of just 0.4 percent. We also provide a 24-hour technical support and customer service hotline. Contact us today. GFP interface converter Guangdong Global Electronic Technology Co. Ltd 4-5/F, No. 6, Huangzhou Industrial Zone, Chebei Rd., Guangzhou, Guangdong 510660, China Tel: (86-20) 3860 2711/2659 • Fax: (86-20) 3862 8629 • • 110 Telecom Products November 2010 Car black box GPS vehicle tracking system We offer GPS vehicle tracking systems, GPS trackers, car cameras, car black boxes and more. Choose from our collection, or our 50 R&D specialists can develop a new model for you in just 30 days. All raw materials are inspected – at our ISO 9001:2008-certified factory – prior to production, and we also conduct evaluations on semi-finished products and random sampling before shipment. For more details, inquire now. Shenzhen Huabao Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Rm. 3B, Bldg. 6, Nanyou Tian'an Industrial Zone, Dengliang Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518052, China Tel: (86-755) 2645 5800 ext. 819 Fax: (86-755) 2606 6918 1VOHUULZI\YN +LJ )VV[O5V) 4\TIHP :LW[ )VV[O5V4 /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V. - Choose verified suppliers Are you looking to shorten your time-to-market for cases made specifically for Apple’s iPhone 4? We offer you sample lead times of only 10 days. This speed is made possible thanks to the efforts of our 12 designers, each of whom has worked in the industry for over a decade. You can rest assured we'll have models ready for the next generation of devices, as we add 10 new items monthly. Choose from over 20 models that come in a variety of materials, such as silicone and leather. We also provide chargers for RIM’s BlackBerry mobile phones. With a monthly capacity of 300,000 units, we have no trouble filling orders for our 100 clients in discerning markets, including the US and Europe. To source the right cases for your customers, contact us today. 0U[LSSLJ[)YV[OLYZ*V3[K 2/F, Lidexun Building, Hekan Industrial Zone, 41 Wuhe South Rd., Bantian, Buji, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-755) 8471 4757, 2815 5936 Fax: (86-755) 8471 4787, 2815 5915 E-mail: /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5VZ7 All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. . 4NBSUQIPOFIBTJO)7("UPVDIQBOFM 4IFO[IFO"OESPJE$PNNVOJDBUJPO5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UE NBJOMBOE$IJOB .PEFM( .02VOJUT %FMJWFSZEBZT 1SJDF %FTDSJQUJPO4NBSUQIPOF(134&%(&.)[JOUPVDITDSFFO 5'5-$%Y)7("SFTPMVUJPO.1DBNFSB8J'J(TFOTPS#MVFUPPUI"OESPJE 04.)["SN"SNQSPDFTTPS.#/"/%.#4%3".NJDSP4%DBSETMPU VQUP(#VQUPMBOHVBHFTUSBDLCBMMXJUIFOUFSCVUUPOJOUFSOBMBOUFOOBN"I SFDIBSHFBCMFMJUIJVNCBUUFSZYYNNHXJUICBUUFSZXIJUFCMBDL .PCJMFQIPOFTJHOBMBNQMJ¾FSPQFSBUFTPO(4.OFUXPSL 4IFO[IFO4BJ5POH5JBO&MFDUSPOJD5FDIOPMPHZ$P-UE NBJOMBOE$IJOB .PEFM45 .02TFUT %FMJWFSZEBZT 1SJDF /HDWKHUFDVHIRU$SSOH V L3KRQH:6',3 %FTDSJQUJPO.PCJMFQIPOFTJHOBMBNQMJGJFSCPPTUFSSFQFBUFS(4.UP.)[VQMJOL UP.)[EPXOMJOLGSFRVFODZSBOHFE#NVQMJOLE#NEPXOMJOL%# QBTTCBOESJQQMFPIN/*0JNQFEBODFE#OPJTFMFWFMTUSBOTNJTTJPOEFMBZ 7"$UP)[7%$QPXFSTVQQMZYYNN(#&54 7FSJGJFETVQQMJFSTGPSRVBMJUZCVZFST 8FIBWFGPDVTFEPODPOOFDUJOHRVBMJUZ CVZFSTXJUI"TJBµTCFTURVBMJUZTVQQMJFST GPSZFBST8FPGGFSZPVTPVSDJOH JOGPSNBUJPOBDSPTTNVMUJDIBOOFMT1MVT XFHJWFZPVGPVSBEWBOUBHFT $PNQSFIFOTJWF4FBSDI(MPCBM4PVSDFT 0OMJOFEFMJWFSTTFBSDISFTVMUTGSPN PVSWFSJGJFETVQQMJFSTBOEVOWFSJGJFE TVQQMJFST +$B76B+B(B1HZ 4QFDJBMJ[FE$IBOOFMTPVSNVMUJNFEJB DIBOOFMTBSFBMMIJHIMZTQFDJBMJ[FECZ JOEVTUSZ 4VQQMJFS3BOLJOHPVSTVQQMJFSTBSF SBOLFEGSPNPOFUPTJYTUBSTUPIFMQZPV RVJDLMZTIPSUMJTU (MPCBM4PVSDFT0OMJOF 5SBEFTIPXT .BHB[JOFT 3FTFBSDI 4VQQMJFS7FSJ¾DBUJPOPVSTVQQMJFSTBSF QSFTDSFFOFEBOEWFSJGJFECZUSVTUFE UIJSEQBSUJFT 5PGJOEWFSJGJFETVQQMJFSTZPVDBOSFMZPO WJTJUXXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPNUPEBZ &KRRVHIURP RYHUPRGHOV ;LU`LHYZPU[OLPUK\Z[Y`OH]L[H\NO[\ZOV^[VWSLHZLV\YJSPLU[Z>L RUV^[OH[[OL`OH]L[VRLLW\W[VVMMLYHJJLZZVYPLZMVYUL^TVIPSL WOVULZHUKTLKPHWSH`LYZ;OH[Z^O`^LOH]LHUL_[LUZP]LWYVK\J[ YHUNL^P[OTVKLSZ(UKLHJO^LLRV\YKLZPNULYZKL]LSVW UL^P[LTZ6ULVM[OL^VYSKZ[VWTVIPSLWOVULJVTWHUPLZ ZV\YJLZV\YJHZLZ 5LLKTVIPSLWOVULJHZLZPUH]HYPL[`VMTH[LYPHSZ&>LVMMLYNLU\PUL SLH[OLYJHU]HZ7<7=*ULVWYLULHUKTVYL5LLKHU6+4ZHTWSL PUHO\YY`&>LJHUOH]LVULZOPWWLK[V`V\^P[OPUH^LLR5LLKJHZLZ MHZ[&>LJHUOH]LVYKLYZMVY\UP[ZYLHK`MVYKLSP]LY`PUH^LLR VYPUQ\Z[VULTVU[O - Choose verified suppliers :6',3 :6',3 :6',3 $UPEDQGVIRU$SSOH VL3KRQH ,]LUH[[OPZZWLLK^LTHPU[HPUX\HSP[`I`Z[H[PVUPUNPUZWLJ[VYZH[LHJO WYVK\J[PVUZ[HNLHUKLUMVYJPUN:P_:PNTHWYHJ[PJLZ;VZLLV\YSH[LZ[ KLZPNUZ]PZP[V\Y.SVIHS:V\YJLZ6USPULZOV^YVVT[VKH` /VUN2VUN>PZKH,SLJ[YVUPJ0UK\Z[YPHS3[K >PZKH0UK\Z[YPHSAVUL?PHUNSP9K8PUNO\3VUNO\H )HVHU:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN *OPUH ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!^PZKH'^PZKHLJVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT^PZKHJV^^^^PZKHLJVT All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ("Marks") are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. 112 Telecom Products November 2010 /HDWKHUFDVHIRU$SSOH V L3KRQH:6',3 :6',3 :6',3 /HDWKHUKROGHUVIRU$SSOH VL3DGV :6',3 TV phones designed for strict markets 90% of output shipped to Europe and the US TV mobile phones with dual SIM, dual standby features Since 2001, we’ve been developing TV mobile phones for discerning markets. In fact, 90 percent of our output goes to buyers in Europe and the US, so you can be sure that our items are made to high standards. To keep our defect rate under 0.3 percent, we have 40 QC staff members who oversee all steps of our production process. Shenzhen Tinhung Technology Co. Ltd 6/F, Block F, Longlian Industrial Park, Longhua, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518028, China Tel: (86-755) 8839 1869 • Fax: (86-755) 8839 2182 At our factory, we turn out 10,000 mobile phones, 40,000 PMPs and 200,000 USB flash E-mail: drives monthly. Should you need custom items, our 10 R&D engineers will have Website: samples ready for you in 15 days. On top of that, they create up to five new models each month. Our minimum order is only 10 units, and delivery takes just two days. We’re just a phone call away. Contact us now. $GYDQFHG*36QDYLJDWRUV We hold an 80% market share in Taiwan Custom satellite dishes from a 16-year expert 6ZLWFKLQJSRZHUVXSSOLHVIRU9/LLRQ EDWWHULHVZLWKFDSDFLWLHVRIXSWRP$K @V\YLUK\ZLYZ^PSS]HS\L[OLJVU]LUPLUJLV\YSH[LZ[VMMLYPUN¶[OLZ^P[JOPUN WV^LYZ\WWS`ZOV^UOLYL-LH[\YPUNH]VS[HNLWYLJPZPVUVMWLYJLU[[OPZ KL]PJLJHUJOHYNL3PPVUIH[[LY`WHJRZVM\W[V]VS[Z^P[OJHWHJP[PLZHZ OPNOHZT(O7S\ZP[PZ-**THYRLK^P[O,5,5 ,5,5HUK,5HWWYV]HSZ OBU/PNV-06 GPS car navigator • u-blox GPS and Panasonic gyro (optional) • TMC input (optional) +VU»[^HZ[L[PTL^P[OTHU\MHJ[\YLYZ[OH[SHJR[OLJYLKLU[PHSZ `V\»YLOVWPUNMVY>LOVSKHUWLYJLU[ZOHYLVM;HP^HU»Z .7:JHYUH]PNH[VYTHYRL[6\Y9+[LHTTLTILYZHSZVOH]L HUH]LYHNLVM`LHYZVML_WLYPLUJLHUK[OL`»SS\ZL[OLPY L_WLY[PZL[VLX\PW`V\YJ\Z[VTUH]PNH[VYZ^P[OMLH[\YLZZ\JOHZ ;4*Z\WWVY[HUKN`YVZJVWLZ;VZV\YJLMYVT[OLZ\WWSPLY[OH[ TVYLJVTWHUPLZ[Y\Z[JVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` PowerNavi Technology Co., Ltd -5V/\HUHU9K:LJ3VUN[HU;HV`\HU;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'WV^LYUH]PJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTWV^LYUH]PJV^^^WV^LYUH]PJVT[^ TÜV 114 Telecom Products November 2010 ,HJO`LHY^LHSSVJH[LMVY9+(JJVYKPUNS`V\YTLTILY KLZPNU[LHTHKKZV]LYP[LTZ[VV\YJH[HSVNHUU\HSS`(SSVMV\YWYVK\J[Z HYLJ\Z[VTPaHISL[VTLL[[OLULLKZVMI\`LYZPUTVYL[OHUJV\U[YPLZ(UK ^LYLLHNLY[VW\[V\YL_WLYPLUJL[V^VYRVU`V\Y6,46+4WYVQLJ[Z Ku-60cm satellite dish antenna :KDWNLQGRIGLVKDUH\RXORRNLQJIRU":LWK\HDUVLQWKH LQGXVWU\ZHFDQJLYH\RXPRUHFKRLFHVIRU\RXUPDUNHW'LVK VL]HVLQFOXGH.XEDQG DQGFPDQG&EDQG DQGFP'LVKVWUXFWXUHVLQFOXGHJURXQGZDOODQG SROHPRXQWVZLWKVROLGSHUIRUDWHGDQGPHVKGLVKHV'LIIHUHQW FRORUVRIWRSRIWKHOLQHSDLQWDUHDYDLODEOHIRUFRDWLQJV$QGZH RIIHUQRUXVWZDUUDQWLHVODVWLQJÀYHWRWHQ\HDUV,QTXLUHWRGD\ /LILP3PU\V*VTT\UPJH[PVU;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K )HMHUN0UK\Z[Y`(YLH9LUXP\/LILP*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!O\H[HPZ[HY'NTHPSJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTO\H[HPZ[HYJV^^^SPU\V[_JVT ,62 - Choose verified suppliers Digital camera battery 6\YTLTILY^VYRMVYJLHUKLPNO[WYVK\J[PVUSPULZLUZ\YLLMÄJPLU[ WYVJLZZPUNVM`V\YVYKLYZ;OLZLYLZV\YJLZNP]L\ZHTVU[OS`JHWHJP[`VM V]LYTPSSPVU\UP[Z¶V]LYTPSSPVUTVYL[OHU[OLPUK\Z[Y`Z[HUKHYK;VÄUK V\[OV^`V\JHUVI[HPUV\YMLH[\YLKWYVK\J[HZ^LSSHZILULÄ[MYVTV\Y THU\MHJ[\YPUNZ[YLUN[OZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` HCT Electric Co. Ltd 16V/19V 4800mAh universal external battery pack for laptops 4,; 0:6 ! /VUN2VUN )SKN-\O\H0UK\Z[YPHS(YLH5HUIV(]L;HUN^LP-\`VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V; )HV»HU:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!OJ['NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTOJ[JV^^^OJ[IH[[LY`JVT All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. Smart charger for Li-ion/Li-polymer batteries with 2-10 cells 7V^LYV]LY,[OLYUL[ 7YVK\J[ZPU+H`Z >LOH]L`V\Y6,4VYKLYZHSSZL[MVYKLSP]LY`KH`ZHM[LY^LYLJLP]L `V\YVMÄJPHSYLX\LZ[6\Y;HP^HUIHZLKMHJ[VY`THU\MHJ[\YLZ ZL[ZVMVWLUMYHTLWV^LYZ\WWSPLZTVU[OS`[VÄSS`V\YJ\Z[VTVYKLYZ 7V^LYV]LY,[OLYUL[7V,ZWSP[[LYZHUKPUQLJ[VYZZ^P[JOPUNWV^LY Z\WWSPLZHUKTVYLHYLHSZVH]HPSHISL -VY`V\YJVU]LUPLUJL^LVMMLYSVNVWYPU[PUNPUZ[Y\J[PVUWYPU[PUNHUK WHJRHNPUNKLZPNUZLY]PJLZ(UK[VHZZ\YL`V\VM[OLX\HSP[`VMV\YWYVK\J[Z ^LN\HYHU[LL[OLTMVYH`LHY6YKLYZMVYHZML^HZ\UP[ZHYL^LSJVTL ZVLTHPSVYJHSS\Z[VKH` 0,7 +LJKSRZHU 3R(VSOLWWHU 0,7 +LJKSRZHU 3R(LQMHFWRU 06& 3RZHUFKDUJHU 06(36( 3R(KXE 3G phones with an array of value-added features >LOH]LPU[LNYH[LKH^PKL ]HYPL[`VM]HS\LHKKLK MLH[\YLZPU[VV\YTVIPSL WOVULZ:VTLVM[OLZL PUJS\KL[V\JOZJYLLUZX\HK IHUKJVUULJ[P]P[`K\HS:04 HUKZ[HUKI`;=HUKNHTPUN JHWHIPSP[PLZHUKTVYL6\Y 9+ZWLJPHSPZ[Z^P[OHU H]LYHNLVM`LHYZ»L_WLYPLUJL LHJOKL]LSVW\W[VUL^ P[LTZTVU[OS`(UKV\YMHJ[VY` LX\PWWLK^P[O:4;SPULZ MYVT:PLTLUZ[\YUZV\[\W[V *,HUK9V/:THYRLK \UP[ZL]LY`TVU[O/V^L]LY ^LOH]LUVTPUPT\TVYKLY YLX\PYLTLU[0UX\PYLUV^ Quad band mobile phone • Touch-sensitive optic navigation • 3G connectivity • Touch screen • Analog TV • Dual SIM, standby and cameras ;TWRPUN;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K 36(6:3R(VZLWFK 4:;YVUPJ*V3[K -5V.VUNZOHUN9VHK >\N\;V^UZOPW;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!TZL'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT TPUN'TZOPUL[UL[ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTTZLJV ^^^TZLJVT[^ We manufacture nearly $586 million worth of products annually V20 GSM mobile phone • Dual SIM and dual standby • GSM 900/1,800MHz • 1.3MP camera • 2” QVGA LCD • 1,020mAh battery, compatible with Nokia’s BL-5C battery • MP3/MP4/video recorder capabilities >LRUV^[OH[V\Y.:4WOVULZHYL^PKLS`HJJLW[LKPUH ]HYPL[`VMTHYRL[Z;OH[»ZILJH\ZL^LTHU\MHJ[\YLULHYS` TPSSPVU^VY[OVMWYVK\J[ZHUU\HSS`HUKL_WVY[HSHYNL WVY[PVU[VYLNPVUZ^VYSK^PKL6\YTMHJ[VY`HUK ZRPSSLK^VYRLYZJHU[\YUV\[\UP[ZTVU[OS` (UKL]LY`TVU[OV\Y9+Z[HMM¶^OVOVSKKVJ[VYH[L THZ[LYZHUKIHJOLSVYZKLNYLLZ¶KL]LSVWUL^TVKLSZ MVY`V\YZLSLJ[PVU*VU[HJ[V\Y,UNSPZOZWLHRPUNZHSLZ YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ[VKH` 9T)<UP[)SKN)PZO\P3VUN[PUN4PUaOP3VUNO\H )HV»HU:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS-H_! ,THPS!^\FZOPM\'`HOVVJVTJU ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT[TWRPUNJV^^^[TWRPUNJVT Wingtech Telecom Ltd All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. The illustration shown here is a drawing or other representation of the product. It is not an actual photograph of the product. All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. 116 Telecom Products November 2010 1-3/F, Yinfeng Building, 5097 Luosha Rd., Luohu, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China Tel: (86-755) 8825 1228 (ext. 6653) • Fax: (86-755) 2511 4609 E-mail: • - Choose verified suppliers PU leather case for Apple’s iPad • Raised design • Custom sizes available :HGHYHORSXSWR QHZPRGHOVHDFKPRQWK We have been designing, manufacturing and marketing mobile phone and electronics accessories for 10 years. Thanks to our 15-member R&D team, we can offer you up to 60 new items – such as our featured PU leather and silicone cases – each month. We also handle OEM and ODM projects for our international clients, who include over 50 buyers from Europe and the US. In fact, we only need one week to complete custom samples for you. To guarantee a high level of quality, we employ 40 inspectors to oversee the production process. They evaluate every unit on the assembly line and again prior to shipment. We're so confident in our products' quality that we back them up with two-year warranties. Our delivery time is as fast as 15 days. To find out more about the services we provide, contact us today in English or French. -VY[UV_0U[S*V3[K Neoprene case for Apple's iPad TPU cases for Apple's iPads Rms. 2-4, Maozhoushan Industrial Park, Shajing, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518104, China Tel: (86-755) 2727 8080 Fax: (86-755) 2727 8060 E-mail: • • All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. TPU cases for Apple's iPhone 4 7ZRGHFDGHVRIWZRZD\ UDGLRGHVLJQ 2(0VHUYLFHWKDW·VGD\V IDVWHUWKDQWKHQRUP Power bank with adapters for various electronic devices 'RQJJXDQ&LW\.LQJ\RX(OHFWURQLFV&R/WG Send us your OEM specifications for power banks, and we'll complete the final product in just 20 days – 10 days faster than the industry average. This speedy service is made possible because we have 15 R&D engineers and our own molding facility to help expedite the development process. As a result, it's not a surprise that Haier and other clients in North America, Europe, the Middle East and Southeast Asia stick with us. OEM is our specialty, but our catalog can also benefit you. With more than 100 models and five new items added monthly, we have the range to cater to various market demands. You can test our products with a small order of just 50 units. For more information, contact our representatives today. No. 27, Sanjiang Industrial Area, Hengli, Dongguan, Guangdong 523000, China Tel: (86-769) 8379 4001 • Fax: (86-769) 8371 4820 E-mail: Website: In-vehicle radio (NC-150/450A) • PTT ID • DTMF code • 40W/60W power output Zain, MTN and Etisalat source our rechargeable scratch cards Innovative bone conduction headphones, various colors available Innovative headphones that integrate bone conduction technology We often hear complaints about how conventional headsets can cause discomfort after extended periods of use. That's why we're introducing our featured model. To give end-users a more comfortable listening experience, our engineers ergonomically designed this product to lie between users’ temples and cheekbones. Each unit integrates bone conduction technology to convert sound waves into vibrations and sends sounds to the internal ear via the cranial bones, thus minimizing eardrum damage. Inquire now. Shenzhen Voxtech Co. Ltd Hong Kong Electronics Fair Hong Kong Exhibition and Convention Centre Oct. 13-16, 2010 Booth No. CHA13 4/F, East Bldg. 4, Minqi Science and Technology Park, Pingshan, Xili, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518055, China Tel: (86-755) 8393 7200 • Fax: (86-755) 8393 7201 E-mail: • ISO 9001:2008 118 Telecom Products November 2010 /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V; Our rechargeable scratch cards help Zain, MTN, Etisalat and Viettel keep their customers’ information secure. With 10 years of R&D experience, we offer innovative features on our pre-paid scratch cards. Submit your order today, and in seven days get a sample featuring our anti-counterfeiting designs. Pre-paid scratch cards with Confusion patterns, offset printing on both sides anti-photocopying UV varnishes, holographic film-coated surfaces and scratch-off panels – our cards feature them all so that HRNs stay secure. And since all of our cards are made for export, we use printers from Germany, Japan and the US to meet overseas quality expectations. Inquire today. Handheld transceiver with siren, switchable N/W band (NC-5500) 6\Y9+L_WLYPLUJLPUYHKPVJVTT\UPJH[PVUKL]PJLZNVLZ IHJR`LHYZ6]LY[OLWHZ[[^VKLJHKLZ^L]LKL]LSVWLK HYHUNLVMMLH[\YLWHJRLK[^V^H`THYPULHUKPU]LOPJSL YHKPVZHZ^LSSHZIHZLZ[H[PVUZ[YHUZJLP]LYZHUKTVYL¶HSS VUWHY^P[ONSVIHSZ[HUKHYKZ>LJOLJRV\Y[YHUZJLP]LYZ\ZPUN /7 (HUK4HYJVUP )YHKPVJVTT\UPJH[PVU[LZ[PUN KL]PJLZHUK[OLUZLUKPULHJO\UP[MVYI\YUPU[LZ[PUN ,_WLYPLUJLOHZ[H\NO[\Z[V]HS\LV\YJ\Z[VTLYZHUK^L KLTVUZ[YH[LV\YKLKPJH[PVU[OYV\NOV\YZ[YPJ[8*JOLJRZ HUKI`WYV]PKPUNZ\WWVY[MVY]VS\TLVYKLYZ+\L[V[OL YLJLU[HKKP[PVUVM[OYLLTVYL1\RP:4;THJOPULZPUV\Y TMHJ[VY`^LOH]LHTVU[OS`V\[W\[VM\W[V \UP[Z;OPZPZTVYL[OHULUV\NO[VÄSS`V\Y]VS\TLVYKLYZ >L]LHSZVQ\Z[HKKLKLPNO[UL^TVKLSZ[VV\YJH[HSVN NP]PUN`V\HUL]LUSHYNLYZLSLJ[PVU[VJOVVZLMYVT7S\Z^L ^LSJVTL6,46+4VYKLYZ=PZP[\ZH[.SVIHS:V\YJLZ6USPUL VYLTHPS\Z[VKH` Repeater (TR-150/450) • PC programmable • Auto/semi-auto transfer &KLQD1HZ&HQWXU\&RPPXQLFDWLRQ(OHFWURQLFV&R/WG Shijiazhuang Eaglefly Card Co. Ltd Rm. 1602, Chengming Business Building, 26 East Huai'an Rd., Shijiazhuang, Hebei 050021, China Tel: (86-311) 8613 6527 • Fax: (86-311) 8603 5008 E-mail: • ,62 - Choose verified suppliers :OPQP4HUZPVU-LUNZOV\9KAOHVMLUN0UK\Z[YPHSAVUL 8\HUaOV\-\QPHU*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!JLU[\Y`LSLJ'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT MQXaN^'W\IXaMQJU >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTJLU[\Y`LSLJJV ^^^JLU[\Y`JVTTJVT /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V; 1VOHUULZI\YN +LJ )VV[O5V) Handheld transceiver with scrambler and FM radio (NC-9600A) Handheld FM transceiver (NC-6R) $SURIHVVLRQDOWHOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQ HTXLSPHQWPDQXIDFWXUHU We are a leading manufacturer of telecommunication equipment, focusing on the R&D, manufacture, sales, installation and services of mobile communication devices. Base station antenna WLAN antenna Our products include microwave antennas and base station antennas, as well as RF accessories with frequencies from 0.4 to 5.8GHz for CDMA, GSM, DCS, TDSCDMA, CDMA 2000, WCDMA, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, LTE and more. Production takes place at our ISO 9001:2000-certified, ERP-managed facility where we turn out up to 43,000 units monthly. Plus, as a member of the Antenna Interface Standards Group (AISG), we ensure our electric downtilt adjustable antennas are compatible with AISG standards. (DV\WRLQVWDOOSDWFKSDQHOV )HDWXULQJRXUQHZ VZLQJW\SHGHVLJQ Indoor ceiling-mount antenna Filter and combiner Our products and solutions have been deployed in numerous important occasions through collaborations with China Mobile, China Unicom and China Telecom. Accordingly, Sunrise was one of the main antenna providers for the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games. For more information, check out our booth at the 2010 CommunicAsia, Singapore Expo in June, and/or contact us today. Guangzhou Sunrise Communication Equipment Co. Ltd 3 Xiangshan Rd., Science Section, High-tech Industrial Development District, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510663, China Tel: (86-20) 6281 2666 • Mobile: (86) 186 2003 3088 Fax: (86-20) 6281 2699 • E-mail: Website: Directional microwave antenna 120 R&D engineers with 10 years of experience 19” rack-mounted swing-type patch panel with 48 or 96 connectors • Easy-to-install, thanks to our unique slide tray design • Suitable for lock-type adapters • Adapters are protected when tray is closed, making it ideal for outdoor use Easy-to-use GSM phones designed for the elderly Low-end GSM phone, compatible with Nokia charger and battery Customers in your market will appreciate the convenience of our featured 19-inch rack-mounted swing-type patch panels. Unlike our competitors’ models, which slide forward from the main frame, these units slide in and out from the left or right. When the tray is slid inside the main frame, the connectors are hidden and completely protected – making this model ideal for outdoor use. And because the trays slide from the left or right, it is easier to access the individual connectors when installing cables. These patch panels are also easy to install because the tray can be removed and all the cables connected in a secondary location before installing the entire tray of connectors. GSM phone with speaker and analog TV tuner, compatible with Nokia battery and charger We employ 120 R&D engineers, all with at least 10 years of experience, to stay on top of mobile phone trends. This enables us to release over 40 new models each year – that’s nearly twice the industry average. If you require customized items, our team can also have samples based on your specifications ready in only 25 days. To maintain efficiency and quality, we implement CRM, ERP and TQM systems. Buyers in the US and Europe rely on us for mobile phones, and so should you. Contact us today. ISO 9001:2000 ISO 14001:2004 Shenzhen Gaoxinqi Technology Co. Ltd RoHS GSM phones specially designed for the elderly • Large keypads and displays • High volume and clear sound • Emergency call feature • 128 x 64 mono LCD screens • FM radios • Compatible with Nokia batteries We are a specialized manufacturer of easy-to-use GSM phones designed specifically for the elderly and visually impaired. We develop our own line of phones, and can also design models according to our clients’ specific requirements. In fact, we’ve manufactured private label phones for clients in several countries. Every month, we release one to two new designs for our buyers to choose from. And once you’ve made a decision, we can ship 50,000 GSM phones in 30 days. Contact us today. Gaoxinqi Industrial Park, 1 Liuxian Rd., District 67, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518102, China Tel: (86-755) 2961 9999 ext. 1902 • Fax: (86-755) 2796 6723 • • 7(/ZMYLL 7O[OHSH[LMYLL 5/F West, Zhonglian Building, Chegongmaio, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518048, China Tel: (86-755) 8347 4268 • Fax: (86-755) 8347 4228 • • All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. 120 Telecom Products November 2010 Shenzhen Sietek Industrial Co. Ltd /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V3 - Choose verified suppliers 19” rack-mounted angled patch panels with 12 or 24 connectors Our swing-type model features 48 or 96 fiber-optic connections. And no screws are required for the adapters. These models can be supplied with pigtails, cassettes or heat shrink protectors. We export our products to Europe, the Middle East, Africa, Australia and the US. Find out why discerning buyers in these markets partner with us. Contact us today. TTAF Electronics Co. Ltd Istanbul Caddesi Kavakli Koyu, No. 27/1, Buyukcekmece, Istanbul 34520, Turkey Tel: (90-216) 425 5545 • Fax: (90-216) 425 3136 E-mail: Website: • 4\UPJO.LYTHU` 5V] )VV[O5V) 19” rack-mounted standard patch panels with 12 or 24 connectors at 1U height :RUNZLWKDUHFRJQL]HG2%0WHOHFRP DFFHVVRU\VXSSOLHULQPDLQODQG&KLQD 6RXUFHRXUEDWWHULHVZLWKVXSHULRUOLIH F\FOHVDQGHOHFWULFDOFRQGXFWLYLWLHV *OVVZLV\YIH[[LYPLZ^P[OSVUNLYSPMLJ`JSLZHUKZ\WLYPVYLSLJ[YPJHS JVUK\J[P]P[PLZ;VLUZ\YL[OPZRPUKVMX\HSP[`^LTHRLV\YWYVK\J[Z \ZPUN-7*)W\YLUPJRLSJVUULJ[PUN[HIZHUKNVSKWSH[LK JVU[HJ[Z¶NP]PUN[OLTNYLH[LYZ[H`PUNWV^LY>LZV\YJLV\YIH[[LY` JLSSZMYVT1HWHUHUKV[OLYYH^TH[LYPHSZMYVT]LYPÄLKZ\WWSPLYZ PU:V\[O2VYLH;HP^HUHUK1HWHU[VLUZ\YLWYVK\J[YLSPHIPSP[` 5V[HZPUNSLWYVK\J[SLH]LZV\YMHJPSP[PLZ^P[OV\[ILPUNZ\IQLJ[LK[V Z[YPJ[PUZWLJ[PVUZI`V\Y8*[LJOUPJPHUZ;OPZ[LHT\[PSPaLZTVYL[OHU HKLJHKLVML_WLYPLUJL[VY\UW\SS09KYVWKPZJOHYNLHUKZHML[` JPYJ\P[[LZ[Z6\Y9+LUNPULLYZLHJO^P[O`LHYZL_WLYPLUJLOH]L KL]LSVWLKIH[[LY`WHJRZHZ^LSSHZJOHYNLYZMVYIHYJVKLZJHUULYZ HUKKH[HJVSSLJ[PVUTVIPSLJVTW\[LYZ*HSSUV^[VWHY[ULY^P[OH[V[HS ZVS\[PVUZWYV]PKLY 'DWDWHUPLQDOEDWWHU\SDFNV +H[HZ[YPUN7V^LY/2*V3[K ISO 9001:2000 OHSAS 18001:2007 9T -)SVJR)-VJHS0UK\Z[YPHS*LU[YL 4HU3VR:[/\UN/VT2V^SVVU/VUN2VUN ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!KZW'IPaUL[]PNH[VYJVT >LIZP[L!^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTKH[HZ[YPUNJV 0RELOHFRPSXWHU EDWWHU\SDFNV 6 years' experience exporting to the US and the UK Combined GPS and GSM antenna Bluetooth keyboard for Apple’s iPads, Apple’s iPhones and smartphones 0M`V\»YLSVVRPUNMVY[OLSH[LZ[PUHJJLZZVYPLZMVY(WWSLZ P7OVULZHUK)S\L[VV[OZV\YJLMYVT\Z>LOH]LTVYL[OHU ZP_`LHYZVML_WLYPLUJLL_WVY[PUN[V[OL<:[OL<21HWHU HUKV[OLYYLNPVUZ6\YJSVZL[PLZ^P[OJSPLU[ZPU[OLZLHYLHZ TLHU^LJHUWYV]PKL`V\^P[O[OLUL^LZ[Z[`SLZHUK[YLUKZ 0UMHJ[^LPU]LZ[WLYJLU[VMV\Y ZHSLZYL]LU\LPU9+]LU[\YLZ L]LY``LHY(JJVYKPUNS`^L YLSLHZL\W[V[OYLLUL^P[LTZ TVU[OS`-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVU PUX\PYLUV^ Game pad/power bank for Apple's iPhones Shenzhen BluePioneer Electronics Co. Ltd -)SVJR*/\H^HU0UK\Z[YPHSAVUL.\ZO\9K )HVHU(]L)HVHU:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! • -H_! ,THPS!PUMVIW'IS\LWPVULLYJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTIS\LWPVULLYJV ^^^IS\LWPVULLYJVT All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. 122 Telecom Products November 2010 R&D collaboration with Amphenol Working closely with Amphenol and the Wuhan University of Technology, we now offer you an extensive selection of antennas to choose from. In fact, our collection includes GPS, GSM, CDMA, security, Yagi, omnidirectional and TV models with frequency ranges from 2MHz to 8GHz. Red Phase Instruments, a major testing equipment manufacturer in Australia, values our products – and so will you. Our monthly capacity is 350,000 units. For more information, inquire now. 2.4GHz Yagi 2.4GHz wall antenna Shenzhen Hangyu antenna We offer a wide range of batteries compatible with mobile phone models on the market We have strong R&D capabilities Our extensive selection covers mobile phone and laptop batteries, chargers, leather cases, Bluetooth® devices and earphones. With 50 experienced engineers, we release 60 new models monthly and can complete custom models in just 15 days. We are a production powerhouse At our 170,000m2 factory, we have 32 production lines with a monthly capacity of 4.5 million units. All of our items are checked by our 100 inspectors for quality you can rely on. Our minimum order requirement starts at 500 pieces and our delivery time is just 14 days. To find out more about the benefits of working with us, inquire today. Scud Battery Co. Ltd CDMA car antenna Communication Co. Ltd Ailian Zhangbei Industry Zone, Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518172, China Tel: (86-755) 6121 3589 • Fax: (86-755) 2821 6015 • Established in 1997, we have made a name for ourselves as a well-known telecom accessory brand in mainland China. In fact, we are listed on the Hong Kong Stock Exchange and work with industry giants such as Huawei, Sanyo and ZTE. Why partner with us? /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V8 - Choose verified suppliers Scud Industrial Zone, Mawei ETDZ, Fuzhou, Fujian 350015, China ,62 Tel: (86-591) 8730 8850 Fax: (86-591) 8730 7818 ,62 E-mail: • Website: All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V) Designs made to your specs in 15 to 45 days Clear communication for busy offices We have 80 engineers ready to work on your project >P[OV\Y^PYLSLZZJHSSJLU[LY [LSLWOVULOLHKZL[Z Our R&D capabilities get a big boost from Tsinghua University’s Research Institute: a think-tank that includes 10 laboratories and 500 affiliated companies. Every year, we receive more than 40 patents, and our R&D team can prepare designs based on your custom specifications in just 15 to 45 days. Our three factories turn out up to 300,000 watch phones, PDAs and other mobile communications devices monthly. Get full-sized phone functionality from a device that can fit around your wrist. The watch phone shown here boasts one-touch GPS functionality – unlike most products on the market. And we also offer a children’s phone with GPS functionality that will set the minds of concerned parents at ease. We add five new cutting-edge products like these to our selection every month. Inquire today. Children’s phone with GPS functionality Orders ready in 15 days, samples in 5 TPU case for Apple’s iPad • Transparent circle on reverse to display the Apple logo • Cutouts for the screen, keys and jacks • Available in various colors After seven years of manufacturing mobile phone cases, we’ve focused on a few things that our clients value. These are fast service and variety. With a monthly capacity of 150,000 units, we can have orders of up to 5,000 items ready to ship in just 15 days. Select from our range of 300-plus models, or we can have custom samples completed for you in as fast as five days. Our minimum order quantity is just 500 units. We export 100 percent of our products to Europe, the US and Japan. Inquire now. Besstec Electronics Co. Ltd 54 Chenggui Rd., Wuguishan, Zhongshan, /VUN2VUN Guangdong 528458, China 6J[ Tel: (86-760) 8833 1709 • Fax: (86-760) 8833 1706 )VV[O5V, E-mail: • iPad is a trademark of Apple Inc. All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. 124 Telecom Products November 2010 Watch phone with GPS functionality • Dimensions: 57 x 42 x 16mm • Mini USB port • Ideal for elderly or disabled users AWIT Inc. Bldg. 11, Lane 912, Bibo Rd., Pudong, Shanghai 201203, China Tel: (86-21) 5027 8980 ext. 8980 Fax: (86-21) 5027 8981 E-mail: • Sales Center: Rm. 1609B, Innovation and Technology Plaza, Tian’an Cyber Park, Chegongmiao, Futian, Shenzhen 518040, China Contact Person: MS. Julie Li Mobile: (86) 136 3295 0790 5'HQJLQHHUVWRLQWHJUDWHWKH ODWHVWIHDWXUHVRQWKHPDUNHW GPS car navigation system with PDA, phone and camera functions For nearly three decades, we've been helping directmarketing companies and call centers increase their revenue by providing them with well-engineered headsets that reduce their average handling times. With their needs in mind, we've recently designed a 2.4GHz wireless headset, featured here. This convenient model permits users to move around freely and multitask with hours of continuous talk time. Plus it comes with a noise-cancelling microphone, allowing for clearer communication. All of our headsets, amplifiers, phones and callrecording systems are assembled in our mainland China factory. And they are tested by our QC officers trained in South Korea for low-cost, high-quality goods that buyers in 60 countries appreciate. Inquire today. Our latest headset designs GPS tracker with OBD-II port and black box functions For in-car electronics with the latest features on the market, work with us. We have an experienced team of 95 R&D engineers who are flexible and competent to incorporate any of the functions you require. Take for example our featured products. Our GPS tracker features black box functions. Plus, our navigation system boasts PDA, phone and camera capabilities, as well as supports tracking systems. Production takes place at our ISO 9001:2000- and ISO/TS 16949:2002certified factory equipped with SMT lines. And with the help of over 200 employees, we turn out up to 50,000 units monthly. Inquire now. 6KHQ]KHQ&$67(/:LUHOHVV7HOHFRPPXQLFDWLRQV&R/WG 5/F, Bldg. 5, Software Park, 2 Gaoxin 3rd Rd., Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518057, China Tel: (86-755) 8615 6349 • Fax: (86-755) 8616 9366 E-mail: • Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. - Choose verified suppliers 2.4GHz wireless headset Kyung Jin Electron Co. Ltd KJ Global Communications Co. Ltd No. 200-39, Majung-ri, Gongdo-eup, Ansung-si, Kyunggi-do, South Korea Tel: (82-31) 652 6573 • Fax : (82-31) 652 6574 E-mail: • /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V+( Mainland China factory: N-SIA Communication (SZ) Co. Ltd 4/F, Bldg. A, Taisheng Industrial Area, 108 Xingye Rd., Niuhu, Guanlan, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518100, China Tel: (86-755) 2808 8070 • Fax: (86-755) 2808 8071 E-mail: Our investments bring you mobile phones with the latest features ,]LY``LHY^LYLPU]LZ[WLYJLU[¶YV\NOS`TPSSPVU¶VMV\Y YL]LU\LPUV\Y9+KLWHY[TLU[(ZHYLZ\S[^LOH]LLUNPULLYZ ^OVHKKMV\YUL^TVIPSLWOVULTVKLSZ[VV\YHSYLHK`]HZ[ JVSSLJ[PVUL]LY`TVU[O;OLZLJLSS\SHYKL]PJLZIVHZ[[OLSH[LZ[ MLH[\YLZVU[OLTHYRL[PUJS\KPUNJVSVY;-;ZJYLLUZ747Z;= [\ULYZ)S\L[VV[O.>P-PHUKTVYL 7YVK\J[PVU[HRLZWSHJLH[V\Y [^VMHJ[VYPLZ^OLYL^L[\YUV\[ \W[V\UP[ZTVU[OS` (UK[VLUZ\YL[OLX\HSP[``V\»]L JVTL[VL_WLJ[^LOH]L PUZWLJ[VYZ^OVV]LYZLLLHJO WYVK\J[PVUZ[HNL7S\Z^L VMMLYVUL`LHY^HYYHU[PLZ-VY TVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[V\Y YLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ[VKH` AOVUN@P<UP]LYZHS3[K GSM TV mobile phone with 3.5 to 3.8" resistive-touch lens Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG. One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. Designs based on trends in the UK, the Netherlands, the US and France (UK[LZ[V\YWYVK\J[Z\ZPUN HUHYYH`VMHK]HUJLKLX\PWTLU[ At the helm of our 16-member R&D team is a designer with two decades of antenna development experience. Under his guidance, we're able to build a catalog of 100 models, including 3G, WLAN, Wi-Fi, WiMAX, 2.4/3.5/5.8GHz, GSM, CDMA and PCS types. Each month, we launch 10 new products to stay on top of market trends. -.HUNaOVUNS\)\PSKPUN:OLUUHU9K -\[PHU:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS!-H_! TKSPUJVU'JVTa`TV'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTa`TVJV Dual SIM , dual standby GSM phones :HEULQJ\HDUVRI5'H[SHUWLVH WR\RXUDQWHQQDSURMHFWV Waterproof GPS tracker • Portable • Attached magnets • 3-month standby capability Each item is manufactured at our 36,630m2 ISO 9001:2008-certified factory, which is operated by more than 200 skilled workers. And with a monthly capacity of 200,000 RoHS-marked units, we can guarantee you that your order won't be slowed down by a lack of supply. To ensure proper functionality, we check our antennas using an array of advanced equipment, including passive intermodulation analyzers from Summitek and 25 3G/6G vector network analyzers from HP and Agilent. Plus, we test our items using a 50m2 anechoic chamber and three mobile darkrooms. All QC processes take place in our own microwave dark room to ensure we oversee each step of production. Send us your inquiries today. Mini car GPS Portable solar chargers Our big buyers in trendsetting markets – including the UK, the Netherlands, the US and France – provide us with feedback that we then use to create new products. Plus, we have a sole agent in the UK who Universal solar charger has been with us for over five years, and who provides us with the latest market information and design ideas. Custom items can be completed within 24 days. Or, choose from our collection of 20 solar chargers, which we update with two new items monthly. Inquire now. :OLUaOLU9PZPUN:\U,HZ[LYU0UK\Z[Y`*V3[K 4/F, Bldg. 5, Zhonghe Zone, Shahe St., Baishizhou, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518053, China Tel: (86-755) 2690 2205 ext. 809, 2690 3824 Fax: (86-755) 2690 3022 E-mail: • One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. 126 Telecom Products November 2010 /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V5 We’ve supplied GPS devices for the Bahrain F1 and other international events Our GPS devices have been used at well-known international events, including the Bahrain F1 races. We were also one of only three official providers of GPS trackers for the 2010 World Expo in Shanghai, where our devices were used to track service vehicles. Why do these clients praise our products? Because in addition to these items, our R&D team develops GPS software and can provide extensive customization support. We also source components from BenQ and from suppliers in Switzerland. And we conduct 24-hour aging tests on 100 percent of our units. OEM/ODM orders are welcome. Contact us today. SHD Communication Equipment Co. Ltd Nanbian Industrial Zone, Leping, Sanshui, Foshan, Guangdong 528100, China Tel: (86-757) 8731 4898 • Fax: (86-757) 8731 2518 E-mail: • MSN: • /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V8 5.8GHz solid dish parabolic antenna with dual polarization :OLUaOLU+YHNVU)YPKNL;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K 6/F, Taike Building, Taike Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China Tel: (86-755) 8358 4567 • Fax: (86-755) 2393 9488 E-mail: • • - Choose verified suppliers 3G Yagi antenna with power access Broadband log-periodic antenna Broadband enclosure antenna @V\YPKLHS6+4WHY[ULY MVYTVIPSLWOVULZ ;^V9+JLU[LYZH[`V\YILJRHUKJHSS )S\L[VV[OOHUKZMYLLRP[ZMLH[\YPUN [L_[[VZWLLJOJHWHIPSP[PLZ What makes us at TCT an ideal ODM partner for you? We have our own R&D centers in Taiwan and mainland China dedicated to the design of both smartphones and feature phones. Our 160 engineers release up to three new items each month. And to cater to your different needs, we offer flexible services including SKD options. New designs in only 15 days Our facilities are ISO 9001:2000- and 14001:2004-certified and boast advanced production equipment, including six SMT lines from Panasonic and one SMT line from Siemens. Our products have proven popular in overseas markets in Europe, the US, Taiwan and other regions thanks to their high quality and competitive prices. To find out more about our ODM services, contact us today. Top Crown Technology Ltd Rm. 1213, D Block, 88 Yannan Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031, China Tel: (86-755) 8366 8611 • Fax: (86-755) 8366 8211 E-mail: Dual SIM/standby phone with analog TV Quad-band dual SIM/standby phone, with analog TV (QJOLVKVSHDNLQJHQJLQHHUV WRUHQGHU\RXU2(02'0SURMHFWV Having worked with Nokia, Motorola, BYD, Foxconn and Disney on various custom projects, we have both the experience and capabilities you seek in an OEM supplier. In fact, we have 80 English-speaking R&D members, 20 of whom have more than 10 years’ experience, on hand to tackle any of your projects. Our latest products are the models pictured here – all of which are RoHS-, FDA-, LFGB- and EN 71-approved. Inquire now. Silicone cases for Apple’s iPhone 4 Leather case for Apple’s iPad Shenzhen Jewelives Technology Co. Ltd Rui’an Industrial Park, 18 Fuxin St., Pingdi, Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518117, China Tel: (86-755) 8146 3846, 3329 1985 Fax: (86-755) 3329 1185 E-mail: iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc. 128 Telecom Products November 2010 One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. %OXHWRRWKKDQGVIUHHFDUNLWZLWK +,'86%GRQJOH%7. 3G routers, modems and terminals that boast CE-marked components :V\YJLMYVT\ZMVYHSSVM`V\ .WYVK\J[ULLKZ6\YSPUL\W PUJS\KLZ.YV\[LYZTVKLTZ +;<Z[LYTPUHSZHUKTVYL (UKMVY`V\YWLHJLVMTPUK HSSVMV\YP[LTZIVHZ[ *,THYRLKJVTWVULU[Z[OH[ HYLKV\ISLJOLJRLKI`V\Y 8*[LJOUPJPHUZMVYX\HSP[` `V\JHUYLS`VU (JJVYKPUNS`^LIHJR LHJOP[LT^P[OHVUL `LHY^HYYHU[`-VYTVYL PUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[ V\YYLWYLZLU[H[P]LZ [VKH`¶[OL`YLH]HPSHISL HYV\UK[OLJSVJR 3G router • EVDO, HSPA and TD-SCDMA network support • Supports IPSec, PPTP, and L2TP protocols • 802.11n support • M2M functionality Shenzhen Forwell Wireless Ltd 9T(*OHN\HUN0UK\Z[YPHS7HYR5HUZOHU:OLUaOLU .\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! MVY^LSS^PYLSLZZ'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT `LS\UIPHV'MVY^LSS^PYLSLZZJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTMVY^LSS^PYLSLZZJV ^^^MVY^LSS^PYLSLZZJVT - Choose verified suppliers %OXHWRRWKKHDGVHWV%7.%7.%7. &DQFRQQHFWWRWZR%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHVDWWKHVDPHWLPH %OXHWRRWKYHUVLRQ('5&ODVV With text-to-speech capabilities, our featured handsfree kit, with up to six hours of continuous talk time per charge, will surely draw attention in your market. It can display phone numbers and more. And that's not all that we have to offer. If time is money, we'll keep your sales margins high by delivering brand-new ODM handsfree kit samples in only 15 days – that's half the time it takes our competitors to create one. We currently have more than 60 varieties, featuring full noise- and echo-cancellation, as well as other value-added functions. Our new models incorporate dual microphones and multipoint profiles for connecting to two devices at the same time. Between the Bluetooth components we source from CSR, and six-stage QC of every item, we've found the way to ensure your products arrive fully functional. In fact, our qualification rate consistently remains above 99 percent. Take a look for yourself. Visit our Global Sources Online showroom and ask for a sample today. +683$86%PRGHPHPEHGGHG 7ÁDVKPHPRU\RIXSWR*% +DQGVIUHHLQKHDGVHW DQGVSHDNHU%7. )8) 9V/: Kiss Communications Technology Co. Ltd Rm. 13A20, New Asia International Digital Center, 55 Xidi 2nd Rd., Liwan, Guangzhou, Guangdong 513000, China Tel/Fax: (86-20) 2803 9077/9070 Factory: Gushu, Xixiang, Bao'an, /VUN2VUN Shenzhen, Guangdong, China 6J[ Tel: (86-755) 2749 0733 )VV[O5V8 Fax: (86-755) 2747 0811 E-mail: • All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. ;HP^HUIHZLKKLZPNULYHUK THU\MHJ[\YLYVMZ[`S\ZLZ Capacitive styluses • Compatible with most touch panel devices • Patented in Taiwan, mainland China, Japan and the US • Lightweight All products individually tested in-house 6\Y;HP^HUIHZLKMHJ[VY`WYVK\JLZH]HYPL[`VMZ[`S\ZLZMVY OHUKOLSKKL]PJLZHUKPUK\Z[YPHSHWWSPJH[PVUZ6\YSPUL\WPUJS\KLZ Z\YMHJLHJV\Z[PJ^H]LJHWHJP[P]LHUKYLZPZ[P]LZ[`S\ZLZHZ^LSSHZ TL[HS[`WLZMVY09[V\JOTVUP[VYZ6\YJHWHJP[P]LTVKLSZHSSV^\ZLYZ [V^LHYNSV]LZ^OPSL\ZPUNJHWHJP[P]L[V\JOZJYLLUZ^OPJOUVYTHSS` VUS`M\UJ[PVU^P[OKPYLJ[[V\JO;OPZTHRLZV\YWYVK\J[ZPKLHSMVY (WWSL»ZP7OVULP7HKHUKP7VK;V\JOKL]PJLZ ;VLUZ\YLX\HSP[`HSSVMV\YWYVK\J[ZHYLPUKP]PK\HSS`[LZ[LKPUOV\ZL >LJHUKLSP]LY`V\YVYKLYZ^P[OPU[^V^LLRZ:LUK\ZHULTHPS [VKH`^P[O`V\YJ\Z[VTPaH[PVUYLX\PYLTLU[Z ,QKRXVHSURGXFWLRQIRUKLJKTXDOLW\ SURGXFWVDQGFRPSHWLWLYHSULFHV Most of our competitors outsource mobile phone components, as they lack sufficient equipment to produce their own. But in our factories, we have the machinery to manufacture mobile phone accessories, such as cameras, chargers and even LCD screens. This allows us to carefully control the quality and costs of our dual SIM phones. Every month, we produce up to 200,000 units and release five new items. Our minimum order requirement is 1,000 units. Inquire now. Dual SIM mobile phones with MP3 player functions 6KHQ]KHQ3RQVXQZD\ &RPPXQLFDWLRQ3URGXFWV&R/WG Rm. 4803, SEG Plaza, North Huaqiang Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518033, China Tel: (86-755) 8346 3392 • Fax: (86-755) 8346 3395 • • One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. Songtak Technology Co. Ltd -5V1PUNN\V9K;HV`\HU;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!PUMV'ZVUN[HRJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTZVUN[HRJV^^^ZVUN[HRJVT[^ L3KRQHL3DGDQGL3RG7RXFKDUHWUDGHPDUNVRI$SSOH,QF 5R+6 OEM/ODM supplier of cartoon mobile phones Cartoon GSM phones • Speed dial settings • Animal sounds • Rear cameras We are adept at developing mobile phones with cartoon characters. In fact, just this year, we've obtained 14 design patents from the State Intellectual Property Office in mainland China. With such R&D skills, we can render your OEM/ODM specifications to the last detail. Volume production takes place at our ISO 9001:2008- and ISO 14001:2004-certified factory, housing an SMT workshop and a suite of imported equipment. We would like to work with branded cartoon creators around the world. Contact us today. Cartoon Technology (HK) Co. Ltd Rm. 5505, 55/F, Central Plaza, 18 Harbour Rd., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 6858 8170 • Fax: (852) 2802 1777 0:6 ! 0:6! E-mail: • China office: Rm. 3307A, Block A, Electronics Science & Technology Building, 2070 Shennan Central Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-755) 8281 5010, 8377 1010 • Fax: (86-755) 8281 5090 Mobile: (86) 150 1924 8501 (Fiona Liu) • (86) 159 1400 5285 (Bonnie Lai) All trademarks are shown for reference purposes only. We are not authorized to sell any items bearing such trademarks. External battery for Apple’s iPhone 4 8SWRQHZPRGHOVWR FKRRVHIURPPRQWKO\ A return rate of less than 0.1 percent For high-quality products such as the items featured here, which are made with materials from Hong Kong, work with us. We place five QC specialists on every production line to run multiple inspections utilizing sophisticated testing equipment from the US. As a result, we’ve been able to maintain a return rate that is below 0.1 percent. Offer your customers an up-to-date lineup – our R&D engineers add up to five new items to our collection monthly. Meanwhile, custom orders are welcomed, and samples can be completed in just one month. And if you need your orders fast, we can have as many as 3,000 units ready for shipment in one week. For hassle-free distribution, all of our items come with CE, RoHS, FCC and UL marks. Should you find any problems in your shipment, we have you covered. We provide a year of free product maintenance services. For more information, contact our English-speaking representatives today. 7HFKQRORJ\&R/WG Shenzhen office: Suite 3006, Kangle Buiding, Huaqiang North Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel/Fax: (86-755) 8279 7862 Shenzhen factory: 3/F, Unit 1, Diamond Garden, Bulan Rd., Shanglilang, Buji, Longgang, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-755) 8957 1886 • Fax: (86-755) 8957 1639 Guangzhou office: Suite 1801, 18/F, New Asia Intl Electronics & Digital City, Xidi 2nd Rd., Liwan, Guangzhou, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-20) 2803 9384 • Fax: (86-20) 2803 9484 E-mail: • One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. 130 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers In-car mount with FM transmitter for Apple's iPhone 4 In-car charger for Apple’s iPad /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V+ Handsfree FM Transmitter for Apple’s iPad, various colors available :HKDYHGHVLJQHUVWRFUHDWHQHZ PRGHOVDQGUHQGHU\RXUFXVWRPL]DWLRQV `LHYZVMTHU\MHJ[\YPUNL_WLY[PZL Having been in the satellite dish industry for 10 years, we have provided services for more than 60 DTH projects in 80 countries worldwide. Our capabilities include: • A monthly capacity of 300,000 antennas • Offering flyaway VSATs from 0.8 to 1.5m • Providing C/Ku band TX/RX earth stations from 1.8 to 16m Custom orders are welcomed, as we have 20 engineers who have more than eight years of experience each. For more information, inquire now. Satellite dish antenna 'LVKVWRQH Units 3013-3014, Zhongshang Building, Luohu, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518021, China Tel: (86-755) 2541 5659 • Fax: (86-755) 2541 5660 E-mail: • • Factory: Jinlong Industrial Park, Sanzhong, Qingxi, Dongguan, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-769) 8299 5738 0:6 ! Earth station 1.2A USB car charger that’s small and lightweight <USPRLV[OLY(JOHYNLYZ[OH[ HYLJO\UR`HUKOLH]`V\Y]LYZH[PSL ;PU`<JHYJOHYNLYTLHZ\YLZQ\Z[ __TTHUK^LPNOZVUS` N0[JHUJOHYNL(WWSL»ZP7VK P7OVULVYHU`V[OLY<:)KL]PJLZ -VYHKKLKJVU]LUPLUJL[OL`JVTL ^P[OKL[HJOHISLZWSP[[LYZ[OH[HSSV^ ZPT\S[HULV\ZJOHYNPUNVM[^V KL]PJLZHUKHZWLJPHSHKHW[LYMVY JOHYNPUN(WWSL»ZP7HK For optimal quality control, our factory in Taiwan features fully integrated processes, including design, R&D, molding and assembly. We utilize a 2-D anechoic chamber and 6GHz network analyzers to thoroughly evaluate each item. We also have ample space to process large custom orders. We can create samples in just one week, and ship final products in 20 days. To learn more, contact us today. *36DQWHQQDV *DLQG%L &RQQHFWRU60$ *36ZLWKH[WHUQDOFRQQHFWRU *26ZLWKLQYLVLEOHLQWHUQDO FRQQHFWRUZDWHUSURRI $LU:DYH&R/WG @P:OLUN-HTPS`;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K L3RGL3DGDQGL3KRQHDUHWUDGHPDUNVRI$SSOH,QF 132 Telecom Products November 2010 Booth No. A15 -RXIKVEXIHERXIRRE TVSHYGXMSRWMRGI 9PNVYV\ZWYVK\J[[LZ[PUNHUK 8*OH]LNHPULK\ZPU[LYUH[PVUHS HWWYV]HSZMVYX\HSP[`HUKZHML[` >L^LSJVTL6,46+4HUK ZTHSSX\HU[P[`VYKLYZ*VU[HJ[\Z [VKH`[VYLJLP]LHZHTWSL^P[OPU H^LLR 9T-5V)LPZPU9K:LJ:PUKPHU*P[` ( ;HPWLP*V\U[`;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!PUMV'`PZOLUNJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT`PZOLUNJV^^^`PZOLUNJVT[^ Booth No. E27 <*<*& +LJKJDLQRPQL GLUHFWLRQDO DQWHQQDV No. 17, Lane 120, Chang-An Rd., Sec. 2, Lu-Chu, Taoyuan, Taiwan Tel: (886-3) 321 7393 Fax: (886-3) 321 7396 E-mail: - Choose verified suppliers ('XDO6,0GXDO VWDQGE\PRELOHSKRQH :49*$WRXFKVFUHHQ :L)LVXSSRUW 03FDPHUD *VHQVRUIRUPRWLRQJDPHV 07'XDOVOLGHPRELOHSKRQH 49*$KLJKGHÀQLWLRQVFUHHQ 03FDPHUD 0303SOD\HU ,Z[HISPZOLKPU^LHYLHZ\IZPKPHY`JVTWHU`VM>HUSPKH .YV\W*V3[KZWLJPHSPaPUNPU[OLKLZPNUHUKWYVK\J[PVUVM.:4 TVIPSLWOVULZ >LOH]LKLZPNULYZ[VYLUKLYJ\Z[VTPaH[PVUZHUKJYLH[LUL^ TVKLSZ[VHKK[VV\YSPUL\W6\YMHJ[VY`PZZ[HMMLKI`V]LY LTWSV`LLZHUKLX\PWWLK^P[OV]LYTPSSPVU^VY[OVMHK]HUJLK LX\PWTLU[PUJS\KPUNOPNOZWLLKH\[VTH[LK:4;WYVK\J[PVUSPULZ HUKK\Z[MYLLWYVK\J[PVUMHJPSP[PLZ/LYL^LJHUWYVK\JL\W[V TPSSPVU\UP[ZL]LY``LHY -VYX\HSP[`HZZ\YHUJL^LVWLYH[LHJJVYKPUN[VHU0:6 !HUK 0:6!JLY[PÄLKTHUHNLTLU[Z`Z[LT7S\ZV\YWYVK\J[Z \UKLYNVKVaLUZVMPUZWLJ[PVUZWYPVY[VZOPWTLU[PUJS\KPUN?YH` 078OWUDVOLPPRELOHSKRQH [LZ[Z[VLUZ\YLK\YHIPSP[`-VYTVYLPUMVYTH[PVUPUX\PYL[VKH` µ49*$KLJKUHVROXWLRQVFUHHQ 6\QFKURQL]DWLRQZLWKD7ÁDVKFDUG 6KHQ]KHQ0DODWD0RELOH 0303SOD\HU &RPPXQLFDWLRQ&R/WG ->LZ[/PNO;LJO7SHaH7OHZL00;PHUHU*`ILY7HYR *OLNVUNTPHV-\[PHU:OLUaOLU.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! ,THPS! V]LYZLHZ'THSH[HTVIPSLJVT >LIZP[L! ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTZaTHSH[HJV ^^^THSH[HTVIPSLJVTLU All items shown here with various trademarks, brand names and logos ('Marks') are for reference purposes only, and are not for sale. The Marks are the property of the respective owners, and we are not authorized to manufacture or sell any items bearing such Marks to any third party. 2XUIDFWRU\ 07'XDO6,0GXDO VWDQGE\PRELOHSKRQH )0DQG%OXHWRRWK $'3FDSDELOLWLHV 0303SOD\HU (NYV^[OYH[LMVY JVUZLJ\[P]L`LHYZ Due to our close relationships with clients worldwide, we’ve accomplished a milestone – annual growth rates of 50 percent – for three consecutive years. And better yet, in 2009, our growth rate for overseas sales increased an impressive 200 percent. What this means for prospective clients is access to state-of-the-art mobile phones and services. Every month, we utilize our motherboard design company – Eelink Communication Technology Co. Ltd – to update our collection with five new models. Meanwhile, we also have R&D engineers who can complete customized samples for you in as fast as 30 days. Production takes place at our ISO 9001:2000-, ISO 14001:2004- and OHSAS 18001:2000-certified factory. There, we turn out up to 250,000 units monthly. Inquire today. Dual SIM mobile phone • Opera web browser • 3”WQVGA LCD screen • Supports EDGE network • Supports Java applications • 3.2MP camera $Q2(0VXSSOLHUWR7DUJHWIRURYHU\HDUV 4VYL[OHUZ[`SLZMVY`V\[VJOVVZLMYVT Our quality-focused approach has earned us the trust of major brands and companies. Take for example our relationship with Target in the US. We have been their OEM supplier for the past three years, and continue to provide them with high-quality cases. In fact, our products have passed inspections by the Consumer Product Safety Commission in the US. We have experienced R&D engineers who have created more than 800 styles of mobile phone, PDA, cosmetic and netbook cases and more. And utilizing our in-house molding facility, as well as Juki and Mitsubishi sewing machines from Japan, they can create a sample for you in as fast as three days. Over 34 buyers in the Americas are already sourcing our cases on a regular basis, and have given positive feedback. We can deliver your orders within 25 days, and urgent orders within five. For more information regarding our products and services, and to place an order, contact us today. Leather case for RIM's BlackBerry phones Shenzhen VCALL Communications and Technology Co. Ltd Zhangkeng 2nd Industrial Park, Minzhi Rd., Bao’an, Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-755) 8175 2169 • Fax: (86-755) 8175 2120 E-mail: • • All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. Illustrations shown here are drawings or other representations of products. They are not actual photographs of the products. Source Bluetooth headsets that boast our in-house design Mini Bluetooth stereo headset with out-of-range alert • OLED display shows caller information, radio station names and frequency • Buzzer and flashing LED incoming call alert • Built-in RDS FM radio with up to 8 programmable channels • Supports A2DP and AVRCP profiles • 46 x 20 x 26mm, 18g We are the sole agent of BT-Links and specialize in manufacturing competitively priced Bluetooth® devices. All of our quality headsets are developed by our team of R&D engineers and boast special in-house designs. To facilitate distribution, every one of our products comes with CE and FCC marks. They are also BQB-certified for guaranteed performance and compatibility with most mobile phones around the world. For more details, contact us now. Medequip Ltd (Sole agent of BT-Links Co. Ltd) Rm. 906, 9/F, Nan Fung Centre, 264 Castle Peak Rd., Tsuen Wan, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2415 8789 • Fax: (852) 2415 7990 E-mail: • Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG. 134 Telecom Products November 2010 3PKLY3LH[OLY7YVK\J[Z-[` Dual SIM mobile phone Dual SIM mobile phone • 2” LCD screen • Bluetooth® connectivity • FM radio • 2,000mAh battery Low-end dual SIM mobile phone with QWERTY keypad 2YHUPRGHOVWRFKRRVHIURP :KDWPRUHFDQ\RXDVNIRUWKDQD UDQJHRIRYHUWZRZD\UDGLR DFFHVVRULHV"7KLVVHOHFWLRQLQFOXGHV PLFURSKRQHV%OXHWRRWKGHYLFHV HDUSKRQHVEDWWHULHVDQGOHDWKHU FDVHV,I\RXQHHGFXVWRPL]HG PRGHOVRXU5'HQJLQHHUV ZKRKDYHEHHQLQWKHLQGXVWU\IRU ÀYH\HDUVZLOOFRPSOHWHWKHHQWLUH SURFHVVLQGD\V$QHWZRUNRI PDWHULDOVVXSSOLHUVHQDEOHVXV WRFRQWLQXDOO\UHÀOORXUVWRFNRI FDEOHVDQGWXEHVHQVXULQJWKDW ZHFDQSURFHVV\RXURUGHUV TXLFNO\-RLQEX\HUVZRUOGZLGH LQEHQHÀWLQJIURPRXUUHVRXUFHV E\FRQWDFWLQJXVQRZ Two-way radio earphones PU comestic case Leather case for Apple's iPads 5 Jiangcheng Rd., Jianggao, Baiyun, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510450, China Tel: (86-20) 6264 6292 • Fax: (86-20) 6264 6293 • • • All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. <RXU2(0DQG2'0 PRELOHSKRQHSDUWQHU 0UOV\ZLZVM[^HYLZVS\[PVUZVMMLYLK In search of a mobile phone manufacturer who can meet your OEM and ODM requirements? If so, partner with us. • Our VITA mobile phones have been well-received in mainland China for five years • We offer professional software and PCBA solutions, as we are licensed by MStar and MTK • We conduct a comprehensive QC regimen from software design to finished products • With a 10,000m2 factory, as well as six SMT and 10 EMS production lines, we make up to 5 million units annually • We have experience working with renowned clients, including Motorola and Alcatel For more information regarding our products and services, contact our representatives today. ,62 ,62 2+6$6 Hong Tai Fu Technology (Shenzhen) Ltd Formerly known as: Shenzhen Radio Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Rm. 630, SEG Kangle Building, Huaqiang North Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong, China Tel: (86-755) 8279 7258 • Fax: (86-755) 8279 6908 E-mail: /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V9 Bluetooth and the Bluetooth logo are registered trademarks of the Bluetooth SIG. - Choose verified suppliers /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V< 20081006590.3 GSM phone with mini QWERTY keypad (V96) • Dual SIM, dual standby • Supports electronic flashlight Vita Technology Ltd Rm. 8F, Block B, Hongsong Building, Chegongmiao, Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518040, China Tel: (86-755) 2533 4477 • Fax: (86-755) 8347 6485 • One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. More new products - Our 10,000m2 factory, occupied by 1,500 skilled workers November 2010 Telecom Products 135 800-plus maintenance tools and equipment for mobile phones Dependable USB 3.0 connectors for electronics PLOOLRQSLHFHVPRQWKO\ >HS[H,SLJ[YVUPJOHZZ\JJLZZM\SS`PTWSLTLU[LK[OLKL]LSVWTLU[VM]HYPV\Z JVUULJ[VYZ>P[OHUH]LYHNLVM`LHYZ»6+4L_WLYPLUJLV\Y9+[LHT TLTILYZJYLH[LUL^JVUULJ[VYZHUU\HSS`MVYJLSSWOVULZHUKV[OLY LSLJ[YVUPJZ(UK^L^LSJVTL`V\Y6+4HUK6,4WYVQLJ[Z[VV 3-in-1 hot air rework station (BK-603D) 0M`V\»YLSVVRPUNMVYTHPU[LUHUJL[VVSZHUKLX\PWTLU[THKLWHY[PJ\SHYS` MVYTVIPSLWOVULZ[OLU^VYR^P[O\Z>P[OTVYL[OHUP[LTZMVY `V\YZLSLJ[PVU^L\S[PTH[LS`VMMLY`V\HVULZ[VWZVS\[PVUMVYZ\JO NVVKZ>LHSZVOH]LÄ]L9+LUNPULLYZLHJO^P[OLPNO[`LHYZ» L_WLYPLUJL^OVKL]LSVWÄ]LUL^WYVK\J[ZTVU[OS` 2XUPDLQSURGXFWV &HOOSKRQH,2FRQQHFWRUV+'0,FRQQHFWRUV3'$,2FRQQHFWRUV &XVWRPL]HGFRQQHFWRUV0HPRU\FDUGFRQQHFWRUV03SOD\HUFRQQHFWRUV Micro SIM cutter (BK-7286) ;VWYV]PKL`V\^P[O[OLX\HSP[``V\YTHYRL[L_WLJ[Z^LZV\YJLYH^ TH[LYPHSZMYVT;HP^HU.LYTHU`HUK1HWHU;^VOV\YHNPUN[LZ[ZHYL HSZVL_LJ\[LKMVYM\Y[OLYHZZ\YHUJL7YVK\J[PVUPZJHYYPLKV\[H[V\Y [^VMHJ[VYPLZ^P[OHJVTIPULKTVU[OS`JHWHJP[`VM\UP[Z-VY TVYLPUMVYTH[PVUJVU[HJ[V\YZHSLZ[LHT[VKH` Cut your SIM card to fit Apple's iPad devices without damaging your SIM Mobile phone screwdriver (BK-362 series) /HURLY0U[LYUH[PVUHS,SLJ[YVUPJZ;LJOUVSVN`*V3[K FunTrek 130/130PRO • 3” high-resolution touch screen • 3-D electronic compass, high-precision barometer, alarm, stopwatch, trip computer and more • IR sensor (130 PRO only) • Supports ANT+2.4GHz wireless protocol (130PRO only) - Heart rate monitor - Cadence and speed sensor Having been in the GPS industry for over 16 years, we know what it takes to make devices that are reliable and durable. Companies like AsusTek, Lenovo and Motorola have entrusted our Taiwan-based R&D team with their OEM/ODM requirements. We offer a full range of devices — from PNDs and trackers to data loggers/receivers and modules. We can even design a custom item for you within a reasonable time. Source from an industry leader by contacting us today. GPSport 260/260PRO, outdoor GPS Mobile phone tweezers (BK-T7 series) ²1SPEVDU"MFSU CSJOHTOFX QSPEVDUTBOE TVQQMJFSTUPNF³ +FGG.JMMFS 7JDF1SFTJEFOU 4UBS4UPSFT*OD 00,VHULHV FRQQHFWRUV Walta Electronic Co. Ltd 0LFUR86%FRQQHFWRUV ZLWKSLQV -5V2LLS\UN9K:LJ;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!ZHSLZ'^HS[HJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT^HS[HJV^^^^HS[HJVT[^ ,62,62 RoHS COMPLIANT ;LSLWOVULZHUKKVVYWOVULZ ^P[O]PKLVMVYO`IYPK077)? <ZPUNV\YMLH[\YLK4=*+/<]PKLVKVVYWOVULHUK<:2;=/-]PKLV [LSLWOVUL\ZLYZHYLWYV]PKLKZOHYWVUL^H`]PKLVPTHNLZ[OH[KLSP]LY NH[LZLJ\YP[`ZVS\[PVUZ;OPZ[LJOUVSVN`TLHUZ[OH[\ZLYZULLKVUS`VUL Z`Z[LT[VM\SÄSSIV[O7)?HUKNH[LZLJ\YP[`YLX\PYLTLU[Z@V\YJ\Z[VTLYZ HYLZ\YL[VHWWYLJPH[L[OPZZ[YLHTSPULKWYVJLZZ >P[OV]LY[^VKLJHKLZVML_WLYPLUJL^LVMMLY*,HUK-**HWWYV]LK [LSLWOVULZ`Z[LTZ[OH[JVTWS`^P[O[OL9V/:HUK>,,,+PYLJ[P]LZ -VYKL[HPSLKWYVK\J[ZZWLJPÄJH[PVUZVYZHTWSLZJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` *OPOMJOFQSJOUBOEBUUSBEFTIPXT(MPCBM4PVSDFT CSJOHTZPVOFXQSPEVDUTBOEWFSJGJFETVQQMJFST GSPN(SFBUFS$IJOB MVC-DHU and USK-24TVHF Telephone and door phone with video capabilities <UPWOVUL;LSLJVTT\UPJH[PVU*V3[K 5V*O\2\UNYK3HUL*O\/V\;Z\UN 1LU>\/ZPHUN2HVOZP\UN/ZPLU;HP^HU ;LS!-H_! ,THPS!PUMV'\UPWOVULJVT[^ ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT\UPWOVULJV^^^\UPWOVULJVT[^ ,62 %60, 136 Telecom Products November 2010 +'0,VRFNHWV ZLWKSLQV +'0,WKH+'0,ORJRDQG+LJK'HILQLWLRQ0XOWLPHGLD,QWHUIDFHDUH WUDGHPDUNVRUUHJLVWHUHGWUDGHPDUNVRI+'0,/LFHQVLQJ//& iPad and iPhone are trademarks of Apple Inc. No. 1-1 Innovation Rd. 1, Science-Based Industrial Park, Hsinchu 30076, Taiwan GPSmile 63A, Tel: (886-3) 668 7000 Fax: (886-3) 668 7111 6” slim car navigator E-mail: • 5R+6 2QHRUPRUHRIWKHLOOXVWUDWLRQVVKRZQKHUHLVDGUDZLQJRURWKHUUHSUHVHQWDWLRQRIDSURGXFWDQGQRWDQDFWXDOSKRWRJUDSKRIWKHSURGXFW +'0,SOXJ ZLWKSLQV ,THPS!OHURLY'OV[THPSJVT ^^^IHR\OR ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTIHR\[VVSZJV 7JTJUXXXHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPNUPEBZ ,SPY\8IGLRSPSK]-RG 86%PDOHDQG IHPDOHFRQQHFWRUVIRU VXSHUVSHHGVWRUDJH WUDQVPLVVLRQ :$/7$ <UP[(5L^4H[LYPHSZ:JPLUJLHUK;LJOUVSVN`7HYR)\PSKPUN;HV^HU 0UK\Z[YPHS(YLH*OHQPHV9K3P^HU.\HUNaOV\.\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! -H_! L_[ 3ZIV]IEVWSJ+47WSPYXMSRW ([0:6HUK0:6 !JLY[PÄLKMHJPSP[PLZPU;HP^HUHUK THPUSHUK*OPUHV\YWYVK\J[PVUSPULZ[\YUV\[TPSSPVU\UP[Z TVU[OS`[VTLL[]VS\TLVYKLYZ,THPS\Z[VKH` ISDK-26 series PBX, PSTN/ISDN/IP support +$B*67-BDBB( - Choose verified suppliers More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 137 Advertiser Index by Product 0WFSRVBMJGJFECVZFST BSFXBJUJOHGPSZPV Global Sources’ unique Supplier Ranking system combines best-of-breed, third-party supplier verification with comprehensive business information, allowing you to narrow down the huge number of suppliers quickly and efficiently. The higher a supplier’s ranking, the more business information you’ll have access to from that supplier. For more details, please visit .BSLFUZPVSQSPEVDUTPOMJOF°'3&& SUPPLIER VERIFICATION Supplier Ranking 3 or more face-to-face visits by Global Sources team (1BB LR B(1 LRQ WUD LRQB +$B6<3UHJLVWUDW ++++++ +++++, ++++,, +++,,, ++,,,, Product / Advertiser Credit Check business registration details 3 3 3 3 3 Bureau Veritas Supplier Capability Assessment 3 3 3 3 3 Page E-mail 3 3 Website Star Ranking ACCESSORIES & SUPPLIES FOR IPHONE Accessories for iPhone ++,,,, ++++,, ++++++ +++++, +++,,, ++,,,, +++++, 131 59 C-3 ++++,, ++++,, ++++,, 124 57 62 111 108 104 C-2 147 ++,,,, ++++,, +++,,, +++++, ++,,,, ++,,,, ++++,, +++,,, 59 24,25 40 103 ++++,, ++++++ ++,,,, ++++,, 131 ++++,, 103 ++++,, 92 ++,,,, 116 ++++,, 50 +++,,, 114 ++,,,, 143 79 +++,,, ++++,, 86 45 101 151 84 ++,,,, ++++++ ++++,, +++,,, ++,,,, 80 79 133 ++,,,, ++++,, ++++,, Dongguan Jingfeng Electronics Science & Technology Co. Ltd 40 Fan-Jet Enterprise Co. Ltd 59 Hali-power Industrial Co. Ltd 24,25 KKL (HK) Ltd 71 Piao Shang Industry Co. Ltd 58 Shenzhen Blue Pioneer Electronics Co. Ltd 122 Zhongshan K-mate General Electronics Co. Ltd 26,27 Car mounts for iPhone Dynamic8 Technology Co. Ltd Fan-Jet Enterprise Co. Ltd Monoeric International Co. Ltd Cases for iPhone Besstec Electronics Co. Ltd Ching Wei Telcom Co. Ltd Fineness Communication Accessories Co. Ltd Intellect Brothers Co. Ltd Jifu Electronic Co. Ltd Shenzhen Bohong Industry Co. Ltd Shenzhen Wei Jia Mei Silicone Mould and Products Mfy Union Cellular Co. Ltd Chargers for iPhone Fan-Jet Enterprise Co. Ltd Hali-power Industrial Co. Ltd Hyper Industry Development Co. Ltd Shenzhen Yoobao Technology Co. Ltd FM transmitters for iPhone Dynamic8 Technology Co. Ltd Screen protectors for iPhone Shenzhen Yoobao Technology Co. Ltd BROADBAND 8IFOCVZFSTBSPVOEUIFXPSMEMPPLGPSOFXQSPEVDUTUIFZUVSOUP (MPCBM4PVSDFTTVQQMJFSTUP¾OEUIFN DSL modems +PJOUIFUIPVTBOETPGTVQQMJFSTXIPBSFHFOFSBUJOHOFXTBMFT PQQPSUVOJUJFTFWFSZEBZBU(MPCBM4PVSDFT*UµTFBTZ4JNQMZQPTU ZPVSQSPEVDUTBOEDPNQBOZJOGPSNBUJPOPOMJOF'3&& CALL CENTER EQUIPMENT 3FHJTUFSUPEBZUPHFUZPVSGSFFPOMJOFNBSLFUJOHTJUF "OEUPUBLFBEWBOUBHFPGPVSGSFFUSBEFDPOTVMUJOHTFSWJDF "UUSBDUUPQHMPCBMCVZFSTBOEHSPXZPVSTBMFT (PUPIUUQDPSQPSBUFHMPCBMTPVSDFTDPN4:1@&/)5. Fujian Star-net Communication Co. Ltd Ethernet switches Mstronic Co. Ltd Emergency phones Telewell Electric Co. Ltd CAR GPS Car GPS receivers Powernavi Technology Co. Ltd CELL PHONES 3G phones Flying Tiger Telecom Technology Co. Ltd IMC Digital Technology Co. Ltd CDMA phones Gozone Communication Technology Co. Ltd Xiamen Branch Huizhou Qiaoxing Famous Science & Technology Co. Ltd Linktop Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Ephone Communication Tech. Co. Ltd Shenzhen Hongfai Digital Technology Co. Ltd Dual SIM phones APS Digitech Holdings Ltd IMC Digital Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Malata Mobile Communication Co. Ltd #For more information, visit this supplier’s website. More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 139 Product / Advertiser Shenzhen Vcall Communications Technology Co. Ltd Top Crown Technology Ltd Zhong Yi Universal Ltd Page E-mail Website Star Ranking 134 128 126 +++,,, +++,,, +++,,, 124 130 86 92 45 79 53 101 93 61 68 63 13 120 133 130 120 114 70 60 86 135 116 100 143 126 96 SEAN@HANGSHUNMOBILE.COM +++,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, +++,,, ++++++ ++++,, +++,,, ++++,, ++++,, ++++,, ++,,,, +++++, ++++,, ++,,,, ++++,, ++,,,, ++,,,, +++,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, +++,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, +++,,, +++,,, ++,,,, 99 58 ++++,, +++,,, 141 116 +++,,, ++,,,, 143 68 134 +++,,, ++,,,, +++,,, 133 ++++,, 92 141 74 92 114 SEAN@HANGSHUNMOBILE.COM +++,,, +++,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, +++,,, 102 ++,,,, 91 56 149 ++++,, ++,,,, ++++,, ++++,, ++++,, +++,,, +++++, 110 ++,,,, 49 ++++,, ++,,,, ++++,, +++++, +++,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, +++,,, ++,,,, GSM phones Awit Ltd Cartoon Technology (HK) Co. Ltd Gozone Communication Technology Co. Ltd Xiamen Branch Hang Shun Technology Ltd Huizhou Qiaoxing Famous Science & Technology Co. Ltd IMC Digital Technology Co. Ltd JSR Ltd Linktop Technology Co. Ltd Listening Technologies International Ltd Mastone Communication & Electrical Development Co. Ltd Restar International Co. Ltd Rexpower Industrial Development Co. Ltd Shenzhen Anlip Digital Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Gaoxinqi Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Malata Mobile Communication Co. Ltd Shenzhen Ponsunway Communication Products Co. Ltd Shenzhen Sietek Industrial Co. Ltd Shenzhen Tinhung Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Xinlongda Electronics Technology Co. Ltd Vee Concept Industrial Ltd Viczone Co. Ltd Vita Technology Ltd Wingtech Telecom Ltd Xin Feida Technology Ltd Yinfitech (HK) Co. Ltd Zhong Yi Universal Ltd Zhongshan Highyes Electronic Co. Ltd Mobile phone cases shipped within 10 days For mobile phone cases delivered to you quickly, work with us. We can have orders of up to 5,000 units ready for shipment within 10 days – that’s about five days faster than the industry’s average. To ensure that product quality is never compromised, we source our raw materials from Taiwan and Japan. Plus, our factory has been audited by ITS and Best Buy. For more information, contact our representatives now. Silicone cases for Apple’s iPhone 4 T&F Mfg Co. Ltd Mobile internet devices Longlat Toptech China Co. Ltd Match Tech Industrial Co. Ltd Quad band mobile phones Hong Kong Karasnn Ltd Tmpking Technology Co. Ltd Smartphones Flying Tiger Telecom Technology Co. Ltd Reach Tech (Xiamen) Co. Ltd Shenzhen Vcall Communications Technology Co. Ltd Silicone case for Apple’s iPad Bldg. A6, Fenghuang North Rd., The First Industrial District, Fenghuang, Fuyong, Bao'an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518102, China Tel: (86-755) 2751 8500 • Fax: (86-755) 2751 8400 E-mail: Website: /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V: iPhone and iPad are trademarks of Apple Inc. Touch screen mobile phones Shenzhen Malata Mobile Communication Co. Ltd TV mobile phones Hang Shun Technology Ltd Hong Kong Karasnn Ltd Ocean Faith International Enterprise Ltd Oteda Industrial Co. Ltd Shenzhen Tinhung Technology Co. Ltd Source our quad band TV mobile phones 20 engineers to work on your projects CORDED PHONES Basic two-piece phones Shenzhen Shenkinhao Electronics Co. Ltd Caller ID phones Shenzhen Baoan Changhe Electronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen Kewang Communication Co. Ltd Walk-In Electronics Ltd CORDLESS PHONES DECT phones Shenzhen Baoan Changhe Electronics Co. Ltd 91 Long-range cordless phones China New Century Communication Electronics Co. Ltd George Tang Industrial Corporation (Telecom Division) 119 102 FIBER OPTIC COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Fiber optic transmission products & systems Zhongxing Xindi Telecom Equipment Ltd 69 Interface converters Guangdong Global Electronic Technology Co. Ltd We react quickly to client demands. Our teams work closely together to design, produce and market new mobile phones – and this entire process takes only 25 days. We've recently released models with quad bands, Bluetooth® and Wi-Fi connectivity, TV and GPS functionality, QWERTY keypads, dual cameras, electronic flashlights and other value-added features. Buyers like you can also take advantage of our extensive OEM/ODM services. We have 20 engineers, with five years of industry experience each, to meet your requirements. To monitor every step, we carry out our manufacturing processes in our 3,000m2 factory. There, we have eight production lines that can turn out 200,000 units every month. All of our devices are checked using Agilent testing equipment. To start sourcing our feature-packed phones, inquire today. RF cable assemblies RF Castle Electronics Co. Ltd GPS Car GPS trackers Ardi Technology Corp. ATrack Technology Inc. Legion RF Ltd Shenzhen Alyta Industry Co. Ltd Shenzhen Castel Wireless Telecommunications Co. Ltd Shenzhen Dragon Bridge Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Popular Communication Technology Co. Ltd Tzone Digital Technology Co. Ltd 74 41 4,5 145 124 126 104 88 #For more information, visit this supplier’s website. 140 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers TV mobile phone (H2) • Google's Android 2.1 OS • Dual SIM, dual standby • 3.5" HVGA touch screen • Wi-Fi connectivity • FM radio • Supports multiple languages /VUN2VUN2HYHZUU*V3[K Rm. 1208, Excellence Times Square, 4068 Yitian Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518048, China Tel: (86-755) 2399 9180 • Fax: (86-755) 2399 9368 /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V4 One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. More new products - Ultra-thin quad band mobile phone (H9) • GPS and Wi-Fi capabilities • 3.8" touch screen • Analog TV, FM radio and MP3/MP4 player GSM mobile phone with Wi-Fi connectivity (H802) • Optional Google's Android 2.1 OS • 3.2" HVGA touch screen with trackball • Dual SIM, dual standby • Optional digital TV (ISDB-T, DVB-T) and analog TV • Dual cameras November 2010 Telecom Products 141 Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking Purchase as many smartphones as you need GPS antennas Air Wave Co. Ltd Jiashan Jinchang Electron Co. Ltd Jiaxing Beyondoor Electronics Co. Ltd Jiaxing Jiali Electronics Co. Ltd RF Castle Electronics Co. Ltd ++,,,, ++++++ ++,,,, ++++++ ++++,, 41 ++++,, 39 ++++,, ++++++ +++,,, ++++,, 39 44 54 42 4,5 100 ++++,, +++,,, ++,,,, +++,,, +++++, +++,,, 39 149 41 84 54 42 110 ++++,, +++++, ++++,, ++,,,, +++,,, +++,,, ++,,,, 6,7 ++++++ 44 136 +++,,, ++,,,, 132 16,17 104 6,7 49 :HFDQVKLSODUJHRUGHUVLQMXVWGD\V GPS car navigation systems ATrack Technology Inc. Unlike our competitors who stipulate a minimum order quantity, we give you the flexibility to purchase as few or as many smartphones as you need. And we’ll deliver them quickly. With a daily capacity of 2,000 units, we can fill volume orders and have them ready for shipment in just 15 days. GPS data loggers ARKNAV International Inc. GPS modules Jiaxing Jiali Electronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen Guideway Tech. Ltd 6,7 100 As an expert in quad band technology, we offer models with Wi-Fi connectivity, TV functions and other features your customers will value. We’re particularly adept at antenna setting. With 20 engineers on our R&D team, we can handle your OEM/ODM projects. Our capabilities include PCB making, software and hardware development and industrial and mechanical design. Most of our products carry FCC and CE marks. Inquire now. GPS mounts/holders Wexun Co. Ltd 76 GPS personal trackers ARKNAV International Inc. China GPS Co. Ltd (Shenzhen) Globalsat Technology Corp. Helioversal Technology Co. Ltd Legion RF Ltd Shenzhen Guideway Tech. Ltd GPS vehicle tracking systems ARKNAV International Inc. Asico Industrial Co. Ltd ATrack Technology Inc. Gosafe Co. Ltd Haicom Electronics Corp. Helioversal Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Huabao Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Flying Tiger Telecom Technology Co. Ltd PC/PDA GPS receivers Jiaxing Jiali Electronics Co. Ltd Portable GPS China GPS Co. Ltd (Shenzhen) Holux Technology Inc. MOBILE PHONE ACCESSORIES Quad band dual SIM smartphone with Google’s Android 2.1 OS (A3) Bluetooth antennas Lanbowan (HK) Ltd 10,11 ++++++ 80 26,27 +++,,, +++++, 98 134 51 48 26,27 ++,,,, ++,,,, ++++,, ++,,,, +++++, +++,,, ++++,, ++++,, 122 ++++,, 57 58 42 105 132 ++++,, +++,,, ++++,, ++++,, ++,,,, 71 141 56 +++++, +++,,, +++++, 42 137 ++++,, +++,,, 2,3 +++++, 74 117 113 71 135 128 87 103 56 +++,,, ++++,, ++++,, +++++, +++,,, ++,,,, +++++, ++++,, +++++, Quad band dual SIM smartphone with Microsoft’s Windows Mobile 6.5 OS (E905) Flat 1801A, 18/F, On Hong Commercial Building, 145 Hennessy Rd., Wan Chai, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 3543 0976 • Fax: (852) 3543 0978 Headquarters: 21/F, Block A, Modern Window Building, Huaqiang North Rd., Futian, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518031, China Tel: (86-755) 8328 5526 • Fax: (86-755) 8618 5821 E-mail: • Website: Factory: 3rd Block, Fu’an, Phase 1, Fuyong Ocean Industrial Development Zone, Bao’an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. Bluetooth handsfree kits Caron Autosound Ltd Zhongshan K-mate General Electronics Co. Ltd Bluetooth headsets GT Telecom Co. Ltd Medequip Ltd Nanfone Electronic Co. Ltd Quanzhou Sky Wing Communication Electronics Co. Ltd Zhongshan K-mate General Electronics Co. Ltd GSM mobile phones tailored particularly for the elderly Car handsfree kits Caron Autosound Ltd Kiss Communications Technology Co. Ltd 80 129 Cell phone cradles Ching Wei Telcom Co. Ltd 57 Data terminal batteries Datastring Power (HK) Co. Ltd In-car chargers Ching Wei Telcom Co. Ltd Piao Shang Industry Co. Ltd Sheng Yih Technologies Co. Ltd Shenzhen Arun Electronics Co. Ltd Yi-Sheng Family Technology Co. Ltd Leather mobile phone cases KKL (HK) Ltd T&F Manufacturing Co. Ltd Tazec Electronic Co. Ltd Mobile phone adapters Sheng Yih Technologies Co. Ltd Walta Electronic Co. Ltd Mobile phone antenna adapters Chinmore Industry Co. Ltd Mobile phone cases Dongguan City Tianlu Leather Co. Ltd Fortnox International Co. Ltd Hong Kong Wisda Electronic Industrial Ltd KKL (HK) Ltd Lider Leather Products Fty Shenzhen Baoan Shajing Jewel Rubber Plastic Fty Shenzhen Laiyi Silicone Rubber & Electronics Products Mfy Shenzhen Yoobao Technology Co. Ltd Tazec Electronic Co. Ltd Designed specifically for the elderly and the visually-impaired, our GSM mobile phones are exceptionally user-friendly featuring large Braille keypads and SOS buttons. We manufacture our devices using equipment – eight SMT, 32 testing and five CNC machines – sourced from Japan and Germany. All production processes are carried out at our 10,000m2 dust-free workshop where various key components such as PCBs, microphones and speakers are also made. Every month, we release five to seven new items. However, if you have a design or certain specifications in mind, our R&D team of 37 English-speaking engineers can have a sample ready for you within one month. Our monthly capacity is 300,000 GSM mobile phones units. To find out more, contact us today. • Large Braille keypads (optional) • SOS buttons GSM mobile phones • High volume • Large Braille keypads (optional) • High volume Yinfitech (H.K.) Co. Ltd /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V5 One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. #For more information, visit this supplier’s website. 142 Telecom Products November 2010 Rms. 305-307, Block A, Uniscom Information Harbor, Lang Hill Rd., North District of Science and Technology Park, Nanshan, Shenzhen, Guangdong, 518057, China Tel: (86-755) 8296 3837 • Fax: (86-755) 8296 3844 ISO 9001:2000 • ISO 14001:2004 Website: - Choose verified suppliers More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 143 Product / Advertiser Win2000 Telecom Co. Ltd Zhongshan K-mate General Electronics Co. Ltd Page E-mail Website Star Ranking HQJLQHHUVWR KHOSUHDOL]H\RXU 2(02'0RUGHUV +++,,, +++++, 54 C-3 +++,,, ++++,, 113 130 ++++,, +++,,, 147 +++,,, 90 ++,,,, 136 +++,,, ++++,, 24,25 ++++++ 10,11 ++++++ 137 +++,,, 46 +++,,, 98 +++,,, 36,37 84 38 115 111 123 105 75 97 78 SCUD_TROY@HOTMAIL.COM ++++++ +++,,, ++,,,, +++++, +++++, ++++,, ++++,, +++++, +++++, ++,,,, 66 72 36,37 115 111 C-3 1 63 105 75 72 88 76 97 108 76 80 ++,,,, ++,,,, ++++++ +++++, +++++, ++++,, ++++,, +++++, ++++,, +++++, +++,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, +++++, +++,,, ++++,, ++,,,, 90 72 126 97 ++,,,, +++,,, ++,,,, +++++, 118 84 115 46 75 +++,,, +++,,, +++++, ++,,,, +++++, ++++++ Huari Communication Ltd (Guangzhou Sales Center) Rms. 605-606, Runtian Commercial Mansion, 19 Runtian St., Baogang Rd., Haizhu, Guangzhou, Guangdong 510240, China Tel: (86-20) 6239 3222 • Fax: (86-20) 6239 3488 • • 96 26,27 Mobile phone holders Haicom Electronics Corp. Monoeric International Co. Ltd Mobile phone novelties Hong Kong Wisda Electronic Industrial Ltd Songtak Technology Co. Ltd Mobile phone pouches Union Cellular Co. Ltd Shenzhen Kangchengtai Industrial Co. Ltd 32. 5m m Mobile phone screen protectors Mobile phone toolboxes Hanker (International) Electronics Technology Co. Ltd Noise-canceling headsets Regal Distributors 85 Pocket projectors Hali-power Industrial Co. Ltd 88mm 24mm MOBILE PHONE PARTS 55m Mobile phone antennas Lanbowan (HK) Ltd m 75m m Car DVD player and GPS Mobile phone connectors Walta Electronic Co. Ltd Car GPS trakers 62.5mm Mobile phone LCDs New Technology Holdings Co. Ltd SIM cards Green Card (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd MOBILE PHONE POWER SUPPLIES Mobile phone batteries Best Wisdom (Shenzhen) Industrial Ltd Dongguan Hi-Tech Electronic Industrial Co. Ltd E-Link Technology Co. Ltd HCT Electric Co. Ltd Intellect Brothers Co. Ltd Scud Battery Co. Ltd Shenzhen Arun Electronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen Jingyou Energy Tech. Co. Ltd Shenzhen Winkeen Electronics Co. Ltd Tecyea Electronics Ltd Mobile phone chargers 3 Foison Electron Co. Ltd Anypower Ltd Best Wisdom (Shenzhen) Industrial Ltd HCT Electric Co. Ltd Intellect Brothers Co. Ltd Monoeric International Co. Ltd O'cellus Co. Ltd Rexpower Industrial Development Co. Ltd Shenzhen Arun Electronics Co. Ltd Shenzhen Jingyou Energy Tech. Co. Ltd Shenzhen Letsolar Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Vip-tek Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Wanshuntong Science & Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Winkeen Electronics Co. Ltd Viewkuan Electronic Products Mfg Wexun Co. Ltd Zhongshan Jungang Electronic Co. Ltd Our GPS trackers, GPS navigation systems and DVD players were designed by a team of 28 expert engineers. They each have a minimum of eight years of experience, and hold bachelors’ degrees or higher. Utilizing this expertise, they can easily realize your OEM/ODM orders and integrate value-added functions based on your application. We offer items specifically for cars, buses, taxis, logistics fleets and more. Each month, we can offer 10,000 GPS trackers, 50,000 GPS navigation systems and 6,000 DVD players. For consistent quality, our partner factory ensures 35 QC team members oversee the entire production process. Plus, each item comes with CCC marks and is backed by a oneyear warranty. Contact us today. 6KHQ]KHQ$O\WD,QGXVWU\&R/WG Rm. 2708, Unit B, Zhongsheng Garden Building, Caitian South Rd., Shenzhen, Guangdong 518033, China Tel: (86-755) 8299 6820 Fax: (86-755) 8299 6341 <RXURQHVWRSVKRSIRUWZRZD\UDGLRDFFHVVRULHV 300-plus models to choose from To reduce your sourcing time, we offer one-stop solutions for all your two-way radio accessory needs. Our catalog features more than 300 CE-marked power supplies, battery packs, microphones, antennas, chargers, earphones and more. Led by an engineer with 15 years of experience, our R&D team can create a new model based on your specifications in just 10 days. In the industry for more than 10 years, we now turn out up to 200,000 units monthly. So you won't have to worry about whether or not you have the supply to support market demands. To work with a manufacturer that has the selection to meet all your needs in one stop, inquire today. Portable solar chargers Shenzhen Anytone Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Letsolar Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Rising Sun Eastern Industry Co. Ltd Shenzhen Winkeen Electronics Co. Ltd Power banks Dongguan City Kingyou Electronics Co. Ltd Dongguan Hi-Tech Electronic Industrial Co. Ltd HCT Electric Co. Ltd Shenzhen Fab-Chain Service Co. Ltd Shenzhen Jingyou Energy Tech. Co. Ltd USB cell phone chargers Best Wisdom (Shenzhen) Industrial Ltd 36,37 PHONE ACCESSORIES Phone auto dialers Shenzhen Jingkewang Technology Co. Ltd 96 ++,,,, ++++,, ++,,,, ++,,,, Phone headsets Kyung Jin Electron Co. Ltd Shenzhen Willong Technology Co. Ltd Xenexx Corp. Ltd 125 102 100 #For more information, visit this supplier’s website. 144 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers Two-way radio battery pack with overload and short-circuit protection Rapid charger for two-way radios Two-way radio antenna Two-way radio wireless earpiece Huizhou City Huari Communication & Technology Co. Ltd (Factory) Repeater housing with power supply unit /VUN2VUN 6J[ )VV[O5V: Fuxing Industry Zone, Futian, Boluo, Huizhou, Guangdong, China More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 145 Product / Advertiser Page E-mail Website Star Ranking Pre-paid scratch cards Shijiazhuang Eaglefly Card Co. Ltd 118 ++,,,, 151 +++,,, 114 ++,,,, +++,,, ++++,, +++++, +++++, +++,,, ++++++ ++++++ +++++, +++,,, 121 ++++++ 93 ++++,, 56 78 137 ++,,,, +++,,, +++,,, 50 137 ++,,,, +++,,, 50 +++,,, 77 ++++++ +++,,, ++++,, ++,,,, +++++, ++++,, ++++++ ++++,, ++++++ +++++, +++++, ++,,,, +++++, ++++,, ++++,, +++,,, +++,,, ++++,, ++++,, ++++++ +++++, ++,,,, +++++, ++++,, ++++,, ++++,, ++,,,, +++,,, ++++,, +++++, ++++,, ++,,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, ++++,, +++,,, SATELLITE EQUIPMENT LNBs Zhuhai Gecen Electronic Co. Ltd TV satellite dishes Hebei Linuo Communication Technology Co. Ltd TELECOM INDUSTRY SERVICES Telecom products OEM & ODM services JSR Ltd 53 :V\YJLV\YUL^T\S[PUL[^VYR .V07HUK9V07NH[L^H`Z -VY=V07TVIPSLWOVULHUK *)/(4YHKPVUL[^VYRZ TELECOM PARTS Car antennas Autotek Ltd Chang Hong Technology Co. Ltd Chinmore Industry Co. Ltd Evercom Communication Technology Co. Ltd Jiashan Jinchang Electron Co. Ltd Jiaxing Jiali Electronics Co. Ltd Quanzhou Truest Communication Co. Ltd Tai Digiters Enterprise Co. Ltd 43 55 2,3 46 16,17 6,7 66 44 Patch panels TTAF Elektronik Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sti RoIP (Radio over IP) gateway RF modules Listening Technologies International Ltd TELECOMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Key phone systems Arista Systems Corporation Auto Telecom Co. Ltd Uniphone Telecommunication Co. Ltd PBXs Avantec Manufacturing Ltd Uniphone Telecommunication Co. Ltd Teleconferencing systems Eacom Electronics Co. Ltd TWO-WAY RADIOS CB radios Maxima Communication Ltd Our featured VoIP GSM (GoIP) and Radio over IP (RoIP) gateways enable voice communication between VoIP, mobile phone (GSM/CDMA) and CB/HAM radio networks. GoIP (VoIP GSM) gateway • GoIP: An excellent alternative to an FXO gateway that is flexible and offers many features. • RoIP: An innovative product that can link radio networks to create a "no boundary" voice communication system. This gateway can further extend voice communication to telephone (PSTN and mobile) and VoIP networks. '%/7HFKQRORJ\/WG We also offer IP phones, ATAs and FXO gateways. Our specialists design and develop both our hardware and software, including SIP and H.323 protocol stacks, in-house. And for seamless functionality, we offer autoprovisioning, remote management, SMS and VPN relay servers. Our products are sold through various distribution channels. Agents, resellers and ODM orders are welcomed. Inquire now. Unit 42, 18/F, Blk. D, Wah Lok Ind. Centre, 31-35 Shan Mei St., Fotan, N.T., Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2994 1338 • Fax: (852) 3909 2338 E-mail: Website: • Handheld two-way radios Chief Tek Electronics Co. Ltd China New Century Communication Electronics Co. Ltd Guangyuan Electronic Co. Ltd Legion RF Ltd Lisheng Electronics Co. Ltd Maxima Communication Ltd Nanfone Electronic Co. Ltd Quanzhou Puxing Electron Co. Ltd Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co. Ltd Quanzhou Truest Communication Co. Ltd Rexon Technology Corp. Velong Group (HK) Co. Ltd 12 119 72 4,5 109 77 51 C-4 18 66 48 32,33 :[`SPZOOHYKZOLSS,=(WV\JOLZ MVY(WWSL»ZP7OVULHUKP7HK 6WDUWE\RUGHULQJMXVWXQLWV ([[YHJ[ZTHY[WOVULHUKTVIPSLJVTW\[PUNLU[O\ZPHZ[Z^P[OV\Y MLH[\YLKOHYKZOLSS,=(WV\JOLZMVY(WWSL»ZP7OVULHUKP7HK ;OLZLWV\JOLZHYLH]HPSHISLPUH^PKL]HYPL[`VMJVSVYZHUK[OL` JHUILHKVYULK^P[OJ\Z[VTKLZPNUZ[VZ\P[`V\YIYHUK;OL`HYL JVUZ[Y\J[LKMYVTPTWHJ[HIZVYIPUNZWVUNLSPRLTH[LYPHSRLLWPUN `V\Y]HS\HISLZZHML(SZVV\Y\UP[TPUPT\TVYKLYX\HU[P[` TLHUZ`V\JHULHZPS`[LZ[V\YWYVK\J[ZPUKLZPYLKTHYRL[Z;V ILJVTLHWHY[VMV\YPU[LYUH[PVUHS JSPLU[LSLJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` In-vehicle two-way radio accessories Addvantech Ltd (AVT Communications) JDI Jing Deng Industrial Co. Ltd Tekfun Co. Ltd 81 47 90 In-vehicle two-way radios Chief Tek Electronics Co. Ltd China New Century Communication Electronics Co. Ltd Lisheng Electronics Co. Ltd Maxima Communication Ltd Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co. Ltd Rexon Technology Corp. Velong Group (HK) Co. Ltd 12 119 109 77 18 48 32,33 ,EVHWLIPP):%TSYGLIW JSV%TTPI´WM4EH Radio trunking systems Regal Distributors 85 Two-way radio accessories Addvantech Ltd (AVT Communications) Autotek Ltd Best Talent Industrial Ltd Huizhou City Huari Communication & Technology Co. Ltd JDI Jing Deng Industrial Co. Ltd Legion RF Ltd Power-Time Group Ltd Shenzhen Hong Tai-fu Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Voxtech Co. Ltd Transcend Electronic Co. Ltd 81 43 98 145 47 4,5 60 134 118 60 Two-way radio antennas Autotek Ltd Evercom Communication Technology Co. Ltd 43 46 <UPVU*LSS\SHY*V3[K ,EVHWLIPP):%TSYGLIWJSV%TTPI´WM4LSRI 6*65R+6 L3KRQHDQGL3DGDUHWUDGHPDUNVRI$SSOH,QF #For more information, visit this supplier’s website. 146 Telecom Products November 2010 ;HP^HUJVU[HJ[!-5V2LLS\UN9K:LJ;HPWLP;HP^HU ;LS! -H_! ,THPS!RL]PU'\UPVUJLSS\SHYJVT 4:5!RL]PUFJOLU'OV[THPSJVT:R`WL0+!\UPVU ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT\UPVUJV^^^8WV\JOJVT .\HUNaOV\JVU[HJ[! -5V/VUNKL9K/HPaO\+PZ[YPJ[ .\HUNaOV\*OPUH;LS! -H_! - Choose verified suppliers More new products - November 2010 Telecom Products 147 Product / Advertiser Lanbowan (HK) Ltd Tai Digiters Enterprise Co. Ltd Page E-mail Website Star Ranking 10,11 44 ++++++ +++,,, 145 60 73 +++,,, ++++,, ++++,, 47 ++++,, 91 ++++,, 67 ++++,, 67 48 ++++,, ++,,,, 147 +++,,, 147 67 50 +++,,, ++++,, +++,,, +++++, +++,,, Two-way radio batteries Huizhou City Huari Communication & Technology Co. Ltd Power-Time Group Ltd Union China International Ltd Two-way radio headsets JDI Jing Deng Industrial Co. Ltd VOIP Video phones Shenzhen Baoan Changhe Electronics Co. Ltd VoIP ATAs Matrix Telecom Pvt. Ltd VoIP gateways Matrix Telecom Pvt. Ltd Nanjing Hanlong Technology Co. Ltd VoIP GSM gateways DBL Technology Ltd VoIP phones DBL Technology Ltd Matrix Telecom Pvt. Ltd Telewell Electric Co. Ltd 2(03URMHFW4XRWHVLQ'D\V <HDUV6XSSO\LQJWKH1RUWK$PHULFDQDQG(XURSHDQ0DUNHWV )RUFDOOHU,'WHOHSKRQHVDQGDFFHVVRULHVZHSURYLGHWKHÁH[LELOLW\TXDOLW\ DQGH[SHULHQFH\RXҋYHEHHQORRNLQJIRU :HSURYLGH2(02'0SURMHFWTXRWHVZLWKLQWKUHHGD\VRIIHUGD\OHDG WLPHVRQH[LVWLQJPRGHOVDQGDFFHSWRUGHUVDVORZDVXQLWV2XUSURYHQ SURGXFWVFDUU\DRQH\HDUZDUUDQW\DQGKDYHVDIHW\DQGTXDOLW\DSSURYDOV IRUDOOPDMRUPDUNHWV 3DUWRID+RQJ.RQJFRPSDQ\HVWDEOLVKHGLQZHRIIHUGHFDGHVRI H[SHULHQFHVXSSO\LQJ1RUWK$PHULFDQDQG(XURSHDQUHWDLOHUVDQGQDWLYH (QJOLVKVSHDNLQJVWDIIWRIDFLOLWDWH\RXU VRXUFLQJH[SHULHQFH )RUDIDVWDQGUHOLDEOHWHOHSKRQHVXSSOLHU FRQWDFW5RJHU6RLQ+RQJ.RQJWRGD\ Wireless VoIP products Accutone Technologies Ltd Hotware Wireless Co. Ltd 28,29 88 WIFI WI-103 Handsfree car headrest speaker Access points 58 108 ++,,,, ++,,,, 62 62 38 128 ++,,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, ++,,,, +++,,, ++++++ ++++++ +++++, ++++++ ++,,,, +++++, ++,,,, 66 ++,,,, 55 +++++, 2,3 70 +++++, ++,,,, 88 +++,,, 132 20,21 8,9 127 30,31 ++++,, ++++++ ++++++ ++++,, ++++++ 20,21 8,9 ++++++ ++++++ ++,,,, ++,,,, +++++, ++,,,, ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++++ ++++,, ++++,, ++++++ +++,,, Comtec Co. Ltd Interepoch Technology Inc. :DON,Q(OHFWURQLFV/WG Wireless routers ARGtek Communication Inc. EDSLAB Technologies Inc. MaxComm Co. Ltd Shenzhen Forwell Wireless Ltd Unit 15, 9/F, Hing Wai Centre, 7 Tin Wan Praya Road, Aberdeen, Hong Kong Tel: (852) 2521-5224 Fax: (852) 2810-0191 E-mail: Website: WI-101 Wireless handsfree car kit WIRELESS COMMUNICATION EQUIPMENT Base station antennas Guangzhou Sunrise Communication Equipment Co. Ltd Haining Sunparl Information Technology Co. Ltd Kenbotong Communication Ltd Nanhai Microwave Communications Equipment Co. Ltd Shenglu Telecom Shenzhen Hangyu Communication Equipment Co. Ltd 120 20,21 8,9 89 30,31 122 Fixed wireless terminals Chinmore Industry Co. Ltd Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co. Ltd 2,3 78 GSM gateways Eurotech Communication Ltd GSM/CDMA wireless antennas Chang Hong Technology Co. Ltd T-1868 Full-featured modular phone 80,000 GPS and AVL GPS trackers monthly OEM/ODM orders are welcomed GSM/CDMA wireless terminals Chinmore Industry Co. Ltd Shenzhen Bailingjia Technology Co. Ltd Mobile & wireless communication networking equipment Hotware Wireless Co. Ltd Parabolic antennas Dishstone Haining Sunparl Information Technology Co. Ltd Kenbotong Communication Ltd SHD Communication Equipment Co. Ltd Shenglu Telecom RFID antennas Haining Sunparl Information Technology Co. Ltd Kenbotong Communication Ltd Wireless repeaters Romancell Technology Co. Ltd Uni Link Technology Co. Ltd 54 86 Our monthly capacity of 80,000 units, as well as support from our 25 R&D engineers, will help maintain your competitive edge in the GPS products market. Plus, with 40 percent of our orders on an OEM basis, we are able to efficiently handle your requirements. The featured products have a wide range of applications, from trucking and car rental industries, to taxi companies and more. We also supply GPRS tracking software in web format or SMS tracking software, according to your needs. For more information regarding our products and services, contact our sales representatives today. WLAN antennas Chang Hong Technology Co. Ltd Eahison Communication Co. Ltd Haining Sunparl Information Technology Co. Ltd Jiashan Jinchang Electron Co. Ltd Kenbotong Communication Ltd Lanbowan (HK) Ltd RF Castle Electronics Co. Ltd SHD Communication Equipment Co. Ltd Shenglu Telecom Tekfun Co. Ltd 55 76 20,21 16,17 8,9 10,11 49 127 30,31 90 #For more information, visit this supplier’s website. 148 Telecom Products November 2010 - Choose verified suppliers GPS tracker for vehicle rental companies, fleet management and more (TK103B) Asico Industrial Co. Ltd Portable GPS tracker for children, personnel, pets and more (TK102) GPRS tracking software More new products - Factory: Bldg. B3, Yijing Industrial Park, Bao’an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518000, China Office: Rm. A1, 30/F, Dongjiang Building, Baomin 1st Rd., Bao’an, Shenzhen, Guangdong 518101, China Tel: (86-755) 2999 4786 • Fax: (86-755) 2999 0646 E-mail: • • All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. November 2010 Telecom Products 149 Advertiser Index Advertisers 3 Foison Electron Co. Ltd Accutone Technologies Ltd Addvantech Ltd (AVT Communications) Air Wave Co. Ltd Page 66 28,29 81 132 Advertisers Page Gosafe Co. Ltd 84 Gozone Communication Technology Co. Ltd Xiamen Branch 86 Green Card (Shenzhen) Co. Ltd 98 GT Telecom Co. Ltd 98 Anypower Ltd 72 Guangdong Global Electronic Technology Co. Ltd APS Digitech Holdings Ltd 80 Guangyuan Electronic Co. Ltd Ardi Technology Corp. 74 Guangzhou Sunrise Communication Equipment Co. Ltd ARGtek Communication Inc. 62 Haicom Electronics Corp. Arista Systems Corporation 56 Haining Sunparl Information Technology Co. Ltd 20,21 39 Hali-power Industrial Co. Ltd 24,25 ARKNAV International Inc. Hang Shun Technology Ltd 110 72 120 92 149 ATrack Technology Inc. 41 Hanker (International) Electronics Technology Co. Ltd 136 Auto Telecom Co. Ltd 78 HCT Electric Co. Ltd 115 Autotek Ltd 43 Hebei Linuo Communication Technology Co. Ltd 114 Avantec Manufacturing Ltd 50 Helioversal Technology Co. Ltd 42 Awit Ltd 124 Holux Technology Inc. 136 Besstec Electronics Co. Ltd 124 Hong Kong Karasnn Ltd 141 Hong Kong Wisda Electronic Industrial Ltd 113 Best Wisdom (Shenzhen) Industrial Ltd 98 36,37 Hotware Wireless Co. Ltd 88 80 Huizhou City Huari Communication & Technology Co. Ltd 145 Cartoon Technology (HK) Co. Ltd 130 Huizhou Qiaoxing Famous Science & Technology Co. Ltd 45 Chang Hong Technology Co. Ltd 55 Hyper Industry Development Co. Ltd 40 Chief Tek Electronics Co. Ltd 12 IMC Digital Technology Co. Ltd China GPS Co. Ltd (Shenzhen) 44 Intellect Brothers Co. Ltd 111 Interepoch Technology Inc. 108 Caron Autosound Ltd China New Century Communication Electronics Co. Ltd 119 Ching Wei Telcom Co. Ltd 57 Chinmore Industry Co. Ltd 2,3 Comtec Co. Ltd 58 JDI Jing Deng Industrial Co. Ltd Jiashan Jinchang Electron Co. Ltd Jiaxing Beyondoor Electronics Co. Ltd Jiaxing Jiali Electronics Co. Ltd 6,7 Jifu Electronic Co. Ltd 108 Dishstone 132 JSR Ltd Dongguan City Kingyou Electronics Co. Ltd 118 Kenbotong Communication Ltd 8,9 129 74 Kiss Communications Technology Co. Ltd Dongguan Hi-Tech Electronic Industrial Co. Ltd 84 KKL (HK) Ltd Dongguan Jingfeng Electronics Science & Technology Co. Ltd 40 Kyung Jin Electron Co. Ltd 10,11 38 Legion RF Ltd 4,5 Eacom Electronics Co. Ltd 50 Lider Leather Products Fty 135 Eahison Communication Co. Ltd 76 Linktop Technology Co. Ltd 101 EDSLAB Technologies Inc. 62 Lisheng Electronics Co. Ltd 109 Eurotech Communication Ltd 66 Listening Technologies International Ltd 93 Evercom Communication Technology Co. Ltd 46 Longlat Toptech China Co. Ltd 99 Fan-Jet Enterprise Co. Ltd 59 Mastone Communication & Electrical Development Co. Ltd 61 Fineness Communication Accessories Co. Ltd 62 Match Tech Industrial Co. Ltd 58 Flying Tiger Telecom Technology Co. Ltd 143 Matrix Telecom Pvt. Ltd 67 Fortnox International Co. Ltd 117 MaxComm Co. Ltd 38 Maxima Communication Ltd 77 Globalsat Technology Corp. 150 Telecom Products November 2010 102 54 (ZMVYX\HSP[`^L^VYR\UKLYHU0:6 !JLY[PÄLKTHUHNLTLU[Z`Z[LT HUKZV\YJLRL`JVTWVULU[ZMYVT1HWHU[OL<:HUK;HP^HU>LHSZVOH]L PUZWLJ[VYZ^OVZ\IQLJ[V\YWYVK\J[Z[VHZ[YPUNLU[8*YLNPTLU;VMHJPSP[H[L KPZ[YPI\[PVUHSSVMV\YWOVULZHYL9V/:*,***HUK<3THYRLK-VYTVYL PUMVYTH[PVULTHPS\Z[VKH` 125 E-Link Technology Co. Ltd George Tang Industrial Corporation (Telecom Division) Bldg 1, Lanxin Technopark, Keji 1st Rd., Technology Innovation Coast, Hi-tech Zone, Zhuhai, Guangdong 519000, China Tel: (86-756) 363 1088 • Fax: (86 756) 362 6108 E-mail: • • 0UHKKP[PVU[VWYV]PKPUN6+4ZLY]PJLZ[V*OPUH;LSLJVT^L^VYR^P[OU\TLYV\Z [LSLJVTJVYWVYH[PVUZ^VYSK^PKL0UMHJ[V\YJVSSLJ[PVUVMTVIPSLWOVULZJHU ILMV\UKVUZOLS]LZHJYVZZ[OL(TLYPJHZ,\YVWL[OL4PKKSL,HZ[(MYPJHHUK (ZPH>LJHYY`K\HS:04K\HSZ[HUKI`*+4(.:4*+4(HUK.TVKLSZ 0M`V\OH]LHKLZPNUPUTPUKV\Y9+LUNPULLYZ¶LHJO^P[OLPNO[`LHYZVM L_WLYPLUJL¶JHUYLHSPaL`V\YPKLH^P[OHZHTWSLPUKH`Z 71 Lanbowan (HK) Ltd HDMISAT TECHNOLOGY CO. LTD. 4VIPSLWOVULZHTWSLZPUVUS`KH`Z 53 Dongguan City Tianlu Leather Co. Ltd Twin/Quad LNB (HKF-201 HKF-401) &KLQD7HOHFRP·V2'0SDUWQHU 104 147 92 Our R&D department is comprised of more than 30 engineers, who develop three to five new products each year. And our factory has 12 production lines, operated by 300 skilled workers. Find out more by contacting us today. 47 122 Fujian Star-net Communication Co. Ltd It’s no wonder we boast repair rates under 1 percent. Our QC technicians check 100% of our LNBs, satellite multiswitches and HDMI splitters, switches and matrixes by following a 13-step QC procedure. Plus, all of our core components are sourced from Japan and South Korea. 16,17 DBL Technology Ltd 131 Single LNB (HKF-102) 79 Datastring Power (HK) Co. Ltd Dynamic8 Technology Co. Ltd Dual LNB HKF-2000 54 Asico Industrial Co. Ltd Best Talent Industrial Ltd We check 100% of our products using a 13-step QC process For repair rates under 1% Medequip Ltd 134 Monoeric International Co. Ltd C-3 - Choose verified suppliers :OLUaOLU,WOVUL *VTT\UPJH[PVU;LJO*V3[K -4)SVJR/P[LJO0UK\Z[YPHS 7HYR5HUZOHU:OLUaOLU .\HUNKVUN*OPUH ;LS! ,62 -H_! ,THPS!LWOVUL'NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVT ^^^NSVIHSZV\YJLZJVTLWOVULTVIPSLJV WCDMA/GSM 3G mobile phone • 3.0/3.2" QVGA touch screen • Wi-Fi and Bluetooth® connectivity • A-GPS, FM radio EVDO/3G mobile phone More new products - 450/1900MHz CDMA low-end mobile phone • 1.5” color screen • With FM radio and flashlight One or more of the illustrations shown here is a drawing or other representation of a product and not an actual photograph of the product. All trademarks shown here are for reference purposes only. They are the property of their respective owners, and we are not authorized to sell items bearing such trademarks. November 2010 Telecom Products 151 Advertisers Page Mstronic Co. Ltd 116 Advertisers Page Shenzhen Popular Communication Technology Co. Ltd 104 Nanfone Electronic Co. Ltd Quanzhou 51 Shenzhen Rising Sun Eastern Industry Co. Ltd 126 Nanhai Microwave Communications Equipment Co. Ltd 89 Shenzhen Shenkinhao Electronics Co. Ltd 102 Nanjing Hanlong Technology Co. Ltd 48 Shenzhen Sietek Industrial Co. Ltd 120 New Technology Holdings Co. Ltd 46 Shenzhen Tinhung Technology Co. Ltd 114 Shenzhen Vcall Communications Technology Co. Ltd 134 O'cellus Co. Ltd 1 Ocean Faith International Enterprise Ltd 74 Shenzhen Vip-tek Electronic Technology Co. Ltd Oteda Industrial Co. Ltd 92 Shenzhen Voxtech Co. Ltd Piao Shang Industry Co. Ltd 58 Shenzhen Wanshuntong Science & Technology Co. Ltd 76 Power-Time Group Ltd 60 Shenzhen Wei Jia Mei Silicone Mould and Products Mfy C-2 88 118 Powernavi Technology Co. Ltd 114 Shenzhen Willong Technology Co. Ltd 102 Puxing Electron Co. Ltd C-4 Shenzhen Winkeen Electronics Co. Ltd 97 70 Qixiang Electron Science & Technology Co. Ltd 18 Shenzhen Xinlongda Electronics Technology Co. Ltd Quanzhou Truest Communication Co. Ltd 66 Shenzhen Yoobao Technology Co. Ltd 103 Reach Tech (Xiamen) Co. Ltd 68 Shijiazhuang Eaglefly Card Co. Ltd 118 Regal Distributors 85 Sky Wing Communication Electronics Co. Ltd Restar International Co. Ltd 68 Songtak Technology Co. Ltd 130 Rexon Technology Corp. 48 T&F Manufacturing Co. Ltd 141 Rexpower Industrial Development Co. Ltd 63 Tai Digiters Enterprise Co. Ltd 44 RF Castle Electronics Co. Ltd 49 Tazec Electronic Co. Ltd 56 Romancell Technology Co. Ltd 54 Tecyea Electronics Ltd 78 90 Scud Battery Co. Ltd 123 Tekfun Co. Ltd SHD Communication Equipment Co. Ltd 127 Telewell Electric Co. Ltd Sheng Yih Technologies Co. Ltd Shenglu Telecom Shenzhen Alyta Industry Co. Ltd 42 30,31 145 116 Top Crown Technology Ltd 128 Transcend Electronic Co. Ltd 13 TTAF Elektronik Sanayi Ve Ticaret Ltd Sti Shenzhen Anytone Technology Co. Ltd 90 Tzone Digital Technology Co. Ltd 105 Uni Link Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Bailingjia Technology Co. Ltd 70 Union Cellular Co. Ltd Shenzhen Baoan Changhe Electronics Co. Ltd 91 Union China International Ltd 60 121 88 86 147 73 Shenzhen Baoan Shajing Jewel Rubber Plastic Fty 128 Uniphone Telecommunication Co. Ltd Shenzhen Blue Pioneer Electronics Co. Ltd 122 Vee Concept Industrial Ltd 60 Shenzhen Bohong Industry Co. Ltd 104 Velong Group (HK) Co. Ltd 32,33 Shenzhen Castel Wireless Telecommunications Co. Ltd 124 Viczone Co. Ltd Shenzhen Dragon Bridge Technology Co. Ltd 126 Viewkuan Electronic Products Mfg 108 Shenzhen Ephone Communication Tech. Co. Ltd 151 137 86 Vita Technology Ltd 135 46 Walk-In Electronics Ltd 149 Shenzhen Forwell Wireless Ltd 128 Walta Electronic Co. Ltd 137 Shenzhen Gaoxinqi Technology Co. Ltd 120 Wexun Co. Ltd Shenzhen Guideway Tech. Ltd 100 Win2000 Telecom Co. Ltd Shenzhen Hangyu Communication Equipment Co. Ltd 122 Wingtech Telecom Ltd 116 Shenzhen Hong Tai-fu Technology Co. Ltd 134 Xenexx Corp. Ltd 100 Shenzhen Fab-Chain Service Co. Ltd Shenzhen Hongfai Digital Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Huabao Electronic Technology Co. Ltd 84 110 Xiamen Four-Faith Communication Technology Co. Ltd 76 96 100 Shenzhen Jingkewang Technology Co. Ltd 96 Yi-Sheng Family Technology Co. Ltd 132 Shenzhen Jingyou Energy Tech. Co. Ltd 75 Yinfitech (HK) Co. Ltd 143 Shenzhen Kangchengtai Industrial Co. Ltd 90 Zhong Yi Universal Ltd 126 Shenzhen Kewang Communication Co. Ltd 56 Zhongshan Highyes Electronic Co. Ltd Shenzhen Laiyi Silicone Rubber & Electronics Products Mfy 87 Zhongshan Jungang Electronic Co. Ltd Shenzhen Letsolar Technology Co. Ltd 72 Zhongshan K-mate General Electronics Co. Ltd 133 Zhongxing Xindi Telecom Equipment Ltd Shenzhen Ponsunway Communication Products Co. Ltd 130 Zhuhai Gecen Electronic Co. Ltd 152 Telecom Products November 2010 :V\YJLV\YJ\Z[VTPaHISLOHUKZMYLLJHYRP[Z;OLZLP[LTZ SPRLV\YMLH[\YLKTV\U[MVY(WWSL»ZP7HKHYLHKQ\Z[HISLMVY VW[PTHSHJJLZZPIPSP[`MVYKYP]LYZHUKWHZZLUNLYZ6\YWYVK\J[Z HYLWH[LU[LKPU[OL<:.LYTHU`HUKTHPUSHUK*OPUHHUK THKL\ZPUNHK]HUJLKLX\PWTLU[ZV\YJLKMYVT[OL<: >LWYVK\JLTPSSPVUJHYRP[ZHZ^LSSHZWVY[HISL H\[VTV[P]LHJJLZZVYPLZHUKHKHW[LYZHUKVMMLY[OYLL ^LLRSLHK[PTLZMVY]VS\TLVYKLYZ,HJOVM[OLZLP[LTZPZ [OVYV\NOS`JOLJRLKH[L]LY`Z[HNLVMWYVK\J[PVU-VYJ\Z[VT VYKLYZV\Y9+[LHTJHUKL]LSVWUL^P[LTZPUQ\Z[KH`Z ;VWSHJLHUVYKLYMVY\UP[ZVYTVYLJVU[HJ[\Z[VKH` +50,3$'+ 0RXQWIRU$SSOH VL3DG 5RWDWDEOHEUDFNHWIRUYHUWLFDORUKRUL]RQWDOYLHZLQJ &DQEHGLVPRXQWHGDQGXVHGDVDSURWHFWLYHFDVH 2SWLRQDOZLQGRZVXFWLRQPRXQWRUKHDGUHVWPRXQW 3+,3 $SSOH VL3KRQHPRXQW 5RWDWDEOHEUDFNHWIRUYHUWLFDO RUKRUL]RQWDOYLHZLQJ $GMXVWDEOHZLQGRZVXFWLRQPRXQW 5HPRYDEOHSURWHFWLYHFRYHU DQGVFUHHQFOHDQHU 78 Xin Feida Technology Ltd Shenzhen Malata Mobile Communication Co. Ltd <RXURUGHUVGHOLYHUHG LQZHHNV 50 Tmpking Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Anlip Digital Technology Co. Ltd Shenzhen Arun Electronics Co. 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