newsletter - Cotton Patch Quilters
newsletter - Cotton Patch Quilters
March, 2001 Issue NEWSLETTER The Cotton Patch Dispatch Web Site: Meeting • Marilyn Osterkamp President March 20 706-208-1258 • Sally Kroehnke President-Elect 706-546-7792 (H) 706-542-1900 (W) P.O.Box 49511 e-mail: Athens, Georgia 30604 Workshop January 27 The Guild meeting for March will be held at the Lyndon House,a week later than normal to allow for a little "recovery time" from our Quilt Show. • Mary Oliver, 1st Vice President 706-543-0070 National Quilt Day Celebration Saturday, March 17, 2001 • Evelyn Hanes 2nd Vice President, Membership 10 AM until 4 PM 706-543-6762 • Pam Pontenberg Secretary Lyndon House Ar~s Center 706-769-6725 • Sandra Stowe Treasurer President's Message "It's coming! It's coming soon! 706-769-8231 It's here!" QuiltOdyssey2001 is now very real. As you read •••••••••••••• this, our quilts have been Cotton Patch Quilters meets at 7 judged, frames will have been PM the second Tuesday of each . month at the Lyndon House, 293 assembled, and the show will Hoyt Street,Athens, GA. be on its way to beginning. 6:30 for the Libraryand to visit. Ou r wonderfu show will let us I Newsletter Deadline for the April know that all our hard work Issue is March 23, 2001. Send has been worth it. Shirley entries to Ellen Nelson at .. or 270 Enckson, chair of the show, Idylwood Dr. 30605. has done a WONDERFUL job Charm Square: March is Easter Fabric. Wash, iron, then cut31 4 yard of fabric into 15 8" squares. Place squares in a large zip-lock bag with your name on it and put it on the "swap table" at the meeting. S'iuares will be divid~ during the program and you pick up new squares after the meeting. April is large floral •••••••••••••• in coordinating all aspects of ... thIS event. She IS fantastic, and Cotton Patch Quilters is lucky to have her as a mem- ber. We are all going to have a great time at the show '. and everyone who comes Will be awed by the artistry of all your • GayleWilliams,Website Mistress: quilts. See you at the show! gwilliam@arches. Marilyn Row 1: (L) Frances Arnold discusses with Genny Lynch a sewing technique. (R) Cathy Ragsdale works on a ninepatch square. Row 2: (L) Vickie Bauer sews on her squares. (R) Nancy Bruce successfully matches her corners. Row 3: (L) Sharon Brumlow gets it done. (C) Amanda Whitsel helps by ripping a seam with a.rotary cutter blade!! (R) Frances demonstrates proper cutting with a template. Row 4: (L) Frances trims excess fabric from a square. (R) Vickie Bauer gets comfortable to get her sewing done. Committee Chairmen • Bee Keeper Judy Caputi, .543-8236 caputi@beUsouth.·net FYI • Historian TBA • Guild members have always been so generous in providing food for the vendors and workers who are staying through the day during the Quilt Show. We look forward to continuing this warm tradition ... it has been most appreciated by all. We usually bring snack foods, soups, chili, sandwiches, breads, fruits and sweet treats. Items should bne brought already prepared. Soups in pots or crock pots are great This year we are also asking guild members to supply soft drinks and bottled water as a donation. Kitchen help is needed as well. There will be a sign-up sheet at the February GuiJd meeting or please call Jessica Ostick at 546~9211 if you would like to sign up to either help or bring food. • Hospit?Iity MaryAIJQq(})(;~§3"14.06 ,.',',./ • Library:' .. , through your quilt books. If there is one with "Cotton Patch Quilters" stamped in it, it's ours! Please return it to the Library before any of the Guild meetinas. we'll be thrilled to reuturn it to • Challenges Madeline· HawJey, 548-1068 • Charitable ProjectS Sandra Jordan, 546~8537' Frances Lang, 353-7733 francespl@msn.coffi • Education and Workshops Mary Beth Stalp, 543-5397 " More on Missing books!!! : ,: Please take a 1001< Lavem9().fci°n,:613-3655 (W)the shelves f~r other members to enjoy! GayleIJ\lIIlICimsi§4.~--6598 Marty Tanner Hughes, §48-5115 • "I'd like to introduce myself. My name is Pat Sloan and I'm a quilt pattern designer. Vou may • NeWsletter have seen my designs in McCall's Quilting and Ellen Nelson, 353-1771 McCall's Quick Quilts Magazine. My quilt was also the BJocik of the Month for Fon's and • Publicity . Ellen Nelson, 353~1771 • Raffle Quilt· Terri'JarrStt,54:3-92;S4 tlm __kihd@Yah() . Porter's Magazine in the year 2000. I design patterns for my company, Pat Sloan & Co as well as have patterns published by Indygo Junction. My website, has photos of all my patterns. I. also send a free monthly em ail newsletter to update everyone on my latest patterns." Sign up at Pat's website for her free email newsletter. She really enjoys designing and seeing what other quilters do with her patterns. Her email address is: pat@ • Use the box provided at each meeting beginning in November to drop off any items for your Secret Pal, but use the box ONLY if you see your Pal atthe meeting. • Thanks to the members who provided door prizes for the February meetng: Sandy Jordan, Fay Rawls, and Marybeth Stalp. Because of their generosity, $26.75 was raised for the Library. $1.25 was raised from Name Tag fines. • Door Prize donors for March are Gayle Williams, Pattiy Torno and Jeannie Wampler. • Please put your name on a piece of paper and pin it to the quilt that you donate to Project Safe. This is for "In House" accounting purposes only!! Joan Prittie, the director, told me (Ellen Nelson) that they decided to put the two "bed quilts" on the walls at the House so EVERYONE could enjoy them. Joan also joked that, " ... they probably add some insulation value to the walls, also." • If you're interested in joining the Workshop Committee, please contact me! I am always looking for great ideas and great people to make the workshops the best they can be! Contact me by phone, 543-5397 or bye-mail: mbstalp@ • ALL Raffle Ticket Money and unsold tickets should be turned in at the qujilt show. All tickets must be received by T~mi Jarrett on or before the March 20 • Quilt Show meeting to ensure that all names get in Shirley Erickson,549-7454.. \ Quilters of South Carolina will be having their the drawing. Mary Ann Cox is heading $~ond annual state wide quilt show from March the leader board with 110 tickets sold. ~Ot6MaY 2 at the Aiken County Historical Mu- She CAN be caught!!! Highest ticket • Social seurr\.433 Newberry street, S.w., Aiken, SC. seller will receive a mini version of the PattiyTorno raffJe quilt. Thanks again to everyone 613-9558 .·f()cus: Fabric Art will be having a show March who worked on the quilt. • Charm Squares,,: 4: April 5 at the Bowie Arts Center, Erskine Pam Pontenberg,769-672Syqllege, Due West, SC. For hours and direc• In support of their two-person show, ..... tions call 864-379-8867. This group includes "Cover Stories," Pattiy Torno and Eliza. 'Priscilla Hair. Website: beth Barton will be giving a slide lec• Yearbook Quilt Hint ture of their work Friday night, March Frances Arnold;769-075.9 . . I wait to plan the border until the main part of 2, 2001 at the Lyndon House in the Community Room. This lecture will • Physical As~ets ..the quilt is done, because I think it's imposbe from 7:30 - 9 PM. Drop by there on Dottie Whitworth,54~c19~:3 ... sible to know what's going to look best until your way home from the Quilt Show at dottiewhitv/orth@mindspl' you have that part of the quilt completed. I have the Oconee Civic Center in a design board on my wall where I can put up Watkinsville. the interior part of the quilt and let my border • ByLaw RevieW' Pri$cillaGolley,···.!346~5254 pll'J(;kg@?C>.Lcof11.. f ••••.••. u •••••.••••• desigbn spring from that. Jenny Beyer Minutes, February 13, 2001 Cotton Patch Quilters Minutes Submitted by Pamela Pontenberg 13 Feb. 2001 The February meeting was called to order at the L)'Ildon House by President MariJyn Osterkamp. After Marilyn's greeting, she entertained a motion to accept the January minutes. Judy Caputi made and Terri Jarrett seconded a motion to accept the minutes. Evelyn Hanes - 2nd Vice President, read the names of a new member and the visitors. The new member is Paula Miles and the visitors were - Joy Price, Renee & Tom Gardner, and Sarah Hubbard. New Business: Marilyn announced the Nominating Committee - Sally Kroelmke, Chair: Ellen Nelson and Jean Lindberg. The Committee will report their nominees in April, the Guild will elect in May. and the officers and committee chairs will be installed in June. The MARCH 20TH Guild Meeting will be a review ofthe Quilt Show. Mary Oliver - 151Vice President: The April Guild program will be a slide show given by Patti Torno on "Decorative Mathematics: The Geometry of Quilting." Madeline Darnelle (she is in charge of Education at the Lyndon House) is looking for teachers for the Spring and Summer terms. Anyone interested in teaching a class on quilting or fiber arts, please contact Madelineat 613-3623. Renee & Tom Gardner (Tom's Custom Photography Crawford, GA 706-742-2939 RRGTHG@AOL.COM)wantto archive modem quilts from Georgia starting with the year 2000. They would like to have a photo and history of each quilt. They are "stock" photographers. Door prizes and show-and-tell were nex1. Challenges - Madeline Hawley: Madeline reminded us ofthe 2000 - 200J Challenge, "Earth, Fire, Wind, Water ... Or Chocolate!" which will be due at the September 2001 Guild meeting. Charm Squares - Pamela Pontenberg: Our 15 - 8" charm squares for the upcoming months will be: W..arch - Easter; April - Large Floral; May - Pastels; June - Patriotic; and JulyBackgrOlmdFabric. Education & Workshops - Marybeth Stalp: Marybeth will have information printe.d in another area ofthe Newsletter. Hospitality - Mary Ann Cox: Reminded us ofthe Hospitality book, which is always available at each Guild meeting. Shirley Erickson let us know that Francyne Willby had been in the hospital. Newsletter- EDen Nelson: Ellen passed out the "Who's Who in Cotton Patch Quilter's Guild" They will be available at Guild Meetings. Raffle Quilt - Terri Jarrett: Please, try to turn in any ticket stubs and moneys you may have, at the Quilt Show. Remember, you must turn the ticket stubs in by the Mareh 20111 Guild meeting, as the wimler of the Raffle Quilt will be drawn during the meeting. Marilyn then let us know that our Quilt Show has been made part of the Athens bi-centemlial. Shirley Erickson then began the evening's program on the Quilt Show. After the program the meeting was adjourned April Workshop Half Square Triangle Workshop Teacher: Terri Jarrett Date: Saturday, April 28, 2001 Location: Lyndon House Arts Center Skill Level: ALL levels The half square triangle block is a square composed oftwo right triangles. It is a very common piece used in quilt block design, either alone or combined with other units. Terri will teach five different techniques for making these units and discuss the pros and cons of each method. You will learn about "special" and "bonus" squares--units that can be made in similar ways. Five key elements of design and designing with half square triangles will be discussed. Fabric Choices: You are encouraged to bring "light" and "dark" fabric, about one yard of each . For more variety in your finished project, you might bring fat quarters or pieces close to that size. You should also bring a small supply of scraps, at least 4" square. I encourage everyone to share squares; however, if you don't want a "scrappy" looking project, bring what you want to use in your finished project!. If you don't have a piOject in mind but just want to learn or practice the techniques, that's fine, too. Supply 1-is1: Sewing machine and accessories (don't forget power cord and foot pedal) Extra needles Extension cord Persona! light source Design wall (either 1 yard of 42" batting, flannel, or a tablecloth with a fuzzy backing) Basic sewing supplies Pencil and sharpener Rotary cutting mat with rotary cutter Rulers: 6 x 24; 6 x 6; 12.5 x 12.5 4 to 8 fat quarters (light fabric) 4 to 8 fat quarters (dark fabric) Minimum of 10 to 20 light and dark scraps at least 4" square Examples of half square triangle quilts that you have found in book and magazines Optional: Bring these if you already have them. Wait to purchase until after the workshop is over, if you like how they work. Quarter marker Bi-rangle The Angler Value Finder Reducing glass or door hole viewer New Member in February Paula W. Miles 116 Colonial Drive Athens, GA 30606 543-3391 • Anything Goes 2nd & 4th Wednesdays Vi0itor0 in February: Joy Price, Renee and Tom Gardner, 10:00 AM to 12 Noon Sarah Hubbard Meets at Sandy Stowe's House New Member0 between January Dottie Whitworth and Februa ry: 549-1993 Patricia Carey • Baltimore Album (Bags) 543 Buford Carey Road 1st and 3rd Fridays, Hull, GA 30646 10 AM to 2 PM 706-789-2449 Meets at Lyndon House, Fiber Craft Room patricia. Judy Caputi 543-8236 Ellen Rosinstoski • Bats (Beginners& -reachers) 3707 Womack Road 1st & 3rd Tuesday, Doraville, GA 30294 7:30 PM Dale Freeman Call for location or info Name and Addre00 Change: Karin Johnston is now Karin Stubenbaum 760-8765 (H) 310-1400 (W) 145 Grady avenue • Complex Cloth Athens, GA 30601-1969 2nd Tuesday each month 706-546-7008 1:00 PM Meets at Lyndon House Judy Caputi 5~3-8236 Support Safe House • Friendly Starters 2nd & 4th Mondays, Don't forget to bring one or two of the items 9 AM- -below for donation to Safe House. Either bnng Elsie Lewis's Home the items to the Guild meetings and Sandy Jor225 Fairway Drive dan will deliver them, or contact Joan Prittie (549546-8834 0922) during business hours. • Ladies of the Evening Daily Basic Needs: Every Wednesday Polaroid 600 film AA & AN\ batteries 7:30 PM Bleach and other disinfectants Shirley Erickson's Home Paper towels Garbage 8ags 125 Oakwood Terrace Ha.nd Dish Washing Soap Laundry Detergent 546-7454 TOilet Paper Diapers • Nifty Needlers Baby Wipes 2nd and 4th Fridays New Underwear: Meets at Lyndon Hou~e Women's and Girl's--all sizes Fiber Craft Room Boys--to age 12 10 AM to 2 PM Other Items Needed: Carol Cummings Towels and Sheets (don't have to be new) 613-8538 Pots and Pans Dishes Flai.ware • Cutting Edg Other Items: 2nd and 4th\hursda' They can't take a~ a g~meral.rule,. but if yo~ have 9 AM to 2 PM 'j any ~f the follOWing, tney might nave a chent in 'KdI F nendly' ., need. Furniture Clothing S1.James U. Meth. Ch. 111West Lake Drive Amanda Whitsel 789-2596 • Friendly Scrappers 1st & 3rd Tuesdays, 6PM Elsie Lewis's Home 225 Fairway Drive 546-8834 Harriette Hargrove's Heirloom WOOL bat-II ting by Hobbs is for sale at about 35% less than in stores. Queensize: 90" X 108" for $25.00 each Kingsize: 120" X 120" for $35.00 each Call Pattiy Torno (613-2617) to place an order. We will swap batting for $$ at the next meeting ofthe Guild. Don't Miss This ! The Greater Atlanta Shop Hop 2001 Thursday, Friday and Saturday March 22, 23, and 24, 2001 Hours: 9 AM - 8 PM Pick up a Passport on your first stop at a participating Quilt Shop. Visit each ufihe -shops -on any ofihe 3 designated days. Have your -Passport stamped. You will then be eligible for the drawing of the following prizes on March 24th: Grand Prize: $100 gift certificate to each of the 10 shops ($1000 value) 2nd Prize: Elna Sewing Machine (Passports must be stamped from all shops to be eligible for 1st and 2nd Prizes) 3rd Prize: There will be 10 of these--$100 value drawing held at each shop There wi!! be Row by Row Quilting, demonstrations and lots of fun! Commemorative Tote Bags will be available for purchase at all 10 Quilt Shops on February 1, 2001. Reserve yours now! $7 prepaid or $8 after February 1. Contact one of the stores below for your Tote Bag. Participating Shops: Dream Quilters-~Tucker Quilted Hearts Ltd--Gainesville Littl€ Quilts--Marietta Quiit Garden-Lilburn Patrick's-Covington Quilting Lines--Conyers Tiny Stitches-Marietta Quilts & Fixins'-Jonesboro Quilting Bee & Gallery--Fayetteville Village Quilt Shop-Stone Mountain MY "TO DO" LIST... Quilted Hearts For those of you who are new (or recent) members of the Guild, or for those members who need a "friendly" reminder, your Hospitality chairperson, Mary Ann Cox, 353-1406), needs quilted hearts to send to members who need encouragement, sympathy, get well wishes or a congratulatory message. Each quilted heart should be a 6" finished square with some type of heart design. (Finished means 3 layers: a pieced or appliqued top, batting and back with these 3 layers quilted and surrounded by a bound edge). These should either be turned in at each Guild meeting or mailed to Mary Ann at 142 Chesterfield Road, Bogart, 30622. If you have any information concerning any memberwho falls within the above categories or that needs to be reported to the Guild concerning our members, please let her know either by completing a form at any Guild meeting or calling her. Patch for the Guild's Tablecloth For those of you who are new to the Guild and for those who have never completed a patch for the Guild's tablecloth, here are your instructions. Each member of the Guild should complete a square each year that will be attached to the tablecloth. Here's what you do. Cut a block 6 112' square to use for the back. Make a 6 112' block of your choice (paper-pieced, applique, etc). Decorate it any way you like. Be sure to include your name and any offices that you held during the year. Next lay the decorated block FACE DOWN (right sides together) on the piece for the back. Sew around all 4 sides. Cut a slash on the back piece and turn the block right side out. The finished block should be 6" square. Turn the block in to Marilyn Osterkamp or give it to the Evelyn Hanes who is at the Membership Table at any meeting. Quilt Show Party Members of the Guild are invited to attend a Quilt Show Party Thursday evening at 5 PM. It will be held at the Oconee County Civic Center. We will be celebrating the "Show Set-Up." This will be a time when we can relax and enjoy our successes and appreciate the hard work of those who spent lots of time and energy getting "the show on the road." The winners of ribbons will be announced (except for Viewer's Choice which will be chosen by popular vote of those who visit the show), and DOOR PRIZES will be awarded to severallucky members who attend the party. Please bring finger foods to share at this festive occasion. Rememberthe schedule forthe Quilt Show (Check the March Calendar Page in the Newsletter): "Mantling" -- "Set Up" of the Show: Thursday, March 1 Show Party: Thursday, March 1, 5 PM Show: Friday, March 2, 10 AM - 6 PM Show: Saturday, March 3, 10 AM - 6 PM Show: Sunday, March 4,12 - 4 PM "Dismantling" --"Take Down" of the Show 4PM Quilt Pick Up: AFTER 5 PM, Sunday Charm Squares Pam Pontenberg, Charm Square Chairman, announced at the August meeting that based on Guild preference, the size of the Charm Square which is swapped each month will change. The membership wanting to participate chose to submit 15 - 8" squares at each meeting. This will necessitate that you wash, and then iron 3/4s of a yard for each 15piece packet that you wish to submit. Put 15 squares into a large zip-lock bag, and you ",Jill receive 15 different squares by the end of THAT meeting. Pam and a couple of volunteers will work during the meeting to insure that you can take your squares home with you. To prevent swapping only locally available fabrics, here is the theme list for the next several months; purchase your selections as you travel from Athens. This list also allows you to prepare your 6-month supply ahead of time. March, EASTER; April, LARGE FLORALS; May, PASTELS; June, PATRIOTIC; and July, BACKGROUND. Charity Quiits Clean up your "Scrap Stash" by making a quilt for one of our Charities. Make a child-friendly quilt for a child that has had to flee from "home" to seek shelter with his/her mother at the Athens Safe House. These quilts can be "receiving blanket" size, crib size, or even single bed size. Give the gift of comfort to a distraught, frightened child. Construct a lap quilt for a resident of Grandview Nursing Home. The lap quilt is used for warmth (and sometimes "dignity") for those residents who are able to sit in wheelchairs or chairs throughout the facility. The lap quilts should measure approximately 40" square. Quilt Challenge for 2001 Madeline Hawley and her committee have announced the 2001 Quilt Challenge. It is to be Earth, Fire, Wind, Water. .. or Chocolate! Put this title on the "back burner" while you work feverishly on the quilts you will enter in the March Quilt Show. Then, as soon as the Quilt Show is over, your ideas that have been simmering will begin to take shape. You will have the summer to complete this challenge! There are no requirements or limitations on Size. The only requirement is that your creation must meet the requirements of a quilt--three layers!! The "unveiling" will be at the September 2001 Guild Meeting. See you there with lots of original ideas! Mark your calendar with the following names (members of the Challenge Committee) to see what they have done! Madeline Hawley (Chairman), Diane Barret, Jeanne Lindberg, Jodie Seila, and Francyne Will by. Notice If you are willing to help with the Set Up for the Quilt Show on Thursday (either an day or part of the day), contact Jeanne Lindberg 546-9391. When you arrive at the Civic Center to help, contact Shirley Erickson. She will give you a job to do. May Workshop May 2001 Workshop National Teacher: Mary K. Sorenson Mary Sorenson of longwood, Florida began quilting in the 1970s. Part of the quilting "boom" spawned by the Bicentennial, she found quiltmaking to be a logical creative extension of her career as a textile professional working in the US garment industry. Specializing in traditional fine hand applique done from original patterns, Mary's distinctive design style is characterized by elegant, formal lines, complex layering of small pieces, and an emphasis on using a myriad of fabrics to create visual texture and excitement. Her flawless applique technique, and humourous, hands-on approach to teaching have motivated students to return to handwork with enthusiasm. Mary is the co-founder of The Florida Handwork Gathering, a semi-annual quilting retreat dedicated to promoting hand applique and hand piecing skills, and designs and markets a full line of applique patterns sold in quilt shops across the country. Mary Sorenson will be teaching two workshops on hand applique techniques, which will be held at the Lyndon House. Classes are described below, and each class will be limited to 20 people. Details such as workshop fee and supply list will appear in the next newsletter. Call or email Marybeth Stalp with questions (543-5397 or mbstalp@arches. - Your signing up for workshops must be accompanied with a $20 check made out to Cotton Patch Quitters. This check ensures your place in the workshop. You can mail checks to Marybeth Stalp, 270 Best Drive, Athens, GA 30606. The first workshop is at the beginner level, the second at the intermediate level. You are welcome to sign up for both workshops, or only for one day. This strategy potentially allows more guild members to participate in the workshops. I need help with travel arrangements for Mary Sorenson's visit (e.g., airport pickup and drop off). and a volunteer to help me with the workshops on both Friday and Saturday. If you are willing to help me out with this, please contact me by phone or email ASAP. Thanks, Marybeth Stalp. Friday, May 18, 2001 Heirloom Hand Applique Techniques Become familiarwith straightforward techniques for achieving heirloom quality hand applique work. Using an original pattern designed to incorporate the basic applique skills, you will stitch a variety of techniques in class. Smoother curves, thinner stems, sharper points and "V's", and those frustrating little round berries will be emphasized. Leave class able to complete this project with confidence, and ready to tackle more advanced applique projects. This workshop is designed to improve the level of workmanship for students already hooked on applique, and to provide a solid basis forthe beginning student who enjoys hand work. Skill Level: Appropriate forall levels Emphasis: Needle-turn technique Saturday, May 19, 2001 Buzzin' Around this tern thin Skill Raise your hand applique skills to a new level stitching bee buzzing around summer flowers. This new patemphasizes needle-turning small, challenging shapes, stems, smooth curves and sharp points. level: Intermediate Emphasis: shapes Needle-turn technique for small, challenging Above: Carter Houck from Charlottesville, VA, who judged our quilts. She is a former· editor of Ladies Circle Patchwork Quilts and is currently a feature writer in Quilter's Newsletter. Adverti€7ements (L) Virginia Carter shows off her paper-pieced wall hanging at the February Guild meeting. (R) Judy Caputi displays her "kid-friendly" flannel quilt at the Guild meeting. Far Right: Kathy Burkes, at the February Guild meeting. points out one of the quilted "guns" on her son's Target Quilt. 2001 Deadline Dates: Mar.20 April Issue Apr. 20 May Issue May.20 June Issue for the Newsletter Non-Member Rates: 1/2 Page $10.00 1/4 Page 5.00 1/8 Page 2.50 Guild Member Rates: $1.00 discount per Ad Ads must be prepaid. B & W preferred, and camera ready. Send to Ellen Nelson, 270 Idylwood Drive, Athens 30605. rt til. ilt Ladies the MembersofatBee, 5 PM Evening i. 19 131 873 22 27 ~I 224 23 10 03 Habitat for 10AM-2 Slides Goes 10AM-6PM 1:00 ofQuilt PM Barton Bee 10 Artfest, Artfest PM -through Bee, 7:30 Ga LOTE 12 Neen; 10 7:30 AM Council -2& 29ctr; GA PM PM Cutting Bee,10AM-2PM Oconee Cloth Friday Bee, Civic Ctr, Bee, 9 AM -Bee 2 PM Jekyll; Retreat, 10AM-6PM; 9Council PM Sunday Wednesday Saturday Tuesday PM; Council Jekyll Quilt Meeting, Nat. April Monday Thursday Nifty Quilting 1 through Spr. April Needlers Retreat, Torno, Evening Atlanta Hop, 9 AM 7:30 Shop Bee, -PM; 8Day PM, Scrappers Friendly 6 PM PM; Retreat, Jekyll Edge Congress 10 - 12Goes Noon;Bee CouncilCtr S LH Lyndon Opens, Due H. West SC PM 26 Quilt Birdhouse Friendly Show, 9 1 2 15GaQUilt 15 67GA Ladies Cutting Nifty 2~ Anything BAGS Ladies Friendly Needlers Quilt of Edge the Bee, of the 2QUilt Show, 7:30 PM 6BATS 29Birdhouse 30Birdhouse BAnything Complex Cotton Greater Bee, Patch 7:30 11 2001 Celebration 10 AM - 4 1 Quilts will be 9Needlers AM PM ••--Bee, Edge Bee, Goes Bee Focus: 212 PM Fabric In PM 9Art Ladies AM AM 22of PM the 7:30 PM Saturday Friday Triangle Lyndon 10 Bee,10AM-2 Evening -Show Noon; House Bee, Tuesday Workshop Monday 10Due - 4 at hhe Evening Bee, Edge Wednesday Thursday Anything Bee, 10-2 9AM Starters Bee, 220BAGS 26cutting 9 Ladies of the 16FriendlY 30FriendlY EI OBATS Ladies of 6BAGS 27Nifty 24BATS 2 Anything Half Cutting Nifty Bee, Square Bee, GUILD MTG. 7 Last day for West, SC PM, Lyndon H, 1 Birdhouse Sunday 23 14 17 13 21 7 11 1 13 5428 19 27' --- 2001 7:30 PM Bee Evening