October 2014 - Hot Springs Area Quilt Guild
October 2014 - Hot Springs Area Quilt Guild
October Newsletter Hsaquiltguild.com October 15, 2014 NEXT MEETING PRESIDENTS MESSAGE Oct. 23, 2014 Sign In & Social Time 5:30 Meeting in the Fordyce 6:00 Room of the Ouachita Professional Bldg. Wasn’t Jaynette Huff great? She was very impressive and awe inspiring. Hopefully we can have more programs like it. If you are in Little Rock, consider going to the Great Arkansas Quilt Show. The quilts are wonderful and they offer monthly workshops. Find out more about the show and workshops at this link. http://www.historicarkansas.org/whatsnew/newsDetail.aspx?id=305 Wanda Mahn will entertain us with games and treats in November. I think it is a fun way to get to know your fellow members. Program: Harvest Festival Fat Quarters: Rose/ Pink Thank you Beth, Carol and Gail for volunteering for the nominating committee. We need a President, Vice President and a Membership Chairperson. When the nomination committee calls, please consider taking an office, or maybe one of the chair positions will appeal to you. I hate to sound like a nag, but the Guild only works when enough people are participating. Happy Sewing Dottie J Officers & Team Leaders President: Dottie Atkins 1st VP: Betty Lawson 2nd VP: Jules Kirschman Secretary: Peggy Young Treasurer: Rita Michau Newsletter Editor: Carol Frazier Historian: Linda Jester Publicity: Carol Swigart Door Prizes: Renate Etie, Polly Orr, Beth Wynn & Holly Vanhaverbeke Fat Quarters: Wilma Blair Sunshine Coordinator: Nancy Murders Quilt Show Chairperson: Beth Wynn Workshops: Betty Lawson Happy Halloween! Bees, Meetings and Announcements 3rd Wed. Bee Oct. 15 We will be making ear bud holders and quilted trivets for The Boutique at Quiltfest 2015. We meet at10am at the Irwin Agency. Contact Polly Orr for a supply list . Quilts of Valor Bee NOTICE Change of day . Nov 12 We will meet the 2nd Wed Betty Smith for more information. Appli-Q-Ties - (3rd Fri. of every month) Oct. 17. Poly Orr will be teaching the bouillon stitch 12:30 pm at the Garland County Library. Contact Wilma Blair for more info. A SPECIAL THANK YOU! Beth Wynn would like to thank all the new members who have stepped in to help with the Quilt Show. Also, a BIG thank you to Wilma Blair and all those who worked on the donation quilt. It really is beautiful. HSAQG Newsletter Page 2 HOT SPRINGS AREA QUILT GUILD Meeting Minutes September 25, 2014 Members Attending: 29 7. The third Wednesday Bee will meet on October 15th at the Irwin Agency at 10:00 am. Polly Orr has patterns for earbud holders and quilted trivets for the October meeting. Contact her for a supply list. This group will not meeting in November or December. 8. Betty Smith sent word that the Quilts of Valor workshops are being moved to the second Wednesdays at the Rocking Chair. 9. Dottie announced that it is time for the Nominating Committee 1. President, Dottie Atkins called the meeting to order at 6:02 pm. to gather. Carol Swigart, Beth Wynn, and Gail Zukowski volunLast month's minutes and the Treasurer reports were accepted. teered to get a slate together for the October meeting. 2. Dottie has taken a picture of the show's Donation quilt and will 10. Jaynette Huff was our guest speaker and she brought a numhave it posted to our website. ber of her fantastic quilts, including her first one. Jaynette has created and published many designs since then and she brought some of her books along. She specializes in paper-pieced quilts and wonderful embellishments. She will be conducting a Celtic 3. Nancy Murders, Sunshine chair, reported that Becky Ketcham's Knot class on Friday, September 26, 2014 at the library. mother-in-law passed away. She sent Becky a card from the guild. Becky has been a member in the past. Meryl Black's daughter is still having difficulty with her chemo. Nancy asked that we remember her. Fat Quarters: Carol Frazier 4. The Appli-Q-Ties, who meet on the third Friday at 12:30 pm at the library, will have the bouillon stitch demonstrated by Polly Orr in October. 5. Betty Lawson has called and talked to the new director of Safe Haven. The director is checking their current inventory and will call Betty back to discuss what items they may need from us. They appear to have a supply of quilts and blankets. Betty recommended that any quilts and blankets we make should go the National Park Medical Center. The October guild meeting will have a Harvest Festival for our program. In November, Diane Case and Nancy Murders will cover embroidery in a hoop. 6. Beth Wynn and Peggy Young discussed QuiltFest 2015. Peggy and Betty Lawson are handling publicity for the show. Because of the NAQ competition next year, more emphasis must be placed on getting information out to guilds and shops. In addition, we need contact information for church groups and informal quilting groups throughout the state. Peggy will be sending a list of towns to Carol Frazier for the newsletter. It has been very difficult to find current contact information for many places and members are asked to help us find other groups so that we can spread the word about our show. Door Prizes: Wilma Blair, Carol Frazier, Kathy Hull, Jules Kirschman, Nancy Murders, Betty Williams, Beth Wynn Show and Tell: Clarice Marker 11. Dottie adjourned the meeting at 8:30 pm. Peggy Young, secretary HSAQG Newsletter Page 3 This n That PLEASE –remember that the back row of tables at our guild meeting are reserved for handicap members. Thanks for reminding those attending our meetings. Caption describing picture or graphic. This story can fit 100-150 words. The subject matter that appears in newsletters is virtually endless. You can include stories that focus on trends in home buying or selling, home improvement information, or mortgage rates. You may also want to note business or economic trends, or predict trends for your customers or clients. Some newsletters include a column that is updated every issue. For example, you could include an advice column or a “how to” article that focuses on issues such as home improvement. You can also Thank you for supporting our advertisers! Caption describing picture or graphic. Page 4 HSAQG Newsletter Jaynette Huff Trunk Show What is Jaynette doing?? You had to be there! Ruby DeBoer September Show and Tell Calendar of Events Dates Programs Fat Quarter Sept. 25 Jaynette Huff Royal Blue Oct. 23 Harvest Festival Rose/Pink Nov. 20 TBA Orange/Brown Dec. 18 Christmas Party Light Blue Page 5 HSAQG Newsletter MORE MURPHY’S LAWS QuiltFest 2015 needs your HELP! Do you have any information for guilds and quilting groups in these towns? Friendship Quilters in Berryville Johnson County Quilt Guild in Clarksville Nimble Quilters in Cabot OF QUILTING 9. Someone just bought the last yard of the original dye lot of that fabric you need for the quilt in #1. 10. The only beverage you will NEVER spill on your quilt is water. 11. When you measure twice and cut once, the piece is still too short. 12. After completely changing the color scheme and finishing your quilt in #1, you realize you had miscounted the number of squares you cut in the first place and you would have had enough of the original preferred fabric after all. 13.The greatest quilting law of all is that in spite of numbers 1-12, we just keep on stitchin’ along. Conway Eureka! Quilters in Eureka Springs Harrison Malvern Upcoming Quilting Events November 12-15, 2014 - Annual Arkansas Traditional Quilt & Craft Show Graham-Watherling Bldg., Hiway 16E, Clinton, AR www. arextensionhomemakers.org Norfork Paragould Paris February 2015 TBD - National Quilts of Valor Day Sew Day Dover, AR Contact Shelia Gordon55@gmail.com April 10-11, 2015 - Tomorrow’s Heirlooms XV Biennial Quilt Jefferson County Quilt Guild in Pine Bluff Show Q.U.I.L.T. Guild of NW Arkansas Russellville April 10-11, 2015 - 24th Annual Miller-Bowie Quilt Show Texar- Searcy kana, AR www.miller-bowiequiltshow.ifo Siloam Springs April 22-25, 2015 - AQS Quilt Show Paducah, KY Grand Prairie Quilt Society in Stuttgart July 2015 - Biennial Quiltfest, Hot Springs Area Quilt Show Crooked Creek Quilters Guild in Yellville www.hsaquiltguild.com Congratulations! Contact Peggy Young if you can help. rufisone@aol.com County Fair Award Winners Best of Show - Wilma Blair, Carol Frazier Blue Ribbons - Clarice Marker, Oleta Looney, Betty Williams, Wilma Blair & Carol Frazier
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