Faculte des Sciences Psychologiques et de l,Education L'Informatisation de la Gestion des Ressources Humaines Historique Illustration Perspectives Pascal Demat Solution Architect SAP Belgium, Maıtre de Conferences a la Business School de Solvay (ULB) Sc. Eco. Appl. (FUCaM) Informatique de Gestion (UMH) Droit des Affaires (FUCaM) Pascal.demat@ulb.ac.be 02 mars 2005 Objectif l Retracer l ,historique de l,informatisation de la GRH et ses tendances l De finir l,ERP, son environnement, ses atouts et faiblesses, et ses enjeux l Illustrer un exemple d,ERP, au travers d,un module du produit leader du marche mondial (SAP) l Essayer de comprendre l,e volution de la GRH au travers de ses applications nouvelles Profil déactivite des » DRH èdepuis 1960 L homme du Marketing Le manager Human Capital Management Le juriste GRH GRH PC PC Informatique L analyste financier Legislation sociale Legislation sociale Legislation sociale L employe administratif Cou ts salariaux Cou ts salariaux Cou ts salariaux Cou ts salariaux Administration Administration Administration Administration Administration 1960 1970 1980 1990 Y2K Historique de léinformatisation l l l l Les premiers ordinateurs (è1950) n Objectif: re soudre des probl`mes scientifiques n De veloppement gra ce aux innovations technologiques 1950-1970: Outil de Rentabilite n Facturation, salaires, gestion des stocksà n Facteur de diminution de prix de revient 1970-1980: Outil de Productivite n De veloppement de la concurrence informatique n L,utilisateur veut exploiter les donne es disponibles n Premi`res applications Infocentre et Bureautique 1980- à : Outil Strate gique n L,informatique devient strate gique: w w n Compe titivite Diffe renciation via service de qualite et original Concept d,entreprise e tendue Historique de léinformatisation l Aujourd,hui? n Email n EDI: gestion des commandes n Data Warehousing: aide « la de cision n Data Mining n Multime dia n à Historique de léinformatisation l Techniquement? n Anne es 70: Syst`mes proprie taires n Anne es 80: Downsizing w w n PC: Autonomie Manque de communication Depuis les anne es 90: Inte gration w w w w Diffe rentes architectures inte gre es (TCP/IP) Syst`mes ouverts Mod`le Client/Serveur Rightsizing Le marche des progiciels GRH l Types de progiciels n Gestion des Re mune rations n Gestion des Temps n Gestion des » Ressources Humaines – n Gestion inte gre e d ,entreprise (ERP) l Cate gories de » consommateurs – n Outsourcers n Insourcers Le marche des progiciels GRH l Gestion des Re mune rations n Secre tariats sociaux w w w w n Acerta SD Worx Partena SecoM Software houses w w EasyPay (IBM Payroll) Le marche des progiciels GRH l Gestion des Temps n CoreTime (BSP) n ProTime l Gestion des » Ressources Humaines – non-inte gre e n Ressource Vision - VisionX n HR Access n HR Accent n Ictinos n ASP,s Le marche des progiciels GRH l Gestion inte gre e d,entreprise (ERP) n SAP R/3, leader (35%) n PeopleSoft n Oracle n ... Human Capital Management for Your Business lHCM for the Business means integrating employee processes and information with business processes and strategies to achieve optimal business results Business Goals and Objectives Employeerelated processes Recruitment, Deployment, Development, Retention Engagement, Interaction, Collaboration Transaction, Administration, Compliance Support Business Results Ultimately, HCM is about giving the business insight about the workforce to make better decisions and provide competitive business advantage HR: Holding the key to Human Capital Management lHRés Role in HCM is trusted advisor, guiding and supporting the employee processes and information that contribute to achieving these business results Business Goals and Objectives Employeerelated processes HR⥖s Role Recruitment, Deployment, Development, Retention HR is a consultant to the business Engagement, Interaction, Collaboration HR is a business partner to managers and employees Business Results Transaction, Administration, Compliance Support HR is a service provider to the organization Human Capital Management Solutions lHCM Solutions focus on three areas throughout the business that support employees Employee Relationship Management Employee Lifecycle Management Employee Transaction Management HCM solutions utilize technology to understand, identify, leverage, and ultimately increase the human capital of the organization, generating business value and contributing to the bottom line Employee Lifecycle Management lThere are several phases of the life cycle of each member of the workforce Business Goals and Objectives What do we want to accomplish? Attract/Hire Deploy What human capital do we need? Influence Develop Retain Business Results and Measurement What are the results? How do we find the best people? How do we best leverage our people? Were we successful? How do we align goals and behavior? How do we train and our people? How do we keep our people? Integrating each phase with business planning and results measurement drives business success throughout the organization Employee Relationship Management Employee Employee Interaction Platform lMembers of the workforce develop and maintain relationships throughout and beyond the company Mobile Employee Help Desk Portal Manager Voice Recog. Company Leveraging technology to enabling these relationships increases alignment and productivity, generating business value throughout the organization Employee Transaction Management Payroll Benefits Integration Time Management Personnel Management Globalization Standardization and Consolidation Reporting Analysis and Compliance lHCM solutions also include the HR-related transactions and processes necessary to run the business Integrating these core processes and data delivers seamless end-to-end business processes and a lower overall cost of ownership SAP R/3 : Progiciel Inte gre my SAP HR - Business Figures lmySAP HR Customers: n Over 8,000 customers worldwide n Over 6,500 customers life n Over 4,500 payroll customers lmySAP HR Licences: n Over 38 Mio. of master records n Over 10 Mio. ESS users mySAP HR ç Business Figures mySAP HR Customers in over 60 countries è Asia Pacific 728 n Australia, New Zealand 129 n Japan n Malaysia n Rest of Asia 170 82 347 è Europe n n n n n n n n n 5633 France 186 Germany 2900 Italy 100 Netherlands 200 Belgium 127 Spain 250 Switzerland 478 United Kingdom 381 Rest of Europe 1238 è Africa & Mid. East 201 è Americas 1281 n Canada 136 n USA 721 n Latin America 488 78% of mySAP HR Customers are live 71% of live mySAP HR Customers use SAP Payroll Around 30% of mySAP HR Customers have international operations mySAP HR Customer Population HR Customers by Employee Population n 38% of customers have less then 1000 employees n Only 10 % of customers worldwide have more 10,000 employees <1000 Employees 38 % 1000-5000 Employees 37% 5000-10000 Employees 15% >10000 Employees 10% 0% 0 5% 5 10% 10 15% 15 20% 20 25% 25 30% 30 35% 35 40% 40 45% 45 mySAP HR ç Solution Map Organizational Management l Strategic tool for modeling organizational (Matrix, project, reporting, 㝕 ) l Simulate future organizational changes l Job and Task catalog l Backbone for Human Resources Strategy (Learning and Development, Total Reward, Recruitment, 㝕 ) l Reporting based on past, present and future data l Recommended for Workflow l Multi langue, multi devise l Layout n International n National n Spe cifique client l Historique en ligne l Trac age l Connexion « la messagerie l Integration MS-Office l Se curite et confidentialite Saisie de donne es - Infotype Standard SAP Saisie de donne es - Infotype Standard SAP Saisie de donne es - Infotype Standard SAP Gestion proce durale e v`nementielle Valeurs par defaut Inte gration Messagerie Procedure administrative Enfants ? Embauche Proce dure Dynamique Saisie de donne es - Mesures administratives 36 SAP country versions Belgian Public Sector Solution Approved Third-Party Solutions (Belgium) Interface with Existing Solution SAP HR Module SAP HR Database Master Data, Time, Wages SAP HR Payroll results Interface Internal Solution Plan de roulement Saisie Ne gative Substitution de à « ... Heures Supp. de à « ... Conge s de à « ... Maladies de à « ... Mode combine Saisie positive Substitution from ... to ... Overtime approved from... to ... Leave from ... to ... Sickness from ... to ... Evaluation Paie Releve des prestations Attendance from .. to .. from .. to .. from .. to .. from .. to .. from .. to .. from .. to .. MAIL Horaires Grille de planification OK Sous-effectif Sur-effectif Welcome Nis Boy Naeve My News My Info My Work Personal Employee Self-Service Expert Finder Learning Portal Career Portal mySAP HR SOLUTION COMPONENTS Workforce Planning Lifecycle Management n Workforce Cost Planning & Simulation n Workforce Cost Planning & Simulation n Employee Succession Planning n Balanced Scorecard Integration n Career Succession Planning n eRecruiting n Shift Planning n Performance Management n Compensation Management n Expert Finder n E-Learning n Manager Self-Service n Training & Events Management n Employee Self-Service Employee Productivity Suite lTransaction Management n Organizational Management n Payroll n Benefits n Time Management n Ad Hoc Query n HR Administration n Outsourcing n SEM Measure Catalogue n Concurrent Employment n 91 KPI,s n Global Employee Management n BW HR Infocube n 30 Process Data Sources Workforce Analytics Gestion des temps par exception Plan de roulement Saisie Ne gative Substitution de à « ... Heures Supp. de à « ... Conge s de à « ... Maladies de à « ... Mode combine Saisie positive Substitution from ... to ... Overtime approved from... to ... Leave from ... to ... Sickness from ... to ... Evaluation Paie Releve des prestations Attendance from .. to .. from .. to .. from .. to .. from .. to .. from .. to .. from .. to .. MAIL Avenir ? l e-recruitment l e-development l e-learning l Employee selfservice l e-data warehousing