September 2015 - Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church


September 2015 - Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
September 2015
Christ Lutheran
Inside this issue:
“You are the body of Christ and individually members of it.”
Thank You from Jonathan & Laney
Blue Grass Sunday
Blood Drive
Equipping the Saints
Junior Church
Summer Produce Table
Book Drive
October Food Collection
Fire Inspection Leads to
Building Repairs
Women’s News
ICM Sunday
Prayer Shawl Meeting
Men’s Fellowship
Chrismon Workshop
Bulletin Board Update
Transportation Committee
New Directions
Special points of interest:
Equipping the
Saints Volunteer
Day, September
 Blue Grass Sunday
 ICM Sunday
 Blood Drive
 Chrismon Workshop
1 Cor. 12:27
Dear Friends,
I continue to delight in the ways that God acts in our lives
and our ministry. Three years ago, the ELCA national church
dedicated the second Sunday in September as a day of service.
They called this event, “God's Work, Our Hands.” That first
year, Christ Lutheran had the very simple theme of visitation as
our ministry.
Last year, as part of our Vision for Mission, Christ Lutheran held a blood drive in our Fellowship Hall on the “God's
Work, Our Hands” Sunday Partnering with Virginia Blood Services, we have since held two additional blood drives, although
one was cancelled because of the winter weather. Again, this
year Christ Lutheran and Virginia Blood Services will hold a
blood drive in our Fellowship Hall on Sunday, September 13
from 1:00-5:00 P.M.
Amazingly, without coordinating, God is doing something
new with our day of service. On Saturday morning, September
12, members of Christ Lutheran Church will be helping at
Equipping the Saints in Weyers Cave. Gene and Judy Matthews
have already visited the ministry. They along with our Social
Ministry have put together this event. A signup sheet is in the
gathering space of the church. We will meet beforehand and
drive out together for the 9:00 A.M. to Noon event, which is followed by lunch at the Matthews home outside of Verona.
We delight in how God is changing lives throughout ministry. It is especially meaningful to know that we live out this
ministry in partnership with thousands of other Lutheran Congregations who are also lending their hands to God's work and
presence in the world.
I give thanks to our living and building of this ministry
God Bless,
Pastor McCarty
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Christ Lutheran Tidings
From Jonathan & Laney
Hello from Durham, North Carolina. We are getting well acclimated to our
new apartment and jobs at Food Lion. I will be starting at Duke Seminary the end
of August; I am very excited. We are also in the process of finding a church while
we are here however it will be hard to beat our experience with you all at Christ
We have been so blessed by your congregation in the last couple of years
while serving as the Minister of Music at CLC. Thank you so much for everything
you have done, for the work that the choir put into making the music sound wonderful, and for the friendships, love, and support that you have all shown. Laney
and I would also like to thank you for the wonderful Wedding Shower last Fall and
all of the heartfelt gifts that you have given us, for all of the support, and involvement in making our wedding day special, and thank you all so much for the Going
Away lunch and for the heartfelt gifts and sweet notes on our last Sunday. May
God Bless you. We miss you and love you.
Jonathan and Laney Greer
3704 Meriwether Drive, Apt. O
Durham, NC 27704
Blue Grass Worship Sunday
Join us on Sunday, September 13 at 10:30 A.M.
for a morning of worship & special music
you won’t want to miss!
Invite your family, friends & neighbors to join you!
Christ Lutheran Tidings
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Christ Evangelical Lutheran Church
Blood Drive
Sunday, September 13, 2015
1:00-5:00 P.M.
Church Fellowship Hall
For information & to sign up
Questions? Contact Phyllis Cox at
Appointments preferred.
Walk-ins welcome.
Volunteers Needed for Equipping the Saints Workday
"Equipping the Saints" is an organization located in Weyers Cave which
collects and warehouses equipment and clothing to be sent to missionaries around
the globe.
Our Social Ministry Committee has contacted them and they would be
extremely grateful for any help we can provide. Service for them requires a certain
amount of physical effort, probably folding/rolling clothes to be vacuum sealed for
shipping--or other activities sorting or packing items.
We've arranged with them to serve on Saturday, September 12 from 9:00 A.M.
until 12:00 Noon. Let's get a group together and enjoy working for this organization. Following our work morning, we will meet at the home of Gene & Judy
Matthews for lunch (located just east of Verona). Contact Gene Matthews (248-1351)
and/or sign up on the list posted in the narthex.
Submitted by the Social Ministry Committee
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Christ Lutheran Tidings
Do you like to read or tell stories?
Would you like to share your faith? If the answer is yes,
then the Lord can use you! We are looking for volunteers to
tell Bible stories and share their faith with the young children in our Junior Church. It is not hard! Just help them understand one of the readings from the service or another story
and then have them express that in a drawing or other simple
creative idea. The time frame is about 15-25 minutes. If you
are interested or have questions, please see Debbie Morris,
Katie Morris or Linda Youngblood. Thank you and the Lord
thanks you, too!
Home-Grown/Home-Made Table
Summer 2015
The Social Ministry Committee would like to say a big “Thank you!” for your
contributions to our Summer Produce Table this season. Through your donations we
have received on record $159.78. However, more donations will be added when the
figures are finally tallied up. Watch your bulletin announcements for a final count. All
proceeds will be given to SACRA (Staunton Augusta Church Relief Association).
Thank you for helping those in need through SACRA.
A BIG “thank you” to those who donated books to our recent book drive for
deployed service men and women! Melanie Rhodes recently shipped off seven large
packages of books! We will collect more books later – maybe after the first of the year.
Thank you again for making this project a success!
During the month of October, we will receive food for the Verona Community Food Pantry. Please remember to bring nonperishable items and leave them in the bins that will be placed in
the narthex during this time. Monetary gifts are also welcome so
that we can purchase much-needed paper items for the pantry. We
will also accept warm, gently used clothing such as sweaters, jackets
and coats of any size, and toys.
This ministry is sponsored by the Quilting Group of Christ Lutheran Church
and we thank you for your support.
Christ Lutheran Tidings
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Fire Inspection Leads to Building Repairs
The Property Committee, Donald Schneider, Chair, including many
members of Christ Lutheran Church have been kept busy this summer bringing our
50+ years old church building up to code for the recent detailed Staunton Fire Department Inspection.
Fire extinguishers were inspected by Wayne Oxygen. Three extinguishers were
Occupancy Load permits were posted downstairs by the fellowship hall and in
the narthex on the bulletin board across from the sanctuary.
Ceiling and wall repairs were completed in two of our furnace rooms by
Lovegrove Construction.
Janitorial and painting supplies were removed from under the stairwell.
Light bulbs were replaced.
Exit light batteries were replaced.
Stage curtains removed (due to non-fire retardant material).
A new and more visible sign with our street number was made and installed by
Suzanne Lochner & Stuart Wiseman.
Not as part of the inspection: Plumbing repairs were made due to a leak in our
storage room off the of the fellowship hall. A new outside water line, water value,
shut-off valve and water-reducer valve was installed. The light fixture that was
water damaged and unsafe was replaced.
Also, repair to the guttering that was damaged by snow/ice this winter was
repaired by ACG Botkin & Son Roof/Gutter Repair.
We are grateful to the Endowment Committee for their contributions to help
pay for most of these repairs.
Thanks to everyone who pitched in to help us!
Suzanne Lochner & Stuart Wiseman
Rebecca Rhodes, Jim Gibson, Donald & Bobby Schneider,
Pastor McCarty, Kathy Bigelow, Tom Miller, James Hathaway
Hopefully, we have given credit to those helpful hands involved in the repairs.
If we left your name out, please let Brenda know.
Respectfully submitted,
Donald Schneider, Property Committee Chair
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Christ Lutheran Tidings
The WELCA ladies will hold their first
meeting of the fall on Tuesday, September 1, 11:00
A.M. at the Legacy of North Augusta in the Dogwood
Room. We will be planning meetings for our 20152016 year. Following the meeting, we plan to eat
lunch in the dining room.
The WELCA Quilting Group w ill be h eld
on Tuesday, September 15. We work on quilts from
9:30 A.M. until 12:00 Noon. We need your help!
Even if you cannot sew, please come as we can use
your hands to help us pin, cut, and tie quilts together.
Even if you can come for just a short while, you are
Virginia Synodical Women’s Convention 2015
The Virginia Synodical Women Organization met for its 29th year on August
14 & 15 at St. Marks Lutheran Church in Yorktown, where 87 people were in attendance. I was honored to serve as the delegate for Christ Church. The theme for worship this year was "Bold Women called by Christ," mobilized women who act boldly
on their faith in Jesus is our mission. Our convention scripture for worship was Second Timothy 1:7, "For God did not give us a spirit of timidy, but a spirit of power, of
love, of self-discipline." I was called to participate on the VSWO Election Committee and the Southern Valley Conference Planning Committee through 2017. I also
participated in the Oils of Healing, the Bible workshop, and the Church-wide National Representation workshop.
The love offering totaled $2,521.50. It was collected and split between
Natasha House and Little Dresses for Africa. Duffel bags were made and collected
to be sent to foster children in Virginia. The goal for duffel bags was 300. Our unit
proudly made 4 bags. The convention collected 1,006 bags, which were blessed at
the meeting! Thanks be to God!
The next convention will be held August 5 & 6, 2016 at Epiphany Lutheran
Church in Richmond, VA. Get Involved!
Kathy Fries Rosen
Christ Lutheran Tidings
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ICM Sunday—September 13, 2015
On Labor Day our Nation recognizes and honors men and women who labor
and work in business, industry and the service sector.
It is appropriate that we also recognize and honor the volunteer Chaplains
who bring God’s love and comfort to working men and women each week at their
places of employment. ICM’s motto is “to be a caring presence” in the workplaces of America. The local ICM-Skyline Chapter serves workplaces in Staunton,
Waynesboro and Augusta County. Currently, 24 chaplains are serving our local area
including Donald Schneider, a member of Christ Lutheran Church, who serves Birch
Gardens & Royal Care Retirement Communities.
Locally, 26 businesses and agencies are being served and include Staunton
Steam Laundry, Staunton-Augusta YMCA, McKee Foods, Hershey Tire, The Virginia
Employment Commission-VEC among others.
Our congregation is blessed to have several active volunteers involved with
Industrial and Commercial Ministries (ICM). They are: Phyllis Cox- Board Member; Dell Philpott- Board Member and retired chaplain; Woody Sanders,
Skyline Chapter President, Gerry Wells, Board Member, and John
Lasher, Skyline Chapter board member and treasurer.
On Sunday, September 13th, 2015, Christ Lutheran will recognize ICM and
their ministry. We ask for your prayers and support. New chaplains are
needed…..if you feel God’s call to this important ministry, please call Woody Sanders. For more information visit
Submitted by Woody Sanders, ICM, Skyline Chapter President
Prayer Shawl Meeting September 24, 2015
The Prayer Shawl Group will meet on Thursday, September 24 at 6:00 P.M.
in the church lounge. We will enjoy our dinner together while we talk about our
goals for the coming months and set dates for future meetings to work on our
prayer shawl projects together. Please bring a salad or side dish to share, and your
own beverage. Dell and Brenda will provide chicken.
Many thanks to those of you who have left shawls in the church office. We
have distributed all but one! We hope to see you on September 24. Anyone is
welcome to join us!
Christ Lutheran Tidings
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All men of Christ
Lutheran Church are invited to attend our
monthly Men in Mission
Meeting on September 14
at the home of Gerry
Wells. We will begin with
a meal at 6:30 P.M.
Following our meal, we
will study selections of
the Sermon on the
We hope you can
join us!
Chrismon Workshop—September 13, 1:30 P.M.
As part of the “Day of Service” at Christ
Lutheran Church, we will be working on Chrismons,
September 13, 1:30 P.M. in the Fellowship Hall
(opposite end of the Blood Drive).
We will learn how to make beaded crosses for
the church tree and for our shut-in members. If you
have them, please bring needle-nose pliers or forceps,
wire cutters and a ruler or yard stick.
Submitted by Linda Youngblood
Old Church Pews
A Bit of history is stored in one of our downstairs rooms…old pews
used years ago by Christ Church, which have been kept in an unused meeting room.
Council has decided to look into selling them to an antique dealer, but before we do,
perhaps someone in the congregation would be interested in purchasing a bit of
Christ Lutheran Church history. We have 8 pews, approximately 80” long and 8
pews about 30” in length. All have wrought iron bases and the smaller pews with the
“slat-type” seating will be in good condition after some refinishing work. If this
sounds interesting to you, please talk to Donald Schneider, Property Chair (1-540817-7068) or Pastor McCarty. (Some pews may have already been sold.)
Christ Lutheran Tidings
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Bulletin Board Update
Our bulletin board in the narthex and the two bulletin boards in the hallway
will soon be updated with news and pictures. If you have pictures to share with a
“Back to School” theme, please email them or bring them to the church office. We’d
love to see pictures of children beginning school or college days.
Jonathan and Laney have sent us several pictures from their wedding, which
we will also display.
So watch for the summer bulletin boards to change to a fall theme soon!
Transportation Committee Needs Volunteers
We need volunteers for our Transportation Committee. If you are interested in helping
bring church members to worship on Sundays, to church events and appointments, please
contact the church office.
WELCA Collection for New Directions Thrift Store
It’s approaching that time of the year when the ladies of WELCA will be collecting unused/unopened trial-size toiletries during the month of October. These
much needed items will be donated to the New Directions Thrift Shop Center in
Staunton and from there will be taken to its shelter.
Simply collect your items and place them in zip lock or plastic bags. You may
place the bags in the basket located in the cloakroom adjacent to the Narthex. Not
sure about an item or if you have any other questions, please contact Mindy Reynolds (949-8175). Many thanks for your thoughtfulness and generosity.
Submitted by Mindy Reynolds
Pictured is a sample of a toiletry bag
Happy Anniversary To:
Brian Shaner
Nicholas Walge
Linda Vitt
Kiera Barker
Debbie Morris
Melanie Rhodes
Betty Cason
Amy Bigelow
Katie Whitney
Carolyn Riley
Lorraine Bosserman
Hanne Henderson
Brian Smith
Rachel Obenschain
Alfred Berry
Frances Roudabush
Elizabeth & Rob McCarty (22 years)
Suzanne Lochner & Stuart Wiseman
Jeanne & Patrick Webb (31 years)
Margie & Walter Obenschain (33 years)
Betty & Woodie Cason (50 years)
Robbin Youngblood
684 Phillip Street
Staunton, VA 24401
Autumn Rae Simpson
107 Dogwood Drive
Manakin Sabot, VA 23103
Congratulations to Dustin
Whitmore & Rachel Johnson at
the birth of Beckett McKinley
Whitmore born July 7, 2015.
Big brother is Brantley Marshall
Whitmore. Proud grandparents are Rick &
Candi Whitmore.
Blessings to Daw son Bar ker w h o w as
baptized at Christ Lutheran Church on July 26.
Dawson is the son of Kiera & Jenn Barker.
Back to School!
Remember in Your Prayers
Members of Christ Lutheran Church:
Amelia Berry
Beth Craig
Dick Firebaugh
Frances Roudabush
Betty Van Lear (Brookdale)
Linda Vitt
Extended Concerns:
Dorothy Briehl
Joan & Bill Brill
Marvin Cowell (Brookdale)
Patricia Garber (Envoy)
Imogene Kurtz
Jane Ruch
Esther Seltzer (Augusta Rehab)
Winston Wine
*Friends & Family of Members:
Tom B.
Donnie & Joy
Lorraine J.
The Fries Family
George S.
George E.
*Extended Concerns/Friends &
Family of Members:
Jim M.
Bill M.
Sonja L.
Mary L.
Mary R.
For privacy reasons, only first names and last initials are listed for non-members of
Christ Lutheran Church.
While recently purging and re-organizing the files in my desk drawers, I came
across this little poem a church member gave me many years ago. If anyone has an
idea who this came from, I would love to know! Brenda
Where can a man buy a cap for his knee?
Or a key to a lock of his hair?
Can your eyes be called an academy, because there are two pupils in there?
What jewels are in the crown of your head?
Who walked the bridge of your nose?
Can you do the shingling in the roof of your mouth with the nails
on the end of your toes?
Can the crook of your elbow be sent to jail? If so, what did it do?
Can you sit in the shade of the palm of your hand? Be darned if I know, do you?
Do you ever sharpen your shoulder blades?
Can you beat the drums in your ears?
Do the calves in your legs eat the corn on your toes?
Then why not grow corn on your ears?
Mt. Tabor Lutheran Church
Harvest Sale & Supper
September 12, 2015
4:00 P.M.
Family-Style Menu includes: Country Ham, Turkey, Dressing, Mashed Potatoes, Gravy, Lima Beans, Tomatoes, Pickles, Homemade Rolls,
Apple & Cherry Pie, Tea and Coffee.
Adults: $15.00
Children under 10: $5.00
Quilt: (measures 78” x 78”)
Bench: Hickory wood (approx. size 48”long x 17” high)
TICKETS: $1.00 each or
$5.00 for 7
Contact Joe or Karen Vecchioli at 540-290-7619 or 290-7620
September 12, 2015
7:00 A.M.—1:00 P.M.
Staunton Church of the Brethren
1615 N. Coalter Street, Staunton
Join us for our annual Dunkers’ Day Celebration to support the Augusta Free Clinic/Dental Clinic,
Brethren Woods, Capital Improvement Fund of the Church
Dunkers’ Breakfast
Pancakes, sausage, eggs, applesauce, sausage gravy, juice & coffee.
Served from 7-10 A.M.
Adults $6 and children $3
Silent Auction
Quilts made by the Ladies of the Church
Handcrafted wooden items, handmade items, gift certificates, new items,
“Buy It Now” items, and much more!
Food & Drinks Available
BBQ chicken, BBQ pork, country ham sandwiches, hot dogs,
Aunt Sue’s Fresh Squeezed Lemondate & much more!
Apple Butter & Apple Dumplings!
Bake Shop, Country Store
Arts & Crafts Shop, Flower Shop
Yard Sale, Kid’s Stuff (clothing & toys)
Book Shop
9:30 A.M.—Phat and Sassy
10:30 A.M.—High on the Mountain Boys, Country Gospel
Fun for all ages! Rain or shine!
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
2807 North Augusta Street
Staunton, Virginia 24401
Phone: 540-885-4843
Email: celcsta@gmail.come
Worship with us each Sunday morning at 10:30 AM.
The Rev. Robert D. McCarty, Pastor
Jonathan Greer, Organist/Director of Music
Brenda L. Wollner, Secretary
David Sprouse, Custodian
Jim Youngblood, President
Evelyn Young, Secretary
Kathy Bigelow, Treasurer
Sybil McElveen
Melanie Rhodes
Donald Schneider
Barbara Shaner
Our Mission Statement:
By God’s grace, the Holy Spirit leads us to
love and serve all.
September 2015
Christ Evangelical Lutheran
Worship with us!
ICM Sunday
1:00-5:00-Blood Drive
1:30-Chrismon Workshop
Pastors Luncheon
(Fellowship Hall)
9:00-12:00Volunteering at
Equipping the
6:30-Men’s Fellow-
Newsletter articles
Caroline Furnace
Work Weekend
Phone: 540-885-4843
ship Mtg. at the
home of Gerry Wells 9:30-Sew Day
2807 North Augusta Street
Staunton, Virginia 24401
10:30-Blue Grass
Worship Sunday
11:00-WELCA Mtg. at
the Legacy of North
9:00-Staff Meeting Luncheon
6:00-Prayer Shawl
Fellowship Hall
Fellowship Hall
September 2015 Worship Worksheet
September 6
15 Sunday after Pentecost
AM: Suzanne Lochner
Guest Organist: Christiana Holyer
September 13
16 Sunday after Pentecost
Blue Grass Sunday
AM: Tom Miller
September 20
17 Sunday after Pentecost
AM: Phyllis Cox
September 27
18 Sunday after Pentecost
AM: Amy Kiger
Isaiah 35:4-7a
Psalm 146
James 2:1-10 (11-13) 14-17
Gospel: Mark 7:24-37
Isaiah 50:4-9a
Psalm 116:1-9
James 3:1-12
Gospel: Mark 8:27-38
Jeremiah 11:18-20
Psalm 54
James 3:13-4:3, 7-8a
Gospel: Mark 9:30-37
Numbers 11:4-6, 10-16, 24-29
Psalm 19:7-14
James 5:13-20
Gospel: Mark 9:38-50
Praise the One Who Breaks the Darkness
Healer of Our Every Ill
We Come to the Hungry Feast
Let Justice Flow Like Streams
Softly & Tenderly, Jesus Is Calling
I Saw the Light
Listen God Is Calling/Bind Us Together
Amazing Grace
Lord, Whose Love in Humble Service
O Christ the Same
Just A Closer Walk With Thee
The Spirit Sends Us Forth to Service
How Great Thou art
You Have Come Down to the Lakeshore
Amazing Grace
Morning Has Broken
Those Serving in Our September Worship Services:
Junior Church
Carolyn Haggerty, Wayne Huntley, Jay Shaner
Suzanne Lochner, Iain Wiseman, Lynwood Craig
Bob Blackburn, David Blackburn, Karl Protil
Evelyn Young, Woodie Cason, Rebecca Rhodes
Madilynn Langston
Rhiannon Wiseman
Jackson Kiger
Jamison McCarty
David Blackburn
Mason Weddle
Iain Wiseman
Suzanne Lochner
Amy Kiger
Tom Miller
Sam Rowe
Tim Fitzgerald
Sue Obenschain
Karl Protil
Lorraine Bosserman
Sybil McElveen
Katie Morris
Linda Youngblood
Katie Morris
Linda Youngblood
Ushers: Please be at the church by 10:00 A.M. for usher duty on Sunday mornings. If you cannot serve as indicated, please contact
our head usher, Lynwood Craig (886-2664 Home or 886-3391 Work).
Altar Guild & Flower Committee: Rebecca Rhodes & Anita Sanders
Meals-on-Wheels for September 8: Nancy Dahl & Howard Wilhelm; Jim Gibson & Carolyn Haggerty