the program - Yangon Photo Festival


the program - Yangon Photo Festival
Photo Night
FEB.16 - 5 p.m.
Liberté, Egalité, Fraternité
vGwfvyfjcif; nDrQjcif; cspfMunfjcif;
Jan. 24 - Feb. 22 2013
© Cédric Arnold
Institut Français de Birmanie - 340, Pyay road, Sanchaung tsp
International Media Support (IMS)
is proud to support the
5th Yangon Photo Festival
We are a non-profit organisation working to support local media in
countries affected by armed conflict, human insecurity and political
In more than 50 countries worldwide, we help to strengthen
professional journalism and ensure that media can operate in
challenging circumstances.
Find out more about our work to support free media and
freedom of expression around the world:
Program yJGtpDtpOff
The Yangon Photo Festival celebrates this year its fifth years’ existence with the theme
“liberté, égalité, fraternité”, the French motto. Organized by Institut français de Birmanie in partnership with International Media Support (IMS) and under the patronage of Aung San Suu Kyi, the festival gives a very broad picture of what internationally acclaimed photographers produced recently,
mainly in documentary photography. The festival also offers to citizens of Myanmar the opportunity to
have free photography trainings and documentary photography improvement trainings. The main goal is
to give the new generation of Myanmar photographers the tools to be professional documentary photographers. From 2009 to 2012, the photo essays produced were shown in prestigious photography festivals
like Photo Phnom Penh in Cambodia or Visa Pour l’Image and Les Rencontres d’Arles in France.
&efukef"gwfyHkyJGawmfonf ,ckESpfwGif vGwfvyfjcif; ? omwlnDrQ&Sdjcif;? nD&if;tpfudk uJhodkY cifwG,fjcif; acgif;pOfjzifhig;ESpfajrmufusif;yaom
yJGawmfjzpfonf/ jyifopf ,Ofaus;rIiSmeESifh EdkifiHwum rD'D,m tultnDay;a&;tzGJY (IMS) wdkYu yl;aygif; pDpOf aqmif&GufNyD; a':atmifqef;
pkMunf OD;aqmiftm;ay;ulnDonfh þ"mwfyHkyJGawmfonf EdkifiHwumpHcsdefESifhtnD urÇmwpf0Srf;vHk;rS wpfqifh"mwfyHkynm&yfrsm;udk avhvm
oif,lEdkifrnfh tcGifhtvrf;rsm; urf;vSrf;ay;onfh yJGawmfjzpfygonf/ NydKifyJG\ t"du &nf&G,fcsufrSm rsdK;qufopf jrefrm"mwfyHkq&mrsm;udk
EdkifiHwumwGif &ifabmifwef;,SOf NydKifEdkifap&ef avhusifhay;vdkjcif;jzpfygonf/ yJGawmfusif;yay;cJhonfh 2009 ckESpf rS 2012 ckESpf rsm;twGif;
yg0ifqifEJTcJhaom "mwfyHkq&mrsm; &kduful; xkwfvkyfxm;onfh "mwfyHkpm wef;rsm;udkvnf; uarÇm'D;,m;rS Photo Phnom Penh ? jyifopf
EdkifiHrS Visa Pour L'Image ESifh Les Rencontres d'Arles wdkUuJhodkY uarÇmw0Srf;vHk;wGif emrnfBuD; acwftpm;qHk; yJGawmfrsm;wGif
Yangon Photo Night &efukef"mwfyHkncsrf;
Sat. 16th Feb. 5.00 P.M.
azaz:0g&Dv 16 &ufaeY? paeaeY? nae 5 em&D
The photo-essays produced during the advanced photo workshop to documentary photography will
be screened at night in the garden of Institut français de Birmanie. A ceremony will then reward the
photographers who produced the Best Photo-Essays of the Year. The winners will be designated by a
jury composed of important persons linked to the festival, Come from 5.00 p.m. onwards to appreciate
the exhibitions and activities !
tqifhjrifhrSwfwrf;wif"mwfyHkoifwef;wGif wufa&mufcJhaom "mwfyHkq&mrsm;onf þESpf\ taumif;qHk; "mwfyHkpmwrf;wdkqkjydKifyJGwGif
yg0if,SOfjydKifMurnfjzpfonf/ 4if;wdkY &kduful;xm;aom "mwfyHkpmwrf;wdkrsm;udk jyifopfoH&kH;,Ofaus;rSKXme\ jrufcif;jyifwGif
ncsrf;csdefcgü ydwfum;jzifh jyornfjzpfonf/ tuJjzwf'dkifvlMuD;rsm;rS qk&&Sdolrsm;udk a&G;cs,ftjyD;wGif qk&&Sdolrsm;tm; qkcsD;`rSifhyJG
Exhibitions "mwfyHkcif;usif;jyoyJG
azaz:0g&Dv 13 &ufrS 22 &uftxd
Feb. 13th-22nd
Conferences, Screenings
Feb. 12th-16th
azaz:0g&dv 12 &ufrS 16 &uftxd
Workshops vufawGYoifwef;rsm;
Jan. 24th-Feb. 9th
Zefe0g&Dv 24 &ufrS azaz:0g&Dv 9 &uftxd
Festival Working Staff
Olivier Lacroix, director of Institut français de Birmanie.
Marina Perillat, cultural project coordinator.
Yves-Noel Thenadey, assistant cultural project coordinator.
Christophe Loviny, artistic program manager
Nicolas Havette, technical coordinator
Workshop trainers
Christophe Loviny
Nicolas Havette
Kyee Myint, Minzayar Oo,
Aung Pyae, Pyay Kyaw Myint
and Tun Tun Aye
Special thank you to ...
La confiserie, Wint Thiri Than Aye, Shwe Yee Oo, Htet Myo Htut Aung, Sabrina, KZM, Soe Min,
Christine Muraton, the students of IFB, the volunteers ...
azaz:0g&Dv 13 &ufrS 22 &uftxd Feb. 13th-22nd
ap'&pf tmhcfaemfvf\vuf&m
&efukefNrdKUBuD; Edk;xvmNyD/ vGwfvyfrIawG?
*Dwynm&SifawG pma&;q&mawG NyD;awmh
tEkynm&Sifrsm;\ rQa0cHpm;rIESihf vJvS,frI
topfawGeJYEdk;xvmygw,f/ ap'&pftmhcf
½dkuful;xm;onfh yHkrsm;onf &efukefNrdKU&Sd
vlaygif; pHkwdkY\ trsdK;rsdK;tzHkzHk EdkifiHh,Ofaus;rI
tarGtESpfrsm;udk udk,fpm;jyKaeMuygonf/
by Cédric Arnold
The city of Yangon awakens.
Cedric Arnold’s large format
Polaroid photographs capture
an unlikely blend of characters on the streets of Yangon. From young punks inspired
by the 1970’s UK punk scene
to a Hindu priest smeared in
portray the many layers that
exist within a city full of
fascinating cultural heritage
and diversity.
atmifjynfh? rif;aZ,smESifh
jynfausmfjrifhwdkY\ vuf&m
jrefrmEkdifiHwGif {NyDv twGif;u usif;ycJhaom
Mum;jzwfa&G;aumufyJG umvtwGif; rsm;jym;vS
aom jrefrmvlxky&dwfowfMuD;onf 1989 ckESpf
uwnf ; u&,l & ef B ud K ;yrf ; cJ h a om'D r d k u a&pD
pepf \ tES p f o m&ud k y xrqH k ; cH p m;od & S d & ef
yl;aygif; yg0ifqifETJaeyHk jzpfonf/
by Aung Pyae, Minzayar
& Pyay Kyaw Myint
During the by-elections that took
place last April, huge crowds of
Myanmar people participated in what
was for many, their first taste of a
democratic process since 1989.
*sdKeoef awmf*lepf\ vuf&m
&nf&G,fcsuf&Sdaom aemufqufwJGrsm;onf &0rf'gEdkifiH
wGif vlrsdK;wHk;owfjzwf rItwGif; ppfaoG;<u ppfom;rsm;
\ t"r®jyKusifhjcif;cH&aom trsdK;orD;rsm;\ yHkwlpD;&D;
rsm;jzpfNyD; þtjzpfqdk;ESifh BuHKawGUrIrS arG;zGm;vm
aom uav;rsm;taMumif; ½dkuful;xm; jcif;jzpfonf/
þr,HkEdkifp&m t½IyftaxG; aemufqufwJGpOf;pm;p&m
uawmh rdef;rwpfOD;onf olr rw&m;jyKusifhcH&NyD;
onfh tcsufjzpfygonf/
by Jonathan Torgovnik
Intended Consequences is a series of portraits made of women that were brutally raped by
militiamen during the Rwandan
genocide, and the children they
bore from those encounters. A
piece of incredible complexity:
how does a woman care for her
child who is the son or daughter
of the man who raped her?
yg&D? or®wEdik if \
H NrKd UawmfEiS hf jyifopfawmfveS af &;
\blrdeufoef,efav;\ vuf&m
by Yann Layma
"mwfyHkawGxJu yg&D? b&mqdkif; (BrassaÏ) \yg&D?
um;wD;a&;ba&pGef (Cartier-Bresson) wdkY "Gm;ZfEdk
(Doisneau) wdkYuawmh yg&Dudk trsm;tm;jzihf tjzLESifh
trnf;ESihfazmfjyavh&Sdonf/ ]],efrav;}}\ yg&Duawmh
ta&mifawGeJYjzpfygw,f/ tvif;a&mifawGaemufudk ig;ESpf
k cf NhJ y;D t&dyrf sm;udak jc&mvdu
k cf NhJ r;D onf&h v'frsm;jzpfonf/
xdkcrf;em;onfh yHk&dyfrsm;udk Leica uifr&mESifh aiGa&mif
zvifvdyfwdkYay: trdt& zrf;,lcJhonfh yHk&dyfrsm;jzpfonf/
A collective vision of Paris, the capital
of the French Republic, has been forged
by photographic representations made famous by French artists such as Brassaï,
Doisneau and Cartier-Bresson producing
iconic images in black and white. But
Yann Layman’s vision of Paris is colorful and vibrant. It took him five years
hunting lights and trapping shadows with
his old Leicas to give birth to this magnificent body of work.
urÇmajrBuD;ESifh aumif;uifbHk
rm&D,ef eD,mref\ vuf&m
jyifopfEikd if u
H uwfqeG ;f NrKd UteD; umomawme,f\ A[kt
d csut
f jcmü
&SNdy;D vuf *&ufpNfrKdUe,fwiG &f ad S om uufovpfbmom0if vlwpkuxde;f odr;f Ny;D
,HMk unfrv
I rf;aMumif;ay:jyefwifay;xm;aom &Sm;vrdik ;f bk&if (742-845)
vufxufuwnf;uaqmufvyk x
f m;onfh bke;f Bu;D ausmif;jzpfonf/ tv,f
acwfuwnf;u wnfxm;aom tlZNhJ rKd UteD;wGiv
f nf; qdv
k ef (Solan)
bke;f Bu;D ausmif;rS t,lreS f aomol[t
k "dymÜ ,f&aom (Orthodox)
c&pf,ef oDv&Sirf sm;u pdu
k yf sK;d a&;ESihf ywf0ef;usiq
f ikd &f m e,fy,fwpfck
udk taumiftxnfazmfvyk af qmifco
hJ nf/ todOmPfynmjrifrh m;rI
ESihf ESrd chf spmG aexdik w
f wfaomþbHrk S tHrh cef;atmifaumif;vSaom 0dik ?f
,drk sm; ESihf ,dx
k ;dk xm;aom opfo;D rsm;udk xkwv
f yk af y;vsu&f o
dS nf/
by Marianne Niermans
In Lagrasse, at the heart of Cathar country near
Carcassonne, a community of Catholic monks have
restored and brought back to spiritual life an
abbey that dates back to Emperor Charlemagne
Near another famous medieval city, Uzès, Orthodox Christian nuns from Solan monastery have
implemented an agro-ecological domain. This
little paradise of wisdom and humility produces
extraordinary wines, jams, and candied fruits.
by Bruno Quinquet
Bruno Quinquet shows us that the standardized world of salary men in Japan
doesn’t always rhyme with routine and
uniformity. The salary men enjoy precious moments of freedom recorded by
the photographer with delicate poetry,
sensitivity and respect.
vcpm;wpfOD;\ pDrHudef;rsm;
b½IEdkuifau;\ vuf&m
uREfkyfwdkYjrifomatmif b½IEdkuifau; jyvdkufwmuawmh
*syefEdkifiHrSm &SdwJhvcpm;0efxrf;rsm;\ wpfajy;nDowfrSwf
xm;onfh olwdkY\ b0wGif vkyf½dk;vkyfpOfrsm;ESifh wpf
om;wnf;usrIrsm;ESifh tNrJwrf;vkdufavsmnDaxGrI r&SdEdkif
wJh tcsufyg/ vcpm;0efxrf;rsm;onf vSvSyya&;zJGUxm;
aom uAsmvuf&m? pdwful;cHpm;rIrsm; yg0iftav;xm;
jcif;cH&rIrsm;ESihf "mwfyq
k H &mrSww
f rf; ½du
k ,
f al om vGwv
f yfpmG
h zd;k weftcsed rf sm;üaysm&f iG Ef pS Nf cKd uMf uygonf/
by Hervé Lequeux
The little French resort town of Sangatte has achieved notoriety as the
location of a controversial refugee
camp for migrants who wanted to cross
the English Channel illegally. The
camp was closed in 2002 but the influx of migrants continues. Living in
makeshift shelters, a network of solidarity has been set up by the local
population to bring them some care
and comfort. Even in these difficult
conditions, new relationships, even
families are created here.
pef*ufwD tyef;ajzNrdKU
[maA; vufuJ\ vuf&m
jyifopfEdkifiH ajrmufbufurf;rSm &SdwJh pef*ufwD tyef;ajzNrdKUav;uawmh t*Fvdyf vIdifacgif; (English Channel) udk
jzwfausmfzdkY BudK;pm;aewJh ajymif;a&GUaexdkifolrsm;\ tjiif;yGm;zG,f 'ku©onf pcef;ae&mtjzpf ausmfaumaeygonf/
þpcef;udk 2002 ckESpf wGif ydwfvdkufaomfvnf;'va[m0ifa&mufvmwJh ajcovHk;tdrfwdkifajymif;a&GUaexdkifolrsm;&Sdaey
gonf/ wJi,f? trdk;twmrsm;jzifh aexkdif&if;olwdkYudk *½kPmoufí apmifha&Smufvdkaom &yfaeolxku pD;vHk;nDnGwfjcif;
uGefxufwpfckwnfaqmufay;xm;onf/ xdkuJhodkY cufcJaom tajctae rsdK;wGifyif qufEG,faygif;zufrI topfrsm;? rdom;pk
topfrsm; zefwD;wnfaqmufMuonf/
aZmifcsdK&if\ vuf&m
by Zhao Qiu Ying
vGefcJhwJh tESpf 30avmufu vleef\ausmfMum;vSaom vuf&m
aemufydkif;wGif touf 20 &Sdonfh w½kwf"mwfyHkq&mrav;
aZmifcsdK&if (Zhao Qiu Yin) onf axmif avmuudk xyfrH
wpfcgavhvmwifjyxm;jcif;jzpfonf/ ¤if;onf w½kwt
f zHUG NzKd ;qH;k
a'ojzpfonfh eefuif;0í pdwåZaq;½kHwpfcktwGif;pdwful;
Thirty years after Lu Nan’s famous works
about the life of mentally ill patients
in China, a 20-year-old photographer, Zhao
Qiu Ying, has followed his steps by exploring the bleak world of inmates in a psychi-
by Fernando Moleres
The winner of 2012 Deeper Perspective Photographer of the Year IPA Award, Moleres
explores two very different concepts on the
idea of freedom. On one hand the unrestricted artistic creation at the famous
Burning Man Festival in the United States.
On the other hand the crumbling Freetown
Prison in Sierra Leone, one of Africa’s
poorest countries. Freetown Prison was
built to hold 220 inmates but houses 1,300
adults including children as young as 14.
atric hospital around Nanjing.
z,feef'dk rdkv&uf\ vuf&m
2012 ckESpf EdkifiHwum"mwfyHkynmqkrsm; (IPA) rS eufeJaom
"mwfyHkynm&Sifqkudk qGwfcl;&,lcJhaom rdkv&ufonf vGwfvyfjcif;ESifh
qdkifaom tvGefuJGjym;jcif;em;onfh xifjrif,lqcsuf ESpfckudk &SmazG
avhvmMunfhonf/ wpfbufwGif tar&duef jynfaxmifpk ü ausmfMum;
aom rD;pJGvlom;yJGawmfrS uefUowfcsufr&Sdaom tEkynmzefwD;rI
taMumif; ESifh tjcm;wpfbufwGif tmz&duwdkufrS tqif;&JqHk;EdkifiH
wpfckjzpfonfh pD,m&mvD&Gef; rS NydK,Gif;ysufpD;aeaom vGwfvyfNrdKU
tusOf;axmif (Freetown Prison) taMumif;wdkY jzpfonf/
vGwfvyfNrdKUtusOf;axmifudk twlaetusOf;om; 220 xm;&Sd&ef
&nf&G,fí wnfaqmufcJhaomfvnf; vuf&SdwGif 14ESpfom&Sdonfh
uav;rsm;tygt0if axmifom; 1300 udkxdef;odr;fxm;onfh
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Conferences, Screenings
February 12
6.00 p.m.
How to shoot fashion
by the Pikture Man (in Myanmar Language)
February 13
from 6.30p.m.
The best of Agence France Presse in 2012
by Christophe Archambault
Aung San Suu Kyi on the campaign trail
by Minzayar Oo, Aung Pyay, Pyay Kyaw Myint and Christophe Loviny
The death of Kevin Carter, Casualty of the Bang Bang Club
by Dan Krauss
This documentary film is about the suicide of South African photojournalist Kevin Carter. It
describes how the photographer, who won the Pulitzer Prize for a photograph of an emaciated
African girl being stalked by a vulture, became depressed by the carnage he witnessed as a
photographer in war-torn places.
f rf;½ky&f iS o
f nfawmiftmz&durS"mwfyo
kH wif;axmufu,fAifumwm\ rdru
d ,
kd u
f o
kd ufaoaomtaMumif; ½du
k u
f ;l xm;jcif;jzpf
onf/ þ½ky&f iS w
f iG f vif;wwpf aumifuaemufrS ajcmif;ajrmif;vdu
k jf cif;cH&onfh ydev
f v
DS o
S nfh uyÜvrD av; wpfa,muf\ "mwfyjkH zifh
Pulitzer qkuq
kd w
G cf ;l oGm;aom "mwfyq
kH &m\olBuKH awGUcJ&h aom &uf&uf pufpufowfjzwfrBI u;D aMumifh ppfaq;oifh a'orsm;rS "mwfykH
owif;axmufwpfO;D uJo
h Ykd pdwzf pd ;D rI cHpm;&yHw
k u
Ykd kd ½du
k u
f ;l wifqufxm;onf/
February 14
from 5.00 p.m.
Natpwe, The feast of the spirits
By Tiane Doan na Champassak & Jean Dubrel / Narrative Productions
Taungbyon, a small village in central
sands of believers. During five days,
cult of the nats, the spirits of the
and trance rituals. Five days for the
Myanmar, hosts an annual pilgrimage for tens of thouthe faithful and the mediums celebrate the millenary
Burmese pantheon. Five days of offerings, ceremonies
liberation of the bodies and the minds.
jrefrmjynftv,fyikd ;f rS awmifjyKe;f [ktrnf& aom ½Gmi,fav;onf axmifaygif; rsm;pGmaom ewfu;kd uG,,
f MkH unforl sm;twGuf ESppf Of
J n
S &hf mae&mav;jzpfonf/ ewfu,
kd MkH unfouf0iforl sm;ESifh ewf0ifonfrsm;ESpaf xmifjynfeh wfyal Zmfyu
JG ikd g;&ufwikd u
f si;f yMuonf/
ylaZmfyorIrsm;? tcrf;tem;yGrJ sm;? ½d;k &mewfy;l yGrJ sm;udk ig;&ufwikd jf yKvyk Nf y;D ud,
k Ef iS phf w
d Ef pS yf g;pvH;k udv
k w
T af y;xm;aomyGjJ zpfonf/
Solidarity : Preventing HIV/AIDS in Myanmar
Screening of photo documentaries and round table discussion with MDM staff
and Peer Educators
Rien ne se fera sans nous,
by William Daniels
Silent Sobbings,
by Hnin Su Mon
Ma Douleur (My Pain),
by Soe Myat Thu
February 15
She cares,
by Ye Naung
3.00 p.m.
How to market your photography work
by Hossein Farmani
Learn how to market your work, getting hired and being exposed, from portfolio preparation to
website design.
February 15
from 6.00 p.m.
Generation Tiananmen
by Patrick Zachmann / Narrative Productions.
In 1989, Patrick Zachmann from Magnum photo agency was the first photographer to cover
the protests that took place in Tiananmen Square, Beijing. Twenty years later, he has
made a photographic documentary about the new generation of Chinese youth.
ckEpS w
f iG f Magnum "mwfyakH t*sipf rD S yufx&pf Zufref;qdo
k o
l nf ab*si;f NrKd U&Sd Tiananmen ajruGuv
f yfwiG f jzpfymG ;cJah om
G kd tumtuG,f ay;cJah om "mwfyq
kH &mjzpfco
hJ nf/ þ tjzpftysut
f Ny;D tESpEf pS q
f ,ftMumwGif w½kwf rsKd ;qufopfvil ,frsm;
taMumif;udk rSww
f rf;wif "mwfy½kH u
kd u
f ;l cJo
h nfh "mwfyyHk nm&Sif wpfO;D jzpfonf/
Candidates and Counter forces
by Sébastien Calvet
Two screenings by Libération (one of the French national newspapers)
photographer Sebastien Calvet about the practice of democracy in
France. v
f w
G af jrmufjcif;[k trnf&wJh jyifopfEikd if yH ikd o
f wif;pm "Liberation" \ owif;axmuf
wpfO;D jzpfol apbufp,
D rfum;zuf\ jyifopfEikd if w
H iG f 'Dru
kd a&pD vufawGU usio
Yf ;kH yHrk sm;udk
k u
f ;l xm;aom ½ky&f iS u
f m; ESpcf jk zpfonf/
Tribute to Rémi Ochlik.
This young French war photographer was killed last February during a bombing in Syria. He was about
to receive the World Press Photo Award for his photographic work on the Libyan revolution.
Ny;D cJo
h nfh azaz:0g&Dv twGi;f u qD;&D;,m;Edik if w
H iG f aygufucGJ aH om AH;k 'Pf &mjzifh aoqH;k cHaom jyifopfppfowif;axmuf "mwfyq
kH &mtaMumif;
k u
f ;l xm;aom ½ky&f iS jf zpfonf/ olonf vpfAsm;Edik if H awmfveS af &;taMumif;½du
k u
f ;l xm;aom yHrk sm;jzihf urÇmpme,fZif;ESihf "mwfyq
Hk u
k kd &,l&ef
tcsed w
f iG f toufay;vdu
k &f jcif;jzpfonf/
From the Train of Death to the Wall of Shame
by James W. Delano
For Central Americans migrants, the US border marks the end of
one of the most treacherous migrations on the planet. In Arriaga,
Chiapas, ‘The Train of Death’ awaits them, a three-day journey
in treacherous conditions where one slip can be the end. If they
survive attacks by Maras gangs hiding in the jungle crowding the
rails they then have to pass the ‘Wall of Shame’, the U.S border
fence at their final destination.
tar&dutv,fydkif;rS ajymif;a&GUaexdkifolrsm;twGuf tar&dum; e,fpyf[m urÇmrSm w&m;r0ifEdkifiHul;ajymif;aexkdifolrsm;
twGuf c&D;vrf;qHk;wpfckjzpfygw,f/ Arriaga, Chiapas rSmpwifwJh aorif;wref&xm;&JU 3 &ufc&D;pOf[m ajcwpfvSrf;acsmfoGm;wmeJY
b0awG tqHk;owfoGm;Edkifygw,f/ awmxJrSm ykef;atmif;aeMuwJh Maras *dkPf;&JU vltkyfeJY &xm;vrf;ay: wufNyD; wdkufcdkufrIukd
jzwfausmfEdkif&ifawmifrS olwkdY&JU c&D;vrf;qHk;a&mufzkdYtwGuf e,fpyfrSm &SdwJh emrnfausmf t&Sufw&m;wHwkdif;vkdYac:wJh e,fpyfjcHpnf;ukd
jzwfausmf&OD;rSm jzpfygw,f/
Homeless in Milan
by Patrick Toomey-Neri and Marco Menghi
Milan is the richest city of Italy but a difficult one for those who everyday live
on the streets, calling home a bench, a porch, sleeping at night in makeshift
shacks, where people gather to sleep together to fight the fear of being robbed
or beaten.
rDvefNrdKU[m tDwvDEkdifiH&JU tcsrf;omqHk;NrdKUyg/ 'gayr,fh wkdufcdkufvk,ufrIawGukd umuG,fzkdY
tkyfpkzGJUNyD; olwkdY[molwkdY tdrfvdkYac:wJh cHkwef;vsm;awG qif0ifawG ,m,DwJawGrSm ntdyfNyD;
tdrfrJh,mrJh vrf;ay:rSmaexdkifolrsm;twGufawmh touf&Sif&yfwnfzkdY cufcJwJhNrdKU jzpfygw,f/
one of the top independent TV production companies in
Perpetuating Jacques Antoine’s visionary legacy (Fort
Boyard, Treasure Hunt, Crystal Maze, Race around
the world), ALP is recognized for its creativity and
know-how. The company produces a wide range of
shows: adventure, reality, light entertainment, factual,
ALP produces its own shows (Family Explorer, Happy
Hour) and adapts successful foreign formats (Survivor,
Popstars, How to look good naked) for all French
terrestrial broadcasters. It also works for DTT, cable and
satellite channels.
ALP is part of Zodiak Media Group, one of the world
leading production companies, with 45 different
production companies in 17 different countries (USA,
UK, Italy, Spain, Scandinavia, etc.). As a consequence,
ALP adapts in exclusivity Zodiak’s formats for French
broadcasters (So you think you can dance, Bound by
blood, Save my holidays, Help my house is falling down).
ALP’s formats and drama series are distributed
internationally by Zodiak Rights based in London and in
Conferences, Screenings
February 15
from 6.00 p.m.
Anna & Eve
by Viktoria Sorochinski
The world of Viktoria Sorochinski dwells in between fantasy and documentary. Eve is a symbol of the liberating childhood, free of rules
and habits imprisoning the world of adults. Sorochinki’s photographs
reveal a myth represented by phantasmagoric scenes between the relationship of mother and daughter.
k H &m Viktoria Sorochinski [m pdwu
f ;l urÇmeJU jyifyvufawGUurÇmMum;rSm aexdik o
f l jzpfygw,f/
td(Af) qdw
k m
uav;b0&JU vGwaf jrmufreI UJ vlBu;D b0 pnf;rsO;f Oya'rsm; rGe;f usyrf w
I Ukd rS uif;vGwrf jI y'gjzpfygw,f/ Sorochinki
&JU"gwfyrkH sm;[m tareJUorD;Mum;u qufqaH &;udk tdrrf ufqefqef jrifuiG ;f rsm;eJ h ½ku
dk u
f ;l xm;wJY PÖm&D wpfyf 'k yf g/
Best of
the “Nuits Photographiques” Festival
by Nicolas Havette
Every year in June, ‘Les Nuits Photographiques” photo festival promotes
the works of creative photographers by screening them open air in Paris.
ESppf OfZeG v
f wdik ;f yJ&pfNrKd U av[mjyifwiG f usi;f yaom Les Nuits Photographiques "gwfyykH aJG wmfonf
wDxiG q
f ef;opfaom "gwfyq
kH &mrsm;\ vuf&mrsm; jri§ w
hf ifay;aom yGaJ wmfjzpfygonf/
The Vaults
by Mark Henley
Production Anna Stevens-PANOS Picture
Enquête de toits
by Jérémie Jung
by Nadja Groux
by Pauline Fargue
by Richard Pak
production Picture Tank
NIJUMAN NO BOREI (100 000 fantômes)
by Jean Gabriel Périot / production Avis de tempête
February 16
11.00 a.m.
Studio Harcourt, Paris
by Jean Loh, Beaugeste Gallery, Shanghai
Founded in 1934, Studio Harcourt Paris has immortalized the greatest figures of the 20th and 21st
centuries. Its world-famous signature draws its inspiration from the glamorous roots of black
1934 ckEpS w
f iG f wnfaxmifcahJ om [m;aumf(wf)pwl',
D &kd pfonf 20 &mpkEiS hf 21 &mpk\ tBu;D us,q
f ;kH yH&k yd rf sm;tjzpf
f efco
hJ nf/ 4if;\ urÇmwGiaf usmMf um;aom oauFwrSm tjzLtrnf; ½ky&f iS \
f qGaJ qmifr&I adS om tajccHru
S eG jYf rL;xm;jcif;jzpfonf/
and white cinema.
Intended consequences
2.00 p.m.
by Jonathan Torgovnik
The account of the photographer’s award winning picture story about Rwandan
women who gave birth after being raped during the 1994 genocide.
1994ckEpS ?f &0rf'gEdik if HvlrsK;d wH;k owfjzwfrt
I wGi;f t”r®usichf cH &hJ Ny;D uav;arG;zGm;cJo
h nfU&0rf'gtrsK;d orD;wpfO;D taMumif;
k u
f ;l xm;onfU qkrsm;pGm &&Scd o
hJ nfU "gwfyZkH mwfvrf; jzpfygonf/
3.30 p.m.
Lu Nan: From mental hospital patients to prison inmates
by Cao Peixin
The most famous Chinese documentary photographer’s approach to freedom: mental patients, Tibetan peasants and Catholics in China; prison inmates in Myanmar.
w½kwjf ynf\ txif&mS ;qH;k rSww
f rf;"gwfyq
kH &m\ vGwv
f yfjcif;taMumif; csO;f uyfxm;jcif; jzpfonf/ pdwaf 0'em&Sirf sm;? wdbufv,form;rsm;?
w½kwjf ynf&dS uwfovpfrsm;ESihf jrefrmtusO;f om;taMumif;rsm; yg0ifygonf/
Jan. 28 – 2 Feb.
Photography workshop for beginners
In Myanmar language
Designed by Myanmar photographer Kyi Myint, this workshop will tackle
camera, photography and compositions basics, ethic of the photographer
and offer lectures by visiting professional photographers and a modern
photo studio to witness a model shoot by a pro.
kH &mOD;Bu;D jrifOh ;D aqmifrnfþ
h aqG;aEG;yGw
J iG u
f ifr&mudik w
f ,
G yf ?kH "gwfy½kH u
kd u
f ;l yHEk iS phf pD Ofaygif;
pyfjcif; ponft
Y ajccHenf;ynmrsm;? "mwfyq
kH &mwpfO;D \usi0hf wftaMumif;ESihf emrnf&"mwfyq
kH &mrsm;?
acwfr"DS mwfykH pwk'd ,
D rkd sm;odv
Yk nfywfjcif;? "mwfyjkH zift
h oufarG;olq&mwpf OD;\acwfraDS om½du
k u
f ;l yHk
k ifwef;om;rsm; ud,
k w
f ikd yf yD jD yifjyifavhvmEdik &f ef pDpOfxm;ygonf/
Jan. 24 – 30
Introductory workshop to documentary photography
In Myanmar language
Designed by Myanmar Image Makers, a group of Burmese photojournalists and documentary photographers, for all those who are fond
of photography but need to learn technical skills and the rules
of composition.
Interviews could be held on the 23 January if there are a lot of
Myanmar Image Makers group rS "gwfykH ynmudk pdw0
f ifpm;aomvl i,frsm;twGuf tajccH
"gwfyykH nm&yfrsm; udk Zefe0g&Dv 243 &ufaeYrS 30&uftxd oif Mum;ay;rSm jzpfygw,f/
Feb. 2 – 9
Advanced workshop to documentary photography
In English
Designed by French photographers Christophe Loviny and Nicolas Havette for those who already have technical skills, this
free intensive 8 days workshop will teach you how to create a
narrative photo-essay ready to be published on internet, in a
journal or as an exhibit. The best works produced during the
workshops will be shown to the public on February 16, 2013 during the next Yangon Photo Festival. Prizes worth 40 lakhs will
be awarded. Selection of the candidates on December 10-11 will
be according to their motivation and their topics.
tqifjY rif"Y gwfyyHk nmoifwef;udjk yifopf"gwfyyHk nm&Sif Christophe Loviny ESiYf Nicolas Havette wdu
Yk ae "gwfyyHk nm &Sirf sm;?
"gwfy?Hk AD'G ,
D kd ESiYf multimedia bmom&yfukd pdw0f ifpm;olrsm;tm; azazmf0g&Dv 2 &ufrS 9 &uf txd ydcYk somG ;rSmjzpfygw,f/ oifwef;umv 8&uf
k w
f ikd f zefw;D Ekid w
f t
YJ xdoifMum; wwfajrmufrmS jzpfygw,f/
twGi;f rSm tifwmeuf ? *sme,frsm;rSmazmfjywJY "gwfykH Documentary twwfynmudk ud,
oifwef;wuf&ef pdwyf g0ifpm;olrsm;udk 'DZifbmv 10 &ufEiS Yf 11 &ufaeYrsm;rSm vlawG t
Y ifwmAsK;? t*Fvyd b
f momjzifY ar;jref;jzpfygw,f/ rdrw
d &Ydk J Y
k af &;tusO;f ESit
Yf EkynmvIy&f mS ;rIqikd &f mtcsurf sm; tm; USB ESiYf ,laqmifvmNy;D tifwmAsK; aeYwiG jf yo&efvykd gonf/ rdrw
d &Ykd u
kd u
f ;l rnfY
"gwfyrHk sm;twGut
f BuOH mPfrsm;?taMumif;t&mrsm;rSn
D rf;vdyk gu
website rS "gwfyr
Hk sm;AD'G ,
D rkd sm;udk Munf&Y aI vYvmEkid yf gw,f/
Interviews on 31 January and 1 February. Selection will be made according to the motivation and ideas (please
bring your portfolio on USB key). For these three workshops, bringing your own cameras is a must, preferably
DSLRs rather than Point & Shoots.
Register with Didi or Yves-Noël at Institut français de Birmanie, 340 Pyay Road. Tel: 536 900 Mail: ynthenadey@
kd rl sm;ud,
k yf ikd f DSLR uifr&mrsm;udk ,laqmifvmapvdyk gonf/ pm&if;ay;oGi;f vdyk gu 340 jynfvrf;? prfacsmif;? zke;f 536900
odYk 537122 ud'k ;D 'D; odYk Yves-Noël ( xHoq
Ykd ufo,
G Ef ikd yf gonf/
Yangon Photo Festival
5th Edition - “Liberté, égalité, fraternité”
January 24 - February 22 2013
Institut français de Birmanie
340, Pyay Road, Sanchaung Tsp / Rangoun, Birmanie / tel: +95 (1) 536 900 / +95 (1) 537 122