Waushara County Chapter - Ice Age Trail Alliance


Waushara County Chapter - Ice Age Trail Alliance
Waushara County Chapter
Annual Newsletter 2014
IAT Waushara County Chapter * W6681 Bighorn Ave., Wautoma, WI 54982
What a year 2014 turned out to be. In March, at the
Annual Meeting, we elected new officers to the
Executive Board, Jean Clark, Secretary, who many of
you already know and myself as Coordinator. Over the
past year, I was highly impressed with the level of
commitment and dedication shown from our
volunteers. Blown away might be more accurate! It's
no wonder why our thru hikers make a point to
express how Waushara County presents one of the
most pleasant hiking experiences in the state.
"Dear Waushara County Chapter, Your section of the
Ice Age Trail is glorious! I am so grateful to all your
volunteers - it's obvious how hard you all work! I
enjoyed each of your segments and even connecting
routes - Johann's was a hoot! I think my favorite part
was the Wedde Creek but, it was all so beautiful.”
Thank you!
Hiker, Jo "Someday" Swanson
(Aug 14-Oct 30th)
In 2014 we hosted our two major events, the winter
Candlelight Sweetheart Hike, which was our largest
event to date and the Fall Color Hike & Dog Walk
amongst other projects and events such as, work days
and school hikes throughout the year. As we move
forward into 2015, one of our Chapter's goals is to
continue reaching out to more folks in all areas of
Wisconsin and share what’s happening on the Ice Age
Trail right here in Waushara County. In 2015, we will
be celebrating our 16th Annual Candlelight
Sweetheart Event on February 14th. We are excited to
announce that Flyte's Fieldstone will co-host this event
with us. You can expect many of the same family
activities as years past, new this year, ice skating and
Juniper berries on the Bohn Lake segment.
horse drawn sleigh rides! With our finances stable,
the admission will be free. Our goal, as always, is to
gather with family, friends and members for an
evening of fellowship and healthy activities for
everyone to enjoy. Save the date and stay tuned for
more details.
I'm excited to announce that we are planning to add a
third major event, in the summer of 2015, to coincide
with National Trails Day on Saturday, June 6th.
If you are interested in joining us in the planning for
this summer event or any of our annual events or
projects, please contact me. We appreciate your help.
I look forward to working with and meeting more of
you, our members and other friends, in 2015!!
See you on the Trail!
Bob Jozwowski, Coordinator
On the Greenwood ~ Lyle and Beth Buettner,
Deb and Mark Kasprazak, TJ Roland.
Events and Activities
In February, we celebrated our 15th Annual
Candlelight Sweetheart Event on the Bohn
Lake Segment. All who attended enjoyed a night of
outdoor fun for the entire family, whether you enjoyed
hiking, snowshoeing or skiing the candlelit trail or
roasting marshmallows around the bonfire. To warm
up, folks headed inside Hestia's Retreat to sit by a
cozy fire and reminisce with new and old friends.
Countless volunteers served hot drinks and sweet
treats as well as organized a rustic raffle and kid's
drawing. “The Clauson's Trio” entertained throughout
the night. There was something for everyone!
Raffle Winners:
*Elodia Geffers, Hancock – Rustic Log Bench
*Elodia Geffers, Hancock – “Mammoth
Flyer” Wooden Sled
*Marie Hadlock, Plainfield – Oak Firewood
*Mike Semrow, Hancock – Original Painting
“Overlooking Bohn Lake”
Over 200 people attended, making it one of our most
successful events...ever! Our net proceeds were
nearly $1000.00. The money will go towards building
and maintaining the IAT in Waushara County.
On March 9th, the Chapter co-hosted with the
Wautoma Public Library to bring a Special
Presentation, "Take a Step Back in Time" by Dr. Jack
Steinbring, to the community. Dr. Steinbring spoke
about the Pre-European settlement history of
Waushara County. More than 55 people attended!
Our Annual Chapter Meeting and Election of
Officers followed. Please welcome our new Chapter
Coordinator, Bob Jozwowski and Secretary, Jean
Clark to the Chapter’s Executive Board!
In April, we participated in Waushara's Blue Ribbon
Kid’s Day at Parkside School in Wautoma for the
fourth year in a row. It was four hours dedicated to
kids with 800-1000 participants. Our emphasis this
year was Geocaching. The completion of a
Scavenger Hunt for glacial features, represented
by table top models, located around the school
qualified the hunters to win a hand held Garmin
GPS locator, donated by Wautoma Radio Shack
and the Waushara IAT Chapter. Wautoma DNR
donated cloth Fire Prevention shopping bags.
Special Thanks
to Flo Walker for
creating the
booth decor!
15 th Candlelight event ~ Hestia’s
Retreat featuring “The Clauson’s Trio”
& our “Rustic Raffle“.
On Saturday, October 11th, sixty three hikers joined
us on the Chaffee Creek segment for the 16th Annual
Fall Color Hike & Dog Walk. Of those sixty three
hikers, nineteen were new to the Ice Age Trail and
fourteen were four-legged hikers. Fresh for Life
Organics co-hosted the event along with the
Waushara County Chapter.
Fall Hike & Dog Walk ~ Hikers,
Cathy Favelle & our four-legged
friend, Sadie.
On July 4th, we participated in the Hancock and
Wautoma Parades. We entered our trailer decorated
with our newly updated panels along with American
flag decor. Volunteers passed out IAT literature,
bandanas, stickers and other goodies to hundreds of
parade goers.
Every year, the Ice Age Trail Alliance (IATA) gives out
a series of awards recognizing the dedication,
inspiration and longevity that many volunteers bring to
the Ice Age Trail. In 2014, Waushara County
Chapter's very own, Jean Clark and AJ McCaskey,
were recipients of the IATA's ”In the Mud” Award.
Views along the NEW Trail ~ Mecan River
The award is given to member volunteers who display
a willingness to roll up their sleeves on behalf of the
Ice Age Trail. They’re dedicated to our mission,
consistently show up at workdays, dive into the dirty
work and make significant efforts to establish the IAT.
Congratulations Jean and AJ! You truly are the
epitome of the volunteer spirit responsible for
building trail!
Explore the Trail ~ Volunteer ~ Donate
What’s NEW?
Check out the NEW Ice
Age Trail Alliance’s
Website. We’re excited
about all the ways it will
help you get out on the
Ice Age Trail.
Stay connected!
Future Projects
The pace of Timber Harvest activity on public lands
along the trail has picked-up considerably in recent
years. Two harvests are currently under way or
scheduled and will affect over two miles of trail.
The one along Chaffee Creek Segment should be
complete by next spring and the Mecan River
Segment is scheduled for 2015 sometime.
Our major maintenance project for 2015 will be to
rebuild the signage and refurbish the trail where
necessary in these areas. The Sierra Club has
expressed interest in helping with this. Stay tuned!
Upcoming Events
Purchase an
Ice Age Trail
Today. Makes
a Great Gift!
* Saturday, February 14th ~ 16th Annual Candlelight Sweetheart Event 5pm-9pm
* Saturday, March 14th ~ Annual Chapter Meeting & Election of Officers to follow 1pm
* Saturday, June 6th ~ National Trails Day ~ Summer Hike
* October ~ Fall Color Hike & Dog Walk
For more details on Upcoming Events contact Bob, Coordinator, 920-765-1887, bobjozwowski@gmail.com or go to
Volunteers and Contributions
A Special Thank You to all that made 2014, another productive and successful year!
Jenny Addis
Larry and Judy Bacon
Randy Bacon
Ballinger Family
Russ Brown
Lyle and Beth Buettner
Megan Burns
Jean Clark for being a Trail Angel
Coldwell Banker
Coloma Lions
Cookie Makers
Elward Engel
Gary Engel
Cheryl Flyte
Lee and Barb Hazlett
Bob and Deb Jozwowski
Guy Kaplan
Susan Klabak
Joan Klem
Leibsle Family
Randy Lennartz
Teri Lessig
AJ McCaskey
Genie Metoyer
Dan Nordhaus
Eugene and Pat Reis
Rettler Family
Rita Ruffalo
Jay Samsel
Clyde and Janet Samsel
Dick and Sue Semrow
Shaney Family
Cotton Stanislawski
John and Deanna Swanson
Dr. Jack Steinbring
Pat Tabbert
Bob and Bobbi Timberlake
Flo Walker
Jamie Winn
Addis Excavating for plowing snow
Almond-Bancroft H.S. ACES
Carrie Flyte and all the Candlelighters
Hestia’s Respite and Retreat
Lavore's on the Hill, Donna Lavore
The Clauson’s Trio
The Doggy Barber
Tri County Elementary Students/Staff
Ugly Cupcakes
Wautoma DNR Office
Wautoma Library
Wautoma Radio Shack, TJ Roland
Wisconsin Operating Engineers
With so many selfless volunteers, in case we missed anyone, please know how grateful we are for your helping
hands when we needed them. We couldn’t have done this without the generous contributions of our members
and friends. Thank You All!
Chapter Executive Board
Chapter Coordinator – Bob Jozwowski
Vice Coordinator/Publicity – AJ McCaskey
Secretary – Jean Clark
Treasurer – Cheryl Flyte
Membership Coordinator – Jenny Addis
Maintenance Coordinator – Randy Lennartz
Bring a
Join us at any of our Chapter
Meetings & connect with other
creative minds. All are welcome!
Executive Board: AJ McCaskey, Bob Jozwowski,
Jean Clark, Cheryl Flyte & Randy Lennartz
Annual Meeting & Special Presentation
Mark your Calendars!
On Saturday, March 14, 2015 from 1pm-3pm the Waushara County Chapter brings a Special Presentation to
our members and the community. Co-hosted by the Wautoma Public Library.
Annual Meeting & 2015 Election of Officers to follow. Stay tuned for more details!
Waushara County Chapter
W6681 Bighorn Ave.
Wautoma, WI. 54982
Chapter Coordinator
Bob Jozwowski
16th Annual Candlelight Sweetheart Event
~ Hike, Snowshoe & Ski ~
When: Saturday, February 14, 2015 from 5pm-9pm
Admission: FREE!
• Hike, Snowshoe or Ski a mile long Candlelit Trail
• Ice Skating & Horse drawn Sleigh Rides
• Refreshments & Food available
• Rustic Raffle
• Music by The Clauson’s Trio
We’re on the Web!
Visit us at:
Waushara County Chapter
W6681 Bighorn Ave.
Wautoma, WI. 54982
Proceeds benefit the Waushara County Chapter of the Ice Age Trail
Alliance to help build and maintain trail in Waushara County.